#why are the colors literally so breathtaking
meo-eiru · 1 day
What's ur inspo for art? ur art style is so cute... any art advice?? Jajsjdkkaka, I understand if u wanna gatekeep 👁👁
I meant to answer this several days ago but couldn't find it in the sea of asks welp
Anyway as I mentioned before we don't gatekeep art related stuff in this household, artists help other artists.
Honestly it's hard to name an inspo but I do have artists I look up to a lot (this might be a bit long)
Kanisuke, you guys might be familiar with her, she's the artist of the upcoming yandere inside game Yandere Town. I know it's not out yet but I'm actually obsessed with this game and have even translated all the character intros (they are a bit old atp so there might be some mistakes) and actually if you see a Yandere Town related post high chance it's from me. Not only her art but I love her writing style as well.
Hakuri-sensei, their manga Sachi iro no One Room is definitely one of my biggest inspirations. I love the relationship between Sachi and her "captor" and it's the only manga I actually cried my eyes out while reading.
Tayu-sensei, all of their work for Yuugen Romantica (one of my fav drama cd series) are breathtaking and they've also developed even more since then, their current works are just so stunning and I love studying the way they draw hair
Shirahama-sensei, she👏is👏a👏queen👏 honestly I don't have much to say, go read Witch Hat Atelier it's an artistic masterpiece and a giant love letter to art itself
Furumi-sensei, another queen! She's the artist of my favorite Fate Grand Order character Ashiya Douman. I've even bough her art books before, honestly she is just so talented. I don't know what she was drinking when she came up with Douman but I need some of it
Usagi Routo-sense, another fgo artist AND JUST LOOK AT HOW INCREDIBLE THEY ARE AT USING COLORS LIKE??? HOW??? Their art is like cocain for my eyes I could look at them for hours
AU, one more fgo artist and oh my god guys this person right here is one of my biggest inspirations just look at their drawings. I'm not kidding I actually spent hours just inspecting how they shade outfits. I'd sacrifice my soul just to get a chance to watch them draw live
☝︎ FAN, an Ashiya Douman fanartist and god guys the comics they draw!!! They are the cause of some of my current biggest fetishes ngl
Oyo-sensei, an fgo artist and is also the main artist of 18trip. They have such a clean art style that's very pleasing to the eye. I especially love the reference sheets they draw.
Shibatora-sensei, she is the artist of my FAVORITE drama cd series Shinai naru Thanatos and my overall favorite yandere character from any fiction Seo Eito. Honestly if you know me irl probably the first thing you'd mention about me would be my chronic Shinai naru Thanatos addiction because based on what everyone says I start speaking about it within 2 weeks of meeting someone new.
ORKA, the artist of A Stepmother's Marchen. Anyone who knows that manhwa probably knows why she's on this list, her art has so much soul and passion in it, literally every single panel looks like a painting and it makes me want to cry just looking at it
82 Pigeon, an incredible incredible Korean artist, I think they also give art lessons? I really tried to get them but couldn't figure out how. They also have a youtube channel and I learn a lot just by watching their speedpaints
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skribblz · 1 year
HELLO AGAIN !!! lmao i also am unable to draw senku's hair, so i did what ghost did jbfjbfh
i fffinished it inn. a little over 5 hours!! i hope u like it :D
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hehehehdhhs again, happy belated birhtdya!! have a nice day <3
im so obsessed with your coloring style you dont even know im gonna go insane its like the coolest painting style and i love the little splashes of color you use omg this is so vibrant so beautiful AND SENKU HAS HIS HAIR UP AND THEYRE HOLDING HANDS S SDM KD SDSD D MSKVKVJKKVN S
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Enemies to lovers
Robin x reader
So maybe if you could write an enemies to lovers with robin and there is a rivalry between them but then something happens and the dynamics completely switch but they're still kind of bitchy to eachother
I was thinking maybe 9,11,14,23,32 and 40 from the angst list and then 4,18,21,28 and 34 from the fluff list and then to top it of with 14,19,25 and 35 from the smut list
Requested by @seasonofth3witch
Reader is very open about her sexuality
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Y/N never understood why Robin had an issue with her. When she first met Robin, she honestly thought she was one of the hottest girls she has ever seen in her life. She was sarcastic and sassy.
Y/N can't lie, seeing Robin screaming at her just aroused her even more. The way her face turned red. Her lips would puff out. Her eyebrows scrunched together and her nose followed. She was breathtaking.
So when Robin decided to hate her guts, she couldn't deny that it stung. It was like she hated her before giving her a chance.
But Y/N wasn't a push over. If Robin was out for blood, she'd put up a fight.
When Robin first heard about Y/N it was from Steve. She was his latest obsession. Robin easily got annoyed when Steve could freely talk about women. If she were to do it, people would judge her. Shame her.
She hated it even more that Steve could be with any girl he met. He didn't have to worry about her sexuality, or hiding their love. She found herself easily jealous over Steve.
And when she met Y/N, jealously planted it's roots in her heart.
She was gorgeous. Easily the most beautiful girl she's ever seen in her life. And she was into Steve, go fucking figure.
She watched as Y/N threw her arms around Steve's neck and how he spun her around.
Robin felt her eyes roll, blushing slightly when Y/N noticed her action.
Y/N smiled anyway and place her hand out to Robin.
Robin hated how her smile made her even more gorgeous. A gorgeous girl for Steve.
Robin faked a smile and shook the girl's hand. Trying to ignore the sparks she felt and butterflies flying in her stomach.
It's been months since they met and Robin still feels jealousy. A burning monster that takes over her mouth and body.
It's like whenever she's near Y/N, the monster makes an appearance.
Robin later found out that she wasn't actually into Steve. They were old childhood friends, and she recently moved back home.
But that didn't matter. Robin couldn't turn the tables on her now, then she'd have to admit why she was so hostile at first. And she was not going to admit that.
In the beginning Y/N tried to brush off Robin's attitude towards her. Maybe she wasn't good at meeting new people. Y/N vowed to always be nice and give her time to warm up.
"Steve and I are going to see the new horror film, do you want to go? I could pick you up?" Y/N smiled sweetly at her but Robin didn't soften up.
"I rather do literally anything than sit in a movie theater with you."
Unless it was them alone, where she could sneak her hand up Y/N's skirt
"I heard you loved chocolate and I got so much for Christmas, do you want to share?"
"I don't need your regifts."
But she'd love to melt chocolate over her skin and lick it off
"Rob! This color blue would look amazing on you."
"I don't remember asking for your opinion."
Robin did secretly buy every clothing item in that color.
Sooner than later Y/N began to bite back. Robin clearly didn't warm up to her after months of knowing her so she gave up.
"Hey Steve don't forget, party at my house tonight!"
Robin looked up, party? Why wasn't she told?
"what about me Steve?"
Y/N overheard the question. With a smirk she snapped back to Robin.
"Sorry. Friends only. Don't really care to have you around."
"Well I vote to watch comedy" Robin stated out loud to the group, as they sat at Steve's for a movie night.
"No one wants to watch your shitty picks Rob."
Robin could feel her blood boil at the sound of Y/N's voice.
After so many comments to one another, they couldn't breathe near each other without fighting.
"what are they fighting about now?" Steve sighed as he watched the two girls practically go at each other's throats.
"I have no idea." Nancy said. Confusion as to why these two girls always but heads.
The more Robin got to know Y/N, the more she began to fall for her.
But she couldn't, it would only lead her to be heartbroken.
It was easier to hate her than to love her.
The more they fought the more Y/N felt herself craving Robin.
She wanted to swallow Robin's hot words down her throat.
For once shut her up as she fucked her.
The only problem was, if she fucked her, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop.
Their next big blowout ended very badly. A lot of damage was done that Robin wasn't sure she could come back from.
Robin remembered her blood boiling as Y/N had a girl pressed against the wall, her tongue down this girl's throat. Y/N's hands were running down the girls body, hiking a leg around her waist.
Robin could hear the girl moan over the loud music in the living room. She tried to move away but ended up seeing them from a different angle. From here Robin could see Y/N's fingers working themselves into the girl's cunt.
Robin felt herself grow wet as her eyes trained on Y/N's fingers skillfully working this girl to an orgasm. It wasn't her first time. She had to be gay in a sense. Robin watched as the girl fell apart, orgasm washing over her as Y/N swallowed her moans with a kiss. She left the girl panting and shaking in the corner of the living room. No care to the party going on around them. No care to watchful eyes.
Y/N removed her fingers from the girls cunt and sucked them clean. As she cleaned them off she looked to the side to see Robin staring at her.
A dark look took over Robin's eyes. It was a look of heat, lust and desire. She could see Robin clenching her thighs together. The movement caused her small blue dress to move up. Y/N could feel the drooling filling her mouth as she looked at the new skin available.
When she caught Robin's eyes again she smirked at the glare Robin was sending the random girl.
Jealous? She thinks so.
Y/N excused herself to the kitchen, needing another drink. She was already definitely drunk. Not usually the type to finger a girl in public at a party sober.
"You'd think you would have more respect for yourself than to be just a slut in public." She heard Robin hiss from behind her.
She quickly turned to see the girl close, practically chest to chest at this point.
"me a slut? I don't know Rob. From where I was it seemed like you were enjoying the show. What does that make you?" She smirked as Robin blushed underneath the low lights.
Even if she couldn't see her fully in the party lights, she knew Robin looked gorgeous tonight. Delicious enough to devour.
When Robin didn't answer, Y/N stood closer. Now basically nose to nose. If she leaned in an inch more their lips could touch.
"So quiet now baby. What is it? Are you a little bit jealous? Do you wish you could fuck me Rob? Or want me to fuck you?"
Robin wanted to smack the smirk off of Y/N's face. She hated how right she was. She hated that Y/N could read her like a book even when she tried to hide herself with a cover.
But Robin couldn't let herself sink into the game. Y/N was testing her and she needed to come back on top.
"You know Y/N, not everyone wants you. I certainly don't. I don't want you. I don't even fucking like you. I can't stand you. You're selfish, stubborn and such a goddamn bitch. How people even care about you is beyond me. I will never be jealous over anyone you fuck. Because I wouldn't touch you even if you got on your knees and begged me."
Y/N felt like she was sobering quickly. Embarrassed and hurt filling her bones. All this time she thought maybe Robin disliked her because she was attracted to her. Some type of sexual tension that she would feed fire into.
But no, Robin came with a bucket of water and threw it on the fire. She made it clear, and Y/N had to accept the girl she secretly was in love with, would never like her.
"Damn Rob. And all this time I thought it was just sexual tension between us. But I'm glad you told me how you really feel. I'll make sure to leave you the fuck alone." Y/N threw her full drink to Robin's feet. Pushing past her with a hard shove as she ran out.
Robin knew she fucked up. She knew she hurt Y/N and she couldn't come back from that.
It's been two days since the party, and she hasn't seen her since.
It was like she disappeared in thin air.
She wanted to ask about her, but she couldn't let anyone know she secretly cared. She hated that she could see the exact moment Y/N's eyes changed into hurt.
She was supposed to hate her.
And hating someone never felt so hard.
When the gang got together for their next movie night, it was Robin's pick.
She nervously looked over at Y/N the whole night. She didn't say a word to her. Not like they talked every second but something was usually said by now.
When she picked a movie she knew Y/N hated more than anything, she turned to her for a reaction, as did the rest of the gang.
But she sat there silently, picking at her nails.
The gang eyed her weirdly but no one said anything.
Robin quickly put in the movie and went back to her seat.
Radio silence has never hurt so bad before.
Every time Y/N saw Robin or even heard her name, the embarrassment filled her again. She didn't want Robin to know how bad her words affected her but she had to distance herself.
It hurts too much to sit there and act like nothing has changed between them. Like Robin didn't tell her that she could never care for Y/N, even as a friend.
She was never insecure but now she second guessed herself about everything. What if her other friends thought she was a bitch too. Do they think that?
They were Robin's friends first, maybe they all thought the same thing but Robin was the only one that had the balls to admit it.
In a silent agreement Robin and Y/N simply ignored each other.
The gang questioned what happened between the two but neither spoke about it.
Robin felt guilty but was too proud to admit that.
Y/N was embarrassed and didn't want her friends knowing how hard she fell for Robin. She didn't need the pity looks.
She knew Robin would never love her. She doesn't need to hear everyone say it.
Robin came down with chicken pox. She was itchy everywhere and constantly annoyed.
Her parents were gone so she had to somehow take care of herself. Which was hard since she had to tape mittens to her hands so she would stop fucking scratching.
She called Steve and begged him to help. He said he's never gotten the chicken pox and he wasn't going to get them now. But he'd send over help.
And when help showed up at her door, she wished she never asked.
Y/N nervously rocked on her feet. This was a bad idea. Robin would not want her here. But she was the only one in the gang that apparently has had chicken pox before so she was sent to help the girl out.
Help the girl who hates her guts.
She swears God is being cruel on purpose.
But the love she held for Robin took over and she wanted to nurse her back to health.
Once she got enough courage she knocked on the door with her free hand. The other hand is holding a bag of food, drinks, movies, and books. If Robin allowed her to stay, she needed something to entertain her.
When Robin opened the door a big frown took over her face.
Great, Robin thought.
She's sick, covered in red dots, no make up and hair not even brushed. Old pjs of a T-shirt and small shorts with fuzzy socks.
Not how she wanted to look when she saw Y/N again.
God was being cruel on purpose.
Y/N thought the opposite. She thought Robin was somehow even cuter sick. Her no make-up face was still breathtaking, her freckles really stood out. Her crazy bed hair had Y/N thinking of what her sex hair would look like. But she quickly shook that thought behind.
She was her because Robin was sick.
"I brought chocolate." Y/N said with a small smile and shrugged shoulders. Fully expecting Robin to slam the door on her face. To her surprise, Robin opened the door wider and stepped aside.
Her smile got bigger as she walked through the door. Removing her shoes and following Robin's lead to her bedroom.
"sorry for the mess." Robin blushed as she cleared off her bed.
"no worries. My room is definitely worse." She laughed. Her heart warmed when Robin let out a small chuckle.
"alright which film first?"
Around three movies later, Robin was close to falling asleep.
Y/N noticed Robin's eyes getting heavy. The clock read it was near 10 pm.
"You seem tired. I'll get out of your hair." Y/N said quietly as she began to move from the bed. Cleaning up the snacks and drinks around her.
She began to grab her keys when Robin's small voice stopped her.
"Could you stay a little bit longer?”
Y/N didn't know what to say.
She wanted her to stay? She turned to look at her, hoping to read her expression.
Robin's eyes were red and heavy. Just blinks away from falling asleep.
"Yeah Rob, of course." She smiled softly and Robin's lips turned into a smile.
Y/N went to sit at the edge of the bed, where she was sitting before, when Robin scooted over to her wall and patted the space next to her.
"You want me to lay next to you?" Y/N asked. She was confused. Robin wasn't anything like how she usually is when it comes to Y/N.
Robin felt her body flush in heat. Maybe she shouldn't have asked her to stay. Maybe she shouldn't have asked her to lay down.
She feels like an idiot. Right as she was about to tell her nevermind, Y/N took off her jeans.
Robin blushed at the sight of her legs and thighs. Her shirt covered her panties, thankfully otherwise Robin might actually burst in flames.
Y/N crawled in next to Robin and turned her head to face the tv, away from Robin's eyes.
Robin couldn't watch the movie, her eyes kept landing back to Y/N body laying next to her. The tv highlights the sides of her face. She was so effortlessly gorgeous. Laying there with no makeup, full attention to the film.
The silence wasn't uncomfortable, it was soothing. It was relaxing. And it somehow felt right.
Robin couldn't help herself as she slowly itched her hand closer to Y/N's that rested on her own stomach.
Once she felt her hand made contact with Y/N's she quickly shut her eyes. Fake snores leaving her mouth.
"Rob? Hey Rob? Are you asleep?" She heard Y/N softly whisper. Her breath hitting Robin's lips.
She kept her eyes closed, pretending to sleep.
Robin tried not to smile when she felt Y/N lace their fingers together and her body scoot closer.
"Sweet dreams Rob." Her heart warmed as she felt a kiss to her nose.
She kept fake sleeping until she truly fell asleep, her heart slowly beating in rhythm with the girl that laid next to her.
Robin groaned as she felt the sun shining in her eyes. Throwing an arm over eyes to block out the disturbance.
She rolled over to hide her head into her pillow when she smelled a shampoo that wasn't hers. She opened her eyes fully to see her bed empty but the scent still lingered.
That's when she remembered, she asked Y/N to stay the night.
Robin felt herself frown as she looked at the empty bed. Her room is now a tad bit more clean than last night. Her tv was shut off. The silence in the room felt like it was suffocating her. She removed herself from her bed and changed into new clothes.
She made her way to the kitchen and froze when she saw Y/N standing there in front of the stove, nothing but the same shirt and panties from the night before.
Robin clenched her thighs when Y/N reached up to grab plates from the cabinet. Her shirt rose up and she could see how her panties shaped the globes of her ass so wonderfully. She wanted to come behind her and grip her ass as she rutted herself against her.
Robin decided she needed to speak up, not keep staring at her.
"I thought you left."
Y/N jumped at the sudden voice. And turned around.
She smiled at Robin, looking adorable in her huge blue sweatshirt and small shorts. Hair thrown up in a messy bun, pieces that couldn't fit laid against her neck. Her small red bumps are mostly gone.
"Nope! Just making pancakes." She smiled brightly.
"you know, you wear that color blue a lot. It's nice on you." She complimented as she turned back around.
Robin blushed, silently remembering why she bought this color blue in the first place.
After that day Y/N thought things were going to be better between them. Robin seemed to have opened up around her, and wanted her to stay.
Y/N hoped at least a friendship was forming.
But she was wrong. She was reminded once again that Robin did not like her.
The gang was at another party, trying to have every bit of teenage fun they could manage.
Robin has been avoiding Y/N at all costs. Refusing to look in her direction during group conversations, purposely standing the furthest away.
She did a whole 180 on her. She wanted her to stay and now she doesn't seem to care if they know each other or not.
But Y/N wasn't going to dwell on it. This behavior from Robin shouldn't shock her anymore.
Y/N spent the night dancing with the prettiest girl she could find. She wanted to feel things for someone else that she felt with Robin. She wanted to feel that heat and desire.
She let the girl grind herself all over her. She placed her hands on the girl's hips and moved with her. The girl had her head thrown back in a moan as Y/N slipped her leg in between her thighs. Now grinding her clothed clit against Y/N's thigh. Y/N could feel herself biting back a moan as the girl sucked on her neck, definitely leaving a hickey behind.
"how does she find a girl every single time?" Steve whined as he watched Y/N and this random girl basically dry hump each other in the middle of the living room.
"She's hot Steve." Nancy said as she laughed at his displeasure.
Robin didn't seem to be enjoying it either. Racing breaths coming from her body. She doesn't know if her face was full of heat from the drink in her cup or from what her eyes had to watch.
Watch the girl she's been trying to ignore feelings for, once again give another girl an orgasm during a party. Robin remembered last time this happened she said things she shouldn't have. Before she made that mistake again she headed for the kitchen for some water, hoping to cool down whatever is making her body hot.
"Hey you are Rob right?" A breathless voice came from beside her.
It was the same girl from the other party that Y/N messed around with.
"it's Robin." She corrected, no friendliness in her tone.
"Oh sorry. Y/N always calls you Rob, speaking of her I was wondering if she has said anything about me? I gave her my number but she never called." The girl asked nervously, her fingers twiddling.
"Um no. But her and I don't really talk." Robin shrugged, softening the blow just a bit.
"oh really? She talks about you a lot like you guys were friends. But nevermind then. I guess I'll have to find her or something." The girl quickly went to run off. Jealousy and a sting of guilt filling Robin, Y/N talked about her all the time. In front and to other girls.
With a sigh Robin headed back to the living room, seeing Y/N now talking to the girl Robin ran into. Smiling and laughing. Robin rolled her eyes. She hated how easy it was for every other girl to talk to Y/N so freely. Not initiated or scared by her.
She watched as Y/N kissed the girls cheek and headed to the bathroom. The girl smiled after her, in a daze.
Robin tried to act as it didn't bother her when Y/N walked right past her. Not even a slight movement in her eyes.
"Hey did you see where Y/N went?" The girl from the dance floor asked as she walked up to Robin.
Another one really?
"no." She snapped. Why was she forced to be an Y/N expert all of a sudden.
"well I really need to go so if you could give her my number. That'd be great!" She handed Robin a piece of paper.
" I wouldn't bother, Y/N has this thing where she acts like she cares. She'll fuck you no doubt. Make it so good your head will spin. Then when you wake up she'll be gone. And I promise you she won't call you again. She doesn't settle down. Kind of a one night stand type of girl. Guess she got too used to people not wanting more than sex from her so she became best at it. " Robin declared as confident as she could like she would know.
But Robin truly didn't know. She had no idea what Y/N was like in bed. If she hooked up once and left. If she stayed to hold whoever it was. She wished she knew.
The girl wasn't sure what to say so she awkwardly laughed and slowly walked away.
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.” Y/N spoke up. Robin's head quickly turned to see her standing there. Arms crossed and eyes a tad bit watery.
Robin felt her expression fall, yet again she fucked up.
"Don’t look at me like you’re sorry. You’re not sorry.” Y/N scoffed.
Robin quickly stuttered out, "no that's not... that wasn't...I didn't...I am sorry."
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned around. Once again running out of a party because of Robin.
But this time Robin followed her.
Racing out to the front yard, "Y/N JUST WAIT!"
"Don't call me that please. It's Rob remember? And I am sorry."
"Sorry for what Robin? Hating me before you even gave me a chance? Treating me like shit when we are hanging out with our friends? Slut shaming me? Telling me you could never care about me? Telling girls that I'm just a good fuck and that's all I have? So what part?" Y/N asked. .
Maybe hating Y/N wasn't the right way to go with things. Maybe she should've been honest. Maybe this is now the time.
"do you want me to fuck you, Robin? Is that what this is? Sexually frustrated from being near me all the time?" Robin gulped as Y/N got nose to nose to her.
A weak nod from Robin caused Y/N to smirk.
"Then let's go." Y/N demanded as she began to walk to her car
Robin had no idea what Y/N had planned. She had no idea why she followed Y/N to her car with no hesitation.
And now Robin found herself in her own bedroom, and not alone.
Y/N had Robin right here she wanted her.
"Strip." She demanded.
Robin's body heated as Y/N checked her out.
Robin slowly unzipped her dress, letting it fall to her feet. She bent forward to pull down her tights.
Now she stands in front of a fully dressed Y/N, in nothing but her matching underwear.
Robin felt her self grow self conscious as Y/N stared at her. Subconsciously covering herself with her hands.
Y/N quickly walked up to Robin and removed her hands.
"Stop. You are beautiful." She said.
After months of back and forth, Y/N finally got to kiss the girl of her dreams.
Robin was panting hard.
She was on her back, completely naked and at Y/N's mercy.
A vibrator buzzing on her clit, that Y/N has refused to move for minutes.
"you are going to hold that vibrator on your clit until you cum. Do you understand?" Y/N demanded as she lowered her face towards Robin's cunt.
Robin nodded fast and grabbed the vibrator. Pressing it harshly against her clit. Moaning at the feeling of vibrations shooting through her body.
"OH FUCK!" Robin screamed as Y/N plunged one finger into her cunt.
"look at you. One finger in and you are screaming for me" Y/N mocked as she began to pump two fingers inside of her. Fingering as deep as she could.
"So warm and tight Rob." Robin felt her pussy clench hearing Y/N call her Rob as she fingered her.
Robin's moans grew louder and closer together. Hips bucking up to match the pace of Y/N's fingers. Her clit pulsing from the vibrator.
"I'm gonna cum." She whispered. Moans leaving her mouth in a higher pitch.
Y/N smirked as she watched Robin fall apart.
"I only came because of the vibrator." Robin said as she turned it off and moved it to the side. Y/N smirk got bigger as she thrust a third finger into Robin's cunt.
'oh fuck" Robin gasped.
" are you saying I can't make you cum by myself with no toys involved? You are going to regret that, I'm going to fucking ruin you."
Robin should have kept her mouth shut.
Because now she was three orgasms in and Y/N hadn't removed herself from between Robin's thighs.
She was sucking and licking Robin's thighs. Fingers are still slowly pushing into her. It was messy and wet. Y/N's tongue was thrashing against Robin's clit harshly. With each orgasm Robin grew more sensitive. It became way easier to keep her cumming and screaming.
"I can't...I can't give another." Robin whimpered as she tried to pull her hips away from Y/N's assault.
"Aw Rob. That was like two orgasms without the vibrator even near you."
Robin wanted to kiss the smirk off of her face.
Before she could say a word, Y/N climbed up Robin's chest.
"Put your mouth to good use for once and eat me like a good girl."
Robin moaned as Y/N straddled her face. Her delicious thighs smother her into Y/N's cunt. Robin inhaled Y/N scent. Feeling her abused cunt dripping.
Y/N was soaked from watching Robin orgasm after orgasm. No shame as she rode Robin's face desperately. She was working for an orgasm and that was it.
Robin hasn't tasted a woman as well as her before. Y/N tasted delicious, and sweet. Robin could die happily being suffocated by her thighs.
Robin slowly flicked her own nipples as Y/N rode her face, fast and harsh. Y/N's hands were digging into Robin's hair. Yanking her head even further into Y/N's cunt.
She was screaming above Robin. The sound slightly muted from how tight Y/N was keeping her thighs locked around Robin's head.
Y/N was cumming in seconds. Practically fucking herself on Robin's tongue.
Robin licked up the mess Y/N created. Humming at the sweet taste. Robin wished she could taste her forever.
Y/N slowly crawled down Robin's body, her bare cunt moving out of Robin's view. Robin whined at the view she got of it before it was taken away.
Y/N's pretty pink and soaked pussy would forever be imprinted in Robin's mind.
Robin once again woke up to the sun shining in her eyes. She quickly rolled over to see her bed empty once again.
Robin got out of bed fast and threw on a shirt to cover her naked skin.
Tip toeing down to her kitchen with a smile on her face.
But when she reached the kitchen so saw no one. It was empty and hasn't been touched in hours.
Robin's smile slowly fell.
A little piece of paper was taped to the fridge so Robin quickly read the note:
"I guess you found out what happens after I make a girls head spin, turns out I do leave. Wouldn't be expecting a call anytime soon :) "
That's it for part 1!
I hope whoever read this long ass fic enjoyed it!!
I love writing for Robin :)
There will be a part 2 and hopefully won't take me too long to put out
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broken-spirit101 · 8 months
Snatched Away: Yandere!Akaza X GN!Kidnapped!Reader
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Sypnosis: You're a demon slayer who was captured by Akaza one fateful day... and he's a lot more than who you thought he was.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, description of injuries, teasing (937 words)
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"What the hell do you want?" You shouted at the basketball who had been pestering you for the last 40 minutes.
It had been two days since you were kidnapped by none other than the Upper Moon Three, for reasons unknown. Ever since he had first seen you, he had grown obsessed with having fights with you: a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. The last time he had a fight with you, you had already been injured after returning from a solo mission. After fighting with him, your injuries only increased. He insisted on you coming to his house, and since you refused, he knocked you out and brought you there anyway.
Who could stop the mighty Upper Three?
You definitely weren't skilled enough to do that. The maximum you could do is keep up a 10-minute fight without getting overly exhausted.
"Aw, come on. Are you too scared to train with me?" the demon whined. You thought it was a nuisance. "I'll consider if you tell me why I'm here." "Because you're cute. Isn't that reason enough?" he said, knowing it would trigger you. You threw a pillow at him from your bed. "Ouch. Not elegant."
It had felt like Akaza had been following you before he'd kidnapped you. You would meet him once or twice a week at a minimum, "accidentally". Or so he said.
"My, your concussion still hasn't healed," he leaned closer and held your chin to check if the bandaid needed to be changed. "Maybe you should rest. I guess we could train tomorrow." "Please die," you muttered after pushing him away.
The only thing keeping you away from escaping during the day when Akaza wasn't here was the locked doors and windows.
The windows had literal metal bars on them and a metal door stood at the entrance.
Why would a demon need such security in his home? How annoying.
At least he looked good.
"Aw, are you angry? How cute," he mocked. "Nope, I'm having the time of my life," you replied sarcastically.
"If you're getting bored, I could take you out." Akaza leaned against a door. "In a fight, right?"
He didn't reply.
"In a fight, right?" you repeated.
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Here you were, snatched away at night, forced to come out of the house to touch some grass after 2 days.
"The moon is beautiful today, isn't it?" Akaza said, smiling. "No," you groaned. "Why are we even here?" "It's a blue moon today. I thought I'd show you."
He had brought you to a field lush with grass glimmering in the blue moonlight near a lake. You sighed. There was no chance of escaping if you were with the Upper Moon Three, so you might as well enjoy it.
"Jeez, what a pain. Whatever, I'm fine being here." "You're one tsundere, aren't you?" "A tsun- what?" "Never mind."
You sat down on the grass in the chill autumn air as the wind rustled in the leaves. Akaza sat down beside you. "The fireworks are starting soon," he said. "There are fireworks?"
"Of course there are. Did you forget that the fireworks festival is today?" "Oh. I guess I did," you pouted. "A blue moon and fireworks. It's a pretty coincidence." "So you agree that you like being here?" "No."
It was Akaza's turn to sigh now. "As I said, what a tsundere," he whispered to himself. "I heard that."
Just then, a golden-pink firework exploded in the sky. Another two green ones followed. "It's begun," you said. "Yep. Finally."
The huge array of colors in the sky danced like fireflies. The sound of the fireworks was loud even so far away miles away, drowning out any possible noise. They crackled in the and swirled around the stars and the moon, creating picturesque patterns in the night sky.
Akaza's eyes remained glued to the sky in deep thought, almost as if he were feeling a deep sense of nostalgia or déjà vu, you couldn't quite figure out. Although he did look breathtaking with his full attention to the fireworks, you didn't want him to notice you gazing at him so you averted your gaze.
"Why did you look away? I was enjoying you staring at me," he smirked, looking back at you. "S-shut up. I wasn't looking at you." "Yeah, right."
Fifteen fireworks exploded all of a sudden, create a huge boom and loud crackling. Your eyes were glued to the glowing sky. The fireworks reflected stunningly in the lake, making the scene seem like something out of a movie.
You sat in silence for the next 20 minutes, the fireworks glimmering in the sky filling any quietness between you both.
As the fireworks came to an end, Akaza let out a loud, dramatic yawn and stretched his arms above his head. He turned to you and said, "Phew, that was exhausting. Did I actually watch some measly fireworks for half an hour?"
You couldn't help but snort at his over-the-top reaction. "What, are you too cool for fireworks? I thought you were supposed to be the Upper Moon Three, the feared demon!"
Akaza raised an eyebrow and gave you a wry smile. "Fear me, peasant! I am the mighty Akaza, and I demand respect and admiration from all those in my presence!"
You both burst out laughing at how ridiculous the whole thing sounded. As you continued to laugh, you realized that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Akaza than you initially thought. Maybe, just maybe, he was just like any other guy, with his own quirks. And maybe, just maybe, you were starting to like him.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
guys i had this thought now it's driving me crazy
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
imagine watching howl's moving castle with noir.
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"a moving castle?" he'd ask himself with a head tilt as he'd adjust his glasses to see the title better. you nodded. "i promise you, it's an amazing film, peter." you'd beam. he'd shrug, and smile. "well, if you say so, love." he'd say as he sits back on the couch as you put the movie on. at first, peter believed this was another, probably childish and whimsical, children's movie that you somehow found nostalgic. he doubted that it was as amazing as you claimed it'd be, but he stood corrected. he was already in awe at the different kinds of colors there were on the screen--all kinds of blues, greens, reds, oranges, and yellows--they all blended beautifully and perfectly, in ways he had never thought would fit together.
he loved the witty dialogue from the characters, his most favorite character being calcifer. "poor little flame," he'd whisper as you two watched the scene where sophie was pressing the pan down on him to cook breakfast. he disliked howl at first, he seemed like quite the womanizer. "oh, if i were sophie's father, i'd never let her leave without me." he'd say as he'd lean forward in his trance as he watched. you giggled as you leaned against him on the couch, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your head against his shoulder. "and why not?" you asked with a smile. peter glanced at you and chuckled. "well... i'd never want my own daughter's heart to be eaten." he said as he adjusted his glasses again.
"you know he doesn't actually consume hearts, he just..." you trailed off as peter held you closer to him. "i know, i know; it's metaphorical. but no matter what..." he said as he placed his hand under your chin and slowly turned your head to look at him as the movie continued playing.
you looked so stunning all the time to peter, every little bit of you shone, literally and figuratively. but here, in the dimly lit living room you two shared--with you looking deep into his mesmerizing eyes--with the light of the film's ending playing out in the background as you two swam in the expanse of each other's eyes for a second or two, you looked breathtaking.
"now... it might just be a movie and all, but... i'd never let anyone eat your heart." he said with a slight chuckle as he took your hands in his, a blush coming on his face as the tips of his ears turned a bright red, along with the bright red and pink on his cheeks. "it sounds weird, i know, but i'd never live with myself if i knew someone else would be capable of stealing you away from me, much more a womanizer like that... howl pendragon. i know how you look at him." he teased as he nuzzled his nose into your cheek.
you chuckled. "he's a drawing, peter..." you responded. "yeah, but... i want to be the guy that makes you feel pretty even on a bad day, a guy who'd make you fall for him over and over and over again even if we've known each other from long ago. the guy who you'd... you know..." he said as he moved his face closer to yours. "...the kind you'd... wanna marry one day." he'd say as your eyelids fluttered, tickling his cheeks.
at that moment, you felt like you were sophie hatter; the humble love interest to the most perfect man in the world, peter parker, who was sort of like howl in the movie. he was witty, he was charming, he was emotional at times... and he loved the real, rawest version of you. even if you believed to yourself you were ugly, you were getting older, that nobody would look at you with such pure love that you didn't believe the world could ever give you--peter was always there to prove you wrong. he was there to prove you were perfect, stunning, and most of all: you were beautiful no matter how old you got, how bad your day was, or how tired you were. you were always, always beautiful to him, that much he knew, and that much would never change--ever.
"i love you, my dearest... you're so beautiful. you're too beautiful for my heart to handle, love..." he'd murmur as you planted a kiss on his soft lips that only wished to kiss and be kissed by your own. be it with lipstick or none, with tears coating them or dry and chapped, be it in the morning, noon, or night--your lips are the only ones he'll love kissing, over and over and over; even when an eternity would pass, he'd still remember and fall in love with the shape, the softness, and the loveliness of your lips--for they are the lips of the most beautiful person peter has ever met, and ever will meet.
"that's my girl." peter muttered as he pulled away, blushing fiercely after you kissed him. "you're red..." you pointed out as you pulled him in for another kiss, with him mumbling out some answer that was pretty much a compliment within a compliment for you. the movie had ended, but your night with peter had just begun.
a/n: gonna leave this here for y'all to be delulu about what you two do after <33
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @connors-cumslurper @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @fictarian
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elysiumblue · 1 year
Pick a card - Describing your beauty 😍
A reading that can help bringing you positivity. Let me attempt to describe your beauty. I may also provide some advices to enhance your beauty in some piles.
As always, this is a general reading, so just take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Also, this reading is aim to provide positive vibes. If you find the messages offensive, then the message may not be for you. Maybe you are not ready for the messages, or you can try pick another pile.
👇🏻 Pick a heart emoji that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
💜 Pile 1 💜
People feels that you need to be seen more, because they want to see your beauty! They can see the glow of you, even when you're trying your very very best to hide it. Besides that, people also see that you're visibly hurt, so they want to help you with the healing.
Yes, I can see that pile 1 is definitely going through some shit. It's more apparent in the way you push people away, or hurt people with your words. I can see that you don't do this because you like to hurt others, but it's due to you not feeling yourself worthy enough to be loved 😔 You seem to be pessimistic, due to the intense suffering you've been through. I can specifically see suffering inflicted by male or religion here.
You may not believe it, but people feel that you're a royalty, as they can't help but admire how you go through so much shit, while still be able to remain a good person. The color you picked, which is purple, is a color of royal too. Also, 3 of the 4 queens have showed up in your reading. The only one missing is the Queen of Cup, which indicates you should try to be more open to the idea of love. Let people love you. Believe that you are loveable. And more importantly, love yourself.
Give yourself a chance, to be open to more people. This time it's not the same, as you're stronger than before, and also not all people is as horrible as those you've met before. Be open to the love and kindness of people. Let them help you, and most importantly, let us see your beauty and your glow. I feel that you're now living in a shell, but not even the shell can fully cover your brilliance, no matter how hard you try to shut it tight.
(I don't want to specify the events, but I really feel that you've been through some tough things. Songs about toxicity and violence keep showing up in this reading. Your pain is valid, but don't let it define you. Things will definitely get better. ❤️‍🩹)
🩵 Pile 2 🩵
I feel that you have a dark vibe and a retro style. Your beauty feels timeless, which reminds me of Lana Del Rey and Dita von Teese. You probably like black, and maybe blue too.
Your beauty is intimidating yet breathtaking. You make people just want to stop and admire you, and be with your vibe. The vibe of yours is dark yet very soothing, making people feels like everything will be ok if you're here. Some also find your style very inspiring. I cannot accurately describe why but I can come up with an example. It feels like people spend hundreds of dollars to buy an e-ink tablet, so that their eyes won't hurt by the light of the screen, and one day you remind them that paper book exists. 💥📕
I didn't forget about the intimidating part of your beauty. People knows that you look fine but they also know that you are not the one to be fucked with. Just looking at you, they can imagine what will happen if they make an unwise move on you 💀 You feel dangerous, but it only makes you dangerously beautiful. Must be the dark vibes that you exude. Reminds me of "Jiraikei", a Japanese style which looks really cute, but can be very destructive. As the name, "jirai", which literally means landmine suggested, people will be shred to pieces if they're not careful. But there may be some people who purposely mess with you, because they want to be screwed lol 💀💣
❤️ Pile 3 ❤️
Man. You probably an air sign. The energy is so air sign. Or maybe you aren't because I am not an air sign, and am not experiencing the air sign experience firsthand.
You feel so elusive. Looks like a fairy that doesn't belong in the human world, and is super rare. You looks beautiful, but at the same time you feels like you don't belong to anyone exclusively. This makes some people want to catch you, and own you. (And then they failed lol) Some people will try to make you commit in a relationship with them, just so they can see you more often. (I guess they also failed too lol 💀)
The way of your speech also has a charm to it. You can say something that makes zero sense at all, rambling bs, and people still listen the whole thing, or even believe in you. You may find this a bit amusing sometimes. However, there may be some people thinking that you're shallow, and untrustworthy, because of the way you speaking.
You probably surrounded by people. I feel that you're quite popular, and may even have multiple people crushing on you. They really be like moths to the flames. This makes you feel overwhelmed, and makes you want to hide from people sometimes. It also makes you a bit confused about who you should spend your time with. This makes you hop from people to people, one thing to another thing, which contributes in your elusive vibe.
Although you know that you're liked by people, you still find yourself comparing yourself to others. You make changes to yourself from time to time, which is a nice thing. However, some changes are unnecessary, especially those you made just to please others.
I heard an example that sounds quite contradictory, but if you get it then maybe it's a message for you. Some people may think that you're so hard to keep up with, and they want you to be more grounded. However, when you try to be grounded, you lost your charm and find yourself struggling. You have to acknowledge that your unpredictability is a part of your beauty, that should not be changed. You have to know that if people find it struggling to deal with you, that means that you're not for them, instead of you being the problem. 🥴
(This is one of my favourite songs. Also Prince was a Gemini. More air sign energies. He was not afraid of speaking up and changing things up. And he was always changing musically. There's a quote from him, saying that making music is like meeting a new friend, which made him want to make something he had never seen before.)
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featherwingfae · 7 months
So the nonhuman theme of the day that I've been seeing on the Internet seems to be self doubt both due to internal and external influences.
My response to this theme is this. You are who you are. And no one can tell you who you are but you. (The rest of the post is pretty much just this^^ in way more detail than necessary. You have been warned lol. Buckle up this is gonna be a long one. Literally took all day to write 😅)
Most of us live in a society where we've been told since infancy who we are are and what we must be, and if we don't fit in the predesignated boxes then there must be something wrong with us and we just need to be forced into a box. But just think about the vastness of life for a second. From macro to micro there's just so much to everything it's breathtaking. Everything is layered. Why should one being's existence be any different. There is what is seen and then there is everything else. Some thing's don't need to be understood by others, because they are not there for others. They are simply there. Wether we understand them or not. And that in itself (I think) is quite lovely.
I am Fae. Not just because of ______. I am Fae because it is simply what I am. It's what feels right.
It's ok to just exist. It's ok to live without ever fitting into boxes or labels. And if you find a label or box that fits you, that's ok too. It's your existence. Do what makes you happy. I've also found that sometimes, finding that feeling that you fit somewhere, comes first and the reasons why come after. Be patient. I know it's maddening sometimes when you've got a million questions bumping about in your head, or even just one or two burning ones, but life is a journey. A mystery to uncover through experiences.
I could give you a whole laundry list of reasons why I can call myself Fae. But at the end of the day, the only reason I need is that it feels right. I don't need to act like the stereotypical Fae (from folklore, media etc), I don't need to have magical experiences, I don't need memories. Keep in mind that your nonhuman identity does not need to match anyone else's.
If you're a Fae who loves technology and finds the modern age fascinating. Guess what? There's nothing wrong with that. (I LOVE Minecraft 😁 Though that may or may not have to do with the fact that I get to fly around and build whatever I want from nothing. Yes I'm obsessed with creative mode 😅 I usually get bored in survival)
If you're a Therian who's never enjoyed being on all fours or who doesn't like gear. It doesn't make you any less Therian. Do what makes you happy 😊.
If you're some ancient entity and you use an ungodly (hehe) amount of emojis and/or abbreviations (ex. Lol, omg, etc) it doesn't make you any less ancient or awesome. Do what you enjoy. You are too old to not be having as much fun as you can experience. I'm also an ancient creature, you really think I want to spend my time not doing what makes the happy chemicals 😊✨👁️🪽😁.
If you're an Alien who's not obsessed with space stuff. That's ok. Human portrayals probably don't do it justice anyway, and there's so many other things to be interested in. Like have you seen mushrooms? Those funky little guys come in so many varieties it's absolutely delightful 😊🍄✨.
If you're a vampire who can't stand the sight of blood. Don't worry about it. I can almost guarantee you're not alone (plus there's a lot of different types of vampires. If you know you are/were definitely sanguine then you're still valid 😊).
If you're fictionkin and you're absolutely nothing like your fictionkin type/character. That's ok 😊. People often change with their experiences, it doesn't make you any less yourself.
That last one applies to most nonhumans identities in general honestly 😅.
If you're an angel that doesn't/didn't have big feathery wings. You are still an angel. The universe is filled with too much color and variety for me to believe that all ______ have the same or very similar designs. I've never heard of an angel with dragonfly or beetle wings. That doesn't mean they don't exist 🙃.
You can be a plant who loves salads, a placekin who hates going outside, an objectkin that doesn't use it/it's pronouns or is super expressive, a vampire who adores sunbathing or just sunlight in general, a carnivore that doesn't like meat, an avian that's afraid of flying or heights, a demon with a heart of gold, a deity with social anxiety and/or low self esteem, an herbivore that loves going hunting, a dragon who prefers minimalism, an aquatic creature who doesn't like water, a void that's constantly overthinking, you can match all the known stereotypes for your nonhuman identity or none at all. You can have phantom shifts constantly or never get any, you can have countless identities, you can have just one, you can remember your past life/lives in detail or remember nothing at all, you can believe in past lives and souls, or not, your identity can be psychological, physical, spiritual, etc.
It's s your identity. No one else's. Just because you choose to share yourself or your identity with someone else does not mean they own you or your identity. It is, was and always shall be, yours. (Btw please please please, be careful who you share your nonhuman identity with. Not everyone is going to "get it". And not everyone is going to accept it. Stay safe, mentally, physically, emotionally etc.)
They say names have power. They also say not all things are what they seem. Whatever your nonhuman identity looks like, only you can know what it truly is. Understand that I am not saying that the appearance of one's nonhuman identity should be dismissed altogether, especially when one is still questioning. I am saying, that we shouldn't rely solely upon appearances. If your nonhuman identity fits in the category of x as far as appearances go but x just doesn't feel like it fits, then chances are, you're not x, or there's more to it than just x. I've known I was Fae since right around 2019. However I doubted myself for a long time because as far as I knew Fae were "supposed to have insect wings" and on top of having big feathery wings, I have a lot of them. In fact many of my nonhuman features could be considered angelic. However I've never felt particularly comfortable identifying as an angel. It just never felt like the right fit. It took awhile but eventually after I'd already accepted that my "angelic features" didn't make me any less Fae. I remembered why I had those features to begin with, and it all just clicked into place.
It's ok to not have all the answers or even the correct answers right away. Life is experiences. From moment to moment you are who you are. Things may change, new truths may be revealed, that doesn't make you or your identity any less real. You are whoever you are right now. Wether that is someone/something from everything you have ever been or ever shall be or just one thing right now, unconnected to anything else. You are not fake for changing. You're not fake for not changing. Most have doubts about themselves about all sorts of things. To the point where it seems like doubt is just part of the human world experience (not saying it's only a human world experience, just that everyone here seems to doubt themselves about something or other) and perhaps working through our doubts is a lesson of this place, then again maybe not 🤷. In the end what you believe is up to you😊.
Now, I'm not expecting that this single post from a total stranger will erase all your doubts. Not at all. I didn't write it to erase doubt, but rather to give it a little bit of something to fight against. To plant just one more seed in the hearts and minds of others who might need it or whom it might help in any way. This post is far from the only one out there, fighting doubt in its many forms and faces. And what I've said has already been said in many times and ways. But it's my take and not everything will click with everyone. If this post helps even just one being, then it has served it's purpose. Each and every single one or plural of us is unique in our own ways. And I truly believe that's one of the most wonderful things about life as a whole.
If you've read this far, I apologize if I got a bit carried away and made this post longer than necessary but it means a great deal to me and things that matter to me are very difficult to "sum up" 😅. And if you follow me. I warn you now that most of my posts will probably be a bit lengthy if not extremely so.
And now my dear creatures, crawlers, beasts, beauties, hellions, heavenlies (no I don't care that that's not a word it is now lol), magicals, marvels, wonders, wanderers, wildlings, winged things, whimsies, and whatsits (and everything beyond and in between) I wish upon you a most wonderful day/night. May you always know/remember that your existence makes the world a more magical place. 🌍✨ (And in my opinion we could use all the magic we can get 😊)
Till next time.
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wanderersbell · 2 years
Hey saw ur requests open so i decided to slidee inn
Scaramouche with f!Reader who cries a lot?
Have a nice day luv
wanderer with f!reader who cries a lot
genre: fluff, comfort
warnings: none
word count: 946
a/n: hello! tysm for requesting this i had so much fun writing it he's such a sweetheart when it comes to his s/o (ꈍ◡ꈍ)♥ i hope this is what you were looking for and that you have a nice day as well!
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had no idea how to handle it at first. 
during the beginning of your relationship, whenever you’d abruptly burst into tears or start pouting like you were about to cry he’d feel his stomach drop and could only stare at you blankly as he internally panicked over what to do. 
he had little to no experience dealing with people crying in a situation where it’s not actually the response he wanted from them. backhanding his fatui subordinates in the past and watching them tear up from the sting was entirely different than watching you, his precious girlfriend with your pretty e/c eyes that he’s so pathetically fond of, well up and spill over your cheeks. 
especially if it’s over something seemingly insignificant, finding the proper way to respond to your outburst of emotion suddenly becomes the hardest decision he’s ever made in his life. 
it could be because you saw a cute happy family singing and dancing with each other across the street, or because you dropped the snack you were super excited to eat, so why are you crying?? 
poor guy literally cannot figure out why these things provoke such a reaction from you and for the longest time his go-to response is to just remove you from the situation or fix it somehow, which is his best attempt at getting it to stop. 
if you’re crying over dropping your food he wastes no time dragging you away from the crime scene and finding the stall you bought it from to replace it with a new one. he’ll stare at you with a worried crease between his brows as you wipe your face dry and sniffle while the vendor remakes it for you, itching to hold your hand and offer more comfort but too hesitant to actually do it.
when you finally reach out to grab his hand and tell him that it’s fine and you just need a hug and that he doesn’t have to try to fix it all the time, he’s even more confused until he finally learns to stop overthinking it and hesitating to pull you close to let you cry it out. 
he’s very awkward about it at first, standing as stiff as a board and patting your back like it’s going to bite his hand off or something, but soon it just becomes common practice and he can almost always predict when you’re going to cry before you actually do.
it’s always the small things that set you off. 
after one of the longest, busiest weeks you’ve had in a while, you’re practically drained of every ounce of energy and more than anything just want to be home so you can sit down and relax. your legs and feet are killing you when he finally comes to pick you up from treasures street and you start your walk back to your shared place. 
you walk in comfortable silence, the wanderer sensing your exhaustion and holding your hand firmly in his own as you trek side by side up the hill. his skin is warm against your own, and the sun that’s just beginning to set over the horizon casts a breathtaking pink and orange across the clouds scattered in the sky that you find yourself absentmindedly watching with growing contentment. 
in fact, you’re so distracted by the colors flitting across the sky that you fail to notice the small puddle a few steps ahead of you. your lover also fails to notice this, as he’s far too busy admiring you while you’re distracted by the scenery, so it’s only a few seconds later that there’s a loud sloshing sound and a cold uncomfortable wetness soaks into your shoes up to your ankles. 
the wanderer is quick to pull you into his chest and out of the puddle as soon as you yelp in shock, but he’s still too late and your already aching feet are now also freezing cold, wet, and muddy. this is your final straw today, and he knows this better than anyone else, so by the time the first tears start making their way down your cheeks he’s already tucking your head into the crook of his neck and rubbing soothing circles into your shoulders. 
“sorry,” you hiccup instinctively, trying not to wipe your snot all over his shirt. he holds you tighter in response. 
“don’t be,” his voice reverberates through his chest in a comforting rumble. “it’s my fault, i would’ve seen it first if i was paying attention.”
you shake your head against him. “not your fault, i wasn’t paying attention either.”
he scoffs lightheartedly at your stubbornness but knows better than to argue right now and instead gently lifts your head off of his chest to wipe the tears off of your cheeks with his thumbs. 
“it’s the puddles fault then.” he says as your blurry eyes start to dry up and focus on his own. the firmness and conviction in his tone forces a wet laugh out of you, and the sight of a smile on your face causes a small one to break out on his as well. 
the amount of adoration you feel towards him in moments like these nearly knocks you off balance but he only holds you tighter against him as you share a fond look. when he leans forward to leave a soft kiss on your forehead the tension finally leaves your shoulders and a deep, relaxed breath has you melting into his arms again, indescribably happy knowing that no matter what happens, he’ll always be there to hold you close when you start to fall apart. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello I love your stories, so wonderful. This is my first time of asking. Can you do a RoR characters x beautiful anger reader?
Poseidon, thor, hades, qin shi huang, nikola tesla and lubu.
Angel reader is the most beautiful angel in valhalla, it can compete to Aphrodite's. Plus, powerful but compassionate and serene, that makes the ror characters melt and fall in love with her. Thank you
-Y/N was a name known throughout Valhalla, everyone knew who you were, humans, gods, demons, there wasn’t a single soul that didn’t know who you were.
-You were an angel, not a valkyrie, but a literal angel, with 2 sets of massive wings coming from your shoulder blades, snow white in color.
-Your beauty rivaled Aphrodite’s own, but rather than being jealous, Aphrodite admired you for your kind heart, you were beautiful both inside and out.
-You were compassionate and kind to all you met, always willing to give everyone a chance, as well as a second chance, but never a third.
-Despite your kind soul and gentle heart, your power was breathtaking, rivaling the strongest gods in Valhalla.
-You focused your power to protect when fighting, if you were forced to fight, you would do it only to defend those around you, defeating your enemies swiftly, giving them the mercy of a quick defeat and a quick death if it so called for it.
Poseidon- He feels that emotions are not something that should be displayed, especially in public, finding those who let their emotions get the better of them, both the good and the bad, are weak. You, however, were the one exception. Even the mighty Poseidon was unable to withstand you, your beautiful and delicate looks, your warm smile, and your lovely heart. You were the only one worthy to stand at his side, you were the only one who saw the rare soft emotions he would let slip out. Your soft caresses against his face could melt even the coldest of men, and Poseidon was no different, letting you perch up on his lap, running your hands through his hair, basking in you gentle affections.
Thor- Was very shy with you when you found him up on a roof one day, you had landed, asking him if he was alright and when he turned to tell you to leave, as he wanted to be alone, he couldn’t speak, he didn’t think he could even breathe as you tilted your head to the side, a bit confused as to why he wasn’t saying anything. Loki absolutely adored you and when you and Thor started to date, he gushed, finding you adorable, as you were polar opposites. Many were concerned for you, worrying that Thor would hurt you, or that he wouldn’t treat you kindly and give you the love you deserved. However, whenever you saw Thor after being apart, even for only a few hours, you were running to him, leaping into his arms and he always catches you so gently, so carefully, so he wouldn’t damage your wings, and you would beam up at him with so much love that he couldn’t help but smile back.
Hades- Many believed you were polar opposites with your lover, Hades, but when they see you together, there were no other men that looked as good as Hades, standing beside you. He treated you so carefully, so gently, like you were a priceless treasure, one that he had gotten lucky enough to call his own. Cerberus was the reason the two of you had met, as you instantly tamed the giant doggy, not aware that he had a job, and when Hades came to investigate, he couldn’t help but grin, seeing his ‘fearsome’ Cerberus on his back, getting his belly rubbed by you. Hades was taken by your stunning looks, you were so soft, so pure looking, but your strength made his admiration for you grow, you could handle yourself in a fight with ease, but Hades’ love for you made him always defend you first, never wanting you to get hurt. His actions always gets him extra kisses from you for his chivalrous deeds.
Qin Shi Huang- How a human wound up with someone as stunning as you was beyond the comprehension of many, gods and humans alike. He’s not completely sure how he did it either, but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were sitting on his lap, pressing soft kisses to his cheek as he read through more paperwork, making the job a bit more tolerable. Qin Shi Huang adored everything about you, from your stunning looks to your impressive strength, but the thing he liked the most was your beautiful heart, you were always so kind to others, and when your attention was on him, he would melt under you, basking in your glory. However, with beautiful girlfriends come big responsibilities, he couldn’t began to calculate the number of men who tried their luck with you, trying to pull you away from him. While you always refused, many didn’t want to listen and that’s when he would step in, to defend you.
Tesla- Nikola adored you, you were so unique and special! He loved to study you! He found you interesting and you had never had a human ask to study the structure of your wings before, and while only a bit hesitant at first, you agreed. You were concerned that this was another pickup trick, as many men had been trying different tactics on you, but no, he actually studied you from head to toe, inspecting the joints of your wings, being so carful with them, seeing how they worked. Unlike others, you felt drawn to Nikola, happy to answer questions he would ask, and when you would ask him questions, he would light up and go on long rants, but you enjoyed it, as you could see he was passionate. When he was done inspecting you, after weeks, he asked you out to dinner as a way to thank you, and you instantly agreed, and the two of you have been together ever since.
Lu Bu- When others, gods and humans, saw you with Lu Bu, they couldn’t begin to imagine how he managed to get with you. What they didn’t know, as you were both quiet about your relationship with each other, was that you approached him first. You had seen him training while you were out flying and you were in awe when he split the sky, holding your cheeks in awe. You flew down and he didn’t seem bothered by you as you praised his strength, which he did like. He could see you were beautiful, but what drew Lu Bu to you was your heart, you always brought him snacks and water, asking him if he was okay, and just doting on him. He wasn’t bothered when you started to cling to him, your arms around his neck from behind, one of his arms under your rear, holding you up, as you both talked about your days. When another man tried to grab your wrist to drag you away, you slapped him before Lu Bu grabbed you, pulling you to his chest, minding your wings, and gave the man a harsh kick, punting him over several buildings. He looked furious, seeing the ring of bruises around your wrist, but you calmed him by wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, which he looked away from you for, a bit shy from the affection, but he was quickly grinning when you asked him if he was going to go fight, so you could watch.
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Underwater Adventure
Furina:Aether have you seen Freminet, the diver boy by any chance?
Aether:Nope. Haven’t seen the twins either. Though knowing my luck I’ll find them again before my own twin.
Furina:Wow. Didn’t know you could be passive aggressive.
Aether:I’m just blowing off a little steam. Anyways, why do you need Freminet? Lose something in the water?
Furina:No. I figured he was likely to know the location of Fontaine’s most dazzling underwater locations.
Aether:Why wouldn’t y- oh. Oh! It never really crossed my mind but if you only got your vision recently then you’ve probably never experienced Fontaine below the surface.
Furina:Don’t be silly! It’s not as of I’m completely unaware. There’s been tons of pictures, videos, and textbooks spanning the centuries. Though you’d be correct in saying I’ve never actually experienced it all with my own eyes.
Aether:If that’s the case, want me to fill in? I’m no expert diver but I think I’ve seen some pretty remarkable sights.
Furina:Oh I wouldn’t want to take up your time or anything of your busy- you’ve already grabbed my hand.
Aether:Want me to let go?
Furina: *sighs* Not really…
The beauty of Fontaine is there really isn’t a bad place to start when it comes to experiencing the water. Any vision holder can simply dive right in. Even so, Furina was a little hesitant, only going waist deep with Aether as he slowly walked backwards deeper in while holding her hands.
Furina:So you can literally breathe like normal? No fancy trick!?
Aether:If it scares you then you can take a deep breath first and watch me be perfectly fine. You can even talk underwater!
Furina:No but I’ll do it.
She dove towards him as he sunk into the water, still holding one hand to keep her close. Aether didn’t think he’d ever play travel guide, nor did he expect to catch a glimpse of what had to have been the same look on his face when he first entered the waters. Apprehension and fear vanished in an instant as Furina’s eyes grew wide with awe.
So many years of learning, studying, and even fearing her nation’s waters could not compare to the breathtaking sight it imposed. The lush sea grass under schools of fish. The way the sunlight broke apart through rippling waves like dazzling gems. Even the melodic hum of the currents around her all served to make Furina take her first breath without even realizing.
Aether:Right? I can easily say I hadn’t seen anything like this until I got here.
Furina:There’s just so much color. The coral, fish, and crabs! Is that a pod of seals!? Aw they’re like a giant family!
Aether:Have you realized you’re talking yet?
Furina:Huh? Oh! Hey, I’m fine! Not that I thought you were lying or anything. It’s just…wow.
Aether:So, anything you may have wanted to see particularly?
Furina:Show me everything you can!
Aether:Ha, say no more.
Hard to believe the girl who nearly sent him to court was now playing with otters under the sea. From spotting sunken ships to petting seahorses, the girl held a gentle wonder in her eyes. Even after accidentally getting stuck in a current. Aether watched her swim down to the sea floor and sit crisscross so he went to join her.
Aether:Having fun?
Furina:Boatloads! I said it before but it should be repeated, pictures and videos doesn’t do this sight justice. I know I’m human and by all means I’ve lived my entire life on land, yet something about being down here feels so…natural.
Aether:I’m sure Freminet would have similar feelings.
Furina:I’ll admit though, swimming for so long is indeed a workout I wasn’t completely prepared for. You’re probably feeling it more; I did seem to interrupt your day.
Aether:My commissions weren’t that hard. Plus I gathered some stuff I needed while we’re down here.
Furina:If that’s the case then shall we finally go back up for proper air?
Aether:Actually…would you like to see a super scenic spot underwater that’s also under the water?
Furina:Oh so like a sea cave?
Aether:Even better. Hehe, follow me.
A spark of energy flared in his voice as he swam off. Furina couldn’t say her interest wasn’t piqued. It took awhile to reach but when they did, Furina was shocked to found the water had ended and they were suddenly walking on solid ground into old ruins. Once again her sense of wonder reached new heights as the ruins opened up to what looked like a long forgotten kingdom with a still towering castle that was wrapped in the embrace of a silhouetted Oceanid.
Furina:This place looks like it’s right out of the tales and records of Narzissenkreuz.
Aether:Funny you should say that…
Furina:Is this the place!?
Aether:Y’know I’m kinda amazed just how vast your knowledge goes; and I really don’t mean to sound rude when I say that. I guess it only makes sense for you to know a bit of everything when you have informants for centuries. Still…you must’ve read a dozen libraries worth.
Furina:Try a cities worth. I’m not always on the stage or drinking tea you know? I was very diligent about finding any means to prevent the prophecy. It’s only natural I learned an array of topics as a consequence. It’s actually a little silly. Sometimes I feel like if my life was normal from the start, I may have ended up somewhere like the foundation of the research institute. I really did enjoy learning the things in those dusty books.
Aether:What do you think your field would’ve been?
Furina:Not the biggest fan of machinery myself, all things considered. I’m leaning more towards marine biology.
Aether:Somehow picturing you majoring in a science is really out of left field.
Furina:*pouts* Hey! I’m being honest here. What’s with all the jabs all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you take me for someone who hasn’t read a book in their life?
Aether:Not at all. I just get this feeling that somehow no matter the reason, you would’ve ended up on stage and dazzling the crowd. Not because of who you are now; I don’t know. It’s almost like I think you’re born to perform.
Furina:*red*Well…..haha! I mean I can’t argue with that. I do have a natural knack for acting and with my beauty I’m sure it was only a matter of time before a genius would want to put me front and center when the curtain came time to open. *nods* Yes, that sounds about right.
Aether:*smiles* Was what I said really that embarrassing?
Furina:I have no idea what you’re talking about!
Aether:If you say so. Ready to go deeper in? The spot isn’t that far now.
Furina:Yep. Let’s this undersea adventure continue! *points onward*
Ancient architecture, damp air, and peculiar ruins. They weren’t the first thing that Furina thought of when it came to when she thought of a good time but she found it hard not to be enamored by it all. It a very broad way, it felt as if she was connecting with her roots. Aether must’ve noticed this because Furina couldn’t help but notice the slower pace he took ever since they got here. She was thankful for it. Despite his way of challenging her whenever possible, he also found the most interesting ways to spoil her without saying.
They eventually made their way to what looked like an old library that was segmented into near identical rooms. Furina feared she might’ve gotten lost if it wasn’t for Aether immediately turning her around to reveal a hidden path. Just how do people come up with these things!? Her inspection of her surroundings came to an end when Aether causally got behind her and covered her eyes.
Furina:Umm what’s happening?
Aether:The spot is just around the corner. Don’t worry. Just keep walking. I got you.
Furina:This is starting to feel like an elaborate birthday surprise of some sort. Too bad it’s not actually my birthday.
Aether:I’m afraid when that day comes it might be something way more relaxed.
Furina:As long as there’s good cake and company then you will have succeeded in my eyes. Be warned however, I’m a stickler for desserts.
Aether:I’ll keep that in mind.
Furina:How much longer?
Aether:Relax~ Just…feel it.
Without further ado, Aether removed his hands right as Furina stepped into what felt like pure warmth. Her eyes quickly adjusted and became vibrant as they took in what could only be described as a wonderland. A sweet little cottage in a humble forest clearing stood quietly in view under gentle, muted rays of sunlight that only seemed to feel cozy instead of burning. The faint smell of spring tickled her nose as sunflowers swayed from an inviting breeze while the trickling sound of a creek whispered in her ears.
Furina was absolutely speechless, the view stirring her heart until it immediately turned calmer than an undisturbed puddle after a downpour. This place brought a sense of ease that her mind had long since forgotten and heart never dreamed off. It was so overwhelming yet still. It took Furina awhile to realize her eyes had welled up. She wiped the brief tears away and turned to Aether to see the young adventurer standing beside her with his eyes closed, welcoming the breeze. He didn’t say a word once he opened his eyes. Aether simply walked towards the creek before taking the opportunity to lay down in a patch of flowers.
Furina continued to walk with her feelings, coming a across a small doghouse before spotting a humble table outside with enough space to hold tea with friends. Furina felt temptation to enter the cottage but resisted. Instead she finally made her way towards Aether and sat beside him while he rested his eyes.
Aether:Nice place, isn’t it?
Furina:Hats off too you. I knew there were many places I had yet to see. Still, never in my time could I have imagined a place like this. The air itself even feels lighter. Where’s the owner?
Aether:Moving forward with their friends. I don’t know when they’ll be back, but I imagine it’ll be quite some time. I’m sure if they ever return, it’ll be to rest their heads before setting off again.
Furina:Is that so? You know…I don’t think I’d ever say I had a yearning to feel more connected to “mirror-me” in the grand scheme of things. But between my vision, the water, and even this, I feel like a part of me satisfied and at rest. Maybe I’m just imagining things.
Aether:I wouldn’t say that. I know many friends who would say that even the faintest connections never truly disappear. Some last across lifetimes. Speaking of which, one of these days I’ll have to show you another wonderful spot.
Furina:If it’s half as beautiful as this then I’ll be floored. Is it far?
Aether:Not really. There’s a certain desert oasis I think you should see alongside with a few friends of mine. Perfect place for a tea party.
Furina:Sounds interesting. I’ll be sure to keep my schedule flexible. Hmm today really has been a wonderful day. Thank you, seriously.
Aether:Anytime. It was fun playing travel guide. If you ever need a spot to get away from your worries and clear your mind, now you have a perfect place.
Furina:Well…I’m unsure if I’d go that far. Coming here later might not feel as peaceful.
Aether:That’s an odd thing to say. Are your trying to say it wouldn’t be same without me or something?
He said that half in jest, focused on the sun’s warmth. It was only when that warmth spread to his lips gently did his heart jump. As the warmth faded, Aether opened his eyes to see Furina focused on the creek; her ears bright red and face moved just out of view.
Furina:The mood felt right…
She could hear him moving, slowly getting closer to her. Furina was prepared for Aether to get right up in her face teasingly, but it never happened. Instead her lap became heavy with his head. Furina looked down at the boy to see his attention was also focused towards the water while the sight of flushed skin spread to ears as well. Furina couldn’t help but smile softly as she began playing with his hair. What a wonderland this truly was.
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anzuhan · 8 months
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Meet the almost all-innovade idol group, INN◯ヴェイダ! We promise to form a smile on your faces through elegant, yet cute performances full of life.
{ more info & transparents under cut }
The unit is formed by 3 groups, F◯SIDE, M◯SIDE & X ⦁ Y ⦁ Z —
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— F◯SIDE [ unit formed by the 3 female members of INNOVATOR that is sure to steal your heart by their dashingly adorable stage acts♡ ] ;
— M◯SIDE [ unit formed by 3 of the male members of INNOVATOR, their exquisite and unique performances will be catching your eye! ] ;
— X ⦁ Y ⦁ Z [ unit for the last remaining INNOVATOR members as well as the single unit for one of the duos - though sometimes they may be more than 2! XYZ's refined air and focus on their fans is breathtaking. ]
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+ more words
after ... several days and a total of 10h of work (if taken in total of just literal drawing and editing -otherwise itd be far more (´ω`*)) it's finally done!!!! wow!!! i will be playing with these pngs for a while now. and maybe you'll do that too by having the transparents. there were a bunch of 'hardships' to overcome but i think it all ended up great in the end! I will be talking about some of the work behind the stages too now, as well as ideas and more of the. technical? work. you can stop reading now if you're not interested in what led to this and the inspirations behind it — in which case i hope you adored this at least 5% as much as i do (っ´ω`)っ
i think it goes without saying i love idols, especially very idol-y music. i'll never go on without it. i love playing dressup with characters and myself all too much as well ; with ribbons ideals of ruling over the earth, im sure he would be happy to find there is another way of doing that without losing your forces either! wow. howd no one tell him of this before? if violence need be at any point, he'd have the whole squad ready as well. Initially i wanted to make the main outfits more uniform for everyone, though because there will be a lot of focus on duos in the end i went with color-coded ones (much like LiPPS from im@s ! though theyre not made of duos for each color - imagine that were the case and youd get this unit). The duo part was also a problem, because regene would've been left out, which is why i decided to take on the indigo suit too. we do look a little odd compared to the other duos though but oh well ♡
Onto the naming, INN◯ヴェイダ has a lot of meaning within it - ◯ is generally a censor for words, though the circle plays a general theme for the naming in all of the main units. in the name for the main group, it simply replaces the O in innovator ; ヴェイダ (lit. veida) was the closest thing i could get to that'd sound both like Veda & innovator (together with the beginning inno). With the maru (◯) being consistent within all other names, the male - female units can be read as both F SIDE/M SIDE or F MARU/M MARU, whichever is more to your liking. XYZ is named the way it is due to - if needed - more of the gaga forces would join in for their performances. initially i wanted to name it ETC but that seemed a bit rude towards bring and divine, i did not want them to feel as simply just 'what's left' of the group, and theyre also generally forgotten alongside the gaga forces _| ̄|○ i did want them to have their spot too. So i ended up going with XYZ, similar enough to ETC by being the end of the alphabet but it also implies more mystery - besides it sounds cooler too. i think. The tagline is also "Towards a future of YOU & I" (mentioning you in caps first to capture the attention of the reader & to feel inclusive of fans and caring) is that due to.. well. ribbon's wishes of world domination (though idol activities now!) though i think this may be obvious enough.
Though i didnt spend time on them nearly as much, i hope the (very fastly done) logos look good too - main INNOVATOR logo is made fully custom from scratch ; kinda ran out of ideas for the rest and just made them with various premade fonts </3
Ending words - if you got here, first of all thank you for reading all this and being interested in the idea as well 😭 is it clear by now that the innovators specifically mean a lot to me.. probably! i hope they mean something to you too, or that i will at least get to spread a bit more positivity for them through my art (人´∀`)♪
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intynidad · 2 years
yandere oc
Isaac the customer 
it was a quiet evening that day, the cafe you worked at was in a slow period and you were enjoying yourself listening to music behind the counter.
That's until the bell indicates the appearance of a new customer. you sadly put your headphones away and prepare yourself to go into your Costumer-service mood.
“hi, and welcome to the magnolia cafe. what can I get started for you?”
“ill take my usual, Y/N.”
“oh! sorry, Isaac I didn't notice it was you, so a black coffee with sugar and a cinnamon roll?”
I want you
“yeah, just make sure the cinnamon roll is not you, I don't know if I can handle all that sweetness” 
omg, that was so cringe why did I say that now they'll hate me I'm so stupid i-
“pff you are so silly, give me a minute and ill get back to you!”
of course, Isaac knew that it was a slow time
of fucking course he knew you were all alone in the cafe and it would be the perfect moment to strike up a conversation
he would be a fool if he didn't know, mainly because he has been watching you through the abandoned building a block away with his telescope 
you were just so pretty and so smart and he loves how you smell and how he wishes he could kiss youandholdyouclosebuthellprobablydieifhedoesthatomgtheyhopetheyarenotdroolingbutofcoursetheywoulddrollforyoulikehaveyouseenyourself-
“you got lost in your thought for a second there, haha”
“oh, umm yeah sorry about that. just a lot of work and I lost myself for a second”  lost thinking about you “what did you just say?”
“I said, here is your order”
“ oh yea thanks, sugar cube” I'm literally so cringe I wanna die
“Anything for my best customer,” you said giving him a small wink
oh how he adores you 
he remembers the first time he meet you. he was cold and shivering. a storm had broken up out of nowhere and he was fucking soaking.
he had taken shelter under the entrance of a small building. but before he could continue to curse his luck. the voice of a literal angel broke his thoughts
“my god! are you ok?”
he looks.
one blink
two blinks
three blinks
“Sir, are you ok?”
four blinks
“Please come inside, you'll freeze if you stay in the rain”
is he dreaming?
and then you take him by the arm and offer him a cup of coffee and a warm cinnamon roll.
is this what they call love at first sight?
a few days later Isaac comes back
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
he becomes a regular. ordering the same thing you gave him the day your souls crossed paths 
if he wasn't so much of a coward he would ask you out 
The customer
Name: Isaac Barlowe
Age: 26 
Pronouns: He/they
Personality: an emotionless businessman that was bored of life until he meets his darling. life still sucks but not when he is with you 
Backstory: a man that works in the chemistry field. they got stuck into an endless cycle of monotony and boredom that made them uninterested in life and other people in general. That's until he meets you and you give him color to his life. he slowly starts to circle into more obsessive thoughts about you, since you are the only thing that makes him feel alive.
he realizes at some point that what he is doing is not healthy.
he doesn't like to call himself a stalker (he totally is). he is just so enamored with you that he H A S to see every beautiful movement you make. how can you be so breathtaking without trying 
he actually doesn't like coffee
he is 6’2 ft
he has thought to use his knowledge in chemistry to drug that customer that is way too clingy for his liking. but then he remembers that you might get in trouble if somebody gets sick by eating on your cafe 
he has freckles (a little insecure about them tho)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 7 months
I saw your post that said talk about avatar and got excited so fast because omg the beauty of it first of all the idea of pandora and the beauty of her omg, I wish I could watch avatar for the first time because my goodness the colors and lighting like I feel like a kid at Disney land when I see pictures or rewatch the movies like something so beautiful and bright and colorful I understand why kiri is so curious and looks at everything around her as if it’s new because ITS SO BREATHTAKING
I will literally do anything and everything to live in the world of Pandora. I'll rewatch the movies religiously, I'll immerse myself when playing Frontiers, and I've even transformed my room to look "bioluminescent" at night with atokirina, glowing rocks, and everything!
I went to Disney World back in 2022 (a few months before A2 came out), and while I didn't take many pictures, here's a few from when we went to Pandora:
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Unfortunately, we didn't stay long enough to see it all at night, plus we were only there for the day, so I feel as though I didn't get to fully immerse myself and I can only remember certain things through the pictures I have. I regret the trip because I barely remember it 😭
Needless to say, I am right there with you, hun. I can't get enough of Pandora's beauty and I wish I could inject it into my veins
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zilodak · 7 months
I’m surprised one of your art struggles is drawing faces, literally the way you illustrate faces is so breathtaking 🤧💕
it shows so much raw emotion and beauty, especially with the colors you pick out to shade your art. Literally i want to steal your art technique and eat it 😔 its too yummy !
I think the reason why I do struggle so much *is* because I put so much emphasis on faces! So I have higher expectations for myself when I draw them and when I don't like it, I'll redo it over and over again.
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jiminrings · 1 year
michelin aka chef!jin sneak peek :D
Jin can’t lie to you to save himself.
He can’t lie to you in the same way that he bought your engagement ring one month before the supposed proposal and he’d felt so guilty from telling you he went to get groceries instead of going to the jewelry store, he shook you awake on the same night and asked you to marry him with your eyes barely open.
He can’t be dishonest to you like that time you went down a color analysis video marathon on your phone and just blindly agree that brassy tones suited you, so your fiancé’s way of telling you that you are not the expert that you think are is by booking you a personal color analysis consultation the next day.
Jin can’t tell anything but the truth to you. You’re both his strong suit and his vulnerability, therefore taking lying off the table because he’ll literally feel sick if he does. It’s the very reason why just after days of having his contract finalized, all with the precautions of how he shouldn’t go around telling everyone, he finally comes to you with the news. 
“I’m getting my own food show!” Jin ambushes you as soon as you wake up, his very own squeals serving as your alarm on your day-off. You perk up at the news quickly, getting your own excitement in before he continues. “I wouldn’t say own-own because I’m doing it with Taehee, but still!”
If you didn't think you could be any more awake, you do now.
You feel more alert than ever at the mention of Taehee, a name you’ve heard countless of times working in the food industry, but rarely from Jin himself. You never thought you’ll hear it coming from him again, of course — after all, there’s no sense in talking about your ex no matter the context.
There’s a turmoil that starts in the back of your head because if you think hard enough, you’ll recall that Taehee had appeared in your mind despite not being explicitly mentioned during your silly little perilla leaf debate from days before. You didn’t want your friends’ words to get into your head, but in hindsight, everything they’ve said had long infiltrated your brain.
Jin senses the conflict brewing in the furrow of your brows but he mistakes it for something else, going soft at the thought that you’re already thinking this far ahead.
“I have to step down from the restaurant for the time-being but that’s a given, no?” he strokes your cheek, the smile on his face made to be assuring for you. It doesn’t, however, because in your head that’s already too far gone on the slippery slope of Jin and Taehee’s onscreen reunion, your fiancé just raised another inconvenience that you overlooked.
You agree with as much grace as someone who’s been rudely awakened. The knot in your throat doesn’t get fully untangled even when you speak, drowning out your words even to your own ears. “Yeah, yeah, of course. You can’t juggle being the head chef of a Michelin-starred restaurant and hosting your show with uh, with your fellow Michelin-starred… ex, right?”
Jin hums at that, partially out of amusement. He’s not exactly annoyed per se; it’s just that he didn’t anticipate your second thought after congratulating him was to pick out that tidbit.
The problem, however, is that it’s not a tidbit. It’s a catastrophically large chunk in the event that he’s laying out to you. It’s a slice of watermelon contaminating a bowl of cubed pineapples. It’s a banana in a smoothie overpowering every other ingredient. You’re beyond happy for Jin and no one can take that away from you — it’s just that Taehee, being the breathtaking detail that she is, can’t be ignored.
“I think the word would be chef, Y/N.”
“You got it, chef,” you swallow a sarcastic hum, testing out the words in your tongue. “Say, does Taehee-…”
Jin inhales through his teeth, his smile wide yet not as welcoming. He corrects you, albeit a little disappointedly. “She’s kinda your superior even outside of the kitchen,” he reminds you of the use of honorifics and your lack thereof, even if you recall that he’d never done it with his friends before.
You blink once, twice at the correction, the sharp inhale that he had given you seconds prior making you release your exhale that’s much, much slower.
“Oh, okay. Thank you for reminding me, Chef Seokjin,” you comply but not without making a dig at him first, foregoing your initial annoyance for sincerity instead. “Does Chef Taehee know you’re engaged? And it just happens that it’s to me?”
He doesn’t know whether to be amused or to be annoyed at your jealousy. Jin swears he pictured in his head that him breaking the news to you would be a happy event. He didn’t exactly see in his vision that the happy in the event would last five minutes before it turned into an interrogation.
“It hasn’t really come up yet, so no. I don’t exactly make our relationship status as an icebreaker to anyone and everyone,” he answers, raising a hand when he sees another thought form in between your brows. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, sweetheart.”
You soften at his awareness towards the unexplainable unease you have brewing in your head, deflating in comparison to his posture. “I trust you, Jin. It’s just that-…”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain to me. I get it,” he shrugs, the smile on his face small yet sincere. “I mean, if roles were reversed and you were me and I’m you-…”
The reminder of your gap between you and your fiancé is enough to make you tune out, unaware you’re even doing it until you hear his parking words. He’s the Michelin-starred chef and you’re the line cook. You both finished the same culinary course, but it’s clear which one of you had reached further with it. He’s only three years older than you, but the things that he achieved at your age trump everything you’ve accomplished throughout your whole career.
You and Jin aren’t equals. You’ve never been and you probably never will. Him and Taehee are the closest to being equals as it can get, but the difference is that she’s his ex and you’re his fiancée. 
“I’d cheer you on for having your own show. Even if it happens that you share it with your ex.”
Jin looks to you with the same sincerity he had in his eyes when he shook you awake to propose, all because he hated lying to you, so you know he speaks the truth now.
“Okay,” you relent, squeezing his hand. “Just promise me it won’t get in the way of wedding preparations, alright?”
“I promise, I promise,” he assures you, embracing you in his warmth once more until his phone rudely vibrates against you, making him spooked. He takes one look until he bounces back, already fumbling out of the bedroom door. “Whoops. Gotta go. We need to meet with the producers.”
You trail after him with a snort, wanting to atleast walk him out of the garage and into the driveway after you perhaps spoiled a little of his good news. Jin lets you because he can’t say no anyways, laughing at how you’re barefoot on the pavement from the abrupt turn of events.
“Where are you going? The office is that way,” you ask in confusion, more invested at the way Jin’s seemingly forgot his usual routes overnight than the way the pavement digs into your feet.
“Oh, I know. I was just gonna pick Taehee up because she said her car’s getting fixed,” he shrugs like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and the conflicted look on your face attests that it’s not. He sighs, darting out his hand in front of your face to snap you out of your daze. “We’re exes, we’re professional, we’re engaged, and I’m cooking you dinner tonight! You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
You’re placated for the most part, seeing Jin off with a smile as you take your time to get back in the house.
You’ve got nothing to worry about, you convince yourself as you settle back in, checking your phone out of curiosity.
You’ve got nothing to worry about, you desperately convince yourself as you search his ex and click the first article that you see.
Kim Taehee; full-time Michelin-starred chef, part-time car enthusiast  — Say, what’s in Chef Taehee’s apron besides her trademark knife skills and the contract to her food reality show with Chef Seokjin? The keys to her five cars, of course.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE A JIN FIC!!! it's one of my fave pieces that i've ever written and if u ask me (n my patrons), it's a fic with a new-ish style compared to what i usually do!!
wanna read the whole fic now + exclusive drabbles? this piece is exclusively posted on my patreon :D
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pinkcreamypeach · 30 days
Murder Drones finale review
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The animation in this finale is a visual feast for the eyes. The fighting choreography, the way the characters move, speak and fight - it's all a masterpiece. Cynessa's animations in particular were breathtaking. The way she moves, the way she talks, and the way she fights - it all adds up to an experience worth watching over and over again. Even her walking animation is a joy to behold.And who could forget the fight between Uzi and Cyn? It was the highlight of the finale for me. I must have rewatched it 10 times already. Not to mention the fight between V and J, which was equally amazing. These characters have become my favorite ones in the show, and I wish we could have more scenes with them that are not fight scenes.In addition to the incredible animation, the sound effects and character animations are top-notch. The color scheme, lighting, and scene design in this finale were gorgeous, making it an enjoyable and vibrant experience from start to finish. The team behind this show deserves a standing applause for their impressive work.
The mostly negative long rant
The characterization for J in the episode where she has the most screen time is still quite lacking. She is seen with the villain, knowing the whole plan, as if she was the closest to Tessa, so it's unclear why she is so chill with Cyn, who literally skinned her friend and used her corpse. Is J meant to be that way, or was the writing for her character simply not up to par? It's unclear.
V coming back is a great moment, and her fighting is a good addition to the episode. However, it's still a bit disappointing that she barely talked with N, despite clearly having a bond. It would have been nice to see them have a one-on-one conversation about anything, especially given N's panic attack.Lizzy, Thad, and Khan, who barely occupied any screen time and did not have much to do in the episode, could have been cut from the episode altogether. The anticipated fight between them and J seemed to have happened off-screen, which was a missed opportunity to see them in action and fully utilize their potential.
It's also uncertain whether Khan ever discovered Nori's identity after she stole the heart from J. A further issue is what will happen to Khan after she leaves the planet. Additionally, there is no confirmation on whether it was N who killed Nori or not, which would have a significant impact on Khan and Nori's reaction to Nori and N dating.Regarding the Solver's goal, it appears to be to destroy, but it's unclear exactly how. How does Uzi eating the soul (?) of Cyn separate her from the solver completely?In regards to Uzi defeating Cynessa, the way she did it feels somewhat underwhelming, as she was able to predict where she would land but the countless bullets, blasts and sharp weapons barely did anything. Furthermore, her power levels seem to fluctuate when the plot demands it, which only adds to the confusion.
They could have fixed a lot of this by adding at least 5 to 10 minutes more. More interactions and lore dumps could have been added and the fight could have remained most of the episode, but there was so much more to be done. Additionally, J's motivations needed to be expanded, and the ending was too happy and abrupt.I have massive respect for Glitch, Liam, and everyone who worked on Murder Drones. I still love the series, and I believe I always will. However, this episode was just a big action scene with a sudden and abrupt conclusion. I truly don't understand how this was approved in the writing room.Despite my many negative comments and critiques, this finale isn't the worst I've seen. It's not mid, but I can't quite put my finger on why it falls short. It's a mixed bag of emotions for me. On one hand, I'm glad everyone had a happy ending, but I'm deeply disappointed with how the show ended. Seeing Doll's dead body made me feel both sad and a little bit amused. I wish we had more backstory on Doll, Yeva, and Nori. I'm dying to know how Khan met his wife and how Doll's parents met each other.There are a lot of unanswered questions and rushed things in this finale, which makes it disappointing for me. Still, the show isn't bad. I'm glad I watched Murder Drones, and I'll definitely miss it. Thank you to Glitch Productions, Liam Vickers, and everyone who worked on the show for bringing the series to life. I apologize for the lengthy rant.
(Anyways Cyn/cynessa Gifs I found)
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