#why is aang cocky
ansiedead · 4 months
soulless, unfortunately
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sasukesharingan · 1 month
I didn’t know hating Aang wasn’t an unpopular opinion until I got back on tumblr. I thought it was just my scumbag ex being a red flag? Lol y’all wild
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abilouwrites · 3 months
Zuko bcz we’re actually married 😻😻
Also I love this song it’s by The academic and it’s so good
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I will show him the worst parts of myself; my aggressions and bear claws I have worked so hard to build. I will be ugly in front of him; I will be mean and rude because how could I fall for someone as callous as he. Someone who would’ve burned and killed to find some 12 year old boy.
I don’t understand how Aang and Sokka found it so easy to forgive, maybe I can forgive but I could never forget. How could I forget when he had me against a tree, “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you” he spoke
“Because you’re too weak to do it” I retorted; too brave for my own skin. He was cocky but I was bold. A fuel to his flame; but as much as I was confident I was still this scared little girl. Terrified of the unknown.
I’ve changed, grown into my own skin. Cut my hair short but I’ve never forgotten. I shut down when he arrives, I quiet and still. As many times as he’s sat next to me I stay still, hands in my lap unmoving and quiet. Fighting the fire that claws at my stomach and the butterflies that thrash.
It’s not until late night when he asks, “why do you still hate me! How are we supposed to take down Firelord Ozai if we can’t get along” he questions me. His hands are clenched at his sides yet he doesn’t look angry. More sad than anything.
“We can get along. This.” I stomp my foot and gesture to the tents, “this is me getting along with you Zuko” I snap. I want to stall closer to him; jab him in the chest and scream at him, tell him how I really feel. How I hate being ugly and mean to him, “do you really want to know why I hate you?”
“Yes” he whispers, there’s no reasoning why he wants my explanation. He just wants it.
“Because after everything you’ve put me through, I still like you. And I like you more than I want too” I explain, “I’ve never liked someone as much as I like you Zuko. And it terrifies me. Everything about loving you scares me” I whisper shout; tears boiling in my eyes, tears begging to be let go. I take a breath again trying to shove my feelings deep into my gut but they won’t move. From the lump in my throat to the fire burning in my stomach, “I thought I was ok with the unknown; but I’m not. I’m not ok because the thought of not knowing— not being with you terrifies me more than anything ever could” when I finally finish he just stares at me. Blinking as he rubs his hands together, “there.” I exhale, “that is why I’ve shut you out. Because I feel so much for you I don’t ever want to not feel this way again”
“I have lost everyone I’ve ever loved” he says; his voice so slow and quiet I can barely hear it against the wind, “and I am terrified of losing you. But you” he sighs against the wind and throws his head back in a show of frustration before he walks up to me. No matter how many claws and walls I throw at him; they come down just as easily, “you” he says my name so sweetly and the way it rolls off his tongue makes me weak in the knees, “are irresistible”
We’re inches apart before the gap closes, he kisses me with a passion no one has ever touched me with. His hand cupping my cheek and the other one on the small of my back deepening the kiss. My hands glide into his hair and the fire in my stomach ignites. Shoving itself into my heart where I’m scared it might never die. Maybe I’ll be ok with lowered walls; maybe I’ll retract my bear claws.
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all-bi-myself-lol · 6 days
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I love Azula as a character. She has a lot of depth and her arc is very tragic considering her age. I feel terrible for her and I love the idea of a reception arc for her.
But Zuko was not in the wrong for trying to kill her in their Agni Kai. A lot of people responded to my last post saying that him trying to redirect lightning at her was messed up and cocky of him, and I just strongly disagree with that.
For starters, Azula is not an inherently good person. Yes, it is the result of a traumatic childhood and is absolutely her parent’s fault, but that doesn’t make it ok. She has shown clear intent on killing other characters (she actually did kill Aang). She had made it clear that she wants to kill Zuko, she even challenges him to an Agni Kai; which, to my understanding, is a fight to the death. Why is it ok for her to try to kill him but not the other way around?
It’s not like Zuko is going out of his way to kill her. He doesn’t want to, but he knows it is necessary for victory in the war and safety in the nation. Even in her current mental state, Azula is still very dangerous. In the comics, she tried to kill a memory-wiped Ursa and her innocent family, and kidnapped a bunch of children.
Azula initiated the fight with Zuko, and Zuko has every right to defend himself and Katara. Just because Azula is in a bad place doesn’t mean he needs to “go easy” on her. I also don’t think he was trying to show off. Zuko is not a confident guy. Post-redemption, he doesn’t brag about his firebending or wealth, and he certainly doesn’t try to show off in the middle of a fight. Reducing his character down to an asshole is not fair to his personality and development.
This is just my opinion; if you disagree, that’s fine.
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kyshiwarrior · 3 months
WORD VOMIT RE: Jet's attitude towards his decisions.
another reason i wanna kiss whoever wrote and directed jet's episode is the fact in the cartoon, jet was absolutely hyped about blowing up the dam and knew deep down it was bad because he shielded the gaang from it even if he was upfront with the freedom fighters and confirming with the duke that innocents would die but thats the price --- but still later smiling and saying theyre going to have a great victory over the fire nation after sokka is taken away.
in the liveaction, the cockiness jet has is when he's amused the gaang thinks they're slick for trying to sneak in, when he's helping them sneak in because he thinks its amusing and a helping hand, and the face of a threat: when the fire benders are found waiting for him in the forest to kill him for spying on them and hes ready to fight them back. Then, he's smiling at the camp when he's announcing who they are and what their goal is: freedom and protecting their home because no one else has their back.
Outside of this, Jet is very somber and expresses a lot of stress. For example, when he stops Katara from making herself known too early when Sai is talking to the spy then when Katara confronts him. What really stood out to me was when Katara walked up and Smellerbee was exchanging a look with him. They both looked really stressed and uncomfortable before she even came around the corner, but then especially. The look Smellerbee gave to Jet really said a thousand words, like they've been having a lot of discussions about involving her in their mission and an almost 'I told you so.' (sidenote: they did a wonderful job with nonverbals). Jet immediately puts his foot down about it not being the time then also not denying what he was doing when confronted. When he explains why he’s doing it, even as he smiles a little when saying they know how to take out the trash, its spoken with so much ire because he’s doing what he feels he needs to — and it hurts its your own people that let you down. He smiles because he’s in pain and overall feeling of ‘This is what happens when these people think they could get away with it. They have us to reckon with.’
What was significant to me was the lack of ego. This was someone who had full understanding that what he was doing wasn't something to boast about, but a building frustration tying with "IF NOT US, WHO?" What Katara didn't understand was the difference between herself and Jet, what defines being 'the good guy.' Jet was someone so acutely aware of his lack of privileges and the fear that drives the 'hard decisions' for the sake of collective. Hard decisions that put the very people you're trying to protect at risk because they were in the wrong place and the wrong time, but more would be at risk if they didn't act immediately. It's ugly, messy, imperfect -- and Jet is aware. He is not excited about any of this. Instead, he's pissed he feels he has no other choice because no adult after his parents did anything to help him. So it's all up to him, to him. ((cartoon implied these attitudes but I still spent years trying to get it through jet anti’s heads ))
And assassinating a KING and almost effortlessly succeeding is ... quite something. Impulsive, but pretty impressive. Sad, too, that it would be so easy. Everything Jet had to say about Bumi in this universe was true. Bumi lost his nerve, he was surrounded in privilege, he wasn't doing anything to really stop the corruption, and he fell into despair. Sure, Aang got through to him. Sure, Sai changed his ways and drew away from his treason with risk following. Sure. But we know what's going to inevitably happen, unless they decide to change it: Bumi happily lets Omashu get overtaken by the Fire Nation and orders all his guards to "do nothing" without any explanation. We better see Jet in Season 2 talk about his perspective here because the changes they did have me buzzing with theories. He would be livid and seemingly 100% right about King Bumi. ((Unfortunately, he is also destined to die before finding out about Bumi's plans to take Omashu back the day of the solar eclipse, but it doesn't matter because Jet would not have forgiven him for that terror.))
Anyway, they did a great job humanizing him while making him a foil to her. In the original, Jet was Sokka's foil, but I think it works so well to make him Katara's -- as they both become the most vocal and impulsive social justice activists. So seeing them fight and discuss what it meant to be a 'traitor' and 'unforgivable' was fascinating. They were actually able to have two separate discussions on the matter -- one where Katara confronted Jet to call him a traitor and when Jet confronted Katara to call her one in return.
I love how in the original, Sokka was able to prove he is a good leader in his own way by showing empathy for all and not willing to risk innocent lives ever, which gets Aang and Katara's respect after so much ridicule and comparisons. In contrast, I also love how they decided to go an alternate route because with Jet's impact on Katara that had such a lasting impression, this change did their dynamic justice. It sets up season 2 very well in how they'll engage with each other again.
I also love how Katara is able to reflect on Jet with criticism, but also understanding and a moment of gratitude. It feels a lot better than his simple flattery followed with manipulating her for her powers, and audiences feeling unsure how much of his flirting was genuine. Mind you, helps her story and establishes trust issues around being used (factors into her other plotlines), but it's such a disservice to Jet in return. I'm a big advocate of 'you don't have to completely demonize and ruin a character for the sake of uplifting another, the other should be able to stand on their own.'
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bitwynn · 1 year
Ive just been watching Avatar The Last Airbender clips lately and like-- lol what if in SAGAU you teach them to control their Vision powers similarly to how characters in the show bend their respective elements??
So like-- i imagine that Anemo, Pyro, and Electro Vision holders would have similar moves and spend a lot of time with each other since i do remember Uncle Iroh calling the Air and Fire elements very similar to each other. It reflects in their bending as well, it just differs in their approach to it. While both have similar bending styles, the Air benders are much more passive and defensive in their bending while Fire benders are much more aggressive and offensive-- you can really see it whenever Aang and Zuko fight. I put Electro in there as well since electricity in the Avatar world is a highly specialized and advanced fire bending skill. I imagine a lot of Vision holders in Inazuma would DEFINITELY try to figure out the lightning redirection skill out of fear of the Raiden Shogun LOLLLL
The water element is STILL OP AS FUCK with Hydro, Cryo and Dendro learning a whole lot from each other. Cryo is there because of obvious reasons aka ICE IS JUST HARD WATER GUYS WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE IT A SEPARATE ELEMENT-- and Dendro is there because plant bending in ATLA (yes plant bending is a thing) is just finding the water in the plants to bend them. The theory is similar to metal bending and blood bending-- you find the bendable parts amidst the unbendable parts and you move those.
Geo is just Geo because... its GEO. ITS JUST ROCKS. DO I NEED TO SAY MORE.
I imagine that the Anemo guys, Venti especially, would very much enjoy their new found speed and agility with Venti just yoinking the concept of an Airbender Staff for himself or even inventing new ways to Windglide using the gliders already there and just innovating the already existing skill. Heizou would also really appreciate it, considering how he doesnt really like fighting and prefers incapacitating criminals as swiftly as possible in or out of a fight. The fuckery you could do as an Airbender man--
Like i said earlier, the Pyro and Electro Vision holders would really take a special interest in each other. I can imagine Thoma trying to find someone with an Electro Vision so he can try to learn how to deflect lightning. (Haha ARCHON QUEST GUILT--) and ohhhhh my gOD i can already see cOUNTLESS cocky Pyro and Electro Vision holders in Inazuma AND EVEN OUT OF INAZUMA just going "STRIKE ME DOWN RAIDEN, YOU DONT THE BALLS--" just because they learned how to redirect lightning AHAHAHA
Cryo and Hydro would hangout a lot and like-- honestly, Cryo might hangout a lot with Geo as well considering how cryo is just Ice but Solid. Its kinda similar to bending earth in that way. I still do think that Cryo and Hydro users would learn a lot from each other but Hydro learns more from Cryo and Cryo learns more from Geo. In the bending sense at least. So i imagine that the closest Cryo can get to Hydro is turning the ice into snow or slush and the closest that Hydro can get to Cryo is slush as well but much MUCH more watery. Like a half melted Big Gulp from 7 11. Honestly, i can kind of see Eula using this as an opportunity to both better her reputation AND to better care for the knights under her since waterbenders are the healers of the bending world. So, i can see her visiting Barbara a lot and getting healing lessons from her or her like-- groveling at Dionas feet trying to learn how to heal her troops AHAHAHA
DUUUUUUUDE the Geo dudes are gonna have sO MUCH FUN SINCE LIKE-- even tho earth bending is SUUUUPER underrated, in the right hands its SO fucking op. I can already see Ningguang trying to master metal bending so she can literally just-- detect what metals are around her and the quality of them. Like "oh this ugly unrefined lump of metal is much MUCH more valuable than the necklace youre trying to sell me there. Tell me, youre not foolish enough to try and swindle the Tianyuan Qixing? Oh? How was I able to tell? With the knowledge and gifts brought by our Grace of course!" And Zhongli trying to master every aspect of earth bending, from seismic sense to metal bending to lava bending and so on, because even though he stepped down as Archon, he is STILL the Prime of the Adepti and Lord of Geo. And if this brings him a closer connection to the Overseer? Lol thats just an added benefit AHAHAHAH
The Dendro users thoooo, they would DEFFO take advantage of their inherent and direct connection to water to better connect with the plantlife around them. ACTUALLY i can see Collei kind of learning how to heal herself of Eleazar BECAUSE of her connection to Dendro and Dendro's connection to water-- the "healing" element. And i can also see Tighnari like-- using it as a different sort of "seismic sense" in a way. Thanks to the lessons learned from the Hydro users that can now fucking bend plants, he can turn that lesson-- the "finding the bendable parts amdist the unbendable parts" and turn it into his own! So he could, using his Dendro Vision, detect and identify any and all plantlife nearby by the way the Dendro element surrounds the Hydro element that flows within the plants themselves! If hes familiar enough with the plants, and honestly he probably is, he could determine its age, species, health, and any other aspects of it he'd want to learn
And ohhhhh my gOD-- dont even get me STARTED on them mixing in their own martial arts into their bending styles. Because like-- each bending style is based off and inspired tby many real life martial arts. Tai Chi for waterbending, Hung Gar for earth, Northern Shaolin for Fire, Ba Gua Zhang for air and so on. So, imagine them just mixing in the fighting styles of each nation or even their own personal fighting style into their bending style! So like-- i can see Thoma mixing into his Firebending some Inazuman Judo or Karate (both are Japanese martial arts and Inazuma is based off Japan) and some Mondstadtian Ringen (Mond is based off Germany and Ringen is German style martial arts/grappling) to really like-- personalize and make Firebending his very own. And, taking that further, even taking the lessons from the show-- the lesson that every element is connected and that you can learn from each and every element. You can actually see that in, as how ATLA goes on, you can see the Gaang and the other benders using bending moves from other elements-- not just Aang learning the other elements to become a Master Avatar but literally everyone-- Zuko using a move he learned from Iroh who learned from waterbenders, Katara using earthbending moves to bend ice, and so on. I could think of more but im currently sick off my ass and my brain is mush. So characters who already have a fluid connection with their Vision/Element or just have that fluidity thanks to their job or their natural personality, have a much more unique way of controlling the elements! The only ones i can think of rn is Yunjin and Childe-- Yunjin because of the slight and fluid movements she makes as an opera singer and actor, i mean-- have you even watched her attack animations? Theyre SOOOO smooth and pretty!! And Childe because of his Delusion, meaning hed already be trying to learn the other bending arts and, thanks to his fight brain, would definitely look for a way to incorporate each elements bending styles and moves into his own
FUUUUUCK dawg, i could go on and on and ON but im currently sick off my ass and i need the rest gjsjfnsjfi-- Feel free to yoink my idea and build off it!! Id love to see what yall think :))
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the-poem-in-stories · 8 months
Toph & vulnerability - Why she is not just tough
Sometimes I see people describe Toph’s charater arc as basically non-existent, as in she doesn’t change, stable as earth. But I disagree. Her arc may be subtle and in this meta I’ll try to clarify what I think Toph’s struggles and points of growth are. Just like the element she bends, Toph can and does shift during the series.
Toph is independent, confident, and self-assured - or so it seems. Don’t get me wrong, Toph is tough but I think that toughness exists, at least in part, to protect her soft core. Her true feelings often remain hidden below her metal armor. So let’s explore Toph’s relationship to vulnerability.
1. The Struggle at the heart of Toph’s character arc
A dichotomy to Toph’s character is introduced right from the start, in the episode named after her alter ego, “The Blind Bandit”- she is introduced as a cocky master earthbender who is rightfully proud of her abilities, who incorporates the fact that she is blind into her name. But there is a fragility to her pride that appears when Aang airbends her off the fighting stage in an attempt to talk to her. Later, we are introduced to Toph as the daughter of overbearing and wealthy parents who have completely sheltered her from the world. They see her blindness as something that makes her delicate and in great need of protection, to the point of seeing her as pretty much totally incapable. This establishes the central struggle to Toph’s character: she sees any dependence on another person as threatening to her self-determination, and self-confidence. She believes she cannot be respected as a capable person while relying on others. At the beginning of her arc, Toph sees complete independence as the only way to be free and avoid being swallowed up by other people. She can’t show any feelings that are soft, that make her appear vulnerable because that would mean weakness. In a sense, the way her parents treated her led her to believe that being cared for, being protected, being loved is the equivalent of losing her self. Maybe the reason she chose her fight name to be “The Blind Bandit” is because it implies a vision of herself that is strong through and with her blindess, a vision of herself totally opposed to the young, helpless lady her parents see in her and perhaps want her to be.
2. Healing through Relationships
“The vulnerabillity journey is not the kind of journey we can make alone.” Brené Brown, “Daring Greatly”
Throughout the series, Toph is challenged by and grows through her relationships, mainly those with Team Avatar, and her conversation with Iroh. A significant episode is "The Runaway" where Toph really opens up to Sokka about her feelings towards her mother, and the episode ends with Toph asking Katara for help contacting her parents.
3. A Note on Feminity
Since performative feminity was expected of her from her parents and feminity is usually associated with being weak and less powerful, it is no surprise that her relationship to it is complicated. While Iroh’s tale from Ba Sing Se takes the cake in terms of tear-jerking emotional impact, Katara’s and Toph’s tale has a special place in my heart. I checked and it was written by two women, which does not surprise me. I love the bonding time for Toph and Katara, and how their tale explores Toph’s relationship to feminity. Feminity is strongly tied to beauty, and we see Toph hurt after fancy Ba Sing Se ladies make mean comments on her appearance. Toph’s response is to laugh it off and bend a hole into the bridge, so the ladies fall into the water- protecting her vulnerability by pretending she doesn’t care. She hides her crush on Sokka in similar ways.
4. The culmination of Toph’s arc: vulnerable and strong
In my eyes, Toph’s arc is an argument for interdependence. We can be self-reliant and capable, and we can need other people’s support, emotional and otherwise, at the same time. The final fight on the airships shows this character growth in Toph: she fights like the badass she is, and she lets herself be protected and saved by Sokka and Suki. I think she finally realized that there is no contradiction, and that people protecting her when she wants them to feels good and is necessary. Her blindness has made her particularly vulnerable in the beginning, and she became the greatest earthbender in the world because of it.
Addition: this is why I really dislike what the writers did with Toph’s character in LOK. It is a regression to see her resist hugs and live alone in the swamp, apart from her friends and family, and I am not even touching the cop thing.
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galaxywolfpup · 3 months
I'm sick and tired of this "Aang is better than Korra" bullshit. Although I prefer LOK over ATLA, I don't think Korra is a better Avatar than Aang or vice versa. Honestly the only criticism I have of LOK is that it should've had more fillers, and fuck Nickelodeon for being cheap like that.
How is it not obvious that their both products of their time/environment?!?! Korra grew up in a training compound with people repeating how she's destined for great things because she's the avatar (growing up isolated like that affected her ability to socialize, which also explains some of her behavior). Her problems were much more complex, and a different bad guy with each season, always more powerful than the last. But what seems to upset people the most was Korra's pride and cockiness, which again, is just a result of the environment she grew up in.
Aang literally ran away when he found out he was the avatar. He ran from the responsibility. And though that ended up saving his life, he didn't want to be the avatar which definitely partially fueled his humility towards it (his culture also influenced him). During the show, he never got control of the avatar state. Also, the technology advancements he didn't have to worry about??? And he just had the one boss with a bunch of mini bosses. He knew who was looking for him, he (basically) knew what to expect in a fight. With Korra, there was a new boss each season, and they kept getting more powerful
Frankly, I have no idea why people even bother comparing them. Their problems are just too different. As far as the past lives, in ATLA Roku was the only one really talking to Aang because it's because of him, arguably, that the Fire Nation war started.
Criticizing Korra for struggling with air bending and the spiritual stuff? Aang struggled with earth bending and fore bending after he burned Katara.
The more I think about it, the more I feel LoK was just somehow ahead of its time.
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sarnai4 · 3 months
More Than Just Laughs
Something I love about ATLA is its handling of the characters. One of my favorites from it (and that's saying a lot since I enjoy so many) is Sokka. (Spoilers ahead)
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Very easily, he could've been just the comedic relief. I've seen characters where they exist to make a joke and for no other reason. If they were real people, you'd probably try to have them go get therapy because clearly, joking is their coping mechanism for everything. Sokka's not like that. Sure, he's funny, but he's also the team leader. I do not think I have ever seen a show/movie/read a book where the main comedic relief is also the group leader. I love that. It's so unique. Automatically, it sets him up as more than someone you're not supposed to take seriously because you are supposed to take him seriously. He's in charge of this group of people who are going to stop the world from being burnt to ashes. On top of it, he's genuinely a good leader. It's not one of those times where the characters keep telling you someone can lead. Sokka has proven his skill with various plans like on the day of black sun and at Boiling Rock to name a couple.
One of the best episodes for Sokka was "Jet." I enjoyed that because it gave a contrast to their leadership styles and tested the Water Tribe boy. Everyone there thought Jet was the better leader. He seemed more commanding, he was cool, he could fight, etc., but Sokka was able to still come out on top and save innocent lives even when his own sister didn't believe him.
Sokka is just so smart too. Outside of plans, he's great with inventions (it's okay that he has 0 art skills. Not everyone needs those) and offers a nice pragmatic viewpoint for the group. He's a realist with what they should and can do. A very cool/hard moment from him to me was in the final episodes while they're training with the Melon Lord. Even though it's just a melon, he demonstrates a willingness to get the job done and kill if it means more lives will be saved in the process. This isn't standard of a "joke character." Yet, Sokka can pull it all off without something seeming forced.
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Sokka can be this goofy guy who is higher than the clouds on cactus juice without it seeming weird for him. His luck is terrible and we can laugh at that, him becoming the butt of the joke.
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Then, we can also see Sokka really trying to figure out his skills and his place on the team in terms of combat. Him learning from Master Piandao was amazing. He's been this cocky kid so much, but he truly was humble here and it's why he was trained. Sokka still was by no means a master swordsman, but he did what he had to do to get better and be able to protect his friends.
Sokka is also a good big brother. I think people forget about his protective some because Katara is such a master, but I think it says something that the only time he really got aggressive with Aang was after he burned Katara. Besides that, it was great to watch him go from an ignorant, sexist guy to someone who could rely and be relied on by such amazing female characters. The moment of him standing up for Katara in "The Painted Lady" was an underrated sweet moment too.
Also, let's not forget that Combustion Man died because of Sokka's AMAZING aim with that boomerang. Again, he's cool with killing if it'll help.
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I mean, maybe we should be concerned by that smile...but it's Sokka. Can't stay disturbed by him for long. He's great. Just ask Suki.
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astriddestelle · 8 months
It’s so funny how you change as you get older and how something’s stay the same. Yes it’s another random ass post about some old ass show.
Back in the day Zuko and Katara were my absolute fave characters and zutara was OP. Then the show ended and I forgot about it.
It got brought back to Netflix recently and I’ve put off watching it cause tbh it was never my favorite cartoon (TT and DP)
I no longer ship zutara, but at the same time I only marginally like kataang more?
Like it’s 45 percent zutara to 55 percent kataang.
Idk I don’t like any of the popular canon/fanon ships much.
Give me Zuko/Suki, Yue/Azula, Mai/Aang, anyday (yes I am weird)
Now onto characters.
I like Aang a bit more now, but idk how much is me actually liking him or just feeling sorry for the shit has character has been through and wanting him to be happy. If that makes sense
Karata is still my fave and I’m sorry I ever doubted her (went through a im not like other girls phase and it wasn’t cool to like her 😭)
Zuko is literally the def of a failwolf (teen wolf moots?) it’s so funny, like he kind of cracks me up because of how unhinged and chaotic this man is. Very determined.
He’s also not my favorite anymore? Idk why. meh on Sokka too. (Don’t fight me but they’re both so overhyped 🫣)
Add Azula to that list. Love her down bad tho.
Also idc what anyone says Appa’s Lost Days were sadder than Irohs dead son scene. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤧
He’s also overrated. But I get why he’s awesome and why people love him, but swear people talk about him, Zuko, Sokka, Azula and a little bit of Toph like they’re the most amazing characters to ever walk the fictional earth. So yeah overrated as hell but still cool.
Appreciate characters like Suki a lot more now she’s a fucking bad ass (little Mary sue but hey she gotta keep up somehow)
Don’t tolerate Toph as much now. I’m very over the cocky/snarky/belligerent/caustic, type characters (will make a post about that soon) but she’s cool.
Overall top five ranking
Katara, Azula, Suki, Mai, Aang
Last three all interchangeable
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agentemo · 4 months
Netflix's ATLA initial thoughts, ep 6: Masks
Ohhh this is the Blue Spirit episode! Alright alright alright alright alright alright al
Ohhh this is the war council episode. Not alright! Not alright!!!
Leutenant Jee is right and he should say it. Lmao he got nervous at the end of that outburst though.
June is soooo hot. I love women.
I'm not sure how I feel about Roku's characterization after Bumi's character assassination. I do like how it establishes that the Avatars are all their own people. I'm a little confused about how talking to the other Avatars works, though. They can only embody him at their shrines; that makes sense. But can he only contact with them there?
Once again, I like the combination of storylines. There aren't a lot of little villages, for better or for worse, so taking these characters and combining them in an interesting way to storylines that I would never have thought of is fun and intriguing. They failed in ep5 but it is an ambitious thing to do and they've been mostly successful in the others.
"You couldn't have always been this way" BAD DIALOGUE! LEADING THE WITNESS! INTO A FLASHBACK.
Wait, are Katara and Sokka's bodies just alone in a forest with Appa and Momo? 😤
I love seeing Zhao's arrogance shine through. Until now, he was biding his time and using his resources well. But he got cocky once he thought he'd won. And it's totally believable.
Loving the Blue Spirit stuff. No notes. Just a good time... Wait why isn't anyone firebending? Anyway, the scenes in the stronghold were almost shot for shot from the OG and I don't WANT that from the live action show but they did a good job with it here. And the follow-up conversation between Aang and Zuko was awesome. This is what I wanted: appreciating the text while elevating. Bravo.
New drinking game unlocked: Take a shot whenever a child quotes an old or dead person.
I honestly like the change of Zuko fighting back. It makes sense. The scene was not easier to take. The follow-up was tough to see as well.
Daniel Dae Kim is too hot to be this evil. Ugh...burn me daddy.
Another great episode. So far, here are my thoughts. 1-3 were OK. 4 and 6 were great and 5 was trapped between two great episodes, making it really not.
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Katara's Betrayal chapter 1
Summary: how much can Katara sacrificed for the sake of Zuko, how many people should betray just to keep him happy. maybe Zuko is worth more than the world for her
Riding on Appa is certainly comfortable, or as Katara’s brother calls “it sailing in the sky,” for Katara is even better because up there in the sky she can feel the tiny droplets around her like dancing stars made of water– around her, up in the sky but nothing can be perfect. her nights had been restless between nightmares and dreams. the attack of the prince of the fire nation brought old memories of her mother, memories of a faceless soldier killing her, but other nights the dreams are the opposite: Katara dreams of flames gently touching her and keeping her warm. she dreams about a master with an absolute control of his element, the element of murder but also the element that gives life. Katara dreams about a boy with glimmering-gold eyes and each time when the dream ends, she repeats to herself as a mantra, “she is absolutely not attracted to an ash-maker no matter how good he looks wielding fire, with his cocky smile.”           
not far away an angry prince is desperate to know where the avatar is.
“Relax, prince Zuko. the avatar can’t be that far away. his bison must eat at some point, if I must guess. and according to the map, Kyoshi Island is surely the avatar’s destination “ says Zuko's uncle, trying to sound as gentle as possible because it is clear Zuko is pissed off beyond limit. he had the avatar right in his ship; his mission was finally complete and then he lost him. years of traveling around the world, chasing a ghost until finally the ghost become real. finally the ghost has a face. Zuko’s thoughts are interrupted by a young soldier, the soldier wondering if he must interrupt his prince.
 “My liege,” says the soldier, giving g a fire nation salute to his prince, “the bridge informed us the avatar is near. he was fighting some sort of giant snake. we are at full speed and should arrive in less than an hour.”
 “You are excused, soldier, you may return to your post. I will be planning our assault on the island and informing my troops. this time the avatar will not escape,” replies Zuko, trying to hide a devious smile. soon he will be at home.
At the beach, still unaware of the imminent battle, Katara is extremely angry with the avatar. not only Aang is fooling around trying to impress her, he also summoned an entire giant Unagi. Aang surely understands they are being chased by the fire nation and a giant unagi can easily be seen from a great distant.
meanwhile her own brother is also fooling around with girls. it appears she is the only one worried about the prince. A traitorous inner voice interrupts Katara`s legitimate worries: “maybe you are the only one always wondering where he is, always remembering his face.'' again she has to remind herself no matter how curios she is about the prince and always speculating why a member of the royal family was in the south pole with few resources at his command. She has to remind herself it doesn’t matter how much she wants those answers; he is still the face of the enemy, so it is better for her to forget him as quickly as possible. besides, what are the odds of a prince hunting them around the world only with a single ship at his command.    
little does Katara know, the prince will be in fact a pain in her ass.
 While waiting for the boys to fail in their attempt to flirt with girls, Katara sits on the beach.  the shores of Kyoshi are beautiful, the waters around it are cold, the currents bringing the cold water from the pole to all around the south sea. but today the sea is not only bringing freezing polar waters, but  is also brining a bringer of fire: the black smoke Katara is seeing is the proof, the prince with glimmering-gold eyes is here.
 Katara runs quickly, avoiding all the innocent people of the island who are unaware of the dangers. The battle for Kyoshi will soon begin. lucky for her Sokka and Aang are together, talking about why meat is better than fruit.
 “Sokka, Aang, Zuko is here. the fire nation is here!” Katara screams. Of course, the young waterbender’s screams are heard not only by her friends but also by the people surrounding them. it is not shocking that havoc quickly breaks out and the Kyoshi warriors take position around the shore, around the houses. you can breathe the tension; you can see the Kyoshi warriors’ makeup trying to hold against the sweet on their faces. Kyoshi’s warriors are without experience of what a real battle is. The temporary peace is finally broken by the commanding voice of the prince.
 “Bring me the avatar and I will spare you village,” Zuko yells loudly, so everyone can hear his order.
Nobody obeys.
 The battle is fierce. Katara is sure the village is at the brink of destruction. the Kyoshi warriors are no match. only Suki and a few can hold their ground, the rest of the battalion decide to help the villagers. Katara is not a coward. even without any true experience, she still a child of the south pole: a cruel place where hunting enormous beasts is the norm. she knows how to escape and the same time trap the enemy because escaping doesn’t mean surrendering. it means choosing a better battle ground.
it works. some Kyoshi warriors are able to capture some soldiers. it gets even better in some places: the Kyoshi warriors are actually winning. sadly for team avatar, Zuko is not just a soldier but also a commander in training with general Iroh as his teacher.
 “You clever girl, I wasn’t expecting urban counterattack.” Zuko’s eyes follow her running around the village giving orders deep inside him a new feeling emerges like a sleeping dragon slowly waking up by the sight of an undiscovered treasure. the dragon growls in pleasure. a worthy natural leader that is what the dragon sees.
“Soldiers,” he says, “don’t follow the girl. she is setting traps along the way. remember our objective is the avatar. we are not taking the village.“
“Yes, my lord,” the soldiers reply to their prince.
The battle continues. thankfully, Aang as the avatar is a powerful foe. the battle reaches a stalemate. the proud prince refuses to accept the outcome: a stalemate means a window   for the avatar to escape.
not this time.
Zuko rushes onto a nearby hill, following the avatar and behind them are Katara and Sokka. it is a miscalculated strategy, for Zuko doesn’t know the hill is in fact a cliff and the avatar, as a good airbender, promptly jumps and leaves Zuko behind. with the cliff ahead, the only option for Zuko is to surrender or fall to his death.    
 “Surrender,” Katara hears the avatar yell, but what worries her the most is her brother. she has seen it before, the posture his brother is holding: his face, those eyes. this is the look of a hunter; this is Sokka fighting a seal-wolf. he is ready to strike his enemy. Katara knows how deep sokka`s hatred is for the fire nation, but adrenaline is clouding her brother’s mind. Sokka is not thinking right; he is not thinking that a strike means Zuko’s death.
for a brief moment Katara loses control of her body and instinct takes over. she lift her head a little, focuses on her objective, and with a swift movement, Katara pulls and pushes a nearby puddle and hits her brother right in the back. it is a strong strike since Katara doesn’t have great control of her bending yet.    
Zuko takes the opportunity and rushes. he runs as fast as he can, leaving the avatar team behind
 “Katara, what the hell? control your bending better! we almost won.”
“No , Sokka, you dumbass, you almost pushed him to his death. he is not a seal-wolf ; he is a human. a strike with your boomerang would ha ve push ed him into the abyss .”
 Sokka just blinks. his sister is right; he didn't think of the consequence. he almost killed Zuko, but that means he would have saved everyone else. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. after all, is not what his father is doing?    
 “Guys, stop fighting. Zuko is still here. we shall drive him away. Sokka, go to  Suki and helps her. Katara, come with me,” says Aang, trying to formulate a decent battle plan.
it doesn’t take long until they are faced with the fire prince one again and once more Katara is captivated by Zuko’s fire and how he masters it. his bending is filled with passion and maybe with some anger, and at the tail end of their match, Zuko is burning the village. Aang notices that too and without thinking he flies towards the sea.      
what the hell is he trying to do? Zuko and Katara wonder, but without the avatar on the scene, the battle is now between Zuko and Katara.
Katara knows she has little battle experience, so she scans her surrounding trying to find a way to escape. she notices behind Zuko a child is about to throw a knife. it is impossible for the prince to notice this attack, a deadly attack. in that instant Katara`s body moves without her permission and the water below the little kid freezes, making him trip and miss his target. Zuko sees something similar: an old man with a bow in his hand behind Katara is about to shot. it is obvious a man  his age has horrible aim and the arrow is about to hit Katara.
 Why save her? her peasant body is a perfect human shield. that would be a rational thing to do on the battlefield, but he is not Zhao.
Not saving her is not an option, especially when there so many questions about her. if this peasant is helping him or not, he must know. after all, having an ally is never a bad thing.
so he punches the air, releasing a massive flame aimed at the old man. as his bow burns, the man feels to the ground.            
from Katara’s perspective everything is a whirlpool of emotions. first she thought she was about to be hit with massive flames, but the flames feel like warm kissing along her cheeks. it feels so good, she forces herself to not lean into the fire and feel more of the warm because fire is dangerous. as soon the flame dies, an awkward feeling of loss confuses Katara. why is she missing the feeling of Zuko’s flame around her?
After everything is done, when the imminent danger against Katara and Zuko’s lives  is  over, an uncomfortable silence surrounds them. Zuko finally is able to look the peasant carefully. her eyes are like the sea they hold the wrath of the ocean.  everyone who looks at her this close surely know this peasant is dangerous. Zuko takes a cautionary step, closing the distance between them. he notices how beautiful her face is. he takes another step, remembering she saved him. in order to save him, she attacked her brother.
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                                                                                                  “you saved her too,” a dark voice in his head says with some hint of possessiveness, and finally Zuko takes a final step, leaving almost no distance between them. she is so close to him. her face so close but this time he is not watching how beautiful her eyes are and face is. now this time he is looking curiously, trying to rely on his instincts, trying to figure it out why he is interested in knowing her. Zuko doesn’t realize the black smoke coming from his mouth as he gets annoyed by the sudden interruption. it appears the peasant`s brother is calling her, ruining the moment
 On Appa, Katara finally sees the consequence of her own actions: the black smoke coming from the island. Saving Zuko meant Suki`s village’s destruction.
Did I just betray the Kyoshi people for Zuko?       
 Zuko stands there watching the girl leave with the avatar while he and his men are being covered by spit from a giant unagi. his ride on the rhino means nothing. the avatar is already in the sky. this time the young prince is even angrier he lost the avatar, and now he is plagued by questions about the waterbender peasant. she is untrained but clearly powerful.
 Zuko whispers to the wind so Agni may hear and help him.
“Katara, you should not feel safe. I am coming for you , too . I have questions.”
big thanks to my beta reader @gefionne
art @ WaterMistress
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
Realistically: who would you marry out of all 2d men? And with whom would you get along the best? And why?
ooh i love this question !!! tysm for coming by and asking :) !!! i hope you come back and let me know who you’d marry hehe !! <3
so i was gonna remove kuroo from this bc im bias but NAH im going to stand by my man !!! i know i’d fall for kuroo SO hard irl just because of his seemingly cocky/charming personality (it would grab my attention fr lmfao) but then once i found out who he truly was ?? yeah bye i’m in simp mode, i love that dork and id be kidding if i said anyone else for this answer (okay but hirugami would also be a strong contender ..)
i would get along with suna lol we are super similiar in a lot of diff ways (aquarius besties <3) and i think we’d just be stupid together (affectionately). also i think aang and i would get along so well !!! i’m lowkey v spiritual and idk i think that we’d be able to connect that way !! (air sign power <3 i swear he’s a libra)
thank you again for asking this :) i hope you have a lovely day <3
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wanukilppari · 3 months
Another Saturday another Netflix Atla watch
Getting better. But you literally met them yesterday!
In general, I liked this episode. The spacing was better compared to the previous episode and lines felt (mostly) more natural. Zuko's character is my favourite at the moment.
But the negatives... Why did they have to change Aang's motivation to go to Kyoshi Island? And worse: why did it have to be Kyoshi telling him to go? They literally removed Katara and Sokka's original motivation to join Aang's journey (getting Aang to the Northern Water Tribe to learn waterbending, finding teacher for Katara as well and Sokka tagging along mainly because of his sister). And to make it even more infuriating... They pointed it out themselves how Sokka and Katara have no reason to follow Aang outside Katara's personal need to do so.
Also girl... I know that you are 14, but seriously... You said it yourself. You met him yesterday! Are you seriously trying to get your brother to abandon the safety of your family and everyone you love because he made your life more exiting?!
Honestly, with the changes they made, I would have probably made a lot of sense for Sokka's aim to be find "better bodyguards" for Aang from the Kyoshi Island so he and Katara could go home. The Suki's mom could then disagree because she wants to keep her people out of the war and Sokka tries to convince Suki to take Aang anyway. Or since they clearly didn't want to use "Sokka learns that girls can be warriors too" arc, maybe Sokka could have mistaken Kyoshi Warriors as benders. To give back his original hostility towards the KW and keep in the whole "Sokka has to apologize and humble himself to learn from KWs" part. Plus it would have added more weight to the Suki's "us nonbenders have to be better than benders" line.
Also why didn't we get Kyoshi Warrior Sokka? Whose choice was that?
But back to the positives and neutrals...
I liked the change for how Katara got the waterbending scroll. It gives extra layer for the whole "Katara's family was actively trying to keep her bending hidden" thing. Plus this means that the Southern waterbending style didn't disappear like in the cartoon (until Hama taught Katara. Though I'm not sure if she actually taught her Southern styli like she claimed or just tried to ease Katara into the idea of Blood bending) Sure, we are probably not going to get the Pirates episode but I don't find it to be that big of a deal.
Which brings us to Zhao. I'm neutral(?) with the changes they did with him. On the other hand, he doesn't really feel like Zhao. He is not polished and cocky enough and way too... submissive(?), even if it is just an act. On the other hand, I'm interested to see how this whole alliance between Zuko and Zhao is going to turn out.
Kyoshi... Kyoshi.... I liked her. And she was best Avatar (we know of) for the role they wanted to use her for (getting Aang to realise that inaction is sometimes the worst type of action you can take and he needs to take his role in the war seriously). Plus, her being the first to meet Aang makes sense with the shrine rule (does this mean we are going to meet Kuruk in the North Pole?). But I still preferred Aang and Roku's bond in the original and how contacting Avatar's past lives had more... onion logic. You know. Layers that you have to cut through and all that.
But yeah. I liked this episode better and I'm interested to see how the third episode is going to turn out. I honestly forgot what is going to happen next in the cartoon so it will be a bit of a surprise.
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atlabeth · 3 years
warmth - zuko x fem!reader
summary: the two times he notices her shivering and the one time he does something about it. 
a/n: lmaoo we have been in a DROUGHT my people. i have barely given you any content this whole month and i feel bad. i wrote this out over the course of a few hours after getting the idea in the shower. i did not proofread. i am not sorry. enjoy.
and NO that end part is not dirty it is simply two kids sharing a bed for warmth bc they got cute lil crushes on each other 🔫🔫🔫🔫
wc: 1.6k 
warning(s): this is pure fluff bbbbbb 
Three times. 
It happened three times before Zuko was finally able to get over himself and have a real, face to face, one on one conversation with the one person he hadn’t been able to get out of his head. 
Y/N. It was a name that had made a home in his mind, belonging to a girl that had made a home in his heart. He knew that she was a waterbender from the Northern Tribe and that she had joined the team after the Siege of the North, but apart from that, her life was a mystery to him. She was a mystery to him. 
It was pathetic. How could he become so enraptured with a girl when he didn’t even know the first thing about her? When he had spent the past couple of months fighting against her, trying everything in his power to hurt her? When she had no idea he even thought about her that way? 
Sometimes Zuko questioned himself, but then he caught a glimpse of her — the gleam of her hair, the way her eyes crinkled at the edges when she laughed, the fierceness with which she fought rivalled only by the way she cared for her injured friends afterwards — and he laughed inwardly. 
There was no way he couldn’t feel that way about her. She was simply enchanting. 
But there was only one thing he questioned more than his affections — why in the name of Agni could he not just walk up and start a conversation with her? There was no one else in the world that made him as nervous, as flushed, as completely incapable of basic speech as Y/N, and it drove him insane. 
It drove him insane that it took three times. 
The first time he noticed her shivering, it wasn’t on purpose. 
Zuko was serving tea to everyone as they gathered around the campfire, chuckling as Aang recounted one of their earlier adventures, back when he was still trying to capture the Avatar. Thinking about his past, who he used to be, was painful, but it gave him all the more reason to be thankful for where he was now. 
He wasn’t as focused on Aang’s story as he was on Y/N, though. She could hardly keep her thoughts to herself, interrupting every couple of seconds to add a detail that Aang forgot or give her own input on the events that he was describing. He started to frown as he noticed her shivering despite sitting right next to the fire — Zuko didn’t even realize how distracted he was until he felt someone hitting his arm. 
“Hey!” He was snapped out of his reverie by the harshness of Katara’s voice, angrily gesturing at the broken teacup and now spilled tea all over Haru. 
“Oh— I am so sorry,” he stammered as he crouched down and started to pick up the pieces on the ground. “Are you okay?” 
“It’s just.. really hot tea,” Haru muttered with a small wince. “No big deal.” 
“You’re right. It’s not a big deal.” Y/N raised her hand and with a small, fluid movement, she bent the liquid out of the fabric and formed it into a tiny sphere in the air. “See? Good as new. And you’re not even burnt.” 
Haru chuckled and pulled at his tunic, giving Y/N a grateful nod. 
“Can a sky bison drink tea?” She mused as she moved the liquid orb around in the air. 
“I don’t think so,” Aang said with a small laugh. 
“Shame we have to waste it.” Y/N bent it away from the group and let it fall to the ground, sinking into the rock below them. “Zuko can always make more though, right?” She said with a hopeful smile. 
“Uh, yeah. Of course.” 
“See, guys? No harm, no foul. You’re the best, Zuko.” She gave him an overexaggerated wink then began to pester Aang to get back to the story, leaving Zuko to continue handing out tea and keep his shaking hands as steady as possible. 
She really had no idea the effect she had on him. 
The second time? It was definitely on purpose. 
The night was unusually cold, even with the bonfire blazing in the middle, and he found his eyes trained once more on Y/N. This time she was the storyteller, giving them all a taste of Northern Water Tribe culture as she recounted a bedtime story she was told as a child. She had a whole arsenal of character voices at her disposal, keeping everyone thoroughly entertained despite the numerous lines she forgot. Zuko didn’t even realize he was staring until Sokka elbowed him in the elbow, gesturing at her with a nod of his head and a cocky grin. 
“What are you doing, just gawking at her like that?” 
“Wh— gawking? I am not gawking. I’m— I’m just listening to her.” 
“Yeah, sure. But I’m pretty sure Appa could start talking right now and you wouldn’t notice because you are hopelessly into her.” He gestured at Zuko’s eyes with his hand then in Y/N’s direction. “Gawking.” 
“I— I am not!” He protested, tearing his eyes away from Y/N’s animated face to give Sokka one of his signature glares. He lowered his voice to a whisper to ensure that no one would hear them. “I’m not into her, I’m not gawking, I am appreciating her storytelling.” 
“Uh huh, yeah.” Sokka looked at her and grinned before glancing back at Zuko. “If you’re not into her, then I can ask her out, right?” 
Zuko didn’t respond, simply kept glaring at him in hopes that it would intimidate him into backing down so he wouldn’t have to say anything and risk embarrassing himself. 
Sokka chuckled and held up his hands. “Alright, geez, I’m just joking. But maybe use some of that fire to keep it going? Looks like she’s cold.” 
Almost immediately, he broke eye contact and fueled the fire with a simple blast. Y/N shot him a grateful smile and nodded as she continued her story, and Zuko noticed her hands falling back down into her lap from their former place on her arms. 
No amount of fire could’ve caused as much warmth as her smile. He was sure of that. 
There was no way he could miss it the third time. After all, she was the only one there. 
Zuko hadn’t been able to sleep so he ended up outside, and there she was — sitting there, all alone in the middle of the temple grounds, shivering quietly with a moonless night sky as her backdrop. Before he could second guess himself, Zuko started walking over. 
“Hey.” Y/N greeted him without even looking up as she pulled her arms around herself, bringing her legs up to her chest in an effort to conserve all the warmth she could. 
“Hey.” Zuko took a seat on the ground next to her and crossed his legs. “Are you cold?” 
She let out an airy chuckle and nodded. “Strange, isn’t it? I grow up surrounded by snow and ice and I’m perfectly fine, but after a few months away a couple of breezes are tearing me down. I don’t get it.” 
“You’ve been shivering a lot lately,” he said after a beat of silence. Y/N raised an eyebrow and gave him a wry smile. 
“What, have you been looking?”
That sent him stammering. “I-I— yes? I mean— no, I’ve noticed, but I’m not actively looking at you, that’s weird, I’m not— I mean—”
Y/N threw her head back and laughed, the same laugh that sent flutter bats through his stomach and made his heart burst with happiness. She set her hand on his and squeezed, giving him a gentle look that almost immediately ceased his rambling. “Zuko, it’s alright. It’s… nice that you’ve noticed. Like you’re looking out for me or something.” 
He opened his mouth to respond but couldn’t find his voice — he was sure his cheeks were as red as his tunic, just at the simple touch of her hand — and it only got worse as she placed her other hand on top of it. 
“You’re warm,” Y/N muttered. “Like… intensely warm.”
“Is that bad?” He wondered aloud, preemptively panicking. “Do you want me to turn it off? I can’t turn it off, but I could find a way somehow—” 
“Thank you,” she interrupted with another small laugh, “but no. I don’t need you to uh, turn off your firebending. That already happened once. But you’re adorable to think of me like that.” 
The two of them stared into each other’s eyes, the air between them heavy with something she couldn’t quite place. Y/N pursed her lips and bit back a growing smile as she glanced at the ground. 
“This is, uh… really helping. With the cold, I mean. And I was… I guess I was just…” Another laugh. “I was just wondering if you’d maybe want to spend the night with me? Just because my room is especially freezing, and you’re so warm, and I think I would sleep a lot better if I—”
Now it was his turn to interrupt her rambling. There was something about her getting so flustered about him in the same way he did around her that made this easier. “I’d love to.”
“Great,” she breathed, the same smile from before returning just a little bit brighter. Y/N stood up and they began their walk back into the temple, hands still intertwined, warmth emanating between the two of them. 
Three times. 
Two strikes. 
One success. 
And that was all he needed.  
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simuran · 2 years
Hi Varya!! sending you the *good vibes* you deserve 🥰🥰 if you have the time, I'd like to know what your favourite outfits/looks of yennefer are in the show!
Awwww, thank you so much, dear  🥰🥰🥰 It's so sweet of you! 🥺👉👈❤️
Also what an ask! I don't know if there can be a more pleasurable topic to think about rather than Yennefer and all her cool looks 👀
To not spend the whole night gushing over every piece she has ever worn, I had to limit myself to the top 5 looks. Let’s begin!
5. The Season 2 Finale Dress
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The silhouette is beautiful, the golden embroidery gives it a good contrast (I especially like the embroider on the back, such a good shape), and the violet silk lining is my favourite part - it kind of remind us that even though it looks like has returned to her pre-character-growth gowns and almost villainous tactics, she has not lost all development, it’s just hidden... for now.
It does feel a bit generic, and that’s why it’s not higher on my list, but only because her other outfits are utterly gorgeous. Tough competition!
4. The Mountain Coat
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Warm! Fluffy! Look at her, all that wind and I bet she’s not bothered in the least!
It’s one of my pet peeves when a character is dressed to lightly for the climate, be it Aang’s robes or Team RWBY’s exposed cleavages. Not only does it break my suspension of disbelief in seconds, it also deprives us of all the beautiful winter wear! It was very nice to see the costumers’ letting Yennefer look both practical and extremely elegant.
3. The Not So Stealthy Cloak
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Is it practical to wear a violet cloak to hide when literally everyone around you wears brown and grey? Probably not! But honestly, who cares? I think it’s the first time when we see Yennefer not only break her bleak prison of black-and-white, but also choose her new signature colour, and boy, does it look fantastic. The deep dramatic hood is 10/10, Triss would’ve been proud
2. The Shiny Gown
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It was so refreshing to see her in white after all the black dresses! And I love how comfortable it looks, so loose and open and soft, something she wears to relax after a day in restrictive tight-laced dresses, when she doesn’t feel like she has to act tough and cool in front of all the strangers.
Also I’m in love with the glittering parts, it’s such a nice touch.
1. The Leader. The Perfection. The Please-Top-Me Dress
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AHHHHHH!!! I can’t even say what exactly appeals me so. Maybe it the look of vulnerable skin covered with an almost protective net, maybe it’s the continued motif of ropes, cords and other bondage, maybe it’s the accentuated shoulders, maybe it’s the gloves... She looks so guarded and yet self-assured. A shame we didn’t get to see her handcuffed and still cocky to the core!
This one is my all time favourite, I love every inch of it!
0. Okay I Lied It’s Not A Top Five
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Not many people can look this terrifying while almost naked, but. hnghnghgnghnghgngh
And that’s about it, I think :D Giada, sweetheart, thank you for such a great ask, it felt great to think about this stuff and choose all the pretty gifs 💖💖💖💖💖
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