#why saas
xbsoftware · 11 months
Delivering State-of-the-art SaaS Solutions With 12 Factor App Methodology
The 12 factor app methodology is an excellent way to ensure that SaaS systems are built with scalability, portability, and robustness in mind. This app development approach entails a set of guidelines and principles that developers can use to guarantee that their apps are built with a focus on maintainability and repeatability. Also, it focuses on automating deployments and using the best practices.
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artcinemas · 2 months
asoiaf fandom post 2018 is so wild like if i say something like "i love arya/sansa" this three word sentence will get misinterpreted as "oh so you hate sansa/arya then why do you hate feminine/non confirming women?" like hold up?!? when did i say that?
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greenscreen-dress · 7 months
I wish all Precure seasons that attempt to force a reciprocated romance between young teen magical girls and animal-fairy mascots that turn into Ambiguously Adult Hot Guys™ a very Stop That Immediately Dear Gourd Why. 🫠
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void-botanist · 4 months
Had a whole lot of character thoughts last night so I think I'm gonna dump them all into one quick post:
Now that I've changed things so Marcus has a nice little polycule I think some pretty bad shit went down to get him to remove himself from the planet. I have a sense of what that might be but I'm left asking myself why his mom is just actually the worst. Unless I can think of a new angle I don't wanna do "royalty generational trauma" again and it's also not quite "absolute power corrupts absolutely" but there could still be some corruption with non-absolute power. The question is what does she really want and why
Marcus likes his Rade friends for themselves but it is hard to overstate how much Horatio reminds him of Gren and how this has been a catalyst in the development of their relationship. Not everyone reminds him of someone but Celia also gives him Yera vibes
Avis one million percent thinks that Antony is wrong and she will be completely fine being alone on the ocean 95% of the time. She did it before but now she's not gonna be stewing about Sorian the whole time so it will be great. But she truly does not realize the extent to which the people she thinks are alone (Sorian, who refuses to be with anyone but her) are not alone at all (gee, Sorian, how come your bad choices let you have TWO families?). And I think after 6-12 months of Freedom TM she finds herself moving back into other people's orbits, including Sorian's. I think I can get them back together at this point. There's just no way to do it in AOM because she's still getting the "I squandered 15 years not verbally abusing my husband" out of her system.
She also doesn't believe that Sorian is completely fine with being single actually. In fact she frequently doesn't believe anything anyone tells her but just in different ways
The plot of Lexie's story is her having a bad time with her job or whatever, not having fun ever, and then Marigold shows up and her life is only fun. The whole time Lexie keeps joking that Marigold is bad for her. Wylie says she is but Wylie projects his anxieties. Derik says she is but Derik is a killjoy. Snap says she might be which is about as certain as he ever is but he doesn't even know her. But finally, maybe before they get into stuff that is very bad, she has to admit that yeah, Marigold IS bad for her and they should go their separate ways. But that won't stop her from saving Marigold later when she gets in some kind of trouble
gecko junk = two hemipénes. Imagine
Soravis taglist: @vacantgodling @athenswrites @kk7-rbs
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roobylavender · 1 year
i think one of the things i want to do over break for funsies is like. rewatch every pak drama of the major contemporary writers nationally hailed as progressive (e.g., umera ahmed, farhat ishtiaq, sameera fazal, etc.) and see how many of the male leads i come out actually still liking. like i want to make an excel spreadsheet cataloguing every red flag that went under my radar as a kid. for science
#bc if we are being real. sooo many of these guys are nothing short of rancid#and while i get the point of a lot of these dramas is to show emotionally stunted men grow#idk how much tolerance i have for certain behaviors now like idk..#tangentially this is also why complaints of saif from kuch ankahi Really amuse me#like ok so all of the most toxic and insecure men imaginable aren’t a problem for most pak drama fans#but a man who simply lacks agency and is maybe a bit cowardly bc his mother overimposes on him is horrible and unappealing..#like i’m not saying people have to like him or have a crush on him by any means#but i think it’s weird people are blatantly ignoring he’s being used to comment on how mothers emasculate their sons and strip their agency#and how that doesn’t always translate to those sons being weird toxic alpha males but can simply make them cowardly and unable to stand up#for themselves. which yes. is totally worth criticizing. but it’s strange people think samiya is coddling him#simply bc she’s willing to ask him what he thinks when his mother does or says certain things#if she were coddling him she wouldn’t even bother worrying that he’s a pushover#but instead what she does is prompt him to slowly recognize that he has his own thoughts and feelings and that he can act on him#and that she’s not going to solve his problems for him bc he’s capable of solving them himself#and idk i think that is a narrative worth telling. and i am so willing to cut him slack for being a coward bc he’s the farthest thing from#a toxic alpha male. people have twisted him into being this horrible liar cheat etc for liking someone else prior to his marriage#despite the fact that we are literally being told and shown he’s forced into the marriage and his mom Knows he likes someone else and she#doesn’t care. saif cannot realistically say no without effectively running away and he’s incapable of that bc he fears his mother#he’s not a bad person. he’s just a coward. and his growth will entail that he becomes someone brave enough to take a stand for himself#and personally i am way more open than whatever shite we have in other dramas where it takes a saas abusing her bahu for her son to wake up#to be deleted
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fluideli123 · 2 years
Writing about Leo's issues isn't enough. I must hear the absolute pain and eventual healing he'll go through.
(Yes this is a link to my SAA fic playlist)
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bog--unicorn · 2 years
the number of tech manuals that are like “this error occurs when you set Thing up the wrong way. To solve, set Thing up the right way” and then give literally no instructions about how to do that…
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nikosheba · 1 year
A couple job interview hacks from someone who has to give a job interview every single goddamn day: (disclaimer: this goes for my process and my company’s process, other companies and industries might be different)
1. There are a few things I check and a few questions I ask literally just to figure out if you can play the game and get along with others in a professional setting. Part of the job I interview for is talking to people, and we work in teams. So if you can’t “play the game” a tiny bit, it’s not going to work. Playing the game includes:
- Why do you want to work here? (just prove that you googled the company, tell me like 1 thing about us, I just want to know that you did SOME kind of preparation for this interview)
- Are you wearing professional clothing? I don’t need a suit just don’t show up in a ratty t-shirt and sweatpants.
- Are you able to speak respectfully and without dropping f-bombs all the time? Not because I’m offended but because I don’t want to be reported to HR if you wind up on my team.
- Can you follow simple directions in an interview?
2. Stop telling me protected information. I don’t want to know about what drugs or medications you’re on, I don’t want to know about you being sick, I don’t want to know if you’re planning to have children soon, I don’t want to know anything about your personal life other than “can you do the job?” 
3. When we ask, “What questions do you have for me?” here are my favorites I’ve heard: - What does the day-to-day look like for a member of your team?
- If one of your team members was not performing up to his usual standard, what steps would you take to correct that?
- What can I start doing now to accelerate my learning process in this job?
- What are some reservations you have about me as a candidate? (be ready for this emotionally....it will REALLY help you in the future, and I’ve had people save themselves from a No after this, but can be hard to hear)
- In your opinion, what skills and qualities does the ideal candidate for this job possess?
- What advice would you give to a new hire in this position/someone who wanted to break into this industry, as someone who has worked here for a while?
Those are just my tips off-the-cuff. I work in sales in marketing/SAAS, so these can be very different depending on the industry, but I wish the people I interview could read this before they show up. 
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snakeater · 6 months
i hate ocelots gun in mgsv it’s stupid and the barrel looks so ugly. what happened to the elegant saa…. glad he realized the error of his ways and went back to it later on
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creolestudios · 2 years
Any new application can fail due to misinterpreted customer demands or coding issues. As SaaS presents one of the best market opportunities to launch an application, businesses launch a minimum viable product with vital features before releasing the application on a large scale. This enables them to record the feedback, comprehend the market thoroughly, and gain insights to improve the overall application.
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xbsoftware · 11 months
Five Tips on Efficient SaaS Apps Provisioning
It’s necessary to ensure that all employees have access to the right SaaS apps, the software is configured correctly and running, and nobody can reach data lying beyond their scope of work. At the same time, businesses must consider the security implications of provisioning and the need to protect sensitive data. The task may seem unbearable. However, by following best practices and being mindful of the risks, businesses can ensure their applications are correctly provisioned with minimal effort and cost.
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 415 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 突如現れた、ここに居ないハズの面々。それはーー とつじょあらわれた、ここにいないハズのめんめん。それはーー totsujo arawareta, koko ni inai HAZU no menmen. sore wa-- They suddenly appeared, all of these [people] that weren't supposed to be here. That's--
tagline 2 No.415 拒絶 堀越耕平 ナンバー415 きょぜつ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 415  kyozetsu  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 415 Rejection Kouhei Horikoshi
1 "記憶"の交錯…‼︎ "きおく"のこうさく…‼︎ "kioku" no kousaku...!! The intermingling of memories...!!
2 加速度的に進行していたAFO因子とOFAの感応がーーーー… かそくどてきにしんこうしていたにいさんとワン・フォー・オールのかんのうがーーーー… kasokudoteki ni shinkou shite ita niisan (kanji: OORU FOO WAN inshi) to WAN FOO OORU no kannou ga----... It's progressing at an accelerating rate, the responsiveness between brother (read as: the AFO factor) and One For All----...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 おまえ達が見える!!? おまえたちがみえる!!? omae-tachi ga mieru!!? can I see you all!!?
5 2代目の攻撃で臨界点に達したんだ リーダーの譲渡でりんかいてんにたっしたんだ RIIDAA (kanji: 2daime) no jouto (kanji: kougeki) de rinkaiten ni tasshitanda By transferring (read as: attacking) Leader (read as: the Second), we reached the critical point. (Note: I don't think this is meant to be idiomatic. I think he means Through the transfer process, we were able to hit his weak point.)
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1 OFAを奪う為に兄さんは心を欲した… ワン・フォー・オールをうばうためににいさんはこころをほっした… WAN FOO OORU wo ubau tame ni niisan wa kokoro wo hosshita... In order to steal One For All, my [older] brother wanted a heart...
2 だがどれ程無体な力を得ようと心はーー… だがどれほどむたいなちからをえようとそれはーー… daga dorehodo mutai na chikara wo eyou to sore (kanji: kokoro) wa--... but no matter how much intangible power he gains, that (read as: heart)--...
3 ここだったんだ koko dattanda was here.
4 悪意と憎しみに塗り固められた最強の敵… あくいとにくしみにぬりかためられたさいきょうのヴィラン… akui to nikushimi ni nuri katamerareta saikyou no VIRAN... The strongest villain coated with malice and hatred...
5 凶行を止めるには初めから きょうこうをとめるにははじめから kyoukou wo tomeru ni wa hajime kara Stopping atrocities starts from the beginning
6 僕らが紡がれた意味は ぼくらがつむがれたいみは bokura ga tsumugareta imi wa As for the meaning we spun together,
7 ここにーーー koko ni--- here [is where]--- (Note: It sounds like this final phrase is meant to be read like "It's in this place that the meaning we spun together will come to be." In other words, this is the place where they will see the meaning of their existence as One For All come to fruition.)
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1 って感じねすごいわ二人とも ってかんじねすごいわふたりとも tte kanji ne sugoi wa futari-tomo "You're amazing, both of you!"
2 へし折って帰ろう! へしおってかえろう! heshiotte kaerou! "Let's smash [his pride] and go home!"
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1 死柄木!!!! しがらき!!!! Shigaraki!!!! "Shigaraki!!!!"
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1 緑谷あ みどりやあ Midoriyaa "Midoriyaa!"
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1 OFAの"譲渡"が ワン・フォー・オールの"じょうと"が WAN FOO OORU no "jouto" ga "The transfer of One For All"
2 弾き返された⁉︎ はじきかえされた⁉︎ hajikikaesareta!? "was repelled!?"
3 ぐア… guA... "Gwa..."
4 ダメージはある‼︎ DAMEEJI wa aru!! There is damage!!
5 "拒絶"しやがった…‼︎俺たちを奪える程強い意志ならそれも可能ってことか… "きょぜつ"しやがった…‼︎おれたちをうばえるほどつよいいしならそれもかのうってことか… "kyozetsu" shiyagatta...!! ore-tachi wo ubaeru hodo tsuyoi ishi nara sore mo kanou tte koto ka... "He freaking rejected it...!! If his will is strong enough to steal us, then I guess that's also possible..."
6 6代目だけが辛うじて"譲渡"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ エンだけがかろうじて"じょうと"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ EN (kanji: 6daime) dake ga karoujite "jouto" sareta! DAMEEJI wa sono okage saa "Only En (read as: the Sixth) was barely transferred! That's why there's damage."
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1 …つまり…完全には閉ざしきれていない……! …つまり…かんぜんにはとざしきれていない……! ...tsumari...kanzen ni wa tozashi kirete inai......! ...In other words...he's not completely closed off......!
2 増殖した指から"譲渡"できたらいいけど…今の二度の"譲渡"は指を壊して胸に当たった瞬間に発生した つまり指からは渡せない あれは爪や垢のようなものか ぞうしょくしたゆびから"じょうと"できたらいいけど…いまのにどの"じょうと"はゆびをこわしてむねにあたったしゅんかんにはっせいした つまりゆびからはわたせない あれはつめやあかのようなものか zoushoku shita yubi kara "jouto" dekitara ii kedo...ima no nido no "jouto" wa yubi wo kowashite mune ni atatta shunkan ni hassei shita tsumari yuba kara wa watasenai are wa tsume ya aka no you na mono ka It'd be nice if I could transfer it through his fingers that multiplied, but...the two current transfers occurred the moment I hit his chest and broke my fingers. In other words, I can't transfer through his fingers because they're things like fingernails or dirt?
3 ゴ GO "Ggh."
4 うう uu "uu"
5 ああ aa "aa"
6 近付いてる… ちかづいてる… chikadzuiteru... I'm getting closer...
7 何度だって試してやる なんどだってためしてやる nando datte tameshite yaru I'll keep trying no matter how many times.
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1 衛星通信を介した超超長距離リモート操縦‼︎ えいせいつうしんをかいしたちょうちょうちょうきょりリモートそうじゅう‼︎ eisei tsuushin wo kaishita chou chou choukyori RIMOOTO soujuu!! "Super-super-long-distance remote control via satellite communication!!"
2 オーライ OORAI "All right."
3 オーライ OORAI "All right."
4 オーライ OORAI "All right."
5 さすが腐っても天下の雄英ね…‼︎ さすがくさってもてんかのゆうえいね…‼︎ sasuga kusattemo tenka no yuuei ne...!! "As expected of the-best-in-the-world UA, even if it's crumbling...!!"
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1 あの子は緑谷くんのグローブ作成を取り次いでくれたのです あのベイビーはみどりやくんのグローブさくせいをとりついでくれたのです ano BEIBII (kanji: ko) wa Midoriya-kun no GUROOBU sakusei wo toritsuide kureta no desu "That baby took over the production of Midoriya-kun's gloves for me."
2 不時着となったので資材で強化しました ふじちゃくとなったのでしざいできょうかしました fujichaku to natta node shizai de kyouka shimashita "Since it was a crash landing, we're reinforcing it [UA] with materials."
3 手伝う! てつだう! tetsudau! "I'll help!"
4 怪我人を頼むよ!動けない人がいたら教えてくれ けがにんをたのむよ!うごけないひとがいたらおしえてくれ keganin wo tanomu yo! ugokenai hito ga itara oshiete kure "Take care of the injured! If anyone can't move, please let me know."
5 彼は私のクライアントなので今後より良いサービスを提供する為にも見る必要があります! かれはわたしのクライアントなのでこんごよりいいサービスをていきょうするためにもみるひつようがあります! kare wa watashi no KURAIANTO nanode kongo yori ii SAABISU wo teikyou suru tame ni mo miru hitsuyou ga arimasu! "He is my client, so in order to provide better service in the future, it's necessary I watch him!"
6 私の愛する人を逮捕に貶し入れてあろうことかより一層素敵にさせてくれちゃった男の子…! わたしのあいするひとをたいほにおとしいれてあろうことかよりいっそうすてきにさせてくれちゃったおとこのこ…! watashi no ai suru hito wo taiho ni otoshi irete arou koto ka yori issou suteki ni sasete kurechatta otoko no ko...! "He's the boy who made the person I love more amazing than did anyone who put him under arrest...!"
7 不時着 ふじちゃく fujichaku "A crash landing."
8 早く陸へ はやくりくへ hayaku riku e "Quickly, to shore!"
9 手を貸してくれ てをかしてくれ te wo kashite kure "Lend me a hand."
10 応援しなきゃあバチが当たるってものよ! おうえんしなきゃあバチがあたるってものよ! ouen shinakyaa BACHI ga ataru tte mono yo! "If I don't support him, I'll pay for it*!" (*Note: This phrase also means "What goes around, comes around," so "I'll pay for it" means basically "I'll regret it due to the karma.")
small text 映った…! うつった…! utsutta...! "It's displaying...!"
11 …⁉︎ なんだこりゃあ…⁉︎ ...!? nanda koryaa...!? "...!? What the hell is this...!?"
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1 避難所 ひなんじょ hinanjo [At the] evacuation shelter
2 おい oi "Hey."
3 なんだあれ nanda are "What's that?"
4 手の…塊…⁉︎… ての…かたまり…⁉︎… te no...katamari...!? ... "A ball...of hands...!? ..."
5 アッ A "Ah!"
6 待チナサイ! まチナサイ! maCHINASAI! "Wait!"
7 エリチャン‼︎ ERI-CHAN!! "Eri-chan!!"
tagline 駆ける先はーー… かけるさきはーー… kakeru saki wa--... [Where] is she running to--...[?]
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Cienie's Star Wars sidenotes
While doing research and writing down the last pieces of Funeral Rites of the Clone Troopers, it became even more clear how The Clone Wars animated TV series did a great disservice to Jedi, especially in the context of medical care for clones.
TCW has clone medics, both as part of combat units (e.g. Kix from 501st Legion) and working apparently in the medcentre as sometimes was presented on the screen.
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The role of doctors treating wounded troopers was given to Kaminoans (Nala Se) and droids and sure, those two groups were part of the whole GAR’s medical system in the Legends too. However Jedi Healers (doctors), as far as I remember, were seen treating mainly other Jedi like Yoda
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and even then TCW barely paid attention to force healing as an important skill. 
The research about medical care for clones gives a pretty drastic idea of what was happening during and after battle which is understandable why the show destined for younger viewers didn’t go into full details about triage of wounded but considering how many dark themes were put in the same show, I dare to say not showing medical care provided by Jedi or common Republic doctors and nurses (who btw are a rare example of republic citizens conscripted into army during the war) actually is unfair. The show reduced one very important aspect of Jedi - they weren’t just generals and commanders either sending or leading troops into battle, they also provided medical help, whether they were specifically trained at healing or not. 
In Legends, we could see Jedi Healers assisting the army on various occassions, working in triage area like in Republic comics series:
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The triage unit, where Jedi healers labor to save the lives of the wounded, was set up safely behind the line of battle. But as the fortunes of war shift, so do the battlelines.
and worrying first about wounded even in the face of serious danger
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Master Saa! We’re cut off! There’s no way to get the wounded out!
and searching for survivors
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Master Saa is hurt! She pulled the trees on top of us for protection...
and working in hospitals
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Follow me Skywalker. We have much healing to do. The Jedi sickbay, where we treat the most severe injuries. And our own, of course. Master Offee has saved countless lives. She seldom leaves her post to rest. But we all work long hours.
Not to mention the whole Medstar duology dedicated to padawan Bariss Offee, doctors and nurses serving in Republic mobile hospitals close to frontine - and yes, forever I’m gonna be bitter about how TCW/New Canon treated the most iconic Jedi Healer.
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(The cover art for Medstar: Jedi Healer by Dave Seeley)
When padawan Skywalker arrived at New Holstice with his troops, he was immedialy called to assist in the nearest sickbay
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“Are you injured, master Jedi?”
“Not really, no.”
“Good. You can make yourself useful by heading to the nearest sickbay. We need all the Jedi healers we can get...”
and for context, this is Anakin two days after after Jabiim, one of the worst war campaigns Republic experienced so far, the solely survivor of Jedi Pack traumatized both by the loss of his comrades and what happened on the planet and forced to make a devastating choice is literally told to get at work ASAP because every Jedi in between assignment was working here hard to heal the most wounded..
Though no healer himself, Anakin even force-healed injured trooper on battlefield to stop him going into shock:
Supporting the commando trooper with his left arm, Anakin warded off blaster bolts on the run. The rest of Squad Seven supplied cover, blowing STAPs out the sky with uninterrupted fire. Cody motioned everyone into a shallow irrigation trench just short of the mound. By the time Obi-Wan arrived, the troopers were deployed in a circle, and continuing to pour fire into the sky. Anakin slid into the trench a moment later, lowering the commando gently to the muddy slope. Squad Seven’s medical specialist crawled over, removing the commando’s ravaged utility belt and deeply dented helmet.  [...]
The harvester’s pincers had crushed the armor into the commando’s abdomen. His skin was intact, but the bruising was severe. With only half the original army of 1.2 million in fighting shape, the life of every clone was vital. Blood and replacement organs - - what the regular troopers referred to as “spare parts” - - were readily available - - “easily requisitioned” - - but with the war reaching a crescendo, battlefield casualties were on the rise and treated as high priority.
“Not much I can do for him here,” the medspec told Anakin. “Maybe if we can get an FX-Seven air-dropped - - ”
“We don’t need a droid,” Anakin interrupted. Kneeling, he placed his hands on the injured commando’s abdomen and used a Jedi healing technique to keep the clone from going into deep shock. [Labyrinth Of Evil]
(and included request for evacuation of the wounded trooper when Cody called for artillery support)
In Republic comics series alone we could see Jedi showing concern for the wounded troopers at various moments, putting their well-being as priority:
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or helping (healing) wounded enemies:
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And I won't lie, it is frustrating how Legends, especially Republic comics series that had around 40 issues put so much pressure on Jedi Force healing and how Jedi care for wounded troopers while The Clone Wars (New Canon) that lasted for decade or so kinda ignored the issue? Which is unfair to Jedi and clones alike. The first are presented as less caring, at times indifferent? the latter deserved to have all the available medical help, not just Kaminoans and droids.
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