#why am i so awkward and embarassing jesus christ
farleygranger · 4 years
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
aww freddie drabbles yay!
here's a few, choose whichever you like :)
- freddie and roger in high school/uni and a meet cute
- freddie and brian composing
- freddie babysitting john's children and singing vocal improv to them (i was that anon yeah, the one who sent it in first)
Alright, seeing as I've already just done Freddie+kiddies and I was talking about a "She's All That" AU on the server to you all (I am so sorry, I realise you're too young to know it, BUT watch the music video linked below and you'll get the idea) Also this turned into a Roger drabble instead because it was funnier that way 😁
Here's a High School AU Froger meet cute "She's All That" style!
*queues Sixpence None The Richer 'Kiss Me'*
- - -
Crystal could be such a prat, but this time Roger didn't mind almost being knocked off his feet as his mate and the rest of the water polo team swooped in on him from behind.
True to form, Crystal jumped on his back and almost sent him stumbling into Kelsey, who Roger had been talking to, all while looking for a good reason to stop talking to her, because while she definitely had a killer rack, and he'd spent more time than he'd like to admit perving over her Insta, most of which prominently featured her arse from one angle or another, she was also incredibly, painfully dull. She'd spent the last ten minutes talking about her holiday in the south of France, although the entire story had mostly consisted of detailed descriptions of her parent's yacht. It had a fridge with an ice cube dispenser, several gaming systems and a flatscreen tv, Roger now knew.
Luckily, she decided to take her leave as his noisy mates arrived and he waved her goodbye, admiring her Instagram-famous derriere as she walked away.
He wasn't the only one. When he tore his eyes away, most of his mates were still oogling her.
"Oi!" Roger elbowed Gery, who happened to be standing right next to him and was gaping open-mouthed, in the ribs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
On the other side of him, Crystal gave a low, appreciative whistle. "So," he grinned, "did you ask her to prom or what?"
Roger snorted, crossing his arms. That had been the plan, of course. Ask Kelsey to prom. And he'd meant to. He wasn't afraid. It was just that, for all her good looks, and despite the fact that she was the most popular girl in their year by far, he just... hadn't really felt like it, once he'd started talking to her.
"Nah," he said with a shrug. "Still considering my options."
His water polo team mates stated disbelieving.
"Mate," said Gery, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you for real? That girl's a ten out of ten and I heard," he dropped his voice a little, "she's proper up for it, you know?"
Crystal slung an arm around Roger's shoulders, shaking his head. "What are you thinking? You're the most popular guy in our year, she's the most popular girl, you're bloody perfect for each other, innit. And we're all fuckin' jealous, mate!"
Roger grimaced, throwing him a look. "Whatever. I could go to prom with whoever I like and," he grinned, "they'd be popular by association."
"Oh yeah?" Crystal raised his eyebrows, grinning back at him.
"Damn right," Roger assured him, "anyone in this school, you wanna bet?"
As the rest of his team mates headed off home, Roger, Crystal and Gery walked toward the parking lot where they'd left their electric scooters - and Crystal's hoverboard.
"D'you know," said the very same, a lop-sided grin on his face, "I do wanna bet."
"You what?" Roger blinked at him, not sure what he was talking about.
"I bet," said Crystal, and the grin on his face turned very smug, "that there's no fucking way you can make anyone popular just by going to prom with them."
"Oh yeah?" said Roger, feigning non-chalant confidence.
"Yeah." His friend stopped and stretched out his hand, eyebrows raised. "Seriously, wanna bet?"
Roger Taylor was many things. He was a drummer and lead singer in a teenage band that was definitely going to make it big. He was the captain of the water polo team. He was going to ace his A levels because no matter what some people thought, he wasn't an idiot.
He also most definitely wasn't someone who shied away from a bet.
"Sure thing." Roger shook Crystal's hand.
They continued across the school yard, with Crystal trying to spy the perfect candidate.
"Oh, shit, look! What about her?" he snickered, pointing to Brianna May, who had her fingers buried in her wild mass of curly hair and was sitting at a table, bent over a book as though trying to memorise the contents of it.
"Nah," said Crystal, before Roger could comment. "Oh! What about Deaky?"
Gery guffawed.
"Yeah, right." Roger turned to follow Crystal's gaze, to where a girl with an undercut stood, wearing ripped black tights, shorts and a flannel shirt, her hand around her girlfriend Ronnie's waist. "That's cheating, pick someone who's available and also," he gave Crystal a look, "no lesbians."
"Yeah, fair enough," Crystal conceded. And then, his eyes lit up. "Oh shit, oh yes."
Roger followed his friend's line of sight and stopped, eyebrows drawing together in a frown. Struggling to ascend the stairs from the arts classroom in the basement, juggling several sketchbooks, two canvases and an easel, was Freddie Bulsara.
"You're not serious," Roger scoffed, turning to look at Crystal, fully expecting him to burst out laughing any moment.
But Crystal only nodded, still smirking in Freddie's direction. "Oh yeah."
"No way!" Roger protested, glancing back at Freddie, who had managed to fall over with all the things he was holding and struggled to get back up, wavy strands of hair that had escaped from the bun on top of his head obscuring his face. "He's a bloke!"
"So?" Crystal's grin was positively wicked now. He gave Roger a look and a shrug. "It's 2021, innit. You said you could take anyone to prom and they'd be popular-"
"How d'you now he'd even be interested-" Roger started, but cut himself off. Yeah, he didn't have a leg to stand on with that question. Freddie was definitely not straight and their whole year knew it. "Listen," Roger rolled his eyes, regretting what he had got himself into, "I can deal with fat, I can deal with ugly or socially awkward, but a guy and plain weird? Come on!"
"A bet's a bet," Crystal waggled his eyebrows, and Roger turned to Gery for support, who held up his hands.
"Hey, you made that bet with Crys, not me!"
"And now you're losing time," Crystal pointed out, nodding in the direction of the skinny boy in the paint-stained jean overalls who was hurrying toward the school gates now.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Roger took a deep breath and went after him, Crystal and Gery on his heels. Freddie stopped by a bench right beside school gates, in front of a girl who had been sitting there waiting. She rose to her feet, taking the sketchbooks off him to lighten his load.
"Hey," said Roger, when he was close enough to be within war shot. "Freddie, what's up? You got a minute?"
Both Freddie and the much younger girl who Roger was pretty sure had to be his sister turned to look at him. The girls eyes went wide, as thought she couldn't believe Roger Taylor himself was speaking to her brother, but Freddie's eyes narrowed. In all fairness, Roger though, he had never had a go at Freddie or made fun of him, although some others did. Some people who he hung out with and considered friends.
"What," Freddie replied curtly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. His eyes darted to Crystal and Gery, who were standing right behind Roger, and his expression darkened.
"Just thought we could... have a chat," Roger tried lamely, and heard Crystal supress a snicker.
Freddie stated at him for a long moment, eyes full of suspicion.
"I'm alright," he said, and turned back to his sister. "Come on, Kash, let's go."
And with that, he swept past Roger and his mates and walked out of the school gates, followed by his sister, who cast Roger a dreamy smile on the way out.
"Or you could just..." Roger watched them go, shaking his head in disbelief. "...embarass me, why don't you?"
Jesus Christ. This was going to be one hell of a mission.
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The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 100 - I guess you had to be there
Note on the title: "I guess you had to be there" tops even "Takeaway" for things that are hilarious when said in a spooky voice.
Also I'm not even going to start quoting most of these interactions, they're too painfully awkward, but I do appreciate how what we have here is - 1 encounter with the Desolation recounted by Ms. Too Terse To Be Scared who apparently only ever speaks when spoken to and is just here for the cash - 1 encounter with something that is perhaps the Dark, given how reminiscent it is of a previous statement ("The End of the Tunnel"), but is being misinterpreted as The Government kidnapping people for nefarious purposes by someone with perfectly justified but utterly misdirected paranoia - 1 encounter with the Spiral, whose powers of confusion and misdirection apparently have nothing on dear Rob here, who is also a master of confusion and (accidental) misdirection and who beat the Spiral through the power of REALLY WANTING HIS MUM'S COOKING! - 1 encounter with the Web by someone who is so freaked out he can't tell a coherent story, which, you know, FAIR!
And literally all of these stories COULD be a terrifying statement but... well ...
Melanie: Yes. Yes, it’s, it’s fine. Sorry, I just, I just don’t hold out a lot of hope for… coherence. (...) Our Archivist is on leave
We never knew how useful Jon's powers were for reigning the statement givers in. This is kind of fun as a revelation because, well, I had just blithely assumed that people were such good storytellers because otherwise the format wouldn't work and pretty much every time I go "It doesn't really make sense, they're just doing this so the format works" they come up with an in-universe explanation for WHY IT ACTUALLY DOES MAKE SENSE!
Peter Lukas: Not to worry. I’m sure I can find it. And I’m sure you need some time to get used to your new situation.
This was the only part of the episode that actually creeped me out rather than just giving me huge amounts of second-hand embarassment. Poor Brian, getting nonchalantly Lonely-fied by Peter Lukas (the bastard!) just because he happened to be there. Well, at least his spider problem is solved. There's just not going to be much in the way of any OTHER living beings in the remainder of his life either...
My impression of this episode
Oh Jesus fucking Christ, this episode. I like to listen to the Magnus Archives to be unsettled in a pleasant manner, but awkwardness, unlike horror fiction, is unsettling in an entirely UNPLEASANT manner. This was BY FAR the most difficult episode to listen to in the entirety of TMA and I'm only relistening to it because of my massive streak of completionism. I see what they did here, they did it well - perhaps a bit too well! - but I am fucking glad they only did it once and never again, so there. (My partner, incidentally, was laughing her fucking arse off while I was dying of terminal cringe, so there's that.)
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tumblunni · 6 years
Ohhh fuckin geez at least let me has a pikachu
Today's update: still feeling all fucked up from Everything Happening At Once, also getting a migraine from all the stress the other day and how i basically didnt sleep for two days and then passed out today and lost the entire 24 hours. Like man i cant even say the family shit was yesterday?? It just feels that way cos i spent all of today either sleeping, crying or crying on the phone to the bank and the stupid online game store that took my money for pokemon preorder yet didnt send me the actual game. GAHHHH and ive forgotten to Eat Food for like the whole three days all this shit has been going down, aside from a handful of Starburst candy my sis gave me during our Big Awkward Moment. And the energy drink i chugged on the way there to meet her because Fuck I Need Awakeness To Comprehend This Shit. I think my stomach is exploding in on itself.
Anyway! ANYWAY!! Gahhh! Anyway!
Thank you mega fuckin big much to the friends who leant me money AGAIN, both to catch the midnight bus to meet a long lost sibling and also to fix this stupid game preorder bollocks. God what the fuck is up with my life? I feel so guilty asking for money and man you guys have leant me like 300 in the last 3 months! Fuck i hope this stupid cavalcade of finance problems stops soon and i can start paying you all back because JESUS CHRIST. I feel like my skin is melting off my bones whenever i think about how much i dont deserve such great friends! 'welp yeah theyre wonderful people, guess i lost an arm' You ever wanna cringe yourself into a little ball from embarassment? Yeah like that but so much that i disintegrate into atoms.
SO I HOPE! FOR FUCKIN GODS SAKE! That this stolen money zero game bullshit gets resolved soon. But there's no chance of it taking less than a week, so thank you SO MUCH for helping me place another preorder at a different more reliable shop! This is what i get for fuckin going bargain hunting aaa. I ordered pikachu version just in case the original order does somehow turn up, cos it was eevee version. But i got none of the preorder bonuses anymore and no pokeball controller on this. I guess maybe itll make my second playthru more fun if i can finally use the damn controller, haha! And this second copy is probably gonna arrive quite late now cos i missed the preorder window. But it should be either on saturday or monday which is way better than waiting a month or something chasing up this bullshit! And hopefully also in a week or two i will get the money back from selling alll those preowned games, and it can go towards A: GROCERIES and B: repaying bebst friends of reckless money giving. You guys are fuckin nuts, seriously!! And man god i hate that im still suffering this knock-on effect tight finances bullshit from the stupid mental hospital thing 3 months ago. I mean i failed to even last a month there and its cost me almost a thousand pounds in terms of stocking up the stuff to be able to move house temporarily, all the mobile data i had to use while being without internet while i was there, all the miscellaneous expenses along the way, and then all the bill debt and having to restock tolietries and groceries and everyries when i got back home. Sighhh! And i feel guilty that i bought a stupid warhammer starter kit around halloween and i still havent even opened it because The Guilt. Like man i should have somehow predicted there would be more money trouble and saved that money rather than make a selfish purchase. But like it was the cheapest beginners kit anyway and i even haggled a discount for getting the figures without the paint. And now im being selfish and getting this pokemon game!! Twice!! Because stupid fuckin online banking nonsense!! Godddd give me back my money so i can give it to my friendsssss
So yeah in summary Bunni Feel Bad and also Overwhelmed and also Bad. But hopefully stuff is sorted now. Gah!
Also probably will be some delay on doing a lets play of this new pokemon cos i dunno when its gonna arrive and also i feel Big Sick now and need to chug a paracetamol and eat a loaf of bread before i die. Hope i dont spend all weekend just passed out on the sofa from Too Much Braining In One Day. Srsly why did this all happen all at once...
Also i probably wont go with the idea of twin protagonists headcanon for this LP, cos the whole Untimely Lost Sibling Madness kinda made that a sore spot to think about. One good side of getting the version i didnt want is that i can pick the female protagonist if i get pikachu version, and go with the personality i was gonna use for the female sibling. Cos actually it seems that your rival dude's perosnality is kinda simular to what i was gonna do for the male sibling? Could just have that sort of relationshup as a best buddies thing. And playing as a sassy roughhousing jock girl protag is gonna be more fun than playing The Nice And Shy Dude which is basically what i always do in every game cos its just me??? Would get more fun character lets player contrast with protagonist Darcy.
Also fuck i am gonna have SO MUCH to talk about in this first episode! Watchers who dont follow me on tumblr are gonna be so confused. "Hey youtube i just got out of mental hospital and found my long lost sister who thought i was dead, anyway never mind that lets talk about pokemon! I was gonna say i dont have any baby pictures of me when the original Pokemon Yellow came out, but here's the one i found on a facebook obituary for myself yesterday..."
What the fuck is my life, seriously?
Also if my starter ends up being a male pikachu im gonna name it Chuppy after my original one in pokemon yellow. And if its a girl i'll call it Ghostwriter after my mimikyu and pretend that its a mimikyu that just has an extra high quality disguise. Seriously, picturing all of these cute antics and tiny costumes on mimikyu makes it all even sweeter to me! I love ghosties!!
Seriously man if there are any parents out there reading this, dont fuckin lie to your 4 year old that her sibling is dead just because the dad divorced you. There are no words for how fucked up this is. Except 'oh i guess thats why my favourite digimon frontier character is duskmon'. I fuckin thought that plot was unrealistic when i first watched it! XD actually i think duskmon is straight up my favourite digimon design and the one i'd probably pick as my partner, even though i prefer Impmon's plot from the third season. I kinda wanna go make a fanmade full evolution line for Duskmon now?? Man why am i getting so wildly off topic!
I really need to eat a food and sleep a sleep
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Wicked Games (Chapter 22)
“Let me be your soulmate, for the night.” - Justin Timberlake
With all the excitement that had happened yesterday, I did not sleep much. I awoke early in the morning, my body too restless and my mind too abuzz to go back to sleep.
I was up so early I had time to go to a local diner and eat pancakes before class. Now I was here early enough to be the first student to arrive to theater.
The rest of the class trickled in slowly, as I tapped my foot at my desk, swearing I could hear every tick of the clock as I waited eagerly for Lauren to arrive.
All morning I couldn’t stop wondering about the fight that had taken place yesterday. I couldn’t stop thinking about Lauren and how she had defended me so unabashedly. She stood up for me and showed that somewhere inside of her she does care for me. Still, I could not help but wonder why she had done it. Why did she get so angry? Plenty of my teammates were hearing and seeing the nasty things Hanna had said and done to me, so why did it light a spark in Lauren specifically?
I people watched for a few minutes to distract myself as my impatience grew. I watched Mr. Vogel arrive, an apple in hand. Today he was wearing a silver coat covered in glitter. Although he looked ridiculous, he also looked spectacular. He had his hair slicked back with gel and it looked as though he had recently got it cut. His face held a freshly shaven look and it seemed to glow with exuberance as he flashed the class a smile that I am pretty sure was only noticed by me.
Finally, I felt the air shift around me.
I looked to my left to see the raven-haired girl. She dropped to her chair with a huff.
I let a few moments of silence pass by excruciatingly before I turned and addressed her, “So, how much trouble are you in?”
I did my best to sound nonchalant, as though my thoughts hadn’t been consumed by her so far today.
She rolled her eyes and sighed. “A lot. CG made me meet her at seven AM this morning to read some dumb NCAA rules and regulations packet. She’s making me read the entire thing.”
“Do you have to take a quiz over it or something?” I asked.
“Yeah, there’s basically a question for every single fucking page and there’s like two hundred pages!” Her voice began to rise in loudness and intensity as she decscibed the situation.
“Jesus..” I scratched my head in sympathy.
“Yeah! And so far, none of what I have read has anything to do with fighting!”
I sat quietly as she continued to vent.
“Did you know that a ref can call a technical on someone sitting on the bench for just throwing their arms up in the air??” she questioned me. Her piercing green eyes staring right into mine.
“Um.. no..”
“They can! Why do I know that? Because I have to read this stupid handbook! Ugh, and I have to go in at seven AM every morning until I finish it or else I can’t practice.”
“Ouch.. how far did you get today?”
She threw her hair back in irritation. “Fifty pages just about. Hopefully since tomorrow is Saturday I will get more time.”
I nodded, “That would make sense.”
“The coaches said they expect the conference to hand down at least a two game suspension for shoving the girl, inciting a fight, and squaring up, showing an intention to fight,” she relayed as though she was a robot reciting what phrases she was given.
I figured that would happen. A fight broke out last year because of Hanna Grace. That one was much more severe, but it ended with a player on the opposing team being suspended for four games. Lauren didn’t even get the chance to throw a punch, courtesy of me, so I figured they would be more lenient towards her.
She groaned and sunk in her seat. “Do you remember what our next games are?”
My eyes flickered to the floor, feeling bad for her. Our next couple games would be in San Francisco for a tournament between a bunch of the nearby California schools in Division III after Christmas. Every other college student is still on Christmas break at that point except for us. Although not getting as much of a break sucked, the tournament is very fun. It is a vacation within a business trip.
“Are the coaches going to still let you go?” I pried, hoping the answer would be yes. In reality, it would be good to go on this trip without her and get some more separation from her, but deep down I didn’t want that.
“I don’t know.. the coaches are furious with me,” she dejectedly responded.
A sad feeling surfaced within me seeing her so disheartened. A part of me felt guilty and responsible for what happened. I lost my cool for a moment and provoked Hanna into shoving me, which caused Lauren to go into a frenzy. Now she was in this mess.
“So.. how are you feeling?” I asked her curiously, already having a pretty good idea of the answer. I wanted to show her that I cared too.
She glanced at me as though she hadn’t expected me to ask that.
Before she could answer though, Mr. Vogel’s emphatic voice rang out.
“Last class to practice your performances!!” He clapped his hands to further emphasize his excitement, like he always did. “Please take advantage of today and ask for help if you need it. Props are in the back. Let’s get started everybody!”
Lauren and I both sighed deeply simultaneously.
I had not practiced our lines one bit. In fact, I hadn’t touched the script packet once since I had haphazardly thrown it inside my backpack the day we got it. It freaked me out to think about the performance, so instead of preparing for it, I put it off.
Lauren was wearing a black tank top with a blue jean long-sleeve cover up. Her long hair was flowing in natural waves down her shoulders and back. My eyes could not help but make their way to her cleavage that at the moment was exposed to me as she leaned over to get her script out of her bag. Memories flashed across my brain of amazing times where I got to kiss and suck on those-
‘Jesus Christ Camila!’ I admonished myself. I shook my head, shaking those thoughts away and focused back on the lines in front of me.
We both sat like that in awkward silence for about fifteen minutes. Both of us just staring at our scripts, hopelessly trying to memorize the lines. I cringed at every cheesey word splashed across the page, truly loathing the prospect of next Friday.
“You know ladies, it’s one thing to memorize the lines, but quite another to actually perform them.”
I looked up to see Mr. Vogel looking down at us with a disappointed expression despite his signature smile.
It was then that I looked around and noticed all of the commotion in the room. Nearly every partnership was standing around the classroom, actively practicing their scripts back and forth with eachother. Some had even grabbed props such as hats and canes and were utilizing them. 
I looked back at Mr. Vogel uneasily, hoping that if neither Lauren or I said anything, he would eventually just go away and leave us alone.
Unshockingly, that didn’t work.
“You two aren’t planning to wing it, are you?” he asked pointedly, although I suspected he already assumed the answer.
I shrugged and said “No..” unconfidently, not really sure how I planned to handle this situation.
He did not like how apathetic we were being. That seemed to be Mr. Vogel’s biggest pet peeve.
He made us both get up and spent the rest of the class working with both of us, giving us suggestions on how we should move and when to be especially dramatic and when to be more reserved.
At first, I resented the fact that he wouldn’t leave us alone, but then I grew to appreciate it. He was giving us tips and pointers that would improve our grade if we did them in the performance, as well as being a third party that could lessen the awkwardness I felt trading these cringeworthy lines with Lauren.
But now here I was, a couple days later, completely alone with Lauren Jauregui, trying desperately to memorize these lines and not die of embarassment every time I thought of having to perform them in front of the class.
This time there was no Mr. Vogel to mediate or correct things.
I sat on the couch of my teammate’s home, with Lauren on a bean bag chair a couple feet in front of me.
For the past twenty minutes we had been trying to just simply say the lines without looking at our scripts, but I kept messing up. Lauren seemed to have a good memory, so she was doing it with ease, but for some reason I could not for the life of me get it right. I kept forgetting one or two words, or saying the lines out of order.
“Let’s try it one more time,” Lauren suggested.
I nodded, giving my lines one last once over. Then I set my script on my lap and looked up at the younger girl across from me.
I started, “What are you gonna do?”
Lauren instantly responded without much emotion, “I don’t know.”
I blinked, realizing I was already forgetting how the next part went. “So we’re back to that?Are we back there?” I trailed off, trying desperately to think of what came next. I looked at Lauren, hoping it would somehow jog my memory. A raised eyebrow from her infuriated me, but I continued to think.
I had an ah-ha moment. “Oh!” I paused and then reiterated what I thought the line was. “The past couple days happened, you know.”
I sat up straight, proud of myself for remembering.
Lauren sighed and shook her head. “It’s 'What about the past couple of days? They happened you know.’”
I cursed and slammed my script down on the coffee table. “Fuck this stupid shit.”
“Woah..” Lauren spoke, putting her hands up as though I had pointed a gun at her.
I rolled my eyes and grimaced at her overdramatic reaction. “This is maddening, ok.” I was super frustrated and I had enough stress on my plate without this silly script that I could not seem to get locked into my mind.
Her eyes narrowed, as she set her script down softly on the coffee table and stood up from her bean bag. “You have a short temper don’t you?” she asked rhetorically. I scowled at her.
“You’re one to talk,” I retorted, trying to keep my cool under her tantalizing stare and blatantly suggestive tone. She’s the one who got into a fight the other day.
She ignored my sarcastic remark and started inching dangerously close to me. She added, “I never noticed that before,” with a smirk and finished it off with a sultry “it’s kindof sexy.”
I’m pretty sure all of the color left my face after that comment. I was so caught off guard by what she said I didn’t have a chance to react when she lowered herself onto my lap.
“What are you doing?” I mumbled slowly, her lips hovering maybe an inch from mine. My heart beat started exploding inside my chest as her familiar smell cascaded me.
“Just let it happen,��� she exhaled. It did not take her long to close the distance between us and forcefully plant her lips upon mine. Today my walls were weak because I made no move to stop her. I sat there unresponsive for a few moments and then her tongue brushed my bottom lip and I was unable to resist any longer. I pushed my lips back onto hers and let my hands rest on her hips. My lips felt on fire as they moved in rhythm with hers.
She pulled away slightly. “You’ve been so tense lately.. let me distract you,” she whispered seductively into my ear before she proceeded to nibble on it.
She was right. Everything in my life seemed to be stressing me out right now. I had to learn the lines for this stupid scene, I was frustrated with the way I had been playing lately because it was not to my standard, our team was in trouble for that fight, I had two big finals coming up, I was worried about my professional school interviews that were happening soon, and my ambivalent love life was also not helping matters.
But still, I continued to be stubborn. “What about our lines?” I mean, we do have to perform this scene in a few days. Just thinking about it was giving me anxiety. The thought of going out there and not even knowing the lines and blubbering through it was almost enough to send me into a full-blown panic attack.
“We can practice the lines later. Right now.. we should practice something else..” she charmed. I could literally feel her smile on my skin. “I have some tension of my own I need to get rid of too..” she huffed as her warm fingers slid under my shirt and gently stroked my skin, causing me to shiver as a heat ran down my stomach.
'Fuck’ I thought to myself, no longer being able to ignore how much she had already turned me on.
She was kissing down the side of my neck and I was just starting to relax and get into it when I had an 'oh shit’ moment remembering where we were. I gently nudged her off me. “Lauren, what if somebody comes home?” gesturing towards the front door.
We would be busted immediately. The couch was directly in sight of the door.
“Well, I guess we’re just going to have to move this to my room,” she said smoothly, a smirk across her face. Her eyes blinked at me suggestively and I knew I was in no state of mind to disagree.
I sighed loudly, accepting that I was not going to fight it today. I roped my arms underneath her butt and stood up from the couch. She wrapped her legs around me and giggled cheerfully, knowing she had won. I walked to her room carrying her in my arms, pecking her lips periodically, fully giving in to her. She adorably laughed against my lips as her palms felt my cheeks. In response, a feeling that couldn’t be described as anything other than happiness, rushed through me.
For tonight at least, I was Lauren’s and Lauren was mine.
Wattpad: mothertruckin
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the-punforgiven · 6 years
Aight, let’s go I guess
I’mma put it under a readmore since it’s pretty long lmao
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?My cat lmao
2. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?@cardiac-ossification​, someday
4. Are you easy to get along with?I mean once you get used to the fact that I barely speak and that one-word responses do not mean I don’t want to talk to you, I guess maybe?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Most likely
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?Pretty much anyone who could kick my ass lmao
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?I sure hope so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?@cardiac-ossification​
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Depends on who I’m talking about it with honestly, like for the most part yeah, but like if I’m really close with someone then that changes things somewhat lmao
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?….. Also @cardiac-ossification​
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?Rad
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
A Sound of Thunder - Hello Nurse
Whispered - Strike
Children of Bodom - All Twisted
Ye Banished Privateers - Lamentation of a Marooned Sailor
Arsis - Unwelcome (but like the whole album lmao)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Yes
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Yeah
15. What good thing happened this summer?Bold of you to assume I remember when anything has happened
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?No
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Oh absolutely, whether that’s just like, microbes or something I dunno but thinking of the entire vastness of space I find it really hard to believe that this planet’s the only one with life
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?No
19. Do you like bubble baths?I guess? To be honest I haven’t had one since I was a kid Probably since I don’t actually even fit into the tub anymore lmao
20. Do you like your neighbors?I don’t think I’ve actually met them lmao, I’ve talked to them like twice when they asked me to help find their dog but they seem alright lmao
21. What are you bad habits?Procrastinating and just fucking forgetting literally fucking everything
22. Where would you like to travel?Norway and Wisconsin are my two big ones
23. Do you have trust issues?Yeah? I feel like I tend to trust people too easily lmao
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Sending cute good morning messages to my girlfriend lmao
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?Probably either my stomach or my body hair honestly
26. What do you do when you wake up?Open my eyes Roll around a bit and immediately grab my phone lmao
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Not really, I honestly don’t care, it’s gonna be gone soon enough anyway
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Fun game take a shot everytime I tag @cardiac-ossification​
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?No
30. Do you ever want to get married?Maybe
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yeah.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
33. Spell your name with your chin.Today I have learned that I can’t actually lean that far down
34. Do you play sports? What sports?No? I mean I spar a bit and would love to try out the Armored Combat League, if that counts?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV, I’d honestly probably die without music lmao
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yeah
37. What do you say during awkward silences?bold of you to assume I can talk at all
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Literally just @cardiac-ossification​ lmao
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?Can’t say I really have any that spring to mind, honestly, like if they sell guitars, cd’s, or swords then I’m gonna be good but I don’t have an actual favourite place lmao
40. What do you want to do after high school?Visit my girlfriend, join a band, achieve omnipotence
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?I prefer to think of that sort of thing on a more case-to-case basis, but for the most part, Yes? 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?Extremely quiet’s just my natural state of being lmao Silent however usually just denotes that I’m in a horrible mood
43. Do you smile at strangers?I mean, I try to but I’ve also been told I’m like hella intimidating and I know I’ve got a pretty bad case of supervillain grin so I dunno it that’s actually the best idea lmao 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?If you’re offering I’d go with Space, since unlike the ocean I can’t just walk there
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Need for caffine and whatever the fuck you call those pills that stop heartburn I forget the name
46. What are you paranoid about?Everything. Though talking in my sleep’s a big one for some reason
47. Have you ever been high?No
48. Have you ever been drunk?Barely
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Yeah, though I mean someone already knows about it I’m just embarassed about that whole topic in general lmao
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?I don’t actually remember since I like never wear hoodies anymore but probably Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Occasionally in a sort of brief non-serious way, but like intensely? No
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?that’s really tough honestly, I’d probably want either more muscles or a fucking functioning brain
53. Favourite makeup brand?I don’t wear makeup lmao
54. Favourite store?Wasn’t this already asked?
55. Favourite blog?I’ve got a lot lmao, I can’t narrow it down to one, sorry…
56. Favourite colour?Black, if that counts, if not probably that one shade of purple
57. Favourite food? Spaghetti
58. Last thing you ate?Shepherd’s Pie
59. First thing you ate this morning?Bold of you to assume I’ve eaten today
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I honestly don’t think I have lmao, and if I did I don’t remember lmao
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?I was suspended for like half my fuckin time in middle school because I’d just fuckin fight everyone if memory serves
62. Been arrested? For what?I haven’t lmao
63. Ever been in love? I am right now
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Uhhh, watching Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny with my first girlfriend and I just kinda asked if she’d be down. She said yeah and… there we go. Fuckin… Great mood movie
65. Are you hungry right now?Yeah
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?A lot of my real friends follow me on here so I’m not sure I can answer this lmao
67. Facebook or Twitter?I’m not terribly fond of either to be honest
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr, I guess
69. Are you watching tv right now?No
70. Names of your bestfriends? Thanks for pluralizing but I dunno if they’re comfortable with me giving out their names on the internet so I’mma err on the side of caution here lmao
71. Craving something? What?Uhhh meat lmao, I need the protien
72. What colour are your towels?We’ve got a lot of varying colours lmao
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?I mean there are two on my bed but I don’t actually use them they’re just kinda there lmao
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?… Yes?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?Three? I’ve got a stuffed bear that I’ve had since I was a baby that’s just kinda rotting away in my closet, a stuffed hyena that I got from my wonderful girlfriend, and a plushie undead warlock that I got at a con lmao
75. Favourite animal?The Snow Tiger. Not only are they cute cats, but also majestic and aesthetic
76. What colour is your underwear?My what now Black
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Cookie Dough I guess?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Black
80. What colour pants?Also black
81. Favourite tv show?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
82. Favourite movie?Kung Fury? I dunno I don’t remember like half the movies I watch
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?I haven’t actually seen either of them lmao
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?.. Haven’t seen 21 Jump Street either lmao
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Why are there so many Mean Girls questions
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
87. First person you talked to today?My sister, who dutifully wakes me up every afternoon by destroying my fucking door jesus christ child calm down I’ve had to fix the thing like twice already
88. Last person you talked to today?I dunno, discord buddies
89. Name a person you hate?No one really springs to mind honestly, I don’t know if I’ve got anyone I really hate, y’know?
90. Name a person you love?@cardiac-ossification​
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Me
92. In a fight with someone?Also Me Not really lmao
93. How many sweatpants do you have?Exactly one that I made myself a few years ago. They’re falling the fuck apart and they’re pretty ugly since the only fabric I had available was that really gross camo green so I honestly don’t care lmao
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Like three? I think? I’ve kinda unofficially given them away to my brother and sister, but they’re still here so I dunno lmao
95. Last movie you watched?I don’t remember, I mean I was present in the room the other night while my roommate was watching the Hateful Eight but it’s a stretch to say I was actually watching it lmao
96. Favourite actress?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
97. Favourite actor?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
98. Do you tan a lot?No, I am disgustingly ginger so I don’t tan at all I just go straight to burning
99. Have any pets?I do! I have a cat, her name’s Groucho, and she’s the sweetest little thing! I live with another cat, two dogs, and a couple of birds but they’re not technically mine lmao
100. How are you feeling?Horrible, thank you for asking! I’m getting sick physically and I’m constantly reminded that I’m a defective fucking human being!
101. Do you type fast?Not really, like I type fast-ish in short bursts, but the space between them is regrettably long lmao
102. Do you regret anything from your past?Anything and everything! It’s only in the last couple of years have I really started to realize what an insufferable pile of shit I’ve been for my entire life and knowing that nobody’s ever gonna forget that really keeps me up at night!
103. Can you spell well?No
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Not particularly.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?I think so yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?not that I know of?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?no
108. What should you be doing?Not being the most useless creature in the universe, contributing to society in literally any way, actually caring about my health, pursuing any hobbies, the list is endless!
109. Is something irritating you right now?Yeah!
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Also yeah lmao
111. Do you have trust issues?Yes, but I feel as if it’s more so in the sense that I trust people too quickly/easily rather than too little and- Wait wasn’t this also already asked?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?……. Also @cardiac-ossification​, kinda?
113. What was your childhood nickname?Uhhh, there were a lot and all of them were gross and insulting, so I’d rather not say lmao
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yeah
115. Do you play the Wii?Back when we had one, yeah. I was a fucking god at Wii Boxing, and at one point had mastered getting that perfect angle to always hit strikes in Wii bowling. Fucking wish I could do that with actual bowling lmao
116. Are you listening to music right now?I am, currently checking something out that was in my recommended list, but I’m not sure if I’m really into it yet though
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes! I especially love chow mein and ginger beef, the place in town that makes it is just the fuckin best. 
119. Favourite book?Overlord I guess? I dunno I barely ever read anymore
120. Are you afraid of the dark?Not unless I’ve been given a reason to be.
121. Are you mean?I… Try not to be…
122. Is cheating ever okay?No
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?no
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Not really. I believe in attraction at first sight, but love’s something that I find needs to be built up over time? I guess?
125. Do you believe in true love?I think so, yeah?
126. Are you currently bored?Yeah
127. What makes you happy?@cardiac-ossification, music, art, and For Honor trailers lmao
128. Would you change your name?Maybe? I don’t really care about it enough to want to change it lmao
129. What your zodiac sign?Virgo
130. Do you like subway?Yeah! It gives me massive heartburn but it’s pretty great
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Calmly explain to them that I’m in a committed relationship already
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Say it with me now, @cardiac-ossification
133. Favourite lyrics right now?Not sure, I mean everything Gloryhammer’s ever written are great for a giggle but like on a serious tone, I’ve got nothin lmao
134. Can you count to one million?There is no way in hell I’d have the patience to lmao
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?There are way to many to choose, I am a fucking terrible liar lmao
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed
137. How tall are you?6′2
138. Curly or Straight hair?Is this question in terms of which I prefer or which I have? in which case I don’t really have a preference and mine is straight
139. Brunette or Blonde?Honestly I’m not sure? Like, my two favourite hair colours are like, jet black and blinding white lmao, all the rest of them I’m pretty neutral on lmao
140. Summer or Winter?Winter, on the sheer basis that I can be outside without having to sacrifice a good chunk of my flesh to the sun gods
141. Night or Day?Night
142. Favourite month?October, for obvious reasons
143. Are you a vegetarian?No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Dark Chocolate, 100%. Milk Chocolate is a pretty good second place, but white chocolate just makes me sick
145. Tea or Coffee?Coffee
146. Was today a good day?meh, it had it’s highs and lows, so overall it’s about average I’d say
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers, I guess
148. What’s your favourite quote?nothing springs to mind, aside from the super pretentious “Just because perfection is unattainable, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it” or however the fuck it went
149. Do you believe in ghosts?Yeah
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “For this rough bunch who valued an adventurer’s strength above all, what he was saying made sense”
Thanks for the asks!
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hoonhosh · 7 years
“What happened to the cat?”
Soonyoung was a normal uni boy
He likes parties
Just not this one
WonsBurgers: Soon
WonsBurgers: Soonyoung
WonsBurgers has called you - Missed call
WonsBurgers: … Are you reading my messages and not responding to me.
WonsBurgers: I cannot believe you wow
CallmeSoon: Shush
WonsBurgers: Wow now you respond.
CallmeSoon: What am I even late for????? WonsBurgers: The party, you said you’d be there…
CallmeSoon: Oh shit I’m sorry I’ll get over there, tell Mingyu happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! OuO
WonsBurgers: Yeah yeah
Soonyoung was bored
It was his first time being bored at a party no less
I mean, it was a birthday party with a bunch of people he didn’t know
The only people he knew was the birthday boy, Mingyu, and his best friend, Wonwoo
But they were certainly busy.
He sighed, taking a drink with other underaged drunk kids and some legal peeps
He didn’t plan on getting drunk, he had to get home safe
Kids, don’t drink and drive
He took a seat on the crowded couch when he saw him
A random kid, hair as pink as the pillows on the couch
He was looking down at his lap where a cat with a brused tail laid
He softly petted the head and Soonyoung sorta just watched
The guy was calmer than the party.
It was as if the party was silent when they made eye contact
Of course, Soonyoung looked away, grabbing another drink.
The other boy went back to the cat and Soonyoung caught another glance
With the drink in hand, he started to speak.
“What happened to the cat?”
The male looked up, puzzled before realizing.
“Mingyu is dumber than he looks.” He jokes, making the other chuckle
“Hey, I’m not disagreeing. Is he yours?”
“She.” He corrected. “And no, she just doesn’t like parties. Or at least this one.”
“That makes two of us.” Another sip and the drink was empty.
“Make that three.” He smirked. “Another drink?”
“Nah, I shouldn’t, I plan on driving.”
“Hey, no worries.” The boy stood up slowly, the cat crawling onto Soonyoung’s lap instead. “I can drive. If you’re okay with that.”
He smiled. “Then hand me the whole thing.”
WonsBurgers has called you - Missed call
You have 14 missed calls from WonsBurgers
WonsBurgers: Dude where did you go?? You left the party but Jun says you haven’t come back to the house???
WonsBurgers: SOONYOUNG
WonsBurgers: S
WonsBurgers: O
WonsBurgers: O
WonsBurgers: N
WonsBurgers: Y
WonsBurgers: O
WonsBurgers: U
WonsBurgers: N
WonsBurgers: G
CallmeSoon: Jesus Christ
WonsBurgers: Jesus Christ yourself where are you???
CallmeSoon: … I dk????
WonsBurgers: what
WonsBurgers: what do you mean IDK what’s around you??????/
CallmeSoon: I’m in a house but it’s not mine
WonsBurgers: Yeah, I know that
WonsBurgers: Whos house is it???
CallmeSoon: I don’t know??/
WonsBurgers: Then find out!!!!
Soonyoung looked around
The room was competely white
The bed was white, the walls were white, even the flowers were white
The room looked like it costed a lot more than his house did
All the this white however, was making his head hurt.
Plus the hangover, how much did he drink.
He was about to sit up when he felt a slight tug on his hand
He looked beside him and widened his eyes, seeing the boy from the party
He won’t admit it but he screamed; Loudly, falling off the bed
The boy sat up sleeply, rubbing his eye. “Jesus fucking Christ could you not.”
“Uhm..” Soonyoung stuttered. “D-Did we…?”
The boy stared blankly at him. “Do we have clothes on?”
True, they did.
“‘I thought you were taking me home.” He retorting, standing up with a wobble
“I was.” He yawned, standing up as well. “But then you fell asleep before I could ask.”
“Then this is..?”
“My place.”
“Ah.. It’s nice?”
A silence washed over them. It was slightly awkward.
“Why were we in the same bed?” He asked
“You wouldn’t let go of my hand.” He mutter out. The two were red in embarassment.
“Ah, sorry bout that..”
“It’s alright, does your head hurt? You drank a lot.” He said, walking to the door. “I’ll get some stuff, just relax”
He smiled weakly at him, sitting down on the bed again. “Thanks.”
“& you probably want to check your phone, it’s going off.” He smirked, leaving the room as Soonyoung scrambled to get his phone.
WonsBurgers: Soonyoung??? Bro??? Where are you???
WonsBurgers: I’m adding Jun to the chat
WonsBurgers add JunJuntheGorgeousDude
JunJuntheGorgeousDude: Dude wtf where are you
CallmeSoon: Sorry, I’m at someone’s house
JunJuntheGorgeousDude: WHo??????
CallmeSoon: Idk his name
WonsBurgers: wHAT
JunJuntheGorgeousDude: dUDE
CallmeSoon: Relax he’s cool
CallmeSoon: I was drunk and he was gonna take me home but i fell asleep so he took me to his place
WonsBurgers: Uhm??????? That’s fishy????????
CallmeSoon: Oh he told me his name
WonsBurgers: WHO
CallmeSoon: Jihoon.
CallmeSoon: What
CallmeSoon: You guys are always spamming me and now youre quiet??
JunJuntheGorgeousDude: lmao sorry I don’t know him but whats his last name??
CallmeSoon: Let me ask
CallmeSoon: Lee Jihoon
WonsBurgers: Dude…. He’s one of Mingyu’s friends
CallmeSoon: Oh???
WonsBurgers: Yeah, he’s super rich
JunJuntheGorgeousDude: OMG YOU GOT A RICH MAN
CallmeSoon: bYE JUN
WonsBurgers: Dude just be careful
CallmeSoon: Yeah yeha
“Your friends are really nosey.” He chuckled, handing Soonyoung some meds and water
“Yeah well, they’re just worried.” He shrugged before hearing a meow. “Did you bring the cat?? I thought she wasn’t yours.”
“She isn’t.” Jihoon said as the cat jumped onto the bed. “But I’m not leaving her at that party.”
“Damn straight. Does Mingyu really deserve to have a cat???”
“Right? I’m going to steal her away.”
He laughed. “Her name?”
“Amie. French for friend, as Mingyu says.”
“Ahh, that’s cute.”
“What’s your name?”
“Oh, Soonyoung.”
“Well, Soonyoung, I think you might to get home. I have work so you can give me a call when you get home. Your car is in the pranking lot.” He sighed, getting a towel.
“You went to a party on a work day??”
“Alright, I’ll text you.” He smiled, standing up.
“I look forward to it.”
CallmeSoon: Hi! It’s Soonyoung
Woozi: Oh hey, I’m guessing you got home?
CallmeSoon: Yeah thanks
Woozi: np but hey can you pass on a message to Mingyu
CallmeSoon: Yeah whats up?????
Woozi sends a picture
Woozi: Tell him I’m not giving back Amie until he treats her right
CallmeSoon: yES BITCH WOO
Woozi: LMAO
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tumblunni · 7 years
aaaaaugh that was a weird adventure of a normal thing seriously wtf how did I Almost Die from just trying to pay my electricity bills?? the electricity went out at midnight and I was having a WHOPPING GIANT MIGRAINE and seriously i suck at talking to cashiers on the best of days but now i have to call a taxi at midnight and sit there feeling awkward for like half an hour while the guy drives me several miles away to the only electricity place thats open 24/7 and like five minutes in i realized OH SHIT THIS MIGRAINE IS MORE SERIOUS THAN I EXPECTED but like i was trapped in a car and trapped in an awkward social situation! so i was here all dizzy and disassociating and like it felt like the window was a computer screen?? cos im nearsighted a lot and of course its gonna get even worse when i have a dizzy migraine of death doom. i was just so out of it with pain and tiredness and the car shaking me about and just it felt like i wasnt really there but i was still in my house just watching all this on the tv or something. i had to look down at my hands cos they were the only non blurry thing, i had to remind myself that i actually existed and wasnt somehow being erased from the world and replaced by a film reel of some guy sitting in a car?? So I am like Absolutely Fucking Nonfunctional here, and being acutely aware of how i forgot to wear my glasses and apparantly also my socks. Tho in my defense it would have been hard to put them on in the dark anyway! and seriously THIS POOR CAB GUY! like it seemed english wasnt his first language and i felt so bad cos like how can i make it clear that I am the one messing up here?? dude you didnt mishear me i really am slurring everything i say and forgetting half the dictionary. HE WAS SO NICE! I wish i could have like.. been able to register any of his individual faceparts as a coherant whole. I have problems with prosopagnosia even on a good day, but like whoa man i did not have the energy left to concentrate on what this guy even looked like. i feel bad cos i dont know his name either, im gonna remember him as just this big helpful shadow void with a nice accent. HOW DID YOU PUT UP WITH ME EMBARASSING MYSELF SO MUCH, YOU WONDERFUL CABMAN actaully wait do you call them cabs in america aa im sorry this post isnt very america translated i try and generally self-correct to america english cos i know like 90% of my followers seems to be america for some reason i do not understand HELLO AMERICDA FRIENDS TODAY okay so i was Dying in a taxi which is also called a cab, and the company was Capital Cabs which is very good and i love them and they have an automated system so you dont have to talk on the phone and seriously that cut like 50% of terror from this terror day SO ANYWAY I WAS DYING we go all over the place looking for the 24 hours electric place, and then for some reason they are closed?? there was a line outside and i think actually the doors got stuck and the cashiers couldnt get out??? what happened?? i guess i will never know cos i had to leave that mini story behind and find another electric hilariously we found one LITERALLY ACROSS THE ROAD there was THE SAME SHOP ACROSS THE ROAD FACING EACH OTHER MIRROR IMAGE WHAT like seriously fuck im already in a dizzy daze floating halfway out my own body like i didnt need any more evidence im currently in wonderland i want to know this story too, dammit! are those rival stores?? of the same brand?? somehow?? or are they owned by the same person?? because why?? is it like the area was so in-demand of small 24/7 shops that they had to make two within five metres of each other? or is it like they’re the same shop but they didnt have enough space to build the full size they wanted so they purchased two smaller land plots? or something? DID IT JUST EXIST FOR THIS SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF ME NEEDING THE SHOP WHEN THE SHOP IS CLOSED “tumblr blogger tumblunni will show up fuckin migraine stoned on the 9th of november, as the prophecy foretold” omg i just mispelled prophecy as prophey and that sounds like a cute ass oc name holy shit ANYWAY im here dissacoiating my ass off and trying and failing to stick my debit card in the card machine and all the time im like FUCKIN OBSESSING over how sauboh is a really better name. Like faba is still a cute name but sauboh is a COOL name! no name is better than sauboh! and why u wanna this evil man have a cute name anyway?? when u be all cruel in the anime and sand off even the slightest non horrible edges he ever had, like seriously im unreasonably upset that everyone hates faba even more now. when will i get my sneaky science grandpa guy who is not evil for once but merely misunderstood and then i adopt him and hug him many and the all is resolved so yeah im fuckin haviung trouble focusing on what im actually doing jesus christ then i stumble into the store and i pay for my electric and im like ‘no no no fucking shit this migraine is WAY worse than i expected, im going to fucking die’ so i ask if they have any paracetamol but i cant remember the word for paracetamol and its all super embarassing. and like THE GUY LOOKS AT ME AS IF IM CRAZY. He’s all ‘ugh why would we have that, geez’. like wtf?? i mean i know i couldnt remember the name of it but i said ‘headache medicine’ so im sure he understood what i meant. i had a long rambling discussion with the taxi man about how weird that was, he was like ‘no, seriously EVERY 24 hour newsagent sells that stuff’ and i was like ‘no seriously he was rude to me for asking, like wtf’ and then i repeated the story about three more times cos i was currently in the throes of brain death in retrospect maybe the cashier thought i was drunk or something?? or high? i mean you cant get high from headache pills but i dunno maybe they mix badly with booze and he thought he was saving my life. i like to think the best of people! i wish i hadnt jumped to the grumpy conclusion during that moment and then whined like a lil bitch to this poor cab man and seriously he was SO NICE! he was like ‘dude seriously we’d have to drive anothr five miles to find another newsagent shop, im trying to save you money’ and he tried to give me some of the paracetamol he had in his wallet and i was like YOURE SO FUCKIN NICE IM DYING, I COULD NEVER ACCEPT THAT but also in retrospect probably that was a good decision cos even if the guy seemed super nice and trustable its like Good Life Policy to not take medicine from people you don’t know. I am 100% sure tho that he actually was genuine and wasnt gonna fuckin murder me with fakeacetamol HE WAS SO NICE! HIM AND HIS NONDESCRIPT FACIAL REGION! why cant i remember ANYTHING about this man oh and also I was able to give some money to a lady on the street!! i don’t know if she was actually homeless, she said that she had some trouble with a hotel booking or something so she was just stuck sleeping outside for the night. i cant remember if she had any luggage so i cant verify if the story is true, it just made me really sad wondering if it WASNT true and its like she needed to lie or people wouldnt give her money?? like seriously homeless people are the most vunerable yet theyre the ones people have the least sympathy for! wtf having to like like ‘i need the money less’... anyway i also couldnt remember her face and was kinda slurring my words to death and i didnt have much money to give but aaaa i hope i helped!! so yeah fuckin SMASH CUT to the next newsagent place and seriously i swear i blacked out for a minute cos it was just like wow we’re there in 48 seconds yet the clock says a bunch more miles and THEY HAD PARACETALMOL AND I WAS FUCKIN CRYING IN A SPAR MART thenk u cashier man who was probablyh very confused at this guy with no socks also for some reason my mind was wandering to the topic of what i’d do if i got misgendered in a cinema, like holding this fuckin entire fictional argument with this manifestation of my own self doubt WHAT EVEN INSPIRED THAT THOUGHT PROCESS so i’m nigh passing out and the nice cab man takes me home and he tries to make me pay less than the fee on the clock and im like NO DUDE IT WAS MY OWN CHOICE TO GO 2 PARACETAMOL SHOP seriously he was SO NICE why cant i remember his faaaaaace and i usually like to give a tip to the taxi guy even though tipping isnt really a thing in my country cos just i feel like Being Nice Is Nice and i want to thank them for their nice but i DIDNT HAVE ANY MORE MONEY LEFT so aaaa i was only able to give him an extra £0.50 but thank you taxi man i hope you have a good night and good life and the universe rewards you for helping a migraine fucked bunbun this eve and now ive shoved medicines in my fave and im just waiting for them to kick in and i know i should eat something but i feel so nauseous aaarglefargle also nice taxi man told me a story about how the same thing happened to him once except the electric went out while he was in the shower. So he just got blasted by cold water AND had to stumble down the stairs in the dark, and then friggin buy electric while his ears were still fulla soap. Whoa dude your bravery in face of embarassment exceeds my own! i love you platonically mr cab man thanks for making me feel less nervous and such while i was Die so yeah hopefully i will be less die soon ok bye also sauboh is a best name and i need to steal it for an oc or something NINTEND U LET IT SLIP AWAY
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