#wicked poems
whimsylueur · 1 month
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"If she was trapped in somewhere like this," Valkyrie said, "that'd be it, though, wouldn't it? There'd be no chance of talking to her, of getting her to control herself or anything like that?"
"That would be impossible. The only reason Argeddion hasn't escaped is because he's been kept in an artificially induced coma. We can't allow him to wake up - ever. With Darquesse, it would be even more important to keep her sedated. If you give someone like that a moment of consciousness, she'd kill you and everyone else."
"Well," Valkyrie said, frowning, "that sucks."
Lament looked surprised. "You'd prefer the alternative?"
"No," she said quickly. "No, I was just thinking, from her perspective that sucks, not from our... Never mind. Could we have a copy of the plans?"
"I don't see why not," said Lament. "But do you have enough people to monitor her? Do you have anyone who'd be willing to give up the rest of their life to spend with her?"
"I would," Skulduggery said.
Imagining an instance where they actually brought this plan to life is so depressing, it does amazing things to my brain chemistry.
Anyway peep my mad man poetry in the tags x
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thewhumpcaretaker · 21 days
au - younger john wick in the ruska roma as a ballerina vincent who is a pianist and plays for the theatre sometimes send ask
Send ask? Nah, I’m sending a whole poem. It’s really bad but that’s okay.
I tried to make the English and French rhyme with each other. I hope I did okay with Google translate helping me! I didn’t pay any attention to number of syllables though, that’s…not gonna happen hahaaaa. Also, I guess I’m ignoring canon and assuming they’re roughly the same age in this.
⚜ 𝒫𝑒𝓃𝓈é𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓊 𝒫𝒾𝒶𝓃𝑜 [Thoughts at the Piano] & 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝑔𝑒 ⚜ 
Qu’êtes-vous lorsque vous bougez harmonieusement dans la lumière? [What are you, when you’re moving seamlessly in the light?]
What are you, pianist? Brilliant, precious rare…
Le mien pendant une demi-heure, en mouvement sur ma chanson. [Mine for half an hour, moving to my song.]
For half an hour, I have a peaceful purpose. Then you’re gone.
J'espère que je joue bien pour vous. Mes mains tremblent... [I hope I play well for you. My hands are shaking…]
You make me steady with determination. I could dance a year en pointe.
J'aime quand tu danses. Je vois votre terrible cruauté. [I like it when you dance, I see your terrible cruelty.]
I like it when you play, I see your innocent beauty.
Dans vos yeux, il y a de profonds bassins de vengeance. [In your eyes, there are deep pools of vengefulness.]
Behind your eyes, there is a hollow, lonely trance.
Je t'ai vu cacher un livre d'histoires d'amour. Tu tuerais par amour? [I saw you hide a book of love stories. Would you kill for love?]
I saw you crying in an empty opera box. What do you live for?
Une ombre marche au-dessus de vous : cette femme redoutée. [A shadow walks above you: that dreaded woman.]
A shadow waits in France, to take you from me.
Je mettrais mon couteau contre elle si je le pouvais. [I would put my knife against her if I could.]
If only I could cut him down and let you stay…
J'espère que nous nous reverrons. Ne m'oubliez pas, s'il vous plaît. [I hope we meet again. Don't forget me, please.]
I’ll find you again. Keep a song alive within you for that day.
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fliegenengel · 1 month
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Cat Shed Motel
Soeren Baptism, truck tarpaulin, 2023
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gelphiegifs · 1 year
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"Because I knew you..."
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recurring-polynya · 6 months
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i want the boots rukia is wearing in this color spread more than anything
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sprinkleofnaomi · 6 months
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chaotic3metanoia · 21 days
To be loved is to be known
My curiosity is affection,
The pain, devotion.
Prove your faith.
Let your blood serve as my paint
and your screams as my melody.
Let me turn all your darkness
into masterpieces.
I swear, darling
You'll feel sacred afterwards.
You just need to be on your knees.
Beneathe my feet .
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alullinchaos · 5 months
[ if it all ends... meet me in the meadow where the flowers never die, meet me under the bridge where the waters never dry (if it all began anew) i think i could only try again with you under a summer sun with a haze like golden fruit in a world where the years keep repeating i hope for our meadow-and-sun meeting. ]
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jamietukpahwriting · 1 month
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From "Lessons From the Not-So-Wicked Witch for Dorothy" in Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill
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li-caelia · 26 days
Don't care if I'm petty, if my sister did the things Taryn did, report her missing IMMEDIATELY.
Jude was so strong for forgiving her ass🙄
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fangbangerghoul · 4 months
I experience horrors at night macabre and circus alike rituals and concious dead bodies i wonder if my mind does it out of spite for the times i push the grief down when it feels unecessary telling myself, later and that never comes but when the dreams begin im greeted with a maze of nightmares with a cynical smile of relief
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thewhumpcaretaker · 6 months
❤️ Whumpril IV - Swaying ❤️
Poems from the perspective of Caretaker.
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Oh, will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you fall? The world all holds its breath to watch you sway. No, boys. A slow song’s coming on, that’s all. I won’t, I will not, watch him die this way.
May I cut in and steal this dance from Death? With my hand on your waist, yours ‘round my neck, with drumming, nervous hearts and halting breath, let me lead you, swaying, from this wreck.
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laylaslibrary · 1 year
"All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever."
-Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
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divinerivals · 1 year
Gentlemen of virtue are not nearly as nice
As the wickedly sinful men of vice
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dreamydespair · 5 months
My clouded mind gave way to the reign
Of my heart she’d assume, without disdain
I let her invade, and surrendered my brain
But all that she brought me was trauma and pain
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castlelockandkey · 7 months
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- Castlelock
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