#why do i love writing all three of these idiots as giant dorks?
frenchkisstheabyss · 1 month
⛧ 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 ⛧
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⛧ Pairing: poly!slasher!minsung x chubby!fem!reader
⛧ Genre: slasher au/horror/fluff/angst
⛧ Summary: It's Halloween 1996, you've just broken up with your toxic ex, and there's a killer on the loose. When you go to the local video store to find your next distraction, you run into your longtime crushes who have their hearts set on looking after you. But you must be careful. Not everyone's who they appear to be.
⛧ Word Count: 2.1k
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⛧ Warnings: brief discussion of murder, implied possessive ex, intro to knife play if you squint, suggestive, psycho Minsung, you probably have a killer fetish, & that's all my loves. It's otherwise quite fluffy tbh.
⛧ A/N: I'm starting this series as my love letter to 90's slasher films aaaand because I just love Minsung. I'm writing this in "tapes" instead of chapters for ✨ ambiance ✨ so I hope the vibes come across. I'm already working on part two so I'll have my knives and fingers crossed you babes enjoy this one.
💀 >>> Go to Tape 2 >>> 💀
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A bell dings overhead as you step through the door of Topline Video. A crowd of middle school kids dart by, nearly knocking you over in their excitement to get home with some cheesy slasher flick they definitely shouldn’t be watching. All are in full costume, wearing the kind of plastic masks that smell sorta funny when you put them on. 
The kid dressed as a goblin turns back for a second, peeling up the murky green mask to reveal an apologetic face. “Sorry, lady!” he shouts, taking your gentle smile as a sign of forgiveness and racing to catch up to his friends. “Lady?” you whisper to yourself, the door creaking shut behind you, “Great, now I feel ancient.” 
Lucky for you there’s no time for an existential crisis as you’re swept into the frenzy of the video store. The walls are packed with what must be a thousand VHS tapes. Double sided displays line the aisles with hundreds more. Every one of them is some brand of horror movie with even the most obscure subgenre present. 
Black and orange streamers travel from one end of the ceiling to the next with tiny spiders dangling from them. Giant skeletons lurk in the corners guarding jack o lanterns with flickering eyes. Every year people eat it up but this year is particularly spooky. It sends a shiver down your spine when you recall why. 
“I heard they found another leg” a red haired girl says, casually smacking on a piece of bright pink bubblegum. Beside her a shorter girl files through tapes under a large bloody hand drawn sign reading SERIAL KILLERS.
“I thought they already found both of his legs. A guy can’t have three legs.”
The red haired girl shakes her head, smiling mischievously. “That is not true. I hooked up with him once. You could for sure consider that thing a third leg.” The girls break into a fit of giggles. Dodging their insensitivity, you squeeze yourself into the Monster Movie section. 
“Hey Drac” you sigh, staring up at the Dracula cutout looming over you, “I live in a town of idiots.” “You don’t mean everyone, do you?” a voice answers back with the worst Dracula impersonation you’ve ever heard. Suspicious that it isn’t coming from the cardboard cutout, you peek around to see a familiar face stocking the shelves. 
Your heart immediately begins to flutter, a blanket of warmth encompassing you. Han Jisung. If you flip through the dictionary you’ll find him under D for dreamy. The glow of the setting sun kisses his dark curly hair, making it almost sparkle. And those brown eyes, they’re so…no…keep it together. 
“That’s a terrible Dracula voice” you tease, arms folded across your chest. “I don’t know what you mean. Bleh, bleh, bleh” he carries on, pretending to bare his fangs. Now it’s you who’s giggling and you can’t stand how easily he gets you to.
“You are such a dork, Han.”
Returning to his normal voice he only shrugs, “But that’s why you’re so insanely in love with me isn’t it?”
His words intensify the heat moistening your palms. Fidgeting with the sleeves of your jean jacket, you wrack your brain for some witty response only for nonsense to tumble out. 
“No. What? I…uh…um…early.” 
Popping a copy of Megaverse Massacre 2 onto the shelf, Han raises an eyebrow at you, “Early?”
Your brain finally catches up to your mouth and you spit it out. “Uh, yeah, early. I heard you guys were closing early because of the…” 
“Body hacking psycho killer?” a voice cackles, gripping your shoulders from behind. You let out a blood curdling scream that draws the attention of a few nearby shoppers. Swinging around, your fist ready to dish out a debilitating gut punch, you come face to face with Lee Minho. You haven’t quite decided if he can be filed under “dreamy” or “asshole” yet.
Minho grins, never finding you cuter than when he’s getting on your nerves. “I’m sorry, babe. Didn’t hurt you did I?” he teases, straightening out your clothes with a gentleness you weren’t expecting. The sun’s doing that thing again. The sparkle. The glow. The radiant brown eyes searching yours, threatening to make you fall even deeper into them than you already have.
Han dips between the two of you, separating you before you rip Minho’s head off. “I’m sorry. Really. He was deprived of air in the womb. Being an asshole’s just a side effect.” 
Over Han’s shoulder Minho frowns, “Hey! Rude much?” Digging into his pocket, Han pulls out a lollipop. It’s sugar blown into the shape of a blood drenched kitchen knife. “Are you bribing me with a sugary murder weapon?” you ask, staring at it skeptically. Han flashes you a close lipped smile, his cheeks so fluffy it’d be a crime to deny him.
Snatching the lollipop you waste no time popping the wrapper off and tapping Minho on the head with it. “Hey! What was that for?” he winces, wiping lollipop residue from his head. “Sorry, babe” you grin, sucking on your tool of revenge, “Didn’t hurt you did I?” Han buries his face in his hand but it does nothing to hide the joy he takes in his best friend’s pain. 
This is nice. Laughing with someone. With them. It’s been a while since you felt this light around other people. The recent weight on you hasn’t been of some invisible boogeyman sneaking off with one of your limbs. No, your boogeyman was someone you knew well, or at least thought you did, and he’s haunted you every chance he can.
Speak of the devil…
A bell dings, drawing your attention to the door where a man in a demon mask scans the room for someone. You recognize him immediately. Those boots. Those pants. That flannel shirt you always found totally hideous on him. Your heart sinks, the lollipop in your hand tumbling to the floor.
You see Minho and Han’s hearts sink too. It’s as if they sense that any joy you’d been feeling just went down the drain that instant. Minho whispers something into Han’s ear. You can’t make out what, only the calculated tone of his voice. “Hey!” Han says, perking up again, “We’re having a movie night tonight. You should come.”
As the man in the demon mask spots you, your eyes dart back and forth between the men. “A movie night? Sure that would be…I’d like that.”
Han takes you by the hand, “Wicked. Come on, you can pick a movie from the back.” He leads you towards the backroom just as the man advances towards you. Peeking over your shoulder you spot Minho blocking his way. A quick left turn stops you from seeing what happens next, filling your vision instead with tattered old movie posters.
Passing a few of Han’s coworkers, you wave politely and they smile in return. The back room’s like a dustier, quieter version of the sales floor. The walls are still lined with tapes, only there’s no way these have been watched any time in the past decade. Through the dust you see the spine of a tape titled Camp Counselor Sleepover Murder Party 4.
“That one” you decide, stopping dead in your tracks.
Han stops too, squinting to spot what caught your eye, “A woman of taste I see.” 
Pulling it from the shelf, he blows the dust away and hands it to you. “Only the finest for you.”
You feel that lightness again. It's easy to feel it when he smiles at you like this. Such an unexpected but welcomed sense of safety. “Han, thanks for…” you start but the surprise sensation of his lips pressed to yours makes anything you were about to say feel insignificant.
With one hand still holding yours, his other hand comes to rest on your lower back. Your lips are somehow softer than he’d imagined. Even in the absence of the lingering strawberry flavored lollipop, he knows they’d taste just as sweet. Minho’s gonna kill him when he finds out that he kissed you first but nothing could be more worth it.
“Thank me by not worrying about your ex,” he says, “He won’t bother you anymore. I promise.” 
You want to tell him how much he doesn’t understand. That your ex doesn’t give up that easily. But you decide not to ruin the moment, even if letting yourself believe him feels delusional. “Jisung, we need you up front!” one of his coworkers shouts back. He hesitates, unsure if he should leave you or not.
You kiss him first this time, turning him loose, “Go. I’ll be fine back here. Camp Counselor Sleepover Murder Party 1-3 have gotta be rotting around here somewhere right?” One last kiss and he’s rushing back up front, clueless as to how he’s supposed to focus on anything else now.
Turning back to the shelf you realize how big of a challenge you’re in for. Maybe there’s a feather duster somewhere? Or a respirator mask?
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“Give it here. That has to be wrong.” Minho approaches the kitchen counter where you sit, playfully swinging your feet. He reaches for the magazine in your hand but you clutch it tightly to your chest, refusing to fork it over.
“Live with it, Minho. You are Suspicious Boyfriend.” 
“Suspicious boyfriend” Han sings, retrieving a bag of freshly popped popcorn from the microwave, “I think it has a ring to it.”
Hopping down from the counter, you skip your way over to Han extending the magazine and the pen in your hand out to him. “Your turn, Hannie.” You see the skepticism all over his face but don’t give up. All torture must be equal after all.
“I’ll take that” Minho smiles, stealing the popcorn for himself.
“Sure. Why not?” Han surrenders, grabbing the magazine and the pen. You and Minho watch on, far more amused than you should be, as Han skims the pages checking off answers to silly personality questions. Pick a country to travel to. Pick a favorite food. Upstairs or downstairs?
After a minute or two he finishes and slides the magazine back over to you. You can barely contain yourself as you assess his results. Leaning across the counter, you share them with Minho who immediately begins to laugh. 
“What’s so funny? What did I get?” Han asks looking so genuinely concerned that you almost feel bad for telling Minho first. Minho empties the popcorn into a bright orange Halloween bowl, shoveling some into his mouth. “Comic Relief Best Friend” he mumbles. Han frowns, coming to see for himself. You hold the results page up for him. 
Which Horror Character Are You?
You point to his score beneath the headline “Comic Relief Best Friend”.
“Oh, okay. So I’m funny and I die before him. Perfect.”
“Aww, come on. Don’t be like that” you say, poking at his chin, “It’s not like I got the best result either. I’m the Final Girl.” 
“What’s so bad about that?” Minho asks, his words muffled by food, “It means you make it to the sequel.” 
“No, it means that I’m boring. Badass but boring. I wanna be the killer. They have more fun.” 
Han shakes his head, a sympathetic hand resting on your shoulder, “I hate to break it to you but you’re not really killer material.” Minho takes your hand like a doctor prepared to give you some bad news, “Yeah, you just…you don’t have it in you, kid.” 
“Don’t have it in me? I do so!” you protest, your tantrum not doing much to make you less adorable. Minho moves toward the knife rack behind him, carefully selecting the biggest, sleekest one he can find. “Okay, so kill me.” 
There’s a long, tense silence.
“Come on. It’s not that hard. Just…” Minho mimes stabbing himself in the chest, his tongue stuck out sideways. “Give it!” you shout, running to take the knife away. Minho catches you by the wrist, slipping the knife into your hand and raising the tip of the blade an inch away from his throat.
“Do it” he dares, his hand tightening around yours, “Prove us wrong.”
There’s an unnerving excitement in his eyes as he awaits your decision. An excitement that doesn’t seem to want you to back away. No, it wants you to come closer. He wants you to come closer.
“Hannie,” you plead, “Can you talk some sense into him please?” Han joins the two of you, saying nothing at first, simply observing. The way that they watch you is intensely sexual and some part of you, one you hadn’t known existed until now, seems to take pleasure in it. 
Han laughs, bringing his arms around your waist, “Oh but sweetie, we’ve played your game. Don’t you wanna play ours now?”
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raendown · 7 years
Chapter 52
I’ve had massive writer’s block for a few days and gotten little to nothing done. So today I forced out a semi-okay story for the Collection that sounded so much better in my head.
It’s under the cut or also on AO3.
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Soulmate au:  the one where any words you write on your arm will show up on your soulmate's arm
We have your soulmate. If you want him returned you will bring us ten million yen.
This message was the first that had ever appeared on Madara’s arm. He stared at it, frozen, trying to decide which reaction feels most pressing. On the one hand he really should panic because it appeared as though his soulmate was in trouble and may require help. He had no idea where in the world they might be but that didn’t stop him from flaring his chakra dangerously. On the other hand he wanted to leap for joy in an undignified way because this was proof that he does, in fact, have a soulmate and it gave him his first ever clue to their identity. They were male, apparently.
As he normally did when he experienced anything close to resembling feelings he went to Hashirama first. His friend jerked in surprise when he burst through the door, knocking over a pile of paperwork he happened to know had taken two hours to organize. Hashirama stared at the fluttering reports like he might burst in to tears.
“Hashirama my arm!” he exclaims, distracting the other man and getting to the point in one sentence. Hashirama blinked up at him with a pout before turning his eyes to the appendage held out towards him. Then he gasped.
“You got a message from your soulmate? Oh Madara, congratulations! Finally!”
“Did you even read it you imbecile?”
“What? Oh. Um……WHAT!?” Hashirama leapt out of his chair, scattering even more papers. Madara threw both of his hands up in the air, matching his friend’s indignant panic with a frantic scowl.
“I know!” he shouted.
The both of them fluttered about in a way the public never saw them, two idiots who should never have been allowed to classify themselves as adults. Madara brought his arm back down and stared at the words, stroking them until they finally began to fade. Hashirama paced around the edges of the room and muttered to himself about going to help this man, upset that they had no real way to find him. Except that they did!
Madara dove for the brush Hashirama had abandoned on his desk, nearly dropping it in his haste to write upon his own skin. His strokes were messy and inconsistent where they were usually neat and precise. He blamed it on the shock he had recently suffered. Hashirama paused in his rambling to watch him, face lighting up.
“I didn’t even think of that!” he said. Madara ignored him as he watched his message sink down beneath the surface, rereading it as it disappeared to find its way to his soulmate.
Tell me where to bring the money.
He wanted to demand to know where his soulmate was but he had dealt with this kind of thing before. The method of communication made it more than obvious that his soulmate was still alive and he knew better than to make demands. He still couldn’t quite bring himself to appear cowed though, evident in the way he did not phrase his question as a request. He stared at his skin, waiting for another message to appear.
And waited…and waited…and waited…
Madara had begun to twitch by the time black letters finally appeared after a full ten minutes and Hashirama paused in trying to calm him down to point them out. He held his arm up for both of them to read:
Ignore the previous. The idiots are dead.
Hashirama and Madara looked at each other in bewilderment. The panic that had been welling up dispersed, replaced instantly by confusion. He wondered if he should infer from this that his soulmate was a fellow shinobi or if they might instead be a person of high status, kidnapped for ransom before being rescued by guards of some sort. He had a brush in hand, poised to ask questions, when he paused. He wasn’t really sure if he even wanted to write.
After all, whoever this was had never written to him before. He had tried to make contact several times in his youth and not once had he received a reply. Where he used to assume that his soulmate had died prematurely now he wondered if perhaps they didn’t want him. Either for personal reasons or because, if they were a person of high status as he supposed, they may have tried to avoid him because they knew they wouldn’t be able to be with him. Arranged marriages were fairly common within the aristocracy. Honestly, the possibilities were endless.
His friend hovered around him with a confused and worried face as he slowly put the brush back down without writing anything. Madara didn’t put much effort in to explaining himself, only murmured enough words to get Hashirama to leave him in peace. Then he left. He felt like being alone for a while to figure out how to react to what had happened and how he wanted to proceed.
He mostly stayed at home for the next few days – and he would slit the throat of anyone who dared suggest he was moping – until Hashirama sent words that the delegation they had sent to the newly formed Kumogakure had returned. He left for the Hokage Tower right away, knowing full well that if he were not present that his friend would forget to tell him most of the important details. He wasn’t happy that the delegation had been led by Tobirama. Dealing with that arrogant Senju would certainly do nothing to help the bad mood he had been wallowing in ever since his first writing had appeared on his arm.
Tobirama was still dusty and travel-stained, leaning against the wall when Madara strode in to the room and looking as if he could use a good night’s sleep. He was also, notably, alone. His delegation had included three others, each a minor member of a different clan. They called themselves the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, which Madara had always found insufferably whimsical, and he asked first thing where they were. They should have been here to give their own reports as well.
“Dead,” Tobirama grunted shortly, passing a hand wearingly down his face.
“What?” Hashirama exclaimed. “What happened?”
“We were attacked in the rooms that the Raikage provide for us. They hit me with a sedative. From a distance. While I was already asleep.” Tobirama sighed. “My team were slaughtered in their beds and I was taken, although my would-be kidnappers were stupid enough not to suppress my chakra. Can you believe they were going to try to ransom me?”
With his eyes still closed and his head slowly tilted back to rest against the wall, he didn’t see the way Madara and Hashirama both stiffened, looking at him with rapt attention.
“Ransom you?” Madara asked in a tone much more faint and gentle than he had ever used before when speaking with this man. Tobirama seemed not to notice. He didn’t even open his eyes as he snorted in derision.
“Yes,” he said. “They wrote a message to my soulmate, of all people. The writing woke me and I killed them, of course. Well, I killed most of them. I kept one alive and left him with the Raikage as a gift. He was sufficiently embarrassed that such a thing could happen right under his nose and get past his security. Needless to say, there will be peace with Kumogakure. At least for now.”
He appeared to either not notice the silence that followed his account or simply not care to question it. His head had finally touched the wall and he looked ready to fall asleep right then. Hashirama and Madara shared a look, an entire conversation happening without a single word spoken between them. Madara knew his old friend was silently urging him to say something and he was just as quietly protesting that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. What if he were wrong? Coincidence seemed a bit fa-fetched but it could happen.
His hand came up reflexively to catch the small object that suddenly came flying at his head. When he looked he saw that he was holding a calligraphy brush, just enough ink on the bristles that it could be thrown without splattering across his clothing. He scowled at Hashirama who smiled back, smug for having thought of it first.
Tobirama didn’t have much of his skin bared in the armor he was still wearing. Madara’s only options were to use his hand or doodle on his own face. His small, nearly forgotten inner child sort of wanted to see Tobirama with a streak of black down the middle of his nose but he managed to resist. Instead he drew the brush across the back of his left hand, a random streak with no elegance or purpose other than to make a mark and test his theory.
He wasn’t sure if his heart sped up or paused entirely when a matching streak showed up, stark against the pale skin of Tobirama’s hand. The tired man evidently felt the warmth of the letters on his skin because he roused himself enough to frown and look down, blinking at the mark with a single eyebrow raised in bewilderment.
“Ah, brother?” Hashirama caught his attention. “You might want to look at Madara’s hand as well.”
With an expression that absolutely screamed ‘I’m too tired for this’ Tobirama did as he was bidden. He swung his gaze around to find Madara with hand and brush still raised, staring for a few seconds as it slowly sank in what he was seeing.
Madara couldn’t say he knew Tobirama well enough to have predicted exactly how he would react but he could say for sure that he had not expected the deep blush that spread across his nose. He’d never seen the younger Senju blush before; it was a fascinating sight. He looked as if he were less leaning on the wall now and more using it to stop from falling over in shock.
“Is that-? Did you-?” He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Madara’s hand so the Uchiha solved any questions he had by making a second mark. Tobirama looked at his own hand to see the first streak fading, replaced immediately by a replica of the one Madara had just drawn on himself. “Oh…” was all he said.
Hashirama clapped his hands together once, causing both of the others to jump slightly. “Well!” he said. “You two would probably like a moment alone to talk about this.” Despite his words, he didn’t seem in a hurry to go anywhere.
“I wrote to you,” Madara growled, unable to hold in his words any longer. “Many times as a child. Why did you never respond?”
“Ah…” Tobirama’s face morphed in to the most unique mix of incredibly embarrassed and incredibly annoyed. As he usually did, he went with annoyed as the reaction of choice. A scowl fell over his features and he opened his mouth to respond – only to be cut off by Hashirama.
“Well how old were you? You know, Tobi didn’t learn to read until he was almost fifteen. That’s why he reads so much now!” Their Hokage beamed, not at all phased by the look of betrayal from his brother.
“Hashirama!” Tobirama protested.
Madara raised his eyebrows in surprise. Then he furrowed them back down. “And after that? I’d already written to you. You knew I was trying to make contact. What about all the years since then, when you could have written to me yourself?”
Interestingly, the blush still lingering on those pale cheeks increased, spreading and darkening as red eyes fall to the side to avoid his own. He was half exasperated and half grateful when it was Hashirama who answered him once again, this time with what could only be called a shit-eating grin.
“Probably because he didn’t want to know just in case it wasn’t the one he wanted it to be,” Hashirama said. Tobirama’s head snapped up.
“Don’t you dare!” he hissed. Hashirama’s grin widened.
“He had a crush and it was so cute!”
“Brother!” Tobirama pushed away from the wall, reaching out to do something; hit his brother, throw a jutsu at him, tackle him and cover his mouth, the world would never know. Hashirama managed to dart just far enough away from those grasping fingers and give himself enough time to blurt out another of his sibling’s secrets.
“He thought you were really pretty!”
Tobirama froze, half leaning over the desk, and gave his brother a horrified look. Madara choked on his tongue in shocked disbelief.
“I beg your pardon?” he demanded.
“Shut up!” Tobirama half-shouted. “I was an adolescent!”
“That would hold if you weren’t still soooo in love with him!” Hashirama teased.
“Hashirama!” the younger man’s voice was nearly a screech this time.
Madara’s head was reeling and he suddenly felt the need to sit down somewhere. He watched Tobirama chase his brother around the desk, growling obscenities and threats while Hashirama tried desperately to stay just out of reach. Eventually Hashirama made his escape out the window and Tobirama followed after him, leaving the head of the Uchiha clan alone in the office of the Hokage feeling very faint.
“Tobirama is…in love with me?”
It took a while to pull himself together and go after the other two. It wasn’t hard, really. He followed the booming sounds and the concussive blasts of chakra towards one of the training fields specifically set aside for the more powerful fighters in the village to vent their destructive tendencies.
When he arrived he found Hashirama wailing for mercy, hunkered down under a thick shield of wood with Tobirama coming up with new and interesting ways to manipulate water to cut through it. The ground was torn up and several trees had been decimated and Madara reflected that out of all the people in the village no one threw a temper tantrum quite like the three of them. He wouldn’t even try to deny that he reacted much the same to his own frustrations. Izuna usually tended more towards sulking and Touka usually just plotted revenge. Mito he preferred not to think about. He and the two quibbling siblings, however, usually tended towards property destruction.
He didn’t feel any need to announce himself since he knew Tobirama would sense his chakra so Madara simply settled back on to his heels and waited until the man who was apparently his soulmate finally decided to allow his brother to live. His attacks ceased, leaving him huffing for breath at having expended so much chakra while already so exhausted. He still gave one last kick to the nearly decimated wooden dome before storming away – in the opposite direction of Madara. Madara scowled and hurried after him, leaving Hashirama to slink away and lick his wounds alone.
He caught up with the younger man as he was opening the front door to his home.
“What?” Tobirama snapped, whipping around to growl at him.
“Have you truly been in love with me since you were a teenager?” he asked. He got a scowl in return.
“Did you only follow to mock me? Because I have better things to do than stand here–”
“Oh would you just-ugh!” Madara gave up before he had even finished his sentence. Frustrated and knowing that neither of them was good at communicating without misunderstanding each other, he did the only thing he could think of that might shut the man up.
He grabbed Tobirama by the front of his armor and pulled him in, planting a rather rough kiss right on his lips. Tobirama groaned like he hadn’t been expecting it but definitely appreciated the idea. Madara really only meant it as a way to shut him up. He didn’t expect to actually find himself sinking in to it, stepping a bit closer and cupping the back of a pale neck. He felt hesitant hands bunching in his hair and hummed approvingly. Tobirama shivering in his hold in response was also unexpected.
“We should perhaps not be doing this in the street,” he murmured against the other man’s lips.
Tobirama didn’t say anything. He reeled him back in for another kiss, stumbling backwards to bring them both inside the home and allow the door to swing shut behind them. Madara pushed him up against a wall, biting at his lips and then soothing them with gentle passes of his tongue. Tobirama tried to buck up in to him, growling when his armor kept them separated just enough that he couldn’t. Madara chuckled in the back of his throat.
“Eager,” he purred. Tobirama harrumphed.
“Shut up,” he said. He lacked his usual poison, breathless as he was.
“You didn’t answer my question.” Madara leaned in and laid a trail of kisses slowly up the column of Tobirama’s neck. He felt the younger man swallow harshly under his ministrations. “Have you truly been in love with me for so long?”
Tobirama grunted, his head tilting instinctively to give him more access. “Yes,” he admitted quietly. Madara rewarded him with a gentle bite.
“Hm, flattering. Another question? Why on earth did you not learn to read until you were fifteen?” Even as he spoke he marveled that any of this was happening. This morning he had been under the impression they had hated each other. He wondered where in between realizing this was his soulmate and now he had decided that he approved of the match. Not that it truly mattered. Now that he’d had a taste he found himself instantly addicted. Was it like this for all soulmates? An instant click?
“Ahh…” Tobirama sighed as Madara sucked gently just beneath his ear. “Um…what? Oh you…reading. Didn’t bother. Too focused on training. Do – do that again…”
He wanted to laugh because only Tobirama would be so focused on training that he simply didn’t bother with books until adolescence and then fall absolutely in love with reading and research. He didn’t laugh though because he was much too busy nibbling on an ear and tracing the shell of it with his tongue. Making Tobirama squirm was just so new and fascinating. It had absolutely nothing to do with how good he tasted or how right it felt. Nothing at all. He would swear to it.
“Don’t think I’ve forgiven you for ignoring me for the past twenty-some years,” he murmured in to the ear under his attention.
“Ah…sorry…?” Tobirama was, understandably, entirely too distracted to actually be sorry. That didn’t stop Madara from tutting at him in disapproval and nipping him sharply.
“Hmph,” he said. “You’re going to be.”
By the end of the night he had extracted a much more heartfelt apology. Tobirama still didn’t mean it though. He hadn’t exactly hated his punishment.
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pestiwit · 4 years
U, R, A, Q and T?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I’ll do three from the three fandoms I mentioned!
1. TPOH- definitely RGB. I love the ‘accidental parent’ trope, I love seeing his character growth, his design is perfect, and he’s the first character I saw from the comic so it’s a sentimental thing too :)
2. Borderlands 2- Zer0 for sure XD I was shown them and was told they’re a player character and I immediately wanted to play the game. I love that their backstory is pretty blank, perfect for fanfic >:) They look edgy but they’re also a giant dork that makes anime references and that’s perfect
3. Portal - It’s a toss up between Chell and Wheatley, honestly. Chell is the player character, how could I not love her? Her tenacity, cleverness, and willingness to do what it takes to survive is incredibly admirable. She doesn’t give up, and it’s amazing. Wheatley on the other hand is funny (at first). He’s a robot who is our friend, when all the others want to kill us. While he does betray us, i think it’s really pretty sad. He’s a character who went through a LOT of shit and was never really treated as more than an idiot, and couldn’t resist the temptation of being in control once he finally got that. He’s the sort of bad guy who can totally be redeemed he just needs to learn how to deal with stuff, and time.
(honorable mention to GLaDOS because I fuckin love her too. those two win out by a TINY bit but man, big scary robot wife is also amazing)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Back to TPOH!
Hero and RGB, hands down. Found family will never not be the best trope ever. RGB learning to dad and Hero finding comfort in him as he loses his more assholish tendencies is my jam lol
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I love Light Entertainment and Eyetenna! Honestly a poly relationship between RGB, Magnus, and Madras is also extremely good :)
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
not tpoh related but I’m not really in the warrior cats FANDOM any more though I still consume the content. I’m definitely planning on going back eventually lol
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Hmmmmm... That Hate is a person from our world who’s a writer who was told they couldn’t make it as a writer. So she got very bitter and decided if she couldn’t write, then no one could and is trying to destroy Make-Believe because of that.
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twilightknight17 · 4 years
Forgetting to buy more SP patches before taking on the final boss was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to sell the items I can’t take into NG+ for cash that I can take into NG+ was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to get Arsene out of Lockdown so that I can record his awesome new stats for NG+ was probably a mistake.
In my defense, I was really excited. I wonder if the game will let me make a side trip while I’m out...buying flowers. Because that is what it has come to.
Buying flowers.
Shinya is a terrible brat and wasn’t in Akihabara at ALL until the day before the deadline. Thanks, Shinya. There goes my max confidants. Blugh. At least I got some other things done. Got the award for the maid cafe, so I don’t have to go back except once to open the Twins field trip. I still suck at batting even with third eye. But I am a champ at fishing, it only took me like five trips to the fishing pond to catch the Guardian! I could have done it in less if I’d figured out how to manage my bait properly sooner.
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Smile, Akira, we’re awesome! ...still not even halfway to enough fish points for the award, though. :/
I am also awesome at the crane game in Akihabara, and by that I mean I am persistent and have enough yen that it doesn’t matter how many tries it takes.
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Ryuji truly knows the way to my heart. <3 I missed two episodes of Featherman; one I forgot to check the TV, and the other I was laughing so hard at the title that I forgot to write it down. But I know where they are, so it’s something else for NG+. ^_^
So I romanced Sumire, and I’m...slightly off-put. Only slightly. Not because of her, but once again, because of the writing. Sumire is cute, but the game is singling her out as “special” again.
She is the only one who confesses to you, and you explicitly have the option to turn her down, rather than the implications of a confession that you can shoot down indirectly (Haru’s, Makoto’s, Futaba’s), or the absolute fucking galaxy-brain leap of logic that is Ann’s dialogue choices. X’D
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If you ignore that, though, they’re stupidly cute. Akira’s a little shit, as usual. Sumire asks you to “look at her”, based on her whole confidant thing of realizing that having someone you care about watching you makes you want to do better.
And so Akira looks.
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And looks closer.
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Dorks. XDDD
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They’re sweet. Not my favorite romance route; that still goes to Haru. I think in the end I still prefer Akira adding another member to his army of younger siblings. He’s gotta be better than Yu. XDDD
So I got Kasumi’s rank 10 and literally the next day was February 2nd, and I spent the afternoon getting her third-tier persona. So I didn’t even get to see...Vanadis? in battle. Vanadis matches a little too well to Arsene for my tastes, and Ella is pretty, but I’m not sure how I feel about it looking kind of bride-ish when Maruki’s running around in a wedding tux.
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Anyway...what do we do the night before the meeting that will decide everything?
We make curry and we pretend everything isn’t about to go to hell.
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So, Maruki. Let’s chat.
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Does no one die in your world? Or move away? What if someone’s dream is to move abroad, and someone else’s dream is for that person to stay with them forever? If what we saw in your Palace is any indication, both of them would be tortured into accepting new dreams where they wouldn’t hurt each other. Dreams that you deemed acceptable. And that’s why you’re wrong.
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So you’re giving up your happiness to make sure everyone else is happy? Why can’t you just use your powers to make her remember you, without the trauma? Are you not all-powerful?
Or are you running away from the person that reminds you how helpless you used to be? You’re not moving on, you’re dwelling, and using it as an excuse to be terrible. For all of your kindness, you know Akira is a threat. And benevolent or not, you’re being manipulative. You’re using Goro against him. You’re hoping that he makes the decision you didn’t, and chooses the person he cares about over the reality he wants.
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Every time he says something like this, I feel exactly the way he says he didn’t want me to. Newsflash, asshole, that’s exactly what it seems like. If we break your reality, you’re heavily implying he won’t be here afterwards. And you’re gambling that it will be too much pain for Akira to bear, because you know how important they are to each other.
Goro, meanwhile, is both perfectly determined and perfectly stupid.
“Don’t tell me you think dangling my life before us is going to have any impact on our decision.”
Goro. Honey. Do you really think he cares so little that he wouldn’t hesitate for just a moment?
Akira practically throws the calling card at Maruki before he leaves, which I think sums up his feelings pretty well.
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I appreciate that Morgana understands that this is something between them.
Goro doesn’t want to be controlled or manipulated ever again. Which... I get it. He’s never had a chance to have full control of his own life. But that doesn’t mean Akira isn’t going to be upset by the idea of him dying. Again.
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Two out of three dialogue options are basically “hang on one fucking second,  your life matters to me.”
“Don’t oversimplify this.”
“Oh, but it IS simple. Do you think I’d be happy with this? Being shown mercy now of all times? I don’t want to be pitied-- this isn’t something I’m debating with you! Your indecisiveness is essentially a betrayal of my wishes.”
It’s not pity, you stubborn, idiot boy. ...and I hate that you see it as a betrayal.
Maruki is...very confident. And very kind. And part of the reason he upsets me is because he isn’t wrong, in many cases. But he uses that to justify imposing his will on everyone.
And being kind doesn’t mean that you are free from sin. You can be kind and still be manipulative. And selfish. In the end, that’s what separates him and Akira. Akira, despite all of his hesitation, refuses to be selfish. Even when he has every right to be. He will not hurt someone else to prevent himself from being hurt.
He will not hurt Goro by refusing to fight Maruki, even if it will rip his own heart to pieces.
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Oh, I like you. At first glance, the silhouette was very similar to one of Mordred’s original pieces of concept art, though, and I was ready to Yell before I looked closer. XD
And so, at 11:30pm, having completely forgotten the several things I needed to have done before the meeting with Maruki, we head in to steal the Treasure.
This man needs to stop. How dare he know how much I love Cool Stairs?
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I find it very concerning that the core of Eden is a writhing mess of tentacles. The metaphorical worm in the apple? X’D We were so close to getting Nyarlathotep, but Azathoth is suitably intimidating. And I appreciate that he’s using the same concepts as the Thieves: his will to rebel against what he sees as an unfair reality, and removing his mask to summon his distorted persona. Thanks for validating all of my headcanon meta about Adachi and Palaces all in one go.
I can’t do this. What the fuck are you wearing?
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At least Azathoth is cool.
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Somehow I managed to bring exactly the right team to get consistent four-person baton passes for the whole first round. That one was about half an hour.
...the second round was an hour and fifteen minutes because holy shit this thing was a tank and had entirely too many arms and really needed to stop healing.
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The torch is very pretty, at least.
And then before we can completely book it out of there, he steals the torch back and literally forces his second awakening so he can keep going. And at that point...what is he even hoping to accomplish? What is he going to do? Are you really willing to kill us to maintain this illusion?
The answer is apparently yes because it was a surprisingly poetic battle as each teammate in turn got a chance to fling themselves in the way and stop it from crushing Joker to death with it’s big giant hand.
And THEN he goes even further and validates some canon meta and me all at once by fusing with his own persona in a continuing last-ditch effort to... I really think he’s trying to kill us. I think he’s that far gone. Or at least his persona is. Because after the fusion, it’s specifically called “Adam Kadmon”, not Maruki. The persona is in control. It’s canon that if you try to summon something stronger than you, it can overtake and possess you. I know Maruki seemed to willingly give up control, but it’s also possible that forcing his second awakening like that left him with a persona that was entirely too strong for him.
(Nevermind that him being that strong in the first place is kind of ridiculous. That’s a discussion for after the final credits. I’m just hyped that someone fusing with their persona was a thing that actually happened!)
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He’s so big. Where’s Satanael so I can fuse with him and we can have a megazord fight in Collapsing Ideal Tokyo? XD
The kids up the Holy Shit Quotient by a mile by catching the giant fist all together so that Joker can deal the final blow.
And what a final blow it is.
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I really like this, because I don’t know if it was deliberate, but I read it as a callback to Daybreakers. Which came out before the game, iirc, so the first real piece of content. It’s just on a bigger, grander scale.
Everything comes full-circle in the end.
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I really like the Mona helicopter. XD I just wish it was a little bigger, because poor Goro squished into the bottom. And poor Akira not managing to make it into the helicopter.
And this asshole WILL NOT STAY DOWN.
What is the point of punching it out on top of the collapsing Palace? Are you trying to kill us both? Do you just want to keep going until neither of us can stand? Dude.
And of course Akira won’t let him die. I think the upsetting thing about this, though, is really that you don’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye to Goro. Or anyone, really, but mostly Goro. The Palace crumbles, Akira wakes up in jail, the Thieves wake up the next morning after fighting all night, and Goro is...gone.
At least the Thieves seem properly sad this time. Even if it’s only for one scene.
Lavenza calls it “ironic” that “your wish for other’s happiness prevailed over your own.” I just call it unfair. Once again, hasn’t he done enough? At least he was only technically in jail for nine days from his perspective, but that must have been a whiplash of an adjustment.
Out of jail, Sojiro acknowledges he was Terrible at the beginning of the year, it’s 2:30am, time to do Valentines and then go to bed before the final walkaround.
And then Valentines passes. I spent it with Sumire. They’re cute.
And then it was February 15th and all the rest of the girls gave me chocolate?? It was just a constant ambush of being given chocolate all day?
And then it was March 3rd, and the Thieves are all splitting up and moving away? Are we sure this isn’t Scramble’s timeline? I get it, narratively, they’re taking the opportunities to move forward that Maruki’s reality would have denied them, but it still hurts.
And then it was March 13th and I still can’t save and now it’s 3am and apparently we get to play out White Day and Sojiro is giving me advice for the perfect date because captain idiot here forgot to plan anything and what heckin’ restaurant is getting this flustered that just mentioning Sojiro’s name is enough to get a table when they’re fully booked and---
Now it’s the 14th and I have to go buy flowers for my dinner date and I have finally been given control and saved and I am free.
Now next time I play I have to see if I can go sell my leftover items, because I’ve got a couple-hundred-thousand yen worth, and also rescue Arsene from prison. X’D
More thoughts on Maruki and everything after I see the ending, most likely.
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I Love You, You Dork
A/N: Hi everyone! I have quite a few requests coming in for stuff, keep it coming! I just got back from my vacation to the beach for a week and it was an exhausting trip. Hopefully you’ll get a couple imagines tonight into tomorrow. I love love love writing for Richie for some reason. He’s just so precious. So enjoy this! I am trying to do them in order, so if you aren’t seeing yours, it should be coming soon. Sending out my love <3 ALSO IM SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT I DIDN’T WANT IT TO BECOME BORING
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader 
Request: “I see that you write for Richie Tozier!! I was wondering I could request a richie x reader where reader also gets glasses and it makes him flustered and he loves them and maybe a member of the Bowers Gang takes them from her and Richie /tries/ to defend her. Thank you for your consideration!” @savethehoneeybees 
Pushing the unfamiliar accessory up the bridge of your nose, you enter school. Getting glasses over the summer was not the makeover you had in mind, but it was the one you received. They weren’t the big thick square ones that Richie sported and made look amazing effortlessly...Yours were thinner, more simple, yet you still hated them. There weren’t many choices, so you chose the first pair that didn’t make you gag when you tried them on...but walking into the school, you have never wanted to hide more. “y-y-y/n, like the glasses.” Bill pipes up from beside you, making you come out of your trance. He was alone, probably looking for the others. You thought you’d join him, wanting nothing more than to be in the comforts of the losers club, Richie especially. Bill was the one who was always nothing but incredibly nice to you. Richie, you had to warm up to along with Eddie and Stan. But Bill and Ben were the easiest to grow to love. They are both love bugs whole-heartedly. 
“Thanks Bill, I’m still not used to them yet-” You admit, before being cut off by none other than the goofy loud mouth you’ve been waiting to see for the past few days. Summer had been a long journey of the boys taking you to the quarry, riding around on the back of Richie’s bike, and much more of the same old same old. The past few days, you’d stayed home, wanting to get used to the change. You were honestly scared of people seeing the glasses. Now you have no choice. 
“Not used to what? By the way, welcome back to hell everybody.” Richie asks, nosy as always, taking his place by your side and cleaning his glasses before putting them back on and giving you a good look. Immediately, his dark chocolate eyes widen and a giant grin makes its way onto his face. “Well damn Y/N, when I think I’m the cool attractive one, you have to come show me what you’re made of. Lookin’ good. See guys, I can get a hot girl.” He says waving Stan and Eddie over, and successfully making you blush. He had no limits, which was not new. He said things like this all the time, always lightheartedly, but you knew Richie was the softest little teddy bear when it came to you. When his friends aren’t there, which is rare but occasional, he is very lovable. 
“Yea, Y/N, you look great. You rock dorky.” Eddie agrees, which all the compliments are making your heart feel like it is swelling in your chest. 
“Alright guys, you can stare at my girl later, we have the first day to conquer. See you guys at lunch?” Richie asks and everyone nods, splitting up and going to their classes, Richie motioning for you to follow him to his locker. The halls were crowded as usual, so you caught some strange looks from the girls in the hall. Some of the girls here are rotten, so you know you’ll get a bit of crap for the glasses later. “I didn’t know you needed glasses.” Richie thought out loud, putting his books into his locker. He wasn’t the easiest to read, but you could see curiosity in his face as he said it. He wondered what else he didn’t know about you. You shrugged, stuffing your hands into your jean pockets, shuffling your feet across the tile. 
“I didn’t either, quite honestly. I’ve always had the same vision, from what I can remember. But now I can see so clear, it’s so...nice.” You explain with a far away look. The little things make life so different. If you needed to wear these big clunky glasses, you’re happy to. The only people whose opinions matter also expressed how much they love them. What else could you ask for? 
“We’re definitely the goofiest looking couple in school now, thanks to you.” Richie pointed out, ruffling your hair slightly before he closed his locker and threw his bag over his shoulder. 
“Um excuse me, you’re definitely more goofy than me.” You shot back, raising an eyebrow at him. The deafening bell rang out through the school, and Richie pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I’ll let you believe that, and I will see you at lunch. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He demands jokingly and you roll your eyes, turning in the opposite direction as him, heading for the staircase. Before you could get to the stairs though, your glasses were ripped off your head. 
“Hey is right. Guys look, Richie’s girlfriend is even trying to look like him now. Isn’t it cute? I’m gonna have to keep these.” Henry says to his friends, waving your glasses in the air above you. You sigh, reaching up to no avail. 
“Give them back! Please Henry...” You don't bother saying mean things to him, as it would result in something worse. Him and his friends are the perfect example of mob mentality. They do things without thinking, with no understanding of other peoples feelings or consequences. It made you uneasy not knowing his limits. 
“Hear her guys? awww, give em back. Should I give them back?” Henry asks his friends, and they all chuckle, shaking their heads no. You let your shoulders fall in defeat. 
“Hey! Leave her alone.” Richie screams from down the hallway, making not just you, but all the guys glance in his general vicinity. You bite your lip, hoping that this ends smoothly. You love Richie to death, but he is not one to take on Henry and all of his goons. 
“And what are you going to do if I don’t? Hit me? I’m shaking.” Henry taunts, waving your glasses around, above his head. 
“Why, you know this is not fair Henry, because it would not be me against you...it would be me against you and thing one, two and three.” Richie says rolling his eyes. Henry’s eyes light up at the actual offer of a fight. 
“Richie it is fine-” 
“No Y/N, Richie wants to be the big bad boyfriend and stand up for you. Let him. Come get her glasses big boy.” Henry says, motioning for his friends to stay where they are. Richie gives you a look and lets out a breath he seemed to have been holding for a little while. You felt your chest twist and ache. You knew that this was not a good idea. You did not want to kill Richie’s ego, but he had to do this himself now that he got into the position. He hesitates, looking over at Henry’s friends, but figures he needs to get your glasses back. He steps forward and takes a deep breath. The actions following made you gasp...Richie was so lovely to you, so seeing him act maliciously was so unlike him. He talked big, but was always the goofy/nerdy kid. Richie socked Henry right in the stomach, making him hunch over. He then peeled the glasses out of his hands and handed them to you. “Get him boys.” Henry said in a croaky voice from the floor. The three other idiots got excited, which is when you tried to get in-between Richie and the morons. But the blonde one grabbed you and held you back as the others went for Richie. “Richie! Leave him alone.” You say thrashing at the blonde kid holding you back. For a scrawny guy, he was surprisingly strong. You watched as the two guys pushed Richie onto the ground over and over and held him down as Henry got up and kicked him a few times. Richie was not reacting as much as you thought he would, as he didn’t yelp or make any noise as he was hit. You continued to yell at the boys until teachers started to exit their rooms and get in between the fight. You were finally dropped, running over to Richie who had a split lip. He gave you a sad smile, which had to sting from the blood exiting his lip. 
“I’m sorry that they took your glasses...and that I couldn’t beat their asses for you.” Richie said with a frown as the other boys were being reprimanded. You shrugged, sitting down against the locker with him and grabbing his hand. 
“You punched Henry Bowers in the stomach to get me my glasses back, Richie. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” You giggle and he nods proudly. He never thought he would have punched Henry Bowers in the stomach, and not die minutes after. He would of course tell people he has, but he actually did...no fiction involved. 
“I did do that...didn’t I? Wow I’m a badass. If the guys ask, I won that fight.” Richie says matter-of-factly, making you grin. Of course he will tell the guys that, but it is not like they will believe him. But if that is what he wants, you’ll stand by that. He did win that fight, because he got your glasses back, and made you smile. For him that was winning. No matter if he had a split lip and a bit of a bruise starting to form on his abdominal area. You helped him up, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he let out a low groan. 
“I love you, you dork.” You say starry-eyed, pushing up his glasses back to where they’re supposed to be. He snorts, giving you that look that you know all too well from Richie. 
“You’re whipped.” Was all you needed as your ‘I love you too’. But were you the one who was really whipped? 
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
LRA Korea Write Up!!!  This is so freaking long and rambly and fangirly but here we go
So obviously spoiler alert, I’ll mark the appropriate parts with trigger warnings, and also I don’t speak any Korean so obviously I missed a lot of stuff
Okay so first off the theater and stage itself were pretty damn small especially in comparison to the 4000 seat Palais des Congrès in Paris but they def made that stage work for them.  The back of the stage was curved in and had steps going all the way around, a screen above the steps with projections, etc, and a couple of entrances for actors.  They had some minimal set pieces, but the coolest part was the like celestial pattern they had on these giant moving screens that they used for a curtain as well as for backdrops for some of the scenes.  Tbh the costumes weren’t like mind blowing like you could tell they didn’t have the biggest budget but they worked and none were so ugly or awful that it took me out of the story.
So the show starts in a similar way with Merlin and the Dragon, but it was really cool bc the part (i assume at least) where the Dragon mentions the king’s son Arthur pops up at the top of the steps!  As the knights are slowly appearing for the tournament and start fighting, Arthur actually sings part of Je me relève???  Which imo is brilliant???? Anyways it gets down to just Meleagant and as he goes up to try and pull Excalibur from the stone, he sings part of Un Nouveau Départ which is also brilliant????  This production did a great job of establishing and maintaining musical themes for characters and i was living for it.
Anyways Arthur does the thing and yay he’s king now but wait side note Han Jisang who played Arthur was SO FUCKING GOOD.  Like he captured Arthur’s transition from a boyish squire to a grown ass adult king so beautifully and wonderfully it was truly incredible.
Okay so now it’s Advienne que pourra time and holy fuck.  Holy f u c k.  Kang Hongseok was the perfect Meleagant.  I’d link it but I’m on mobile but you can see his Advienne que pourra in the King Arthur press call around the nine minute mark and he just fucking k i l l s it.  Also there were no sword dicks in the choreography so it’s automatically better.  And the projection1!!!  They had a sun up from the beginning bc the Dragon had appeared in the sun but it was still up for Meleagant but then during the bridge it’s eclipsed by the moon and it’s like ooooo symbolism for Meleagant’s feelings~~~
Side note i really really really loved the staging of this like so much of it made soooo much more sense than the french production and like I’m attached to the original because obvious reasons but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t‘ve been better.
The training scene with Gauvain was pretty similar as the original.  Merlin introduces the stag and the wolf again, and ngl the dude who plays the wolf has very nice abs so good for him for being motivated to work out like that lol.  Anyways i really liked the staging of Qui suis-je because Arthur still has his existential crisis but Merlin’s explanation of the Grail is less directed at him???  Like Arthur’s still on stage but he’s not listening and is working on training with Merlin’s brothers.  So it’s much less “I know you’re having a hard time but look at this shiny thing!” Than the french one.
They took out the Danse des guerriers battle dance number music but they did still have a dance battle!  At the top of the stairs they had Guenièvre and Léodagant being held prisoner by Méléagant and they showed Mélé like trying to be romantic ish with Guenièvre so establishing that connection was really nice. And Méléagant had a new song????  That was really short????? But i don’t think it matched any of the melodies of his other songs?????? I’m confused but intrigued.
Oooo what was really cool was how they did Arthur asking Meleagant to knight him.  Like in the french one it’s tense but i really felt the tension among the characters tonight it was sooo great oh my god.  But after Meleagant takes the sword, he sings a few lines of Advienne que pourra and then points the sword at Arthur’s neck and idk i just really liked it it was such a nice touch and maybe it was Hong Seok and the other actors reacting to him but there was a true sense of holy fuck no one knows what he’s gonna do next and Arthur had this look on his face like I’m prepared to die if this is my time and ugh i love them all so much ;alkdjfa;dk 
Okay next is Rêver l’impossible.  I liked our Guenièvre but I’d have to see her again to have a more detailed opinion of her lol.  I really loved this scene because one no pregnant handmaidens and two Arthur was being really cute and acting all in love with her and it was adorable and I love it.  Quelque chose de magique was more of the same like Han Jisang fucking killed it as Arthur like he was such a dork in love and I loved it.  And towards the end of the scene Méléagant walks on stage and looks at Guenièvre and Arthur and so you know he knows he’s lost Guinevere.
Un Nouveau Départ was great because Kang Hongseok is great and I love him.  They did have the dancers do body rolls which i found very amusing for some reason idk why a;dlkfajd;lfksd Next was my one complaint about the show and it’s that there was no transition whatsoever between Un Nouveau Départ and Au diable but maybe they had Guenièvre do that lyrically???  Still some sort of musical interlude in between would’ve been nice.  I did l o v e how they did the water for her arrival like she stood at the top of the stairs and they had blue fabric covering all the steps then they pulled it down as she started to walk down and the screen was doing these cool star projections and it was just so pretty.
RAPE TW for this next paragraph
Next was A l’enfant and Tu vas le payer.  Nothing really changed story wise but our Leia was soooo good and was such a great dancer.  And I noticed the lady playing the role of child Morgane in the story had such great expressions and body language and tbh the same can be said for the entire ensemble they were amazing. Anyways our Morgane was really amazing too her expressions were also soooo great and I’m running out of adjectives bc it’s three am a;ldkfjad;l but anyways the way things go down for these two songs is about the same in the french but the staging is different obviously like instead of the party scene it’s mostly Morgane jamming out with the ensemble then they roll Arthur and Guenièvre in on rolling platforms and then Morgane waves her arms bc magic and she does the same movements as Guenièvre so it looks like she’s controlling her which I thought was a cool way to do that.  Afterwards Arthur is obviously very distraught but instead of Merlin being like “you have bigger problems your people are dying” Arthur runs off stage to (hopefully) process what just happened so i appreciate that there’s that moment instead of just rushing on to the next thing.
Next was Guenièvre’s garden and Lancelot’s arrival, which was really cute bc her handmaidens blindfold Kay and have him try to find one of them and he ends up in Lancelot’s arms ;aldkfjsdl;k. And the way Kay tries to protect Guinevere was so freaking cute he kept throwing his arms up to protect her and she kept pushing them down then his arms would pop back up it was so cute ;ladkjfadlk
Si je te promets goes down pretty much the same, but what’s interesting is afterwards Merlin shows up and is like hey your people are dying and that’s when they have Délivre-nous!  They also had ensemble member solos instead of just one singer which i thought worked really well.  And Arthur’s moving among them and he tries to reach out to help them as they fall dying and i just love the staging so much like from the very beginning with the dude who rushes in to tell Arthur Méléagant is holding Guenièvre and her father captive you can just tell Arthur is so concerned about caring for his people and i love him so much ;alkdjf;aldk 
After that song ends Arthur’s like hey we gotta fix this shit so he creates the round table then goes into Je me relève!!  Which was a lil creepy bc that’s the exact same idea i had in my own LRA rewrite and i was like fuck did they find my blog but it fucking works y’all!!!!  And they end Act I on that song and ugh it’s so beautiful i love it
Act II starts out with Dors Morgane dors but it’s not about her mother’s rape anymore, we think she’s talking about her plans for Lancelot, Guenièvre, and Arthur but that is to be confirmed.  They then show ARthur and Lancelot kicking ass and taking names which i liked that it showed Lancelot had buddies besides just crushing on Guinevere lol
Next was A nos vœux sacrés which holy shit y’all.  Holy shit.  Both actors are so freaking good and they both hit high notes at the end of the song and i died and went straight to heaven it was sooooo amazing ;alkdjfa;ldskjfas;d also they did not paint Méléagant up like a war boy they had this like branch like mask thing??? It looked really cool omg
Next Lancelot and Guinevere had a short scene that led into L’amour quel idiot and i loved this staging so much!!!! Like instead of having him sing at their faces after the wedding he’s downstage singing and longing for Guinevere while she and Arthur are standing at the top of the steps getting ready for the wedding and i just love it so much y’all
The wedding scene didn’t have a song but Morgane sung Ce que la vie a fait de moi afterwards and holy fuck y’all i freaking died and went to heaven every time this Morgane hit a high note she was soooooo good y’all.  So fucking good.
I don’t really remember much about le Serment d’Arthur prob bc i know they changed things but language barrier so I’m not 100% sure how it changed rip
Faire comme si was good but I’m so attached to the french staging of that song i still miss it ;alkdfjsad; one thing that i really really loved and preferred in this one was Lancelot and Guinevere don’t really touch??  It’s just longing gazes and at one point they touch hands and Lancelot like freezes like oh fuck she’s touching me i can’t believe it but then Guinevere pulls her hand away and he just leaves his in the same spot for a second like he still can’t believe she touched his hand and ugh i loved it the lack of touching really upped the ante on the pining and it was sooo good a;ldfkjadfkl;
Next was another scene with Morgane and Méléagant where Méléagant starts out being all like you promised me!!! And then I *think* Morgane tells him something like be patient and explains her plan but once again Korean and changes so it’s mostly speculation
But y’all
They had Morgane and Méléagant sing Mon combat
Like w h a t
But also y e s
I’m glad they didn’t just leave the song the way it is in the French version bc it doesn’t work very well where it is in the French one???  So I’m so happy they moved things around and tried to make things work better
Next up Merlin peaces out and Arthur?????  Sings a slow reprise?????? Of Quelque chose de magique??????? No clue what he says in the lyrics but i thought it was an interesting melodic choice to bring back in the moment Arthur loses his mentor
So Guinevere gets kidnapped and Kay’s the one who actually realizes she’s gone and who took her but Arthur decides to go after her himself???  Then it switches to Lancelot who’s looking for the Grail and they kept the phrase Wake Up in English bless them but he doesn’t find Guinevere’s handkerchief until partway through the song and Niel (the kid playing Lancelot) was really great??? Like it was so much fun watching him as Lancelot ugh
I don’t remember why but Arthur then has a reprise of Si je te promets jury is still out on what he’s singing about but will keep you posted
Yoooo nos corps à la dérive man.  So. Good.  I’m so in love with Hong Seok’s Méléagant he’s so great and i just ;lakdjf;alkdjfd but the set was so cool they had like all these white ribbons???  That Guinevere was attached to??? Which sounds weird but it was like part spider web effect part almost shattered mirror effect????  That’s not explaining it well but it looked really cool and avant garde ish and there was a significantly fewer number of random creepy skeleton projections so i was here for it
Major difference tho Lancelot shows up ready to throw down except he gets his ass kicked and is seriously injured???  And Arthur shows up but he just listens at first so I think that’s when he really figures out what’s up between Lancelot and Guinevere but then Arthur steps in and kills Méléagant (who sings a reprise of Un Nouveau Départ before being carried off into the afterlife) (rip in peace).  Arthur then leaves Guinevere and Lancelot alone while the latter dies and they sing a really sad reprise of L’amour quel idiot :(((( my son dying meant that Il est temps got cut but like they added soo many reprises and things it makes sense that they’d have to cut at least one song but still sad :(
Next Arthur talks with Morgane and I’m not entirely sure what was happening but it seemed like she was having a breakdown because of what happened and what she did to Arthur and Vanessa said that he said something like “Don’t turn into our mother” or something like that but she breaks down and spirits herself away while she and Arthur sing a reprise of Dors Morgane dors
Then it’s Tout est joué and Merlin is standing on the back of the steps while Arthur is in front of the closed screen so it was nice to have that kind of physical barrier present on stage to further emphasize that Merlin’s not gonna be helpful bc he’s now separated from Arthur rip
Next up was Auprès d’un autre which involved a lot less yelling and shit then the French version and holy shit Han Jisang fucking killed it (again) he was sooo great but Arthur lets Guenièvre go partway through the song and so the show ends with him by himself holding up Excalibur
At curtain call they sang some of Je me relève (i think) again and it was cute esp bc at the end everyone was holding a dramatic pose except Han Jisang was just quietly bopping and jamming to the instrumental outro by himself so everyone is dead still except Arthur who was just bopping along it was so cute ;alkdjf;alskdjf
Anyways it was amazing and they seemed to make changes to make the story make more sense which bless them for doing it but i loved it so much and i need to see it like a million more times it was so good a;ldskfjas;ldkfjads;lkfjasd;k
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Tagged, Fandom Questions!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Thank you much to @little-mini-me-world for the tag!
Three Fandoms:
Ikemen Sengoku: Romances Across Time
Touken Ranbu
The First Character You Loved:
Ieyasu, I wanted to be out of the box and start this game with someone that wasn’t Nobunaga...and he was just so savage I loved it. On top of his dramatic routes and the general conversations that take place I was smitten despite his ‘attitude’
Tanaka Ryunosuke OMG I love this character way too much! Originally it seemed like he may just be in the story as a sort of comic relief but as it continues his personal growth as a character and his role on the team has changed dramatically. He is still one of Karasuno’s four idiots but he’s also become so much more that than.
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro- He literally runs around thinking he isn’t good enough to do things because he’s a fake, but low-and-behold he has this super sweet side and is quite useful! He loves his adorable dancing flower and I just can't get over how attached he is to his cloak...like won't even let Kasen wash it all the way ‘because something that clean doesn’t suit a fake like him.’ He’s just too precious and needs all the love!
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Masamune when I played through all of the other routes I wasn’t sure how I would enjoy his...I definitely thought they would focus more on his cooking but was pleasantly surprised. I found that the MC in his story had a realistic approach to most things in the Sengoku and the growth between your character and his is amazing. I fell head over heels for this man...I’m happy I didn’t play his route sooner...would’ve ruined me for a handful of the others.
Yachi Hitoka - Just your average ‘Townsperson B’ she was so squirly when she was introduced I had no idea how to deal with her character. As you get to know her and her mother you sort of see why she is the way she is, and it’s so much fun watching her deal with all of her volleyball boys :) as well as the guys on the other teams!
Hasebe Heshikiri was and still is a total ‘saniwa’s boy’ He’s such a dork and will do anything to make sure the citadel is running smoothly for his master. Coming across a little overbearing at first I fell in love during the episode of Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru Days when the Saniwa is sick and him and Mitsutada make food and literally just sing for half the episode...brilliant writing
The Character You Relate To The Most:
The MC...it feels weird picking one of the other characters since I feel so invested in this fandom. I find that no matter what route I’m in, most of the MC’s reactions are relatable and are in some scope something I would say or how I would react to each warlords personalities...idc...go ahead, think I’m lame…
Kozume Kenma is literally me on most days. He’s a great setter and is part of the glue that holds his team together but 80% of the time he’s off hiding in a dark corner playing video games lol me...always and forever...give me a dark corner and my Vita/DS and I’m set until it dies.
Akashi Kuniyuki just wants to nap and take care of the tanuki at the citadel. He wants to be a helpful little honey bee without disrupting the already great flow going on so he does what he can to be helpful while also really just wanting to sleep.
The Character You’d Slap:
Kennyo...like really guy? I played his birthday special attempting to get to know him better as a character...ya know...give him a chance...but I just can’t ya’ll. Like Shingen’s route...hard shake down, ‘WhY WouLD YoU DOOO ThAt?!?!” Jesus...also why is he so surprised by how the MC acts in at least ½ the routes...she has successfully befriended all the major warlords in Azuchi & Echigo...MC aint no normal woman!
Daishou Suguru...ok so I know it was supposed to add some suspense and conflict but just ugh….why?
Kashuu Kiyomitsu you are perfect, and wonderful, and loved why don’t you believe us!!!!?! Slap some sense into that boy! I love you too much to see you that upset!
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Masamune > Mitsuhide > Sasuke
Bokuto > Kuroo (Oya Oya Oya!) > Tanaka
Mutsunokami > Shokudaikiri > Hizamaru
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
Hideyoshi...I get that he’s supposed to be the doting lover who wants everything for you but I would go absolutely crazy eventually. Like let me do something for you...you say you like to pamper MC but what if MC gets the same pleasure out of taking care of you...aren’t you just denying them that same happiness…?
Ushujima...I know he’s just a giant teddy bear but I really didn't appreciate when he completely unvalidated all of the work Oikawa put into his training and told him he made the wrong decision by not going to Shiratorizawa...not ok with that fam...not ok with that.
Yamatonokami...I realize he had some things to work through...and maybe it’s just because he’s the main squeeze of the Hanamaru days season one but i had a hard time dealing with his Okita obsession by the end of it all. Loved his grand entrance in season two tho… xD
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Shingen, insert eye roll for cheesy pick up line...my boyfriend is full of lines like this and they have never garnered more than a laugh or an eye roll, like that’s sweet and thanks but no thanks. A normal hello would do. The more I listen to him though and the more I got into his story the more i found myself smiling and enjoying his personality
Oikawa it’s painfully obvious that I don’t particularly like the ladies man right off the bat...but if they’re written well and prove to by dynamic characters they tend to grow on me. I don’t really take the pick up lines or the fawning seriously just makes me giggle.
Ookurikara he was super stand-offish at first and I wasn’t sure how I felt about him  and his interactions with Shokudaikiri and the others but he’s just one giant cinnamon roll :)
Three OTPs:
Masamune x Ieyasu are my BroTP I think they compliment each other well and while he would never admit it, Ieyasu seems to really get along with Masa
Sugawara x Oikawa ugh I just can’t with these two...Oikawa refers to Suga as “Mr. Refreshing” like I really can’t their interactions are just long enough and their personalities mesh so well (swoons)
Izuminokami x Mutsunokami I love everything about these two, they’re so similar and so different. The anime does a very good job of showing that even though they were the swords of two opposing historical forces, they can still work together and get the job done. They are constantly competing with each other but there is so much respect between them it’s amazing.
For any of my followers who want to participate :) 
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alocalband · 7 years
“Thanks, Maggie. Love you,” Dex says, and Nursey’s heart stops beating for a moment. His lungs refuse to inhale or exhale. The muscles in his legs forget that they are holding up an actual person.
Then Dex’s eyes catch his, going wide at the interruption, and Nursey somehow finds it in himself to pretend that everything is exactly the same now as it was thirty seconds ago.
He looks away and heads for the fridge, his limbs remembering themselves once more.
“Hey, uh, sorry, I gotta go. Can I call you back?” Dex says into his cell phone on the other side of the Haus kitchen.
Nursey rummages through several pounds of butter in search of something edible. He silently repeats to himself his old mantra from Andover, from when he could barely see straight for the tears welling up in his eyes at every backhanded remark or micro-aggression. The mantra he used to train his emotions not to show themselves at every turn, the way they had done with abandon throughout his childhood.
“Write it down instead,” his sister suggested, when he confided to her his inability to keep things bottled up. And, after a time, that strategy seemed to work.
Write it down instead, he still tells himself now, at the end of his Sophomore year at Samwell, whenever the world becomes too much, whenever he feels suddenly as though his façade of always okay always fine always chill isn’t strong enough to handle the current situation.
Nursey begins to silently run through the words again in his head now, trying very hard not to analyze why he needs to.
“Um, so. How much of that did you hear?” Dex asks him, and luckily Nursey’s got his head buried so far into the freezer that he doesn’t have to cover his pained grimace.
“Not much, man, don’t worry about it. Hey, you think Bitty would murder us if we used his new oven for store-brand taquitos?”
He barely hears Dex’s reply, though, too busy faking normalcy. Too busy wondering who it was on the other end of Dex’s phone call that got to hear the words “I love you” from the guy, and so casually offered up that Dex must say it to her daily.
Dex is staring at him expectantly when Nursey finally dares to turn around and face him.
“Uh, Nurse? Are you--”
“Yeah, bro. It’s chill.”
Dex frowns, but his eyes are more concerned than annoyed. How Nursey knows this is beyond him and just adding fuel to the fire of his internal freakout. Since when did he start becoming so conscious of all the little, subtle pieces that make up William Poindexter? And, more importantly, when did he start caring about them so much?
Since you first met him, his brain supplies unhelpfully, and Nursey swallows down a lump in his throat as he realizes it’s true. And that it’s too late for this realization to matter, because Dex loves somebody else.
Dex’s frown hardens when Nursey is quiet for too long. He crosses his arms over his chest, biceps bulging against his flannel, and huffs like he wants to seem annoyed but Nursey can see through the act. He’s scared. “So you did hear me.”
Nursey resists the urge to dry heave. “Dex, buddy, it’s fine, alright? I only heard the end. Who’s the lucky lady?”
Which was apparently the wrong thing to ask, because Dex’s frown now turns offended rather than its usual beleaguered version of constipated. “Are you making fun of me? Because I swear to god, Nurse, if you think--”
“Woah woah woah, dude, chill. I was trying to say I’m happy for you? Like, all I caught was the ‘love you’ at the end, so. I’m just... Happy. For you. Loving someone. Er. ‘Swawesome.”
Fuck. “Swawesome?” he mouths to himself with a furrowed brow after that horrendous word vomit, and then looks up just in time to see Dex incredulously mouthing it to himself as well.
Then Dex rolls his eyes. “I was talking to my cousin, Nurse. We’re pretty casual with the love you’s among family. You’ve met my mom, don’t act so surprised.”
“Oh.” Nursey feels like an idiot for not immediately guessing something along those lines. But it’s too late now to take back all of his subsequent revelations and feelings.
Dex bites his bottom lip and tugs nervously at his left sleeve with his right hand. His cheeks look warm, but not hot. So much about Dex is always fire, but what’s often overlooked is how that heat, if treated right, if tended to, could be a comforting warmth rather than a blaze.
“You didn’t hear anything before that?” he asks.
Nursey shakes his head and gives up on finding any food in the Haus fridge that won’t get him into trouble for heating up without Bitty’s supervision. “No, why? Was it embarrassing? We’re gonna be living together next year, bro, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be overhearing a ton of embarrassing shit.”
Something about Nursey’s expression must give him away, though, because Dex’s eyes narrow. Nursey used to think this particular gaze was a judgmental one, but he’s learned over the last couple years that’s it’s merely assessing. Analytical. Like Nursey is the three-thousand-piece puzzle and Dex is just trying to figure out how to put together the border.
“Shit. You did,” Dex whispers, like he’s talking to himself more than Nursey. “Don’t lie, Derek. I mean, you wouldn’t be freaking out right now if you hadn’t.”
Nursey scoffs, even as his internal organs all squeeze together in a painful, terrified knot. “I am the opposite of ‘freaking out,’ Will.”
Dex runs a hand over his beleaguered features. “God, you are such an ass. I can literally see you having some sort of mental breakdown right now, and, look, if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll...” Dex sighs and grabs the back of his neck in a rare sign of blatant discomfort that doesn’t want to manifest in either anger or a blush. “I’ll get over it, alright? I will spend the entire summer getting over it, and you won’t have to worry about sharing a room with someone who... Whatever. It won’t be an issue.”
“Someone who what?” It occurs to Nursey that the miscommunication here is not one-sided. Dex genuinely thinks Nursey heard something he shouldn’t have, and it wasn’t the “I love you.” “Wait, were you... were you talking about me before?”
Dex’s whole face goes tomato-red, and his shoulders tense the same way they do when he’s anticipating getting checked into the boards and doesn’t have the time or momentum to send his attacker sprawling back onto his ass. “...No.”
“Now who’s the liar?”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Dex’s eyes widen and his pupils expand so fast, it’s like someone just flashed a light straight into them and then quickly away.
Nursey sucks in a sharp breath. “Holy shit. Do you... Is this...”
“Yes, I was talking about you,” Dex blurts out, and jerks his head back to stare resolutely at the ceiling. “Maggie’s the only one I’ve ever come out to, so she’s the only one I’ve ever... You know. Talked about boys with.”
Nursey tries to ignore how many circuits in his brain are currently exploding. “And I’m a-- a ‘boy’ you talk about?”
Dex sucks in a deep breath and then hangs his head so that he’s staring now at the floor instead. “The only boy. At least, for the last year or so.”
“Oh wow,” Nursey breathes, unable to form a coherent thought in response.
Write it down, some part of the back of his mind reminds him, still attempting to compartmentalize all of this enough that his emotions don’t just explode out of him.
So Nursey pulls out the Sharpie he keeps in his back jeans pocket with one hand, and grabs Dex’s forearm with the other.
“What are you--” Dex starts, but stops abruptly as Nursey begins writing across his wrist in quick, sure strokes.
I like you
Dex stares at the words, upside down from his perspective since he doesn’t adjust or move his arm at all, even when Nursey releases his grip. Just stands there, completely frozen.
“So. There’s that,” Nursey says awkwardly after as much silence has passed as he’s able to stomach. He shuffles his feet and caps the Sharpie, sticking it back in his pocket alongside his phone.
Dex finally looks up. He opens his mouth to respond, and then shuts it again. Bites back half a smile, rolls his eyes in fond exasperation, and starts over. “Alright, shut up. Just. Sit down already and I’ll make your stupid taquitos for you.”
“You say that like I’m being ridiculous, but you’re the only person Bitty lets touch that oven, even on a good day,” Nursey replies around a grin that he honestly just can’t help. He sits down at the nearby table, and watches closely as Dex pulls a garish box out of the freezer and arranges its contents across a cookie sheet with extreme precision.
He feels fucking giddy, like he’s just passed his middle school crush a note in homeroom and gotten a circled “yes” sent back to him. Like someone’s about to shout “fine!” at him just from looking at the stupid expression that’s probably all over his face.
And like he just might pass out from the sheer rollercoaster of emotions he’s gone through in the last five minutes.
“So this is real. This is happening.”
Dex ducks his head, and keeps his eyes on what he’s doing. “I don’t know. We’re about to be roommates, which is probably skipping a few steps in the whole dating department.”
“But you want to date me.”
Dex’ eyes flick to the words written on his wrist, and he brushes the thumb of his other hand lightly over them. “...Yeah.”
“You want to date me so hard you’ve been gossiping with your cousin about me for over a year.” Nursey attempts a smirk, but is pretty sure it just turns into an even wider grin.
Dex tosses a glare at Nursey over his shoulder. “And you nearly had a panic attack you were so jealous when you thought I was saying ‘I love you’ to a girlfriend.”
“Yeah, alright. Fair. So we’re both giant dorks about each other. I can live with that.”
Dex sticks the cookie sheet in the oven, sets the timer and then sits down in the chair directly next to Nursey, rather than the one across from him.
Nursey scoots his own chair a little closer, going for subtle and missing the mark by a mile. “I was really only half freaking out about the possible girlfriend thing. The other half was me realizing I’ve been an idiot and never noticed I was falling for you until it seemed like it was too late.”
“You didn’t realize?”
“Hey, don’t make that face at me, dude. I am a fucking master at compartmentalizing, alright? Especially when there’s a very large potential for getting hurt if I don’t.”
Dex frowns thoughtfully. Then, with a hesitancy Nursey’s never seen from him before, he reaches a hand out between them and places it on Nursey’s shoulder.
Dex is not a casual toucher. He hoards his physicality, keeps his gestures tightly controlled, whether on the ice or among friends in the Haus. With Nursey in particular, he’ll accept the occasional fistbump or bro-hug, but he won’t initiate them himself. He’ll let Nursey enter his space, but won’t ever enter Nursey’s.
Nursey feels all the air leave his lungs in a single rush of an exhale.
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” Dex says seriously.
Nursey swallows. “You literally tripped me in the locker room yesterday because I stole your towel.”
“I mean emotionally.”
Nursey snorts an unexpected laugh and punches Dex in the bicep. Dex chokes back a laugh of his own and moves the hand on Nursey’s shoulder up to hold onto the back of Nursey’s neck.
For a moment, they’re still. And this could go either way. A friendly tussle, or...
Dex slowly continues moving his hand up, until his long, freckled fingers are able to card through the short hairs at the base of Nursey’s scalp. The tips of them just reach the curls spilling out from under Nursey’s hat.
“Can I--”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna--”
“Dex. Yes.”
Dex shakes his head, eyes alight with amusement and exasperation and... something else that Nursey has always been afraid to analyze, but wonders now if might be intimate and special and reserved just for him.
And then Dex is leaning in, and Nursey can’t help but lean in to meet him. His whole body feels suddenly magnetized to Dex’s. 
They meet halfway in a dry, chaste kiss, but it’s such a delicate thing, so careful and treasured, that it feels more like a confession than a prelude.
This is not the start of something, but the embracing of its continued, complicated existence.
When Dex pulls away, he lowers his hand from Nursey’s hair all the way down to Nursey’s ass, and, holy shit, Nursey is completely onboard with wherever this might be going. But Dex doesn’t even pretend to cop a feel, just reaches into Nursey’s back pocket for that Sharpie and pulls it out.
Nursey’s eyebrows furrow inward in confusion as he watches Dex uncap the marker and grab Nursey’s left arm near his shoulder to keep the whole thing entirely still. He writes in swift, even lines over Nursey’s bicep, starting just below the hem of his t-shirt.
Your taquitos are done now, the letters spell out. 
Nursey balks.
Dex pecks Nursey on the mouth again. “I like you too,” he says. And then stands up to go pull their food out of the oven.
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New Rules
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1,575
Requested? yes
Summary: Peter Parker imagine loosely based off of New Rules by Dua Lipa
A/N: to the anon who requested this, I’m sorry. This is so bad, but I honestly had a hard time writing this because I had to write Peter in a bad light.  But, my wonderful friend @babyfairybaekhyun helped me out by giving me the idea of the original Spider-Man movies. It makes me cringe just thinking about it: Spider-Man 3.  I hope you like it and if people actually think it’s good, I’ll write a second part to this. that and I’ll probably make this better.  Enjoy!
You had had the biggest crush on Peter ever since you could remember.  Your parents and been super close with his aunt and uncle, and you met when you were both five, and grew up to be best friends. You never got over your crush on Peter, and eventually you grew to love the boy, but you never acted on your feelings. Because you had accepted that he would never like you the same as you did with him.  
Eleven years later you were still in love with the dork, which is why you went to this stupid party. Even though you were not the partying type. At all. You sucked it up and went because Peter asked you to.  Despite the fact that Peter fucking ditched you the second we got to the party, like he always did.  Not that you were surprised. Peter had been doing shit like that a lot recently, all for Liz, but you didn’t say anything because it wasn’t too horrid. Mainly due to the fact that Ned and Michelle usually came too.
Which was fantastic, because they kept you company at the parties like this. Like they had been for the past three weeks, ever since Peter suddenly started dragging you three to them. His sudden change had confused all of you, knowing it wasn’t like him to go to parties like this and enjoy them, but you all figured that he was just trying something outside of his comfort zone and left it at that.  
After about 2 hours of talking and hanging out with Ned and Michelle out on the deck, you’ve had enough and you stand up.
“Let’s go find Peter and get out of here.” You suggest, and watch in amusement as they both shoot up and start making their way into the house in search for Peter.
“I guess that’s a yes then?”  You mumble to yourself as you follow them, watching as Ned heads to the kitchen and Michelle goes for the living room. You decide to head upstairs and see if you can find him.  After 15 minutes of searching the entire upstairs, damn giant house, with no luck, you head back downstairs to find Ned and Michelle.
When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you look over the top of everyone, easily able to spot Michelle. You head over and slump forward when you see that Peter isn’t with her.
You sigh and ask, “No luck?” she shakes her head and replies, “Nope. I don’t think Ned seen him either. I’ll text him to let him know we’re ready to go.”
You gasp, of course!
You shake your head, feeling like an idiot, and take out your phone to text him.
Y/N: Pete, where are you? I’ve looked everywhere for you!
You, Michelle, and Ned wait for him to text back, but 15 minutes later with no response, you start to lose hope of him texting back.
You hold back tears and turn towards your friends, “Guys, I don’t think he’s gonna answer. Let’s just start walking back.”
Ned gives me a sad smile while Michelle scoffs.
“What?” you ask, not sure you really want an answer.
“Y/N, when are you going to realize Peter has become a shit friend?  I know you’re a bit blind because you’re in love with him, but come on.” The way she says ‘in love with’ sets your teeth on edge; she says it like it’s ridiculous that I love him.
“Oh, fuck off, Michelle. He wasn’t always like this, you know. He is someone worth loving, he’s just going through a phase right now.” You glare at her and turn around, a few tears leaving the corners of your eyes. You feel a hand on your shoulder and glance over at Ned as he pulls you in for a hug. You go in willingly and feel Michelle’s huff of disapproval as Ned tugs her into the group hug as well.
You put your arm around her, “I’m sorry, Michelle. I’m just fuckin’ worried about Peter.” You whisper, guilt hanging over your head for lashing out.
“It’s fine, Y/N.” she pauses for a second and add, “I’m worried about him to.”
After another minute of hugging each other, you break apart and stare at each other for a second.
You clear your throat, “So, shall we?”
As you guys walk, Ned and Michelle, well mainly Ned, talks for the entire time in an effort to distract you. You’re grateful that you have Ned and Michelle with you, because you probably would’ve been crying by now if you’d been by yourself.  
“So, Peter has been acting unusual these past few weeks, right?  Can you guys think of anything else he’s done lately besides the partying that’s been… not Peter?” you ask, softly interrupting Ned’s rambling.
Michelle snorts and hold out her hand, counting things off as she talks, “Well there’s the fact that he’s started acting cocky and confident. He hasn’t acted like he gives a shit about us. And he’s acted like a dick” she glances over and you and Ned, “There are plenty of others, but those are the main things.”
You nod; thinking of all the times when what she said applies. There are a lot. You turn to Ned, “What about you? Have you noticed anything unusual?”  
He’s quiet for a moment, “no. Michelle pretty much covered it.”
“What do you think’s going on with him?” you ask, looking at the ground as you walk, possibilities running through your head.
You see them shrug out of the corners of your eyes, and you all are silent for a while as you think of the person Peter is becoming.
Not long after, you get to your apartment. You look at your friends and offer, “you guys wanna stay over tonight?  You know you’re welcome to stay.”
Ned happily says yes while Michelle remains quiet, thinking.
“MJ, it’s fine if you don’t want-“
“No, I’ll stay with you guys.” You smiled and grabbed their hands, leading them up to your apartment.
Later that night you decided to send one last text to Peter, against your better judgement and Michelle’s complaints.
Y/N: hey Peter, I hope you’re okay.  Ned, Michelle, and I got to my place safely. In case you decided to care about us again.
Peter never responded to that text.
Or the text you sent the next day.
As the day went on you got increasingly worried about him, you all did. And finally you decided to call May.
You dialed her number and set the phone on your bed, glancing at Ned and Michelle as they leaned forward in anticipation. You turned your lips up in amusement, which quickly left when you heard Mays voice.
“Hello? Y/N? is everything okay?”
“Hey, May. Um… has Peter gotten a hold of you at all? We went to a party last night and he ditched as and hasn’t answered any of our texts.  We’re really worried.”
“WHAT?!” she shouts, making all three flinch causing you to yank the phone away from your ear with a yelp. Ned and Michelle stare at the phone with wide eyes and you hear mays voice again, muffled, “Peter get in here!” There’s a silence that you all share awkwardly, “Sorry about that, I’ll be speaking with him about his awful behavior lately. He got home at 10 last night.” You and Ned gasp, while Michelle glares at the phone like it murdered her whole family.
“Really?” you say in a small voice, tears threatening to fall.
“Yeah, Sweetheart. I am so sorry. He’s been acting so strange lately, and usually I’d blame it on teenage hormones, but this is something else.”
You, Ned, and Michelle all exchange a look.  
“Peter!” you can hear her stomping towards him now, and you cringe on the inside. An angry May isn’t not a pretty sight.  
You hear Peter say, “I heard you the first time, May! I don’t know why you’re bugging me. I don’t care! I honestly don’t give a fuck about them.” the words not registering at first, but when they do, you can feel your heart rip in half.   All you hear is May gasp before you hang up.
You all stare at each other as you take in the fact that Peter went home an hour before you did.  Michelle’s the first to break the silence, “well, I’m not talking to that asshole again.”  You look at her and your shocked to find tears running down her face.  
You look down at your phone and your heart clenches in pain.  You don’t even notice your our tears falling as you zone out, thinking of what he just told may.
You’re all quiet as you process what just happened.
An hour later you’re all sitting down watching the first harry potter, distracting yourselves from what happened earlier, when you get a text. You look at your phone and gasp, Peter? You look at the text and any hope you had of Peter coming back is gone.
Peter: You should come over and hang out! There’s this cool party tonight. You up for it?
You scoff and toss your phone onto the table. You decide right then and there that you’re done dealing with him. You’re done being shit on by who you thought was your best friend.
This is the beginning.
TAGLIST: @ohparkers @thatspiderbaby @captaincalliemae @j-k-aesthetics @baka-chanismyname @davros2004 @mamanewta5 @digicharr @everythinguncharted
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Catching Murphy, Part 9
Warnings: Swearing, possible nsfw content, partying, underaged drinking Word Count: 8285 (yeesus, y’all really need to stop letting me write this nsfw shit) Summary: You, Miss (y/n) (y/l/n), had a crush on Connor Murphy for years, from a distance of course. You had always been too shy to approach him, and the fact around school that he was an aggressive stoner caused you to become even more shy. One day, in history class, your teacher decided to assign a project and assigned everyone a partner—you and Connor were partnered together. Could you two grow close during the project and remain close? Or will Connor go back to ignoring you after the project comes to a close? A/N: I apologize if Connor is a biiiiit OOC… ;-; Obviously takes place in an AU where Connor is alive. Oh hey look it’s my masterlist, tah-dah Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 10 | Part 11 TAGS: @saturdayschilddrivesmewild  @defenestrate-yourself-please  @hamilton-canyouimagine  @arsonboirich  @sunshinesips  @philyylester  @cozykleinman
His sigh gave it away. He was so fucking annoyed with you, but something about you was endearing. Like, he really did grow feelings for you in the two or three days you two had been talking. Taking an entirely different approach to his retort, he surprised you with a serious sounding, “Yes! Okay, fine, we’ll fuck on the hood of my truck! Are you satisfied, (y/n)? I am going to fuck you on the hood of my truck and you will enjoy it like you always do, you fucking slut for me!”
“Oh wow… that was actually kinda hot, Connor,” you said aloud.
“That was the point,” he said, turning his attention to you at a stop sign. He leaned over, grabbed your chin and forcefully kissed you. Not that you minded in the slightest. No, you were actually liking the kisses you had been receiving from Connor the last day and a half. When he pulled away from the kiss, he started driving towards the park.
You and Connor arrived at the park, both having come down from your highs a bit. Connor got out of his truck, and you followed him. “So? Where are we going to lay down and stargaze?” you asked him.
“The fucking grass? Where else?” Connor said, laying on the ground in front of his truck.
Shrugging, you lay on the ground next to him. “Sorry, thought maybe we’d lay in the bed of your truck,” you said.
Connor laughed curtly, “Fuck no. The grass is more comfortable than the fucking cold metal bed of my truck.”
You laughed as well as you answered, “I mean, I can’t disagree with you there, Con. The soft but prickly grass is hella more comfortable.”
“That’s why we lay here and not in the bed of the truck, dumbass,” smirked Connor.
You smiled and casted your eyes up towards the inky black sky, which was littered with points of light. The sounds of nature filled your ears and you grinned widely, sighing happily. “Look at the stars, Con. Hey, look, Orion’s out!” you exclaimed, pointing at the constellation. “He’s my favorite constellation! I wish he was here year round, ya know?”
Connor smirked to himself. Of course you would like the constellation Orion. It was dependable, there in the winter and being a tell-tale sign that the cold season has arrived. “Of course you would like Orion, (y/n),” he said.
“Oh excuse me, Mister Judge-my-favorite-constellation! What’s yours, hmm?” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
Scoffing, Connor answered, “Ursa Major and Scorpio, duh. The coolest badasses in the night sky. Not some dumb giant huntsman.”
You gasped, “Excuse you, Connor Murphy! Orion is a famous constellation and I love the story behind it!”
“Do you even fucking know it?” he asked, sitting up and looking down at you.
Sitting up, you said, “Duh. He was a great huntsman who killed beasts like lions and such as a means to prove himself to someone, probably someone he loved.”
Your words caused the long-haired stoner to laugh heartily. “Oh my fucking GOD! You don’t know the story at all!! That’s not the story, you idiot!” he laughed. He was laughing so hard that he held his sides and rolled on the ground. Connor didn’t know why he found it so funny that you got the story so wrong, but he did. After a few minutes of laughing, Connor recollected himself. “Jesus fucking Christ, I’m sorry but, damn, that was fucking hilarious to me.”
It took Connor a minute to notice that your face had turned bright red in embarrassment and your cheeks were puffed out. “So then what’s the actual story, you fucking prick?!” you said quickly, fully irritated at his laughter. This is why you usually kept quiet in subjects you didn’t know much about, because you were afraid of someone laughing at you and saying you were wrong. As your anger and irritation dwindled, you felt like shrinking away in utter embarrassment.
“There are actually two different versions of Orion’s story. The longer story is that Orion, the giant hunter born somewhere in Boeotia, visits Chios and falls in love with the king’s daughter. Merope was the princess the huntsman fell in love with. However, her father, King Oenopion, refused to let Orion have his daughter’s hand. Even after Orion…” Connor trailed off and thought about what you had said. He sighed and continued, feeling dumb that he had laughed at you for basically being right with at least one of the stories behind Orion, “…cleared the island of wild beasts. When the king still refused to give Orion Merope’s hand in marriage, he tried taking her by force. When Oenopion learned of Orion’s assault, he got the huntsman drunk, blinded him then casted him out of the island. Long story short, Orion was killed by Artemis due to Apollo challenging his archer-goddess sister that she could not hit the black mass wading in the sea. Once he was found dead by Artemis, she placed him in the stars.”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you, as Connor silently waited for you to call him out. But you didn’t, you really didn’t know the mythology behind the constellations and it made him sigh in relief to himself. He continued, “The other, shorter version tells us that Orion was the son of Neptune and the Amazon Queen, Euryale. In this version, it is said that Orion inherited her talent and became the greatest hunter in the world. But, ya know, fuck-tard couldn’t be fucking humble about it, hell no—he had the biggest fucking ego in the world because of his abilities. He boasted about how he could kill any animal on the whole damn planet and, in total irony, a little fucking scorpion stung and killed him. That scorpion was later turned into the constellation Scorpio, and it’s now on the complete opposite side of Orion, so they wouldn’t get into any other tiffs.”
You sighed and looked at Connor, deadpanned eyes as you said, “So that’s why you like Scorpio? Because it killed my favorite constellation…? Wow Connor…”
“What? Fuck no, that’s not the reason! How in the hell was I supposed to know your favorite fucking constellation was Orion? And go fuck yourself, I’ve liked that constellation way before I knew you,” snapped Connor.
“Anyways,” you sighed, wanting to change the subject. “What’s the story behind Ursa Major?”
Connor sneered a bit as he answered, “That’s a simple story of Zeus being a horny bastard again. There was this nymph named Callisto, who was beautiful and thus gained Zeus’ sexual attention. Callisto followed Artemis and, knowing that, Zeus came to the nymph in the form of the goddess she followed. Zeus then rapes Callisto and gets her pregnant. When it was found out that she was pregnant, Callisto was kicked out of Artemis’ group. Hera is of course both infuriated and jealous as she learns that the nymph bore Zeus a son, and out of her infuriation turns Callisto into a bear. After living in the wilderness for years, Callisto is killed by her own son, who did not know the bear he had just killed was his mother. She was set in the stars following her death. And now she stays, immortalized in the constellation Ursa Major.”
You gasped at the story behind Ursa Major. “Yeesus, Con. That’s a really fucked up story. Do you know anymore?” you asked, genuinely even more interested in the myths behind the constellations.
Your genuine interest, and the 180 from seemingly being annoyed, melted his annoyance away. “Oh?” he stammered for a second. When you blinked at him, he cleared his throat, recovering his cool. “Uhh… no, I don’t know the rest of their backstories. Hell, I don’t even know all of the other ones. I only know the Zodiac, you know like fucking Capricorn and stuff, plus Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion and Scorpio,” he said.
“You know Scorpio is one of the Zodiacs, right?” you giggled.
Connor’s thoughts sputtered at your giggle. “Wh-what?” he said, stumbling for a second before your words truly sank in. “O-oh yeah, of course I knew that, dork. You’d have to be a fucking idiot to not know that. It’s just,” he trailed off, somewhat stuttering, “it’s just that since Scorpio is one of my favorites, I lump it with Ursa Major.”
“Oh,” you spoke, humming in thought. “Yeah, I can see that.” It was at that moment that you heard your phone ringing from Connor’s truck. You stood up and looked at him, stuttering, “I, uhh, I should probably get that, it could be my mom.” He nodded and you awkwardly backed away towards his truck.
When you got to the passenger side door you opened the door and leaned into the truck, your lower half sticking out and answered your ringing phone. You hadn’t even looked to see who it was when you answered, “Ciao, this is (y/n) (y/l/n), what’d’ya need?”
Immediately your ear was filled with Jared’s voice, “Yo, (y/n), are you can Connor going to go to the party I was texting you about earlier? Look, I know you said you would prolly be fucking right now, but listen: you should totally come with me and Evan, and Connor, to this party. You seem like the girl who has never had fun with getting drunk in her life! TIME TO LIVE A LITTLE!!”
Rolling your eyes you said, “We actually just got finished with like, round three. I think we can take a break and go to a party with you and Smol Bean. But lemme double check with Con, I gotta mute myself real quick.” Muting yourself you hear Jared tell you go for it. Pushing yourself off the seat and out of the car you looked at Connor before calling out to him, “Hey, Con! Can you come here real quick?”
Connor looked back at you, sighed and pushed himself off the grassy ground. You watched as he swatted some dirt off of his pants and hoodie, walking over to you. “Hey? The fuck do you need, dork?” he asked.
“Oh, Glasses Kink just was asking if we were going to go to the party tonight with him and Ev. Can we?” you asked, giving him your best puppy eyes. “I’ve never been to a party before and who better to go with than my teacher and our friends?”
An eyebrow raised in question as Connor asked, “Are you sure that you want to go, (y/n)? Because you don’t know how well you can hold your alcohol. And Christ knows I can’t have you getting fucking alcohol poisoning because you drink too much.”
“You act as if you won’t be there to make sure I don’t get that messed up, Connor. But, anyways, yes, I’m sure I wanna go. Even Jared said I gotta live a little,” you said.
Both you and Connor heard Jared’s voice asking, “Hello? Are you still there? I hope you aren’t fucking her without unmuting me, Murphy! Lemme hear them moans of hers! And I need the fucking answer like, within the next hour, because that is when this party starts.”
An devilish smile swept across your face as an evil idea popped into your head. “Wanna make Glasses Kink think we’re doing shit?” you questioned, “Like you touch me and I’ll make it seem like you’re fingering me as I tell Glasses we’re gonna go to the party? You up for it?”
Connor smiled back at you with an equally as evil smirk. “You’re such an evil bitch, you know that? And you see, this is exactly one of the several reasons why I find you so goddamn attractive,” he said without thinking. The moment those words left his mouth, he wanted to shoot himself in the foot.
Luckily for Connor, you had not been paying much attention to him after his first sentence, as you were trying to find the perfect position to be in while you two had sex. “Yeah, I know I’m a bitch, Con. Now come here and let’s make him think we’re having sex,” you said.
Phew, she didn’t hear what I said… Pay more attention to what you say, fucking moron! You’ve only been talking to her for 2-3 days, don’t scare her off by fucking telling her you’re already so goddamned attracted to her yet, he thought to himself as he moved towards you. Connor found himself thinking to himself how hot it would be to fuck you against the hood of his truck now, as that was where you leaning, waiting for him. When he was a few inches in front of you, he stopped and watched you.
Your eyes flickered with mischief as you signaled for him to touch you. “Okay, start touching me, Con. I’m about to unmute him,” you said with a devious smile. Connor nodded at you and leaned over you, latching his lips to your neck—something which you actually hadn’t prepared for. His hands were on different spots on your body, one on your hips and one stroking your waist. As your breath hitched, you unmuted Jared and said, “Sorry, Jared! I-I checked with Con and—fuck—yeah, we-we’re gonna c-c…” Connor bit your neck and you genuinely moaned into the phone, “Oh God, yes, more!”
“So you’re gonna come?” asked Jared, “Also, those are some sexy moans, (y/n). One day I shall be the one making you moan like that, I can do such a better than Murphy.”
Connor growled against your neck and said, pulling away from you, “Absolutely not, Kleinman. (Y/n) is mine and if I ever see a hickey that I didn’t make anywhere on her body, I will throttle you myself. Understand me, Jared?” He was almost getting territorial over you.
“Sure, dude, sure. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, Murphy. You know I could fuck your girl better than you. Now, this is all besides the point, you need to come get me and Evan.”
“Really? Really, Jared! I’m sitting here, trying to fuck my fucking girl and you want me to stop and get you and Evan?” Connor asking in a semi-annoyed tone. Of course he was playing along with your prank, rather convincingly, too you added to yourself.
A breathless laugh escaped your body as you answered, “C-come on, Con. Give Jared a break, he just wants us to go have fun with him and Ev.”
Connor’s eyes met your gaze and he sighed, “Fine. Fucking fine. If you want to go to this party, then who am I to stand in your way?” You nodded excitedly, a wide and gentle smile on your lips. “Okay, put on your shirt and we’ll go pick up those two dumbasses.”
Both you and Jared squealed in happiness, a manly squeal on Jared’s part, might you add. “Yay,” you two said in unison. “Okay, we’ll be at your house in like fifteen to twenty minutes, Jared! Because I know that Con knows where you live!” you exclaimed, pushing Connor off of you.
“Okay, see you then, sexy,” Jared all but purred. You could hear the wink in his voice and you rolled your eyes. You gave a curt, ‘yeah, see you then’ before hanging up.
The bright smile from moments ago was still present on your face as you jumped into Connor’s truck. “C’mon, Con! We gotta go! I’m ready to paaarty,” you said in a happy, sing-song voice.
A sigh left Connor’s lips as he moved to the driver’s seat and started the truck. “You’re so fucking special, (y/n). You know that?” he spoke quietly, looking over at you and shaking his head.
“Yeah, I know, thanks for reminding me, Murphy,” you retorted, looking down at your phone. Possibly texting Jared or even Evan. Connor rolled his eyes and pulled off, intent on going to get Evan and Jared. You really wanted to go to this party and he would make sure you did, even if he wasn’t sure you were ready for that.
Thirty minutes later, Jared and Evan were in the backseat of the truck with you and Conor. “Murphy!” called Jared from the back.
“What, Kleinman?” asked Connor.
“Can we listen to Deepthroat?”
A scoff left Connor’s throat as he said, “Tch. No fucking way, Kleinman. Not in my truck.”
“But (y/n) needs to hear this song,” insisted Jared. The geek nudged Evan’s shoulder, saying, “Right, Evan? She needs to hear this song, riiiight?”
Evan stuttered in your defense, “I-if she, well, if she wants to… umm… if she wants to hear the song… she, she can, Jar-Jared. Don’t, um, don’t force her to…”
The anxious blond’s stuttering answer left you smiling. “Thanks, Ev. He’s right, Jared, you can’t force me to listen to Deepthroat. I wanna listen to Arctic Monkeys,” you answered, looking back at the brown-haired geek.
A groan left Jared’s throat as he leaned back and covered his face, his hands slipping up into his hair as he fisted it briefly. “Are you serious?! You three are total killjoys!”
“Just wait until we get to the party, okay, Jared?” you said, smiling back at him.
He almost glared at you as he hissed, “You better make it up to me, fucking party poopers!”
You tapped your chin as you answered, “Oh, believe me, I will! I’ve never been drunk before, so it should be fun!”
Connor rolled his eyes, saying, “Meaning that I have to keep a close eyes on her, on top of keeping an eye on you and Evan, Jared. So fucking control yourself tonight. For once!”
“I always control myself, Connor. What are you talking about?” Jared spoke, placing a hand over his chest in disbelief.
“No, you don’t, Kleinman. You’re the one who ruins myself and Evan’s good time. Usually. There have been a few times where Evan’s ruined an outing, but those are few and far between, and it’s usually your dumb ass, Kleinman,” said Connor, a certain air of seriousness in his tone.
Evan snickered quietly to himself at Connor’s words and so did you. Jared was seemingly offended as he huffed, “Well, whatever! You’re wrong, Murphy, and you know it!”
You busted out laughing as Connor’s truck lurched to a stop in front of the party house. Your mouth dropped as you recognized the house. It was a friend of yours and Alexa’s, her name was Kayley. “Oh my God! This party is being held at Kayley’s house!?” you screamed in disbelief.
“Yeah, it is. You know her or something?” Jared asked, getting out of Connor’s truck.
Everyone got out of his truck and as you closed your door, you answered Jared. “Duh, of course I know her. She is a good friend of Lexy and myself. Why didn’t she or Lexy invite me to the party?”
Connor walked up beside you and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to walk towards the house with them. “I’m sure they fucking did invite you, dork. You were probably just not near your phone when they asked. Or you forgot about them asking you,” he reassured you.
You looked at him and nodded. “Yeah… you’re probably right, Con. But, like, how did you three get invited to this party? You aren’t even friends with Kayley.”
“I heard from a guy, who heard from one of Kayley’s friends, who heard from Kayley that you didn’t need an invite to come to this party. It’s a free-for-all. Anyone can come and go as they please,” came Jared’s explanation.
“Umm… I don’t think that’s how it works, but, okay…” you muttered as the four of you walked up to the front door. When you reach the door, Connor pushed you out in front of them, signaling that since you were friends with the hostess, that you should be in front. “Okay, okay, I’ll get us in,” you laughed and pushed open the door. The inside of Kayley’s house was flooded with people from school and you were determined to find your friend.
You pushed your way into the house-full of high school students and looked around for your friend, Connor, Jared and Evan following behind you—closing the front door behind them. “Excuse me, have you seen…” you tried to ask a girl who was stumbling drunkenly to the beat of a song. She completely ignored you which caused you to grit your teeth. You tried asking several other already drunken teens where Kayley or Alexa was, and was still ignored.
You were going to have to find out the hard way. Taking a deep breath, you prepared to scream. “EXCUSE ME!! WHERE THE FUCK CAN I FIND KAYLEY SUMMERS?!” you screamed at the top of your lungs into the sea of people.
As soon as you screamed that, someone screamed back, louder than you, “IN THE KITCHEN!! WHO THE FUCK’S ASKING FOR MY ASS?!”
“ME, YOU BITCH!! (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!!” you screamed back.
Connor, Jared and Evan all three looked at you in disbelief. You were really loud and they, especially Connor, hadn’t expected such a loud scream to come from such a shy girl like yourself. The four of you heard Kayley scream back to you, “CUUUUNT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! COME INTO THE FUCKING KITCHEN!”
“FINE, I’M COMING!!” you screamed back before you shoved your way through the people. “Fucking move, assholes,” you growled as you shoved two girls into each other, not caring if they fell.
The three boys followed behind you, all genuinely surprised at your lack of caring as you angrily shoved through the people. Connor had never seen this side of you and, dare he say it, liked it. An amused smirk appeared on his face as he watched you nudge and shove people out of your way. “Wow,” he said to himself.
He had said it just loud enough for Jared and Evan to hear, too, and the geek replied with, “She is like… ten times hotter to me now.”
“I-I’ve never… umm… never thought she was capable of… capable of this,” stuttered Evan as he played with his shirt nervously. He was the one following closest behind you, followed by Connor, who was followed by Jared.
Connor’s eyes never left your figure as he watched you push a guy and his presumable girlfriend out of the doorway to the kitchen. “FUCKING MOVE! Go make out in the living room on the fucking couch, you pussies,” you growled before stopping in front of a girl.
All of the boys’ eyes fell onto your friend, on Kayley. She was moderately tall, about Evan’s height, and was the seemingly perfect amount of chubby. Like, she made it work, and worked it without it being classified as her being overweight. Kayley wore all black: a black tank-top, a lacy black push-up bra that made her big breasts look that much better (that could be seen underneath her top), and black skinny jeans. Her half-shaven, curly, midnight purple hair cascaded down to her collarbone and her thick-rimmed glasses drew attention to her hazel eyes. Kayley’s arms were opened wide, as she pulled you into a hug, exclaiming delightfully, “Biiiiitch!! What the fuck brings you to my party? I thought Alexa said you weren’t gonna come?”
You smiled and pulled away from the hug, motioning to the three boys behind you. “Well, Jared Kleinman told me that you said anyone was invited. So, Connor and I decided to come to your party with him and Evan Hansen,” you explained.
The midnight-haired girl clapped her hands excitedly as she shouted, “Oh yeah, of course anyone’s invited! Glad he convinced your pussy-ass to come tonight! You’ve always opted out of getting drunk with Alexa and I, (y/n/n)!”
Ruffling your hair almost embarrassedly, you said, “Yeah, sorry about it. I just never knew what I like to drink, ya know? Anyways, speaking of Alexa, where is she?”
Kayley eyed you with a smirk at the mention of your friend. “Oh, Alexa is upstairs getting it on with Jason Dawson! Now, besides the point,” she exclaimed, handing you, Connor, Jared and Evan red solo cups, “enjoy the party! I have beer kegs all throughout the house, some are filled with the best German beer, and some are full of vodka. And of course, the fridge and coolers are all stocked to the brim with beers. And guess who’s parents forgot to lock the liquor cabinet~? This bitch’s! So there’s prime tequila, vodka and whiskey available. If you want some, just hit me up.” Kayley then points to the cabinet behind her, continuing, “If you want a chaser for your hard liquor, we have them back there on that cabinet. And if we run out, there is more in the garage and basement. All—well, most—of the rooms are free if you want alone time with anyone and please God remember to use protection, okay? I can’t have my good friend getting knocked up at my fucking party, Alexa would have my fucking head!”
You laughed and held out your cup, saying, “Wanna hook me up with some whiskey?”
Smiling at your boldness, Kayley took your cup and said, “What do you want? We have some Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Scotch, some Bushmills Black Bush Whiskey, or some Maker’s 46. Pick your poison, babe.”
“Give me what you think is best for a first-time drinker, such as myself,” you answered after a moment of silence.
Kayley nodded and poured you a cup of Maker’s 46. With a sly smile, she handed you the cup back and said, “Drink up, girl. Now remember, this is your first time drinking and so this will burn for a bit. Then it’ll make you feel warm and fuzzy. Also, (y/n/n), we have a special stash of fruity Mike’s Hard Lemonade for you stored in the basement. Alexa and I thought that if you came, we’d start you easy. So, if this liquor is too much for you and you want to ease yourself into this, go downstairs, okay? There is nothing wrong with putting off your first high school bender, you hear me?”
You nodded before sipping on your drink. The burning sensation smacked you right in the face and you enjoyed the feeling of liquid fire sliding down your throat. It tasted amazing, too. “I will, Kayley, thanks. I think I’m gonna go sit out by the pool,” you said and started to walk away.
Connor caught your waist and said, “No, no, no. No fucking way am I letting you out of my sight with this being your first party.”
“But Connoooor,” you whined, “I know my way around this house as if it were my own! And I can handle myself!”
Dragging you with him, Connor walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer from it. “I don’t care whether you know this house or not, (y/n), you’re not leaving my sight for any reason,” he said seriously.
Jared had gotten a cup of vodka while Evan got a small amount of whiskey and mixed it with Coca-Cola. After getting their drinks, they waded over to you and Connor. “So, sexy, where’s a place where we can chill?” Jared asked you, sipping on his vodka.
“Since Kayley’s parents are fucking loaded, there is a balcony on the second floor overlooking the pool… but, I wanna go sit by the pool,” you said.
Kayley pipped in, “Also, you can go swimming, just not when you’re wasted!! I can’t have people dying at my fucking party!”
Taking another swig/sip of your whiskey, you said, “See? Let’s go sit in the backyard!”
Connor rolled his eyes and pulled you towards the exit of the kitchen, Jared and Evan following you two. “Where is the backyard?” he almost sneered, looking down at you.
You pointed in the direction of the backyard, saying into your cup, “That way, Murphy.”
The four of you waded through the sea of people for about a minute to a minute and a half before you reached the door to Kayley’s backyard. Connor opened the door and lead you three out behind him, all the while his arm had still been wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him. When you saw that there were only a few people outside, you smiled and drank some more of your drink. “See? Not a lot of people out here, so you can let go of me, Connor,” you said, swatting his hand away from your waist.
Connor sat down at a table on the patio and opened his beer. The can hissed as it was opened and the first thing he did was take a large swig of it. It wasn’t anything good or anything, but it was something to get buzzed on. His eyes watched as you, Jared and Evan sat around the table with him. “So, how’re ya liking your fucking drink, dork?” he asked, his eyes looking directly at you.
Taking another swig, you answered him, “I like it, Con. It burns like hell, but tastes good and also goes down pretty smooth. I can’t get enough. I think I’m almost a quarter of the way done with it already? I dunno, but I really like it. How’s the beer?”
He shrugged at your question, answering, “It’s beer. Nothing to bat an eye about. It tastes the same as every other beer does.”
You turned your gaze to Evan and asked, “How’s your Coke-Whiskey combo tasting, Ev?”
Evan’s brown eyes darted to yours and he nervously tapped his cup. “I-it’s good, (y/n)… thanks for, umm, thanks for asking,” he answered nervously.
You smiled at his stuttering and then turned your (e/c) gaze to Jared, who was smirking, ready for your question. “So, Jared… how’s your vodka?” you asked.
“Why thank you for asking, (y/n)! It is delicious and strong, but I think it could use something else?” he smirked.
A smirk also graced your lips as you answered, “Oh yeah? And what else could it use, Jared?”
“A side of your moans,” he said with a dirty grin.
Connor growled and glared at him, “Not a chance, Kleinman.”
Jared narrowed his eyes at Connor, as if challenging him. “Oh? And why not? I can’t recall you ever saying that you and (y/n) were dating, Murphy. Just that you two were fucking, so that means you’re fuck-buddies. MEANING, she could have sex with anyone she wants to, right? Who says she couldn’t have sex with me, huh,” he challenged Connor.
You and Evan’s mouths drop and you both looked at Connor’s now angered face and Jared’s stupid, cocky grin. He knew he had hit a nerve, but he also knew he was right. And you couldn’t say he was wrong, either. “Well…” you hummed, casting your gaze towards Connor, “Jared’s not entirely wrong, Con.” You could feel the anger building up in Connor as he heard your words, the anger washing over his facial expressions as he seemingly loomed over you, looking down harshly at you.
He knew you were right, but he didn’t want you and Jared to fuck. Partially because he had not even gotten into your pants and he’d be damned if he let Jared be the first. The other half of him just didn’t like the idea of Jared having sex with you, probably because Connor was beginning to develop maybe-feelings for you. “Absolutely not,” Connor spoke sternly, “I don’t care if we are fuck-buddies or not, (y/n), Jared is not going to make you moan like I can. Got it?”
Jared groaned, tipping back his cup, drinking a large gulp of vodka. “You are a fucking cock-block, Murphy. Though, honestly, isn’t it really (y/n)’s choice?” the geek asked, looking at you.
You ignore the geek’s look and looked at Evan, taking a large swig of your whiskey, saying, “Welp… if you two keep fighting and being rude with each other, then this ain’t gonna be fun.”
“I have to, umm, have to agree with you, (y/n),” spoke Evan, looking at his bubbly concoction of Coke and whiskey.
You follow Evan’s lead and looked down at your cup, it was then that you noticed you had drank all the rest of it. When did that happen? “Yeesus… when did I drink the rest?” you asked out loud.
“When Jared and Connor started bickering…” answered Evan, taking a sip of his drink.
Right, guess I subconsciously did it when they started, you thought to yourself as you stared at your empty cup. The whiskey was good and you wanted more. And so you were going to get more. Pushing yourself away from the table, you stood and asked, “I need more liquor. Anybody else in need of a refill and wanna join me?”
Jared stood up and said, looking at his now empty cup, “Yeah, I need a refill, too. I’ll go with you.”
Connor eyed the two of you and said, taking a swig of his beer, “Go get your drinks and come right back, you fucking hear me?”
“Aye, aye, captain!” you exclaimed, giving Connor a mocking salute as you turn to Jared. “Let’s go, Glasses Kink.” You smiled widely as you nudged Jared.
The geek smiled and said, “Yeah, let’s go get more drinks.” After he said that, the two of you disappeared into the crowded house. Once you two were inside the house and away from the back door, Jared’s arm found its way nestled around your waist. With a scoff, he said into your ear, “Murphy, right? Can you believe he won’t let you have fun with me, sexy?”
“Yeesus, Jared, it’s fine. He let us walk away together, didn’t he? Who knows what will happen while we’re on this trek together,” you spoke with a hint of devious intent in your voice.
Jared smiled just as deviously to you. “You’re evil, you know that, (y/n)?” he said to you with that smile.
A devious, devilish smile curled onto your face as you answered him, pressing a finger to your lips, “Shhhh… don’t let others, know, Glasses Kink. It’s something I like to keep under wraps.”
“Jesus, why didn’t I meet you before Connor? The shit we could’ve been doing,” the geek said, pulling you two into the kitchen.
Kayley was on the dining room table, having body shots taken off her body by like three different attractive guys and you laughed. “Kay? Are we interrupting something?” you laughed, walking up to the table.
“Oh, yeah, babe! You back already?” she asked.
You smirked down at your midnight-haired friend as one of the attractive guys took another body shot off her. “Yeah, I’m back already. Connor and Jared started being rude to each other and I drank all my fucking whiskey. I need more. Can you get me more? Or am I gonna have to get it?” you asked with a grin.
A smile crossed Kayley’s face as one of the guys came up and planted a heated kiss onto her lips. Yeah, that was where that conversation ended before it even began. Kayley and the guy got into the kiss, the guy swinging the midnight-haired girl’s legs so they hung off the table as the kiss got hotter by the second. Kayley’s hands tangled into the guy’s hair and you rolled your eyes.
You turned towards the island in the middle of the kitchen and as you moved to grab the Maker’s 46 you knocked into someone. “Hey, watch where you’re—wait? Lexy,” you said.
Your best friend whipped her head around and saw you. “Oh my Goooooood, (y/n/n)! You’re here,” she said drunkenly as she slung her arm around your shoulder. “Have you and Kleinman played Spin The Bottle yet? Or Seven Minutes in Heaven? Cuz, bitch you gotta play those things!” Alexa slurred, her words jumbling together.
Jared laughed, “I mean, I’m up for Seven Minutes In Heaven, if you are, (y/n).”
“I’m up for it, just let’s get some more alcohol,” you said.
Alexa stumbled to the fridge and got you and Jared out two beers. “Here, alcohol,” she sang in a drunken stupor.
Both you and Jared took the beers, opened them and looked at each other, still wanting the hard liquor you two had come in for. “Bet you I could chug my beer faster than you, Jared,” you challenged.
Jared’s eyebrows raised in amusement as he said, “I bet you a make-out session that I win.”
“I’ll take that bet,” you exclaimed. Turning to Alexa you asked her, “Can you tell us when to go?”
Looking at you with the eyes of a drunken person, Alexa nodded and wobbled. “On your marks… get set… g-go…” she said, slamming her hands onto the island signaling for you two to start chugging.
You and Jared tipped back your beer cans and started chugging. The horse-piss tasting liquid rushed down your throat as you gulped it down, grimacing to yourself at the taste. You were determined to win.
Several moments go by and Jared is the first to slam his empty can onto the island cabinet. He had won by a landslide of a few seconds. Gasping for air briefly, he said, “I won, sexy. You know what that means.”
You slammed down your beer can and wiped the excess beer-foam away with the back of your hand. A large burp bubbled up from your stomach and you burped discreetly. “Excuse me,” you said, pounding your fist against your chest to make sure nothing else was going to come up. “Also, yes I know what that means. Where do ya wanna do this?”
Jared shrugged and said, “I’m not opposed to right here, if you aren’t.”
“Dude, I kinda just wanna make out with you right now. Lemme be honest. I also kinda wanna piss Connor off,” you said with a sly smile.
Alexa snuck up behind you and pushed you to Jared, smiling a dirty grin as she said, “Get yourself a face-full of geek, (y/n)!”
You looked up at Jared and smiled deviously. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna get me some geek, Lexy,” you purred as you cupped Jared’s face. “You ready, Glasses?”
Jared smiled and cupped your cheek as well. “Dude, I've waited to fucking kiss you since Connor started talking about you,” he whispered.
“Then kiss me, Jared. Fuck, dude,” you said, leaning towards his lips. You barely could make out what he whispered before your lips crashed together. Almost immediately, you felt one of Jared’s hands pulling you, by the waist, against his body and the other started to gently caress your cheek. Your hands immediately flew to his head and pulled him closer to you, lips moving feverishly and almost desperately against his own. Like you needed this kiss with him.
His lips tasted like beer with a hint of something else, the vodka you ventured, and for some reason, you couldn’t get enough. Your tongue swiped along his bottom lip, absorbing the flavors of the beer and strong vodka, and you hummed in absolute delight. A gasp left your lips as you felt Jared grab at your butt and you felt his tongue expertly sneak its way into your mouth. The fight for dominance was on and, truth be told, Jared was winning. But only because he kept groping your butt and pulling you against him, causing you to gasp and lose your focus.
You and Jared’s heated make-out session in the middle of the kitchen caused even, ‘GET IT, GEEK’ at Jared. Why were they yelling this at Jared? Well, at that point, he had pushed your back up against the island, and the hand that was on your cheek was now caught in your hair; his other hand that had been grabbing your butt ran down the curve of your butt to the back of your thigh, which he raised and hooked around his waist because you know, he was horny then.
He was making out with you heavily, and knowing that Connor was trying to stake a claim on you made this all the more exciting for Jared. The slight drunkenness that was washing over him also fueled his desires to do anything with you. The slight, almost silent moan that was emitted from your throat as he tugged on your hair almost sent him into overdrive. That was until he was forcefully ripped away from you, prematurely ending the make-out session. “Dude, what the fuck?! Can’t you see we were making out?!” Jared nearly screamed, completely unhappy he was torn away from you.
When your vision came back into focus, you were face-to-face with a red-faced Connor. Anger boiled in his veins and you could tell you were in trouble. Everyone in the kitchen knew you were going to get it. Your breath hitched as you spoke, clearing your throat and waving nervously, “H-hey, Connor…”
“Is that all you have to say, (y/n)?” He spoke with venom in his voice. “You and Kleinman are gone for twenty goddamn minutes and what do I find you fucks doing? Making out in the fucking kitchen, making a damn scene out of it!! I walked into this shitty, overcrowded house and what’s the first damn thing I hear? Hmm? Well, what do you think, (y/n)?” Connor sneered at you venomously.
Not knowing what to say, you shrug and look away from Connor. “I dunno…” you said.
Connor grabbed your face and snapped your gaze towards his fiery, enraged one. His nostrils flared as he clenched and unclenched his jaw, trying to calm down before he spoke. Why did he seem so territorial and possessive of you, it wasn’t like you two were dating. Having taken a moment to cool off, Connor hissed through gritted teeth, “I hear people chanting ‘Get it, geek! Get it geek!’ and so I follow the chanting and what do I see? My friend bent over my girl, having a rather heated, messy, drunk make-out session with her. So I’m sure you can imagine how pissed I am right now.”
You nodded nervously, but at the same time, you felt yourself grow excited. “Y-yeah? And? Who says I’m your girl, Connor…” you challenged, immediately regretting it.
The moment those words left your mouth, Connor was on you in a more heated way than Jared was. This kiss was angry and fast. Connor’s hand wound its way into your hair and tugged harshly, causing a kiss-muffled moan to echo through the noisy-turned-silent kitchen.
Everyone watched as Connor’s other hand played with your breast through the shirt you wore. They saw how you squealed and arched into his touch, your hands flinging themselves into his hair as you seemingly held on for dear life. They saw Connor’s hand descend from your clothed breast to the front of your jeans. With bated breath, everyone’s drunken eyes watched as Connor’s hand fell into your jeans after he popped open the button. Kayley screamed, “HOLY FUCK, (Y/N) IS GETTING ALL THE GUYS” as you moaned because of Connor’s touch.
He had no idea why he was now fingering you, hazily drunk, in your good friend’s kitchen. All Connor really knew was that he was pissed and wanted you to know that even though you weren’t dating, you were his. The warmth that swallowed his fingers was so hot that he swore he could’ve been burned by it. He pulled away from your lips, only to place hot, open-mouthed kisses to your throat and neck. “This is what you get for letting Kleinman touch what’s mine,” he growled into your neck, curling his fingers to hit your g-spot. (Which he guess because the drug dealer he would have sex with taught him where it was, yay you.)
You bit your lower lip hard and looked down at him with drunk, hooded eyes. “C-c’mon, Con… n-not here… every-everyone’s looking…” you muttered.
“You wanted to make out with Jared in the damn kitchen, you can get fingered by me in the damn kitchen,” he growled, biting into your neck while continuing working your body towards a high.
Alexa and Kayley were not helping. They were sitting there, cheering Connor on as he fingered you. “Come on, Murphy! (Y/n)’s never had an orgasm before! Make. her. cum,” they cheered.
You glared weakly at them before Connor again assaulted your g-spot roughly. “Y-you cunts are supposed to hELP me,” you squealed as Connor hit your g-spot with a particularly powerful thrust. “Fuck, Con…” you moaned, combed a hand through his hair.
Connor smiled against your skin as you moaned his name, “See? I’m the only one who’s name you get to moan in pleasure like this, you hear me?!”
An unfamiliar coil started to tighten in your gut as Connor assaulted your body with heated kisses that trailed to your collarbone and the battering assault to your lower region. “C-connor…” you breathed out.
Alexa and Kayley lost their drunken minds as they knew you were getting close. “Keep going, Connor! She’s almost there! We can see it in her face!” they yelled.
Looking up, Connor saw what they were talking about. You were lost in bliss, eyes closed and your chest rising and falling erratically, and lower lip being bitten to suppress the moans threatening to tumble out. Oh, he wanted to see the face you made as you fell off the edge of pleasure that he got you to. One last bite on her sweet spot and a thrust to her g-spot should send her over the edge, he thought to himself. Licking his lips, he was prepared to send you over that brink that you had never gotten yourself to.
As the coil was wound even tighter, you felt the orgasm that always eluded you barreling towards you. Half of you was ready to experience your first orgasm, but the other half was terrified like always. What if a little pee came out? That was the what if that got to you most of all. You were still fully clothed, you didn’t want to come and pee yourself, that wasn’t hot or sexy. That was gross. Your anxiety slowly ebbed at your orgasm, keeping it at bay. Kept it from bursting through the flood gates that was you worries and fears.
But all those worries and fears come to a halt as Connor bit the sweet spot on your neck and thrusted his fingers against your g-spot at just the right moment. And it made you lose your mind. The coil snapped as you had your first orgasm, and you loudly moaned Connor’s name as you pulled his hair.
The world melted around you for a few brief moments as you watched Connor pull his hand out of your jeans and clean his fingers of your fluids with his tongue. You died at the image, never wanting it to go away. A smug smirk rested on his lips and you cocked your head, wondering why he would have that egotistical smirk.
Then it all came crashing back. Your ear filled with the clamoring of drunk teenagers, as they all murmured about what just happened. You had just been fingered to your first orgasm… in one of your best friends’ kitchen, while drunk and at a party. You had had your first orgasm in front of like thirty people, that were crowded into the kitchen, your two best friends, Jared and Evan.
The embarrassment hit you in one fell-swoop. Despite now being drunk, you covered your face and whined, “OH MY GOD!! I’M SO EMBARRASSED!!”
Alexa and Kayley looked at you and said, “Dude, girl, why? That was the hottest thing that’s happened all night!”
“Girl, you made out with Kleinman. Then Connor came in and made out with you, then proceeded to finger you to your very first orgasm. And I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say your moans were actually pretty hot,” Kayley finished with a large, drunken grin.
Alexa laughed and pointed at Evan, “Your moans even got Evan excited, (y/n).”
Evan blushed and covered up his crotch in embarrassment of being pointed out. “W-why me?” he asked shyly.
“Because you're the shy innocent one, Hansen,” quipped Kayley with a giggle. “And you’re the one nobody really expected to get excited. We all expected Kleinman to get hornier, because he was the one making out with her. Yeah, you missed that, by the way. Lemme tell you, that geek was getting it before Connor came in.”
“If Connor hadn’t come in, I’m sure they would’ve dry-fucked each other,” laughed Alexa, leaning over the island. “Because that’s the direction it looked like it was goin’!”
The drunken Jared huffed, crossing his arms, “It was going that way, but fucking Cock-Block Murphy here decided to ruin it!”
Connor glared back at the brown-haired geek, sneering, “That’s because I told you: (y/n) is mine and you aren’t allowed to touch her.”
You blushed and still had your face covered, still embarrassed. “But still, I came for the first time in front of so many people…”
“It’s fine, (y/n/n). It was hot and I don’t think anybody minded,” said Kayley. “ANYWAYS, off that topic, LET’S CONTINUE THE DRINKING PARTY!!!”
Everyone raised their cups and beer cans into the air, cheering, “AGREED!” And thus the party continued like what just happened never did occur. Except you, Connor, Jared and Evan all knew what happened as you were the least drunk people at the party. You knew Jared would never let you live it down, and you knew Connor would be smug about being the first person to bring you to and orgasm, and poor Evan would never be able to erase your moans from his head.
But, a big question plagued your mind throughout the night: Why did Connor get so angry at you making out with Jared? Could it be that your long-time crush was starting to develop feelings for you? The thought caused your heart to lurch, and you smiled at the notion that he might be growing feelings for you. That was what you wanted more than anything. The more drunk you got, the more you wanted to tell Connor your feelings, but somehow had to sense enough not to breath a word of your feelings to him.
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itsnotsammy · 7 years
supernatural tag meme
tagged by three of four different people?? i can’t remember everyone rn sorry guys i love you so much but im an idiot
1. what season did you start watching supernatural?
season 1, back when they’re just first airing the show. i’m an old man.
2. who was the first character you fell in love with?
sam’s always been my favorite. as much as i love dean, i’ve connected better with sam for god knows what reasons now.
3. who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?
john winchester. funny thing really, because i really couldn’t like the man. but i grew up and i started to understand his reasons. he’s as flawed as anyone in his situation could be. he did his best, even if i couldn’t see it back then.
4. which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with?
sam winchester. no really, look at this precious boy. he needs some constant in his life besides dean and i assume as long as i’m not a monster, i can survive for more than three dates? well i hope so, at least.
5. if you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose?
sam. no questions here.
6. what would you do on the date?
no idea. but since we’re talking about sam i think we’d probably go to a movie and then some chick flick shit along the way? i’m a romantic guy. sue me.
7. which character would you most want to be like?
sam winchester. so pure, so kind, so selfless.
8. which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead?
john winchester to kick ass and give his boys some comfort.
9. which character would you most like to punch?
so many choices, so little time. gonna stick with castiel. go on, hate me as much as you want. i know you want to.
10. who is your absolute favorite character?
samuel winchester.
11. which “big bad” do you think was the worst?
lucifer. not even elaborating, just leaving it here.
12. which character are you most like?
no idea. no, really. 
13. what death hit you the hardest?
bobby’s still makes me cry every time i rewatch the episode. losing bobby was real hard.
14. what season finale hit you the hardest?
season 2. watching sam die for the first time was a real kick in the balls and even if i got kinda used to sam dying during good part of this show, the first time was really hard to watch.
15. what are your ten all-time favorite episodes?
1. the born-again identity 2. faith 3. swan song 4. sam interrupted 5. brother’s keeper 6. alpha and omega 7. regardind dean 8. red meat 9. in my time of dying 10. who we are
16. what’s been your favorite season?
season 7 and 8, not because the shitty leviathan arc but because jared’s performance. he’s such a great actor and i could see it so perfectly well during the trials and the hallucinations.
17. who is your favorite angel?
michael. no regrets here. i really wish he had more screetime, but show loves to waste some great potential characters.
18. who’s your favorite demon?
demon!dean oops
19. who’s your favorite evil character?
since they destroyed lucifer’s character completely, i’ll go with a classic one that they didn’t have enough time to fuck up: azazel/yellow eyes.
20. do you have any supernatural ships?
you think?
21. who’s your favorite supporting actor?
jared padalecki my precious babe
22. what’s your favorite quote from the show?
let me go with the basic “family don’t end in blood.”
23. if you could cast one famous actor in an episode of spn, who would you chose?
colin morgan. he’s a great actor and i’d love to see him in spn, maybe as a merlin cameo. it’d kill me for sure, but oh well.
24. if you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included?
i’d not include a specific creature but since i mentioned colin morgan, i’d love to see merlin in spn. i don’t this has ever happened during all the seasons and if they could bring colin to the mix, oh boy.
25. who’s your favorite girl that dean’s hooked up with?
no idea.
26. who’s your favorite girl that sam’s hooked up with?
madison. i still miss her a lot.
27. what are some of your favorite convention moments?
j2 hugging and being giant dorks.
28. if you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on spn, how would you want your character described?
not being killed for no reason at all for the next three episodes, at least.
29. what do you hope to see in the next season?
i hope to see writers not destroying characters with a great potential (aka jack) like they did to michael. amara. lucifer. chuck. ahem. but i’m a dreamer and i know that’s exactly what’ll happen, so why bother?
30.-40. if you had to choose…
bobby or john?
bela or ruby?
jess or madison?
jo or lisa?
charlie or kevin?
charlie, no doubts.
balthazar or ash?
balthazar. i love ash buuuut
cas or crowley?
ben or claire?
claire. can’t really stand nor understand ben/lisa arc.
jody or donna?
ooohh boy this is hard but i’m sticking with jody. badass mommy
sam or dean?
sam. sorry dean bean, sammy always come first. i’m sure you understand.
tagging: whoever wanna do this. i’m pretty sure everyone’s already tagged so go wild and yep. that’s been fun guys, thank you!
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot recap 2x18
(Aka the one where Roman gets to go on another excursion, Weitz wants to date literally the entire team except for maybe Patterson bc he’s intimidated by her brains, Reade is Touched By An Angel, and Nas falls on her sword for reasons which will probably never become entirely clear to anyone)
Okay, yes, I am the world’s worst procrastinator, and so am only just managing to get this posted now despite the three-week break. Tbh I intended to do it a couple of days ago, but then ended up getting distracted doing some writing of a different kind (stay tuned for that one very shortly!) and as such ended up with very little time for this-- hence why it’s a little shorter and kinda all over the place lol. But anyhow, if you were wanting a refresher on last ep before the new one tonight, you’ve come to the right place haha.
Okay I'm confused by this very large number of phenotypically-diverse children in one house. Also this blonde lady looks suspicious. Oh no and now the shouting girl is dead... after jumping from the second floor onto dirt? It would be unusual to die from that kind of injury, especially as a young person with strong bones, though it‘s certainly within the realm of possibility, depending on the type of impact. Also it's times like this that I'm reminded that both this show and I are kinda grim haha
Naaawwwww look at the Mayhem Twins in their little domestic bubble. Jane's so excited about her new 'bring your little bro to work' sitch and Roman is all *grumble grumble emo teen* about it, which lbr is pretty fair, but like Jane says, ‘freedom is something you have to earn’. Just bc you can't remember all the bad things you've done, doesn't mean everyone else can just forget it too, buddy! And considering you were literally the enemy not too long ago, it’s actually pretty impressive how much the team has let you in and treated you kindly. If anything demonstrates that the team (*cough* especially Weller *cough*) truly loves Jane, this is it. So be nice to your sister, bucko, because she's the reason that you actually have a chance at living a normal life for literally the first time ever. Sigh, my poor little battered babies. Why must you suffer so much and be hugged so little. Also well done makeup team on remembering to keep Jane's face bruised haha
Lol I love this scene, bc now without Reade, the team consists of poor beleaguered Weller and four badass (and currently rather displeased) ladies. The varied responses to Weitz’s inquisition are hilarious though-- Patterson is all (ง'̀-'́)ง , Zapata is all eye-rolls and being so done with this shit, Nas is already planning and scheming and looking at it from all angles, and Jane is there solely to support Weller and get his support in return, bc MARRIEEEEDDDD. And ugh Weller is such a good leader and reassures them all and then ugh he and Zapata having that little moment of worry over Reade and ugh my babiessss 
Speaking of Reade, he’s apparently busted both his face and his phone lol. He's also in a very weird hospital room; like this is a huge space for only two beds. I wonder who found him though? Also given his recent expensive habits, can he even afford the price of medical care?? If he was here in Aus, it'd be free, but in the States??? Good luck, bro...
Naww the team is soldiering on, with Patterson telling them about a new tattoo to check out-- a tattoo with numbers somehow linked to the girl that died. As usual, Patterson's explanation of just how that happened went in one ear and right out the other, for both me and the team, it seems. Oops. But ugh poor Jane looks a little bit sick at the thought of the girl's death being linked with her tattoos-- it must be so hard sometimes, to be covered in (what is sometimes the equivalent to) people's death sentences? Seriously Weller needs to hurry up and kiss all of those tattoos and remind her that in carrying them, she helps the team save people. Ugh, that woman just really needs a good long hug. 
Oh and look who it is, the ADA that everybody loves to hate. Gotta say, I still kinda ship him with Zapata a little bit. Like, in a 'hate each other so much they occasionally meet up and have angry sex' kinda way. But then again I kinda ship her with Roman, but then kinda also don't at the same time... Idk, imagining her and Roman kissing would be a little weird. Like he's just such a lil puppy and she's all wildcat. But aaaaanyway, ooooohhhh I love Weller's teeny tiny eye-twitch when Weitz mentions Jane. It's like turning his Protective Hubby mode onto vibrate-- none of the big loud shouty anger, just a subtle 'come near her and I will end you' vibe that radiates through him lol. I dig it. Apparently Weitz has no sense of self-preservation though, so not only threatens them all with suspension, but also steps directly in Weller's way, AND refers to Patterson as a lab rat. Oh boy. I'm so proud of our Weller though, clearly he's been working on his anger management haha. Plus, he totally just won that round and Weitz knows it. 
Dude they totally wouldn't be letting bystanders that close if the body was still right there. But whatevs. Also I like Weller's boots. And now oooh all the kids and the foster mom have disappeared, whatever could have happened....
Ughhh I love that Weller, Nas and Jane are all blatantly watching Patterson being interviewed, and Weller's all casual about it like 'yeah she's tough she's got this', but you just KNOW that if Patterson looked to be in any distress at all, Weller would be storming through those doors in a fury, with Nas following behind ready to provide some kind of excuse, whereas Jane would have slipped quietly away and set off the fire alarm or something before shimmying through the vents and dropping down into the room behind Weitz's guys, basically forming a pincer-maneuver with Weller, ready to kick the crap out of anyone that dares upset their lil Patterson. Of course Zapata would be flying in there right beside Weller (except when he would put himself in front of Patterson, she'd just launch straight at Weitz lol) but she's not present in the equation rn. Oh but here she is now, actually, with a lead-- she's found streetcam footage of the teenage boy from the foster-house. If they can find him, maybe they can solve the whole mystery and save the other kids.
Ughhhhh speaking of Patterson and Weitz, he's grilling her about Borden, and ugh my baby is being so tough and not taking any of his shit and for once I feel kinda grateful for that slimy weasel Fisher bc at least he gave her good practice for dealing with scumbags like this? Ugh I know my baby had somewhat of a breakdown in last ep (I wonder if she's cleaned her apartment up at all after that) but she really seems kinda... battle-hardened... now. Which makes me sad, but at the same time, we know that Jane has been through a whole ton of awful crap and she's still a little cinnamon roll despite it, so I have high hopes for Patterson to do the same. Especially with Jane there to help mentor her through it.
Oooh the Power Trio (by which I mean Jeller and their sidekick, Nas) are in Weller's office, and lbr this is very much a scene about a married couple having a debate, with Nas hanging in the background trying to be unobtrusive haha. I love that Jane was just reminding Roman this morning that these things take time-- but the first chance she gets she goes to hubby and is like 'let's put him on the team' haha. And lbr here, Weller puts up a half-assed argument purely for appearances’ sake. We know he's going to allow it, bc he's whipped a caring and supportive hubby and he wants the woman he loves to be happy. And also he wants Roman to be redeemed, bc if there's hope for Roman then there's hope for them all. He makes an excellent point that today is literally THE WORST day to be thinking about doing this-- literally a single thing goes wrong out there, even something that's not at all Roman's fault, and Weitz is going to be all over their asses. The dude's just waiting for an excuse, and letting a 'known terrorist' (sorry puppy, you know I don't mean that) out on a case is bound to be exactly the kind of thing he's after. But who cares, those are all far too sensible and logical things to be worrying about. Nas, surprisingly, has done a 180 from her shared opinion with Dr Sun that Roman is a monster, and encourages Weller to let him out in the field. Is she deliberately doing that to try to get them to play right into Weitz's hands, or is she just doing it bc she knows Weller's going to give in anyway and so she adds her support, letting Weller pretend he's been 'out-voted' (despite him being the highest-ranking person in the room) rather than actually just being the big marshmallow that he is? And ugghh he finally says yes and Jane is trying really hard to look mature about it and not beam at him and he's trying really hard not to seem pleased about making her happy and ugh these two giant dorks are gonna be the death of meeeee
Dude you're really not gonna use your work insurance? I suppose maybe you can't, since you quit like yesterday, you big dumb idiot. And then ugh the other guy asks him about his PTSD, and it's very convenient that the sole other occupant in the room is someone that can give Reade some real insight into his situation and help him get on the right path. If this was a daytime movie, we'd find out at the end that this guy was actually an angel the whole time, placed there to help him find his way. But it's Blindspot, so more likely he's a Sandstorm plant or something lol, since they seem to be literally everywhere haha. Also Reade denies being a veteran, and is he just trying to cut off the conversation, or is that answer honestly a no? I feel like my understanding of his character was that he WAS in the army before the FBI. But hey, maybe I just made that up.
Naawww Roman is like 'wait I'm coming out on a case that's not directly related to me?? Really??' and Jane is all 'yep now let's go out there and show them how great you are' and he snarks back about getting tossed back in a cage if he doesn't, and I love that there's a hint of reproach in her tone when she tells him that it's important, and a big opportunity-- like okay bro I know you’ve had a tough time but everyone is trying super hard to be inclusive and give you a fair shot so maybe ease up on the attitude mmmkay?? I love that Jane is Roman's biggest advocate when talking to others, but when he starts to get a bit whiny she (gently but firmly) puts him back in his place. Man, she’s such a big sister. Also dude they're gonna have to be even more careful with what they say about Sandstorm etc now, considering that Roman's detail is in the lab with them? Though I suppose all Patterson's lil lab techs are usually hovering around all the time, so maybe these are all high-clearance people. Rn Patterson's concerned about Weitz twisting everything they say, worried that telling the truth may not be enough to protect them. But Weller is all 'truth or nothing, we die with honor*' (*paraphrasing lol) and ugh I'm so proud of him for being such a good, incorruptible man. And so now they have another lead-- the teen's music teacher lives near where he was seen on the cam, so maybe he's gone there for help. Weller wants to check it out, but Patterson's already got plans at the morgue (that's where I'd go too tbh, autopsies are fascinating) and Zapata's got a date with Weitz, so that doesn't leave many other options. Jane's quick to suggest Roman, ratcheting the tension level up to about 300 before Weller is all like 'screw it, alright come on but just don't mess up okay bc wifey will be really upset if something bad happens' and Roman is all 'yes sir I would never intentionally make my sister unhappy sir' while Jane practically skips out of the room behind them haha
Weitz is asking Zapata about Reade-- ooh is someone worried about competition, Weitz?? Don't worry, she and Reade are just friends. And you are dirt on the sole of her shoe. But hey, maybe that's one of your kinks or something. Anyway oooh it comes up that Nas gave the order to enter the Sandstorm compound and that Weller wasn't there. The writing in the scene is clever and focuses on the Weller side of things, but it's also a setup to Nas getting blamed... wonder if they'll pounce on her later?
So it's snowy again, which means weather-wise, we should be approaching somewhere close to a full year since Jane was found in Times Square. Though since my theory is that she was found in January, I'm going to assume we're maybe around November now. Anyway I love that Weller allows Jane and Roman to head around back while he takes the front-- so much trust in Jane ugh (and some in Roman too, obviously). And he said Roman's detail would have to come out with them, but I don't see them anywhere... maybe scoping the perimeter? Round back they find Eli playing on a little pitch-pipe (it kinda looks like little plug-adaptors for TV aerials-- did he make it himself?) and ugh Weller reassures him and is doing his whole fatherly thing and ughhhh I love it (almost as much as Jane does hehe)
Meanwhile Patterson just found out that their girl's body has been basically snatched from the morgue, which is unfortunate. Clearly there was something about her body that could give the bad guys away??
I think Nas is trying to psychoanalyze Roman. But he's doing a better job of it himself tbh, and indirectly admits that he's scared of himself. Ugh, my puppy. Let me hug you. In the interview room, the Jeller dream team are talking to the kid, with Weller looming over him a little as the stern dad-figure and Jane sitting at his level, being the sensitive, understanding mom figure and ughhhhh I am having premonitions of them talking to their own teen after they go out drinking or stay out past curfew or something and ughhh I better not fall down this rabbit hole rn bc it'll be hours before I pull myself out of it, so let's focus on the present instead okay. Patterson has no leads on the body-snatchers, the music teacher has been out of town and has no idea about anything, and so all their hopes rest on getting Eli to open up. Roman suggests giving him back the pitch-pipe, recognising it as a sentimental item, much like the coin he and Jane shared. And ugh Weller approves and Jane is so proud and ooh Zapata just came into the lab and looked at Roman with a guarded expression and ugh stop making me ship it okay?? Anyways Jane's up next to talk to Weitz, and man does she look eager about the prospect lol
Aaaaaahhhh Weitz's first question is whether she's been in a romantic relationship with Weller (dude do you have a crush on Jane as well as Zapata?? Fair enough, I understand) and ugh I love that she doesn't go straight for a 'no', she instead questions its relevance to the investigation. And yaaaaasss I love that it's only after Weitz pretty much implies that she slept her way onto the team that she denies the romantic relationship. Because after all, it's kinda true; they definitely have (or as she thinks in his case, HAD) romantic feelings for each other, and they have had romantic interactions, but they have never been in a literal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, therefore her answer is not a lie. (Though I hope one day it will be hehe). And then he attacks her about zipping Roman, acting like she has something to hide, trying to get her to slip up and somehow incriminate Weller, claiming that her loyalties are with Roman and (basically) that Weller's loyalties are with her, meaning he believes Weller would choose her over the FBI if it came down to it, and ugh I know this guy is trying to cause problems and everything but I kinda love him for laying it out to Jane like that, putting the thought in her mind that maybe Weller WOULD choose her, maybe Weller cares enough about her that if it somehow came to it, he would turn his back on the agency that has been his life for a dozen years in order to stand with her. And lbr, he would. Heeeeelllllppppp.
Aaaand Reade is still ignoring calls and being an all-round butthead. Also I've suddenly decided Reade needs a dog. Oooh and angel-Trevor not only has PTSD, but he's dying bc of his drug and alcohol abuse, having already lost his family because of it. Yep, this guy was definitely put here to teach Reade a valuable life lesson. Good luck Trevor, hope you succeed. Also sorry to hear about the dying thing.
Naww Weller is being the understanding dad now, since mom-Jane isn't there to do it, and Zapata has taken on the role of that cool aunt that you can tell anything to. Also this kid must be kinda in awe of the hotness of the women in this place lol. He is like 16, after all. And then ugh he finally tells them that their foster mom was giving them pills-- and then BAM, he breaks open the pitch-pipe and there's one of the pills. Score one for Roman! Also I very much enjoy watching Roman watch the interviews. Handsome, emotionally troubled men with hearts of gold are definitely part of my aesthetic. Zapata takes the pill to Patterson to be tested, whereas Weller is accosted by Weitz, who looks positively delighted to get to have some alone time. Well, if a bunch of observers and a camera counts as alone time, anyway.... (#kinky)
And ughhhh yet again his first question is Jeller-related. We definitely have a shipper here. And ugh Weller describes his relationship with Jane as professional, which is technically true. Their relationship is multifaceted, and a big one of those facets is their work partnership. Especially lately, while the personal stuff between them is only just beginning to delicately blossom again. Then when Weitz pushes-- clearly desperate to know if there's hope for his OTP or not-- Weller hedges, saying that they go out for drinks as a team sometimes. Again, true; that is another facet. I love how he is very much skirting around the head-over-heels-in-love facet. Well played, Weller. It's Weitz’s fault for not asking you directly if you're in love with her. For once he's probably somewhat relieved for the conversation to move onto Shepherd-- well, until Weitz starts claiming that she's Weller's benefactor (slash future mother in law) and that he may actually be working for her somehow. Remember those anger management lessons, son, you've been doing so well. Just get through this and you can go find Jane so she can be outraged on your behalf. 
But nope, instead he walks into the lab, and when Jane asks how it went, he grumpily changes the topic. Sigh. I guess it would be a little hard for him to seek support from her when all the team-- including Roman and Roman's detail- are standing right there. Plus he probably still feels a little awkward about nearly getting caught out on the whole being in love with her thing. Kinda makes sense that he's a little touchy. Anyway Patterson has discovered that the foster kids are being used as guinea pigs in illegal drug tests. And cue a scene with labcoated people talking about euthanising the kids, which the foster mom initially argues against, but then accepts. Wow, messed up, much? Thankfully the drug has to be out of the kids' systems before they kill them, so that buys them another hour for our team to come to their rescue.
Lol Trevor and I seem to share feelings about home-renovation shows. I'd sure as hell rather watch hockey too, buddy. Reade catches him right before he falls over trying to change the channel, seeing that his legs are too weak to even support him anymore, and angel-Trevor then tells him to get control of his life 'the right way' by talking about his pain, getting it all out. And Reade starts to open up to him and ughhh I really hope he is an angel and not some kind of plant bc if the wrong person finds out about this, Reade could be in some serious shit...
Nas' contacts are closing in on Sandstorm's bank account after tracking that transaction Roman made, but Weller's more fixated on the fact that his unwanted 'link' to Shepherd is a threat to the team (now you know how Jane feels, bud!). Thankfully though Patterson has found a lead-- the capsule that holds the pill's contents is (very fortuitously) only used by four companies, and they showed photos of employees to Eli until they found the doctor he'd met-- a man with a very Polish-looking name, which Patterson can't pronounce, and Weller thinks he can, but can't. Literally I'm an Aussie who has never been to Poland, and while I'm definitely not sure exactly how it's meant to sound, I know enough to know it's not whatever he just said. But anyhow, let's add another uncle to Weller's list haha-- he seems to have been collecting a few lately. I wonder which side of the family they were on? Not that it matters, since he's estranged from both, I guess... but anyhow there's only one way to find the doctor, and that's to use Eli as bait. I appreciate that they get his consent first, bc lbr they probably didn't have to. 
And like a sucker, the doc fell for it, and they traced the call to a warehouse. Roman's detail is assigned to cover the back entrance (good, keeps them out of the way) and Weller puts Jane together with Roman while he and Zapata take another entrance. I love the Roman/Jane teaming up thing because again, it shows Weller's trust in Jane... but I want my Jeller combo back. How long til we can have Zapata and Roman teaming up? Bc I am veeeeery interested to see how that goes. I do appreciate that Zapata raises no concern about Roman being out with them though. It's nice to see him being accepted more ughh. Sounds like the foster mom has had a change of heart, and doesn't want the kids to die. Too little, too late, lady. And then she literally tries to grab a gun to shoot at Weller (rude) but he fires a warning shot, bc he believes in JUSTICE not vigilantism and ugh I just love my sweet honorable boy. And speaking of sweet honorable boys, as the team approaches the kids, Roman runs straight to them and starts cutting them free ugh, while Weller chases a bad guy and Jane finds the power source for the machines (not sure why, like she could literally just pull the IV's out of the kids' arms)-- but it's lucky she does, bc it puts her in the perfect spot to grapple with another suddenly-appearing bad guy. Roman nearly gets shot in the head about five times in the process, and he and the kiddies make a run for it while the rest of the team is locked in their own individual battles. Zapata personally kicks the shit out of the doctor guy, which I appreciate. They all dispatch their opponents and regroup at the same time, realising Roman is nowhere to be found. Jane looks super worried but also convinced that he'll pop up at any second, while Weller's just like 'shit I can't deal with this rn' and then ta-da Roman appears with all the kids safe and sound and Jane is practically bursting with pride and rainbows and Weller just gives this little nod like 'good work... u lil shit' and we didn't get to see Zapata's reaction but I stg she would have been frowning bc she found the whole situation worryingly hot lol 
Ugh now they're all at the hospital and Roman and Jane walk up to Weller together but she lets Roman take the lead bc lbr seeing the two men she loves most in the world interact is probably like her favourite thing ever, plus it's good for Weller to be reminded that Roman really does care ugh. And then Jane tells Roman how great he did and Weller agreeeeeeeeessss (bc now it's just them there so he doesn't have to keep up the cranky-boss appearances anymore and can just be the approving bro-in-law and ughhhhh save me). Oh and it seems Zapata is here to do just that, bc she's discovered Eli is missing from his room-- turns out he's gone to confront foster-mom. Also according to the decor, this is literally the same hospital that Reade is in. Imagine if the team ran into him in one of the corridors?? Awkwaaaaard. But anyhow the team finds Eli, and Weller approaches and starts talking him down while the rest watch from the doorway, and ughhhh "don't let what she's done ruin the rest of your life"/ "the things that you've had to go through, they can make you stronger, but you have to make the right choices" and ughhhhh his words literally could relate to any member of the team, but are clearly hitting Roman especially hard rn. Yaaaas give me all the Roman/Weller bonding. And omg the kid drops the knife and then walks straight into Weller's arms and I'm screaming bc ALL THAT SPECULATION ABOUT WHICH OF THE WOMEN THE HUG WOULD BE WITH, AND IT'S A FREAKING TEENAGE BOY. Oh, man, that promo sure got us good. I'm so amused by this haha 
Oooh Weller has called his ladies (sans Nas, which imo is the way it should be) into his office-- he's giving Tasha the lead on the Sandstorm op, which makes them all go "??What???" so he explains that in order to prevent Weitz taking the whole team down, he's going to fall on his sword, take the hit to spare the rest of them. And lol yet again it's a mixed-bag of reactions-- Patterson is all (ง'̀-'́)ง  again, whereas Zapata-- as a bureaucracy-understanding agent like Weller-- clenches her jaw, telling him they'll fight it together but knowing why he's doing what he's doing; but ugh Jane's eyes are locked on Weller's face, voice rough with emotion as she insists there IS no team without him. Because to her, there isn't. There's nothing without Weller-- she can't even comprehend existing in a world where he is not at its center. And when he insists that this is the plan he's going with, she looks to the others, hoping they'll help her talk him out of it-- but they're silent. There's nothing they can do. He's still their boss, and this is his final order. Weitz has his victim at last.
But not, apparently, the one we were expecting. While Weller was saying his farewells, Nas Kamal-- the sneakiest of the sneaky-- is already in with Weitz, claiming full responsibility for literally everything (did you know she shot JFK, too??). So, okay... what is actually going on here? Was this literally the point of her character all along, to provide someone else to be offered up as a sacrificial lamb, when all the shit that has happened this season finally catches up with them? I just... idk. I don't get it. I feel like Nas' character makes no sense, like she's some kind of shape-shifter, initially one thing, and then another, and then another, based on the whims of the writers. After nearly a full season I have no idea what her motivations actually are, and I have no idea whether any of the things she said or did were genuine or by design. But, well, better her on the chopping block than Weller, I guess? Well... so long, Nas, and thanks for all the fish-y business!
Ugh my precious Weller catches up with them just as they're leaving, though clearly dreading what he's about to do but ready to do it anyway to protect his team. And then Weitz is all "Boy, bye"... though not before offering to take him out on a date. Does this man literally have a crush on EVERY member of the team, or??? 
Reade is getting out of hospital, and he leaves his number for Trevor (silly boy, angels don't need phones to speak to you), and the last bit of advice he receives is not to face his demons alone. So c’mon, Reade, who you gonna call?
Okay I am super uncomfortable with drinks being poured on top of the touchscreen table thing. I can't believe Patterson is allowing this. And aww the team thanks Nas for her sacrifice, but lbr they're all secretly glad it's her and not Weller. And then she says a mildly emotional goodbye (she's not really one for touchy feely stuff, lbr), passing the torch to them to continue on her quest against Sandstorm-- and giving them the bank account details, which will no doubt be their next lead. Aaaand yep I am still no closer to understanding anything about why she does what she does or what she wants or anything, really. Which either means that the writers are waaaaay more clever than I am, or they have no more of an idea about it than I do lol. Personally, I'm kinda leaning toward the second...                                                       
Aaaaaahhhh Reade called Zapata. GOOD BOY.  THIS IS THE FIRST GOOD THING YOU'VE DONE IN WEEKS. And ugh he thanks her for coming over and she thanks him for calling back and they HUGGGGGG and I still do not ship them in the slightest but man have I missed their awesome friendship!!!! And then aaahhh he picks up the tape (apparently he's found a VCR at a thrift store or somewhere lol) and tells her that what he was doing wasn't working and that he needs to know so he can move on and then ughhhhh they sit on the couch together and she holds his haaaaaaaand and ugh I so desperately hope that it's just a game tape and ugh I'm terrified to find out and oh man I can’t even imagine watching that with someone knowing that they may be about to see you violated in that way, knowing that this is something they will always be aware of in the back of their mind when they look at you, and mannnn I just can't get over the incredible depth of the relationships in this show like yes this particular situation is horrible but these connections are so what I came here for ughhhhhhh
Ew, Shepherd. I was enjoying a few episodes without you. And okay blah blah blah you've bought something very expensive and very toxic looking in Bangkok. Whatevs. Hope it backfires on you somehow.
And okay that's the ep done, just in time haha. About the promo: my prediction is that the Jeller kiss we saw will actually be interrupted before it happens, but that Jeller will find a way to ensure that some uninterrupted smoochin' happens by the end of the episode. And lbr they are so DUE for a kiss. Like it's a legit pattern; both of them kiss somebody else. Then they kss each other. Then they both kiss someone else again. Then kiss each other. Then, most recently, they've both kissed other people again, people whom they no longer have any relationship with. Which means: this Jeller kiss is a definite guarantee. It's pure science. Just wait til tonight's ep; you'll see. And after that, the pattern’s gonna end, bc these two won’t be kissing anybody but each other ever again ugh
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