musicalmoritz · 16 days
CEO of “I hate my wife” jokes
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thelunarfairy · 3 months
What mysteries do these eyes hide?
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skywalkr-nberrie · 17 days
Anakin’s love and marriage to Padmé wasn’t the issue of why he fell to the dark side. He was already being groomed by Palpatine in becoming his apprentice, and Padmé not being there wouldn’t have changed that. She just made it easier. Anakin was born a slave, which doesn’t leave him in the right headspace, and ever since Shmi died, Anakin became more unstable. Inevitably, he became more obsessed with control and wanting the power to stop the ones he loves from dying. Had Padmé not been in his life, Anakin still would have fallen due to Palpatine’s manipulations and topped with the Jedi’s mistreatment of Anakin. The Jedi and even OW failed Anakin in a way where Anakin came to a point where he doubts their faith in him, and he in return loses his trust him them. He says so himself in the ROTS novel. None of that had anything to do with Padmé.
But to insinuate that Anakin only cared for gaining “power” and essentially his “greed” is to blame for his actions, is super reductive understanding of his character. Yes, Anakin was greedy for control, and power. But not because he’s power hungry and wants to rule the galaxy. He only ever wanted more power to keep his loved ones safe, to assume control over what happens to him. (and this would’ve happened even if he and Padmé weren’t together.) saying that if Anakin “truly cared about saving his wife”, he would have told OW or any of the masters about his situation but didn’t because he was “greedy” is again, incorrect. Because Anakin DID go to the Jedi for advice. He talked to Yoda. Anakin put his faith into the Jedi but they didn’t exactly lead him down the path he needed.
Doubled with the fact that he knows the Council doesn’t trust him, and him not being sure he can trust them, (yes, including OW.) this led him to seeking answers in other and more dangerous places. Which was Palpatine. Whom Anakin is already vulnerable to and was being groomed by. Anakin’s fall to the darkside was due to his desperation and desire to save his wife, the love of his life. Not because he was greedy for more power and that he didn’t truly care about saving Padmé. That’s just a bad analysis of his character, intentions, and motivations. Anakin only became obsessed with the idea of “gaining power to rule and obtain authority” happened AFTER he fell. And that’s because the darkside plays with your sanity like that, makes you want and do things you normally wouldn’t do or want.
The main point is: Anakin’s fall doesn’t stem from his greed for wanting power because he seeks heroism, status, and authority. It was out of genuine love and desperation for his wife. Then again, his marriage to Padmé also isn’t to blame for his fall, because that was due to Anakin’s own fear of loss and abandonment. He would’ve fallen under any circumstance, with how unstable, vulnerable, and manipulated he was. That was the tragedy. He was always doomed to fall.
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legend-of-cupcake · 9 months
Every once in a while, my mind goes back to the Little Mermaid arc. Specifically back to that one panel we all collectively love.
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It's a great example of both Hanako's possessiveness and indirectness. Hanako acknowledges the mermaid world would be kind to Nene, especially compared to their current world which is cruel (because it has destined for Nene to die). And yet, to Hanako it doesn't matter.
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It doesn't matter. Hanako doesn't care about any of that.
The only thing that matters is that he likes Nene. He wants her to stay with him, in this world, because he likes her.
But you would have to choke those words out of him-- and even then good luck getting him to admit it-- because Hanako has never been the most direct person, has he?
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Can't admit he thinks Nene is pretty.
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Says he wishes time would stop, but really he doesn't want this moment with Nene to end, because he doesn't want to say goodbye.
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Constantly talks like he's just doing his job as a boss to protect his "assistant," but it's nothing more than a convenient excuse. It's not that he feels responsible for her, it's that he cares and worries about her, but refuses to put into words and therefore disguises it.
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Nene manages to figure this one out on her own, but yes, Hanako wanted to save her by his own hand and no one else's. If he couldn't save her, then perhaps in another timeline Hanako wouldn't have let anybody else do it either. It's him or no one.
Hanako isn't direct, you have to often read in-between the lines to figure out what he really means. And frankly, from the way Hanako tightly clutches Nene to him in the Little Mermaid arc, I think it's very clear this isn't about her wants or feelings.
Also I want to add that Hanako had absolutely no idea that Nene initially decided to stay with him, but that hadn't even entered his equation when he fished her out. And immediately after, starts talking about her as though she was his belonging.
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He never directly says any of this, because that's not who Hanako is, but throughout his entire interaction with Nene and the fish in this chapter, Hanako was basically saying:
"I don't care if your world would be kind to her. I like Yashiro, she belongs to me, and you cannot have her."
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aunt-bridget · 10 months
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Domestic harmony was achieved by successfully swapping the traditional gender roles. Your wife was very pleased at your transition. Her well worn nylons reminding you of her dominant scent….
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box-radio · 4 months
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"don't worry"
This was a wip wip for a month but its finally done!!
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theboarsbride · 4 months
POV: bear wife is ovulating🩸🐻‍❄️
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antisocial-author · 8 days
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SELFIE WITH MY HUSBAND (gender neutral)
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rathologic · 8 months
I've always found Alexander Saburov interesting, especially P1 Rubin's take on him where he tells how Alexander in incognito saved people from burning house and went unrecognized for the deed (nor flaunted it). Wonderful and easy to miss characterization.
YES saburov's fucked up sense of performing duty by putting himself at risk... my favorite... have had thoughts brewing in response to this that aren't quite cooked enough yet but it's very much a gendered standard that he holds himself to IMO, of idealized masculinity as a responsibility. as an active role and as the way things must be done. making the choices that he thinks need to be made regardless of how bad they are for him. pairing beautifully with katerina's self-destructive attempts to conform to the extremely feminine-gendered role of mistress, pairing wonderfully with the two of them's catastrophic attempt to conform to the heteropatriarchal nuclear family archetype by adopting the changeling :^) and especially how this is a function of how saburov relates to his Job, a role that's been passed down in his family and Actually Is critical to the function of the Town, inescapably so as long as the system of rulers exists
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lanaisdoe · 10 months
Some things never change...
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...For better for worse, in sickness and in health...
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They have always been meant to burn together...
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huellitaa · 5 months
shakespeare envies the literary genius of the teenage girl
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
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We need more Ghost Hotel Aoinene angst. There’s so much potential here, with them being friends (or even girlfriends) while Aoi was alive and then Nene going through the whole process of mourning her, only to find her again when she stumbles upon the hotel. People usually focus on Mitsukou, HanaNene, and Terukane(aoi) when it comes to this au and I totally get that but c’mon, Aoinene shippers!! We need to get our heads in the game
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msommers · 1 year
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FROM APHRODITE AND THE LOVERS, TO OUR LITTLE DOVES 🕊️💌 to celebrate the release of the ethereal lovers club, we're offering a limited-edition cassette of the album exclusively for our top fans on spotify. a limited quality is available for this offer - until april 30th or while supplies last - so act quickly!
mc & band for @infamous-if [templates]  [psd]
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mercyedes · 5 months
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god bless america. my hambone photocards 🫡 💜
also look at how cute the backs are hehe :
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taymartiart · 4 months
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Contract Bound by Elle Mae
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yescking · 1 year
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aidaro rlly went n gave us canon college au mitsukou unprompted
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