#why WOULDNT it be? but i guess it's not
The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i know i haven’t froke out on main about the cbx lawsuit in a few days i just think it’s so wild that both sm entertainment and chen, baek, and xiumin are like “yes we’re trading accusations in the public eye and going to court. yes cbx are still going to be participating in exo’s ongoing 11th anniversary projects including a full-length album and a reality tv show” im like. okay
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quesitoss · 3 months
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my take on modern beatrice + whatever
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bowenoke · 14 days
it sucks, but you have to put your oxygen mask on before helping the others around you- not because you're more important, but because if you pass out, you can't help anyone.
Biden has not done enough. he has done less than nothing about the ongoing genocide in palestine. We can argue forever about whether he will be easier to pressure into action than a republican; I don't think he will. i still need to ask you to vote for him, because for me to keep giving money to gazan gofundmes, i need a job. failing to elect biden means electing the guy who started his real estate career refusing to rent to black people. it means electing the party that wants to do away with housing and labor protections for queer people. it means electing the politicians calling for abortion bans and healthcare restrictions.
fighting for all those rights cost money and time, and not having them costs even more money and time. protest our shitty options by withholding your vote once Palestine is free.
i'm not asking that you donate to biden's campaign. I'm not even asking you to leave a protest to go vote instead! (Though- if you're enrolled in college, that's normally an accepted reason to vote via absentee ballot.) but if you can vote, and choose not to, I am asking that you not be surprised when other anti-genocide protesters and financial backers start saying they no longer have the resources or availability to do anything but survive.
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smoosnoom · 1 year
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kandibatz · 2 months
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never before seen goofyass doodle of baby ross hanging out w babier skid
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
Wish I never had to sleep I wish I could just stay awake all the time and do nothing but draw and had no responsibilities
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queen0fm0nsterz · 4 months
Ended up pirating all of Hazbin for the sake of my younger days (used to be a fan when I was around 14/15, before all the stuff with Viv came out) and I am so surprised by how I felt... nothing for the most part. Like a lot of the show's storylines feel like they was crammed in there with no real pacing. A lot of this should have been season 2 territory, which is a sentiment I've seen echoed around, but also... it feels as if the show is trying to be episodic while also having a long narrative thread, which just doesn't work with just 8 episodes. Especially not when paced like this. So I kinda ended up feeling nothing for the most part. All the events got a "Oh, great, so what?" reaction out of me because there was little to no buildup to most of them.
Sir Pentious was always a fave of mine so I was glad to see they kept him around and, though I think we should have had more episodes with him as a villain, I think how he ended up was fitting for what little of an arc he had. I am livid about what they did to Cherri and Mimzy.
I fucking loved Mimzy, I have no idea why they sent her away -- having someone like her at the Hotel would have been a blast considering how the others are already on the road to redemption. She would have balanced it out by being a regular sinner, someone who doesn't care about redemption and won't probably ever care unless it's in her best interests to. Plus her friendship with Alastor was quite cute, they bounce off of each other very well imo. Plus I could see her have a bit of a conflict with both Charlie and Vaggie because of her ways of acting. I'm so sorry they took that from you girlboss.
And Cherri... dear lord where WAS she? She should have been a lot more present. I used to like her relationship with Angel and I even think Cherrisnake is cute conceptually, but both these relationship had... little to no room to breathe imo.
#hazbin hotel critical#not putting this in the main tag#i wouldnt call myself a fan but i guess i can mourn what could have been#not considering viv and her controversities for a second... the pilot had a very nice feeling to it#that the series was not able to replicate#i think my liking of mimzy should come as a surprise to NO ONE LMAOOOO#i love evil selfish women im sorry ... sue me#we need to save mimzy sir pen and cherribomb from hazbin everyone else can rot#ok in all fairness i will give the show credit for ONE thing#i kind of enjoyed adam and lute as antagonists. adam is insufferable which is awesome#it makes it easy to hate him as a villain. and lute being his right hand woman makes sense#they read like a christian couple (term used loosely) where the man is a misogynistic asshole and the woman just kinda endorses it#which is perfect if you wanna make a critique of heaven and the humans who go in it because they repented or whatever#i always love dumbass villains who are easy to hate (mamoon from helluva being another example of a villain i enjoy)#thats it. thats all i have in terms of compliments#would love to adress the Angel Dust controversy because as a victim of SA (and CSA) myself I think there is nuance to be found in --#-- having a discussion about how we see survivors and how we portray the abuse they endure#i was an unconventional victim too. i kind of see a glimpse of me in Angel which is why I was LIVID when I got the full picture of the --#-- situation. but still
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the-studyman · 2 months
{ New parent post for part 1 and part 2 of the roleplay with @stitched-up-tennis-ball and @i-hate-tennis-ball }
The Ghost opens her mouth, probably to say something snotty and rude and condescending, before reconsidering. 308 was looking at her, with the same questions in her eyes, and unfortunately, 308 was the only person alive-- can you call it living?-- that the Ghost really cared about.
She sighed.
"Where should I start..." "Everything I know is hazy and confusing. Mostly, I try not to think about it." "I have these memories, memories of being alive. Human. Happy. All of the knowledge I have comes from either these memories... or my own instincts. I can't explain how I know any of this, I just do." "I don't know how it works for tennis balls, or for... whatever you are--"
She looks at Cleo, trying to figure out what he is for a moment before moving on.
"--but for humans... For me, it's fairly simple. The memories, the story of Penelope's life... lingers. It stays here, as-- not a ghost, but a sort of... shadow of her." "And the essence of who she is, that moves on. Or it's... supposed to. Don't ask me to where, I-- I couldn't begin to imagine." "I don't know why Penelope didn't do that. I don't know why she couldn't move on, why she got stuck in Percival's creature. All I know is that because she didn't, I'm stuck here with her, more than a shadow, less than a ghost."
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bugslap · 2 years
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Mister Franky, ex train engineer turned farrier and horse breeder. unfortunately he names both his trains and his horses after the Battle Frankies line…you kind of have to figure out which is which
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mirrorhouse · 4 months
i dont know why but this line delivery kills me
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kid-sid · 1 year
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the fav 
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sannin-three · 1 month
So you're telling me that Boruto introduced a Jiraiya clone, and we never see him interact with Tsunade or Orochimaru? No exploring how messed up that would be for them, suddenly seeing a copy of their dead friend brought to life? The uncanny valley sensation of him looking so much like Jiraiya but his personality being so very different? Or even taking it a fluffier route: the fact that Koji seems to retain some of Jiraiya's memories and could maybe tell the two how Jiraiya felt about them, how he cared about Tsunade, how he would have been happy to see how Orochimaru has changed...
None of that?
Okay then.
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Tomura: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Toga: I sleep with a knife.
Dabi: Both of you are pathetic.
Tomura: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Dabi: Hawks.
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husband · 2 months
I took her to the Vet for a check up/fecal test and yeah she did have worms :) and then when I got home my neighbor called and said her owners where posting on nextdoor looking for her, so thankfully she wasn't one of the byb dumped dogs but i still think it's weird to have left a malamute puppy outside in the Texas heat with fleas and worms while you're at work all day.. we found her early in the morning and they weren't home and posting about her missing till nearly 12am.
anyway we gave her back to her owners after the vet... hope not to see her running around in the streets again because this is the 2nd or 3rd time shes been seen running around the neighborhood. unreal.
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pcktknife · 28 days
miss golden week the scary starer
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