#why is blushing sunny so goddamn cute???
limoncats · 11 months
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Sunny and Mari in their costumes + sunny getting embarrassed lol ngl this is kinda boring, but i came up with it on the spot soooooo
want to dub this? READ THESE NOTES!
if you ARE going to dub this, you MUST ask me first for permission by dming me, and you MUST credit me (sorry if that sounds to forceful lol) you can contact me here on tumblr, but discord works too discord: limoncats #5560 i would be more than delighted to see the finished product, so please send me a link to the finished video!!
just so you know what to say in what order, i've tried to make it easier to see which order to read it in!
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btw you read it in the order smallest to biggest number (i really hope my ugly ass handwriting is readable lol, i tried to make it more readable)
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lollytea · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering since it was valentines that you can write a little fluff/romance of louie x ty
If you want to, you don't have to
(It is no longer valentines day. v sorry about that. but anyways I found this in my docs and finished it.)
Louie could appreciate the white noise of rain pelting an overhead surface. It overcame him with an understated peace, brought upon by ten-hour YouTube videos trilling a gentle ambiance as he lay awake in pitch darkness, his shakes beginning to subside.
Fortunately, the bus stop was built with a roof. He had a feeling he would like the rain a lot less if he were to be standing directly under the shower.
He was slouched forward on the bench, numbly mesmerized by relentless droplets that kept puddles rippling. One hand fiddled with the handle of his rucksack, the other being a fidget toy in itself, courtesy of the boy seated next to him.
Messing with Louie’s fingers to keep himself somewhat alert, Ty was clearly still in the process of early morning activation. He had a sharpie haphazardly tucked behind his ear, his eyes were bleary and he didn’t have much to say. The irony of the situation was that they both could have slept in an extra hour if Ty hadn’t read the bus schedule wrong.
Louie figured he should get Ty talking to kick his brain into action.
“So, lemme ask, so I know what I’m getting myself into. Is Cape Suzette crazier than Duckburg?”
“Define crazy.” Ty yawned.
“Is this week with your grandparents gonna be normal or are we gonna get ourselves into some life threatening shenanigans?”
Ty didn’t answer immediately. He scrubbed his eye with the heel of his hand.
“I mean...” He began, uncertain. “If we’re gonna be hangin’ out with grandpa, who knows. I guess the city isn’t that weird, compared to here. ‘Course, there’s air pirates. But y’know the thing about those guys?”
“They’ve got “Air” in the title.”
“On the money there,” Said Ty, shooting him a finger gun. “Me and you are gonna be stayin’ on the ground. Y’know, where stuff is at least sorta normal. So, we should be fine. Why? Ya scared?”
“Ehhh, ‘Scared’ is usually my default feeling about this stuff. But I was thinking more along the lines of just wanting to take it easy. Imagine a boring, uneventful week with lots of naps. For me, that’ll be a treat.”
Ty was nodding along, lacing and unlacing his fingers through Louie’s, as if amazed that they continued to slip so seamlessly into place every time
It was when he made to scratch his ear, that the sharpie dropped into his lap. Ty blinked.
“When did that get there?”
“You put it there while you were still half asleep, genius.”
Ty picked up the pen, looking to be marveling its very existence, and twirled it between his fingers. He turned his newly awoken enthusiasm on Louie. “Wanna tattoo?”
Louie didn’t think twice. “Nope.”
Ty's grin faltered. It was astonishing how a big, hulking slab of a bear could still pull off such an impressive 'wounded cub' expression.
Louie fully blamed whatever God or mysterious maker decided “Hey, here's my brilliant idea for the final touch on this already sly, sneaky, completely diabolical piece of work. Big, soft brown eyes.  I don't think we've given him enough unfair advantages in life. Hey, remember a few months back when I gave that Duck kid a heart melting weakness for brown eyes? Wouldn't it be funny if  he ever met this bear kid I'm working on?”
Ty's head tilted to the side, a tiny wrinkle forming between his brows. He hadn't released Louie from under his gaze and Louie was having a difficult time averting his eyes.
“Please...” He murmured and Louie's resistance crumbled.
A few minutes later, Louie had an entire inked sleeve, courtesy of the dorkiest temporary tattoo artist in Duckburg.
The nerve of this guy too....
“Can ya take your hoodie off?” He had asked a moment ago, once Louie's entire forearm was adorned with doodles.
“Oh, I see the angle here. You want me to catch my death?”
“Pssh. Don't be dramatic, Duck.”
“I get cold easily, Cloudkicker.”
Louie had lost both the little squabble and his hoodie and was exposed in just a t-shirt in no time. Ty had promised to warm him up if he caught a chill.
Apparently a body of snowy white feathers was the ideal canvas, Ty had informed him. Louie would be flattered if being a canvas wasn't just a job for entertaining his boyfriend as they waited for the bus.
“Stop moving!”
“It itches!” Louie griped.
“Canvases don't move, y'know.”
“Canvases don't talk either.”
Ty emphasized his point by lightly bumping the end of the sharpie against Louie's beak, smile annoyingly bright as ever. Nobody should be this sunshiny when the weather was so bleak.
Louie made a face at him, features wound up in mock disgust. Ty mirrored him.
They fell into a game, back and forth, each making an expression uglier and thus funnier than the next. At some point, weird noises accompanied the faces. Louie didn't quite know when the objective was no longer to spite Ty but to make him laugh.
He also hadn’t realized that he himself was having fun until he heard his own laughter in his ears and begrudgingly accepted that he was no longer under the influence of early morning grumpiness.
Ty was shaking with giggles too, looking at Louie as though he were silver and gold breaking through rain clouds. He glanced down and stared at their linked fingers. His sunny grin faded until all that was left was the shadow of a quiet smile.
Louie was about to break the silence when Ty readjusted his hold, flipping the small, feathery hand palm up and pressed the felt tip of the pen against it.
When he withdrew the sharpie, Louie was blinking down at his hand, his sleepy brain attempting to process the simple, tiny heart in the center of his palm.
Speaking of tiny hearts, he felt like his chest just utterly exploded with them.
This boy....
This goddamn boy with his cute little doodles and his big bright grin on rainy days.
“Canvases don't blush either.” Ty quipped, the corners of his mouth stretched so wide they were twitching.
“You're annoying.” Said Louie, accepting that his lazy smirk had long since broken into a glow. He knew he was probably looking at Ty like the bear pieced his entire universe together and managed every stitch with adoration for the craft.
He might have considered this an affront to his dignity if there had been witnesses. But the world was still asleep and their moment was muted to outsiders by a song of lashing rain.
Remnants of their moment were curtained by the sleeves of his green hoodie, as the bus arrived and he hastily pulled it on.
All that was left was the heart on Louie's palm. But then he curled up his fingers into a loose fist and it was gone.
Well, no. It wasn't gone. Just hidden.
Louie held on to his secret heart for the entire ride to Cape Suzette.
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sharkboygirlish · 3 years
Word Count: 1414
Disclaimer: One Piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warnings: None.
Rating: T
Author’s Notes: I was thinking about how luffy absolutely for sure has ptsd from his insane childhood & how he probably deals with nightmares from time to time bc of it. i like to hc that he goes to cuddle with various crew mates when he’s having a really hard night; and that he started doing it bc of the very first night he and zoro spent in the boat together so I wrote about it, lol. 
this is mostly from zoro’s pov & honestly now that I’m writing this post I might make this a series alternating between luffy’s pov and the rest of the straw hats when he comes to them for comfort bc I love writing cuddle fics. we’ll seeeeee.
Summary: Zoro’s not used to comforting people, but for his captain? He could learn to be. 
Lost somewhere in a foggy dream land, Zoro woke when he was startled by what sounded like soft cries drifting into his left ear. ‘What the hell?’ 
Cracking one groggy eye open, the swordsman turned his head in Luffy’s direction to find him thrashing side to side with his arms thrown over his face like he was defending himself. 
Were they under attack? He sat up to get a better look but he didn’t see anyone else in their boat. ‘So Luffy… Was still asleep? Should he try to wake him up?’
“Oi, Luffy! Wake up, you’re just dreaming.” 
He must not have spoken loud enough because Luffy didn’t react. Instead, he started twisting even more violently to the point that the boat rocked with him. It sounded like he was mumbling the phrase, “I won’t tell you,” over and over again but Zoro hadn’t the faintest clue why.
“Luffy! Wake UP!” Zoro tried again, this time louder, and when that didn’t work he swore. ‘The hell else was he supposed to do?!’ He had to put a stop to this before Luffy capsized the both of them.
Without many other ideas, or options really, he decided to plant one of his knees on either side of Luffy’s thighs, trapping them. Then he reached down and grabbed one of the rubber boy’s wrists in each of his hands, pinning them to his chest and pressing his whole torso against the bottom of the boat.
“Snap out of it Luffy, you’re havin’ a nightmare!”  To his great relief, Luffy’s eyes finally fluttered open but his pupils were like pinpricks, his breathing erratic, head whipping around like he wasn’t sure where he was. 
When his eyes landed back on his first mate, Zoro noticed how his pupils dilated back to their normal size. “Zoro..?” He managed to slow his breathing as he looked up at him, slightly confused but considerably less scared. It was almost like recognizing Zoro’s face had been what calmed him down.
The pirate hunter heaved a quiet sigh, releasing Luffy’s wrists and sitting back on his heels a little, regarding the boy lying beneath him with something in his expression akin to sympathy. “Does that happen a lot?”
Luffy was quiet for a while, gaze sweeping off to the side like he was remembering something he didn’t want to. Stuck to his eyes were a layer of tears that made them sparkle like the stars above their heads. His voice was quiet when he finally did answer. “Sorta.”
That was troubling for more than one reason. Zoro furrowed his brows, concerned, arms moving to cross over his chest before he realized that he was still straddling the captain’s thighs. ‘Shit, fuck, whoops.’ 
Blood threatened to burn his cheeks as he quickly moved off to kneel next to him instead. This time he knotted his arms together because he was self-conscious.
Luffy didn’t seem to think anything of it as he sat up and hugged his shins to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He looked so… Tired, and small. 
A stark contrast from the fearless captain that had leapt in front of a flurry of bullets to save him from execution without thinking once. It hurt his heart to see Luffy like this. ‘But what could he possibly do to help?’
“Is there… Anything that’ll make them stop?”
“Well…” Luffy knit his brows together as he thought for a moment, looking in Zoro’s direction. “It never happens when I sleep with someone.”
Zoro stared back at him with slightly narrowed eyes for several seconds.
‘He couldn’t possibly be talking about sex, right? There was no way. Did -- Luffy even know what sex was? Never mind - he must have meant literally sleeping next to somebody else.’
“What, so like… Cuddling?”
“I guess, yeah.”
He was blinking so innocently over at Zoro that the swordsman felt his heart wrench like he’d been stabbed. “…Why cuddling?”
“Dunno. Just makes me feel more safe.”
There was no reason that he couldn’t do that for his captain. None that weren’t rooted in machismo ideals about when/how it was appropriate to comfort or be affectionate with other men, at least. 
“I…” He began and then hesitated, glancing anywhere but directly at Luffy. ‘Why was his pulse spiking like this? What the hell was he so nervous about? Knock it off, idiot.’
Zoro bit the inside of his cheek to punish himself for being so out of control of his own body. Hard as he tried he just couldn’t keep his face from turning red as he spoke. “I’ll sleep with you, Luffy. If it’ll make you feel better.”
If he noticed him blushing his captain didn’t comment, but he did lift his head into a slight tilt. “Are you sure? You don’t have to, you know.”
“Of course I know that, dumbass,” Zoro dragged a hand through his hair, his face burning even hotter than he thought it could. He started to chastise himself for being so stupid and embarrassing but then Luffy smiled at him. 
Not the wide grin he tended to give out during the day, though. This one was smaller, less in his mouth and more in his eyes. Zoro calmed almost instantly, the tension leaving his shoulders and untying his knotted stomach. ‘Why did Luffy’s smile make him feel so light and sunny every single time?’
“Okay,” he seemed relieved, like the offer had been exactly what he needed, “Thanks Zoro.”
Zoro heaved a heavy sigh when he was sure that most of the blood had drained from his cheeks, looking back at his captain with feigned irritation. “Shut your mouth.”
Luffy giggled, beaming with both eyes scrunched up as Zoro stretched out beside him, placing both hands behind his head. Then he moved to join his first mate, draping an arm across his torso and tangling one of his legs with his. His head settled onto Zoro’s chest, cheek pressed right over the space where his heart pounded quicker than its owner would like to admit.
“Night Zoro.” Luffy mumbled fondly, eyelids slipping closed as he nuzzled his forehead against one of Zoro’s collarbones.
‘Damnit. He was too goddamn cute for his own good.’ Zoro bit the inside of his cheek again, gazing silently up at the dark clouds shifting above his head and wondering why on earth he’d just referred to Luffy as cute. That wasn’t a word men were supposed to use to describe each other...
But for fuck’s sake, he was cute. He was fucking adorable. He was like a little kid that needed Zoro to protect him -- and he could do that. He would do that. He would do anything if it meant keeping Luffy safe. 
“Yeah,” Zoro murmured after a while, folding one of his arms securely around Luffy’s waist and pulling him in till the top of his head was nestled under his chin, “Night, captain.”
Luffy hummed back softly. A few minutes later he was snoring peacefully while the swordsman’s eyes remained trained on the rapidly thinning clouds. 
Somehow in the span of just a day this.. kid had become the most important person in his life and Zoro refused to let death take him like it had taken Kuina. He hadn’t been there to catch her when she fell -- but he would be there for his captain. He vowed to himself and the stars winking down at him that he would always protect Luffy. 
If he fell Zoro would catch him. If he was thrown into the sea, Zoro would dive after him without even thinking once. If he was captured Zoro would break him free or he would die trying.
He felt Luffy shifting against his side and at first Zoro thought he might be having another nightmare -- but then he just snuggled closer and buried his face in his neck. ‘So fucking precious.’  A small smile pulled at his mouth that he didn’t fight off.
Holding Luffy felt nice. No, it felt really nice. It gave him a sense of purpose and made him feel needed, wanted. The only other time he felt something remotely similar to this was when he got his hands on expensive sake -- but this feeling was so much better. Maybe... It was okay to relish in it for a while.
If only under the cover of night where it was just him, his captain, and the nearly endless sea.
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fific7 · 3 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 17
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly fluff & lemon zest 🍋 Hopefully you’ve guessed by now that is my “Billy Russo Deserves Real Love AU” as I totally refuse to accept what happened in S2! The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
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(My GIF)
“Are you sure about that, Billy?” He laughed nervously, but replied, “Very sure, sweetheart.”
You thought that was really brave of him, considering you were holding his favourite weapon in your hand. You shrugged, “I’ll get the information out of you one way or another, Russo.”
He laughed, “You’ll need to get past all the Marine training first, sweetheart!”
You rolled his cock between your palms then gave his balls a long firm squeeze, hearing a loud groan from him. “What was that you were you saying, sweetheart?” you snarked back at him. Laughing, he gasped, “Do your worst!”
You wrapped two fingers round his tip and squeezed quite hard, eliciting a low grunt from Billy. Then you really set to work on him, using a lethal combination of your mouth and hands. You could hear him whimpering above you, but thought you’d better not risk calling him a puppy again.
“What’s this surprise, hmm Russo?” you asked, before swirling your tongue right around his tip and down onto his slit, teasing it before dragging your teeth very gently down his length. Billy thrashed on the bed, crying out and grabbing a handful of your hair, “uhhh... unnhh!!!” You were now licking his cock very slowly and deliberately; all of a sudden Billy’s hips jerked forward like a pile driver, he shouted “Fuck!!!” and came, really hard.
You daintily wiped a finger across your lips once you’d finished swallowing Billy’s come and rested your chin on his chest, giving him your version of puppydog eyes. “Aww, c’mon Billy, tell me!” You tickled his lower stomach and smiled when you saw the muscles rippling and contracting under your touch. His head was lying right back on the pillows, chin upturned towards the ceiling and you gazed fondly at his beardy neck. He was huffing out breaths and finally tilted his head down towards you, gazing at you with wide eyes.
He merely shook his head, saying nothing and still gasping. “Cat got your tongue?” you teased, remembering how he’d ribbed you for being speechless after sex. His husky voice said, “No, an angel’s got it,” smiling down at you and you stuck your tongue out at him. “Whilst that little session just blew my goddamn fuckin’ mind as well as my balls, I’m not cavin’, sweetheart,” he smirked. “You’re just gonna have to be patient.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning, you were gently shaken awake. You forced your eyes open, rubbing them while yawning, only to see Billy standing over you, bare naked and holding a tray. “Breakfast in bed, sweetheart,” he cooed, putting the tray down on the bedside table beside you. Trying to drag your eyes away from the view currently being presented to you, eventually you managed to stutter, “That.. uh, that’s uhh really sweet of you, Billy.”
Of course the Russo Smirk was in place, and his hands were now on his hips. He knew exactly what you were looking at, and why you were losing your words. He was putting himself on display for you like a peacock, you thought. Then your mind skipped to all those nature programmes you’d watched, where the female of the species sat on a branch and watched the males displaying themselves, before picking the best of the bunch and mating with them.
Hmmm, you thought, Mother Nature had something there - better than the humans did. Although you did take offence over the fact that the females were usually always small and dowdy and boring-looking. While they did get the pick of the males at the end of the day, you weren’t happy with that aspect of things. However, you suspected that underneath those unassuming exteriors, the females were actually done up like guest contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race, and gave their chosen males a massive shock when they reached the bedroom (nest, hole in a tree, rainforest, whatever) and unveiled themselves in all their true splendour.
You tore your thoughts away from nature and its mysteries, and found yourself still staring at Billy’s lush body. Then you realised he was waving his hand in front of your face, “Hey! Hello! Hey, sweetheart!” You stared up at him, “Oh, uhhh, sorry - I was thinking about birds of paradise.” He burst out laughing, “Huh?” You shook your head, “I’ll explain it to you sometime. I’m not as crazy as I sound.”
He leapt full-length onto the bed beside you, bouncing you up slightly off the bed in the process. Reaching over and picking up the tray from the side, he placed it carefully on your lap. Your eyes widened in pleasure as you looked down at the plate... he’d made Eggs Benedict! “Oh my god, Billy - you didn’t!” He smiled, looking smug, “You told me it’s your favourite! Well, alongside scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. An’ I’ve already shown off my scrambled eggs to you, so here ya go... my Eggs Benedict but without the ham. Just like the lady ordered.”
You picked up the paper napkin and unfolded it, noticing that Billy had drawn a big heart on it with a little smiley face in the middle. Chuckling, you turned it towards him, “Really? Are you sure you were in the Marines, Billy Russo? A sniper? Trained in unarmed combat and still walking around with weapons concealed in every available part of your body??!!” He smiled, looking down at the tray and fiddling with the edge of it, face that cute shade of pink again.
His eyes came up and met yours again, “I know, I know!” Laughing, he carried on, “Look, angel... this is all still a bit unreal for me, okay? Spent my whole life bein’ a ‘never get involved’ kinda guy, to put it mildly - and politely.” His hand went to your face, and his thumb ran gently over your bottom lip. “Met you, an’... an’....boom! It’s like I’ve been hit by a fuckin’ grenade or sumthin’.” He laughed, “Knocked me clean out I reckon, yeah. Woke up and hey - I’m stoned in love with you. Still tryin’ to get my head round it, but it’s how I feel...” he shrugged, still stroking softly, “...maybe this is payback, y’know? Fate just thought, there’s that Billy Russo runnin’ all over town with lots of different women, let’s just teach him a lesson.”
His big dark eyes met yours, an apologetic look in them and a lock of hair falling cutely over one temple. He continued, “Let’s hit him so hard with a case of love at first sight it’ll knock him into next year, never mind next week.” His hand moved to your cheek, laying it gently against it, “And here I am. A lovesick Romeo, as a certain person put it. I’ve fallen so hard and so fast for you and it really, really scares me. I think if you left me, I... well, I think I’d die. I love you so damn much, angel.”
You were staring at him, mesmerised, as he spilled this to you. Couldn’t even get irritated at the passing mention of the Scorned Woman. Feeling your face blush, and sure you’d melted into a human puddle, you leant towards him and kissed him. With passion. He kissed you back, arm going round your neck and pulling you closer to him. You pulled away, putting your lips to his ear and whispering, “I love you, Russo.”
He reared back, a huge smile on his face, “You said it! You said ‘I love you’ to me!!!”
Still blushing, you nodded, “Uh-huh, I did.”
He grabbed you and pulled you up against his chest, and you heard a deep chuckle, “I knew pester power would work one-a these days!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d untangled yourself from him after that, saying that your eggs were getting cold. “Hey!” he said, “.... we’re talkin’ ’bout serious stuff here, sweetheart!”
You smiled, “Food is serious to me too, y’know!” He’d shaken his head, mock-sulking, “Okay then, here we go.” Your hand went to the cutlery, but he grabbed it before you could. Then he cut into one of the poached eggs and toasted sourdough base, and you watched entranced as the egg yolk slowly ran out of it like liquid gold and mixed in with the hollandaise sauce.
He made another couple of cuts with the knife and then stuck the fork into the bit of egg he’d cut off for you, swirling it around to pick up more sauce. “Open up, sweetheart,” he grinned, a suggestive look on his face. Rolling your eyes, you did as he said, and he placed the dripping forkload carefully into your mouth. Savouring it as you chewed, you mumbled round the mouthful, “This is really good! Did you make the sauce yourself? Or did it come out of a jar?”
Billy looked outraged, “A jar!! A jar??” he growled, “No, it did not! It was made from scratch by these fair hands,” and he held up his big hands in front of you, turning them back and forward. You looked lovingly at them; you adored Billy’s long slim fingers. “Okay, Chef - sorry I’m sure!” you laughed.
You’d let Billy feed you another forkful before grabbing the knife and fork off him, and then you started cutting up and shovelling the eggs into your mouth in a rather unladylike manner. Billy looked a bit offended, and you realised you’d spoiled his little romantic moment, so you ran your fingers through his hair, saying guiltily between mouthfuls, “Too slow, sweets. They’re getting cold, plus I’m really enjoying this so I needed to speed up my intake.” A small smile played over his lips, “Okay, then.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
After breakfast and a nice soak in the bath together, where you absolutely didn’t give Billy a helping hand when he got a sudden and rampant hard-on (okay, yes - you did), the two of you threw on some casual clothes and went out for a walk to make the most of the sunny morning. He slid his hand into yours and interlinked fingers with you.
Billy’s place was on the Upper East Side in Lenox Hill, while you lived on the Upper West Side in the Lincoln Square neighbourhood, so you were on familiar territory as he steered you towards Central Park. Strolling through the park, no particular place to go, people-watching as you sat beside The Lake in the sun for a while. The two of you talked about a whole load of nothing before deciding to go for a late lunch in a diner Billy knew and liked back in his neighbourhood.
As you ate, you noticed that Billy was fidgeting quite a bit and kept looking at his watch. You poked him with the blunt end of your fork, “Billy!” He jumped slightly, and you carried on, “You’re fidgeting. Have you got somewhere to be or something? - you’re checking your watch every two seconds!” Not meeting your eyes, he cleared his throat while shaking his head, “Nah, angel - just keen to get back out for some sun and fresh air.” You laughed, “Well, Manhattan fresh air.” “Yeah, true,” he said, now looking at you, “...you nearly done?” “Not quite, Billy, got some beer left too.” He stroked your hand, “Oh, no rush!”
You continued to chew on your chicken wrap, watching Billy as you did so. He’d already finished his food and beer, and was still fidgety - pulling at the sleeves of his leather jacket, fiddling with his hair, moving the ketchup bottles around the table and back again.
What is wrong with that boy? you thought. He’s like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof. Finally you finished your food and drained the last of your beer. Billy had already paid, bounding over to the counter to settle up without even waiting for the waitress to bring the check.
Once outside and heading back to the park for a further stroll, you tugged at his hand... you were being disgustingly ’coupley’ today, you thought, a bit annoyed at yourself, but what the hell... and asked, “Billy, what’s the surprise?” He just laughed, shaking his head. “Tell me!” Aware that you were sounding more than a bit brattish, you added, “...please, Billy, go on!”
“No, angel, cos then it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” You managed to resist the need to stamp your foot, but your bottom lip was pouting of its own accord. He leant down and gave you a long, sexy kiss and you gave in, resigning yourself to the fact that the tall ex-Marine was not going to confess anything so you’d better stop sulking. You grabbed a handful of hair, and Billy laughed, taking his mouth off yours, “C’mon, sweetheart - let’s head back to my place. We’ll take the scenic route.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy took you on a very circuitous route back to his place, and it took well over an hour to make it back there. As you both walked along the hallway towards his apartment, he dug out his keys and then promptly dropped them before he could slot the key into the lock. You stared at him, what the hell was wrong with Russo? Whatever he might be, he was all about precision and attention to detail - he was not a klutz! Now you - yeah, you’d be the one to drop your keys but not Billy!
However, he’d quickly bent down and grabbed them off the floor, successfully unlocking and opening the door this time. You followed him inside, and then your mouth dropped open.
Soft music was playing on Billy’s state-of-the-art music system. There was an intimate little round table sitting in front of the big picture window in the lounge. A string of LED stars was strung across and down the sides of the window. The table was laid for two, looking like a restaurant place setting - gleaming champagne flutes, plates and cutlery, fancily folded linen napkins, a pearly pink peony in a slim vase in the middle, an ice bucket on a stand next to the table, a bottle of Krug champagne sitting up perkily in it. You swung round to Billy, “What....?”
But you looked up into empty space. Your eyes travelled downwards until they found Billy - down on one knee in front of you. A small velvet ring box was held - unopened as yet - in a vice-like grip in those long, slender fingers you loved so much, and Billy’s big dark eyes were gazing fearfully into yours.
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@blackbirddaredevil23 @galaxyjane @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hey, I have a soft prompt so,,, we know that Steve is really funny, and would go all the way to make others laugh and have a good time, but what about our boy Billy? How would he make Steve laugh when he's having a bad day? Would he make funny comments? I just act funny and goofy? Just really soft 🥺 I love your writing, I hope you have a wonderful day
Sometimes Steve couldn’t get out of bed.
The first time it happened, it was really jarring.
Instead of waking up to Steve kissing his neck, his cheeks, or to Steve clanging around downstairs, making breakfast.
Instead he woke up to Steve’s back.
He moved to spoon him, started kissing on his neck, but Steve just laid there, staring at the wall.
He got more in tune with Steve after that, the way sometimes his eyes just went dull, his smiles went forced.
He could see the bed days coming a mile away now. He doesn’t even think Steve could see them coming.
But he would begin retreating into himself a few days prior, be less and less Steve bright. He knew it was coming.
So right when Billy noticed Steve’s smile was a touch smaller, he tried to get ahead of it.
Steve’s eyes were squinty when he came downstairs.
Billy had learned pretty early into the relationship that Steve needed glasses, wore contacts most days, thought his glasses were ugly. But Billy loved them, they were these big wire framed ones. Made him look so cute.
Steve wrapped his sweater tighter around himself, sliding into one of the barstools on the opposite side of the counter.
“What’re you doin’?”
“Makin’ pancakes.”
“Why?” Steve smiled softly at the coffee Billy put in front of him.
“‘Cause I love you.” Steve blinked up at him. “Do I need a reason more than that?”
“I guess not. I like hearing you say it, though.” Billy set down the batter he had been stirring, leaning over the counter.
“I love you, Stevie, Baby.” Steve smiled at him. A real one.
One point, Billy.
“I got some fruit and shit to put on them, too. And,” He reached under the counter, pulled out the glass bottle of caramel honey syrup.
Steve eyes lit up.
Two points, Billy.
“Oh my God. Where did you find this shit?” Steve’s parents had gotten it from somewhere out west, some homestead in Colorado or some shit.
“Farmers market. In Indianapolis.”
“You went to Indy? This morning?”
“Yeah. Wanted to surprise you.” Steve’s eyes went all soft and gooey.
“That’s so nice.” Billy shrugged at him. “What’d I do to deserve this? Deserve you?”
“Don’t gotta do shit. You deserve nice.” Steve’s smile was watery. “You wanna help? Or you wanna sit and let me look at your pretty face?” Steve rolled his eyes, a blush dusting the top of his cheekbones.
“I wanna help.”
“Okay, then get some music on.” Steve stared at him. Billy made a shooing motion.
Steve shook his head, but went to the living room to the fancy soundsystem in there.
“Tell me when!” He shouted as music began to softly play from the other room. He began cranking it, and Billy shouted at him when it was loud enough to enjoy.
He had picked The Rolling Stones, Between the Buttons.
Billy started dancing along to the first track, shaking his hips when the drums kicked in.
He sang along as he ladled out pancake batter, turning around to face Steve, using the spatula as a microphone as he sang let’s spend the night together, now I need you more than ever.
He was strutting around like Mick Jagger, doing a fucking spot on impression of him, if Billy does say so himself.
He turned to flip the pancakes, wiggling his hips and throwing a wink over his shoulder to Steve.
Steve burst into laughter, loud and bright, and so goddamn sweet.
He hoped around, kept singing as he flung pancakes into a plate, trying and often failing at various trick shots.
And somewhere in his brain, he knew he was making an absolute fucking fool of himself.
But that didn’t matter.
All that mattered was Steve’s ringing laugh over the music, and the smell of pancakes in the sunny kitchen.
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psyleedee · 4 years
The Equation of Love.
dean/castiel, jock!dean, nerd!castiel, smart!cas, love at first sight, footballer!dean, high school au, fluff, boys in love.
1.5k words. drabble.
It's a sunny summer morning, and Coach Singer has just blown the whistle, signifying their break from football practice.
That's when Dean really notices the boy sitting at the bleachers.
He noticed him first, when they were lined up and Coach Singer was explaining to the team about the upcoming finals, and their match with the rival high school from their neighboring county. The boy, with messy dark hair, as if he'd been electrocuted, with round, big blue eyes behind those thick black rimmed glasses, peering passionately into the pile of notebooks scattered around them, and his plush, pink lips mumbling to themselves.
Dean had found the boy odd. Firstly, owing to the fact that no one sat at the bleachers unless they wanted to smoke, make-out, or ogle at Dean and his team shirtless.
And this guy is studying? Wow.
Now that Dean has some time to himself, he decides, eh, what could possibly happen? Might as well go talk to the guy.
So here he is, standing at the edge of the bench the weird guy is sitting on, with his jersey shirt flung over his shoulder rather than draped around his chest, as it should be. What, Dean likes showing off his abs, he didn't work out for years straight to keep them hidden.
The boy doesn't spare him a glance. At first, Dean thinks he doesn't know Dean's there. But then there's a voice.
"I'm sorry, are you waiting for me?"
A deep, low tenor sound, and Dean is caught off-guard with how it sounds way deeper than it is supposed to. They're only eighteen, for god's sake.
"Erm, I, uh, I guess."
Then, the boy whips his beautiful, angel face up at Dean.
"Hello Dean."
"You know my name?"
"Are you not captain of the football team? Of course I know you're name."
Dean smiles, and considers it alright to slide onto the bench, next to Castiel, his thigh only inches away from Castiel's. The books around them are notebooks, composition notebooks, but they look old, overused, and part of Dean wants to grab one and read through it, but he knows better than to be disrespectful.
"I think you have me at a disadvantage then. Since you know my name, but I don't know yours."
"Oh," The boy grins with an awkward, hesitant smile, and quirks his glasses on his nose, drawing his shoulders in as he glances up at Dean, "-I'm Castiel. Castiel Novak."
"It's nice to meet you, Castiel. Mind if I just say Cas? Y'know, cause Castiel is too big. And I mean, I don't know, I just–"
"You like using single syllable words as nicknames. I noticed."
"Just now, a while ago," Castiel starts, blue eyes meeting Dean's with a soft blush, "-you're brother, Samuel, and my friend from Robotics club, you called him Sam. Benjamin Lafitte, over there, you call him Ben, even though everyone else settles for Benny. Your other team member, the one you were passing the ball to, Victor, you call him Vic. So naturally, you must have some sort of weird attachment to reducing people's names to a single syllable. Of course, I admit, it provides much more ease, and it goes with the right flow of a sentence."
Dean falters. His lips hang open, his eyes are wide, and he's staring at the guy, Castiel, like a complete idiot.
He's also kinda' in love with him.
"Erm, sure, you can call me Cas. Heh."
Castiel smiles, and looks away, once again nibbling on his plump bottom lip with his eyebrows furrowed, and Dean feels a warmth unravel in his chest.
"Right, Cas. Whatcha' got there? Y'know, people generally come here to do... more inappropriate stuff."
Castiel's eyes go wide, and he freezes.
"Erm, what do you mean?"
"I mean, y'know, people they uh," alright, why am I of all people blushing like a goddamn baby right now, "-they uh, make out, get railed, y'know, high school shit."
"Ah. Oh. Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm not here to make out."
Castiel yelps, almost offended as he looks up at Dean. In response, Dean can only chuckle.
"Naw, you don't look like you have anyone to make out with either."
"You're here."
Castiel points out, and Dean gulps, trying to push away the image his mind brings to him in an instant, of the young, dark-haired boy disheveled and pink under Dean.
"No, I mean, as in, a girlfriend. Or boyfriends. Not me. Not strangers."
"Ah, right."
An odd, weird sort of silence ensues between them, before Dean silently reaches out and grabs one of the notebooks. He thumbs through the pages before flipping it open right in the middle. To his surprise, there's some bizarre, mad-scientist-esque equations and theories written in there, dotting almost every inch of the page, with random scribbles, random doodles, random words and–
"Hey," Castiel scolds, pulling the book out of Dean's hands.
"Easy tiger, not like I understand any of that chicken shit, and even if I did, trust me, I wouldn't steal your theories Einstein."
Castiel blushes, a soft, pink hue on his cheeks, and somehow, Dean wants to touch the warmth on his skin. He holds himself back though, but can't help staring at the boy in front of him.
"They're not– I'm not– it's just– argh–"
"Woah, what's wrong?"
Dean asks, scooting closer, and he slips an arm behind the boy to stretch his torso a bit.
"It's just... I've been working on this equation for days now. And it's just. Look, I'm trying to calculate a kick. Y'know, to a football. So, basically," Castiel shifts closer, unwittingly pressing into Dean's arms, and it sends a spurt of warmth unfurling within Dean's chest as the boy groans, and points over to the field.
"See, I'm assuming that's a constant position, and I'm assuming the average velocity of the ball, with your average kicking speed, but somehow, I can't manage to figure out where I'm going wrong with the, with the, with the, ugh."
Castiel sighs, and slumps back against Dean's shoulder, his lips turned down in a small pout, and some how, Dean can't help the small grin tugging at his lips.
Yup, Dean is kinda' in love.
"Look man, I'm not–"
"Of course."
Castiel pipes up, eyes going wide, as he rises, and stares down at the field. It seems like his Eureka moment, if Dean's being honest, and he can't help how adorable he finds the boy's excited grin. Castiel turns with a jerk, almost falls into Dean's lap, and before Dean knows it, he's being dragged onto the football field, and only when Castiel pauses, he turns to Dean.
"You stand right here, no moving."
Dean furrows his eyebrows, his face heating up when he catches Benny and Vic staring at him with a weird expression, not to mention the strange look Lisa Braeden and her band of girls is giving him from across the field. But then, Castiel is running back to him, a notebook in his hands, and he's mumbling something to himself.
"... velocity... thrice divided... speed... Got it."
Bright blue eyes meet Dean's for a moment, before Castiel slips under his arm, nudging him until he's leaning back, crouching down to measure something between his thigh and the ground, and Dean can only pretend he has any semblance of an idea of what Castiel is doing, but the boy just... he just looks so damn cute.
Dean is pretty in love with him.
"Got it. Got it. Got it!"
Castiel yells, gaping at his notebook, before he laughs, loud and rumbly, and flings his arms around Dean.
One moment Dean's standing frozen to the ground, the next moment Castiel Novak is hugging the life out of him.
Dean trips on his ankle, struck by Castiel's sudden weight on him, and both boys go stumbling down with a grunt, Castiel's notebook falling beside them with a thud. All at once, there is a puff of soft, warm breath on his face, and big, blue eyes staring down at him.
Dean is in love.
Tiny, soft hands press into Dean's chest as Castiel jolts up, his legs straddling Dean's hips. Dean sucks in a breath and pushes himself up until he's sitting on the mud, his eyes lost within Castiel's. Castiel simply smiles, clears his throat and blinks in confusion. Castiel's glasses are set awry on his nose, and as endearing as he looks, somehow, Dean gives in to his urge to reach up and fix them, only to be fixed with a gentle, dazed stare.
Dean gulps, and finds his hands sliding around Castiel's hips. As if the mere touch or Dean's skin burns, Castiel blushes, and pulls his hands off Dean's chest.
"Sorry, erm, sorry, I didn't mean to, uh–"
"Hey Cas?"
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
Castiel's jaw drops open, and all he can do is gape at Dean.
"What?" He croaks.
"Too late," Dean breathes, hands reaching up to cup Castiel's face, "-I think already am."
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ladyideal · 5 years
Up the Mountain
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Reader
Word Count: 2103
Warnings: A bit suggestive at times, a couple curse words thrown in, but all fluff.
Summary: Shore leave and a nice change of scenery was what the doctor ordered. Jumping into the trip with him, you enjoyed spending time with Leonard as you drove up a mountain. Settling down at the campsite, you ate lunch with your boyfriend in front of a scenic lake. 
A/N: Had to take a break from writing Jim, and only one person to turn to. It’s a little suggestive, but I’ll leave it up to y’all with your imagination to figure out what happens next. Heads out of the gutter everyone. 
It was finally shore leave. You’d longed for a break after three years in space.
For once, you were able to sleep in, have brunch, and be able to lay around on the couch and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. Two weeks away from the ship, away from work, and a nice change of scenery from all the blackness of the void.The plan was to be lazy essentially. Leonard had other plans it seems. 
First day, he’d let you decompress from the stress of being on the ship. Tidy up the apartment, go window shopping, and a walk around the park. You’d thought that this would be it. No plans, just have fun. 
Of course, the good doctor had plans, unlike you. During the night, he’d already pack up your bag and his, and got everything else ready for a nice camping trip. He knew you were going to object. What better way to get you going to his plan than a surprise at four in the morning.
You were asleep, and Len was on his side, observing the steady rise and fall of your chest. He felt slightly bad at having to wake you up so early, way more earlier than even Alpha shift would’ve been on the ship. Gently, he traced your cracked lips with a finger, and moved your hair away from your neck. Now unimpeded, he peppered kisses on your skin, delighting in the squirms from you.
“Len,” You groaned, doing your best to squirm away from his offending lips. “It’s too early for sexy time. Let me sleep.”
“No can do, sugar,” Your boyfriend cooed. “You’ve gotta get up now, so we can start our trip.”
It took a moment for the words to fully sink in. 
“Noooo,” You whined, wiggling free of his arms. “I don’t wanna gooo.”
“But doctors want to have their fun tooo,” Leonard mimicked your whining. “Besides, it’d do us some good away from the city.”
It took some prodding before you eventually sat up, hair sticking out at every angle, and a rather cross look on your face. “Where we going?”
You glanced blearily over at the chrom.
“And why at four am?”
Silence greeted you from beside, and you knew from experience that it was going to be  nothing good. 
“Goddammit Len,” You grumbled, finally hauling yourself up onto your feet. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
“Because I couldn’t risk you not agreeing to the plan,” Your boyfriend appeared, wrapping his arms around your midsection and gently planting a chaste kiss.
You made a face. “Anything to get away from your morning breath, Len.”
“I do not have morning breath, Y/N!” He grumbled as you reluctantly started your morning routine. Of course, Leonard was never one to ever let you down. He enjoyed the outdoors, and never failed to bring you along to a scenic area.
“Okay Doctor Know It All, if you’re not going to tell me where we’re going, at least tell me what to wear,” You stared in front of your semi clean closet, knowing that your boyfriend must have packed your bags already. What was left on the hangers were all short sleeves and tank tops, which only meant…
“I thought you said you hated the cold.”
“I do,” Leonard rolled his eyes, bringing out two mugs of coffee. “But it’ll do you some good to catch the sun’s warmth and away from the noise.”
Setting the mugs down on the coasters, he reached for your bag and unzipped it. After examining the contents within, he threw a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt in your general direction. 
“Hey, I just got those washed,” You grouched, reaching for your clothes anyways. It took another twenty minutes, and another tumbler full of coffee for you to be even near ready for your impromptu trip. 
The doctor hugged you from behind, right as you were down lacing up your boots. 
“You smell wonderful, sweetheart,” He spoke quietly against your shoulder, peppering light kisses on your jaw. 
“Dammit Len, I swear to god. If you’ve dressed me up, just to tear it all down, I’m never talking to you again,” You wiggled around in his arms until you were facing him. “You hear that?”
“And leave you to catch a cold?” He teased, letting you go so you could reach for your coffee. “What kind of doctor would I be?”
“The one that wakes me up at some god forsaken time,” You glanced around the apartment one last time. “We’ve got everything?”
Leonard grunted in assent, and drained the rest of his coffee in one go. The duffel bags and the rest of the camping gear were already loaded up onto his truck. What was left was just you and him.
“I’m gonna miss this place,” You rubbed your eyes. 
“We'll be back in a week or so. You’ll be begging me to stay there a little longer. Come on, let’s get that cute ass I love moving,” He swiped at them. You squealed at the sudden contact, and hurried out of the door with Leonard smirking on your heels.
“So how long is it gonna take for us to reach this place?” You asked when he pulled onto the highway, settling into a better position in your seat. 
“Around two days at best,” You boyfriend dialed the radio down. “Get some sleep, Y/N.”
“You woke me up, just to tell me to go back to sleep?” You frowned at him, but reclined your seat backwards. He placed a hand on your thigh, absentmindedly rubbing little circles.
“Yes, that’s it,” He rolled his eyes. “Nothing about the place that we’ll be spending for a couple days.”
You closed your eyes anyways, doing your best to ignore the hand that was steadily creeping up towards the apex where leg meets hip. He was a tease, a goddamn tease, and he knew it. 
“Let me sleep, you goddamn tease,” You whined, giving up on wiggling away from him as far as possible.
Leonard barked out a laugh. “Sorry, sweetheart.”
He wasn’t sorry, but did shift his hand back down to a more appropriate place.
You and Leonard exchanged seats every couple hours or so, and after almost two days on the road, you were exhausted. Stopping briefly at gas stations, you would pick up coffee and some greasy food while he topped up on gas. Despite his scowl and saying that it was full of sodium and lots of oil, there weren’t many choices to have while on the road. 
It was the change of temperature that woke you up from the nap. Blinking your eyes open, you clumsily reached behind your seat for a blanket. 
“We’re that high in altitude already?” You mumbled, towing the blanket towards the passenger seat.
“Morning, sweetheart. We’re almost there,” Leonard spoke, turning onto gravel. 
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you turned towards the window and looked out. Rows and rows of evergreen trees surrounded both sides of the truck, and as far as the naked eye could see. 
“Are we going to our cabin?” You asked. 
“Not quite, darlin’. We’re not that high up enough for snow.”
“Almost feels like it,” You replied, twisting around in your seat to grab a long sleeve sweater out of your bag. 
“Is that my sweater you’re wearing?” Leonard glanced at you once you pulled on one of his old academy sweaters. 
You smirked at him, and would have sworn that his gaze strayed a little longer on you than was necessary.
“Eyes on the road, mister.”
The heated look he gave you was enough to send your imagination flying. 
“We’re here, sweetheart,” Your boyfriend stopped the truck, and you immediately jumped out as soon as you could. It was a small little campsite, equipped with a bench outside and a fire pit. On the bright side, all three sides grew all sorts of trees, giving you a much needed privacy from potential nearby neighbors. 
“I love it!” You grinned, taking in as much as you could. If you squint hard enough, you could spot the edge of a lake.
“And who was it that was telling me that you would rather have the bed instead?” He teased, grabbing the camping gear out from behind. 
“You could’ve warmed me up to the idea first,” You reached over to help set up the tent first.  While you were busy making the tent a little more inhabitable, Leonard was busy chopping up firewood. Perhaps when you were done with Starfleet, you could retire and live with him out in a place like this. There was clean fresh air, the warm sunny rays, a refreshing cool breeze, and a wonderful scenery to boot. 
You grabbed the kettle out on the way out of the tent, only to stop and stare at the sight in front of you. There was your doctor, covered in a sheen of perspiration, focused solely on the task at hand. His muscles rippled underneath his shirt, and for a moment, you let yourself enjoy watching him. 
“Like what you see there, darlin’?” Leonard drawled out, pausing long enough to eye you.
You blushed, and averted your gaze quickly. The feelings were mutual. It was payback after all those heated stares you received while in the truck. 
“Even more now, love,” You answered coyly, putting around the campsite to find water for the kettle.
The sounds of chopping faltered again. All you could do was laugh as you brought back the heavy kettle back onto its original spot on the table. With a light smirk, you approached him, only to bend down to grab a few pieces of firewood.
“Careful of what you say, sugar,” He replied darkly, resuming his task at hand. 
“Or what?” You challenged, building the fire with a few matches.
Your boyfriend merely answered with a growl, scattering goosebumps along your arms. When both tumblers were filled up with piping hot coffee, you felt a pair of arms wrapping around you again.
“Behave, sweetheart,” He growled, nipping slightly on the outer shell of your ear. 
“Look who’s talking first,” You answered, a smirk on your face. “Did you pack food?”
“Yes, at the back of the truck,” He released you, moving to the truck to grab the items mentioned. His scent lingered a fraction of second before it dissipated. He smelled of wood, of sweat, a hint of cloves, and a fleeting scent of antiseptics that you’d figured would never leave. It was him, and that was home. “We can find a spot in front of the lake.” 
“I like that idea,” You grabbed the two tumblers, and placed them within the coolers he carried. Linking your arm through his, you let him lead you towards the lake you’d sighted earlier. It was thankfully a short walk, and eased out the kinks in your muscles after being cooped up within a car for the last 48 hours. 
“This is it,” Leonard chose a shaded spot underneath a couple towering oak trees, and some distance away from the shore banks.  
“How did you find this place?” You asked, pulling the blanket out and smoothing it out on the grass. 
“Donna brought me here a couple of times after the split from Jocelyn,” Leonard shrugged, taking out a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some protein bars, a few bags of pre cut fruits, a small pitcher of lemonade, and the two coffee tumblers from earlier. “It didn’t help, but bless my sister’s heart for trying. She thought going outdoors would help cheer me up.”
Glancing away from the rippling effects of the lake, you turned your gaze back at him where you found him still observing you. You accepted a sandwich with a nod of thanks, still unable to form a response to his words. 
“I thought it would be nice to share this with you. It’s a little piece of heaven, and we can make this ours, if you wish,” Your boyfriend laid back on the dotted blanket, and you followed suit. 
“Anywhere is okay, as long as I have you,” You turned your head to the side, pressing your lips to his. It was an innocent kiss for now, but you could tell the lust flicking within his eyes. As if right on cue, your stomach rumbled and you reluctantly broke apart to grab your sandwich.
“Definitely a sight for sore eyes there, Y/N.” He teased, reaching for his also.
You couldn’t think of a better way to jump start your shore leave. 
Star Trek Tags: @mournthewicked
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 21
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!!
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 9,655
!!Warnings!!: Lots of sexual actions throughout with a major sex scene at the end! 
Date: February 2017
Chapter Name: Whose Topping on Valentines? 
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela takes Cillian out on a boat to spend Valentines Day, with plenty of teasing done by Cillians side. They go to dinner later that night where more teasing continues before it ends with a very explosive and passionate night... 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Upon waking, Gabrijela found the spot beside her... Empty. She eased into a sitting position, feeling ill a little bit as she rubbed her eyes and pushed her mane of hair back from her face. She went to grab her phone to text Cillian on his whereabouts when the door opened and her love walked in.
"Aw damn, you're awake!" Cillian laughed softly. He had a bouquet of roses in one hand and the other he held what looked like a big love heart-shaped box. And it was clear he was struggling with the weight of it.
"Put it down, you silly man." Gabbie laughed as she crawled to the edge of the bed as he set the box down and handed her the roses.
"For my love," He smiled as she took them, sniffing them.
"Perfection." She giggled and leaned up to kiss him softly, "I love you."
"I love you to, now open the box." He kissed her back.
"So demanding." She laughed as she laid the flowers down with care and tugged the box close. Cillian sat behind her, his hand resting on her hip as he looked over her shoulder. As Gab popped open the chest like box and pushed back the lid she gasped.
The inside of the lid had photos of them together either kissing or hugging each other. She remembered he had asked to send all the photos of them both to him some weeks back. "Cillian..." She whispered as she looked at the rest of the items. Her favourite bottle of red wine, chocolates, a cute bird plushie that held 'I love you' between its wings, there was hand made roses in red silk that took up the space between the items.
And there was a small box.
Her heart raced as she lifted it up, she felt him still behind her. Opening the box a ring sat inside. It was silver and it was a heart with a crown above it with what looked like hands holding the heart as the band. "What is this?"
He kissed the bare skin of her shoulder as she faced him now, "It's called a Claddagh Ring. Symbolises love with the heart, loyalty by the crown and friendship by the hands." He took her right hand and slipped the ring on, "The point of the heart faces to you. Means you are in a relationship."
She looked at the pretty ring, his thumb stroking her knuckles, "And what about the left?" She asked softly, she was over-joyed. God, Cillian always surprised her and she goddamned loved it. She loved him.
"It means we're married and if it's pointed outwards, engaged." He explained his eyes never leaving her face. He could see the utter happiness that seemed to glow from her. "Do you like it?" He asked cautiously.
"Like it?" She looked up, her smile as radiant as ever, "I love it Cillian! It is perfect!" She threw her arms around his neck and they fell back on the bed.
His laugh vibrated through him as his arms wrapped around her, "Really?" His smile was shy.
"Really. Thank you, I truly appreciate it." Her necklace, the sunburst he gave her, swung between them. She never once took it off. "You are so, so, so amazing, Cillian. I can't even describe how I am so unbelievably happy with you."
"You don't need to. I can see it." He cupped her face and pulled her down to kiss her deeply. Then he rolled them around so he was on top and began to kiss down to her neck.
"Mmm..." She moaned softly, her fingers in his hair. She looked at the clock, it was almost nine. "Cillian... Mmm, we need to get ready..."
"This won't take to long." He murmured as her shirt came off and he kissed between her breasts. He continued to go down, taking her panties off once he reached that lovely pink slit of hers.
"Cillian babe." She muttered looking down.
"Yeah?" He met her gaze.
"I love you," She said with a smile.
"I love you too, my beauty." He said softly and kissed the inside of her thigh before his mouth parted her lips with a hungry kiss. Her moan was what he wanted to hear as he hooked her legs over his shoulders.
Gabrijela laid back and let him do what he was good at. His mouth rove over her core in warm, wet kisses and licks with his tongue. It felt amazing as he dragged every little sound from her with just his mouth. Then two fingers were in her and moving in and out at a steady pace. Shivers went down her arms and legs as he sucked on her clit, her back arched and she felt his teeth graze her sensitive skin. He wasn't letting her go soon, he would stay glued to her like that till her climax overcame her.
"Fuck! Ah! Ahhh! Yeah..." She couldn't move too much as he held her hips down, "Shit Cillian!" She was getting all twitchy as she neared her climax, his fingers were curling inside her, trying to find that sweet spot that needed to be pressed on.
Cillian found her g-spot and pushed hard against it, it was like a button and the flood-gate opened up and she was howling his name and released on his fingers. Her body writhed and bucked as he stayed attached to her clit, sucking it through her high and only pulled back when she was done. He sat back with a smug smirk and she sat up, "I love doing that to you." He said.
"I know you do." She laughed and leaned down kissing him. "I'll have to repay you at some point today."
"I know." He pecked her lips and stood, helping her to her feet.
"Now. We really should get ready to go." She said, running her hands down his arms.
"Where are we going?" He asked as she stepped away and grabbed things from her suitcase. She pulled on a two-piece swimmer, it was quite raunchy and looked more like lingerie than anything with that thong like bottom piece and a top piece that was basically a strip to cover her nipples. It was white with gold polka-dots.
His cock only got harder at the sight, "Are we swimming?" He asked as he went through his stuff and pulled out the only swim shorts he owned. He didn't swim much in London, nor back in Cork either.
"I still can't tell you." She giggled as she pulled on some shorts and a floral crop top. She packed her duffel bag with extra clothing. Just in case. "Here use my bag, got plenty of space in it to put your stuff in too."
"It seems we are going swimming today." He said as he took her bag and put in extra pants, shirt and underwear.
"You can continue to speculate." She laughed a little. She cleaned up the bed and place the roses in the sink in the bathroom, they had no vase in the room. So she had to make do.
Once it was all done they headed out of the hotel and towards the harbour. He slipped his hand in hers and laced his fingers as she guided him along. They swung hands.
"Fucking hell it's hot!" Cillian grumbled.
"Thirty-four degrees today. Perfect weather to swim." She mused.
"It never gets this hot back home." He slipped on his Ray Ban's sunnies.
She looked over and giggled, "That's cause I bring all the hot weather with me. Cause I'm hot." She grinned.
"I can agree with that." He slipped his arm around her waist now and held her close.
Up ahead, Cillian could spot a familiar face and squint.
"Karsyn!" Gabbie beamed and went to hug her friend, "Good to see you again. How are you?"
"Fantastic." He smiled back at her and shook hands with Cillian, "G'day, mate. How are you both?"
"Good. Very good." Gabbie blushed a little.
"Feeling wonderful. So what brings us here?" Cillian seemed puzzled as to why Gabbie's friend was here.
"Well, Gabbie organised-" Karsyn began.
"I organised a day out on the boat. Karsyn owns one and I thought why not a better chance to see Sydney on a boat today. Just us two. No one to bother or hassle us." Gabbie smiled.
"A boat?" Cillian raised a brow.
"Yeah. Come on. Let me show you." Karsyn said and waved them to follow them. The pair followed Karsyn towards the line of luxury yacht's then down a boardwalk beside a boat. Karsyn got on it and helped Gabbie on it then Cillian next.
"Here we go," Karsyn said. The yacht was two levelled, the bottom had a small open outside space before it flowed into the main cabin. It had a couch to the right and next to it was two seats and the steering wheel for the boat and on the left a small kitchen like area with a small fridge and microwave. Down the set of stairs lead to the bathroom and a separate bedroom with a double bed and another little room with two single beds. Karsyn took them up to the top level where there were another steering wheel and a couch beside it and explained everything to them.
"I didn't know you could drive something like this," Cillian said as they headed back to the bottom level.
"Yeah. Karsyn showed me, I tend to not drink while I'm on a boat so I'm the responsible one." Gabbie giggled.
"She is. And she drives really good. You're in good hands." Karsyn patted Cillian on the shoulder, "Fridge and pantry are stocked up with food, the boat is fuelled up to a hundred per cent. If anything goes wrong, only a call away and I can easily pop over with the tinny." Karsyn beamed.
"All good. Thanks, Kar." Gabbie hugged him, "We'll be back around four-thirty or if we come back earlier I'll let you know."
"Yeah, all good. You can have it for the night as well." Karsyn winked.
Gab rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you later. Thanks again."
Karsyn laughed, "Just don't make a mess on the carpet or the couch. Don't want to clean out any stains." He said as he jumped on to the boardwalk before Gabrijela could hit him.
"Bye!" Gabbie whined and started the boat up once the ropes were off. Cillian sat beside her when he climbed up to the top once the boat began to move.
"Is this your surprise?" Cillian smiled, a hand on her thigh.
"It is. Do you like it?" She asked. She hoped he would. She loved boats and loved the harbour and knew a good private-ish spot for them to swim without anyone seeing them too often via their own vessels.
"I do. I don't go on boats much, let alone something as... Nice as this." He leaned back now, an arm behind her.
"Phew. I'm glad. I was worried you might not like this. I wasn't sure if you'd be good on boats." She glanced over at him, loving how the wind ruffled his hair a little.
"I like whatever you like. I'm easy Gab." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
"Good. That's good." She said with a blush.
She came to the private spot, a little cove that had no houses along the cliffside, just bush and the sound of the native birds. Dropped anchor and then came to the main cabin, "Want to swim?" She asked Cillian as he was looking around in awe.
"Swim? Here?" He asked as he looked over. She was stripped now to her swimmers she had on and he bit his bottom lip.
"Yeah. Nothing is gonna eat us." She giggled as she looked over at him and her eyes drifted down to that growing tent. "Unless you have other plans. Plans which I think I know..." She licked her lips slowly, knowing it would make him crazy.
Cillian chuckled and walked in, peeling off his shirt then his pants followed, now just in his cute CK's. His arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled in for a deep kiss. He backed her to the table and lifted her on to it, his lips not once leaving hers. His hand slid up her back to tug on the string that held her top piece where it should be, then the one around her neck and threw it aside.
"No swimming first, hm?" Gab asks with a sultry tone, his fingers took ahold of her hair and tilted her head back as he kissed down the column of her throat.
"No." He said, voice heavy with lust. He covered her whole chest with kisses, his hands stroking her sides in loving touches as he came to her pink nipple and took it between his lips. Her gasp was soft as he took a little nibble of it then tugged on it before he sucked on it. He felt her gentle fingers tug on the curls of his hair then run down the nape of his neck. He moved to her other one, leaving a few marks on her freckled skin and did the same to the other. He would tease her all day like this, soft kisses and touches. He wanted to make her all tense before he would take her later tonight.
Or well, he hoped she would last till then. Even him.
He then stepped back and chuckled when he saw her shocked expression, "What?"
"Is that it?" She asked. She leaned back on her arms now, her legs splayed for him to just go back in between them with his hips.
"Yep. I want to swim now." He pulled off his underwear and was clearly doing this deliberately. His cock was hard and she knew he wanted her but he wasn't going to fuck her. He pulled on his board shorts, letting her have a good view of his cute white, Irish ass that literally saw no sun whatsoever. "Help me put on sunscreen?"
Gab rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle, "You tease." She grumbled as she slathered his skin with the cream. He was enjoying this a lot, he could see the sexual frustration in her eyes. He helped her with her back before she wanted to do the rest of her body on her own, "No more touching from you." She huffed.
Cillian laughed and headed to the edge of the boat and turned to climb down the ladder. He shuddered as he met the cold water, "Jesus fuck." He swore face scrunched up as he got further in.
"Cold?" She asked as she pulled back on her bra top and wandered over to the ladder. She watched as he floated around.
"A bit but nothing like back in Ireland." He mused, watching her. She looked like a goddess, her skin glowing from the sun and the cream she had applied on. He hoped the child growing within her would look like her. She was perfect.
Gab climbed in, making sure he got a fantastic view of her ass and hissed softly as she slipped into the cold water. She laughed and then paddled around like a dog coming closer to him. It was quite a relief as the heat got more intense as the sun rose higher.
Cillian slipped his arms around her once she was close enough and bobbed around with her, "I've dreamed of doing this with you."
"Really?" She loosely placed her arms on his shoulders.
"Really. Swimming with you in a beautiful location, holding you, being with you..." He pressed his forehead to hers, his hand sliding up to rest between her shoulder blades.
"You are everything I've wished for, Cillian. I can't ask for anyone better." She rubbed her nose against his, her smile big.
It was one thing he was worried about. He may be what she wanted but how long would that last? How long would she hang around? Would she start to doubt in a few years despite carrying his child within her? He wondered if she would get bored of him when he was too old to make love to her body. Or get frustrated if he started to get health issues.
"Cillian?" Gabrijela's voice shook him out of his own thoughts.
"Sorry, my love. I got carried away with my own thoughts." He said hugging her close.
"What is it? I can see you are worried." She touched his jaw. She was so gentle and caring, his heart squeezed. He didn't want to drag her along and waste her young life. It had always been on his mind since Christmas. But fuck it was late now, huh?
"It's nothing, really. No need to be concerned." He kissed her softly, his hands now on her hips.
"Are you sure?" She frowned against his lips.
"I'm sure," He nodded and kissed her jaw then her neck, "Let's just keep swimming."
Gabrijela didn't seem like he was telling her the truth but she wasn't going to push it in case it ruined the mood they had going. So she went along with it and pulled away, "Hmm."
"What?" He watched her swim around him, following her by turning around slowly.
"Nothin'." She smirked then dived underwater. He suddenly felt his board shorts be yanked off and she came up and whipped the damn thing around.
"Gabbie!" He cried out, feeling totally shocked at the weird feeling. "Give me back my shorts!" He laughed as she tried to catch up with her by swimming after her.
"Never!" She laughed evilly as she came to the ladder and tried to escape.
Cillian reached her and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back, falling into the water with her as she screamed. He snatched the shorts of her and she was laughing as she splashed him, "Meanie!" She grinned.
"I am not!" He pulled them back on and tried to grab her again but she splashed him. "You are!" He splashed her back before a water fight ensued.
He used this time to get close to her when she was looking away and pulled her flush against his body and claimed her lips in a heated kiss. He would win somehow.
Gab was surprised by the sudden kiss but simply melted into it and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She could feel his hard-on pressed against her and she moaned softly into the kiss. His hands slipped down her body and guided her hips to start rolling into his.
Cillian had her back pressed to the metal ladder so he had some foundation for his footing from her movement against him. He groaned softly, pressing harder against her so she had limited movement now.
"Cilly, let me- let- me grind- against you." She said between the kisses, trying to push him back but he held firm, his cock growing harder against her. She desperately wanted him as her hands went from his face and down his body to the band of his shorts. "Damn you." She grunted as she wedged her hand between them and slipped it down his pants-
Cillian pulled away and gripped her wrist and took her hand out as he swam backwards with a smirk, "Not yet." He tsk'ed.
Gab's jaw fell open and her brows rose nice and high, "You little shit! You can't do that!"
"Of course I can. I just did it." He mused, loving that frustration in her eyes.
She was warm all over and not because of the hot sun, she gritted her teeth, "You're gonna pay!" She splashed him, "No more sex for you!" She nodded as if that was the best thing she ever decided on.
"Uh-huh. I'm sure that will go to plan." Cillian knew he was going to win tonight and it was clear she would play as well. "You can't go a day without you moaning my name."
She rolled her eyes, she had climbed out now and stood on the edge, arms cross and her legs spread. He could see that slit defined by the material, "Of course I can. Watch me." With that, she grabbed her towel and dried herself off and headed into the cabin.
Cillian chuckled and came out doing the same as he walked in, "You know I am irresistible." He said as he came up behind her, his hands on her hips as he kissed her bare shoulder and to her neck.
She sucked in a breath and bit her bottom lip, bringing up a hand to grip his hair, "You're only going to deny me from doing anything further." She was pinned to the countertop, shivering from his sweet kisses along the nape of her neck and down her shoulder then back up to her neck.
"Exactly. And I like this, making you so hungry for me." He said hotly against her neck as his hips began to grind against her ass.
Her towel dropped and she laid her hands out before her to keep her upright, "You don't need to Cillian, you know I can just spread my legs for you whenever you want."
He growled as he dragged his nails down her side, biting the skin between her shoulder blades and leaving a kiss over it, "I know you would. But not today. I want to take my time with you. Savour this body you have oh so graced me with."
Whatever overcame him, Gabrijela was so enjoying it. The build-up pension between her legs from his kisses and touching and hot words would make her crave him all day. "Cillian, you damn bastard. What has gotten into you?" She laughed softly, arching her back as his mouth moved down her spine.
"The only thing that has gotten into me is my love for you. Your very essence surrounds me and all I wish is to worship you." He came to the little dimples in her back and kissed each one.
She gasped softly, his hands gripped her ass and squeezed them, "God Cillian, I can cum to you talking to me like that." She turned as she looked down at him, kneeling, his baby blues full of reverence and total devotion to her. "Cillian? I-I've never seen you like this before."
He was so infatuated with her. He could not believe why he would think of the future and the troubles that may come with it. He would, right now, live in the moment with her. Each waking and sleeping moment. He would cherish any time he had with her and make it the best time for her and their soon child. His hands slid to her stomach and he pressed a kiss to her belly, "I love you, Gabrijela Babić, I will till my last breath." He murmured.
Gab was shocked as to how he was first so sexual and now adoring her as if she may not live till the next day, "I love you too, Cillian but... What is going on? What has gotten into you?" She cupped his face and got him to stand.
"I don't want to lose you." He said, holding her wrists. Despite his hopeful thoughts, those other worries seemed to overtake them more strongly.
"You won't Cillian. I belong to you, I love you." She stroked his cheek gently.
"You sure? You don't think..." He trailed off and looked away.
"What is it, baby? Talk to me. You can't hide this from me. I can see you are concerned." She brought his face back to her, "I am here for you, okay? You can trust me with anything."
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, "I feel like I will be wasting your life once I get older. When I won't... Be able to cherish your body as you'd like. I'd be some old... Wrinkled thing that you gotta drag around when you could be out in the world and living your best. Not stuck with me and caring for me." His eyes dropped, those lovely lashes tickling his cheekbones.
"Cillian..." She was saddened he had these thoughts, "Baby. Look at me." She got him to sit down and she stayed close to his side, holding his hands in her lap, "You won't be wasting my life. You won't. Besides, that... That is another conversation to be held later in life, not now." He nodded a little, "We should be living in this moment, today, right now. No use on dwelling something that can be talked about when it does happen. But I want you to know that I will stick with you, and not just because of this child, but because I love you. I love you so, so, so much and like I said, you are everything I wished for. I will not let you go no matter what."
Cillian's heart swelled with love and joy and he pulled her into his lap and kissed her with as much love he could muster into the kiss.
Gabrijela wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him, trying to convey her love as much as she could. But she knew he already knew how much she loved him, it was the small things she would remember and do for him. She loved Cillian to the point it fucking hurt, the good kind as well. She would cradle it within herself and she would make sure nothing could break them apart. She would fight for him, for them and their relationship. No matter what anyone says. Cillian belonged to her, and she belonged to him. And that was final.
They spent the whole day on the boat, eating food and talking about their child and what would come about it all. She promised him she would tell him the days she would go see the doctor or when she would get scans and all that. And to send any photos she took as the pregnancy developed. It was clear he could not come back as he had to film for the next season of Peaky Blinders but he would make sure he would make time for when it was around her due date. She would find out as soon as possible so he may plan around it and be there for her when she gave birth.
Though they had no idea how they would tell her parents, she wasn't going to terminate it now. And she wasn't anyway. But Cillian was set on supporting her either way, he would send money every week to help her cover any costs for doctors and medicine and toys and clothing.
Gab would work at Bonds till she could no longer and continue her gaming live streams she did weekly. But they would not touch on the subject on who would move yet, Gabrijela knew that was something they had to talk about if there was a possibility. And with Cillian's current career... She highly doubts he would move to Sydney, it would be too much for him to travel well over a day to just go to a country and film.
But that, again, was for a later discussion on how this could work.
It was around five in the afternoon when Gab decided it was time to head home. It seemed Cillian had something else planned for the night and she was excited. Karsyn was there and Gab thanked him again before they took the snacks from the bar instead of him throwing it out.
Once back at the hotel, Gabrijela took a shower. Cillian had said to dress well and she was glad she brought her favourite dress with her, otherwise, everything else was too casual. She walked out of the bathroom and set to drying her hair.
"Can you iron my shirt?" Cillian asked as he laid out his pants on the bed.
"Sure." She smiled and he walked by her, giving her ass a slap and she jumped.
"You're the best." He said with a grin over his shoulder.
"I know!" Gabbie giggled. Once her hair was done she ironed his shirt and placed it on a coat hanger ready for him, then fixed up her dress. It was body fitted, midnight blue and silk with a lace-up back and twin knee-high splits. Definitely no underwear underneath it, she mused.
Gab applied makeup, but it was light, mostly browns and nude lipstick. She fixed her sunburst necklace and paired it with simple silver studs. All she had to do was now wait for Cillian.
He finally finished up and came out, his towel low on his pants. He stopped once he stepped out of the bathroom and stared at Gabrijela who was stationed beside the window. "Wow." He said as he took in what she wore.
She turned and smiled, "What?"
"You look magnificent." He said almost breathlessly as he came over, his hands on her hips as he drew her in.
"Thank you," she blushed. She doubted she would ever stop blushing from his compliments.
"Truly. You do." He leaned in and gave her lips a light peck, remembering how she did not like to be kissed when she had just applied lipstick.
Gab giggled as he pulled away and got dressed, black slacks, white shirt with a few buttons undone and a black jacket on top. She came over when he sat to put on his shoes and knelt down to do the lace-up for him.
"What are you doing?" He watched as he tilted his head.
"Tying your shoelace." She said as she looked up, he had a fairly good view of her cleavage and he grumbled.
"You know I can do it myself." His hands came to grip her arms as she placed her hands on his thighs.
"Yeah, but I wanted to do them." She leaned up and kissed him deeply.
"Mm, Gabbie, your lipstick-" He couldn't say no more as she only kissed him more and he brought up his hands to cup her face gently.
"Doesn't matter, I want you to kiss me like normal from now on." She murmured against his lips as she used her thumb to clean them before she stood, bent over the table with the mirror. She did it deliberately, the dress really brought out her curves.
Cillian had a lovely view of her ass and wondered if she was wearing anything under the thing, probably not since it sat on her so well. "Minx." He bit his bottom lip and got up as she finished reapplying her lipstick.
"Before we run off, I want to take a photo of us." She said, slipping on her cross-body bag over her shoulder.
"A photo?" He smiled as she came over and they stood in front of the mirror.
"Yep. We look so good like this." She slipped an arm around his waist and he did the same to her. "Smile!" She grinned and he smiled as she took a photo. They did a few, some serious and some silly ones.
"Come on you cheeky girl, don't want to be late." He kissed her temple as they headed out. He got a cab and held the door open for her and she slipped in with him following after her.
It wasn't long when they arrived at a very tall building and he got out, holding his hand for her. She took it and looked up, "That's a very tall building." She mused.
"Come on, it's at the very top." He said and they raced across the road quickly. The night was pleasant and warm, just how she liked it. They went up the elevator and came to the top and stepped out to a restaurant and bar and approached the front desk.
"Hi, welcome to O Bar and Dining. Do you have a reservation?" The woman asked with a lovely smile.
"Yes, I do. Table for two under Cillian Murphy." Cillian said and the lady looked at the computer.
"Yep. Right here. Come with me." The woman nodded and guided them to a table right beside the glass window that overlooked the city, you could see the Harbour Bridge from here in all its sparkling glory.
Cillian pulled out the chair for her and she sat down, pulling herself in as he took his spot beside her. The place was full and it was very fancy with carpeted floors, relaxing music playing and low light, with only the table lights at full illumination.
The woman left them with menus and brought over house red wine, and funny enough, it was Cillian's favourite. The wine was poured and the woman left them be to look at the menu.
"Damn... Cillian. How'd you find this? How'd you get all this done for today?" Gab was shocked.
"Well, the box and flowers and the restaurant were booked well before I came here." He said, looking at her with that soft smile of his.
Gab giggled and admired him, the light casting shadows and making his sharp features much clearer, "Well, it's perfect. I love it, even though I've never, ever been to a place like this before." She said as his hand slipped over hers.
"I hope you love it. I wanted to treat you to something special. And I hope that will be your only glass." He nodded to the wine glass.
"It will. Just for tonight." She held it up, "To us and a very bright future."
"To us and our child. Happy Valentines Day, my love," He said, it was still a shock to him she was pregnant and he clinked glasses with her. He leaned over and they kissed softly before they took a sip and then the waitress returned to take their orders.
"I was thinkin'." Gabby started.
"Hm?" He couldn't take his eyes off her.
"We should... Go camping next week. Have you ever done that?" She felt all giddy and shy when he stared at her like she was the most precious thing on earth.
"Camping? God, I haven't been camping since... I was much younger. Like twenty years old or something." He laughed lightly.
"Well, so, you wanna go? I got a place in mind. Could go for like four or three nights if you want." She said.
"I mean sure, we could definitely go. But how about your work?"
"I can organise someone to take care of my shifts for those days. I'm working this whole week except for the weekend since we got that wedding to go to... Fuck I gotta buy a dress too." She made a face. "Might have to do that tomorrow after work..." She trailed off.
"Well, whatever works for you I'm fine with that." He nodded and kissed her knuckles.
She beamed, "We can also get you another suit too."
"Is this not fine?" He teased.
"It is but I want my man to look like a snack." She said, "Though you already look like one I want you to be even more of a snack."
"Snack? What do you mean?" He laughed, totally confused.
"Like, you look so good I could eat you up like a snack. And I love snacks." She grinned.
"Right... Whatever you say, darling." He shook his head, finding her weird but he loved that.
"Also, we will need to leave on Friday arvo when I come back from work. So you gotta be ready to go, the wedding is held at Hunter Valley Gardens and its a three-hour drive. We'll come back on Sunday and head right to Maya's parent's house for a small after-party with family and close friends."
"Oh, sounds intense," Cillian replied blowing out through his nose.
"Wait till you come to the wedding. Croatian weddings are great." She beamed, "Lotsa music, dancing and drinking. But I won't be able to do one of the three." She giggled.
"I'll make sure I am ready by then. How about the camping thing?"
"I'll book it for Wednesday and we can come back on Saturday. Is that okay?" She asked.
Cillian was trying to figure it out in his head how many more days he had after that. He would have five more days after they came back from their camping trip before he would have to fly back to London to prepare for season four. "Sounds good. Let's do it." He nodded.
"Awesome. I'll book it tomorrow and then head home, tell the 'rents and then Monday next week I'll pack the car with the necessary stuff for the holiday." She said.
"Reckon your parents will let you go?" He asked.
"Don't care. I'll go whether they like it or not. Not their life to control." She said. With that said, she had calls and messages from her brother, Leo and her parents on her whereabouts. She only told Tatiana and it was up to her whether she spoke to them or not. The messages had stopped by afternoon.
Cillian huffed, "That bad, huh?"
"Yep. That bad my dad kicked me out." She sighed as she twirled her glass around.
"Let's not talk about that right now. It's just about us tonight." He stopped the twirling of her glass and leaned over to kiss her cheek.
Their entree came, once that was finished their mains came and then lastly dessert. She made sure to take photos which made Cillian roll his eyes but he didn't complain even when they took a cute ass selfie together. He allowed her to post them online but she made sure it was explicitly friends and family, though sometimes some images did get leaked. But she would never ever post the more... naughty ones. She kept that very private and for her own eyes only, especially the videos.
God... The idea of her getting off to one of the many sex tapes they've made, alone, in bed at night... Especially the one he made of himself jacking off. He grunted as he felt something press against his crotch and looked at her. She was smirking like a cat.
"Mm, Cillian. What is turning in that intelligent mind of yours?" She rubbed her foot against him, feeling him hard beneath those pants.
"I'm thinking of how you will get off to me in those videos I sent you." He admitted with a low chuckle deep in his throat. He reached beneath the table and gripped her ankle and pushed it away, "Your little moans as you work yourself to release with me." He leaned into her so they were face to face.
Gabbie giggled, her cheeks warming as heat pooled between her legs, "Yeah. I'd rub myself very fast, one of my favourite toys deep inside me as I imagine you in me." She whispered, letting her fingers dance below his chin. "Moaning your name." She leaned in and gave him a soft peck.
"Yeah? Would you dare scream it out if you came? Like you always do?" He returned that gentle, teasing kiss.
"I would. With no care in the world and the only thought is of you doing that to me." She pushed a lock of his hair behind his ear, she made this interaction seem like they were just whispering cute things.
His hand rested on her thigh, his fingers stroking her lovingly, "I hope you arch your back, telling me how good I feel inside you even if I am not there. I want you to tell it to the night around you." He kissed her softly, smiling, "I can envision it all, Gabrijela."
Her body was flushed with heat and need for him as she gripped his wrist, "Then let's go make it real, Cillian. Why are we waiting here for?"
He chuckled as he sat back his hand folded on his lap, "Because I still want to play this game."
She narrowed her eyes, "Sly bastard." She huffed, shaking her head. All-day she couldn't get him out of her head or the good fuck session he truly needed to give her.
"Indeed." He winked at her before he called over a waiter for the bill.
Gab began to grab her wallet when the bill returned, "How much is it?"
"No. You won't be paying." Cillian peaked into the wallet and moved it away before she could snatch it.
"Cillian! This was definitely too expensive! Fuck, please." She held out some notes as he put in a credit card.
"My love, it's fine. This is my shout." He handed the wallet back to the waiter who quickly fixed it up then handed the card back to him.
"Babe." She frowned as he pushed her hands away.
"Love." He smiled and leaned over, kissing her deeply, "I wanted to do this for you. Really. Keep that for something else."
"But..." She was shut up with another kiss. She sighed when he pulled back, "Fine. Fine." She tucked the money back in and grabbed her bag.
"Good, let's go. The night is still pretty and I want to walk along the water with you." He said and they got up and left the restaurant.
She cuddled him, smiling widely, "I'm still going to get back at you for what you've been doing to me all day."
"I know." He wrapped an arm around her and walked like that out of the elevator.
People were out and about, the sound of music from night clubs echoed and the laughter and yelling of drunk people were the songs for tonight. The pair weaved through the streets till they came to the boardwalk along the water and slowly made their way towards the hotel.
"Today has been perfect, Cillian," Gab said after a bit, their pace slow as she pulled his jacket close around her. She loved the strong cologne he wore.
"You think so?" He squeezed her hand.
"Yeah. Best day ever." She smiled up at him as they stopped and she held his other hand. "You really make me the happiest girl ever, Cilly. And I am pretty sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you." She admitted softly.
"You do?" His voice was soft as he could not believe her words.
"A hundred per cent, Cillian. I am yours entirely. I am loyal only to you." She leaned up and kissed him, his arms wrapped around her waist slowly as he held her close.
Cillian kissed her with so much passion, bending her back a little before he pulled back to catch his breath.
"Come on my love, I know a place we can end this night." She said and beamed as she took his hands and dragged him along.
They arrived at what looked like a merry-go-round. He had seen it earlier this week when he was able to explore on his own.
As he looked at his prized love, he could see how much joy she was emitting. He rushed over and she paid for a ride and they climbed on. They got on a horse each as the ride began to go around, he watched as she laughed and clung to the pole. She looked like a princess like that, her hair halfway down her back, her smile wide, the gown on her accented her body well... He leaned across and got her attention, "I love you." He said and kissed her.
He could see their future as one, even if they had no child, he would make sure she was his forever.
The ride ended and he lifted her off the horse gently, she giggled, "So strong." She squeezed his shoulders as they made their way off it.
"That was fun." He said as he tucked her close to his side, kissing her head.
"I love that thing. Use to always go on it as a child." She said as they made their way back to the hotel.
"It's nice that they have that there. Is there a lot of people that go on it?" He asked as they got into the elevator.
"Not much like then, I do hope it stays there forever." She said as she leaned against the wall.
"It's a nice touch." He turned to her, meeting her gaze. They still had a lot more floors to go up.
He stepped to her and kissed her deeply suddenly and she instantly melted into him. She gripped his shirt as she opened her mouth for his demanding tongue, a moan making its way up in both of them. His roaming hands made their way down to her hips as he nudged her legs apart, his fingers finding their way up the slit and beneath her tight dress. Once he reached between her legs he felt... Nothing. Just her wet slit, "No panties?" He kissed down to her neck.
"No, this dress is to tight." She moaned as his fingers forced their way into her. She could feel them, her walls tight and slick.
"Dirty girl." He kissed her neck harder, biting her skin which caused her to whine and buck her hips as he thrust his fingers into her.
She gripped the handrail and one arm locked around his neck as he fingered her fast. Her eyes moved to the camera that blinked in the corner and cried out softly, "Fuck- Cillian- There's a camera in here." She gasped, she was close to the edge and she moved her hips in sync with his hand.
"They won't pay attention." He grunted when her leg pressed against his hard cock and couldn't help but grind against it in return.
His thumb wiggled against her throbbing and aching clit, "Oh, god! Cillian! You're gonna make me cum!" She was shaking as she was so overwhelmed with the build-up of pleasure.
Though it all came to an end when the doors slid open to their level and he stepped back from her with that cheeky smirk, "Not yet." He said and she ran after him as he ran down the hallway to their room.
She pushed him against the wall and went for his shirt, "I'm gonna have you one way or another." She was so needy for him, she needed him inside her.
"Yeah? What are you gonna do about that?" He shoved her back and chuckled as he quickly unlocked the door and she rushed in.
"I'm gonna fuck you." She had him back against the wall as she worked to undo the buttons of his shirt.
"Uh-huh." He watched her desperately strip him.
"Yeah. I'm gonna cum on you, make sure you finish in me and fill me up." She went for his pants but he wouldn't let her get to that part yet. Or he'd fail his own game he started. He crushed her against his body and lifted her, carrying her to the bed.
Gab whined and squirmed in his arms before she was thrown back on the bed and he topped her, "Please! Cillian! I need you!" She gasped as he claimed her lips in a heated kiss. He had his lower body pin hers to the bed as his hand loosened up the lace of her dress then to the zipper.
She continued to fight against him, wanting to be top tonight. But he wasn't letting her do what she wanted until he finally got off her and stepped away.
Cillian would remember how she looked at this very moment, her hair a mess and her cheeks bright red, lips starting to become swollen from how hard he kissed her.
"Undress." He demanded, taking off his belt slowly.
"And what if I don't?" She bit her bottom lip, watching as he held the belt so casually beside him.
"You'll be punished accordingly." He gripped her chin, "Now undress, Gabrijela." He growled.
She shivered, the sound making her almost cum, "No." She said with as much defiance she had.
He pushed her back and went to grab her arms but she got out of his hold and pulled away then tried to grab for his wrists. There was a battle of who would grab who and he had her arms pinned above her head, "I am in control, love. Not you."
She thrashed her body, locking her legs around his waist and got him imbalanced before she rolled on top of him, "I am, baby. I got you-" She was about to grab his own wrists when he moved and his heavyweight was back on her.
"No!" She argued and they again battled for pinning each other. It ended up on the floor and she got to her feet and backed up, smirking. "You can't pin me. I'm too sly for you."
Cillian laughed as he got to his feet and prowled to her like a wolf stalking a deer, "Yeah? You sure about that?" He grabbed his phone and it seemed to confuse the fuck out of her. Then simply opened an app and pressed a button...
Her eyes widened and she gasped, the vibrations within her were tense and she felt her legs almost give way, "What the fuck-!" She knew exactly what was in her. But how?!
"In the elevator. I pushed the little egg into you." He mused as he came to her as she fell back on the bed, her body twitching, "Did some research and thought, isn't this a wonderful idea for us and the long-distance, hm?"
He leaned over her, one hand braced beside her head, "Tell me, love. How are you feeling?"
She moaned, "Oh... God! It feels... Fantastic..." The vibrations got low. "Son of a bitch!" She felt suddenly in control as she went to grab him but he moved back and turned the device up.
She cried out and collapsed to his knees, moaning in utter delight, "Oh! Damn... Fuck!" She was on her hands and knees, her hips rolling.
"Good girl. Will you behave now?" He sat back on the bed, legs splayed open.
"Damn... You Cillian." She grinned. Oh how the night was going, she was so into this.
"That is not how you will call me tonight." He said as he got her to turn around as he turned the device higher.
She was trembling, her eyes focused on him, "Cill..." She gripped his thighs, her luscious lips parted.
"No. That is not right." He turned the device down, seeing how much she was actually enjoying it.
She whimpered, clambering into his lap as she gripped his shoulder, "Please- Please-"
"What is my name?" He gripped her just under her chin, almost choking her in a way.
Fuck. Such a turn-on, she thought.
"Sir?" She whispered, her hands gingerly taking his forearm.
"Good girl. That's what it is." He smirked and turned the device a little higher but not enough for her to get satisfaction from him. "Lay on the bed. Take the dress off."
She did as told, totally succumbing to him as she pulled the dress off and threw it aside. She watched as he went through his suitcase and pulled out...
"Oh... Fuck." He had handcuffs. And lucky them the bed had a place for them to attach to.
"I remember back in Dublin how much you loved being tied up." He said as he knelt beside her and attached the cuff to her wrist then to the bed and did the same to the other. He left her there and went to pull out what looked like a ball gag.
"I'm going to put this on you, okay? But remember, anything you don't like, form an easy word." He came back to her.
"Okay, sir," she whispered, nodding. She wanted to cum so badly.
He tied the gag up and the safe word was Cork as it was the first thing that came to her. He nodded when he could hear it clear from her and stayed next to her as he ran his hands down between her breasts to her belly button then back up, "You've been a very good girl today." He mused as he let his fingers brush over those hard nipples and tugged on it.
She gave a muffled moan and arched a little.
"You truly want me hm?" He smiled softly as he admired how much her body was tense all over, "Aching all over. Your breasts right down to that lovely little slit that is so wet for me. Only for me." His fingers rove over her heat and she tried to buck her hips to feel them. "No, no. Not yet." He leaned down and kissed her jaw, then her neck and down to her breasts where he sucks on her nipples, teasing them with his teeth and his fingers, alternating between the pair.
Gabrijela was in total ecstasy, the way he was so rough with her, the marks he left on her skin... She did not want this to end. "Mmph..." She felt his mouth move down her body and press kisses down her thigh, then back up and did the same on the other side.
"Oh, love, you are fantastic. I love you, I love this body." He buried his head between her legs and the suddenness caused her to cry out and lock her legs around his head. He pried them off and kept them down as he ate her out like she was some kind of personal feast. And a feast he would not have in a long, long time.
He took her in deep mouthfuls, dragging her folds in and sucking hard before he tended to her clit. She whimpered in pleasure, the vibrations had continued inside her and the build-up in the pit of her stomach was growing fast. All she could was moan and cry wordless things.
Cillian knew she was close and wanted to let her climax, it was only fair after all day of his teasing. He turned the egg up higher and her body arched in response. Then her moans reached peak crescendo as she came hard, her hips pushed into his face as she rode his mouth as a climax ripped through her overstimulated body.
Gab was shaking all over as she collapsed back on the bed, eyes shut as she breathed fast. She slowly opened them to see Cillian rise back to his knees and smiled so lovingly at her.
"You okay, my love?" He asked and she nodded. "Good. I'm going to take the egg out now. Relax for me." He reached back between her legs and she felt his fingers enter her and then pull out the egg from her. "Oh, this will be my favourite thing." He mused as he placed the items aside and began to pull off his pants.
Yes. This was it. This is what she had craved for all day.
"You are so needy for me, love. I'm such a lucky man." He stroked himself over her, groaning. "Oh... Yeah, love. I feel really good. So hard, ready for you." He used his other hand to stroke her thigh again, seeing how she liked that. "I'm going to enter you now." He said as he lowered his body on her, his lips brushing her cheek.
She could feel him nudge her entrance, teasing her. She groaned and wiggled her body.
"Okay, okay. I'm going in." He laughed lightly and then pushed into her with one thrust of his hips.
A fire erupted within her and she let out a strangled cry as he began to pump into her fast. He was not going to go slow, not now as he was also in need for her. He hooked his arms under her back and held her shoulders as her heavenly moans only urged him to keep going. The bed began to rock a little, their moans rose to the ceiling above them.
Cillian struggled to undo the cuffs on her wrists so he could feel her claw his back but he got them undone and she did exactly what he wanted. Her hands gripped his hips in a painful hold but the intense pleasure overtook that pain.
Gabrijela had released again not too long after he entered her, but it was clear Cillian would not stop until they were both entirely empty and seriously exhausted.
Positions were switched and she managed to take the damn gag off so she can let him be blessed with her screams of pleasure from his pounding. "Yes! Cillian! Oh god yes!" She placed her hands on his chest as she rode him fast, sweat coated them both, the sound of skin to skin was loud in the room and she did not care one bit if anyone heard them.
On and on they went, well over three hours and many, many climaxes. He had fucked her up against the glass window before they scrambled back to the bed to finish the last few releases they could squeeze from each other.
Gab was on her back, her body was numb from how much she came and how tired she was. She weakly turned over to stay close to Cillian who was so out of it. But his smile was wide as anything as his arm loosely came up around her.
This was one Valentines they would never forget. Gab had marks on her that could easily last a week or more and she would make sure she cherish them with all her heart. She listened to his fast heartbeat, no words were spoken between them. They already knew what words they would say to each other.
The only thing they needed right now was sleep, a good, nights rest after a real good session.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Bonsoir ! Could you write about Zoro and his female s/o having their first time together ? With a virgin s/o, please ? Take care
Hello, sweet anon! Ask and I shall deliver!
Yoooo this is long as fuck lol I had zero intentions on making it this long, I just sorta lost myself in it, so I’m…sorry? But also you’re welcome, I guess? I also cheated and did a scenario in headcanon format yo girl was feeling lazy af to write a really pretty, detailed scenario lol Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy this! Lots of Zoro lovin’ ~
Zoro’s First Time with Virgin Female S/O 
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- the first time is on the Sunny, he and his lover are on ship watch while the rest of the crew go off to explore the island; thus giving the two plenty of time to explore each other
- it starts with innocent kissing, like usual
- Zoro is a bit of a rough, impatient kisser so it doesn’t ever take long for the kissing to turn into a heated make out session 
- they’re up in the crows nest, hands placed delicately on each other as their kissing becomes more fervent by the second
- now, he’s pulling at the strands of her hair and she’s tugging at the hem of his shirt while their tongues explore the caverns of their open, moaning mouths 
- Zoro’s shirt is removed swiftly and her shaky hands begin exploring his bare, scarred torso 
- this is normal, this has happened plenty of times before; Zoro prefers to make out with his lady while shirtless, she’s always so cute and nervous looking at his toned, scarred chest
- but the raking of her nails across his skin feels a little different this time, more desperate
- nevertheless, he continues groaning into her mouth while she leaves traces along his skin, her lips never tiring from his relentless kissing
- she leaves his lips finally, only to nibble on his neck; over time she has learned that this is a special spot for Zoro, and he curses himself for being so weak
- he hisses as she bites, licks, and sucks at all his spots; he can’t help but dig his fingers into her hips while moaning her name helplessly over and over 
- he’s so vulnerable right now, shamelessly craning his neck, allowing her access to continue her ministrations along his exposed skin
- then she moves up to his ear, nibbling gently at the lobe; she takes the time to whisper sweet nothings into his ear; she sounds nervous, but Zoro can hear the desire in her words
- “I need you.”
- she’s shaking, but she means every word she says; and lord knows she was gonna have to tell Zoro what she wanted, he was never that good at picking up hints
- he growls and lifts her up easily right onto his lap, her lower regions setting gently atop his growing erection
- he eyes up at her, questioningly, nervously, anxiously; so many emotions are going through his head; he’s had many dreams and fantasies of this exact moment, but now that she was right here, begging for him, he didn’t know what to do with himself!
- to steal him away from his wandering thoughts, she pulled his quivering lips up to hers in a reassuring kiss; they had been together for a while now, and she wanted to show him just how much she truly loved him, she knew they were both more than ready
- their lips part ways and she pulls her shirt over her head, revealing her bare chest for his eager eyes to see; this was the first time Zoro had actually seen them, sure he’s groped them before, but never has he laid eyes on the beautiful pair
- she was stunning right now, seated on his lap, her lips red and plump from their passionate kissing, patches of red flushed along her cheeks and chest area, her nipples hardened from the excitement…he wanted to ravish her right there
- but he hesitated; god he’s wanted this for so long, why is he pausing??
- his hands remained stiff at her waist, terrified to move; his eyes fixed on her chest, but he was already lost in his thoughts once again
- he loves her so much, were they really ready for this? was it even that big of a deal? what if it’s bad? what if she’s not impressed? what if this ruins their relationship? what if-
- the sweet call of his name brings him back to earth
- “Zoro…I’m ready. I want to be one with you.”
- an intense heat radiates his face, much to the amusement of his lover; he growls and begins kissing along her collarbone, pouting at how weak and needy she makes him feel
- “Don’t say such embarrassing things.”
- “I needed to say something, I thought I had lost you there for a- oh!”
- Zoro is done talking now, throwing all caution to the wind; after hearing his woman give him permission, he begins doing what he’s desired for a while now
- his rough calloused hand reaches up to fondle her left breast, he squeezes and rotates in circles while his lover’s breathing becomes ragged 
- she’s never experienced such a rush, the feeling of his bare hand on her naked chest, who knew it would feel more amazing than when clothed?
- he looks up at her, her eyes up to the ceiling with her mouth agape, while his right hand does the same action against her right breast
- his lips find way between the mounds he’s squeezing, causing her to giggle slightly at his feather-like kisses 
- he blushes, ‘is she supposed to laugh during this? is that a good sign?’ he questions to himself; he kisses over until he’s kissing all along her chest, her left nipple just an inch or so away 
- removing his hand, his lips circle around her nipple before he gains the courage to attach his lips onto it
- his teeth are biting a bit, causing her to inhale sharply 
- “N-not so rough, Zoro…”
- ‘god, i’m already fucking up.’
- he obliges and retreats his teeth, allowing his tongue to circle around the smooth area, soothing the slight pain he caused; her head throws back in ecstasy as he begins sucking gently  
- his tongue flicks the bud, causing an unfamiliar feeling to flutter in her stomach
- Zoro has to hold up her back with his arms as she unconsciously leans back, allowing Zoro to have his way with her chest; the comfort of him holding her and kissing lovingly at her chest makes her heart leap
- her shy moans and tight grip on his shoulders are enough to make him rock hard, his length poking her thighs 
- he moves on to the right side, continuing the same actions as before, causing her moans to become more sporadic, desperate
- ‘I guess this feels good…’ Zoro hums to himself, watching her with curious eyes as he sucks and licks at the sensitive area; taking mental note of this special zone
- he removes his lips with a slick pop! and she gasps at the lost connection, the remnants of his saliva glistening along her nipples 
- “Lay back.“ 
- Zoro orders, causing a heat to pool in between her thighs as she gently laid back against the bench; the cool wood sending shivers down her heated body; the difference in temperatures covering her body in goosebumps
- Zoro’s face is unreadable, making her a little nervous as he stoically removes her shorts slowly and gently over her legs, leaving her in just her panties
- he’s trying so hard to remain calm, but god she looks so beautiful with her hair a mess, her chest rising up and down from her staggered breathing, her naked body…all for only his eyes to see
- she’s struggling to remain confident, hesitantly allowing his eyes to wander every curve, freckle, and scar of her flustered body; he finds her nervousness so endearing, and honestly a little comforting
- Zoro is 100% nervous as hell, because he is also definitely a virgin; though he acts like he knows what he’s doing he really has no fucking clue  
- ‘Guess I’ll just go with it and see what feels right…’ he reassures himself; he’s always been a ‘trust your gut’ kinda guy, and his gut is frantically telling him to get laid
- her eyes wander to the side, her heated body only radiating more each passing, wasted second; he catches himself staring, and huffs at himself; if he takes any goddamn longer the crew will surely return and he doubts he’ll get another perfect opportunity like this
- Zoro continues to hover over her, while his hand inches up her thigh; a breath hitches in her throat at his warm hand traveling up and up and up
- he finally reaches the band of her panties, toying at the elastic, imaging just ripping them off of her right here and now; she bites her lip, waiting impatiently for his next move 
- his hand travels along the smooth fabric of the cotton, his pointer and middle finger traveling in a pair down south of her underwear
- she’s already so wet for me
- his cock twitches in the tightness of his pants while he rubs along the dampness of her panties, feeling around the clothed entrance of her aching core
- her back arches at the unfamiliar touch, why is he being so teasing?!
- “Zoro…” She whines 
- he simply looks at her, pressing harder against her sensitive area
- “Please.” her eyes shut tight as she pleads for his teasing to end; she needs to feel him inside her
- he complies and inserts two fingers underneath the bands, pulling her panties down her legs; she lifts her ass into the air and helps by wiggling out of them; Zoro can’t help but smirk at the surprisingly cute notion 
- the panties are easily tossed to the side, out of sight and out of mind
- he looks down to study her again and she can’t do anything to hide her embarrassed face while revealing every inch of herself to him 
- Zoro wastes no time in bringing his hand to the same area yet again, curious to really explore her now
- just as expected, she’s practically dripping
- his fingers slide easily between her slick folds, causing a rather lecherous moan to escape into the air; she’s truly sheepish now, but there’s nothing she can do to hide the pleasure he is bringing her
- Zoro takes note of her every noise, now gaining the confidence to slide a single digit deep inside her
- “Zoro!“ 
- He hums in response, bringing his finger inside deeper and deeper till his knuckles touch the entrance; he’s inside, relishing in the feeling and the view of her reactions
- her eyes are closed in bliss, her body shaking, begging him to move
- and so he does, his finger pulls out slowly, only to enter her again slowly; he repeats this action until her body is quaking, desperate for more
- getting the hint, he pushes in another finger, the tightness engulfing his fingers turning him on, thinking just how tight she is going to be around his dick
- her body jolts at the feeling of fullness; the second finger adding just enough girth to really stretch and ache her; how was she going to take his cock at this rate? 
- she can’t think rationally about it as Zoro begins to rhythmically pump his fingers in and out of her; the sloshing of her juices make for a strange, unfamiliar background noise, but neither focus on it as they are so enamored with each other in this very moment
- Zoro is taken away by his lover’s beauty, her vulnerability, and her desperation for his touch; it’s truly a beautiful sight, one that he could never get enough of
- she is relishing in the loving way that Zoro is looking down at her; his eyes full of pure desire; he’s wanting more but she can tell he his holding back for her sake
- her soft hands grasp at his biceps while his pace quickens, biting his lip at the way his lover calls his name over and over
- he becomes relentless, and she is a mewling mess; her back is practically off the bench now and Zoro is pumping as fast (but still gently) as he can
- a strange knot-like feeling begins tightening in her abdomen; she is so close; to what, she is unsure of, but the way she is bucking her hips against his penetrating fingers, they both know she is about to come undone 
- her toes begin to curl, causing her calves to tense, her legs are stretching out while her claws are eager to grasp something, anything; his tensed muscles just aren’t enough to prepare her for what’s about to happen 
- nevertheless, she digs her nails into his skin, sure enough to leave marks, while he pumps her into a blissful orgasm with a last moan of his name
- the knot unfurls, creating stars in her eyes as tingles course through every inch and vein of her being; it almost feels like an out-of-body experience; her body jolts as she comes all over his fingers, the sensation staying with her for a few seconds more as she basks in the ecstasy
- her body relaxes from head to toe while the sensation leaves her body as if her entire soul was returning to her
- Zoro pulls out his fingers, covered to the knuckles with her come; he feels so proud, honored, excited, turned on…so many emotions from making his lover orgasm, and with only his fingers! 
- he can’t hide the cocky smile that graces his lips
- he eyes her while she continues to come down from her high; his coated fingers shyly make way to her lips; he catches her off guard for an awkward second, she’s unsure of just want he wants, until he begins tracing his slick fingers along her lips
- she opens her mouth for him, and he slides into yet another wet cavern; her tongue traces along his fingers, tasting and swallowing every bit of her juices; it’s a strange taste, but nothing too bad; his naughty desires are honestly turning her on, and she finds herself willing to do anything to keep him excited
- Zoro swallows a lump to suppress a low, carnal moan reverberating in his chest; watching his lover do this was so incredibly hot 
- he pumps in and out of her mouth, fantasizing what it would be like with his cock instead of his fingers…
- he didn’t have to fantasize long before she rose from her position on the bench, the remnants of her juices in a tiny puddle below her; Zoro sits back on his heels, watching her curiously
- she rises then falls onto her knees below him, his eyes grow wide at her actions, picking up on what was about to happen next; he repositions himself, sitting on his ass now facing her, a leg at either side of her body 
- she sheepishly tugs at his pants, and he helps her pull them down to about his knees, freeing his caged erection; she eyes it curiously, having never seen one before; what was she supposed to do now? 
- growing impatient and rather insecure at her tedious staring, he can’t help but lash out a little
- “Oi, do something with it, will ya? Touch it, lick it, whatever. Anything besides gawking at it.” He tsks, looking away shyly from being so blunt
- she can’t hide her giggles at his embarrassment; she then takes his member into her hand, grasping it loosely
- Zoro hisses at the sensation; his own hand had never felt this good wrapped around his cock; and she was hardly doing anything 
- she remains observant, making note of his every reaction; she begins to pump up and down, eager to see what noises she could get out of him 
- he throws his head back against the wall, his breathing becoming ragged, “Tighter…”
- she obliges and squeezes his cock in her hand, continuing about her pumping
- Zoro graciously allows her hand to squeeze and grind his member, feeling his cock growing achingly harder by the second
- she grows impatient, desperate to get better reactions from her lover; her hand remains gripped around his aching member, while her tongue explores the soft pink tip
- his body jolts at the new sensation; the slickness of her tongue tracing circles around his head causing a shameful moan to escape his throat
- enjoying his pleasure and gaining some confidence, she proceeds to take him into her mouth inch by inch, painfully slow
- “Ah, shit, (Name).”
- his hands instinctively reach to tangle in her hair as she takes more and more of him; he can’t hold back the moans that leave his throat now; her warm mouth enveloping his member is making him feel insanely good
- she takes him until the tip hits the back of her throat, causing her to gag for a split second; Zoro shamefully finds this notion terribly hot, but he remains still for her sake, allowing her to get comfortable, when really he just wants to fill her mouth with every single inch of him till she’s practically choking on his cock
- after adjusting, she begins a steady rhythm, his dick sliding in and out of her slick mouth 
- “T-teeth.” he mutters between staggered breathing
- “Sorry.” she hums with him still in her mouth, causing a low chuckle to escape his lips before being replaced with moans yet again as her teeth retreated 
- he rubs circles into her scalp in between pulling at her hair desperately while she sucks him off; his tip hits the back of her throat time and time again, causing his legs to tense and his desperate moans to fill the entire room
- he shouldn’t be so weak right now, but she was surprisingly doing an incredible job; how could he not be turned on by the feeling of his lover eagerly taking his cock? 
- her tongue work was impeccable; it’s as if she already knew just what to do to him
- suddenly, his legs begin to tense and he could feel the impending sensation of his orgasm peaking
- he opens his tightly shut his eyes to look down at his lover; the loving and innocently curious eyes she offered up at him was enough to send him over the edge 
- “Fuck!” he groans, releasing every last bit of himself into her welcoming mouth; he’s grasping at her hair as if his life depended on it; he holds her head steady while he pumps with each release, riding out the last bit of ecstasy with her name falling off his lips in adoration
- the sudden bursts of his semen into her mouth caught her by surprise, but she remained relaxed; little pools began trickling down her throat, so she closed her eyes and swallowed, allowing every last drop to pass her throat; it was unlike anything she had tasted before, salty as she had heard, but not really disgusting?
- as Zoro’s body came back to and he pulled out, his body was set aflame again looking down at her lover; she eyed him intently making sure he watched as she swallowed his seed with the utmost confidence and love 
- he couldn’t take it anymore, seeing her so willing to swallow their first time really surprised him; his cock twitched, signalling this wasn’t anywhere close to the end for them; he needed her now
- suddenly, he picked her up off her knees and roughly laid her back against the cool bench; a little too rough, causing her head to bang against the wood, unable to keep up with the swift change of placement
- “S-sorry…” Zoro muttered awkwardly, his eyes averting; ‘i need to calm down’
- she didn’t care however as she desperately pulled him down to her lips in a rough and passionate kiss, he kissed her back, roaming his hands all along her body while her fingers tangled in his disheveled hair 
- his cock rubbed against her inner thigh, leaving a slick trail of pre-cum glistening on her skin; he pulled away, realizing just how close he was to her heated core
- Zoro looked down at his lover one more time, wanting to be absolutely sure this was what she wanted, while also shamefully praying she wouldn’t back out now
- her hand curved against his cheek, offering a genuine smile and nod while he studied her; they were ready
- he took no time in slowly spreading her legs open with his hands, making room for himself to settle gently in between; the sensation of his hands spreading her open caused a mewl to leave her body
- he smiled to himself as he prepped himself right at her opening, god, how he wish he could just bury himself deep inside her right here and now, but he knew he was going to have to refrain, difficult as it may be
- the tip settled between her folds, opening up her slit just a little causing moans from the both of them to fill the room at the new, exciting feeling
- with a light push, the head trailed inside followed by centimeters of him in a painfully slow pace; he watched her intently making sure she was in no pain
- her nails snatches his arms, digging into them yet again at the full feeling; his fingers had really stretched her, but having his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her was an ultimate stretch, she could feel her body forcefully trying to adjust to this sudden foreign member inside her sensitive area, no matter how slow Zoro went
- “Am I hurting you?” He asks full of concern, he had managed to slip half-way in; studying her contorted face, he became concerned and hesitant on if they should really be doing this or if perhaps he could be doing better; he could hardly think coherently however, totally enamored with the feeling of her tightness around him 
- she takes in a deep ragged breath, solely focusing on relaxing her tensed body
- “I can stop…” he offers, disheartened, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her; he’d be more than content with just going back to their foreplay
- “N-no! Keep going…” She mutters, eyes still shut tight
- hesitantly, he continues to push in inch by inch, even slower than before until he at last reaches the end; he moans desperately at the last push, relishing in how clamped she is around him; he reaches to grab at her free hand, squeezing it harder than he intended, but this tight feeling feels amazing; words can’t describe the ecstasy Zoro is in from finally being one with her
- her other hand grasps at his back, feeling fuller than ever now that she had taken every inch of him in, the bliss overtook the slight pain as he remained still inside her, his sweaty forehead resting against hers
- they stayed like that for a moment, his cock twitching every now and then from the sensation of being sheathed entirely inside her, causing her own body to twitch in pleasure at the sudden movements 
- “P-please…can I move…let me move…” he mutters, barely able to speak rationally, craving some kind of movement, anything; though he loved the feeling of being inside her, he needed more
- Zoro wasn’t one to beg for anything, that much she knew; after believing to have adjusted to his size, she bit her lip and simply nodded, unlinking their hands so she could grab at his shoulders for support
- he sighed heavily as he began to pull out slowly, causing her body to arch and grip into his shoulders at feeling him leave her body; he pulled out all the way, only to push back in at the same speed, sending them both reeling; the pain was still present, but it was slowly subsiding 
- “(Name)…” He breathes feeling closer than ever to her, he had never imagined how emotional and sensual this act would be
- “Zoro…” she calls back, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as he found a steady and slow rhythm of ins and outs; her legs squeezed tight, wrapping themselves around Zoro’s waist 
- her grip on his shoulders were less tight, more loving as she rubbed into them with bliss and desperation at his loving movements; his hands made way down to her hips and thighs, grasping them for support and to keep her body still for him
- his movements became quicker as his desire was flaming, he needed more, more, more; low groans reverberate in his chest as he effortlessly slides in and out of her soaking wet core, picking up speed with each reassuring moan from her 
- she was a shameless, moaning mess now as the pain had hidden itself, replaced with pure pleasure at Zoro’s cock burying itself deeper and harder into her; she had finally adjusted to his size, her body offering a natural lubrication making it easy for him to slip inside and outside
- Zoro is trying to suppress his moans, he only wants to hear hers, but he can’t help himself from letting every lecherous noise fill the room; her pussy was so tight and wet for him, it was even better than he had ever fantasized; seeing the pure pleasure on his lover’s face while he made love to her was something he would treasure forever
- their grips tighten on and around each other while Zoro’s pace quickens, now pounding in and out of her at a rather fast pace; if anyone were on the Sunny, they would easily know what was going on, but they hardly cared; all they could focus on was the pure pleasure and love they were giving each other; relishing in the blissful ecstasy of finally making love to one another
- Zoro collapses atop her, their chests connected as he buries his head into the crook of her neck, leaving hasty, lustful, wet kisses along her throat; her arms wrap around him, hugging him tightly to her, they couldn’t possibly be any closer than they were in this very moment
- “I love you…” She moans into his ear while he continues thrusting
- He squeezes her into him tightly, feeling himself so vulnerable all for her right now
- “I love you more…” he whispers back, rising up to leave a feverish kiss on her lips
- His pace was becoming unsteady now, feeling the familiar tingles shooting through his lower body yet again; his thrusting became relentless, reaching desperately for that high 
- this was causing her to scream his name now, much to his enjoyment; his pride revealing itself once again on his face for a split second 
- “Zoro…Zoro!” She screams over and over while he pounds deeper, harder, faster; his cock lathered in their mixed juices as it hits a special spot that he starts focusing on, taking mental note of where it is for next time
- she’s moaning loudly, practically screaming now, her body bouncing and jiggling underneath him while he hits that spot over and over sending her eyes rolling into the back of her head
- “Yes! R-right there!” she ignores the embarrassment from her surprisingly naughty words, but she can’t hold back now, he’s bringing her so close…
- Zoro groans in response, his body can’t handle anymore, feeling his orgasm coming earlier than expected; past the point of no return, he thrusts harshly, desperately reaching that high, depending on sheer hope and pure luck that she’ll finish with him
- “I-I’m gonna…” he begins, but he frantically pulls out before he can even complete that sentence, finishing all over her stomach much to her surprise; she watches his face, the single vein protruding from his forehead, his eyes closed shut, and his mouth open ever so slightly in an ‘o’ shape
- he pumps his member in his hand, thick ribbons of semen shooting out onto her belly once, twice, thrice…a few tiny drops still dripping from the tip 
- he sighs in contentment and looks at her finally, eyeing the mess he made on her
- “Uh…I’m sorry…” he mutters while looking away anxiously, now fully realizing he didn’t get her off; the disappointment visible all over his face
- she smiles up at him, reaching out to rub her hand along his abdomen; his body tenses as he’s still sensitive to the touch, coming down from his high
- “That was amazing.” She reassures, grabbing at his hand to squeeze it tight 
- He chuckles lightly, getting up to retrieve a towel to clean her up, “Yeah?“ 
- she smiles even bigger at his awkwardness, feeling more in love with him than ever before; she takes the towel graciously and begins wiping his mess off her stomach 
- Zoro notices her quietness and sits down beside her on the bench drinking a cup of water he had been drinking from earlier, wondering just what she’s thinking about
- after cleaning off, she stands up before him, taking his glass out of his hand and setting it aside, much to his confusion
- “Eh? What are yo-”
- before he can finish, she settles into his lap, straddling him between her and wrapping her arms around his neck; her breasts push up against his chest and her dripping pussy rubs against his softening cock 
- he eyes her curiously, his arms instinctively grabbing at her waist 
- “I still don’t hear our friends. I think we have time for one more…you owe me after finishing before I could.” she smiles seductively and teasingly down at him, wiggling her body against his
- he blushes at her brashness, but can’t deny the blood rushing down south; he smiles devilishly and goes back to ravishing his lover; the pair making sweet, messy love to each other for the second time that day, vowing to make love to only each other for the rest of time 
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izupie · 5 years
So I entered the Fruits Basket Gift exchange over at @lgbtfurubanet and my giftee requested a genderbent story, and one of the ships they had on their preferred list was Kyoru, and I thought this sounded like a great challenge!
So here’s a gender swapped, fluff filled, festive cookie baking story for my giftee, Allison (who I can’t tag because I don’t know their tumblr name!) Happy holidays!
It’s an unseasonably sunny day for the ass-end of December, Kyoka decides, as she practically burrows herself further down into her futon. It makes the task of getting out of bed practically impossible, when she’s so warm and comfy, and it feels like forever since she had a day off from school to just enjoy an extra-long nap. An overdue extra-long nap.
She was usually the first one up in the house, though sometimes Tokuro was already making breakfast by the time she came into the kitchen. Kyoka often found herself wondering if he even slept those nights. He always seemed to be smiling a little bit too hard those mornings – with a smile that looked not quite right, despite how hard he was obviously forcing it on there. Bad dreams maybe?
Not that it was any of her business.
Kyoka turns over and huffs into her blanket, trying to force out the thought of Tokuro’s sad smile. Today was a day of napping. That included no annoying dogs or rats and definitely no thinking about him.
As if summoned by the very thought, Kyoka perks up automatically as she hears the soft tones of Tokuro drifting up through the floorboards. She immediately pulls her duvet up over her head, but even that isn’t enough to drown out the sound of Shihori’s cackle of a laugh that answers him and assaults her ears. Tokuro’s pitch raises, though now she can’t hear what he’s saying, and Kyoka frowns as she pulls the quilt back down. She’s not quite sure why it bothers her so much when something is making him unhappy, but even just the idea of Shihori being a nuisance to him this early in the morning is making her face scrunch up in annoyance.
Someone needs to get that dog a leash.
Kyoka finally throws off the blanket completely and shoves on the closest clothes to her she can reach; a quick glance reveals she’s wearing a black sweater and khaki cargo pants, then she runs a quick hand through her orange bob, hoping it’s not too tangled from sleep, as she pounds down the stairs barefooted.
Shihori looks up and freezes in place as Kyoka enters the kitchen, wooden spoon deep into her mouth, while Tokuro flaps his hands in a panic beside her.
“P-Please put the spoon down Shihori, y-you could get sick from raw cookie batter like that,” he says with a concern that makes his voice fast and high.
“Buh itsh sho tashty,” Shihori just about manages, with her mouth still around the spoon, as she places a hand to her cheek and swoons.
Kyoka makes a disgusted sound in the back of her throat that makes Tokuro jump on the spot as he turns in surprise to see her in the entrance to the kitchen, though it only takes a beat for his face to brighten instantly into a smile. Kyoka stamps (hard) on the impulse to smile back.
“Good morning Kyoka!” Tokuro chirps.
Kyoka folds her arms tight over her chest. “M-Morning,” she acknowledges, then turns to Shihori with a scowl. “You’re disgusting.”
Shihori is dressed in one of her more casual kimonos, open so low on the chest that it borders on inappropriate, and there’s a bag over her shoulder.
“You’re going out?” Kyoka asks out loud.
“Mm,” Shihori hums, licking the spoon thoroughly clean before she hands it to a concerned looking Tokuro. “Only to the main estate. Oh, don’t look at me like that Tokuro, don’t you know that dogs have iron stomachs?”
“O-Oh, they do?”
“Absolutely. I can eat anything, and I’ll be totally fine.”
Kyoka blinks. “What? That’s not true.” But her voice has less fire in it that she wants as doubt creeps in, and she glances at Tokuro as if his expression might tell her the truth, even though he always agrees with whatever Shihori says as much as she does.
Goddamn that dog’s gold-class bullshitting always makes her doubt the stuff she already knows is true.
“Oh, Kyoka,” Shihori wails, as if fatally wounded, “so little faith in what I tell you. Tokuro always believes me.”
I’m supposed to be napping, Kyoka remembers with an internal huff as she resists the urge to outright growl, but instead I’m dealing with the fucking theatrics of the ‘adult’ of the house.
“I’ve even eaten Hatsumi’s cooking,” Shihori adds in a proud voice, “though I suppose if she’d ever poisoned me, she could have just treated me straight after. Not really in any danger if a doctor gives you food poisoning, right?”
“Unless she does it on purpose,” Kyoka snaps.
Shihori cackles another laugh and shakes her head, though Kyoka notices she doesn’t disagree. She finally gives them both a wink and turns to leave the room. “Have a fun morning you two, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Kyoka chokes out a cracked, “Just go already!”
Another cackle and Shihori is finally gone. The front door slides shut with a definitive click.
Kyoka sighs loudly and feels her shoulders sag, feeling like she’s just lost some of the years off her life. When she turns back to Tokuro he’s already at the sink washing the spoon Shihiro had just been licking for dear life (gods, she’s gross) and drying it off with a towel. Only then does she notice the big bowl of what must be cookie batter on the table, the big pile of plastic cookie cutter shapes, and the tubes of different coloured icing covering almost every available surface.
“What’s all this?”
Tokuro brightens and a soft embarrassed blush blooms onto his nose.
Kyoka feels like someone has punched her in the chest and kicked her in the stomach all at once. She hadn’t really paid attention to him when she’d first walked into the kitchen, trying to deal with the headache that was Shihori, but now he’s all she can look at and, shit, the boy is trying to kill her. He’s wearing an oversized sweater in a brown that’s almost the same shade as his floppy hair, underneath denim overalls. She remembers Tokuro bashfully telling her that he has no fashion sense once, and that he prefers plainer clothes, but even at the time she could only stare blankly back in amazement because he clearly has no clue that this stuff makes him look cute as hell.
It makes her a bit self-conscious of her hastily thrown on clothes, creased from the floor, and her un-tied, un-brushed hair.
Kyoka realises his brown doe-eyes are wide and she’s completely missed what he’s just said. “What?” she snaps, harsher than she intended as she tries to wrestle her feelings back under control.
He blinks and goes back to the bowl of cookie dough. “O-Oh, um, I said I’m baking holiday cookies. B-But I didn’t want them to be just Christmas themed, so I thought I’d make them… festive… zodiac… animals.” Tokuro ducks his head down with a shy smile.
That’s so him, Kyoka thinks with a fondness she wishes she could stop as easily as she stops the small laugh that wants to escape her lips.
The big pile of random cookie cutters does seem to contain a whole collection of different animal shapes, so Kyoka makes her way over and picks them up at random. They’re all there: rat, cow, tiger, rabbit… the whole zodiac. A shape catches her eye and she realises there’s a cat shaped on there too. It makes something fluttery and warm flap in her chest.
By the time she’s turned back around Tokuro has started rolling out some of the dough.
“And let me guess, you’re gonna to give them out to everyone, right.” It’s not even posed as a question, because she already knows the answer.
Tokuro nods excitedly. “Yes!”
Kyoka definitely can’t stop the smile that tugs up her lips then, and without another word she begins sorting out the shapes into order. She frowns at the rat shape as she places it at the head of the group, then grins to herself as she pushes it down and puts the cat cutter there instead.
“I’m helpin’. That a problem?”
“N-No! It’s just… you don’t have to. I don’t want to take up your time on our day off school.”
Kyoka snorts. “It’s fine. Not like I’ve got anythin’ else to do anyways.” She ignores the thought of her futon.
Tokuro says thank you each time Kyoka hands him a shape cutter and it winds her up slowly more and more each time. His soft voice is so shrill and high when he’s panicked (which is often) but it sounds entirely different when it’s just the two of them. Sometimes she could kid herself that he has this voice just for her. She shakes her head and folds her arms again as Tokuro pushes down on the last shape and places each cookie onto a baking tray for the oven.
The instant the oven door is pushed closed Tokuro says, “Phew,” and wipes a hand over his forehead, brushing across his fringe and messing it up.
Kyoka feels an unexpected jolt of longing to brush it back into place. Instead she says, “Your fringe looks dumb.”
Tokuro laughs and smooths it back down.
Kyoka wants to jump into the oven with the cookies.
“So, what’s with all the icing?” she says, trying desperately to go for ‘I’m so casual, I definitely wasn’t thinking of touching your hair’.
“Well, I wanted to do zodiac animals, but I still wanted them to be festive, so I’m going to put different coloured scarves on them. And I want to do all the animals in different colours too. So I, well, I needed lots of tubes,” Tokuro says, as he turns the base on a kitchen timer with a few clicks.
“Seems like a lotta trouble to go to for some cookies.”
“Oh no, I don’t mind, it’s no trouble at all really. I just… I like doing something nice for everyone. And with it being nearly Christmas and everything, I thought this would be fun.” He smiles. “I don’t really have much money to spend on Christmas presents, and it’s not like they’re going to be especially professional looking cookies, but…”
“Look, everyone’s gonna appreciate anything you make them. Trust me. And don’t even worry about presents or nothing. Buying presents for all the zodiac members would be insane – there’s no way you earn enough money to shell out that much. Especially since half of ‘em don’t even deserve you spendin’ your money on them in the first place.”
Tokuro’s face softens as he rubs the back of his neck self-consciously. “B-But, um- I think your family- the other zodiac members- I feel like they’ve been so nice to me. And it’s nice to return those feelings in something tangible at Christmas. Something that says, ‘thank you for knowing me’. I couldn’t not get them anything, even if it’s small.”
Kyoka feels her cheeks warming and she looks away sharply to hide the blush she knows will be there. “Still think some of them don’t deserve it,” she gripes, “especially Yukari.”
Tokuro laughs good-naturedly and turns to wash up the cooking equipment he’s finished using in the sink. “Everyone deserves a gift at Christmas,” he says belatedly, and Kyoka notices his smile has faded as he looks at the water.
She wonders if he feels his dad’s loss more at this time of the year. She wonders what kind of gifts they got each other. Did he bake cookies for him too? She bets that Kyodo Honda spoilt his son rotten at this time of year. But with the things that really mattered; like time spent together, love, good times, that sort of thing. It sounded like the Christmases she’d spent with Master, who’d always tried her hardest to make it a special time for Kyoka. Up until Master had taken her in, she hadn’t had a single a happy Christmas time throughout her entire shitty childhood.
Kyoka moves to the sink with the dishtowel and begins to dry off some of the clean cookie cutters, which makes Tokuro look up in surprise and take a breath (to probably tell her that she doesn’t need to help) but she shrugs and snaps, “I wanna help,” before he can get a word out.
She cringes at her own tone and delivery, and desperately wishes she could spend a whole conversation with him without snapping or saying something she didn’t mean, but when she peeks a look over at him, ready to apologise, his smile has returned. Kyoka hopes there’ll come a day when she can speak to him without messing up and losing her cool, but she’s glad it looks like he knows her well enough to know that she doesn’t mean it. It makes her feel like they’ve got something unspoken between them, because he knows her better than anyone her own age has ever done.
The kitchen timer rings just as Tokuro is about hand over the mixing bowl for her to dry, and it makes him jump so badly that he loses his grip and drops it back into the sink with a splash that peppers them both in soapy water. Kyoka flinches backwards while Tokuro yelps.
“I-I-I’m so sorry Kyoka!” he says in a fluster, turning to her immediately.
Kyoka splutters and wipes her face. “It’s fine. It’s fine. Jeez, you’d think you’d just accidentally murdered someone or somethin’ the way you panic.”
“I’m sorry!” he repeats, his expression worried.
Kyoka lets out a laugh. “Stop apologising.”
“Sorr-” He clamps a hand to his mouth.
“That’s better,” Kyoka says with another laugh. She sighs as she continues warmly, “You’ve got bubbles on your face.” Then without thinking she reaches out a hand and lightly brushes away the bubbles from his cheek.
She pauses.
Tokuro’s eyes are wide above the hand still clamped to his mouth.
Kyoka snatches her hand back and rubs her own face free of bubbles, trying not to let her internal screaming show on her face; Why did I do that? Don’t fucking caress his fucking cheek like that, what will he think?!
There’s an awkward pause while Kyoka tries to think of something to say, until Tokuro suddenly yelps again. “The cookies!” He rushes over to open the oven door and he’s about to reach in for the baking tray until Kyoka reacts just in enough time to throw an oven glove at him.
“Gloves!” she chokes out, trying not to let the image of him grabbing the tray with his bare hands float into her mind.
Tokuro thanks her in a wobbly voice as he pulls the glove on, grabs the tray, and sets it down onto the counter. He sighs deeply and wipes his gloved hand across his forehead while Kyoka feels her whole body unclench as she lets out a breath.
“They’re fine,” Tokuro whispers in a happy voice, “they’re safe. A perfect golden brown.”
“Maybe you should save the washing up for after the cookies are done next time,” Kyoka suggests, even though she knows, with a cold, guilty feeling in her gut, that it was more her fault that he got distracted than anything.
“Mm,” he hums in agreement, smiling at his creations, “I think you’re probably right.”
Kyoka frowns at how readily he agreed with her, but she pushes her guilt away – the cookies turned out fine anyway, didn’t they? – and instead grabs a plate from the cupboard and fans the food gently to cool them down quicker for the icing. Tokuro beams at her and she looks resolutely down.
Once they’re cool enough Kyoka puts the plate down and watches intently as Tokuro pipes icing over them with surprisingly steady hands. Whenever he needs a new colour, she helps find the tube he needs and hands it over. Their fingers brush together once or twice and they nearly drop the tubes.
“You think we could mix some chilli powder into this one?” Kyoka asks cheekily as Tokuro begins to pipe lilac icing over the rat shaped cookie. “Could be like a Christmas surprise,” she adds with a barely restrained laugh at Tokuro’s panicked refusal. “I’m just joking. Wouldn’t want her to think you can’t cook or somethin’ I guess.”
She wonders if she imagines the extra care Tokuro takes in decorating the cat shaped cookie. Or the light blush on his cheeks as he looks up and smiles at her when he’s done.
They both laugh at their combined confusion of how to make the seahorse cookie look like it’s wearing a scarf, and how sincerely Tokuro tries to give it a happy expression. It doesn’t really work, but she thinks it’s the happiest looking seahorse she’s ever seen anyway.
When all thirteen are done they both stand back and admire the festive looking zodiac animals. But Kyoka’s face scrunches into a deep frown as she counts them all again, and she looks up at Tokuro, trying to keep her voice steady as she asks, “Wait, where’s yours?”
How had she only just noticed that there are only thirteen cookies there. Why didn’t he make one for himself?
Tokuro laughs lightly and looks down. “Oh, well, since I’m the one making them, I didn’t think I should make myself one. It seemed greedy somehow. And besides, they’re all gifts for the Sohma family. Not for me.”
“But you are part of the Sohma family,” Kyoka huffs before she can stop herself. She realises what words have tumbled out of her mouth when Tokuro’s wide eyes snap back up to hers. He looks a bit like he’s about to cry and she doesn’t know how she’ll deal with that so her voice comes out rougher when she tries to backtrack and say, “W-Well- I-I mean, y’know- you live here with us and- it’s like you might as well be part of the family or something. As messed up as it is…”
Tokuro is practically beaming at her, his whole face lit up by some expression that Kyoka can’t even comprehend. Something like family. Belonging.
“Alright, alright, look, just dry off that mixing bowl and grab me out the ingredients.”
“The mixing bowl. The ingredients. So I can make another cookie.”
“Wh- N-No, don’t got to any trouble for me!”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Kyoka says, echoing exactly what he’d said to her. “I want to.”
They both blink at each other in silence, and she wonders if her blush looks as intense as his, then he finally follows her instructions.
Kyoka mixes up what she needs to and rolls out the dough, then reaches hesitantly for the cat shaped cookie cutter.
She hopes her voice holds steady as she says, “Since you don’t have any other shapes I’m just gonna use this one again, okay?”
“Y-Yes! I told my dad that I’d be born in the year of the cat, so we can both be the cat cookies. I’d love that!”
He smiles and Kyoka’s entirely sure she must still be asleep in her futon and none of this has really happened at all.
When they’d had their first real conversation, where Tokuro had confessed that he’d wanted to change his zodiac animal for the cat after his dad told him the old zodiac folk tale, Kyoka had been flustered as hell, but some part of her still screamed that it was a lie. She hadn’t known Tokuro back then, and she didn’t know that he was the most genuine person she’d ever met or will meet. To hear him say it again, now, when she knew he meant it – that he’s happy to be lumped into the ‘year of the cat’ with her – it’s both the scariest and best thing she thinks she’s ever experienced. “I’ll decorate it after, so you’ll know which one is for you,” she says eventually, swallowing the lump in her throat. “And you can make whatever else you want with this leftover dough.”
Tokuro excitedly gets out a knife and begins cutting out more festive shapes by hand while Kyoka places the extra cat cookie on the baking tray, ready to go into the oven with the others when Tokuro has finished.
“It’s a Santa hat,” he proclaims proudly as he lays an oddly shaped cookie on the tray.
“Hm, looks like a banana with fluff on the end to me.”
“Oh no, really? Do you think it’s too thin?”
“I’m kiddin’. Looks fine. Almost as good as the Christmas tree there.”
“Th-That’s supposed to be an elf…”
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perlukafarinn · 7 years
How about Dean and Cas as University professors? Where one is a leather-jacket-wearing, motorcycle-driving badass and the other wears sweater vests and dorky glasses? And none of their students realize they're married until some event happens that ends with someone witnessing them kissing goodbye in front of one of their offices?
Gossiping is a powerfulurge. University students are by no means exempt from it, despite ostensiblybeing intelligent adults. So when one sunny Monday morning, Professor Novakshows up to class with a visible hickey on the side of his neck, the rumor millgoes spinning out of control.
Because, yeah, Novak isgood looking but he’s always seemed kind of… untouchable. Like a monk, but ahot one.
His classes are smallbut everyone knows who Novak is so by early evening the whole campus has beenmade aware of The Hickey. Once people have gotten over the fact of its mereexistence, the conversation turns to who could possibly have made it.
Maeve isn’t particularlyinterested in the answer but she gets sucked into the conversation anyway thefollowing morning, as she and her friends wait for Professor Winchester’slecture to start. “It’s got to be Professor Milton, right? They’re alwaystogether.”
“She’s married,” Siobhandismisses, because she’s always on top of these things. The fact that shedoesn’t know the identity of Novak’s mystery lover seems to really gall her. “Andher wife is smoking hot, if she cheated it wouldn’t be with Professor SweaterVest.”
Marie shrugs. “I don’tknow, the sweater vests are kind of cute.”
“I’m gonna pretend youdidn’t say that.”
“What about ProfessorMasters?” Maggie suggests.
Siobhan considers thisfor a moment. “I mean, I guess, but can you really picture the two of themtogether? I know opposites attract and all but still…”
“It isn’t necessarily awoman,” Kristen says, which, point. “Or a professor.”
It’s at this point thatProfessor Winchester enters the lecture hall. Normally, his presence is enoughto get their attention. He’s one of those guys who knows he’s handsome and he’snot above using this to his advantage. The leather jacket doesn’t hurt, nor themotorcycle helmet he usually carries in his right hand, knocking casuallyagainst his hip.
Today, none of them somuch as glance his way.
For a moment, he standsat his desk, waiting for them to stop talking. When they don’t, he knockssharply on his desk, startling them.
He smiles easily, andfor a moment all gossip about Professor Novak’s love life is a distant memory. “What’sso important that you can’t stop talking about it? Did you start on the topicwithout me?”
“We’re trying to figureout who Professor Novak is hooking up with,” Siobhan replies, because she’sabsolutely shameless.
Winchester pinches hislips together, like he’s trying not to laugh. “Oh?”
And because Siobhanalways has to press her luck, “Do you know?”
“That’s, uh-” Winchesterclears his throat. “That’s not really appropriate for me to discuss with you.”
“So yes.”
“Okay!” Winchester clapshis hands. “I hope everyone did their reading, because we’re diving right intoEllison’s Flying Home. Who wants tostart?”
By the end of the week,Novak’s hickey has mostly faded and so have the rumors. That weekend Marie getsdrunk at a party and spends an hour making out with Kevin Tran, which gives themsomething new to talk about. The Novak Hickey mystery seems poised to go onunsolved.
Then, the next Monday,Professor Novak shows up to class with not one but two hickeys, and just like that the rumors go flying again.
Maggie stands fast byher theory that it has to be Professor Masters, arguing that she definitely hasthe hots for him (“She calls him Clarence. Who gives cutesy nicknames like thatunless they like somebody?”). Most of the rest of them figure it’s someoneoutside of school, which is more likely though less interesting.
Kristen, meanwhile, getsit in her head that it’s Professor Winchester, based on his reaction when theybrought up the topic.
The rest of them arequick to shoot that theory down.
“They have nothing incommon,” Maggie says, which is rich given that she thinks he’s hooking up withMasters.
“Professor Novak hatesmotorcycles,” Maeve adds. “He says they’re deathtraps.”
Siobhan shrugsapologetically. “It’s just not a lot to go on, babe.”
“Besides,” Marie says, “ProfessorWinchester has a boyfriend. I’ve seen him hanging around his office. He’sreally tall and he’s got gorgeous hair.”
They move on to theirnext theory, that Professor Novak is hooking up with a student (highlyunlikely, but perfectly scandalous if it is happening). It’s possible they’respending way too much time and effort on this subject but hey, it’s either thator work on their mid-term essays and no one actually wants to do that.
It’s during a Thursdaylecture a couple of weeks later, when Novak’s hickeys have finally faded onlyto be replaced by yet another one, that one of them grows frustrated with themystery and actually brings it up with Novak.
His expression goesabsolutely blank at the question. “You want to know who I’m…”
“Hooking up with,” Mariehelpfully repeats. “Or dating, if you prefer.”
It’s possible that thefreedom of college might have finally gone to her head. No one talks this way to Professor Novak. Professor Winchester orMasters, sure, because they’re fun and casual (Winchester even lets them callhim Dean), but Novak is too structured for that.
“I am not hooking upwith nor dating anyone,” Novak says slowly, brows furrowed in confusion. “And Iam at a loss as to how that relates to our topic.”
“We’ve just beenwondering,” Marie says. “What with the love bites.”
Novak’s hand shoots upto cover his neck, and then he’s actually blushing.“I, ah, was not aware that you had noticed.” He clears his throat. “Regardless,it is no concern of yours.”
Which is his polite wayof saying, mind your own goddamn business.Marie takes the hint, and the topic gets dropped.
The rumors fizzle outafter that. Clearly, Professor Novak is uncomfortable with them butting intohis personal life, and knowing that kind of takes the fun out of gossipingabout it. The hickeys also stop showing up.
Nearly a month later,Siobhan and Kristen are heading for his office after hours.
“It’s way too late,”Siobhan complains as her girlfriend drags her down the hall by the hand. “He’sprobably home by now.”
“I saw his car in theparking lot,” Kristen says. “And I need to talk to him today, I just missed hisregular office hours because someone wasdistracting me.”
“I can’t help it if I’madorable.”
Kristen elbows her side.“You’re a menace, is what you are.”
“Damn straight,” Siobhansays with a satisfied grin. “Or should I say damn-”
Kristen stops short justpast the corner, causing Siobhan to bump into her. She’s about to complain,when she sees what caused Kristen to stop.
Professor Novak isstanding outside his office, arms wrapped around and lips very much engagedwith Professor Winchester, who has him pressed against the doors.
“No way,” Siobhan breathes.
“Hah!” Kristen exclaims.
Winchester pulls awayabruptly, both men going red when they notice the girls. For a moment, all fourof them are engaged in an awkward staring contest.
“…I’m afraid officehours are over,” Novak eventually says.
“You lied!” Siobhanblurts. She catches herself moments after, deeply mortified at having justcalled out her professor aboutrightly keeping his personal life private.
Winchester, at least,doesn’t seem outraged at her audacity so much as amused. “You lying to yourstudents about me, Cas?”
Cas – freaking Cas – frowns. “I don’t remember doingthat.”
“You said you weren’thooking up with or dating anyone,” Siobhan reminds him, because in for a penny.
“Oh, yes,” Novak says. “Iwasn’t lying. Dean and I aren’t hooking up, we’re married.”
“What, those aremutually exclusive?” Winchester asks. “We get hitched and the romance dies?”
“I’d hardly call ‘hookingup’ romantic.”
“I would! You’re stillsaved in my contacts under ‘booty call’, you know.”
Novak’s cheeks go evenredder. “This is hardly appropriate,” he says, gesturing at Kristen and Siobhan.
“Right, sorry.”Winchester grimaces. “Uh, you girls won’t tell anyone about this?”
“We won’t,” Kristenassures him.
“But if you didn’t wantanyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t have kept giving your husband hickeys,”Siobhan suggests dryly. “Especially after we asked you about them.”
Novak turns to hishusband – his freaking husband –expression an icy calm. “You knew?”
“Uh…” Winchester gives him a weak smile. “In my defense, it was really funny.”
“Why don’t you head onhome,” Novak says, turning to the girls. “I need to speak to my husband inprivate.”
He doesn’t wait forWinchester to respond, but opens the doors to his office, waving him inside.Kristen and Siobhan are left alone in the hallway, still reeling from what justhappened.
“So,” Siobhan says aftera long moment. “You were right.”
“Of course I was.”Kristen tugs at her hand, and they head back down the hall the way they came. “Ijust hope you didn’t get Professor Winchester in too much trouble.”
“He had it coming.”Siobhan gives her a devious grin. “And I bet he’s not even in any trouble. They’reprobably about to have some really kinky sex on Professor Novak’s desk.”
“Gross,” Kristen whines.“I did not need that mental image.”
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jayankles · 7 years
Sunny Spain
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Summary: Jensen decides that his work is getting to much for him to handle so books a spontaneous trip to Spain, where he meets the reader.
Word Count: 2518
Warnings: Reader’s got a shitty past, mostly fluff, porcupine hair!jensen(defo a warning)
A/N-This is my entry for @dancingalone21 Lau’s Summer Escape Challenge - I chose the prompt Barcelona, Spain if you couldn’t already tell by the title. And thank you @salvachester who I can’t freaking tag, for checking my Spanish for me.
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It was quite funny actually the green eyed man had been at the bar for at least ten minutes and still no such luck. From afar, you bit your lip, trying to stifle a laugh. He was getting frustrated, that much you could tell.
Getting up from your place on the sandy beach, you dust the sand off your butt and walk over to the bar, where the man was still shouting.
‘Please, I just want a beer! Does no one speak English here?’ Jensen wasn’t pleased.
His holiday abroad was supposed to be calm and relaxing but instead had been a lot more stressful that he anticipated.
Before booking a spontaneous trip, he should make sure that they could speak English or that he could try and learn the basics of the language.
He should really buy and carry around a Spanish to English dictionary.
‘¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?’
Great, another Spanish speaker that is going to get served before him. Jensen without a beer when he wants one turns his inner voice into one hell of a sassy dude.
The bartender smiles at the woman, at you, and answers, ‘bien gracias, ¿y tú?’
You tilt your head head from side to side, a small smile on your face as you answered that you were fine too.
‘¿Qué estás teniendo?’ The bartender grips hold of the pump closest to him and waits for you to order.
‘Voy a tomar una cerveza para mi amigo inglés y, para mí, un vodka y coca cola.’
‘¿Un simple o doble?
‘Solo por favor’
The conversation between you and the bartender moves swiftly, he places your order in front of you and tells you the total. Handing over the euros, you wait for the change before pocketing it in your shorts.
Smiling, you turn to the English speaking man and hand him the beer that he had been struggling to order himself.
‘Quite a few of us speak English, you know,’ You smirk as you turn to the befuddled man. ‘Stressing yourself isn’t going to help it, dude.’
The tall, dark and handsome man gratefully takes the proffered beer and asks how much he owes you for the beer.
You wave your hand and shake your head, ‘I just want your name, otherwise I am going to keep calling you tall, dark and handsome.’
If it wasn’t already hot, it definitely did turn hotter. He felt it at the tips of his ears and the length of his neck.
Muy caliente, as they would say.
He swallowed a sip of his beer, the redness of his cheeks accelerating as he realised what you had said.
‘Jensen,’ he stuck out his hand, you accepted it gracefully, your dainty fingers wrapping around his larger ones. ‘But I guess you can call me whatever you want. Since I don’t know yours, you wanna do a little name exchange? You know mine but I don’t know yours. I’ll keep calling you beautiful in my head and you can call me tall, dark and handsome. If you didn’t wanna tell me who you are.
Jensen was so cute when he was babbling, he was even cuter when he screwed his mouth shut and scrunched his face together when he realised.
‘Aww, how sweet,’ you gushed, ‘a few minutes into our friendship and we already have nicknames for each other. My name is Y/N, if you must know.’
Jensen’s face turned almost a crimson colour as he blushed but he admired your subtle boldness.
He could instantly tell that you were a kind, warm hearted person and loved have fun; he loved your sassy personality – definitely a cool trait to have when meeting someone on a first meeting.
‘So Jensen, what brings you to sunny Spain? Is it the sun?’ You smirked at him, giving him a flirty wink.
Jensen wrapped his lips around the neck of his bottle and took a pull of the beer that you had so kindly ordered and brought for him.
‘I guess you’re right. The sun was pretty enticing, compared to Vancouver, but I had to get away from work and take a bit of a break. It being overwhelming and all. My work and personal life were merging a little too much and I’m not in the right mindset for that.’ He shook his head, clearing his mind a little before he asked, ‘what about you Y/N? You speak Spanish, are you from here?’
With a lick of his lips, the green eyed god in front of you awaited your response.
You took a seat on the barstool next to him, sipping at your vodka and coke. ‘I only know basic Spanish, enough to get me around. In high school, I decided to study it in my free time. I wanted to go to college and further study it but couldn’t because of my grandpa; he got sick, so we had to pay for the proper medication.’
You took a deep breath, realising that you may have divulged a little too much information but your mouth had a mind of his own.
‘I’m a journalist. I hop around a lot covering what the media thinks is important or not in some cases, writing reviews of places they send me.
‘Sometimes it pays well, depending on where I go but others I’ve had to skrimp and save before I can move on to the next thing.
‘I’ve been here for a while, deciding to take a break like you, and try to get past an incident that happened on my previous job. Nearly got me killed because they didn’t like what I had written and published; the couldn’t handle the truth. A nice older couple took me in, aided me back to health, kept me safe and I owe them my life.’
Jensen hadn’t expected you to reveal such information, he was expecting a short simple sentence or two joined together, along the lines of ‘I’m here on break from being a teacher, the kids are driving me nuts.’
He didn’t look at you with sorrow and despair in his eyes. Although he did hold sympathy for you, he knew that he shouldn’t have been the one to cause you to dive into your past, especially if it was that traumatising, revealing that kind of information to a stranger was bold and daring. He liked being that person that you could trust even if you had known each other for a short amount of time.
‘So now that we’re friends…’ he changed the subject, it was very welcome. ‘You wanna exchange phone numbers? That way you can teach me how to order my own beer.’
You held up your glass and Jensen did the same, clinking your glasses together, ‘to new friendships and ordering a beer in Spanish.’
He repeated the chant and smiled at you, taking another pull of his beer as you sipped at your drink through your straw.
You pulled out your phone and unlocked it, opening up the contact app so Jensen could input his details, while he did the same for you.
Jensen was benevolent and attentive as you continued to chat and banter, throwing out empty threats of pushing the other into the ocean but as you got to know him a little more, there was a playful side to each other that could have meant that those empty threats may not have been so empty.
A few bottles and glasses of alcohol later, the both of you had relaxed immensely, a weight lifted off both of your shoulders, laughing and giggling about everything and nothing. Your inhibitions were definitely no more as you scooted closer to each other, the two of you close enough that could see the golden flecks in his emerald irises.
‘Wow…’ you breathed, a little too close to Jensen. If he had a problem with it, he didn’t say anything and you were damn grateful because it gave you the opportunity to study his face. Freckles, both light and dark, dusting his nose and smattering his cheeks. His eyes flicked over both of yours, going back and forth in a matter of seconds.
‘What’s wow?’  He said, equally as quiet.
You squinted your eyes at him, wondering how he did it, ‘you, Jensen, you’re so goddamn pretty. Your eyes,’ you slurred, ‘they just pop and- and your freckles are so cute and then there’s this little thing you do with- with your tongue when you smile and it’s adorable. Why are you like this? Teach me your ways!’
You grabbed hold of his shoulders and shook them for emphasis.
Jensen let out a full belly laugh, so much so that his body swung back in the seat, almost falling off his bar stool.
At some point in the night, the bartender had cut you off, refusing to serve you any longer when he thought the both of you had reached your limit.
Soon after that, and and Jensen strolled arm in arm along the beach, content to stay in silence and enjoy the sounds of the crashing waves. You grew tired quickly, legs wobbling as your feet dug into the sand, you made sure your companion knew about your tiredness.
‘Jay!’ You whined loudly against his shoulder. ‘Can we stop for a second? My feet are killing me.’
‘Alright beautiful, you can take a rest or I could carry you, your choice sweetheart.’
You didn’t speak with your voice, you let your arms do the talking. You held them out and wrapped them around his neck. Jensen lifted you, his arms wrapped around your back and hooked underneath your knees.
Since his hotel wasn’t that far away, Jensen decided that it was a good idea to carry you the entire way there.
Your fuzzy mind could barely comprehend what was happening until Jensen had stepped out of the elevator and found his room. Putting you down on the ground, keeping an arm around your waist so he could fish out his keycard from his pocket.
Jensen got you into his room without another protest from your fuzzy brain self.
Waking up the next morning, with your eyes still closed, you could barely remember a thing about the previous night. Man, you really had drunk too much last night.
Your head was pounding, big mistake, you were never drinking again – until next time that is. You really didn’t want to open your eyes, well, that was until you felt a weight against the bare skin of your waist.
Your eyes shot open and you scrambled away from the weight, which happened to be attached to a gorgeous man – urgh, what was his name again. Jordan. Jason. Jensen!
‘What?’ The man shot up and you realised you had shouted his name out loud. He was still so adorable, even with ruffled porcupine hair and a dazed and I just woke up look on his face. It was disgusting.
You looked down at your body, squealing a little as you went to grab the sheet to cover your body – only clad in underwear.
‘Why am I in my underwear? We didn’t- did we?’
Jensen chuckled as you almost fell off the bed and questioned whether you got the goods last night.
‘First of all, I wouldn’t take advantage of you or anyone if they’re intoxicated. Secondly, I offered you my clothes and you took them. But as soon as you put them on and got under the covers, you kicked them off – said it was too hot, urgh, I can’t cope. I gotta take these off. They’re so restricting.
‘You took off my clothes and threw them over there.’ He pointed over his shoulder. ‘But I  was already in bed and couldn’t be bothered to get up and put them away. I also brought you here because you refused to tell me where you were staying and you wouldn’t let go of my neck, not even when I set you down outside of my room. It was pretty cute actually. You’re very clingy when your drunk and you tended to touch my face a lot too. When I asked you why, you just said I had a cute face and an ‘A+ jawline.’ Thank you, by the way. Coffee?’
Sitting on the bed, you groaned as he explained your drunk self to your sober self. Way to make a fool out of yourself, now he thinks you are loco. Good job you, extra brownie points on the embarrassment card.
‘Yes please.’
You clasped your head in both of your hands, why did you let your guard down?
Jensen came out, his palm resting on your back as he handed you the coffee he made, ‘you shouldn’t beat yourself up you know. I can take you back to the bar and you can make your way home and I won’t have to know where you live.’
‘Thank you but you’re not like the others, Jensen. I’m not rushing out of here to find the morning after pill because some ass thought it was a good idea to fuck whilst drunk.’
‘That’s okay, I’ll be your night in shining armour anyday.’ He winked. ‘Since you don’t have any spare clothes I got you one of my shirts, a pair of shorts and boxers, you’re welcome to use the shower too and because you don’t know where you are I’m going to treat you to breakfast.’
‘Jensen, you are a dream, like are you even real?’ You whispered daydreaming, if you had a man like Jensen most of your problem’s. Mostly your single life problems but they’re problems, nonetheless.
‘I can assure you that I am real and just as human as you are. I must really like you if I’m sharing my hot water.’
Your face almost split into two as you beamed. ‘I must really like you too because I really wanna kiss you right now.’
Jensen cocked an eyebrow, a cheeky grin growing on his face from where he sat next to you, his hand coming up so his knuckles brushed against your cheek before he cupped it in his large hand. ‘So why don’t you?’
And good god, you were not going to miss out on this opportunity.
You closed the gap between you and Jensen, attaching your lips together. Jensen’s brow furrowed as he deepened the kiss, his lips plump and soft as they slanted against yours.
Smiling against his lips, he pulled away, a little out of breath and pressing his forehead against yours.
‘You have really bad morning breath.’
You shoved at his shoulder, pushing him away as he cackled at you.
‘You’re a jerk.I knew you were too good to be true’ You reprimanded him through pursed lips before you grabbed your clothes that were scattered and the pile of clothes Jensen had stacked on the table next to the bed, heading straight for the shower so you could be treated to a free breakfast. You had a good feeling about Jensen, you were sure you were going to have a great vacation, especially if he was involved.
Lemme know what you think...
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andromeda---galaxy · 7 years
I’m okay, I’m good
“Okay, okay, okay, okay,” Philip chants. “Okay, okay.”
 Lukas is behind him and arms are tight around Philip’s middle, but Philip still shakes more than he wants to. They’re in the shallow end of the pool and he keeps trying to tell himself it’s just like the tub, which he likes. But he can’t reach out and touch the ceramic walls, and despite Lukas’s close proximity, he isn’t surrounding him in the same way he does in the tub.
 Philip tries to remind himself that this pool is nothing like the pool from his childhood where it happened. Completely different. It’s inside, way smaller, and there are only two other people here, an old couple hanging onto the edge in the deep end. He thinks that’s why Lukas picked it, because it’s calm and away from all the insanity of the rest of the gym. No kids.
“We don’t have to do this, sweetheart,” Lukas whispers, lips brushing Philip’s ear.
 “You never call me that,” Philip says.
 Lukas chuckles a little and Philip can tell he’s blushing just by the way he sounds. “Yeah, I don’t know…it just came out. Probably because you’re worrying me.”
 “I am…trying to chill,” Philip says. The water is just above his belly button and he’s still got his feet on the ground. He’s wearing a pair of trunks that Lukas said make him look sexy (“sexier than usual, which is already extremely sexy”), so that’s a plus. His heart is racing.
 “We’re not even gonna go down there,” Lukas says, and Philip knows he’s talking about the deep end.
 Lukas knows the story.
 Philip told him one of their first nights in the apartment, when things were still new and they’d bump into each other getting up in the morning, would revel in how nice it felt to be going to bed together at night. When they hadn’t made a routine yet and they were still feeling everything out, this new situation, this life where they lived on their own together. With no adults imposing rules on them.
 One part of no rules meant they stayed up a lot later than they should, even when they had school the next day. And the night when the story came out they’d been sitting on the couch watching Brooklyn 99 in one of those binge-incidents that happen to them sometimes, except this one took them to the prime hour of three in the morning. And it felt like they were breaking rules even though there weren’t really rules to break, not anymore, but they were staying up late and eating ice cream out of the container and he’d been wanting to tell Lukas for a while, anyway. So the story just slipped out.
 Philip was four years old. They didn’t get to go out much but when they did, sometimes him and his mom would wind up at the public pool a couple blocks away from their place. She’d sit on one of the loungers in the corner and he’d sit on the edge on the steps, splashing his feet in the water. He didn’t really play with the other kids, only sometimes, and he’d hover near the edges, occasionally venturing out just past the steps, but never past that.
 But there was a day when there was a hoard of kids there, all rushing around and playing with each other, passing diving rings back and forth, and Philip can’t remember, not even to this day, but he wound up holding one of them, wound up chasing and being chased around the edges of the pool and for a bright shining moment he had friends, a bunch of them. They were all laughing, screaming, and Philip had looked up to see if his mom was watching. If she could see how happy he was. But her nose was in a book, and it only took a moment for him to slip. It only took a moment for someone to run into him. It only took a moment for him to topple into the deep end of the pool.
 He sunk like a stone. He’d been thrashing, hollering, the water rushing into his throat, and he’ll never forget the pain. He remembers the warped vision of the bubbles traveling up to the surface, the ripples of the world above. And then he remembers darkness.
 He could only tell Lukas up to that point before he started crying, and he hates how it affects him still, how something that happened so long ago reverberates through his life like those ripples on the surface of the water. He doesn’t know if he could have died. His mom wouldn’t ever talk about it, and she didn’t bring him back there again. But he can still remember how it felt. And he can still remember her screaming when he woke up.
 Lukas held him while he cried and cried with him, and there’s never been a place that Philip feels safer than in Lukas’s arms. And since then Lukas always promised that if Philip ever wanted to go into the pool or the ocean, he’d be there when he was ready.
 Philip soon realized it was a rare chance he’d be anywhere else but at Philip’s side.
 The water moves gently around them.
 “You okay?” Lukas asks, and he kisses Philip’s cheek. “We can get out.”
 “No,” Philip says. “I, uh—I wanna do this. I wanted to do this.”
 “You sure?” Lukas asks. “You’re in charge.”
 “As per usual,” Philip quips, smiling a little bit.
 Lukas scoffs. “I mean, I guess. When I want you to be.”
 Philip is a big fan of reclaiming things, despite how long it takes him to do it. Creating good memories to paste on top of bad ones, pressing them down hard, shining bright light on the here and now. He won’t allow something like this to be taken from him forever. He wants to have water. He wants water to be available to him if he needs it, if he wants it, if he feels like going for a goddamn swim one afternoon. And he knows Lukas can help him take it back.
 Because wet Lukas is amazing. And the two of them wet and touching each other is even more amazing. And the image that’s been running on a reel in his mind is sharing a kiss with Lukas under the water. Because even though the memory of what happened to him is still sharp, it’s been fading ever since he had to overcome his fear and pull Lukas out of the lake. And he loves the way Lukas moves all the time, everywhere, so the idea of Lukas swimming has been something he’s been anxious to see. Knowing that someone so beautiful, graceful and lovely, strong and fucking perfect belongs to him—that he can kiss him anytime, anywhere—
 Philip can do this. He can do this.
 He hopes he can do this.
 “You wanna walk forward a little bit?” Lukas asks.
 “Sure,” Philip says, swallowing hard.
 They do. Philip focuses on Lukas’s hands, how the two of them are moving like one through the water. He definitely doesn’t focus on how they’re getting deeper, how much water is around them, how they’re venturing further and further away from the shallow water. It raises up til it’s at the base of his neck and Philip stops, sucking in a breath.
 “You’re okay,” Lukas says.
 “I’m okay.”
 “You’re good,” Lukas says.
 “I’m good,” Philip repeats.
 “Lukas is the sexiest man in the entire world and I want nothing more than to spend my life admiring him,” Lukas says.
 Philip looks over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes.
 “What?” Lukas asks. “I thought you were repeating after me.”
 Philip snorts, shaking his head. “You’re ridiculous.”
 Lukas leans in, kissing his cheek softly. “You wanna go to the side and try to do some kicks or something? Learn some strokes?”
 “Maybe,” Philip says, and he feels Lukas’s hand press over his heart. Philip is getting used to the way the water moves around their bodies, slipping through Lukas’s fingers. “I maybe wanna—maybe wanna go under the water.”
 “Philip, you definitely don’t have to do that,” Lukas says. “I remember—and this is not about pushing you. This is about easing you into it, like you said. So we can go to Coney Island and maybe go into the water there—”
 “The ocean is huge,” Philip says, getting a little lightheaded just thinking about it.
 “Yes, but we’d get you a float or something.”
 “I could float away.”
 “I’d put a leash on you like a child,” Lukas says.
 “Uh, no you wouldn’t,” Philip says, laughing.
 “I know,” Lukas says, nuzzling Philip’s neck above the waterline. “I’d hold your hand and never let you go.” He kisses his neck a couple times and it makes Philip go a little boneless in his arms. “But we’re also doing this so we can go in the boats at Thanksgiving. It’ll be nice, Helen and Gabe in one, us in the other, Dad taking pictures from the dock.”
 “It’d be a lot deeper if I fell in there,” Philip says, trying not to think about it. He keeps thinking about the kiss. Kissing Lukas underwater would be really cute if they did it right. And maybe he can get a GoPro camera and take pictures of them kissing underwater and include them in his portfolio.
 “You know how to tread water, right?” Lukas asks. He turns Philip around in his arms and looks him in the eyes. “Wanna try it?”
 “How much further out should we go?” Philip asks, trying to sound open to the idea. He tries to think of his mom up in heaven. He doesn’t know how life after death is, because who fucking does? But after another late night conversation with Lukas Philip realized that thinking of their moms together, somewhere nice, is the best way to ease his mind. He thinks of them drinking tea, some kind of fruity tea that he and Lukas had decided they’d both like—maybe on a nice sunny porch. Talking about their sons. It makes Philip feel good, to think of it that way.
 He knows she’d be proud of him for trying, here.
 “Only a little bit—you okay?”
 “I’m okay.”
 “You good?”
 “I’m good.”
 “Lukas is—”
 Philip snorts, reaching out and pressing his fingers over Lukas’s lips. “Shut up,” he says, smiling.
 Lukas grins, and he looks a little flushed in here under this light, the tips of his hair dripping with water. His eyes are a brighter blue, deeper, with more shine.
 “Let’s go closer to the side,” he says. He switches their positions so Lukas has his back to the deep end and he takes Philip’s hands under the water, slowly leading him to the side, then forward. They keep going until Philip’s toes barely touch the floor. He gasps a little bit, tipping his chin up.
 “Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth,” Lukas says, keeping his eyes locked with Philip’s.
 Philip starts doing it, his heart beating wildly. He thinks he’s stupid. The incident happened forever ago. Years and years and years. He shouldn’t still feel like this. He shouldn’t still be afraid. But it’s like his entire body is threatening to give out, to fall into a pit of panic.
 “Baby, focus on me,” Lukas says. “Stay vertical. I’m gonna let go of your hands and keep them on your waist, okay?”
 Philip trusts him. “Okay.”
 Lukas does and Philip immediately starts drawing his hands back and forth through the water, kicking his legs. Lukas’s hands rest on his waist and feel like safe weights, how they feel when they’re together in bed and Lukas is pressing promises into his skin.
 Lukas laughs, joyously, looking him up and down. “You’re doing it, Philip. You’re treading water!”
 Philip looks down at his own body. He can vaguely remember learning how. Memories that are so buried underneath the incident that he didn’t know if he could ever find them again. Him and his mother in the pool. Her in that pink one-piece she loved so much. The images are hazy but they’re there, drawn to the surface by Lukas’s steady hands.
 They do this for each other. Make each other remember the good things, the things they’d lost, the things they’d forgotten. Lukas kisses hope into Philip’s mouth and breathes new life into his lungs.
 Philip laughs a little at Lukas’s giant smile, smiling too. “Okay, good, let’s—let’s move back a little bit.”
 “Okay,” Lukas says, nodding happily.
 “I wanna go under the water, I think,” Philip says, the two of them drifting back until Philip’s feet are solid on the bottom of the pool again.
 “You don’t have to,” Lukas says. “I swear.”
 Philip sighs, the smile on his face getting wider. “Lukas, I wanna kiss you under the water.”
 Stark realization presents itself on Lukas’s face and his mouth falls open. Then it shifts into a sly smile. “Oh, I get you, Shea.”
 “Of course you get me, after I had to spell it out for you,” Philip says.
 “I don’t want you to feel unsafe!” Lukas exclaims.
 “I always feel safe with you,” Philip says, blushing a little bit.
 Lukas slides forward, winding his arm around Philip’s waist until they’re nose to nose. “Take a deep breath and let me lead you,” he says.
 Philip nods.
 “One, two…three.”
 They both take a breath and once Lukas sees Philip did it, he draws him down under the water. Philip is shaking out of his own volition but he focuses on Lukas’s hands, Lukas’s body. The world narrows down to a strange white noise in his ears, everything heavier. He knew he wanted to open his eyes under the water when he decided on doing this, but when he does he can’t see much. Only a bright spot where Lukas is, and before Philip knows it Lukas is cupping his face and bringing their mouths together. Philip parts his lips a little bit but doesn’t dare open his mouth too wide—but it’s nice, comforting, better than he would have expected. Like Lukas is in charge of the water, manipulating it with his hands, enveloping Philip with warmth and a wet, pliable body. It lasts a couple moments and Philip clings to him, their chests pressing together, and then Lukas is bringing them back to the surface again, never breaking the kiss.
 Philip gasps against his mouth when they’re back in the open air.
 “Mmm, that’s the first time I’ve ever done that,” Lukas says. When Philip opens his eyes he can see the water caught on Lukas’s eyelashes. “Everything you wanted?”
 “More,” Philip says.
 “We can work up to real swimming, maybe get you some real lessons—”
 “No, I just want you,” Philip says. “You know how to swim.”
 Lukas laughs, rubbing his hand up and down Philip’s back. “Okay, if you trust me.”
 “Yes,” Philip says, simply. He can’t imagine trusting anyone else with something this important. “But for now we’ll—work on treading, til we go home for Thanksgiving.”
 “And floating,” Lukas says. “I know you’ll be able to float.”
 Lukas has had Philip floating since he first put hands on him back in Tivoli, but he feels like they’ve hit their cheesy limit for the day, so he stays silent. Instead, he leans in, wrapping his arms around Lukas tighter, burying his face in his neck.
 “Thank you,” Philip whispers.
 “Of course, babe,” Lukas says, holding him. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
 Philip knows. And he couldn’t be more grateful. He never thought there’d be a person he could share his whole life with—share his dreams with, his nightmares, the things that he never thought he’d be able to face. But Lukas is like an extension of himself, a soulmate in every sense of the word.
 Sometimes Philip doesn’t know how they found each other, in the midst of all the chaos. But he knows they’re gonna lead each other through all of it, everything. Hand in hand. No matter what.
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rosyredlipstick · 7 years
Rental Love* (6\10)
(*Read Terms & Conditions)
- Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one. Read Part One Here Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
“I can’t believe we’re doing such a stereotypical Chicago tourist thing. We could literally be doing anything else.”
“Technically, I am a tourist.”
“And,” Hazel pointed out, her movements sure and without hesitation. “We did just go to Christkindlmarket which is, like, prime tourist.”
Nico glared at her betrayal as she finished up lacing up her shoes tight. She tucked the knot in and stood, ignoring his look, and grabbed onto Frank’s hand. “See you on the ice!”
He grumbled under his breath, resisting the urge to flip her off as she took to the ice, smooth as ever.
“Need some help?” Will dipped down, nodding to Nico’s knotted skates. He went to work without Nico’s response, untying the clumpy laces from whatever past schmuck had rented the crappy skates.
Nico scowled, crossing his arms. “Why can’t I just sit here while you guys skate? I’m gonna end up on my ass either way.”
Will gave him a sunny smile, “Because then ~” He dragged the end of the word out, “I wouldn’t have any arm candy, would I? Now come on, don’t be a chicken.”
“I’m not a chicken.” He muttered, standing. He wobbled once, twice, before giving up and latching onto Will’s arm.
“Course you’re not.” Will only happily agreed, letting Nico man-handle his arm into a supporting position.
Nico took a deep breath as they approached the entrance to the ice, his legs already aching. His feet were gonna be in a condition later, he already knew, and not a pleasant one.
They took to the ice, Nico letting go of Will’s arm to desperate clench at the railing instead. Good. He trusted the railing.
A child, clearly under the age of ten, zoomed past him just as he took his first few careful steps forward. Fuck, this was hard.
Will was smiling at him, happy and beaming like the goddamn sun, as he skated backwards to face Nico. The scowl on his face only deepened.
“How are you so good at this.” Nico muttered. How are you so good at everything.
Will shrugged, that ridiculous happy look still on his face. “I go ice skating every year with my sisters.” He snickered as Nico’s skates attempted to slid out from under him. “Which, apparently, you don’t do.”
The railing ended, and Nico was faced with the open ice. He took a quick breath and kept the shifting of his weight smooth and slow. Another kid - a few of them - darted around him.
“I can usually get away with sitting out.” Nico told him through gritted teeth, his arms wind milling around him as he desperately tried to keep his balance.
Will gave him a knowing look. “Ah, but not this year?”
Nico managed to keep himself upright. “Hades thinks the photos will be, and I quote, ‘incredibly adorable’ and then threatened to disown me if I didn’t come along.”
“And you believed him?” Will raised an eyebrow, mirth still playing on his fine features. He, like everyone who had ever witnessed Hades with his children, could obviously see how harmless the threat was.
Will finally seemed to take pity on him, sliding smoothing across the few feet between them to dip one of his shoulders under Nico’s frailing hand. Nico, desperately thankful and thankfully desperate enough, grabbed onto the other boy’s shoulder with a steel grip before his skates could fall out from under him. Will barely stifled his laugh.
“Careful now.” Will’s voice was inflated with hardly concealed laughter. “Don’t wanna hit a kid or anything.”
“I’m going to hit you if you don’t be quiet.”
Will went quiet with the threat. Not because he believed him at all - Nico wasn’t lucky enough for that - but because Will was grinning brightly up at Nico.
“What?” Nico growled after a moment, moving his gaze to his shifting feet on the ice.
“No, it’s just - “ Will chuckled a bit, his gaze shifting away. “It’s cute, is all. How frustrated you’re getting.”
Nico blinked a few times, and then his heart - and ass - fell to the ice.
He stared up at the sky, the cold ice creeping up his back along with an ache.
He could stay here. Forever. The rest of the skaters could just skate around him forever - he’d be an obstacle course and local legend in all.
They say he was once complimented by his fake-boyfriend and fell ass first on the ice. Now he can’t move ever again due to the sheer embarrassment. No, don’t look directly into his eyes - there’s tears there.
Will was already howling with laughter, but came over to him quickly, his hand extended.
“Sorry about that.” Will was still laughing, glancing back to the place Nico’s ass had just firmly made acquaintance. “Must have hit a rough patch, I should have been looking.”
Nico nodded, simply grateful Will hadn’t realized this guy got a compliment and literally fell flat on his ice. Hilarious.
Will held out his hand, looking like every movie star poster rolled in one. Nico gave up on the safe life of ice rink obstacle and took it, heaving himself up.
Will gave him an amused look. “You okay?”
Nico nodded, hoping the blush would stay on his cheeks. His cheeks were a lost hope, but hopefully the rough red wouldn’t spread to his neck and ears like it tended to even Nico embarrassed himself within an inch of his life.
“Your neck’s all red.” Will observed, amused. “You’re fine - everyone has a bad fall eventually.”
Not you and your stupid perfect face he thought a bit angrily.
Nico continued to slip and slide across the ice, Will’s happy eyes too pleasant for such an unpleasant activity. Nico debated punching him, or ‘accidently’ pulling them both to the ground, but eventually surrendered to the thought he wouldn’t be able to do this on his own.
“I’ll go grab us hot chocolate.” Will offered, shifting away.
Nico curled his fingers even tighter around Will’s flannel. Damn hipster.
“Don’t you dare leave.” Nico hissed, pulling the other boy closer. “I won’t last a second on open ice and you know that.”
Will gave him a pitying glance. “You’re going to have to leave the nest someday, Neeks.” He smiled and that, with the addition of Will’s close proximity and the faint smell of the caramel popcorn they had shared on their way to the rink, nearly had Nico sprawled across the ice. Ass flat and everything.
“Are you saying you don’t want hot chocolate then?” Will continued as if Nico wasn’t contemplating death via ice skate.
“Of course I want hot chocolate.” He muttered. “But you’re totally not leaving me out here.”
Will let out a false groan. “Ugh. Fine.” The sparkle in his eye was at full blast. He grabbed onto Nico’s waist, pulling him with him as he started to slid off the ice.
Finally Nico breathed a sigh of relief, his hands still curled into the fabric of Will’s shirt. It was warm, and his fingers were cold. It was only logically to keep his hand there. It was...science. Yes. Science.
Fuck. Nico didn’t know shit about science. He failed freshman biology.
Will glanced back at him, his expression his amused, and his hand tightened on Nico’s waist to start helping him off the ice.
Nico had to mentally crackle, a bit hysterically.
Nico had failed biology, but it looks like Will was determined to make him past chemistry.
Kill him.
His skates tried to slide out from under him.
Nevermind, apparently. His own feet are going to do the job for him.
“Hurry up, the line’s getting long.”
Nico grumbled under his breath, but did as told.
“It’s not that bad.”
“It is that bad and this is all completely your fault.”
Will rolled his eyes, taking on a bit more of Nico’s weight. “It’s not my fault you didn’t wear the correct socks.”
“How the hell was I supposed to even know there is a correct kind of sock? How, Will? Please, inform me.”
“You’re so whiny.”
Nico gritted his teeth. “I can feel my peeled skin rubbing against my sneakers.”
Will winced at that, leading Nico over to the couch. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Nico did as told - sitting being the best option for him, it seemed - and began slowly peeling the stiff fabric off his feet. He heard the door click close, from where Will had probably just pressed it down. The dark fabric stuck to his skin - slightly, but slightly enough for Nico to hiss in pain - as he removed the sock. Fuck. That hurt.
There were a few blisters, nothing bad, but the angry sting that left behind was noticeable enough that Nico was already daydreaming about the bottle of aspirin he had shoved in the back of his bedside table. There was a few flakes from the bites of dried blood still on his skin and he used the crumbled fabric to wipe it off. Gross.
Will returned, his hands full, and wrinkled his nose at the small pitiful pile of Nico’s wrinkled socks on the couch. The fireplace was roaring behind him, and Nico wondered who even took the time to light it every afternoon. Surely not his father, but perhaps Persephone. She was one to enjoy the warmth.
He sat down next to him, careful as not to jostle Nico’s ankles resting on the edge of the couch. Nico gave him a curious look as he set out the plush red bag, beginning to set out supplies on the small coffee table.
Will caught him looking. “I know you said you wouldn’t trust me with a papercut.” He teased, the tone of his voice probably having much to do with the lingering presence of Persephone in the tea room. “But I can clean these up pretty well, you know.”
Nico watched him for a moment before kicking his ankles into Will’s open lap. “I guess.” He finally said as Will seemed to be waiting for his agreement. “Don’t cut my leg off or anything.”
“I’ll do everything I can to resist.” Will told him good naturally, sarcasm thick in his voice.
He used a few cotton balls to get the rest of the dried blood on the blisters before grabbing a small baggy of q-tips and a tub.
“This is gonna sting.” Will warned him, the end of his cotton swab layered with clear ointment. Nico nodded, keeping his face clear. He didn’t wince as Will applied the gel, or when Will finished that up and began applying a few tight band-aid looking things, but he did let out a small sigh as Will finished up the process.
Will began packing up his supplies, crumbling the ripped up wrappers in his hand. He stood.
“Thank you.” Nico’s voice was quiet.
Will glanced back to the other boy, looking away as he poked at his bandages. Will had wrapped his feet and ankles with care, much more care than he usually put into such simple task. It seemed important at the time, handling the pale skin, the thin bones of Nico’s feet, with his eyes heavy on Will.
Nico, he noticed, was softer when people took care of him. Will wondered if it was something he wasn’t used to.
“You’re welcome.” And Will didn’t mean to make his voice come out just as soft, he really didn’t, but he found it fit nicely in the dark and warm air.
Nico dipped his face into the shadows, and wished his face wasn’t as bright as it was.
Will vaguely wondered if the blush was due to the active fireplace feet away.
Somehow, for some odd reason, he didn’t think so.
The next morning - after a slow shuffle up the stairs that wasn’t nearly as awkward as it should have been - Will was grinning down at him as Nico woke up, slowly but surely, groaning and popping his back along the way.
“Sleep well?” Will asked, adjusting his weight on the blankets. Nico was still very curled under the warm fabric, while Will sprawled across the mattress next to him, above the blankets.
Nico only groaned in reply. That was good enough.
“What are the plans for today?” Will asked, looking too put together for nine in the morning. Jerk must have gotten up earlier and returned to bed - his bedhead was usually a lot worse. Nothing like the messy perfection Will must have tugged at for a few minutes in the mirror. Not that Nico noticed.
Nico pushed his face back into his pillow, blocking out any of the light. “No plans.” He muttered, his voice only hardly audible. “I think it’s my turn to cook later tonight - I’m totally making you help - but we’re free till then.”
Will hummed in response, flicking through his phone. The glow reflected on his eyes nicely, and Nico really, really tired to ignore that fact. Goddamn Will and his too-blue eyes.
Will’s voice was amused. “Free to sleep in until noon, I presume?”
Nico hid his slight smile in the fabric, “You know it.”
“Persephone said Allegra prepared breakfast with some of the Christmas leftovers.” Will informed him, his voice off-hand. “I was told to let you know something about a, uh, what was it? Forcatta?”
Nico paused in his readjustment of position. His heart froze. “Do...do you mean focaccia?”
Will nodded, a bit embarrassed at his horrible pronunciation. “Yeah! Uh, with some of the leftovers? She said it would be ready when you finally got out of bed.”
Nico was frozen in the moment for a single beat before it finally hit him.
He stumbled out of bed, tripping over the sheets tangled around his legs. He - he had to go, get down stairs - and now that he thought about it he could almost smell it -
Will yelped in surprise, taking a moment before he was following Nico’s example. “What’s wrong? What are you doing?”
Nico shoved on a shirt, “You should have woken me up!”
Will gave him a doubtful look, following Nico’s frantic presence as he near-sprinted out of the room. “And risk death? No thanks.”
Nico rolled his eyes, darting towards the staircase. “Allegra only makes focaccia maybe three times a year - after Christmas, and on our birthdays.” He clenched his teeth as the heavenly fragrance began to hit him as he bounced down the stairs. “And Hazel’s going to eat it all.”
Nico skidded into the kitchen, and was so overcome with relief he nearly cried.
Hazel wasn’t here yet.
Allegra - their main chef and head housekeeper - turned as they entered, and Nico could see the small overflowing plate in front of her, still steaming.
Okay, Nico might have cried a little.
She turned on them, her fists on her hips, and stared up at them. She was small, but her her presence was anything but. Her glare could - and had - bring a strong man to his heels.
“Buongiorno, Allegra.” Nico liked using his Italian with her. She was always quick to denounce him for his horrible pronunciations, despite his words being nearly perfect, and his Italian nearly fluent. It was a nice thing they had between them.
The older woman frowned up at him, seizing him up. “Too skinny.” She finally decided on, as she always did.
Nico gave her a rare, charming smile. He liked to save them for her. “I guess you’ll have to fix that, won’t you?”
She swatted him with her oven mitt, “Making me do all the work around here.” She muttered, already turning to fix up their plates. She was smoothing a thick amount of butter over Nico’s, a scowl on her face. “Boy goes off to school, doesn’t write, doesn’t call, still expects me to remember how he likes his favorite food.”
“I call once a week.” He reminded her, peeking over her shoulder. She was layering a thick amount of her famous cilantro dressing on the bread, still grumbling. That was exactly how he liked it.
She cut her stern gaze over to him. “You could stand to visit more.” She informed him, adding a few bites of grilled meat onto his plate. Looks like he was eating a full-coarse meal. “And where are your manners, boy? You haven’t even introduced your guest to me. Where did all of your etiquette training go?”
Nico gave her a smile, pulling Will forward by his wrist. “This is Will, my boyfriend.” He told her, and her gaze flickered over to the other boy as she paused in her actions.
Allegra was strict, no-nonsense, a bit cruel, and probably the closest thing Nico had to a mother figure growing up.
Her eyes were calculating, considering. “I understand you’ve been seeing each other for a few months now?”
Nico had to suppress his eyeroll but nodded. She and Hades had definitely been gossiping late at night, like they were bound to do. Countless times had Nico waundered in the kitchen for a late-night snack and come across the two, huddled over some report card or newest art piece, laughing and discussing Hazel and Nico with fondness in their voices.
Allegra was the only person who held somewhat authority over Hades too. Older than him, Hades followed her instruction like she was the one in the charge, and not vise versa. It worked well, having someone to reign Hades in. Persephone, more the often, enjoyed the chaos that came with some of Hades’s more....out there plans.
Allegra was still eyeing up Will, the wrinkled on her face pressing back and forth as she considered the other boy. “And you - what’s your business with my boy?”
Will kept his cool, but was visibly thrown off a bit. Everyone had immediately welcomed into the family with wide - too wide - arms. Allegra’s nature was one of suspicion.
“I…” He glanced to Nico, and didn’t have to force the fond look that erupted with the action. “I like him, m’am. A lot. I like being with him. He - he makes me happy.”
“You’re not lying,” She observed, and neither of them wanted to particularly explore that statement at that moment. She turned away, nodding. “Alright. You can stay.”
Will looked thrown, like he didn’t even know ‘not staying’ was an option. With Allegra, and her subtle but loving hold over the household, it would have been. Nico should have introduced him sooner.
Allegra was shoving warm plates into their hands, taking a moment to smooth her wrinkled hand over Nico’s cheek. She patted his skin, a bit too rough, and eyed his long hair. “Cut your hair.” She ordered, “And don’t get involved with trouble. Go eat.”
“Got it!” Nico grinned, taking his plate happily. Allegra’s definition of ‘trouble’ varied from ‘going out after nine on a school night’ and ‘getting involved with the local gang’ so. Nico was probably fine.
Will let out a breath as they disappeared from sight, Nico leading them into the dining room with their plates.
Nico gave him an amused look. “You okay?”
Will blinked a few times, “I think I almost died.”
Nico patted his shoulder. “Yeah, that’s about how everyone feels about meeting her for the first time. She’s great.”
Will didn’t argue, but there wasn’t a noise of agreement. He was probably a bit still in shock.
“Eat your food.” Nico took pity on him. “It’s heaven on earth.”
Will did so, probably just for the distraction, and made a pleasant noise of surprise.
“I know right!” Nico said eagerly.
“It’s amazing!” Will dipped a bit of the bread into the sauce.
Nico nodded in agreement. “It’s not that hard to make - I’ve tried a few times - but no one makes it like Allegra.” He ripped a bite of his own square of bread, loving the salt and oil smell that was so familiar and bound to his childhood. Gods. No one made it like Allegra.
“It’s delicious!” Will was already onto his second bite. “She only makes it three times a year?”
“I could eat it everyday.” Nico insisted, despite the fact that, uh, no he probably couldn’t. It was delicious, salty, and perfectly flakey - but also made with the useage of a small tub of lard. So like. Nico probably shouldn’t.
It’s not like he ate healthy or anything - they all knew about Nico’s secret hot pocket obsession - but that would be a step too far for even him.
They finished their meal, waxing poetic about the golden flakey pieces of heaven before them, making the other snort into their plates.
They washed off their dishes, Will looking a bit relieved at the empty kitchen. It was always nice when people feared Allegra a bit. Nico wanted to be her.
“What do you want to do?” Will checked his watch, because he was the kind of person who actually wore a watch. Nerd. “We’ve got the whole day.”
Nico bit his lip and shifted his weight. “Wanna listen to some music? I mean - um,” He rubbed at the back of his neck, “You said you wanted to? When I got the vinyls from Hades?”
Will blinked at him a few times before grinning widely, brilliantly. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds cool.”
Nico lead him back into his room, feeling a bit strange. This was the first time they were going into his room for another reason rather than sleeping or changing, just simply hanging out.
He messed with the stereo for a moment, making sure there was no dust on the needle, all the controls were in place, before carefully sliding the record out of the plastic covered case.
He made a noise of appreciation, flipping it with his fingertips. It was perfect, in a way a vinyl fresh out of plastic wrapping could be. Not a scratch or speck of dust anywhere.
Nico carefully placed the vinyl on the player, moving the needle over and setting it down carefully. He fiddled with the buttons and knobs for a second until the familiar - nearly welcoming - crackle started up, and he threw himself on the bed to join Will on the mattress.  
The first song - one of Nico’s favorites - started up with a few presses of piano, and he sighed into the calm air.
Nico sang along softly, his voice rough and low, and his eyes fluttered shut with the music. Will noticed this.
By the time Nico had to stand and switch out the records, Will was sitting up, his eyes thoughtful.
“What do you think?” He asked, returning to his former position. Side C began playing with a few low, full notes. In a Week. A song about falling in love even through death. This song always reminded Nico of nature, and being alive, despite that.
“They’re very morbid.” Will observed, his head cocked to the side. “This is their fourth song mentioning death.”
“They’re amazing.”
“They’re very good.” Will allowed him, turning his head to face him. They were laying back in Nico’s bed, the music passing them. Nico had his arms crossed behind his head, staring up at the ceiling, his legs half-hanging off the edge of the bed. Will continued, “I just don’t think they’re my type of music.”
“Clearly your type of music isn’t good then.” Nico muttered, just loud enough so Will could scoff in response. There was a beat of silence before Nico asked, “Well? What type of music do you even listen to then?”
Will happily listed a few artists, his fingers out as he counted them, and it took Nico a long, worrying second of listen to this before he realized.
“Wait.” Nico cut him off, scrambling into a sitting position. He stared at Will with wide eyes. “You like top forty?”
“And showtunes. And Disney.” Will added, his face sunny.
Nico continued staring at him. “You’re a goddamn trainwreck, Will Solace.”
Will gave him a look. “It’s top forty for a reason, di Angelo. People like it. It’s good and fun and I like it.”
Nico stared at him for a long moment before falling back onto the bed. “I can’t believe you like top forty. This is...ugh.”
Honestly, this was probably good. Nico couldn’t like someone with horrible music taste. He couldn’t. This was good. This would help him stop liking Will, or at least stop his heart from attempting a jailbreak out of his chest every time the other boy did something as horrible as smiling or laughing or looking over at Nico with that fond look in his too-blue eyes.
So yeah. This was good.
“It’s good music.” Will shrugged, his voice still happy.. “It’s fun to listen to. And up-beat.”
God. And he was shameless about it. That had to ruin it. It was one thing to listen to horrible music - it was a completely different thing to be proud of it.
“If you call top 40 good one more time in this house, you’re leaving.” Nico covered his hands with his face. “Gods, had I known. Who cares about personal info and contracts - this is what we should have discussed in our first meeting. Gods.”
The other boy barked out a laugh, his head falling back, and wasn’t that fun. Realizing that fuck, his heart was probably flipping off rational thought right about now - the rational thought that Nico couldn’t like someone with horrible music taste, Nico couldn’t like Will - and Nico’s cheeks heated at the sound, filled with color, and his heart was probably laughing hysterically by the turn of events.
Fuck. Apparently -
- apparently Nico could like someone with horrible music taste.
Will began to loudly teasingly hum Justin Bieber, and Nico’s never wished for a sweet, swift death more.
Will ended up falling asleep like the lazy sack he was, half-spread out across Nico’s bed, taking up much too much space. The record came to an end, the sound of the ancient speakers crinkling a familiar take-back to his childhood. Will’s soft snores took the music’s absence in the empty air after a long while of Nico enjoying the silence, staring up at the ceiling, his mind half-thought, half cotton.
And Nico Absolutely Didn’t stare at Will for a long moment while the other boy slept - his eyes fluttering, his breath soft against the pillow - because that would be creepy and weird and they all read Twilight okay, that’s not exactly the picture of normal and sane.
So like. Nico totally, completely didn’t do that.
He pushed himself off the bed, shaking his head and the thought of Will’s slack, peaceful face out of it, taking much too much care in making sure not to jostle the other boy.
He closed the door softly behind him, careful the click behind him didn’t slam, and made his way down the hallway.
He found himself downstairs, drawn to the warmth and light fragrance drifting out of Persephone’s tea room.
He knocked on the half-open door, slightly curious, mostly bored, and let himself in after a moment.
Both Persephone and Hades smiled at him as he entered, both of them folded on separate ends of a shared couch. Persephone held a book in her lap, Hades with some sort of paperwork in his own, with tea spread out on the table nearest to them.
Hades smiled at him warmly, “What can we do for you, son?”
“Bored.” He answered, jerking his chin to the couch across from them. “Can I sit?”
Hades began gathering his paperwork into a loose, messy pile. He let Persephone answer. It was her room, after all.
“Yes, of course.” Persephone folded the corner of her page, not looking over yet. Hades stood, gathering his things. Nico glanced over at the grandfather clock in the corner. It was nearly five - he would probably have some sort of skype meeting soon. Even on his holidays, Hades could hardly get away from the office.  
Nico threw himself over the couch, his legs hanging over the arm, and glanced at her from under his messy hair. “Whatcha reading?”
Persephone snapped the novel close, a rare smirk crossing her face. “Just some book about a wife framing her husband for murder. Very informative.”
Hades leaned in to brush a kiss across her temple. “If anyone could do it, dear, it’d be you. I believe in you.” He patted Nico’s head as he past, quick enough that Nico couldn’t dunk out from under his hand. “You and Will are handling dinner tonight, yes? Allegra deserves a break after the wonderful Christmas feast she put together.”
Nico waved his question off. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll figure it out.”
Hades seemed pleased with this - was always pleased when it was Nico’s rare night to cook - and turned out of the room, nearly skipping in his step. “I look forward to it, my family!”
Nico held down a snort. His father was ridiculous.
“Tea?” Persephone questioned, her hands already in the motions of preparing another cup. He nodded, mostly absentmindedly.
She poured him a cup, nudging the sugar cup towards him with the saucer. It was a delicate tea set, fingernail thin china with precisely painted black roses trailing across the glossy surface. Hazel had gotten it for her birthday a few years ago, he thinks, plucked from the antique shop downtown from their L.A. manor.
He nodded as he took the cup from her, holding the glass close and letting the heat leach through. It was a surprising comfort.
Persephone took a small sip of the bitter liquid, always preferring hers plain. “So Nico.” She gave him a critical look, her eyes sweeping over his figure. “What do you want to talk about?”
She was always too good at reading him. What other people saw as a code-encrypted puzzle, double bound shut with redacted lines, she read as easily as an alphabet instructional pamphlet. It was hard to hate that about her. It reminded him of his sister.
He sighed, dropping all pretenses. “I need to talk to you about something. I have a friend. With a problem. And I, I don’t know what to say.”
“A friend?” Persephone raised a knowing eyebrow.
“An actual friend, it’s, um, Jason.” Nico lied, “It’s not me or anything.”
Persephone still had that knowing look in her eyes. “Alright.” She finally agreed, “What does this ‘friend’ need help with?”
Nico let out a small breath. “Okay. So.” He nodded, gathering this thoughts. “Say, okay, say this friend of mine met someone. And even though my friend and this person totally got off to a rocky start, my friend actually really likes them now. Like. Romantically. But the person they met isn’t exactly on the same...page. I guess. They don’t see their relationship like that and my friend totally doesn’t want to ruin that. But they also don’t want to lose these feelings and...yeah.”
Persephone blinked at his sudden ramble of words. “Oh. So, this isn’t you?” She blinked a few more times, “I thought we were going to hypothetically talk about your own problems and both pretend it’s completely hypothetical.”
“When have I ever done that?” Nico asked, even though the answer was many, many times.
Unknowingly, Persephone had helped a lot of his ‘friends’ deflect the law in high school.
“And this is...Jason?” She asked, thinking. Which, crap, Nico totally should have come up with a random name or person that Persephone wouldn’t ever have the chance to talk to. Not Jason, the kid that was basically Persephone’s second son. He’d have to warn Jason before New Years.
Persephone continued, “I thought he was dating Piper? Or was it Leo?”
“Honestly, I don’t think any of them know. Both of them?” Nico shrugged. “I think they’re both dating Jason but Piper and Leo are just best friends? It’s confusing, but they’re always over and eating our food.”
“I should send more fudge than.” She contemplated, her finger to her chin.
Nico held up his hands, “Back to the problem.”  
“Back to the problem.” She agreed, already writing out a post-it note that simple read double the fudge, Perse before turning back to Nico. “Jason - he wants to have another relationship? With someone new he’s met?”
Fuck, okay, Jason was a horrible example for this. Sure, Nico was in no position to judge anyone’s dating lives - and he didn’t give a flying fuck what Jason did as long as Nico didn’t have to literally hear it at two in the morning on a Wednesday night - but because he was already in a committed relationship.
It was too late. Nico played along.
“Yes.” He answered, thinking quick. “It’s very new - and Piper and, um, Leo, they know and everything. So no trouble with that. And don’t mention it? I don’t think he wants it in the open yet. Or at all.”
Persephone nodded, thinking. “Why doesn’t Jason just talk to this person? He’s a handsome young man, and he’s never had problems like this before.”
Nico gave her a desperate shrug. “He’s - he’s never really been in a situation like this before?”
“He should simply talk to the person he likes, and get on the same page as them. Then, he can either move on with this relationship or not. But he’ll have an answer, yes? Better than sitting around dreaming up horrible scenarios.”
Nico’s thoughts flashed back to the thou
“So just, like, he should get on the same page as them?” Nico’s cheeks flared up in a blush. “What if it’s not that easy?”
Persephone shrugged. “It sounds like the only one making it not that easy is Jason himself.” She adjusted the book on her lap. “I won’t mention this to him - no one wants a lecture on their love life from a mother - but I do think you should pass that advice onto him.”
Nico didn’t know what he was thinking. This wasn’t exactly a situation he could easily explain, especially so vague. And now he’d have to fast-talk Jason into an update before New Years, and
“I’ll make sure he gets it.” Nico only said, giving her a stiff, barely convincing grin. “Thanks, Persephone.” He cleared his throat, taking a quick sip of the flowery tea. He grabbed onto the first conversational topic he could get, suddenly desperate for a topic change. “So, how’s your greenhouse coming?”
Persephone lit up with the addition of her favorite topic, and Nico only wished it was that easy to solve everything in his life.  
“You can…cook?”
Nico gave him an unimpressed look, adding another line of olive oil to the frying chicken. “You sound surprised.”
Will shrugged, his gaze glued to the bubbling chicken. “Didn’t peg you for the culinary type.”
“Nico’s the best cook in the family.” Hazel gave him a bright smile from her place on the counter, “After Allegra, of course.”
“He only cooks on special occasions though.” Frank added, leaning against the cabinets next her. He popped a cherry tomato into his mouth and, with Hazel eating shredded cheese directly from the bag next to them, they were doing a quite horrible job of assembling the salad.
“If I do it all the time it’s just not as special.” Nico told them in a sickly sweet voice, sarcasm basically stenciled across his features.
“Or you’re lazy.” Hazel pointed out.
“I prefer busy.” Nico told her, dipping the pan to evenly spread the oil across the pan. “And Jason and I are perfectly happy with take out.”
“But is your body happy with take out?” Will pushed.
“Happy enough.” Was Nico’s only answer before he was gesturing to the laid out vegetables with his spatula. “Get to chopping, will ya? I’m gonna need to start the sauce soon.”
Will held up his hands in surrender. “I’m quite known for burning water, in my family. For the sake of this meal - and all your healths - I think it might be best I sit this one out.”
Nico gave him a stern look. “I think you’re being lazy.”
“I’d be happy to wash some dishes, or set the table.” He offered, “Even pouring out the wine or something. But me and cooking? I’m warning you. Not a good combination.”
Nico scoffed but didn't push the other boy. "Just sit there and look pretty, I guess." He finally conceded, fully for the benefit of Hazel and Frank only feet away.
Will looked surprised - but pleased - at the compliment. He settled into a more comfortable position leaning against the wall.
"I'm turning on some music, at least." Hazel seemed to decide, walking to the radio in the corner. It was hardly used, either by Allegra's ancient opera CDs, or Hades's sometimes odd music choices.  
Hazel turned the knob all the way up, jumping a bit in excitement as the first notes began to start up. She turned to him, a devilish, wide grin in place.
“Dance with me.” Hazel grinned up at him, her bag of cheese abandoned. Low, Dean Martin was playing. Hades’s music choice, then.
“Let’s fly, up into the clouds.” Hazel sang, swaying her hips, her hand outstretched.
He gave her a small grin, setting down his spatula. The chicken needed to cook, anyways. Will gave him an amused, but surprised, look that Nico didn’t see.
“Volare ~” Nico picked up the song, matching her rough note. Neither of them were singers, or dancers, but he grabbed her her hand.
They swayed their hips to the music, grinning with bubbles in their chests at each other, and Nico spun her under his arm. She giggled loudly the entire way, her loose skirt spinning out slightly.
They were a picture, in that moment, their smiles only for the other. Frank was there, against the counter, happy to be soaking in the atmosphere of holiday, family, and good food. The music and fragrance of cooking was almost visible in their mood and grins, and they were a picture in that moment.
And, in the background image of Nico di Angelo grinning widely at his little sister, his lips stretched out into a near barking laugh, Will Solace was staring at the other boy with wide, surprised eyes, his mouth parted, his shoulders stiff.
“Oh,” Will breathed out. “I - Oh.”
His words were said as if final - as if the end of it - but this was far, far from it.
SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT IT'S BEEN A BUSY FEW WEEKS IM TRYING also! you got to meet allegra! who i love! and persephone's tea time! i love family bonding so much just give me pure, supporting relationships. AND THE MUTUAL PINING BEGINS NOOOOOOW also! im almost at 500 followers at my tumblr - any ideas how to celebrate? :D thanks for all your reviews. They really do help the writing process incredibly. thank you!!! <3 any christmas\holiday traditions you're dying for the dreamteam to do? lemme know! i'm making it up as I go. sorry this chapter is a bit choppy, but I wanted to post it before the weekend. Thanks for reading, loves!
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cupnoodle-queen · 7 years
Baby's breath, calla lily, windflower, golden rod, dandelion! :) g'morning
Good morning bb c:
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with:- writing- expensive coffee- white cotton t-shirts- music- stormy weather
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?rainy evenings, everytime (I’m actually not a huge fan of the sun)
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like themNO! I will tag all the goddamn people I want-
*attempts to single-handedly tag everyone of the blogs I follow/my mutuals*
*internet crashes* …well, I tried.
I will list ten instead (yes Sarah, I took your idea):
@xnoctits - this chick. this. chick. this chick can write smut that goes straight to the c00t3r and shoot your pants off, take selfies that will give you heat strokes and has a sense of humor that will improve the overall quality of your life. I’m so happy she’s my fwend / future wifey.
@nifwrites - my bb. my luv. one of the first blogs I followed when I joined tumblr and one of the first friends I made here as well. Writes both smut and angst SO. FUCKING. WELL. I also have the biggest crush on her OC, Raine (just lemme touch the bUTT) Always there when I need to scream and girl, we scream on the reg lemme tell you h’what. ILU
@louisvuittontrashbags - LISTEN. You want The Good Shit™️, fam? The quality peen writing that will getchu where you need to go? Read LV’s writing. Girl throws down the smut on the daily pretty much, and it’s always A+. Plus she’s hilarious and a Gladihoe and I have a crush on her c:
@saphscribes - Speaking of The Good Shit™️, BOIII, A MOMENT. Lemme tell you something about Saph. They write content that stays with me, that I catch myself thinking about days after reading (WEEKS after, in some cases, I say as I cough in the general direction of THAT Prompto fic,) and it’s always perfect prose and vivid imagery that makes my brain happy and my pants MIA. ILU boo.
@blindbae - If you don’t know Jules yet, send her an ask and say yo, what it do, boo? Guarantee you’ll get a response like, “Oh god, did Mish send you here?” but still, she’s one of the sweetest, funniest human beings you will find on here. Her writing is literal perfection, girl can write angst to pierce my heart like a CapriSun pouch and also has a superbly keen eye for aesthetics. She’s an amazing friend and I love her muchly!
@themissimmortal - Moosh is a cute lil bean but WATCH YO BACK, she can lay down the intense smut just as well as the angst, and she churns out content quicker than I can blink! She’s got a wicked sense of humor and I’m always smiling when I message her. ALSO, PARDON ME BUT, SHE’S INSANELY CUTE GUYS.
@ignis-scientia-estrogen-brigade - If you aren’t following Shea (or is it Shae? fuck fam I don’t know, sorry!!) over at ISEB, you’re missing out on incredible line art and fanfiction, starring that one hot guy with the glasses. THAT’S RIGHT. SHE CAN WRITE AND DRAW. She also streams from time to time and if you’re lucky enough to happen upon one be prepared for a good time, a chuckle and bring wine.
@diabolik-trash-heap - Dia’s work is like my guilty pleasure. She covers multiple niches and kinks that most writers on this site (including myself) would either shy away from or hesitate to write, and she does so with flawless exposition. Oh and um pardon me, but actual hot dAMN. Another tumblr crush, fam *fans self*
@hypaalicious - Another first to follow for this blog and, yo. YO. Not only does she have absolutely flawless attention to detail and writes The Good Shit™️ like it’s her job, she is literal Tag Goals™️ and an actual 26/10 (seriously, guys I have so many tumblr crushes)
@itshaejinju - You want a writer who isn’t afraid to write explicit smut without blushing or batting an eyelash? Here you go, my dude. She’s an original Gladihoe and has written tons of content, plus she’s currently working on a Mafia AU fic that injects some much-needed originality into this fandom. Love my fellow coffee snob
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?I am definitely more of a cook. I can do both just fine, but I’m most comfortable preparing a meal.
dandelion: any special talent that you have?Apart from writing porn? I think I’ve mentioned that I can successfully play MarioKart with my feet. 
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bipilots · 7 years
FRENDO! I have been thinking and I confused myself. I've been seeing a lot of Klance birthday theories but When did Keith officially become a orphan? Because if it was when he was really young don't you think he wouldn't know when his birthday is? Like what if he never had one because he didn't know when it was? Imagine Lance asking when his birthday is and Keith saying "um...I...I don't know"
my dear friend!!! I didn’t read a lot of theories, tbh, but I scoured the net and the official voltron site says Keith became an orphan “at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison”. Do they mean he enlisted right after or…? For how long has he lived alone in that shack? Or did someone find him and drag him to the Garrison a la Anakin Skywalker? Oooh, I like this one (even though it’s unlikely, but let me dream).Imagine a random officer finding by chance a kid, Commander, in a shack in the middle of the desert, all alone!, and subsequently dragging him back to the only civilized place in the entire goddamned desert: luxury school for marvelous minds, the one and only Galaxy Garrison. Imagine the kid being confusedly adopted by the whole team, professors and students alike, coddled and looked after by everyone because the poor thing has big, serious eyes and he never talks much, but he’s bright and asks just the right questions, paddling in between their feet in the simulation room, peeking at screens and stats, unrelentlessly curious about what’s this and that and how does this work? Imagine everyone humoring him, why not, it’s harmless fun, and it’s cute, but then - years later, the kid grows into a stubborn young man, who refuses to hear reasons about required classes and official bullshit. “I learned everything I need to, let me pilot the thing already,” he states plainly, for the hundredth time, until someone finally says what the hell, let him do it - and he’s good, a natural pilot, graceful and in control even without training. So Commander Iverson lets him enroll officially, he has no reason not to, and the kid starts to train for real, climbing the ranks like it’s nothing - and everyone knows him, it’s Keith, he practically always lived here.
Fast forward to drama, pain, and finding himself with the universe’s destiny on the shoulders, piloting a giant robot lion, Keith has never really thought about his birthday. He simply never had the time or will to, because what’s a date to all the numbers he’s had to drill into his head to become what he is right know?
But Lance keeps an approximate calendar, and they had a weird mix of pagan festivities, and birthdays are a thing too, apparently. They had cute parties for everyone of them already, except for Lance and Keith himself, with presents and decorations and big cakes with alien ingredients that were actually not bad at all. It was nice, and of course Keith knows what birthdays are supposed to be, but it’s- not in his priority list to have one, that’s all.
The buzzing excitement of the Castle lets them all know that Lance’s approximate birthday is approaching, and Keith is already racking his brain over possible gifts, despite Lance asking for ridiculous things like peace in the universe and freedom for penguins and Keith kind of really cares about giving him a real present that he may enjoy, beats him why (might be because he has a itsy bitsy little crush, shut up).
It’s really close, in a matter of days, and Keith still has nothing, which leads to panicked thoughts about a romantic trip with Red to a particular moon in the nearest system with a geography really similar to that of the Earth, but that would involve a lot of planning and a readiness to deal with his feelings that he does not possess. Not yet. Even thinking about it is almost too much, the description that fits most is romantic, for crying out loud.
So he does what he knows best: he broods. But “Samurai,” Lance whistles, draping himself all over the couch, just shy of actually being draped all over him “I thought I might ask you directly what I’ve been wondering for some time now,” Keith panics, tries to keep his blood vessels in check because he refuses to blush at the stupid nickname, “When’s your birthday?”
“It’s not like I actually, um,” Lance does a weird thing with his eyebrows “I mean, we already had parties for everyone, and mine is tomorrow, the only one missing would be” he licks his lips “yours?”
Keith pinches his nose. Saying the truth is the better option, after all. “I don’t know,” he states.
“Dude, if you don’t want to say it, just-”
“No, I actually don’t know,” he stares Lance down, a little bothered about his lack of birthday for the first time in a long time “I don’t really remember.”
Lance pauses, furrows his eyebrows. Keith can see the exact moment in which the rumors come to his mind, the same ones he could hear whispered at his passage in the corridors, and understanding dawn on his face, like a shadow. “Oh,” he says, takes a breath, and right when Keith is about to dismiss his forming apology, the same one he’s always received when someone accidentally mentioned him being an orphan, Lance grins. “So, wanna play cards?”
Keith can’t help but smile back.
The fact that he’s empty handed as everyone enters the decorated hall doesn’t go unnoticed. They give him weird looks while they put their presents on the table, gazes like ping pong balls between him and Lance, probably wondering if they’re gonna fight because Keith couldn’t even get a decent gift for the guy he (so obviously) likes. 
It’s getting quickly uncomfortable, and Keith is already thinking about skipping the cake (Hunk will leave him a slice, anyway) to go train a bit when unexpectedly, Lance’s walking in his direction, tutting “Keith, a word?”
Suddenly they’re apart from the others, still watching them like hawks, and Lance is whispering in his ear “So.”
He only narrowly avoids parroting it back because Lance doesn’t give him time to “I noticed you don’t have a gift for me.”
Holy shit. Great job, Keith. “I don’t really mind,” Lance murmurs, a careless smile in his voice.
“What,” Keith draws back to meet his eyes, finding him actually sincere and suspiciously amused.
“Since it’s my day, I have to be particularly magnanimous, you know,” he pompously announces, but he doesn’t laugh. “I want to offer a gift to you, instead.”
Keith balks. A gift?
“I’ll share my birthday with you,” Lance taps his fingers on his lower lip, stretched into a sunny grin “But you have to give something back.”
He just nods automatically, because he’s too shaken to reply. Lance wants to share his birthday with him. His birthday.
“Your gift to me is saying yes,” he reveals, and this time he laughs, because Keith’s expression must look really silly, he’s blushing and his eyes are big and round and he probably has a stupid smile on his face too.
Lance takes his hand. “I’ve already told everyone, sorry about that,” he glances up at the others, waves with his free hand before boasting “The biggest cake ever!” and dragging him back to the table, where everyone smiles at him and wishes him Happy Birthday, Keith. 
While he watches his friends stuff their faces with cake, Lance laughing loudly with his mouth full, Keith makes a solemn vow.Next birthday, he promises himself, he’ll go with the romantic trip.
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