#why is pennywise french and gay
bluelolblue · 7 months
I'll be honest, guys and pls don't come after me... when I first saw that Bill Skarsgård was being casted in John Wick 4, all I could think about was:
"Wtf is Pennywise doing in John Wick movie?? 💀"
And when I saw him in the movie I could STILL ONLY SEE HIM AS FUCKING PENNYWISE 😭
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conversations in my eighth grade class room with little to no context:
“are rugs just tiny carpets?”
“if pennywise and i sat down and had a talk, maybe he would stop killing little children to boost his self esteem”
“if you dont ship drarry what are you doing?” “shipping scorbus”
“jason is my boyfriend.” “oh! is he new this year?” “no hes a tree you fucking idiot.”
“That’s a nice backpack..very colorful...” “I’m fucking GAY, dianna.”
“i read wattpad.” *rest of the class* “same.”
*me ranting about solangelo and how i just wnat someone to love me like that or ill DIE* my friend: “well, mAYbE, you just need to find your will to live!”
“new year old me, but i’m already perfect so ill just say new year, old me”
“GUYS IM GOING TO GET DRUG TESTED AND IM SCARED” “have you been doing drugs?’ “no” “then why are you nervous?” “what if i did them by accident or something?”
‘you know what tastes really good?” ‘what?” ‘staples.”
‘so when i was younger i used to ask myself why artemis was my favorite god (godess but they said god so meulch). do you know why? its because im a raging lesbian now.”
“lola. lola. lola. lola. LOLA.” “wHAT” “play me at rock paper shoot’  
‘look at this very nice pencil that i onehundred percent bought with my own money’ ‘thats mY FuCKinG pEncil you asshole GIVE IT BACK.’ *pencil box spills* ‘THATS WHERE ALL MY PENCILS HAVE BEEN GOING????”
*singing* ‘my favorite flavor sweets are raspberry amphetamines' teacher: “EXCUSE ME?”
‘sorry, i just choked on my own personality’
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves (Part 2)
Part 1
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
A/N: Better late than never, right?😂😂 (wow 2 fics in one week that's crazyyy) Also I put one of my favorite comedy tiktoks in the dialogue soooooo oops? Also Harry and Ned are wingmen who share one brain cell and I like it that way
I might make one more part to this but idk
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It took 7 months for Peter to ask you out.
It took the time for MJ and Asher to become a couple, homecoming to go by, MJ and Asher to break up, winter formal, midterm exams, MJ and Asher to get back together, and Christmas to go before Peter Parker gathered the guts to even consider thinking about asking you out.
Scared wasn't even the word for it.
Harry Osborn, the new transfer student, laughed at how nervous Peter was at lunch. "Asking girls out is easy, Peter. I do it all the time!"
"You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth," Peter dreaded, to which Harry shrugged.
"Because it is! You just ask. How is it that I've only been at this school for 2 months and I've had more chicks than both you and Ned combined?"
"Hooking up is not a hobby of mine. That's why," Peter retorted with a pitifully unintimidating glare.
Harry shrugged with his shit-eating grin. "It's not my fault the girls and gays can't resist these lips."
Ned chimed in as he threw a french fry into his mouth. "Peter, this isn't like Liz last year. You and [Y/N] are already really close, dude. I'm sure you can just ask her. Who knows? She might say yes!"
"But what if she says no?," Peter groaned. "Then I'll just be one of those people she avoids and barely talks to out of awkwardness." He shifted in his seat nervously. "I don't want that."
"But if you don't say anything then you'll always regret it," Ned pointed out.
Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Peter, pull out your phone."
Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion, but followed Harry's instructions.
"Go to her in messages and say 'hey let's get dinner'." He smiled. "See? Simple."
Peter opened your messages in his phone and stared at your profile picture.
'You can do this, Peter. You can do this.'
He bit his lip. "Okay but should I say, 'let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'?" Seeing Harry's impatient face, he explained himself. "I just feel like those two sentences have completely different vibes, y'know?"
Harry glared at him. "Are you really about to have us telling you what to tell your crush like a bunch of girls?"
Peter didn't know how to answer that question seriously. "Uh...yes?"
Harry pondered the question for a small bit before simply shrugging and answering. "Hmm, go with 'let's get dinner', so you'll sound all confident and assertive."
Before Peter could press send without thinking twice, Ned stopped him. "Well, actually now you sound a little aggressive, man."
"Really?," Peter asked with a wince, immediately erasing the message.
"Yeah, I mean the last thing you wanna be like is the guy that's all like 'let's get dinner' like you're some kind of caveman."
Peter groaned. "Oh no, definitely not."
Ned ate another fry. "You want to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner."
"I'll go with 'do you want to get dinner' then," Peter said with a nod.
That one didn't sit well with Harry. "No Pete. Cuz now you sound like a pussy."
Peter slammed his phone onto the lunch table. "This stuff is tough!"
Ned turned towards Harry. "No but listen. The last thing Peter wants to do is come off as the overly masculine type that's all like 'let's get dinner cuz I'm the breadwinner, bitch', y'know?"
Harry shook his head. "Yeah but women also love assertiveness. You have to know what you want."
Peter stared at the table, desperately wanting the conversation to be over. Why would he even go to these two for relationship advice? Harry was the king of hookups and Ned's relationships never lasted longer than a few weeks. What was he thinking? For a guy with a 4.5 GPA, he sure did feel stupid.
"I got it!," Ned exclaimed. "Okay. Text her this. 'Dinner would be something that I would enjoy taking you on, but only if YOU were also interested in attending the meal'." He held his hands up for praise.
Harry nodded. "Mhm. Perfect balance. And the more words the better."
Peter just stared back at them, wondering where he'd gone wrong in life. "...no.... I'm not gonna send her that."
Harry shrugged. "Welp,' he sighed. "I guess some people just don't want to be helped."
So close to slamming his head into the table in front of him, Peter felt a tsunami of relief hit when he saw Asher walk into the cafeteria.
Asher was your best friend. If anyone knew the proper way you'd want to be asked out, it'd be him.
The second Asher noticed Peter looking at him, he made his way over. "Hey Peter. What's up?," he asked as he found an empty seat.
Harry spoke up before Peter had the chance. "Hey Ash. Pick one. 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'."
Asher thought for a second. "Depends on the girl," he said before taking a bite into his apple. "-but 'do you want to get dinner' is nicer. Why?"
Harry slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it!"
"Yes!," Ned cheered.
Asher looked around the table. "Okay, by why?"
Harry and Ned went quiet and looked to Peter, who was staring anywhere to avoid eye contact. He began to mumble pitifully."I....I-i wanna.. I wanna-"
Harry and Ned spoke up, already tired of the conversation not getting anywhere. "He wants to ask-"
"-I wanna ask [Y/N] out!," he blurted, feeling his cheeks start to burn when Asher's smirk turned into a wide grin.
"Well it's about time!," he exclaimed. "She's been crazy about you since you met."
"Really? She has?," Peter asked. That wasn't even in the realm of possibility in his mind.
Asher nodded. "She's always going off to me about how-" he mocked your higher pitched voice. "I've been dropping him hints since, like, foreverrrr!"
"Seriously?! She has?"
Ned laughed. "Well Peter. She has been calling you cute since the day she met you..."
"But I just always thought it was the friendly kind of cute, y'know?," he rambled. "Not the boyfriend type cute!"
"How many girls are out here calling you cute for you to make that assumption, dude?," Harry asked.
Asher sighed. "So this is what it's like to have low confidence." He shook his head and gave Peter a disappointed look. "I can't say I like witnessing this, Pete."
"Just-" Peter groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just tell me what will work, okay? I need to ask her out perfectly."
Asher tilted his head in confusion. "She's a simple girl. You just have to straight up ask her out. What's the confusion there?"
"That's what I said!," Harry yelled.
"You know he's got to make it difficult for himself for no reason," Ned pointed out.
"Okay can we all talk about how terrible I am at this after you help me?," Peter begged.
"Ugh, fine."
Peter sighed. "Alright. So?"
"What are you going for?," Asher asked. "Like a gift or something?"
"I just want whatever's the absolute best way to ask her out."
Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. If he was gonna set you up with your crush, he wanted it to happen right.
"Okay," he said, staring Peter in the eyes with a new sort of intensity. "Think about your best moments with her. Now pick something special from all those moments and voila! You'll have it!"
Peter nodded and stared at the ground as he thought for a while about everything he'd done with you since the beginning of school. You were truly the most extraordinary, most confident girl he'd ever met.
Every time he'd thought you couldn't get more perfect, you'd just show him another side of you that was better than the rest. He always stayed endlessly impressed and most of all, he felt as if he didn't have to try too hard with you. He could be himself and mess up as many times as he could manage and you still stuck around, showing him that there needn't be any worries.
And your style? Fuck, you could make anything work for him. You were the only one who could get him out of his comfort zone and in front of a camera, for something as frivolous as a TikTok. But he'd always do it, and even find the fun in it, because it made you happy.
"Remember how we freaked out that first time when she called you cute, Pete?," Ned said. "She said that you were cute and that you only had to put it use!"
Harry laughed. "This girl is literally giving you the instructions, Peter. Take them."
"Hmm." Peter looked up with a smile and snapped his fingers. "I got it."
You tossed popcorn into your mouth and snuggled yourself further into the blanket. "Ash, how can you even say that? 'It' is a horror movie!"
"Yeah, technically," he retorted. "But there's literally not a single part of the movie that's scary. It's more of a drama than anything else."
"You realize the clown phobia rate skyrocketed when the movie came out right?"
Asher scoffed. "Uh, your point? It's not my fault some pussies couldn't sit through it. Still a drama. The story definitely played with your emotions more than your fears."
"Whateverrrr," you laughed. "I can't deal with you."
"Pennywise literally got up and did this," he said before breaking out into Pennywise's dance. He laughed as he kicked his legs out. "What kind of horror movie has this crap in it?" He stopped when he felt the full force of you throwing a pillow on his face. "Ugh!"
"Sit down and get under the covers, idiot," you hissed. "I wanna keep watching these HORROR films."
"Whateverrrr," he drawled out, mocking you. He sighed and plopped down next to you, grabbing a handful of popcorn after.
When school was getting suffocating, marathoning horror movies with Asher were a must. He had an endless repertoire and all the time in the world for his best friend.
Halfway through 'It: Chapter 2' though, the movie was the least of your focus and instead was TikTok.
What could you say? The app was addictive.
It was a big, entertaining, completely useless collage of everything every no-name had to offer, from stupid debates to cringey POV's to fun dance routines.
You tried to hook every friend you could on it. Asher, of course, already knew about it since it first came out and he, of course, had thousands of followers because most of what he posted was random thirsts traps whenever he was feeling hot, which was always. And thirsts traps are always in high demand for the people on TikTok.
You tried to hook MJ on it, but she'd already decided that she didn't like it before even giving it a chance. Even the messy, political side didn't reel her in.
Of course then there was Peter, who didn't know was TikTok even was before he met you. You made it your sole mission to get him hooked, but you'd since given up on that. It was a lost cause. The only time he probably ever saw TikTok nowadays was when he was doing dances with you before gym started. He let you put the app on his phone but he never used it. You wouldn't even put it past him to have deleted it, but it was whatever. TikTok had started his friendship with you, so needless to say, it'd done an amazing job in your life.
Plus your followers were always asking about him. All of the "omg couple goalssss" and "you guys look so cute together" served as massive confidence boosters. A girl can dream, right?
You shifted over a bit when you felt Ash getting closer and closer to you.
When he moved over again, you scooted away, only for him to get closer again. "Ash, what is your deal?"
"Easy there," he chuckled, backing up a little. "I'm looking at the phone, not you."
"You've been all up in my phone all day, what's up?"
"I can't tell you," he shrugged, a sly smirk stretching across his face. "But," he pointed to your tiny screen. "Some idiot is taking wayyyy too long to shoot his shot."
"Shoot his shot?" You gasped. "Who?"
"I'm not at liberty to say," he said with a smirk.
"Nooooo," you whined. "If someone has a crush on me you gotta spill! C'mon, please?"
He laughed and repeated himself. "I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to say!"
"Bullshit! Who is it? C'mon! C'monnnnnn!"
He shrugged and this time you knew that he was dead set on not giving up the mystery guy.
"Ugh," you pouted. "Fine. Let's just finish the stupid movie."
"Kids next door, battle stations!!!!"
And now it was sometime after midnight. The popcorn was all gone. The movie was done and now you were watching old cartoons so that the horror movie wouldn't be the last thing on your mind before bed.
Looking over, you saw that Asher didn't need any cartoons like you did. He was already passed out, snoring as loud as ever.
Grumbling in boredom, you stared at the wall, trying to connect the tiny dots in the designs. It was like something was officially keeping you from being able to fall asleep.
At the sound of your phone receiving a text, you sat up curiously. Who was texting you at this hour?
You smiled when you saw that it was Peter.
Pete: hey y/n
You were about to send him a quick,"why are you up this late" text, but he kept typing.
Pete: pls dont judge me too hard for this
With that completely vague warning, you furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
Y/n: whats up r u okay
He sent you a link next, which confused you, but not as much as when you actually pressed it.
It led you to TikTok, and the video was waiting to be pressed to start. Peter was standing in the middle of the screen with one of his typical corny sweatshirts on. The caption at the top read: "For [Y/N] Only". Smiling already, you quickly pressed play.
You slapped your hand over your mouth. "Oh my God."
"So he finally got the guts, huh?," Asher mumbled, having woken up from the loud music on your phone but was still half-asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?," you asked. You turned down your phone.
"Don't worry about me, you just got a boyfriend," he chuckled, moving to lay down so he could get to sleep again. "Text him back for god's sake."
Y/n: its been almost a whole year and youre still so cute when you make those
Pete: haha thanks
Pete: uh
Pete: i really like you y/n
Pete: do u think you'd wanna go out with me or get dinner sometime?
"He asked me out," you gasped. "Ash, he asked me out!"
Asher rolled over and groaned. "I thought that was already established? Jesus, you two couldn't possibly be moving any slower."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you."
"Nah, you're with Peter now," he laughed. "You're gonna have to fuck him instead!" That comment earned him another pillow to the face.
You looked back at the messages and sent a tiny cute one. You smirked at the new idea of what was about to happen and turned it off before going to sleep.
Y/n: kiss me at school tomorrow and find out
Didn't do a third edit cuz I got lazy but I'm pretty happy with the turnout anyway. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr, @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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bettercalllacho · 5 years
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"You're Braver than you think"
"I'm Braver than you think"
In both case it's epic and tragic and I will expose you why on this post.
First, for my part I'm hearing "I'm Braver than you think" but I'm french therefore I'm not the best person for hearing also, the automatic subs (which are often shitty) wrote the same so I'm betting on this one, even tho I love so much the most popular version about Eddie's bravery.
1) Like many fans believe I will begin with "You're more braver than you think" so that's a motival line for Eddie before the final confrontation against IT. Rich would deeply regrets it because Eddie will die (bleeding too much because his arm had been ripped like Georgie by the final form of IT, at least in the novel).
2) "I'm Braver than you think" it's as dramatic as the first version. Because Richie wants to be tough in front of Eddie why ?
A) Perhaps he wants to be protective toward Eddie (and the rest of the Losers).
B) He wants revenge for Stanley and all the victims of IT/Pennywise, this nightmare lasts too long.
C) Is that a kind of justification ? And so to who to Eddie or to himself ? Did Eds said something implying that Rich didn't beats enough his fear before confronting Pennywise? I don't know yet but I truly feel that Rich is trying to support Eddie and to convince himself he has no troubles he can't handle, like it's the right time for the final confrontation.
D) He is continuing his acting like when he is doing jokes when he is frightens. So he is trying to pretend he is strong and brave until he will loose Eds.
He can't be brave anymore and the mask will drops of his own character he built years ago just like the sewers, the 29 Neibolt house, some parts at the surface of Derry are falling ... His own image of funny guy who tried to repressed his feelings and sexuality will be fading. He is exposed at that point but he can't cared about this because he is loosing Eds. He wants to stay by his sides but his friends will rescue him. Stanley and Eddie are therefore the only sacrifices in the Losers Club.
Finally, there's no big reward at the end of the road for Richie. He will go back to CA without the love of his life and perhaps he didn't even took the opportunity to express his feelings because of his repressed sexuality and because he stayed focus on the fight against Pennywise.
Many fans said there's Benverly, Bill will go back to Audra, Mike can finally be free. But Rich will be left alone...
And if there was a reward that everyone seem to miss ? Quite normal Chapter 2 isn't release yet so we're basing our analyses only on the leaks, on the trailers, on our own knowledge of the source material the SK book, on our feelings and hopes about the characters we cherish.
The kissing bridge scene is where to lie the answer I believe. This scene will certainly happening at the end but we can't be 100% sure.
This scene is a metaphorical way of showing self acceptation a kind of coming out. Young Richie was stopped by someone or something. But perhaps he was stopped only by himself. He didn't have been braver enough to finish it. And 27 years later he will finally finish it. He will finally free himself from oppression and hatred against himself. Even Pennywise used his unrequited feelings during the Paul Bunyan scene. And in the script of Cary Fukunaga, Rich was represented many times as a gay man in the closet.
That's a bitter victory but a beautiful one nonetheless Reddie fans. Because even if it's like in the book with the collective Amnesia, Rich will never forget the feelings of love he got for Eddie and can be a proud bisexual or gay man.
"Pardon me my french" like the car driver of Bill said in the novel but Tumblr broke this post 3 times and I finish it at 5.40 am so I didn't have the strength to re read it and to correct myself. Sorry English isn't my first language.
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scullysexual · 4 years
Charlee’s Solo X-Files Rewatch: 01x03: Tooms
Yeah there’s no board this week because I forgot to make one and I’m almost on my period and can’t move. 
😊 = Yes.
😞  = No.
😡 = It happens/it appears and I’m not happy about it.
❌ = It doesn’t appears/happens and I can’t be sad about it. 
Case: Mulder and Scully investigate a series of killings were a one hundred year old man (or koala) can fit through impossibly small spaces.
Monster: Eugene Victor Tooms.
Favourite Quote: Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?
Would I recommend It: Yes! It’s great. If you wanted people to get on board with the MoW episodes this was a great way to go.
My Initial Thoughts: I don’t find this episode as creepy as other people do.
State: Maryland.
Special Minor Character of the Episode: Tom Colton.
Special Prop of the Episode: The Microfiche Projector.
Mulder’s Theory: A 100 year old serial killer is going around and overpowering 6 ft something men.
Scully’s Scientific Explanation: Genetic mutation.
Inappropriate Mulder Humour: That entire Reticulan speech.
Inappropriate 90’s Terminology:  😞
Scully’s Favourite Sentence(s): Are you suggesting I go before the Violent Crimes Unit…
Scully Doesn’t Suffer:  😡 (she gets attacked by Tooms
Mulder Drives: 😊
Scully Drives: 😊 (well, she’s sitting in a car that she must have driven over to the crime scene)
Brief Case Appearance:  😞
Sharing Glasses:  😞
Scully Says OMG:  😞
Scully Autopsy:  😞
Scully Smiles:  😞
Scully Writes a Report: 😊
Scully Ditch:  ❌
Scully Pyjamas:  😞
Scully Wears A Skirt:  😞
Stupid Tiny Gun Watch:  😡
Mulder’s Hand on Scully’s Back:  😞
Mulder and Scully Talk On The Phone:  😞
Scully Costume Change: 8.
 Below the cut are my thoughts throughout the episode. You don’t have to read them if you don’t want to. 
Awkward soft porn music…
Plot twist, it’s Pennywise in the drain.
So why didn’t the dude go grey when Tooms sees him? Were his Tooms eyes not working here?
Question: How is Tooms unscrewing the screw that should be screwed into a wall?
Tooms be strong. That door busted.
Oh look it’s this dick! Remember when Scully had friends then she met Mulder and he was her only friend.
She seems so far away from him. Good, stay away from him, Scully!
That’s a lie. He’s lying.
Yes let’s look at these possibly gruesome pictures while eating lunch. Great idea.
“Mrs Spooky…” that’s kinda cute.
You’re making everyone uncomfortable now, Mulder.
This scene is so stupid. Tom’s confused, Scully wants to die, and Mulder’s having the time of his life.
Omg Mulder is wearing gloves.
It could be a koala. Koala’s have ten inch fingerprints.
I love her outfit here.
She’s wearing the shirt from Ice.
So why is Scully doing the profiling? She’s a mEDiCaL dOcToR, not a profiler.
“Working in an area that’s a bit more down to earth” cue laughing. That’s not funny. That’s a shit joke. Don’t laugh at Scully, she’ll whoop yo ass.
Red pants, really?
Mulder got grandpa clothes on.
Remember when they requested backup?
What the fuck is that STANCE??? Someone give these two a LESSON please.
“She’s not in the car!” What?
Mulder shook that Sculls is right. Get used to it.
I don’t like this hairstyle Scully’s got going on…soz.
The worried look Scully gives Mulder.
Tooms has such a baby face.
Again, why is she profiling? That’s not her job!!!
This dude is worse than Tom, fuck me.
Do not shout at that woman you utter asshole.
She needs to fix that collar, it’s annoying me.
She doesn’t need you protecting her!!!! Piss. Off.
Hey, touch the necklace once and it works, don’t touch it twice.
Scully likes Mulder more than those other twats and I don’t blame her.
They sit any closer they be sitting on each other…not that I’m complaining.
But it could be a koala.
This is a nice house.
I would have been cooler had we not seen Tooms in the beginning. It makes sense to see him now though.
That’s a real dude going down that chimney. Also the bones popping…ew.
This dude looks like the other dude.
Can we maybe stop with the touching props that have relevance later please. Let me use my EYES.
Considering they had a load of beef with the director, that shot of Tooms coming out of the shadows was a really good shot.
And awkward slow-mo bit. Honestly, it’s so weird.
Scully doesn’t like you anymore, go away.
Or it could be a koala.
This thing is disgusting get it out of my face.
Ant-eye is such a foreign pronunciation to me. It always throws me off whenever I hear it.
A mood.
“Never was born.” I think you got your words mixed up.
“I’ve been waiting 75 years for you.” *cut to Scully*. I don’t think that shot was intended to be funny but it is and I laugh every time.
What is a Sheriff?
Mulder sitting on a poof.
I don’t know if that Tooms is doing is on par with the Holocaust like.
He got some livers finding in his boxes.
Omg he actually does I fucking forgot omg.
And he looks the exact same…shocker.
Pierre Paris…can you get anymore French than that?
Credit scene!
That’s a tiny ass room. My studio is bigger than that shit.
When she tucks the gun into her pants. Omg I am gay.
It’s adorable that Scully fits and Mulder is technically crouching.
Does he learn from touching bile? No he does not. At least he didn’t eat it.
Remember Scully’s necklace? No? Well it’s a good job Mulder touched it before. Now you remember.
“You got it…Spooky.” *cue laughter.* Honestly these jokes aren’t funny. Come up with funnier jokes if you’re going to laugh.
Do not come barging into a room that Scully is occupying and start shouting at her!!!
You just got told, Dickface!
I’d make a comment about Mulder talking to himself but I do that to so…
That’s an ugly ass phone. I don’t like it.
Is this the first time we see Scully’s apartment?
Also why does Tooms beeline for Scully anyway?
That’s unfortunate.
Why hasn’t she taken off her shoes yet?
Good job that person came out of that door at that moment otherwise he’d be stuck outside.
I really like how they work together to cuff him
Question: why doesn’t he just make his arm skinny and slip out of the handcuffs? I don’t think he knows he’ll get shot at the moment he goes for Scully again.
Tooms be the weird kid at the back of the class who be sniffing glue.
She touched him.
Final Thoughts: Tooms is creepy but I don’t find the episode creepy. That final shot with the music. I’m so glad Tom Colton never came back- or those other dudes- because they are all just assholes and I don’t like them. I like Squeeze, it can definitely hold my interest for 45 minutes.
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eau-duresistance · 5 years
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80soleff · 7 years
je t'aime, eddie: one
summary: “pardon my french, eddie spaghetti, but you’re the cutest fucking person i have ever seen.” aka, the foreign exchange fic.
word count: 1,282
pairings: reddie, side stenbrough, side benverly, lots of platonic kaspbrough
a/n: the pennywise incident still happened but in like 2014, this takes place in 2017!
1, 2, 3, 4
it was definitely an impulse decision, on his part. he could have said something else when asked what he wanted for christmas that year. something… normal. like a camera, or new art supplies.
but no. the words that came flying out of bill denbrough’s mouth were pretty peculiar. “a person.” he said, as his parents looked at him, confusion clear on their faces. who the hell asks for a person for christmas? well, not a person. a foreign exchange student.
it’s not something he’s thought of before, just something that came to his mind moments before the question was asked. he had the other losers of course, but things around his house got lonely after three years. three years of no georgie and three years of not knowing what to do with himself.
after explaining to them what he actually meant, his parents agreed. in fact, they thought it was a great idea. it would be a “good way for bill to have some exposure to another culture” as they said. he never really viewed it as that kind of opportunity, but he definitely wasn’t opposed to it.
so, gathered around bill’s laptop in the middle of the year, the denbroughs signed up to be a host family. it was a long process, background checks and orientations, signature after signature, but the day finally came where they would get to pick the person to live with them for the next year.
his name was eddie and he was from france. 16 years old, just like bill and the rest of the losers. the biography under his picture tells the story of his family and how he used to live in america until he was six. he spoke english pretty well, but he usually spoke french.
naturally, bill procrastinated so much that he didn’t tell the others that eddie was coming until the day was four days away.
the losers club sat around a bonfire in bill’s backyard, as they usually spent their summer saturdays. stan and bill were sitting on a bench, sharing earbuds and a thick blanket draped over their shoulders. ben and beverly were reading a book together, beverly’s hand holding the right page and ben’s holding the left. richie and mike were looking at something on mike’s phone and laughing.
bill was pretty sure stan knew he liked him. i mean, he has been pining after him ever since the summer before freshman year. he saw bev look up from her book and over at the two of them. she gave bill a knowing smile and went back to reading. beverly was the only one who knew about bills crush on stan, but she found out by accident. it’s actually a really funny story.
beverly was coming over and bill’s hands were shaking. when he told all of the losers his parents would be gone for the weekend, she had asked to come over. mike told him that was code for “dude, she totally wants to make out!” but how were you supposed to make out with a girl? surely it can’t be that hard. he heard a knock at the to snap him out of his worried thoughts.
he practically ran down the stairs and opened the door. “hey b-b-bev.” his stutter came out more than he would have liked it to.
“hey bill! can i come in?” she asked him through a smile.
“y-yeah. i m-mean, yeah.” beverly took off her boots and they walked up to his room.
“i’m not sure if we all tell you enough bill, but you’re an amazing artist.” walking around bill’s room, she ran her fingers over the drawings and doodles hanging on the wall.
“thanks, i t-try.” he said in a nervous tone. beverly then walked over to him and got pretty close. she glanced down at his lips a few times and so did he. she started moving in. oh my god. oh my god. this is it.
one innocent kiss progressed into making out pretty quickly. they were nearing bill’s bed until he disconnected their lips.
“holy shit.”
beverly laughed at his words. “you okay there, denbrough?”
“i’m gay.”
she started jumping up and down in the air and cheering. “oh my god, i knew it! richie totally owes me twenty dollars!” he stared at her in disbelief, watching her celebrate in the middle of his bedroom floor. “kidding, kidding.” she raised her arms in defense.
“w-wait, you knew? h-how…” bill trailed off and sat down on his bed, shock evident on his face.
“bill, you look at stan like he hung the stars. i think we all know. except stan, he’s sooo oblivious.” he slowly processed the information he was given. who couldn’t look at stan like that, he’s gorgeous. was it really that obvious? he always thought the secret glances he stole at stan were when no one else was paying attention. bill just nodded his head in response and beverly came over to engulf him in a hug.
“it’s okay, i think i’m the only one who noticed. i won’t tell, swear.” she extended her pinky out toward bill and he intertwined his with her own.
he came out to the losers at the quarry the next day. he didn’t expect anything but support, but he was still scared. they all shared a big group hug and to say his attention stayed on stan the whole time definitely wasn’t a lie.
smiling at the memory, he watched as mike and ben added various twigs and logs to the growing fire. he really hoped eddie wasn’t homophobic or anything like that.
“guys, i h-have something t-to tell y-you.” everyone shifted their attention to bill.
“what is it, bill?” stan said, nervousness evident in his voice.
“n-no, it’s nothing b-bad.” richie raises his eyebrows, waiting for him to say something. “w-well, basically, i h-have a foreign e-exchange student c-coming to live with us in f-f-four days.”
“four days?! bill, why didn’t you tell us? that’s crazy, man! i mean, how are we gonna understand this fucking kid?” richie looked at bill with shock in his eyes, as did the other losers.
“he s-speaks english, d-dumbass.”
“four days? wow… where is he from? how old is he?” mike asked inquisitively.
“f-france. he used to l-live here when he was l-little but he m-m-moved away. he’s sixteen.” stan has the slightest bit of anger in his voice.
“he’s gonna live here? with you?” bill laughed at him.
“where e-else would he live?” he only huffed in response.
“ooo, eddie? you know me, i love a good french boy.” richie was openly bisexual and proud.
“beep beep, richie!” they all said in unison. “do you have a picture, bill?” beverly asked and bill took his phone out.
“we’ve been t-texting. he seems r-really nice.”
on the screen, richie saw what he thought was the best sight he would ever see. it was a picture of eddie standing in front of the eiffel with a big smile on his face. “hm. very frenchy.” ben said and they laughed at him.
“he’s an adorable frenchy.” beverly said looking at the picture.
“adorable? he’s a smokin’ frenchy.” richie trailed off into the summer night.
“say “frenchy” one more time and i’m-”
“m-my mom talked to h-his mom on the phone. she’s c-c-crazy. he has to t-take like, a j-j-jillion pills a day.” bill told all of them.
“what’s wrong with him? he looks mighty fine to me.” richie said with a smirk plastered to his face. stan elbowed him in the side.
“i th-think he has asthma. not s-sure what the o-others are f-for.” richie looked at the picture again.
“oh, eddie spaghetti, i’m gonna have so much fun with you.”
special thanks to @roses-for-reddie because she’s such a hypeman. should i continue this fic? send me an ask and tell me what you thought!
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My Top Posts in 2021
can we all please remember that Will Solace, a fifteen year old boy, reattached someone's arms to their body.
79 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 08:14:45 GMT
friendly reminder that there was an Apollo shroud burned at the end of TLO. If Michael's body was never found, and Lee died in BoTL, that means that the Apollo cabin lost at least 3 people.
That means Will Solace lost at least three siblings.
don't mind me, just sobbing-
87 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 12:24:50 GMT
conversations in my eighth grade class room with little to no context:
“are rugs just tiny carpets?”
“if pennywise and i sat down and had a talk, maybe he would stop killing little children to boost his self esteem”
“if you dont ship drarry what are you doing?” “shipping scorbus”
“jason is my boyfriend.” “oh! is he new this year?” “no hes a tree you fucking idiot.”
“That’s a nice backpack..very colorful...” “I’m fucking GAY, dianna.”
“i read wattpad.” *rest of the class* “same.”
*me ranting about solangelo and how i just wnat someone to love me like that or ill DIE* my friend: “well, mAYbE, you just need to find your will to live!”
“new year old me, but i’m already perfect so ill just say new year, old me”
“GUYS IM GOING TO GET DRUG TESTED AND IM SCARED” “have you been doing drugs?’ “no” “then why are you nervous?” “what if i did them by accident or something?”
‘you know what tastes really good?” ‘what?” ‘staples.”
‘so when i was younger i used to ask myself why artemis was my favorite god (godess but they said god so meulch). do you know why? its because im a raging lesbian now.”
“lola. lola. lola. lola. LOLA.” “wHAT” “play me at rock paper shoot’  
‘look at this very nice pencil that i onehundred percent bought with my own money’ ‘thats mY FuCKinG pEncil you asshole GIVE IT BACK.’ *pencil box spills* ‘THATS WHERE ALL MY PENCILS HAVE BEEN GOING????”
*singing* ‘my favorite flavor sweets are raspberry amphetamines' teacher: “EXCUSE ME?”
‘sorry, i just choked on my own personality’
214 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 22:36:59 GMT
just a reminder that patroclus has actually, legitimately been called “Achilles’ bitch” before.
225 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 01:11:49 GMT
these r all from friday..
‘dude why are periods even a thing...its so fuckin pointless...im a literal INFANT why is my body trying to reproduce’
‘ramen is good but you know what would be better’ ‘wat?” “*sobs* having high self esteem’
‘has anyone here actually seen a weed brownie b4′
“guys my parents are not letting have a batmizvah.’ “maddie, youre not even jewish” “BARMITZVAHS r FOR JEWS OH FUC”
“zeus is a dick and for what?”
“totally hypothetical how long can you survive in a coffin...like buried alive and shit” “five hours give or take” “excuse me” 
“i wish i could fly”
“do you think i’ll die if i snort smarties?” “probably” “Good. Do you have any on you?”
“sometimes I like to make really subtly gay comments to my homophobic parents because they only way they can ask to explain is to ask ‘are you gay?’ and they’re wusses so they would never. It’s satisfying seeing their faces turn purple every time i see a hot guy on tiktok and comment about it.” “Aaron...aaron..” 
“i literally just got a 67 on my math test..please tell me what you got so i can feel better about myself...” “100.” “*chucks hydroflask*”
“dude why does it snow. Seriously. Or why does water freeze. Why is it such an asshole, freezing like that?. Like, ‘ope its too cold for me outside, u know what that means’ and it turns into hard little blocks. One of us is the overreacter here, and it aint me..”
“I want a pride flag in my room but my parents are homophobic, so a jojo siwa poster works ig.” “AARON-”
990 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 14:35:23 GMT
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