#why would cash app close my account
Cater's Backstory - Monster AU
Monster: Gumiho/Kumiho (Korean folklore, similar to the Japanese Kitsune, shapeshifting abilities) Word Count: ~ 0.74K Relationships mentioned: The Diamond family (2 sisters, (eldest, Katryna, middle, Casey, hc names), mother, (Regina, hc name), father, (Cody)), Indescript People from the internet TW: Minor texting adults/Cater has a fake dating profile at 13, shitty sisters + mom, parents fighting, self esteem issues, family life vlogger, etc.
"YOU CUT OFF MY ALLOWANCE CODY, I HAD TO WOMAN UP AND MAKE MONEY SOMEHOW. I GREW THOSE LITTLE SHITS INSIDE OF ME AFTER YOU PUT EM IN ME, THE LEAST THEY CAN DO IS MAKE ME SOME MONEY!.....BESIDES, THIS WAY I DON'T HAVE TO RELY ON SOME DIRTY CHEATER'S CASH LIKE YOURS!" Cater could hear his parents going back and forth in the kitchen for maybe the third or fourth time this week, as it had been....the third or fourth time his mother had tried to shoot a baking video with him in it. His sisters segments had gone off without a hitch, apparently, but his mother kept stop and going when he was involved to make sure the way he looked was "perfect" according to her standards. He tried to block out the yells from the other room, his ears folding back against his head as he brought four of his nine tails to snuggle into, in front of him. While he wasn't a fan of the shooting process, or the way his mom made him shapeshift his face or body to fit her demands, he loved sitting with her once the video went up and watching as views and likes and comments would start pouring in. The feeling was....maybe the only good thing he got to have. Which is why he took it upon himself to find that feeling again whenever he felt upset. He sat up a little, looking for his phone as he used his tail to wipe at his eyes, sniffling a bit. It only took a moment to locate it, and once he had it, he opened it to the camera. He frowned a bit. It was too close to his face...to not be his face, but it wasn't his face. His nose was narrowed, his cheeks had been slimmed in, his eyes were upturned and a little bigger, his lips were slightly more plump than they were meant to be. He shook his head a little, wanting to start from scratch. It was always easier to shift starting from a familiar base. He took a deep breath before focusing on himself in the camera again. First, all he had to do was try to match how Katryna looked - even if their mom never knew, he certainly knew how many times she had snuck out of the house to sleepover at someone else's place. People wanted her. That's what made her a good base, and given that they were siblings, there wasn't all that much he had to change to match her. Once he was satisfied with his facial structure, he turned his hair longer than it was, just to his shoulders. He watched his ginger locks turn black, with a blue streak in it, and turned the colour of his eyes from green to blue to match his hair. He made his cheeks a little thinner and his nose more button-like. It wasn't like this was his first time. It only took him about a minute to come up with a face that wasn't his that he thought might be pretty enough, before taking several photos and choosing his favourites. He opened up the dating app on his phone that he had hidden in a locked file, under a different user profile. He knew his mom would loose it if she caught glimpse of it, thus the measures he took to hide it from her. It wasn't like he was supposed to have it in the first place....but thirteen was close enough to eighteen, right? Besides, the compliments he got- rather, his "character" got, made him feel happy. And this way, he controlled what was going on the internet, and how he interacted with people, and all without his mothers interference. It was perfect. He made a new account, posted the picture and a made up biography before starting to swipe right on every single person that came up. He didn't have to wait long for the compliments to file in, or the "its a match!" to fill his screen. He smiled to himself, before opening the most interesting opener and starting to chat, like he had done so many times before, ready and willing to do whatever it took to get that feeling.
---------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hiya! If you made it here, you might want to check out my other Twstober works here, or if you're looking for some fluff after that fic, you can check out my main masterlist here. Ask box is open if you have any questions! Thanks for reading!
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jossambird · 1 year
Im sorry if this post comes off weird and not very understandable, but I (and a friend) have been forced to live with something horrible and traumatizing (at the hands of someone we called A FRIEND) for the last few days and I am about to burst and need to get this out somewhere where I feel safe.
(TRIGGER WARNING: faked Sui attempt mention below, me being gaslit, lied to, made to feel like I was an idiot and a harasser)
It all started a few days ago by a message from (someone that I called a friend)’s account. Lets call them Wolf.
In the past, during our short friendship, a friend and I discovered that Wolf liked making jokes about Sui. Alot. Everyday, practically. But not only jokes. Once, she faked a Sui attempt, filmed it, and sent it to my friend N. My friend, traumatized, told me in the group chat and we were very pointed in saying that such things were not a laughing matter. Please keep on mind, Wolf is in her late 20’s. An age where you would think people no longer do such things.
Now, back to what happened. It all started a few days ago by a message from Wolf’s account.
Wolf’s account left a lengthly message in the Discord chat we share with N, my friend. The message was by someone we did not know, telling us that Wolf had committed a Sui attempt and was now in the hospital.
We were told by “Jordyn” that she was only telling the people closest to Wolf what happened, and that none of Wolf’s In Real Life friends knew. It was only us, and Wolf’s parents. She told us to stay quiet and to not post on Wolf’s personal instagram, as to not let anyone know.
Why were we being told this? Why did Jordyn “take” Wolf’s phone, go into her Discord account, and decide to send a message in a Discord chat that had had NO ACTIVITY FOR 10+ DAYS?
Something was nagging at me and my friends mind, something felt wrong with what was all being said.
Constantly were inconsistencies popping up in her messages and constantly did something feel OFF. Something didnt feel right.
Why were we, two random people on Wolf’s Discord list, being told all of this? Why were we being told by “Jordyn” that none of Wolf’s In Real Life friends knew, but we, were being told all of this information?
The next day (8 to 10 hours after receiving the first message), still hesitant to believe it all after receiving NO proof or concrete information, I asked what hospital she was being held at, so that I could see about sending flowers. Sure we weren’t close, but it was the least I could do. The answer I received?
“She's gotten a lot of flowers. Like pretty much the whole room is filled with flowers. We might get her a P.O. Box or get her a cash app account set up, so people can donate.”
Once again, why were we being told (without being pushed but still told nonetheless) that we could donate money to a Cashapp that Jordyn was going to make for Wolf’s rehabilitation or that we could send cards to a PO box? But oh sorry, no one’s been told what happened but flowers are everywhere, so much so that we’re tripping over them so send money instead.
Today, after multiple days of being told “updates” that didnt line up with what would happen to a Sui attempt survivor, I had a lengthly conversation with the friend that was living through all of this with me.
I decided to ask if “Jordyn” was comfortable sharing information on what happened. (She had already told my friend everything in Private Dms, so why not tell me, a medical student studying in neurology and psychology, and who is studying on how to help rehabilitate Sui Survivors?)
She said yes, so I asked. I asked, as delicately as I could, on what happened, because the things she had said did NOT line up with what procedures a doctor would normally do.
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The answer I received? Wolf’s account leaving the Discord server, and this:
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All I did was ask questions (because nothing was lining up and everything felt WRONG in everything this Jordyn/Wolf/whoever person was forcing down our throats on Discord everyday, and I figured I was owed that much since hey, Im being told all of this all of these horrible details in what happened) but I guess I was only allowed to that and only that, and to send money of course.
I (and my friend N) was made out to be a fool, an idiot. I was Gaslit, lied to, and manipulated.
Your name is not Wolf, but that is what you are. You are a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, and that is what you will remain forever in my mind.
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art-of-manliness · 2 years
Podcast #876: Why You Like the Music You Do
What albums and songs are getting a lot of play on your Spotify or iTunes app currently? My guest would say that the music you put in heavy rotation comes down to your unique “listener profile.” Her name is Susan Rogers, and she’s a music producer-turned-neuroscientist as well as the co-author of This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You. Today on the show, Susan unpacks the seven dimensions of music and how they show up along a varying spectrum in every song. She explains how everyone has an individualized taste for the configuration of these dimensions, and that how closely a particular song aligns with this pattern of sweet spots accounts for whether you like it or not. Along the way, we discuss artists that exemplify these dimensions, how Frank Sinatra injected virility into his music, how part of your musical taste has to do with the way you prefer to move your body, and much more. Artists and Songs Mentioned in the Episode * Prince’s Purple Rain * Barenaked Ladies * The Shaggs * Ella Fitzgerald * The Rentals * The Killers * Tame Impala * Steven Page * Johnny Cash * Cake * James Brown’s “Hot Pants” * Yes’ “Roundabout” * Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” * Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe” * Miles Davis’ Birth of the Cool and Kind of Blue * Frank Sinatra’s first hit song “Polka Dots and Moonbeams” (1940) vs. “It Was a Very Good Year” (1965) Connect With Susan Rogers * The This Is What It Sounds Like website, including the “Record Pull“ * Susan’s faculty page Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors Transcript Coming Soon   The post Podcast #876: Why You Like the Music You Do appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SkC99m
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marcelinesghost13 · 2 months
Okay let's do this Blog because today just sucked ass. Get your popcorn kids I got some BS drama coming your way and most of it is my fault for not saying fuck off..
So about the start of the beginning of July I was told I won $5000 for a photo of my wife I posted on FB. The girl I was talking to wanted me to get an app called CASH APP so I could get my prize. I didn't think too much of it and got the APP. Then she told me I need to send her accountant $100 for a processing fee. That should have been the 1st red flag but nope my dumbass kept moving forward. The girl could get the APP to work.... so she told me to send her accountant $200 for a processing Fee for PAYPAL. I know 2nd red flag. So I gave him the money but she still couldn't figure out how to give me my prize. So she then told me that she is now going to give me $10,000 but I have to give her accountant $500 for a processing fee. I told her no I'm not going to do that and she is just trying to scam me fuck off. Well she got all snowflake on me and told me she is a good person and she is not trying to scam me. I told I did believe her and go away.
Well she got so upset she had her boss step in to fix everything. Keep in mind my dumbass gave them access to my FB, my business bank account and my business ATM card. So her boss told me that they going to send a check, but I need to put that check into my business checking account. Then take the money and buy Bitcoin with it. That would be the 3rd red flag. So the whole time the boss is reminding me not to scam her or she is going to call the cops. Plus she bugged me for 3 days if the check came in the Mail yet. Everyday I would tell her no not yet and I'm not going to con you and your employee out of your money. Which I thought was odd because I was told it was post to be my prize that's it. So the check showed up and I told the boss I was going to talk to the bank. The boss me to deposit it in an ATM. I asked her why. The boss she just got mad and told me to shut up and do as I'm told to do.
4 red flag. So I deposited the $20,000+ into the ATM and sent over a photo. The boss then told me to take the money and buy Bitcoin with it. I told I can't the bank has to process the check to see if it's real. The boss got upset and didn't understand why the bank would do that. Then she told me to buy Bitcoin using the ATM. I told her you can't do that. The Boss why not? I told because you can't. The boss then ask why can't you take out the $20,000? Because the bank has to process the check to see if it clears or not. The boss asked what does that mean? I told the boss your going to have to wait. At this the boss quit texting me.
I then drove to the sheriff's command center but they were closed. So I called the police and told them what was going on. The dispatcher told me to wait for a police officer for I could give them my statement. I waited 2 hours and the cop never showed up.
The part I hated the most is I didn't want to tell my wife about this because I didn't need her BS drama in my life. So I lied to her and told her my dad's truck broke down. The whole time my wife went on and on about how my father doesn't have dementia and like to fuck 20 yr. old girl and secret. Which is some kind of bullshit that she made up in her head. My dad does have dementia and no he's not actually fucking any 20 year olds. He is getting on some of those fangirl porn sites but that's about it. I do feel bad that I had to lie to her that way it's just I don't need to hear her BS. As I've said several times in my blog she loves to gaslight that shit out of me and this is just one more thing to hold over my head. And I don't need that.
So after the cop didn't show up I decided to go home and deal with the scam issue in the morning. So in the morning I went to the substation told him what was going on gave him a statement. They made a copy of the envelope that the check came in and the bank receipt from the money I deposited. I did ask him if I was in trouble and they told me no as long as you don't spend any of the money I told him while I'm going to go to the bank and tell them about it. They gave me a form to give to the bank that the money is fake. I got done with the police I went straight to the bank. I told the bank what happened and they decided to give me a new card and a new account number for my business. The guy I talked to at the bank was actually really nice and told me this is actually a really normal thing for people to use Bitcoin for scams which I didn't know that. I told him am I going to get any trouble for this I said no we'll hold on to the money because the check will more unlikely will not go through. I asked him then what if the check does go through and everything is okay. He told me I'd get to keep the money. I told him is that legal and he said it's absolutely legal. I got done with the bank and went to my car. While I was in my car I changed my password to my FB, PayPal and deleted the Bitcoin app. I was going to delete the cash app but I couldn't figure out how I'll have to work on that one later.
The whole time I was at the police station and the bank the boss was texting and trying to call me. Telling me that you was going to tell the police about what's going on. I decided to turn around and let her know exactly what I did by informing the police department about her scam. Again she didn't seem to understand what I wrote and kept on going on and on about how I was going to be arrested. Hey then got on Facebook and blocked her and everyone associated with her. But somehow I don't know how she got unblocked and she kept harassing me. I then told her go away leave me alone. Then later that morning I got a text from a guy that said he was from the FBI. Which I knew was a lie because the FBI doesn't text you or call you. I told the FBI agent I didn't have her money that the police in the bank have the money and he didn't seem to understand that either. He just threatened to put me in jail for fraud. I then went back to the police station told him I was going on and they told me just to block his phone number. So that's what I did. And that is been my adventure for the last couple days dealing with a scam. It has been extremely stressful. Unfortunately I did take out some of that stress in my wife which isn't fair but she's always climbing up my ass so it's not easy being around her some days which I've talked about before. So hopefully everything with this scam thing is done and over with.
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Why is Cash App Closing My Account?
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In the bustling realm of digital finance, Cash App stands as a formidable titan, revolutionizing how we manage money with seamless transactions and a treasure trove of financial services. However, amid the allure of this fintech wonder, some unfortunate souls face a dreaded fate — their Cash App closing accounts. This mysterious phenomenon raises questions and concerns, leaving many to wonder why Cash App would sever such vital ties. So, let’s begin and learn unearth the reasons behind Cash App account closed and shed light on what constitutes suspicious activity. So, let us navigate this enigmatic journey and unveil the truth behind the curtain of closed Cash App account.
You have embraced the digital marvel of Cash App, relishing its ease of use and expedited transactions, only to find your account inaccessible. Frustration sets in as you wonder what could have led to such a drastic measure. While Cash App offers a user-friendly experience, it also employs robust security measures and guidelines to protect its users and maintain compliance with financial regulations. To understand the enigma of account closures, we must understand the potential reasons behind this decision.
Reasons Why Cash App May Close Accounts?
Below mentioned are the reasons why Cash App closing your account:
· Suspicious Activity: Cash App keeps a vigilant watch on transactions to safeguard against fraudulent activities. Engaging in suspicious transactions or having funds tied to suspicious sources can lead to account closure.
· Violation of Terms of Service: The digital covenant of Cash App’s terms of service outlines acceptable user behaviour and prohibits certain actions. Violating these terms, intentional or otherwise, can result in account closure.
· Multiple Accounts: Maintaining multiple Cash App accounts is not allowed unless explicitly permitted by the platform. Operating multiple accounts without authorization may lead to account closures.
· Identity Verification: Cash App may request users to verify their identities to ensure compliance with financial regulations. Failure to complete the verification process within a specified timeframe can result in account closure.
· Unauthorized Use: If a Cash App account is used without the account owner’s consent or knowledge, the platform may close the account to protect the rightful user.
· Inactivity: Long periods of inactivity may prompt Cash App to close an account. Regular use and engagement with the app are essential to keeping the account active.
· Chargebacks and Disputes: Excessive chargebacks or disputes initiated by users can raise red flags and lead to account closures.
· Violation of Community Guidelines: Cash App’s community guidelines foster a respectful and secure user environment. Violating these guidelines may lead to account termination.
· Regulatory Compliance: Cash App adheres to financial regulations, and non-compliance could result in account closure.
Is Cash App Shutting Down in 2023?
As of current knowledge, no credible evidence suggests that Cash App will shut down in 2023. Cash App continues to be a popular and thriving financial platform, serving millions of users with its innovative services. However, as with any digital platform, it is essential to remain updated with official announcements and news to stay informed about any potential changes in the future.
Why is Cash App closing accounts?
Cash App account closed for various reasons, including suspicious activity, violation of terms of service, multiple accounts without authorization, incomplete identity verification, unauthorized use, inactivity, excessive chargebacks, and non-compliance with regulatory requirements.
Is Cash App closing accounts?
Yes, Cash App reserves the right to close accounts that violate its terms of service or engage in suspicious or fraudulent activities. Account closures are part of the platform’s commitment to maintaining security and adhering to regulatory standards.
What is considered suspicious activity on Cash App?
Suspicious activity on Cash App can include sending or receiving large amounts of money from unknown or unverified sources, engaging in frequent and irregular transactions, or being involved in fraudulent schemes.
How can I prevent my Cash App account from closure?
To avoid the unfortunate fate of account closure, it is essential to abide by Cash App’s terms of service, engage in legitimate and transparent transactions, complete identity verification when requested, and promptly resolve any disputes or issues.
If my Cash App account is closed, can I reopen it?
In some cases, Cash App may allow users to reopen closed accounts after reviewing the circumstances. However, if the account closure was due to serious violations or fraudulent activities, reopening may not be possible.
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cducation · 1 year
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I have furnished a screenshot as proof of payment. They only preserve marking guidance tickets as solved and telling me I have to upload proof of payment. I would by no means deal Using these fellas once more
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Get Cash App contact to unlock your Cash App account.
The widely used, industry-leading, and user-friendly Cash app is a mobile banking system that offers a variety of features, functions, and services. Using the Cash App account, you can transfer and receive money in addition to that. You can also pay your utility bills. On the other hand, you can withdraw your money using a cash card from the ATM. All you need to do is to set up an account on the cash app to leverage it in a hassle-free manner. Sometimes, due to various reasons, you might get your account locked out and you find out difficulties in getting it unblocked. To Unlock Cash App Account, you should thoroughly read out the blog post carefully and find suitable assistance.
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How does a closed Cash App account affect you?
Users of the Cash app who have had their accounts blocked are notified within 24 to 48 hours that an inquiry has been completed and their accounts have been unlocked. Following that, a person can access their Cash app account once more.
How Do I Recover My Cash App Account?
To recover your Cash app account, just follow the below-mentioned steps:-
•          Launch the Cash app on your device and submit your credentials.
•          Now, you will be needed to tap the “profile” icon.
•          Find and tap on the “sign out” option.
•          Enter your email address and contact number associated with the Cash app account you would like to access.
•          Follow instructions accordingly.
What makes Cash App lock your account?
Your Cash app account could be locked due to the following reasons which you can see below:-
1.        When the Cash app finds out many repetitions of suspicious activities on your Cash app account, it locks your account after which you can’t log in to your Cash app account.
2.        If a cash app user enters the wrong payment details several times, it also leads to the closure of the Cash app account.
3.        Entering an incorrect PIN many times at the time of money transfers, also makes your Cash app account look suspicious.
How Can My Cash App Account Be Unlocked?
Losing access to your Cash App can be terrifying, particularly if it could result in the loss of transactions involving your Bitcoin wallet, stock trades, and money. The algorithm has mistakenly flagged your account as dubious. Though, a locked Cash App account is for a short period but can be easily recovered. To keep your information safe from hackers follow the guidelines.
To unlock your cash app account, given below are some steps:
•          On your iPhone or Android, open the Cash App
•          Next, from the home screen, choose the option “Profile”  
•          Now, click “Support”
•          And then, in the menu bar select the option “Unlock Account”
•          Here, enter your email address and complete the form
•          Lastly, within 24 hours you will receive confirmation that your account is unblocked.
However, if they know whether you are participating in a scam directly or indirectly then your Cash App account will be deleted. Besides, sending too many payment requests to unknown users may also block your account.
You must also know that if your account is locked then your Cash App card will also get locked. Though, if your account is still working then it is also possible to disable your Cash App card.
Why Is My Cash App Temporarily Locked?
Are you looking forward to knowing the main reasons behind the occurrence of Cash App Locked Account problems? Several sorts of valid or invalid reasons play an important role in leading your cash app account to show such kind of problems. Once you determine the main cause of the problems you are suffering from, you will be able to easily find out the best possible solution regarding the same.
Here Are Some Common Yet The Main Reasons Behind It:
1.        Many incorrect Cash app login attempts.
2.        How Long Does The Cash App Take To Unlock An Account?
3.        You are somehow violating the cash app rules and regulations.
4.        You are using wrong details while sending or receiving money.
5.        And many more…
Sometimes, you come across various problems and glitches while trying to unlock your Cash App Blocked account. In such a case, you can quickly go to the help and support of the official cash app. Here, you will be able to find out the best possible solution so that you can fix it completely from the root. Apart from that, you can also get in touch with the cash app troubleshooting geeks who will help you out to deal with all such troubles flawlessly in a couple of seconds. Here, they will suggest you the required solution to annihilate all your worries and hurdles with optimum ease. Apart from that, you can also ask for additional help about the cash app and its services. On the other hand, you can also have a look at our website and find out additional details regarding the same.    
Can your Cash App get locked?
The Cash app has taken the large user base in the United States due to which millions of people can easily send and receive their money over the secured network. And despite this fact, your Cash app can get locked if the Cash app finds out that you are violating its terms and conditions. Or you are just repeating the procedure of re-installing and re-logging into your Cash app account. Avoid making mistakes at the time of sending money and click on the mentioned link here to easily get in touch with the Cash app support team.
How to cash out on locked cash app?
The Cash app is an efficient way to send and receive money and its benefits are not just limited to the send and receive money but with the easy-to-features, users can also invest in the stock and bitcoin industry. But when users violate Cash app rules and regulations or conduct their online transactions against the Cash app policy and guidelines then, in that case there is a high chance of getting the Cash app account locked. If someone sends money to a blocked Cash app account then that money is sent to that blocked account but it is pending status.
How long does it take cash app to unlock your account?
The Cash app has been a trouble-free payment service app for people and businesses in the United States but when users break or not pay attention to Cash app terms and conditions then, their Cash app gets locked. If you have also committed the same mistake then, you can unlock your Cash app account easily by contacting the Customer support team of the Cash app. Once you report this issue to the Cash tech support then, it may take 24-48 hours to unlock your Cash app. Click on the link to get in touch with Cash app customer service.
Buy unlock Cash App account
The Cash app is an easy-to-use and straightforward payment service app through which one can easily send and transfer money with ease. People usually get their Cash app account locked, when they do some invalid things in their Cash app account that are against the guidelines or rules of the Cash app. In order to unlock the Cash app account, users can contact the Cash customer tech support team. And in between 24-48 hours, the Cash app account can unlock. Click on the provided link here to easily contact the Cash app support team.
Cash App account locked email
There are various reasons due to which your Cash app account can get locked. The unlawful activities such as entering incorrect details multiple times for transferring Cash, installing and logging to the Cash app account several times, so many other things that are against the rules and regulations of Cash app, can lock your account. Once the account is locked, you cannot access your account. And the Cash app does not give any warning or email message to the users before locking their account. Click on the link to get help.
Can someone lock your cash app with your email?
Although the Cash app is developed under the strict protocols and latest authentication technology to securely store confidential and financial records of the users, your Cash app account can be hacked. In order to lock your Cash account, it will have a requirement of various things such as your Cash app PIN, your full name, phone number, email etc. But with just using your email, no one can lock your Cash app account. To get more clarity on this, just click on the given link here to contact customer support of the Cash app.
Cash App blocked my Card
The Cash app has become the first choice of many people in the United States, especially when it comes to sending and receiving money from one account to another. But when the Cash app notices some suspicious activities and violations of its terms and conditions by any account, then there is no option left for the Cash app except blocking your account. If you are also facing the same situation then, you can click on the link mentioned here to easily get in touch with the customer support team of the app.
Why Cash App did block my account?
Why Cash App did block my account? This is a commonly asked question by many people. The cash app usually blocks your Cash app account when it finds out a breach of its rules and regulations by the users. And that’s why it is suggested to many people they should not attempt things that are against the Cash app policy. In order to unlock your Cash app, users can easily contact the customer support team of the Cash app by clicking on the given link here.
Cash App account locked phishing email
In case you are receiving the Cash app account locked phishing email then this is an attempt by phishing sites that pretend to be the real identity of something so that they can easily take your confidential and personal details. You are suggested by the Cash app itself that you should not trust such emails or messages. When the Cash app blocks your Cash app account then, it is done without altering or giving a warning email message to the users. Click on the link to learn more.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Piers: maybe we’re the real monsters not the zombies.
Chris: maybe I should beat you with a wrench.
@rebelwithoutacock here ya go
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Sleep was near impossible out in the field. With monsters lurking around every corner, it was drilled into every BSAA soldier to keep one eye closed and the other open. Piers took the motto to heart as did his captain. Rest was a commodity neither of the men could afford at the moment, but they were both stubborn in their own right to admit it aloud as they each tossed and turned in their respective sleeping bags.
Piers was the first one to give in to his defeat. He sighed, taking notice that Chris's shoulders scrunched while the man turned to his right, facing away from him.
"Can't sleep either, can you?" Piers muttered.
"Not when you're talking," Chris huffed tiredly. "We have three hours. You better make the most of it."
"Right," Piers sighed. It was obvious the captain was in no mood for a conversation. Piers didn't hold it against Chris while he looked up at the sky, trying to count how many stars were up and about. He hoped at some point the action would make him tired enough.
Piers took in a deep breath, not able to help himself as a silly thought broached his brain.
"Do you sometimes think that maybe we're the real monsters and not the zombies?"
The growl that escaped from Chris could undo the most hardened of men as murmured bitterly.
"Maybe I should beat you with a wrench."
Piers suppressed a snort that wanted to escape him. He ended up smiling so big that his lips began to hurt.
"I wouldn't be too hasty. Whose gonna cover your ass from monsters when we storm the main branch?"
"I survived Raccoon City. I can survive a piece of shit terrorist and his black market buddies."
"Does it ever go away, the memory of that place?"
Chris at this point opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and furrowed his brows. A part of him wanted to tell Piers to shut up and back off, yet there was an honesty inside of himself that beckoned to come forth.
"No," Chris admitted. "No it doesn't."
"Figures." Piers sighed.
"How did you wind up in this field again?" Chris asked, curious as to why his comrade sounded disappointed.
"Besides you scouting me?" Piers quipped. He hesitated before answering. "I lost some men and women from my original team to a bio attack. Back when I was first training in the army. Every one of them zombified. You know, when you asked me to join you and I heard about what you experienced, I thought--finally. Someone that gets it."
Chris made a face, still facing away from his partner while he let the tale sink in, not having the heart to ask for anymore details.
"I know I've made some questionable choices earlier that almost got us killed, I'm sorry."
"No," Chris let out a deep breath through his nose. "I was too harsh. You know, if you want to talk about what happened back then, I'll listen."
Piers turned his head toward Chris, staring at his back while thinking the offer over.
"Maybe we can take a rain check. It's a long story."
"I'll hold you to it." Chris muttered.
"Everyone on the team is alright." Piers reassured, thinking about earlier on in the day how both he and Chris got separated from the main group. "We'll see them again."
Chris didn't say a word for he didn't have the stomach to tell Piers that the chances of that were unlikely. Especially when Chris himself looked back while they escaped, watching as men and women he had known for years were torn apart in a violent frenzy by ravenous creatures that eerily looked human.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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aliclily · 2 years
(909)610-3890 Why is My Cash App Account Closed?
Hundreds of Cash App accounts are closed weekly for various reasons. Some are easier to explain than others. Generally, the most popular reason for a Cash App account closed is a legitimate infringement of the company's terms of service. You might be asked for additional documents or required to re-register. Consider re-considering your email provider if you have been receiving account closure emails. Some email providers, such as Gmail and Yahoo, offer a service that allows you to opt-out of receiving the company's emails.
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A Cash App closed my account issue may be due to a genuine infringement of the company's terms of service, or you may have been duped into revealing too much personal information. Regardless of the reason, you should always use a strong password.
If you do find yourself in this situation, you can take steps to re-activate your account and retrieve your hard-earned cash. If unsure what to do, check with Cash App's customer support team for a solution. In the event of account closure, you may be required to prove your identity or your financial status to get back into the program. You may also be required to link your Cash App account to your bank account.
Read This to Know >>  cash app direct deposit / cash app direct deposit pending
How to Reopen a Closed Cash App Account?
Whether you're looking to open a new Cash App account or reopen your old one, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. Those steps involve the use of the site's password reset function and the verification of your identity. Reopening a Cash App account is not difficult if you take the time to learn how. Once you've reopened your account, you can start earning rewards again.
If you're not sure how to reopen a closed Cash App account, follow the below-mentioned steps:
The first step is to gather information about your account. You'll need to provide a valid email address and mobile phone number. Also, it would help if you considered using a unique password to keep your account secure.
The next step is to check your account's status. You'll need to log in to your Cash App account from a different device. If your account is blocked, you can ask the Cash App assistant to unblock it.
How long does it take to recover closed Cash App account?
The process can take a couple of days, though you should be able to reopen your account within a week or so. You should always use a unique password because your account may be wiped out if you try to log in again with the same password. You can also update your contact information to prevent any future account suspensions.
The best way to reopen a closed Cash App account is to contact the customer support team. To do so, you'll need to find out why your account was closed in the first place. This can be as simple as forgetting your password or as complicated as having your account shut down for reasons beyond your control.
The Cash App customer support team can also explain what those above were all about and how you can get your money back. This can be done via phone, email or online chat. The customer support team will inform you if you're eligible for free account recovery.
While you're waiting, be sure to check out the site's other features. In addition to the reopening account function, Cash App offers a password reset service and a variety of other useful tools. Also, check your account's status to find out if your account has been blocked or suspended. This can help you avoid penalties and keep you in the loop.
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OlympTrade Demo Account
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I’ve been using trading platforms for some time now. It didn't take long to discover that every broker has their perks and idiosyncrasies. The difficulties can be quite frustrating at times mainly due to the fact that software is not perfect and with each new release, more bugs are ironed out. Consequently, I would end up having problems with my account or its usability which required contacting customer support for help.
A lot of traders are going to be asking themselves why they need a demo account if they're not trading with real money. The answer is: you need to learn how to trade with a demo account before you start using real cash. When you open an actual trading position, it's your responsibility to manage that position. The partner institutions will offer their support services for those accounts.
A demo account is a practice environment that helps new traders get familiar with the trading technologies offered by Olymp Trade. You can create a demo account on OlympTrader’s web interface as well as using the mobile app.
The accounts provide a real feel of the actual experience of trading with actual cash. Traders access real-time charts that depict market movements and real spreads. The main feature is the ability to open an account free of charge, withdraw their investment whenever they want, and close their individual trading account after they are satisfied with the quality of the service provided by the company.
With demo account, there's a chance to make profits, but they cannot be withdrawn. It is a very welcoming environment, mainly because it allows you to trade without having to worry about losing the money that you have deposited into the account. It is important to note that this demo platform does not offer you a real opportunity to earn. The trades that you make in demo mode will not be taken into consideration in case of winning real money. This is why it is highly recommended for beginners seeking for a learning tool to test the waters before making their first deposit.
The demo account of OlympTrade is available with a large number of market indicators: from chart scales and draw tools to real-time analysis, there is everything you might need in order to develop unique technical strategies. Not only can you trade without risking your own money, but also try out different strategies and approaches that might be suitable for you.
Open a demo account that will be as similar as possible to the real one. The same trading conditions, tools, and quotation lists are applied. After registration is completed, the demo version of the broker becomes available. 10,000 virtual currency units are received instantly, which can be spent testing the terminal and getting used to the system.
We strongly recommend that you spend at least a couple weeks learning and testing different strategies in the demo mode. Keep track of your trading performance and regularly compare it to the average profit your strategy generates.  When you feel confident enough to move on, you can easily move to a real money account.
When deciding on the right broker, it is essential to consider the capabilities of the demo account.  In our opinion, OlympTrade has one of the best demo accounts in the industry.  You can learn a lot before deciding to purchase real money because you will be trading in a risk-free environment using virtual cash.
A valuable lesson that beginners can learn from the demo mode is that trading is not as easy as it looks.  It requires time, patience and practice.   Also, traders are encouraged to address the psychological aspects of trading, so they can remain calm in all scenarios
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pinkgameboys · 2 years
Oh yeah I posted it on Twitter since I have a bigger following there and it was a d0n@tion post because I'm pretty fucked rn but uhhhh over the weekend apparently some worthless cuck piece of shit skimmed one of our cards and used it to spend FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED DOLLARS on a big dinner and a night out at the bar. 200$ at texas god damn roadhouse and 300$ at a fucking shitty grody downtown bar. We've been dealing with the bank trying to get it all refunded and once we get it back we're closing the account. But it's been a fucking nightmare.
We found the first 200$ charge that fully drained out account on Saturday night and then found out our bank has ZERO customer/fraud support outside of lobby hours and there is ZERO way to dispute charges through the app or website so we just had to sit and wait until Monday morning. Go in monday, blah blah they swiped a physical card supposedly and since we have our cards it must be a fake copy. Cancel that card and wait for a refund.
12 hours later we get that refund late last night and cool okay I guess we'll be okay. Wake up this morning to see that the 4 charges totaling 300$ went through now. Call cops and file a police report because now we're gonna be filing criminal charges against this guy as best we can. Back to the bank, find out that those charges were put in on Saturday night they just didn't go through because we didn't have the money to cover them but once we got our refund and I got one of my work paychecks, we now had enough money to pay those charges. File the report for the refund, cancel my card too and pull all the remaining cash out. Go to Wells Fargo to open a new account and we have to come back with an appointment because they're understaffed.
Oh also my paycheck has been the exact same since I started but this month is 110$ short and I've yet to get an explanation for why.
So anyway now it's just a shitty waiting game. Oh and another oh also, this all happened a few days before our power bill is due which means that's now gonna be a major hassle to deal with because both cards are cancelled and we don't have a new account yet. It's due the day after our Wells Fargo appointment and getting our power shut off due to nonpayment can get us evicted. I'd guess they might make an exception for us like they would if the power company had a sudden issue and wouldn't take payment but that doesn't really help how stressed I am.
And one more oh also, the paycheck I'm short on is the one for my car payment. Since I'm short, I don't have the money to pay my car payment this month until this gets fixed with my work. Fucking cartoonish levels of bonkers.
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cashaappcontact · 2 years
How to fix cash app transfer failed || cash app payment pending
Cash App Transfer Failed: Tips to Fix Cash App Payment Failed (847) 693 7872
(847) 693 7872 Why is my money transfer not working in the Cash app? Why does the Cash app transfer failed? How to solve the problem that the cash app cannot change? This is an important question that all Cash App users are concerned about. For everyone, the answer is the same. If something or something goes wrong, the payment will be lost in the Cash app.
Also, if you can't send, receive or add money using your Cash App account and you don't know why, it's time to contact us immediately, before it's too late. 
However, with the information provided in this article, you can easily fix cache app reset failure. Actually, we created this blog because we don't want cache app users to have big trouble. Now, without further ado, let's get to the point.
Cash App shows this transaction failed - Why?
You have to understand one thing. The Cash app is a mobile payment app. In other words, it is a digital service that sends, receives and stores money. Most people would agree that not all digital services are the same. Sometimes they misbehave. The same goes for the Cash app payment pending.
However, although the Cash App process is usually successful, sometimes certain payments fail on Cash App for various reasons and not the process. We have listed some of the most common reasons to help you understand the possible reasons why paid app cash app is not working or not holding. Watch them and don't make that mistake at the end.
Poor internet connection when sending, receiving and reloading money in the Cash app.
The balance in your wallet or bank account is insufficient. 
You entered incorrect card information in the Cash app.
The bank link or card has expired. Your bank has temporarily closed your account or there is a problem with the server.
You may be using an old version of the cash app that has expired.
Please note that the Cash app has certain limitations on sending and receiving. Make sure you don't go over the limit.
Make sure you don't break the Cash App rules. Don't do anything that makes you look like a suspicious Cash App user.
Why did the Cash App transfer fail for my protection?
Why does the Cash app say transactions are not available for my protection? This could be the next question. Let me explain. Some of you may get this notification on your phone's cash app. If so, please note that there is an issue with the safety and security of your account.
Whenever Cash App detects a threat to your security or that of your server, it automatically implements a silent yet powerful protection system. And refused to pay immediately. Now the million dollar question is, why aren't cash-per-app payments working for your protection? Why are cash in-app payments not safe and secure?
Creating and setting up a Cash App account with the wrong name, contact details, and banking information.
Using an IP address hiding tool such as VPN.
Remain logged in to the Cash App account on too many devices at the same time.
Using an open and public internet connection which is not safe and poses a threat to the Cash App server. 
Trying to manipulate the Cash App payment network and server.
Making too many large payments without confirming an identity on the Cash App.
Cash App transfer failed add to money
We hope you know that there are three ways to add money to your cash app account. First, you can use your debit card to collect money in the Cash app. Second, you can request money from a friend or family member using the Cash app. Third; You can collect money in the cash app from stores like Walmart, Walgreens, and Dollar General.
Now the question is: what problems do you face when add money to a Cash App card
Let's say you can't use your debit card to top up your cash app card. If so, it could be for the following reasons: your debit card has expired or you entered incorrect information such as the wrong card, wrong CVV code and wrong expiration date. In addition,
The Cash app does not change when loading cash from a credit card. Are you trying to add money to your cash app using your credit card? Wait! Stop immediately. Why? Because you cannot add money to the Cash app using your credit card. Additionally, other payments can be made with a credit card in the Cash app.
If you request money from your cash app contact and you do not receive anything, it means that the person who receives the request has rejected the request. On the other hand, if the application cannot pay in store, please use it after checking that there is no expiration date, damage or blocking of the payment card.
Cash App Transfer failed by bank
This is another case of cash app transfer not working. In this case, you should contact your bank. Your bank may have blocked your account or card due to unpaid balances. Or, your bank may have stopped your payment due to server maintenance. Only your bank can provide the correct information.
How can I fix the cash app not working?
Finally, here is the most interesting part of this article. How to manage a cash app instead of not working. It's simple. You need to make sure that you don't do anything that violates the cache app's policy. And practice safe internet usage when using Cash App. Here are some important points to remember:
Do not use VPN, insecure and slow internet connection.
Remember to keep the Cash App mobile application up to date.
Follow the Cash App limits and verify yourself as well.
Make sure you have entered correct and accurate information about yourself and your bank account. 
If you are unsure of your balance, please check your balance before paying.
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toobananadinosaur · 2 years
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Why does anyone want or need to use bitcoin?
Build a token bridge Bitcoin serves as a new kind of currency for the digital age. It works across international borders and does not need to be backed by banks or governments. Or at least that was the promise when it was created in 2009. The rise and volatility of bitcoin this year may be great for early investors, but it undermines its viability as a currency.
Right now, I can use my bitcoin holdings to pay for my Overstock purchases or make a hotel reservation on Expedia. But if I use bitcoin to buy $25 worth of socks on Overstock today, and the price of bitcoin quadruples next week, I'm going to feel like those socks actually cost me $100. On the other hand, if bitcoin falls, at least I will always have the socks.
Instead of a currency, bitcoin is being treated more like an asset, with the hope of reaping big profits in the future.
So is there anything really valuable about bitcoin?
Bitcoin is based on a blockchain, a public ledger that contains all the transaction data of anyone who uses bitcoin. Transactions are added to "blocks" or the code links that make up the chain, and each transaction must be recorded in a block.
Even bitcoin critics like have said they support the use of blockchain technology to track payments.
Bitcoin exchanges have a checkered history. once the largest exchange, closed in 2014 after losing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin following a hack.
LEE: Hackers would have stolen millions of dollars in bitcoins
the leading exchange is offered by Coinbase, a startup that has raised over $200 million from a number of top venture capital firms. Square, the payment service, is also launching a bitcoin product.
There are also bitcoin ATMs in scattered warehouses and convenience stores across the country, through companies like Coin source. ATMs allow you to exchange bitcoin for cash, or vice versa by scanning a QR code from the digital wallet app on your phone.
With Coinbase, you must first give the app permission to connect to your bank account. As with other stock trading apps, a small fee is paid for each transaction, purchase and sale. However, the transaction can take much longer.
My original $100 bitcoin purchase was not officially completed on Coinbase until Friday, more than a week after the transaction. The price I bought is still the same, but I won't be able to sell before Friday.
If the price crashes before then, I'm out of luck. There will be no socks for me.
Investing with Binance is very simple. To get started, make sure you've deposited some funds – there are options to trade pairs on BTC, ETH, BNB, and USDT.
what is bitcoin
Bitcoin is an independent and intangible digital currency . What differentiates this cryptocurrency from a common currency such as dollars or euros is that it does not belong to any State. In other words, what is Bitcoin and how does it work? Cross chain bridge development They are basically decentralized currencies as there is no central bank, government or financial institution or company that acts on it.
In the case of the euro, the Central Bank can intervene to affect the price through massive money issues or through interest rates. This is not possible with Bitcoin.
The control of Bitcoin rests with the users themselves. These are the ones who validate any operation through exchanges (Point to Point P2P), without state intervention or any institution. In fact, the structure itself makes it impossible to manipulate its value.
How can you invest in bitcoin in 2022
Bitcoin is the first digital currency to become popular. What differentiates Bitcoin from other attempts is its block chain or blockchain technology – later we will explain better what it consists of and we will give you an easy guide on blockchain, how it works and its relationship with cryptos –.
Two months later, in October, the first document explaining the design of the digital currency is published and in January 2009 the bitcoin network is officially born with the publication of the first open source code of a client. It is at that moment when the first Bitcoin block with 50 prize bitcoins is mined and the first shipment of this currency is made - later we will explain what bitcoin mining consists of -.
The first exchanges of Bitcoin for dollars are made as early as 2010 at a price of 1 BTC for $0.003. Also in 2010, one of the largest Bitcoin brokers, was created, which would later be famous for being the star of the biggest scam with this digital currency.
It is not until 2015 when Bitcoin begins to be legislated as a payment method – let us remember that this is its main function. That year the EU exempts operations with this virtual currency from VAT, while advancing the technology that allows mining and obtaining bitcoins faster.
It is at the beginning of the year when it exceeds 2,000 dollars and even 3,000 dollars per BTC. The reason, according to experts, is that the BTC would be losing value as a means of payment and would begin to have it as a financial asset, something
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How to unlock a cash app account, If the account is locked temporarily?
If you’re embroiled in Cash App unlock account situation, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll this situation can arise due to multiple reasons. However, you don’t need to worry at all. We’ve got some of the best solutions to take care of the issue. But before that, let’s take a look at what makes the app so appealing.
Cash App has carved a niche for itself when it comes to digital transfer of money. It’s the app that is supposed to be one of the most secure platforms for us if you want to transfer money online. This has what made the app a force to reckon with.
Is trouble having a Cash App account locked? Some easy steps are listed below for help:
If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to unlock a Cash App account, then you’ve come to the right place. Sometimes, you might just not be able to enter the app and use its services. Therefore, you need some alternative to tackle the situation. But if you’ve no idea how to proceed, then use our assistance.
We provide help in the form of short yet effective steps that’ll help you with the issue. Take a gander at some of the steps that are listed below to help you out.
Launch the application to start it
Enter the information such as mobile or email number
After entering the details sign in
These are the steps that can be applied to gain entry into the app. Therefore, if you wish to Cash App unlock your account, then the steps are listed above. But if this assistance is not enough, then you can use the steps that we’ve provided right below.
Can’t unlock the Cash App account? Follow the steps given below:
Are you witnessing a situation where you can’t unlock the account? If that’s the case, then you can use our help. Instead of trying to get back the old account, you can create a new one and merge it with the former. To apply this idea, you can use the steps, intended to help you, presented below.
Signup to make a new account of the app
Go on to press the profile icon on the upper left corner
You’ll get many options
Press the option ‘Personal’
Now enter the details like email and phone number
The steps presented above will help you create a new account that you can use to merge with the old one. These steps will ensure the fact that you’re able to use unlock the account. Therefore, if you get stuck, use the steps above.
In a nutshell, you can occasionally face a tech challenge as a Cash App account is closed. But you can also get out of situations like these. You need to just visit us. We provide assistance in the form of steps that turn out to be quite effective and helpful. Therefore, if you ever encounter a situation where you think you aren’t able to do something, then come to us.
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How to reopen my closed cash app account [Steps to Follow]
If your Cash App account has accidentally closed, then you can reopen it by contacting the customer support team of Square’s Cash App. If your account ever appears to be blocked or closed and even after trying to login via a new device if it doesn’t seem to be working, then you can reach out to the customer support team. 
Why did cash app close my account | Cash App Closed My Account
Another thing that you can try out is creating a new account on Cash App if you are no longer able to access your older account in any way. This way you can reach the customer support team through the app. 
Here are the steps for the same:
Go to the Cash App website and create a new account quickly.
Press the profile icon located on the Home Screen of the app.
Then, you can click the Support icon on the left.
Further, choose the Something Else option.
Then, choose “Can’t Access Account” and finally tap the Contact Support option.
Email Support – https://cash.app/international or https://cash.app/help
Website – https://cash.app/
Mailing Address – Cash App, 1455 Market Street Suite 600, San Francisco, CA – 94103
How to get unbanned from Cash App?
Getting unbanned from Cash Ap is only possible if your account has been locked or cash app account is closed by Cash App for unknown reasons. However, if the banning has happened due to fraudulent activities from your account or if it has been found that the account has been started with fake information, then the banning cannot be undone. 
Here’s how you can reverse the banning:
Go to the Cash App and sign in with your registered phone number or email id.
You will receive an OTP or sign-in code on your phone number or email id, whichever is provided by you for sign-in.
You need to enter the code and then hit the sign-in button.
If this doesn’t work out, then you can connect with a Cash App representative to unlock the account.
How do I withdraw money from my closed Cash App account?
You can cash out the amount from your Cash App account to your linked bank account or debit card.
You can go to the Cash App Home Screen and then tap the Cash Out option.
You need to further choose the Cash Out speed and then confirm your PIN.
Your funds will be reversed to your account within 1 to 3 days.
Cash App closed my account due to a violation {solution}
How do I access my closed Cash App account?
You can go to the profile section of the newly created account and click on the Support option. You can then choose the Something Else option and finally, the Can’t Access Account. Here you can find the Contact Support option.
What happens when you close your Cash App account?
You can no longer use your Cash App account and you will have to cash out the left-over money in your Cash App account.
Can I reopen a closed Cash App account?
Yes, you can by contacting the customer support team.
What does it mean when Cash App close your account?
After closing your account, you will not be able to send or receive money to others via cash or the account app. The cash card will stop working. In addition, all your bank and payment information is still in the cash register database.
How do I reactivate my Cash App account?
Access Old Account
Tap the profile icon on your Cash App home screen.
Tap Sign Out.
Then enter the phone number or email associated with the account you wish to access.
Follow the prompts.
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How to take my money from closed cash app account
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There are times when users encounter the issue of Cash App closed my account with money in it. This could be due to reasons such as the fact that users were using it for certain restricted activities that Cash App's terms and policies are not allowed. Cash App is a popular mobile payment application among users across both the USA and the UK. It was developed by Square, Inc and released in October of 2013.
  According to the information recorded in February of 2018, Cash App has 7 million users who have claimed Cash Card. It's a debit credit card that allows users to purchase things online as well as in-store. The Square Cash App Card is nearly everywhere, and accepts Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover credit or debit cards.
  In addition, the majority of government-issued cards are also accepted by the Cash app; however, depositing cash using these cards is not accessible. In addition, you can't transfer cash to ATM cards, Paypal, and business debit cards with the Cash App. Therefore, follow the following steps if you're employing Cash App to transfer and receive money, and your account was closed by the Cash App that has cash in it.
  Why would Cash App close my account?
 Although it is one of the most popular online payment services, Cash App is liable to be plagued by numerous issues and problems that leave its customers unhappy. For example, Cash App closed my account for violation of terms and services. Below are some of the problems that users face in Cash App:
  1. Cash App closed my account: You may encounter the issue of Cash App closed my account with money in it without notice and then sending an email to notify me. It could result from reasons such as users engaged the app in certain restricted activities that Cash App's terms and policies were not allowed. Cash App terms and policies.
  2. Suspension of Payouts: The Cash App can suspend transactions into the bank account and hold the minimum of 30-90 weeks in reserve accounts. Based on the Cash App payment terms as defined in section 14 of the policy, the necessity might arise to reserve for a reason, and the amount is reasonable to them to pay for the possibility of loss to Cash App.
 3. Users cannot gain access to Customer Support: Users might not contact the Customer Support department from Cash App because Cash App closed the account. This is because the number of mobile numbers you have to access the service disappears immediately once you close your Cash App account and the account is shut down, for which emails are unanswered. The merchants have no idea of what has happened.
  How to reopen a closed Cash App Account and have money in it?
  So, the only thing you have to do when you have your Cash App Account was closed is to call the support team of their company with all the necessary information.
 Here are some of the details that can help you get in touch with Cash App customer service -
  1. Cash App Website - https://cash.app/
2. Cash App Support - https://cash.app/help
3. Cash App Email Support - https://cash.app/international (Note: This URL will only work for USA and UK users.)
  In short, here are some resources that you can consult with a Cash App representative to reopen your closed Cash App account. Apart from this issue, additional Cash App complaints can be discussed with their customer service team.
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