#why is he caged. why can't i help him. let me help him. i want to help him
thatonebirdwrites · 3 days
Cheating Death Part 2
Part 1 here.
Only seconds after Lena vanished in the portal, the Kryptonite cage melted into the floor. A yellow light pulsed so brightly, Kara had to close her eyes. Light infused her cells and pushed the pain of the Kryptonite away.
Lena's words echoed in Kara's head. How she'd stomped and shouted, the tears on her face, the desperation in her voice. How heartbroken she'd been when she'd said, "No, no you don't get to tell me who I am anymore."
She didn't know what to do. Lena had been hurting and grieving this entire time, and what had she and her friends done? Celebrated her brother's death, ignored Lena's increasingly isolating behaviors, and pretended everything was fine.
It wasn't fine.
Yet, the yellow light. Why had that activated? Was it Lena or the Fortress?
Kara ran through the Fortress to the control panel. She dug into the log and swiftly found Lena's code. It had been programmed to create the cage if Kara asked about Myriad, but then the yellow light was also programmed to heal Kara after Lena escaped. A note was annotated on that section of the code, and Kara's breath caught in her throat.
"I wish I could stop loving you. This hurts worse than death."
Tears dampened her cheeks and she wiped them away. What would she tell Alex? How can she explain any of this?
She didn't want her friends to turn on Lena, and Alex definitely would go after Lena if she knew about the cage. It'd been temporary, and Lena had programed a healing sun-bed equivalent burst for after. That alone gave her hope that she could still reach Lena.
Because even in her heartbreak, Lena did not want Kara dead.
She grabbed the weapon she needed, the same one Lena had used to stop Leviathan from killing Kara, and re-calibrated security. Her tears froze on her cheeks by the time she finished.
Kara flew out of the Fortress and high into the stratosphere. She listened for Lena's heartbeat, but heard nothing at first. Fear clenched her heart. Either Lena hid behind lead, or something terrible had gone wrong since she'd left. She hoped it was the former.
With a heavy heart, she flew to the DEO. Alex waited on a balcony.
"Kara?" Alex said, alarmed. "What the hell happened? Where's Lena?"
Kara held out the weapon. "It works as hoped. Sustained blast will keep Rama Khan down, and then attach the power dampeners."
Alex took the weapon with a frown. "Kara, what happened to Lena? Where is she?"
Kara shook her head. She couldn't voice it. She refused to believe Lena was lost to them. There had to be a way to save her, to bring her back, to repair what Kara had fucked up.
She pressed her hands against her face and flinched when Alex tried to touch her shoulder. "I got to find her," she whispered. "I got to make things right. I got to."
"Kara, I can't help if you don't tell me." Alex's voice held kindness, but Kara knew how quickly Alex could turn to anger. When it came to Kara's safety, Alex might cross a line she'd regret. Kara had done it for Alex a few times.
But with Lena? Kara had no boundaries. Lena held her heart in a way no one else did. She'd talked herself into settling for Mon-el, but it'd never been who she needed.
She needed Lena.
"Kara?" Alex tried again. "Kara, talk to me."
"She's the one who shot Lex." The words felt unreal.
Alex's brow wrinkled. "I thought he died when he fell."
Kara shook her head. "We never found a body or even parts from his suit, remember? If he had a portal watch, he could have gone anywhere."
Alex sucked in a breath. "And Lena was waiting for him?"
Kara nodded. "She shot him to protect us. She's been grieving and hurting all this time, and what have we done? Ignored her grief! Where were we for her pain?" She paced the balcony as fury at herself and everyone around her built up in her sternum. "I hurt her! I hurt her with my lies, and I have to fix this."
"Kara," Alex hefted the weapon. "Maybe let Lena have her space. We still have to deal with--"
"Alex, you didn't hear her!" Her pacing quickened and a groove appeared in the concrete from her superspeed.
Kara should tell Alex, and yet she couldn't. She needed to save Lena from Myriad herself, but to do that, she needed to find Lena. And she still couldn't hear her heartbeat.
She let out a shout of rage, her fist colliding with the wall and shattering the concrete. "I hurt the person I love! I have to fix this. I have to bring her back."
Her rage petered into sobs, and she fell to her knees.
Her, the strongest and fastest on the planet, brought to her knees by a Luthor.
She thinks of all the times she could have told Lena, and how she'd chickened out, afraid of losing her. Afraid of living a life without Lena's presence. Now a Lena-shaped hole had been carved in her chest, and she hurt.
It felt like Kryptonite all over again.
Was this how Lena had felt the past few months? This agony?
And yet, Lena had still helped. She'd still saved Kara's life. Still built devices that helped others. Why Myriad? Why use that monstrous device? Kara couldn't make sense of it. The months of pretending to be Kara's friend.
She should be angry at Lena. Furious at the betrayal, but she felt only grief. She'd started this with her lies, with leaving Lena in the dark. Lena could have helped so much more if she'd been in on it from the start. Then this never would have happened.
Kara sat there, silent, head-bowed long enough for Alex to leave and return with a cup of herbal tea. Rooibos since most other teas were too intense thanks to Kara's supertaste. Her fingers curled around the warm cup.
"I tasked Brainy and J'onn with the weapons. We'll deal with Leviathan." Alex smiled and squeezed Kara's shoulder. "You do what you need to do, Kara. I'm with you, okay?"
Kara nodded numbly. She sipped the tea and slowly became aware of a high-pitched beeping. "Wait, that's the signal watch," she murmured. She put down the cup and listened. It came from downtown. "Lena," she whispered.
Before Alex could respond, Kara blasted into the sky and broke the sound barrier. The crack whipped across the city and shook windows. She landed on Lena's balcony at L-Corp, ripped open the door, and dashed into a dark room. The beeping came from the stairwell.
Horror twisted her gut. She supersped down the stairs, all forty-three flights, until she reached the stairs just below ground level near the door to security.
She threw open the door and the thick scent of iron assaulted her nose.
Eve lay in a pool of blood, no heartbeat. Someone dressed in black lay crumbled near Eve, again no heartbeat. Blood coated the stairs from where Lena must have crawled.
Lena, her Lena, lay motionless, one hand on the top step. For a horrifyingly long second, Kara couldn't hear a heartbeat. She dropped next to Lena and pressed her fingers against Lena's pulse point.
No, there it was.
A faint badum-badum, the most precious sound in the universe.
She could do nothing for the others, but she still had a chance to save Lena. A scan of her body revealed the bullet in her side, how it pierced a lung.
Kara gathered Lena into her arms, and ran through the security sector, hitting each door with her shoulder to wrench it open, until she finally made her way outside.
Lena's blood soaked into her suit, her head rolling in Kara's arms. She held her close and flew as fast as she dared toward the DEO. "Lena, please," she whispered, "please hold on. Don't you dare die on me. Not now. Not like this."
When her feet touched down, she heard Alex's voice shouting about a Rama Khan sighting. Agents poured into vehicles, and the team prepared to leave.
Kara ignored them. She walked through the bustle, and people parted for her.
Alex turned from where she studied Brainy's screens. Her eyes widened. "What the hell...?"
"Please. Help her." Tears clouded her vision.
"Medical now. Brainy J'onn's in charge." Alex grasped Kara's arm and maneuvered her through the mess of the control center. Technicians worked on last minute fine-tuning of weapons, and others manned screens plotting possible vectors. Activity that meant nothing to Kara, not if Lena died.
Not if she couldn't speak her last truth to Lena.
She laid Lena on the medical bed, and Alex ordered her nurses to get an IV in immediately. Kara began to pace, the blood drying on her suit. Alex cut away Lena's shirt and examined the wound.
"She needs surgery now."
"What do I do?" she asked Alex, anguished. "What do I do?"
Alex shook her head. "You can't help with this. Go help J'onn, and wear Lena's anti-kryptonite suit. I'm not sure how long I'll be in surgery."
"Can you save her?"
"I will try my best," Alex said. She refused to look at Kara, and that told her far too much.
Alex didn't think Lena would make it.
"Promise?" the words came out small, plaintive.
"Promise. Now get out of my way." Alex hooked the IV bag to the pole on one end of the bed, and rolled it toward an interior suite. Two nurses followed along with a second doctor.
Kara closed her eyes and listened to the most beautiful heartbeat in the universe -- it faintly hung on, slower and slower with each passing minute.
She couldn't stay and watch the medical team open up Lena. She couldn't.
Instead, she grabbed the anti-kryptonite suit. As it flowed over her, she almost wept again. It felt like Lena hugged her, the suit entirely her design and her nanites.
She flew outside and listened for J'onn. The fight was to the southeast by the docks.
Hadn't Leviathan been targeting Lena? She'd saved her once from them already. Maybe twice if she counted the break-in that had knocked Lena unconscious.
Now Lena was dying, and Kara didn't just want justice for Lena.
She wanted to tear apart whoever ordered that assassin.
The windows shook at the sonic boom, and the ground cratered when she landed.
Rama Khan and another Leviathan member battled J'onn and Dreamer, who had the weapon from the Fortress. Agents, with adjusted weaponry to match the power-disrupting frequency, scattered around the docks.
Kara didn't care about the risk. She didn't care about the Kryptonite weapons the assholes carried.
She crashed into Rama Khan and threw him into a dock building. The wall crumpled. "Did you hire Lena Luthor's killer?" she growled.
Rama Khan laughed and stood with hardly a mark on him and his ridiculous earth-toned suit. "Those who cross Leviathan do not live to tell the tale. Let you now join her, Supergirl." He extended his hand and the ground shook violently.
A blast from Dreamer's gun sent Rama Khan sprawling. Kara sped over and grabbed him by the throat. Her feet she stomped on his arms. "No one hurts Lena and survives," she growled. Her eyes glowed, and she let out a scream of grief and fury.
She blasted him and punched him again and again. Blood gushed from his face, but then he melted into the earth and stumbled into being a few feet away.
Only for Dreamer to blast him again. Kara pummeled him with the rage of a thousand suns. Her vision red, and the land ripped and shredded in their fight. Part of the pier demolished when Kara threw Rama Khan's accomplice into it. Another building fell when Rama blasted Kara into its walls.
Rama Khan slowed, each blast from the gun scrambled his powers long enough for Kara to rip into him until he bled from multiple places. She lost track of the others, so intent on eliminating the one who ordered Lena's hit.
"Kara!" J'onn clamped the power dampeners on the alien. "Kara, we got him."
Kara clenched Rama's neck and looked down to see the cuffs clasped to his wrists.
How much loss could a heart handle? Why did the universe seek to torture her so? Her entire planet, nearly all her friends, and now the woman she loves most -- loss melted through her crevices, filled her with a blinding fury.
She'd fought to keep everyone alive. It's why she needed to be in control, but that obsession of controlling everything, to make sure she never lost, had poisoned her. She couldn't control everything.
She couldn't even save Lena. The thought of Lena dying in surgery, of never hearing her voice again -- even Lena shouting in anger?
Her fingers crunched bone. Rama Khan tumbled from her grasp and hit the ground with a thump, motionless.
Dreamer and J'onn looked at her, but she didn't respond to their words or looks. Agents swarmed around them to secure the site, while Brainy set up the containment unit for Rama Khan and his accomplices. The ruckus roared like the sea in her ears.
She turned without a word and shot into the sky. She flew as high as she could, to where little to no oxygen existed. The fury burned in her, and she wanted to rip herself apart. She deactivated her helmet, turned off its life support systems, and let the lack of air suffocate her and her emotions.
She'd live. She'd always live, wouldn't she? While all she loved died.
She closed her eyes and let herself fall. Air whooshed around her body, screamed in her ears as she hit terminal velocity. For those brief moments, she heard nothing but the shrill wind, the rest of the Earth drowned out in her fall. A moment of release from the endless soundscape.
Halfway to the ground, she righted herself and flew to the edge of Earth's atmosphere. Again she let herself fall. For a third time, she soared high and fell.
Each time she let herself get closer and closer to hitting the ocean. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't outpace her fury at her own actions. At her failure.
This time she hit the water. She sunk into its depths.
Sea life swam around her, the distant calls of whales rippled through the water. What should delight her brought her sorrow.
No, she couldn't die. Her wretched powers, her curse, kept her alive. Kept her isolated from those she loved. Her careful, practiced control meant even in moments of extreme emotion, she still had to make sure not to hug too tightly. And kissing? How many noses had she broken?
All she wanted was Lena. Even if she could never be with Lena, she needed Lena to be alive. To be healthy and happy. Kara could live with just being on the sidelines, right? As long as Lena was alive.
She burst out of the ocean in a shower of sea water. She hung in the air and watched the waves below her. Her ears tuned to her favorite heartbeat, and there it was, faint, far too faint, but still pulsing.
A slither of hope wove into Kara's wretched spirit. She flew back to the DEO, the wind drying the moisture from the sea.
When she landed, Nia met her at the balcony's doors. "Kara," she breathed out as if she'd been running. "Been looking everywhere."
Kara crossed her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"
"It's Lena. Alex said to let you know the surgery is ongoing and Lena's handling it like a pro." Nia met her gaze, but worry painted across her face. "Don't lose hope yet. She may still live."
Kara said nothing. She heard the rebuke in Nia's words, but she didn't regret her actions. For Lena, there was no boundaries. She'd destroy a thousand Rama Khans if it meant saving Lena.
She followed Nia down the hall, through two intersections, and into the medical bay. Most of the beds were occupied by injured agents from the Leviathan battle. It was the surgery room that occupied all of Kara's attention.
Lena's heart beat still in those glass walls.
Kara walked up to them and pressed a hand against the cool glass. Lena looked so pale. So fragile.
The tears returned. Her chest constricted with a Lena-shaped hole that ached with each beat of her heart.
She didn't move from that spot for the rest of the surgery. Kara held vigil in silence, unmoving. She'd given Lena revenge on those who tried to kill her, and now Kara waited.
Waited for hope to dawn once more.
/end part 2
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girlusional · 8 hours
Let's Run away
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pov: You are a princess, and he is your bravest knight. Tomorrow, you're going to marry a prince from another kingdom, but you discovered just the night before that the man you really love is the one who always protects you.
pairs: knight! enhypen Heeseung/Jay/Jake (separately) + princess! fem. reader
This is FICTIONAL. It's NOT about the idols in real life.
warnings: kisses, neck kisses, swearing, smut, unprotected sex (don't do it, do it safely), praise, fingering,
w.c.: 2.135k
You were next to your window, seeing the sunset as a new day was coming. Your wedding.
You would be the next queen of a big kingdom, would marry a rich prince and, even if he has lovers, the idea of having power wasn't so bad.
So why were you so sad about it?
“I have to say bye, Your Highness.” You looked at Heeseung, your bravest knight, who was in front of you. “After your wedding, I'll not be your personal knight anymore.”
You frowned, what the hell was he talking about?
“What do you mean?”
You noticed that his eyes weren't looking at you, but at something behind you. And Heeseung always looks into your eyes.
“I mean that it's time to say goodbye.”
You widened your eyes, confused.
“But… you are my knight.”
Heeseung looked down at the floor, a stern expression on his face.
“I thought this would be better for both of us. I hope you understand.”
You could hear your heart in your ears. This only could be a joke.
“No. I need you by my side.” You walked next to him, trying to reach his face with your hand, but he stepped back.
“No. Please. Don't make it harder for me…” His voice was just a whisper at this point, and his eyes finally were looking into yours.
And something in your chest broke when you saw that he was tearing.
“Please.” He said again. “Don't make me want you more than this. It's not fair.”
Your heart almost stopped when the words were spoken. You stopped paying attention to the room, or to the yellow bird that was next to your window.
Heeseung is the only bright spot now.
You hold his face with kindness and nuzzle his skin, seeing his tears rolling down on his cheeks. He was so handsome it hurts.
“Do you really want me?” You asked, smiling.
“If I say yes, will you stay with me tonight?” You bite your lower lip, thinking.
You'll never be happy married to a prince that only wants you because of your father's kingdom. And you knew that.
Love is not everything, you know it. Freedom is important too. But this marriage will be your cage.
“If you say yes, I'll run away with you tonight.” You said, in a low tone. “If you say yes, I'm yours tonight.”
“Your Highness…”
“My name.”
His eyes were bigger, but his tongue said your name like a praise.
Like a damn necessity.
His hands found the lace on your dress, holding like you could disappear.
His lips touched yours in ecstasy, he moved to kiss you deeply, holding your waist with one hand and the other undone your lace, opening the dress.
That tiny call of his name made something burn inside him.
“Be mine. Be mine, be mine, be mine…” He repeated these words against your skin, kissing your neck in devotion.
“I am yours…” He held your dress, wanting to take it off.
His armor was between your body and his, so he gently put you sat at your giant bed while taking off his pieces.
His sword was on your couch, and he was using boots, black pants and a white shirt, covering his arms and chest.
You observed his body, the way he looked at you, the way his tongue passed between his lips, his chest that was rising and falling fast, his… oh…
“Heeseung, you…” He smiled, walking to you and caressing your chin.
“I can't help it. I want you more than you think.” The buttons of your dress bodice opened, revealing your skin. “Can I kiss your body?”
You leaned on the bed, nodding.
Heeseung was at the top of you, kissing and biting your soft skin, marking it.
You knew your father would kill him for that, but you wouldn't be there when at the sunrise.
Your mind was blank, you don't even know how you both were now clothless, but your tongue just knew how to say one name.
“Heeseung…” You closed your eyes, crying. His mouth against your core, his fingers holding your legs apart. You've never felt this good before. “Heeseung…”
It was wet and hot… and so good.
Your body trembled before you could hold a moan that escaped from your lips.
“Shh, Princess. They will catch us.”
He lay down on the bed, next to you, and caressed your face.
“Will you really run away with me?”
“Yes.” You hugged him. “Let's run away.”
You were at the Royal Library, reading about the kingdom of your future husband, Prince Aidan.
He was disgusting. Much older than you and always tries to seduce you.
Really, if you just could run away…
“It's late, Your Highness.” Your book was closed abruptly and you looked up, seeing Jay.
The candles trembled a bit, but kept shining.
“I just need some minutes…”
“You need to sleep, Your Highness.” You sighed. Jay was stubborn when he wanted to be, so you stood up and nodded.
“Get a candle and follow me, I need to put this in its place again.” You pointed to the book.
Your dress was shining under the candle light, but Jay kept his look on your neck, decorated with pearls.
He wanted to reach you, to stop you from marrying that man.
“Can I be selfish one last time before your marriage, Your Highness?” He asked, silently. You were both alone at that library.
“Yes.” You say, looking at the bookshelf you got the book.
When you put the object there again, you felt a head leaning in the curve of your neck and hands holding you behind.
Your heart began to beat fast, and your eyes widened.
“Jay, what…”
“I know isn't fair to you. But I am in love with you.” You shiver with his breath against your skin, his lips almost kissing your neck with proximity. “I wanted to keep you with me, but I knew we would never be together. You are a Princess, I am just a knight.”
You held his hands against your clothes, intertwining your fingers.
“What more?” You asked, caressing his hand.
His lips touched your jawline, making some electricity run inside your veins.
“What do you want to hear, Princess?” His nose slowly strokes your cheek. “That I would die for you?” His arms pressed you a bit more against his body. “That I would worship you like a fucking goddess? Because I would, and I will.” His fingers nuzzled your skin, trying to reach your blood and soul.
You turned your body to look at his eyes and couldn't say a thing because the first thing he did was to kiss you.
To devour your lips.
Your back was against the bookshelf and the candle was on some books.
Jay lifted you up, holding your legs.
He dreamed about it more times than he could count on fingers. And you wanted this more than you would ever say out loud.
One of his hands passed under your dress, feeling your thighs, and yours were at his shoulders, holding him close enough to kiss him.
But a loud sound stopped you.
“Princess? Are you here?” You two were in the library background, and no one could see you from the door.
But you had to answer, once it was your maid's voice.
“I am here. I am just reading some books. I'll go to bed in a few minutes.” You thought Jay would give you a time, but his fingers touched your waist, under your dress, and his hand… he was reaching…
“No.” You whispered. “She is here…”
But Jay smiled and kissed your neck, biting and sucking it.
You had to bite your lips to hold a moan.
“Are you sure? I am a bit worried, Your Highness. Tomorrow is an important day…”
“Yes I am, it's everything okaaa…” Your nails almost crossed Jay's shoulders when his fingers touched your core, massaging you in a lazy rhythm.
“Princess?” Your maid spoke again. “Is it everything okay?”
You wanted to scream, it was so good the way Jay was giving you more pleasure than you could hold.
”Answer her, love.” He muttered. “Or she will see us.”
“I am okay… Just… a bit tired…” You hold a pleased sound. “You can go.”
The doors closed, so you assumed she was gone.
“Park Jongseong…” You gasped when he touched a specific place.
“Say my name again.” He smirked. “I love you so bad, please…” His kisses now were calm and soft, and he kept a peace rhythm. “I want you…”
“I am yours…” Was the last thing you said before you reached your highest. You hugged him, tired. “Jay…”
“Hm?” He put you on the floor, your legs almost stumbling.
“Let's run away.”
You were worried. It was almost midnight and Jake wasn't in any place you looked.
He told you he was just a bit sick in the morning, but after noon he simply disappeared. And your wedding is going to be the next day.
You don't want to marry that prince, you just want to see Jake again. You held back your feelings for a long time and now, just now, you have the courage to say to him.
But where are him?
You were wearing a night-gown, and it was cold outside your bedroom.
You didn't have a choice, and got a blanket to cover your shoulders.
Jake usually walks in the garden when he's sad or sick, so your last hope was the Royal Garden.
Some flowers are blossoming, and the smell is sweet and pleasant, so you almost didn't see the time passing.
You were almost walking inside the castle again when you heard sobs.
At first you thought that it wasn't nothing, but you saw who was crying, and the scene almost broke your heart.
“Jake?” You called his name, looking at his pitiful state. His eyes were puffy, his nose was red and his clothes were a mess.
Jake stood up, wiping the tears and looking down.
“I am sorry, I…” You didn't wait for him to explain and hugged him with all you had.
“I was so worried about you, idiot…” You teared, relaxing when his hands reached your back.
“I just needed to put some thoughts in place.” He said, embracing you back.
“But you needed to disappear?” Your fingers trace a soft line on his skin. “Idiot.”
He chuckles and holds your hands, nuzzling them as his eyes admire you.
“Do you want to run away with me?” His words echoed between you, making your body freeze.
“Pardon?” You said.
“Sorry… nevermind.” You stepped next to him, curious.
“What did you say?” You try to catch his attention, but Jake sighed.
“I can't see you in this situation. I want to hug you every time you see that prince. I want to kiss you every time he touches your face. I want to have you every time I listen to someone talking about this damn wedding.” He looks at you, frowning. It seemed that he would cry at any moment. “I want you.”
His hands traveled from your face to your waist, squeezing it.
His face now was against the curve of your neck, smelling your sweet perfume.
“Somebody can see us…”
“I don't give a damn, I just want to be next to you.” His lips were so close to you. You just wanted to feel it.
“ Jake.” You felt his breath on your skin, and his hands were on your shoulders, under the blanket. “Shit…”
You weren't thinking straight anymore. Your fingers now were at his hair, and his tongue was caressing your neck, kissing it with so much need. He wanted you so bad.
“Not here.” You whispered.
“Nobody will…”
“Jake!” You wanted to hit him, but then he sat down on the floor, tapping his lap.
And between your reason and your desire, you heard your desire.
His hands explored your body like a treasure, he couldn't get enough of you.
“Jaeyun.” He was so deep. Your blanket was on the roses, and your back was against the grass while Jake was on the top of you, filling you.
You both were sweating, and breathing hard as your bodies became just one. And it was so good. The pleasure was something you just discovered now.
And you wanted more.
“I'm almost…”
“Me too.”
His fingers intertwined yours and his lips devoured the soft skin of your neck. Your moans were low and restrained, afraid that someone could appear.
But you just wanted to scream and say how good that was.
And when he came, his mouth was on yours, savoring your delicious lips.
“Run away with me.”
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thyfatedenemy · 2 years
Sagau would be terrible for me because the characters would just see me get incriesingly more upset over the fact that I can't release that one hilichurl from the Fatui Dragonspine camp
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Homeless Jason before Bruce him in: Why are you scared of Batman?
Also, homless Danny: I don't want him drinking my blood
Jason: Batman's a vampire!?
Danny: I know! He's so scary!
Jason: Well, aren't you like a half ghost meta? Can't you take him?
Danny: You want me to fight a VAMPIRE!? No thanks.
Batman, watching from above their alley: Those are the kids that are being hunted down by a rouge?
Nightwing: Yeah, there are some rumors Penguin wants their heads. Apparently, Danny helped an entire shipment of traffic victims escape their cages by crashing a crane against the shipping carriers that they were in. Jason was among the victims, so it may have been an attempt to rescue his twin
Batman: They're twins?
Nightwing: According to the word on the street they are. What do you think? We putting them in witness protection?
Batman: No. Danny's meta abilities will have then flag by another ring before long.....Wayne is an emergency foster. He could take them in.
Nightwing: Sounds good to me. Let me tell them that, though. They think you're a vampire, so they may be scared of you.
Batman slightly hurt: Alright.
Nightwing dropping in front ot the kids: Hey there-!
*Danny and Jason sprinting faster the the Olympics gold medalist*
Dick: Why does everyone hate my discowing outfit.
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sturnioz · 2 months
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⌗︙— virgin!matt eating pussy for the first time !
☆ . . . matt doesn't understand what he's doing as he stares at your glistening folds, listening to your instructions as his hands grip the fleshy meat of your thighs, giving you a quick nod before leaning in to take a hesitant lick.
he jumps when he hears the noise that slips out of your lips, his body tensing as your knees knock together behind his head, caging him in between.
your taste lingers on his tongue, and he rubs his lips together thoughtfully — he isn't sure on how to explain it, but he sure as hell wasn't going to vocally admit how fucking sweet you tasted, not wanting to feel more embarrassed that he already is.
he leans in again to take a few more experimental licks before relaxing himself into it, his tongue pushing between your folds and slurping up your arousal that gushes from your entrance.
"that's it, matt... r-right there." your gasps of pleasure urge him on, and he buries himself deep, allowing himself to do what he thinks is right and his chest soars with pride when he hears you moan loudly.
your hands rest on the top of his head, holding the tufts of his hair carefully, not pulling and tugging him as you're worried you'll scare him away — but matt's not going anywhere.
matt feels glued in place as he devours your pussy messily, a mess of his spit and drool, and quiet moans slip from his lips at the addicting taste that covers his tongue.
he can't seriously get enough of you, his grip tightening on your thighs as he pulls you closer to his face despite you already being as close as possible. he wants you to lock your legs around his head to hold him in — to hold him there for eternity if he was allowed.
he still doesn't fully understand what he's doing, and there's a tinge of worry and panic in the back of his mind at not making you feel good, but the way you're reacting to him eating your cunt and toying your clit with his tongue, he knows he's doing something.. and it makes him feel like he's going crazy.
"why do you fuckin' taste so good..." matt murmurs with a whimper to himself, his fingers digging into the flesh of your skin as the sudden urge to cry hits him.
why does he feel so emotional being in between your legs? devouring you as if it's his last fucking meal? why has he never done this before? why didn't he do it sooner?
matt jerks back in surprise when his tongue dips into your hole and your pussy clenches at the sensation, more arousal dripping to the bedsheets below and his eyes flit up to you when you gasp.
"can.. can you do that?"
his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "do what?"
your gaze meets his, "fuck me with your tongue?"
the shock is evident on his expression as he asks, "i can — i can do that?"
matt knows you're not laughing at him, but he can't help but feel a little embarrassed and shy as you cover your mouth to stifle your amusement. he decides not to question it further as he focusses his attention back to your weeping cunt and he pokes out his tongue, lapping around your entrance before hesitantly pushing in.
his tongue doesn't go as far as he imagines his cock would — which makes his hips twitch against the bed at the thought — but feeling the warmth of your walls squeezing around his tongue has him moaning out loud, and he laps up as much as your slick as he possibly can.
you're moving too much for him to concentrate, and he's worried he's doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable. he glances up at you for a brief moment to see the expression on your face; your eyes are shut tightly, eyebrows pulled together in pleasure, mouth dropped open as sinful sounds rip from the back of your throat.
it lets him know that there's nothing wrong — in fact, he's doing really fucking good.
matt can't help but whine softly at your pleasurable state, and he wraps his lips around your clit to suck instead, remembering how you reacted when he did it a few minutes ago. he grunts when you leg hits the side of his head with force and he decides to hold them down, pressing them both to the mattress as he circles his wet muscle around your clit.
"oh! oh fuck — matt... 'm gonna cum," you pant heavily, your chest heaving with breathless moans. "matty... 'm gonna cum — you're gonna make me cum—"
"wanna make you cum," matt's words come out muffled against your pussy. "please, baby — let me make you cum."
feeling your body seize up in his hold and let out the most prettiest noises has matt moaning in your pussy, continuing to lick and suck at your clit like a starved animal. you're trembling around him, and the grip you have on his hair is tightening, leaving a dull ache on his skull but he takes no notices as he holds your shaking legs down, devouring every last drop of cum that you give him.
your body jolts when he doesn't stop riding your through your high, and his grip is too strong for you to free yourself and it results in you hitting the top of his head, pathetic sobs spilling from your lips as you beg him to stop from how sensitive you are.
"i wan' more," matt mouths on your pussy, his tongue licking a wet stripe through your folds and you suck in a sharp breathe. "i wan' more — need more, i need it. don' make me stop... please, give me one more."
© sturnioz
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astonmartinii · 3 months
i can do it with a broken heart [guilty as sin part three] | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem sainz!reader
life goes on after a bombshell but this silence isn't mysterious it's ominous
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,304,509 others
yourusername: don't tell lies about me and i won't tell truths about you
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user164: oh holy moly this is so much worse than i thought
user165: i don't think i can ever look at those men the same ever again
user167: my mouth dropped open when i read that
user168: so like not to be insensitive but like who do we think it was
maxverstappen1: so like y/n obviously can't talk on this because she needs her silence but my big mouth will remain open they tried it on me that's why she mentions that she managed to make friends.
user169: what the fuck
maxverstappen1: they thought that i would be an easy target because i was so young but jokes on them i've always been taken advantage of so i saw that from a mile away (also y/n didn't want to so that obviously helped)
user170: that is actually insane like her and max are the same age so that would've made her so young i hope to god that they didn't try it with anyone older
maxverstappen1: they did but by the time they realised that it hadn't worked on me y/n had allies and fernando and seb were not about to let any of that happen
user171: thank the lord she had some friends when people control your money you'll do anything
fernandoalo_oficial: she became my daughter the moment that i saw them try and offer their family to some of the older men in the paddock
user172: i am actually in shock this was a "oh gosh this is so dramatic situation" but now it's just "holy shit i kinda need to see these guys in jail"
fernandoalo_oficial: me and you both
user173: i'm going to need ferrari to let charles out of the cage for this one
user174: kinda expected him to be in the comments supporting her i'm not going to lie
user175: he's in the likes?
user176: girl? his girlfriend is being sued by his own family and is confessing that she was offered round the paddock like a prize cow i feel like he should be actively voicing his support
oscarpiastri: you're loved and have the full support of the paddock
maxverstappen1: we're behind you 100% of the way
olliebearman: nothing but full support for you mum
pierregasly: we're all here for you no matter what we're allowed to say
fernandoalo_oficial: 🫶
sebastianvettel: it'll all work out in the end
user177: still no charles ???
user178: eh i feel like pierre is confirming charles' support in his place
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 835,923 others
tagged: yourusername & charles_leclerc
maxverstappen1: i'm missing my best friend has anyone seen her?
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user179: oh good i was just about to lose it from y/n and max withdrawals
user180: at least one of the trio of dumbasses is keeping us fed
yourusername: i miss you toooooooooo :( (reply fast my lawyer has gone to the bathroom)
maxverstappen1: hurry up and win your lawsuit so we can go back to kicking ass and drinking gin and tonics
yourusername: i'm trying 🤞
maxverstappen1: and if i said it's time to red wedding them?
yourusername: i think we would be swiftly arrested
maxverstappen1: they can't arrest us our face cards are too strong
yourusername: well one of us is currently in court so what does that say about my face card
this comment was liked by the author and @yourusername
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user181: so is that like confirmation that charles is back in PR jail in maranello
user182: right i understand that he's literally employed by them but like he's also a grown ass man who can speak up
user183: like i know max isn't obviously at ferrari and isn't contractually obligated to be teammates with carlos but even he's out here slamming him
user184: and oscar who's only in his SECOND year in the sport
oscarpiastri: bold assumption that you're the best friend max
maxverstappen1: let's not get too rowdy piastri i can deal with you as the 'child' - you cannot be a bestie as well
oscarpiastri: i don't think that's the exact rules
maxverstappen1: you'll soon learn that I MAKE THE RULES AROUND HERE BUSTER
oscarpiastri: i can't wait for y/n to kick their asses so she can come back and KICK YOURS FOR ME
maxverstappen1: she would NEVER
oscarpiastri: okay maybe she wouldn't, but my dad on the other hand ...
liked by @charles_leclerc
user185: charles just PLEASE GET ON THE MIC
user186: i'm about to lose my patience i'm not going to lie
user187: guys we have to remember that this is a complicated situation with a lot of different moving parts, as long as charles is there for her in REAL LIFE it doesn't matter what we're seeing
liked by @yourusername
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liked by landonorris, user190 and 308,994 others
carlossainz55: what was it you said? all is fair in love and poetry.
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user192: not the childhood dog too ???
user193: these are unbelievable levels of hating
user194: i'd be impressed if he wasn't such an asshole
maxverstappen1: get fucked
carlossainz55: she shouldn't dish it out if she can't take it
maxverstappen1: she fell in love ?? and you thought that was a good excuse to take everything she's ever had
carlossainz55: she cost me my dream
maxverstappen1: as far i can remember, she's not on the fucking FERRARI BOARD GENIUS
carlossainz55: it's her pussy-whipped boyfriend that's the problem and she deserved this as soon as she choose him over her blood
maxverstappen1: you're insane and history will always remember you as the biggest crybaby loser to ever grace this sport
user195: so this ^^ is definitely referring to y/n's poetry
user196: are we living through scooter braun volume two
user197: @taylorswift PLEASE HELP
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charles_leclerc: you are the lowest of the low and you will get what is coming to you
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charles_leclerc: there's only so long i have to stay silent and the people will know just the type of person you are
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user198: so is like carlos deleting this comments or ferrari?
user199: i bet it's ferrari
user200: 1. can they stop being allergic to fun 2. i think this has gotten past the need to uphold image like these are your employees and this is serious actually
user201: also like silencing charles when its CARLOS BEING THE MESSY ONE HE IS ACTUALLY STILL YOUR EMPLOYEE
yourusername: old habits die screaming
carlossainz55: you can spout all the 'poetry' you want it'll all belong to me anyway
yourusername: i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning
user202: stealing poetry? now that's a new low
user203: i'm gonna need someone to take one for the team and put a cheeky front wing in his tyre
georgerussell63: well this sounds like a job for me
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 893,450 others
charles_leclerc: lets go racing.
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user206: is this even charles? where are the emojis? where is the excitement
user207: i think we might be witnessing a lil PR takeover after his deleted comments tirade under carlos' recent post
user208: you'd think they'd at least get his tone right like the rest of his account is RIGHT THERE
user209: charles leclerc's PR team we now have beef
liked by @yourusername
maxverstappen1: ugh you people are useless
oscarpiastri: i'm not going to lie i'm losing my patience
maxverstappen1: for real i'm gonna need this court case to finish up fast so we can get back to being a united front of haters
oscarpiastri: and then we can also wrestle charles' phone back by force
user210: oh so they quite literally took his phone?
olliebearman: whoops
user210: ollie coming for kid of the year
olliebearman: i can't be told off for accidentally leaving my phone out while in the car and accidentally making my password something easy to remember and accidentally telling charles that his PR team had posted something - accident i swear
user211: @maxverstappen1 can you confirm they're still grossly in love?
maxverstappen1: i do have the letters to prove so but i think he's going insane with withdrawals
user213: yo i know we just got some confirmation from max but i can't help but think how lonely this must be for y/n
user214: for real if i was being sued by my family and had everything stolen from me i'd want more than some 'confirmation' through her bff in an instagram comment
carlossainz55: i hate to say i told you so @yourusername but that would be a lie i'm enjoying this so much
maxverstappen1: i want to fight you so bad but my therapist said that's bad
oscarpiastri: it's also illegal?
maxverstappen1: what's the point of being a rich white man oscar if i can't use to it to traverse the justice system and defend my bestie's honour
user215: @charles_leclerc get a backbone and do it like these two ^^
user216: i still have faith that he'll rain hell on that family when he's free
user217: well can he hurry the fuck up cause he's really shaping up to be the worst boyfriend of the year
user218: he has to get fucking loud HE CAN'T PROVE CARLOS RIGHT I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN THAT WORLD
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri and 934,520 others
yourusername: i can do it with a broken heart
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user224: it's finished?
user225: that's what the spanish media are saying
user224: well in that case Y/N WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE YOUR POETRY BACK?
maxverstappen1: a wine evening without me? prison changed you
user225: SHE'S IN PRISON?
maxverstappen1: want me to put some money in the commissary so you can buy cigarettes?
yourusername: i don't even smoke and i'M NOT IN JAIL
maxverstappen1: now you've done time can you employ some stricter parenting on oscar and ollie, they've gotten unruly with both parents absent
yourusername: i'm not an absent mother :(
maxverstappen1: did you just refer to literal FORMULA ONE GRAND PRIXS AS RECITALS?
oscarpiastri: maybe i did
yourusername: he's allowed to call them what he wants
olliebearman: i feel sufficiently supported by you mum x
yourusername: i'm glad
olliebearman: family dinner when dad gets released from ferrari's top secret base jail?
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maxverstappen1: did he just get sniped by ferrari's PR?
user226: okay cool got the main kids update but WHAT ABOUT LEO?
user227: please tell me he's been been in good care
yourusername: he's been my rock 🤞
user228: not the dog being more present than charles - it would be funny if it wasn't so sad :(
user229: so are any of you going to address the literal caption of this post
user230: there's two options here she either lost the court case or her and charles have actually broken up
user231: the fact carlos is not in this comment section actively gloating makes me think she might have actually won?
user232: but i don't want it to be the other option... charles and y/n are end game :(
user233: but he's been so so silent and that BULLSHIT response in the press conference
user234: idk the delusion in me has this theory ... she won the case but like t swift, doesn't have access to her old work so maybe she's heartbroken over losing that and then it's just exacerbated by her boyfriend's useless bosses that are holding him captive in italy (also he was totally coached to say that shit in the presser it's written all over his strangely expressive face)
user235: at this point i might go to italy and just prison break him out of there this is ridiculous
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note: DON'T HATE ME YALL i promise it'll get better we must have faith in the man (i know i hate to put my faith in men) xx
extra note from me here. first, i will fix this tag list at some point idk why it's not working rn. secondly, i have been made aware by multiple people that there is a series just like this one down to characters and the name of the series on here and i can't lie i'm bummed about it. as i said on the first part (?) this is an idea i've had since the release of TTPD (and people will back me up on this) so it bums me out that there are blatant copies coming out! i'm all for inspiration but sometimes there's a difference between taking inspo and copying especially when my masterlist was posted ages ago and my first part was posted on the 9th of may.... anyways that's all i have to say! enjoy xx
taglist: in comments!
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mayumiiyuu · 4 months
Hear me out
Jason todd seeing you wearing nothing but one of his shirts, just barely large enough to cover your ass
I can't write, but I need closure to this little idea that has been floating in my brain, also heard you wanted asks so...
oh my god oh my god oh my god………(i love the way u think)
18+ Content, Minors DNI
warnings: dom! jason, teasing jason (are we rlly surprised), sub!fem!reader, slight belly bulge if u squint, size difference mentioned. (please inform me if i need to add more, thank you!)
the morning after
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sunlight filters gently through the window of your apartment’s kitchen, bathing everything it touched in a golden glow, your eyes catching in the light, the rays dripping off your form like warm honey. you hum a soft, dulcet melody as you lean your hip against the edge of the kitchen counter, the whirring sound of the coffee maker the only thing that disturbs the peaceful atmosphere.
just as you stand on your tiptoes to reach for the mugs in one of the taller cabinets, the material of your boyfriend’s shirt riding up your backside, you feel Jason’s hand on your hip, pulling you away as he takes it upon himself to grab them, his sheer size practically dwarfing you as he leans over, a smirk on his lips.
“Let me get that for you, doll.” he drawls as you turn around, his hands now placed on either side of you, resting against the counter, caging you in, and you can’t help the way your thighs clench as you look up at him, mind racing with thoughts of how he had you in a similar position just last night, relentlessly pounding into your throbbing cunt.
Jason couldn’t stop looking at you, how could he? the fluid movements you make as you walk around the kitchen, pulling out ingredients for today’s breakfast, the way your hair swayed with each movement. you were so sweet, he thinks to himself, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he continues to watch you, only for his softened gaze to intensify with a passionate fire as he catches sight of the lacy pair of red panties barely covering your ass—then he remembers how sweet you truly were, the soft whines that would slip past your lips, the low and breathy moans as your chest heaved up and down while he sucked and lapped up your sopping cunt.
could you really blame him when you had such a perfect body? mewling and writhing against him, reacting to his touches so perfectly, his good, sweet girl, taking him so well? and good god, the way that shirt draped over you, only reaching a little past your hips, rising just by a fraction to show off the round, soft flesh of your ass that once bore his marks, pink hand prints from his rough, calloused grip, and hickeys from when he ate you out from behind—just you wearing that shirt, seeing it ride up to show off the marks he’d left last night, it was your fault for teasing him, for wearing his shirt. why would you ever want to hide that body of yours from him anyway when he could worship you so well?
so really, you should’ve known better. now you were bent over the kitchen counter you once were making coffee on, back arched like a cat’s as you felt him draw a line over your weeping slit, your cunt pulsating with a heat only he could draw out from you.
“Please, Jay,” you whine, bucking your ass against him, hoping for some sort of relief as you rub your slicked pussy against his own angry tip, leaking with pre-cum. “Need you—need you so bad.”
“Yeah?” he whispers, leaning over you, his hand pressed up against your throat to press your back to his broad chest. “Y’need me that bad, princess? Need me to stretch out that tight pussy, have you make a mess all over my cock?”
there’s a teasing edge to his words as he swipes at your hole, already dripping with your slickness, pushing his tip in just to give you a little taste of the stretch—as if his words weren’t enough to make you whine and beg—but pulling out just as quickly, the cocky bastard. he loved seeing you like this, so desperate for him.
“Please, Jason—“ your voice comes out strained from desperation as you attempt to wiggle your ass closer to him, your cunt nearer to his hard, thick cock, only to let out a frustrated mewl as Jason holds your hips steady in place. “Need you—need your cock, wanna have you fuck me full, fill me up with your cum, please.”
“‘S that so?” Jason grins, wolfish and wicked as he continues to tease you, running his fat tip along the length of your cunt, purposefully bumping your clit with each stroke. “Such a filthy mouth on you, doll. Makes me wanna stuff my cock in it, see how dirty it can really get.” he chuckles, licking his canines in lustful amusement as he feels your opening clench around his tip at his words.
“Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Y’like being all dirty f’me, don’t ya, doll?” his voice comes out in a low, gravelly rumble as her murmurs in your ear.
“Mhmm..” you nod, bottom lip tucked between your teeth, thighs already trembling in anticipation. “Jus’ wanna be good f’you, Jay.”
“That’s right,” he croons, chest welling up with pride at your submission, his gaze softening ever so slightly as he sees the look of adoration in your eyes swirled with desire for him. he lays kisses down your shoulder blades, landing a tender open-mouthed kiss against your nape—a reminder that even through the fiery hot intensity of the passion between the two of you, at the root of it all was a deep and profound love. “So good f’me, so perfect…’gonna take such good care of you, doll.” he murmurs, lining up his tip against your slit, pushing his aching cock into your drenched pussy. the tease that he is, he makes sure to draw out the moment, dragging his thick shaft against the walls of your cunt, eliciting a loud moan from your lips.
the sight of your cunt stretching out around his girth makes a low groan of pleasure slip from his lips as he sheathes himself fully into you. you drag your nails feebly against the marbled countertop, a muffled whine coming out of your mouth as you feel his fat cock fill you up—god, you could never get used to the sting, how good it felt knowing that he was the only one who could ever fill you up this good. your eyes roll to the back of your skull in pleasure as his hand comes to press against your womb, making sure you felt the small bump against the pit of your stomach all due to his massive cock.
“Feel that, doll? Pussy’s all full of me—fuck, s’fucking tight—like it was made f’me, hm?” he lets out a breath, hot and heavy against the back of your neck, a low hiss emanating from his lips; he could never stop the way his cock twitched as he felt your cunt flutter around him, the warmth of your sweet pussy against his throbbing cock made his head murky with lust.
“Pussy’s all yours, Jay—h-hah, s’all for you!” you moan, feeling each vein and the curve of his cock against your spongy walls, his tip prodding and brushing against that spot that always made you see stars.
“That’s my girl,” he purrs, his hand still around your throat, the other one holding your hip in place as he pulls his hips back before slamming his cock inside of you, beginning his quick pace. he’d been holding back before, but the way your cunt clenched around him makes any and all self-control slip from his being as he begins to fuck into you.
“Be a good girl and take my cock, yeah?” Jason whispers in your ear, his voice thick with lust as the lewd sounds of your sloppy cunt come into contact with his cock, his pelvis slamming against the meat of your ass.
it was going to be a while before the two of you have breakfast—all because of that damned shirt and Jason’s undeniable hunger for you. fuck breakfast, he had you, and that’s all he ever needed.
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catscidr · 6 months
// how genshin men would kabedon you //
i. note — im stuck in bed because of cramps help me i wanted to be productive today but eye can't write good…… so i wrote something self indulgent silly to get my mind off of the pain instead _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _ ueue ii. cw — fluff/crack, gn!reader, suggestive if you squint rly hard, you're shorter than them in the third part for convenience's sake, not rly proofread im melting
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standard kabedon with one arm ↳ alhaitham, diluc, zhongli ˎˊ˗
immediately understood what you meant when you asked if he could “kabedon” you. he either he read it about it somewhere or it’s just something he picked up from overhearing others talk about it in passing— you’d tease him for being “nosy” if you weren’t so flustered at the sight of him looking down at you with such a straight face.
your gaze travels down from his face, to his neck, to his bicep… close to you… and his forearm… that’s even closer to you… you’re so focused on his strong masculine arm that you don’t catch the slight blush tinting his cheeks.
whew. is it just you or is it getting hot in here?
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standard kabedon but with both arms ↳ albedo, xiao, lyney ˎˊ˗
he either knew what a kabedon was already or you had to explain it to him and he… misunderstood a little bit.
or maybe he didn’t. maybe it was on purpose. maybe caging you in with both of his arms was what he was planning all along while you sheepishly explained what a kabedon entailed…!
or maybe he doesn’t want to admit that he zoned out while you were talking because all he thought about was how cute you looked, all flushed and embarrassed. yeah. that’s definitely not what happened. of course not
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invades your personal space and backs you up into the wall without even using his arms ↳ pantalone, ayato, dottore ˎˊ˗
he pretended not to know what a was kabedon because’s he’s mean. while you tried to explain what it entailed (while sweating nervously from how hard he was staring at you), he slowly closed the distance between the two of you before you realized just how close he was.
he was taller than you, so he had to bend down at the waist to be at eye-level with you… and the action didn’t help your poor little heart. you could smell his cologne and gods did you feel your knees go weak.
but on the bright side, if your legs give out he’ll be close enough to catch you before you bust your head open! such a gentleman
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forget using arms, he’ll use his leg to pin you to the wall instead ↳ itto, cyno, childe ˎˊ˗
why be like everyone else when he can show off instead? you think he might have been a bird in another life because this isn’t a kabedon, it has to be some sort of courting ritual or… something.
at least it’s working, though. your face is flushed, you’re holding back a smile and your heart is racing against your ribcage.
the only downside if that your face is buried in your hands; if it wasn’t, you’re sure your curiosity would get the better of you and you’d end up looking. don’t ask where, you know what i mean
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….you kabedon him. ↳ wanderer, baizhu, neuvillette, webttore ˎˊ˗
he either straight up refused to do it or was so utterly puzzled by what on earth a “kabedon” even was that you had to show him.
cue a strained gasp, his brows either raised to the heavens or furrowed so hard he would immediately get wrinkles, and a blush that you would never let yourself forget. maybe you should do this more often.
but be careful, he might turn the tables and catch you off guard to kabedon you someday as payback. oh no! terrible, i know
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junkissed · 11 months
bedroom exclusive
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member — actor bf!jun x f reader  genre — smut, (playful) angst, fluff word count — 3.9k  synopsis — seeing your boyfriend on tv kissing another girl definitely doesn't feel good, but he's got plenty of time to make it up to you. and he plans on letting you know that you're the only one on his mind.  smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, kissing, fingering, jun likes to be a tease, reader likes to be a brat, some jealousy but it's (mostly) pretend, all my fics have disgustingly happy endings i can't help it sorry notes — requested by @miwayu v this idea has been sitting in my inbox for 783 years but i have finally finished it !! big thanks to @onlymingyus for proofreading. i hope you enjoy!  
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"well, how come you never kiss me on the couch like that?"
jun crosses his arms with a huff. "first of all, yes i do, and second of all, it's not like the scene was my idea! i didn't write the script!"
he's right about everything, but you still can't help but feel upset. no, not upset: you have to admit to yourself that you're a little... jealous. jealous that everybody gets to see how your jun kisses someone, how he holds someone, how he closes his eyes and wraps his hands around and how he touches someone. it's exactly what he looks like when he's doing all of that with you, so watching your boyfriend do all of those things with someone who isn't you is jarring, to say the least. but at the end of the day you know it's acting, and that after the cameras are turned off and the staff goes home for the night, he's doing all of that for real with you and only you. but even though you're not really angry with him, you still feel like pouting.
you stay quiet, trying to think of something to say, but jun speaks. "baby, if it really has you so worked up, then why don't i just show you?"
his question catches you off guard, and you look over at him in suspicion. "show me what?"
but as soon as the question leaves your lips, jun is putting his arms around you and flipping you down onto the couch. everything happens so fast that you barely comprehend what's happening until your back is flat against the cushions and he's positioning himself on top of you, caging you in with his arms and his legs straddling either side of your hips. your heart races when you look up and see the familiar look in his eyes as he holds himself above you. 
you don't try to hide the whine that escapes you, and jun grins in satisfaction as he leans down, his face hovering just centimeters above yours. "show you what it's like to be under me, darling. no cameras, just you and me."
your eyebrows knit into a frown and you turn your cheek to the side, away from him.
he sighs, but your refusal just makes him even more determined to convince you otherwise. "come on, baby, don't act like that. it isn't real. this is real, and i know you know the difference."
he presses his lips against your neck, feeling the way your pulse jumps beneath your skin as he gently leaves a trail of kisses down your throat. your curiosity gets the better of you and you turn your head back to look at him, only to find him staring into your eyes, his fixed gaze never leaving you as he works his way across your neck. 
the familiar feeling of his large hands roaming your body makes your skin warm, and you do your best to ignore the traitorous rush of slick between your legs. you can only pretend to be mad for so long before you give in, and it's beginning to seem easier and easier with every move he makes, working you up in ways only he knows how. he knows your body like the back of his hand, knows exactly which buttons to press, knows exactly what to do to get you begging and pleading for more. 
but still you have the urge to fight him, not wanting to let him have the satisfaction of your pleasure just yet. "i don't know. it looked pretty real to me," you tease him.
he kisses a sensitive spot on your neck and sucks on it a little, gentle enough not to leave any marks but still more than enough to make you stifle a gasp. 
"are you being a brat on purpose, or are you really mad?" he asks, his voice a touch softer than before. he hopes you're not seriously upset, and he knows you like to make jokes, but if you're really hurt then maybe he needs to switch gears.
"both," you reply with a pout, but you lift one hand to run your fingers through his hair, a quiet reassurance that you're alright. "i'm really mad that you're not inside me yet."
his eyes light up, and he begins to suck at the spot on your neck harder, this time enough to bruise. "well, brats don't always get what they want right away," he says, and you shiver as his teeth graze over your skin. "right now i wanna take my time with you. so are you going to behave and let me do that, or are you going to keep acting like a brat and make me leave you with nothing?"
"i think you'll fuck me no matter what i act like," you say, and your hand trails down his stomach to feel where his cock strains against his pants, just as you suspected. he may know all your body's secrets, but you know just as much, if not more, about his. "because you love me too much. and you like this too much."
"but this isn't about me, baby," he hums, and the vibrations against your skin almost make you moan. "what i like doesn't matter right now. what matters is you deciding whether you're gonna keep playing these games, or if you're gonna let me fuck all those doubts out of your pretty head once and for all. it's your choice, sweetheart."
his trail of kisses moves back up your neck, but his lips stop short at your chin, clearly waiting for you to answer.
you pretend to think it over, narrowing your eyes in pretend thought, still refusing to give him the response he wants.
"why are you making this harder for yourself, baby? you know i love you," he whispers, his eyes darting back and forth between yours. "you have nothing to be mad about, because look where i am right now. i'm not with anybody else but you, and i don't want to be with anybody else but you. so drop the act, honey. i dropped mine."
you sigh out, both your hands finally coming to rest on the back of his neck. your fingers weave into his hair, twirling his locks between your fingertips until you can't take it anymore, breaking out into a smile that gives him the cue he was waiting for.
he leans down and finally pushes his mouth against yours, and your eyes flutter shut, your entire body relaxing at the familiar feeling. his nose presses against your cheek, his lips parted slightly as his hands hold the back of your neck, tangling in your hair splayed out across the couch. you let out a shaky breath and he swallows it, pushing his lips deeper into yours. 
his mouth moves slowly but his kisses are anything but gentle. his tongue prods at your upper lip and you welcome him, matching his pace and pulling him down towards you so you can wrap your arms around him to hold him tighter against your chest. 
he shifts above you, his knees straddling either side of you, and you can feel how hard he is. the image of him doing exactly this for millions of viewers flashes in your head, but any doubt is pushed out of your mind when he starts grinding his hips against your leg, groaning into your kiss. he might even be needier than you are right now, but you can't help teasing him just once more.
"is this bringing back fond memories?" you break away from his mouth to say, breathing heavily.
"shut up," he bites back, then exhales sharply. his voice is low when he speaks again. "the day we filmed that scene, all i could think about was you. it was the day we were supposed to have dinner at your parents' house, but i made you lie about being sick so we could stay home and i could fuck you in every room in the house instead. i didn't mention it at the time because i thought it'd kill the mood, but trust me when i say the only memories i have of that day are about you."
air catches in your throat and you glance up at him, but the look in his eyes is serious. he didn't tell you much about his schedules and  exactly which scenes he was filming on which day, so there was no way to tell what was happening on set unless you were there personally. you remember this particular day well— more accurately, you remember the days afterward that you'd walked with a limp.
"i thought you did it because you didn't want to have to eat my mom's overcooked chicken again," you respond, trying to cover your surprise with a breathless laugh.
"i did it because i wouldn't have been able to sit at that table and not think about fucking you on top of it," he says, and you can feel the heat creeping into your cheeks at the thought. "now, stop bringing it up, or i'll have to fuck that bratty attitude out of you."
"what if i want you to, though?" you retort. "maybe i need more convincing."
his nostrils flare, and he pushes his mouth against yours once more, drinking in the desperate sounds that leave your lips. "we both know you're a liar, but i'd still be happy to change your mind."
one of his hands trails down your chest, then your stomach, before finally stopping just below your belly button. you're sure he must be able to feel the heat radiating from between your legs, but he doesn't move, just rests his hand on top of your pants.
he stays still for a moment, and the way his hand hovers unpredictably makes your heart race, waiting for him to do something. suddenly he cups your clothed pussy without warning, and you moan out his name, the sound muffled by his lips as he kisses you harder. he relishes in the way your hips buck up against his hand.
he's in love with how you're already so desperate after just a few kisses, but he isn't faring any better himself; the weight of his cock aches, straining against his pants and against the side of your leg. it's almost embarrassing how you're both so needy for each other, yet he couldn't even begin to imagine anything hotter than this moment here with you.
maybe the directors had been onto something with those scenes. if anything, it just gives him more material to do with you. his mind wanders, running through each scene in his head and picturing it differently. kissing you on the kitchen counter, kissing you on the table, kissing you against the wall, kissing you on the bed, kissing you in the park, kissing you in the rain… so many possibilities, and he can't wait to try every single one with you.
it's not until you break apart from him, whimpered words tumbling out of your mouth as you plead with him to touch you, that he comes back to reality. those kisses can wait for another time. 
he plants a quick kiss on your upper lip before slipping his hand underneath the waistband of your pants. you exhale a sigh of relief at the feeling of his fingers on you, pushing your pants down your hips and kicking them away to give him better access.
"you're so wet already, baby," jun hums, swiping his finger over your dripping entrance and grinning when you shiver. "you like kissing me this much, huh?"
you manage to shake your head. "i like knowing you think about me when you're supposed to be kissing someone else," you breathe.
"i'm always thinking about you, sweetheart."
just like his mouth, his fingers start out gentle, running up and down through your folds and rubbing tiny circles around your clit. the warmth of his hand mixes with the warmth between your legs, and a shiver runs down your spine, already feeling the tension building in your stomach.
but soon it becomes not enough and you're just about to start begging him for more, but without you even having to ask he pushes the tip of his index finger into your pussy.
"fuck…" you moan against his lips, struggling to catch your breath. "i could cum just from that, jun, please—"
"mm, should i let you? or should i make you wait, from all this attitude you've been giving me?" he asks, pushing his finger deeper into you.
you can't even give him an answer, but he must decide to let you off easy this time, because he slides another finger into you. you moan, pulling his head closer to kiss him as his fingers start to move faster.
your eyes are squeezed so tightly shut it makes you dizzy, and you can feel your teeth knocking against jun's, but you're so lost you barely notice it.
he adds a third finger and instantly you feel yourself falling into the pleasure, clenching around him.
you frantically tear your lips from his, moaning and panting and gasping for breath as your high overtakes every part of your body. a rush of wetness pours from you, gushing out over his fingers as he continues to thrust them in and out of you, the added pressure of his thumb on your clit prolonging your orgasm. 
it takes a few moments but finally you come back down to earth, the feeling of the couch cushions under your back reminding you where you are and what you're doing. jun lays on top of you, his fingers still buried in your cunt and his mouth leaving kisses all over your face as you wait for your breath to return to you.
with a content sigh you push on his shoulder to make him sit up, and he kisses you once more before he leans away.
"are you comfortable?" he asks, and you look up at him in confusion at the question.
"very comfortable after that," you tell him with a giggle, propping yourself up on your elbows. "but otherwise yes. why?"
he smiles. "just wondering if you wanted to move to the bed. or the floor, if you feel like."
you purse your lips, giving him a pout. "i thought you said you were gonna fuck me on the couch?"
"clearly you still have the energy to be a brat, so my work here isn't done yet," he grins. "couch it is, then."
he pulls his shirt off in one quick motion before reaching down for your clothes, but you barely even notice him lifting your arms to slide you out of your shirt.
you've seen him shirtless hundreds of times by now, but he never fails to take your breath away. it's been too long since you've had a moment to stare like this anyway so you take full advantage of the opportunity, your gaze fixated on the sight of his bare chest and the way his muscles flex with movement. have his arms gotten bigger? they've definitely gotten bigger.
"like what you see?" he laughs when he notices you watching him, and you smack his arm playfully. he's corny, but you couldn't love him more.
"i do. and i'm not afraid to admit it."
"still mad you're not the only one who gets to see it?" he teases.
"mm, a little," you exhale. "but i'm the only one who can see it every day, in person, whenever i want. so at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what they see, does it?"
he stands up and pushes his pants down, a smile playing on his lips. "that's my good girl."
you can't help but continue to ogle him as he strips, the outline of his cock against his briefs so defined you can practically taste it.
"do you want to be on top, or me?" he asks, and your eyes belatedly move back up to his face.
"i thought you were gonna fuck the brat out of me, junnie," you tease him playfully. "how can you do that if i'm on top?"
he scoffs. "last time i ever offer you a choice, then. maybe i should just fuck your mouth instead, since you seem to think you're getting your way here."
"you say that like it's a bad thing," you laugh. "like i don't beg you to let me suck you off, like, twice a day."
"well, unlucky for you, that's not happening today," he says, and finally pushes his underwear down. his cock springs free and you groan, any argument you had instantly dying on your lips at the sight.
you know the look of lust on your face is blatantly obvious, but you couldn't care less. not when your boyfriend's gorgeous cock is mere inches away, yours and yours alone to see. it finally sinks in that all the scenes from his drama were just pretend sex, while you're having real sex. and boy, does it make your stomach flutter.
jun knows you all too well, knows how you get when you're around him and how you lose all control at just the sight of him naked. and he adores it. being naked in front of cameras and crew members made him shy, but being naked in front of you made him the proudest man in the world. the way you look at him as if he's the only person you've ever seen; he can practically see the stars in your eyes, and that alone is worth more than billions of strangers seeing him on a screen.
he drinks in every second of your reactions. the way your breath stutters when he leans over to wrap one of your legs around his waist, the way you shiver when he runs his hand along your thigh and the way your hands immediately find their way to his head as you try to pull him down towards you.
he can tell in the way your attitude has changed that you aren't mad (or even pretend-mad) at him anymore, and he takes this as his sign to bend down and kiss you again. 
"do you believe me now?" he whispers, his warm cheek pressed against yours. you close your eyes and feel the vibrations from his voice against your face, your grip on his hair tightening as you hold him as close as you possibly can.
"believe what?" you ask softly, though you already know what he's referring to.
jun hums. "that you're the only one i love."
"i never doubted that for a second."
he pushes his lips against yours and you swallow him, the both of you growing more desperate and more restless as he grinds his hips against yours.
you kiss him until you can't anymore, leaning your neck back against the couch seat with a breathless moan.
he moves his lips downwards, momentarily stopping between your breasts before he quickly sits back on his heels, angling his cock between your legs with practiced ease. 
it takes seconds for him to slide into you, a whine stuck in your throat at the pulsing feeling inside you. he pulls his hips back slowly, nearly slipping out before he pounds back into you. 
your hands yank him down again and he falls flat against your chest, quickly finding the best position to hold you as he continues to thrust into you.
his hands sit beside your head, cupping your cheeks as he pants and gasps and groans your name.
sweat-drenched pieces of jun's hair dangle above your face, but the only thing you see is the way he looks at you, his intense gaze communicating things far beyond words.
"jun…" you manage, everything else failing you as you melt into his touch. your body is on fire, there's so much you want to say and do but your head is spinning.
jun pulls you into another deep kiss and you let your eyes fall shut, letting him take over, mouths moving together so you can't tell where he ends and you begin.
"fuck, you're so perfect," he curses, his thrusts growing faster. "so beautiful."
"all mine, junnie," you moan, the only words you can remember. you're barely thinking about what leaves your mouth but you know exactly what you want to say, 
"i know, baby. i'm all yours," he pants, desperately kissing you anywhere his lips will reach. "nobody else's. yours."
it doesn't take much longer for the knot in your stomach to tighten until you can't hold back anymore. "so close, jun, please, 'm gonna cum," you choke out.
"just wait for me baby, just hold on," he pleads, and he shifts his hips just slightly to fuck into you at a different angle.
all it takes is just the way you say his name, the way you look up at him with lips swollen from his kisses, the way your brows knit together in concentration as you try your best to hold back your orgasm for him. the way he's so fervently yours, and he doesn't have to act or pretend or be anything less than a hundred percent genuine about the way he loves you and you love him.
your whole body shudders as you cum, spasming around him until it triggers his own orgasm and he lets go with a groan. his hips jerk as warmth floods your abdomen, and it seems like it goes on forever as he shivers in sensitivity.
he exhales, and you kiss his cheek gently as you feel him breathe against your chest.
after a minute he shifts his arms around you, still holding you as he sits upright and pulls you onto his lap, his cock still inside of you.
your head falls into the crook of his neck with a sigh, thoroughly spent. there's plenty of things you probably should be doing now, but it feels so nice to just sit and rest, feeling full and satisfied.
"i would say that was much more fun than filming for the show," jun says finally with a little giggle.
you hum, cheek still resting against his shoulder. "enough about the show. i have the real thing right here."
he grins. "so you admit you're not mad at me."
"how could i ever be mad at you, when you fuck me like that?"
"i know," he says proudly. "i just wanted to hear you say it. i'm a really good actor, aren't i?"
collecting the last of your strength, you sit back and pretend to glare at him, to which he responds with another giggle and a kiss to your nose.
"whatever," you tell him as he tucks a piece of your hair out of your face. "take me to shower and show me more of those scenes, and then i'll believe you."
but he's already standing up, keeping hold of your legs wrapped around his waist as he carries you down the hall. "oh, with pleasure."
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flseur · 9 months
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꒰ 𐙚 started it — suguru geto ꒱
⟡ synopsis : when you can't seem to fall asleep, it's a good thing that your boyfriend suguru can distract you!
⟡ content warning : nsfw ( 18+ ), fem!reader, kind of brat!reader and brat tamer!geto, fluff to smut, teasing, cunnilingus, fingering, praising, edging, blowjob, deepthroating, overstimulation, standing missionary, standing doggy
౨ৎ note : i was going to write more to be honest but i also didn't want it to be too long because it's 2.2k words, so if anyone wants a part two let me know! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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when it rains, it pours. and nights like these, with the down pouring rain accompanied by thunder and lightning, you’ve always had a hard time trying to fall asleep.
maybe it’s your nerves, or maybe it’s just the sound of the hard droplets of water hitting the windows of your bedroom.
either way, you can’t sleep.
which is quite the opposite of your boyfriend right now.
you can make out the outline of suguru’s sleeping form in the dark, as well as hear his light snores. he had always slept better with sound, and this storm is allowing him to catch up on the rest he oh so deserved.
you sigh, sitting up from your bed and bringing up a hand to rub your eyes. at least one of you was able to sleep. 
quietly moving your comforter, you slip out of bed and try to leave the bedroom as quietly as possible then make your way into the kitchen.
while starting the kettle for a cup of chamomile tea, hoping it will help with your restlessness.
at first the only thing you were able to hear was the whistling of the tea kettle and the pitter-pattering of rain, then you heard the sound of heavy footsteps and you whip your head around to see the cause of the sound. 
“suguru? what are you doing out of bed?” you ask, thinking that you were quieter when leaving the bedroom.
“couldn’t sleep…” he yawns sleepily, walking closer to you. “heard you get out of bed.”
“oh, i’m sorry.” you rush out, turning back to pour the hot water into your tea cup. “i thought i was being quiet. you can go back to bed without me, i can’t fall asleep right now.”
not hearing a response from your boyfriend, you go to turn around to look at him. instead, you feel his arms wrapping around your waist, and his head resting on your shoulder.
“suguru? are you okay?” you ask, feeling his hair tickle your neck.
“come back to bed with me.” he mumbles against the bare skin of your shoulder, where his shirt that you were wearing sagged. his lithe fingers playing with the bottom hem of it.
you let out a light laugh at your boyfriend’s behaviour. “i’ll come to bed in a bit, okay?”
“why not now?” he pouts. 
“‘cause i can’t sleep, suguru.” you tell him. “i might work on one of my papers or something.”
“i’ll stay up with you.” he says, flipping you around. the small of your back now pressed against the granite of the countertop with his arms caging you in. 
“are you sure? you don’t have to.”
“i want to. i’ll keep you company.” he tells you.
“okay…” you respond, not entirely believing your boyfriend due to the fatigue that shows in his brown eyes.
suguru gives you a quick peck on your lips, “i promise, i’ll stay awake.”
“i believe you.” you giggle.
“no you don’t.” he kisses your temple, then the corner of your mouth, then on your neck before resting his head on your shoulder again. “you think i’m going to fall asleep.” 
“if you do fall asleep i don’t mind, honestly.” you tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“but i’m not going to.” suguru noses against your skin, intaking the scent of your shampoo and conditioner from the shower with him the night before.
“promise?” you ask.
“i promise.” he tells you. “i’d never leave you alone.”
“good.” you kiss his lips.
“go sit at the table,” he says. “‘m gonna make you a snack.”
“‘kay.” you reply, pouring your cup of tea before making your way over to a chair. “are you making yourself some too?”
“of course i am. woke up without my beautiful girlfriend beside me and an empty stomach.” he jokes.
“ha ha.” you reply sarcastically. “what’re you making?”
“yeah, having some sort of fruit always helps with studying,” he replies. “my mom used to do this for me in highschool.”
“that’s sweet of her to do.” 
“yeah, i appreciated it a lot back then.” he tilts his head back and looks at you. 
“thank you.” you smile at him. “i really appreciate it.”
“‘course,” he smiles back. suguru grabs the plate of sliced apples and places it down on the table in front of you. “here, make sure to eat them all. you need to energize your brain.”
you pat the chair beside you, “come and sit with me. i want you to have some too.”
suguru lets out a light chuckle before sitting down in the chair, “i don’t want to distract you…”
“it’s okay, i like being near you. besides, weren’t you hungry too?”
“okay, if you insist.” he jokes before popping one of the apple slices in his mouth. he then leans over and then pecks the side of your mouth.
suguru grabs the edge of your chair, and the wooden legs scrape against the floor as he pulls you closer to him.
“why’d you do that?” you laugh.
“just wanted to be closer to you” he replies coyly, leaning in and pressing another kiss to your lips. the act is sweet but his intentions were anything but. his soft lips press into you more, making your head spin.
just as you were about to pull away, his large hands come up to the side of your head, deepening the kiss.
suguru bites at your bottom lip before running his tongue over the stinging flesh, asking for entrance into your mouth but you pull away quickly, hoping to catch your breath.
“sugu,” you sigh his name, your forehead resting on his. “i need to work on my paper…”
and though you protest, you don’t fully mean your words because when you catch his eyes zeroing in on your lips, you find yourself leaning in for more.
suguru pulls you out of your chair by your waist, making you sit on his lap. you can feel his growing erection in his grey joggers through your sleep shorts. the harder he kisses you, his hands pressing you impossibly closer into him, the more you squirm in his lap.
suguru groans against you then pulls back, smiling slightly seeing how you chase his lips.
“shit,” he gasps, looking down at where you continue to grind against him. your flimsy cotton shorts doing nothing to hide the arousal pooling at your core. “y’can’t keep doing this to me baby, you’re driving me crazy.”
“you started this…” you reply, continuing your ministrations.
“don’t be a fucking tease.” he chokes out. “i’ll make sure nothing else comes out of that bratty mouth of yours.”
“then do it.”
and before you can get another word out, suguru has manhandled you into bending over onto the dining table and removing your sleep shorts, internally groaning about your lack of panties.
god, you looked so fucking good like this. bottom half of your body bare, your ass on display and your arousal was dripping down your inner thighs.
“stop staring and do somethin– oh…” you start then being cut off by a moan, feeling suguru’s large hands grab at your ass and his tongue slither its way to your pussy.
his wet muscle runs between your folds, circling your clit before his lips wrap around it and he begins to suck it into his mouth.
you let out a desperate moan, pushing your hips back further into his face. you didn’t want to beg for more, didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’s making you feel so good.
so when you feel one of his hands leave your ass and his lithe fingers dance up your inner thighs, you bite back a small smile.
“fuck! oh m’god!” you sob as you feel him push one of his digits into your sopping cunt.
suguru smirked against your pussy, feeling your walls twitch as he pistons his fingers deeper into you. he angled his fingers to hit your g-spot, making sure to hit it with every thrust.
he could tell you were going to cum soon, your moans were becoming more high pitched and airy while your body writhed above him.
“i-i’m gonna cum… fuck! suguru–!” you cry out, ready to tip over that peak until the pleasure your boyfriend was giving you was ripped away. “what? why?”
you whip your head around, glancing over your shoulder to see the shit-eating smirk suguru was wearing on his face. “ah… i guess you really wanted to cum right?” he teases, one of his hands rubbing soft circles on the globe of your ass.
“no shit, suguru.” you groan, rolling your eyes until you feel him pull you up and turning you to face him.
“aw… m’sorry baby,” he coos at you, his hands coming up to rest on your jaw. “but brats don’t get what they want, now do they?” he says, the grip on your face tightening.
“suck my cock.” he tells you, hands moving to your shoulders to gently push you to your knees.
and you oblige, sinking to your knees and your fingers dance at the waistband of his grey joggers before rubbing him through the material.
“don’t tease.” he groans, throwing his hand back.
you begrudgingly pulls down his pants and boxers at the same time. suguru’s cock sprung out and hit below his belly button, it was flushed pink and had precum oozing from the tip.
you kitten lick the head, feeling it twitch against your tongue and tasting the saltiness.
“baby…” he moans, his breath hitching when he finally feels you wrap your pretty lips around it.
you take him as far as you can before wrapping one hand around the rest and squeezing lightly, while the other one massages his balls.
“fuuuck, so good for me…”
suguru’s hands frame the side of your head, using them to guide your spit-covered lips up and down his cock. he fucking loved it when you gave him head. always taking him as deep as you could, sputtering around his cock and swallowing every drop of cum down your throat.
and as much as suguru would like to cum down your throat right now, he’s already decided to save that for when he’s fucking the bratiness out of you.
“‘kay… baby, shit, i’m gonna cum… you gotta stop.” he warns you, but you continue on and quicken your ministrations. you take him as deep as you can, gagging around his dick and you feel it twitch in your mouth.
you knew he was going to be annoyed with you, but you continue to take him further until you finally feel the stutter of his hips, his melodic moans, and his cum down your throat.
“f-fuck! y/n!” suguru groans, his chest heaving until he pulls you off him. “you’re going to regret that.”
though the look on your face held little to no remorse. you grinned up at him, licking your lips then leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to the sensitive head of his cock.
“y’sure? i doubt that i am.” you taunt him.
next thing you knew, suguru is pistoning his thick cock into you unforgivingly, your arousal coating his length. he had you pushed up against the wall in the dining room, your legs wrapped around his waist tightly. 
you looked so beautiful. tits bouncing, tears lining the waterline of your pretty eyes and your skin was hot to the touch. his hands grabbed at the plush skin of your hips, grinding you down further on his cock and you sob at the feeling.
your nails scratched at the skin of his broad shoulders before you wrap your arms around his neck. your breasts pressed against his chest and his breath hitches as he feels your nipples brush against him.
“you about to cum, princess?” he coos at you, leaning forward to press open mouth kisses to your neck. “do it… cum on my cock, i want to feel you…”
he could feel your pussy clench around him tightly. he was hitting all of the right places in you, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you swore you seen stars.
“su-suguru! oh my fucking god! m’cumming!” as you cum, your pussy squeezed his cock impossibly tighter and your vision blurs from the intensity. 
suguru rarely gave you enough time to recover before he sets your feet to the ground and you nearly feel your legs give out. his hands grab at your hips once again, manhandling you into turning around to face the wall.
as you feel his cock sink into you, you moan out once more and you ball your fists against the wall.
“feeling alright?” he whispers in your ear, wanting to make sure you were okay before starting again.
you nod your head, mumbling a quick ‘mhm’ then try to fuck your hips back onto him.
“words, baby.” he tuts.
“yes…now move.” you say, still being able to give him attitude while being fucked out.
“still being bratty, huh?” he scoffs, thrusting up into your cunt abruptly, making you cry out. “the only thing that's going to come out of your mouth is going to be those pretty, little moans, alright?”
“yes, suguru...”
"that's my girl."
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flseur © all rights reserved, do not repost, take inspo from my layouts or themes, translate, or claim as your own.
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wannabelife · 2 months
hii can you do a seungcheol smut of him getting horny but since you guys never had sex together he doesn't know how to initiate it?
warnings: not much actually, mention of old bad experiences, kissing, biting, cussing
------------- minors do not interact ------------ ✂️
the last thing seungcheol wants is to scare you. you've been together for a few months now, and he's been trying his best not to sport a hard on every time you kiss. last time you straddled over his lap, he couldn't help the gasp he let out in your mouth when your core met his. your action stopped, you turning shily right after, and since then, he's been trying to be more careful.
this time weren't different, sweet innocent kisses that suddenly turned into heated ones when your tongues came together. his hands pressing you close to him as yours tug his locks. he carresses up your sides, his fingers getting a bit of bare skin under your shirt before you finish the kiss biting his lower lip.
you mindless sneak to his neck, so used to rest there and dive in his scent, your lips and hot breath hitting his skin as you peck around that area as well as soft love bites, you cant help it.
seungcheol needs some time to adjust, his eyes staying shut for a while, the hard breath pace not going unnoticed by you as you stare back at him with a smile. by the time he opens his eyes, you're running your fingers through his long hair.
"hm... sorry" he says, taking a small step back but not leaving his hands from your body.
"what? why?" you suddenly grow confused and worried about why he's apologizing.
you pull him back by the oversized sweater he's wearing, making your lips clash again in a hurried peck. "why are you apologizing?" you ask, your lips touching still as you can't wait the answer to kiss him again. he can't help the gasp this time around, in between the messy, sloppy kiss you share.
"you're going to drive me insane" he says, pulling just enough to put the words out before caging your lips again. seungcheol can start to feel his jeans tightening, the growing bulge begging to be noticed. he had to gather all the rational in him to stop "babe... babe" he says, breaking the kiss, your little chase after his mouth is the cutest and weakest thing he's ever seen.
"i know we haven't had sex yet, i dont want to scare you. and do it in your pace, whenever you're ready" he says softly as he hands your face, cupping your cheeks, his thumb caressing your skin there.
"do you wanna stop?" you ask. it's such a simple question, that should have an ease answer. you didn't mean to push him but he can't help but feel this way. you both trust each so much and he wants it to be as you like. does he wanna stop? oh gosh, of course not, he dreams and daydreams about you and cant wait to have you entirely and fully naked for himself, to taste you for the first time, to fuck you, to hear your sweet sounds for the first, for and because of him, he wants it more than anyone else. but he needs you to want it just as much as him, and to be comfortable to give him such vulnerability and space of one's body.
"do you want me to stop?" it's all he can say back.
"i trust you" you wanted so bad but something about the bad and small experience you had before makes you a bit scared. you know now its different because it has trust, commitment and communication. all your other partners wanted was for you to be their pleasing toy, seungcheol cares for you and your pleasure.
"im glad you do. i trust you too" he's the one to peck you this time.
"im sure. i need you to fuck me, cheol"
his vision go red and his whole body heatens "fucking hell, you're so hot. say that again"
your eyes search for his, the confidence growing inside you "i want you to fuck me, please" you say it again and he gladly will.
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thelostconsultant · 11 days
I wanna be your slave
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
summary: Once he gets to know you a little better, Max finds himself diving into a rabbit hole that he doesn't even want to escape.
note: It's a blurb that I can't explain. I had a thought™ and this is the result.
warnings: no smut, but there's a mention of oral (f receiving) so MDNI.
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When your arrival was announced, Max was indifferent about it. He saw you race in F2, and you were undoubtedly talented, he had to give you that. You could be aggressive on the track, but there was still a certain kind of elegance in your maneuvers that he was almost envious of. But that wasn’t enough to get his attention. You weren’t really worth his time.
Then he became intrigued when he began to read and watch your interviews out of morbid curiosity. You remained neutral when the press asked about him, always keeping a certain distance from him that journalists and reporters didn’t really know how to handle. They were so used to people talking about him as the Max Verstappen, the person who some looked up to as if he was some kind of god, and there you were, the young, alpha type driver who couldn’t care less about his achievements.
He didn’t need your adoration, of course. But after your first day with the team as their F1 driver, the first time he actually talked to you, he began to find you interesting, making him feel like he should study you under a microscope. When he looked at you, he saw your delicate frame, those shining eyes that were full of life, and all of his protective instincts came to the surface. He knew you were more than capable of looking out for yourself, but he couldn’t help it.
So, he decided to do the sensible thing by avoiding you until he figured out what this was all about. Maybe you were just a shiny new toy he wanted to own, that he wanted to call his. The need to look out for you and take care of you didn’t make much sense, because you were independent, you weren’t the type to submit to anyone. The moment you felt like he was patronizing you, you would’ve left without a second thought. 
Rumors that he hated you eventually began to circulate, that’s why he was keeping his distance, that’s why he always made sure he only touched you until the official photo was taken, and that’s why your conversations during the Red Bull videos were awkward. After a while he realized that you noticed something wasn’t right, and that’s why you took the exact same safety measures he had done.
Seeing you again after the summer break, though, your skin glowing after a few weeks off, smile wide and bright, he had a hard time keeping himself under control. He was like a wolf in a cage, pacing impatiently as he waited to be let out. Now, he usually had no problem with self-control. He was good at not doing anything stupid. But you made him stupid, you involuntarily pushed him over the edge when you showed up for dinner in that dark green dress. 
An hour after you all returned to your rooms, he couldn’t wait anymore. He went over to your room, pushing past you to get inside, and the moment you locked the door with a confused frown, he had you pinned against it. You tried to pull away long enough to ask him what he was doing here, but he didn’t give you the chance to talk. When he finally decided to talk, though, it was only for a few seconds. 
“Five minutes. Give me five minutes, and if you still want to, you can tell me to fuck off and I’ll leave you alone. But please, give me a chance to make you feel good,” he begged you as he had his nose brushing along your neck. 
You were probably too stunned to speak, but it was okay. He took it as a green light, so he slipped his fingers under your shorts and panties, then slowly pulled them down your leg. He was kneeling in front of you, lips moving up your thigh while his hand moved your leg to have it rest on his shoulder. He was acting like a starved dog that finally got a good meal, and he didn’t slow down until he pulled an orgasm out of you. Even then he just looked up at you, silently begging you not to make him leave, to let you stay between your legs where he felt like home. 
He was willing to give up control. He was willing to let himself submit to you if that was the only way he could have you. And when you looked into his eyes, mouth open as you tried to catch your breath, he knew he had you. You were his, just as he was yours. Everything that happened between these walls, everything that would happen when you were alone in the future became your little secret. No one had to know that you managed to turn him into your slave without uttering a single a word.
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azzo0 · 4 months
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Summary: Bakugo Katsuki, your childhood best friend, your guard and the man you love most. You're aware he harbours the same feelings for you. Unfortunately, he doesn't deem himself worthy of your love because all he has to offer is his heart and soul. He can't have you, not when there are men far richer and caring than him, waiting to give you the life you deserve.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
Warnings: mild nsfw, angst with happy ending, bakugo is a little insecure, reader and Bakugo are from a tribe and are 20, half-assed in some places because I lost motivation to finish this four months ago. Idk where I was going with this one.
wc: 4.9k
song: Here with me- by d4vd
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Bakugo Katsuki's been by the chief's daughter's side for as long as he can remember. His father was the chief's personal guard, so he was trained to guard the chief's daughter, you. Before he was too young to start training, he played with your silly wooden dolls, took baths in the lake with you, played dress up and whatnot. He was your first best friend. Someone who wasn't afraid to interact with you just because you were the chief's daughter.
Once he was a little older, his father started training him, but that didn't stop him from visiting your tent before curfew and spending time with you. You guys were too old for toys and playing house now. Instead, he listened to you read a book for him or tell him about your day and why you find everyone in the tribe so annoying. After you were done with your ramble, he'd tell you about how his training was going. Each time, he vowed he'd be the one selected as your guard and replace the 'shitty' one you currently had. His ears and cheeks went rosy whenever you giggled and told him you were sure he'd win the competition. He rolled his eyes at it, but on the inside, he was a mush. It pushed him to train harder because he wanted to defeat all the men who would compete to be your guard. 
He's everywhere you are once he absolutely destroys everyone in the competition. Outside your tent as you're deep asleep, accompanying you when you go to the other tribes with your father or when you go hunting. He knew your habits and nature like the back of his hand by now.  He loves his job, but he really hates how distracted he is by the person he's supposed to be protecting. 
Even now, his eyes kept trailing to you, studying you for a few seconds too long before returning his attention to the surroundings. He reminded himself that he was here to protect you, or he could lose his position by your side to someone else. He can't help it when you look so damn beautiful sitting on a cloth by the lake, reading some stupid book. Since when did he start looking at you like that? He brushed away the fact that you've always made his heart race. Even when you guys were kids. You've always had this effect on him.
He has to remind himself to not let these feelings out. He keeps them caged inside of him. What's the point of letting them out when you will one day get married to a man far wealthier and caring than him? He was just your guard. Nothing more.
He sneaked a glance at you again—one last time—only for his heart to leap out of his chest when he saw you already looking at him. His face heated up when your lips tugged up on the sides in a smile. You waved at him and motioned for him to come over. 
"Yes?" He questioned, towering over you with the spear on his side. You felt your chest swarm with butterflies as you looked up at the man you spent your entire childhood with. 
"Sit with me, Katsuki. Don't you ever get tired of standing and glaring at nothing?" You said, patting the empty space beside you. 
"No, It's my job," he replied, "And no, I can't sit with you."
"Oh, come on," You grabbed his hand and roughly pulled him down, "Don't worry about father, no one's going to see you here." 
You put an index on his lips, the blush on his pale cheeks not going unnoticed, "Hush, Katsuki. You're not losing your job. If you do, I'll shed a few tears and get it back for you." 
He gave in and sat beside you, his back rigid. You two sat in silence with the sun shining down, the only sounds being the rustle of the leaves, birds chirping, and the lake flowing by.
He allowed himself to look at you again. Cardinal eyes took their time exploring your features, basking in the sun. From your hair to your forehead, where an elegant diadem sat, to your nose and your lips, he so desperately wanted to brush with his. 
You closed the book with a snap, almost startling him and shooting him a bright smile. He listened to you tell him about how annoying your father was being these days as he tried to convince you to meet your suitors. His heart sank to his stomach. Of course, many men were waiting for you to choose them. You guys are at that age now, after all. He was going to watch you get married to some chief's son, leave the tribe, and live your own life. You'd never look back at him because he was just a stupid guard. He convinced himself there were men far richer and more handsome than him, waiting to take your hand and treat you to the best life you deserved. But that man wasn't him. He made a move to leave, freezing when he felt a heavy weight in his lap. 
He looked down to see you had put your head in his lap, your eyes already closed. Despite the sorrow in his chest, he smiled. He knew you liked napping in the afternoons. He stayed for a few minutes longer, aware he could have his head chopped off if one of the chief's men found him like this. He removed the diadem from your head so you were more comfortable and got up, taking off his red fur cloak and folding it. He put it under your head as a makeshift pillow. He sat on his knees, brushing your cheek with the back of his fingers as you slept, so ethereally beautiful. 
He picked up his spear and stood guard again to protect the woman he loved most, unaware she dreamt of being in his arms as she slept.
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It was another sunny day when Bakugo stood outside the chief's tent with two other guards while you were busy inside with your father. His heart felt so heavy. He wanted to throw up. This morning, the tribal chief and his son from a neighbouring land had come to ask for your hand. He knew he'd lost you the moment he saw the chief's son. He stood weary, doing his job, aware that the moment you walked out of that tent, you'd never glance back at him again. Not when you had that annoyingly handsome man by your side. A man who could give you the world you deserved.
What he didn't expect, however, was you running out of the tent with the roaring voice of your father demanding you to get back inside. Your eyebrows were knitted together as you stomped down the wooden stairs, hurling curses at all the men in the tent. Bakugo sprang to your side instantly, concerned for what had happened inside, almost jogging after you as you sped to your tent. 
He stepped inside after you, watching you fall into your bed of blankets and furs, head buried in a pillow. He kneeled by your bed and put a hand on your back. 
He forgot how much he hated seeing you cry, "Y/n," how long had it been since he last used your name? It was only 'my lady' or a sarcastic 'princess' ever since he was selected as your personal guard, "What happened?"
You peeked at him from the pillow. His forehead was free from creases, and his eyes were soft. 
You sat up, sniffling, "Father wants me to marry that stupid chief's son to strengthen ties," You wiped your eyes, spoiling the kohl that had been applied to your lids this morning with precision, "He won't take no for an answer. I don't want to ruin my life just for strengthening some stupid ties."
There was thick silence. Bakugo gulped as he looked into your eyes. His heart was joyous with your answer, but there was still an empty pit deep within him, "Why?" he asked.
"I just told you why," You frowned, "I'm not marrying some random man I feel nothing for."
You stared at Katsuki, searching for a reaction on his face. You almost wanted to shake him by the shoulder and scream at him, 'I don't want another man when I have you.' Your face flushed when you saw his eyes dart down to your lips for a split second. 
Katsuki looked away from your face, eyes settling on your knees instead, "He's perfect for you."
"No, he's not," you scoffed.
"Why are you being so stubborn?" He raised his voice, "Don't you get he's going to take great care of you? He's going to give you everything you deserve."
"What's the point if I don't love him?" 
"You're the chief's daughter, Y/n. You knew this had to happen sooner or later." He stared into your eyes as if he was trying to knock some sense into you. You didn't get why he was being so pushy about the matter in the first place. It was unlike him.
"You sound like father right now. Stop it." You snapped, "Why are you being so pushy, huh? You think I don't know what you actually want to say?"
Bakugo's eyes hardened and narrowed at you defensively, "I don't know what you're talking about."
You put a hand on his shoulder and forced him back on his knees again when he tried to stand up. You grabbed a handful of the fur on his red cloak, the one he'd let you borrow countless times when it was raining outside or when the breeze was too chilly, "You think I don't notice the way you look at me? Do you think I don't see the blush on your face when we talk? I'm not dumb. You like me. So stop spewing shit that goes against what you feel."
Bakugo was dumbfounded as he glared at you with cheeks and ears as red as his eyes. He wanted to deny you. He wanted to tell you you were delusional, but his throat betrayed him. 
"What does that have to do with your proposal?" He scowled.
"It has everything to do with my proposal, for fucks sake!" you yelled, "I like you too, but you're too busy thinking you're not worthy of being by my side!"
His poor heart couldn't take the attacks you unleashed on him one after the other. You liked him too? Even though he had nothing but his heart and loyalty to offer you? You were right about the last bit of your confession. He wasn't worthy of being by your side. Not as your lover. 
"You're right," he mumbled, standing up. He turned around and went to the entrance to your tent, raising the flaps, "I ain't worthy of bein' by your side. You deserve a man that spoils you rotten and gives you the world. That man ain't me."
"I'm fine with just being your guard. So put your feelings away 'cause I'm not the man you're meant to be with." With that, he stepped out of your tent to stand guard again, and your father's men begged you to go back to his tent again. 
With no fight left, you half-heartedly agreed to their pleas. You stopped to glance at Katsuki before going after the men. His eyes were set straight ahead of him with a stone face.
He wouldn't look at you.
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Bakugo's heart ached as he trailed a little distance behind you and your soon-to-be fiancé, Keiji. You had signed the papers without a word after the fit you threw over the proposal a week earlier, and now your engagement ceremony was only four weeks away. He wanted to chop off his own head with the sword when you let out a sweet laugh at a joke Keiji made. 
He hated the way the stupid man's hand rested on your waist. He hated the way he looked down at you with hungry eyes. He hated his flawlessly handsome face you were smiling for, but Bakugo was in no position to intervene. He chose this. He chose to let you out of his grasp for someone better. 
You and Bakugo had not spoken to each other since the confessions in the tent. If your eyes happened to meet his, he'd look away like he never saw you in the first place. He simply stood still as a statue and did his job like the other guards. You almost wanted to beg him to talk to you just so you could hear his raspy voice again, but being the stubborn woman, you were, you refused to talk to him first and went and signed the damn papers even though you absolutely hated this man blabbing your ear off as you took a walk around the perimeter of the tribe.
Bakugo watched you giggle and accept a flower Keiji had plucked from a bush. 'She hates that flower, you dickhead,' Bakugo wanted to screech. 
He clicked his tongue and forced himself to look away from you two. At least you were warming up to that stupid man. Or so he thought. He kept telling himself he'd be okay as long as you were happy. 
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You were on the verge of tears as you crept through the woods with an archery bow and arrows. You wanted your horse to kick Bakugo with her hind legs. You had signed the papers in hopes Katsuki would change his mind, and now there was only one week till the engagement ceremony. You guys still hadn't uttered a word to eachother. The only reason he was following you here was out of obligation. 
You went still when you spotted a deer. Slowly, you took out an arrow from the quiver strapped to your back and took aim, hoping to land the shot this time. A twig underneath your foot crunched, and the deer's head snapped towards you before it jumped away. Frustrated, you threw the arrow down. You heard a snicker behind you and glanced back, giving Bakugo a glare to make him shut up. 
"You've wandered too far in," He stated. His voice felt foreign.
"Now you've decided to talk?" You snorted, stomping up to him and snatching the reigns of your horse. 
"It's time to head back," he said plainly. 
"You don't get to order me around," You mounted your horse and went deeper into the woods, completely ignoring him. 
Bakugo ran a hand down his face and followed you. You could be really childish at times. He was going to be the one getting in trouble if you got back home late. You were usually exemplary at hunting, but he could tell you were distracted today. He knew the reason for your distraction, too. His chest felt hollow when he thought of you being finally betrothed and taken away. He was questioning his choices now, but it was too late. He was sure you already liked your fiancé by now. 
He felt a drop of water fall on his nose and wiped it away. After a few more drops fell, he looked up at the sky, partly covered by the thick canopy of leaves. It was raining. 
"Oi," He called, "It's rainin'. Get back here."
By the time you steered your horse towards Bakugo's, the rain had grown heavier. The clouds had made it difficult to move through the forest due to the lack of light. Bakugo tried to navigate his way through the darkness and failed. There was no point in trying to start a fire because the rain would put it out anyway. He heard you let out a small curse. He hopped off his horse and took off his cloak, throwing it at you. 
"I don't need it." 
"Shut the fuck up and put it on," Bakugo rolled his eyes. You gave him an ugly stare and wrapped his warm and furry cloak around your shoulders. You wished he'd stop doing things that made your heart swoon so you could hate him.
He took your horse's reins and hopelessly tried to look for a way out. It was of no use, "Well, fuck." he sighed.
"Katsuki, look at that!" He followed the direction of your finger and squinted, trying to look through the rain. It was a shelter cabin and a stable, "Finally. Let's stay there till the rain stops."
You nodded in agreement and left your horse beside his in the stable. Luckily, it had doors, so the horses wouldn't get cold. Bless whoever built this shelter. Katsuki climbed up the logs stacked on top of eachother as makeshift steps and opened the door to complete darkness. You followed after him, leaving the door open as he fumbled with the fireplace, trying to start a fire. After a few tries, the cabin lit up in orange and red hues. You finally closed the door. 
You watched him get up, your eyes falling on his white shirt, now see-through from being wet. It clung to his skin, giving you a fine view of his muscles. The rain had made his wheat blonde hair droop down. He noticed your flustered state and strode up to you cocking his head, "Something the matter, princess?"
You held his scarlet gaze as he undid his buttons, his lips tugged up on one side in the smallest smirk, well aware of the effect he was having on you. He took off his shirt and put it on a chair in front of the fireplace to let it dry. You had no intentions of taking off your clothes, even if they made you squirm in irritation. 
"Oi, come sit here," Bakugo pulled another chair in front of the fire, "You'll catch a cold." 
"Why do you care?" You felt bad for being snappy, but you were also mad at him for ghosting you for three whole weeks and then talking to you as if nothing happened. Bakugo bared his teeth in a snarl and took slow steps towards you, making you back away into the door. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you need to snap at every damn thing I say?" He growled. 
"What the fuck is wrong with me? I should be asking you that question!" You yelled, trying to push him away, "Katsuki, you can't just not talk to me for three whole weeks and then expect everything to be normal!"
"Well, what else do you want me to do? Cheer for you and that fucking Keiji?"
"That's why you're not talking to me?" You sneered, "You did this to yourself, Katsuki."
"But you're happy, ain'tcha? Then go kiss his ass, and don't fucking worry about me." He turned around to lay in the furs, stopping when you spoke again. 
"Do I look happy to you, Katsuki?" You said, your voice small, "What made you think I'm happy with the fact I'm going to be betrothed to him? I signed the papers so you'd come back to me, you fucking idiot."
He slowly turned around to see you tighten his cloak around your shoulders, "I'm not marrying him." 
"Why are you like this?"
"How can I marry another when you're here with me, Katsuki?"
"I have nothing to give you, Y/n. I'm just a guard with a little tent and my heart to offer. Keiji-"
"I'm sick of hearing that name. Stop. I'm not after your treasures or luxuries. I want you. Why don't you see that?! Why do you keep comparing yourself to other men like that? I love you for who you are, not for what you have." 
He took quick steps towards you and slammed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened at the feeling of his rough lips pressing on yours. He pulled away for a few short seconds to see your reaction. You wasted no time throwing your arms around his neck and connecting your mouth to his again. 
His body pressed against yours, pushing you onto the door behind you. Your lips were warm. So warm and soft. He pushed his mouth further onto yours, your teeth clashing with his. His cloak fell off your shoulders, pooling around your feet. You tried not to gasp when his warm and wet muscle slipped into your mouth and danced around.
"Fuck," His hands travelled down your back and behind your thighs to lift you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and he buried his nose under your jaw, lips brushing your skin, "I fucking love you," He confessed against your jugular. 
He didn't wait for a reply and stole the air out of your lungs again. You pulled away, gasping with your head thrown back as he gave all his attention to your neck, "I love you too, Katsuki." His mouth was on yours again, kissing you like you were the very oxygen he needed to survive. 
"I don't want to see you with another," He panted in between kisses, "I can't let you marry someone that isn't me."
"You're such an idiot," You grinned, "If you would have said that before, I wouldn't have to sign the papers."
"Signed 'em for my attention, eh?" He smirked, brushing his nose with yours. You kissed him again, this time more fiercely. Your legs tightened around his torso, and you moaned into his mouth. 
"Oi," he warned. 
You put your feet on the ground and steered him towards the furs piled up like a bed, almost tripping a few times. You pushed him down and straddled his lap, leaving a trail of kisses along the length of the scar on his shoulder. 
"Desperate, huh?" He smirked when he felt you grind against him, frantic for friction. He flipped you to the other side so he was the one towering over you. He teased the buttons of your shirt, still soaked from the rain. 
"You're testing my patience," You gritted your teeth, slapping away his hands playfully and undoing the buttons yourself. Bakugo was left star-struck as he gaped at the sight of you laid out so beautifully in front of him. He went beet red, all his cockiness running down the drain. He wasn't sure of what to do with himself now. Noticing his daze, You giggled and pulled him down into you. 
You two made love with the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof and the sounds of crackling thunder. Neither of you seemed to notice the storm raging outside, so engrossed in each other's warmth and desire. The world around you seemed to have been blurred, with the only focus being you, him, and the chants of 'I love you' he murmured into your ear.
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"Where were you two?" Your father demanded the next morning, his nostrils flaring when he noticed the bruises on both of your necks. The clothes you wore covered very little of the artwork you guys had made on eachother last night. 
"We got caught up in the storm," you explained. "We found a cabin in the woods and stayed the night."
"Stayed the night to betray your fiancé?" You held your father's stern glare, narrowing your eyes at him. "Do you realise what you have done? And you, Bakugo Katsuki. What made you think you could pounce on my daughter the minute you had an opportunity?"
Katsuki remained on the floor on one knee, head low out of respect. He dared to look up at the chief, who was already staring at him murderously. Katsuki cursed internally and looked at the carpet again. You guys were in so much trouble. 
"Katsuki did nothing," You said, trying to keep your cool, "And I haven't betrayed Keiji because I am not betrothed to him yet."
"Your engagement ceremony is in six days!" Your father's voice boomed, "And you gave yourself away to a useless guard?"
"Katsuki is not a useless guard!" You snapped, "He's saved me from an assassination attempt twice if your rotten old brain can remember."
"You are talking to your father and to the chief." He seethed, "Mind your language. What he did was nothing impressive. Protecting you is his job," his eyes shifted to Bakugo, a muscle in his jaw flickering, "not sleeping in bed with you."
Bakugo looked up with guilt flooding his chest. He hadn't thought of the consequences last night, "Chief-"
"Silence!" He stood up, looking down at Bakugo. Your heart sank when he called for the guards outside the tent to take Bakugo away. 
"Father, no!" 
"This is what's best for you."
Two guards held Bakugo by his arms as he attempted to get out of their grip. You pushed away the guards with tears in your eyes, trying your best to free him. 
"Sit down, Y/n." Your father commanded. You ignored him and swung your fist at one of the guard's noses, taking him by surprise. Your fingers tightened around Bakugo's arm, and you pulled him up, having him stand by your side. You scowled at the guards, "Stay away."
 "Don't be stupid. That man isn't worth your time." Your father said, "Let the guards take him away. I'll punish him as I see fit."
"No one's taking him away, and you're not punishing him," You said firmly, "You're calling off the engagement ceremony with Keiji because Katsuki's the one marrying me."
Despite the situation, Bakugo couldn't help it when his ears flared red. You were serious about him. He allowed himself to look at the chief in the eye and straighten his back. He dared to let his hand rest on your waist as your father burned with rage.
"Keiji is a rich man, far better than a guard you happen to be in love with. Marrying him is best for you as it will help strengthen ties with-"
"You're marrying me off to him because it will strengthen ties with his tribe. How is that the best for me? That's the best for you. And I don't care about how rich Keiji is because I want to marry Katsuki, and I'll have it no other way."
"Y/n-" He started, but you cut him off.
"Besides, didn't you marry Mom despite your parents wanting you to marry someone else?" You reminded. You watched your father's fists clench, "Then why are you trying to force me?"
There was dead silence in the tent as you and Katsuki stared at the chief while the guards stood there awkwardly. At last, your father took a step towards you, putting his hands behind him, "I suggest you think about it again."
"I've already made my decision."  
Your father's eyes shifted to Bakugo beside you, "How can I be sure you'll take care of my daughter?"
"I'm ready to sacrifice my life for her, Chief," Bakugo's head lowered slightly, "My heart and soul, they're all hers. I might not be as wealthy as her suitors, but rest assured, I'm still very capable of taking care of her."
You could see the uncertainty flash in your father's eyes. You lowered your voice, "Please, father."
After a few moments of hesitation, he let out a long exhale and put his hands on your and Katsuki's head, "You have my blessings. The engagement ceremony will still be held in six days but with you and Bakugo instead."
Bakugo's heart raced, and his hands pooled with sweat. It felt like a dream. He went on one knee and bowed, "Thank you, Chief."
"Keep her happy, Bakugo Katsuki." 
"I will," Bakugo nodded and stood up.
"Thank you, Father." You beamed. 
You watched your father's lips tug up on the smile in the faintest smile. He turned his back to you, "You may leave."
You broke out into a wide grin and took Bakugo's hand to leave the tent. Bakugo had to keep himself from laughing out loud as you almost hopped towards his tent. You turned around and faced him with wide eyes once you guys were inside, "We're getting engaged, Katsuki!"
"Yeah, we are." He smiled. 
"Are you crying?" You asked, noticing his eyes go glossy. 
"Shut up, I'm not!" He exclaimed, looking away from you with a sniffle. You giggled and hugged him tight, mushing your cheek on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose in your hair. You could feel your neck get wet, but you made a point not to mention it, letting him hold you for as long as he wanted instead. 
You were finally his. 
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Roughly a year later, you sat on the bed of your and Katsuki's shared tent, thinking back on the day's events. You guys had gotten married just this morning. You toyed with the necklace around your neck, the one he'd given you a few hours ago after he said his oaths. You laughed to yourself, thinking of how he almost cried again when he lifted the veil from your head. You looked to your side when he sat beside you. 
"Ya good?" He asked. You nodded, and he took your hand, kissing the inside of your wrist. 
"I'm just so happy, Katsuki."
He shifted closer and cradled your face gently. "Yeah? I'm happy, too." He tucked some hair behind your ear and rested his forehead against yours, "I'll be happy for as long as you're here with me."
You couldn't help but smile when he brushed his lips with yours, "Me too, Katsuki."
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kymerawrites · 3 months
"You're such a bloody drama queen," Simon grumbled under his breath, smoking a cigarette as he watched her pace back and forth. He didn't move an inch from his spot on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. It was always like this with her; they argue, they make up, they argue again. It was a vicious cycle they couldn't seem to break free from. He took a drag of his cigarette before blowing out a stream of smoke, eyes still locked on her
"Can't you just sit still for a bloody second?" Simon snapped, his irritation getting the better of him. "You're giving me a damn headache with all that walking around." He tapped his fingers impatiently on the armrest, his gaze following her every movement. He couldn't help but feel frustrated by her constant need for motion, like a caged animal.
"I could if you'd stop being such a controlling arsehole," she shot back, stopping in her tracks to glare at him. "Sorry if my pacing bothers you, but I have the right to move around in my own home." She crossed her arms, her defiant stance mirroring his.
"Your home?" Simon echoed, a mocking edge to his voice. He snorted, extinguishing his cigarette in the ash tray. "Last I checked, we share this apartment. And believe me, I didn't ask for a fidgety partner who can't sit still for two seconds."
“God for fuck sakes Simon, you make me pace this way. Can’t you see that?!” I said irritated
He rolled his eyes, clearly unperturbed by her retort. "Oh, and it's all my fault that you're pacing around like a maniac?" He leaned back on the couch, his gaze sharpening. "Maybe, just maybe, you should try taking some responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everything on me. Ever thought of that?"
I huffed in annoyance, not backing down from his gaze. "And maybe you should stop making me so bloody irritated that I can't stand still! You're always bossing me around, like I'm some sort of property and not a person with my own thoughts and feelings."
He stood up abruptly, his tall frame towering over her. "You know damn well that's not true," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I don't treat you like a bloody object. I care about you, even if you can't see it. And if I come off as controlling sometimes, it's because I want to bloody protect you."
“Oh no, it’s you and your fucking lieutenant, commander whatever the fuck you are act in my space.” I scoffed
His eyes narrowed at her sarcastic remark. "Watch your bloody tongue," he warned, his tone more menacing than before. "You know damn well what I do for a living, and I don't appreciate your tone. But while we're on the subject, you could learn a thing or two about respecting your partner. Maybe if you weren't such a bloody pain in the arse all the time, I wouldn't have to step in and take charge."
That comment hit me, just a little to make me shift from mad to confused “so, if I’m such a pain to you, such a..liability why not leave me?”
He gritted his teeth, his frustration mounting. "Because goddamn it, I care about you," he snapped. "Despite all your attitude and stubbornness, I can't just walk away. Believe me, I've bloody tried. But deep down, I know I can't let you go. Even if you drive me mad with all your whining and dramatics."
I turned around not to face him “you can also just say you love me.”
He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath. He walked closer to her, his movements slow and deliberate. "I do love you, alright? But love doesn't make this any easier. It complicates everything. Because even though I love you, you still piss me off like no one else can, and it drives me bloody insane."
He grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind I just smirked “and yet I think you love all the sass and drama I give you don’t you?”
He let out a scoff, his fingers digging into her waist. "Bloody hell, you know me too well," he muttered. "Yes, there's something infuriatingly addicting about your damn attitude and all the drama you bring into my life." He buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.
He chuckled softly against her skin, his breath warm and tickling. "Bloody hell, you drive me wild with it. Part of me wants to strangle you, and the other part..." He trailed off, his hand roaming higher up her body, tracing her curves.
“Finish that sentence si..” I whispered
He nipped at her earlobe, his voice low and gravelly. "And the other part wants to do things that I can't even say in public." He spun her around to face him, his gaze dark and intense. "You have no idea the effect you have on me, how you make me feel. It's maddening, it's intoxicating and it's all your damn fault."
He pushed her against the wall, his body pressing against hers. His hands gripped her wrists, pinning them above her head. "You know what else is maddening?" he growled, his face mere inches away from hers. "How bloody irresistible you are when you're all defiant and stubborn like this. It's like you're begging for me to put you in your place."
He dipped his head, his lips brushing against her neck, leaving a trail of warm, open-mouthed kisses. "And the worse part is, you know damn well you have me wrapped around your little finger. Even when you're infuriating me, I can't get you out of my head." He nipped at her skin, his teeth grazing her sensitive spots.
He dipped his head, his lips brushing against her neck, leaving a trail of warm, open-mouthed kisses. "And the worse part is, you know damn well you have me wrapped around your little finger. Even when you're infuriating me, I can't get you out of my head." He nipped at her skin, his teeth grazing her sensitive spots.
He shifted his body, pressing his thigh between her legs. "You push my buttons on purpose, just so you can get a reaction out of me. And bloody hell, you always get the reaction you want." He pinned her even tighter against the wall, trapping her in his embrace.
His lips found hers in a hard, possessive kiss. He dominated the kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth, claiming her in a way that was both rough and passionate. He pushed his body flush against hers, his hands roaming down to grip her thighs, lifting her up against the wall.
“You’re too good for me si..” I laughed as he lifted my legs on the wall forcing me to embrace them around his waist
He grunted with the effort, his muscles straining as he pressed her against the wall. "Bloody hell, you're a menace," he growled, his lips finding her neck again, sucking and nibbling on her sensitive skin. "Bloody menace with your damn legs wrapped around me like this. Drives me wild to have you like this, all vulnerable and pliable in my arms."
He ground his hips into hers, his arousal evident against her core. "And you're damn wrong about that. I'm not too good for you. I'm just bloody addicted to the way you make me feel, like you're a poison I can't get enough of."
I rolled my eyes “just kiss me already lovebird.” I smiled
He chuckled at her cheeky remark, his eyes dark and intense. "Bloody smartass," he murmured, before capturing her lips in another fierce kiss. He devoured her, his tongue delving into her mouth and dominating the kiss. The kiss was rough and passionate, full of pent-up desire and frustration.
And ofcourse they kissed and made up just for the cycle to continue
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quintinh43 · 5 months
One Hundred Kisses
"You lick your lips a lot when you're on camera," you say, watching Quinn's latest post-practice interview.
"Is that why you always insist on watching my interviews? To stare at my lips?" He asks with a smirk, watching you from the corner of his eye as he chops veggies for tonight's dinner.
You look at him with the most serious face you can muster. "Quinn, the only part of you I look at is your lips. You think I know what the rest of your face looks like?"
"Your loss," Quinn shrugs.
"Cocky bastard," you mutter, with a smile.
"You love me," he grins
"You're lucky I do," you say, leaning over the counter to peck him on the lips.
You rest your chin in your hands, taking a break from watching his interview to watch him in present. Standing across from you, making dinner.
He looks at peace. There's a soft look of concentration on his face. The sleeves of his hoodie are pushed upto his elbows, and the muscles in his forearms ripple as he dices vegetables. He's been growing out his hair. The tips curl around his ears, brushing the sides of his jaw, where there's a good amount of stubble growing and you absolutely loved it.
He hasn't shaved since you told you loved the beard, and every morning, when you get to trace his jaw and the short strands of hair prick at your fingers you fall more and more in love with him.
His tongue swipes across his bottom lip, a he pulls it between his teeth before his mouth settles back into a line of concentration. The grin that splits your face is massive, and you can't help but reach over the counter and peck him on the lips.
He smiles, chasing your lips and pulling you in for a deeper kiss. "What was that for?" He asks with a smirk, eyebrows raised.
You slip off the barstool and pad over to him so you don't have to lean over the counter awkwardly. He puts the knife down, and dries his hands on the dish towel. You cup his face gently, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones as you admire him. His hands settle on your hips, like it's their rightful place and he squeezes gently.
"I hate that you're so sexy," you pout, bumping your forehead against his chin, "it's so distracting,"
Quinn chuckles deeply, and it makes something pleasant roll in your belly.
"I always wanna kiss you, everytime your stupid tongue, licks your stupid bottom lip, in every stupid interview," you grumble, poking his chest pointedly between words.
Quinn backs you against the countertop, caging you between his arms. "So kiss me then," he murmers, voice dripping with honeyed sweetness as he crowds into your space.
For as long as you've been dating Quinn, he still manages to make you blush with ease. Weather, it's with his saccharine words, or subtle smirk or teasing kisses. Your cheeks flush as his nose skims along your cheek.
"What are you waiting for, sweets?" He hums teasingly, fingers trailing under your shirt, pressing into the warm skin of your waist. "You gonna kiss me or what?" He juts his bottom lip out in a stupid smirk, and your mouth goes dry with want.
You surge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and capturing his lips with yours. He kisses you deeply, lovingly and with purpose, as if you are his only source of air, and you might disappear if he lets you go. He nips at your bottom lip, and you hiss. His tongue is slipping past the seam of your lips, licking into the delicious heat of your mouth.
Quinn hoists you onto the countertop, and you wrap your legs around him, pulling him flush against you. You pull away, pressing kisses across his entire face. " 'm gonna kiss you for every damn time you lick your stupid lips in one of those stupid interviews," you mumble, kissing him between words.
Quinn is laughing, as your lips smack against his skin repeatedly. Across his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, the corners of his mouth, along his jaw, you slow down, pressing one final kiss to his lips, and burying your face against the crook of his neck.
"That was a lot of kisses, baby," he hums, rubbing your back soothingly.
"Yeah, well, you lick your lips a lot," you shrug, with a grin as Quinn goes back to chopping vegetables. He goes through the motions of making dinner while you lounge on the counter top, and help wash dishes as he puts them in the sink.
Every time Quinn licks his lip, you make sure to lean over and give him a kiss. "I definitely dont lick my lips that much," Quinn says, brow raised with amusement after you kiss him for the umpteenth time.
"Yes you do!" You protest
"Babe, if you want to kiss me all you have to do is ask," he smirks cockily.
You bonk your forehead against his, and he pouts, rubbing the nonexistent wound on his forehead. You can't resist pulling his bottom lip between your teeth teasingly.
Quinn makes a low noise in the back of his throat, the spatula clatters to the floor, and he is yanking you to the edge of the counter, crowding between your legs and kissing you hard. You yelp as he nips sharply at your lip.
"You're a menace, you know that?" He says with smirk.
"So are you," you counter, leaning in to kiss him again.
"Dinners gonna burn," Quinn grunts against your lips. He makes no move to pull away.
You giggle, shaking your head and give him one more kiss, so the two of you can finally eat dinner.
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sednas · 2 years
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it's currently 1am and i don't know what i am doing
・゚✧ toji fushiguro x gn!reader
✶࿐ tw: [n]sfw, toji is a sucker for you, sub!reader, overstimulation, ass play bc why not
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thinking about trying to crawl away from toji's bruising grip on your hips, your hands clawing at the sheets in a poor attempt to drag your body out of his reach. you're shaking, your eyes barely open, with saliva dripping down your mouth and sweat sticking to your forehead. you're exhausted and breathless and you can't feel your legs anymore so you try to crawl away.
but toji doesn't let you go so easily, his much bigger hands slip on yours, intertwining your fingers with his own.
"where do you think you're going sweetheart?" he whispers into your ear, and you can feel his black hair tickling your face.
and just like that you can't move anymore, his chest pressed against your back, barely pulling his cock out before slamming it inside you again. his strong thighs force your trembling legs to stay open and he smirks when he hears you say that it’s too much.
of all the positions, taking you from behind is his favorite. you're so easy and fun to play with, he can make you scream by grabbing your hair, or make you tighten around him by slapping your ass. or he can earn a gasp from you when you feel his thumb creeping around your asshole, spreading it (if it hasn't already been spread wide open by his huge cock).
you can't even hold your body anymore, falling flat on the soft mattress of the bed, babbling incoherent words as your eyes roll back. it's a shame that you can't see toji's face, he's wearing an adoring smile, and he can't help but slow down his hard thrusts, giving you a break.
his hands start running on your back, gently caressing your waist and you can feel him pepper kisses on your shoulders. when it comes to having sex with toji that's what you love the most. he can be destroying your insides and within the next second he's gently kissing you and rubbing your back.
with his cock still pulsing inside you, he softly makes you turn to look back at him, and with his arms caging your face, he starts thrusting again, at a slow and languid pace.
"does my baby want me to go slower? do you want me to treat you like you're the most precious thing in the world? it won't be difficult to do it you know... because you are... ah fuck, you're the most beautiful thing in the entire fucking world."
he doesn't even think before speaking now, completely lost in the wet feeling of your warm inside wrapped around his thick cock. he puts one of his big hands on your cheek and he strokes it lovingly as you can feel him rubbing that spot inside you again, bringing tears to your eyes.
"I'll treat you like you deserve precious, you just lay here and let me do all the work..."
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✧・゚ jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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