#why couldn’t she sit around dreaming about love like the white disney princesses isn’t really the problem imo
literaryspinster · 5 months
There is a fine line between wanting Black female characters to be shown in a soft, romantic, glamorous light, and implying that Black women who are poor, Black women who have suffered, and Black women who don’t live traditional lives don’t deserve representation at all.
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handmaid - 20
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: sorry for the delay on this one, hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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There are several times when you fall in love with someone, that is, you don’t fall at of the sudden, it’s gradually. Sebastian would argue with everyone else that he was attracted to the type of women that most men in his inner circle, he wanted to be just like his father and his father would have never fallen for the type of woman that Y/N was. However, Sebastian couldn’t help but want to make her smile whenever she apologised to inanimate objects just because she stepped on them, how she would stop mid street to look at the Christmas decorations and how she would put everyone else in front of her, even that rat Mr. Williams. Yet, there was no feature that made him want to shield her from the evil of the world more than when she smiled at him, free of judgements for his life style, for what people said and today she seemed to be showering him with that smile. 
Y/N hadn’t stop smiling for the whole entirety they had been outside, waving and talking to everyone like some version of a Disney Princess. Yet, as the night grew closer and closer, Sebastian decided it was safer for them to return to the penthouse. Once they returned, he was rather excited to strip off the winter clothes and be allowed to wear lighter clothes in his very warm and mostly desolate house safe for the bodyguards inside the lift at most times. Likewise, Y/N removed her winter coat and hat, rushing over to the kitchen to grab a cookie making Sebastian wonder if she ever got tired. 
      - I don’t know if it’s just because you really like Christmas or if it’s a sugar rush, but you’re rather energetic today angel. - he watched her break off a piece of her cookie, feeding it to herself. - You know you can bite on the cookie instead of breaking it, right?
     - No fun. - she handed him a cookie. - We’ve been doing what I do for Christmas all day. What do you do for Christmas?
     - I don’t. - he shrugged, leaning against one of the walls. - It’s alright, angel. This is for you, you get to chose. 
     - Well, I chose to do something you do or used to do for Christmas. C’mon, just because you’re the mob boss doesn’t mean you were born one. - she held his hand in hers, a soft smile on her lips. - There must be something.
    - I’m afraid the Stans don’t celebrate Christmas like the Forrests, angel. 
    - Mr. Stan, I am not taking no for an answer. There has to be something. 
    - You’re awfully pushy today. - he chuckled, hand coming to caress her cheek. - Well ... when I was younger me and my mum would cuddle on the couch and watch that weird Natalie Wood movie it hit midnight. We would then wish for something at 12:01 Christmas Eve. 
     - That is definitely something. - Y/N couldn’t help but melt a bit at the exposition. Sebastian certainly wasn’t one to show much emotion, that was asked of the job, but the fact that he had just told her a childhood memory which judging by the look of his eyes seemed rather special was something she would treasure. - I’m pretty sure we can rent Miracle on 34th Street somewhere.
    - You don’t have to do that, angel. We can do something you enjoy.
    - I happen to like Miracle on 34th Street very much. Wait here ... - she ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, opening the wide doors of her wardrobe where she had seen some staff store blankets and pillows. Carrying as many as her arms could, she went down the stairs, throwing all the bedding onto the couch much to Sebastian’s confusion. - You cannot watch a Christmas film without coziness. 
    - You really are something else, angel. Aren’t you?
    - I’ve been called odd several times, so I’d guess you’re right. - she spoke mindlessly, too busy arranging the blankets and pillows into something her heart considered perfect. Once she had obtained as much fluffiness as she could, she jumped onto the couch, patting the spot next to her. - Come on, let’s do your tradition.
    - It’s hardly a tradition, angel. - how could he deny sitting next to her. He just couldn’t. With slow yet certain movements, he sat next to her, the only thing separating them being his hand in the middle. - Haven’t done it in years. 
    - It’s always a good time to restart. 
She had managed to find the movie for rental on Youtube, however, unlike her, Sebastian was much more interested in watching her rather than the movie. The way the fake fireplace light her face with shades of warm orange and yellow, the soft sounds caused by her breathing and the way her eyes shined with the hope of someone who didn’t know how bad the world outside was. She just seemed like an actual angel in the middle of all of this, endearingly innocent and sweet to a point that made Sebastian wonder if it could be to her detriment. After all, her sweetness was what enabled Gwen to pull her around like a doll and while she was in her employment and her friend, she did things that he wouldn’t dream of doing ... maybe if it was for her, but never for Gwen.
Too lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t notice her fingers had laced with his and her head was now laying on the soft fabric of the jumper she had offered him. He only noticed this once her finger started to draw invisible circles on his hand. Some part of him wished he hadn’t noticed the closeness as once he did, suddenly he was aware of every single movement. What if he disturbed her? He didn’t want to disturb her, she looked so peaceful and she was so close. Was he sweating? He was definitely sweating. Maybe also shivering from the pure amount of nerves. Why was he nervous? He had killed people before, had been with other women before so why was he nervous at a very innocent touch.
   - I love a happy ending, don’t you? - she spoke up making him realise he had just spent the entire film staring at her. She probably thought he was crazy or maybe stalk-ish. - Seb?
   - Yeah? Yes, love happy endings. 
   - Look, it’s a minute past midnight. - she noticed the red light of the microwave’s hour display. - Make a wish.
   - I don’t need a wish, I have everything I could have right here.
   - Oh ... - she felt a heat creep up her skin up to her cheeks. Why was the room suddenly very hot. - Merry Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas Eve. Really Y/N? Couldn’t have come up with a better sentence? She knew that Gwen leaving the two of them alone was a mistake. If they couldn’t control themselves when she was in the same house how were they gonna control themselves when she is a good half hour away from them during a snow storm? 
   - What are you wishing for, angel? 
   - I wish for everyone to get what they wish for. 
   - Y/N, angel, you cannot share your wish with the world. - he chuckled. - If you could have anything in the whole wide world, what would you want?
   - I’m a handmaid, I don’t think about those things. - she sighed. - My life is pretty good. 
   - Even millionaires wish on a wishing star, angel. It doesn’t make you a bad person if you want something. 
   - I never stopped to think about that. People normally don’t ask me about what I want. - she shrugged.
    - Wait here. - he kissed the top of her head, leaving her momentaneously which gave her more time to panic about her situation. Gwen would certainly have her head on a platter for being that enamoured with her fiancée. Ever since they were kids what was Y/N’s belonged to the both of them but what was Gwen’s was Gwen’s only. Why was she so enamoured with him? Was it because he was handsome? She had certainly meet other handsome boys and men before she saw him. Was it because he was rich? She knew various rich people which flaunted it more than him. All she knew was that she liked him. Not just like. When she looked at him she could envision a future that just didn’t exist but god could she feel it as if it could. - I was gonna give you this for Christmas but I guess now it’s as good time as it could be. 
   - You didn’t need to get me something. - she said as he placed a red and white box on top of her lap. - I don’t have anything for you.
   - Nonsense, you gave me this jumper. - he pointed at the dark jumper. - I hope you like it, I wasn’t entirely sure which one you’d like. 
   - I’m sure it’s lovely either way. - she took the lid off the red and white box which led to a very familiar orange box. Hermes. She would know that box anywhere. Gwen always had a particular knack for buying their scarfs and handbags. However, it was probably just repacking. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened. As she opened the box however, she realised it was no repacking. She picked up the bag she had dreamed on having since she was a little kid looking at old Grace Kelly pictures. - It’s a Kelly bag. 
   - Isn’t that what you wanted? I can get you another one if you want so, maybe a different colour?
   - You can buy a small house with one of these. 
   - I can also get you a small house if that’s what you want.
   - How did you even get one? There’s a waitlist. - Y/N was dumbfounded, wondering if the cold had knocked her off and all of this was a fantasy. 
   - There is no waitlist for me, angel. - Sebastian smirked, proud of his statement but Y/N was much lost in her haze, looking at one of the most unobtainable bags in the world. Even celebrities had to wait for a Birkin or a Kelly and here she was, a mere nobody holding on. - Are you alright?
   - I can’t take it. - she put the bag back on the box. - You need to give this to Gwen. 
   - No, angel, that one is for you.
   - But this is an expensive bag. 
   - It’s hardly that expensive, angel. Besides, you gave me a Christmas present so I had to repay the favour. 
   - You could buy a whole truck full of jumpers with one of these bags. I ... I don’t know what to say. 
   - We can get something else if you don’t like it, angel. Anything you want. Jewellery, car, clothing ... just name it. However, I won’t return the bag just because you won’t accept it. It’s an order. 
   - Sebastian, it’s beautiful. Thank you. - she jumped forward, wrapping her arms around him before kissing his cheek. - Thank you.
   - Don’t mention it, angel. Anything for you. 
   - Seb ... - she couldn’t help but blurt out what came next. - I love you.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld @captainchrisstan @lookiamtrying @sarge-barnes-sir​​​ @stuffforreferences​ @thebadassbitchqueen
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fandomwarriorqueen · 5 years
Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Disney movies all the time but I don’t like the Disney movies for their romance. Yes the romance parts are great especially in some of the later movies but there’s so much to learn from each and every princess. Ps, this is really fucking long but I think it’s important and carries a lot of good life lessons. Sorry for bad grammar and weird language. My only language is English but I don’t speak it that well when I’m tired.
Snow White: She didn’t let her fear get in the way of her caring heart, and the only reason why the old crone was her stepmother was because her stepmother actively looked for her knowing that Snow would help her because of how kind she was, which is how she convinced her to take her into the house. The only person who did something wrong was the Evil Queen in taking advantage of a girl of 14 who doesn’t understand what she did wrong.
Cinderella: Being brave enough to follow your heart and work to make your dreams come true is something I especially think that we could learn form today. She worked to get all her chores done and because of everything she did for them the mice helped her finish the dress. The fairy godmother saw how hard she tried to go to the ball, and so she helped Cinderella get there and make sure she wasn’t recognized by Lady Tremaine so that way she couldn’t be abused further for leaving the house. Also while Cinderella was excited by the idea of meeting the Prince, she was excited because she wanted to meet to him and talk to him and that’s what ultimately drew him to her. She wasn’t throwing herself at someone because of his money or titles like Drisella or Anastasia or the other women, in fact she fell in love with him and married him for the way he loved her.
Jasmine: A lot of people don’t recognize the strength it takes for Jasmine to make the decisions she made. Instead of quietly submitting to a marriage she instead used her position as princess to make a point and refused to sit idly by as a glorified prisoner within the palace walls, and a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of women/girls in middle eastern countries aren’t allowed to leave their homes or are forced to married the men that their fathers chose for them either because they don’t know better, or fear of retribution. It also makes a point that just because women may be the money makers doesn’t mean that the man is any less important in the relationship. Jasmine chose Aladdin because he supported her as who she was as a person and recognized that she wouldn’t want to marry a prince who thought he was worthy because he was a man/Prince so rather he proved that he wanted to marry Jasmine because he loved her for all of her.
Mulan: This is another one because Mulan broke the gender roles that are present even with modern Western societies. Men go off to fight in wars and women stay home get married and maybe get a job and raise the kids, but there are so many women who fight for our country and rights and our freedoms, and continue to fight to make sure we can keep them, but also create more and help others. Also Mulan shows that sometimes it goes beyond raw power and the ability to follow orders that makes a person successful. You have to be driven, hard-working, creative, and cunning in order to achieve your goals. Also not to mention it teaches girls to be proud of who they are as fighters, and not to hide behind any type of mask because they aren’t worthless. Also there are so many unspoken women in history that did a lot for their countries during war times, and Mulan barely begins to cover it.
Belle: This is one of my personal favorites for multiple reasons. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie and Belle is my favorite princess and theirs a reason. There are so many types of people out there and being book loving introvert that didn’t have a lot of friends growing up Belle was a huge role model for me. For one she didn’t take shit Gaston and refused to let him and the villagers influence her values and get in the way of her passion for reading and refused to let people make fun of her father, because her parentage was something she was proud of, and rightfully so, as her father was a ingenious inventor. Also not to mention she didn’t take shit from the Beast as well, being the first person to let him know throw a healthy way *cough* unlike the Enchantress *cough* that he wasn���t treating people with the respect they deserved, but she still helped him when he saved her life showing that she has a good heart, as she just returned to the very castle she had been escaping. Of course another thing she does is instead of immediately leaving, as soon as she sees hope of progress and change within the Beast she teaches him what it means to be a good person, acting as a teacher and good influencer. The reason she doesn’t do this with Gaston is because he not only refuses to change, and instead tries to change her, he also threatens her, and as soon as she’s not submissive to him, he labels her as crazy and casts her to the side and goes on a jealous rampage against the man she does have feelings for, as I do often see within my own school. Belle also sees past the views of the villagers, who see Gaston as more then a strong handsome guy and instead for the asshat he is, which is something that girls should keep in mind when approaching anyone of the preferred gender. Look at personality and not physical features. Most of the time you can see the warning signs of an abusive relationship before it actually starts, if you look for them.
Ariel: This is one that I find really intersting and I’m at odds with. On one hand I think that Ariel had a right to be curious and she was right to look past her family views and try to see humans for what they were rather then what her family labeled them to be. This applys great to people who have bigot parents and absolutely encourage curious people to ask me questions about my heritage and my sexuality and a lot of my guy friends ask a lot of what it’s like being a girl. Education isn’t always what you read in books. Also I like how even though Ariel was putting herself at risk, she recognized the need that Eric was in, and set her own self aside to save Eric, as you should always value life and try to help others in need when possible. On the other hand, Ariel gave up a lot for Eric. While I understand her need to leave her family behind she knew nothing about Eric or if he was in fact a mermaid killer as she had never had a true conversation with him, and you should never jump headlong into relationships like that because it’s not always healthy and can lead to a lot of miscommunication. Also another thing I don’t like is the Flotsum and Jetsum reminded me so much of creepy old men luring kids into cars. Stay safe and aware. Your life isn’t worth a guy or whatever your willing to get yourself killed for. There was a reason Sebastian tried to warn her and a reason Flounder took his side. Your friends often times have your best interests at heart, and are looking out for you. Listen to them. Sometimes they can see stuff you can’t. Also the fact she gave up her voice for Eric is something I’m at odds with. Yes relationships do take sacrifice and work, but you should never ever feel the need to give up such a huge part of yourself for someone else, and a person who cares about you would never ask that if you. If Eric truly cared about Ariel he would have saw past the tail and they could have tried to find another way to be together without putting Ariel in danger. Also irrational choices. Times of emtions and clouded judgment are not the time and place to make life changing decisions. Also people may claim to be helping but often times if they want something out of it, especially something big and personal, they are you using and should not being trusted.
Aurora: Not gonna lie I don’t have much to say because she wasn’t in much of the movie. But yeah talking to people isn’t a bad thing, you can’t let your guardian determine your social life that’s for you to figure out. For me it’s social media and a lot of theater nerds, for others they’re sportsy and they like taking to people and making friends face to face. But also talk to people a bit before asking them in a date, and if they name a sketchy place or seem to have a sketchy background don’t meet them. They could be fishers or rapists or just weird. Not really Aurora’s fault and for the time picking her up at a woodsman cottage in the middle of the woods isn’t that weird, but Phillip hun if the lights aren’t on and the voice sounds like the wicked fairy from your fiancées baptism then don’t go in. Also don’t date people if your engaged it’s rude.
Pocahontas: While I understand a lot of the movie isn’t historically accurate for a kids movie about looking past race and understanding someone before you judge them, and misplacing your anger, 100% done right Disney. Amazing. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Also find those key supporting figures in your life like Grandmother Willow, because those are the people that in the long run, will be there for you and love you forever. Also, again, be true to yourself. Pocahontas wasn’t happy with being the conplacent wife, don’t be the conplacent girl. If you have dreams, go fucking get them. They are so within your grasp all you have to do is leave the haters behind, jump in your canoe, and look at what’s around the river bend. Also thank you for discussing how precious every single bit of life on our Earth is and how much we should preserve it, but also for calling out white imperialism. You didn’t come form this land, just because you say mine like a spoiled child, doesn’t give you the right to commit genocide and kill multiple cultures and thousands of people, and destroy the land they worked so hard to preserve, and then deny them rights in their own country. My ancestors are guilty of this, and my ancestors have also been the victims. While it’s horrible and needs to be taught better in schools and bigotry needs to be erased, we also need to move past it a preserve the dying cultures by teaching people about them, even if they don’t necessarily belong to the culture by blood. I’m more Irish then Aztec, but I want to know more about my heritage on both sides. And I live for teaching people my history if they’re willing to listen.
Tiana: Girl you are a strong black women and you have a dream and you work hard and you make your daddy proud every goddamn day. But you also have to remember that you need to give yourself the space to grow and be a person outside of work. You need to remeber to have fun, and you can only give 100 if you treat yourself like you’re 100. But also you can’t dilly dally along all day, and you’ll never get anywhere if life if you don’t work for it. Even the smallest of dreams is something more then nothing (looking at you Naveen) also hey maybe that person worked for that shit you don’t know, but don’t go about the wrong way of doing something through anger because it never ends well. Also hey thanks for showing off the racial devide of the historyocal time period. Just letting you know it was extremely rare for white anf black girls to be friends because most of the time they wouldn’t see each other. Also allowing Tiana into the costume party was truly revolutionary on Charlotte’s part as black people weren’t supposed to be treated as equals. That obviously had changed a lot but it also needs to change still. Not to mention Naveen would have never been allowed to marry Charlotte due to his skin tone even with her daddy’s blessing unless he was a prince, because he would’ve been lynched otherwise. Also that image of family and neighbors being one. That’s was something amazing. Share what you can with those around you cause they other have less. Also let’s make sure that the divide between white and black folks keep getting smaller ok.
Rapunzel: Boy could I go on a tangent about this movie because recognizing who you are as a person and who you want to be is just the start. Mother Gothel was horrible, terrible, awful, and no-good in so many ways I’m surprised the movie is rated G with the level of abuse portrayed in the film. First off you shouldn’t steal, and you cannot claim something made for those in need for yourself when there are others out there suffering so much worse. (Definitely talking about the Medicare system here get your act straight) Also you shouldn’t find the need to control everything about your child’s life. You have to let them be there own person and figure things out on there own otherwise the message will never get through. Also treat your child like a goddamn person they aren’t a slave or your own personal slave they are a human being. Don’t get me started on stealing a child because holy fuck how bad of a person do you have to be.
Merida: I love this movie for a variety of reasons. First a female character does not need a romance to be a successful lead role. Also sane thing, your child isn’t a mini you, or a mold to make as you want. They are a human being. They must grow and learn on their own, or they’ll never truly understand the lesson. The best you can do is support them. Also like with Merida and the princes, a girl doesn’t need a man to be a Queen, a man or another person of preferred gender should just make her stronger. Also one of the things I have learned is that this movie wasn’t Queen Elenore finding the courage to let her daughter be herself, or Merida finding the courage to admit her mistakes, but more then that, it was finding the courage to live in a way Disney had never shown before. Brave was about family love, and how there are so many bonds and relationships that are so much more important and valuable to use then our selfish parts of us like pride, being a family with people who hold different values then yourself is one of eh hardest thing, take it from a person who knows. But you have to find the courage and the strength to move past the fear, anger, and sadness to work together as people who where originally designed to love each other unconditionally, and make a family work, and as shown it only works if every person who’s part of it, puts in the effort and emotion in order to truly create the bond needed to love each other above all else.
This was my long ass rant as to why I think Disney princesses are important and don’t necessarily hold a bad message I didn’t talk about lesser know princesses or Frozen because that is a whole rant in itself that I’m not going to get into because it’s nearily one in the morning here.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Self Promo Sunday
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My next fic disappearing from Ao3 is another speculation fic from before season six featuring Hyde as the bad guy in a Prince Humperdink scenario. It’s kind of silly, to be honest.
Summary: Mr. Hyde is forcing Emma Swan into marrying him. But Hyde has never seen the Princess Bride. Emma has. She knows how this ends.
Rating: G
Words: just shy of 2,000
On Ao3 until 11/10/19
Tagging the usuals:@snowbellewells @jennjenn615 @kday426 @let-it-raines @teamhook@kmomof4 @bethacaciakay @profdanglaisstuff @resident-of-storybrooke @thislassishooked @tiganasummertree@whimsicallyenchantedrose @snidgetsafan @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @winterbaby89​ @distant-rose​@shireness-says​ @xhookswenchx​ @optomisticgirl​ @spartanguard​ @branlovestowrite​ @welllpthisishappening​ @hollyethecurious​ @stahlop​
In this day and age of modern, independent women, you would think dreams of princesses, castles, and balls wouldn’t even enter girl’s minds anymore. And yet … how does one explain the continued popularity of Disney princesses? Sure, maybe some parents are playing into gender stereotypes, but plenty of moms in sensible suits making six figure incomes are more than willing to plop down 75 bucks for one of those top of the line dresses at the Disney Store. And even if some women try to deny otherwise, why are so many women still swooning over Mr. Darcy? (Or, secretly, Flynn Ryder, smolder and all.)
Emma Swan was no different. By day she hunted down scum bags in sensible knee high boots. But by night … Well, let’s just say she was no stranger to Ben, Jerry, or Mr. Darcy. (As for Flynn Ryder, she would deny that one to her dying breath. She had no kids, so she had no excuse for watching Tangled to begin with).
But Emma’s favorite was The Princess Bride. Sure, Buttercup sometimes got on her nerves (What?! NOW you choose to pick up the damn branch! Help the man, girl!), but Emma couldn’t help but be moved by Westley’s utter devotion to her. Every time Westley declared to Buttercup that even death couldn’t stop true love, Emma would pause with her breath caught in her throat, spoonful of rocky road paused halfway to her lips. If only men like Westley were actually real.
Then she found out Disney princesses were, in fact, real. So were their princes. There really were fairy tales with true love and happy endings. But a real Westley? Doubtful. Until … there he was, the man in black. Lopsided grin, mesmerizing eyes, and a quick-witted tongue. She tried to suppress the schoolgirl fantasies, swearing even when she hauled him in for a kiss that it couldn’t possibly be as good as she dreamed. But the kiss was. And he was. What she had dreamed. “As you wish,” and everything. Even “death can’t stop true love; it can only delay it for a little while.” Yes, even Westley was real. Only his name was actually Killian Jones. And his more colorful moniker, instead of Dread Pirate Roberts, was Hook.
If she was living out her little fantasy, Emma should have anticipated a Prince Humperdink and a forced marriage at some point. Yet she hadn’t. They had done the whole death thing. A Prince Humperdink seemed rather anticlimactic. However, enter from stage right … Mr. Hyde.
Yeah, figures. Her Prince Humperdink was Mr. Freakin’ Hyde. I’ll take psychopaths for two hundred, Alex. Apparently, there was some prophesy about the child of the savior, so Hyde wanted to father it with her. Thankfully, his Victorian sensibilities required marriage first. Thank god.
Emma knelt in front of the door of her locked room, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth as she attempted to pick the lock with a hair pin. She may be Princess Buttercup in this little drama, but she wasn’t just going to sit around and wait. She had already tried her magic. Her non-existent magic, apparently. She wasn’t sure what Hyde had done, but she wasn’t able to use it. Just when Emma thought the lock had clicked open, a jolt sent her falling backwards onto her rear. Emma swore under her breath as she got to her feet. So much for picking the lock. She turned instead to the window. Bars. It was a stark reminder that she was being held captive in an asylum. No castles for Emma Swan. No sir. For her story, it was an asylum. Fitting.
Emma stood and began pacing; gnawing on her fingernails as she racked her brain for a plan. As she did, the door swung open. Emma lowered her hand quickly and squared her shoulders. No need to let Hyde see any nervousness or fear. Yet it’s a servant girl, not Hyde who shuffles into the room, a white wedding dress draped over her arm.
“Pardon me, Miss,” the maid says shyly. “I’m to get ye into yer gown and fix yer hair.”
Emma crosses her arms smugly over her chest. “I’m not putting that dress on because I’m not marrying the psycho.”
The maid – Mary, if Emma remembers correctly – looks around nervously. “The master told me ye would say that. He says he’ll put it on ye heself if ye refuse me help.”
Emma narrows her eyes, marches forward, and snatches the dress out of Mary’s hand. She knows, unfortunately, Hyde’s super-human strength from her run-ins with him in Storybrooke. “I’ll put it on myself,” Emma mutters. She stomps behind the dressing screen in the corner. “It also doesn’t mean I’m marrying him.”
Emma puts the dress on as quickly as she can, but needs Mary’s help in buttoning up the back. As the maid works the buttons, Emma speaks, a tilt to her chin. “Killian is coming for me anyway.”
Mary says nothing at first, simply steering Emma towards the vanity. Emma examines the dress as she sinks onto the velvet stool. Hideous. Huge. And the bows! What is this? My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Mary begins deftly working on her hair, a dreamy smile playing on her lips. “Yer pirate is rather dashing, Miss.” Emma meets Mary’s eyes in the mirror. The maid ducks her head before continuing, a blush coloring her cheeks. “Eyes like the sea after a storm …”
Emma gasps. This maid has never been to Storybrooke. So that means … Killian is here! This Mary girl has seen him (hence the blushing). Emma’s hand goes to her breast without thinking. Resting there, hanging from a chain around her neck, is the garnet ring Killian gave her in Camelot as well as the engagement ring he gave her just a week ago in Storybrooke. Emma had feared Hyde would take it, so she had slipped it onto the chain with the other ring. Luckily, the high Victorian neckline of the dress conceals them well. Emma smiles and exchanges a glance with the maid. He’s here!
Mary finishes with Emma’s hair. Though the dress is an over the top mess, Emma’s hair, thankfully isn’t. Mary has expertly pulled a little back from the sides and top with pins, letting the rest cascade in soft curls down her back. Mary lifts something from a mahogany box atop the vanity table and sets it on Emma’s head. A crown. Not a tiara. A full-on crown. Just like Princess Buttercup’s in the movie.
“Um … “ Emma wets her bottom lip. “Don’t you think it’s a little … much?”
“Oh, law, Miss!” Mary exclaims. “Yer a princess, Miss! And a bride. A princess bride.”
Emma suppresses a chuckle. The girl would think she was making fun of her.
Mary suddenly stiffens as Hyde strides into the room. She curtsies quickly, mumbling that the bride is ready, and hurries from the room. Hyde stands behind her, awkwardly placing his hands on her shoulders. “Nervous, my dear?”
Oh, so he wants to play out the whole scene? Fine. Emma knows it by heart.
“Why? Should I be?”
“I’m told bride’s often are.”
Okay, now this is just getting downright eerie. Still, Emma plays along. She rises smugly from the stool, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“I do not wed tonight. My pirate will come for me.”
Emma wonders at the crowd in the asylum chapel. Are these people here by force? Do they know she is marrying Hyde against her will? She tries to catch someone’s eye as she walks down the aisle, looking for a familiar face, or perhaps an ally. But everyone averts their eyes, avoiding her gaze.
When the priest steps forward, Emma half expects “Wuv, twue wuv” to come out of his mouth, but it doesn’t. He does wax on a little long about the sanctity of marriage. Rather ironic, if you ask Emma. Halfway through his spiel, Emma thinks she hears shouts in the corridors of the asylum. A grin lights up Emma’s face. She turns to Prince Hump – er – Hyde.
“There is my Killian, now.”
Hyde’s face, as usual, remains stony and impassive. “Impossible.”
Emma is really getting into the scene now. “Then why is there fear behind your eyes?”
“Do you have the rings?” the priest interrupts, and Emma can’t help the chuckle that bubbles up from her throat. She could have sworn he said “wings” instead of “rings.”
The sounds outside of the chapel grow louder. Not just shouts, but the sound of clanging steel. Perhaps the “woosh” and “twang” of arrows? A vein in Hyde’s forehead twitches. “Skip to the end.”
“Do you, Emma Swan –“
“Man and wife!” Hyde snaps through gritted teeth. “Just say man and wife!” The priest shrugs. “Man and wife.”
Emma grins and winks at the priest as Hyde grabs her by the elbow and hauls her out of the chapel’s rear door. They head down one short corridor and Hyde opens the door to a room more opulent than anything she has yet to see in this dark, foreboding place. The honeymoon suite, apparently. How nauseating. Hyde shoves her inside. Emma stands in front of the doorway, smirking.
“You’ve never seen The Princess Bride, have you?”
Hyde practically growls in frustration, slams the door, and locks it. She hears his heavy footfalls echoing away down the hallway.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
Emma falls to her knees in front of the locked door, pulling a hair pin out of her wedding ‘do. She has just begun fiddling with the lock when she hears a voice behind her.
“Need a hand with that, love?”
Emma hasn’t even turned around yet when she cries out his name. “Killian!” She rushes to him, throwing her arms around his neck and covering his mouth with hers. She then peppers kisses across his face. “I knew you would come!”
Killian leans back with a smile on his face that quickly fades to a look of concern. “Am I too late?”
Emma laughs and shakes her head. “Hyde has obviously never seen The Princess Bride.”
A grin spreads across Killian’s face. “Ahhh, I see. Forgot the vows, did he?”
Emma beams up at him, her Westley. “Yeah. He’s a regular Prince Humperdink.”
Killian gives her his best smirk, pulling her even closer against him. “Well then, lass, to the Jolly Roger, shall we? If you wouldn’t mind.”
Pounding is coming from the other side of the door.
“But Killian, Hyde is blocking my magic somehow!”
Killian cocks an eyebrow. “You doubt me love? That was Regina’s mission. Now, poof away.”
Emma isn’t sure if the best line is “As you wish” or “I will never doubt again,” so she says neither and just flicks her hand. Sure enough, when the smoke clears, they are on the deck of Killian’s ship. She’s quickly enveloped in hugs from her parents and Henry. Regina shows her affection with snark, as usual. “What took you two so long? Were you testing out the bridal chamber?” Emma just rolls her eyes, smiles at Regina, and thanks her.
As they sail away, with the sun setting in the distance, Killian comes to her side. As he takes her in his arms, she’s reminded of a scene at the very end of The Princess Bride.
In the history of kisses, there have been five rated the most passionate, the most pure.
This one left them all behind.
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What the Rain Can’t Wash Away- Chapter 7
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Sixteen years after Lucifer rose, and Dean lost his wife he finds himself with a teenager, a Nephilim, an angel, and his brother living out a Full House rerun with some seriously dark undertones. How will he be able to raise his daughter, fight monsters, and deal with the loss of the love of his life? Sometimes moving on is the hardest part, but with the Winchester’s there’s always something harder around the corner. Isn’t there?
Chapter Seven, Sixteen Years and One Love Later
Time stopped. I swear to God everything just stopped. My breath in my throat. Blood in my veins. The air was thick and everything just fucking stopped.
Her lips were open slightly to let out a shaking breath. Her blue eyes were wide, in shock, and trailing my face through dark eyelashes. She wore her police academy sweatshirt, and her hair hung at her shoulder like the last night I saw her. Fuck she looked exactly the same. Her face was young. I was speechless.
I was still poisoned by the djinn. Had to be.
She leaned over me and whispered my name again, running her thumb over the wrinkles around my eyes. "Dean."
"This isn't real." I didn't know why else to say.
"Dad," El said cautiously, but I ignored her. I could peel my eyes away from Ava. She poofed in here out of thin air. How far did this djinn rabbit hole go?
"Get off me," I said suddenly. I looked around, my eyes darting rapidly. Where was I? When did we get back to the bunker? "Get the fuck off of me!" I wailed, putting hands on either side of her to gently push her away.
It didn't take long for her to scramble off of me and back up cautiously. "Okay motherfucker. You got me. I'm ready to talk," I shouted angrily, my fists clenching.
My brother and Cas stared at me with tight jaws, like I was going insane. They were in my head. It was all in my head. "Come on!" I screamed, grabbing the back of a chair. I raised it above my head and threw it as hard as I could. It clattered and broke against the wall of the bunker. El let out a scream, and I watched Claire pull her against her chest. El buried her face in Claire's shoulder, her hand opening, and the white pearl bounced onto the floor, settling at her feet.
"Dean," Cas murmured, in front of me. I turned to him and he pressed two fingers to my forehead. "I'm sorry."
 I was still drunk with sleep, but I could feel a tickle on my nose. "Daddy."
I sniffled a bit, feeling her finger run along the bridge of my nose. She knew I was grumpy when I woke up, so she always approached cautiously. She had since she was little. "Eleanor?" I groaned, my eyes fluttering open.
"Dad, I'm so sorry." Her voice broke. She was crouching by the bed so she could be face to face with me. "I messed up."
"What are you talking about?" I rubbed my eyes, sitting up slowly. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but it was heavy on my eyelids.
"I was holding the pearl..." She got up to sit next to me, and I put my legs over the edge of the bed. "I was waiting to give it to you, and I don't know... I couldn't stop thinking about all that you've lost, all that we've lost... I kept picturing the way you looked at her in your dream. I didn't mean to... I should've wished for Micheal, but I didn't even know I was wishing..." She was rambling. Her eyes were red, as they threatened to spill over with tears.
"Hey, slow down," I said, pushing her hair behind her ear. I was still so tired.
"I didn't mean to bring her back." Her voice broke.
I stared at her and everything came back to me in a rush. Ava. "You.. you did it?"
"I'm so sorry," Ella cried harder, burying her face in her hands.
The pearl. The mother fucking magic pearl brought her back. It brought her back just as she was sixteen years ago when I lost her. I grabbed her face in my hands. "Eleanor Mary Winchester, don't you ever apologize for that. Don't ever apologize for that," I repeated.
She nodded in her tears, looking unbelievably relieved. "You aren't mad?"
"No. Honey, I'm not mad. Of course I wanted Micheal gone, but Ava... your mom, it's more than I could've ever dreamed for."
"Me too," she whispered, selfishly.
I pulled my daughter into my arms. She was so grown up, but in that moment she seemed so small. I could see her like she was five years old again, cuddled into my chest. I kissed her hair, breathing her in before I whispered. "Where is she?"
She looked up at me, and I saw her mouth moving, but I didn't hear her. Before I knew it I was running.
I stood in front of the room Sam and Cas laid her down in, and suddenly I couldn't move. I wasn't the man she left behind sixteen years ago. I was old, jaded, I had a fucking Arc Angel in my melon. I wasn't exactly husband material anymore. I was a mess, at best. How could I go in there and tell her hi, we pulled you from Heaven for this. Surprise! I wasn't sure it'd go over well. I wasn't sure if she even wanted to be back. I just wasn't sure.
I took a deep breath, and let it out. More than anything, though, I wanted to see her. I pulled the door open slowly. She was asleep on the bed, looking peaceful. My heart squeezed at the sight of her.
Part of me wondered if this wasn't real. If I was still poisoned, but my head was clear for the first time in a long ass time. I was focused. She was here.
I walked to her and pulled up a chair next to her bed. She could've been a Disney princess sleeping, awaiting Prince Charming. I wondered if I should kiss her, but I worried that it'd scare her, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.
Ava groaned a bit in her sleep, and I watched her eyes move behind her lids. I watched her breath hitch in her throat, as she slowly opened her eyes. They looked unfocused and filled with sleep. She was so much more beautiful than I ever remembered her. My old man brain was pulling from pictures, but her face was so much more in person.
"Hey," I said cautiously.
She blinked a few times and sat up slowly. Her hand went to her back and she pulled it in front of her, and looked at her palm, then me. "Hey back." She swallowed and looked around slowly. "Where.. where are we?"
She squinted, and I suddenly realized how this must look. The concrete room looked like a fucking prison. Despite Ella living here, we didn't exactly have a women's touch. "It's a bunker. We live here."
"We... we live here? We have a house, Dean, and this isn't it."
My heart squeezed. "I haven't lived in that house in a long time, Ave."
"I can't be here anymore, Sam," I said, bouncing a screaming Eleanor in my arms.
"This is your house, Dean. I thought we agreed to let Nel live a normal life."
"Listen to me, Sammy," I snapped. I hadn't slept more than an hour since Ava died, and it wasn't just because I was taking care of a baby without a mom. "I can't be here anymore. Not without her. This is her house I made for her... it's not mine without her."
"A long time..." Then it was like she was seeing me for the first time in the low light from the bedside lamp. "Dean what happened? I was in that church... and then I woke up in a strange place in the dark."
I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell her that I lost her. Not again.
"What aren't you saying?" She asked, her eyes searching my face. She reached forward and touched my cheek. "You look different..."
"Older," I said, finally.
"Yeah," she said, running her thumb over the wrinkles around my eyes.
Suddenly I felt the weight of my age. Of every age line. Of the scars on my body from Purgatory, and the Mark of Cain. All the sacrifices. All the scars she couldn't see. I wasn't the same Dean Winchester that she remembered, but somehow, looking at her, I felt like him again. I felt like no time had passed.
"How much older are you?"
I closed my eyes, avoiding her gaze. "Sixteen years. It's been sixteen years since I lost you, Ave."
I opened my eyes, and was met with her blue ones welling over with tears. Her bottom lip was trembling. "How?"
"Lacey... she... she fucking stabbed you." I ran my hands over my face. "I couldn't... I couldn't save you... I'm so sorry. By the time I got to you you were almost gone."
"What about Nel? Is she.. oh god.. please tell me she isn't.."
"Hey, no. She... Nel is great." I smiled weakly, taking her hands. "She's perfect."
A wave of relief washed over her face, but beyond her eyes I could still see her trying to piece together what I was telling her. "She's almost seventeen, and she's going to graduate early. She's smart... just like her mom." She met my eyes and tears bled down her cheeks.
Fuck it. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me. She melted into my arms, and I tangled my fingers in her hair. "I've got you," I whispered into her hair as she let it all out. I felt my own body racked with sobs right along with her.
We were holding each other up, like we always had. She'd always been my rock, there was no denying that. She held me up at my worst, and gave me a whole new life. I just hoped the new one I was about to give her would be one worth having. She pulled back and looked at me with bloodshot eyes. They looked so blue, almost turquoise since she'd been crying. "Sixteen years... god." She exhaled and then her grip tightened on my arms. "How did you bring me back? How am I here? Dean, what did you do?"
My eyes landed on hers. I couldn't tell her about Micheal, not yet. "It was Nel. She had this magical pearl that could grant your inner desire. Guess instead of Taylor Swift tickets, she wanted her mom back. Who knew? Teenagers are so unpredictable." I shrugged, trying to act like it wasn't a huge deal.
"Just like that? No consequences? She pulled me out of.."
"Where exactly were you, Ave?"
"I don't know," she said quietly. "I'm telling you, I was in your arms in that church and then I was here."
I shook my head. "I don't know if there are consequences, but fuck, if I'm being honest, I don't really care. All I've wanted since I lost you was this.. I couldn't say it out loud. I couldn't want it, but I did."
"So you didn't... you didn't remarry?"
I didn't mean to laugh, but it came out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Fuck no. Didn't even date. You're it for me, Ave. always have been."
Ava let out a shaky breath. "That makes me sad."
"What does?"
"That you've been alone all this time. That Nel hasn't had a mother..."
"Listen, Sweetheart, Nel is enough for me. She was enough work, and there was no one who could've replaced you. No one, but I did have Cas and Sam. We were a parenting team."
"Cas? The angel?"
"A lot has changed," I admitted. "Cas is family. He's my best friend."
She touched her head like it was spinning.
"Hey, you good? Is this too much? I can slow down..."
"It's a lot," she admitted, meeting my eyes. "You look so... so sad, Dean. Your eyes." She stared to cry again touching the bags under my eyes. "Christ, I thought you didn't sleep before..."
I placed my hand over hers and I leaned into her touch. "I'm not good at sleepin alone."
"I feel like I missed so much... like I missed a lifetime."
"We get a second chance, Ave," I said quietly. "I don't want to dismiss what you're feeling... I know how I felt coming back from Hell and seeing what I missed, and fuck that was just four months."
"I guess I'm just... I'm in shock. It feels like no time has passed, but then I see you..."
My heart sinks, and I let her go. This wasn't what she signed up for. I'm a forty three year old man looking at a woman who isn't even thirty. When she left she had a baby, and a man her own age, and now she had a teenager she didn't get to raise, and a fucking grandpa who lives like a bachelor with two other dudes and Satans kid. It wasn't exactly what I promised her when we got married. I needed to stop assuming that she wanted this. That she wanted me. "I know... I'm not what you left behind. I'm old." I smiled weakly. "Can't keep up as well as I used to. Sure as hell crankier than I used to be." I laughed. "Due for a few grays, I'm sure."
"Hey." She grabbed my hand. "Look at me."
I turned my eyes to her, anticipating the inevitable.
"You're so fucking beautiful. You have always been beautiful, Dean Winchester. God, if I would've known you would age this well... I don't think I would've believed it. John was always handsome, so I knew my chances were good, but you. Wow, you take my fucking breath away. I'm not even being dramatic, either, I'm actually downplaying it." She smiled widely. This big, beautiful, light up my world kind of smile. "I don't care that you're older. The only thing I care about is that I didn't get to grow old with you. I can't imagine all you had to go through alone, and I'll never be able to forgive myself for missing it all."
Chapter Eight, You’re the One
Get caught up!
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real-pcy-exo · 6 years
Chanyeol x reader (fluff)
Genre: domestic au (basically honeymoon trip)
A/N: I'm so so sorry. It is like almost 4k words but I use the app to write and my phone isn't letting my use desktop version on google. So if you don't want to read it, you have to scroll a bit down. @babybunnysworld I'm sorry for the delay. I hope this reached your expectations or at least went near it. Hope anyone reading it enjoys!! 💓💓
Everything was perfect for once. No sasaengs, no boss calling you in for work, no Baekhyun making weird noises in the background. Everything was calm thanks to your husband. You husband Chanyeol. The first date you guys went to, before getting ready, he sent you a picture of his dog wishing him good luck for the date. You knew he was a keeper then. And now that he is your husband and you couldn't ask for anything else. The wedding ceremony was a disaster thanks to your friends and his wanting to have "fun". But it was perfect at the same time. It was you who chose the venue for honeymoon. Halkidiki, Greece. Not too fancy yet romantic enough to spend your honeymoon there. Because you weren't on a honeymoon with EXO's Chanyeol, you were with your husband Park Chanyeol.
<p/>The first thing Chanyeol did after arriving at airport was calling a cab but not without mentioning his new title, his married tittle. You didn't forget to show of the ring in every chance you had gotten. But people around you didn't mind. They could see the love. The cab had arrived just in time. "On our way to the hotel, can you please point out places I could take my wife to?" He asked the driver while you giggled. You still were yet to get used to it, being called wife by him but it was a good change. You tapped Chanyeol's shoulder to get his attention, "It's fine. It'll be more adventurous if we figured out what to do by ourselves." Chanyeol took your hand from his shoulder and intertwined your and his hand, "Sure. Whatever my lady wants, my lady gets."
The hotel was beautiful, similar to mansions Disney princesses lived in. Yet it was modern and had a reasonable price. You told Chanyeol to get your bags out of the car while you got your room keys. The receptionist was busy clicking away in her computer when you went there. "Excuse me, I'm Mrs. Park. My husband made a reservation for us under the name Park Chanyeol, it is a honeymoon package."
"Sorry ma'am, there is no reservation under the name Park Chanyeol."
"Oh umm, can you try Park Y/N then?"
"Still nothing, sorry. Are you sure you made reservation ma'am?" By this time your face had become red due to embarrassment. You were sure he told you that he made reservation though. But before you could say anything, Chanyeol came to your rescue. "I'm sorry but can you try one last time? Under the name Y/L/N Chanyeol?"
"It's right here. I'm sorry for the delay. Here is the your key to your room. Have a great vacation here!" You look at Chanyeol puzzled. He smiled while taking the key in one hand and taking your hand in another, "If you can be Mrs. Park, I can be Y/L/N Chanyeol. No rule I can't take your name. I do belong to only you."
"Oh Chanyeol, so cheesy."
"Yet you still fell in love with me."
The first thing you guys did after unpacking was get out to have some adventure. "I was thinking maybe we should have a long romantic walk along the beach! Or we could get food, go back to our room, sit in the balcony and watch the sunset." Chanyeol told you as you took his hand in yours. You look up to him with a grin, "We both know if we go on a walk, it's most likely to end with you having to carry me back. We all know who goes to gym regularly." "I do! Oh I totally forgot to tell you. So this girl who also goes to the gym but never works out, came to me and started flirting. At first I had like, zero clue. Thought I made a new friend. The world we live in, can't even make a new friend when you have a handsome face." He looked at you with a kicked puppy face before continuing, "So she asks me out on a date and I'm like, girl are you for real?? She totally does not follow me on Instagram." He again paused to give you a weird look, "Like why not? Anyway, I tell her that my beautiful fiance might not like the idea and I love her too much to disappoint her" you paused him to ask, "What's the reason behind you telling me this story Yollie?" "That I love you of course. God, I married a really beautiful but equally dumb girl!" You hit him in his head, "Hey bean sprout! Do you want to sleep in the couch for a week or something?" He pouted as he rubbed his head slowly, "Have you decided what we will be doing today yet or do I have to continue to tell you about that gym girl?" You narrow you eyes at him, "Sunset one, definitely. And tell me if she is bothering you too much. I know how to deal with these types of ladies. No one bothers my husband!" Chanyeol shook his head at you being melodramatic before taking your hand and leading the way.
Except he did not know where you guys were headed himself. You both were so excited that you both left your phones back at your hotel room. Chanyeol started leading you through the bazaar totally unfazed pointing at stuff he thought was cool. He finally stopped in front of a small restaurant that looked new but aesthetically pleasing. He took you in there but not before taking a selfie with you infront of it and posting it on his Instagram captioning "With my darling wife 😛" The store was equally beautiful from the inside and you wondered why everything in Greece was so beautiful. But your train of thought got interrupted by Chanyeol who took menu and found a table far in the corner for both of you. He handed over a menu to you. While you were going through the menu, Chanyeol indicated a waiter to come to your table. "Welcome to vivapolo. I'm Jason, your waiter for today. What can I get for you today, beautiful?" The waiter was facing you completely discarding Chanyeol even though he was the one who called the waiter. He just pouted and looked at you with that sad puppy eyes. Smiling secretly you looked at the waiter, "I'm so sorry. I can't choose what to eat. I'm sure my husband can choose for me. Right honey?" With an obvious frown replacing the puppy face he had, he gave the waiter those menus he took saying, "We'll have the garlic bread and two chocolate milkshakes."
Finally with the waiter gone, you noticed the restaurant playing some slow song in the background, probably from the 90's. You looked in front of you to find Chanyeol offering you a hand to dance. As soon as you took it, Chanyeol gracefully made you stand on your feet before taking you to the middle of the restaurant where there was a free space for people who wanted to dance. Chanyeol and you had taken waltz dancing classes before the wedding ceremony so you both could have a romantic first dance without Chanyeol stepping on your toe. He still accidentally stepped on your toe at the wedding though, but not while dancing. It was when you guys were about to cut the cake. He got too excited then. While Chanyeol slowly rocked both of you from side to side, you looked at him. You realized, you were alive. You were alive and you loved this man right in front of you. The man who punched a guy for the first time because that guy catcalled you. The man you stayed up all night just so could listen to all your insecurities and worries. The man who waltz into your life but you did not have the heart to complain. Your eyes teared up a little bit realizing that the man in front of you took a vow to spend the rest of his life with you despite any sickness and health or ups and downs. And you trusted him to do so. Maybe so that many marriage ends in a bitter note with divorces. But you trusted this man as much as you loved him. You knew that the brightest star in the universe could run out of fuel but you still won't run out of love for him. The sincerety that you have seen in his eyes proved that he loved you just as much. Chanyeol finally noticed your teary eyes and farrowed his eyebrows. He had cute frown on when he asked you, "What's wrong babe? Do you want to go back to the hotel? Do you feel uncomfortable here?" You knew you he would keep asking questions if you didn't tell him something. You looked him in his eyes before saying, "Nothing is wrong." "But-" "I was just thinking. Thinking how much I love you." And that was enough. He looked back in your eyes with the same passion. Words didn't need to be exchanged sometimes. You knew he would stay by your side even after you've grown old and wrinkly and complaining about stupid modern technology you didn't know how to use. You hoped he knew that you would stay with him also, even if he became bald after having white hairs, complaining about girls not wearing appropriate clothes and they never could look as sexy as you. Still moving from side to side in sync with the beat, you both got lost in each others eyes. Maybe in an alternative universe, you never met him. You were just a fan living thousands of miles away from him. You were only a fangirl with big dreams of loving him and he would never get to know you. But in this universe, you had him. You had him as your love of life, had him as your husband and had him as your protector from any sadness that may come. You never felt so vulnerable before. But it was fine because Chanyeol was just as much vulnerable with you as well. The music stopped and so did your dancing but not the love, never the love.
After the finishing the small portion of food Chanyeol ordered for you (delivered by a new waiter for some unknown reason but you had a guess) you guys made your way back to the hotel. Apparently you guys were not lost. Chanyeol knew where he was going. But he wanted to see your panicked face. Upon reaching the hotel, Chanyeol went ahead to take a shower but not before offering you save some water. "No thank you Chanyeol. I do love the environment but I have to call dad to check up on him." He nodded and went inside the washroom leaving you alone. When you heard the water running, you reached out for your phone to call your dad. He was really happy that you had found love but he was also sad that you had found love. You mom reassured you that he was just being a typical dad and he loved Chanyeol very much. After three rings your dad picked up the call, "Finally remembered your old man?" You whined out a "Dad~"
"What? Should I not be upset that you have another man know your life and totally forgot about your father?"
"Oh dad! Always so melodramatic. You know that I love you too, don't you?" "Yeah yeah. That punk better treat you right though."
"We already had this conversation before so we are not having it again. I called to check up on you and mom."
"You didn't to need dear. You should enjoy your honeymoon without worrying about our health. We will find for a week."
"Oh so now that you want to be left alone with mom, it is fine if I don't call you. So typical of you."
By the time you hung up your call with your dad, Chanyeol emerged from the washroom with only a towel wrapped low around his torso. Even after 4 years of dating, you still had yet to get used to seeing Chanyeol like that. But it was not your fault partially. He had quiet a toned slim figure with biceps to die for. You didn't stop yourself from shamelessly checking out your own husband. But in your defense, he was yours to keep now. He was used to it. Yet it still didn't stop him from teasing you. "Does my darling wife like what she sees?" "She definitely does-" "Does she want the-" "not." Chanyeol looked at you, he knew you were lying but he could neither guess not understand why.
"Since that gym girl likes your body and I obviously have higher standards than her, I do not like what I see at all mister. Not at all. Like who goes to gym but doesn't workout?" Chanyeol sighed, now he regretted telling you that story. He should have known that it would come back to kick him in his own ass. But all he wanted to do was make you feel like he only loved you, only had eyes for you. "So we can do this. My darling wife and I don't do any funny business" he paused to wiggle his eyebrows at you, "Unless you want to. And we can just sleep and cuddle to get rest. We can go to the beach tomorrow." You opened the luggage to throw a T-shirt and a boxer at him, "No funny business tonight. I want to wear that swimsuit I bought without anyone getting ideas of what you did." He smirked at you, "Then they would get to know I did you."
"Oh shut up." You said to him without a bite and curl up next to him. He held you close until you could feel each others heartbeat fast. "I love you my darling wife." Chanyeol whispered to you. You looked him in the eyes, "And I love you too just as much." You also whispered back scared to break the atmosphere. It was serene. You got Chanyeol's attention again by whispering to him, "What if you were not an idol but I was? Would everything be the same?" His grip on you tightened before he answered. "If you were an idol, I would have become your number one fan. Just like how I am right now. I would fight for your love just like you fought for mine. I would be strong and patient for you just like you were for me." You could hear sincerety in his voice. You smiled a bit, "Just so you know, if I was an idol and had loads and loads of fan, your smile would still be the brightest and catch my attention even in the sea of millions." For the rest of the night you and Chanyeol whispered sweet nothings to each other knowing that it didn't actually needed to be told. Yet you guys still made crazy scenarios and love stories for both of you. But you found a little bit truth in all of them. Because no matter what happened, how far away you both lived, how different your languages were, he would catch your attention just like you caught his. And the story would still end with both of you together. The night slowly ended with breaths slowly becoming steady and heartbeats becoming one. You heard a myth ones, soulmates or also known as true lovers heartbeats would sync when they are close. You are not the one to believe in myths. But you definitely believed in facts.
The next morning, a blinding light woke you up. At first you were confused if because you were sure you closed the curtains last night. But upon opening your eyes you saw Chanyeol giving you his signature smile. You then understood what almost blinded you even if your eyes were closed. "Great, now the sun is jobless. Some good work you did there Yollie." Chanyeol kept looking at you before speaking, "Did you know that I got married?" You acted surprised, "Really? And who is the unlucky girl?" Chanyeol poked your side before keeping up the act, "Maybe she is unlucky, maybe she isn't. But I am definitely sure that I am the one who was lucky enough to get her attention. To get her love. She is very beautiful, you know?"
"Oh really. You sound whipped. Is she more beautiful than me?"
"Of course! She is more beautiful than anyone but sadly tied to my mother. My mom and she, both so beautiful." You smiled at him at that, "She indeed is. I miss her. Let's cut this honeymoon short and go to her. I want to be babied by her again. Chanyeol, she even fed me on our wedding day! We should have went to her than come here." Chanyeol pouted at that, "Am I not enough for you anymore my darling wife?" You sticked your tounge out to him before rolling down the bed and heading towards the washroom, "You could have been. But what can I do? My husband is too perfect for you to compete with."
By two hours or so you both got ready. If course he did not let you leave the room with only your swimsuit. Apparently something about "others seeing his beautiful darling wife" and "you did not let me mark you". But once you both got to leave the room (you wore on of Chanyeol's T-shirt on top of the swimsuit which basically was a dress to you because someone could not handle jealousy at all but it was kind of cute. Not that you would ever admit it in front of him) and him with a T-shirt and shorts. You both looked like a typical newly married couple with the bubble of love and affection surrounding you guys. He held your hand as you both found a spot to lay a piece of cloth down and sit. He left you there to grab a bottle of water. But you guessed that was a bad decision since as soon as he left, a guy approached you and sat down beside you really close without even asking permission. "Prude" was the only thing you could think of. "Hey there sexy." He gave a smirk. He could have looked good but the way he approached girls made him seem like a creep. "I am so sorry. Can you please look for another spot? I would totally move so you could sit here and enjoy the weather alone but my husband specifically chose this spot." He either didn't hear or chose not to hear and continued to shamelessly checking you out (you were so close to busting his nuts and taking away his chances of becoming a father, ever) he finally looked into your eyes, "I bet he doesn't even treat you right."
"Excuse me but I don't think I have to learn how to treat my darling wife from you who can't even take a hint to go away. Babe, here you go, the water. Stay hydrated." He paused to hand you over the bottle he got with a smile before turning to guy again with his arms folded in front of his chest (obviously flexed) and chin high. He looked quiet intimidating adding height. "Leave" a sort of low growl left from his mouth. You would have been turned on if it were not for that (disgusting) guy turning towards you completely discarding Chanyeol's threat, "I own a jewelry store. How about I take you there? You can take anything you want." You made a disgusted face and looked at Chanyeol with pleading eyes. You just wanted to spend some time with your husband, was it too much to ask? He tapped the guy's shoulder to get his attention, "Now if you wanted to steal my wife from me, do it right. Babe, let's sum up the money he is basically offering you and give them to an orphanage. Yoora noona was too busy to do that last month. We could arrange a movie night for all the kids." Your whole face lit up at that. You first found about that said orphanage by helping a lost kid go back there. You were shopping before your 2nd anniversary buying a gift for Chanyeol. A kid who looked very similar to Baekhyun was standing in the middle of the shop and crying yet no one payed any attention yo him. As you had tried to approach him, a worker stopped to inform you, "Don't. He is from the orphanage few blocks away. His mom left him here around 6 months ago. He might only my 2 and a half year old but he remembered. He comes here by himself every once in a while and cries. It was hard to watch at first. But if you try to talk to him, you will get more attached to him. You will feel more bad." You sadly looked at the worker before completely ignoring her and going to that kid. You crouched down to his height, "Hello! I am an auntie. I will not hurt you. Can I take you back to your home?" He looked confused, "Auntie, home?" You nodded, "Yes, home. Not mine but one day I will try to take you there, okay? Auntie will give you loads of love." The baby only nodded and took your hand leading the way back to the orphanage. You wanted to adopt the toddler but you knew you and Chanyeol were not ready for a kid yet. So you only mentioned the orphanage and about trying to contribute. Of course he had no problem with that. So when he mentioned that orphanage again you got really happy. You hoped now that you guys were married, you could adopt baby Adam. Obviously you wanted to have your own baby with Chanyeol as you and him had discussed about that before. But you wanted to give Adam the love he deserves. You looked at that guy while interlocking you hand with Chanyeol's much bigger one's, "I am happy with what I have. Because this is all I ever asked for." Chanyeol interrupted you, "Technically no. I have a surprise for you. Follow me. Bye bye weird guy who just got rejected by my darling wife because I am not someone you can compete with." He pointed at that guy with his unoccupied hand and started leading you back to the hotel. When you both reached the hotel room (you were obviously sad that you could not even enjoy the beach) he covered your eyes and opened the door with his foot. "I want you to meet-" he uncovered your eyes, "Baby Park Adam. The newest member of our small family." Your eyes were clouded with tears so could not see Adam running towards both of you. Chanyeol picked him up and hugged you from the side, "My darling wife and my sweet son. How lucky I am! Look at my so loveble family!!" You looked at them knowing that your future is going to be filled with smiles, fun and love. (It was safe to say that poor Chanyeol didn't get to do any funny business with since Adam was there. But he never regretted his decision.)<p/>
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forsythiias · 5 years
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hey ! i’m rachel. i’m 20 - almost 21 ! - she / her pronouns, gmt timezone ( i live in ireland and spend like a week in england every month at this rate . u guys will get used to it ). a fun fact abt me is that i spoke to hugh jackman & gave him a wolverine pin rly recently . that’s all i got . anyway. i’m playing jellybean jones, the baby of the fp jones fam ! she’s my absolute KID and i would LOVE to plot , so please feel free to shoot me a message or smash that like button and i’ll come at you in the not so distant future. 
⌜   genderfluid, she / they / he   |   out of time by the rolling stones, the local record store, the pop culture fiend   ⌟   ⏤   hey, isn’t that FORSYTHIA PARTHENIA JONES? the NINETEEN year old SOUTH SIDER has lived in town for their WHOLE LIFE, and has always denied their resemblance to DIANA SILVERS. they’ve been a STUDENT & WAITRESS for a while now, and i guess it makes sense - they’ve always seemed so TENACIOUS & INDIVIDUALISTIC, though i have heard that they can be pretty GARRULOUS & ACERBIC. did you hear about how they SOLD JACKED CARS IN TOLEDO TO PUT THEMSELVES THROUGH COLLEGE? i always knew that there was something up with them. you can check out her pinterest board HERE and her stat page HERE.
you can CHANGE the world, girl,                                     you really, truly can.
part one of three : bullet point history. trigger warnings for talk of infant health issues.
august fifth, 2000. it was a sticky autumn night when FORSYTHIA PARTHENIA JONES entered the world with a pitiful cry. the only daughter of two south siders, gladys and fp, and the younger sister of a one jughead jones, she wasn’t born to MUCH ; which made all that she did have matter all the more. a mother and a father who loved her? check. an older brother she would someday idolize and love like no other in the world? double check. a small ventricular septal defect, discovered only after her birth? triple check.
forsythia was, it seemed, destined to be a sickly child. her first few months were dotted with trips to the emergency room and visits to a local doctor, something always seeming to be wrong. infant colic was ten times worse. she caught a chill when she was two weeks old and needed to spend a WEEK in the icu because of the resulting chest infection. the doctors who treated her at birth had been confident over time that the hole in her heart - jellybean shaped, on the very first ultrasound - would close by itself, as many do. hers, however, didn’t. as she got older, the effects became more pronounced. she kept catching chest infections. she couldn’t seem to put on weight. breathing was, at times, a struggle. and she was SLEEPIER than any baby they had ever known before. the original plan had been to wait and see and hope that her tiny heart healed on it’s own. at ten months old, it became apparent that this would never happen ; and the surgery was scheduled. 
your baby is supposed to be PERFECT. she isn’t supposed to take ill every few days and ultimately be wheeled into a room for open heart surgery. it was likely a very harrowing experience, and those first few months of her life were understandably marred - but if there had ever been any doubts before, it became clearer than day when she came out of surgery that the youngest jones was a FIGHTER, through and through. they’d been prepared for a month long wait to bring her home again - it ended up being a fortnight. she didn’t cry, after. she didn’t FUSS. it was as if she had known that the first little while had been tough, and was trying her hardest to make all of their lives that little bit easier. lord knew that the jones’ needed it, especially when the stress of all that was going on with her had combined with their bills. 
now affectionately named jellybean for the defect she had survived, she grew into a remarkably NORMAL child. there were differences, of course, between her and the kids that she grew up surrounded by - she required regular checkups, she needed to dress extra warmly in winter, and she always got that little bit more wiped out than everybody else - but anyone told the story behind the scar in the middle of her chest gaped in shock. the girl who swung from the lower boughs of the trees at the edge of sunnyside trailer park and sprinted after her friends at full speed had once had a hole in her heart? impossible. that sort of health issue was reserved for those with a lot less life in them than the high spirited girl that jellybean became known as being, and never once did she allow it to define her. she was a SPITFIRE, pure and simple, and she’s proud to say that never once did she let herself sit out of an experience just because she was worried about what would happen if she partook.
life was not all sunshine and adventure, though. not every child notices the cracks in their home life appearing. jellybean didn’t. not until the rug was pulled right from under her feet. to her wide eyed and rose colored self, everything seemed to happen overnight. one day, they were happy. the next, her dad was an alcoholic and she and her mum were in transit to toledo, where they would move in with stony faced grandparents who treated her with corporate coldness. she didn’t understand the why of it all - couldn’t have even hoped to, when she was still so young. the reality of her father losing his job and their lives going to shit thanks to it didn’t sink in. all she knew was that she had lost the father she idealized and the big brother that she had always wanted to BE. 
she spoke to them both on the phone, of course. she was even lucky to see jughead a couple times, though their grandparents never wanted to hear about it afterwards, no matter how excited she was. it must have been jarring for him the first time he turned up to find that the pigtailed little girl who loved kids pop that he remembered had sheared her hair and was now listening strictly to pink floyd and other classics. but none of it was the same. not really. it wasn’t having her family together. to say that her drastic transformation might have stemmed from a place of resentment towards whatever forces were at play in ruining her family - that starting to go by JB, so similar to the FP that her nana and granddad refused to allow be mentioned around them might’ve been an act of defiance - wouldn’t have been incorrect. she wanted things to go back to normal. the fact that they didn’t killed her.
and they never really did. she and her mom returned to riverdale, a new opportunity spotted, but things never went back to how they had been before. she learned not to talk about it, though - and now she’s older, wiser, and she knows how to hide her feelings behind an easy bluff. there’s nothing to do but make the most of what she does have, right? a new brother. a new life. a new self. she has to stop dwelling on what she used to have, she supposes ; though sometimes, it hurts to think about what she’s lost. 
part two of three : headcanons.
jellybean is gonna be a lawyer someday, but she NEVER really wanted to be one. her dream from ages 3 to 11, she wanted to be a princess. she overheard some of the older serpents sarcastically referring to the jones family as royalty, and she really chose to run with it - refusing to take off a makeshift crown for the first month and getting called princess jellybean by her father for the next few years. after that phase had passed, though, she found her real passion - and for most of living memory, she’s wanted to own a record store. nothing too extravagant, really, just a first floor, one room sorta deal - she’d plaster the walls with posters of the greats and keep the merchandise in crates resting on rickety tables, and every friday night she’d hold a jams night where people could come and lounge around the floor on beanie bags, listening to some of their favorites. she had it all planned, and it’s still something of a dream - but if there’s one thing that jones’ family knows how to do, it’s sacrifice their dreams for harsh reality. with penny peabody DISGRACED, the serpents and southsiders in general need someone who knows them to represent them, when things go to trial, and feeling a sense of duty to the people she was raised around, jb bit the bullet and stepped up. she’s got a love for arguing and a knack for winning, so much so that god HELP whoever goes against her in a courtroom, someday.
she has yet to officially join the serpents ( her parents wouldn’t approve of it, for one, not now, and there’s a whole host of OTHER reasons ) - but jb went right ahead and got a tattoo on her right hand anyway, cause as a jones, she’s still serpent adjacent. the only difference between the picture linked and the one she has is that hers is done in white ink - her way of keeping things lowkey while still honoring her heritage.
miss her with a motorbike. they’re COOL and all, but jb values her life a little bit too much to trust a two wheeled death trip waiting to happen. she’s more into classic cars, anyway, and has pretty recently invested in the frame of a 1979 pontiac gto from the scrapyard that she plans on fixing up to perfection.
her style is southside meets cute. of course she loves her leather and fishnet combos - but jb is ALSO a huge fan of dungarees and sloganed t-shirts in a whole assortment of colors. anything ‘edgy’ she wears ( big boots, mesh tops, the list .. could go on ) gets coupled with something a little less so ( pink scrunchies, colorful makeup, a disney bag … again, the list could go on ), and that makes her her.
and finally, for now, cause i’m not sure i’ve done a good job of conveying it - jellybean is a good kid. she REALLY, truly is. she’s got some bite to her ( enough of a short fuse that it’s advisable not to test her limit ) & wouldn’t be her fathers daughter if she DIDN’T, but she’s also genuinely sweet. being a serpent doesn’t equal being a bitch, and so long as people out there treat her with respect, she’ll do the SAME. jb doesn’t turn unless she’s given reason to … and if they do, she won’t hold back.
part three of three : wanted connections.
fp & gladys jones ! 
kids from the south ( or north ) side that are in or around the same age, who jellybean would have grown up with / went to school with !! they might have reconnected after she returned to riverdale and now know her as who she’s become, but they also might be people who she lost contact with for a LONG TIME and who never got to see her post transformation - any and all variance on this wc would be fun!
anyone attending carson college who she might, maybe, rub shoulders with !!  i’d love the most mundane of connections - maybe they sit with each other during lunch, or they help each other study, or one time, jb dropped a book on their head in the library and they’ve been friends / enemies since! gimme anything !
regulars at pops / the speakeasy. 
so .. she’s pretty self sufficient, and she’s paying her way in terms of college by working shifts at pops and picking up extras in the speakeasy. she’d know a lot of people from that, i’d wager, and i’m sure she has her favorites!
more people southside serpent adjacent who she can play off of !! one of jb’s goals in life is to become an OFFICIAL member of the gang, which she hasn’t yet - but she is something of a southside princess, and that means she’d know most of them in some way!
p much anything else !
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frozenartscapes · 7 years
Frozen 2: A Hope
I have a lot of ideas for how Frozen 2 is going to go. They range from everything from the Southern Isles declaring war on Arendelle to someone stealing Elsa’s magic to our band of heroic misfits going on a wild adventure in search of answers. There are so many possibilities for how a sequel to Disney’s most popular movie since the Lion King could go, but here is just one thing I hope they touch on (but I’m not too sure if they will):
Disney has a bad habit of writing parents into movies, only to them kill them off in often traumatic fashion to drive our main heroes forward into the plot. Often these parent deaths have gone down in infamy for being super sad, and so easily remembered by simply stating the parents’ names. For example: Bambi’s mom. Mufasa. Coral. (Ok that last one might not be as well known, but as soon as you say “Nemo from Finding Nemo’s mom who was eaten alive by a barracuda” people know what you’re talking about.) And while there are a lot of Disney parents that do survive the whole film, it should be noted that a lot of them aren’t Disney Princess parents. And even more interestingly, for most of the Disney Princesses, having a dead parent doesn’t actually mean much. The worst that happens is being forced to live with evil stepmothers. There isn’t a push to go avenge the parent, or to fundamentally change as a character after witnessing a parent’s death as what happens in other movies with male leads. In most of the Princess films, at least one, if not both, parents are dead. Snow White: dead parents. Cinderella: dead parents. Ariel: dead mom. Belle: dead mom. Jasmine: dead mom. Pocahontas: dead mom. Tiana: dead dad. Of the official princesses, only Aurora, Mulan, Rapunzel, Merida, and Moana have both living parents, and of them its really only Merida, Mulan, and Moana who have parents that actually contribute anything to the plot aside from: they were reunited with their kid at the end of the movie. (And even then it really is only one parent that drives the plot.)
And, obviously, Anna and Elsa are also in the dead parents camp. Although I will say that them being dead actually contributes a little more to the plot than for most of the others in this camp. If Adgar and Idun were alive, then Elsa wouldn’t be queen. Elsa not being queen means her powers would have never been revealed to the rest of the world, or to Anna. But the late King and Queen contributed more to Frozen than just kicking the bucket in the middle of the North Sea (which is a horrifying way to go, just fyi). It can be argued that they shaped the whole movie, as it is their reactions to Elsa striking Anna that planted the seeds of fear and anxiety into Elsa’s innocent little head when she was only a child. It was their reactions of closing the gates and limiting the amount of contact to the outside world that drove the point home to a traumatized eight year old that she was dangerous, and couldn’t necessarily be trusted. It was how they acted when they first saw Anna cold and still on that ballroom floor that told Elsa over that she fucked up, big time, and that her own parents are fearful of what she can do. 
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Granted, her parents were afraid, not just of her but also because their other daughter was injured, and they were dealing with things neither of them were ever prepared for, and they both were still rather young parents who were also likely stressed over keeping their kingdom safe, and also were facing the possibility that said kingdom might want to harm their first daughter should they find out about her powers. So they acted, with fear guiding their judgement. And fear was the enemy.
So much in Frozen happened because of Adgar and Idun. So much of who our main characters were happened because of Adgar and Idun. There are so many possible “what ifs” because of Adgar and Idun. And so far, there has been nothing addressing this.
The musical is actually doing a better job, from my understanding. So far in the lyrics of songs like “Monster” and “Dangerous to Dream” we can see that Elsa still values a lot of what her father thinks of her, despite him being dead. She still looks to both of them for answers they might not even have, but regardless can’t respond or even hear her because, well, they’re gone. And this is where Frozen (movie version) kinda loses it for me in the later acts. Because there were some pivotal moments there when Elsa should have been demanding of herself what her father would think of her, or Anna demanding how her parents could do what they did, or even what they did because not once in the movie was she given an explanation - a real one - as to why any of this even happened. That has been left for us fic writers to fill in, a thousand times in a thousand stories, to the point where I doubt we’ll ever see an actual sit down between the sisters where Elsa tells Anna exactly what happened: the accident, the separation, why it all happened - everything. At this point, it’s just assumed the characters know it because we know it.
But they’re missing a huge opportunity here. Because there is a lot of emotional baggage left by their parents’ lives and deaths. Because yeah, the separation was shitty. But you get the sense during “For the First Time in Forever” that the separation was never meant to be as permanent and drastic as it became. While they might have started it, Elsa took it and ran. At some point her fear became too much for even her parents to help her with, and things were never the same again. But it’s clear that neither Adgar nor Idun wanted it.
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They weren’t bad parents. Misguided and fearful at times, yes. But not bad. And they very easily could have been written bad. They could have been awful to Elsa, forcefully locking her in her room or even the dungeons after what happened to Anna. They could have continually driven home the “you’re nothing but a monster” mentality themselves, rather than leaving it for her to develop on her own out of her guilt. They could have neglected her, mistreated her, hell, they could have even cast her out into the cold, wolf infested woods and said “Have a nice life, witch!”. But they did not. They remained patient, and loving. They we shown to be trying, trying to help in whatever way they thought was best. It wasn’t always the best ways, but they didn’t know anything else. And you sure didn’t see those stupid trolls giving them any pointers. And the most obvious time we see this is moments before we never see them again:
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Look at how supportive they are. How trusting and confident they are in their daughter when she can’t be in herself. How they both have that warm, reassuring look in their eyes that truly says that they mean it. The know Elsa will be fine. They know she can do this. They love her so much and they know she can do this.
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And just like that they’re gone.
Elsa never hugged them goodbye.
Anna only said to them that she’ll see them in two weeks.
I know it’s been three years in universe since the deaths of the King and Queen, but given these two and, Elsa especially, how long they hold onto things that hurt them like that, I don’t think they should be as over it as it seems.
Let’s start with Anna. 
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Anna had the benefit of being able to actually touch her parents. She was able to rush up to them and throw her arms around them. She was able to interact with them in a casual and friendly manner - much more like a daughter and her parents. While they were probably very busy, they still likely had time set aside for her. They were kind, and loving. They always seemed to know best. They trusted her, and loved her. They were her family after her sister seemingly shut her out of her life. Then they die, taking every secret and everything they never told her with them. The only person left who knows anything is Elsa. And Anna won’t even find out that there are secrets until three years after their deaths. Until that point she still thinks of them the same as she always did, but after? She just found out they lied to her. For most of her life. Sure, she might have figured something was up when they kept making excuses up for Elsa, but how could Anna have possibly predicted the real secret? They didn’t trust her at all, at least not with information as vital as that. They may have been trying to keep her safe, but at what cost? Look at how messed up Elsa is, and their parents just let that happen?
But she can’t ask them about it. She can’t go racing up to them and demand why, just why any of this had to happen. She can’t yell at them for not trusting her, or for freaking Elsa out, or for even closing the gates in the first place. She can’t gain any closure from them, the people responsible for everything, ever again because they aren’t coming back. She can scream at their tombstones until she’s blue in the face but that won’t make a difference. Her parents aren’t even buried there.
Anna’s the kind of person who needs answers. After everything that has happened in her life, she needs that closure. But she’s not going to get it from them.
Elsa faces a similar issue, and an entirely different one. Elsa strikes me as the kind of person who would defend her parents’ actions ‘til the end. She thought the world of both of them, but especially her father. She spent most of her life trying so, so hard to be something he could be proud of, trying so hard in fact that she couldn’t even see that he was. Elsa wanted to be something worthy of her parents’ love, and she wore herself thin trying to be that, despite never comprehending that she actually had it. However that mentality came from somewhere, and that somewhere was the accident. For a brief moment Elsa saw fear of her in her parents’ faces. She saw panic and confusion where there shouldn’t be and knowing she was the cause of it. She heard the worry and disapproval in her father’s voice as he demanded, “Elsa, what have you done?” as he entered the ballroom that night. And Elsa never wanted to experience that again.
I don’t believe either Adgar or Idun blamed Elsa for anything, except for that one moment of raw emotion. In that one, tense moment, those words slipped out of Adgar’s mouth. But that one little slip up was enough. And Elsa has to ask herself how exactly she feels about it, because while they may never have done anything to outwardly cast blame on her again, they did have that moment. And that moment could arguably carry more weight because they were acting on instinct, then, and didn’t have the time to put any thought behind their words or actions. And when they did have the time, their solution was to run and hide from their problems.
Elsa needs to look back on her parents’ decisions and ask herself if it really was ok, if it really was for the best. Did they really think everything through, or were there more questions they could have asked but didn’t? Could things have been better had they acted differently? After all, it wasn’t until their deaths that Elsa allowed Anna back into her life. It wasn’t until they were gone that things eventually returned to a much happier state. Were they standing in the way of Elsa’s happiness?
These are all things I would love to see them address in the sequel. But I know they won’t because this shit is getting too depressing. But they could. I’m not sure how they could execute it, but they have a great opportunity to really build Elsa’s character and at the very least Adgar in a Mufasa-esque kind of way. I kind of see it being built in a similar fashion, where Elsa thought the world of him until certain events convinced her that he would look down on her in disapproval (in the Lion King it was Simba believing he killed his father; in Frozen it’d be after Elsa froze the entire kingdom over and ran away). Even after the Thaw, I imagine Elsa would still hold onto that fear of his disappointment, how despite him being dead she knows he wouldn’t have agreed with her actions back at her coronation and he must think pretty poorly of her at this point. She doesn’t want to really face any of the other issues, either, as reflecting on them only bring up painful memories and thoughts. Maybe she does harbour a bit of anger with him and her mother. Maybe she’s frustrated that they were always so patient with her despite believing that she didn’t deserve that. Maybe she slowly must come to the realization that they weren’t right.
But then maybe through something with Pabbie acting as Rafiki, she’s able to look back on her past and theirs and come to the realization that, despite their flaws and hers, they all loved each other, so, so much. If they even want to go full Lion King, have some kind of vision or magical experience where she can see them and talk to them, and maybe even get some closure from them.
My point being, I don’t really want this instance of Dead Disney Parents to really be swept under the rug for nothing but plot convenience. They have a chance to really develop some female characters’ relationships with their parents past the unconditional love, broken only by a spat about romantic interests, only to then be rekindled when said parent dies thing. Given how little screen time Adgar and Idun had versus how much weight they pulled in the movie, this isn’t something the writers should really ignore. They at least need to address it, in some fashion. Maybe Elsa still has nightmares, only these are about a snowy storm swallowing up a helpless ship in the ocean that looks too much like the one her parents left on. Maybe Anna notices little quirks her sister has that relate back to those thirteen years of separation and gets a fleeting moment of anger that her parents let it get as bad as it did. Just something that gets these characters talking about their dead fucking parents.
And who knows? We have a whole short coming up that looks like family tradition around the holidays will be a key feature. Maybe they’ll bring something up then? It would be really weird if they didn’t talk about it, considering Christmas is the season of family and friends and this one will be their first Christmas together again but not a family again because their parents have been dead for three years. (Which begs the question: just how miserable was that castle around this time of year before the coronation but after the King and Queen’s deaths?)
Another final point I’d like to make, as cheesy and overdone as it might be: Adgar and Idun supposedly died in a shipwreck. But there’s technically not really proof of that. We only see the ship hit a wave. Yes, I’m well aware the actual survivability of any shipwreck in a storm that violent is pretty much 0, let alone one set during a time when virtually no one actually knew how to swim but consider for a moment that it is Disney and people have survived worse. What then? I wrote something once about what would happen if Idun survived (which was technically going to be a two parter but I never got around to finishing the second half...maybe I’ll get back on that). But what if it was Adgar? Or both? How would our characters react to that? How would either parent react to that? I know it’s a bit of a stretch but it would create interesting conflict points for our characters. And honestly it’s not that much more overdone than the “character who has special powers has said special powers taken away by the bad guy” storyline. Which, I’m going to be honest, I’ll be surprised if that isn’t in the plot of Frozen 2.
More on that story arc in another post!
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rkxangel · 7 years
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reach for your dreams; performance!
pov: jung soojung / krystal valentine jung episode: 3 song: reflection - christina aguilera ( 0:11-3:11 ) instrument: piano keyboard outfit: white gown
( tw: mention of bullying past & loss! )
        this is probably the best stage for her, soojung believes so. that’s because she’s going to sing one of her most favourite songs, with all her heart. it isn’t only singing, but showcasing her piano ability. too bad she couldn’t play a masterpiece, such as the grand piano itself, but a piano keyboard will do. it makes up for a lot of things, it’s also viable because of stage that isn’t so spacious. she can’t zone herself out in such an environment. soojung feels like she’s in the limelight when she’s singing all by herself, she’s used to being alone for too long. not relying any assets on others, she only has herself this time around. she didn’t mind the other girls, but she much prefers this.
        it doesn’t take too long for the song to start playing. before she opens up her voice to the public, she takes a bow and introduces herself in front of the camera, the public who are watching royal survival. “my name is jung soojung, a young girl from france. though, i go by soojung, i wish to be called krystal.. either one works though.” she threw in a little fact that she much prefers her english name than her native korean one, but soojung is a lot convenient being in the country and she’s been addressed that for the past two years she’s been residing in south korea. sometimes, soojung isn’t sure if she regrets being on the show or not. she can’t determine if she’s wasted a lot of time, and effort being on a survival show. but she’s learned at this point that life’s about learning, she can’t stop learning now. she’ll have to push through to garner all the experience.
        though, if she gets eliminated at the end, she knows where she stands and that she just might not be debut-ready unlike others who are far better than her. there’s always room for improvement, she apprehends that. devoting herself to the music world gave her serenity, lifting her up from the pain. and she won’t be hurt if she has to leave because some part of her misses sphere truly and dearly, what it has to provide for her. if things go well and she stays with royal, she’ll have to show her strength and loyalty elsewhere that isn’t the company that bred her. in fact, despite her training, she was a vocal prowess before sphere. her technique and melisma only got better, there’s benefits but it’s putting herself on the spot that’s all worth it.
        she remembers watching disney movies with her mother. oh, how a little girl she was with a big heart before turning into the ice queen, soojung's heart pangs but she'll manage. the memories hit her, that's when she's the weakest but reflection ( the song she's going to sing ) will show her emotions. her struggles, obstacles that she's passed through like a game of hurdles, and a part of her inner self. she's kept quiet for so long that sometimes, even the quietest people want to speak up. mulan was a movie that she could really relate to but she doesn't know if she's like mulan, admired by the whole of china after her major duties to protect her country. the song is in english, so thank god she wouldn’t have such a difficult time singing at all. english was her second language, she prefers speaking in english than korean because it’s more fluid with her ( in terms of communication ).
        opening her mouth to sing, she follows through the song while carefully pressing on the keys on the keyboard accurately. she's practised for day and night that she can't screw over. she's memorised the piano sheet since she was young. this was one of the few songs her instructor wanted her to learn. nevertheless, it's been far too long, ten years? but she's grown into a talented young lady.
look at me you may think you see who i really am but you'll never know me every day it's as if i play a part now i see if i wear a mask i can fool the world but i cannot fool my heart
who is that girl i see staring straight back at me? when will my reflection show who i am inside?
        a slight cringe on her face, recalling the good old times when she was a child back in england, before she lost everything and had to play by a mask day by day. the facade that the public knows her by has pained her. she wonders if it's truly who she is underneath and not the same caring person ( that's a part of her interior ). shy, introverted, quiet, and often misunderstood. quite frankly, not many know how soojung operates. she's like a time-bomb, self-destructive and willing to implode anytime but there are other things she can offer. but that's like the world of the korean industry, no one knows what they're really thinking inside. labelled with an epitome by their company to be this and that. do this and that, it's immensely tiring. she wants to heave a sigh from her pink lips but can't do so.
i am now in a world where i have to hide my heart and what i believe in but somehow i will show the world what's inside my heart and be loved for who i am
        she wants to tear up, the ice princess doesn't crumble down like this. not her walls that a lot of people are convinced is impregnable. that's false, lies composed by those who are ignorant. she has a warm side to her, it just comes with time. someway, somehow, just as she sings the lyrics from the bottom of her soul, she can show that she's not a bad person and will be accepted by society. she's had many occasions where she's been rejected, undermined, and underestimated because of being a half-breed. often told that her blood was "impure", high school sucked for her. she was a shut-in who focused on getting into a good university, with little expectations being in the idol world. she "strong" facade tapers, tears swell her eyes.
        the notes are high, this is where she has to concentrate on her breathing control. she's focusing to make sure her larynx is open, not sealed and tight that the notes will render strain. she can't sing from her throat. luckily for her, her voice is a soprano and high notes are better for her than the lower notes. soojung's melisma branched out, she's learned the proper way and healthier way to belt out high notes.
who is that girl i see staring straight back at me? why is my reflection someone i don't know? must i pretend that i'm someone else for all time? when will my reflection show who i am inside?
there's a heart that must be free to fly that burns with a need to know the reason why
        transitioning to the near end of the song while she holds herself together from dispersing, her play on the piano is consistent. the instrumental sounds smooth, the flow is accurate like the song. she's more concerned about her vocal colours, her voice can get airy at times but that's her tone; light, unique, and pleasing to the ears. it's not a high-pitched sound at all, not like a mere screech. as the notes get higher, she assures not to sound shaky and uncontrollable on the mic, facing away from it a little ( she's sitting on a seat cause she still has to play the piano ).
why must we all conceal what we think, how we feel? must there be a secret me i'm forced to hide? i won't pretend that i'm someone else for all time when will my reflection show who i am inside?
        she'll never know the reason why society is so harsh on her but she shouldn't ask why anymore. the world is a evil and cruel place, but be better than what life throws at you.
        the song ends and she wipes the little bit of tears away from her eyes, she bows and gives her appreciation and ‘thank you’.
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wasabi-cupcakes · 7 years
I’m Wishing (Taehyung x Reader)
Rating: General
Warnings: none
Categories: Pure Fluff/Romance/Slight Comedy
Summary: You started singing at the park to relive stress, you never thought anyone would hear you! And never in a million years did you think they would think you sounded good, comparing you to a princess even! But now here you were, having made a tradition out of coming to the park to sing for your tiny fanbase. You thought the children would be the only ones to hear you now, certainly no more listeners? Definitely no one attractive and your age. No way.
A/n: This work is the first in my princess series, each fic being based off of a Disney princess song.
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Epilogue  
You sighed loudly in your car, still parked in your company’s lot; it had been another stressful day at work. It’s not like the work was hard, or that the hours were bad (in fact the hours were great; you didn’t mind coming in early as long as you got to leave around 3). No, the problem with your job was a little more complicated than that. 
You had been living in South Korea on a work visa for a few months now, and although you knew Korean, it wasn’t your first language, so there was still a communication issue for you. No one at your job spoke a lick of English, so when you didn’t remember the Korean word for something, it made everything a little more frustrating. 
You sighed again and laid your head on your steering wheel. There was only one thing that you knew would cheer you up, so you put your car in drive and headed to the park you had found last month. 
When you found it, you hadn’t been meaning to stop there, you were just driving by when you spotted the lush trees and decided you needed a quiet place to put all your thoughts together. You found a nice, secluded area and decided to sit down and listen to the world around you. Without realizing it, you had begun to sing to the trees and to the lake in front of you to try and calm your mind. It worked wonders, and you had found absolute peace, until you heard frantic clapping. Unbeknownst to you, a small child had been riding his bike past you on the sidewalk when you had been singing. You had jumped up, embarrassed and shocked, but the little boy wouldn’t stop praising you, promising to bring a friend for tomorrow’s “performance.” How could you tell his sweet face that there would be no “performance” tomorrow? And so you ended up making a habit of showing up in that same spot, at that same time after work every day. 
Your “fanbase” had grown a little since then, the little children having told their friends about the “pretty noona who can sing like a princess!” You didn’t mind though, it was incredibly flattering and singing was your number one stress relief, so why not entertain some kids while you’re at it? 
You walked up to your regular spot, surprised to have found a newly built well in the vicinity. 
I saw the hole on Friday…they must have finished the project over the weekend.
It was clearly just for show, as it was built right next to the lake, so you figured it didn’t go down too deep. Curious enough to see if your thoughts were true, you found yourself peering down into the water below.
“What-cha doing noona?”
“Oh!” You jumped upright to find that one of the children, Jihae, had been staring into the well beside you, trying to find out what you had been looking at.
“You scared me sweetheart,” you ruffled his hair, “Don’t you know it’s improper to sneak up on your elders!” Jihae giggled.
“Aw but noona, I just wanted to know what you were looking at! What is this by the way?”
“You’ve never seen a wishing well before?”
“A wishing well?”
“I guess not,” you held your finger to your mouth in thought, “would you and your friends like to hear a song about wishing wells?” 
“Yes please!”
“I have to warn you though, the song is in English…”
“That’s okay, I’ve been practicing my English!” Jihae whipped out a confident grin causing you to laugh.
“Alright, but just in case, I’ll translate it afterwards okay?”
“Okay! I’ll go get the others!” You watched as Jihae ran off to the other side of the park. 
There were two halves of the park separated by a long stretch of trees, the sidewalk cutting through middle of them being the only way to get to your side. Behind the trees was your traditional children’s park, complete with slides, swings, and a jungle gym. After your little group had started to grown, you figured it was only responsible to introduce yourself to the parents on the other side, knowing that they’d want to know what their child was doing when they couldn’t watch them. Thankfully all of the parents were very friendly saying things like, “Now I know why Mijin has been wanting to come to the park everyday!”
Jihae came back with the usuals in tow, including one little boy who’s been tagging along recently, the others having told you that his name was Eewan. You smiled at them from the well, watching them trot over. 
“Hello children!”
“Hello Ms. (L/n)!” You giggled as they all spoke in unison, wondering why you never became a teacher.
“Gather around the well, I have a special song to sing!” The children did as they were told, circling the well and looking inside in wonder. You decided to say the speaking/ non-rhyming parts in Korean, helping the children to understand the song a bit more.
“Want to know a secret?” You watched as the children nodded eagerly at you.
“Promise not to tell?” You had to stifle a laugh, watching some of the little girls and boys cross their hearts to assure you of their sincerity. 
“We are standing by a wishing well~” You saw them all look at the well in amazement, staring down inside it and looking at each other with bright faces.
“Make a wish into the well, that’s all you have to do! And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true~” You looked around to see all of the kids faces light up and look at you in awe, their eye seeming to sparkle. With a smile, you leaned into the well and began the next line in English.
Taehyung’s face broke out into a wide smile when he spotted his aunt sitting on the park bench talking to another woman around her age. He sauntered over to her as discretely as possible, mischief in his eyes. Just as he was about to grab her shoulder…
“Taehyung,” his aunt groaned, her back still facing him, “you should know by now that you can’t sneak up on me anymore.” She turned to look at him, feigning irritation, but he could tell there was mirth in her eyes. He chuckled bashfully in response.
“Ah, I was just trying to be cute~” Taehyung rested his elbows on the bench in between the two women
“Tae, you don’t really have to try to do that.” His aunt reached up and pinched Tae’s cheeks, causing him to blush while the other woman just laughed.
“This must be your nephew! What a handsome young man he is~”
“Indeed, but not only is he handsome he’s also very f—“
“Aish! Keep quiet, I don’t want to be swarmed on my day off!” Taehyung pouted at his aunt disapprovingly.
“Aw, can’t I show you off?”
“Maybe tomorrow. By the way,” Tae looked around the park, surprised to only see a few young kids playing while there was a ton of, what he would assume, parents just sitting around. “Where’s Eewan? I stopped by so I could spend the day with him.”
“Oh he’s with that pretty young lady on the other side of the park!” The other woman beside them spoke up.
“Pretty young lady?” Tae raised his eyebrows at the woman in curiosity and surprise.
“Oh Eewan hasn’t stopped talking about her! And now all he wants to do is come to the park so that he can see her with the rest of his friends. I suppose I shouldn’t complain though, it’s basically free childcare.” The two women snickered together. “Taehyung, why don’t you go and fetch him, I’m sure he’d be delighted to see you!”
“Yeah, if he isn’t too busy with his new girlfriend…” Tae’s aunt had to hide her smile when she noticed the boy’s jealousy.
“Oh don’t be like that! Now shoo!” She fanned him away from her before pointing in the direction of the sidewalk. “They should be just through there!” Taehyung just shuffled off down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets doing some serious brooding.
I’m gonna have to amp today up, how dare some girl try and take my spot in Eewan’s heart! …what am I saying? I’m getting jealous over some woman I’ve never even met… 
Taehyung sighed sadly; he knew the day would come where he would have to let his little cousin go. He just wasn’t expecting to loose to some stranger in the park! Suddenly, he heard a very sweet voice through the trees.
Is that her?
Trying to eavesdrop, Tae scurried behind a tree up towards the front, peering out behind it to catch a glimpse of you. But he wasn’t expecting to be taken aback by what he saw; even though he could only see the back of you, he could already tell you were beautiful, especially when you started to sing.
“I’m wishing,”
I’m wishing, 
Some of the kids jumped back as they heard your voice echo back to them from the bottom of the well. But just as quick, they scampered back to pear into the well, trying to figure out how your voice had done that.
“For the one I love, to find me,”
To find me,
“I’m hoping,”
I’m hoping,
“And I’m dreaming of, the nice things,”
The nice things,
“He’ll say.”
He’ll say.
You tried your best to imitate Snow White’s “laughter” singing, but you knew no one but Adriana Caselotti could do it just right, so you decided to put your own spin on it. You figured that you must have done a good job, going by the looks on the kids’ faces. With a smile and newfound confidence, you continued your song, unaware of the approaching male.
“I’m wishing,”
I’m wishing,
“For the one I love, to find me,”
To find me,
“TODAY~”  Your eyes went wide and you bolted upright at the sound of a male voice behind you.
“Oh! Um…” You took in the appearance of the man before you. He was ridiculously handsome, but somehow had the aura of a puppy dog? He smiled sheepishly at you and you swore he looked so familiar…
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just know that song too…” He looked away from you, suddenly making eyes towards the children. “I actually came here for my little cousin Eewan.” You turned and looked at Eewan to make sure he knew the boy in front of you.
“No! I don’t want to go yet!”
“You…you don’t want to hang out with me today?” You turned back to look at the handsome man, seeing his face fall.
“Eewan, don’t say that…” You softly chastised the boy.
“But noona, you weren’t done with your song!”
“Actually, that’s where the princess’s part ends Eewan, the song is over unless you want your cousin wants to sing the prince’s response.” You were only joking, not expecting the look of pure excitement to flash on all the children’s faces.
“Tae Tae, Can you?” Eewan said, starting the small mob of children to repeat the phrase over and over again. You turned to the older male apologetically.
“Oh, you don’t ha—“ Suddenly, “Tae Tae” started signing the prince’s song, looking directly at you while he sang it. Though, instead of the English version, he was singing it in Korean. You didn’t think “One Song” could sound any more beautiful than it did right then, coming from his lips.
(Here’s the song in Korean, Tae’s part starts @2:00 )
Taehyung saw you staring at him in wonder, causing him to get sheepish and shift his gaze to the children, smiling when he saw their bright faces. When he finished they all began clapping, bringing a blush to Tae’s cheeks. He finally worked up the nerve to look back at you expectantly, no traces of arrogance on his features.
“That was wonderful Mr…” He walked a little closer, bowing his head.
“Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.” He lifted his head to smile at you, finding you blushing in his presence. “And you are…?” 
“(L/n) (F/n).” You bowed back slightly in response.
“Your Korean is very good. Are you visiting?”
“Oh no, I have a work visa!”
“So I guess that means I’ll be seeing you again (Y/n).”
“I guess so.” You smiled at him. You watched as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket.
“But, I would like your number, just in case we get separated by an evil queen.” You laughed at his comment, gladly taking his phone and entering your number into his contacts. You handed his phone back to him and he waved Eewan over towards him. “Come on Eewan! I’ll talk to you soon Princess~” You blushed at the pet name while the children just giggled. You walked back over to them, shushing them and waving your hands, still thinking about your encounter with your “Prince.”
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