#why am i so scared to post this. wah.
fogwitchoftheevermore · 10 months
Hello Empires SMP fans!
Are you dissatisfied with the state of the Empires Fandom Wiki? Do you dislike Fandom Wikis in general? Are you looking for something to fill the hole season 2 ending has left in you? Do you want an excuse to write a whole page about your favorite character? Do you have free time that you want to fill by finding video citations?
Great! Then please consider contributing to the brand new Empires SMP miraheze wiki! We have a contributing guide and a ton of pre-formatted pages if you want to dive right in, but if you're 15+ and want extra help or a place to hang out with other fans, please feel free to join our Discord server!
Happy editing, and if you have any questions, I am always here to try and help. We're all in this adventure together.
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milaisreading · 1 year
hiii!! I've been reading your latest updates and I really loved your the toddler ones, can you please make one where the manager was with their nephew and the child looks like a mix of them and Sae, and Sae meet them while they were out and went with them throughout the day and even went to the zoo acting like the parents, and then came the paparazzi posting the news that their already married with a kid. I really want to see the boys reactions since their overseas
Author: Lmao the idea took me to out! LOVED IT! Here u go and I hope u like it! Thanks for the request 🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
One thing (Y/n) cherished a lot was her time off, not only will she have time to recharge and do whatever she wants, but also will have time to visit her older step-brother and his family. Ever since he left Japan to work in Portugal and got married there, (Y/n) only saw him during the holidays. They were pretty close growing up and it stayed that way to this day. So the 2 weeks break she got from the Bastard München team she used to fly out to Lisbon and spend her time with her brother, sister-in-law and her little nephew. Today (Y/n) took the little boy out and planned a zoo trip, some arcade games and dinner.
"Aunty! Can we please get ice cream after this?!" The red-haired boy asked (Y/n), who tightly held his hand as they walked through the crowd of people.
"Huh? Sure thing, Marc but you have to listen to me and not let my hand go, alright?" (Y/n) asked as the little boy nodded his head quickly. The older smiled at the redhead and finally got to the less crowded part of the sidewalk.
"Will we see lions there?"
"If course! A big, big family of lions!" (Y/n) grinned as Marc cheered. The girl smiled at the 4-year-olds reaction, but it was soon wiped off of her face as she felt someone grab her shoulder.
"What the?!" (Y/n) turned around and hid Marc behind herself as she looked at the person in front of her.
"Hey, sorry for scaring you. I didn't want to yell across the street and get unwanted attention."
Recognizing the voice, (Y/n) sighed in relief as Sae took of his mask and gave her a small nod.
"Sae-san, I didn't expect seeing you in Portugal of all places." The girl said, relaxing as Marc looked up at the redhead.
"Wah! You are Sae Itoshi! I am a huge fan!" The little boy exclaimed as he ran to hug Sae's leg.
"Marc, don't do that! It's rude to hug people out of nowhere." (Y/n) started scolding the boy, but Sae interrupted her as he crouched down to look the boy in the eyes.
"It's nice to meet you, Marc. Do you want to be a football player too?"
"Yeah! I want to play forward like you! My dad will enroll me in a club in two years!" Marc cheered, excited to that one of his idols was standing in front of him.
"Really? Do you have a favorite club?"
"Bastard München!" Marc said, causing Sae to raise his eyebrow.
"And why that?"
Marc grinned and grabbed (Y/n)'s leg while puffing out his chest.
"Because my aunty is their manager!" The said girl blushed a little and picked Marc up and Sae stood up straight.
"Ahh... that shouldn't really be your sole reason, Marc." (Y/n) told the redhead.
"Why? It's a good reason!" The boy pouted as Sae spoke up again.
"He is right, the reasoning is pretty good."
"What?" The girl wondered as Sae moved closer.
"I mean, you as a manager in Bastard is enough of a reason to like the club. I will tell you a secret, Marc. I am a fan of Bastard too, thanks to your aunty." Sae said, pretending to whisper it as Marc cheered. (Y/n) was meanwhile blushing a little from those words.
"A-ah... you flatter me too much, Sae-san."
"Not enough, in my opinion."
'Why is he so nonchalant?!' She thought as Marc waved her hand around, catching both of their attention.
"Can Sae-san please come with us today? Please, aunty." The boy gave the girl his usual puppy eyes and (Y/n) groaned.
"Marc, I am sure Sae-san has better things to do-"
"I really don't." Sae interrupted, getting the attention of the duo.
"I just finished an interview and am pretty much free for the rest of the day. Where are you two going?" Marc cheered at that, saying how they plan on going to the zoo.
"Are you sure we won't be a bother?" (Y/n) asked as Sae nodded his head.
"Yeah, let's go then. The zoo might get crowded again." The redhead told her calmly and she nodded her head. Putting Marc down, the boy hugged Sae's leg again. Before (Y/n) could scold him tho, the football player took the boy's hand.
"Shall we go?" Sae asked and (Y/n) nodded her head.
'I need to tell my manager to cancel those interviews for today.' Sae thought as he took his phone out.
'He is really good with kids and always so relaxed.' (Y/n) thought, smiling a little.
"I have unbelievable news! No sir, this is for the headliners!" The man who interviewed Sae just mere minutes ago said as he saw the interaction between the football player, (Y/n) and Marc.
"Yes, it's about THE Sae Itoshi. Listen, I will bring you the pictures and you will see what I mean." The man said, quickly following after them.
"Giraffes! Look!" Marc yelled excitedly as Sae lifted him up to get a better look at the animal. (Y/n) smiled and took a picture of the two, making sure the animal was in it too.
"They are really cute, Marc. There is even a baby over there." (Y/n) pointed excitedly as the boy turned to look at it.
"You want to take another picture?" Sae asked as (Y/n) shook her head.
"You probably had enough of that for the day-"
"I don't mind. Just take a picture." Sae said gently and she thought over it for a moment.
"Don't think too much about it, I am fine with you taking pictures."
"A-alright." (Y/n) answered, flustered with how he worded it. She took the picture and Sae put Marc down and she approached them.
"Do you want to see the lions next?" (Y/n) asked Marc and he nodded his head, grabbing the girl's hand.
"Let's go!"
Chuckling Sae followed after them, neither noticing the same reporter taking pictures of them. But aside from the reporter, a few football fans recognized Sae from the distance. Both shocked at the sight of the player with a redhaired kid and the Bastard München manager.
"Are they dating?"
"They could be married too. Look at the kid." The boy said to his friend, who inspected Marc's hair.
"Oh shit! It looks eerily similar to Sae's..."
"Maybe that dating rumor from a year ago had some truth to it..." The two said in sync.
"So, where do you want to go and eat?" Sae asked as they left the zoo while he held one of Marc's hand and (Y/n) held the other.
"I think there is a nice restaurant nearby, based on my research. They also have a cute playground for kids." Marc's eyes lightened up at that and Sae nodded his head.
"Did you have a weird feeling that we are being watched?" (Y/n) asked as Sae looked around in confusion, shaking his head.
"Not really. But enough of that, did you think about the offer?" (Y/n)'s breath hitched and she looked at Sae, who was sporting a serious expression.
"About that... I don't know..."
Sae sighed and nodded his head.
'I will wait, even if it takes years.'
"Say, I will be leaving for Madrid tomorrow evening. Want to meet up for breakfast?" Sae asked as (Y/n) thought the offer over and nodded her head.
"Sure. The hotel I am staying has a restaurant, the food is pretty good, we can meet up there." She suggested. The older Itoshi said nothing as he nodded his head, satisfied with how the day was ending.
The next day Sae arrived at the said hotel and immediately felt like something was off. Everyone at the reception was looking at him oddly and were whispering when (Y/n) joined him. While both were used to those things, due to their club connections, this was pretty off.
"Am I wearing my clothes the wrong way?" (Y/n) asked Sae as they waited for their meal. Sae took a sip from his coffee and shook his head.
"No, but it is weird how many people are looking at us..."
Just then, a waitress approached the two, clearly nervous as she held onto her phone.
"E-Excuse me..." She said.
"Yes?" (Y/n) said calmly, nudging Sae who still held his stoic look.
"Can... we were asked to take a picture of you two? It's not really everyday we have guests of your status here."
"Our status?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
"Sure, but please make it quick." Sae sighed as the waitress quickly nodded her head and snapped 2 pictures.
"Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Itoshi. By the way, you son is really adorable." The girl said as (Y/n) spat out her drink back into the cup. Flabbergasted, Sae watched the girl walk off and both were left to look at each other weirdly.
"What was that about?" Sae wondered as (Y/n)'s phone rang. Recovering from her shock she took the phone and looked down at the display.
'Ness? Why is he calling?' (Y/n) thought as she took the call.
"Where is he?! Where is the bastard unable to use a condom?!" Kaiser's loud yelling boomed through the phone and (Y/n) flinched a little.
"What? Who? And why are you using Ness' phone, Kaiser? Where is he?" Sae furrowed his eyebrows as he observed the scene.
"Ness is currently passed out thanks to your beloved hubby." Kasier growled.
"Hubby? Who? I didn't even have a boyfriend yet-"
"Ja ja, now where is he?"
Kaiser sighed from the other side and tried to speak up more calmly.
"Sae Itoshi, where is he?"
"Sae-san? He is here-"
"Give him the phone. And you will have a talk with the PR team for this once you come back."
"About what?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she nervously looked at Sae.
"You secretly marrying Sae and him not being able to control himself. Or better yet, wear a condom. The news about you two having a lovey-dovey time with your son yesterday is all over Germany." (Y/n) chocked on her spit and Sae got up from his seat to check on her.
"Are you alright? Give me the phone?" The redhead said.
"Kaiser, that was my nephew-"
"Is that Itoshi?! Give him to me!"
(Y/n) let out a groan as Sae took the phone from her and she put her head in her hands.
"Everything will be alright. Calm down." Sae said calmly as he kept on ignoring Kaiser's yelling.
Bastard München...
"Why is Kaiser yelling on the phone? And what even happened to Ness?" Isagi asked Noel, who was on the phone texting someone.
"Yukimiya, come help me lift him up." Kunigami called the brunette over.
"Kaiser is yelling at Sae right now and Ness passed out when we got a call from our PR team."
"What even happened? It can't be bad enough for Ness to pass out." Hiori comments as Kurona stared at Kaiser, who was switching from English to German.
"And what does Sae have to do with this?"
"Apparently Sae and (Y/n) are married and have a kid. A reporter in Portugal caught them yesterday." Noel explained as he showed Isagi an article. Kunigami and Yukimiya froze in their spots, causing Ness to fall on the ground again.
"What?!" The two exclaimed as Isagi went to grab Kaiser's phone and talk with Sae himself. Hiori and Kurona had completely opposite reactions. Kurona went completely numb while Hiori went to throw up in a nearby trash can.
"What's with all this yelling?" Gagamaru raised his eyebrow while walking into the locker room.
"Now... I know you two are mad..."  Lavinho said from the other side of the locked door, flinching as Otoya tried to kick it open again.
"We are not mad~" Bachira answered and Lavinho rolled his eyes.
"Listen, shit happens. So what if Sae married (Y/n) and they have a kid together-"
Lavinho cut himself off as Otoya kicked the door harder.
"At least he took responsibility-"
"He should have stayed away, simple." Otoya said back in malice, and Lavinho could only imagine the expression he had on his face.
"Please let us out, Lavinho. We won't do anything."
"Bachira... you went into rage and nearly kicked someone unconscious."
"So what?!"
Lavinho facepalmed, already knowing that the match between Barcha and Madrid will be even more hostile than needed to be.
"No Oliver, you can not drop kick Sae. I already told you that."  Snuffy said as he glared at his 4 Japanese players.
"Great, then I can-"
"No Baro, also not kick a ball to his face. Can you stop crying, Niko? So what if (Y/n) gave birth to Sae's kid-"
"Don't even finish that sentence! We are grieving!" Aryu said, now crying along with Niko. Snuffy rolled his eyes as Lorenzo kept Oliver and Baro from escaping.
"We should honestly forbid you 4 from leaving Italy." The coach commented.
"He touched our manager, we are allowed to beat him up for that!" Baro argued.
"Well, he didn't do anything illegal. Sae is her husband now-"
"Lorenzo, shut the hell up! Don't say such blasphemy!" Oliver cried out as he fell on the grass field.
"I am kind of offended they didn't tell us anything. Their child looks cute tho!" Chris grinned as Chigiri cried into the table.
"I agree with you, Chigiri. You think they will invite us to their anniversary? Oh, I have so many decoration ideas."
"I rather you break my right leg. What's the point of playing anymore? What's the point of living?" Chigiri cried out.
Meanwhile in the medical room Nagi was slowly waking up from his slumber while Reo was calling someone.
"What happened? What day is it? Did we win the World Cup?" Nagi asked as he sat up. Reo looked over at his friend and shook his head.
"Today is Friday, we didn't win the World Cup yet and an article came out of (Y/n) and Sae being married and having a child." Reo explained as Nagi nodded his head.
"(Y/n) and... Sae have a... child?" The albino asked as his eyes slowly widened. Reo nodded his head and watched as Nagi fainted again.
'This is like the 3rd time...' The purple-haired boy thought.
"Hello, Reo what did you need?" A woman's voice was heard from the other side.
"Hey mom, I have a question for you."
"What is it?" The woman yawned.
"How would you feel if I married a widow with a child?" Reo asked, sounding serious as ever.
"Just asking, hypothetically."
"Shidou, give me my phone back!" Karasu sighed as he put his pants on, watching as the younger Itoshi chased Shidou around, who held his phone as he laughed.
'This is like kindergarten.' Karasu thought as the phone in question started ringing.
Shidou looked at the display and grinned.
"Oh! It's your mom, Rinnie!"
"Give me my phone, you imbecile!" Rin yelled as Shidou shook his head.
"Nah, this is what you get for not passing even one ball to me." The blonde sighed and answered the call, putting it on speaker.
"Are you out of your mind?!"
"What?! Rin, is that you?!" The boy bit back a groan and chose to answer as Karasu and Shidou watched the scene in amusement.
"Sorry mom, what did you need?" Rin asked.
"I need you to pick the next possible flight to Portugal!"
"Why Portugal?"
"We are going to meet your nephew and our grandson!" His mom's words nearly caused Shidou to drop the phone as all three stared at it in shock.
"Nephew?! Did Sae knock someone up?!" Rin asked as Karasu held back a gasp.
"Not someone! It turns out my baby got married without even telling us and has a child with the girl. Your father is trying to reach him but he isn't picking up."
"Married?! Who?!" Shidou yelled, quickly covering up his mouth after that.
"Who?!" Rin repeated.
"Remember your manager in Blue Lock, (L/n) (Y/n) was it? Well her! Oh! They look so adorable! And the child even has Sae's hair color!" His mom gushed as Karasu's jaw dropped along with Shidou's. Rin's body meanwhile shook with rage as he calmly took back his phone and went to take his stuff.
"Yeah... I am on my way there." Rin said as he held back a scream.
"Good! Give Sae a hug from us! We will be there as soon as possible too." With that his mom ended the call and he walked out of the locker room, leaving his two shocked teammates behind.
"I sure will... it will leave him breathless." Rin murmured, hitting a nearby wall.
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VYVYAN WAPITI. - My Trollsona! :)
So I received a few questions about who exactly Vyvyan is, and I am making this post to answer properly.
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He is my trollsona! :) And also a character that I very shamelessly inserted into my Ampora ask blog because there is something wrong with me. Also, I am not a virgo, I am actually an aquarius (go fucking figure), and Vyvyan is only a jade blood because I took a quiz and it said Jade better fit me personality wise, and honestly I kinda agree. Anyway- this post will include some art of him, and also like, basically everything about him, for anyone who's interested. <3
(Sorry if any of the art is low-res. I had to compress some of it cus I work on big canvas sizes :( )
NAME: Vyvyan Wapiti (Pronounced Vivian Wah-pee-tee. Vyvyan is my middle name, and Wapiti is a type of deer.) HANDLE: thoughtformChoreographer AGE: 12 sweeps old (at the time of the ask blog. During Sgrub, he was 8.) GENDER: Male, he/him` HEMOSPECTRUM: Jade blooded LUNAR SWAY: Derse GOD TIER: Sylph of Mind QUIRK: Starts sentences with --<<, meant to represent a tree. Ends sentences with 4242. . Replaces a/A with 4, and s/S with 2. Speaks with full grammar and punctuation, using caps and more punctuation for exaggeration. Will also occassionally use smiley faces in his text. LAND: Land of Trees and Change STRIFE SPECIBUS: Lanternkind SYLLADEX MODUS: Confessionary Modus (Every item in his sylladex is assigned an emotion/thought process. Vyvyan has to outwardly say how he is feeling or express a self affirmation to get an item out of his modus, which is a good way of keeping himself and processing his feelings on the regular.)
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Vyvyan Wapiti is known on Earth-C as the "licensed professional who owns the Nature and Rehabilitation Centre". He is in charge of the facility, which is basically a mixture of a rehab centre, private hospital, mental ward and nature exhibit all in one. He is also part of the "Sburb/Sgrub Rescue Team" which will be mentioned later. He was granted these positions by Karkat, and Karkat was also the one to assign Gamzee to him as his first (and most prioritised) patient. Gamzee was incredibly volatile and was struggling to recover when first introduced to Earth-C, and everyone else was too scared or ignorant to try and help him, so Vyvyan took up that role, and his condition has since improved. He is, however, unfortunately stuck in rehab possibly for the rest of eternity, and lives there with Vyvyan.
Vyvyan makes occassional appearances in the Ask The Ampora's ask blog as Dualscar's caretaker, also. Dualscar appears to dismiss Vyvyan quite often and refuse his care, of which Vyvyan imposes on him, as jade blooded sylphs typically do.
Vyvyan appeared in Earth-C along with his friends (Castor, Linnea, and Autumn) after having completed Sgrub with flying colours and basically as little difficulty as it gets with a game so complex and traumatising. There is little explanation for why these 4 did not reap their reward of a new universe, however they all agreed the game must've deemed their session too easy, and decided they should merely live in someone else's won universe as opposed to creating their own. None of them are unhappy with this, as they were each granted positions they are quite content with, Vyvyan especially.
He and his friends run the "Sburb/Sgrub Rescue Team", a group dedicated to contacting players from doomed or infertile sessions to try and save/preserve/console them in numerous ways that would not disturb the flow of time and space. Most of these endevours are somewhat fruitless, however, they did manage to save the "Stuck...Stuck?" crew.
Back on Alternia, prior to Sgrub, Vyvyan was a very atypical troll. For starters, jade bloods are already rare as it is, especially male jade bloods, as most are female. Not only that, but he was not the most responsible of trolls. He was in charge of caring for a mother grub, as all jade trolls are assigned to do so. However, having lived in deep forest for most of his life, he became addicted to the effects of mushrooms he found within said forest. The effects of the hallucinogenics he would ingest quite often would leave him very mentally and physically unwell, and unable to properly care for his lusus or himself. One day, his mother grub died of unknown causes - however, Vyvyan's neglectfulness and deteriorated mental state was the main blame of this untimely death. The mothergrub was too young to have created a matriorb, and Vyvyan was sure to be culled for the failure he had become. However, when sitting aimlessly waiting for death and nook deep in a bad trip, a similarly atypical deer-like lusus found him. He was adopted by it, and given a second chance instead of slaughtered like any other in his position would have been. His new lusus quickly corrected his behaviour, teaching him what was/was not safe to forage, how to help himself, and eventually, how to help others. As Vyvyan grew up, he realised there was not much mercy on Alternia for those struggling from mental disorders. The heavy stigma meant there were almost no outlets for support. His big dream was to create something similar to the human concept of therapy and counselling, but for Alternia. This was an impossible feat to accomplish, until, of course, Sgrub happened. When introduced to Earth-C, Vyvyan was finally given the resources needed to create such an outlet for trolls in need of help. And he now spends his days spreading this kind forgiving treatment to anyone who may require it.
Anyway yeah!!! Thats my lil guy :)
Some additional info ig:
He is dating Autumn, @digitalminstrel's trollsona (she is my gf irl :3 hehehehe!!!! <3 )
He is close friends with Linnea (@henryscircus) and Castor (@seeingstarzz)
Vyvyan is NOT a rainbow drinker, but feel free to ask him about this!
He and Gamzee are soulmates, however have not properly discussed this and therefore have not realised their potential for moiraileagence. This is because Vyvyan's JOB is to look after Gamzee, and Vyvyan does not properly realise how defensive he can get with Gamzee even when not in his presence. To his other patients, it is quite obvious he has a favourite. The 50/50 is Vyvyan acting as the stand-in lusus Gamzee never had, and Gamzee being on his best behaviour and even physically protecting Vyvyan like a guard dog should he become endangered (which happens unfortunately often, as some of his patients can be quite volatile as Alternian trolls are not entirely used to the whole idea of therapy).
He still likes foraging, and part of his daily activities with recovering patients is going on long walks, specimen watching (birds and bugs), observing rivers and other natural structures and (Gamzee's absolute least favourite) early morning hiking.
Vyvyan's quirk is a nod to 42 being my special number. It is also a nod to 42 being the answer to the universe.
He has a very slight lisp
Vyvyan does not speak to all of the heroes and doomed trolls on Earth-C, however has interacted with Eridan (who visits Gamzee sometimes), Tavros (who visits Gamzee frequently), Equius (who comes to rehab for anger management and anti-castism), Karkat (who appointed him to have such a facility in the first place), Gamzee (his first patient), and Sollux (who is contacted whenever the Rescue Team base encounters power outages or other technical difficulties.)
Vyvyan is diurnal, and unfortunately, Gamzee is now as well. Most of his other patients are nocturnal, and so Vyvyan sometimes does both day and night shifts. He wants more people to work at the centre with him to help him run it, however the only person who tried to sign up so far was Kankri, and Vyvyan did not see him fit to be a therapist just yet. (--<< Ther4pi2t2 need to uh... Do le22 t4lking, 4nd more 4ctu4l li2tening to their p4tient2! 4242.) ANYWAY YEAH so thats my trollsona. Thank you for reading if you at all bothered :) feel free to ask him anything!
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 14 random thoughts (ch 5-8)
okay enough stalling... let's get this done... HOO BOY
chapter 5:
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i love how vash is drawn in these panels... and vash waking up from hearing meryl's words... WAAHHHHH...
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GET UP COWARD (<- lyric from my chemical romance's 2022 single 'the foundations of decay' which i may or may not be considering for a vash playlist)
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oh, i LOVE this image of knives covering his face...
hmhmhm... the way knives addresses the other plants is... gentle, almost?
"sorrow and grief," huh... over the humans trying to communicate with them? those are the kinds of emotions this scenario is bringing out? there is something there but... i don't quite know what it is...
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uwahhh... i do love this image...
"we were united in hatred" -> "i feel a murmur of fear"... hmmm. sounds like knives himself, who buried his fear underneath hatred... am i connecting any dots???
but fear in communicating with humans... fear because communication is scary in general? fear because of the abuse humans have put plants through? fear of uncertainty of what this communication will result in?
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the tiniest merylmilly u can imagine...
they ask if it's safe, but it's not like vash cares if it's safe, he's been prepared to die for several volumes now, so... he's probably thinking "if i die i die," lol. (<- in pain)
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this is a cute expression...
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"don't touch me," he says...
knives trying to incorporate himself with the fused plants - now it's HIS turn to go "if i die i die" i guess LJSDKLFDS... both him and vash risking it all for their ideals. they really are brothers...
vash's "grant me that ticket"... it doesn't directly address god, but it feels like a prayer nonetheless.
chapter 6:
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wah... meryl's strength gives vash strength... wahhh... is this the first time they've... well, "talked about it" isn't the right phrase, but is this the first time vash understands what meryl was going through that time when she flinched away from him?
"what matters is that you communicate. that you understand the person next to you is breathing and existing." ugh, fuck, i can feel myself getting weepy again.
the people getting good AND bad memories from the plants.. good! good! they said a few volumes ago that most(?) of the population has gathered in this city, so this really is everyone?! individual normal people couldn't do much about plant abuse, but now that EVERYONE understands, things can change! they can acknowledge what's happened, and they can change, and move forward!!
and vash being the bridge, the point of commonality between humans and plants... uaaghgh it's so interesting because for a long time vash's reputation among the humans was one of destruction. but in this moment everyone understands who he really is and what he wants. ueueeueueue....
also. this pattern of receiving traumatic memories via feathers, and to come out the other side not with fear and hatred but with increased compassion and understanding... sounds like what happened between vash and meryl, doesn't it?
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"i've never made a promise like this before, but today i'd like to try" UAAGHGHHG.G U AHGHGHGHG.
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haha. hey. why does it look like he's been crying. i'm going to throw up.
i don't know if the rest of this post will be comprehensible.
chapter 7:
what do i even say here.
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hey remember the chapter title "king of loneliness." i'm gonna go eat rocks now.
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even now, he's stubbornly clinging to his ideals, thinking he's in too deep, that he's gone too far to turn back...
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oh, this is getting to me, the way it's worded. "caught up in something too big" and the panel of them as kids. they were just kids when this all started. this was too big for them. knives was a kid, a traumatized, scared kid who made a very bad, very destructive decision, and he has lived his life up until this point digging his heels in, growing more and more twisted, more controlling and violent, trying to justify his own actions to himself because how do you carry something like that.
"kill me, vash, there's nowhere else for me to go." literally two chapters ago vash said "where am i going? what's there left to see?" i'm fucking eating rocks.
"even though we were apart for so long, we were still brothers. but i was the one who broke away..." knives looks so pained when he thinks this. now, after all this, he's finally feeling regret, or letting himself feel regret. in the last possible moment.
...or so he thinks. vash has a clear shot, the opportunity to kill knives, and knives wants vash to kill him, he expects it - but vash protects him instead. with his last bullet. despite knives's blade going through his torso. despite everything. despite EVERYTHING!!!!! vash has EVERY REASON to hate knives, to KILL knives, and he STILL chooses not to!!!! i'm not okay i'm crying again
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in 98, rem tells vash "take care of knives"... this is pretty much the same thing... i don't want to say this is necessarily another thing nightow took from 98 because of course this is what she said, what else would she have said at that time?
the beginning of the chapter had vash struggling to remember what rem said, but the preceding pages imply it's knives remembering her words... or maybe they both are...
this is fucking getting to me, fuck, i'm crying again!!! fuck!!!!
also, oh, chronica IS still alive... honestly i was (and still am) so caught up in the twins that that information just immediately left my brain the first time around LMAO...
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i am so. fucking. unwell. about knives's expressions in this scene. he's feeling so many things at once. i just... the fact that vash protects knives and picks him up to haul him away... he ISN'T leaving knives on his own, even in the end, even after everything that's happened... and knives is just. what IS he feeling? shock, disbelief, regret... love, can i say love?? love for his brother?? the love between them that never went away, despite everything?? i am gonna fucking throw up
i don't know where to put this in the post because it occurred to me while i was proofreading, but knives stabbed vash, felt shock and regret, and then acted to save him... which sounds awfully similar to what happened between rem and vash, huh?
this, with knives's hair turning black... new hair, new outlook, right?
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will you drive me back, can you take me home... (<- lyrics from gerard way's 'brother' from his 2014 solo album 'hesitant alien')
oh, the fact that they sprouted wings like this in the stampede s1 finale is gonna make it hit SOOOO MUCH HARDER once THIS scene gets adapted. this is such a beautiful spread, a beautiful moment... i'm gonna cry again...
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LIVIO!!!! TO THE RESCUE!!!! also... that's not a double fang, whose gun is that?
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WOLFWOOD!!!!! WWWAHHHHGHGHGHH!!!!! the "turn around and he's gone" scene is SUCH a cliche but FUCK!!!!!! IT'S GETTING TO ME!!!!!!
chapter 8:
i feel so normal i feel so normal (affirmations) (lying)
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i can't. i can't type. i'm crying too much. this is love. it's just love.
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his last act, knowing that it will kill him, is an act of love. love for his brother. so vash can eat. so the doctor and his kid can eat. and as time goes on it'll grow bigger and be able to feed more people. food as a love language. i'm crying and sobbing.
knives understands he has no place in this world, especially after everything he's done, and the world needs vash more than him... that vash can't live in the world as long as they're together... he doesn't even tell vash himself that he intended to disappear... it's his choice, he walks his path with pride... but i'd like to believe they were able to spend some time together before this. just being brothers. TALKING. eating together. sleeping next to each other. hugging?? apologizing?? knives finally being a good brother after so long and taking care of vash?? making up for lost time. i'd like to imagine it. let me imagine it.
i've been thinking this for a while but i actually do think that vash would forgive knives if knives expressed regret and asked for forgiveness. because vash is jesus and all, and that's how sin and forgiveness work in christianity, if you believe and repent you will be forgiven, etc... i don't know if vash would forgive knives right away - he is very, very human after all - but i definitely think he could. and maybe he did. maybe they had that talk.
phew. okay, i'm finished crying now, and BOY was it a big cry. not any easier the second time around. anyway.
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does he really need a wig? if he doesn't spike up his hair, that would be effective by itself, since it's one of his identifiers according to the earth forces...
DOES THIS CONFIRM THAT VASH CAN'T GROW A BEARD WITHOUT EFFORT? like since his plant powers are completely drained he can no longer grow a beard???
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AHHHH... VASH'S BIG SMILE!!!!! and everyone's wearing their old clothes, and with a bunch of guys comically chasing vash around, yeah, this is really all for callback's sake... we've come so far, and full circle.
meryl's lecture to him is so typically meryl LOL... he DID NOT keep his promise LMAO
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the fucking jojo sound effects are cracking me up HDSFKSFJDFS
also everyone who complained about stampede """changing""" meryl into a reporter owes me $100 right fucking now. that was a complaint i saw SO MUCH. i thought it was a bit strange myself, but i figured orange had a reason, and now i know. those complainers know NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!!!!
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meryl frantically reading from her script and milly's big smile... cute... also WHAT DO YOU MEAN WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS LMAO?? are they planning on stripping him?? vash the stampede nip slip???
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AAHHHHH LIVIO GREW HIS HAIR OUT AGAIN!!!!! and he's at wolfwood's grave... oh fuck i said i was done crying GODDAMMIT!!!!
okay. okay i'm done for real now. man. man. what do i say. what can i say.
"the same song of humanity still sang." and what a beautiful song it is.
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i don't really know how to conclude this post... just. wow. what a journey this was. i don't think i've ever cried this much over a manga, lol... i... had a really good time!
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dullahandyke · 8 months
Ok hiii trial four part 2 yippeee... I am typing this one on my phone but I'm not posting it until I transcribe the first one so fuck knows when you're getting this ETA: getting it now lol. batch 2 of the case 2 liveblog bbyyyyyy
My God gregson can we go two sentences without saying something racist
Love susato continuing to envision ryuu as some sort of small purse dog who cant be let onto the road without being run over
Natsume said the only reason he got pinned was bcos of sholmes but now gregson is claiming there were 2 additional witnesses... hm
Istg if the reason bvz is taking an interest in this case is bcos natsume is Japanese I'll kill him dead
Gregson complaining the police r humiliated by sholmes... lol
Halp the way sholmes's address is public information... very sholmes move actually. Hope iris has a hell of a defense system
Halp they just let themselves in???? Is the door not even locked 😭
IRIIIIIIS ITS IRIS AGAIN!!!!! hiii iris :3
Hurley... such a cute nickname <3 tho the gaa parallels continue
Whenver sholmes gets mad he destroys a bust of napoleon and buys a new one 😭 we NEED to get him some stim toys
Ryuu wanting a typewriter bcos his handwriting is so bad hes jusr like me fr...
Susato playing the koto bcos her blorbo plays violin... I love her so much
Sholmes adhd the realest
Ginny... so cute
Iris's pout animation is also rlly cute
Also love how Iris is like sholmes is Not my dad I'm just his 10yo roommate
OMG IRIS LOGIC AND REASONING SPECTACULAR!!!!! love the data background
'Hurley is always stabbing his notes with a knife, hes so silly' love the dynamic those two have going on
Iris has such nice handwriting... yea girl threaten the police
Sholmes has fucking conditioned me, whenever I go back to the crime scene I make sure to pan around to see if hes hanging from a rooftop or some shit
Btw I've not said but I rlly like the layout of the move options thwyre really nice... no more going back 2 the detention centre whenever u wanna go somewjere
Also omg a cannon in a room this is just like Mary Poppins....
Conspicuous wedding ring on garrideb's finger... maid is called Joan... knowledge of a certain Joan garrideb.... hm
Why did sholmes just fuckig. Appear. What is he reading
Didnt realise I could pan in the garridebs room so I went to do it and there sholmes fucking is... teleportation
Can we stop making jokes abt Joan's weight >:( I'll kill
Also love how ryuu gets scared when sholmes turns out the spotlight... stop using the stage lights its scaring the hoes
I dont like hanging out w the garridebs it's not fun.... domestic abuse, fat jokes, etc... can we leave
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enhypia · 3 years
HS ; couples
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couples answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: lee heeseung x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint really hard
words: roughly 1.4k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - heeseung speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and heeseung speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hi! i'm (y/n)
hello, my name is heeseung!
and we're together
we're couples!
[you guys were invited here today as couples for a fun little drinking game, you guys were aware of that right?]
we are
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. should we start?]
let's go, i can't wait to drink
so you won't be answering the questions?
i mean, it's free alcohol
*hee shakes his head in disbelief
[how long have you been together?]
we actually just had our 3rd anniversary last week
so 3 years now <33
[how did you two meet?]
pffft- *(y/n) laughs
can we just choose pass
*hee offers the shot glass to (y/n) and both take a shot, laughing after
we're drinking this early on damn
we met through a mutual friend
i was brought as a wingman
i think you can guess how it went
[but how did you guys become a couple?]
we got closer after meeting and i think it was obvious to the both of us that we were interested in each other
yeah but it still took a lot in me to ask you out
he stuttered the first time he asked me on a date
did i?
*(y/n) laughs at the memory
you went "hey, so uh you wa-"
*hee cuts (y/n) off by squishing their cheeks
we don't need a reminder
*(y/n) swats his hand away
but it was cute, don't worry
*(y/n) pats his head making heeseung smile
[okay, how about we officially start the game now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, (y/n) wins
*(y/n) reads the card and chuckles
[was it love at first sight?]
it wasn't
like i said, i was supposed to be a wingman so in my head, they were already off limits
i don't believe in love at first sight so *(y/n) shrugs
[do you have/did you have doubts with us being together?]
goddamn *(y/n) drinks
*heeseung is wide-eyed
no honey, not like that, i will answer, it's just that i need the alcohol boost
*the shock goes away
i was about to shed tears not gonna lie
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
when i agreed to becoming heeseung's significant others, i had no doubts, i knew what i felt was true and i knew his was too. the doubts were mainly on myself?? like "what if he just wakes and he doesn't love me anymore" but everyday heeseung proves to me that that will never happen
*(y/n) smiles at heeseung
*heeseung looks away trying to hide the smile and blush appearing on his face and he takes a shot refusing to meet (y/n)'s eyes
*(y/n) picks up a card and laughs
[if i become a zombie and had to eat people to survive, would you stick by side?]
heeseung gets scared easily i don't think he will
but if it's you...
*(y/n) raises an eyebrow
wait let me think about this more clearly
see! *(y/n) laughs
*heeseung continues to think
omg just say no!
but it's you !!!
i know it's me but baby we both know you'll run the other way once i start to eat people
...... you still love me right?
yes heeseung, i still love you
*hee :D
okay! next question!
*he picks up a card and laughs
oh i like this one.
[would you date any of my friends?]
*(y/n)'s mouth drops in shock
*(y/n) ultimately decides to play with heeseung
i mean.. *(y/n) reaches for a shot
*the grin on his face disappears
*(y/n) bursts into giggles and takes a shot
yah~ !!
[would YOU date any of my friends?]
*hee's eyes narrows and takes a shot for revenge
*both laugh at their antics
the answer is no guys, i love his friends but they're pretty much like annoying siblings
sorry (y/n)'s friends, (y/n) is the only one for me
but i'm pretty sure someone who used to be in my circle would jump at the chance
really ?? who ??
*(y/n) gives the look
AH! -
*scene cuts as he says a name
moving on.
*(y/n) picks up a card and laughs
[do you wish i offered to pay for more dates?]
i like paying for our dates, but arguing with them is hard
yeah there was one time we spent 10 minutes bickering about who will pay, so we just made an agreement
we take turns per month, like for this month i'm the one paying for all the dates, then on the next month (y/n) will be paying
but everytime it's his month, he always tries to go out a lot, and when it's my month he opts to stay in
hEHE ??
*heeseung picks up a card and reads the question intently
*he is in deep thought
what is it?
[will you agree to an open relationship?]
open relationship is when it's okay if you see other people right?
yup and i don't think i'd agree to it. you?
me as well
sorry im selfish, heeseung is mine, i do not share ;)
*heeseung laughs
yeah, sorry it's not for me, i don't think i can stomach seeing another one hold (y/n) , find your own
*(y/n) raises glasses to cheers and both take a shot
[it's okay not to drink if you answer]
yeah we know
but it's free alcohol
and drinking makes it more fun
*they hi-five
okay! next question,
[if i had to move away for many years, would you wait for me?]
wow no hesitations
yes i would wait for you
*(y/n) :O
okay we get it
*they laugh
but i will, you're worth waiting for
your patience says otherwise
are you doubting my ability to wait?
do you hear yourself when you're playing?
that's with games, you're not a game, you're not something i play
*(y/n) blushes making heeseung laugh
shut up okay i get it
i also do not actually trust my patience
SEE ?!
*heeseung bursts out laughing
so instead of waiting i'd probably just go to them and/or visit them a lot
or just move in with me
*(y/n) avoids heeseung's stare
is this still related to the question or the present
huh? *(y/n) acts clueless
*camera cut
*we see both of them sporting a blush with big smiles on their face, and the alcohol evidently lessened
[freestyle! ask any question you want]
wah, i don't know what to ask
*he is thinking, everybody shut up
just keep it simple
no i want it to be hard
i can just actually follow the rules and drink instead of answering
*hee pouts
no you won't
*(y/n) :P
[did you like ... when we first met?]
oh the 'friend'?
*(y/n) drinks
*heeseung :O
*(y/n) xD
no heeseung, i did not like them, i really just saw them as a friend
ohh ouch sorry buddy
*they share a laugh
oh it's the last one
[question for both: what does loving each other feel like?]
awww that's a cute one, i'll go first
loving heeseung feels like the comfort your favorite songs bring you. it feels like the excitement you get whenever your favorite show releases a new episode. it's the deep sigh in content you release whenever you smell your favorite scent. it's just, loving him feels like everything your favorites make you feel.
*heeseung is not tearing up, definitely not, that's just sweat, he is also 100% not blushing, it's just hot
*he takes a shot and (y/n) laughs at his antics
now how am i supposed to beat that?!
let me be more romantic gosh
respectfully, no.
*both laugh
okay uhh, loving (y/n) feels like riding a rollercoaster. from all the emotions while waiting in line to exiting the ride. loving them is like the feeling of hitting a high note you previously couldn't. it's winning multiple prizes at the arcade. loving (y/n) is like the softness of a sunrise and the absolute wonder in staring at a night sky.
*(y/n) takes a shot not even bothering to hide their blush
why are we so cheesy and poetic when we're intoxicated damn
*heeseung laughs and agrees
forgive us if we're cringey
not our fault you're single
heeseung! :O
*he stays unapologetic
and that's it!
thank you for having us~
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: sorry this took so long, i caught up with everything i missed in my classes, i'll try to update the series more frequently. i will also be posting timestamps later since it's been days since i last posted. i hope you also like this one!! jay's will be posted next, please look forward to it <33
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unkownknowledge · 3 years
This post is a sort of collaboration with @golden-wingseos who is kindly letting me use their toxic traits post as a base for writing some Fluff! Check 'em out! Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Albedo might be a OOC. This is my first attempt at more serious writing. And of course you should always remember that problems in a relationship might need more than a short talk.
Edit: request are open, if anyone reading this likes it feel free to request. Rules are pinned.
Now onto my post:
Albedo: your heart is real
-you knew Albedo's secret, you knew his feelings, you knew enough to know he didn't want to love you.
-yet he did.
-you also believed he shouldn't be chained to someone else's wishes, especially when it wouldn't bring him happiness.
You were sitting in Albedo's lap, your head on his shoulder as you gently played with his hair.
"I'm going to destroy monstadt you know," he said, like he always does in an attempt to push you away, "that includes the people"
"Then I'll just stop you." You reply calmly.
"Then I'll have to kill you."
"So then you won't destroy monstadt."
Albedo was confused, you usually told him you would stop him but you've never said he wouldn't do it to begin with.
Albedo grabbed your shoulders and made you look at him, "what does that mean? Why wouldn't I destroy monstadt?"
"Because you would have to kill me." You said smiling.
'That damn smile' he thought, "why would I not destroy monstadt, not fulfill my master's wish, just because you would need to die?"
"Because you love me."
Albedo pushed you off and got on top of you, holding a knife to your throat, "would someone who loved you so this?"
"Yes" you never stopped smiling at him.
"Exa-wait what?" Albedo was dumbfounded, not comprehending what you meant.
"You're trying to push me away," you grabbed his shaking hands and pushed them down, causing him to release the knife, "because you don't want to feel any remorse, because you don't want to hurt me."
"Who says-"
"And I know you don't want to destroy monstadt," you grabbed his head and brought him closer, "because you love it there."
"I'm not real, I'm just a tool my master made to carry out their dreams. Stop treating me like a person."
"But you are a person, and as a person you can choose what you want."
"Well I want monstadt destroyed!"
"Even if that meant killing me?"
Albedo was shocked, he never felt conflicted before. Not in following his master's wishes, but now? At your words? He doubted every desire he's had.
You placed his hand on his heart, "feel that?"
"That's my heart..."
"So your heart is real. Now tell me, what does a tool need with a heart?"
Albedo didn't answer.
"Your master might want to destroy monstadt, but who says they want you to? Why give a weapon a heart?"
You didn't give Albedo time to respond before you kissed him.
"Your heart is real. Just like your love for me."
Albedo sat up and pulled you back into his lap, "you're an anomaly you know that? No one else can make me feel this way." He looked into your eyes and put his hands on your cheeks, "I guess I can hold off on destroying monstadt, atleast until I conclude my research on you."
"Well, let's start experimenting."
Hope that didn't suck.
Diluc: you'll get hurt if you love me
-Diluc has been avoiding you for a month now, he hasn't even gone out to do his darkknight hero duties.
-he's just locked himself away in his manor, ordering his servants to not let you in.
-Diluc, however, forgets that you met because you tried stealing from his house.
You were fed up with Diluc, he kept pushing you away and now he has CROSSED THE LINE! You're going to break into his room and make him explain why he's been avoiding you, it's been a year since you and him went on a date and now this? Something is seriously wrong.
You climbed up to the window sill and lock picked your way in, you walked over to Diluc's bed and sat down, waiting for him to return.
Diluc entered the door and, without looking, fell on his bed right next to you.
"You look tired, almost like you took the long way home just to avoid the route I take."
Diluc shot up and looked at you in shock.
You crossed you arms over your chest, "I want an explanation."
"(Y/n) what do you m-"
"You know full well! And don't call me (y/n)! You always call me 'dearest' or 'honey's, in fact you do a lot of things you seem to have forgotten about, like dinners, and tea times, and DATES!"
"Please I-"
"No! No running away, no excuses!" You grabbed his shoulders and turned him to you, "why the hell are you avoiding me!?"
Diluc looked up and saw you were crying. This isn't what he wanted, this is the opposite of what he wanted!
Diluc looked away, unable to face you, "Because I want you to hate me."
Your eyes widened, "w-what?"
"I want you to leave me, in a way that won't make you sad to leave me."
You jumped at him and held him close, and yourself closer, "idiot."
"I said," you managed between sobs, "your an idiot, Diluc. I knew full well what I was doing when I fell in love with you, and I did it anyway. What-what gi-gives you the right t-to abandon me now?"
Diluc was shocked to say the least, he didn't know what to say.
"I know how dangerous being near you is, how many enemies you have, how likely I am to die, but Diluc," you look up at him with tear stained eyes, "I won't be able to live another day, not without you in it."
Diluc pulled you onto his lap and held you, enveloping as much as he could.
"(Y/n)- honey, I'm sorry," he cried in your hair, "I'm so sorry, so very very sorry. I just wanted to protect you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me."
"But you did hurt me, you hurt my heart."
"I know.. but please," he tilted you head so your eyes would meet his, "let me heal it."
Kaeya: no more secrets
I wrote this perfectly but the draft didn't save. If it's bad blame my rage.
Another day without you.
Another day spent drinking.
Kaeya remembered that day clearly, more clearly than he wanted.
Kaeya was happily walking home to you.
He was always happy on the way home, but he was happiest when he saw your smile. Lately though you've been acting strangely, he was going to talk to you about it today.
"Honey I'm home-" he stopped, it was quiet.
You were never quiet.
He decided you were just out, so he waited.
And waited.
And wait-
"Where are you?"
Kaeya reached for his drink, but he couldn't find it.
"Eh Dilc, wers meh ferkin dernk!?"
Diluc sighed, "sober up."
Kaeya slammed his hands on the bar and grabbed Diluc by the collar, "WAH SHELD AH BEH SURBER!? WAHTS DA FEKEN PEINT IB TAY AIN ERE WID MEH!?"
Kaeya fell backwards and cried, "wad tay lev meh Dilc?"
Diluc sighed and walked around the bar to his brother, "sober up," he picked Kaeya up, "and I'll tell you."
Diluc carried Kaeya to the winery.
Next day
Kaeya woke up with a scream, "(Y/N) WAIT!"
He looked around and saw he was in an unfamiliar bedroom.
Diluc walked in with water and breakfast, "are you sober?"
Kaeya held his head, "I wish I wasn't."
"Well you'll want to be," Diluc set his brother's breakfast down on the nightstand, "I'm going to tell you how to get (y/n) back."
Kaeya jumped at his brother, knocking them both to the ground as he held the red head's throat, "WHERE ARE THEY?!"
Diluc calmly pushed Kaeya off, who was weak as hell right now, "calm down, you need you to understand why they left or they'll just leave you again."
Kaeya just laid there.
"Good. Now listen because this is something it took me a long time to realize too: communication is key to a relationship."
"Did you ever tell (y/n) anything about your work? About your dealings in the dark? About your 'off the clock projects'?"
Kaeay didn't speak.
"I thought so. Kaeya you need to talk to them about your life, if you don't you'll just drive them away."
"BUT I ALREADY DID!" Kaeya shouted as he slammed his fist on the ground.
"True, but I can bring you to them. But you have to swear you'll tell them EVERYTHING."
Kaeya nodded.
Diluc and Kaeya took a trip to Liyue, to a remote village you were living in.
"They're in here. Remember Kaeya, no secrets."
You opened the door at Kaeya's knocking, before immediate closing it.
"Go away Kaeya."
"(Y/n) please, I want to make amends."
"How? Batting your eyelashes? A kiss on the cheek? Sex? Well? What have you come up with as a substitute to trust this time?"
"No. No substitute, no lies, none of that. I'm here to tell you the truth (y/n)."
You opened the door, "no more secrets?"
"No, darling, no more secrets."
Childe: you give me strength
Childe met you when you first joined the fatui, and from the first day he was smitten. You always strived to get better, never once did your lack if vision keep you from being powerful nor keep you from getting more powerful. You were his ideal person for him.
But you didn't feel like it.
You always worried, 'what if I lost? What if I can't get stronger? What if I'm weak?' Were constant thoughts going through your head. You knew Childe was greedy for power, how he wanted nothing but power, how he would do anything for it, and as far as you were aware he cut off anything that held him back.
Even you.
You pushed yourself to far everytime you trained, to the point you were getting weaker by how little time you took to recuperate. But you never realized nor did you let anyone know out fear for what Childe would do if he saw you being so insecure in yourself.
You realized you were getting weaker and weaker, and that scared you, scared you to the point you decided to take drastic measures.
You decided you would prove how strong you are.
With Childe
Childe sighed as he wrote yet another debt collection warrant, he was tired from the month long mission he just got back from and now he had to do this. He decided he would indulge himself and pamper you when he got home, after all nothing pleased him more than seeing your constantly stern face blush and smile as he showered you in gifts and affection. And while he wasn't exactly good at reading people in an emotional sense, even he could tell you were insecure about something so he wanted to talk to you about it, maybe even introduce you to his family.
He wad actually getting lost in happy thoughts when a collector ran in, "HARBINGER! I HAVE URGENT NEWS!"
Childe glared at him, "what is it, I was thinking about my snow flower!"
Childe snapped the pen between his fingers and stoop, "what happened."
"Sir they-"
Childe immediately bolted over his desk and sped through the bank, out of the harbor, and across the country of Liyue at speeds lost would think belonged to Baal themself.
He got to the regisvine just in time to block an attack that would have killed you.
It took him mere seconds to completely demolish it.
Childe approached your crumpled form, you could barely move and your bones were probably all broken.
"Ch-chi-lde..." you got out before blacking out from pain.
Next day
You woke up, everything below your chin was in a caste and you felt about as bad as you looked.
"Let me through!" You heard the one voice you didn't want to hear right now.
"Sir please they have to r-"
A doctor was flung through the door and Childe charges right at you.
'This is it,' you thought, closing your eyes, 'he's going to cast me away, like I always knew-'
Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of lips against your own, and a wet feeling against your cheeks.
You opened your eyes in time to see Childe pull away from you, "what were you thinking you idiot?"
You looked at Childe, dumbfounded.
"Why did you try and kill a regisvine on your own?!"
You looked away.
"WHY (Y/N)!? WHY!?"
"Because I don't want you to leave me..."
Childe recoiled at that, what did you mean you didn't want him to leave you?
"Why in the world would I want to leave you? Your my snow flower."
"Yes but..." you didn't want to say it.
"Come on, snow flower," Childe put his fingers under your chin and gently made you meet his gaze, "you can tell me anything."
"You...you only care for power...and I could tell I was only getting weaker no matter how much I tried, I was....I was afraid....afraid you would leave me...."
"(Y/n)," Childe said lovingly, yet with obvious sadness, "please, I dont want power just for power's sake.... I'm so sorry that I seemed that way to you."
"But you always seem so...dedicated to getting power..."
"Yes, but power is simply a means to an end," Childe chuckles, "I have a family, with a lot of siblings, and I care about all of them. I do so much for them, and every bit of power: be it with more, status, or pure power they are what drives me to get it. I'll admit though that it has developed into a bit of a....addiction, I guess you could call it, to battle and by extension to getting stronger. I-I didn't realize how much I let that take over-"
"No!" You shout, "no! Don't apologize for that. That's why I love you: your drive for power, your willingness to never settle, everything you do you do for power. I don't care if it's because you like battle or you like your family, because I love it. I love you. And I don't want to hold you back, and because of that I didn't want to be so weak that you had to....dispose of me..."
Childe kneeled besides you, "(y/n). You never have to worry about holding me back. Remember what you said? Even if I do, granted in a much smaller part than I originally stated, want power to protect my family, it is also very true that I want power for nothing more than to have it. But you could never hold me back from that, in fact you give me strength, (y/n)."
You chuckled, "that's so cheesey Childe."
"Well it's true, and the only thing more true is this:" Childe leans towards you, "I. Love. You."
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One Million In One Day | 9
GOT7 SugarDaddy!Jackson Wang x Reader + Park Jinyoung x Reader | Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Characters: GOT7 Summary: His mother’s final wish is to see him be happy in a relationship, knowing that Jackson would be fine when she left him. But, damn, he didn’t have time for relationships, especially not since he was busy running his father’s billion dollar empire, thus the compromise: you. Word Count: <2k Warnings: Stalking, fighting, cursing, mentioning of illness, TYPOS, etc.
I’m tagging @tia-m94 because, well, she wanted to be HAHA, and I was looking for all the other messages I got about updating this but I can’t seem to find them, so yeah, if you wanna be tagged in the last chapter just ell me cos I’m actually planning on posting that soon as well.
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It’s been two weeks since Jinyoung stopped talking to us, and I’ve had enough of it. He’s neither replied to my or Mark’s texts while clearly holding his phone in class, so obviously he wants us to know that he’s ignoring us.
Once Mr. Choi says class dismissed, I grabbed my things and jogged over to the other side of the room for him. He was still fixing up his things when I arrived and the blank expression he had somehow fell.
I move over to him once his row is cleared and call out to him, “Jinyoung.”
Much unlike him, he takes all his things and shoves it into his bag, out of spite. But it was too unlike his nature. He sighs and begins to fix it inside, not paying attention to me.
“I’m sorry that I upset you.”
Jinyoung glares at me, “you’re sorry? For what?”
I bite my lower lip and huff, “Jinyoung... please don’t be like this.”
Jinyoung scoffs, “you still don’t get it, do you.”
“Could you please just tell me? I don’t like becoming your enemy.”
“Do you? From what I can tell you don’t care at all for me.”
I pull back from his tight remark and frown, “how could you say that...”
Jinyong's eyes are on fire as he watches my expression in disgust, “You can’t play with me, just because we’re friends.”
“I’m not playing with you," I manage weakly.
Jinyoung rolls his eyes and finally fixes all his things and storms past me. I let him have a head start and run after him right after.
The moment I caught up with him, I grab onto his arm and blurt, “there’s only one thing I can think of... but I have no idea how you’d know.”
Jinyoung finally stops and turns to me.
I feel my feel tears well up in my eyes and I pull him to the side. Jinyoung looks down at me as I fiddle my fingers. I scratch my eyes and turn to him, finding he dawned a different expression on his face.
“Do you know about..." I suck in a breath and whisper, "my sugar daddy?"
Jinyoung clenches his jaw for a moment, then lets out a breath, “... yes. I saw him take you out in his sports car when I was supposed to come over. I was already outside your door when I called.”
I bite my lower lip.
Jinyoung clenched jaw, "you lied to me that day. You said you were going to sleep in all day. You even had the audacity to say you had fun with me the day before."
I turn to him, hot tears streaming down my face. I desperately reason out, "but I did Jinyoung. I love hanging out with you no matter where or when."
Jinyoung turns away from me and I begin to feel like the world was staring at me at this point. I turn to my feet in shame and embarrassment.
"Then why did you lie?" Jinyoung starts again, not caring if the world could hear, "between your teeth, in front of my face? And you told Mark though, so it infuriates me even more."
I suck in a breath for courage and grab his hand, "can we talk at my apartment, please. Give me a chance to explain."
I dread that he will rip him hand away from me and spit at my face. But instead, he grips my wrist and sighs, leading me off.
When we get there, Jinyoung's keen eye notices all the differences in the place. He doesn't miss to note on it bitterly, "wah, you bought an oven too. How cute."
I frown and turn to him, "ya... I did it for you okay."
Jinyoung looks at me, bewildered, caught off guard.
I whine and wipe my face. I drop my bag to the floor and push the thought of missing class today away, "I bought an oven so we could make cheesecake, because I just like you so damn much. And I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean for you to see Jackson. And I had to tell Mark because I had to spend all the money he gave me or else I would lose it."
Jinyoung shakes his head and hands, "wait don't tell me the story like this. Tell me from the beginning, from the very start till now."
And so I do.
By the end of it, Jinyoung and I are sitting on the couch with an awkwardly small gap between us. I don't know what was going through his mind now, but what I did know was that he wasn't happy.
"So what, you're going to keep doing this? What if he asks you to marry you for the sake of his mom?"
I furrow my brows, "Jinyoung, he wouldn't do that. And besides, I think he won't ask me to come over anymore."
"But if he does, will you go?"
"... I can't just leave him."
Jinyoung turns sour, "you most definitely can. You have nothing in writing."
"But he's like a friend now..."
He scoffs, "so you like this Jackson guy?"
I bitterly reply without turning to him, "it's like you want me to make a neon sign that I like you, Jinyoung."
When he doesn't give a sassy retort, I feel my insides grind in fear. I manage to turn to him and my stomach drops when I see he's staring at me, "do you mean it?"
I frown.
"Or are you just saying things I want to hear to get a pass?"
I feel my eyes glass, "what?"
Jinyoung scoffs out a chuckle, "are you an idiot, or are you an idiot?"
"... ... Jinyoung ..."
He sighs, "you still don't get it, do you?" Jinyoung diminishes the gap between us and casually wipes the tears on my cheek away, "I like you so much, you big idiot."
I just look at him, dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say, up until a thought popped up in my head, "is that why you were so upset?"
Jinyoung rolls his eyes, "what do you think?"
It may have been misplaced and untimely, but my stomach swirls in butterflies and I begin to feel giddy.
"You have to stop seeing him though."
I feel pulled back by his sudden statement.
"I don't want you going around with some guy that has so much leverage over you. Especially not because you wanted to by me an over for stupid cheesecake, the hell?"
I open my mouth to protest, but Jinyoung cuts me off, “you’ve done enough, pabo. Now, for my sake,” he grabs my hand, “don’t see any other guy, but me.”
My heart races. My breath hitches.”
Jinyoung clears his throat, “so, can I be your boyfriend?”
I can’t help but bite my lip and snort at him for asking like that. I, instead on answering, do what I have thought of doing whenever he pouts, or whenever he smiles, or whenever he’s stressed, or whenever he’s teasing me. I move forward and peck his lips, placing a chaste kiss and smiling back at him.
Jinyoung doesn’t seem to be surprised by this, and only pushes me back to plant a deeper kiss on my lips. We reposition, so that my torso is facing him and so is his facing mine. I wind up leaning on the arm rest of the sofa and Jinyoung’s hands are latching themselves on my body. He stops midway and inhales, “I want you to answer me though, just so it’s clear we’re on the same page.”
I pretend to think about it, “... I dunno, commitment seems a little too much. Why not just be kissing buddies?”
Jinyoung raises his upper lip and makes an annoyed sound. He then tickles me where he had his hands and I jolt and wither at the assault.
“Okay! Okay!” I scream, making him cease and narrow his eyes at me, “you can be my boyfriend, Park Jinyoung.”
Jinyoung scoffs, “ya, you think you’re so cool? It’s an honor for you to be my girlfriend.”
I forfeit another reply and only pull him close. Jinyoung reciprocates immediately.
My mind is already hazy when he pulls away again, “I want to hear you say it--”
“Shut up, Jinyoung.”
It’s kinda funny how Jinyoung and I go about now. I remember telling Mark about it during class and how much he freaked out because of it.
It was kinda funny.
Much like I has anticipated, an entire month had passed and I didn't even really think about Jackson. That was up until I got a call one night from no other than my sugar daddy himself.
“Hello?” I answer immediately
“Hey--” his voice is thick and low, “I know this is short notice, but can I meet you right now?”
I pull my phone away to check the time. I see it’s about 9:30pm. I pull my phone back, “I dunno, Jackson. I’m kinda scared to go out at this time.”
“What if I pick you up?”
I think of Jinyoung for a moment, then I reply to Jackson, “okay.”
By the time Jackson arrives, I had texted Jinyoung that I would go out with Jackson for one last time. He was hesitant, but he said that he trusted me more than anything.
I went into Jackson’s car and he immediately just drives once I get in. I barely even have time to put my seatbelt on. I look at him and see his face is dishevelled.
I decide not to speak up until he parks in a 24/7 supermarket’s parking lot.
“My mom passed,” Jackson says, immediately breaking down.
For a moment I am stunned, and I have absolutely no idea what to do. Jackson is gripping the steering wheel as he crumbles and weeps. I then have the decency to reach out to him and rub his back. I want to speak, to say something, but I just feel like I shouldn’t.
It’s Jackson that bursts out again, “the day you met her, she said she was really tired from being so happy. I stayed with her that night, watching her drama. I slept on the couch. When I woke up, she... she was stiff and... and-”
I cover my face with my hands, “Jackson...”
“It’s like she was just waiting for that moment and-- I- I feel like if you hadn’t met her then, she’d... she’d still be waiting... and it conflicts me so much.”
I begin to feel tears fall from my eyes as well.
“You know, at the very least she’s not suffering anymore, and you made her happy,” Jackson shudders, turning to me with bloodshot eyes. He frowns, lips quivering, “oh gosh, I’m so sorry. I’ve just made everything so depressing.”
“No,” I take his hand, “what you feel right now is normal. You’ve just had a great loss. I’m glad that I got to meet her and made her happy, Jackson.”
He chuckles, “don’t you resent me for doing something like this.”
I shake my head, “no. In fact, let’s stop this agreement between us okay. If you ever need me, just call me as a friend, okay.”
Jackson pulls his hand away to slap it on his face, “oh lord, as if I deserve that.”
“No... I shouldn’t take advantage of you.”
“You’re not!” I say, “I want you to be my friend. You can hang out with me, Jinyoung, Mark, and Nari. I think it would be good for you, especially now. I can take you to cheap restaurants and let you borrow two dollar shirts. You’ll finally taste boxed wine.”
He begrudgingly chuckles at that. I give a smile.
For a moment, he just heaves. Jackson settles and turns to me, offering a sad smile, “thank you... for everything.”
“Thank you too.”
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Rabbit ii
More of my purely indulgent fic of Draco Malfoy 💚
W! Mean! Draco(kinda) possessiveness
Tags @khemz1312 @squeaky-ducky
Draco pulled himself away from you to fix his robes and roll his shoulders straightening himself out. The stare he gave you made you shake in your knees, what did you do? It was his lackeys not you..
“The next time.. this happens..”
“It was them not me!”
Draco raised a brow at you, at that raised voice. He stepped over grabbing your face with a smile that seemed to go all the way up his face.”who are you yelling at?”
“Im not.. i.. i mean..i didn't mean too..”
“Should i tell Hufflepuff they have a cheater in the house?”
“No!!” You grabbed his robe pleading with him.
Draco let go of your face to rub your cheek with his thumb. “Say your a good badger who would never yell at her superior” he told her with a smirk.
You did not want to cry in front of him, everytime you did he would lick your cheek and tell you how sweet you taste.. instead you hid your face in his chest to hide your tears while you spoke. “Im a good ba-badger who would never yell at her superior”
You could feel Draco stroking your back in slow movements. “Such a well behaved badger, a good rabbit.” Slowly he took his wand out. “But i think.. i should still punish you.”
The same second you looked up at him he waved his wand around at you .
Everything got much.. much bigger around you. Everything seemed closer and your sense of smell was heightened.. and all you could think about was carrots….
Draco kneeled down, tipping his head looking satisfied with himself . “Perfect. Lets hope i can figure out how to change you back. But never mind that, lets go to class” he scooped you up in his hands and held you up by a nearby mirror looking very happy. “Look at you, so fluffy now” . Your long ears shot up and you began to panic. You were a white rabbit.
You were panicking in his grip. No no no. not this. You cant talk, nothing! You had to completely rely on Draco till he changed you back… you looked up at the happy man who was making kiss faces at you telling you how cute you looked like this. He opened his cloak to place you inside a pocket and scratched your head with a finger. “Off we go yeah?” he teased as he started to walk. Draco was so focused on you he did not realize his father had passed him in the hall seeing him talk to a snowy white rabbit. All you could think about was changing back and running away, somewhere safe. Maybe Hagids Hut...but all you could do for right now was wait it out.
The class was spells with Professor Snape. Your ears fell behind you when you heard his voice. He would not help you change back. Draco sat down in the back taking you out of his pocket to place you on his lap and scratch your chin. The look he gave you was demeaning…. So happy with himself, satisfied with his work. Treating you like a legit animal and turning you into one. What if he never figured out how to change you back!? You hopped in a circle on his lap panicking all over again. Snape isint gonna help me, what am i gonna do ?! what if i hop away and find help, but i cant talk!! And Draco would probably turn me into a frog ! what about.. McGonagall, she can turn into a cat maybe she could help me...
“Shh shh… pretty rabbit” he spread his legs slouching in his chair.” Be good and i might change you back.” his tone was condescending and hurtful, he had all the power right now. Your ears fell behind you again and you hopped to his stomach nuzzling his shirt up and over your eyes trying to pretend you were anywhere else. He cooed down at you scratching your rear and tugging your ear lightly. “Arent you cute when you wanna be ey? You didint want to snuggle the other night but look at you now.” you felt his hand scratch at your rear again. Why would i want to snuggle after what you did… “I like having you there Rabbit. Gets you used to my scent and i can feel your little wet nose wiggling against my chest, your cold padded front feet kneading my lap.” shut up.. I hate this, i hate it.. his long fingers stroked along your back, back and forth. “Your so fragile like this, a defenseless little Rabbit, if i change you back will you do this for me when your human?” he asked you, expecting an answer. What? Does he mean cuddle? You shook your head and budged your face into his chest feeling really sad. Why me, he could have picked on anyone else. If he changes me back im going to ask… You stretched a leg out getting sleepy. Why does that feel .. so nice.. Why is he being like this.. “aww, “ he tickled your little foot, smirking big. “Comfy on me? How adorable. Lets hope Snape doesn't call on me for some bloody demonstration” Draco turned his attention to the man, a hand still on your back rubbing ever so slowly, lulling you right to sleep.
Later on you woke up from the sound of students and the smell of food. It was dark and you could only see Draco a little bit . you must be in his pocket again. I slept the whole class? Is it lunchtime? The day is almost over then. Im hungry.. Dracos robe pockets were deep, deep enough for you to sit comfortably in his robe with two front feet sticking out in front of you. It was cozy… you wished it wasn't. All you could smell was him, all you could really hear was him, him him him… You yawned kicking your back feet around alerting Draco that you were awake. He moved his arm a bit so his robe opened making it easy for him to see you. He smiled down at you and held out some of a carrot for you. “Have a nice nap Pet? You slept the whole class” he held his robe open with his free hand .
You sniffed the carrot hearing your tummy growl. Dammit why is he like this… i am hungry..
It was mentally painful for you to do but you held your mouth open and Draco placed the carrot on your bottom teeth chuckling to himself.
“Malfoy? Where'd you get the rabbit?” Crabb asked him, from the opposite side of the table.
“Never took you for an animal lover mate.” Goyle added.
“None of your business, its for class” he snapped at them before feeding you again.
Ugn,,, just give me the whole thing… you kicked your feet and Draco glanced down at you again. “Hungry still? Can you give me the big sad eyes?”
You want me to beg you.. While im a rabbit.. For food!? When is this going to end…
You sighed low, moved your front paws together so they overlapped, lowered your ears till they touched your back and gave Draco the biggest, saddest eyes you could do, you even added in a lip quiver.
“Thaaaats my good Rabbit, my good girl.” he held out the whole carrot and you took it into the pocket nibbling like crazy.
“Hes talking to his rabbit”
“Just.. just dont say anything…”
After lunch Draco decided to just stroll around the castle. He talked about himself mostly or his father. He had you up on his shoulder and was outside the castle just walking around. Everyone he passed either gave him a look or asked about his companion. If they were not Slytherin he did not even look at them. But if they were of his House he would tell them he had a special class assignment and had to drag a rat around all day. Every now and then he would nuzzle his cheek on you while he walked, hands in his pockets, smile on his face, head in the clouds.
“Ya know Rabbit, this is the best day i've had in a long time i think. Its a lot less tiring than making hell for that Gryffindor kid. How bout you Pet? Good day?” he looked at you nuzzling you again.
I cannot…. Begin to explain how awful this is… i'm not your little accessory. Its your lackey's fault i'm stuck like this. I think you are a - wah!
Draco brought you to his chest to hold you as he sat down near a small river with flowers next to it. He had one leg up and placed you between them to scratch your chin. “Want a little treat for being so good?” he leaned over picking a flower, holding it down to you.
Are you kidding me…
“No? Cmon love, cheers”
You thumped a foot opening your mouth for him to place the little dandelion in. “good little Rabbit, tasty?”
You swallowed the flower whole with wide eyes. It is good.. You got out of his lap to hop to the flowers munching another and another making Draco laugh to himself. “Well i guess so Pet.” he watched you munch on a few flowers for awhile, leaning back on his hands. “Rabbit” he said.
What now… You turned to him with your ears back.
“Come to me,” he pat his lap. “Cmon, right here”
Im not a damn dog.. You hopped over between his legs again and he scratched your back in long strokes.Ugn dooonttt.. Il fall asleep again … Your little body slouched over his thigh and you nuzzled your face into his crotch closing your eyes.
“Must be the sweet spot yeah?” he glided his fingers down then up your fuzzy back watching your back legs kick out from under you. You were getting sleepy all over again. Dammit why.. Just stay… aw..aw...awak...e…
“If only you would let me do this when your human.” you heard him say.
Wait what? What did he say just now? Your nose wiggled and you laid your chin on his crotch staring up at him.
“What? I told you i dont know how to change you back” he spat out looking away.
Maybe,, pretend to sleep…
You nuzzled your face back into his crotch closing your eyes and Draco laid his head on his knee watching you.
“Those fucking two trying to touch you, i dont know what came over me. Your mine, Little Rabbit. No one can touch you, no one can have you, no one can take you away from me. Not your stupid House, not the teachers, no one. Youll stay loyal to me wont you? Thats what Hufflepuff is. My loyal little Rabbit.”
What.. what does this mean?does he plan to keep me with him after graduation?! You wiggled around and Draco scooped you up laying down with you on his chest. You looked scared to him. Draco scratched your head and you scooted closer to his face putting a foot on his chin.
“Yes little Rabbit?”
I dont understand you.. Why are you being so soft right now.. All the time your mean and cruel to me but today… i dont understand. Is this all a trick to get me to fall for you? Mess with my head?
Draco pouted his lips at you. “Hmm? Give us a kiss, Pet” he fake whimpered.
I swear when im changed….
You moved your foot getting closer to nuzzle his face. Draco smiled pulling you closer and closing his eyes. “Good little Rabbit.” he dozed off holding you.
I could leave… find help.. Your body felt weird all of a sudden. Whats going on ? im floating?! Draco!! Draco!!! You struggled in the air watching Draco get farther and farther away. You floated back inside the castle and up some stairs to a open door where a man was waving his wand around directing you. He had long blond hair and looked very curious. You knew who he was the instant he put you on his desk.
His hand cupped your chin giving him a good look at you. Your squeezing too tight.. Please.. It hurts..
“Black and yellow eyes,. A Hufflepuff student.” he stroked your back in long hard strokes while he talked. “How did my son come across you? I wonder? I think ill hold onto you, he should realize soon enough..”
Lucious Malfoy… anyone but him… Malfoy was tolerable.. But his father… please come find me Draco…….and soon.
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my favourite choreo is also fallin flower! i swear everything about that song is perfect. the melody, the mv, the choreo and the lyrics <3 svt rly knows what they're doing. i cant tell you how many times ive rewatched their tma performance. but i also love my my and beautiful's choreo! i honestly didn't know beautiful had a choreo until recently but its so cute T-T i love it sm
i dont have any money to spend so i only have like printed out polaroids rather than official photocards. i do have the nct lightstick but thats it skjdksjsj do you have anything? if you do and if you're comfortable would you mind showing it?
also, im gonna start binging your works 👀 but im scared if i interact you'll guess who i am and its a bit too early for that skjdjsjs i'll send my thoughts through here and i promise i'll rblg everything after though :D <3
i rly wanna send chan and soobin pics but i cant do that with anon on 😔
its currently like 1230 am and i cant rly think straight so some fun facts about you or anything else 🤲 um also, pretty random but favourite aesthetic and favourite cake?
- 💎
HMM YOU MADE A MISTAKE??? i didn't see a previous ask or were you talking about your other one? fallin flower is just gorgeous i agree with every word on that 🥺 WAH i also didn't know beautiful had choreo??? i need to watch that ASAP and omg i forgot to mention my my because the part where they're like imitating a boat? they're so talented for that aaa
printed out polaroids are so cute!!! when we're able to go off anon you gotta show me if you're okie with that 😊 and you have an nct lightstick!!! theirs is like bright green i believe? my friend and i were planning in splitting shipping for the carat bong sometime in august 😎 ill make a separate post after this to show you some recent svt loot hehe 😌
omg thank you!!! yeah maybe don't interact just yet just to be safe for now but i hope you enjoy 🥺 are you a writer by any chance?
hmm random facts! 😎 i got back into ff writing after being really hooked on haikyuu!! shows that i enjoy that are not kdramas and anime are how i met your mother and high school musical the musical the series!! big hero 6 is also my favourite movie in general :)
i like soft girl aesthetics!! if that's what you mean by aesthetics LOL chunky cardigans and printed fuzzy socks are my anthem. i'm not so much of a cake person to be honest D: did i talk about bingsu in my last answer? because i order that stuff for my birthday instead of actual cakes :O mango is DELICIOUS
since you cannot send pics yet, i will give you these (also bc i love them too) it will be 4 am by the time i post this reply :( sorry for the late answer anon!! i just prefer to answer longer asks on my computer that's why i was active on tumblr during the time i received your ask, i hope you sleep well!!
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hyukiee · 4 years
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Chapter 7: Influences
warnings: heavy drug mention, cussing, if your uncomfortable with drug use i would stop reading this story NOW
at this point i’ll post when i post im sorry lol let me know if you want to be tagged though
“So do psychedelics really fry your brain?” Hoseok and Jimin have been bombarding you with question while they took a break from their practice. They really have never been around someone like you before. “Only if you do it a lot, many people do it once and never feel the need to do it again,” you will always have a soft spot for psychedelics. You’ve done them about ten times too many but you are a hippy at heart. “Hobi would actually be the most ideal person to do psychedelics, he’s very happy and open minded. I learned the hard way you really have to be in a good mindset for it.” “Wahh, that’s so cool I bet it’s a cool experience,” Jimin responded. It almost sounded like he wanted to try it, you should probably stop talking… the idea sounds fun though. Tripping with the 7 idiots. You absolutely love tripping with innocent ass people, it’s so much fun to watch but you don’t want to be a bad influence.
Psychedelics aren’t addictive though…
“How are you feeling today?” Taehyung asked hugging you tightly with his sweat covered body. “Mm, a lot better actually.” “That’s good, you look a lot better today as well.” “You really do, I thought you were dead when I saw you sleeping on the couch yesterday,” Jin piped in laughing like a window wiper. Taehyung got more and more comfortable being touchy with you around the members as time went by but it’s saying the least when you say you live with 6 cock blockers. Not even the lust inside you could keep your mind off the awful idea Jimin and Hoseok gave you. The usual you wouldn’t think twice about this but you have to admit you’ve gotten comfortable here. You don’t want to mess things up with the guys, ever. Well, maybe it could be a little secret between the three of you… No.
“So why were you so curious earlier ?” You hopped over to Hoseok’s side as he started walking out of the BigHit building. “Mm, it intrigued me, I think Jimin might actually do it someday.” He laughed shaking his head thinking about him. “Don’t you? One day..?” Hobi stopped in his tracks and looked at you. He looked up at the sky in thought before responding, “Maybe, I mean like you said, most people only ever do it once.” You felt like a terrible person right now. “I would love to do it with you, whenever you would want to… i’d be the best to be with actually.” Hobi laughed as he got into the van with you. “I’ll have to think about it.” “Really!?” Okay, maybe you shouldn’t of sounded that excited but really? “Yeah, I mean.. it’s just a one time thing,” He said giving you a small smile. “Do you think any of the other guys would want to do it?” “Oh yeah, all of them probably with a certain amount of convincing.” “REALLY!?”
Is it fucked up that you know exactly how to get the boys to do drugs with you? Maybe. Will it backlash? Probably. You already got Hoseok, Jimin will be easy, Jungkook will probably easily follow, then Hoseok could convince Namjoon and he can convince Jin and Yoongi. That leaves Taehyung. If you can manage your way into getting Taehyung to do it, your best hope would be getting everyone else on board first. You’re not really doing anything wrong, you want them to experience something awesome that shouldn’t hurt them. “Yah, y/n cut to the chase already,” Jimin teased you. You brought him and Hoseok into a room to start your mission, you were definitely stalling. “I kind of got an idea and thought it would be really cool if we all did LSD together just once,” you spoke quietly paranoid someone would walk by and hear you. “Ahh, I mean… it sounds pretty scary but i’m sure you got us covered … that actually sounds pretty fun,” Jimin basically thought out loud about your idea. Two down, five to go. “How would you get it anyways?” Hokseok asked getting a sudden realization that you are brand new to South Korea, you couldn’t of possibly found any drug dealers that fast. “Oh don’t worry, I can get that shit shipped easy,” Jimin gave you a look, silently wondering how you would know this but come on, it’s you. “By the way, how should I ask Jungkook?”
“Wah, isn’t that stuff dangerous? I mean, I don’t know what the hyung will think about it honestly,” Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck responding to the question fo the week. “Well, Jimin and Hoseok said yes,” “Really?” He responded kind of surprised, you weren’t the only one that didn’t suspect those two to be the ones to say yes. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting sober though?” He asked giving off a little suspicion. “I am, this one time won’t change that at all, don’t worry,” “Good luck convincing Tae that,” Jungkook laughed patting you on the back. You weren’t the only one that knew how impossible it will be to convince Taehyung either apparently.
The boys did you good convincing the others to get on board but now Taehyung is the only one unaware of the sceam that’s going on. If someone slips up before you get to him your screwed. He was out getting food for everyone so you were just impatiently sitting in the living room, pretending to watch TV. You kept looking at the front door before finally, your handsome man walked through the door. Yours. God, don’t fuck this up. “Hey baby, what are you watching?” He asked kissing you on your forehead before going to set the food down. “Ah, I don’t really know to be honest,” you nervously laughed. “Tae, can we talk for a bit?” You started to play with your fingers and shake your leg. “Of course, you have your doctors appointment tomorrow by the way.. for your medication,” You almost completely forgot about that. Which is kind of a good thing, drugs haven’t been the only thing on your mind recently. Maybe you should of fled the country a lot sooner. “So basically i’m scared to ask this but literally all the other guys want to do it and it’s 100% a one time thing we can all take it to our graves-“ “Y/n.. just ask,” Taehyung slightly laughed at your blushing face. “Would you want to do LSD with me and the boys, just once?” You couldn’t read his face. It’s usually really easy to read his face but right now you just can’t. “Even Namjoon hyung agreed?” He looked surprised, but not mad. “Yeah, it’s just once it could be a really awesome and spiritual thing to bring us all closer,” you spoke quietly still on edge about him getting upset with you. “Well i don’t want to be the odd one out… if you manage to get it i’ll do it,” he said patting your thigh with a slight smile. Did you just convince all of Bangtan to do LSD with you? You’ve reached a new fucking level.
“Guess who got her drugs, guess who got her drugssss,” you sang skipping into the dorm grabbing everyone’s attention. “What? The LSD or your prescription?” Jin barely made out with all the laughing. “Both actually smart one,” you smiled flicking Jin’s forhead. Today is Friday so it’d be the best time to trip with everyone. You’ve never prepared so much just to do drugs. You have all the playlists, pillows, and water prepared for today. You couldn’t sleep at all last night, you can’t remember the last time you were this excited to drop acid. “Okay, so everyone leave the living room so I can make the place a vibe because we are tripping tonight!” The smile stuck on your face almost felt like you were already tripping. “Really?” Jungkook jumped up showing his nervousness. “Yes and don’t worry, we’ll all have a talk before it happens. Now get the fuck out… respectfully,” You hopped over to Taehyung and kissed him on his cheek before pushing him away with the other guys.
“Wah, is all this really necessary?” Yoongi spoke looking into the living room. You basically made a big fort with everything they may need or want laid out nicely. The OCD deep inside you kind of kicked in but it looked fucking awesome. The boys came in one behind the other and everyone sat in a circle so you could give the whole run down of what to expect and just simply calm their nerves. You were so nervous your first time but it ended up being one of the most beautiful experiences in your life. You told them the Dos and Don’t dos as you passed out 7 colorful tabs of paper and explained what they’ll feel and for how long. “So we doing this?” you asked looking around at everyone.
“Fuck it,” Taehyung said looking at you winking. Your favorite phrase.
“Fuck ittt,” everyone repeated.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
R Tasuku [Hunter of Justice]: Backstage Translation
I realized I should have been doing the giveaway when I’m more active so I can casually write reminder and stuffs. But well, it’s fine, reminder that Giveaway is still ongoing, more details in the previous posts~ Deadline is 2nd December 2020 23.59pm GMT+8.00 
Anyway, please don’t worry that I’m forcing myself because I’m not~ Translating is one of my stress coping mechanism and I think I do am going to drop one or two translations in between my exams. Other than that, I’m still studying for exams.
Summary: Tasuku and his role study for Little Red Riding Hood’s Hunter.
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
Pro Wrestling Little Red Riding Hood
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Tasuku-san, this time you will be playing the role of a Hunter on this Fairy Tale Residence contest right?
Yeah, it’s the hunter from Little Red Riding Hood.
I’m the Little Red Riding Hood!
(TLN: Let Little Red Riding Hood Kazu be the event card please!!!)
Let’s do our best together, Tax!
Tasuku-san seems to fit the role of a Hunter very well!
You’re going to be so cool!
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Anyway, are you going to do anything for your role study?
About that… I heard about the plot summary from Sakisaka, but the Hunter only appeared at the end for a little bit.
Even if I delve into it a bit more, there’s not much I can do for the role study.
I think that’s different, Tax!
The Hunter is a very important character! At the end, he’s the hero that saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother you know!?
That’s right! If the Hunter didn’t realize the strange occurrences and came to help, the two of them would be in a very difficult situation you know!
It’s a very important role!
You better do some role study for him!
…Why are you guys the one getting so excited over this.
But, if that’s the case, I’ll think of something.
A role study for a Hunter huh…
If you’re talking about his normal lifestyle, you can’t really hunt around here so…
I’m home.
Ah, Omi-kun, welcome home!
What’s with that large amount of flyers?
There were a lot of people wearing wolf mascots distributing them on my way back, I would be bothered if I didn’t take any—
But I ended up receiving quite a bit.
Omimi, you’re so nice!
I thought of a good idea!
<Short Time Skip>
Tasuku-san, Omi-kun, sorry for the wait~!
This is…
… A wolf mascot?
Yep! I got this mascot costume that Omi-kun wore before from the storage room!
The Hunter from Little Red Riding Hood is a role that protects her from a Wolf, I thought you would be able to do your role study if a Wolf is present!
So Omimi will wear this and Tax will take the role as the Hunter, you might be able to understand the Hunter’s feeling more after doing some etude!
Right, Taicchan!
Of course, it won’t be the two of you only, we will be playing as the villagers as well, it’s a setting where yo  need to help us who were being cornered by the Wolf!
What kind of setting is that.
I see, that sounds good.
I don’t mind helping out if you’re fine with me.
That’s just the things that you guys want to do right…
Well, well, why don’t we just try it out first, Tax!
Role study is also important right!
Sigh… I guess there’s no harm in trying.
If that’s the case, let’s gather in the courtyard immediately~!
Go go!
<End of Part 1>
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(My work is more or less done for the time being, I guess I should take a little break…)
Wolf Mascot:
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(A mascot? What…?)
As I thought, is there a need to actually put on the mascot costume?
What are you guys doing?
Ah, Director, good work.
That voice, Omi-kun?
What are you doing wearing that mascot costume?
We are going to do role study with Tax right now!
The Wolf Omi-kun will be doing etude with Tasuku-san’s role as a Hunter!
Director-chan too, let’s do the role of the villagers together!
It’s going to be more fun with more people!
I have no confidence for an etude though…
But if it’s for Tasuku-san’s role study, I’ll help.
Then, Director-sensei will join too, etude start!
<Short Time Skip>
“I saw three delicious looking food. Well well, who shall I start with growl…”
“Oh no! We’re going to get eaten by the Wolf!”
“I’m scared!”
“Then, I’ll start from you.”
Eh! Wha, me!?
“Damn Wolf, let go of Director-sensei! Take that!”
Taicchan, nice punch!
“Hoo, not bad at all…
But it’s not enough. I’ll eat you first!”
“Wah! It’s not effective at all!”
“It’s no use, we’re no match for him!”
“I’m going to savor you all! Growl…!”
“Ky, kyaaa, someone help me~!”
“Stop right there!”
“Th, that is…!”
“Ho, another one asking to be eaten huh. Growl…”
“It’s Mr Hunter! Please help us!”
“Now that I’m here, I won’t let you do as you please!”
“For a mere human, you dare to be my opponent?”
“It’s a one to one fight between the Hunter and the Wolf!
Mr. Hunter, do your best!”
“…Not bad at all.”
E, eh?
Don’t you think Tasuku-san is fighting seriously?
You’re right, I have a feeling that Omimi’s just adjusting with the flow…
This is a role study.
Come at me seriously.
No, but…
“A Hunter will never go back on his words.
Let’s go! Hyaa!”
If Tasuku-san said so…
The Wolf is strengthening his lock! He’s going for it!
That’s bad! The Hunter’s in a pinch!
He’s pushed to a corner….!
If it stays this way, he’s going to lose~!
Everyone, let’s cheer for him!
Mr. Hunter, don’t lose~!
Do, do your best!
Ah! The Wolf’s leg got tangled!
“He beats the Wolf!”
“One, two, three!
It’s the Hunter’s win!”
“…You’re giving up huh.
Learn from this experience and stop doing bad things.”
“Da, damn it…. Growl.”
The Hunter who was able to use that small bit of chance was so cool!
You did it! You beat the Wolf!
With this, the role study is a success!
No, rather than a role study etude, it was more like a pro wrestling competition just now wasn’t it!?
<End of Part 2>
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into1-wonderland · 3 years
Baby!Into1 x Daycare au | Intro
(ft. Bo Yuan as the caretaker of the 10 chaotic bunch, ranging from the ages of 3-5)
a/n: hello hello yumi here~ so this is the first into1 au of mine that will ever see the light of day. at first I was going to write things for it, but honestly I'm going to make it into a series with incorrect quotes to attach with it. this post will be the bios of all the babies and our lovely caretaker Bo Yuan, so enough of me babbling and I hope you guys could enjoy~
First off, we have the Caretaker™ Bo Yuan:
my mans is like in his 20's rn
wanted to open up a little day care as like side job/internship because he wanted to teach kids in the future so he was like ��might as well start working with kids now!”
and so
he did it
only regretted his life decisions when his devil number 1 and devil number 2 does something bad
other times he really enjoy looking after them! and he doesn’t even feel like it’s a job!
has been thinking about taking a field trip with all 10 of them but he’s afraid: 1) he might lose one 2) he might lose himself 3) can they behave themselves
his favorite thing to do is having all of them gather around while reading a fairytale to them for nap time
or sometimes he would sing a song
he has a lot of favorite things in day care, literally having all 10 of them just there makes him happy
except when lin mo and nine is having a scream off:
lin mo: ahh
nine: aHH
lin mo: AHH
nine: AHHHHH-
bo yuan, running into the room: what’s wrong?
ak: screaming
bo yuan: why?
patrick, with his hands over his ears: TO SEE WHOS LOUDER
all the other boys: *nods*
isnt always watching the kids 24/7, since day 1 when the kids came in he told them the rules of the daycare and kinda just let them familiarize the place
(bo yuan: its a daycare, and they are kids, they are suppose to have fun!
keyu, in the back, mumbles: i wanna climb the tree in the yard
bo yuan, turns around: keyu no)
And now we have the kids!!
Liu Yu:
4 years old
very quiet, just likes to sit and read and draw
the most obedient one, and likes to follow around bo yuan
well,, most of the time
he’s played a few pranks on bo yuan like:
bo yuan: liu yu nap time is over you have to wake up
liu yu: *not moving*
bo yuan, gently nudged liu yu: liu yu wake up!
liu yu: *continues to fake sleep and not move*
bo yuan: *leans closer to liu yu’s face to make sure hes not sick or has a fever*
liu yu, scares bo yuan: WAH
bo yuan: liu yu dont do that! you scared me!
liu yu: *giggles*
likes to stretch and bend himself in odd positions
(bo yuan: everyday I’m in fear that he will snap himself in half)
kinda an introvert but once he hangs around everyone for a bit he will open up to them and fit himself in very well
likes to organize and keep things how he found them/have special places where he organizes his toys
jiayuan: *moves liu yu’s fan*
liu yu: hey! put that back!!
has really good etiquettes and never really fights or argues or bicker with the other kids
but likes to joke around and mess around with once in a while
patrick: wahhh i put my cupcakes here who took one!
liu yu, hiding it behind his back: idk maybe keyu took it?
the least of bo yuan’s worries since he’s always in bo yuan’s sight, also he’s aware of his surroundings so he actually helps bo yuan make sure everything’s okay
(bo yuan: i made a checklist for myself on the whiteboard and liu yu likes to check things off for me, he said “coloring in the boxes is fun” so now he's the reason why i get all my work done)
4 years old
riki’s best friend
super happy and bright, like a ray of sunshine
is easily scared
lin mo: hi
really likes bo yuan, would stick on to him a lot and ask him about everything
santa: bo yuan gege whats this?
santa: bo yuan gege what’s that?
santa: bo yuan gege what are you making right now?
hangs out with liu yu and mika a lot (other than riki)
riki is older than him but would hold riki’s hand and take him around like a didi
also really likes racing with mika for E V E R Y T H I N G
(bo yuan: yeah couple days ago they tried to race who can fall asleep faster but because they kept on peeking at each other so they basically didn’t sleep till i said i’ll watch for them)
really likes to dance, every time he hears music he would start grooving around
loves learning new things, which is probably the reason why he always asks bo yuan so many questions
also least one of bo yuan’s worries, just gotta make sure jiayuan and lin mo don’t pull pranks on him
(bo yuan: well they dont really pull prank pranks, its just once lin mo grabbed a frog and started running around and showing it to everyone, but lin mo lost grip and the frog jumped on santa)
5 years old
looks like he’s 3, acts like he’s 3, but is actually 5
best friends with santa! always sticks around him and likes to tug on a corner of his shirt out of habit
bo yuan: alright everyone it’s nap time! i’ve made the beds for everyone
riki, sees his bed is not next to santa: bo yuan gege can you switch my bed next to santa? i wanna be next to santa
he didn’t start speaking till he was 4 so he often stutters when he talk and just looks confused a lot (it's because he’s thinking and formulating his words)
santa and the other kids would always have to interpret for him
bo yuan: riki I brought some snacks today do you want cookies or marshmallows?
riki: ???
santa, motioning with his hands: bo yuan gege said do you want the white fluffies or brown crunchies
riki: oh! crunchies!
squishy cheeks,, bo yuan’s favorite thing is to squish his cheek everytime he sees him
riki: gud mooning bo yuan gege!
bo yuan, squishes riki’s cheeks: ahh I haven’t seen you in so long good morning!!
nine: wait wasnt riki here yesterday??
also likes to stretch,, often seen around with liu yu and they just help each other
(bo yuan: i am afraid he will snap himself in half too)
not too much of bo yuan’s worries, besides the fact that he might get kidnapped because he’s so oblivious
(bo yuan: we were playing outside in the yard once and riki just wandered off because he thought the neighbor’s flowers were pretty)
4 years old
also kinda an introvert, doesn’t interact with too many people
usually it’s santa that approaches him first or keyu^^
found a ukulele in the toy bin one time and wouldn’t let go of it (he claims it’s his now)
his favorite activity at daycare is when they all sing together, that’s when he smiles the most and has the most fun
the one that likes to nap the most
also likes to help bo yuan cook once in a while (mostly just having mika washing vegetables and passing things to bo yuan)
very laid back and not noisy (till he starts playing the ukulele)
often gets scared by lin mo’s sudden screams (actually, lin mo scares a lot of people, sorry to mika’s ears)
also not one of bo yuan’s worries, literally there’s nothing to worry about with mika, all the kids just likes to sit around mika and pet his head so he keeps everyone safe
(bo yuan: one time I couldn’t find any of the kids in the play room, apparently they were all in the napping corner petting mika’s head since he just got a hair cut)
4 years old
loud, very loud.
pouts a lot
everyone calls nine cute, even the boys who are younger than him
likes to boss around patrick because he’s older
nine: patrick gimme that juice box!
patrick: you’re closer you get it!
nine: i’m older than you!
literally scared of everything
if he hasn’t seen it before and it’s living, he’s scared
jiayuan: *holds a bowl of tadpoles*
nine, several feet away: WAHHH WHAT IS THAT
the happiest when he gets snacks + real food food
also really likes to sing!! his favorite thing is watching disney movies because there’s so much music in it and he just loves to sing along
he’s not part of bo yuan’s worries because he’s literally scared of everything, but nine is really naive and would do things that the other kids tell him to do so, it’s a 50/50 on nine
(bo yuan: there was an edible decorative flower on keyu’s birthday cake couple days ago, and somehow jiayuan convinced nine all flowers were edible. so today during outside time nine almost ate the neighbor’s flowers)
Lin Mo:
3 years old
probably the craziest most hyper one out of them all
he and jiayuan always have something bad planned
literally doesn’t have a moment where he’s calm
constantly in bickering mode with ak
lin mo: NO IM RIGHT
patrick: what are they arguing about?
keyu: *shrugs*
but is also best friends with ak so he’s also calm around him
(bo yuan: yeah these two have on and off days, you can never predict it)
and also constantly naruto runs around the daycare
bo yuan: lin mo stop running!
lin mo: *nyoom*
he also once nyoomed into keyu
keyu: ow what was that for?
lin mo: you were in my way!
and now he nyooms into keyu for fun
a very good mood maker
likes to smile/laugh a lot
would calm down if you show him a movie or a cartoon
number 2 on bo yuan’s worry list because he’s the "bad influence" for everyone, also he reduces hearing for everyone
(bo yuan: i’ve secretly made a tally book on how many times i have to say “lin mo” in a concerning tone this week and he came in 2nd. he was only here for like 3 days!)
Zhang Jiayuan:
3 years old
couple months younger than lin mo but this is the real culprit under a lot of his and lin mo‘s plans
it’s just because jiayuan has a lot of crazy ideas and he says them out loud and lin mo is just like “yes”
also sometimes they are just accidents, but he's always doing weird questionable things with lin mo
got really sad one time because he brought tadpoles and put them in the fish tank and killed them since the fish went nom
but then started to constantly catch for tadpoles to feed the fishes
bo yuan: jiayuan stop, you’re killing the frog population!
jiayuan: but the fishies are hungry *pouts*
likes to fight/mess around with keyu for no reason
keyu: *sitting there, drawing*
jiayuan, with a squishy hammer: *bops keyu’s head*
but also will protect keyu if anyone tries to mess with him
lin mo: *nyooms into keyu for the 3rd time of the day* jiayuan, hugs keyu: stop hurting him!
the calmest thing he likes to do is taking care of plants, probably because he saw bo yuan spraying the plants one time and he like to squeeze the spray bottle
number 1 on bo yuan’s worry list, this child is literally not safe alone or with anyone. they were trying to celebrate keyu’s birthday and jiayuan tried to touch the candles, while it was lit, by the flame.
(bo yuan: i just got the tablets and haven’t set up children mode, so i’ll take the blame for this one. but also why are kids so good with technologies nowadays??)
3 years old
squishy :D
smiley :DD
favorite thing is nap time and snack time
somehow knows every location where bo yuan hides their snacks
bo yuan: *getting the snacks that he hid in the piano*
patrick: *sitting next to the window sill with the snack* hi~
of course bo yuan can never get mad at patrick for eating the snacks because patrick doesn’t do anything bad
also he's a growing child
best friends with keyu,, and drags him on to “adventures”
*the daycare got a new toy play house*
patrick: bo yuan gege, keyu and I are moving out so we can go on an adventure!
keyu: I didnt agree to this??
wants bo yuan to add dress up into the daycare games, since he wants to dress up the other boys in the daycare
patrick: i call it, patrick fashion!
not part of bo yuan’s worries till he’s on his hunt for the hidden snacks, just because bo yuan is afraid he might hurt himself
(bo yuan: i started hiding the snacks higher up and one time i saw him trying to climb on keyu’s shoulders to grab it)
Zhou Keyu:
3 years old
smart, but really clueless at the same time
tall, but has the personality of smol
likes to draw
also likes to read with patrick,, but usually patrick falls asleep so it’s him, the book, and a sleeping patrick
wears glasses all the time since his vision isn’t so good but somehow he makes glasses look good on him???
has a chain with his glasses because there too many glasses incident with keyu
glasses #1 keyu: I don’t like them! *takes it off and loses it*
glasses #2 keyu: *takes them off for nap time, but riki accidentally rolled on to them and snapped it*
glasses # we don’t know how many: *disconnected from the keyu universe*
also like a month younger than lin mo but literally has to make sure lin mo doesnt “blow” the place up
lin mo: what if I stuck this fork into the pluggie thing?
keyu, picking lin mo up: nope you’re not
when keyu is clueless he either stands there or just sit there and space out, not really noticeable but bo yuan ran into him doing that a couple times
(bo yuan: I thought he was an ai that was malfunctioning, it scared me at first but now I know he just doesn’t remember what he’s doing)
oh did I mention this,, even though he’s one of the youngest, he’s the tallest, with that advantage he likes to try to pick people up
jiayuan: keyu pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: keyu likes me more he will pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: *pouts*
keyu: *tries to pick both jiayuan and patrick up at the same time*
not too high up on bo yuan’s worry list, give him a piece of paper or book or anything he would just calmly sit there and do something with it
(bo yuan: every time when we do art or reading its so hard to pry keyu away, he has to finish what he was doing and he’s so concentrated he doesn’t hear anybody)
Liu Zhang (AK):
4 years old
loud, VERY LOUD.
he doesn’t know he’s loud
bo yuan: ak you don’t have to yell
ak: OKAY
monopolized over all the instrument music type of toys in the daycare
bo yuan: ak you know you have to share your toys right?
ak: I gave the ukulele to mika
honestly having ak is like having a walking megaphone so bo yuan ended up actually making ak his little helper for announcements
bo yuan: ak go tell everyone is lunch time
ak: alright!
ak: *da da da running to fetch his little stool*
ak, stands on a little stool in the middle of the play room: ITS LUNCH TIMEEEEEE-
nine, swats ak’s leg: YOU SCARED ME
the only time ak is quiet is when he’s around lin mo, he kinda just likes to watch lin mo and follow him around so that’s that
unless lin mo starts messing with him, then you just lose your hearing for the day
also at first bo yuan was trying to see what ak is interested in, and he taught ak hot cross buns on the bells and thought that would calm ak down,, but oops ak ended up making more noises
(bo yuan: I swear something happened to this kid or something. he’s not hard of hearing but he’s just naturally so loud)
i too would lose my hearing if im around ak so much
not to high on bo yuan’s worries but he just make sure ak isn’t being too loud and bothering the other kids, usually he’s pretty good about that but you never know when a little patrick will start napping or anyone really so gotta contain his energy
(bo yuan: ak is usually the first one that’s awake from nap time but its usually like 5-10min before everyone else so i told him he can go and play but he just has to be quiet)
alrighty !! now you've met everyone in the daycare, what kind of fun and chaotic adventures are they going to have??
(all future daycare au things will be incorrect quotes + short little one shots, this intro mostly served as a bio so you understand their personalities a bit, and i hope you enjoyed it!)
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slutabed · 4 years
This year (and by that I mean “2020 up to and including now and the foreseeable future until I feel safe again”) has been so alarmingly bad for everybody in the world so it feels shitty to even say that it affected me at all especially in such inconsequential selfish ways but it was so bad and continues to be so bad sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy and this whole thing has been manufactured specifically to fuck with me personally lmao.
I’m like weirdly, pathologically superstitious of shit to the point of true panic if I feel like i’m breaking any of my “”rules”” or whatever, so in 2019 when everyone started making those posts like “2020 is going to be the best, it’s a leap year, 4th of July is a Friday, Halloweeen is a Saturday, etc. etc.” I remember feeling such a deep-seated, unshakable panic because it felt too good to be true and I was scared everyone was “jinxing” the year or w.e. and at the time it felt so so dumb to be feeling like that, and I’m trying so hard to shake myself from my superstitions and anxieties but like...then it happened. The thing that I feared was going to happen - that 2020 was going to be some tragically life-altering year because our hopes and expectations for it had been too high, how dare we wish for good things - it happened. 
And my agoraphobia had been really, really bad for a while and most days in 2019 I was scared to even leave my house, so I kept cancelling plans and saying no to amazing outings because of a stupid pathological fear of [redacted] stemming from a weird near-death experience I had in 2017 and compounded by the fact that the US is fucking terrifying. So I had gotten my friends together and we booked a trip to Iceland for March of 2020 because I’ve never left the country and I was sick of being scared of everything and wanted to start living. So everything was set and our departure day was two days after the day they closed down air travel out of the US, and like...I feel like I don’t deserve to hope or look forward to things? Because look at what happened the one time I planned something that I was actually looking forward to, and I had a lot of crazy irrational fears about it but I was actually letting myself get excited instead of just thinking about all the ways I could die at the airport, on the plane, etc. etc. And like...the one time I let myself look forward to something it was like, you stupid fucking idiot, why would you ever think you could have something good happen to you? This whole thing is your fault, do you see what you did???
Then, as punishment for being upset about having to cancel a trip (because it’s a fucking vacation, for God’s sake, how are you complaining about having to cancel a vacation to Iceland when people are out here dying???), just to punish my selfishness, my grandma got sick with COVID-19 from her nursing home and died, terribly and painfully and alone in a hospital where we couldn’t even visit her because this was April and the world was going to hell and it felt like my stupid fucking karma for daring to care about something unimportant. Like the universe was like oh you’re upset about your pathetic little trip???? We’ll give you a reason to be upset.
And so then I went into full reactionary panic mode and refused to let my parents do a n y t h i n g all year. I was like no, anyone could get this and die from it at any point, I am keeping you guys safe. And my mom was miserable and bored and felt constrained and locked down all year and she hated it and I’m sure she probably resented me for it, but I was so desperate to keep my parents safe. And then my mom had an unexpected medical issue and needed what should have been a routine surgery to fix it, and instead she almost died because of a mistake made by her surgeon and she spent the whole summer in the hospital where no one could even visit her until her last week there. And like, she would have died having spent the entire year cooped up in her house and, in her words, “not living,” all because I was trying to keep her safe, and it turns out there are things out there that can get you anyway.
And I know I am beyond privileged and beyond lucky and don’t have any right to complain about anything which makes me feel even worse for feeling like this because I know I haven’t gone through anything compared to what most people have gone through this year. But, fuck. It feels never ending and it feels like it’s all my fault and it feels like I wasted time pre-2020 that now I’ll never get back and it feels like I’ll never feel safe again and it feels like I’m crazy for trying to be safe and careful when no one else takes it seriously and it feels like I’m losing my mind and becoming less of a person because all I can think of when I think of the outside world is fear, even more than I have since basically 2017 when I started expecting to get [redacted] every time I left my house. And now I’d kill to  feel safe enough to go to a crowded concert or festival without the fear of contracting or spreading a potentially lethal virus. I just. I just can’t believe this is real life and it’s been this way for a year, I hate it so much and I don’t know how I’m ever going to recover and it feels so fucking stupid and selfish to be like “wah I had a bad year :(” because like...again I’m white and I have a house and had a job and have no fucking right to be upset and yet here I am, as usual, being a baby about things that are not important at all in the grand scheme of things.
it’s just one of those things that makes me realize I really AM probably crazy, because as much as I know it’s impossible that I caused all of this, sometimes it really fucking feels like I caused all of this?? Like I had too many good things that were supposed to happen in 2020 and I was looking forward to too much and so I cursed the whole planet with misery and suffering for having the ego to want good things to happen. oof. i know rationally it’s not true, i don’t actually believe it, but it’s hard to not think that way when my biggest fear was like “this is actually going to be a good year for me? is it bad to hope for that and look forward to it?” and then the answer turned out to be, yes, of course it was bad to expect that, and just to punish you we’re going to destroy the year for everyone in the world. like again i KNOW that’s not true i know it’s stupid to even say that it kind of feels that way sometimes but it kind of feels that way sometimes.
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schnowydays · 4 years
The “Herne and the Red Kite” Analysis Nobody Asked For
WARNING: This is probably a very long and unnecessary post. 
Wah, so at first I was quite nervous on posting this at all because this is just so embarrassingly long and it is really overly thought out. Plus no one even asked for it and there does not seem to be a need for this since the song is kind of straightforward. But, I still put work into this so I’m going to post it anyways cuz it would feel like a waste if I didn’t. Plus, I’m immensely busy with school right now, so why not just let this fester while I’m away? So,,, here we go:::
Okay, so this was spun out by this post and I just became so interested in what the heck this song was about. I’ve always loved listening to it but I had no idea what the heck was going on - who is Herne? A red kite?? Does this relate to Hadley and Rosalie???
Plus, I love reading analysis on stuff so, here I am, attempting to make my own.
Anyways, to give a quick overview, I am going to be analyzing both the words and the instruments used in the song, going strictly by the studio recording. Everything here will be MY OPINION ALONE so it could be possible that I am horribly wrong on certain things. This research was INCREDIBLY LIGHT so there are probably a lot of details that I missed. Plus, I don’t really have strong music or literature knowledge, nothing beyond what you’re taught in high school. I’ll try to clear up the blocks of text with pictures or videos of things I think are helpful. 
I’m basically going to be the English Teacher who finds meaning in everything meme. You know, the:
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So, without further ado...
The Song Itself
As we all know, “Herne and the Red Kite” was written by Hadley Fraser and was released on his EP Just Let Go. Although it was released in 2014, I’m not entirely sure when this song was written, so it could have been really any time before then. Just to get it out there, based on what others have already said (from that post, yes), this song is most likely to be about Hadley and Rosalie Craig. Here is the song itself if you’ve (somehow) never heard it before. You can also listen along and read at the same time :D
Characters in the Song
Based on only a Google search, “Herne the Hunter”, an English folklore ghost, is really the only thing that shows up. He is mentioned by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor in which he is described as “the ghost of a former Windsor Forest keeper who haunts a particular oak tree at midnight in the winter time” (Wikipedia). He is associated with the Windsor Forest and the Great Park in Berkshire. He basically does a lot of not cool stuff, like making cows produce blood instead of milk and making trees die. Another version states that he was made so that parents can scare their children into being more obedient. Herne is also the surname of a bunch of people. Because Herne is such an interesting name to use for a song like this (why didn’t he pick literally anything else??), then there is probably some intention behind the use of this name and probably the connotations that come with it.
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Red Kite
So, apparently, the Red Kite isn’t actually a kite but is actually a kind of English bird. Fun fact, during Shakespeare’s time, it was considered to be an insult to be called a kite because this bird, back then, was regarded as quite a lowly bird since it was literally associated with trash. It was related this way because it eats dead things haha... However, it was hunted intensely until it became basically extinct except for a few in Wales. Over time, as the population began to thrive again, the Red Kite became a celebrated symbol of Wales (probably) (source). 
According to a lot of different sites, apparently Red Kites also have some meaning to them. I think the most consistent and most important one is how they are a connection between the living and the underworld. This mystical connection binds well with Herne being a folklore ghost who, of course being a ghost, is probably dead. So, already, they are a pretty good match.
A good thing to note as well, birds, in general, are usually used to symbolize freedom. Also, as far as I can tell, there are really no previous stories or songs or works or whatever about Herne and Red Kites together. 
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Hadley and Rosalie’s Relationship
I got this information from here (brought up by @peonybooks​ in a chat, thank you!!)
So, depending on where you look, in 2008 or 2009, Hadley and Rosalie met on the set of A Christmas Carol production in Birmingham, although at the time, they were both dating other people. A piece of the set had fallen on Rosalie during that time and basically destroyed her arm. However, she was determined to swiftly come back to the stage because she was afraid that if she hadn’t, she’ll never be able to come back at all. That, and “because [she] had fallen in love with [Hadley]” (my feelings waaa).
Once the production was over, Hadley shipped it back to LA while Rosalie stayed in London. Hadley returned a year later and called up Rosalie for a drink. It was then discovered that they had actually liked each other this entire time!! They just never told each other. They lived together in Crystal Palace after that and married in 2014. This makes it around the time that this EP was released. 
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Hadley and Rosalie as Herne and the Red Kite
Something interesting I noticed was the relation of their names to these characters. H is for Hadley and Herne. R is for Rosalie and the Red Kite. 
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Of course, this little fun fact breaks a bit if Hadley is using his real first name, Robert, haha. The “Red” in “Red Kite” can also be a relation to how Rosalie has red hair (thanks @alittlepawblog​ hehe).
Also, something worth noting is how Rosalie sings all the lines that are in Herne’s perspective, and Hadley sings all the lines about the Red Kite’s perspective. That trade-off is quite neat, actually. They are both narrators together in this story, but they are swapping who talks about who. It makes the whole song feel like they are speaking for each other together. 
Lyrics and Instruments
I think for this part, I am going to break it up by when each person sings. So basically, whenever there is a new singer or if they start singing together, that will be a new section. Italics are lyrics, regular print is the analysis.
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The story is introduced by an accordion. To be honest, it sounds quite static, or maybe even stoic. There is not a lot of feeling in it, maybe to demonstrate how Herne and the Red Kite’s lives were like before meeting each other.
The sprinkles of hi-hats spring the beginning of the song, which consists of a guitar melody, bass and a violin. The violin has a recurring melody that is highlighted every time there is an instrumental break. It could perhaps represent Herne as both Herne (and subsequently Hadley) is mentioned throughout the song consistently, while the Red kite is only mentioned after the introduction. 
Herne lived alone, lived alone in a wood Staring at swallows, wishing he could Join their migration from flower to flower Finally deciding to rest on some bower
Herne is introduced right off the bat, making him kind of the main character. That, and the fact that he has the most lines in the song directly about him. Makes sense if Herne is supposed to stand in for Hadley, since Hadley wrote this song. The fact that he lives in the woods also fits nicely with how he is supposed to be a ghost associated with the Windsor Forest and the Great Park. 
The lyrics state he is lonely and stares at swallows, wishing he could join them and fly far away visiting beautiful things (“flower to flower”). Swallows are typically symbols for very very good things, like happiness, protection, connection, conflict resolution, etc. The words “finally deciding to rest” kind of makes it like he has been on this long trek for happiness for a while. He’s been doing this search for so long that he just has to rest, finally. And, in case you didn’t know like me, a bower is “a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants in a garden or wood” (thanks Google). 
So, just to recap Herne is a lonely ghost who doesn’t want to be this way. He wants to be happy, have a connection with something, but being isolated in the wood just doesn’t let him do that. This may indicate how lonely or just duller things seemed to be for Hadley before he met Rosalie. He didn’t feel a true connection or see true beauty, something he desperately wanted to experience, until her. 
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With another With another
Albeit being very short, these can potentially have meaning behind them. “With another” - another what? They also start singing together here for the first time. Perhaps the “another” is each other, Hadley and Rosalie, or a foreshadow that Herne will be joined by another person or being soon, a sort of set up for the Red Kite, who is introduced in the next line. 
Herne lifts his head and the Red Kite goes drifting by Suddenly in love with something that caught her eye
Hadley now sings but from the perspective of the Red Kite. Notice before that Rosalie sang the last verse, but all about Herne. They kind of mirror each other in this way. 
With the video above, you can see how, while they drift, the Red Kites move their head a lot. Maybe this is a normal bird movement and I’m just too dumb to know, but they seem to be actively searching below them. I think this derives from how they are scavenger birds. However, instead of spotting food, she spots Herne and is “suddenly in love”. This could parallel into real life, where Rosalie might have seen Hadley in passing on the production and experienced love at first sight. These lines indicate that Herne (Hadley) has clearly seen the Red Kite (Rosalie) as well, probably having the same love at first sight moment, something that can be inferred once the song progresses into the next Rosalie verse. 
In this verse, the accordion returns as well, possibly indicating some remnants of the past sadness still lingering. There is uncertainty. However, a new instrument is also introduced simultaneously: the mandolin. To me, it kind of sounds very happy and bright and hopeful, especially in the plucky way it was used. This new instrument, as well as the potentially cheesy representation (rip me), can indicate that something new and exciting is going to begin.
Something that's shining so bright in the sunlight Let's hope we never...
If we’re sticking with the definition of bowers being shady, then should it not be very unlikely that the Red Kite or Herne have spotted each other at all? Perhaps through this line, they are saying how unlikely their relationship was to have occurred, but when it ultimately did, it was glorious. In the following line, they say “Let’s hope we never lose that thing that shines in the sunlight ever again”. Maybe it was just so unbelievably good, so amazing, that they were afraid that they would lose it because it just feels so unimaginable. Besides, this flips well into reality since they never told each other they liked each other and kept it secret for a whole year!! PLUS, they were dating others when they first met!! Very unlikely relationship indeed. 
...then again, this could just be them saying the other is really great haha. 
The accordion is fazed out as if the longer Herne and the Red Kite gaze at each other, the past sadness and loneliness are slowly melting away. The violin returns, swelling into the next line. 
...lose that thing that shines in the sunlight ever again
Them singing together makes it like they are in total agreement with each other.  It’s like Hadley is making this statement in the melody, and Rosalie supports wholeheartedly with her harmony. From Hadley to Rosalie, and Rosalie to Hadley, they feel like the other outcompetes the sun (the sun!).
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The violin melody from the beginning returns, as does the guitar melody. However, after the violin does its melody once, the trumpet now copies it! If the violin represents Herne because of how both he and the violin are introduced at around the same time, then the trumpet could represent the Red Kite, bringing new a much more vibrant, bold and triumphant vibe to Herne’s life. Plus, the fact that the trumpet copies the violin’s melody probably means there is a connection between the two. This would make it somewhat like an instrumental duet or could also possibly foreshadow that something very good is about to happen. 
Only one Herne and not enough wood Climbed up the bower and atop it he stood Called down the Red Kite from high up above Come land down here and be my love
Herne feels so attracted to the Red kite that he feels a physical pull to her, so much so that he climbs up on top of the bower. With not enough wood, he’s too far away from the Red Kite, and with only one Herne, it feels like nothing is there to support him in what he is trying to do. So he calls down the Red Kite to be with him instead, kind of like how Hadley called Rosalie for a drink all those years ago. It was him that reached out at the end that called her to him. “Be my love”, they will soon declare to each other during/after that fateful meeting. 
This also begins the hunter-bird relationship, if we are going to take this a little more literally. Hunter and bird relationships are very mutualistic. They help each other, with the birds guiding the hunters to their targets and the hunters paying them back in some way, usually through food or other means. 
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Forever Forever
Singing together, they both want to be together forever (haha, pretty obvious?)
Red Kite flies down (he's waited his life for this) Whispers to Herne something, whispers, and then a kiss
As the Red Kite flies down towards Herne (as Rosalie gets closer to Hadley, or comes to meet him), Herne (Hadley) thinks that “he’s waited his life for this”. This goes back to the beginning where we know that Herne really wanted to go beyond the wood to see new beautiful things. Now someone beautiful has come to him instead, making his once isolating and lonely world so much more dazzling and loving. 
They also whisper, which is a pretty intimate choice of word. And they kiss! Literally spelling out a loving relationship. The happiness, love, protection, connection that Herne (Hadley) yearned for, for such a long time, is finally here. 
The mandolin also returns, the hope has its pay off! It continues to play throughout the rest of the song until after a few “Herne and the Red Kite” repeats at the very end of the song.
Something that's shining so bright in the sunlight Let's hope we never... 
...lose that thing that shines in the sunlight ever again
Once again, they repeat these words, as if to reaffirm this message that they are the best thing to have happened to each other. This is also at the end of the song, you can interpret as the end of this segment of the story, but the start of something beautiful. As time goes on, this magnificent idea they hold of each other never changes, despite anything that happens. 
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This instrumental segment sounds like a slightly altered version of the instrumental breaks we’ve heard before. It is a lot more energetic, with the first threeish notes being kept from the original, but now tacked on with something extra. Overall, it just sounds so much happier than the instrumental breaks we’ve been getting before. 
Herne and the Red Kite (repeat)...
This line is repeated 12 times (yes, I counted). The overall feel just sounds so triumphant and happy, like we’re celebrating. The joyous melody has the mandolin fade out, and if you really listen, the trumpet and violin seem to be having a very animated conversation with one another, calling and responding to each other and at times responding really quickly. The same guitar melody that we hear during the instrumental breaks is back as well.
All the instruments fade away, with the violin’s recurring melody closing the celebration off until there is only the guitar left. With only the violin standing out at the very end, it's nice that the original solo melody is now surrounded by all these other exciting things, making it kind of say that Herne is still Herne, but now he is surrounded by so many wonders now that the Red Kite is here. With the guitar having its ending solo, It makes it sounds like this is a tale gone by, and now we talk about it as if it were a folktale or a legend. It kind of feels like we’re just talking about this story around a campfire instead. Herne and the Red Kite grew old and grew old together, closing off the song like a musical “happily ever after”. 
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Extra Stuff
Interesting Notes
The way it is written sort of sounds like a children’s poem, describing a simple but cute story
The song, overall, personally has a folklore vibe to it haha
There are a few pairs that can be picked out
Herne and the Red kite
Hadley and Rosalie
Male and Female voice (duet)
Violin and Trumpet
Accordion and Mandolin (Accordion is replaced by the Mandolin)
Any time the two sing together, it kind of just reinforces the narrator aspect of things, how they seem to be telling us the story of how they met and ultimately fell in love from a long time ago
Unanswered Questions
Why use Herne of all figures? Herne is supposed to be a very scary ghost. If it truly is supposed to represent Hadley, does this mean he identifies with the ghost in some way? Or did he derive some meaning from Herne’s presence in the works he shows up in?
Waa ok, that’s all I have for now about Herne and the Red Kite. If you made it to the end, thank you so much!! Truly appreciative that you read all the ramblings <3 
Here is the super general story: Herne was yearning for something more and was feeling lonely. Then he saw the Red Kite drift by, and for both of them, it was love at first sight. He desperately wanted to be with her, so he called out to her despite the odds or the distance, and as she descended to him, he felt excited that his loneliness was finally going to end. From then on, they shared a happy and joyous relationship until the end of time. The end~
The writing of this post took much longer than the actual light research and speculation part of it. Again, I might be completely wrong because this is just what I think is going on, and I might also just be looking waaaayyy too deep into things. If this is truly a proper, or at least somewhat proper, reflection of Hadley and Rosalie’s relationship, then I feel incredibly soft :’) 
If you have any other ideas, or if you agree/disagree with my analysis, please let me know!! I’m really excited to see what others have to say. :D
Until next time, I guess haha
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"Ooo is that legion boys here to play?"
"Aw, just a radscorpion"
"I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known" * sound of ED-E and Boone walking behind me*
"Ask no questions, no usual elm, only buisness"
"Jean-baptiste? I legit expected her to say it in a weird way but ayy"
"Honestly, I didn't really ASK to be in the family, I just wanted caps money, but sure, go off I guess"
"Oh, he needs to find Cass? I dont wanna turn in my home girl like that"
"Oooh I should get veronica"
"Tranding post trading post where are you"
"Boone sounds like a sad lost puppy when I say I want to split up, like baby no I'm sorry but no honey dont cry"
"Hes like "oh. Ok. I guess... I see you....."
Boone: I thought you were bae, turn out you're just fam
Me: bro
Boone, while disappearing: ✌🏻🥺
"Veronica is so cute, protect her"
"Father Elijah, I keep thinking about that, uh... lord of the rings guy, is it frodo? Bro idunno shit"
"My brother would be so disappointed in me"
"Imma text him hehehe"
"I feel so bad for Veronica, shes basically a gen z trapped in a gen x cave"
"The brotherhood of steel is like super quarantineing themselves, let's learn from them. Wah wah, we wear heavy armour and we're not boomers bUt ThEy'Re nOt WrOnG aNd MaYbE wE sHoUlD-- no no stfu"
"Like, it sounds like the elders are just so.. soo disorganized. Even in 3 and 4, they're like 'the elders dont like me, so here I am' like bro"
"I'm just like Dean"
"Moving around like that, means either bugs or legion, but like, ain't them the same?"
"Enemies don't die when I try to kill them... restart the game people!!"
"Bunch of enemies? Is it legion? Here legion legion legion, come to mommy!!"
"Let. Me. Scale. This. Wall!!! I dont wanna go the normal way!!"
"Oooh... I should've gone to normal way..."
"Green vault here we go"
"Where am i"
"Can I make this jump?"
"Yes AAAA Cass... no why, why u scare whyyy"
"Stay out, the plants kill' sounds like carnivores trying to play the over dramatic vegans"
"Black widow is when you're straight, the uh, french word is for lesbians"
"If we let the karen of the vegetarians take over the world, they're gonna spawn in like the vault 22 spore ghouls"
*door locked, lockpick hard*
Me: that door cant stop me! *proceeds to break several lockpicks*
"I'm very offended with that the npcs can run faster than me, is this what they feel when I circle run around them?"
"I fucking died, bcuz I stood too close to gas. Wow"
"Oh... I could... I could stand in a room... hmm"
"I lied and lost karma hehe, but then I gained karma for helping out AHAHAHHA"
"Oh my god I'm so scared, like arent they gonna be like ??? The door??? Opened???? On it's own?????"
"Ow, the door hit me"
"I've probably collected more than what I was supposed to, and I cant remember what quest I'm doing it for... is it the kitchen dude? It might???"
"Bro, I can sleep with Benny, i am screaming"
"Fuck it I'll do it"
"Nononononono I wanna cry this is horrible dont-no-noooo dont call me pussycat noooooo"
"He fucking left me a note, he left me and gave me a note LIKE EXCUSE?!"
"I... I'm legit dying this is giving me shivers and I just"
"I need to take a mental break, he's so creepy and I'm crying"
"Since he left I'm gonna steal all his shit, like a little something for giving me trauma"
"Ah, I forgot there's a robot here"
"Hello sir or madame, what quest will you send me on?"
"Yes man, lol"
"Hes very nice, poor sod"
"I'm gonna be on house's side this time"
"Not because of the suite ofc"
"The only tribe I want to, uh, kill, is legion"
"Creepy hallway, not a fan"
"Think I'll just do everything else before these quests"
"Ah yes, side quests, how you complete me"
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