#why the hell it look foggy lmao
apathetichub · 5 months
Some lovely OC art I've drawn for someone as a commission 🩵🖋️
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also hates glasses
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mondaymelon · 11 months
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𖥔 ݁ ˖⩇⩇:⩇𝟥.𖥔 ݁ ˖
⤷ a halloween event hosted by @mondaymelon !!
taglist: @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @silaswritesthings, @neigesprincess, @mintydump, @kaeffeinee, @scaranaris-lil-niko !! ignore me saying yes and refusing him lmao i was being silly
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“No.” You took his hand readily and let him pull you to your feet. “It doesn’t.”
If the air around you had been a little less foggy, you would’ve been certain in the way his gaze softened, eyes turning to a liquid gold that shimmered in the rippling movement, like light reflecting on the water. “I see.” Even his voice was beautiful, slightly raspy and with a growl in his words, like a symphony made just for you. “Then it should make this easier.”  His sculpted arms dug into your sides as he leaned into you, each finger grasping your skin tightly, a hold that would most certainly leave dappled bruises on your skin. He opened his mouth, and his words flowed thick like honey. “I’ll explain when it’s over.” 
Something pierced your neck, two fangs sinking into your flesh, and then threading veins of warmth spread like wildfire across your skin. His fingers grazed against your nape, brushing any stray strands away. Not a drop escaped past his bared fangs, despite the red that began to stain his lips. Swirling, your mind had gone white, and you couldn't even formulate a single coherent thought, only letting a soft gasp escape. You would melt at the slightest touch, you were sure of it. 
He pulled away, lips streaked with crimson, and let out a quiet sigh as he brushed his hair back with his fingers. “Shit, no wonder why Venti went feral. Archons,” His voice dipped to a lower note, a whisper. “Why do you taste so…?”
Venti, who had been standing to the side, glanced up with an unpleasant expression. “Ah, what a hypocrite. Reprimanding me with such vigor only to go and do the same thing yourself, how unfair is that?”
“I did it for a reason, bloodthirsty bastard. You just go and bite anything that breathes.” Xiao scoffed, exasperated. He glanced at where you were, visibly panting heavily as your quickened breaths turned white in the air. “My apologies.”
“What… W-What the fuck?” You pressed a hand to your neck and felt blood dripping past your fingers, and you drew them back with a flinch. They were tainted in a red that trailed down your wrist. You had to force the words out amidst your heavy breaths. “You… You said…!” 
“As I said, my apologies. This was the only way to protect you. A mortal cannot go unguarded in these realms.” He looked regretful, he really did, but his eyes were not one of a human’s, and his rich voice was one that had persisted for centuries. The diamond pupils you had adored so much in the seconds before now seemed unnatural, like a predator's, and that made you his prey. “In time, you’ll understand.” He placed his gloved hand in yours, yet you felt no warmth radiate past the cloth. “Please, let’s head back to the manor before they find us.”
Another mystery to unravel. “They?”
Xiao shook his head, his black hair illuminated by the moonlight. His hushed words came out quickly. “You’ve traveled into the wrong territory. I’ve risked enough retrieving you, and if we stay too long they might-”
“Ah, look what the cat dragged in.” There was a laugh, a chilling one. Xiao instantaneously glanced up, expression cold as a curse slipped past his lips. He swerved to the right to avoid a blade thrown past his head, where it embedded into the tree trunk meters behind, the wood shrieking as it bent into two.
“Stay out of matters that don’t concern you!” Xiao shouted, but you could read the signs of uneasiness in his stance. How many lay in wait in the shadows? If you ran now, would you be able to… There was a final snap as loud as thunder, and then the great tree fell to the ground, completely uprooted. Venti giggled childishly like he was excited at the predicament.
Your hands shook. No way in hell. At least in Inazuma, you could do something against the perpetrator, but here. They were on a level of their own, and they had surpassed the limits that the gods had set for them.
“A rat who has snuck its way onto our land is squeaking. Ah, my ears hurt.” The same voice from before, but this time it was paired with a figure walking out from behind you, causing you to spin on your feet. A glimpse of indigo hair, fluttering garments, dark violet eyes that made him seem more dead than alive. Sharp horns that sprouted from his head and twisted towards the sky, and a whip-like tail that whipped with every word. He brought a hand up to his mouth, his slender fingers curling cruelly as he barked out a laugh. “Ha! It’s as if you wish to die.” His voice was sharp, not cold, but distant, as if he wasn’t fully there. The sneer in his tone made it all too clear that he was getting a kick out of this, even if the spreading smirk on his face didn’t make it obvious enough.
“Now, now,” a new voice had entered the fray, and it was lilting, almost hypnotic. “Wanderer, you can’t be thinking of killing them now, are you?” Red hair. Red hair? Dark horns that curled above his ears, and a sender tail that bent like a question mark. Green eyes that sparkled even though the night had been coated in black paint a thousand strokes over. The boyish grin plastered on his face made his cheeriness prominent. “Show a little courtesy, won’t you? Even if his majesty isn't here, it still seems we have a guest.” His gaze flicked towards you, and lingered a moment too long. “You aren’t planning to keep them to yourself, are you? It’s been a long, long while since we’ve ever had any sort of entertainment around here~”
One word was all he spoke, but in a split second Venti appeared by your side, taking you into his arms as he held you bridal-style, his touch much less invasive than before. The way he held you so effortlessly, as if you weighed nothing, and how his every step was so gentle against the earth, like the wind itself was carrying him forward, felt like it was second nature to him. You blinked up at Venti with round, surprised eyes, mouth slightly ajar as your heartbeat raced against your mind.
“Ah, poor thing, they’re shaking like a leaf!” Venti sighed, pouting playfully. ”And come to think of it, I’ve forgotten to ask for your name… for now, please say the word, ‘transfer’ so we can teleport to the manor! I only have enough magical power for the two of us, y’know~”
“Venti, don’t you dare…!” The angry one had stepped forward, teeth clenched and tail lashing behind him, its point razor sharp. Something about his growly voice made your own die in your throat. His brows furrowed as his eyes darkened his expression into a threatening glare. “Don’t even think about it, or I’ll make sure this will be the last time you see him.” His eyes directed towards Xiao, who was watching the two of them with a scowl. 
“Go.” His gilded eyes glinted, and something burning settled into your soul.
Wanderer let out an abrupt laugh, seemingly startling even himself as his frame shook to his twisted amusement. “Two against one, do you really think you’ll win? I heard you’ve been staving off of human blood for a while now too, don’t tell me you actually are holding onto your foolish principles!”
Your vision blurred. Your mouth felt dry, like you hadn’t spoken in centuries, and every intake of air was painful. You could feel Venti’s expectant gaze staring down at you, yet your heart wavered. ‘Transfer’… if I say that, I’ll go back. But Xiao, and these others… what…what will happen to him? Fuck, will he…die…?
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴛʀɪᴀʟ.
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multiharlot · 1 year
cayendo // matt murdock x age gap!reader
summary: your husband takes a business trip to la
warnings: it's always the "my wife" guys...looking at you NED FULMER........i'm so sorry for this, lmao
i like feeling pain so uhhhh song inspiration is cayendo by frank ocean.
main masterlist || series masterlist || add yourself to my taglist!
you sighed as you sat next to your husband's half packed bag on your bed.
"what?" he asks, stopping after he places a t shirt into the bag.
"i just...why the suit?" you frown, and he just smiles, sitting next to you.
"hey, it's just in case. i'm literally going to defend my suit tailor from a vigilante. i might need it." he shrugs, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to your pouting lips.
you just groan, throwing yourself backwards onto the bed and flopping your arms dramatically above your head. matt laughs softly, shaking his head at your antics. he places the last item of clothing into his bag and pushes the bag off of the bed before laying right on top of you.
"you know i love you, yeah? and that i'll always come home to you?" he asks, leaning up on his forearms and pushing a few stray pieces of hair away from your face.
"yeah but-"
"no but's. you know that, right?"
"yes." you sigh, and matt smiles, placing his hand softly on your cheek.
"i'll be okay. it's just a week, my love." he says, your heart fluttering at how softly and delicately he spoke to you.
you closed your eyes, leaning your face onto his hand and letting out a soft breath before opening your eyes and smiling up at your husband.
"i love you"
"i love you more" he smiles, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss onto your lips.
liar. liar liar liar.
it's all that ran through your head as you looked down at your phone, seeing pictures of daredevil and she-hulk flood your timeline. edits of them together and a video of your husband leaving an apartment building early in the morning with his shoes in hand. clearly doing the walk of shame.
you'd seen enough.
you throw your phone to the opposite side of the couch and just sit there, staring at the blank wall in front of you. you weren't really sure what to do. scream. cry. call him and yell. leave and never speak to him again.
you genuinely didn't know what to do.
your phone violently began to vibrate and ring, and you just sat there, letting it ring. letting the texts and calls pile up. undoubtedly foggy and karen calling you after seeing the news all over their timelines. but let's be honest, even if you did pick up the phone, you'd have nothing to say. what could you say?
your husband just cheated on you.
what in the world could you possibly say?
your thoughts were interrupted by violent knocking at your door. you took a moment to breathe before making your way to the door and slowly bringing it open, and you're face to face with your best friend, leanne. she stands there, slightly out of breath and her eyes fixed onto you, seemingly waiting for you to say something.
"what do i do?" you breathe out, your eyebrows furrowed as you stand there in front of her, still in disbelief.
"you do whatever you need to do. and whatever it is, i support you. need to leave? i'll pack your things. do you need to stay? we'll get comfy and we can talk through it. wanna set his stuff on fire? i'll grab the matches. need to disappear and change your identity? i know a guy. you tell me whatever it is you need right now, and we'll do it." she says firmly, walking into your home and shutting the door behind her.
for a moment, you just stood there, still in the hallway. everything around you felt like him. hell, you were wearing his clothes. and even in his betrayal, you'd never felt safer than when you were surrounded in these pieces of him. knowing that made part of you angry, but it also made part of you break more than you thought it could. the place where you felt safest is a place you didn't belong. a place you weren't sure you ever belonged in the first place. deep down you always kind of knew. you knew that you weren't really his...type.
you almost wanted to laugh at yourself.
a type. what a small menial thing in comparison to falling in love. who cares about an archetype when you're in love.
but deep deep down, and every now and then, very sparsely, the thought came into your head. you'd considered the women he'd loved. the hard headed type, fighting the world in their mini skirts and heels. the bold type. they were so outspoken and strong. physically and mentally. when they spoke, everyone turned their heads to look and listen. they captured the attention of a room full of people simply just by walking in. you'd admired it. admired them. but you also knew, that just wasn't you. and even though you knew that, you'd always figured it was dumb. it wasn't an insecurity so much as it was just....a known fact. you were his type breaker. but that didn't really matter because at the end of the day, he married you. he built a life with you. why would something as dumb as a type matter when he chose you to spend forever with?
but now, suddenly, types mattered. and while he was always yours, it's clearly evident that you were never his. wether he married you or not, at the end of the day, you just weren't his type.
"what's going on in your pretty head, huh?" leanne asks softly, coming up behind you, wrapping her arms around you and laying her head on your shoulder.
you didn't bother to answer. not wanting to burden her with everything going on in your head.
he was supposed to come home tomorrow. you'd counted down the days. but now, you weren't sure you wanted to be there when he got home and yet you couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
matt murdock didn't think it was possible for him to run this fast. as soon as the plane landed, he'd run out of the terminal gates about to flag down a taxi when he'd heard foggy shouting.
for a moment, he'd considered walking instead. he'd rather suffer walking 20 miles back to his apartment than a 30 minute car ride with foggy, who was beyond pissed.
matt walked towards the car and foggy snatched his suitcase from his hand, quite literally throwing it into the backseat and slamming the door shut as he walked over to the drivers side.
"i'm not opening your door"
matt opened his mouth to speak, but he decided it was best not to. he slid his hand across the door before grabbing the handle and sliding into the passenger seat before sinking into himself. all he could think about was getting home to his wife. hoping and praying that she'd be there when he got back.
"why'd you do it" foggy asked, his voice cold and angry.
his tone was harsh and he was short with matt. rightfully so.
"i...i don't even know."
matt wasn't even sure why he did what he did. he'd just...slipped into his old ways, he guessed. he loved his wife. he loved you. you were everything he'd ever dreamed of in a woman. you two fit like a glove. complimented each other. your lifestyles complimented each other. so he didn't even know how it happened. he just knew that he was sorry, and he'd do anything to fix it.
foggy scoffed, shaking his head.
"you don't know? you don't know. great. that's just great, matt. so you did it for no reason then?"
"no. not for no reason i-"
"then what? huh? what fucking reason could you possibly have to cheat on your wife, matt? the woman who makes you elaborate lunches to take to work and- and- brings the entire office coffee in the mornings on the way to work? the woman who re-sews the buttons on your shirts with silk thread so they're more comfortable for you and who planned an elaborate beach honeymoon so that for once in your life you'd be able to experience silence? that's the woman you deiced to cheat on?"
matt didn't have an answer. he wish he did. any answer, even if it was an awful one. but he really didn't know why he did it.
"i just...got caught up in the moment. the adrenaline of it all-"
"the adrenaline of it all. okay. right. so do you just have sex with everyone you fight with out there? that a normal occurrence for you?" foggy sarcastically spit out.
matt almost physically winced at foggy's coldness. never in their many years of friendship had foggy been this angry at him. never had matt ever felt like foggy would give up on him. except for right now.
"fog i-"
"no. no you don't get to speak. you're gonna sit there, and you're gonna think about what you're gonna say to her."
and that's what he did. matt sat there, thinking about you. thinking about if you'd be there when he got home. how he'd fix this. he opened his mouth as he turned to foggy and dared to ask
"how is she?"
the question almost made foggy want to laugh. like...maniacally laugh.
"i dunno. her husband just cheated on her. i'd say not very good."
"is she...did she-"
"leave? no. but if you ask me, she should have."
deep down matt wanted to argue that face, but he didn't. he knew better.
"so she's still-"
"i said yes, matt. she's still at home."
matt sunk further into his seat, if that was even possible. and while he and foggy sat in silence, so did you. you were sat at the living room table, a cup of tea in your hand, your leg bouncing up and down in attempt to release your anxiety.
you looked down at your phone, and part of you didn't want to do it. you were sure you wanted to stay here. work through it. but the next thing you knew, you were running across the apartment, stuffing clothes into a bag with your phone tucked between your shoulder and your ear.
"y/n? are you okay?"
"no. i can't be here when he gets here. i need to go."
there was a moment of silence and then lianne's voice came through, harsh and determined.
"i'll be there in five."
@multibishh @anothersworld @fuck-goes-on @Mrbillymontgomery @takeyour-pants-off @alexxavicry @eddiemvnsons @caseket @glowstick-lesbian @inas-thing @luvr-bunnyy @desert-fern @dvredevil-s-initivls @thychuvaluswife @drunkangels @nia_um @afootnoteinyourhappiness @slut4murdock
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daredevil fam celebrating teen!intern!reader's birthday! (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 906
request: yes / no
original request: “HIII FAVORITE AUTHOR OMG ok soo my birthday is comin up on the 19th and i was just wondering how the daredevil fam would help celebrate w a teen!reader -- intern or adopted kid, whichever you’re feelin. and there’s literally no rush! i’m just excited that my birthday’s coming up :) “
dynamic: daredevil fam (nelson murdock & page) x teen!intern!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, josie, marv LMAO
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! omg i hope u have the best day ever!! this request was SO FUN to write & i rly loved thinking up how the fam would help celebrate!! i used a more professional looking pic bc i think these headcanons may be my most chaotic LMAO 🫶
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
ok so the way they found out it was ur birthday is lowkey stalker-ish
maybe not full stalker but it’s not like it was out in the open.
a certain… ahem…. fogwell foggy foghorn fogster fog jr 
i forgot his full name this is embarrassing so let’s pretend i said that on purpose as a joke!!
haha hehe omg mae ur so funny
why thank you!!
anyways he was looking in ur file that ur school had given nelson murdock & page so that u could legally work there
and he saw that ur birthday was in two days!!!
two days!!!
so he was in full panic mode
below are real (YEAH, REAL!!) texts he sent to karen & matt
i gotta prepare myself yknow i gotta get in that foggy texting headspace
ok i'm ready
“OMG (oh my gosh) 😱😱😱😱!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y/n’s birthday is in TWO DAYS 🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨we have to do something for them!!!!!! like maybe get a gift 🎁or some cake 🍰🧁🎂? they would like that, right? of course they would, who doesn’t like cake 🤩🤩🤩🤩?? well, except for you matt 😡😡i judge you for that. JK (just kidding) LOL (laughing out loud)... or am i🤔🤔?? anyway we need to be READY!!!”
imagine matt’s text to speech reading that
like it would be saying “exclamation point” until the end of time LMAO
(laughing my ass off)
also i do think matt prob doesn’t like cake
he prob would want one of those meatloaf cakes for his birthday like the ones that ppl “frost” with mashed potatoes? they seem like his vibe
ok anyways so you were kinda suspicious when you got to the firm the next day
you had a lot of stuff to file so you were trying to get down to it
but then they all kept coming over and asking questions
“hey, y/n. what’s your favorite color?”
“[your fave color].” you answered
and karen nodded but she took out her phone and made a note so you were like “hm”
but you thought nothing of it
and then matt came over 
and he was like “what’s something you like”
and you were like “...”
and he said “well?”
and you were like “just… anything?”
“uh… i like watching baseball. and … cats.”
“ok, baseball and cats. perfect.”
and then he smiles as he walked away because he understood that he just unintentionally made the perfect pun
so that was kind of funny
and kind of sweet bc like maybe they were trying to connect w u more!
but then u saw foggy taking a picture of u filing
“foggy, what the hell are you doing??”
you knew they didn’t like you swearing in the office but y’all desperate times call for desperate measures
“uh.. i’m… taking a selfie.”
“yeah? let me see.”
so he tried to hide it from you
but it was very clearly a photo of you!!!
“foggy --”
“y/n. it’s a new filter. don’t worry. it only LOOKS like you. it’s actually me.”
so you went to bed that night kinda nervous
like were they going to kill u or something??
did u need a witness??
oh well
anyway so the next day was ur birthday!!
happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy birthday y/n happy birthday to u
that was from me to u reader, but ik u wanna know what matt and foggy & karen say so i’ll go do that
you were lowkey scared to go in the office
bc again, they were all acting weird 
u heard foggy whisper “go”
and then nothing
and you heard foggy curse and karen was like
“we told you these confetti poppers were expired!!”
regardless, they all were like “SURPRISE!!!”
and you were totally floored
bc this was like so nice
& u never expected for them to do anything for ur birthday
really really nice seats to a baseball game!!
not that it mattered for matt where u sat 💀 
and yeah they were gonna go with you 
which was so cute like aww
bc lets be honest she would be the best baker
and she piped these like little cats on them!!!
they were so cute
except for the fact that they weren’t in the fridge so they were kind of half melted
but you loved them so much it literally didn’t matter
if you didn’t suspect that this internship was the best thing to ever happen to you before, you definitely had it confirmed now.
ok last little anecdote so i don’t end on such a cheesy note
after u did some filing
ok it was ur birthday but that didn’t mean u got out of work
the fam took u to josie’s and foggy told her it was ur birthday
and she was like “happy birthday kid.”
and then she looked him straight in the eye and was like “you’re not getting food for free because of that.”
but guess what?
everyone in the bar was pretty jolly bc its a bar guys ppl drink
anyway so they sang happy birthday to u!!
ur fave old man marv (who u had that wing eating contest with once) led the singing
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an-avocado-at-law · 3 months
(Matt Murdock RP blog ⁉️)
I'm Matt Murdock. A really good lawyer.
Foggy forced me onto this app, he said I could make more friends, not that I really need any, whatever makes him happy.
You need friends Matt! Not just me and Karen! - Foggy
Thank god for screen readers..
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(( )) or (( - ooc
((so for people who dont know who matt murdock is, he is a masked vigilante who protects hell's kitchen at night. he goes by daredevil or 'the man without fear'. in the day he is a attorney-at-law with his friend foggy. when he was a kid he was trying to save someone from a truck, but he got hit with radioactive chemicals, blinding him but enhancing his other senses by a lot. (this is why he can randomly just throw away his cane and basically do parkour up buildings in the show lol). with these enhanced sense he can 'see' just not with his eyes (its kinda like echolocation in a way) ))
((im still watching the show so im still figuring out how matt acts,, sry if you dont like it lmao. im fucking ass at roleplaying im kinda just putting myself into the character))
((hi!! uh this is a rp blog for matt murdock, matt cant see little details (blog text) very well with his radar sense thing, especially on screens, so he'll be using a screenreader and speech to text for replying (not actually but yk cuz hes blind lmao) ))
((im gonna be open abt being daredevil lmao))
((matt uses he/him and blog admin uses they/he))
((please no sexual asks, admin is a minor.))
((im okay with swearing but if like every two words is you saying fuck then I might not interact 🥶))
((no homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, zionism, etc. here please, its a roleplay blog we do not need to get serious))
((if im missing any info please tell me))
((canon and oc blogs can interact with me, and blogs thst just wanna send asks))
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((some headcanons for matt: ))
i think matt is bi,, like some scenes hes so clearly in love with foggy, "your not gonna kiss me" (he was talking to foggy) WHY WAS THAT YOU FIRST THOUGHT MATT?? /pos
he has foggy pick out clothes for him sometimes, they either look like complete shit or it makes him look really good
he secretly wants a dog to help him get around (even though he said he didnt want one to foggy), he probably loves dogs and their silly ways
he WILL not stop bugging foggy abt the time he said grande avocados (that was my favorite scene fr)
he almost said “fuck you, your honor” to a judge one time /hj
(for roleplay) he uses one of those braille keyboards to type sometimes
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((okay i might edit this later, so check back every now and then!!))
((run by @overtlyonyx btw))
((have a nice day!))
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szayelapowo · 22 days
so yeah it turns out i am actually literally a hellhound.
not that i was wrong about being a church grim or anything. it just went: regular living dog -> rogue church grim -> hellhound. so that explains why whenever i look at images depicting hell (red & black, dark, fire, blood, chains, tall towers, etc), i always get the same intense feeling of 'thats home' that i get when i think of foggy fields, forests, graveyards, and all that. been like that my whole life.
i guess the 'evil thing' that set me free and gave me the ability to shift into a dragon was like. the actual devil. or something. lmao 🫠
its true that this fucked up severely disabled human life is part of the deal for the freedom and power, but i guess the other part is i really will go to hell when i die. i didnt want that to be true but. yeah.
i just desperately hope i can stay with szay, since thats his home too.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
i’m rewatching and i still don’t know how this show exists or what kind of drugs were the writers on, but i’m so glad they were lmao and they have enough for our skyy 2 episodes. Any thoughts about 1) empty cinema scene, 2) talay’s foggy glasses kiss, 3) grafitti library scene, ‘Do you want me to live with you or do you want something 18+’ unhinged daydream, 4) wedding scene, 5) puen reading shojo manga, 6) why they should stop eating so much junk food, 7) snow scene? Sorry this got too long. I just love your thoughts about them so much!
Have an awesome day!
(one day i’ll come off anon, im just too shy and awkward lmao)
[peaks timidly from my inbox] yes hello i come asking for forgiveness ;;;;;; i really am so terribly sorry for how late this answer is, anon, i've been so all-over the place in the few past weeks and wrote this here and there whenever i needed to feel better, which probably means it's even more scattered and less coherent than usual ;;;;; not sure if you're still around or even just still interested in this, but i wanted to reply to you anyway, so here we go!!!
1) empty cinema scene: ONE OF THE MOST UNDERRATED SCENES IN THE ENTIRE SHOW IM SO HAPPY YOU MENTIONED IT BECAUSE WE DON’T TALK NEARLY ENOUGH ABOUT IT!!!!! literally the proof that no one can cheer talay up and get him out of his own head like puen does!!!! talay's ridiculously fond smile as puen pretends the cinema is full of people, the way he actually plays along with it after the initial 'what the hell are you doing' reaction.... we always make fun of puen for being down bad BUT GOD TALAY IS SO SMITTEN TOO he sees puen tearing up while watching the movie (THEIR movie) and his first instinct is to gently wipe away those tears LIKE IF THAT DOESN'T MAKE YOU WANT TO BITE YOUR OWN ARM OFF AND FEED IT TO THE WOLVES THEN I ENVY YOU TBH. and the most insane thing is that at the time he didn’t even know he was in love with puen, he hadn’t realized it yet, while puen was already fully aware of his own feelings for talay. puen who, during the voice over, says "it's you. if it wasn't for you, this movie wouldn't have happened. without you, my screenplay wouldn't be this good", which parallels what he tells talay at the end of episode 4, "if it's not you, i wouldn't be able to work this well". and looking back at it, i really feel like it shouldn't have surprised me so much to learn that puen realized he was in love with talay at the glass house, because he was basically shouting it from the rooftops. "which scene is your favorite?" talay asks him. "the last scene where both of them meet again in the coffee shop," puen answers, because "i went there with you". it's you. it can't be anyone but you. i love you, i love you, i love you. IM TRULY NEVER GONNA GET TIRED OF SAYING HOW THEY INVENTED PARALLELISM ROMANTICISM SOULMATISM ALSO NOT THEM BEING SO ENTHRALLED BY EACH OTHER THEY DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THAT UP AND AOU WERE THERE TOO PEOPLE IN LOVE ARE THE WORST
2) talay’s foggy glasses kiss: NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY AND EVEN IF I HAD ANY I WOULD KEEP THEM BETWEEN ME AND GOD BECAUSE THEY SURE AS HELL WOULDN'T BE FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION. like i make fun of puen for being horny all the time but also i get it. if talay confessed to have been in love with me since the very first time we met by using a very similar line i liked from a movie we watched together years ago all while looking so warm and cuddly in an oversized sweater, i would feel compelled to kiss him senseless too. also not to be petty, but as much as people like to say jimmysea can't kiss, this is the only time i can fully believe a make out session left a character breathless, with weak knees, and a little turned on like THE FOGGY GLASSES, TALAY'S LIPS ALL RED FROM KISSING, HIS HAIR MESSED UP FROM PUEN'S HANDS RUNNING THROUGH IT, HIS EYES COMPLETELY GLAZED OVER...... REARRANGED MY GUTS MY SOUL MY ENTIRE LIFE AND EVERYTHING I EVER THOUGHT I KNEW THE SPECTRE OF THE PERSON I WAS WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS KISS HAUNTS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT THEY REALLY DID THE MOST
3.a) grafitti library scene: PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH BUT ALSO THE TENSION THE UNDERCURRENT THE WHOLE ENTIRE EVERYTHING OF IT ALL I HATE TO SEE THEM FIGHT BUT GOD I LOVE THIS SCENE I REALLY DO. i just think it's such an important moment, character-wise, and it's also the first big turning point in their relationship, just like the separation in episode 6 is, because the conflict is actually functional to their growth, especially puen's. puen is already so deeply in love here, but it's so painfully obvious that he has no idea how to go about it and that he is still struggling to find himself, so he defaults to what he knows, to being puen the actor, and that's what he ends up putting on, an act, a big over the top romantic one that could have come out from a movie, but even if the feelings behind it are genuine, the gesture itself isn't, and talay KNOWS, because puen is the kind of person that quietly waits outside his university all day just to spend a little more time with him, not the one that makes a spectacle out of it. this is what makes talay finally snap, because while we see him being very confused about his feelings throughout the episode, and very doubtful about puen's too, you can see that part of him did believe in puen's sincerity ("lately, someone has done something nice to me," talay says to dol a little later in the episode, "so nice that i thought he was serious"), which is why it hurts so much to see talay's crestfallen expression when he asks puen "so all you've done is for your screenwriting?" (and since we're talking about it SEA'S ACTING HERE IS SO GOOD AND YET SO UNDERRATED IM EATING MY FIST) and puen doesn't realize how upset talay really is until it's too late, until he tries to explain and maybe even confess something ("im not messing with you. i--") but talay doesn't want to listen anymore. however this rejection is essential to make puen understand that he has to stop hiding under puen the actor and start being puen the person if he wants to be with talay. this is a long process that will only end in episode 10, when he'll finally be ready to tell talay his name, but this was the first step towards it: as misguided as the kiss in the glass house is, it's also the moment where puen stops playing a role and starts following his feelings. i honestly don't think it's a coincidence that in this episode the password used for the association is "you're not a movie. you are real."
3.b) ‘Do you want me to live with you or do you want something 18+’ unhinged daydream: PEAK DERANGED PUEN MOMENT HE REALLY SAID LET ME ADMIT OUT LOUD ALL THE ROMANTIC DOMESTIC HALF HORNY FANTASIES I'VE EVER HAD ABOUT YOU. IM PRETTY SURE THAT IF TALAY DIDN'T STOP HIM HE REALLY WOULD HAVE GONE INTO FULL 18+ NSFW XXX TERRITORY THERE IS JUST NOT A SINGLE OUNCE OF SHAME IN THIS BOY'S BODY AND YET TALAY STILL THINKS HE’S DOING IT FOR THE BIT. INSANITY LUNACY MADNESS AND PEOPLE WONDER WHY HAVE I GONE CRAZY. on a more serious note, i already said it before, but i absolutely love how the talay in puen's daydreams is just like the real talay, so much so that we could hardly tell that what we were seeing wasn't actually what was happening, because it shows that puen loves him as he is, warts and all, and that in puen's head their relationship turning into a romantic one wouldn't change who they are or how they interact with each other: they would still bicker and banter and be friends, and that's one of the things i love the most about them. ALSO ALL THE DETAILS IN PUEN'S FANTASY ACTUALLY BECOMING TRUE MAKES ME WANT TO RIP MY HEART OUT AND EAT IT BUT LET'S NOT GO THERE
4) wedding scene: I HAVE MULTIPLE ORGANS FAILURE EVERY TIME I REWATCH THIS SCENE POSSIBLY BECAUSE THEIR OUTFITS HERE ARE MY FAVORITE FOR BOTH OF THEM IN THE ENTIRE SHOW BUT MAINLY BECAUSE PUEN IS REALLY OUT THERE JUST SAYING SHIT LIKE "I SHOULD JUST MARRY A COLORIST" IN EPISODE 4!!!!!! BOY HAS JUST REALIZED HE'S IN LOVE LIKE 2 DAYS AGO AND IS ALREADY PLANNING THEIR WEDDING IN HIS HEAD!!!!!! also i adore how the writers use this specific setting to let us know the characters' current attitude towards love: puen talking about getting married and having a partner vs talay being focused on working on the video, puen catching the bouquet with no fear vs talay shielding himself from it.... THIS IS WHY I DESPERATELY NEED THE PUENTALAY WEDDING IN OUR SKYY I /NEED/ P'X TO GIVE ME THIS PARALLEL IT WOULD SIMPLY BE SO DELICIOUS. and not to be that person but fucking raw in that venue right then and there would have been less obscene than the looks they be throwing at each other while puen tells the entire room he is hitting on talay and then gives him the bouquet. jimmysea really be showing up on set every day like we're gonna display so much adoration desire yearning and love through the look in our eyes alone AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH FOR IT
5) puen reading shojo manga: OF COURSE PUEN WOULD LOVE SHOUJO WHEN HE IS SO INTO LOVE AND ROMANCE IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE AND IT'S HONESTLY SO ADORABLE I HOPE TALAY BUYS HIM AN ENTIRE LIBRARY FOR HIM TO FILL WITH ALL HIS FAVORITE MANGA. and i think it's interesting to point out that shoujo, much like the color pink, is something that has been forcefully connected to a whole set of 'feminine' characteristics that society tells men are off-limits for them: men don't need to be caring and sweet and romantic and cute.... but puen is very much all of these things, and maybe his reticence in admitting he likes shoujo is yet another way he hides his real self away because he's scared not to be liked, which makes talay's genuine interest all the more important. also we tend to associate shoujo with romance, but the three more common narrative themes in the genre are a focus on human relations and emotions, characters that defy traditional roles and stereotypes surrounding gender and sexuality, and depictions of supernatural and paranormal subjects. IDK ABOUT YOU BUT THAT SOUNDS VERY FAMILIAR TO ME
6) why they should stop eating so much junk food: THIS MAKES ME LAUGH SO MUCH EVERY TIME I READ IT BUT ALSO I REALLY DO HOPE THEY’RE SNEAKING SOME VEGETABLES IN BETWEEN ALL THE CHIPS AND FRIED CHICKEN AND PREMADE NOODLES AND DIFFERENT KIND OF SWEETS OR THEY’RE GONNA GET A HEART ATTACK BEFORE THE AGE OF 40 (thank god for the 0% sugar oishi drink at least sfjkshfkgs). also not me suddenly getting choked up at the thought of the two of them getting to 50 years old and finding out that talay’s pressure tends to get too high so puen studies a proper diet for it and makes sure talay follows it scrupulously NOT ME THINKING ABOUT OLD PUENTALAY GROWING VEGETABLES IN THEIR GARDEN AND REMINDING EACH OTHER TO TAKE THEIR MEDS EXCUSE ME FOR A SECOND I NEED TO GO WALK INTO TRAFFIC REAL QUICK YEAH NO BRB
7) snow scene: there are honestly many things i could talk about in this scene ("when you see snow again next time you will think of me", puen and talay having to play the characters, puen kissing talay's cheek, talay saying he doesn't like to be hugged, the freaking shaved ice made with snow and the oishi drink) BUT THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK ABOUT IS "YOU MUST ONLY BE HAPPY TALAY" LIKE IM SORRY BUT ISABELLE ADJANI GOING TITS OUT INSANE IN THE TUNNEL SCENE FROM POSSESSION HAS NOTHING ON WHAT I FEEL ABOUT THIS LINE IT'S IN MY TOP 10 MOST ROMANTIC PUEN'S LINES AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY IN WAYS I CAN'T REALLY EXPLAIN AND I WISH I COULD SAY ANYTHING COHERENT ABOUT IT BUT RN THERE ARE JUST AMBULANCE SIRENS GOING OFF IN MY HEAD
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catboyhizashi · 1 year
My freshly collected thoughts about season two of good omens. (Not spoiler free!!)
First off, the negatives bc I need to talk about why I loved this season but before that, oh man.
I think you can really feel a decline in the quality of the dialog. Of course the characters were still fun and the banter works but I just feel like it was much simpler? Not everywhere, but there were some scenes where I did specifically noticed it. I also felt like the pacing was....irritating. The last episode ended up being jam-packed with so many things and some early episodes felt like they were dragged out, without any story happening. I missed some form of look back at the story from season one, it felt a bit disconnected but then again years have passed so it didn't bother me that much. Now the ending. My first reaction was why the hell was it necessary?? My prediction to this season was that through the parallel of Maggie and Nina our sweet sweet ineffable husbands would realize that oh!! they're also in love. I won't go into too much detail about what I thought would happen bc basically none of it came true lmao but I really did think we'd get them a happy although complicated ending. In the last scene, Aziraphale did feel like he regressed right back into his season 1, early season self. I'm not saying his decision and actions feel completely disconnected from his overall character but their arc this season was so sweet, they really showed how much they relied on each other (carved it out for ourselves and everything). And in this context I feel like he wouldn't have abandoned Crowley like that. And I know Aziraphale holds so many complicated feelings towards heaven, they just felt so much closer than that. But alas. The angst is beautifully painful, I have to admit.
Now the good part!
I am so happy we got to see pre-fall Crowley :") (he is never beating the babygirl allegations). Also I cannot believe their meetcute was the creation of our universe 😭. The historical flashbacks own my heart, I was very happy we got so many of them. Especially the Job part, it gave so much more context to their relationship and to me put a lot of what we see even in season one in a new and exciting perspective. They acted so incredibly married the whole season 😔 Crowley taking care of the bookshop, giving him the car, CROWLEY SMILING ABOUT NINA AND MAGGIE ??? he was so adorable. The fact that Aziraphale knows how much it means to Crowley to look after him????? All of these things just made the ending more painful but they were very well done. You also can't analyze this season without talking about the acting. John Hamm was amazing, memory loss Gabriel was so funny I wish he had a little more room to play with this situation but we obviously can't have everything. David and Michael were amazing per usual. Their dynamic is so incredible, the way they use a certain voice for these characters, the little mannerisms and facial expressions I loved in season one absolutely return and are maybe turned up to a 150% and I loved every minute of it. You can really tell that they wanted us to feel how well these two idiots work together, and just how much they care about one another. Their flashbacks and the way they talk to each other still makes me smile, and gives you that sort kf warm feeling. Like it'd be nice to be around them.
To summarize, I'm not completely happy with how this season played out and some of the creative decisions are foggy to me but it got me right back at 2019, being excited and emotional. I missed this show so much, I love these characters so much and I cannot wait to see where season 3 takes us. (BC THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3 STREAM IT PEOPLE STREAM. IT.)
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marksbear · 2 years
Hello Mark. I'm the ome who request the male y/n x rooster fic and I was thinking could you do the after math of that fic? Like what happened after that day, what rooster friends think about the whole relationship and a little additional fluff between the two couple☺️☺️
Hello Anon! I am happy to do this request. It will be like a headcanon but still a one-shot at the same time. If that makes sense lmao
GO TO PT 1 SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IF YOU DIDN'T READ THAT YET: https://www.tumblr.com/marksbear/701044533806415872/hi-i-was-wondering-could-you-do-top-male-yn-and
WARNINGS- Male reader,swearing, kidnapping, drug use but it's slightly like only one line says it, Yandere Rooster, calling Y/n wife. SMALL LIME
Y/n woke up with a killer hangover and memory foggy. He was just focused that he felt like shit and not how he was tied up hands behind his back. When he raised up his hand to cover his face he was surprised. He thrashed at the rope trying to break it but he couldn't. He gave up after a little while he started looking around at where he was at and what happened last night.
"Rooster!" y/n yells out to himself after he remembers that he was at the bar with him. He starts to panic because he doesn't see him and mind starts to think like what if the person who did this to him has him or killed him. "Rooster!" he shouts on top of his lungs. His head turns around fast when he hears the door open. "N/n! You're awake! I was thinking that I slipped too much in your drink heh" The figure says in the dark door way.Y/n ignored what he said and asked "W-who are you! Where is my Rooster."
"Ouch my own wife doesn't know my own voice." The figure walks towards Y/n sitting down next to him. "Roo! You're safe. I was worried sick about you." Rooster chuckles and hugs y/n. "But why am I tied up and naked?" Y/n spoke. "Well to make the story short. We had fucked after we drank at the bar. And well you passed out after so I tied you up so you won't hurt yourself. Y/n listens to the short story completely flustered at the fact he fucked his best and only friend. "So can you untie me?" Y/n ask "Nope." "Be a good wife then i'll untie you. Rooster spreads open y/n legs and gives Y/n a quick look for approval and Y/n nods. Rooster lowers his head and licks the tip of the soft cock and chuckles when he hears a gasp "Lets continue where we left off last night." Rooster says with a cocky smile.
They both loved each other
Rooster and Y/n never left each other's side. They were attached to the hip. They can be found mostly only talking to one another. Always whispering into another ear during class or passing notes
Y/n usually has a hand on Rooster rather it will be on his thigh,hand,shoulder, arm basically almost anywhere on Rooster. Mostly it will be on his waist where Y/n likes to squeeze out of nowhere and just sways him around like they're dancing.
They can also be seen making out grinding onto each other like some horny teenage couple. Grabbing onto each other's private area and giggling about it.
All of Rooster friends were all thinking the same thing. What the hell happened that night. Phoenix,bob and Maverick were supportive of the couple and praising the couple. They all want the best for them.
Hangman was usually bringing up the negative but still supportive at the same time "Them two are so unprofessional" Looking at the couple. Rooster is on the wall as legs wrapped around Y/n waist as Y/n gripping on his thigh holding him as they make out.
The group likes to take pictures of the couple to give to the couple when its the couple anniversary for long how they have been dating or long they have been friends.
" I love you Roo." Y/n says before he gets in his jet. "I Love you to N/n" Rooster responds back. Putting y/n helmet on for him and kisses him deeply on the lips. whispering good luck on your mission with one last kiss.
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chameleon-on-lsd · 29 days
Tatort Luzern (Der Elefant im Raum) liveblogging
why am I watching this? So I don't just keep re-watching Polizeiruf immediately xD lmao how to open on Luzern? L A K E how else (I have no idea about this btw xD not even who Kommisar is) aldskkdasldköa lmao the background 'heb d schnurre' same nice bow tie hello hot ship's cook lmao is the grumpy guy the komissar? (ah yes, Reto Flückiger apparently, and his gf) 'mer mached da de service, mer sind nöd security' you would look even better in a security uniform *-* the aufständig guy is gonna die xD damn reto, get fucking whacked didn't even eat his quail egg (at least it looked uneaten and I wasn't fully paying attention I do like the title card :D god, that would be so fucking creepy. on a boat. in full darkness ....... oh damn selbst ist der mann. breaking out of a room aren't there windows? thank you, to the guy breaking it I do wonder what a flare smells like. fireworks? oooh that's the komisssarin right? girlie, you should not be working xD :O the captain fully died ? damn saldkasödk Liz, you sound terrible who the fuck is that reporter xDD get that girl a ricola xDD dundunduuunn and a hot biker? asdöaldköaldköal 'bruched sie nöd en durchsuechigsbefehl?' 'sie lueged z vill krimis' well what's the fucking truth then xD dkadlkjalksd a 'fake news' stamp XDD oh boy trump and putin paper figures xD and why does he pull off the pants for trump XDD lmao biker yeah okay, luzern is pretty but it's so weird to see that view of it. like i'm so used to seeing the zurich lake from any angle but that was a strange angle to see for Luzern liz had a girlfriend? bless hot server will get more screentime? hell yeah (I hope it's him xD) 'ja, mami' xD 'bring mer bitte orangesaft. 100 liter sötted lange' xD sakdlöksdaö nope, fuck that barking dog absoultely nopeing outta there helloo :D 'findet sie na en guete, oder?' xD aw schwarze doggo heisst nero xD original af aww liz crying over movies xD aldalkds reto you fucking troll xD (buys her oranges and a juicer) hey at least he fucking juices it for her!! bless 'die gumsle vode luzerner ziitig' XDD 1A swiss german word neverMIND he just cut 3 of them and juiced one half xDD 'er isch abem schiff gheit' 'oder gheit worde' xD welp^^ 'das isch öffentliche bode' 'nei, im moment nöd' xD xDD of course he comes with polizeigwalt the accent of the old guy goes hard (löt ihr mir die ih rueh' xD) that is a fancy fucking building (that I do not recognize) damn the reporter's place is cool xD kaslkdaklsdjl xDDD god the people all suck. amazing at least liz's scarf is cool. the colours are personally not my favorite but it looks very cozy lmao is this why luzern ended? komissar got too famous on a alternative news site xDD lmao 'verdammtii arschlöcher' 'sit ihr eigentli vu allne guete geister verlah?!' xD lksajldaskdjas god I hate it XDD 'solche videofilmli' xD lmao reto, teamleitig am brenne xD doesn't know where the fuck liz is 'mer schlafed ab und zue mitenand. hend sie vilicht au scho mal' the fucking looks from reto and liz XDD I was gonna say: how has no one accused hörk of fucking. but.. people just constantly assume they're in a codependent relationship instead xD what exactly is the job of the blonde woman at the police? 'de fisch stinkt immer vom chopf' w a s? uuuuuh foggy lucerne shot was very nice ah old guy is kripo chef. also Mattmann sounds so stupid in swiss german love how NO ON had their phone on silent xDD god the fucking piggy mask xD (also watching on mute now bc it's too cringe) aw they finally have frederic in interrogation and he's sucking on his necklace. love it XDDDDDDD got slapped by reto daMN bitch xD guys. have some hate sex over it
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euclydya · 1 month
part. 5?????????????? 6?????? of these questions let's go
41. Do you have a Headspace (if not, is there a reason)? - Oh yeah. it's... Huge
43. How do Members look like in Headspace? (example: Cartoony, Foggy, Realistic, ...) - Depends on source and whether or not we've drawn specific sysmates yet. For example, our Egos tend to switch between looking realistic/how they did in source, and looking cartoony/like they're drawn in our art style. This happens at random and it's fucking annoying. But generally it's an in between weird realistic art style we can't replicate fhdjsjdjfj
42. What does your Headspace look like? - The main layer is a perpetually sunny* field of flowers; from there we have a cave that leads to Mischief's layer**, two houses that hold the entirety of Spacehead and Ego Brains, and a door that leads to The Choral Conpendium. Spacehead's house on the inside has been rapidly changing looks-wise and rn it looks like our paternal grandparents' house, Ego Brains' house doesn't look like any place in particular, and The Choral Compendium's headspace is a small field with 4 doors that lead to bedrooms that belong to Soul, Heart, Mind, and Jilly & Wood respectively.
(*It is USUALLY sunny. Every now and then the weather changes to something else but generally it is extremely hot and sunny out, help us)
(**Mischief is our system overseer. She& barely fronts because it takes a LOT of energy for her to, so She& does Her& job from her layer, which consists of pink, rose gold clouds)
44. Is there a reason why the Headspace looks the way it looks? - Nnnnnnope the main headspace just changes at random. No clue why the Spacehead Manor changed either, this look is VERY new but will probably stick around since it's familiar to us
45. Is it easy for you to enter Headspace? - Yeah!! It's as easy as breathing tbh. That is to say it's. EXTREMELY easy and something we do automatically/without trying.
46. Do you remember what happened in Headspace when you switch into front? - Yes! We're still *in* our headspace when we're up front also it's hard to explain. But yes we do.
47. Does time in Headspace pass (and if yes, is it at the same speed as in real life)? - Uhhhh kinda? There's little to no indication that time's passed but we know inherently that it has. Time is either much quicker or much slower than IRL time, usually much quicker—about 3-4 innerworld days pass in a single IRL day usually. It is... Hell. And why we need to switch rapidly lest we go more insane fhsjsjdjfjsj
48. What is your favourite place in Headspace? - Oh we don't have a favourite place tbh. We don't explore the headspace very often. But would it be biased of me to say Actor's room, fhdjsjdjcjsjdf
49. Are there "NPCs" within your Headspace? - Thereeeeee used to be...? They took the form of Elebits. They were cute lil guys but given the nature of Elebits it was hard for our brain to keep up with like... hundreds of tiny lil guys everywhere HDHDSJDKDIS so they disappeared. No NPCS as of now as far as we know!
50. Are there any interesting fun facts about your Headspace? - The Spacehead Manor is based off the Manor in Who Killed Markiplier! Technically because of this it'd belong to Actor but Dark took it over DHSHSJDJDJ. The Spacehead Manor is also labyrinthian and it's easy to get lost in it if you don't have a destination in mind, even if the look of the headspace has changed recently. Because of this we actually don't Walk Around In The Manor and instead instantly teleport to our destination we don't wanna get Lost LMAO
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yharnamopossum · 5 years
@catsbreads said: must be wild living in the like towns that are there on the border between the betwixt and yhorric and (i cant read it lmao) the others like….does stuff ever kinda creep outta it? like a farmer is chilling out there on his borderlands farm and a? eldritch abomination? is eating his crops?
replies twelve years later OH DEFINITELY that’s hugely why the frontier In General and the northern parts of hallowood are full of so many weird monsters and blood cults and other bonkers nonsense. the people who live in the towns closest to the borders of the betwixt are beyond used to beasts and gods and spirits and undead just casually mulling about, like that shit’s practically a tourist attraction at this point (if you’re willing to risk your immortal soul for a peek at the creepiness lmfao). the only area that’s relatively safe from the betwixt’s wackness is direden kingdom to the east because it’s like a billion feet up in the air settled on the mountains, and the border that separates the kingdom from the betwixt itself is like just a SHEER drop off a cliff, like a straight-up right angle plummet that goes on forever and ever and ever, so all the weirdness is wayyyyy way way down below and masked by solid fog -- out of sight, out of mind.
that said, though, it still isn’t all that uncommon for sudden unnatural darkness, eldritch tentacles, or luring will-o-wisp-esque lights to appear creeping over the cliffside, but most people have learned to just leave all that nonsense alone and it’ll eventually go away, probably, hopefully :,)
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wlw-imagines · 2 years
Bringing a Gun to a Sword Fight - JJ/Reader (Criminal Minds)
@sapphic-september​‘s 2022 Challenge:
1/9/22 - Blade
a/n: not checked, like, at all lmao. also was drunk when writing so enjoy. pls be patient as my foggy non writer brain gets back into the flow of things !!!
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Your mouth swung open in shock as you climbed out of the car and looked up to at the house. You gently shut the car door behind you, turning to Derek in shock, “This is his house?”
“Yeah, why?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he tightened his bullet proof vest and made sure his earpiece was in a comfortable position.
“It’s just... bigger than I thought it would be.” You mumbled, tearing your gaze from the house and copying his actions - checking your own gear and making sure you had done all your last minute checks.
Emily stepped around the car to join you and nodded, “I mean, Jesus, it’s a mansion.”
You turned to her and nudged her shoulder in agreement, turning to Derek to see him watching you with a small smile, “Right? Like, how the hell did he afford this place?” 
“Thinking of a change in careers, Y/L/N?” The corners of Derek’s eyes creased slightly in amusement as they always do whenever he's messing with you.
“Yeah, FBI agent turned hired killer. I’ll really rake in that cash.” You scoffed.
Prentiss checked her watch and sighed, drumming her fingers on her thigh. She looked around one last time, checked her phone and shook her head, “Ready?”
“Should we wait for the others? It’ll be an increased area to cover for just us.” You asked, doubtful you should go in alone. The three of you had raced ahead upon unveiling the latest clue and had called the other members of the team from the car. Your team, along with two cars of state troopers, had become stuck after a major road accident cut them off. “We should wait for them, right?” You asked, always feeling more comfortable with the whole team (and especially JJ) there with you.
“No, it’s just like any other search, we know the routine.” Prentiss shrugged off any remaining uneasiness and shot you a challenging smile. Upon seeing your doubt, she changed tactics, “Look, we don’t have time to wait much longer and we don’t know how long they’ll be. The unsub could be in there. I’m not going to just stand here and do nothing.”
Derek smiled, “Yeah, just don’t be stupid and you’ll be fine.” He patted your shoulder, shooting a wink at you.
“Gee, thanks for the advice, Morgan.” You rolled your eyes.
He nodded his head towards the front of the house, “Come on, you’re with me.” And he started off.
“Lucky me.” You muttered, nodding to Emily as she shot you a quick smile before walking round to the garden and disappearing from your sight.
Your muscles ached with the tension, your gun held up unwavering ahead of you and your eyes on full alert. You could hear Derek’s soft footfall follow behind you and it comforted you to know he was there, it always did.
The house, from the front door to the decor, looked medieval. The staircase was huge and sweeping, taking up most of the space in the entrance way. There were old-looking shields decorating the walls, with family crests hanging beside them. In the corner, you spotted a full suit of armour - holding a sword. 
Letting out a small, quiet scoff at the extravagance, you methodically surveyed the room with a once over before motioning to Derek that it was all clear.
He nodded towards a door to the side and you nodded, waiting for him to get in position in order to branch through the rest of the house. As soon as the two of you were ready, you darted forward and opened the next door, stepping back to let him move through.
The two of you kept walking, one foot carefully placed in front of the other.
Before you could continue further, you swore you could hear a noise coming from the entrance way and you swerved around with your gun held steady. Quickly glancing for Derek, you glimpsed him turning the corner at the end of the corridor. You chewed your lip, before making a quick decision and reaching for your radio. You didn’t want to shout to get his attention, since it would bring unnecessary attention to your own location, but you also needed to keep him in the loop.
You went to radio him but as you clicked the microphone on, you heard the noise again, a shuffling noise of some kind, causing your ears to prick up and distracting you from your task. You released your hold on the comms.
Your hand fell back to support your grip on the gun and Derek was long forgotten.
Carefully turning the corner again, you frowned and looked around. Something was different... It felt like the room had changed slightly but you couldn’t place it.
You stepped forward, now on an even higher alert than previously, if that was even possible. Your ears were almost buzzing under the strain it took to try and listen for any further noises.
You swept your eyes around the room again. Then it dawned on you. The suit of armour had lost its sword.
You took another step closer, frowning and trying to push your brain back to a few moments before. You were sure there had been a sword. Or was your imagination creating false memories?
Faintly, in the shining reflection of the armour, you could see some kind of movement behind you.
You tried to turn around as quickly as you could but before you managed to get halfway around, never mind managing to get a clean look at whoever it was, a hard object came crashing down at the base of your skull. 
The hit was enough to bring you to the floor as you crumpled to your knees, your gun slipping from your grasp and skittering along the floor. You didn’t manage to see where it ended up exactly as it disappeared beyond a dark corner of the room.
Cursing, you raised your hand to the where you had been hit and blinked away the stars from your hazy vision, letting out a small grunt of pain. 
The sound of shoes near your head reminded you of the danger you were currently in and you turned yourself around, still lying on the floor - vulnerable to attack. The first thing you saw was the light metal of the sword moving up into the air.
The sword’s blade came swinging down into your side and you flinched, raising your arms to cover your head and, simultaneously, trying to roll yourself over again - sideways and away from the attack. 
Your vest rightened around your chest, before loosening, and a searing pain spread through your side. You yelped out, screwing your eyes shut to block out the pain.
As you pulled yourself up using the bannister of the stairs, teeth gritting together in pain, Derek’s voice rang through your ears, “Y/N? Was that you?”
You grunted again, pushing the pain aside, and trying to catch sight of your attacker. Where the hell was this dude?
You tried to reach your comms in order to answer Derek, but before you could the sword came swinging again. You managed to dodge underneath, just in time and backed away from your assailant as he followed you, sword poised.
After a quick glance around for your gun, and with no luck, you looked for anything else you could use in this situation. You weren’t exactly trained for this exact situation but surely you could figure something out. Anyone else on the team could.
“Y/N, status update. I need an answer, where are you?” Derek’s voice called over the comms, his voice dripping with urgency. “I’m coming, okay? Just hold on.”
As you walked backwards you cursed again as you eventually collided with the wall. You were tired and just wanted to rest, but you closed your eyes and gathered your remaining energy, opening your eyes just in time to dodge another attack.
You jerked to the side and the momentum brought you crashing back to the floor. In a moment of desperation, you used your hands to grab onto anything you could around you - anything that you could lift - and threw it at him.
It didn’t do much, but it did enough. And it gave you time to get your hand up to your comms.
“In the main entrance way! He's armed. Just... hurry!” You yelled.
As you dropped your hand from your radio, you saw the unsub swing at you again and the sword came crashing towards you. The best you could do was move back as far, and as fast, as you could. And yet the sword’s tip still sliced through your upper arm, near your shoulder. 
You yelped in pain and your upper body crashed backwards as your arm gave way under the weight of your own body.
The unsub came to a stop, standing over you. He just stood and stared, the sword dangling at his side, and you couldn’t help but notice the little puddle of blood on the floor dripping from the end of the blade.
You tried to push yourself backwards but couldn’t move fast enough, and every centimetre you gained, he slowly followed.
You stared up at him, refusing to give him any satisfaction in pleading or crying. He stared right back. Eventually, and slowly, he raised the sword above his head, and three shots rang out.
“Y/N?” Derek’s voice had a weird tone to it, or maybe it was just the ringing in your ears.
Your heard a second pair of footsteps come to an abrupt stop in the doorway and heard Prentiss’ voice, “Oh my god.” She let out the breath she had seemingly held since running from the back of the house to join you.
You opened your eyes, looking up and avoiding the slumped body of the UnSub you’d been looking for. Derek’s voice softened, “Are you okay?” He asked, resting his palm gently on your cheek. You blinked, slowly, and nodded.
“Why didn’t he kill me?” You asked, finally glancing at the body. Emily was standing over him and for the first time you noticed the room was bright with blue flickering lights.
The front doors were hanging open and members of the local Sheriff’s office were already starting to move in and out.
Derek hummed, dragging his attention from their conversations back to you, “What?”
“He just... stood there.”
“Where’s your gun?” Prentiss asked, looking around the room. The thoughts of all the paperwork this was going to bring onto the three of you already running through her head.
You struggled to sit up, cradling your injured arm in your lap and using the other to push yourself up as far as possible - until Derek helped prop you up on the wall nearest to you. “I don’t- somewhere over there? I couldn’t get to it. It fell...” You hissed as his hand brushed over the cut on your arm.
"You’re bleeding.” A wave of shock stopped him for a moment before his brain kicked into gear and he immediately reached for his comms, “We need a medic!”
“It’s my arm, he caught it with- fuck, I just got attacked by a mad man with a sword.” You let out a small laugh/huff of disbelief and a wave of nausea ran through you. You took a deep breath and cleared your throat, pushing the feeling down.
A medic stopped next to you, hardly looking at you before rummaging in her bag for supplies, “Here, apply pressure, okay?” She directed Derek to the wound on your arm, “Any other injuries?” She asked, giving you a quick visual search for anything else.
You shrugged, reaching up to the back of your head, wincing when your fingers pressed too hard, “Just my head, I think? He hit me pretty hard.”
She took your hand away and lightly pressed her own gloved hands to the area, “I’ve known a lot of agents in my time, but never one who has been attacked with a sword.” She shot you a brief smile and you snorted.
“There’s a first for everything, huh?” You raised an eyebrow.
Before the conversation could continue, JJ’s voice broke through the comms, “Derek? What the hell is going on?”
“I guess the others have arrived.” You hummed, smiling at Derek.
“JJ, we’re just on our way out. Unsub is down, Y/N’s being seen to by a medic. I’m with her now.” He gave a brief overview of the important parts.
JJ’s voice carried through your ear pierce immediately. Her voice sounded taut and panicked, “She... what happened? Is she... is she okay?” There was only a brief pause but she clearly didn’t like the silence so called through again, “Derek?” He looked over you to the medic, questioningly.
The medic nodded to Derek, “She’s okay to move, we’ll get her to the hospital for stitches, okay?”
“We’re coming out now, JJ.” He confirmed. 
After not getting any other response, you let your eyes drift over to the dead man. You jutted your chin over to him, “Is he...?”
“No pulse.” Another medic confirmed, before passing a stretcher on wheels over to you.
You immediately shook your head, “No, I can walk.”
“I’m not being dragged out on that thing.” You frowned, bracing yourself to push up off the wall.
Derek stopped you, grabbing under your shoulders to support you, “Here.”
“Thanks,” You murmured as you got to your feet, ignoring another wave of nausea - as well as a sharp in crease of pain in your side, “He could have killed me.” You mumbled, turning your back on the UnSub and hobbling outside, into the bright lights of emergency vehicles.
“Come on, Y/N, easy.” Derek soothed you, easily noticing your discomfort but not wanting to upset you, or make things harder than they needed to be. At least you were walking in the vague direction of the ambulance, for now.
Hotch immediately stopped in front of the three of you, concern etched into his face, “What were you thinking?” He demanded, refraining from raining his voice too loud.
Emily looked at you and you could see the guilt in her eyes. She licked her lips and turned to Hotch, “In our defence-”
“Y/N!” JJ interrupted, running past Emily and Hotch and straight to your side.
“It was my idea, Hotch.” Emily admitted and he took a sharp intake of breath.
He motioned for her to follow him, “Walk with me.”
JJ ignored them both, her eyes fixed on you. You watched as she searched your body for all injuries and she shook her head, “What happened?”
“I think I need more practice in sword fighting is what happened.” You forced a grin, as cheeky as you could make it, and hoped she didn’t catch you wincing in pain.
Which she definitely did. “Sword- what?”
You shifted and shrugged, “I’m fine, it’s- he surprised me. That’s all.”
“That’s all?” She echoed. “He attacked you with a sword.” Her face hardened.
“I know, right? I mean, I expect guns in our line of work... but swords?” You laughed lightly but it just made you cough, pain catching you again.
Her hand hovered delicately over the cloth stemming the flow of blood out of your shoulder, “Your arm...” She mumbled. Your fingers twitched to reach out to her and calm her, but you refrained.
“It’s fine.”
She frowned, her voice soft but determined, “It’s not fine.”
“it’s hardly bleeding.” You shrugged, hardly able to keep the pain out of your voice now.
“Are you kidding?” Her mouth moved up and down with no sound, just for a few moments, “You’ll need stitches.”
You winced, “Okay, but it’s fine. It’s not like he managed to chop my arm off or anything.”
“How are you being so calm about all of this?” She shook her head in slight disbelief.
“JJ, it’s-”
“It’s not funny.”
You stopped yourself, finally noticing the complete shock and fear in JJ, “No, okay, look... I’m sorry, I-”
She sniffed and turned away from you, hiding her face, “I need to check in with Hotch.” JJ’s voice was shaky and you stepped towards her, but she was already on her way, speaking over her shoulder, “We’ll follow in the car.”
You tried to take another step, this time away from Derek’s stability completely, “JJ, wait-” 
The lack of support made you stumble, but he was immediately back at your side to catch you. The paramedic came to your other side, guiding you to the back of the ambulance. “Ah, not so fast. You clearly think your invincible but we do need to get to the hospital.” The paramedic smiled before it faltered and he detached himself from your side, “Your vest is ripped...” He frowned, “No one mentioned any other injuries.”
“It’s fine.”
“Okay, come on, we need to get going.”
“And pronto.” Derek added as your knees slightly gave way out from beneath you. He lifted you up and placed you on the stretcher.
You cleared your throat, suppressing a noise of pain, and shook your head, “It doesn’t hurt, it’s okay.”
“I’ve got you.” He patted your hand, sitting down in the accompanying seat as one of the paramedics shut the back doors, banging on them twice from the outside.
“I’m fine, I was just a little dizzy.” You mumbled, shifting in your makeshift bed to give the other paramedic full access to sort out wires.
“Okay, sure.”
“Thanks, Der.” You smiled, before an oxygen mask was pulled down over your mouth.
Derek sat with you in silence for a while, watching the paramedic work. Finally he squeezed your hand, “You’re allowed to be vulnerable in front of her. You know that, right?”
“What?” You asked, groggily, raising your eyebrows and looking over to him.
“JJ.” He said, as if it was obvious. Which, to be fair, it was. “She worries about you... more than she does for any of us.”
You gently pulled the oxygen mask down, “But I didn’t want her to worry. I don’t want to stress her out.” 
“Have you seen yourself?” He laughed and you smiled, giving him that one, “You’re injured, covered in blood, and she cares about you. It’s natural.”
“Hmm. I don’t know.” You let out a non-committal sigh, letting the mask drop back over your nose and mouth.
“What? You don’t know that you’re injured? Or that she cares about you? Because, I can tell you right now that you are definitely injured.” He shrugged, “And that she definitely cares about you.”
You rolled your head back, stretching your neck out, before bending down to the same level as the sink and splashing your face with cold water.
It had been a long 24 hours, to say the least.
You sighed, looking at your reflection in the hospital bathroom mirror, rubbing at your eyes. It was time to face the music. In all honestly, you just wanted to skip this whole bit. You didn’t want to do the talking bit, you just wanted to be back at home and in bed.
You eventually turned around, unlocking the bathroom door and heading back to your cubicle, where you’d left your jacket. You were now free to leave.
Opening the curtain to your cubicle, you were surprised to see a certain blonde. 
JJ looked up at the noise and you smiled, tentatively, shooting her a brief wave, “Hey.” You managed to mumble out and she smiled.
“Sorry, I was just...” She seemed to fumble for something to say but managed to lose her line of thought, instead opting to shrug and clear her throat instead. Her gaze settled on your bullet proof vest that was hanging on the end of the bed.
You nervously licked your lips, “Uh, are you… okay?”
“Your vest.” She took in a deep breath.
JJ sniffled and turned to you with bright, teary eyes, “I was just looking at your, uh, your vest.” 
“Yeah, I guess I’ll need a new one.” You forced a soft chuckle. JJ immediately turned her back to you, letting out a long sigh and shaking her head.
“Y/N.” Her voice was tight and you immediately regretted trying to turn things into a joke again.
You moved towards her, turning her around to face you, “I’m sorry, no more bad attempts at jokes.”
“I just... I didn’t know.” She frowned, not being able to properly grasp any of the many thoughts running full speed through her head. JJ closed her eyes, letting them rest for a moment.
You cocked your head to the side, “You didn’t know?”
“If you were even alive.” Her voice wobbled slightly.
You gently placed your hand around her bicep, squeezing lightly, “JJ, I’m here. I’m alive.” Your hand fell to hers as you interlocked your fingers.
“But for a moment, you weren’t. I was stuck standing outside and there was a possibility that you weren’t going to be here any more and I couldn’t-” You pulled her into you, wrapping your arms around her, ignoring the tug in the stitches in your arm. Her shoulders shook and you hugged her closer, “I couldn’t do anything.”
“Okay, I understand what you’re saying. I’m sorry.” You mumbled into her hair, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head.
She pulled out of the hug, locking her wet, teary eyes with yours, “There were gunshots, Y/N. And Derek was dragging you out, and then the blood, I-”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated, quietly. It was the only thing that you could say. But she continued on with her ramble.
“Something about a sword?” She pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ears, rubbing her tears away, “I just, I couldn’t even move.” Her eyes connected back with yours, “And you weren’t fine. You're not fine. You can’t keep saying that, just please be honest with me.” She begged and you nodded.
You shrugged, lip trembling, “I think... I wanted you to think I was brave.”
“What?” She frowned, shaking her head.
“I didn’t want you to worry about me.”
She shuffled closer to you, “Of course I’m worried about you. Clearly, I- care about you.” A look of panic seemed to fill her eyes but she quickly pushed it away, as well as taking a step back from you and once again turning her back, her gaze returning to the bullet proof vest, “And I know you’re brave.” She added softly.
“I think about how... I want you to like me?” You forced out. Here goes, you thought, hopefully Derek’s advice wasn’t as bad as it usually was.
“I- of course I like you.”
You shook your head, not sure how to navigate this conversation now, “No, I mean... no, it’s nothing.” 
“What?” She pressed, turning back to face you.
“I didn’t want to look weak, or like I was bad at my job. But it hurt, and I was scared. And I wanted you with me.” You hand shook and she grasped it in her own, squeezing gently, “Out of everyone, I wanted you. I want you. With me, when I’m scared or when I’m happy or whenever, I just want you always.” You whispered.
Her eyes glistened, but this time were matched with a small smile, “You do?”
“And instead, I just pushed you away.” You frowned, “I don’t know how to say that I...”
“I think you just said everything you need to.” JJ’s smile grew and she let out a light laugh, pulling you into her with her hands cradling your cheeks, and she kissed you - gentle and soft and loving. 
You whimpered slightly into the kiss and practically kicked yourself when she immediately pulled away, her eyes full with worry - and love.
“Are you okay?” She looked down to your arm and you hummed.
“Yeah, I- the stitches hurt a little, I’m fine though.” You shrugged, shaking it off, before catching the look she gave you. You hesitated before smiling and correcting yourself, “Which translates to, it hurt but I want to keep kissing you.” You admitted, realising you would have to learn over time how to be more honest - and not cover everything up with am ‘I’m fine’ band aid.
She nodded, chewing her bottom lip, but smiling, “That’s better.”
“I’m a fast learner.” You shrugged, leaning in for another kiss. 
She smiled and raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. And despite your pout, she somehow resisted. Instead, she pulled your sleeve up, “Was it just your arm?”
You shook your head, lifting your shirt enough to reveal the line of stitches at your side, “I have some stitches here too, where my vest split. I didn’t properly realise at the time.”
“The blood on the vest.” She hummed, looking back at the vest again. You sighed and put your hand in her chin, returning her gaze to you, and grinned. You nodded down to your side and raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah... but the doctor’s did a good job, right?” You asked, shooting her a quick wink. JJ laughed and leaning into you, nodding.
“It looks good to me.”
You smiled, before putting out your hand, “Come on, I could do with a good night sleep.” She nodded, joining your hand with hers as the two of you walked out to the waiting area where the rest of your team were waiting.
“I can drive you home when we land?” She offered, squeezing your hand.
Just before you turned the corner to join your team, you brought her hand up to your lips and pressed a quick kiss to the back, before nodding, “Sounds perfect.”
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1800-fight-me · 3 years
Saved by the Devil
Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader (No Y/N)
Friends to lovers (Reader is Foggy’s childhood best friend!) 
Rating: M
Warnings: Violence- reader gets attacked, cursing, matt deserves his own warning, also me trying really hard to be funny lmao
Word count: A little over 2.6k
Author’s note: Okay okay so i canNOT get matt murdock off the brain! so i know my blog and writing are very din djarin oriented but i’m gonna try out posting some matt murdock! i hope y’all like it! 
P.S. Here’s a link to my masterlist if you’d like to check out my other writing! Also! my taglist is always open- leave me a comment or an ask if you’d like to be added!
Here’s a link for my Saved by the Devil masterlist for more of these two! 
P.P.S. I know I’ve still got asks about din sitting in my askbox and im so sorry but i promise i’ll get to them eventually! but also, i would love it for y’all to send me asks about this fic! i already have ideas and would love to explore more of matt x foggy’s bff!reader !! 
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You knew a secret, one that you assumed no one else in the city knew. You knew who the man in black is, the man they call the devil of hell’s kitchen. 
He saved you, the devil, and it turned out he was the man you would’ve sold your soul to be with. 
You stumbled out of the bar arm in arm with your childhood best friend Foggy. He was drunkenly singing a song so loud he was drowning out your giggles. 
He walked you to your apartment, entertaining you by relaying the latest tale of Nelson and Murdock and the trouble they had gotten in. 
“Hey I’m sorry Matt didn’t come out with us tonight, he’s been flaky about hanging out recently, I’m not sure why,” Foggy said, nudging you with his shoulder. 
You scoffed a laugh, “It’s okay, Foggy, you don’t have to pretend.” 
“I’m not! I promise, it has nothing to do with you. I’ve invited him out so many times the past couple of months and he almost always has an excuse.” 
You nodded and mmhmm’d but you weren’t sure you believed him. Foggy was well intentioned, sure, and you didn’t think he’d lie to you but you also knew he would do what he could to protect your feelings. 
What was the deal with you and Matt? Well, nothing. You were hopelessly in love with him and he didn’t feel the same. Sure, he might flirt with you sometimes but as the years passed and nothing ever happened you chalked up his flirting to him just being him. 
There was a moment, after Matt and Foggy’s graduation, that you thought Matt was going to kiss you. Ever since that night he had been slightly more distant from you. 
You were all three at a party that had gotten far too lively when you pulled Matt outside for some air while Foggy got refills. 
You stumbled and he caught you effortlessly, pulling you into his chest, despite you being a step away from him. 
“How did you-”
“I think you might be tipsier than you realize, sweetheart,” he said, voice like honey. 
You giggled, looking up at him, “Probably.”
His hand was suddenly softly caressing your cheek down to your neck tilting your jaw up as his face came down to meet yours.
Your breath caught- 
“I come bearing gifts!” Foggy’s voice cut through the moment’s tension and as you looked over at him Matt’s hand dropped from your neck and he took a step back from you. 
Foggy’s eyes darted between the two of you as he handed you drinks.
“And for you, my fair lady-”
“A cookie!” you gasped. “Foggy I love you so much right now!”
Matt and Foggy both chuckled as you squealed and took a triumphant bite of your cookie. 
“Here we are! My lady,” Foggy said as he dramatically opened the door of your apartment and gestured you inside with a shiteating grin on his face. 
You rolled your eyes and stepped inside before flopping down face first onto the couch. 
“Well I think it’s safe to say you’re safe and sound so I’m gonna head home,” Foggy said, grabbing a water bottle from your fridge. 
“G’night Foggy, thank youuu,” you mumbled, face still smushed into the pillow. 
He laughed and left, locking the door behind him and with a groan you fell asleep. 
About an hour later you woke to the sound of your neighbors arguing. Typical. 
“Ughhh,” you groaned and sat up to search for your phone. The realization that you left your phone at the bar hit you like a ton of bricks. 
You tried to reason with your still fuzzy brain, but decided you couldn’t wait until the morning to go find your phone, and the bar was only a block away anyway. 
Your victorious mood at finding your phone at the bar was quick to dissipate when you realized there were two men following you as you walked back to your apartment. 
Your heart sped as adrenaline coursed through your body, you sped up your pace and crossed the street to put more distance between you and the frankly terrifyingly large men. 
You turned the corner and stumbled into another man who grabbed your upper arms tightly. 
Your heart threatened to beat out of your chest, and instead of fight or flight, your reaction was to scream, loudly. The volume of your scream startled the men and even yourself. It took them a moment before one of them slapped a large hand over your mouth, silencing you. 
Finally, your fight instinct kicked in and you thrashed and kicked as hard as you could, yelling despite the hand that covered your mouth. 
Hands grabbed your legs to keep them from kicking and one of the men slapped you across the face with a growl of, “Shut up, bitch!” 
You gasped, eyes stinging with tears, and sucked in a breath- preparing to scream again when you were dropped onto the concrete suddenly as the sounds of a fist fight filled your ears. 
You pulled yourself off the ground and saw a man dressed all in black flip through the air, kicking a man in the face and knocking him down.
Then he punched the last of the men in the face mercilessly and repeatedly, the third already unconscious on the ground. He finally released his grip on the man’s shirt and let him slide to the ground. 
He straightened to his full height, panting, as he stepped towards you, hands up in a nonthreatening manner. 
The devil of hell’s kitchen just saved your life. 
“Thank-thank you,” you stuttered out. 
He nodded and placed a hand on your shoulder. You took a shuddering breath as tears filled your eyes. 
The top half of his face was covered so your eyes focused on his mouth. And there was something, something about the shape of his jaw, the stubble that covered it, and the plush lips that his tongue darted out to wet that seemed familiar. 
Try as you might, you couldn’t stop the sob that choked itself from your throat. 
“Shhh,” he hushed as he gently pulled you into the warmth of his chest and wrapped his arms around you. 
The feel of his body pressed against yours gave you the strangest feeling of deja vu and when you finally calmed enough to take a deep breath in through your nose, finally feeling safe in the arms of the devil of hell’s kitchen, his scent reminded you… 
Reminded you… 
You pulled back from the comfort of his strong chest and looked up at his face again. 
Your breath caught for another reason this time. 
He breathed out your name before asking, “Are you okay?”, voice devastatingly deep and concerned. 
He knew your name, and you knew his. 
“Matt?” you whispered, shock evident in your voice. 
“Sweetheart, are you hurt?” his hand drew the same path on your cheek and jaw that it did years ago as he asked, desperation for your reassurance evident in his voice. 
“I’m okay,” you said nodding. 
He let out a breath and pulled you into his chest once again, burying his nose in your hair, and squeezing you tightly in his arms. 
“Let's get you home,” he murmured. 
So there the devil of hell’s kitchen, your years long crush Matt Murdock, sat. Next to you on your couch, thigh pressed against yours, he explained his abilities and his journey into vigilante justice. 
As he did, his fingers gently probed the bruise on your cheek and the bump on the back of your head, before releasing you, content that you were okay. 
You sat there, speechless, staring at him after he finished talking. 
“Can you say something? Are you angry that I hid-”
“Does Foggy know?” you blurted out, interrupting him. 
He sighed, “Yes. He was really mad, still is sometimes, he promised not to tell anyone though.” 
You nodded. 
“You don’t seem as surprised as he was,” he said, voice soft. 
You reached over and gently pulled the mask off his head. And his face, his beautiful face, made your heart skip a beat. 
“Well, I can safely say I didn’t expect you to be a vigilante,” you said with a soft laugh and he smiled at that. 
“But I knew there was something…something different about you, Matty.” 
His eyebrows raised but he waited for you to continue. 
“I had a hunch that you could sense more than everyone knew. I tested my theory a few times.” 
At this he looked downright intrigued.
“Really? How so?” 
You distracted yourself grabbing the first aid kit next to you and pulling Matt’s hands into your lap, cleaning the blood off them and wrapping them up while you spoke. 
“You know how my grandma went nearly blind before she passed? She would swear that her other senses got better. She always knew who was walking into her room, said her sense of hearing and smell were just that good. 
And then I met you, and sometimes it seemed like you were putting on an act- you know? Pretending like you didn’t know where things were. Sometimes you would start to say things about your hearing or sense of smell but then cut yourself off.” 
You shrugged, “So I ran some tests. You always seemed to know it was me when I walked into a room. Even when I changed my shoes. Even when I was quiet. Even when I changed my perfume. 
And I’m not quite as uncoordinated as you think I am. But you always managed to catch me or stop me from hurting myself despite your lack of sight.” 
You looked back up as you finished and Matt was full on grinning now, his smirk having grown wider as you spoke.
“You are quite observant, aren’t you?” he asked with a chuckle. 
His hands, still in yours, gripped your own, his callus scraping over your skin and making your breath catch. 
You shrugged and he smirked, “You just shrugged, didn’t you?”
“I knew you could tell!” you exclaimed and he laughed, that beautiful joyous laugh that made your heart warm in your chest. 
You were still smiling when his large warm hands gently slipped up your arms and shoulders, leaving your shoulders to brush up your neck before settling to hold the sides of your face, thumbs gently rubbing your cheeks. 
He murmured your name, his deep dark voice caressing each syllable. 
He leaned in brushing his nose against yours, then his plush lips were pressed softly against yours. His warm lips moved against yours slowly and you rested your hands on his biceps, gripping the strong muscles. 
As he started to pull away you surged forward, desperate to keep his lips on yours. Using your momentum, he pulled you into his lap. You gasped and he used the opportunity to slip his tongue against yours and you moaned at the taste of him. He gripped your waist and your chest heaved against his as he kissed you deeply. 
This time when he pulled back from you, you let him with a soft small that mirrored his own. 
Breathlessly, you said, “That was….”
“Late. It was a few years too late,” he murmured, finishing your sentence for you. 
You giggled, and buried your face in his neck as he held you close. “Yeah, it was.” 
His hand rubbed up and down your back and you sighed in contentment, breathing in his warm gentle scent, the smell of safety and home. 
“I can tell you’re overthinking this,” he said after a moment. 
You choked out a laugh, “Is that another one of your super senses?”
He chuckled and you pulled back to look at his face. “No, I just like to think I know you pretty well after all this time.” 
You ran your hand through his hair, “What does this mean Matt?”
He kissed you again and lips still on yours he murmured, “Go out on a date with me? Tomorrow night?” 
You pulled back and smiled before saying, “Mmm I suppose I could make that work.”
He smirked that cocky smirk that you love so much and kissed you until you saw stars. 
He pressed one last kiss to your wanting lips and breathlessly he said, “It’s late. I should go.”
You ran your hands through his hair once more before sliding off his lap and onto the other side of the couch, wrapping your arms around your legs. 
“Yeah, probably a good idea,” you said, biting your lip as you took in the sight of him before you. He was beautiful, brown eyes, messy hair, lips kiss swollen. 
He stood and grabbed his mask, sliding it back over the top half of his face. His black shirt was ridiculously tight, his muscles straining underneath it, and you swore you could see his abs through it. He licked his lips and you yearned to kiss him again, rip off his shirt, do more. You wanted more, more, more. You always wanted more with Matt Murdock. 
The devil of hell’s kitchen leaned down and tenderly pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered. 
“G’night Matty,” you whispered back as he slipped out your window and back into the night. 
Bonus scene:
“FOGGY,” you yelled into the phone at seven o’clock the next morning after he groggily answered, confusion at your early call evident in his voice. 
“Why the hell are you yelling?” he groaned. 
“Foggy, listen to me! Are you listening?” you said, still too loudly. 
“I’m listenin-” 
“The greatest thing happened last night!” you yelled. 
“You mean after you passed out on your couch?”
“YES! Okay okay, so I woke up not too long after you left and I realized I left my phone at the bar and so-”
“Please for the love of god do not tell me that you went back to the bar by yourself in the middle of the night,” Foggy pleaded. 
“Uh well I wish I could tell you that…”
He exclaimed your name in the most exasperated tone he could muster. 
“Anyway, so I went back to the bar and found my phone and then on the way back these creepy guys started following me-”
Foggy yelled your name again. 
“I know, I know, listen! So anyway these guys grabbed me but then the devil of hell’s kitchen showed up! Foggy! He saved my life!”
“Wow. Are you okay?”
“Yes, that's what I’m telling you! I’m fine and you know why?”
“Because the devil-”
“Because Matt saved me!” you yelled in excitement. 
Foggy gasped, “So you know?” 
“YES, he told me everything and then…this is the good part are you listening?”
He laughed, “Yes, I’m still listening with baited breath.”
“Holy shit, really? Fuckin’ finally! I’m so sick of you two pining after each other, I mean it’s been years at this point!”
“I KNOW,” you said with a giggle. 
“You’re not gonna be cool about this at all are you?” he said with a laugh. 
You took a deep breath, “No, I absolutely will be cool. I’m super chill all the time. I just had to get it out, I’ll be cool as a cucumber now.” 
Foggy laughed at your ridiculousness which caused you to giggle with him. 
“So…was it a good kiss?”
You squealed and you could picture him cringing away from the phone at your loud exclamation. 
“The best kiss of my life, Foggy!” 
“Damn it, with how good he is with women I always hoped he’d at least be a bad kisser,” Foggy said with a laugh. 
“Nah, Foggy, I think he earned that cockiness and I for one can’t wait to-”
“NOPE! No thank you! I do not want to hear how that sentence ends! Bye!” Foggy yelled and you laughed as he hung up on you. 
You quickly sent Foggy a text that said, “If you tell Matt anything about our conversation you’re dead to me!” with a heart emoji and got ready to go to work. 
Everything taglist: 
@spideysimpossiblegirl @dinandgone @ohpedromypedro @littlemisspascal @tombraider42017 @kirsteng42 (I know that my writing is usually din djarin or another pedro character so if you would like to be taken off the everything taglist that’s totally fine!) 
Taglist for this fic:
@mindidjarin @hotnmad​ @samwisethegr8​
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bamsara · 3 years
your demon bkg au lives in my head /rent free/. I have SO many questions. what are those little tags? how are they keeping bkg away from deku? how did deku get them/make them? does bakugo get sad eventually if deku keeps them on for long enough and angry apologize for whatever he did that made deku upset? how upset is deku gonna be once he finds out he accidentally got his soul stolen? is there a way for bkg to give the soul BACK? what does bkg's 'monster form' look like? what did that kid do
Okay! Here we go:
What Deku has on him is called ‘Ofuda’ which, in Japanese religion, are talisman made of paper, wood, cloth, ect  that are blessed and imbued with powers that depending on what's written on them, can provide protection, luck, safety, ect. They be kept with a person, object or place (usually shrines). You can read more about them here.
The talismans Deku has on them is meant to repel Demons (hence why Bakugo couldn’t get within 10ft of him) but I think I may written the wrong word on them, oof. Forgive me while I try to learn!
Deku bought them and keeps them with him everytime Bakugo and him are bickering and Bakugo gets annoyed and eventually has to actaully communicate with him and angry apologize. 
I can’t tell you about how Deku will feel about finding out the truth about his soul yet
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Technically, Deku still has his soul. It’s just got Bakugo’s name written all over in some sort of claim. A demon attached to a soul that is especially bright and still living is unknown of and will cause confusion, especially if that mark is old. Only the more powerful demons and angels can see this because only they have the power to override one’s mark, but even then it would be battle of power (either with magic or quite literally physically)
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Deku is not (yet) aware of who are angels/demons hidden among society yet (aside from Bakugo)
There sorta is a way for Deku to get his soul back, but it’s complicated and I’m not gonna talk about it yet :P
I’ll draw something for the design later, but Bakugo’s monster form can shift between a literal hell fire creature capable of massive explosions and damage to something more passive like thick smoke-like creature that still has embers and sparks within, making him look all spooky and foggy like I made in a doodle here
As for the little kid in this photoset, Idk he probably threatened baby Bakugo’s playground hierarchy or something. I imagine Bakugo was an asshole kid who still thinks he’s the greatest, a literal hellspawn. He gets his Deku privileges revoked lmao
I hope these all make sense while I’m still working out the details in this AU~
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Play Ground Days
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “ughh FINALLY someone that writes good imagines abt carl from shameless! could you write one where you two grew up together and you've always been close n stuff and then at some point he realizes he loves the reader and he talks to ian and lip (maybe mickey too bc i love him) about it? (fem!reader btw if that's cool) thanks babe xx” thanks for inspo on the beginning @poesflygirl​ <3 ,,, carl and you are 16 also pls dont come for me ive only played COD 2 times last year so lmao i dont remember a lot about it, enjoy!
summary - carl has liked you since you two were young, and seeks advice from his brothers and mickey
warnings - strong language, drugs and alcohol, little talk about bad body imagine 
*gif isnt mine*
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“I fucking knew it!” Lip exclaimed.
“Why are you telling us? We’ve known this.” Ian commented, smirking at his little brother.  
“How the hell—” Carl started. 
“You’re not exactly great at hiding your crush on her,” Mickey chuckled. 
Carl’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You knew?”
“Of course I did. I’m not fucking Helen Keller,” Mickey rolled his eyes. 
Carl groaned and ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I can’t believe this. Well, secret’s out, I guess. What do I do?”
“Just go tell her you like her. It’s not like she’s going to turn you down.” Lip shrugged, putting his cigarette to his lips. 
“Lip!” Ian hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“What?” Lip asked. 
“You weren’t supposed to say that, dumbass,” Mickey said.
 “What does that mean?” Carl asked, looking in-between his brother’s and Mickey. 
Lip sighed. “Ah, shit, right. I’ve already said too much.”
4 hours earlier: 2:00 PM
“Hey, shit head!” She called out, throwing rocks against the window. 
Carl got up from his bed, shocked but happy to see her. He opened his window, leaning against the frame. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
She threw the rocks to the ground. “Escaping from my druggie dad, duh. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carl shrugged. 
She did her signature smirk that always made Carl’s heart flutter. “Wanna go and stuff our faces at Patsy’s Pies?”
Carl’s eyes lit up at the mention of fatty, greasy food. “Hell yeah. I’ll come down.”
She nodded, going to the front of their house. Carl ran down the stairs, putting on his shoes and opening the door to find her on the steps. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just come into the house?” Carl asked, shutting the door behind him. 
“Putting damage on your window seemed more fun. Oh, hey! Do you have an extra bed I can sleep in tonight?” She asked. 
Carl nodded. “Yeah, of course. Your dad is that bad, huh?”
“Yep, he relapsed. Super fun,” she laughed sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. That shit sucks,” Carl said.
She shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s life. Anyways, ready to go?”
Carl nodded. They got into her car, the girl starting it and driving fast to the dinner. As she was driving, humming to the songs on the radio, Carl stared at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. 
Her name was Y/n L/n. Carl’s oldest and only real friend. They had grown up together, Y/n living only a few houses away from him. They had met in detention in 1st grade and had been close ever since. 
“What’re you staring at?” Y/n asked, glancing over to him. 
Carl blushed. “Nothing.”
“Alright,” Y/n sang.
Carl had often been caught staring at her. It was something he usually did from time to time, but now it was more often. He couldn’t help it. There was something about her. Maybe flawless her skin was, how pretty and bright her smile and eyes were, the way she would make him feel secure and loved, something he had never got from anyone consitently. 
He never really knew why he thought those things about her. People had told him that he probably had a crush on her, but he knew that wasn’t right. He had crushes on girls before and the things he was feeling for Y/n were a lot different than what he had felt for his past girlfriends. He figured it was just that she was his closest friend and he happened to be a horny teenager, so naturally, he just thought those things about her. But oh, how wrong he actually was. 
Y/n parked her car at Patsy’s Pies. They walked into the diner, seeing Fiona at the register. 
“Hey, Fi,” Y/n smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n, Carl! Long time, no see. How are ya?” Fiona asked. 
“Good, good,” Y/n smiled. 
“Good,” Carl said. 
“Great! Well, get yourself seated and someone will be right with you,” she smiled. 
Y/n and walked off to a small booth and sat down. They picked up the menus that were already on the table. 
“You gonna get your usual?” Y/n asked. 
Carl shrugged. “Maybe. Should I change it up?”
“Yes. The double bacon cheeseburger looks good,” Y/n said. 
“Are you getting that?” Carl asked. 
“Maybe. I’ll probably get a salad or something. Gotta watch those calories, you know?” She half-joked, putting a hand on her stomach. 
“I think you look good. You don’t need to worry,” Carl smiled. 
Y/n’s eyes widened. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Carl nodded. 
Y/n looked back at the menu, hiding her embarrassment.
Carl complimenting her was something that was rare, but did happen. Y/n never remembered Carl as a romantic type of guy, but it seems that he had developed  those traits from having a few girlfriends. She liked that, actually. She liked him complimenting her, staring at her for minutes at a time, the way his ears would turn red when she teased him. She liked all of that. 
Y/n would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on Carl. She had a crush on him since their freshman year of high school. Well, in reality, she probably has always had one, but the first time she really realised she liked him was in biology when he got in trouble in one of the labs. She remembered when the teacher was yelling at him and he looked at her, smiling at her mischievously and winking at her. That wink had her heart racing and mind go foggy. From then on, she had liked him as more than a friend. Yet, she never said anything because well, as cliche as it was, she was afraid of ruining their friendship. He was really the only one who got her and who never abandoned her. She couldn’t lose him, so she just kept her feelings and gestures to him as friendly as she could.  
“Hi, I’m Carly and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you today?” The waitress asked. 
“Hi, can I get the philly cheesesteak with a medium coke and fries,” Carl ordered. 
Carly nodded and wrote his order down, turning to Y/n. 
“Um, I’ll get the bacon cheeseburger with a small sprite and fries. Thanks,” Y/n ordered. 
Carly took their menus. “Great. I’ll have your drinks out soon.”
Y/n and Carl smiled at the waitress as she walked away. 
“Hey, so I thought your dad was in rehab,” Carl said. 
Y/n sighed. “He was, but I guess his girlfriend got him drunk, then convinced him to do some lines. God, I can’t believe he's even with her still.”
Carl frowned. “What about your mom? Where’s she?”
“She’s going to nursing school right now. She’s the only one responsible in this family, yet she never calls or anything,” she scoffed.
“You’re really responsible,” Carl said. 
Y/n smiled. “Thanks, C. You are, too.”
Carl laughed, “Me? I sold drugs on the streets once.”
She giggled. “True. But you’ve really shaped. I'm proud.”
Carl smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”
Y/n hummed a ‘you’re welcome’. Carly came back with their food quickly and they dug in. Carl and Y/n spent their time talking and eating, spending about 2 hours there as they just kept talking. 
“Are you two finished?” Carly asked, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Yeah,” Carl nodded. 
“Great. Here’s your bill, pay whenever you’re ready,” Carly smiled and took their dirty dishes. 
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked. 
Carl nodded and got out his wallet that he had in his shorts. Meanwhile, Y/n also got out her wallet. They both looked up at each other, awkward expressions on their faces. 
“Oh, I was gonna pay,” Carl said. “No, no, my treat. I invited you here,” Y/n said. 
“You sure?” Carl asked. 
She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “Yes, I am, Carl.”
Butterflies irrupted in Carl’s stomach as she touched him. He nodded slowly, putting his credit card away. Y/n and him walked up to the register and paid for their meal. They then went back to Y/n car. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. 
“Wanna play COD Black Ops 3?” Carl asked. 
“Yes!” Y/n smiled. She drove them back to his house, parking haphazardly on the street. 
The two hurried into the house, grabbing a seat on the couch. Carl got the controllers, turning onto the playstation. Y/n logged onto her account, selecting the gun she wanted to use. Carl then started the game. 
“Where are you?” Y/n squinted her eyes at the screen. 
“Right behind you,” Carl smirked. 
Y/n turned around, gasping as Carl shot her. 
“Fuck you!” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Little rusty, huh?” Carl teased. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you next round.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Carl said. 
“Winner gets to pick what’s for dinner,” Y/n said. 
“Deal,” Carl nodded. 
The pair played for a couple hours, the game ending with Y/n getting the last kill. 
“Good game,” she smirked, setting the controller down. 
“I forgot how good you were at this,” Carl frowned. Y/n giggled, “I forgot how bad you were.”
Carl rolled his eyes with a smile. “Alright, where do you want to eat?”
“Hm… Noodles n Company?” She suggested. 
“Sure,” Carl nodded. 
“Alright, I’m gonna use the bathroom and then order. Text me what you want,” Y/n said, getting up from the couch. 
Carl nodded and watched her go upstairs to use the bathroom. Then that’s when Lip, Ian, and Mickey all came into the house. 
“Hey, guys,” Carl said. 
“Hey,” Ian smiled. 
“Is Y/n here? We saw her car out front,” Lip said. “Yeah, she is,” Carl nodded. 
“Asked her out yet?” Lip smirked. Carl’s face turned red. “Wh-What?”
“Oh, you’re not in love with her then?” Ian furrowed his brows. 
“I… am I?” Carl asked. 
Ian chuckled. “Yeah. You always are always happy around her, blush whenever she teases you.”
“And you’re always staring at her,” Lip added.
“That doesn’t mean I like her,” Carl said.
“Do feel dizzy and nauseous when she touches you? Does your heart race when she gets close? Do you see yourself kissing her? Would you do anything for her?” Ian asked. 
Carl furrowed his brows. They were right, all those things did happen when she was near. She was his best friend. He also sometimes think about kissing her and being with her in a romantic way. And yeah, of course he would do anything for her. Maybe… Maybe he did love her. 
“Oh, shit,” he muttered. “I… I guess I am in love with her.”
And that, ladies and gents, is where we left off. Lip, Ian, and Mickey teased Carl until Carl begged them for real help. 
“What do you mean?” Carl asked anxiously. 
Lip looked to Ian and Mickey for help on what to say. Little did Carl know, Y/n actually did admit her crush to someone. And that someone, or someones, were Lip, Ian, and Mickey. 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Mickey said. 
“Did she say something to you?” Carl asked. “No,” Ian shook his head. “Like Mick said, don’t worry.”
“I… fine. Well, what do I do then?” Carl asked in slight distress.
“Give her some flowers and chocolate. Girls love that shit,” Lip suggested. 
“Alright,” Carl nodded. “I don’t know what her favourite flowers are, though.”
“Just get her roses. That’s really romantic,” Lip said. 
Carl smiled, “Alright. Awesome. Thanks, guys.”
He decided to get the flowers early morning tomorrow before Y/n woke up. 
Carl sneaked back into the house, hoping not to wake Y/n up. As he walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see her at the table drinking coffee. 
“Hey, Carl!” Y/n smiled. 
Carl’s eyes were blown wide. “I.. uh…”
“Who are those for?” Y/n got up and pointed to the flowers and chocolate in his hand. 
“Um… you?” Carl said. Y/n smiled. “Me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Carl knew that he couldn’t make up an excuse. He was horrible at lying to her. So, he decided to just have his confession here. 
“I.. I’m in love with you,” Carl said. Y/n’s jaw dropped and she froze. “Wha-What?”
“My brothers and Mickey helped me realise I was yesterday when you were ordering dinner. They told me I should get you flowers and stuff so I did. I hope you like roses,” Carl explained and held up the gifts. 
Y/n’s lips upturned in a wide smile. “How long have you liked me?”
“Honestly, probably since we were little,” Carl shrugged sheepishly. 
Y/n giggled. “Me, too.”
“Really?” Carl smiled. 
Y/n waked up to him and took the gifts, setting them on the kitchen counter. She went up to him and put her arms around his neck. 
“Yep. I always have,” she grinned. 
“Oh, sick!” Carl exclaimed. “Oh wait.”
“What?” Y/n asked in confusion. 
“That’s what they meant!” Carl exclaimed in realisation.
“Who? What?” “Oh, Lip, Mickey, and Ian kind of told me yesterday when I asked for help,” Carl explained. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and she turned to the stairs, glaring. “Mickey, Lip, Ian! You better fucking run!”  
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