#and let’s not forget that tiana gets her love story and her dream in the end
literaryspinster · 1 month
There is a fine line between wanting Black female characters to be shown in a soft, romantic, glamorous light, and implying that Black women who are poor, Black women who have suffered, and Black women who don’t live traditional lives don’t deserve representation at all.
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artist-issues · 3 months
Could you elaborate on your “you can make your wish come true” =/= Disney’s true message idea? I really like it and want to incorporate the sentiment into my Wish rewrite, but I’m having a hard time finding a solid idea that makes it so different from the aforementioned “believe in yourself and it’ll come true” concept
The idea is not to believe in yourself. Thats super counter-characteristic to Disney heroes. It's all over their merch and songs, but in the actual story, the character isn't usually rewarded for doing things their own way and making it happen. They're also not usually rewarded for chasing their own dreams. They really aren't. Hear me out.
Tiana is not rewarded by the narrative for all her hard work. She's actually scolded by the narrative for being so focused on her dream, and her own way, that she forgets more important things.
Pinocchio, too. The narrative won't let him, or Geppetto, have their dream of Pinocchio being "a real boy." Instead, he has to be brave, truthful, unselfish. Again, the story puts more emphasis on "more important things" than the character's dreams or abilities.
Instead, Disney movies usually reward the character for giving themselves (what they want, what they like, what they dream of) up. For just doing the right thing. More examples and fleshing out here and here.
When I sit down to try and "script doctor" what went wrong with Wish, I change the message from: "You alone have the power to make your wishes come true, so keep trying!" to "Have faith to do what's right, and even more than what you wished for will come true."
Break it down like this:
"Have faith" - Focus on a truth outside of yourself and what you want and what you like, and keep focusing on it no matter the circumstances or how bad you feel. (Think Cinderella "finding the good points" of her stepfamily, or Belle sacrificing her dreams for her father's sake.)
"To do what's right" - This is where faith means taking action. Cinderella doesn't just daydream about things being better, she makes them better for her household by doing her work cheerfully. Aladdin doesn't just finally tell the truth: he gives up his chance at being with Jasmine and sets the Genie free. Tiana doesn't just change her mind about wanting love more than her restaurant; she breaks Facilier's necklace and won't let Naveen marry Charlotte. Faith = action based on that faith: the character focuses on doing what's right. Even and especially when it means giving up their "dreams."
"And even more than what you wished for will come true." - Usually, the characters dreams actually change. They no longer wish for a thing or a set of circumstances, like living in a palace or having their own restaurant. Instead of wanting a thing, they want a Good. Belle goes from wishing for more out of life to getting true love, which is "more out of life,"—and a way better version of "more" than just vague adventures in the "great wide somewhere. Tiana goes from wishing for a restaurant to wanting love. Pinocchio goes from wishing to be a real boy to wishing to be good, for his father. And then it turns out, that's what being "real" meant all along.
The reason the "power to make these wishes come true yourself" is never mentioned is because in most Disney movies, it's not ABOUT you. The main character learns to just do the right thing and stop focusing so much on what they want. They usually sacrifice something, in the name of something bigger than themselves. And when they do that? They're rewarded.
By what? What are they rewarded by? (The narrative, yes, but what does that mean?)
The first Wishing Star Disney ever had come down to reward a main character for doing good was Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. When Pinocchio did the right thing, she literally rewarded him. And the same is true in Princess & the Frog: Tiana finally humbles herself and wishes on a Star, and instantly meets Naveen, who turns out to be better than what she wished for.
The idea is that the power to make your wishes come true is actually NOT in you. The power to make your wishes come true comes from something or someone outside yourself: the Blue Fairy and the Wishing Star represent that. It's like a higher power. Thats exactly what it is.
There's no reason for Tiana to be turned human, or get her restaurant, after she smashes Facilier's necklace. None at all. She broke the thing that could've gotten her to her goal. She gave her goal up. She thought she was choosing to "stay a frog." In fact, she also wasn't even wishing for love on the first place: she humbled herself and wished for her restaurant. Even though she didn't believe in wishing stars. That step of humility was seen and rewarded by a higher power—and the reward wasn't what she would've picked out. But it was exactly what she needed.
And she couldn't have done it herself. In fact, originally, she didn't even wish for the thing she needed, herself, in the first place. The star sent her on a journey to not only get what she needed, but want what she needed. The star did it all. All Tiana did was take one or two faith-based steps that, from her point of view, were actually giving up on her wish.
I hope that clears it up.
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fantasygerard2000 · 2 months
So, one of the lousy criticisms Wish gets is its use of too many references to movies that are better than it. This critique just feels heavily biased if i'm being honest. As much as I am fond of some of the older Disnsy movies, which are the reasons why I like Wish, I would exactly call them good. Youtuber Veridis Joe made a video discussing about how just because it's the first, doesn't mean that it's good.
Let's use an obvious example, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Wish takes heavy inspiration from Snow White as it makes sense for their 100th movie to revisit their roots. The saying that Snow White is better than Wish is a lie because, is Snow White really better story and character wise?
That's the kicker with some of these older Disney movies. Just because they're "classics" doesn't mean they're free from criticisms. Hell, people are criticizing that Snow White and Aurora despite the being title characters don't get to do crap and are overshadowed by their own villains and sidekicks. Just because Snow White was the first doesn't mean it holds up. It aged like milk and the reason why people like it is because it invented the classical tropes we associate Disney, people like it because it's "traditionally animated". They care more about the decorations than the foundation.
That's the thing with nostalgia and why at some times, it's not good. People grew up with the old movies and that's why they heavily favored them over reboots and live action remakes. Disregarding the things that are improved because their automatic response to things that are different is to antagonize them. And this is especially problematic when some people actually misremembered the thing they are nostalgic for. The insistence the crybabies on Tiktok insist that Rapunzel should be played by a blonde white actress even though Rapunzel's natural hair color is brown, they they be acting stupid by forgetting wigs and special effecfs exists simply because of a fan casting.
Back on the topic of easter eggs. While some can be groan inducing, most of them are harmless and something that Disney fans can go find. That says something that some of these critics don't watch the movie and pay attention to what it wants to convey and rather list down the things they wanna be mad about, like the songs, the quirky main character, the goat's voice, the scrapped draft and the villain.
Speaking of which.
While Magnifico is the highlight of the movie after years of lacking antagonists and underwhelming twist villains, people are still complaining over him not being a complete villain because of his motivation.
The main gripe people have about him is that be seemed reasonable and that his switch from villain is "sudden", saying that the book is just there as lazy excuse to make him evil and redeemable. This, is media illiteracy. As much as I don't like to bill this to takes I don't like, it's an accurate description.
Magnifico's villainy is applicable to influencers and social media personalities. And considering the age where some of these "celebrities" are outed for being and doing shady things, it fits to a T. You don't know a person is toxic until you found out. And like with Amaya, you don't know if your spouse/partner really loves and cares for you you until you see what they can do to you once they have enough power and influence.
Going back to the topic of previous Disney movies being "superior" to Wish, there's one movie I like to bring up. Princess and the Frog.
Princess and the Frog has many similarities to Wish. After a period of several experimental 3D animated movies that were passable but forgettable, sorry Bolt and Robinsons fans, PatF returns to the old formula of 2D animated, musicals, villains and romance.
Tiana is a great character and her story about working hard to achieve her dreams is in line with Wish's themes. Facilier and Magnifico are even comparable as both men "cheat" their way to get to the top by using magic that isn't theres and suffering the consequences for it.
And like I said above about how classics aren't free from any criticism, PatF has its own problems, mostly about Disney's first black princess being a frog for most of its runtime, and the convoluted plot revolving around technicalities to break the spell. What holds PatF back are these issues and some people dismiss them because they are too focused on the 2D animation, romance, villains, which aren't bad tropes, aren't enough to save your movie. Same way how even if Wish was 2D animated and had a love interest, people will still crap on it because it's Disney in 2023/2024.
Oh contraire, if any of the classical and renaissance films are made and released today as they are, they wouldn't be praised today as they were back then.
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teamhook · 3 years
Always, Always a Bridesmaid :: 27 Dresses Birthday CS AU
Hello! This is the final installment of my birthday fic for @ultraluckycatnd
Thank you to my beta @demisexualemmaswan
Much love and thanks for the help from @veryverynotgood and @karlyfr13s and the CSMM discord ladies that help with sprints and their encouragement.
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The newly engaged couple wanted to share the joyous news right away with Mr. Goldman. The doting father was elated at the prospect of having his younger daughter back in town permanently. Emma’s obvious discomfort went unnoticed by her family. Midas without thinking passed down the bride-to-be her mother’s wedding gown, completely missing her fake smile. He was just happy at the thought of his little girl finding a good man and moving back to the States.
“Thank you, Daddy!” Kathryn said.
Graham smiled lovingly at his fiance as she showed him the gown.
Sitting across from the couple, Emma’s heart sunk even further. Not only had her sister swiped away her dream man but her mother’s beloved gown as well. She shouldn’t hold Graham against Kathryn because she didn’t know...but the dress was a different story.
Emma took a deep breath as she entered the bar. She still couldn’t believe she had taken the guy up on his offer for a drink. Who was she kidding? The moment Kathryn and Graham’s eyes met she had increased her alcohol consumption. She was not an alcoholic yet but she was enjoying the drink a little too often.
Killian waved at her from the bar.
Emma plopped down at the chair next to him.
“Hello, love.” Killian smiled widely.
Emma forced a smile. “Hello.”
Killian took a long, scrutinizing look at her. “I can’t help but wonder what deity I owe the pleasure of your company. Don’t get me wrong, love. I’m ecstatic, but you had been dodging my calls, and you suddenly called me to invite me out for a drink.”
Emma grimaced. “My baby sister is getting married.”
“Ah, before you.”
“That is not why I’m upset,” she defended.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
Emma sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “You don’t know my sister. Kathryn is going to want me to do everything for her. I will not just be her maid of honor,” she said with exasperation.
“I don’t see the problem. You ‘love weddings’.” he reminded her.
“I do love weddings but I’m going to have to take care of everything .”
“Alright. How about you simply say, ‘No’?”
“What?” she asked confusedly.
“Love, you have said, ‘No’ to people before haven’t you?”
She scoffed. “Of course I have!”
Killian’s raised his eyebrow skeptically.
“Many, many times before but not in this situation.”
“But you want to say no this time?”
She nodded. “I wish I could. But I can’t; it’s my sister.”
“Alright. We are going to play this little game to practice saying ‘no’.”
Emma stared at him.
Killian took a big breath. “Emma, love, give me 50 dollars.”
“NO!” Emma said with a smile.
“Emma, darling. It’s only 50 dollars. I promise I’ll pay you back,” he said, holding his hand on his heart.
“No,” she said, proud of herself.
“Emma, love. I need you…” he said, licking his lips seductively, leaning closer to her, “To give me 50 dollars.”
“ No ?” she said hesitantly.
“Eh, not bad, darling,” he said proudly. “May I have your drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” she said as she pushed the drink to him.
He grabbed it and with a smirk.
“Wait, I meant no!”
Killian tsked. “You were doing so well. That's terrible,” he said as he enjoyed her drink.
“Mmhmm,” she sighed disappointedly.
The night came to an end not long after for the pair after the game.
Kathryn and Emma shared a walk through Central Park as they talked about wedding plans.
“Ems, did you go to the flower shop and order the favors?”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“And the invitation mock-ups? Did you get those done?”
“Yes. Done.”
“This is so much fun!”
The girls kept walking.
“Oh, and I want you to ask your friend to be my bridesmaid. The rude one.”
“You want me to ask Ruby? My best friend.”
“Yeah, she is really pretty and she will not throw off the aesthetics. You know that I don’t have girlfriends. Girls, they don't like me.” Kathryn shrugged. “I just don’t understand why.”
Emma gave her an incredulous look with a raised brow.
Kathryn rolled her eyes. “Fine. I know why. Just ask her.”
“Of course.”
“I was thinking you should do a slideshow for the rehearsal dinner with pictures of Graham and me together and say funny things.”
“Okay, I will get the photos from Graham. I have our family photo albums.”
Kathryn squealed. “Before I forget, guess what.”
“You know that writer you stalk…well, he called me because he wants to do a whole Commitments column on us for the Journal. Can you believe it?”
“Of course, at this point, I absolutely can. Why not?”
Kathryn stopped across the Boathouse. “I have been thinking and I think you are right. It would be a lovely wedding if I got married where mom and dad got married.”
Emma gaped at her sister for a second. “I didn’t think that was your style.”
“It isn’t but why not? I’m wearing mom’s dress,” she shrugged.
“You are always going on and on about how perfect it was. Tada!” Kathryn enthusiastically waved her hands in the direction of the venue. “We are getting married in three weeks.”
Emma gulped, “Three weeks?”
“Yeah. When I called they didn’t have any availability for 18 months. Then they called me to say they had a cancellation. So I had to take it. I know you can pull it together quickly. I don’t want to wait.”
Emma just forced a smile.
“I don’t get it. Emma, you could at least try to act like you are happy for me.”
Emma resorted to an old nickname from their childhood to appease her sister. “KitKat, you know I am…”
“I know that you wanted to get married at the Boathouse wearing mom’s dress but I’m really happy and I thought my big sis would be happy for me.”
“I am. I just didn’t know that’s what you wanted…”
“It is and you will get the dress after. Okay. Now can we talk about more important stuff?” Kathryn said as she resumed walking.
Emma stood on ceremony.
“Come on. Emma, you have a lot of work to do. I don't like the linens, and I think you need to rent new ones because they do not go with the color scheme that I picked out.”
The next day she met Ruby at the Yoga studio for their workout and she shared the news. She had to beg her to say yes to being a bridesmaid. She couldn’t be alone in this mess.
Finally Ruby relented only after being kicked out for talking.
“You want this cake in three weeks? Emma, I don’t know if I can do it. It’s just not enough time for what you want.”
“Tiana, I know you can do it. I wouldn’t ask otherwise. Do you remember the beautiful six-tiered heart-shaped cake that was commissioned by the Fisher’s or the tower of edible gifts for the Page-Booth outdoor fiesta. You can do anything, and we both know it.”
“ Three weeks?”
“Do it for your favorite maid-of-honor, please?”
Tiana caved with a smile.
“We have a cake.” Emma turned to her sister and Graham with a wide grin on her face.
The sudden clapping from the door alerted her of the newcomer.
“What are you doing here?” Emma asked, already exasperated by his presence.
“Hello. I’m James Rogers,” he said with a gleaming smile.
Emma’s mouth opened but nothing came out.
“Oh, yes. I’m Kathryn and this is my fiance, Graham.”
“Congratulations! Lovely to meet you both,” he said as charmingly as possible.
“ Thank you,” Kathryn and Graham replied together.
“Oh, and this is my sister, Emma. She is obsessed with your stories. She’s your number one fan. She is going to make a wallpaper with all your articles.”
Killian smirked at Emma. “Is that so?”
Finally, Emma found her voice, “Wait, you said your name was Killian. I’m confused.”
“Aye, my name is Killian. I use James for the byline so I don’t get stalked by the crazy brides,” Killian answered Emma.
Kathryn’s attention was focused on her phone.
Killian turned to Kathryn. “How did you lovebirds meet?”
Emma scoffed, “You are an asshole.”
“Emma!” Kathryn hissed.
“What? He is! He told me his name was Killian.”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Kathryn asked.
“We both work the wedding circuit,” Killian replied.
“Kathryn, can you give us one second? Tell Tiana what you want,” Emma urged her sister in the direction of her friend.
“I can’t believe it. You lied to me,” Emma accused.
“Ah, ah. Love, I told you I was a writer. Where is the lie in that? I just didn’t tell you what I wrote.”
“But…you write the most beautiful things. Which one is it? Do you only pretend to be a cynic… or are you a cynic who knows how to spin romantic crap for girls like me?”
Killian scratched behind his ear. “The second one, the spinning crap one as you so eloquently put it.”
“This is just great. I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.”
“James, can I steal you away for a second so we can talk about Graham and me?”
“Of course. That's why I'm here.”
Kathryn and Killian chatted away as they walked towards Graham, leaving Emma behind.
Killian walked with an extra pep in his step. He knew this story would get him out of the dreaded Commitments. He found the address that Kathryn gave him.
He knocked eagerly.
On the other side of the door. Emma groaned as she saw through the peephole. She opened the door just wide enough for her unhappiness to see him be on display.
“Kathryn is not here. You can go now.”
“I’m afraid I’m not here for her. I’m here to interview you for the piece.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Just go away, I’m not in the mood to talk to you.”
“Come on, lass. For Kathryn and Graham?” he asked, pouting.
Emma hesitated for a second. She knew Kathryn would be angry if she messed this up for her.
“Fine, let’s get this over with.” She opened the door wide for him to walk in.
Killian got his phone out and set it to record. “The maid of honor, although a lovely lass, is a little prickly. Emma, how do you feel about Kathryn’s whirlwind romance?”
Emma took a deep breath. “She’s my little sister. How do you think I feel? I taught her how to tell time, and how to ride a bike. I raised her. Please, don’t print that. It would break my father’s heart but to answer your question. I couldn’t be happier.”
Killian nodded as he listened to her but his attention wasn’t completely on her. His eyes roamed the apartment until they landed on the slightly opened closet. Love, what are those?”
Emma’s eyes followed his gaze and answered as she tried to make her way over to the closet to close the door and keep him away from her prized collection. “That’s nothing.”
Killian was giddy with excitement as he trailed right behind her. “Are those…”
“No!” Emma tried to keep him away by pushing him away from the door but she wasn’t able to keep him from opening the door.
“Bloody hell! Are these all bridesmaid dresses?”
“None of your business.”
“Good God, lass. Why? The closet is so full you can barely close the door.”
“I just have a lot of friends and I like keeping them,” she shrugged.
“Makes perfect sense because they’re bloody beautiful.”
“Some of them are not that bad.”
“I’d like to see one that is not bad.”
“Fine.” Emma started looking through the dresses, muttering not that one, or that one.
“Aha, this one is not bad.” She showed him a greenish dress.
“Love, we need to have those lovely eyes checked because that is the very definition of bad. What color is this? Vomit?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “No, it's an "olivey" green. The color is super flattering. I’m telling you. It looks great on.”
“I disagree. Love, that dress is one of the worst instruments of torture I have ever seen because the bride wants you to look ugly.”
“No, no. Ariel picked it because it looks good on everybody.”
Killian rolled his eyes. “The lass is delusional and believes anything anyone tells her,” he spoke to the recorder.
“I’ll prove it to you.” She grabbed the dress and headed to her room.
Killian kept skimming through the dresses, grimacing as he took them out to look at them. He kept taking pictures of the packed closet.
Emma came out of the room.
He had to agree the dress wasn't that bad but perhaps it was her .
“See?” she said, twirling.
He smiled. “You are right. The dress isn’t that bad but what about the color? He said as he took a picture and showed her the photo.
Emma groaned. “It’s your camera. It’s defective or something.”
Killian looked at her, unamused.
Emma sighed. “Okay, it’s not that good. Are you happy?”
“You look like a very beautiful shiny mermaid. You should be flattered.”
Emma bit her bottom lip. “It's really not the worst one.”
She went on to show him every dress in the closet and he took a picture of each one. They laughed and made fun of the themed weddings and the accessories.
“Love, you have twenty-seven dresses.”
Emma smiled and shrugged.
“I don't understand. You attend the wedding, why not throw the dress after? This is a huge closet.”
“I know you don’t believe me but I’ve had really good times in those dresses.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s not about me. It’s about supporting them.”
“Alright, but how much time do you spend doing this for others? What about you?”
Emma sighed, “Someday… It will be my day and those people will be there for me.”
Killian’s camera flash took her by surprise. He couldn’t help capturing the image. The look in her eye spoke to his cynical soul. He thanked her for the hospitality but made his excuse to leave.
Emma arrived at Graham’s apartment. She could hear the loud music through the door. Emma rolled her eyes, Kathryn was too busy for the gift registry but she was okay taking full advantage of the fact Graham was out of town for business. She only hoped her sister wasn’t doing anything she would regret.
She rang the doorbell.
Kathryn opened the door enough to give Emma the list. “Here I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs.”
Emma knew her sister well enough to know she was trying to get rid of her.
Emma pushed past her. “Kathryn, what is going on here?” Her eyes landing on Henry vacuuming the living room.
Kathyrn scoffed. “What? He was looking for a part-time job to buy a new computer. He wants an Apple MacBook Air because he wants to be a writer.”
“You have a kid cleaning your fiance's apartment. Graham adores him. He has been his big brother for years.” Emma said in disbelief.
“It’s our secret. Henry’s and mine. Ems, don’t worry about it, okay. You should go, it’s getting late.”
Emma left, grabbing the list. She wondered if she told Graham the truth about Kathryn, what he would say. At the park, she had tried to make him see her sister’s lies but he was blind by his attraction for her.
Killian was looking through his notes and the pictures with a faint smile on his face.
Cora appeared at his cubicle suddenly, as if transported by magic.
A startled Killian snapped up from his computer screen. “Cora, did you need something?”
“The bridesmaid story you pitched, what do you have so far?”
“Ah, yes, it’s still a little rough. I’m working on it.”
“I want to see it now . Email it.” She said and walked away.
“Cora, it’s not ready! Bloody hell,” he muttered, Killian got up from his chair to chase after her after sending the email. She was a heartless woman and people had been fired for less. He had been lucky she had found value in him.
Cora was sitting down behind her desk when he arrived. “Cora, the email was sent with the draft. I hope you let me know what you think and just keep that in mind,” Killian said.
She just nodded a silent way to dismiss him.
“Hello, love. Did you miss me?” Killian whispered in Emma’s ear as she scanned the cookware.
Emma jumped a bit and almost dropped the crystal glasses.
She glared at Killian. “What are you doing here? I didn’t invite you. Go away, please?”
“Kathryn did.” He smiled. “I’m just doing my job. I have to see every aspect of the wedding.”
Emma rolled her eyes as she kept scanning things off of Kathryn’s list distancing herself from him.
“Your sister wants so many presents that she physically cannot register for them herself?” he asked when he caught up with her.
Emma stopped scanning and turned her attention to Killian. “It’s a short engagement so she is pressed for time.”
“How many casserole dishes does a person need? Kathryn doesn’t strike me as the cooking type,” he said as he trailed behind her again.
“This isn't just another vahze ." Emma turned to face him, annoyed at his comments.
“It’s called a vase,” he said matter of factly.
“You just don’t get it. These are the things you build a life with.”
“No, love. This is useless crap that the 70-billion-dollar-a-year wedding industry has conned you into believing that you need to have or you won't be happy.”
“No, you know what I think? I think that all your theories are just a smokescreen.”
“For what, darling?”
“Your secret, whatever it is. Maybe you haven’t found the right girl and you're afraid you never will.”
Killian sat down on a display couch. “And I think that you love weddings so much because you prefer to focus on everyone else’s Kodak moments rather than make memories of your own.”
“What do you want me to say? You're right? You are crazy. Weddings are the worst place to forget you are single.”
“Love, you want a wedding, not a marriage, a bloody wedding. The dress and the special day.”
“What is your problem, asshole? Let me guess you had a fancy wedding and your wife left you for someone else?”
Killian’s jaw ticked. “Aye, with my college professor by the way. They lived happily ever after with their son.”
“What? Oh, shit. I’m sorry. Killian, it was just a guess.”
“A good one,” he laughed bitterly. “For someone who has no insight whatsoever into herself, you nailed me right on the head.”
“Hey, do you want to find the ugliest stuff in here and register Kathryn for it?”
“Aye, let’s do it. I saw the most hideous crocodile gravy boat on the counter back there,” he said with a devilish smile on his face.
Killian walked to Cora’s office.
“Hey, you wanted to see me?” Killian asked as he opened the door and sat down.
“Wow,” she said.
“Cora, I told you I wasn’t done with it. I need to do some edits.” Killian said.
“Relax. I like it. It's a decent story. I have to admit, I was shocked. It’s smart and entertaining.”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“You really nailed this girl. We’re running the story Sunday, front page.”
“No, no. It’s not ready,” Killian insisted. “I still have some things to add and I know it will make it worth the wait.”
Cora crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brows. "You have been begging me for months for a chance. How about some gratitude?"
Mind reeling, Killian searched for any reason to stall Cora's decision. “I really want to get this right. Can you give me a week to make it perfect?”
“If I didn’t know you any better I would say you care for her. Did the girl get under your skin?”
He scoffed, “Of course not. I’m just trying to do my job. She’s more than this perpetual bridesmaid. There’s more to her tale. Just give me a week and you will not regret it.”
“Fine. Get out.”
Killian called Emma to see if they could meet to talk but was greeted with Kathryn’s voice instead. Kathryn had told him that Emma was meeting Graham to pick the menu for the reception. He truly wondered what she was doing for her own wedding. She was always doing something for her instead of for the wedding preparations. He understood what Emma had meant when she told him she would need to do everything.
Killian showed up at the restaurant and stopped in his tracks. Even from his spot, he knew the signs of a woman smitten with the man she was talking to. Emma was in love with Graham. Bloody hell, his stomach dropped for some unknown reason. She was smiling freely at something he said. He hadn’t dared to get closer to them. How could anyone else miss the obvious signs? How could he have missed it?
Emma and Graham were so busy in their conversation that they had not noticed Killian’s arrival. So he started to walk away.
After hearing Graham praising Kathryn, Emma wanted to tell him the truth. She is not who he thinks but stopped herself because he looked so happy. She will not be the one to break his heart.
“Emma, tell me what is your favorite part of a wedding?” Graham asked.
“My favorite part of the wedding is watching the groom’s face when the bride is walking down the aisle, and seeing the pure love on his face,” Emma said.
“I think it’s easy to look at your bride with love if she is like your sister. Kathryn is wonderful and I am very happy I found her,” Graham said with a loving gaze.
Emma smiled at him then lowered her gaze to her plate.
Graham turned away to get the waiter’s attention but noticed Killian walking away.
“Rogers, Is that you?”
Killian winced but forced a fake smile as he turned to face the table.
Emma glared at him as he approached them.
“What are you doing here?” she asked through gritted teeth.
“I have some more questions for you,” he said simply.
“You could email me the questions and I will return the email.”
“Where’s Kathryn?” Killian asked.
“She’s busy and couldn’t make it so she asked me to come in her place,” Emma said.
“Hmm. She couldn’t come to pick the wedding meal?”
“Emma is just helping out. Kathryn had a hair appointment; we are having dinner with my parents later,” Graham replied.
“I’m sure Emma was happy to oblige,” Killian said.
“Should we leave now?” Emma asked Graham.
“We should we're heading up to Rhinebeck to pick out
some linens from an antique store,” Graham said as he waved the waiter over.
“I have an idea, How about if I go with Emma in your place? I imagine you have things to do before your dinner.”
“No, no, that’s okay. We can make it back in plenty of time,” Emma answered quickly.
“I don't mind,” Killian said with a smile.
Graham nodded. “It would be a great help.”
“Mate, I insist,” Killian said.
Graham paid and went on his way.
Emma and Killian got in her dad’s car and drove away.
Emma was driving with a scowl on her face.
Killian laughed, “Of course you’re angry at having to plan your sister’s wedding to the man you love. The second I saw you mooning over him while you had your meal. It was like a bloody anchor was dropped. You won’t say anything because you are too used to facilitating others' happiness instead of your own.”
Emma scoffed. “You don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Hmm. You are miserable and unwilling to do anything about it.”
“You are crazy! I’m thrilled to be planning their wedding. She’s my baby sister like I have for every wedding that I've been a part of. You wouldn’t understand because you are cynical, mean, and dark. That’s your problem, buddy, not mine.”
“Buddy? Did you call me buddy?”
“I could have called you an asshole! Just shut up!”
“I understand you’re vexed. I ruined the day of you pining for somebody that will never be yours!” Killian roared.
“Stop!” Emma yelled back.
Killian’s attention turned back to the rainy road. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to antagonize her.
“Love, you need to slow down so I can read the sign.”
The car kept picking up speed.
“Do you think you could slow down? Ease your foot off the accelerator.”
“Don’t you ever shut up?”
Killian checked his seatbelt. He should have waited to say his thoughts but she had given him the cold shoulder since they left the restaurant. He hadn’t noticed when the weather had gotten that bad. It was as if the rain was mimicking her mood.
“Emma, love. Slow down, we’re going to hydroplane,” he said in a soothing voice.
Emma rolled her eyes. “We are not going to hydroplane.” Her fingers squeezed the steering wheel tightly as she made a slight correction and the car started swerving out of control. “Shit, shit!! We are hydroplaning!!”
Killian hissed as he grabbed onto the armrest and gripped it as if his life depended on it. In a way it did, he supposed.
“Bloody hell! I told you to slow down! Lass, just calm down and ease your foot off the gas--”
“Shut it! I know what I’m doing.” She eased her foot on the break as she eased it off the gas like Killian suggested and maneuvered the vehicle to safety. “This is your fault if you would have stopped talking for a moment like I asked, I would have been able to focus on the road.”
Killian glared at her.
The car was stuck and they couldn’t get it out. It was too late for a tow truck and there was no cell phone service.
Killian spotted a bar not too far from them. “Come along, lass. Let’s see if we can get some help or at the very least get a drink.”
Emma hesitantly followed him.
The place was a small hole in the wall bar.
Killian found the payphone right away.
“You got anything?” Emma asked.
He shook his head no. “Mate, your phone doesn’t work,” Killian said to the bartender.
The man shrugged. “Nice detective skills. It has been out of service for a while.”
“Our car broke down and we have no cell service,” Emma told the bartender.
The man pulled out a phone from beneath the bar. “You will not find someone to come help you right now. The rain is bad and it’s getting late.”
Emma groaned.
Killian approached the bar. “Rum, three fingers, no ice, please.”He pulled a stool and sat down.
“What are you doing?” Emma asked, annoyed as she followed him.
“You heard the man, we are not getting a tow anytime soon. I’m going to enjoy a drink. There’s nothing you can do. You should have a drink.”
The bartender handed Killian his drink.
“Thanks, mate.”
Emma sat down next to Killian. “Fine, I’ll have one, let me have the same.”
After several drinks, Emma eyed him carefully.
“Jones, I have to know something. You once wrote a column that was so beautiful it made me cry.”
“Aww,” he mocked.
“The Zimmer-York article was full of emotion. It was the anniversary of the mother's death. The brother flew home from Afghanistan.”
Killian remembered the article but he would not admit it. “Sorry, I don’t recall.”
“How can you not remember it? You cannot fake emotion like that.”
“A talented writer like meself can.”
“You’re not that good.”
Killian signaled the bartender for another round of drinks.
“Be honest with me for once. What is your favorite part of a wedding?”
He stared at her. “My favorite part of a wedding is an open bar.” He smiled and waggled his eyebrows.
“No. Everybody likes that.”
Killian laughed. “Alright. The part when the bride is making her grand entrance. I like to glance back at the wanker getting married. He looks happy even though he is willingly entering into the last form of slavery.”
Emma’s eyes widened as he finished talking.
Killian scratched behind his ear nervously. “Why the bloody hell are you looking at me like that?”
“Are you serious? That’s my favorite part! I can’t believe it. We have something in common.”
“Aye, that must make us kindred spirits. Love, it was bound to happen.”
“Just admit you are a big teddy bear that the whole cynical thing is an act so you can seem wounded and mysterious… and sexy.”
“I’m sorry love, what was the last one?”
“ Huh ?”
“You think I’m sexy, love? I'm startling, aren't I? Some people say striking, but I will accept sexy.”
“No, I don’t. I think you think you are sexy.”
“Mhmm,” he said with a wide smile.
Emma’s cheeks blushed bright pink.
Benny and the Jets played loudly, filling the moment of silence between them.
“I love this song,” Emma said, swaying to the beat of the song.
“Aye, it’s a great song.” Killian hummed in tune then broke into song, “ Hey, kids shake it loose together… That's been known to change the weather.”
Emma snorts in an unladylike way. “Those are not the lyrics,” she giggled.
“Those are the lyrics. Alright, lyric police. What are the correct words?”
“You're gonna hear a handsome music… So the walrus sounds.”
Killian laughed. “Walrus sounds?”
Emma grinned and continued, “Say, Penny's no longer in a cement jet… Ooh, but you're so laced down.”
He shook his head, but joined her in the next line. “Buh, buh, buh, buh Bennie and the Jets…”
Emma continued belting out the lyrics, “O oh, in the wind and the waterfall… Oh, baby, she's a "revocaine"... She's got electric boobs.”
Killian laughed so hard with tears in his eyes. “Boobs?”
Sometime after, Killian found himself singing alongside Emma on top of the bar, dancing and enjoying the moment.
The crowd had become a rapt audience to the pair cheering them on after an encore performance.
Killian helped Emma get off the bar table. Once she was at eye level she was so beautiful. He blurted out, “I wept like a babe at the Zimmer-York wedding.”
Emma’s eyes widened at his confession and without thinking she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to her, melding their lips together. The kiss escalated fast as they found themselves in the back seat of her car fogging the car windows with their heavy breathing.
The sunshine woke up Emma from her sleep. She was trying to shake off the kinks. She looked around the scenery and decided that there are worse places to end up stranded.
“Morning, love. The tow truck is on its way,” Killian said as he handed her a cup of coffee.”
“Thank you, I just want you to know I never do this.”
“I know, lass, you kept saying that last night over and over.”
Emma groaned, her head pounded. Why was everything so loud? While Killian acted as if he was a two-hundred-year-old pirate with an endless supply of rum.
“I was wondering if you would like to grab something to eat while we wait for the tow truck?”
They found a small diner just down the block and placed their food order when one of the patrons from the bar last night approached them and reminded them of the rendition to Benny and The Jets. Emma grimaces at the thought of singing in public. The man left with a smile on his face while humming the song.
“Oh, why didn’t you stop me?” Emma asked Killian.
“I’m sorry, you looked so free.”
“Hey, you’re that girl! You’re famous.” A customer approached her with recognition in her eyes. “From the newspaper.”
Emma looked confused at the lady. “What paper?”
Killian groaned and muttered, “ Bloody hell .”
The woman had gone to find the newspaper for her to see.
"Always, Always a Bridesmaid by James Rogers? What the hell is this?” She asked, throwing the newspaper on his face. Emma got up from her seat and walked out.
Killian followed her after he paid the bill.
“Emma! Swan, please let me explain. I told my editor not to run it. Lass, no one reads it,” Killian said as he caught up with her and grabbed her arm to get her attention.
Emma whipped around and slapped him. She walked away toward the car leaving him behind.
Killian knew better than to try to talk to her again.
Killian stormed into work to confront Cora, she had lied to him. He had been blindsided when the article was mentioned. The look of betrayal he saw in her eyes made his stomach sour.
Cora’s door was open.
Killian didn’t even bother with any sort of civility. “What the bloody hell happened? I thought we agreed to hold it,” Killian accused.
“I thought the story was ready and I make the decisions here you don’t,” She said coolly.
“Cora, you don't understand. I didn't have time to warn her.”
“In case you forgot. You work for me, not the other way around. You should kiss my feet. I gave you 24 inches in the Sunday paper. Get out !” she said unamused.
Emma arrived at her place to be greeted with a string of shrieks and screams. “How could you let this happen?”
“I didn’t know he was writing a story about me,” Emma said.
“You?! Did you read it? If Emma is the typical, accommodating bridesmaid then her sister, Kathryn, is cast as the overbearing, overindulged bride-to-be who might start stomping around Manhattan at any moment."
“I’m sorry.”
“Emma, he called me bridezilla in the New York Journal!”
Emma stayed quiet as Kathryn scolded her, missing the hurt in her eyes. The phone rang interrupting her tirade.
“What?” Kathryn answered the phone.
“May I please speak with Emma?” Killian asked.
“Are you kidding? The only person you will be speaking to is my attorney! Asshole!” Kathryn yelled at the phone and slammed it down.
The week had started horribly for Emma. Kathryn hadn’t stopped her complaints about the article when all Emma wanted to do was forget about it. Not once had Kathryn shown her an ounce of sympathy there had been so many embarrassing pictures of Emma on the front page of the section. Kathryn had only been mentioned but no one knew what her face looked like. Emma however, was the damn star. Her head was starting to pound. She still had to face Graham. What if he felt like her sister?
Killian had been relentless with the calls and messages. Of course Ruby tried to cheer her up by making light of the situation but it didn’t help.
Graham called her to his office and was so caring and understanding that it made her feel as if someone had her back. He was right, no one read that section.
Emma had to rush to the bridal shop for her meeting with Kathryn.
“Johanna, can you hem this part? Emma, is that you?” Kathryn called out from the fitting room. Johanna went to do the alteration.
“Yeah, it's me,” Emma said as she walked to the back.
Emma sat down on one of the chairs.
“Emma, I have been thinking that it wasn’t your fault. You are just too trusting. I guess,” Kathryn said as she checked her list.
“Thank you. Wait. Is that your enemy list? The one from high school. Are you checking me off the list?” Emma said dumbfounded.
Kathryn gave her a small smile alongside a paper. “About the slide show, I want you to say that. Exactly as I wrote it, that is the script. Graham said he will give you all his photos.”
“Okay,” Emma said as she read over the script her sister gave her.
Johanna walked back in with the altered dress, “Hi, Emma.”
“Hi, Johanna,” Emma said with a welcoming smile and returning her attention to the scripted paper her sister gave her.
“Kathryn, here it is. Step in.” Johanna said as she helped Kathryn with the dress.
“Emma, what do you think?” Kathryn said, twirling in the dress.
Emma finally looked up to see the dress, expecting to see her mother’s dress with some slight changes but instead finding a completely different dress. “I thought you were wearing Mom's dress.”
“This is Mom's dress. Parts of it anyway. It was just too old-fashioned. We could just use a few pieces here and there,”
Kathryn said as she smoothed the material.
“I’m sorry... what ?” Emma asked as she approached her sister wearing a dress she no longer recognized. “You cut up Mom’s dress ?”
“Isn’t it pretty? You can wear it too. Technically Johanna cut it, not me.”
Emma didn’t think her sister could be any more selfish; she was proven wrong. “ No. No, no, no, no. No! God, you don't care. You only care about yourself, don’t you? I have made excuses for you since Mom died but enough is enough!”
Kathryn rolled her eyes. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“I can’t fix the dress but I won't let you hurt Graham. He thinks he knows you but it's all a lie. You even had Henry keep a secret from him. Tell him the truth or I will.”
“I don’t have to tell him anything and you will not either. You are my sister, you definitely wouldn't do anything to hurt me.”
“No, today you're just some selfish bitch who broke my heart and cut up my mother's wedding dress. You didn't even have the decency to ask me about it! You knew how much that dress meant to me but you just didn't care. You could have easily just picked a brand new dress to match your taste. Kathryn, you only get this warning, tell him the truth or a will.” Emma left her sister just staring at her back as she walked away.
Kathryn just groaned as she made her way to change her clothes.
On the day of the engagement party, Emma had been jittery all day but she wouldn’t be deterred from what she had to do. She gave her sister a chance to do the right thing, to be honest. She hoped she had come clean with Graham.
Emma had been getting pitying looks, and dealing with passive-aggressive comments about how terrible it must feel that her baby sister was marrying before her.
The last straw had Emma replying with, “ Yeah, but at least I still get to have hot sex with strangers .”
The stunned look on the old woman's face had been priceless.
The night progressed and it soon would be time for the slide show. Emma had kept trying to talk to Kathryn but her sister avoided her feigning she had to play host.
Ruby arrived fashionably late as always but quickly found Emma, a drink already in her hand. “Hey, you clean up nicely! You look hot! I might be persuaded to change sides,” she said with a wink.
Emma didn’t react with a quip of her own, making Ruby since her friend wasn’t holding up as well as she thought. “Emma, how are you?”
“I’m okay,” she said with a tight smile, grabbing the drink from Ruby’s hand while drinking it in one gulp.
“Hey, that is not water,” Ruby said as she saw her friend finish up to the last drop of her drink.
Emma turned to the guy helping her set up her computer for the slideshow. “It’s under Kathryn and Graham.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yep, I’m fine,” Emma insisted.
Graham approached Emma with a reluctant fiance on his arm. “Emma, thank you for a lovely party. You have gone above and beyond. Hasn’t she, Kathryn?”
Kathryn nodded her agreement while avoiding Emma’s eyes.
Emma got the confirmation she needed with her sister’s attitude. “You guys should take a seat. I’m going to start the slideshow.”
The restaurant was packed with family and friends. Emma gave a lovely introduction as the images played in the background. It started with oohs and awws which morphed into gasps as Emma unmasked Kathryn from her preferred food to her dislike of pets which included Graham’s beloved dog Hunter. The final straw was Henry’s sell pitch for the cleaning business Kathryn was helping him, in which Graham’s home was the first customer.
Graham furiously got up from his seat and left with Kathryn following close behind trying to explain herself.
A crying Kathryn returned alone, walked up to Emma. “I hope you are happy. He broke off the engagement. The wedding is off.”
Emma saw as her sister walked away. Ruby nudged her shoulder. “What happened?”
“He deserved to know the truth.”
“I agree but perhaps you could have told him face-to-face when this mess started. I know that my moral compass doesn't exactly point due north but if I can see there’s something wrong, there’s a reason.”
“Ruby, you’re the one who is always telling me to be brave and stand up for myself,” Emma said, hurt at her friend’s attitude.
“Emma, hun that's not what you did. You unleashed years of repressed feelings in one night. I admit it was entertaining but if you were sure you did the right thing you'd feel better right now,” Ruby said honestly.
Emma walked out of the building, she heard footsteps approaching causing her to turn.
“Oh, my God. What do you want? Can't you take a hint? Why are you here?” she said, rolling her eyes at the intruder.
He shrugged, “Love, you wouldn't return my phone calls.”
“Haven't you ruined my life enough? Let me guess, you want another picture for your paper?”
“Emma, I’m sorry.”
“Please, Stop! You used me to advance in your career. At least have the decency to admit it but don’t try to act as you care about me.”
“I just saw what you did there and all I can say is it’s about bloody time!”
“Stop, I'm not doing this with you again.”
“Do you want to know the truth, why I came here? Alright, I knew this would be a difficult day for you, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted to look out for someone else. I know I was a damn fool. I’m sorry. I will vanish from your life but I want you to know that I think you are amazing, a marvel, and I think you deserve so much more than what you settle for. You deserve to be taken care of like the princess you are.” He turned to walk away but stopped mid-step. “Sorry, love. I forgot to give you this.” He hands her a package. “It’s just something to make your life easier. A new beginning.”
She took the gift hesitantly and watched him walk away.
Killian stared at his computer screen. He had hated walking away from Emma but it was clear she was not ready to forgive him.
“Killian, your little bridesmaid story got a phenomenal response. Looks like you finally did it, you got yourself bumped from Commitments,” Cora said.
“Lovely,” Killian said with a depreciating smile on his face.
“Killian, you should be happy. Isn’t this what you dreamt of?” Cora said as she walked away.
Killian knew she was right, he should be happy. He should be celebrating but it was a hollow victory.
Emma was surprised when her father called the day after and invited her over.
“Emma, you have got to work this out,” Midas said as he hugged her to comfort her pain.
“You two need to talk and fix this. Remember you love each other,” Midas said as if talking to two little girls with pigtails.
They stood stubbornly at opposite sides as their dad gave them privacy.
Emma had grown up looking after her sister. She had no idea what had caused Kathryn to become as selfish as she was. Kathryn had become the person that only looked out for herself. Emma had let go of her hurt over Graham because she had no idea of her feelings for him but the dress. The wedding dress was part of her dream wedding and she took it knowing so. Not only that but she shredded it without concerns about her feelings. But as Emma stared into her sister's eyes, she recognized the pain that had reflected in her own. She had done the unthinkable and caused pain to the one she had protected all her life.
“Kathryn, I’m sorry. I feel terrible.”
Kathryn’s mouth opened. “Sorry? You humiliated me in front of everyone!”
“I know but --” Emma stammered.
“Just admit it! You have always been jealous of me!” Kathryn yelled as she threw bags of chips and anything she could find at Emma.
Ducking and dodging various items being flung at her from the shelves, Emma became aggravated by Kathryn's child-like tantrum, but once she picked up a family-sized can of vegetables to throw, Emma snapped. “Stop it! Kathryn, I’m sorry but you could have been honest with Graham from the beginning. We wouldn't be standing here if you had. Did you even love him or was it just convenient?”
Kathryn huffed, “Get off your high horse. Sweet Emma, kind and smart. Perfect Emma. You always thought my life was perfect. The truth is you resent me because you had to braid my hair, go shopping for my prom dress, and make my Halloween costumes.”
Emma sighed. “No, Kathryn, I never did.”
“You think my life is so easy.”
“Kathryn, you never had a care in the world. You did as you pleased, never caring for the consequences. You are beautiful and fun. Your life is perfect.”
“You have no idea, Emma. Do you want to know the reason why I stayed home? I got fired from my job and James dumped me. Then I met Graham and he was nice to me. I just wanted to be someone worthy of him. I was trying to be you.”
Emma asked, confused, “Why would you want to be boring me when you get to be you?”
“Emma, you have taken care of me since Mom died. You stopped being my big sister and became my surrogate mother."
“I had to. You are my baby sister.”
"No, you didn't. I'm sorry about mom's dress. I know how much that dress meant to you. I wasn't thinking," Kathryn sighed. "I was too busy enjoying my happy moment. I didn't care about you or anyone. You were right calling me selfish. I just never thought I would hear those words coming from you. I will not lie and say it didn't hurt. In a way, I'm happy you finally started saying what you feel. I will always be your sister and I think it's time for you to stop taking care of everybody. It’s time to focus on you.”
"Kathryn, I am sorry for what I did. I never wanted to be the one to cause you pain."
The girls hug and start cleaning the mess.
Emma was at home cleaning out her closet. Finally taking the advice she had been given. She decided to start fresh.
The phone rang several times before she answered it. “Hello?”
The familiar voice on the other side greeted her warmly.
“Hi, Graham. I can do that. No problem. I'll be right there.” Emma rushed to get ready and meet Graham at the office. It was the least she could do after her stunt at the party.
Graham was sitting at his desk trying to find his speech for the benefit. He looked up and saw Emma walk in. She looked beautiful. He was not blind but he never wanted to cross that line.
“Emma, you look--great. Wow!” Graham said.
“Thank you,” Emma replied. “Before we go, I want to say sorry about last night. I shouldn't have done that.”
“Emma, you did me a favor. I was about to marry a woman I didn’t know. It’s not your fault I got swept away. Let’s forget about the whole thing.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I hate to ask for another favor but I need to print up my speech for tonight. I looked but I couldn't find the file.”
“Sure no problem. I can get it for you.” Emma walked to his desk to find the file.
Graham sighed in relief. “Emma, I’m so thankful I could call you tonight. I love that I can always count on you to never say no.”
Emma froze and looked at him. “What?”
“I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?” He asked, concerned.
Emma sighed. “Oh--”
Graham approached her with concern.
Emma stared at the computer screen. “Graham, I quit.”
Graham’s face turned confused. “What do you mean?”
“You hired me right after college. I was so blown away and caught up by the company and you. I never bothered to get my own life. Then I couldn’t leave because I was so madly in love with you.”
He takes one fluid step into her space. His right hand sliding to the back of her head pulling her into a kiss.
Emma froze for a second waiting for the fireworks to explode but it was a dud.
Graham noticed her reaction and backed away. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
She looked at him with understanding. “It’s okay. I always wanted to know what it would feel like.”She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but that's not what it's supposed to feel like.” Her phone ringtone to Benny and the Jets went off interrupting them.
He smiled warmly as he saw her face brightened up with realization.
She smiled and left him behind.
Emma found the building easily enough. She approached the receptionist's desk interrupting a group of people deep in conversation. “Excuse me. I’m looking for Ki-James Rogers.”
The person that replied was a classically handsome man with a boyish quality and fair complexion with a bright smile. “He’s at a wedding. Wait, aren't you the girl from the article?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m famous.”
Emma had been pleasantly surprised at how accommodating the guy, Victor, had been. He quickly provided the information to her with a smirk.
Emma ran out of the building hailing a cab.
The taxi came to a screeching stop.
Emma opened the door and got in. “Pier 17,” she said looking forward while waiting for the car to move.
The face of the cabbie that drove her the night she met Killian smiled through the rearview mirror. “I only have one dress tonight.”
The man grumbled in disappointment as the possibility of some extra cash disappeared and started driving.
They arrived shortly at the destination. Emma rushed out of the cab noticing the venue’s wedding sign, and asked the two valet workers to point her in the right direction.
Emma easily found the wedding on a ship and it was about to depart. Emma didn’t think twice and just jumped landing on the gangplank.
She landed safely, taking a deep breath and she started her search for Killian. The wedding was lovely. She was amazed by the magical feel of it.
“Hey,” a voice called out from behind her, Emma turned to face the voice.
The tiny blonde with a big smile greeted her. “I know you from the article. What are you doing here?”
“Yeah, that’s me.” Emma grimaced; she only hoped the bride was a romantic. “Long story short. There's this guy and he is here and I ...” Flustered at her own boldness Emma confided her story to the pixie bride who eagerly helped her.
Emma took the microphone nervously at the encouragement of her new friend.
“Hello. Good evening, I’m sorry to interrupt such a happy occasion. I promise this won't take long. I’m looking for someone, Killian? Killian Jones?”
The groom arrived and stood next to his bride, “Love, what’s going on?”
The bride said, “Shhh. Don’t worry, this is a good thing.”
Killian heard his name in a familiar voice and muttered, “Oh, bloodiest of hells…”
The Bride grabbed the mic from Emma’s grasp. “Can we have a spotlight, please? Killian Jones, come forward.” With an encouraging smile, she returned the microphone to Emma.
Killian begrudgingly stepped forward. The spotlight landed on him as the bride pointed him out.
Emma’s eyes met his and she continued to lower her armor. “I just wanted to say you were right about me. I wasn’t ready to hear it, especially not from you. I waited all my life for my prince charming. Then you showed up, a scoundrel, a pirate. The truth is, fighting with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I think the chances of me falling in love with you are very good. That's all I had to say. I'll go now.”
Emma made her way through the crowd to meet Killian in the middle.
Killian smiled as she hesitantly arrived a few steps in front of him. “It’s about bloody time,” he said, pulling her as close to him as possible before he kissed her soundly.
After a few minutes of enjoying their kissing session, they are separated after hearing someone clear their throat.
“Little brother, I thought I taught you better manners. How about introducing me to the lovely lass that crashed my wedding to profess her feelings to you?”
“Leave them alone, Liam. They have a lot to talk about.”
“They can talk all they want but I feel like we deserve at least an introduction.”
Killian rolled his eyes as he hesitantly made space between Emma and himself. “Emma, this is my elder brother, Liam Jones. You have met my new sister-in-law, Olivia, but you can call her Tink.”
Emma’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry I interrupted your wedding. I wasn’t thinking. I never do stuff like this.”
Tink laughed, “It’s okay: you’re family.”
Killian shook his head. “Tink, I didn't know you were so intent on helping me find something as precious as my happy ending.”
A year later…
After quitting her job, Emma opened her wedding planner business: Savior Weddings. Soon enough, she found herself planning for a very special day.
You are cordially invited to the union of Emma Swan and Killian Jones.
Kathryn was the maid of honor, she smiled at her new boyfriend Frederick. A kind man that she met at her father’s store. He sat on the bride’s side.
Graham and his date Elsa arrived at the wedding with an excited Henry who happily tagged along for the special occasion. They were seated in the bride’s section.
Tink sat excitedly on the Groom’s side. She was so happy her brother-in-law found happiness.
Ruby smiled widely as she guided guests to their seats.
“Excuse me, what do you think makes this wedding special?” a voice got her attention.
Ruby turned to the source and smiled wolfishly. “And who are you?”
He smirked. “I’m the new writer of the Commitments column for the Journal, Victor Whale. I was hoping I could buy you a drink later.”
She laughed, “You do know it’s an open bar, right? I'll buy you a drink.” She winked and walked away. It was almost time for the ceremony to start.
Liam was happily standing next to his little brother as the music started. He joked saying he earned being the best man since his bride crashed his wedding.
Emma glided down the aisle. Her father proudly escorted her.
At that moment she didn't care if everything was perfect or not because the only thing that mattered was the way Killian looked at her, full of love. She looked at her bridesmaids. All twenty-seven of them were there to support her.
Once she arrived at her spot next to Killian he smiled lovingly as he asked her, “Is this moment everything you had hoped for?”
She beamed with happiness.“It’s so much more.”
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Emma Swan and Killian Jones in holy matrimony. Marriage is a cause for celebration… I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
The 27 Brides:
1 Lily/August
2 Alice/Robyn
3 Astrid/Leroy
4 Victoria/Flynn
5 Mary Margaret/David
6 Ariel/Eric
7 Aurora/Phillip
8 Ashley/Sean
9 Belle/Gaston
10 Anastacia/Will
11 Anna/Kristoff
12 Merida/Mulan
13 Gwen/Lance
14 Marian/Robin
15 Zelena/Hades
16 Tiana/Naveen
17 Regina/Daniel
18 Jacqueline/James
19 Nimue/Merlin
20 Jasmine/Aladdin
21 Wendy/Felix
22 Megara/Hercules
23 Cruella/Isaac
24 Fiona/Malcolm
25 Tamara/Greg
26 Ivy/Henry
27 Priscilla/Jefferson
@allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @andiirivera @anothersworld @apiratewhopines @artistic-writer @batana54 @beckettj @bethacaciakay @bixisarusher @branlovestowrite @brooke-to-broch @captainodonoghue @carpedzem @chasedancer17 @cocohook38 @courtorderedcake @darkcolinodonorgasm @deckerstarblanche @demisexualemmaswan @djlbg @donteattheappleshook @dovelyheart @elizabeethan @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @holdingoutforapiratehero @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @hookedonaswanprincess @hookedonhiddles​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @imlaxdris71​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @jarienn972 @jennjenn615​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @jrob64 @justanother-unluckysoul​ @k-leemac​ @karlyfr13s​ @kday426 @killian-will-do​ @klynn-stormz​ @kmomof4​ @kwistowee​ @kymbersmith-90​ @laschatzi​ @lassluna​ @let-it-raines​ @lfh1226-linda @lonelyspectator12 @mariakov81 @motherkatereloyshipper​ @officerrogers​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @onceratheart18​ @pirateherokillian​ @purplehawkcaptain​ @queen-serena88 @resident-of-storybrooke​ @revanmeetra87​ @rumdrum91 @sailtoafarawayland​ @sals86 @scientificapricot​ @scribomaniac​ @searchingwardrobes​ @seriouslyhooked​ @shardminds​ @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @spacekrulesbians​ @spartanguard​ @stahlop​ @superchocovian​ @swanslieutenant​ @tehgreeneyes​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @therealstartraveller776 @thesschesthair​ @thislassishooked​ @thisonesatellite​ @tiganasummertree​ @tomeandflickcorner​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @veryverynotgoodwrites​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @wellhellotragic​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @winterbaby89​ @winterbythesea​ @xemmaloveskillianx​ @xarandomdreamx​ @xsajx​ @zaharadessert​
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {2}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Mild Cursing, Mild Slow Burn
Words: 4.9k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Slightly Pic Heavy**
Previous Chapters: 1 | 
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Anyone who got up and at em’ on the first day of vacation had something to prove, and you hated them. You had nothing to prove, so you kept your ass in your room and utilized the “to cabin” service. You don’t know if it was the sound of the waves from the balcony, the lull of the ship as it pushed through the water, you being physically exhausted, or if it was your emotional exhaustion that did you in. Whatever it was, you slept until it was damn near dinner time. Even then, leaving your room was not an option.
So you called for a meal to be brought to you, snuggled into the covers, and watched the available tv channels. Not wanting to watch any movies, you decided on a channel that seemed to be a mix of the animal planet, discovery channel, and a survivalist’s dream. The program that was on was something about figuring out the difference between good food and bad food. Things like this you found interesting and always watched. It wasn’t that you planned on ever needing the information but why the hell wouldn’t you be prepared for a never possibility.
 When the food arrived, you were well into another program about common dangers on Caribbean islands that tourists would never know. Once you accepted the three reusable food bags, you buried yourself right back into the bed and surrounded yourself with everything you’d requested. You bet whoever prepared it thought it was for at least three people, but nope it was all yours. Vacation was about overindulging, right?
 A few hours later, your phone rang. Knowing your sister’s ringtone, you answered without looking at the ID.
 “You know better than not to send a message to mom before you disappear, Lulu.”
 “Disappear? Lali, I am on a huge ass ship. Where am I disappearing to?”
 “You know what I mean. You know if she hasn’t heard from you, then that’s just as good as disappearing,” Atali countered.
 Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. Your mother was a bit much sometimes.
 “I slept in.”
 “All day?”
 “All day,” you repeated.
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes and leaned back on the headboard.
 “Lali, you do know it’s me you’re talking to, right?”
 Atali giggled. “It is a vacation; excuse me for thinking you’d live a little.”
 “There is living a little and living recklessly,” you dryly responded.
 “Recklessly? Lulu, you’re the one who is sleeping with--.”
 You loudly cleared your throat, interrupting what you knew she was going to say. Atali was always good for bringing up everything you wanted to forget.
 “Jeez, Atali.”
 “Sorry, sorry.”
 You put another piece of cake into your mouth and moaned, savoring the strawberry and the smoothness of the cheesecake. You bit your bottom lip, and for some reason, your mind ran to the stranger you still had yet to get the name of.
 “Met anyone on board?”
 “Lali, I didn’t come here to meet anyone.”
 “I know, but you still could have—in passing.”
 You sighed and went over the details of his face. You really didn’t like men with that much facial hair, but it fit him well and easily made him look younger than he quite possibly was.
 “What’s his name?”
 “I don’t know his name, and he doesn’t matter. I did meet a woman.”
 “Woman? You’ve been gone a day and already experimenting?”
 You smiled and shook your head. “Shut up. Listen, she’s really cool. Her stories are classic, and she does her makeup like a goddess. You would like her, Lali.”
 “She’s an older woman, isn’t she?”
 “Yeah, so what?”
 “You always attract these old-young souls.”
 The two of you giggled together, but it went on for longer than just a few seconds. When you sighed out and leaned back against the headboard, you again thought of him.
 “What’s your first port?”
 “Dominican Republic, then Turks & Caicos, the British Virgin Islands after that then Aruba and Jamaica.”
 “Jeez, you’re living life,” Atali commented.
 “You have no idea. You should see this ship. They went all out times two with it. It’s just absolute luxury everywhere. I said pick me a ship. I didn’t say give me the Cleopatra treatment.”
 “You knew what you were getting into when you asked me to do it,” Atali replied. “By the way, isn’t BVI and Turks and Caicos pretty close to Bermuda?”
 Taking a moment to think about it, you responded, “Yeah. So?”
 “So? Lulu, Bermuda,” Atali repeated.
 When you didn’t speak immediately, she continued. “The Bermuda Triangle, dummy.”
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes, “Oh god, you cannot be serious.”
 “I am. Have you never heard that ships get lost and disappear in that area?”
 “Lali, I’m sure there is a scientific explanation, and I am also sure that no one would charter a course near somewhere that they’d get lost, especially with hundreds of passengers,” you finished, confidant in your response.
 The two of you talked for almost an hour before she was urging you to get out of your room and go to one of the clubs on the ship. You protested, but you knew she would not shut up about it, so you gave in though you had no interest in actually going. You spent the next hour going back and forth with your options. Most of you wanted to stay in bed or sit on the balcony and just get lost in the view, while the other knew that you’d only think of Javii if you did that.
 Following a shower, you scanned your clothes. Once you found a cute dress, then applied a lite layer of makeup and did your hair, choosing to leave it down rather than putting it in a cute bun. Five or ten minutes later, you were standing in front of the entrance to one of the clubs—Jewel. The music from inside was lively, and you could imagine the number of young bodies pressing against each other, seeking a cheap thrill. Glancing from left to right, you decided to bite the bullet.
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As soon as you stepped inside, you didn’t feel like you were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It felt like it was a well established nightclub on solid ground. Whoever the DJ was, they were doing their thing, and it was evident from the bodies that littered the floor. It looked like this was where the parents came when their kids were tucked away in bed cuddling Tiana and Jasmine close. You walked through the crowds and saw plenty of couples making out and sharing drinks. Never again would you think to sleep on a Disney cruise. You thought it would be a chill time, but damn this was like parents gone wild.
 After a few minutes of walking around and scoping things out, you found a place at one of the three bars.
 “First Disney cruise?”
 Snapping your head around, you looked at a smiling bartender with long hair that was piled on top of his head in a neat man bun.
 “That obvious?”
 “Let me guess, you expected tame, princess sing-a-longs, virgin pina coladas, and plenty of mickey mouse.”
 The look on your face must have given you away because he was laughing a few seconds after he said it. You snorted and shook your head as you rearranged your dress and recrossed your legs.
 “Fine, you got me.”
 “It’s okay. I get how you’d think it was a tame little adventure. Why do you think we get so many reservations?”
 “I thought it was for the kids,” you blurted out. It was his turn to laugh.
 “Silly rabbit, while Disney is for kids, what happens after those kids lay their pretty little heads is a whole other story.”
 Glancing around once more, you made a mental note never to make the mistake again. Disney cruises were probably as raunchy as Carnival or those geared toward singles. At that thought, you began to wonder how many swingers were on board, and if this was a swinger’s playground.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Something strong so my innocent mind can adjust.”
 The bartender chuckled to himself as he walked around, preparing your drink. You bopped to the music and looked around again. Now it made sense to you when the mom of two who was preggo with her third said these cruises always gave her just what she needed. You bet they did—three fucking kids. Your mind was blown.
 When the bartender slid your drink to you, he smiled and slipped away to serve the others. That was when you turned back around to people watch. There was no way you were going to dance with any of them. after a few sips of your drink, you saw him across the way. He was sitting at one of the other bars watching the dancefloor as you were. His hat was gone, and it showed you that his hair was long. The lights were too dim to make out much else, but what you couldn’t make out, you quickly filled in from your other encounter.
 Before you realized your glass was empty, your eyes met and lingered on each other for several long moments. The only reason you looked away was because of the passing people who got in the way. When you looked back, his eyes weren’t on yours anymore, they were looking lower, but it was unclear if he was looking at you or someone on the dancefloor. Shaking it off, you spun around and requested another drink.
 As you waited, you scrolled through your phone and did your best to fight the urge to check his social media. Javii wasn’t huge on social media. He preferred to have his team handle his brand's social side, but he did have a secret one that not many knew about. There he posted things that interested him, showed his lifestyle and his passions. It was also where he posted his “thirst traps.” You knew that if you went on, you’d find one or two, and you knew the caption was going to be code for you. You doubted you were mentally prepared enough for that psychological minefield.
 “What can I get you, sir?”
 “Another beer, please.”
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The deep voice beside you had your finger pausing before you tapped the circle with Javii’s picture that indicated he’d made a new story. When you looked next to you there, he was again. The dim and colored lights in the room gave you a new appreciation of his eyes. It was at this moment you knew he got a lot of attention from women. With eyes like those, how could he not? He looked at you and smiled, and that sold it for you. His teeth were perfect, and though his smile made the wrinkles at the sides of his eyes more prominent, it also made his face light up. He looked like a kind man--a gentle one perhaps.
 “Either you’re following me around, or we’d call this fate.”
 You couldn’t help but smile. The cocky on him was so strong. It was a familiar cocky.
 “Or you’re following me around. You’re the one who bumped into me twice,” you countered.
 “Eh, I was the one doing the catching, so it’s more feasible that you’re following me.”
 He wore a soft grin, one that you mirrored.
 “Maybe if you weren’t like a brick wall, you wouldn’t have to catch me.”
 “I’m not complaining,” he responded. You stared at him and quickly got his meaning. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. Not only was he cocky, but he was charming, you thought.
 You finished your drink with one raise of your hand. When you lowered your glass, you watched as he raked his fingers through his hair, bringing it full out of his face. It was then you recognized him.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Now I know where I’ve seen you from.”
 He looked confused. “Now? You didn’t know this whole time?”
 “No. You looked familiar, but I couldn’t place you.”
 The look on his face was a lite one. He softly scoffed and raised his bottle to his head, and took a few gulps of his beer. When he lowered it, he spoke again.
 “That’s refreshing. I’m not used to people not recognizing me.”
 “That must suck. I couldn’t imagine living my life under suck a microscope,” you said without thinking. When you realized what you’d said, you glanced at him and tried to backtrack.
 “Uh—what I mean is--.”
 He smiled and shook his head. “It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m Chris,” he replied, holding out his hand to you. When you touched his hand, you were surprised by how soft they were. He’d never used them for manual labor a day in his life, you thought.
 “Ajali,” you responded.
 “Aja—li, he slowly repeated, trying to mirror how you said it.
 “Wow, that’s a beautiful name, very unique,” Chris noted.
 “Thank you.”
 “What do your friends call you, Aja?”
 You looked at him after raising your hand to the bartender, signaling you’d like another.
 “Why? Are we friends?”
 Chris smiled and dipped his head down, making his hair fall into his face. He looked good with long hair and this grizzly beard combo. Again, he raked his fingers through his hair before he looked at you.
 “We can be. We can be good friends if you like.”
 Searching his eyes, you tried to find evidence in there to match the flirtatious tone of his voice.
 “What if my husband isn’t into that?”
 Chris smiled and turned his body to you. “You don’t have a husband. From the first time we bumped into each other, I noticed you’re not wearing a wedding ring, nor do you have any tan lines to signify you’re hiding one.”
 Raising your eyebrow, you allowed his words to sink in. “I could have--,” you began.
 “—Kids? Nah, you were alone the first time outside and again on the deck when I passed you and the night in the dining room and even at the show.”
 He’d been watching you.
 “No, I’m not stalking you, I promise,” Chris quickly spoke up. “Plus, even if you had kids, it wouldn’t matter. I like kids—they like me.”
 The two of you sat in silence for a few moments. When you got your drink, you took a long sip.
 “So you’re alone here on this family Disney cruise. That alone deserves a question,” Chris continued.
 “It does. You’re also alone on this same family Disney cruise,” you countered. Chris nodded and took another sip of his beer before he leaned closer to you.
 “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he whispered.
 There was no way you were going to divulge personal information to a stranger, no matter if he were Captain America. You spun to face him, then uncrossed your legs to recross them. His eyes dropped to your thighs, and that told you what you needed to know. He was on this cruise for hookups. Scoffing, you finished your drink.
 “Your eyes just told me yours.” You slipped off the barstool and stood before him, leaning in just a little. “I hear Disney cruises are the place to be for after dark entanglements, and you’re in the right place. Have a good night.”
 You walked away, not giving him a chance to respond. Instead of moving to another bar, you decided to leave. You’d heard plenty of rumors and stories of Chris Evans and his booty calls, and you were not impressed. He was clearly here for easy, strings free sex. You’d heard more than you needed to about how he met his hook up buddies and just not was textbook. You were not here to be another notch in his bedpost.
  -The Next Day-
-The Dominican Republic, 11:10 am
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As you walked through the ship, everyone was abuzz with excitement for the first port. You were also excited but not to disembark like everyone else. You’d been to the Dominican Republic plenty of times and had no intention of going out today. You had a plan, and it was to soak up the quiet and empty ship. You wanted to get a spa treatment, a massage, and soak in the hot tub or the steam room and allow the essential oils to work their magic on the tension coursing through your body.
 “Attention passengers, we are officially docked. I’d like to be the first to welcome you to the beautiful Dominican Republic. As you disembark, a reminder that we will be leaving port promptly at ten o'clock. Please be on time, ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy your days.”
 While everyone was walking in one direction, you were walking in the opposite. Everyone was decked out in their beachwear and sunscreen, and you could tell these kids planned on swimming every inch of that beach. The ride on the elevator was a quick one because you were going lower than everyone else. The spa was on the first level below water. The pamphlet advertised it as being one with the sea thanks to the unmatched view of the ocean and life under the sea. You were excited.
 Once you got to the spa entrance, you smiled, seeing that it was completely empty.
 “Welcome to Aqua Spa. My name is Vikki.”
 “Hi. Am I the only one?”
 “You are the first here. Between you and me, I don’t expect many guests being the first port and all,” the blond wearing a sea blue uniform said.
 “Have you reserved?”
 “Yes, Ajali Rambaue.”
 You watched her scan the computer screen before her. It didn’t take her long to smile again.
 “Ms. Rambaue, welcome. I see you’ve booked the clearing treatment, a gold facial followed by the milk and rose oil bath,” Nikki listed.
 Just her listing off your treats had you even more excited. Nodding, you confirmed. She returned your smile and ushered you through the spa. You could already see the blue hue from the portholes, and it bathed the entire spa in the same blue. It felt as if you were gliding underwater, completely immersed with the other creatures.
 “Right this way.” You followed her into the room and gasped. The entire room was completely blue, and the sight before you through the clear window was breathtaking.
 “Incredible, isn’t it? I guess you can see why they named her Enchantment.”
 Maybe Lali’s splurge wasn’t so bad, you thought.
 “So, the clearing treatment is an intricate one. You can change behind this screen as I prepare the room for you and your therapist,” Nikki explained.
 You stepped behind the glass screen that immediately frosted once you were behind it, then began undressing and listened to her explain the treatment.
 “Not only is it an incredible treatment, but it stretches to about three hours from start to finish. World-renowned masseuses and acupuncturist Jadenna Sole designed it. He aimed for it to restore the body’s balance. It does this through a mixture of Eastern and European techniques.”
When you stepped out, you were wrapped in the towel and sighed, seeing the newly lit candles that warmed the room. If you were doing a couple’s massage, this would have been the perfect atmosphere.
 “It begins with a full-body exfoliation with sea salt and Indian Kama oil. After your therapist will perform a lymph system massage, and that will prep the body for your Swedish massage. After that, then your body will be wrapped in neem black clay, and you’ll sit and allow it to seep into your pores. Then you’ll rinse and sit in your milk and rose oil bath to then rinse again, and the finishing touch would be an intricate blend of oils and herbs rubbed into your skin that will help your chakras realign,” Nikki finished.
 You were impressed as hell. You’d never expect a treatment like this on a cruise. It was more something for Manhattan among the rich. As you got comfortable on the table, you could hardly contain your excitement. When your massage therapist arrived and introduced herself as Marta, you prepared yourself to be shot into space. Massages were your thing. Lali joked that massages were your love language.
 When Marta began the exfoliation process, it was relaxing enough for you to nearly fall asleep. You hadn’t realized how tense you were these last few days. You blamed Javii. It was all his fault. After twenty or so minutes, Marta rinsed you then really got started with the massage, all the while putting her back into it. She was a lot stronger than she looked. The pressure was perfect, and the scents from the oils were sublime. In no time, you were drifting from the ground into the sky.
 After an hour, your mind was completely blank, and the knot between your shoulder blades was nearly gone. Marta made a few comments on how tense your muscles were and gave pointers on how to prevent locked muscles. You listened as she spoke and tried to retain the information, but you were too distracted with how relaxed you felt. By the time two hours had passed, your muscles were putty, and Marta was now on your gold facial.
 This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten one. You and Lali often got them together as part of your sisters day. They were good for your complexion and elasticity. Your mother often stressed that collagen loved you when you were young but liked to play hide and seek the older you got and that you should cherish it and do all you could to maintain your healthy skin. You and Lali listened. After Marta finished applying the mask, you laid back and listened to the sounds of the classical music playing and drifted off to sleep.
 When you awoke, it was time to wipe the concoction off and dip into your milk and rose oil bath. The warmth of the mixture had you moaning. There was something so luxurious about lounging in milk like you were an Egyptian queen that had you feeling like a boss. The mask that was applied to your hair was slowly hardening, so you fought the urge to dip your head back. Instead, you leaned back onto the cushions and sighed again.
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The silence in the room was just what you needed. Any stress you’d been feeling was a distant memory now. This was just what you needed, you thought.
 “Who knew milk and rose oil could be so relaxing.”
 Your eyes snapped open as you looked from side to side, trying to see if someone was beside you. The tub pods were empty, and from what you could see, you were alone.
 “I’m glad I took Nikki’s recommendation for this over the peppermint soak,” the voice spoke again. You recognized it. Spinning around, you saw a bare back behind yours. He was close enough to touch.
 Chris turned around to face you. His face was painted with a mask, only keeping his eyes and lips visible. You quickly forgot your state of undress, but you somehow knew of his. Your eyes dipped down to his bare shoulders and the hair that laid across his chest. You saw a peek of two and a possible third tattoo, and your curiosity piqued.
 “Fancy seeing you here, Ajali,” Chris said as his eyes dropped lower. You looked lower on yourself to see your breasts almost out of the milk enough for him to see some nipple. Quickly you sunk down and turned back around, facing your back to him.
 “What’re you doing here?”
 “Same as you.” You sighed and hugged your legs to your body.
 “Shouldn’t they have men in a separate room or something?”
 “I’ve seen a naked woman before,” Chris informed with a scoff. You turned around from the tone of his voice.
 “I bet you have. You’ve seen plenty naked women.”
 Chris turned to face you with his brows knitted together as if he fully got your meaning.
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“Just what are you insinuating?”
 “It doesn’t matter.”
 “It does. Are you suggesting that I came on this cruise to sleep with unassuming women?”
 You shrugged and turned back around, keeping your back straight.
 “Wow, that’s insulting. Where do you get off?”
 You remained quiet. He must have taken your silence as more judgment because he spoke again.
 “I didn’t come on this cruise to snake myself into someone’s bed. I came because I needed a change of pace, some breathing room. Hollywood gets confining, and the more confining it gets, the more I feel like I’m—suffocating.”
 Slowly you turned to look at him. His back was turned so you trailed your eyes over the exposed skin of his back and saw peeks of more tattoos. The man was getting sexier with each passing minute. His shoulders were broad and looked incredibly strong. The low light in the room didn’t help you see anything else, but you could more than imagine everything else.
 “So, the confines of a ship wouldn’t feel suffocating?”
 Chris turned to look at you.
 “There is Hollywood confinement and this. This is not confinement. I have freedom here; I’m not watched like a hawk. Yeah, someone will recognize me here or there, but they are so respectful. For the most part, it is always quick. Plus, I don’t mind talking to the kids.”
 This was the second time he brought up kids, you thought.
 “Plus, now I’ve met someone who seems to have no problem telling me I’m a whore.”
 Immediately you snorted loudly then laughed. “I never called you that.”
 “Hinted at it is just the same as saying the words,” Chris accused.
 You smiled and sighed, and your eyes lingered on his.
 “It’s refreshing again. A lot of women will say what they think I want to hear or be how they think I want them to be.
 “Not me.”
 “Not you.”
 It was said in unison. Once both of you realized what you’d said, you laughed together.
 “It must be something having women fawn all over you.”
 Chris shrugged, and again your eyes fell to his shoulders, and that is where they remained.
 “Something is the word. It gets old, though—real quick.”
 When your eyes met again, he held your gaze. “I’m sure men fawn all over you too.”
 You took a deep breath and sighed out. “I’m sure they don’t.”
 Chris snorted and gave you a “yeah right” look.
 “I’m sure you’re full of shit. You’re a beautiful woman.” His eyes dropped below your face again, but they quickly came back up.
 You turned your back to him again and stared into the milk and oil concoction. He wasn’t wrong, though he wasn’t right either. Men didn’t fawn over you. Yeah, you got attention from men a lot but to go as far as saying they fawned over you was a stretch. You didn’t notice any man besides Javii for the last three years.
 “This is supposed to be a relaxing spa day for me. Maybe we should cut the talking out and just enjoy the rest of it,” you suggested, a little salty he’d reminded you of what you’d come to forget.
 “Sure thing,” Chris softly answered.
 The two of you remained in your separate bath pods without speaking one more word. However, you were aware of his body and every move he made. His body gave off this energy that felt like your body reached out for. So instead of fully relaxing, you’d spent the time fighting the sway of your body or the urge to slink closer.
 An hour later, you were in your clothes again and feeling ten times better than when you’d walked in. You thanked the staff and gave a generous tip, then left. When you got into the elevator, you leaned on the wall and sighed. As the doors closed, a hand stretched out, preventing it from closing. Chris then stepped onto the elevator with that stupid grin.
 “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” he joked as he pressed the six that was already lit up.
 “Is six your floor too?”
 “Maybe.” He nodded and leaned on the wall beside you.
 The two of you rode the elevator and looked outside the glass enclosure to the ship and even the ocean outside.
 “They did a fantastic job with the ship. Even though you’re not on an island right now, you feel like it’s still a tropical vacation.”
 You nodded, agreeing with him.
 “Do you come on Disney cruises often?”
 You shook your head. “No. This is a first.”
 Chris lit up and smiled widely. “Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve met a first-timer.”
 “I take it you’re not.”
 “Nope, veteran. I come on a cruise at least once a year and go to Disneyworld and land twice a year,” Chris excitedly bragged.
 “Oh, a little boy trapped in a grown man’s body,” you teased.
 Chris chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Eh, nothing wrong with being a little boy.”
 “Only if you aren’t that way because you refuse to grow up,” you responded. Chris looked at you and kept his eyes there. The ding of the elevator brought your attention back to the dial.
 You walked out the door, then turned left and proceeded to your room, wondering the whole way if that was a bitch thing to say. You had to learn to censor, you thought as you scanned your wrist and stepped into your room. Peeping back, you saw Chris still walking to his room with his head dipped low as if he’d lost his best friend.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“dati” ver ii - kalim, vil, idia & malleus
A/N: Wah, this got so long I had to split it into two parts ;u; So here’s some information if you didn’t read ver i, and went straight for ver ii! 
 The Reader, is different from the actual MC of TWST! 
“Dati” is a pretty difficult word to translate, because it’s just one word but--it can mean so much.  For the sake of this story, you can interpret its meaning as “a long time ago”. 
Due to the general premise, the reader is female! 
The prologue for ver ii “dati” is the same prologue for ver i! 
Link to the concept design for the uniform!
Inspired by: 
“Dati” by Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos and Quest. (I encourage you to listen to it OR read the English lyrics.) 
“If You Can Dream” by the Disney Princesses. (I would link both but my posts dont appear if I do that ;u;) 
So, without further ado, let’s get into it!~ 
Other versions: ver i (riddle, leona, azul), ver ii (this)
"--as you already know. We held a school-wide meeting about the week long exchange program with the all-females private school, Garden Academy. Professors Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein accompanied our delegates to Garden Academy this morning,” Dire Crowley peered at his students through his black mask, “while Professor Mozus Trein stayed with our delegates, Professor Divus Crewel escorted the delegates from Garden Academy to Night Raven College.” 
Excited whispers broke out in the crowd. Crowley cleared his throat once, then again--before everyone settled down. The Headmaster huffed audibly at that. 
“I’ll be using this morning meeting to introduce the delegates,” Crowley turned to the left side of the stage. He motioned at Crewel who was standing back stage with a Garden Academy professor and her students. “Now then, please give a hand for--” 
In the crowd, his eyes widened. 
In turn, you were pretty excited too. You had held off telling your friend about you coming to his school because you wanted to surprise him. 
All you girls had been assigned to a particular dorm, not to sleep in--but rather, to experience. Each dorm in NRC (much like GA), had their own unique culture. So, to truly experience the college meant you all needed to immerse yourselves in the different dorms and their cultures. You had to sneakily reconfirm with him what his dorm was, to make sure you got assigned to the correct one. 
And now that you were here...
“Alright ladies,” Professor Radcliffe said kindly, “we will reconvene here at 5PM to return to the dorm Headmaster Crowley so generously set aside for us.” 
“Yes Professor.” Radcliffe eyed all of you girls, before she sighed with an exasperated smile. You were all very excited, and doing very little to hide that. 
“Okay, I know you want to go--but one last thing,” you all let out loud, false and very unladylike groans that Radcliffe ignored. “Remember to be beautiful--” 
“At heart.” you all recited, familiar with your school’s motto.
“Go on then,” Radcliffe finally said, “the dorm heads and their assistants should be waiting outside for all of you.” 
With a cheer, you all parted ways.
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Kalim‘s eyes brightened as he caught sight of you again.
“Jamil! Jamil! Look!” he tugged on the other boy’s sleeves as he pointed you out to the crowd. “So it really is [Name]!”
“They did announce her full name on the stage, Kalim.” Jamil said rather blandly, not that Kalim was affected by his exasperated tone. 
“Kalim! Jamil!” Your uniform--the pale green of House Water Lily, the House of Passion--swished around you as you came to a stop before the two boys that you hadn’t seen in ages.
“It’s been awhile.” You reached for their hands and clasped them with yours--at which both boys blushed. While Kalim gave you a goofy smile, Jamil instantly looked away. 
You had spent a couple of months as a child in the Land of Hot Sands because your parents were just beginning to expand your family owned restaurant--Tiana’s Palace--into that country. You had met Kalim, then Jamil because your parents were business partners with Kalim’s father. 
It was hard not to enjoy their friendship. Kalim--was fun loving and easy going. Jamil--was calm and attentive. When you were getting exhausted by Kalim’s energy, Jamil knew when to step in and what to say to calm him down. They were perfectly balanced, and you remembered them fondly.
Needless to say...
When it had been time for you to return to your country, there were a lot of tears. 
“Sniff... why are you leaving?” Kalim cried, “I thought we would be friends forever!”
“I--I don’t want to leave too!” you shook, snot dripped down your nose.
“Kalim... [Name] has to go back.” Jamil said slowly, but even his eyes were glassy and wet.
“Wah!” You sniffled as you wrapped both of your arms around the two boys who became so dear to you. 
“I--it’s not like we won’t meet again!” Jamil protested, as he too began to truly join in the crying fest.
“Waaah! Don’t leave [Name]!” Kalim wailed loudly. 
“B--but I can’t stay.” you sobbed. “I tried already...” 
(Behind you the adults were chuckling to themselves at the drama the kids were causing... had they not realized they could just ask them to keep in contact...?) 
(But to a child, the world seemed infinite. It didn’t seem to have an end. 
To the three of you, it truly felt like a final farewell.)
“Promise, we won’t forget each other?” you demanded as you pulled back. The two boys shared a glance through their tears and turned back to you with a determined nod.
“Promise we’ll always be friends, no matter what!” Kalim said. In turn you and Jamil nodded pretty determinedly. 
Then you and Kalim turned to Jamil--you waited for him to make a promise too. He flushed at suddenly being put on the spot, before his eyes light up and he said--
“Then we promise--to meet up again, one day? Here?” 
You and Kalim nodded vigorously at that. 
As your parents took you a way, you all wailed pretty loudly. 
“You can see them again one day.” your mother had said, confused. 
“But it doesn’t mean I won’t miss them when I can’t see them.” you said in a solemn tone. Your parents exchanged looks amused looks.
“I’m surprised you got so attached to those two.” 
“They were fun to play with.” 
“I’m sure they were sweetie. Now get some rest.” 
There was some time where you all attempted to exchange letters--since the MagiCam had yet to be developed to a point where international instant messaging was possible. 
Children were fickle creatures.
Within a few months, you all eventually found something of more interest than a friend from a distant place who you might not see again.
Your interests in each other waned away, until it became a distant, fond and somewhat embarrassing memory. 
That is until...
“Hey [Name], did you sign up for the Night Raven College exchange program?” You looked up from the recipe book that you were reading.
“Yeah I did, why?”
“Did you know the model, Vil Schoenheit goes there?”
“Who is Vil?” Your friend gasped dramatically before she rolled her eyes. “Figures you wouldn’t know who Vil Schoenheit is. Come here.” She showed you pictures of Vil’s MagiCam account. There were some photos of the school, and rarer still--photos of other people aside from Vil himself. 
Which, you know--if you had a face like that, you’d totally fill your MagiCam with just selfies. 
“Oh Sweet Evangeline,” your friend sighed dreamily, “NRC boys are definitely cuter than RSA boys--and I swear I’m challenging all the RSA stans to try saying otherwise over my dead body--” You snickered at her rant, before a certain photo caught your eye.  
“Oh is that...” 
“Oh holy Evangeline--” your friend began to wheeze. “I think these are all the Dorm Leaders for this school year--” she clicked onto the photo to open the post. Your friend was right--Vil had noted that this was this year’s NRC Dorm Leader list. 
“Malleus Draconia-- naturally. Vil Schoenheit--NATURALLY.” your friend giggled in excitement, “Oh, I guess Leona Kingscholar is repeating a year... No idea who Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto or Idia Shroud is--and this guy is--” 
“Kalim Al-Asim.” you whispered. If you shut your eyes, you could hear the wind whistle, the laughter of two boys, the joyous shrieking of a girl--and a magic carpet ride across the wide expanse of the sky. Your friend arched a brow at you.
“Do you know him?”
“I think I do.” you hesitated, the sound of laughter still rang in your ears. “I’m pretty sure I met him when I was a kid... when I travelled around with my family.” 
“Oooh, you should totally try and see if he remembers. He’s cute.” 
“We were kids.” you tried to explain to your friend but she only waved a dismissive hand. 
“You aren’t now. Also childhood romance trope is so cute, you gotta let me see it first hand.” your friend grabbed your phone and typed in the tagged username of Kalim Al-Asim. 
{”Hi Kalim! Do you remember me? I’m [Name] [Surname].”}
{”Like [Name] [Surname]? Like Tiana’s Place? Yes! Oh Sorceror, how’d you find me?”}
{”Well funny story...”}
And the rest was history.
Jamil took awhile to come around, but you had a video call with the two, and after naming a particular embarrassing moment--Jamil had easily been convinced that it was actually you. 
That had been a few months before the actual exchange, and you chose not to tell them about your part in it so you could surprise them once you got up on stage.
Surprise them you did.
The moment they announced your name, Kalim shouted, and Jamil had face palmed. 
It was another memory to add to the ones you held dearly. 
Now you were seated in Scarabia’s dorms, as you happily enjoyed the grand feast and parade prepared by Jamil and Kalim. 
As Kalim flopped onto the seat next to yours, he shot you a wide grin.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” 
“I am!” you hummed, “I haven’t been anywhere close to the Land of Hot Sands recently...” you put your spoon down and smiled. “The food is really good too! This is the best version of your cuisine that I have tasted. My compliments to the chef for sure! I’d love to take a peek at the recipe.” On your other side Jamil choked, and you turned to him with a confused expression. 
“Are you okay, Jamil?” you asked, concerned.
“Hahah, he was probably surprised at the praise! Jamil cooked everything after all!” 
“Woah, you did? We definitely should exchange recipes.” with a particularly red face, Jamil nodded his assent before he excused himself.
“I hope he’s okay.” 
“It’s fine! He’s having a hard time expressing it, but he’s really excited to see you.” Kalim peered at you curiously. “I am too, of course.” 
“Same.” you agreed. “It’s a little sad we lost contact.” 
“Well, finding each other now was pretty fun! So I think it was worth it.” You giggled in response.
“I’ll have to agree with you, Kalim.” 
You both turned back to the front to watch the parade when Kalim spoke up again.
“Hey [Name]?” 
“This time... let’s not lose each other, okay?” You turned back to Kalim, surprised at the change of his tone. You couldn’t help but let your expression melt into a soft one.
“Mhm! This time... let’s keep those promises.” You two shared a grin, as the parade finished off with fireworks.
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When Vil saw you hop up onto the stage, he had definitely been surprised. He hadn’t expected to see you--though now that he thought about it, it had been so out of the blue of you to ask him about whether or not he was in Pomefiore.
Then again he had been busy with other things... So he hadn’t thought too much on it. You were, after all, the type of person who brought up something from ten years in the past simply because you suddenly remembered it. He had assumed it had been something like that.
Vil stood with Rook by his side, his arms crossed as he waited for the Garden Academy students to exit the Mirror Chamber. Once you finally appeared in the crowd, your eyes instantly met his.
“Hi Vil.” you greeted--uncharacteristically nervous and shy around him, dressed in the pale purple colors of House Chrysanthemum--the House of Artistry.
At the sight of you, Vil’s lips instantly curled up into a beautiful smile.
“Well if it isn’t my number one fan.” he raised a hand and began to rub a finger against a purple mark on your cheek. “paint got to your face again.” Your tense shoulders loosened as Vil greeted you the same way he always did.
“Whoops.” Vil shook his head, and as he pulled back he noticed that your skirt and your sleeves had faint splatter marks of paint--and on your wrist--
“You need to stop writing on your wrist, dear one.” he chided gently, though used to your antics, he easily unclipped his magic pen from his breast pocket and began to cast a spell to clean you up.
“Is it that obvious? I really did try to clean up...” you complained, but you let Vil fuss over you--as he normally did. There was no stopping him until he was satisfied. When he finally pulled back, he nodded in an approving manner.
“Vil, did you like it? Was it a good surprise?” you looked up at him with curiosity shining in your eyes, and he let out a soft chuckle.
“Yes. It was a pleasant surprise. So we’ll be spending a whole two weeks together...” he mused.
You were a person he had grown up with, and the person he regarded as his dearest friend. Much like him, you had an eye for art--except while his art focused on himself as a model and actor--yours came in the form of paintings.
Your identical passion for beauty made the two of you attached at the hip. You were the one whose opinion mattered the most to him--because there was no one whose opinions he trusted more.
“Ohoho, Roi de Poison, who is this?” Rook peered curiously at you, he had never seen Vil react like this before...
Well actually he had. Whenever Vil was on his phone--but Vil never explained, and no matter how Rook tried, he never figured it out.
“This is my best friend, [Name]. We’ve been friends since our childhood.” Vil’s lips curled up, “She’s also--” Vil looked at you for a moment, and you nodded. Vil then mentioned your MagiCam account, and Rook’s eyes popped open in surprise. He knew that name--you were one of the most popular artist on MagiCam. Rook knew that you and Vil followed and liked each other’s works, but there had been no hint to the of your relationship with Vil.
He studied Vil curiously.
For someone who was never afraid to share what he did to the public’s eye, you were an incredibly well kept secret for Vil. From what he knew about you on MagiCam--you were a very private person who was never one to share your photos. Why, he knew that Idia Shroud from Ignihyde was a fan of some of your otaku related works--he had heard from the man that one of your quirks was that you chose to never appear in fan gatherings. You were incredibly mysterious.
To realize that--that person--
He eyed you curiously. You were far different from the women that Vil would often be seen hanging out with. As a model, he had a pretty extravagant social life. He hung out with people as glamorous as him and you--
Well, to put it plain and simple, you weren’t anything like that.
“So Vil, where do we go first?” you asked, Vil turned his gaze away from the analytical glint in Rook’s eyes, to smile at you.
“I’ll show you the gardens, I’m sure you’ll love them.”
After Vil had bid you ‘good bye’ as you and your classmates returned to your designated dorm, Vil looked at Rook with an annoyed expression.
“Alright Rook.” the Pomefiore Dorm Leader crossed his arms, “what is it?”
“What’s what?” the other third year raised his hands defensively.
“You kept staring at [Name] earlier with that look in your eye... I don’t like it.”
“I was just thinking... she was a very well kept secret.”
“A secret..?” Vil arched a brow. “She isn’t a secret at all. As you remember, she’s also incredibly famous on MagiCam.”
“No, I do mean, she’s a secret of yours, Roi de Poison.” Rook smiled, and Vil’s eyes narrowed in turn.
“I don’t understand.”
“You never mentioned her on MagiCam.”
“That was by her request. She wanted to build up her own audience.” Vil explained.
“Hm... that’s interesting.”
“What is?”
“I do believe...” Rook’s eyes slipped open. “That your friend is hiding something from you.
Vil didn’t like to believe what Rook told him, but he did wonder to himself how he could miss it.
You had considered each other best friends--yet he never noticed how you truly felt. The next time he caught you (because for some reason--it was as if you knew he wanted to talk to you about something important--and he had a difficult time catching you), he asked you if you could spend lunch together in private. You had happily agreed.
Once you two had sat down together in one of the gazebos in NRC’s gardens, he placed down the basket of food.
“Ah! Vil, it looks really good~” you said, happy.
“Yes, and you’ll see it’s all healthy too.” he smiled--how could he not, in your presence? As you two began to eat, you chattered on about what you’ve seen and liked about NRC so far. While he did listen--he can’t help but have his thoughts drift off to Rook’s statement.
Could you really be hiding--?
“--Vil? Is something wrong?” you put the utensil down, and studied your friend with a worried expression on your face. He felt a little guilty--your usual absent minded but happy expression was twisted with the furrow of your brow, and the downward slope of your lips.
“No it’s...” he hesitated a moment. He thought for a second how you were the first person to ruffle him in a long time. “I was thinking... we’re both big influencers now--in fashion and in the arts.”
“Alright, I’m listening.” you nodded.
“Why don’t we do a collaboration? While you’re still here. We have a week left.” He offered, and you furrowed your brows.
“I don’t know Vil--as alike as our fields are, our audiences can be pretty different.”
“Do you... well, do you not like sharing about me on your page?” Vil hated this. As an influencer, he was used to being loved and hated. There was a time when the comments got to him--but now, he’s able to brush it off with little problem. With you though--well, he was always going to be emotionally invested in you. So, of course you could make him feel this insecure. He hadn’t felt like this for such a long time--and it’s certainly much worse than he remembered. You looked alarmed.
“What? No, no! Of course that’s not it.” you frantically shook your head as you reached your hands out to hold his.
“Then why? I was happy that you didn’t want to mix business with our friendship... but well... something made me realize that we don’t have a relationship on MagiCam at all and...” Vil paused, and you rubbed the back of his hands gently. “And you’re so important to me [Name]. So I want to share that with my followers too.” Your cheeks turned red at that and you looked down on your laced hands.
“It’s just...” you inhaled sharply, “I... well, I know you have a certain image to uphold and--and I don’t want to be someone who would cause people to criticize you.” you pulled your hands away to gesture at yourself. Paint splattered blouse, ink on your wrist and hair--an absolute mess. “I mean look at me... and look at you. People have a hard time imagining we’re friends and--and well... I know the type of fans Beauty influencers can have. I don’t want to get criticized because I know you’ll defend me and I don’t want that to negatively affect your reputation.” Your eyes flickered away, and he could swear they were slightly wet.
Of course.
Rook was wrong.
Rook had assumed that perhaps you simply hadn’t wanted to be associated with Vil Schoenheit. While that was technically the truth--you weren’t doing it for negative reasons. You were just looking out for him--thinking about the best for his reputation.
“Like right now--I really wanted to see you, surprise you--so I impulsively joined the exchange program and couldn’t back out. I was worried about how people might see us hang out together... I’m worried about how what your fans will think...”
However, there was no way in hell that Vil Schoenheit would let you put yourself down like this.
“Okay, no.” he interrupted, and you looked up at him--confused.
“I won’t allow you to look down at yourself like that. I appreciate that you care about my reputation but--” he takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye. “[Name], you’re more important to me than that.” your eyes water up, and he kept speaking.
“Sweet one, you were always my number one fan--even before my career really took off, you were the one who cheered me on. You were so sure I could do this, even when I had my own moments of weakness. You believed in me when no one else did.” Vl scowled, “So I’ll always be on your side too, alright? It doesn’t matter to me what they all think.”
“But... you really worked hard to get to where you are.” you said weakly, “It can happen super quickly...”
“I am not Vil Schoenheit for nothing.” he said in response, “besides--you are beautiful [Name].” your blushed intensified, and you ducked your head. “Do you not believe me? I know beauty when I see it--and I know you are.”
“Vil... please stop, you’re embarrassing me.”
“No I will not. I will keep telling you this until you know this. I refuse to let someone I consider beautiful, look down on herself like this. Alright?” He reached out a hand to lift your chin. Your eyes were wet, and you bit your lip as you nodded hesitantly.
He smiled, pleased.
“Vil... I’m sorry for not... well...”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner. What type of best friend am I, that it took someone else pointing it out for me to realize it?” You giggled at that.
“Well, to be fair--we are best friends. I know how to hide it from you.”
“And you better stop hiding these things from me, alright?”
“Yes, of course.” you nodded, a grin finally lit up your face. Vil’s smile turned gentle.
“Now, how about we think of a collaboration project?”
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As you stepped out of the Mirror Chamber, you immediately move in the direction of a familiar blue flame.
“Hello Ortho.” When Ortho looked up, he beamed brightly.
“[Name]!” He wrapped his arms around you, which you reciprocate with an elegant smile.
“It has been awhile, has it not?” you mused, as you let go of him. You quickly smoothened the pink skirts of House Eglantine--the House of Sophistication. You turned your head from side to side and your brow raised as you realized that a certain man wasn’t here.
“Ortho, where is your brother?” Ortho gulped nervously, and behind him--one of the Ignihyde student’s gadget began to shake. Your eyes narrowed.
“Is your brother holing himself up in his room again? On such an occasion? Which requires his presence as a dorm leader?”
“Uh...” Ortho glanced away nervously before he met your gaze again. “Yes?”
“Ortho!” squeaked the gadget, “you could defend me!”
“Sorry big brother... but you also brought it onto yourself.” Ortho said quickly, and your lips twitched at that. “There’s no point in lying to [Name].”
“That’s true.” you could hear Idia squeak from the tablet at your response. “Take me to his room.”
“Alright [Name].” Ortho agreed easily.
“Ortho!” Idia wailed, “on whose side are you on?”
“For once, not yours. Sorry big brother.” Ortho eagerly looked up at you. “Will you tell me some stories?”
“I also have pictures.” you offered and Ortho cheered. You turned back to the the tablet.
“Prepare yourself Idia.”
“I’m going to die.”
Your childhood best friend mourned, and your lips quirked in amusement.
Despite it all, you had missed Idia especially because...
Your lips twitched downward for a bit, before you immediately composed yourself.
You really didn’t want to upset Idia after all.
As he heard you begin to tell Ortho some stories from your school, Idia began to frantically run around his room, and cleaned up as best as possibly could.
After all, you weren’t a part of House Eglantine just for show.
Like him, you were the daughter of an incredibly old and wealthy family from the Isle of Lamentation. In your childhood, Idia, who had always been shy--attached himself to you, when you had protected him from some bullies. Ever since, he just followed you around.
For some reason, you chose to stick around with him--despite how different the two of you were.
He was an absolute shut-in who preferred to play games and watch anime from the comfort of his bedroom.
You were a popular socialite amongst the elite of the Isle of Lamentation--known for your beauty and intelligence. You were also recognized on MagiCam for your love of travel. In fact, you were often transported all over Twisted Wonderland because tourists locations wanted to be on your account. 
Again, he really didn’t see why you stuck around.
A lot of his friends when he was younger--those seeking to befriend the Shroud Family’s heir--had given up on him when they all realized that he was difficult to communicate with.
But not you.
Ever since he attached himself to you--you had seemed to attach yourself back for no reason. You willingly called himself his best friend (and despite how different you were--he’d admit that you were the only friend he had that he could consider as a best friend--), which could hurt your social standing because of how insanely beloved you were--but you didn’t care (and of course, you’re also the type of popular kid that could never make yourself unpopular).
Don’t get Idia wrong.
He didn’t hate you.
You were patient.
You were kind.
You were understanding.
Idia definitely had a crush on you, and he didn’t know what to do with it--because he had such a hard time finding something about himself that you might be attracted to.
You were like the true hidden route to be conquered on a dating simulation game. First he would need to find a way to ensure that he were on the right path. Then next, he needed to complete a bunch of prerequisites to be able to even access this hidden route.
Your difficulty level was EX.
He had spent most of his childhood by your side--
‘but why does it feel like I know nothing about you?’ he frowned.
Truth be told, Idia had an idea on why. He had been very selfish with you. Nobody had been willing to talk to him about his interests in real life--except you. That’s why he talked to you about his games or robotics--because it’s different when someone in real life is the one doing the listening to you. In the process of that, he felt like you knew more about him than the other way around and it made him guilty.
He was guilty he didn’t hear you out often but the thing is--you never really shared. 
“--Idia.” he felt a hand press against his forehead, and he fell backwards with a screech. You put your hands on your hips as you looked down at him with an arched brow. “Well, at least I know you aren’t running a fever.” 
“You--you’re here!” He squeaked, “Already?”
“I am.” you looked around, and noted how messy his room was. Instead of commenting however, you began to move around and pick up his things. When you noticed he still hadn’t moved, you turned to him with an arched brow. “Come on Idia, I’ll help you.” 
“Ah... Okay.” He looked up at Ortho in confusion, and it seemed that he was also stunned that you hadn’t gone straight into a lecture about his responsibilities as you normally would. 
Idia considered himself a terrible friend, but he wasn’t so terrible as to not notice that you weren’t... well, at max HP. Sometimes he thought you would get angry, but you would instead sigh, and just avert your gaze. 
When you were in public (because Idia was worried okay? So he kept an eye out for you too--) you seemed to interact normally with your peers. The fans you had in NRC--were dealt with your normal grace. 
However, when you would visit Idia, you would grow quiet--and thoughtful.
It was, literally, killing him. 
Was it him? Were you mulling the idea of cancelling your support together? 
Idia sincerely didn’t know what to do if this was real. 
So one time when you were in his bedroom, you suddenly got a call. You looked down at your phone, furrowed your brows in that way that Idia hated--and left the room. 
“You should speak with her, brother.” Ortho suggested, a frown on his face. “she seemed really down recently.” 
“I mean... what do I even say?” Idia squeaked. 
“I’m not sure.” Ortho shrugged, “but I can tell your concerned brother, so just do it.” 
Idia gathered all his courage, and moved to follow you. As he turned down the hallway he heard you speak.
“--I don’t want to marry Adonis.” 
Idia immediately froze, and stood in place as he heard your one sided argument--with who he assumed--was probably one of your parents.
Alongside with being the most popular socialite of the elites in the Isle of Lamentation, you were also the most desirable waifu--ahem--he meant bachelorette.
Idia knew this because it was one of the only times you ever complained about it. Your parents were pleased with how popular you were, and the amount of marriage offers you received. You had told him that since you were pretty young, you weren’t really being forced to chose now.
“But I’m sure the pressure will be different when I grow older.”  you had sighed. Idia hadn’t known what to say--and the most he could do was put a hand on your back. 
“There... there?” he asked, with a frown. He really hadn’t known what to do. You looked up and met his eyes before laughing.
“Sorry to bother you about this Idia.” 
‘No, it’s okay! I don’t mind!’ was what he thought, but you stood up. 
“Venting helped a little. Thank you for listening.” you picked up your things and stared at a frozen Idia. “I think I’ll go home now. I’ll see you... later.” 
He should’ve tried to stop you--but he just... blanked. He should’ve tried to say something--anything to cheer you up. Heck, maybe you would’ve liked for him to ask if you wanted to game a little to get your mind off of it. 
“I’m serious mother... Adonis doesn’t respect women--I won’t...” you paused, “I won’t feel safe... I know father thinks he’s the best option but... I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I’m in Idia’s dorm...” you stopped again. 
“Mother...” your voice was shaky, and Idia’s hands fisted in his coat. “No. Stop talking about Idia like that.” Idia tensed, and turned his head. “... It’s not about that, he’s my friend. My best friend. I won’t allow you to talk about him like that.” 
Idia had an idea on what the elite of the Isle of Lamentation thought of him. They looked at him with respect because he was the heir to the Shroud Family, they also acknowledged his skills with technology... but otherwise? He was considered eccentric. 
The reason your family did not mind your relationship with him--is because it brought them a certain esteem. That their daughter was the only one who the next Shroud heir would actively communicate with. The Shrouds were still one, if not the most powerful family in the Isle after all. 
Idia flinched, and he frantically looked around for a place to hide.
“Idia?” He looked up and noticed that you were looking at him with a startled expression, before it slipped to an exhausted one.
“You heard...?”
“A bit.” he croaked out. “Is that... why you were so sad?” 
“You noticed?” He frowned at that.
“Of course I did... we’re... friends, right?” you studied him carefully, and he felt like he was in a boiler room or something--he was sweating a lot. 
“Yeah we are.” you then slid down to the ground, and tucked your skirt underneath you. You looked up at him expectantly, and he hastily sat down next to you. 
“So they’re pressuring you right now.” Idia stated.
“With Adonis.”
“Yeah...” you groaned, as you raised your hands to your temples. “they could’ve chosen anyone.. but they chose that narcissistic... arse.” 
“Who are the other offers?” Idia asked, and you mumbled out a bunch of names he recognized. Hey, he might not be active in the social sphere, but he was aware on who was who. 
“Adonis is...” Idia paused, “well in terms of social standing, I guess.” 
“Yeah. Unless someone of higher status proposes, there’s nothing I can do.” you mumbled. 
“What about me?” You whirled your head to look at Idia. “W-what--? You?” You cleared your throat, “I mean...that... I...” 
“Oh.” Idia blinked in surprise. “No! NO! Wait! I meant, why--what was your mother saying about me?” Your face flushed red, and Idia found your flustered expression cute. You rarely showed that face. 
“Oh you know, same old, same old.” you grumbled as you fanned your face with a hand. “Just... criticizing you... and all that.” 
“Well... I can guess what she said, and... she’s probably... not wrong.” You turned to him with the same ferocity that you had done earlier.
“No Idia, don’t you dare speak of yourself as that. Don’t you dare listen to the elites on Lamentation. They couldn’t be even more wrong about you.” 
“No buts.” you narrowed your eyes, and he flinched at the sight of your fury. “You are an amazing person--you’re smarter than they think and you create some pretty amazing things. Sure you could stand to go out more and make friends--but when you’re focused on your craft...” you paused, and you expression softened. Idia wondered what you were remembering. “You are so amazing. I hate how they don’t see that.” His breath hitched.
“You really mean that?”
“Of course I do! I love you--your work.” you coughed in response. The two of you went silent, before you sighed and picked yourself up. He looked up at you, and you shot him the same sad smile you had--all those years back, when the problems of today seemed like distant nightmares. 
“Thank you for listening to me, Idia.” you said, “and I’m sorry to bother you with my problems.” 
“I... I’m your friend right?”
“... Yes.” 
“So please... don’t worry about it [Name].” he looked away uncomfortably. “I may complain sometimes...”
“Okay, all the time.” he said grouchily, and you giggled--which made it all the more worth it. “...even if I complain all the time--you’re still my precious friend.” 
You smiled, leant down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
When you pulled back, Idia was stuttering, and turning red. 
“Thank you, Idia.”
After you left Ignihyde, he sat back at his computer and began typing out an email.
For you--whose smile was so precious to him...
Idia knew that he liked you. A lot.
He probably already loved you really. 
And judging from the way you reacted--
maybe it was mutual...?
Dear Lord and Lady [Surname],
The Most Ancient and Noble House of Shroud would like to extend an offer of engagement between your daughter, [Name] [Surname] and our heir, Lord Idia Shroud...
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"Oh no.” one of the Garden Academy students, dressed in the aquamarine colors of House Sage--House of Spirituality, turned to Lilia with a frown. “We’re missing one of our fellow House Sage classmates... give us a moment, we’ll go find her.”
Lilia’s lips only curled upward.
“Would her name happen to be [Name] [Surname]?”
“Yes.” the student blinked in surprise. “That would be her.”
“Ah.” Lilia smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s fine. I’m sure he’s gone to find her already.”
The Garden Academy students shared a glance.
The most Malleus knew was that majority of the Student Body had gone off to the Mirror Chamber for some event. He didn’t know, after all, he hadn’t been invited.
So he had decided to go on a long walk, internally unamused that he was once more forgotten when he sensed it--
Your presence.
It was in the gentle caress of the wind against his face, in the rustle of the leaves, and in the soft warmth of the sun.
One moment he was incredibly unhappy, and in the next second--he felt your magic touch his.
It was like a ripple--and it soothed his entire being.
You and your magic--he wondered if you knew the extent of your effect on him.
He began to walk deep into the forest.
He paused in his step as he caught sight of you. You had sat down in a patch of sunlight in the small meadow. You were surrounded by some creatures of the forest--from bears to deers and rabbits. You looked completely serene--as you should--after all, you were one of the most powerful nature fae living. Coming from your head were horns--but nothing like his. Yours were shorter, and much more like tree branches. As you hummed idly to yourself, a few birds fluttered forward and decorated your horns with small flowers. Your smile brightened the clearing, and the birds--pleased--chirped a song that you instantly began to hum along with.
How he wished he could draw closer to you without disrupting the peace--animals didn’t do well with Malleus. They inherently knew how powerful he was--and though the same could be said about what they sensed from you--your powers were much more attuned to nature in itself. To be by your side--it would be peace for the animals.
‘ He could understand. By your side, there were no pressures to be anyone else other than himself.’  
As he stepped into the clearing, all the animals turned to look at him, and tensed. You blinked in surprise at their actions, before you turned your head to see Malleus at the far edge of the small clearing you were in.
“Mal.” you greeted, your startled expression slipped into a sweet, happy one. “It has been a long time.” Malleus inclined his head. “Won’t you come close, dear friend?” you raised a hand, beckoning him to come closer.
He eyed the animals around you warily.
“I don’t think they will enjoy that.” You let out a soft laugh at his deadpanned statement. Your laugh seemed to instantly calm most of the animals down (he could feel his tensed shoulders unknot too). You looked around you and began to speak to them.
“Now now everyone--Mal is a dear friend. I grew up with him. He’s a good person. Won’t you all please be patient with him?” The animals around you shuffled uneasily.
You looked up again and gestured for Malleus to draw closer once more. Malleus approached slowly at first, and once he realized that none of the animals would be disrupted, easily slid down beside you. One of the male deers leaned forward to sniff him--and Malleus held as still as possible. Apparently satisfied, the deer relaxed beside Malleus. Around him, the animals slipped back to their relaxed states.
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” One particularly ambitious rabbit hopped up onto your lap and peered inquisitively at Malleus. You smiled, and began to brush your fingers through the animal’s hair.
“[Name], not that I’m unhappy to see you but...” He began, “what are you doing here?”
“My school, the Garden Academy is having an exchange program with your school.” you peered up curiously at your childhood friend. “Did you not hear?”
“As per usual, I do believe people have forgotten to inform me.” he frowned slightly. “Then... this would be the event being held at the Mirror Chamber, then?” You nodded.
“The event should still be ongoing.” Malleus eyed you curiously, but you spread your arms wide in response.
“The trees told me that some creatures were excited to see me.” You said--and the animals all made noises of agreement, “so I thought to visit them already.”
“Will your classmates and teacher not worry then?” You giggled at his questions.
“I appreciate the concern Mal but.. there’s nothing here that can harm me.” you said simply, and he hummed in acknowledgement--you were right.
You were perhaps the one person Malleus could consider an equal.
You had grown up side by side--and he was more than aware of your power and capabilities.
If there was one person who knew him as well as Lilia--it was you. You had seen him at his best and his worst--you were there when he could barely control his own magical power. He hadn’t been good at dampening his own energy back then--nobody ever approached him out of fear for the amount of power he had. The only one who bothered to interact with him had been Lilia, who had been his designated caretaker and...
And you.
You had no reason to be by his side when he had been his most volatile.
But you had been there.
And you stuck by him with no hesitation.
“How about you?” You glanced at the dragon fae from the edge of your eye.
“Ah. I wasn’t invited.” he answered with a sigh, and you could see the discontent in the almost, unnoticeable, wrinkle between his brows. You--who knew him so well--could spot the tiniest giveaways to Malleus’s moods--it was a skill you were proud of.
You were someone who occupied an almost identical role to Malleus. All that differs from the two of you is the type of magic you possessed.
As a dragon fae, and a descendant of the Witch of Thorns--it was easy to predict the type of power Malleus would eventually manifest. Draconic transformation and dark magic. This made people fear him, and dislike interacting with him.
As a nature fae, and a descendant of the Spirit of the Willow--most knew that you would grow to have power attuned with nature. It explained why you could speak the language of the trees and flowers--why animals adored you. To others--people saw you as harmless.  
Perhaps in the beginning, you hadn’t really thought too much of your similarities. As years passed however--you realized how unfair the world was to Malleus.
They never saw the boy who sneezed and set Lilia’s hair on fire, they never acknowledged the man who treasured his Gao Gao Dragon toy--because it adored him as is. They didn’t allow Malleus to make mistakes, they didn’t allow Malleus to be vulnerable. They refused to see past this idea of a strong magician and the title of prince.
You reached forward and cupped his cheek. He turned to look at you quizzically.
“Then... should we have our own event?” You smiled, a tad bit more mischievous. You looked down at the animals. “Would you be willing to help out, my friends?”
The bunny in your lap twitched its nose in response, and a lot of the animals eagerly leaned closer.
“An event, like a party--to celebrate our reunion?” You glanced at Malleus to see him look on in curiosity. It seemed like the animals understood the idea of a party and began to move. You noticed the the female animals were the ones who specifically pulled you away, and when you glanced at Malleus--you noticed the the male animals began to surround him. He shot you a desperate look, but you only laughed.
“Let’s have fun!”
The male animals had weaved flowers together on top of Malleus’s head. Another animal had gotten several leaves, and put them together to form a long cape. He had no idea how the animals were doing it--but he just assumed it was because you were magic.
One of the birds flew over, and chirped loudly--which the animals took as a sort of signal. They all stopped and studied what they had done to Malleus. They began to make displeased noises, until one of the deers pushed a long stick towards Malleus. When he picked it up, he looked to the animals to see that they were all still unsatisfied. To humor them, He unclipped his pen from his breast pocket and waved it. He used the foliage that had fallen to the ground to decorate the stick--and craft it into a staff similar to his own.
“Is it good?” he asked, and the animals all vigorously gave their assent. At that, he could feel his lips curl up. The bird chirped again, and the animals snapped into action. One of the bucks nudge Malleus forward with his snout. “Ah, is it time to go back?” the birds make a pleasant chirping sound, and he allowed himself to be pushed back into the clearing.
He found himself in the clearing again--with all the male animals standing by his side. He thought briefly of what an amusing sight this probably was, until another bird chirped from the opposite side of the clearing. He raised his gaze that way, as a bunch of female birds flew in, and dropped flower petals onto the ground. The smaller animals came in first, followed by the younger fauns--and finally--
You stepped forth into the light of the clearing, and he found his breath caught in his throat. While the flowers on his form were restricted to his crown--the animals had chosen to decorate your whole form with it. Unlike the flower crown you were wearing earlier--this one had a train that fell to the ground, and billowed around you--making you all the more ethereal. Escorted on either side by the tall, elegant form of does--you resembled the idea of a Fae Queen with her animal court. As you came to a stop beside Malleus, you giggled at his surprised expression. He felt something tug on his pants, and when he looked down--he found a squirrel made exaggerated gestures towards you.
“Ah.” he looked up and met your curious gaze. “You look beautiful, [Name].” And he did mean it--for the centuries that he had known you, and the centuries he had yet to share with you--he knew that one thing would remain constant--the way you made his heart skip a beat, and the way you were beauty in everything you did.
“Thank you, Malleus. You look handsome” you blushed. That’s when you were both nudged forward by the deers, and were now much closer. One of the deers, snatched the staff in his hand. The birds fluttered around you, pulling your sleeves into place until finally--both you and Malleus were moved to a waltz pose. You stared into each other’s eyes, stunned. Malleus wondered briefly is animals were truly capable of sensing feelings he had--that even he had yet to fully comprehend.
“Shall we?” he offered, and you beamed in response. The birds began to sing, and the two of you proceeded to dance in the clearing.
“I think they enjoyed themselves, too much.”
“Did you have fun?” Malleus asked gently, and you smiled.
“I did but...” you curiously peered up at him. “Did you have fun?”
“I suppose I did.” He mused.
The other animals watched on--pleased.
Though neither of you saw it--blissfully caught up in enjoying your dance--they did. They could see the future King and Queen of Faeries.
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ladywren7 · 3 years
Because why not🤷
Ok so someone actually pointed this out in a tiktok but SALLY FROM CARS! For real though they sound the same and idk it's just something about her that just gives off Hera vibes
Princess Belle! Not only is she french (and Twi'leks have french accents) (and Belle means beauty and Hera definitely got a lot of that✨) but she is also kind, loving, and compasionate. And if you think about it, in the episode "Hera's Heroes," SHE WAS LITERLLY ABOUT TO LET HERSELF GET CAPTURED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR HER DAD so if that doesn't say Belle Idk what does (also she ain't setting for some idiotic guy who thinks he's tough)
Princess Tiana! Because Hera is a working girl! She believes one has to work hard for what they want in life. Hera is a goal setter and achiever, and encourages others to do the same.
Moana! When she was younger, Hera's only dream in life was to fly and help others, but her father didn't want that, so she went on her own. They have very simmilar stories! (Maybe Kanan serves as her Maui, she finds him on her journeys in A New Dawn so that could also be something!)
Flyn Rider!! (pointed out in the same tiktok as Hera) cause Kanan knows when to play around and when to be serious, he would do anything for his love, and even though he might not like doing something, he'll do it for the ones he cares about. Also they look so much alike!! And have you seen the early concept art for Flyn?! They were practically drawing Kanan!
Idk why but princess Atta from A Bug's Life gives me Sabine vibes, I guess it's because of her connection with flick, who reminds me of Ezra. He gets into trouble, and she gets mad at him and helps him out of it.
Go Go from Big Hero Six!! (And also honey Lemon bs of the colors!!) They are literally the same person and you can't tell me otherherwise. Sabine and Go Go are two young women who are great with technology, super cool and full of awesome lines, and just badass all around.
Princess Merida from Brave. Obiously because she's a rebel, she doesn't want to do what her family on Krownest expects her to because she believes it is wrong and that she should choose her own destiny. In the end she ends up coming back (Like in the show) but even though she doesn't form a strong bond with Ursa, she does get her family to help defeat the Empire with her Rebel family.
Aladdin of course! From being a former street rat to standing up for those who cannot (and let's not forget their similar looks) Ezra Bridger is definitely Space Aladdin!
Flick from A Bug's Life. I don't know why, it's like Sabine, I feel they just act similar in some ways and Ezra does always seem to get himself into troublesome situations and needs help from Sabine
Hiro From Big Hero Six (Also pointed out in the tiktok) Besides looks, these young boys act almost the same! They can be clumsy, but they are actually really smart! Kanan is like Ezra's Tadshi, and when Hiro and Ezra lose their older brother/father figures it's very hard for them. But they go on and continue their loved one's work
The only character I could really think of fpr Zeb would be The Beast. I chose the Beast because he might look fearsome and scary on the outside, and might be a bit angry on the inside, but Zeb, and the Beast, do have a softer, kinder, and caring side. They would do anything for their friends and loved ones, even if it means putting themselves in danger. (*cough, cough* Kallus is his Belle)
Phil from Hercules..? I have not seen this movie in AGES so forgive me if I'm wrong. All I remember about Phil is that he is very pessimistic, like Chopper
Grumpy from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs bc he is so grumpy! He can have a happy and kind side, but he hates it whenever someone sees it or finds out. He may not act like he cares, but he does, and when his friends truly need him and it's a serious situation, he'll always be there for them.
And that's all! Lol have a nice day
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Listen, I've been pretty impressed with the #blacklivesmatter movement. I being African American want to see change. It's great people are demanding change for an issue that's been swept under the rug for far too long.
That said, I don't think they should re-theme Splash Mountain with the Princess and the Frog. Now before you get mad here me out.
Yes, I understand people are upset about the rides racist roots. Yes, I understand Tiana is a strong Princess who deserves her own ride in the parks. And yes, I understand this is growth for Disney.
But consider this.
1.) I dunno it feels like some handout. Like shouldn't Tiana have her own ride entirely instead of being used to cover up racially controversial ride? Like they only chose her to replace the ride because they figured she'd appease the people the ride currently offends. (If you catch what I'm saying) This girl was all about putting the work in to make her dream happen. Instead of working to create a new ride in honor of her story, her story feels like it's just a new paint job. Was her story chosen to replace splash mountain because it was a good fit or for other reasons?
2.) Tiana's dream was to open a restaurant. Why not instead of a ride give the Princess what she dreamed of in Liberty Square? Have beignets and a jazzy New Orleans vibe restaurant. At an affordable price, like the princess would have wanted.
3.) I read Disney's release statement saying they'd been planning this update for almost a year. So what? Was the original tweet just to create buzz so that when they changed the theme it would seem like the people's idea? I don't know if kind of suspicious if you ask me.
4.) Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm kinda assuming more than 5o% of the people advocating for the change had never heard of Song of the South until this was brought up. Like I asked my co-workers who are all at least 4 years older than me and they had no clue the movie existed. I was the only one out of 12. Soo... the ride kind of existed too many as its own thing separate from the movie all ready.
5.) By replacing the ride entirely, it feels less like Disney is owning their mistake and more like they're trying to forget it. Maybe instead of replacing the story you fix it so it isn't racist rewrite the characters. Fix the problem instead of covering it up with something shiny and new. Perhaps giving the characters new names, improved dialects, and a story all their own is the right way to go.
6.) Where am I going to hear Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Da? It's kind of a park classic, that'll leave me feeling incomplete if I don't hear it somewhere in the park.
7.) If they are going to redo the ride are they still going to own up to what they did. For me personally they should or they should just consider number 5. Will there be a plaque for people to read while in line that basically says they messed up. They made a ride that hurt many people. They know this won't fix what they did, but they want to be better.
8.) It's a classic Disney ride. They've already taken away so many classics. The Great Movie Ride, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, etc. This is one ride I want my kids to enjoy. And they later want to educate them on its history. This one was a big part of my childhood and I want it to be a part of my children's.
9.) Also if they really want to make a statement maybe the profits made off the Splash Mountain Merchandise that's seein a price increase, should be donated to the BLM movement.
10.) My biggest fear is that by replacing the ride many will forget what was once there. And just let Disney off the hook. They'll forget the history. They'll forget the story. And when we forget history, we often repeat it.
"History is who we are and why we are the way we are." ~David McCullough
No amount of guilt can change the past and in order to move forward we can't forget it. Any way... There's my rant on that. I'm sure you all have your opinions. I just ask that you respect mine. And could you imagine a Tiana, New Orleans style restaurant? God, I'd love it.
Also I do love Disney I do. But they doesn’t feel like they’re respecting the character it feels like they’re using her because she appeals to a group of people they’ve offended. Tiana deserves her own ride made from scratch and her own god damn restaurant. Thank you for listening to my rant.
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your-highnessmarvel · 4 years
Summary: Bucky starts to remember a certain redhead. The past becomes a reason to connect and a reason to delve back into his treacherous mind.
Pairing: Bucky x Natasha (WinterWidow)
Warnings: Violence, mentions of abuse
AN: so for chapter two i wanted to establish more of the origin of winterwidow: how they met and the dynamics between the two. she is still fairly young in this, but more to come between the two as she ages up.
ALSO, i am opening a tag list.
                                         CHAPTER TWO
Bucky sat watching the sun rise. A warm mug of coffee rested on his knee, the heat seeping into his cold fingers. The weather was humid, but the fog rising from the grass announced a clouded, shielded sky. Upon looking up, feeling droplets of rain on his forehead, Bucky examined the incoming rain with nothing more than apathy.
Natasha’s revelations last night had taken Bucky by the gut. He knew, deep inside him, that he was familiar with the redhead, but to the point of having been her trainer? Her mentor, as she’d so said last night? 
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Bucky was familiar with the workings of his serum, hence why he understood that to Nat, he’d been the same man she knew since she’d met him at fourteen. Since she’d fought with him and he’d broken her collarbone, ribs, and rendered her unconscious. 
As she had been retelling the story to him, careful in her choice of words, Bucky didn’t feel the familiarity in them. Usually, when someone told him a story, like when Steve recalled their days before the war, he could feel the recollection behind his brows, like a pressure. But this time, watching the truth spill for Nat’s lips, he didn’t feel it. He had to search far inside of him for any spark of the familiar. 
She insisted he take a break, and that break turned into a whole eight hours of sleep plagued by visions of himself with a smaller, frailer, innocent Natalia with flaming red hair. A dead one, that is. That he had killed with his own hands of a well grown man. 
Hydra, the Russians, the KGB, the Red Room; they’d made him do horrible things. Torture, kidnappings, murders, stalking. But as far as he can remember, physically rendering a child of fourteen to a bloody pulp has got to be the worse of it all. 
He didn’t want to think about it anymore. Bucky got up in a swift motion, walking through the glass doors of the compound. The kitchen lights were on and Steve was in the kitchen, brewing more coffee. The smell of his breakfast, eggs and bacon and God knows what else, wafted up to Bucky’s nose. 
“Hey man,” Steve greeted as he saw his friend waltz in quietly. “I made some bacon.”
“I’ll have a plate.”
Even Steve could hear the tightness in Bucky’s voice. Cap turned, faced his friend, and bit the corner of his lip. “You want to talk about it?” he asked quietly, tentatively. “I’m here, you know that. No judgement whatsoever.”
Bucky nodded, the frown on his brows creasing the skin between. A moment passed where the bacon popped and sizzled. Then Bucky cleared his throat. “I just hate hearing, over and over, just how horrible I was.”
Steve was quick but calm in answering. “That wasn’t you.”
Bucky’s head snapped up. “Wasn’t me?” he said. “Steve, that little girl that I basically broke like a plastic doll was beaten by a very real me. And that girl, Nat, was very real too.”
Steve wanted to comfort his friend and it showed in the way he hesitated, hands outstretched, for half a second before shaking his head. “It was Hydra,” he answered. “It was the Winter Soldier. The Bucky I know would never dare lay a hand on a woman and certainly not a child.”
Lips pinched, Bucky nodded, anger and that familiar confusion rising in his chest. “She knew me as the Ghost,” he mumbled, eyes wandering across the floor, unable to meet his longtime friend. “All her life, until, well, until SHIELD fell. She knew me as this elusive, abusive machine.”
Steve nodded slowly. “I know, she told me.” Then he took a step and put a hand on the other man’s shoulder, finger’s clenching reassuringly. “I hate what they did to you. To your mind. I hate what they made you do.”
Bucky’s eyes burned with tears, and for the first time in a long time, he let them brush past his lashes and down his cheeks. “Fuck, Steve,” he murmured, dying to lean into his touch. “How could I have done that to little girls?”
Seeing his friend in such pain, Steve went in for a hug, wrapping his arms around Bucky’s head. It was such a vulnerable move, to have his head against Steve’s chest, face pressed in until the shirt was wet from tears. 
When Steve spoke, his voice was strained. “You should ask Natasha for the rest of the story,” he said. “If you want. If you can.”
Bucky nodded, retreated, wiped the tears from his eyes. A lump was still lodged in his throat, but he smiled and wandered back out the kitchen. 
If he was going to get the rest, he’d do it now. Now, when he was ready. 
The compound was quiet given the hour. He knew Sam was still sleeping and Scott was probably up reading a book. The hallways were calm, just the pit patter of the air conditioning and ventilation. Wanda’s room was quiet on the second floor. Vision, who doesn’t really, totally sleep, was hovering above the upstairs living room floor. 
But Bucky knew Nat was awake. She was trained since she can remember, and if she had been under the same care that Bucky had been, she was up early enough. 
The door to her room was ajar. Bucky pressed his knuckles and pushed it open. Her room, bare of any memorabilia like his own, was empty. The lights were off. Bed was made in that army-like preciseness. Clothing and belongings tucked in the closet. 
Bucky went back to seeking her out, and when he found her, she was in the library. Out of all the places he searched, he didn’t expect her to be there early in the morning. 
She glanced up from her book, red hair a wet rope in a braid down her back. She smiled, watching him from her place curled up on an armchair. Standing there for half a second too long, Bucky felt like he was on the verge of something. He felt like he always did when a memory tried to pierce the veil of his mind. 
He took that feeling, that feeling he knew was not good or bad, and walked up to the redhead. 
“Morning.” Her voice was sharp and when he sat down, her eyes watched him with keen intention. “How did you sleep?”
He rolled his eyes. “Bad.”
“Me too.” Then she closed the book and set it on her belly. “Nightmares.”
“Dreams.” Because the worst wasn’t the nightmares. The nightmares, he could handle. What was worse was the dreams that carried hope and love and tenderness; those dreams that were colored pastel pink or blue with laughter and smiles and warmth. Those were the worst. Because when he woke up to the bleak emptiness of his room, to the heaviness in his chest like a ton of bricks had been dropped on him, he knew he could never live what he’d just dreamed about. 
“I used to have dreams when I was young,” she rasped, meeting his gaze slowly. “I used to dream that my mother would come and get me, and we’d walk out of the doors just her and me. Forget the other girls that were training with me. Forget the injustice of it all. We just simply walked out together.”
Bucky frowned. “You remember your mother?” he asked. 
“Only that she had red hair like me,” was Nat’s quiet answer. Her eyes were vacant when she unfurled from her position to sit with her knees facing him. “Then I used to dream that I’d kill everyone in that Room. I’d kill the girls. I’d kill Mistress Galina. The medics. The trainers... You.”
They stared at each other for a second. 
Then Nat continued: “But then those dreams became nightmares, like they always do,” she said. “Hopes and aspirations become the demons chasing you in your nightmares, mocking you.”
“Did you ever have nightmares about me?” he asked, tone almost shameful.
She swallowed hard. “Yes.”
Russia, 1999, Red Room. Black Widow Program. Class of ‘84.
It had been a year since Natalia had met with and been sorely humiliated by the Ghost, as she called him now. He haunted her nightmares like a plague; every corner, every somber alley or dark hallway, he was there. 
Natalia roomed with three other girls. Bunks. She slept in the second one, bottom bed. Her roommates, Nadia, Tiana, and Lev, were all a few months older than Nat, so when she was transferred to their room, she was forced to bunk in the bottom. 
Lev was the one she was closest to, but in the Red Room, under the constant supervision of the Mistresses, there was no room for attachment. No room for sentiments. It was completely void of any emotion, and if you were caught with a negative emotion, you were sure to spend a few nights in isolation. 
Natalia had learned to cage her feelings between her ribs, to tuck her sadness or her envy between her heart and bones. To tuck vulnerability and sympathy deep down inside of her. 
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The ghost himself didn’t look like a man fit for emotion. His face remained as stoic as ever as he walked the girls through fighting stances. He was cold. Calculated. Stiff. The word “no” never sounded so threatening than when it came off his lips. 
Ever since her total humiliation, Natalia had worked tenfold to better her fighting. She was the best among the girls of her class, even so that none picked her as a fighting partner. She was either paired with a trainer or a dummy. 
But the most devastating thing was not her lack of “friends” or the way the Mistresses looked at her or the whispers she heard behind her back. The worst was her knowledge about the Ghost. He was a trained killer. They had emptied his brain and filled it to the brim with training. They voided his feelings, something Natalia wished they’d done to her while they injected her with a reformed version of the Serum. 
But with that knowledge, she could sometimes see it in his eyes. A shift. A quirking eyebrow, a cocking head, squinting eyes. He remembered things, and not things he was supposed to. When those things happened, very rarely, Natalia would see the subtle change; parting his lips, his face going from blank to open in a matter of seconds. Then the guards would come and haul him out. 
When he’d come back, it’s like he had never had that glimpse of his past life. 
And today, during training, he had one of those epiphanies. 
He was not a talkative trainer. Not like the Mistresses. He was quiet, watchful. He was assertive. If Natalia didn’t land a kick the way he’d taught it, she was sure to be told. 
Nat turned, sweat on her brow, red hair sticking to her wet cheeks. “Yes, sir.”
She tried again, the movement in its entirety, but when she turned to watch his face, he was shaking his head. Brown hair scratch across his stubble. “I said higher.”
“Yes, sir.” This time, breathless, Natalia did it again. She was beginning to feel the days training in her body; bones and muscles straining and aching. 
When she turned, heaving, to face him, he was giving her one of those looks. Faraway. Wide-eyed. Lips parted as if words were trying to come out. Brows pulled up in surprise, as if he was not expecting to be here.
“Sir?” Natalia tried, remaining a respectable - and safe - distance from him. 
Brown brows scrunched up into a frown. “Nat?” The voice that came from him was small, childish, and Natalia’s entire body went into alert. 
The girls had been specifically told by Mistress Galina that if ever the Ghost - or Asset as she called him - were to exhibit any strange behavior, that he be reported. 
But Nat hesitated. His eyes were so clear and blue, as if he knew who he was and what he was. As if he understood. As if everything was making sense. 
He reached out momentarily. Nat saw the way Galina turned abruptly to them, felt the tension in the room snap, the glare on her face. She knew she must have looked as equally shocked as the Ghost, so she schooled her features into a stoic, cold expression and glided her eyes to her Mistress. 
“Ma’am.” Her voice was cold and she all but saw the way the Ghost stiffened. “I request your presence here.”
Galina, dressed in black training gear, jogged to where the Ghost was standing. She took one good look at him, at the way the confusion ran limpid in his eyes, and grabbed her walkie. 
“Asset team in training room eight,” she called. “I repeat, Asset team in training room eight.”
There was a long - but yet short - moment where Natalia stood before the Ghost, clenching her fists. If he decided to bound off, there was no one to stop him right now. With his superhuman strength and the metal arm that glinted in the light of the room, not even Mistress Galina could stop him.
But like all the episodes he’d had before, he just stood there. Looking sadder and sadder. Scared. Empty. 
Then the team came in through the double doors. Assault rifles, black and glistening, paired with a red visor. Helmets. Batons. Tasers. And the doctor behind, in a stark white robe. 
On instinct, as soon as the guards were in the room - twelve in all - the girls backed into the far corner of the room. Natalia joined Lev, sharing a quick look, before standing on guard with the other girls. Mistress Galina, Mistress Hosk, and three trainers came to stand along with them. 
They watched as the team surrounded the Ghost, his eyes wide and fearful. Guns aimed at him, but he didn’t seem to register, or mind, and as the doctor approached him hesitantly with a syringe in his hand, the Ghost let himself be struck across the face. Hair blew into his eyes. Neck exposed to the syringe piercing his skin.
That night, Natalia had a nightmare. What would have happened if he’d decided to run? If he’d finally decided to escape?
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. ✧ . * . ˚ ( gigi hadid + female + she/her ) introducing SCARLETT LA BOUFF the TWENTY FIVE year old  descendant of CHARLOTTE LA BOUFF and they have ONE STEP SIBLING. They are WORKING AS A MODEL. did you hear they were from NEW ORLEANS before coming to summershade? they are known to be GENEROUS AND LOVING but they are also known to be VAIN AND VAPID. 
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she rings like a bell through the night, twinkling stars just out of her reach. she charm and grace, beauty radiating through kindness, stubbornness dripping from her words. in another life she’s a princess, dazzling crowns atop blonde curls, she is the center of attention, spotlight trained on her. her beauty is beyond compare and she’ll never let you forget that, she is rumors and lies, nothing she hasn’t heard before. she vain but first she’s selfless. of course she’ll let you wear the shirt she has on her back, she looks just as good without it. she is secretly dreaming for something else but only the wishing star knows.
Meet Scarlett La Bouff. 
Daughter of Charlotte La Bouff. 
Scarlett is a mini version of her mother and she wouldn’t have it any other way. A bright, loud, Southern Belle.
As a child her mother always filled her head with stories of princesses and knights and of course they knew a real life princess in Tiana. 
Scarlett has a better work ethic then her mother if only because she was close to Miss Tiana. She watched this woman make her restaurant  thrive and in turn Scarlett found a way to thrive. 
When she was a child she told her mother she wanted to model and she worked her way from the bottom to the top. 
Her biggest support was James, Tiana and Naveen’s son. He’s like her big brother and she adores him. 
Scarlett is a kind girl, she’s generous with her money(thanks to Big Daddy) and is willing to sacrifice for her friends 
Of course their is a vainess in her, her mother always wanted her to be perfect but in the end it’s only helped her achieve what she wants. 
She and her mother get along really well, and when her mother remarried she was thrilled to gain a step sibling. 
She came to Summershade to do some modeling work here. She is one of the faces of the designer dressmakers here, it’s been her biggest contract yet and she is having the best time of her life. 
Scarlett has one rule though, she wears a name brand fashion designer but she will always reach out to small businesses to do her hair and makeup, accessories ect. It’s only fair she claims. 
She truly has a loving heart and tries her best, she’ll never let her friends down. 
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mariolucario493 · 5 years
A Frozen 2 review no one asked for! (POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD)
Okay, hear me out. I’m probably in the minority when I say this, but...
I think it’s better than the first one.
I liked the original Frozen just fine. I liked how it depicted anxiety and how it subverted a lot of Disney tropes, but I probably wouldn’t put it in my top ten.
(Which, in case you’re interested, is:)
10. Tarzan
9. Aladdin
8. Beauty and the Beast
7. Frozen 2 (this one!)
6. Lilo & Stitch
5. Wreck-it Ralph
4. Moana
3. The Lion King
2. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1. Zootopia
(And that’s not even including the Pixar ones.)
But it seems that the general consensus of Frozen 2 is the same as a lot of sequels (especially Disney sequels): that it’s not as good as the first one. Or, dare I say it, that it’s just the first one all over again. But here’s my argument against that. I think being similar to the first one actually works in its favor.
What do I mean by that? Well, after the prologue, the movie opens with a song called “Some Things Never Change,” in which all the characters sing about how happy they are in their current life. Although Olaf worries that change might be inevitable (I love how woke he’s become, btw), no one is really seeking anything new. Now that sounds like the setup for a lot of recent Disney movies, I know. But it's an idea that’s really explored throughout the entirety of the movie.
Every character reacts to change differently. Elsa is nervous, but tries to embrace it anyway; Olaf dismisses it as something he will understand when he’s older; Kristoff feels like he and his friends are drifting apart; and Anna struggles to accept it overall. And we see how each of them goes through it. Even the inclusion of darker themes allows the audience to react similarly to the characters onscreen. Kids probably won’t always understand what’s going on; but they’ll have a good time anyway. And just like Olaf, they’ll understand it when they’re older. That does seem to be one of the major criticisms I’ve seen for Frozen 2, that it’s too dark and too complicated for kids. But Disney’s never been afraid to tackle heavy subjects before, because they know that challenging the audience helps them grow. And hey, at least it’s not Crimes of Grindelwald, right?
I think the reason they made Frozen 2 similar to Frozen 1 was the same reason they used similar themes in Frozen 1 that we were already familiar with - princesses, magical kingdoms, curses, goofy sidekicks. And that’s to deconstruct and subvert them. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that this was an attempt to remind Disney to always try new things, which they have had trouble with recently. Just look at all those live-action remakes that no one asked for. The exact same thing all over again disguised as something new, but without all the stuff that made the originals so good in the first place.
Frozen 2 also continues the tradition of having interesting female protagonists. Well, interesting ANIMATED female protagonists, anyway. It’s not like the Aladdin remake, where Jasmine has a whole new song about girl power, but then she becomes the damsel in distress anyway and does nothing to fight back. It’s not like Captain Marvel, who makes a big deal about being a female superhero even though the Avengers already have several much more interesting female members. It’s not like the new Star Wars movies, in which they’re so focused with making Rey a strong female role model that they forget to give her a personality. And it’s not going to be like the Mulan remake, which I’m just going to assume is going to be another soapbox feminist’s wet dream. Oh, wait, I forgot this is Tumblr, and they love that shit.
But really. Starting with Tiana, Disney’s animated leading ladies have become such well-written characters. From Rapunzel to Vanellope to Judy Hopps to Moana to Elastigirl, they are fully fleshed-out characters first and agenda pushers second. Anna and Elsa are no exception. Elsa battles magical spirits and tames a water horse, and Anna has a crisis of ethics that feels really genuine. All without saying something dumb like “Look how capable I, a female, am in this situation, in comparison to my less competent male companions.”
Oh, by the way, for those of you who wanted Elsa to be revealed as a lesbian, I think we have a few more hints that she may be. She does not end up with a love interest, but I noticed she does seem to get along really well with Honeymaren. So maybe? Definitely better than the live-action Beauty and the Beast, am I right?
Oh, and the songs are great. We get not one, but TWO big numbers from Idina Menzel. Olaf and Kristoff both get new songs that are pointless, but still really funny. Anna has a new song that is one of the emotional highlights. The lyrics are just as clever, and they help further each character’s story arc. Even the lame pop versions of the songs over the end credits, which I usually DESPISE; hearing Imagine Dragons’ cover of “Into the Unknown” was actually pretty decent.
So, those darker themes. The reveal that one of Anna and Elsa’s ancestors was a genocidal tyrant who built the dam as a way to restrict the Northuldra tribe’s resources, and then declared war on them. Pretty ballsy, I have to say. And pretty creative that the villain of this movie is a character who is already dead before the movie even begins. Kind of like Coco, but they don’t even interact with him as a spirit or anything. What I like about this is that it kind of explains why the father in the first movie didn’t always do the right thing when it came to raising his kids. Locking up one of your daughters because she has supernatural abilities seems like a terrible move. But when you consider that Agnarr’s father was also distant from his son and had the goal of suppressing magic, you realize that it may have been a subconscious choice on his behalf. And hey, it’s also revealed that the reason Agnarr left on the ship that would eventually be his grave was to find answers about Elsa. So he probably felt remorse about it.
And now it’s time to compare this movie to today’s political climate. And before you start typing about how I’m wrong like Tumblr users are prone to do, maybe take a hint from the first movie and let it go. This is just my personal analysis.
The Northuldra tribe is clearly inspired by the Sami, the indigenous people of Norway, who have been persecuted for generations. But I don’t know much about Norwegian history, so let’s just compare it to America. Now let’s see...does America have a history of persecuting its indigenous population and disguising acts of war as offerings of peace? Hey, didn’t this movie come out just a week before Thanksgiving?
That’s right, I’m going there. Come to think of it, this whole movie radiates Thanksgiving vibes. It’s set in autumn, and it opens with everyone having a big feast with pumpkins and stuff.
King Runeard is a historical figure within Arendelle, and he is considered a hero. The dam that Runeard built is a monument that is ultimately destroyed by Anna in the film’s climax. And Anna initially refuses to do so because she believes the dam represents all that her kingdom stands for. I might be crazy, but this reminds me of how people are starting to take down statues of Confederate soldiers or how many cities have stopped recognizing Columbus Day as a national holiday, despite others saying that they are important parts of our heritage. One of the lines in “Some Things Never Change” is “Arendelle’s flag will always fly.” Sounds kind of like those conservative nuts who think the American flag is an infallible symbol and anyone who disrespects it (say, by taking a knee during the national anthem) is not a true patriot. Might be grasping at straws with that one.
And what Anna decides to do ultimately makes Arendelle a better place, even though she worries that it will be an unpopular decision. So we have a person in a position of political power who puts aside her own hubris for the good of her people. She asks for nothing in return, and knows that the right choice is not the easy one. She destroys a physical bridge, but builds a metaphorical one. Anna really is the type of leader we need. And if you think that it’s ethnocentric that a white person saves the day for a minority, remember that Anna and Elsa are actually half Northuldran on their mother’s side.
Yes, I believe Frozen 2 is up there with Zootopia as one of the great Disney flexes on right-wing extremists. But it’s subtle enough that we can enjoy the characters, the music, and the story first; and the message second. It reminds us to step outside our comfort zones and to always think about what it means to do the right thing.
If you didn’t like the first Frozen, you probably won’t enjoy this one either. I can understand what people mean when they say the movie throws a lot at you and doesn’t always feel focused on a coherent story. But regardless, I think it is an important movie.
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There’s been a lot of talk about series finales lately with so many shows having already ended, and quite a few shows ending soon, so of course there have been several memorable finales on my mind lately, so I decided to make a post about my thoughts on the most memorable ones.
I’m planning on tagging everything with proper anti tags, character names, and show names. If there’s something that I forget to tag, let me know and I’ll tag it correctly.
It gets lengthy so I’m putting it under a read more.
1. Game of Thrones
This will have probably the most polarizing of opinions, but I actually felt satisfied overall by what happened in this final season and series finale. I felt that there were things that could have been written better and things that I would have done differently, but overall, I enjoyed what happened.
Not everything that happened in this final season is what I would have chosen for the characters’ ends, and there are a few endings that I’m not satisfied with. Jaime Lannister being one of those. I felt that his storyline was going in a much different direction than dying with Cersei, and I’m still of the opinion that his ending should have been different. I’m not upset that he died because i expected him to, but I did expect a different death.
Sansa’s ending is my favorite ending and what I expected for her all along. Her becoming Queen in the North and outliving all of her abusers was so satisfying. Watching her being crowned queen brought a tear to my eye. Her story and character development from start to finish is one of my favorite character arcs to watch.
2. Teen Wolf
I’m not sure how much of an popular or unpopular opinion that this is, but I genuinely think that Teen Wolf’s series finale and the 2nd half of the final season is one of the most well written finales that I’ve seen in a long time.
The first half of the season was really leaving me with low expectations, and I didn’t like it at all, with there being so much focus on Stiles, a character who wasn’t even present for more than 2 episodes of the season. It’s not that I dislike Stiles; it’s that I wish that there was more focus on Scott.
The second half of the season really did focus on most of the characters in the way that I wanted it to. I really liked the emphasis put on Scott’s strength and leadership status. One of the most memorable scenes to me is Scott fighting the monster alone and literally gouging out his eyes so that he is able to defeat the monster.
My favorite moment of the finale was Derek’s return and his hug with Scott. It was such a sweet moment that really defined what Derek and Scott meant to one another.
I even liked the Scott and Malia ship. Although I hated how they wrote Kira out of the show and do still prefer Scott and Kira as a ship, Scott and Malia was well-written, and I did enjoy that they were endgame.
3. The Originals
I’m actually on a rewatch of this show now, so it’s been on my mind a lot. Overall, I didn’t hate this finale season. It wasn’t my favorite. This show is one of my favorite shows of all time. I enjoyed Klaus’s arc, and his desperation to save Hayley and to help his daughter. I liked watching Elijah become himself again after he was freed from the compulsion. I was happy that Davina and Kol were married and became endgame, that Rebekah and Marcel were going to get their happy ending.
I didn’t like that both Klaus and Elijah had to die. I didn’t like Hayley had to die. It’s not even the deaths of all three characters that bothered me about the final season; it’s the fact that I didn’t see that all three of them needed to happen. I can understand actors not wanting to be a part of the spinoff, but I feel that there were better ways to write these characters out than the endings that they were given. I do think that killing off both Klaus and Hayley was written so that Hope would have the challenge of being an orphan and having most of her family die be something that she has to overcome in Legacies. Afterall, I can’t think of a single main teenage character in The Vampire Diaries or The Originals that has either of their parents in their lives: Elena’s parents had died before the beginning of the show, Caroline’s parents were killed, Davina’s parents were killed before the beginning of the show, etc.
The sacrifices that were made by both Klaus and Hayley were absolutely beautiful. The scene that Hope meets Hayley in the afterlife made me cry and I wish that we would have gotten a scene of Jackson interacting with Hope.
I’m going to be a bit biased here and show that I don’t like the inclusion of Caroline in the final season. I’ve never liked Klaroline as a ship and didn’t particularly enjoy Caroline’s character in the final season of The Vampire Diaries. I felt that there were much better people for Klaus to have spent his final moments with and didn’t like that there was so much emphasis placed on Caroline during the episode that Hayley, the leading female of the show, dies.
Overall, I liked this show and its ending but have never felt truly satisfied by its ending. However, I do recognize that The Originals finale was meant to be the set up for Legacies and that it’s going to need to be critiqued on a different standard than a show that was meant to be a definitive ending for all of the characters.
4. Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time is one of my all-time favorite shows, even though there are several things throughout the show that I strong dislike. I’ll be honest, I’m going to be very petty about the actual final episode of the show because I really didn’t like it, despite enjoying the final season overall.
This is a show that I like to consider as having two series finales. The season 6 finale being the overall show’s finale. This was a perfect ending for the characters, in my opinion. Emma and Killian starting their life together. Regina and Emma co-parenting Henry. Snow White and Charming moving to their farmhouse. Even Belle and Rumple getting their happy ending. I do view season 7 as a spinoff rather than a continuation of the first six seasons; however, I’m going to talk about season 7 here.
I really enjoyed this season. I loved so many of the characters, and Henry’s arc was very well-written. Wish!Hook/Detective Rogers was my favorite part of the season, along with his relationship with Alice.
The series finale was a 2-part finale, and the first half was very strong. Seeing Charming and Snow again really made me happy. I had high hopes for the 2nd part of the finale that just weren’t met. This is where I get petty and like to pretend that part 2 doesn’t actually exist and was somehow erased because I disagree with a lot about it. This is where I start talking about what I wish would have happened as if it actually did.
I do dislike Regina, so of course this is biased against her. It’s also been a while since I watched the finale so some details may be muddled with part 1 details, so forgive me for that.
I really disliked that Regina is the one who inevitably turned Wish Henry to their side; she’s the one who he watched murder his grandparents and has blamed for his mother’s disappearance and destroying his life. I really think that it should have been Emma who was able to turn Henry to their side, and if not Emma, then adult Henry himself, as Henry knows what it’s like to feel hopeless and as if he has no family left.
I wished that baby Robin Hood would have been able to have the dream where she talks to Robin, her father, rather than Regina getting this moment. Robin, who has continued her father’s legacy and was never able to know her father, should have been given the moment of closure with her father that she never had before.
I also very much disliked the joining of all the realms. I would have been okay with it if it was just Storybrooke and the two Enchanted Forests or if there were doorways created so that travel between realms was made easier like the mermaids. I didn’t like joining all the realms because there were a lot of characters who I know wouldn’t have wanted this to happen. It took away titles of Queen and King from several characters: Elsa and Jasmine to be exact. It also invalidated Tiana’s arc from mere episodes before. Tiana had worked to feel as if she was worthy of Queen, and all the hardwork was nullified by crowing Regina the “Good Queen.” I didn’t only dislike this choice because of Regina but because of how many storylines were invalidated because of that choice.
Also, if we were going to crown someone “The Good Queen,” it’s not Regina. First of all, I really don’t like that title. Second of all, it should have been Snow White that was crowned Queen in the end, as she is the rightful queen of the Enchanted Forest.
5. Shadowhunters
Now, for the final noteable finale that I want to talk about, let’s talk about Shadowhunters. This list wasn’t made to be nice about these shows, and this is one that I always look back at and feel mad. Shadowhunters is a show that I have actually defended as a book to screen adaptation, but I can’t defend this final season or this finale.
Now, I do want to talk about what I enjoyed of this final season. I enjoyed Simon and Izzy’s relationship finally happening, even though it was rushed due to limited time because of the cancellation. Clary asking Isabelle to be her parabatai, which is something that I even wanted in the books, made me really happy. Clary continuing to be selfless and put everyone first was such a beautiful arc, even if I dislike how it ended for her.
And on to the things that I disliked--
Am I the only one who hated that they made Luke into a Shadowhunter again? Of course, being a werewolf doesn’t seem as if it was as important in the show as it was in the books, but it didn’t even feel as if Luke had any sort of feelings about being forced to be a shadowhunter against his consent.
I felt like this whole season was meant to be fanservice for Malec. It took a ship that I actually liked in the books, despite the issues that the relationship had, and liked in the beginning of the show and turned it into something that I strongly disliked. I felt like Alec didn’t understand a lot of what Magnus was feeling and didn’t understand what he needed. I’ve always felt like Alec was prioritized in this relationship to be honest. The wedding felt like it came too quickly and felt inorganic to me. Spoilers for the books: The wedding in the books is one of my favorite weddings in any type of media, and yes, I do compare the book wedding to the show wedding all the time, even if that is unfair of me. I still find it hard to believe that Alec would stay in New York when a crisis with Johnathan was happening at the LA Institute, where his father and younger brother were at the time. I can’t believe that the wedding was prioritized over every single thing that happened in that finale, and I will always dislike the wedding being prioritized so heavily.
The thing that I really hate about this finale is Clary’s ending. She spent the entire season battling between keeping her brother alive and doing what was right for the rest of the world. She ended up killing her own brother for the good of the world. Clary never put herself first once throughout this season, and there were still a lot of fans that heavily criticized her for everything that she did. In the end, her mother appearing to her to warn her not to use her powers that The Angels gave her solidified how much I hated this arc for her. She knew what using her powers to kill Johnathan would do and she did it anyway. She was punished for doing the right thing. Even worse, she suffered in silence while it was happening. She knew that she was losing her memories and her connection to the Shadow world but she didn’t want to ruin the wedding for her friends and walked out of the Institute without a word to anyone, to the love of her life, to her best friend, to her future Parabatai, to her father figure. She left Jace feeling like she left him, after he’s felt this way his entire life.
Worst of all, in the end, it seemed like no one other than Jace actually cared what she sacrificed. Her own father, Luke, didn’t seem to care and was happy with Maryse. Isabelle, who Clary chose to be her Parabatia, and Simon, her lifetime best friend, seemed to be more than happy. Magnus and Alec were perfectly content with everything. I can’t remember if any of these characters ever mentioned her name in the scenes at the end of finale. It was a great disservice to the relationship that these characters had with Clary.
Overall, I felt that Clary’s characterization and arc were consistent and on-point, but the ending left me dissatisfied and bitter toward this show as a whole. I’m not even sure that this is a show that I’m even willing to rewatch at some point.
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Adrien Augreste: Fairy tale
Adrien didn't know how much had he messed up this time, until he saw himself (or rather as his Chat Noir self) in a full princess dress while he held an imaginary cup of tea on his hand. He could have gone to visit Mari later, after patrol, when he'd be tired of running and his princess would be robably staying late again, working on a project or doing homework. But no, he had to go before patrol, while Mari was taking care of the two little "precious angels" of Nadja Chamak, the reporter.
Chat had been fool enough to knock at her trapdoor without checking first through the small window if Mari was there or if she had company at the moment. De "angels" had to, and of course they had had to, open the trapdoor and grab him by his poor tail. In the next minutes, the two little demons had gone all over Mari's designs wardrobe, picked up a very Disney-like lime green dress and put it on a very confused, even astonished, Chat Noir.
While all that happened, Marinette had been downstairs, discussing with Nadja about what would Mari do that day with the little girls. Mari had prepared in advance a few dresses and outfits with a medieval style to had a little play with the girls, obviously focusing on a fairy tale theme to attract their attention. But when she went upstairs to play with the girls expecting to see them playing with her stuff, she was surprised to find a magnificiently dressed princess Chat Noir with a desesperation look on his face having tea party with the little girls. There he was, the brave, loyal and quick-witted Chat Noir, dressed as Tiana and drinking nonexistant tea from a flowery cup. She couldn't help it but to laugh heartily and make a few photos.
Upon seeing that, Chat let out an indignated groan and tried to snatch the phone from Mari to delete the photos without succes. To everyone's surprise, Manon and Mina grabbed Marinette and pushed her to the closet, Mina entered with her and there were a few screams from Mari that made Chat wonder what in the world was happening on that closet. Luckily for him, he didn't have to wait to much before Marinette came out in a Prince Charming outfit. The little girls high-fived and made Mari sat down with them to take a cup of tea.
"You look charming Princess, or should I say Prince now?" joked Chat.
"Ha ha. Very funny. If you keep saying that, there won't be any more croissants for you" said Marinette in a serious tone.
"You wouldn't dare! Not the croissants! Anything but those delicious croissants!" begged Chat.
"Perhaps I'll think about it if you help me today taming this precious angels" said Mari with a smile.
"Anything for those delicious treats. I'm at your service Princess" said Chat Noir, doing a bow holding his dress like a princess.
"Pffffft, you're such a pretty princess Chat" laughed Mari.
"What can I say, I'm a cat with meowltiple talents after all. Acting is one of them" said Chat.
"Yeah, but puns are definetly not. That last one was horrible" said Mari.
"You know you love them as much as you love me Purrincess" joked Chat.
"Then kiss him!" said Manon and Mina at unison.
"Say what?" said Chat.
"If she loves you, she has to kiss you!" said Mina.
"The prince has to kiss the princess!" exclaimed Manon.
"Manon, Mina, Chat was joking about that. And none of us is a prince nor a princess" said Mari with a faint blush as she remembered the Dark Cupid incident.
"That's right, it was just a joke. Thought, you're a real princess for me Mari" said Chat nervously with a clear blushunder the mask.
"Why am I getting so fussed about kissing Mari?" thought Chat. "It's not that I hate her or anything, but I'm a loyal cat to my lady. I can't like her too, right?"
"But we want to see a kiss!" said the little demons.
"Oh yes? Then watch this!" said Mari, grabbing Chat and kissing his hand like a real prince, making the boy turn into a tomato. "There, a kiss. Are you happy now?"
"That wasn't a kiss!" complained the girls.
"I kissed his hand, so it's a kiss. You never said where you wanted the kiss so you'll have to settle with that. At least, if you want to play again with the dollies" said Marinette.
"Boooooh!" chanted the girls, but stoped inmediately when Mari raised her brow nd lppked at them. "We'll behave..."
"I must say that I'm quite impurressed princess. I didn't knew you could handle kids so well" said Chat as he was beginning to calm down.
"Well, I've got practice thanks to your usual visits, mon Chatveliére" teased him Mari.
"Gasp. You hurt this poor cat's honor" said Chat dramatically.
"Sure thing, oh brave knight in shining leather" said Mari sarcastically.
"You've been rather sassy lately Princess, may I ask what has happened?" asked Chat.
"Later. Now I need you to get out of that costume and wear the one I have, we have two little girls to entertain after all" said Mari.
" Are we having a story?" asked Mina.
"Are we going to act?" asked Manon.
"Yes, we'll be having a story and you will act if you want to" said Mari with a big smile on her face. "But you'll have to get dressed for that, so go on and choose any dress or outfit you want to try while me and Chat get changed"
Chat got himself out of the dress and passed it to Mari, since he didn't need to hide because he already had his superhero suit under the dress. He adjusted the prince charming outfit, being careful to avoid ruining anything with his claws, and looked into the mirror. With the mask and the ears, instead of being like the prince from a girl's dream, he looked like a charismatic rogue prince. He liked that look better than those he had to pull on photoshoots or fashion shows. Then, Mari came out in the green dress, with her hair tied on a bun and wearing a flower ornament on her head very similar to the one Adrienne used to wear a lot lately.. Oh, of course, it was Marinette who had crafted the hairpin, why wouldn't the creator have also one? He mentally scolded himself for forgetting that.
He went back to look at the designer outfit and he had to admit that his heart had just skipped a few beats. The pale skin she had was brought to life by the soft green of the dress, creating a great contrast of colours. Then, the palid purple of her hairpin softened the dark blue of his hair, also matching with her sky blue eyes. In three words, she was stunning, and the model had to recognise that he had missed this whole time the beauty of his friend. Then, he shook his head and thought of Ladybug, she was the only one for him, no matter how attractive could this bakers daughter be..
From the closet, the little girls interrumped the moment by shouting them soemthing along the lines of 'start without us'. Both teenagers were startled by the unexpected orders of the twins and looked to each other with a faint blush, as if they had been caught doing something they shouldn't, but theyburtsed in laughs instantly.
Chat decided to begin with the play, kneeling in front of Mari, with a serious look in his eyes as he said "Oh, my dear Princess, who are thou planning to go to the ball with? May this modest cat be your companion to such event?"
Mari couldn't contain her laughand let a few giggles. "Oh my dear Chat, you are the knight of thee black cats, thou are the most desired by both pleasant girls and nobles girls. Wouldn't I be a nuisance to you? Why invite me amd not your beloved knightress of ladybugs?" said Mari trying to keep her composture.
"My beloved Lady of bugs doesn't correspond my feelings, she is in love with a star. But thou, my princess, thou are gentle and loving towards this poor alley cat. For that reason, I shall move on and compormise to this incredible damsel who shows nothing but affection for me" said Chat with half of a grin on his lips.
"Then, my beloved knight, I shall be your partner to the dance" said Mari doing a little bow with the dress as she rolled her eyes.
"I feel honored to have such an amazing partner" replied Chat with a bow.
"Oh kitty, thi words you say flatter me, but you should stop them if my company you want" said Mari, making Chat experience a sense of deja vú.
 "As you wish, Ma Princesse~ I suggest we better go to thi ball now,you know how angry mademoiselle Burgeoise gets when someone interrumps her parties" said Chat brushing off that feeling.
"But my friends aren't here yet. They will be worried when they don't find me" said Mari.
"Worry not, princess, I shall leave a note so they know where are we" said Chat.
"Okay then kitty, we shall part to the ball now" said Mari and they began to walk around the room to simulate that they are travelling.
"Good thing we arrived on time. Now princess, shall I have this dance?" said Chat offering his hand with a bow.
"You shall kitty" said Mari giggling as she took her hand. "But I shall warn you, I have two left feet and dancing is a mistery to me".
"Fear not princess, this mangy cat will teach you as we dance" said Chat as he played some music on his staff.
Chat told Mari wher she had to put her hands and they began to spin around,slowly dancing at the pace of the music, Mari ocasionally stepping on Chat but he brushed it off as if she didn't weight a thing. There was a sudden moment where the music changed into a more lively one and they changed their pace, adjusting to the rythm of the song. Mari giggled as she was enjoying this and Chat couldn't help but to smile whole heartedly, which distracted Mari and remind her of someone.
Then, the closet opened and the two little girls came out dressed as ninjas (why did they had to dress as ninjas?), charging to Chat and attqcking him with a rubber knife. Chat let them stab him with the knife and faked as if he was dying, obviously overexageratin the whole thing as if it was a drama from the ancient Greece. Mari held her laugh succesfully this time and kneeled to hold Chat on her hands.
"Oh cruel fate" said Mari, "why must thou take my brave knighy away from me? Why?"
"There is one way to save him" said Mina.
"A true love kiss can heal any wounds" said Manon with a big Chesire smile.
"Is that so?" said Mari galring at the amused girls. "But Chat is in love with someone else, and so am I. A true love kiss is impossible to happen".
"Come on!" chanted the little girls.
"Would you like it if we told you to kiss someone who is just your friend?" said Chat.
"No..." said the twins at unison, lowering their heads.
"Then it's the same for us" said Mari. "Chat loves Ladybug, everybody knows that".
"Except her apparently" said Chat bitterly.
"Oh Chat, how wrong you are" said Mari petting him. "She knows your feelings for her, I know it. She constantly says that she doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but she's in love with someone else. She's really sorry because if she didn't love him so much, she'd give you an oportunity".
"How do you... Oh, right, you're her friend" said Chat. "Does she really says that? Or are you just trying to cheer me up?" said he with his ears down.
"Kitty, I thought you knew me better than that. I'd never lie about something like that" said Mari.
"I know... Hey, do you know who's this misterious boy she loves so much? I'd like to know to whom I have lost" asked Chat.
"Chat, I can't tell you that..." said Mari, instantly regretting it as she saw Chat looking down. "But I can tell you something..." said while she looked Chat's mood improve. "She and I are more than friends, we're also rivals in love. We like the same boy, but she has better chances to win his heart. She's the awesome Ladybug, everybody admires her. That boy doesn't even notices me, how can I even compete with her?" said at the berge of tears. "I- I'm sorry, I'm rambling again".
"Princess" said Chat, grabbing her face and lokking at her seriously. "Whoever that boy is, he is a fool for not seeing such an amazing, talented and breath-taking girl. You are a wonderful girl and any guy that has the amazing luck to be your crush, love or whatever, will be the luckiest guy alive. Anybody who doesn't like you is just the biggest idiot in this world".
"He's right Marinette! You're the best babysitter we've ever had! And your designs are amazing! And you look so pretty in that dress! That model is stupid if he doesn't see you!" say the girls to cheer her up.
"Awww thanks girls... And you too Chat, I really apreciate those words" said Mari with her voice trembling.
"Wait... Model? You like a model? I mean, since you want to be a designer it makes a bit of sense that you fell in love with one of them after seeing them daily, sorry, I said nothing" said Chat.
"Ughh... Now you have a clue to discover his identity" said Mari.
"Is it really that bad if I knew? I mean, I swear I won't get jealous or anything like that, I want that Ladybug and you to be happy, so I wouldn't interfere with your love conquest either" said Chat.
"Chat, that's really sweet, but that's notthe reason why. It's not because of Ladybug either. It's just that it's really embarrasing. It's not a celebrity crush, we both know him in real lifeand he's just so sweet and nice and selfless and he doesn't really mind that I stutter around him like crazy and... And I'm rambling again" said Mari.
"Don't worry, I don't really mind. It's lovely to hear you rambling just as it is hearing Ladybug mumbling when she thinks of a plan" said Chat without thinking, making Mari blush and blushing when he realizes what he had just said.
"Thanks Chat..." said Mari awkardly.
"You're welcome princess. Now, I shall go before Nadja comes to pick her little girls, or I'll be forced to go through an interview and I won't make it to patrol. Farewell princess and deathly ninjas" said Chat with a wink and leaped of the balcony.
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.31
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Henry’s Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. (Having revealed his true face and identity, Morpheus consults Madelena and Gareth over the battle plans.) Morpheus: “So, we take your army onto the great Plain of Endor and take the enemy by surprise. Ha ha! (Playing with figurines:) Valencians! Die! Off with his head! (Laughs:) Whoo! Oh... sorry. So excited. Y... you don't seem excited. (Reading their expressions:) You're not. You're not excited.” Gareth: “I am excited. I'm very excited. This is my excited voice.” Queen Madelena: “And can you confirm that, um... (Picks up Ella’s figurine:) Ella will definitely be there? No reason. Just asking. Just kidding. There's a reason.” Morpheus: “Oh, yes, she'll be there. Sadly, with no plus one. Isn't that just the pits?” Queen Madelena: “So sad.” (Drops the figurine carelessly.) Gareth: “And don't worry. I've told my men to take Ella alive so you can do the honors.” Queen Madelena: “Oh, my God, I love you so much right now.” Morpheus: “Love. I smell a wedding! (Squeals excitedly:) I'm seeing hydrangeas. Everywhere. And a cranky poet who can write custom poems for the guests. Oh, she's such a bitch, but it's great, great. Trust me. What do you think? Hmm?” Queen Madelena: “Um...” (Madelena quickly runs from the room.) Morpheus: (To Gareth:) “Nerves.”
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Gareth: “She said ‘I love you.’ No one's ever said that to me. It's like the world looks different. I'm seeing things I never noticed before.” (Gareth slips into a daydream where he walks through the castle gardens:) (Birds chirping:) ♪ The skyball’s doing its shine-thing ♪ ♪ The moving air is so sweet ♪ (Sniffs a flower:) ♪ This flopsy colourful vine-thing ♪ ♪ Smells as pretty as meat ♪ ♪ And those wingy-beasts with their feathers ♪ ♪ They make a squeaky-like sound ♪ (Birds chirp around him:) ♪ And I’d never have guessed ♪ ♪ What I’m trying to say ♪ ♪ Frankly I hadn’t a clue ♪ ♪ Now this chunk of my chest ♪ ♪ Keeps flump-flumpin' away ♪ ♪ Love makes the world brand new! ♪ Back In The Room. Morpheus: “Oh, Gareth, you're smiling. Sorry, could you stop it? I just find it deeply unsettling.” Storybrooke. Present. (Watching as Alice and Robin say their goodbyes for the time being, Emma turns to see only her family remains in the cave.) Emma: "Well, I guess that's everyone." Maleficent: (Walking towards them:) "Not quite." Snow White: "What are you doing here?" Maleficent: "Seeing as you Charmings only look out for yourselves, I've come to save Killian." David: "He was last seen entering Henry's dreamscape. When we find Henry he can lead us to Hook." Maleficent: "Yes, but once you learn what I've discovered, you so-called heroes may not feel like bringing Killian back."
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Regina: "Mal, what are you talking about?" (Wordlessly, Maleficent pulls out the missing pages of the storybook.) David: (Points:) "Are those what I think they are?" Maleficent: "I found these on the Jolly Roger beside a half written confession, which was addressed to you." David: "Confession? Hook killed my father? He's the one responsible for tearing my family apart!" Maleficent: "You and your sickening spouse are guilty of the exact same thing! You ripped my child from my arms, causing me to live for decades without her. So spare me your self-righteous anger and get out of my way." Zelena: (Stepping forward:) "Here. (Hands Maleficent a bean:) You may need this." Maleficent: "Thank you. (Walking towards the portal, turns back to the Charmings:) There’s so much pain and suffering between our families. All because you trusted the visions of a damn unicorn." (Without another word, Maleficent enters the portal.) Henry's Dreamscape. Night. (As Ella, Richard and Roberta make camp for the night, they are followed by a unicorn, much to Richard's dismay.) Richard: "Shoo." Roberta: "Unicorns are only attracted by those untouched by..." Richard: "Get away." Roberta: (Realising, pulls Richard aside:) "Hey, you don't have to be embarrassed.” Richard: “Honestly, Bobby, I... I've just always felt that something that special should be shared with someone you love, and... I've never been in love.” Roberta: “Well, not yet. There's still time. There’s me.” Richard: “You?” Roberta: “Richard, you're the reason I came on this journey to begin with. It's always been you. I guess what I'm trying to say is when all's said and done... I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to like her.”
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(Unsure what to do next, Richard panics and rushes over to Ella.) Richard: “Hey, Ella, quick story I want to tell you. (Quietly:) I need your advice. I really want to kiss Roberta, and stuff, and I think the timing is right. But did she say she likes me?” Ella: “Get to the point.” Richard: “Do... do I ask her? Do I just grab her and kiss her? Sneak up behind her in dark clothing, shout ‘boo’ and kiss her when she's screaming? What?” Ella: “Look, I would love to help you, but I don’t want to. But, no, definitely don't do the ‘boo’ version. It's sort of frowned upon, okay? I've got to get some sleep.” Richard: “No ‘boo’ version. Good to know. (Walking back to Roberta:) So... Uh, Bobby, I meant to ask you... Hey, what's your favorite tree? Because kids these days are all into oaks, but I like a spruce, and... Mmm! (Roberta grabs him and they kiss:) Oh, my God. That was wonderful.” (Roberta laughs and together, they run behind some tall bushes, out of sight.) Ella: (Laying on her bedroll:) “So, I'll just lie here and listen to this happen, then, I guess.” (More giggling can be heard and Ella rolls over onto her side to see a woman in a dress standing over her.) Tiana: “Hey there.”
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Rumplestiltskin’s Dreamscape. (An adult Gideon stands beside his father at Belle’s grave.) Gideon: “I can't believe she's gone. Every time I'd come and visit, time here seemed frozen.” Rumplestiltskin: “Time was. But she wasn't. When you go on for too long, you forget what really matters. I never want to forget.” Gideon: “Give me the dagger, Papa. Let me unburden you so you can be with Mother. I can bear it.” Rumplestiltskin: “I took the dagger for one son. I'm not gonna give it to the other. That’s what Morpheus would want me to do. To use my grief over losing Belle to destroy my family completely. In this world I am still the Dark One, destined to watch the ones I love die as I live on, immortal. Back home I have been freed of such a fate, and that is why it’s time for me to leave this place. To travel to a dreamscape which will ultimately lead me to be reunited with you and Belle. (At these words, the adult Gideon fades from sight:) It's time for me to go to a place where my shame first began, the battlefield. Only this time, I shall not run. This time, I will make my family proud.” Henry’s Dreamscape. (Rumplestiltskin walks through a portal into Henry’s dream world, where he bumps into Alice.) Alice: “Welcome, glad you could make it.” Rumplestiltskin: “Have I missed it? Have I missed the battle?” Alice: “No, you haven’t been gone that long. Head back long that way and you’ll find some familiar faces.” Rumplestiltskin: “Well wait a minute, where are you going?” Alice: “Will and I have a plan, and if it works, we’ll be able to find Henry before the battle even begins.”
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Storybrooke. Cave. (With only Regina, Emma, the Charmings, Zelena and Robin remaining, they are finally ready to enter the Dream World.) Emma: "So everyone knows what they're doing, right? Mom, Dad, you're with me. Zelena, Robin, you're with Regina. (There is a general murmur of agreement:) All right, here we go." (Walking towards the portal together, Emma and her parents fail to notice when Tinker Bell steps out from the shadows.) Robin: "Wait, what-" Zelena: "Shh. Trust us, sweetheart, it's all for the best." (Watching as the Charmings enter the portal and disappear, with a final nod to Regina, the fairy steps forward, pointing her wand at Emma's back. Shooting a jet of light at Emma, Tinker Bell turns and immediately draws the light back towards Regina so that it connects the two women.) Tinker Bell: "You two, be ready to catch Regina. (Stalking over to Emma while Zelena and Robin stand either side of Regina:) Three, two, one... now! (Tinker Bell catches a stunned Emma as she stumbles, before gently guiding her into the portal. Turning to the others:) Quickly, get her through the portal before she comes to her senses." Robin: (Running with the semi conscious pregnant woman between them:) "I assume you're gonna explain what the hell just happened?" Zelena: "Yes, darling." (Tinker Bell watches the three figures disappear through the portal, before returning to her fairy form and flying out of the cave.)
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kalbinos · 5 years
Why I don’t like the prospect of Black Ariel ?
Yes, this is how I refer to her, because that’s all she is : Disney Ariel, but black.
Disney, in their effort to make us forget about the fact that they underpaid women, decided to make a live action of the Little Mermaid, and it’ll have a poc as Ariel.
Of course, chaos follows, and as the media likes to only one point of view, I’ll use my free speech, my right as a law following citizen, to give mine, and possibly to tell others information they might miss.
1. Another live action…
Okay, this one may not be the main point, but it just add to my arguments later on.
When I heard about live action remake of the classical Disney tales, I was expecting...I guess the word is new. New things, like giving the rights of a franchise to a new director, and see what they can do with the basic ideas, like a new style, or even another pov of a story.
But they just redo the old one with human actors and cgi.
I think it’s a wasted opportunity. A lot of fans are always discussing about 2d or 3d Disney movies (Both are good, I prefer 2d because it’s just more pleasing to me), so to have Frozen in 2d made by somebody else could be interesting. But no, it’s just filming the equivalent of a theater show with more budget. I think the Beauty and The Beast remake is bad, and it’s the only one I saw, so maybe they got better.
Also, freak them for calling the Lion King live action, while they’re all freaking CGI, this is the laziest low they did. Dumbo may have a pass since he’s supposed to be « weird » with the bigger ears, but it’s still lazy.
I love « The Road to Eldorado », made by Dreamworks, as much as « Spirit » or « Treasure Planet ». They’re all unique movies, with unique settings and possibilities for new plots. I would love to see Disney taking a shot at the Monkey King’s tale, with the same sense of humor as Hercules regading gods’s business, with the Jade Emperor being like Hades and pissed about Wukong’s shenanigans. Hell, I’m sure you can find african tales that can be amazing to see animated. So yeah, they can take a new story, instead of just putting up the same thing Todd Howard style and expect praise when nothing is different.
If you say « But it IS different, we have a poc in the main role », let’s get to the second point :
2. The Little Underwater Woman of Colored Skin
« I don’t like the way you said black »
So, we finally have a poc as a main role in a Disney movie. Oh, I guess Mulan, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Tiana, Kuzco (come on, he is a disney prince) and any other that I might have missed doesn’t count.
My point here is that if they want to make a live version of any of the movies those characters are from, they can and already did with Aladin and the Will Smith stand (an odd addition to the lore). I mean a live action Kuzco with the dance numbers could be interesting, if they let someone a new story above it, because you cannot translate all the animated scenes in live action without losing some jokes or essence from it.
Now about the case of Ariel...can a race underwater that doesn’t get any direct sunlight actually get a dark skin ? Just a reminder that Ariel isn’t the only one mermaid in the movie and in the original book, it’s a living race that forbids human interactions, so if Ariel is black, all the mermaids are black. If some are blacks, are they the minority or majority ? Do they have any regards to the skin color, like south or north mermaids ? Are the humans outside white or any other color ? It’s the whole deal with making Ciri’s actress a poc, because it doesn’t fit the setting. And it is as restricting as making an african tale story, because why would an european be the hero in a village deep in the Congo ?
Plus, it’s because it adds nothing, it feels like not important. After all, it’s just a skin color. But it’s the whole point of this action, to promote skin colored actors, so why are they forcing them in remade movies where they weren’t here. Remember white washing ?
3. Disney needs good points for...well, himself
I hope that when you read this, it was easy to understand. If not, it’s fine, it’s either my train of thoughts that tend to go into odd schemes and tracks or simply you that denies facts. I’m open to debate, as an opinion exist to be challenged and is prone to change, not to be kept in a chest and scream « national sozialist » when someone dares to say the opposite...unlike Disney.
Did Disney made some old movies with a lot of what can be considered racism in them ? Yes, if you consider stereotypes to be the same as saying a race is inferior to another. Times were different back then, people thought of them as jokes, other as facts. But we can’t judge someone that doesn’t know a fact. If someone told you all your life that the Earth is flat and you learn the truth, you deny it as first (we have the same reaction to the truth than to death, because in both ways, the world you know will change), but after a while, you accept it and now the Earth is round, or close to a sphere (apparently it’s not a perfect sphere ? I’ll need more details, but it’s not the point). It’s not your fault, as the thing you believe made sense until proven otherwise. But if you deny the truth by believing in your lies blindly, it is your fault and really guilty. So stop saying « this is racist » without context, « this is sexist » without checking when it was made.
This generation thinks nothing can be forgiven, and all is unaffected by context and time, you’re guilty until proven innocent, and white hetero men are shamed to be white cis men.
And I haven’t talk about the politicians and the media.
Disney is using those ideas to promote themselves, because if someone is against them later on, Disney can unleash a horde of SJW on everybody, and media will always follow the richest or the one that can actually harm them.
But Disney made a mistake : Star Wars. They messed up big time, and they need money asap. So they just do anything, especially what can bring discord, to get free publicity and profit from movie sales. They rather satisfy a crowd rather than do something all can enjoy. George Lucas, you were misunderstood...
To conclude :
I’m not saying that the live action remake of the Little Mermaid will be a bad movie, since the original is good, and they have nothing to change (but they will, and it’s going to make less sense), but to simply say that changing the main character race is not something important is denying years of progress against white washing, it’s agreeing that making a blackface is a legitimate move, it’s assuming that race is a character trait, like easy to anger or vengeful, and cannot be compatible with other traits (Can a black person enslave others ? Can a white person be mindful of the people in front of him?).
It’s saying that this Ariel is really not just Ariel from the animated movie, a mermaid that sacrifices her voice to live with the one she loves, who then fights her biggest threat and loves her even if she’s mute, who decided to go beyond the rules of her land to follow her dreams, who is a ginger girl, a trait rarer than being a poc in the Disney Princesses catalog.
It’s believing that Black Ariel is not a Ariel alternative skin.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 5 years
Disney Prince AU
Summary : You were a story teller in the little town of yours.People found you weird since you weren’t like othe girls.You didn’t prefer to have a fancy life. Instead of that you prefered the peaceful time with just a book in your hand and read it.You also worked as a nany and the children wanted to listen your story. Since most of them were already told so you promised to find a new story.That day you walked in the library and looked trhough the shelves.You then notice the book with the ruby at the side of the book so you picked it up.However it slipped your hand and dropped off toward the floor.The book flipped open and beam of light shine,made you unsconcious.You woke up and surrounded by 7 princes. They told you in order to got out of here was to help them had happy ending...
            ‘Please miss help us to find a true love.’
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Kim Namjoon : Prince Adam (Beast)
- First story of your journey was Beauty and the beast.You were really excited to see what would actually be if it was in Beast pov.
- Although with that beast look of him,it didn't scare you.Of course you saw his human form already.But although you didn't see his form,he was a man that heart full of love and care.He just pretended that he wasn't that kind of person.
- You just got to know that you were invisible and only Namjoon could see you middle of story.So it easier for you to help him with the story especially that Gaston scene.You just scare the villagers away in the middle of the way they reached the castle.That made Gaston fought Namjoon alone and he lost miserably.The story ended really well.
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Kim Seokjin : Prince Charming
- Like his name,he was charming.He was what all men want to be since every characteristics of his perfect.
- Although that innocent look with charisma,he was a player.If the love was an olimpic game,he would win a gold medal in every single season for sure.
- It was hard to help him because of that personality but he stopped after met his girl that day.It was romantic to be honest,under the moonlight in the royal garden.Dealing with that stepmother and her daughter,easier than you thought.They were scardy cat.
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Min Yoongi : Prince Phillip
- 'I know you.I know you from once upon a dream~'You literally couldn't stop singing this song until it annoyed Yoongi.'I swear if you sing again,I'll push you off this cliff.'
- He was cold hearted prince but not with the girl he met in the forest.That day made you creep out since you never saw Yoongi smile.
- Malificent was one of your favourite villian in the stories.You were froze in place you met her and fangirling for a bit.(Why it look weird?But actually she's my favourite villian for real.) Finally you could made them end up together with super easy yet exhausted trick.
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Jung Hoseok : Prince Naveen
- Another play boy princes who enjoyed luxury life a lot.You didn't know that he could dance until the beginning of the story where there was a festival in town and he wore normal clothes.Jump in the center and started dancing.
- It was really funny when he turned into a frog which it was his top list of animals he scared. 'Don't you dare to laugh Y/N.''Sorry but you look...*laugh*'
- The witch could see you which made you surprise at first.Rather than Hoseok you didn't expect others to see you.You also fangirling the other character,crocodile.Who know that he also has a human form and indeed handsome.It was a wish after the happy ending of Hoseok and the princess since he want to be a musician.Now he work as musician in Tiana's Palace.
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Park Jimin : Prince Eric
- The hardest and toughest story ever.It drained a lot of your energy to help them get together.What do you expect,to help human ended up with mermaid.
- Who know that Ursula actually beautiful witch.She wasn't an ugly old b*tch like you read in the story.The only thing that exactly the same thing as you read before was she was a horribly cruel person.
- You was able to change the contract of Ariel and Ursula which made the story not as difficult as you thought.You stole the necklace of Ursula when she was sleeping.After she woke up,her form change and the spell toward Jimin disappear.There,the end of the story.
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Kim Taehyung : Flynn Rider
- The one who weren't a prince from the start. He was a thief who would steal any single valuable things to get money in return.Not gonna lie but he was sexy though with the unique sculpture like and his height was perfect.
- However it such a big opposite from the princess.She was nice,innocent and optimistic.You wondered with yourself that how you gonna make them end up together but at least you finally make it.
- That witch was crazy.But like the other stories,she want to stay young forever.'If only there's a plastic surgery and I'm surgeon,I swear I'll put her in there.'You cursed with yourself. 'What is plastic surgery?'
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*Well okay let’s pretend that this is the custume which he wear in the palace as the leituenant.I’m sorry I suppose to find his with long hair so that it’ll be actually near the image of the male character in Mulan but I can’t find any.T_T*
Jeon Jungkook : Li Shang
- The Leituenant that had best fighting skill.He was the youngest one in the history that got the position.He trained really hard and you didn’t expect to be that hard.Helping him by seeing everything in his Pov. made you understand why he need to be tough when he trainned Mulan and other soldiers.
- You once thought what it would be if you visited China.This turn out to be a golden chance for you to achieve your dream.You get to tour around the city but that also mean you’re in the war that he fight as well.Although no one except him can see you but you still feel afraid.
- Who know a tough leituenant would be shy just because he didn’t know how to propose the girl.He tried like thousand of sentences just to propose Mulan for like 2-3 minutes.Thanks tothe little red dragon,Mushu? you didn’t remember exactly but that creature with a cricket really helpful.
Another one finish...You guys might see the princes one already but since last year some comments from Army talking about how perfect our boys would fit the role in Disney.So that’s the inspiration for me.Need to apologize because the photo that I edit seem to not in a good quality.Hope you guys like this one and don’t forget to check others since I also post the update of my masterlist.See ya next AU,thanks and love y’all. 
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