#why did it have to be ZIB??? :[
mothgutzxd · 10 months
Just playing clangen when....
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Like.... :[
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sradlightstab1 · 5 months
i dont know 70's au??
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i i made a 70 au i don't know why but i did this is what happens when i get my wisdom teeth taken out im still loopy also be for someone losses their mind yes Rocky still has his orange tie its just i also gave his the worst paints pattern to draw and i didn't want to draw it again
also, i did see the zib drawing by tracy i love it so have a zib edit and i did change his bracelet but i made it a grateful dead bracelet
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iv lost my mined
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lackadaisycats · 1 month
Why did Mitzi have such an issue with Zibs Jazz hands??? XD
She doesn't want anyone to catch on that she has 'jazz hands' too.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
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A/n: I love this!
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Viktor loved his little girls more than anything, when you first told him that you were pregnant he was over joyed. This was his chance at happiness again, and when he find out that you were pregnant with twins well Viktor nearly fainted from shock.
He wouldn't screw this up, he wouldn't because you meant the world to him, his little girls meant the world to him.
Picking up a few toys, Viktor heard a giggle. It was one of the twins. He knew he should bring her back to her crib, he couldn't imagine what was going through your mind if you found one of your children missing. "Čo tu robíte?"
Viktor couldn't help but speak Slavic to her, why he knew that she didn't understand him. Her and her twin sister seemed to enjoy when he spoke it.
Titling her head to the side, the little girl giggled waving her chubby arms in the air.
Dropping the toy's, Viktor's eye went wide as he took a step towards her. "Vhat did you say?"
"Papo!Papo!Papo" The baby squealing over and over at her father as he lifted her in the air.
"Haha! My little angels firsts words!" Smiling, Viktor pressed his head against hers. "This will be our little secret."
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Sleeping on the couch, Zib felt two of his children nuzzled into his chest as the third sat on the ground playing with his hats. Dorian was grateful how mellow his children were, they were so calm, sweet and he knew that he had you to thank for that.
One of his eyes peaking open he chuckled seeing the youngest looking up at him. "What's caught your attention bud?"
Chewing on Zib's hat, a giggle escaped the little boys lips as he crawled over to his father. "Daddy!"
Sitting up, Zib had to hold the other two children to his chest to make sure they didn't fall off. This was the first word that he had spoken, he couldn't believe that he was his son's first words. "Ha! You hear that?! I was his first words...come here buddy."
Now holding all three of his children, Zib held them close. "My three little ones." He muttered closing his eyes.
Watching him, you relaxed further into your chair. It was an adorable site, to see this side of your husband. "You're such a good father Dorian, I want you to know that."
Humming, Zib shook his head still holding the triplets. "Well if you say so then I gotta believe it."
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If there was one thing at Rocky loved more than anything than it had to be him playing the violin for you and his son. He'd often play for you when you were pregnant and now he'd play for his son.
Smiling, he took out the violin as his son watched eagerly. "Are you ready?"
The little boy nodded his head eagerly, nearly bouncing in the seat as he watched his father with excitement. "Y...ya....p..." wrinkling his nose the little boy listened to his father as he tried to speak. "Papa!"
The bow screeching across the strings, dropping the violin to the ground. Rocky instead lifted his son in the air giving him a spin as he let out a joyful laugh though it did not take long for you to slip out of the room rubbing your eyes. "What's going on?"
"He said his first word! I was his first word!" Rocky beamed.
Smiling, you held back a yawn as you walked over to them both. "Isn't that the cutest thing."
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If someone would have told Mordecai that he would he married with a child he would have laughed in their faces, it seemed like a novel concept, it didn't feel real and yet here he was playing chess with you his wife as his daughter sat on his lap.
"Just because you are pregnant, it doesn't mean I will go easy on you." Mordecai teased.
Snorting, you rolled your eyes giving him a playful smile. No one saw this side to him, he may have been stoic, kept his emotions close but you knew the he loved you and your daughter, you knew that he'd love this child too.
Sitting in her father's lap, the toddler looked up at her father then to the board game of you both playing chess. Eyes going wide for a moment, she reached for one of the pieces beaming up at her father.
About to take the piece away from her, Mordecai's eyes went wide as he froze. Your laughter echoing around him. "All that word paid off."
"You." Flustered, Mordecai avoided his gaze as he instead held his daughter close. "Thank you."
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Can I request any lackadaisy characters of your choosing reacting to a male reader who is normally very apathetic laughing and smiling for the first time?
Sure! many characters here so I put a cut.
♣️Rocky - OH. Oh, wow, that's a great face. A great laugh, too. Wow. If you're reacting that way because of something he did, Rocky is just delighted and will absolutely do it again. This is filed away in his brain for eternity - on this day, at this time, he finally got you to crack. Even if it short-lived. No one believes him when he brags about his triumph.
♣️Freckle - The noise actually makes him startle; he never expected that out of you - not that it's unpleasant! Quite the opposite. It makes him smile too. He was always a bit nervous around you. Though, if you were laughing and smiling at something morbid, well ... maybe he's still nervous ...
♣️Ivy - "Wow! I didn't even know your face muscles worked that way!" She is also committing this historical event to memory, because she absolutely wants to see it again! If something she did or said is what amused you, she's definitely gonna try again later. She talks to all her friends and the other Lackadaisy staff about her accomplishment; they can scarcely believe her.
♣️Mitzi - "That's a sweet smile you have, dear," and she means it. Mitzi is glad to see that side of you, even moreso if she's the only person who got to witness it. If she's the reason you smiled, she gets a warm happy feeling and plots to try again some day.
♣️Viktor - The sudden noise surprises him. His tail puffs just slightly as he side-eyes you, then goes back to whatever he was working on. That was. ... strange. Like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs, or when Mordecai smiled for once - no. He'd rather not think of back then. He grunts and ignores you for a while.
♣️Zib - "Oh thank god, you're one of the living after all. Sometimes I forget." He talks shit, but your smile actually gave him butterflies. He just tugs his hat down and goes back to lounging, though he'll remember that sight for quite a while.
♣️Atlas - He glances at you for a moment, then goes back to whatever he was doing. That was certainly surprising. The others' reactions are quite amusing, too. If he didn't witness it, he may not believe it.
🏵️Serafine and Nico - Serafine grins and elbows her brother to make sure he noticed, which he very much did. If it was one of them who got that reaction out of you, they'll never let the other forget it. They both have something of a competition when it comes to getting reactions out of you; you're much more fun to tease than Mordecai. Well, you've given an inch, now they want to take a mile.
🏵️Mordecai - It surprises him, which it really shouldn't, because he's of a similar temperament. Mordecai is a little disconcerted, but ... well, your laugh is fairly pleasant and the smile does a good job of not looking unhinged. If you were laughing at something morbid or creepy, alas, that kind of ruins the appeal. wait wait why is he thinking about your appeal--
⛰️Wick - He almost drops whatever he was drinking, and blinks a few times before smiling and giving a little laugh himself. If he was the reason for that reaction, he's (very) proud and embarrassed. It was probably silly, whatever he said, but it's nice to see such a pleasant expression on your normally serious face. Truth be told, you kind of intimidate him.
⛰️Lacy - "Huh. I didn't think he had it in him," She says to her boss as you walk out. "A shame, he has a nice smile. .... Sir?" She snaps her fingers several times in front of Wick to get him back to reality.
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sapphorror · 9 months
The Nightmare Begins in general excels at establishing long-running precedents, the chase scene being one of the best and most obvious examples even if I think that in a vacuum it was by far the weakest part of the episode—I mean, I've already made it VERY clear how passionate I am about the pursuer/pursued dynamic at play here. But while I don't necessarily think this was the writers' conscious intent, the sleep cuffs themselves being the centerpiece in Zim and Dib's first conflict can actually ALSO be interpreted as a kind of brilliant bit of symbolism
Because there's an underlying joke here that the shady 'alien sleep cuffs' ordered by a twelve year old out of some random magazine almost CERTAINLY do not work as intended—I mean, they're notably not even one of Membrane's experimental creations, which is the device generally used to supply Dib with inexplicable anti-Zim tech. This renders the whole chase meaningless, since even if Dib HAD caught Zim and cuffed him, it wouldn't have mattered—just being restrained isn't an issue for Zim. This is NOT a strange or difficult conclusion to come to for anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, but Zim and Dib both buy into it (actually, even Zim seemed a bit suspicious of their validity, but it was like his second day on an unknown planet and he was not taking any chances). It's only through their mutual belief that the stakes become real, and then only between the two of them.
And that's... that's the whole show. While it's very rarely right up and explicitly stated, every viewer watches with an implicit awareness that no matter what is happening on screen and how much the characters care, none of it will ever actually amount to anything. Partially because cartoon law states that neither Zim nor Dib can ever truly win, lest it destroy the status quo, but more importantly because even if they DID succeed in their stated goals, it wouldn't matter. Zim's mission is, of course, fake, that's key to the story's entire premise, and it's made increasingly clear as the show goes on (+ explicitly confirmed through Zib in the comics) that no amount of proof will ever sway humanity to Dib's side. Everyone besides them can recognize these fool's errands for what they are (even if they don't necessarily understand the full truth as to why), but within this self-contained bubble, the unerring conviction shared solely between two opponents gives the conflict weight. It's pointless, and you know it's pointless, but you get caught up in it anyway.
And y'know. Intentional or not, I just find little thematic microcosms like that really neat.
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I would like to request a Rocky x reader (romantic) oneshot. A fluffy one with a bit of spice would be nice ;) I don't really have a specific plot in mind, but maybe something on the topic of affection? Whatever the story, i'm sure it will be amazing ❤
Thank u, and have a nice day/night!
Hello, Anon!! Thank you for dropping by!! Your request just so happened to align with an idea I've had, and... I got a bit carried away, I suppose. This is well over three thousand words.
Hope you'll find as much entertainment in reading as I did in writing, anyhow!! (I missed crafting dialogue for this silly cat, even if it's equal parts shameless purple prose fun and an absolute pain in the neck.)
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“Absolutely not.”
The pose of cheerful enthusiasm he presented the idea with didn’t falter, although his grin seemed to by a sliver.
“Aww, why?”
“It’s not gonna work.”
“We can’t know that until we try!”
You’d come down before opening hour, when many of the lights framing the red-curtained stage and finely carved pillars hadn’t been ignited yet in order to lessen electricity bills, leaving the grandiose speakeasy hall to ruminate in a mellow, warm late afternoon dusk. Leaning against one of the pool tables webbed with gilded patterns on the sides, you glanced him up and down in half-lidded skepticism. It was brief, yet defeating.
“I say this with all the love in my heart,” you prefaced the ruthless confession with a teasing smile, “but you don’t look like you could lift a cornstalk.”
“And you have a point! But consider this,” he countered, gesturing passionately with his hands as if materializing a vision of success before the both of you, and that’s when you recognized this conversation was about to shimmy beyond the bounds of reality. “What wonders can be achieved through the power of love? It can avail you to weather a sea of infernal blazes, crumble ancient mounts to their innermost cores, compel the course of celestial bodies–”
“But it can’t give you muscles.”
The conjurations of poetic fancies promptly shattered, and he gave you a disheartened look.
“Oh, come on, dearest,” he pleaded, all gleaming blue eyes and droopy ears. “Have you no faith in your one and only chevalier?”
“Concerning any other situation… a hard maybe. Depends if anything flammable’s involved.”
You put a finger to your chin in lighthearted contemplation.
“But this… well, I trust you in pulling this off without either of us getting hurt about as far as I could throw you with one hand.”
“I don’t weigh much,” he perked up assuringly. “You could toss me a good few feet, I reckon.”
“So then we should try this the other way around.”
A glint of curiosity hinted he may not have been entirely opposed. Nonetheless, you could tell he wouldn’t let himself be so easily shot down in his steadfast ambitions, about which you happened to be right.
“Your suggestions are appreciated,” he placated upon your prompt sigh of disappointment, “but in the name of chivalry I must persist with my vision. Because I am certain that there is a way, as there is a will, to achieve it.”
He pondered aloud whilst leant against the pool table opposite to yours, tail swishing figure eights in the air as if stirring up the brainworks.
“Just let me think about it…”
A bit to the left, two of the local employment were spectating from their usual spots by the bar. Zib, who had draped himself half-across the counter while Viktor was cleaning it around him, regarded the scene from under his hat with a caustic glance. The smoke simmering from the cigarette he was languidly tasting occasionally wafted your way.
“Looks like chivalry’s not dead yet after all,” he grumbled, the corners of his lips teasing amusement, “but he’s about to be.”
The burly slovak continued with his somewhat menial task in dutiful disinterest, intimidating all unsightly dirt spots off the wooden surface with an effortless glare.
“Idiot vill break own spine vid effort,” he stated matter-of-factly, then after a thoughtful pause, shrugged. “Saves me the trouble.”
“Oh, such searing pessimism!”
Rocky turned to theatrically retort, rejoining your circles from the far reaches of whatever realms his mind had been venturing.
“Well I regret to inform you, gentlemen,” he gave an easygoing little smirk, “that the only sort of spectacle you’ll be getting today is the glorious display of romance’s incandescent triumph.”
“You should heed your sweetheart’s advice, kid,” Zib warned over his glassful of a somewhat suspicious golden beverage. “Artists like you and I just weren’t built for these kinds of strenuous feats. You’ll get a hernia and then the boss lady will be down one questionable bootlegger.”
“Pff… Nonsense talk!”
He waved off the notion as if swatting away a bug, and you pinched your brow in exasperation.
“Waste not such paltry concerns on me, my friend! You see, it might not leave that impression at first glance…” he flexed a bit to show off his bicep then stared at it with a blank expression once it failed to strengthen his argument, “nor perhaps second… but these spindly sinews are rife with untapped potential! Why, you think the Atlas of mythology had trained in advance to support the whole world on his shoulders? And yet, it still goes ‘round smoothly to this day. Which is to say that, hopefully helped by Fortuna’s favor, the release of a comparable innate strength shall aid me in this fated task of carrying mine.”
Despite his conspicuous lack of visible musculature he gave a grin of such radiant certainty it could’ve powered the rest of the lights. Zib blinked slowly, unimpressed in his fermentative, cigarette-stink skepticism. Viktor kept cleaning.
“Albeit I suppose there’s more point in a show rather than tell.”
Rocky stretched his arms in a somewhat comically overstated manner.
“So the old-fashionated way it is!” He then took up a stance and spread them in anticipation. “Come hither, my darling love, let’s prove those naysayers wrong! Leap into the arms of your favorite bard!”
“I still don’t condone this idea.”
You crossed your arms, resolution as hard as the wood digging into your lower back. Unstoppable force smiling baffledly at the inmovable object.
“You don’t?”
“Not really.”
He pouted. Oh, how you couldn’t stand it when those gorgeous sapphires looked at you so coyly despondent. And of course, he was aware.
“You mean you won’t even give it a chance?” he implored, tail gingerly lowering. “Not even if I’ll sooner have my organs be crushed into a fine sludge than let one hair on your head bend the wrong way?”
“Especially not then.”
Patiently, you stood, the twitch of your ears and your own tail’s gentle whipping behind your legs and brushing up to the smooth block of wood being your only movement. You watched him deflate in a slowly progressing manner not unlike that of a balloon animal leaking from a small opening; you could even imagine the characteristic sound to go with.
You tried not to laugh.
“Not even if,” he attempted once more, “it could be a most passionful pageantry of courteousness?”
“More like foolishness.”
Irritated by his snark for a change, you tilted your head in Zib’s direction. When he earned both of your attention by extension the resident nicotine eater, chin resting on the heel of his palm, flicked a huge ear and leisurely presented his back to you as though he’d never cared.
“Just picture it for a second!” Rocky suggested, snapping back to the conversation and taking your hand in his to help transmit the mental imagery through skin-to-skin contact. “A most consummate culmination of chivalrous custom!”
“Certainly,” you rolled your eyes yet didn’t resist when he snuck up close to grab a hold of your waist with an almost imperceptible delicacy.
“I’d gather you in my arms,” he narrated, “a most beauteous royal rose, pooling in your eyes the glimmers of a star-speckled galaxy, a divine black ether brimming with a variegated, dazzling cavalcade of celestial hues… oh, what fair nobility of ephemeral grace, molded in the realms above from the finest marble and ambrosia by lilium-scented, angelic hands…”
His face was close to yours, and your gazes intertwined; you could be quite sure he was just describing what he saw. You averted your eyes, slightly flustered.
“You sure know your words,” you nipped without any real teeth to it.
“I try,” he acknowledged cheerfully, nonetheless keeping proximate. “And me, no more than a humbled troubadour, a mere mortal permitted by Providence to embrace salvation itself,” you made an inarticulate noise of incredulity, “gentle tethering of your mass serving to remind that this resplendent scene is no meager illusion, a cruel trick of the light, but bona fide reality…”
You squirmed half-heartedly away in your chagrin, yet each bit of distance you created between the two of you he kept closing just as effortlessly, drinking in your expressions.
“In rapt entrancement we’d behold each other’s countenance,” you could feel his words on your whiskers, “honey-glaze lusters dancing across our lips in nectareal beckoning, your arms entangling my nape with fervor as you pull me under to merge our souls by way of osculation in the heart of the Earth–”
“Enough rhapsodizing,” you entreated with a wide, mildly embarrassed smile you couldn’t fight, “you poetaster.”
“Now, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy that.”
You exhaled in a burst, gripping the wooden brim you were leant on. Tail curling and uncurling in thought.
“It sounds fine,” you emphatically minced, “but I don’t require it. You know you can just talk sweet to me like that or give me a kiss when I’m still on my feet and you’ll just as easily sweep me off them.”
“But there’s no harm in experimenting, right?”
“That’s… a very dubious statement.”
“Well, if it does work, it shall surely be memorable.”
Across the way, over ornate red carpet and leather seats, Viktor had since taken to polishing glasses while Zib ever-industriously continued to metabolize the establishment’s embalming fluid reserves in spite of the hour.
“…And if it doesn’t,” Rocky proposed the possibility with great hesitation, “as far as I can recall, bone fractures actually heal a lot quicker than you’d expect.”
With the band backstage, that’d be only two direct witnesses to your loss of dignity.
“You’re not about to let this go until I oblige,” you observed with a heavy heart and patted his arm, “so go ahead. I’ll give you a chance to enter history records as the world’s first cooked pasta-based organism to princess carry a whole person.”
You adjusted yourself in front of him at a roughly ninety-degree angle and put your arm around his shoulders. Enthusiasm flawlessly rekindled he took swift hold of your back in return, biting his lip in anticipation like a giddy kid.
“But if you sprain a muscle, I’m not bringing you the ice,” you stated firmly to his face.
“You can’t sprain what’s scarcely there,” he beamed back like it was of any reassurance.
“Well, alright.”
That obnoxious smoke hit your nose again. Beneath the golden glow of red lampshades, Zib had unexpectedly honored your ambitions by sitting marginally more erect, pushing up the brim of his hat to ensure his sight wasn’t failing him.
“Wouldn’t you look at that,” he grunted, pointy eyebrows raised. “They’re doing it for real.”
Viktor stopped in his surprisingly gentle handiwork and fixed a sharp, singular eye on the pair of you. When your clumsy preparations and nervous fidgeting painted a confirmatory enough picture, he set the glass and rag down with a thud, leisurely slapping two huge paws on the clean oak counter to lean on it.
“Dis vill be amusing.”
You gulped at the audience, blooming in your chest a severe doubt. You squeezed Rocky’s shoulder and felt the pointed conjunction of bones digging into your palm without any real effort.
“Whenever you’re ready…”
He smiled at you with those sweet blue eyes that drew your attention like a magnet, adamant on dissolving your worries within themselves. It almost convinced you that what you were about to do wasn’t both ridiculously asinine and physically unsafe… albeit still rather mild by the standards of dating Rocky Rickaby.
You looked at one of the curling, wrought iron chandeliers and sucked in a resolute breath.
“…Here goes nothing.”
In clenched-fist concentration, you jumped and threw your legs in the air for him to catch. He grabbed after them in wide-eyed startlement and as the momentum flung you at him, you prayed.
There was a grunting noise. Something in-between the squeak of a strangled rubber chicken and the aghast chuff of a scuffed, abused bagpipe as every last square inch of air is violently crushed out of it; you’d heard naught of such a combination before yet were instantly able to identify it. Arms clasped tight around his neck you hung on for dear life whilst he gripped your side and thighs in a no less firm desperation, fingers unintendedly clawing into tense flesh. He stood taut as a bowstring, you could feel as much beneath the clothes, though unfortunately nowhere near as straight and with every slight tremble and corrective squirm you feared yourselves tipping over in his direction and giving the carpeted limestone a sore greeting.
Time collapsed to a halt under the weight of anticipation. Cautious in your breaths, wide-eyed and blatantly uncomforted by his palpable quaking, you watched as his rigid expression of concentration strained on a half-hearted grin for your sake to mask what very much still was mortal terror hatching from amongst the shards of hubris.
And then… nothing.
You blinked a few times. Other than your own heartbeat, and what amounted to the whimpers of a heavy wooden chair being dragged across the floor that you soon confirmed to be coming from him instead, all sounds of impending doom receded. You took a deep inhale of the stagnant cave air and held it in bewilderment, knees squished close to one another.
Well, you’d be damned.
Flush to his torso and clutching the cheap fabric of his shirt, you stared on, trying to comprehend the situation. As was he, evidently, with how amidst his tight-lipped yet valiant bearing of the ramifications his eyes darted around the room as if disaster was running unusually late. No gears turn at such a pace however, for when at last the ice in your tendons began to melt in contemplation of asking whether he could move enough to put you down safely or if you should just jump for it, he exerted a small huff of accomplishment and it changed something, because you began to dip rapidly forward. Some indiscernible profanity escaped your mouth.
At least he gallantly broke your fall… and a rib as well, by the sound of it.
The ground was about as soft as you’d imagined when it kissed your limbs and left you with your hands splayed on velvety carpet. You caught glimpse of your audience and, lo and behold, Viktor for a brief second appeared to possess something of a smile behind the bar. Of schadenfreude, naturally. Nonetheless the witnessing of such an evanescent miracle left you nothing short of humbled.
“Well, that surprised nobody,” Zib sneered, a whiff of smoke leaving his nostrils. “We’ll hold him a tasteful funeral.”
“He’s not dead,” you indignantly countered, blowing tousled locks of hair out of your face, then turned to your knight in shoddy armor just to be sure. “You’re not dead, right?”
With that, you recognized that the reason your posterior ached less than the rest of you was his organs still being smushed under it, so you hastily clambered off. Sweetly enough, he hadn’t mentioned, though it may have just been that he’d yet to recover from getting the wind knocked out of him enough to form a sentence.
“Never felt more alive,” he wheezed in affirmation, clutching his torso. “I’ve come to sense fibers of my physique I didn’t know existed.”
“No wonder. Did you dislocate something?”
Crouched over your boyfriend on all fours, you scrutinized him whilst your tail lashed back and forth in acute concern regarding his lack of attempts to get up despite having him practically caged under you. Considering his talent for looking pathetic while curled up on the floor, you couldn’t be blamed.
“Well, all of my bones are still inside,” he tilted his head without raising it to look over himself. “That’s their designated place, I believe.”
“You’re such a twit.”
Bright blue eyes flicked up at you innocently, arms clasped together in a protective self-embrace. Your features softened with a sigh.
“I heard a crack,” you explained, gaze lingering over his ribcage. “I thought I’d hurt you.”
“Oh, that was just my pride,” he dismissed jovially. “Nothing worth the bewailment. Poor thing wasn’t about to survive the winter anyhow.”
That restless, puffy tail of yours came to a tentative pause upon his knees, drawn only halfway up to accomodate your presence as he squirmed lightly in his restricted position. Though the barely lit murk of underground, his grin still shined as disarming as any other.
“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried.”
Whether he meant that remark as a pacification or a challenge, you preferred not to dispute. You let go of the tension in your shoulders however, easing off to settle down next to him and allow him some space to do the same.
“Well, this was just stupid,” you concluded, listlessly examining your bruised appendages. “I have no idea what drove you to something so pointless.”
He carefully rolled up off the ground then simply sat there, blinking at you in a way that betrayed neither any particular discomfort nor the absence of it. You observed him in ponderance. Due to the lack of any concrete signals from upstairs you decided you’d just have to assume the best.
“Unless,” you teased with a squint of suspicion, minding your volume, “you just wanted me on top of you that bad.”
Now that definitely reached the headquarters. When it did, he responded with one of those downright sinful grins that made the notion of punching him in the face sound vastly appealing.
“It wasn’t according to my plan, per se,” he gestured in a sly manner, “but it’s certainly not a development you’ll catch me complaining about.”
“You cad.”
You regarded him with a scolding glare you didn’t really mean but perhaps should’ve. He stood or, well, sat his ground, and it didn’t take a medium to guess anymore what newfound visions might’ve been stirring on behind that striped forehead of his; you only hoped he wouldn’t start waxing poetics about it.
“Could’ve just asked me nicely,” you murmured with a smirk.
You noted the proximity all of a sudden; his nose couldn’t have been two inches away from touching yours. He peered down at you in awareness, chuckling.
“Ah, but the overture's half the merriment.”
“This place has marvelous acoustics, by the way,” Zib spoke out of nowhere and made every bone in your body flinch, “so you might wanna consider taking this somewhere else before our sparse patronage arrives–”
“Oh, shut it, Zibowsky.”
You snapped at him, ears pinned, feeling rather deserving of some soap in your mouth. Rocky got over the interruption with a more careless ease and disregarded the air of awkwardness he helped create in favor of lighting up in triumph.
“But our labour for love wasn’t in vain, after all!” he exclaimed over your shoulder. “We all saw it, right? My romantically inspired exhibition of unprecedented prowress? I must’ve held on for a good minute there!”
“How long did it last, by the way?” you inquired, watching as Viktor continued cleaning glasses. “I was too busy panicking to count.”
“Two seconds.”
Your face stretched in astonishment. Zib took out a lighter.
“You’re pulling my leg.”
“No, really,” he reiterated, igniting another cigarette with a series of clicks while the previous butt laid crumpled beside him on the counter, “two seconds. I was just about to congratulate you.”
You stared on at the sprawling carpet, befuddled, yet the intricate patterns held no explanation for this anomaly. Time does simply happen to slow to a crawl when you’re fearing for your life, as it turned out. Rocky slumped in dejection.
“Ah well,” he lamented, bushy brows descending. “It would appear that my hopes to beguile you with a debonair display could not come true after all.”
His tail gingerly curled around him, saddened to an equal degree. You pouted along in playful endearment.
“You’re so silly,” you ascertained. “I don’t mind that you’re a weakling.”
You took his hand balled up on the ground, enveloping it with your own. He watched in slight trepidation.
“Are you sure?”
The two of you locked eyes amidst the magnificent cavern of bygone extravagance; the ‘heart of the Earth’, as he’d put it. Decked in hues of crimson and gold and marinating in a mystiqueful twilight, a regrettably vacant wonder of architectural design honoring the arts décoratifs, all the dazzling sights of the establishment couldn't have hoped to draw you away from the one instrictic extension of it you delighted in looking at the most.
“And I wouldn’t trade you in for the brawniest of gallants,” you pressed a tingling kiss on his cheek, “my noodle-limbed prince.”
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Hi! I'd like to ask for a Rocky x reader oneshot (female or gender neutral works), where him and the reader were childhood best friends, and still are close. Basically since he joined Lackadaisy, he's been talking the reader up, and telling the group about the amazing stuff they've done, and telling them about how he'd like to take you on this date, then laying out said date.
Basically, he's simping hard. Then the reader comes down to Lackadaisy for a drink
How it ends could be up to you. Maybe the crew asks the reader outright, or states that he likes them, or maybe they force him to confess. Whatever you feel is right.
Aye aye cap'n!
Rocky Rickaby x GN!BestFriend!Reader
A little tired today so I will keep my little prelude short. Hope yall enjoy!
     Today was rough. Work sucked, the rain sucked, etc.,etc. Everything was just...blah. Luckily, you had a surefire way of cheering yourself up.
     Rocky Rickaby was an odd guy, to say the least, but you grew up with him. You knew him better than most other people, and that made being around him for extended periods of time fun instead of life threatening. Sure, you played the straight man in this comedy duo, but it felt good. Plus, Rocky's a sweetheart. Well, at least when he's not causing property damage.
     The Cafe was empty, which was pretty standard. The crew was probably down at the bar. Maybe Zib and the band were playing. Maybe Rocky was up there too. First thing first though, you needed to dry off. It was pouring rain outside and you were drenched. Plus, you could always sneak something from the kitchen.
     After a while of drying off and raiding the cafe's fridge, you headed down to the Lackadaisy. Horatio was sitting down by the door. It was more common for him to sit down when business was slow. Oddly enough though, the door was cracked open. Horatio put his finger to his lips, telling you to keep quiet, before motioning to sit down by him. You were confused until you heard Rocky's distinct voice carry through the opening.
"--and then I'd take Y/N on to the bridge overlooking the Mississippi and serenade them long into the night. I'd get down to them and finally ask Y/N out, and then we'd cuddle by the tracks until the sun comes up and the crickets go home."
"...wow Rocky, that's, um..."
"Excessive? Agreed. Just tell Y/N you love them and stop going on for hours about how you would ask them out."
"That's not what I was gonna say Zib, but I do agree a little. Why not just make ot simple."
"Oh Ms. Pepper, you know I can't do that. I just have to wait for the perfect moment, and then..."
     That was...a lot to take in. You wouldn't deny that you did have some feelings for Rocky, you just weren't sure how to act on them. Although now, you had a few ideas. One definitely stuck out to you.
     Getting off the ground and dusting yourself off, you headed towards the door, shooting Horatio a sly wink on the way out. Carefully, you maneuvered through the entrance, careful not to make a sound. Rocky was too busy talking about you to notice everyone looking over at you. Luckily, none of them said a word, letting you get up right behind him.
     You tapped him on the shoulder, making Rocky turn around. As soon as you got the chance, your grabbed him by his lucky tie and pulled him in for a kiss. A mix of quiet cheers and exasperated "finally"s accompanied the two of you as Rocky wrapped his arms around you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Zib handing over some cash to Viktor too, losing a secret bet betweenthe two. As your lips parted, Rocky leaned into your ear, and whispered to you.
"Y'know, I think this was better than my idea."
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iluminaughter · 5 months
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ps. I have the hc that Wirt only turns his eyes when he has extreme emotions (ex. here is REALLY mad) something that is his, I think Zib did something to his lantern…bad idea....
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master-muffinn · 1 year
When their s/o accidentally farts.  😮
And it was in that moment you know…you fu**ed up. They laugh. Hard. “S/o did your ass say something or what?!” They will make fun of you, and probably use it against you whenever they feel like it. But If they see that it hurts you, then they’ll tone it down of course. Honestly, they probably already have been farting in front of you before and laugh about it, especially if you make a funny face.
Asa, Nicodeme, Serafine
Those cats doesn't give a fu*k. You must likely get a quick side glance, but that’s it. They are respectful and grown up. Everyone farts, it’s natural. Why make such a fuss? But if they notice that you are freaking out about it, they will simply tell you, “Don’t worry about it s/o, it happens for everyone. I'm not gonna make fun of you.” (or something like that). However they expect the same respect from you if they ever would let out a fart as well.
Atlas, Viktor, Dominic, Elsa, Mrs Bapka, 
Disgust…Is written over their face. “s/o did you just…gross..” Will probably move a few steps away from you. They won't be like that for long tho, but they expect you to apologize for your little “mistake”. This will never happen to them of course! They excuse themselves to the bathrooms or when they know nobody is around. 
Mordecai, Ivy, Abelard, Lacy, Nina, Mitzi?
They are quiet and give you a surprised expression 👀😶 They are trying to think of what they should say or do. Should they tell you it’s ok, it happens? No then s/o might be even more embarrassed. Should they just laugh it off? No that would be mean. Maybe they should… But under those seconds they are trying to think of something. They are either giving out different weird face expressions or looking at you with a straight 😐 face. Which may come out the wrong way.
Wick, Calvin, Horatio, Bobby?
Looking at you and then giving you a little teasing smirk. “Did you hear something, hmm?” But they would stay at that. They would self be a little embarrassed if it was them farting in front of their lover, so they wouldn't make a big deal out of it. They have probably been covering it up when they fart and talking about something or gone somewhere else with you to avoid the smell. 
Zib, Rocky
Doesn't even notice, lol.
Thank you for reading! If liked, reblogs are very appreciated! :) 
I do not take requests.
Post made by @master-muffinn
Lackadaisy belong to @lackadaisycats I recommend reading the series! Really Great!
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Honestly, when it comes to Mitzi May, I truly do feel for the woman, like seriously. I perhaps can get why some don't care for her or when it comes to disliking her actions at times. Which I find interesting considering all of the Lackadaisy characters aren't exactly the most upstanding or super high moral group of individuals except for probably Horatio or Lacy. Back to Mitzi, I feel she doesn't get enough love or that she underappreciated and not value enough.
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For real the woman is seriously and desperately doing all that she can to keep the Lackadaisy speakeasy afloat while at the same time still grieving over the lost of her husband and taking up as boss after his mysterious murder. Which is still up in the air on who could've actually killed Altas amongst the rumors of Mitzi being involved, but reading & re-reading the comic more than often and taking in the little details of dialogue and how Mitzi speaks of Atlas within parts of the comic or even in the pilot, I deeply think that you can feel also see that she truly did loved Atlas a lot.
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Like Mitzi is doing all that's she can to try to keep her late husband legacy and his once booming empire in tack. Although...very obviously struggling to do so, Since after Atlas death about most if not a good half of the Lackadaisy staff and those who where super loyal to Atlas rolled on out completely. With only a few of the original staff members left such as Viktor and Horatio including the band.
I'm not sure how super involved Mitzi was when it comes to the business side of handling a speakeasy and dealing with the "Dirty work" aspect of it when Atlas was still alive? From some parts of the comic it's seems that Mitzi obviously knew the dangerous surroundings and dealings of her husband business affairs.
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It seems pretty apparent that Mitzi most definitely knew the dangerous surroundings of what her husband was doing. I mean it's being during prohibition and all and running a underground illegal speakeasy and dealing with comparators. Of course it be a bloody dangerous way of living and business life and I'm certain from parts of the comic and even bits of the mini ones is that Mitzi knew of the dangers of said business life, but back then with her husband around she was just the boss wife and maybe wasn't as super involved with that side of the speakeasy except for the entertainment aspects. Now Mitzi is very much desperately trying to hold everything all together of what her husband left behind. Now I can get on some levels when it comes to Mitzi actions being questionable and some fans not caring for the way she can go about things.
Honestly I too don't always agree to the some of the lengths or certain things Mitzi does. But I can see her were she coming from sometimes and the fact that she doing all she can to keep Lackadaisy up. Also, I think her desperation in some cases and her trying so hard to keep the speakeasy going could be tie to some parts of her upbringing. Which I remember hearing from one of the Lackadaisy streams from the Official Youtube channel, on dealing with parts of Mitzi background and how she came from poverty growing up and honestly its really makes sense on why she so desperately doing all she can in terms of trying to keep Lackadaisy going.
From living and having to grow up in poverty to being constantly on the road as a musician with Zib and the rest of the band gang most likely getting gig after gig and probably maybe, perhaps not always having a whole lot of money when doing so. Until suddenly you find yourself performing at an fancy hotel and catch the attention of a highly esteemed gentleman that you thought you would probably never had the chance of being close towards.
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Also, the fact that the woman literally sold everything she had to keep everyone feed. Like seriously she sold her and Altas likely huge house and all the cars not mentioned she sold off all of her wedding china's. I mean I feel she wouldn't do that if she didn't actual cared about the band and what's left of the staff members or simply trying her best to hold onto what her husband built. Now who truly killed Atlas is still a mystery and I can see why some might assume and feel it's Mitzi, but this little scene right still gets me. When reading this specific scene and part of the comic on Mitzi selling off everything she had expect for the pearl necklace Altas gave her for the first time and how at that moment she truly felt like she was somebody and how Altas made her feel like a special girl.
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Honestly, there's so much going on with Mitzi that I seriously can't help but deeply feel for her and what she is dealing with. I can understand on some levels why she might not be everybody favorite, but I truly feel for her and her trying her hardest and best to keep things going...while not always using the greatest methods....but I do believe Mitzi deserves some love because lord the woman been through some rough shit.
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eggman91 · 7 months
So feel free to delete this but I got this idea from this comic called “Miss Kitty and her Bodyguards” where a young child humanoid cat is the hero’s to a mafia group and is raised by the bodyguards who are protecting her. It’s a pretty good read so I suggest you give it a chance but anyway back to my request.
I was think of Atlas having a daughter before he died (you can choose if she was born before Atlas met Mitzi or if the daughter is their biological child) and she’s raised by the Lackadaisy crew.
Thank you for your time.
Nah fam it fine and anon I like this idea
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I’m going with the idea atlas had this child before he met Mitzi she would be like around Ivy age so I’m gonna just write their relationships because yeah also apologies this might be lazy
-atlas (your dad die lol)
you and your dad well, complicated you know he love you in his own way but he was a mix of distance and stoic probably because of all the booze empire, but he did pay for all your school and toys and stuff but still his death was hard but he did try to teach you some skills of his
(I feel like atlas, wouldn’t care about gender as long as you knew how to shoot a gun and run a business so he would’v try to teach both genders)
-Mitzi (your mom got it going on)
she just mom well you haven’t called her mom in a long time. Just Mitzi but when you first met she spoiled you alittle you never met your actual mom and well she became your strongest mother figure (one reason she liked you is she didn’t have to have a pregnancy to ruin her figure and especially if you’re like a girl )
but yeah but after atlas death you was one of her rock (well once she didn’t really use a lot but still) you learn lot of charisma from her even learning to play the ukulele
-Ivy (your “little” sister)
your sister from another mother and Father both of you grew up in the speakeasy. It was a little over there, so she was like your little sister, but little by little bit but you guys are thick is thieves and still are (if it male some people say you should dated, but that would’ve been weird) you’re a little overprotective of her but she a clever girl…
(if girl she would probably get you in to the more fashion sense buying clothes, for the both of you making me wear these flapper outfits and if boy the same but she get this pinstripe suits)
-viktor (uncle with big divorce, energy)
I’m just gonna do it again it’s the same with the IV but like there’s two IVs now you see the both of you like his metaphor children but to you he like your tall gruff slav uncle Ivy have a definite has a better relationship with him I guess but you understand him a bit
(like Ivy you learn some mechanical stuff from him )
-Mordecai ( estranged brother with big divorce energy)
well he like your older brother kind of he was more busy with Atlas (honestly made you a little jealous) but it was a OK acquaintance, but you did share a nice appreciation of crossword puzzles, to be honest you weren’t really close to him but he seems like he was an OK guy a serious weird OK guy your dad liked
but then he left after your dad death you don’t really have much feelings on him. Yeah, you were bit sad that he left but he kneecapped Viktor that oathbreaker
(he probably try to pass some more refined, intelligent words to you. Most of them went over your head, but some stuck)
-zib (your mess of a uncle and …..your mom ex)
oh boy this mess of a cat at he didn’t talk to you and try to ignore you didn’t know why but after you and Ivy shenanigans he open up a little more and more now he’s just zib you did play ukulele for the band from time to time when you was older he was just zib
then boom you found out he was your mom ex and your dad cucked him hard which was fucked up (he did teach you how to bum a cigarette )
-rocky and freckle
They’re both relatively new Rocky been here for a year and freckle only for a short while (also dating Ivy ) to be honest, you don’t mind honest….. anyway you rocky freckle and Ivy are the club main rumrunner now you know rocky better then freckle and freckles, a bit weird at least rocky is honest weird but freckle he has something in him those eyes when he get a gun
you sometime play with Rocky he with the violin you with the ukulele
(Sidenote rocky x Atlas daughter you alway thought rocky was cute in his own manic way he was one of your rock when Atlas died you cry on his shoulder and well you wouldn’t mind to date him )
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iodotsys · 1 year
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on ? - for ask
The fact that Dib had already mind melded with Zim's conscious in 10 Minutes to Doom. Why hasn't anyone done anything with that?? Its Zib this and Zib that, bitch Zib existed far before Zib existed in the comics. What thoughts did they share? Does Zim have any knowledge of Dib? Is it a two way transfer??? They were far closer to each other than any two beings possibly could be for a whole 10 minutes. How much did it change them?? Was there any residual left of Dib in Zim's PAK???
You can do a lot with that.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
I've only read some of the comics, but I have a bit of a theory. I think that Mitzi does genuinely have feelings for Wick, but she feels like she HAS to put Lackadaisy before their relationship. Lackadaisy is all she has left of Atlas. It's his legacy. And with him gone, it's left to her to keep that legacy alive. Not only that, but I feel like, in a way, even though Mitzi loved him, she also kinda feels indebted to Atlas. He took her from being just a girl in a nomad jazz band to being a high-class lady. He gave her a life she could only dream of. And even with him being dead, she feels that she owes him for all he did, even if it comes at the cost of her current relationships. That's why she pushes Zib away. That's why she calls off her relationship with Wick. No matter how she feels about them or how much she cares about them, she's still choosing to put Atlas' legacy above those relationships and even above her own happiness. Not just because she loves Atlas but because she feels obligated to do so.
Yeah, I think that's Mitzi in a nutshell. Even though they were living separately when he died, probably gearing up for a divorce, she still loved him and she probably does feel somewhat indebted to him. When someone's gone, you only remember the good.
Somewhat unrelated, but I absolutely love how they did Mitzi and Atlas in this shot. She's the brightest thing to show that that's how Rocky views her, and Atlas is cold and gray and ghostlike...a dead man walking.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
Hii! Could I ask for green tourmaline with Zib? (Him healing after Mitzi found Atlas perhaps?)
And blue lace agate with Wick if possible?
Please and thanks (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
A/n: awe Zib 😩
crystal prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
Prompts Used:
⟣ green tourmaline (heart healer) - “i never thought i’d love someone like this again.”
⟣ blue lace agate (physical healing) - “hey, don’t you think you should take a break? the doctor warned you about what would happen if you over-exerted yourself.”
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•Dorian Zibowski•
⟣ green tourmaline (heart healer) - “i never thought i’d love someone like this again.”
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Dorian never thought about love when he was a kid, it never even crossed his mind and as he got older it the only thing he really cared about was sex and alcohol but he knew he felt something for Mitzi, he had too.
It could have been love, it sure as hell hurt when he found out about Mitzi marrying Atlas. It was, it felt like a knife to the gut so he did what any rational guy would that was heartbroken.
He drank, he swore he didn't remember most days during those days but he sure as hell remembers meeting you. The man swore he fell head over heels for you, or that could have just been you running into him- knocking him on his ass.
Zib couldn't quite understand why he was so attracted to you. It wasn't just about the sex, connection he felt with you was so much more than just sex. He felt like he had known you his whole life,it's like you were made for him.
Lying in bed with you, Zib felt your body shift as you rested your head on his chest. “You know, I never thought i’d love someone like this again.”
Glancing up at the man, you let out a small yawn that slipped into a smile. "You're so cute Zib." Leaning up you placed a kiss to the edge of his lips. "I love you too, you don't have to worry about feeling alone ever again."
•Sedgewick Sable•
⟣ blue lace agate (physical healing) - “hey, don’t you think you should take a break? the doctor warned you about what would happen if you over-exerted yourself.”
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Wick was grateful for someone like you in his life, you were always looking out for him know matter how much he worked himself. He was already smitten for you but the moment you helped him when he had broken his arm the man knew that he was going to marry you.
And it seemed that it was one of those days, he swore he wasn't sick but that's not what the doctor told him but it's not like he could just stop working! He could never just pawn his work off on somebody else!
A sharp cough escaping his chest as he did his best to focus on the paper in front of him. The words started to blur together, he didn't even notice you walking into his office.
You frowned walking towards the man hunched over his desk, you should have known he would sneak off to work. "hey, don’t you think you should take a break? the doctor warned you about what would happen if you over-exerted yourself."
Placing your hands on your hips, you sighed rolling your eyes grasping a hold of his arms as Wick started to protested. "Sleep! Get some sleep Wick."
Groaning, Wick slumped into your side as he chuckled. "Fine...fine....I'll listen to you...you always know what to say." He muttered.
Parting your lips, you rolled your eyes smiling softly as you helped him in his bed. "Thanks I think."
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mysticarts · 4 months
Some questions while I am redesigning Yuhe:
1. What's your lmk ocs fears?
2. How organize is your lmk ocs? (Ex: Room, or their hygiene or how they take care of themselves.)
3. In your Lackadaisy sequel au how does the Lackadaisy (And Marigold) crew react to Carmen's death? Do they know or not? (Have they visited her funeral? Or where she is buried?)
4. What's Carmen's voice claim?
5. In the sequel au how will Nia react if Lucio tried trimming his hair to be in shoulder length, since his hair have grow too long for a year and is annoyed, but he is afraid to do it? because some of the scissors are a bit sharp causing him to get anxiety trigger from it? (Usually he doesn't have a problem with sharp objects when he works at Marigold, but after quiting his job, he has a feeling he'll accidentally hurt himself but that isn't important. What's concerning to him he might hurt Nia when out of control his like Freckle but more controlled of himself, hence why he throws sharp objects, except kitchen tools away.)
That's all have a good day/Night!
This is gonna be a list man-
Hui Ying: MAJOR fear of dogs. No one knows why, she just is. Hui Ying also hates being in a dark and small space for too long
Tai: funny enough, Tai has a fear of love. Romantic love, to be specific. Tai doesn't really understand the concept of love, and considering his ex iterally left him in shambles, Tai has a huge fear of falling in love with someone....too bad it's already happening to him
Shuimu: Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces) and also chains. Shuimu hates being in enclosed and tight spaces, and hates chains Even more. Which makes sense cause she was chained by her mouth under a mountain engulfed in water for years.
Yujin: Fear of failure. Yujin usually succeeds when she goes on a mission or does work, as she puts all of her effort into something. So when a plan fails, Yujin starts to overthink and shame herself. This mostly stems from her try to help her family, but still couldn't do nothing in the end.
2. Again, I shall also put this in a list-
Hui ying: Hui Ying's room is usually a mess, riddled with pictures, photos, maps, etc. This is mostly because Hui Ying is very fascinated by the Mortal world, and wants to learn about it as much as possible. As for their own hygiene, Hui Ying takes care of herself pretty well!
Tai: Tai's room is spotless. Like I mean, SPOTLESS. Except his desk. Tai likes to explore technology and see what it can do, so he usually invents stuff on his desk and leaves them there. He knows no one will touch it unless asking for a respectful death scentence. Tai probably has the best hygiene routine out of all of my lmk ocs. He does skin care, hair care, all the works.
Shuimu: Shuimu is a VEERY messy person, she'll use stuff, leave it there, and then forget to put it back constantly. This makes Shuimu loose a lot of things constantly. As for her hygiene, she's trying her best to learn, with Hui Ying helping her out. Due to Shuimu's amnesia, she dosent remember much about personal hygiene
Yujin: Yujin has a very fancy room, so of course she keeps it spotless.....if you minus the fact some of her work papers will be scattered across the room because sometimes Yujin pulls all nighters. This leads to Yujin forgetting to do proper hygiene, with hui Ying and the other maids in the castle to force Yujin to take a break for once.
3. Both the Lackadaisy and Marigolds heard about Carmen's death, as it did make headline news. However none of the marigolds showed up at her funeral except Mordecai. All of the Lackadaisy crew was there at her funeral as her ashes where buried. Mitzi and Zib where in the most sad out of the lackadaisy crew. Carmen was buried right besides her mother, Avis.
4. I.......still haven't decided yet. But for now currently it's Tiana from princess and the frog!
5. Nia, also like freckle, also goes insane when holding a possible dangerous object. However, it's only with explosives. And considering Nia would be much better controlled about it due to Carmen's teachings, Nia would either take Lucio to a professional hairdresser to get his hair done, or cuts it herself. Nia almost cut her hair off, but her hair length was the same as Carmen's so Nia kept it the same.
Ty for asking these! Also, I heard that Yuhen likes stars and cosmo stuff, so I found these clothes on pintrest for them!
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anyway, feel free to ask questions everyone!
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