#wildfire smoke can you folks
As a resident Canadian who also woke up one day and found that my windows were colored a bright, hazy orange; -The Eastern parts of the U.S are the most heavily affected areas right now. If your skies are orange or yellow I do not suggest going outside -Because if you breath the smoke it can very slowly kill you -If you need to for some reason (your boss is stupid, school board is stupid, etc), wear a mask, try to take public transport (not your car, it can increase the emission levels), and try not to run around or do any sporting activities -People living in the South also have a high chance of getting the smoke blown their way -Anything above a 7 on the AQHI is a health hazard -If you have respiratory conditions or a compromised immune system do not go outside unless it's for emergencies -If you go outside and you cannot see the highest building in your town/city/area the air quality is too bad for you to go outside
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asumofwords · 10 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Aemond listening to the reader? Testing her knowledge and conflict resolution skills? Testing her intelligence and ability to help ? OOF, pussy purring. Hehe, here's another chapter, Enjoy <3
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Chapter 95: An Offering 
The intimate Dining Hall was full of the Small Council, but instead of the usual calm and relaxed chatter amongst each other, there was tension and unease that spread like wildfire across the table.
It was something you had not quite seen before.
“The rising rebellions can be seen as just an act of the small folk fighting amongst each other.” Ser Otto Hightower argued, looking at Lord Jasper Wylde across the table with something that couldn’t be described as anything else but exacerbation. 
They had been going at it for quite some time, back and forth, all the while, Aemond and yourself watched on silently with the King. 
“And what could be said for the tradesmen who travelled up the Red Fork, only to be commandeered by a small fleet of fishing boats ‘by order of the King’.” Lord Jasper Wylde snapped, cutlery crossed over his half eaten meal.
“Rhaenyra and her council will have to see reason, and know that there were no orders for such an attack.” Otto replied stiffly, eyes flitting over to you, then back to the Master of Law.
Jasper Wylde gave a mirthless laugh, “You expect her and her rabid husband to accept such a thing? They will see this as an act of war. There will be retaliation!”
You frowned, hands twisting against your cutlery at the insult thrown at your father.
“Then let us go to war.” Aegon said boredly, twirling the goblet of ale in his hand, “We have the largest dragon. It is not as if we aren’t waging a silent one with my half-sister and her bastards. We already have her prized daughter here as a bartering piece.”
The taste of copper filled your mouth as you bit your tongue.
“We cannot afford another war.” Otto sneered at his grandson, “To expect that we can would be a farce.”
Aegon sighed loudly, and leant back in his chair, “Then hang the men responsible.”
Lord Wylde all but spluttered into his cup, “And show our men that we see their loyalty as a crime? Your Grace, we must treat this with the utmost delicacy. We already stand on razors edge, one false dip could send us careening over a side that we cannot come back from. Rhaenyra has more support from noble Houses and the common folk than we do. And as it stands, they have the numbers.”
A throbbing headache began to bloom behind your eyes at the constant bickering of men who, for reasons unknown but the cock between their legs, had more power than you. You rested your elbows on the table and rubbed your face with you hands, sighing.
“And we have Aemond.” Aegon mused, sipping his ale, “Brother, I think it is time you see to the rebellions in Riverrun.”
“Your Grace-“ Aemond began, your eyes snapping up to him as your heart began to thump in your chest.
He was going to be sent away again.
“You will treat with the common people and the Lords of the noble Houses at Riverrun who are loyal to me. See to it that you ease their concerns and answer their questions.”
Aemond's jaw ticked.
Aegon smiled at the table, clapping his hands together, “Right, that settles it then. The Prince will go speak with the people.”
Lord Jasper leant forward on the table, “A great bloody war dragon seen flying atop Rhaenyra’s lands could be seen as a threat or act of defiance. Sending Aemond and having him be seen to be treating-“
“- Hasn't stopped him from flying to Harrenhal to fuck his whore. Dead whore, sorry.” Aegon turned to face Aemond, who was still beside you, “We have trade boats go up the Red Fork, do we not?”
“Yes.” Aemond spat.
“Then make it seem as though you are doing business. Talk about taxes or whatever you spoke to me of the other day.” The King's hand fluttered in the air in irritation and dismissal.
Arrogant Cunt.
Aemond’s jaw clicked audibly, and you did not move to console him with his hand as you usually would. You left him to sit in his anger whilst you sat with yours, hands pressed together in a tight ball atop the table.
“This could take some time to find the men responsible and speak with them.” Aemond began, tone clipped, “If they have travelled back down the Red Fork, who is to know where they may be.”
“Then you best hurry and find them.” Aegon snipped, patience dwindling, and cup of ale empty.
“It may take more than a moons time.” Aemond’s voice came out as a growl.
“Then make quick work of it so it is not.”
Aemond sucked in a sharp breath, adams apple bobbing with the heavy swallow he took, “Might I take my Lady Wife with me for the journey. It would be good for the people to see-“
“-No.” Aegon smiled sweetly, “She is to stay in the Keep.”
“Your Grace-“ Lord Jasper Wylde began, but Aegon’s quick snap of his head to the Master of Law soon silenced him completely.
Your breaths came in short and broken stutters, panic rising inside of you. 
Aegon had been quiet too long. 
Far too long. 
And now, he had shown his hand.
Your palms began to sweat, and so you dropped them into your lap, wiping them against the skirts of your gown nervously.
Aemond was going again.
Perhaps, for a long time.
And although there was no whore to greet him, his absence would come at a cost.
Your safety.
You blinked angrily at the King before standing slowly, holding your smiling uncle’s gaze for a beat more before you turned on your heel, and left the chambers without so much as a word of goodbye.
The walk back to your chambers was a daze, and you did not even register that Aemond was following after you with quick and angry steps.
You moved into the chambers, moving to slam the doors shut, which Aemond caught with his fist, closing it behind him. Your heart raced in your chest as you breathed.
“Don’t go.” You turned to face him, watching as he moved across the chambers angrily, chest rising and falling shallowly.
“Don’t go.” You repeated, voice steady.
Aemond watched you.
“He’s going to have me again. You know this, don’t you?” You breathed, trying to keep your composure, and swallow down the fear that climbed up your throat.
Aemond didn’t respond.
“Don’t you?” You sneered.
Aemond blinked, “I won’t let him.”
You shook your head agitatedly, “And how will you do that? You are leaving for more than a moons time! How in the Seven Hells do you expect to be able to keep him from me.”
"Mother knows-"
"Fuck your mother." You sneered, "She let him have me in the first place. She knew and she let him. Just like she has let him with all the other girls before me. With Helaena. With the maids. The young girls in Flea Bottom. Like how you are to let him."
"You think I want to fucking leave you here with that cunt?"
"You do naught else but obey his command like a fucking dog! You are his pet that he throws a bone to, and you wag your tail and thank him. Will you do jumps for him next?"
Aemond shot across the room, hand grabbing your chin roughly as his fingers pinched your skin, breath fanning across your face, "Do you enjoy pushing me to this? Pushing me to anger? Do you have any idea of what I could do to you?" His voice lowered.
"I know all too well of what you are capable of, and I also know what you are incapable of. Namely, keeping your wife safe from your brother. Standing up to the King who doesn't even do his fucking job. You are a slave to your family, and the only thing of value you have to them is your anger."
Aemond jerked your head away roughly, pain striking in the back of your neck as he sneered in your face, "And what of you? Clever remarks and snarky words with no real power? Do you expect me to kill him?"
"Yes. For I would have for you." You snapped, and Aemond's eye twitched, anger simmering dangerously, "I expect you to fucking do something. Anything! If he comes to me, Aemond, my blood is on your hands."
The One-Eyed Prince stood in the centre of your shared chambers, staring at you with a look you could not decipher. 
"Do you hear me?" You spat.
"Do you realise if I refuse his command, he will lock me away as a traitor, and then you will be left to him. Alone. And no one will be there to help you, or tell him no, or keep his depravity away. You do not know him as I do. You have not seen what he has done to others. His attack on you was nothing in comparison to what Helaena had faced. Do you know he watches his bastards in the fighting pits? Watching as he is pleasured by others. I am doing all I can to protect you."
You swallowed thickly, feeling fear prickle across your skin and in the back of your skull.
"You are not doing enough!"
"It will never be enough."
“Take me with you.” You stepped towards him, knee knocking against his, desperation on your lips, “Take me with you. I will ride with you. Do not leave me here.”
Aemond looked away, jaw tensed, “You know I cannot.”
You moved swiftly, grasping his hand to bring his gaze back to you, “Then let us run away together.”
Aemond’s violet eye locked onto your face, the iris alight with fire.
Your hand gripped his tightly, “Give me Vermithor. We can go where we want. Anywhere. Be who we want to be. Fuck duty. Fuck the Crown. Fuck it all. I only need you. Just you and me. We could go anywhere. Dorne. Essos. We could explore the world that has not yet been discovered. Start a new life together.” 
The Prince looked shocked. 
Shocked by your desperation. 
Shocked by your proposition. 
And shocked that you wished to take him with you.
“What holds us here but pain and misery? We could go anywhere we wanted. We ride the largest dragons in the world. Who could stop us? We could start anew. Start a family that isn’t threatened at every moment. No more war. No more Aegon. Just us.” The words kept tumbling from your lips before you could hold them back, like sand slipping between the cracks of your fingers.
“I promise you, he will not touch you.”
Scoffing you stepped back and away from him, snatching your hands away from his, eyes searching his face.
Anger rose above the fear. 
“And what are you going to do? Lock me in these chambers so that no one can come in nor out? Are my days to be spent in the walls? There is no preventing him from getting me. He is the King! The only way for him to not have me is if he was dead. And he’s not. You’re leaving me to be raped by him once more.”
You spun on your heel, feeling the betrayal of tears begin to prick at your eyes, “What if I become pregnant with his child? I cannot go through that again. My heart feels as though it is going to burst forth from my ribs. I am at the end of my rope, kepus. My blood is already on your hands.” 
You walked towards the bed sensing finalisation of what was to come, the cruelty, the abandonment, all of it. And it was too much to bear. You needed to be away. You needed to feel safe. You needed to breathe, and the gown around your body restricted you from doing so.
You ripped at the laces of your gown, letting it fall to the floor at your feet before climbing into the sheets in a desperate attempt to cover yourself and hide.
"You are condemning me to his will." You whispered, memories of his body atop yours flickering behind your eyelids, the sound of his grunts, the smell of his wine laced breath.
The tide overflowed, and tears began to fall, small broken sobs being ripped from your chest. You curled onto your side, hugging your arms to yourself as you thought of what was to come. 
The inevitable. 
And there was nothing you could do. 
Nothing that he would do.
The bed dipped beneath Aemond’s weight as you cried, and the warmth of his arms surrounded you as he pulled you against him, tucking your head beneath his chin to let you cry. 
“This will be our undoing.” You cried, “It will ruin us.”
Aemond stayed quiet, and held you closer, the steady beat of his heart calming you only just.
Soon, you drifted to sleep, tears staining your cheeks in the arms of the man who would leave you to the cruelty of his brother come the morning.
And when the sun rose, and your eyes blinked open, you felt the grip around you tighten further, and the mumbling of your husbands voice atop your head. 
“…Se vīlībāzmio…Tepagon nyke kustikāne…Tepagon zirȳla… Kustikāne… Kepa… Dohaeragon…” The warrior... Give me strength.... Give her.... strength... Father... help...  
Aemond was praying.
“They won’t listen.” You murmured, “No matter how hard I pray, they won’t listen.”
Aemond’s chest rose beneath you, stilling, before he let out the rough breath.
You turned in his arms, face looking up to his, “Valzȳrys,” Husband, You whispered, “Kostilus.” Please.
Aemond’s lips twitched, the corners pulling down into a subtle frown. 
His answer.
I can't.
The lump you had swallowed in your sleep formed in the back of your throat again, and your eyes began to sting, "Jorrāelagon nyke istin tolī pār.” Love me once more then.
Once more before Aegon.
Once more before I die.
Once more before I throw myself from Maegor's Holdfast.
Once more to feel your love.
Aemond rolled you onto your back, climbing on top, not wasting a single moment after your request. It was rushed, it was raw, and he gripped your chemise and ripped it up and off your body to dive his fingers between your legs. 
And yet, you weren’t wet enough for him, fear and sorrow taking your mind elsewhere, so he took his fingers away and spat into his palm, rubbing his saliva over your cunt before pulling his cock out with the other hand.
You tilted your hips up to meet him, and Aemond slid inside of you in one quick movement. 
The stretch stung, but you revelled in the pain as he began to fuck into you quickly, frustration and anger wound tightly in the movement of his hips. You let the tip of his cock beat against the end of your walls and you clenched around him tightly, gasping in the sheets beneath.
His lips met your neck, kissing and sucking against the skin as he marked you, teeth nipping your throat as he continued to thrust against your walls. 
Aemond sped up, one hand snaking down your body to hike your leg up on his hip to piston himself deeper within you, low whines falling from your lips as you arched up into him, the familiar blooming of warmth settling in your gut.
The chambers were filled with the desperate slapping of his hips meeting yours, the soft slick sounds of your cunt squelching between you. 
“Fuck.” Aemond growled, pushing to the limit, his release coming on suddenly as he filled you up with his seed. 
You panted below him, your own release unattended to, and dwindling as he stilled within. You blinked up at the ceiling, Aemond’s head tucked into your shoulder as he breathed before he slowly slid out of your walls. 
You whimpered beneath him, feeling each ridge of his cock catch against the sensitive walls of your cunt. But instead of Aemond pulling out completely, he stilled, leaving the head of his cock within you before thrusting back inside, slower this time.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he shuddered above you, pushing into your wet heat, his seed leaking down out of you and onto the bed below with each thrust.
His hips were pressed snug against you as he rolled, pelvis snagging your pearl with each roll, building your release inside.
“Avy jorrāelan.” I love you, He breathed into your neck, pressing wet kisses into the crux of your shoulder, “Shijetra nyke.” Forgive me.
You whined, tilting your hips to meet his with every thrust, feeling your release mount.
“Iksan vaoreznuni.” I’m sorry, "Shijetra nyke. Shijetra nyke.” Forgive me.
Forgive me.
Tears pricked at your eyes as you held him tightly against you, and soon the coil within you snapped, your body pressing up into him as you writhed beneath, his second peak being pulled from him by your fluttering walls.
You lay beneath him, quivering from your release, and feeling the warm glow seep from your body slowly, and coldness seep into your bones.
He was going.
The first tear fell, and then the next. 
They fell until you could not stop them, and they rolled down your cheeks fatly as you blinked up at the ceiling, chest heaving. 
Aemond pulled his neck and looked down at you from above, wiping the tears that fell from your eyes, “Nyke kivio.” I promise, The Prince cooed, letting you sob beneath him, still pressed inside of you,  “Nyke kivio, kesan sagon arlī aderī. Nyke kivio ao. Nyke kivigon naejot ao. Daorys kessa ōdrikagon ao hae bōsa hae iksā ñuhon.” 
I promise, I will be back soon. I promise you. I swear to you. No one shall harm you as long as you are mine.
You shifted beneath him, his softening cock sliding out from inside of you as you turned your head away from him, covering your face. His heat stayed above you for a moment, and then disappeared, the bed dipping as he moved out of it. 
This was it.
Aemond was leaving.
And Aegon would have you again. 
There was no escaping it. 
The sobs that fell from your lips were not hidden, or quiet, but filled the chambers loudly. It was the sorrow of being alone. The sorrow of what was to come. The inability to avoid it. The yearning for him to stay.
Shuffling moved about the chambers, and footsteps came to the side of the bed quickly. A hand pulled yours away from your face, and you blinked up at your husband who sat on the edge of the bed looking at you. 
He was dressed, and looked a blur of black leather from behind your tears. 
He was going to leave. 
He was leaving. 
Aemond whispered your name, twice, waiting for you to truly see him, and see what he was holding out to you. You blinked your eyes, clearing them of the tears as your vision cleared.
There, in the open palm of his wide and pale hand, skin raised beneath by the scar of your union, was a dagger.
Your eyebrows were drawn as you sat up in the bed, looking to your husbands impassive face and then back down to his palm.
“It's yours. Take it.” He whispered to you, “Please.”
The blade itself had the clear markings of Valyrian steel, its metal having its own distinct and cloud like pattern along the blade, a dark silver mottled with even darker flecks.
The handle however, was gold. 
Two dragons curled around each other on the hilt of the blade, their necks and tails almost chasing each other, never quite in reach. And in each claw was a stone.
One of onyx.
One of emerald.
The dragons mouths were opened, sharp pointed teeth bared to the world. 
You looked back up at Aemond.
“Perzys Ānogār.” He whispered.
Fire and Blood.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
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Bold is who I cannot tag!
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Adaine Abernant S3 Character Playlist: Side A
So many feelings, so many. Here's to our overworked teenage oracle of all.
Genres Include: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop-punk
1. Custom Concern, Modest Mouse
Their custom concern for the people Build up the monuments and steeples To wear out our eyes I get up just about noon My head sends a message for me to reach for my shoes and then walk Gotta go to work, gotta go to work, gotta have a job Goes through the parking lot fields Doesn't see no signs that they would yield and then thought This'll never end, this'll never end, this'll never stop
Yeah, obviously, this is about spending so much of your time devoted to a job and losing your mind about it. There are a lot of songs about hating your job, but I don't think they capture the level of dissociation and disillusionment like this one.
2. Why Am I Like This?, Orla Gartland
Last night, I smoked a cigarette My dad would have been so upset Then we got tattoos by the coast Maybe I'm an old soul trapped in a young body Maybe you don't really want me there at your birthday party I'll be there in the corner, thinking right over Every single word of the conversation we just had So why am I like this? Why am I like this?
I can just imagine Adaine getting to experience so much of "normal" teenage life now that she's not controlled by her parents, getting to be the party wizard, getting to be the cool girl with the best friends, and knowing that she still has that little voice in the back of her head.
3. I Don't Know You, Mannequin P*ssy
I know one, two things I have heard about you But I wouldn't tell you No, I couldn't tell you I know three, four things that they say about you But I wouldn't tell you No, I couldn't tell you I know a lot of things I know a lot of things But I don't know you
Adaine's exchanges with Oisin really took me off guard, just because romance has kind of never been able to be on her plate the past two seasons. It totally makes sense, she was dealing with the worst abusive family ever, but also that means that 17-year-old cool girl adaine is absolutely clueless about this stuff (not to say that Oisin is any better).
4. Boreas, The Oh Hellos
Making lists, folding laundry Keeping tidy with my radio show I'd be lying if I told you I'm keeping tidy anymore Yeah, I swing from believing That maybe my working will all pay off To considering drinking with Molotov I'm halfway out the door Maybe then my breath could embody A wildfire starting I'd sweep up the forest floor And my body'd breath life into the corners Be a darker soil
This song, in particular, is MY burnout song. It's one of my favorites, and it (Romans 10:9 by The Mountain Goats) is what I listen to when I just can't take it anymore. Also I love to pepper in a little bit of rage/fire/red imagery into each of the characters since I think we can all tell what brennan has cooking down the line 👀
5. Running Out Of Time, Paramore
Never mind, I hit the snooze on my alarm twenty times But I was just so tired There was traffic, spilled my coffee, crashed my car, otherwise Woulda been here on time Shoulda, coulda, wouldn't matter, ultimate alibi You know it's a lie There was a fire Metaphorically Be there in five Hyperbolically
Obsessed with this song and the entire album, Ms. Williams (and the rest of Paramore, by extension) have my entire heart. I also like that we have cross over with having Cest Comme Ca on the Kristen playlist and this song here. I really like the dreamy quality this one has for Adaine though (could almost say trance-like ha ha)
6. How to Boil an Egg, Courtney Barnett
Pull yourself together, pick myself apart Nothing lasts for never so be still my bleeding heart Oh I've been dreaming, dreaming of a brand new start Yeah, I've been dreaming, dreaming of a brand-new start Oh, you have a great abundance of axes there to grind Remember some people have real problems next time you whine Oh, hang the washing Hang the washing on the line Yeah, hang the washing, hang the washing on the line
I just think she should start charging for prophecies. Like those tarot readers/astrologers on like etsy. People (elves) should fantasy venmo the oracle and she should turn her unpaid position into a lucrative business. Extort some hoity toity elves.
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folks should try a local museum for a bit of smoke-free haven if they need it. the HVAC is often significantly better than what you can get from residential or commercial spaces to protect the collections. e.g. in Edmonton where intense wildfires are just part of every summer, people will shelter in the RAM lobby for some relief if they can't get home/don't have a home.
at home, a corsi-rosenthal box will help a lot with filtration. for general day-to-day if you have to be outside a lot/are very sensitive to the smoke, get a proper reusable respirator, they're not too expensive ($25-50 usually for 3M)
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Fifth Avenue today, midtown Manhattan. Nothing to see here folks, just move along. H/t @Bremmerian. [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * * *
Before addressing the climate crisis implications of the shroud of smoke enveloping the East Coast, let’s acknowledge the most urgent aspect of the pall: The smoke represents an urgent health threat to tens of millions of Americans. If you can, stay indoors and follow the guidance issued by state and local health officials. The fine particulate matter in the smoke is dangerous to your health, especially for the elderly, children, and people with breathing issues. The New York Department of Environmental Conservation issued a health advisory, which states in part:
Fine particulate matter consists of tiny solid particles or liquid droplets in the air that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter. Exposure can cause short-term health effects such as irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and shortness of breath. Exposure to elevated levels of fine particulate matter can also worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease. People with heart or breathing problems, and children and the elderly may be particularly sensitive to PM 2.5.
See Updated Air Quality Health Advisory —NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
          Please take the advisory seriously. Don’t try to prove how tough you are by running, biking, playing tennis, etc., despite dangerous levels of smoke. And don’t let others in your life do so.
          The situation on the East Coast is an immediate threat to health. But so are the short-term, medium-term, and long-term effects of human-caused climate change. Unfortunately, the effects of climate change are incremental and imperceptible over the short term—until they are not. Although no single weather event constitutes “climate change,” unusual weather trends are warning signals we must not ignore. When regions experience three consecutive “thousand-year floods” in three years, or when the intensity of hurricanes steadily increases with warming oceans, and when both coasts of the continental US experience deadly smoke events caused by massive wildfires in the span of two years, there is a signal in the noise that we ignore at our peril.
Jessica Craven
Writes Chop Wood, Carry Water
It just so happens I spent the afternoon putting together a resource doc of ways we can help.
[ https://www.notion.so/I-want-to-do-more-on-CLIMATE-72a3416371ff426392512a69874adff8]
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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brilokuloj · 11 months
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Hey folks! Last you heard from me, I was e-begging for $1000 to cover a fraction of the cost of moving, after burning hundreds of dollars on getting rejected from apartments.
We are still not making enough income to qualify for any apartment's 3x income expectation. But things have gotten easier, we got a co-signer, and the good news is, I'm moving into my new place safe and sound. Everything about it is lovely!
Except for one problem...
This is my bad for not being more critical, but I've been burnt out from tour after rejection after tour, and every single other thing in that tour seemed fine. I even looked at the fridge and thought it seemed fine - maybe it broke in the meantime? In what world do they not even check if the fridge is working before renting the place out??? Landlords are detached from society.
I've lived before out of a minifridge, but I am learning very quickly that not having a fridge at all is inhumane. The weather has been terrible with wildfire smoke and smothering humidity, and I have been getting more physical exercise in the past few days than I do in months, and I don't get cold water. I have two cats, so I have to start buying smaller cans of cat food. I had to throw out a can of their food once I noticed the fridge wasn't working, and at that point it had permanently infused the fridge with the smell of rotting Hell itself.
Back at the old apartment, I have a functioning fridge for now, but gas is expensive and I have to save it for actually important trips. And I have no idea what's going to happen if the old lease runs out before I get a new fridge. At my previous apartment we had an actively dangerous oven and it took A MONTH to replace; maybe it'll be resolved by tomorrow but I don't know and I have to start planning now. Am I just going to have to throw out my entire fridge and start over next month? Landlord won't say!
I feel guilty asking, so I will make it clear: I am no longer in a life-or-death emergency. This is a terrible situation when my household is already down at least $2000 on moving expenses, but I will live; if you have to choose between feeding myself or you, choose yourself. It's just an unfathomably shit situation and I wanted to give a life update for the people who helped me get this far.
Every bit helps. I'll turn off reblogs when my situation is resolved.
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i know i talk about aus too much but did i tell you guys about the comfort au i made yesterday
for context, autumn is consistently the worst season for me. i don't know why, but bad things tend to happen around this time (plus it's about when sad starts kicking in)
so yeah i made a comfort au to help with that :]
how is it comforting? mainly in the fact that anomalies that are good for quality of life appear more frequently and it's very self-indulgent. the mystery twins are officially adopted by the stan twins and either go on the stan o' war II with them sometimes or stay with melody and soos while they're gone. stan is a werewolf because why not. ford has bits of alien anatomy because why not. color/theme association is rampant
(copying the notes i wrote down for the color/theme association thing-)
"for example, things relating to ford are often described as blue things or being shades of blue. he's compared to blue things. he's also outright space themed. he can do spacey stuff! stan uses ford to keep track of the stars and phases of the moon, and mabel once used him to study the planets in the solar system for a class.
his eyes appear like nebulae. his blood carries stardust and constellations within. saturn-esque rings can be seen surrounding him if you look at him under the right light. he knows things about space that he really shouldn't
on the other hand, stan is compared to red things often. he also has a fire association. his eyes burn bright, his blood boils, his hair looks like smoke-like wisps. he knows when a fire is about to occur and he knows how to prevent them/put them out (even if he does accidentally cause them a lot). people come to him to treat burns and cauterize wounds and he knows that shades of fire burn differently and he knows exactly what that difference is. he runs much hotter than ford does, who is positively frigid (this works out well for the both of them). he's just outright on fire sometimes. guy is a living wildfire and everyone knows this"
mabel has sweaters made out of magic yarn that makes things much more comfortable and are also imbued with slight magical properties. the deer think dipper is one of them and follow him around the forest. sometimes stan carves something from wood and it ends up coming to life and it's happened so often that no one's surprised anymore. ford gets jumped on by random anomalies every now and again and stan has to come save him from the cuddle pile of doom
bill cipher is explicitly out of the picture, because i don't care if he's off in some other dimension redeeming himself or actually just dead, it is simply not a good ending if he's interacting with the pines family in any way. it's not a good ending if he's interacting with any of the townsfolk in any way, and yes that does include the anomalous folk living in gravity falls
anyway yeah good times abound
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elf-kid2 · 5 months
So, alchemists and learned folks and people of the world sought different, better ways of doing things. And a lot of it has been really helpful!
Aqueducts, improved so much that you can have spigots of fresh, clean water, both hot and cold, inside your own home! Storage-boxes to keep food cold, frozen as winter ice even in summer, to preserve it longer! Horseless carriages, ships of greater size and power, even ships that fly!
But, there are problems.
Most of these wondrous, useful things require power to keep going, and the most common means of generating that power is by burning coals and certain ores and oils that are mined from the earth. But, no mine retains it's riches forever. Sooner or later, it runs out.
They tear mountains apart, for the coal. Ancient mountains, torn asunder, valleys filled with debris, waterways tainted by poisons from deep beneath the earth, home, farms, entire towns lost to floods that result from tearing apart the earth, clear-cutting the forest, so carelessly.
But every mine, every mountain, runs out of coal eventually. And all your left with is starving miners, and ruined lands.
People go to war for the oils that are mined from the deep wells of the earth. They drill beneath the sea, they tear up olive groves, kill children, kill wedding-parties, poison the very ocean itself, and for oil.
But every well runs dry eventually, and the gifts of the Earth are not unlimited. And all that's left is ashes, tainted waters, and ruined lives.
But, who can do without the transportation? Who can do without cold storage for their food, bright lights for their home that don't risk burning it down, heat in the harsh winter, and cool breezes as the summers grow hotter, dangerously hotter, ever hotter as time goes on?
All the burning and destruction comes at a cost, you see. A cost greater than what I've already described.
You, in your time, had learned people who looked at the signs, the clouds and leaves, the way birds flew and the way the bones cracked, to predict the future, yes? Wise Ones who warn of storms to come, and omens of the future?
We do to. Very wise, very learned people, who helped invent to power-generating methods, the means of purifying and distributing water, the ones who track the storms to warn the sailers. All of them-- all around the world-- have been delivering dire warnings for years.
Burn too much of the Earth's blessings, and the Earth itself will be drawn into the fire. Beware of storms that will grow harsher, floodwaters that will rise higher, shrinking islands and eating away the coasts. Beware of how much you take, how much you burn, they warn! There will be fires, huge, uncontrollable wildfires-- not just occasionally, but frequently, until you mark the seasons by the smoke that blots out the sun, chokes the lungs, and turns the sky red!
Beware of summers that grow hotter, ever hotter, as the waters rise, and the fires burn, and the storms grow bigger, fiercer more powerful and dangerous, from the coals and oils, mined with blood, ripped from the earth without care for the future!
For years, these prophecies were ignored. The things brought by the burning were very useful, and certain people who had become extremely Rich and Powerful from the Mining and Burning, cared more for wealth and power than for herding prophecies of doom and destruction that may not even come true in their own lifetimes!
So, the learned people shared their dire warnings and prophecies with more people. And they worked to find solutions! Burning the riches from the earth was the first method of generating this power that they discovered, but it was not the ONLY way!
They found ways by which to harvest the power of the sun's light, and use it in the same way that the power from the burning coals and oils was used. They found means of harnessing the wind, and the flowing of rivers, to this end!
Every step of the way, every new method, was fought against by those who'd gained Money, Power, and Prestige from mining what was needed from the earth.
"What good is harvesting sunlight, when clouds come overhead, or when the night falls?" What good is power from the wind, when the skies are calm?" "The methods are unreliable and dangerous!"
"The dire prophecies are false! These are madmen, who say the wells can run dry, and mines will run out! We will always be able to drill more wells! We shall always be able to dig new mines, and tear more mountains apart to plunder their riches!"
In recent years, you know, the summers have been getting hotter-- hotter than anything in living memory; hotter than anything I. The records! Lately, the storms have been harsher. Snow, where there has never been snow before. Shorter, meaner winters. Fire becomes a season, and floodwaters threaten to swallow islands.
Things have been getting bad lately. Still, rich and powerful people try to deny what's happening. But by now, we can all see it happening. We can all see the prophecies coming true.
But anyway, that's the general situation with the magic lights and the wagons that move without a beast to pull them! Would you like some food? It'll just take a moment to heat up!
Oh-- look on the roof over there, on the coffee shop across the way, you can see some solar panels, used to harvest the sunlight, like I mentioned earlier! I've been seeing more of those around, lately.
Before we fix the time-portal thing, would you like to look around the yard? I've been thinking of starting a garden, or maybe planting some berry-bushes along the fence...
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wildlcck · 3 months
DUTCH (@onlyappetites): ' I'm not asking you to trust me but the way I see it , Mrs. Adler , I never had a reason nor am I fool enough to deceive you . I won't come peacefully . So , please , ...'
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❛ ol' dutch... why, you ain't changed a bit. 'course, you look like you seen better days. but, who outta us lot ain't? even after all this time, after everything, you still got that fire an' bluster about you. ❜ she's found this kind of work to be simple, decent enough and honest. enough. so long as one can somehow learn not to think or feel. so long as names remain letters on a poster and cash stays in hand. this kind of thinking, it's served her well. 'til now. because, she can't not think of and feel that blanket being put around her shoulders. even now. the same way the smoke and the burning, the fire, still clings to her lungs, to her nostrils and mind. the man is a puzzle; a prism. a mentor and a memory to some. a name and a payout to others. a visionary and a nightmare to many. and so many other things besides. he's a damn kaleidoscope. there's the man who thought to comfort, to cover her, while her world burned down around her. who thought of burying her husband, who weren't nothing but a name to him. just because it seemed like the right thing to do. the man who thought to take in, to take a chance on this wild thing of a woman- a wildfire in wait. ❛ you know, i bin thinkin'... i reckon i could do with a nice, long, sunny vacation somewhere. i hear tahiti's nice- some folks say it's like paradise. but, the thing is, i got me some unfinished business that needs dealin' with first. ❜
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
It is really really frustrating to put up with systemic issues about air pollution and fire season for OVER A DECADE, and now that the east coast of the US is dealing with smoke problems it's getting the kind of analysis and publicity in the media that I've been screaming myself hoarse for since I was seven years old. It's like Australia and California don't matter nearly as much to global media as New York does. It feels extremely shitty, like my house burned down and my family was displaced and a member of my community died, but right now wildfires are getting more attention than ever before because the east coast is getting just a slice of what we've been dealing with for years.
I just feel so much envy over the outpouring of awareness, love, and support, that I never received when exposed to air quality issues OR displacement. I've lost my childhood home, my community. The fire station we paid taxes for sent their engines to a wealthy neighbourhood 15 miles away---a neighbourhood that had opted, several years earlier, to get rid of their own fire station. The fire service didn't warn our neighbours on the private roads about the fire. Some barely made it out alive. One died. Because of the lack of warning, hundreds of pets and livestock couldn't be evacuated and burned alive. The very hills I grew up on were badly damaged by corporate policies after the fire, cutting down trees and causing massive erosion.
And all of that, all of that trauma that has left our community irreparably splintered, started out with small things. Like going outside and smelling smoke. So when the memes come in (the memes that have been made before but largely ignored by folks on the east coast) and the air quality control tips (turn on your shower, increase humidity, leave out trays of water), I can't help but feel... Lost? Is history repeating itself because folks truly didn't understand what we've been going through over here? Or because nobody cared? Does the Canadian government sincerely think they can allow campfires this late in the year?
Has nobody learned from us? My house burned down, my family is living with trauma and my parents are forced into an abusive living situation and the hills I grew up on are scarred from decades of fire suppression, and nobody learned from that? Why did it happen, then? Why is nobody from the East studying it, to make sure nobody over there goes through that? Why aren't Easterners talking about fireproof housing and controlled burns and living with fire rather than against it? Were you not watching us burn? Were you not learning from our baby steps? Why are you repeating our history?
People are asking such basic questions like 'how do I keep my air clean' and 'why do we have so much fire suddenly' instead of 'how do I install metal shutters on my home' and 'how do we eradicate settler-colonialism from our ideas about forest management?' and 'how do I support fire and climate refugees?'
It feels like I've returned from the war just to watch a dozen fresh faced recruits march off eagerly. Was nobody watching? Did nobody care, did nobody learn? If people won't seek out information until the smoke is in their lungs, how am I supposed to feel any hope? I don't want my job to be endlessly educating people who don't have a reason to care yet. I would have thought you cared already. I would have thought we'd be further along.
Please do research. I don't have the energy to educate people right now, I did it for years and years but so few people listened. Go look up something about TEK and controlled burns and fire suppression and old growth forests. There's lots of material you've probably never looked at. I know it can be hard to care about what goes on in other parts of the world, but now it's affecting you. You need to know the basics of what's wrong with our system, you need to know whether fire suppression may have long term implications for your area, you need to know how to do your part in local politics, and you need to know how to help the people who are affected.
After our house burned down I got a quilt. Pajaro Valley Quilt Association made quilts for fire victims, and my mom grabbed me the nicest one they had. You have to understand, I didn't have any nice things at that point. Most of my most precious possessions didn't make it out of the fire. But I have this quilt, because the community came together and gave me one nice thing that I'll be able to keep for the next generation. We need more of that. We need people to pour out love and make donations and send cards and do anything, anything, just to make someone feel less bad on the worst day of their life. If you want to help, that's how.
I didn't get any quilts from the east coast. It feels like everyone stopped caring after the first few years of fires and drought. It became old news.
But it's still real here, it's still exhausting, and it could be you too unless we all get on the same page.
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anxiousanteaterr · 4 months
my idea for a PLA style game set in unova would be cowboy times, but it sucks so bad.
You play as a Pokérancher who just wants to live their life raising some Mudbray with your trusty elemental monkey (you get to pick which one), but one night on your way home from a trip to town, you run into some shady folk who were trying to transport an unruly pokémon, and they're being very cruel about it. You intervene because your Mudsdale charges at them head on so you have no choice. There's some weird horse(?) in the cage. You bring it back to your ranch and try to nurse it back to health but its a slog bc its heavy as hell and it hates you. It hates you sooo much. If it wasn't for its bum leg, you're sure it would have killed you by now.
Two more horses(??) show up over time and move right into the barn beside the first one. They also hate you, but seem to understand that you're tying to help? Or they just want to hide?? Who knows. Certainly not you. Your Mudsdale does! She speaks with them often, but she tells you nothing. As she does.
You now have to deal with hiding all three of these weird ass horses(???) that barely hold back their desire to gore you from: The Bad Guys. Unova's overarching government thats barely holding it together. Each and Every Single Town and City's own personal mayors and/or governments that all would like to become the overarching Unovan ruling system. And some pompus green haired fuck with clothes louder than his voice, parading around on a Zebstrika and claiming to be the descendant of Unova's ancient royal lineage.
He says he's looking for his swords and "wants his swords back" but you dont HAVE any swords, you just have HORSES. You keep telling him this as you whack him with a "mud" covered shovel to keep him from jumping the fence to get to the barn, and he keeps giving you books to read up on what he means. But you weren't taught to read. You were taught to raise Mudbray.
Lightning storms and wildfires are plauging the region, but that's not your problem (Wrong), and every time you hear the crack of lightning or smell smoke in the air, you get nervous. Your house is wood. The fences. The barns. And your land is dry.
Then ANOTHER weird horse shows up in the barn one day, but at least this one definitely looks like a horse!! But its not a Mudbray, so Arceus only knows where it came from, and you can tell by the look in its eyes that there isnt a single brain cell bouncing around in its little head. The other three "horses" get bent right out of shape if you so much as even look at the foal, but its so utterly helpless that you have to intervene or else it'll lodge its stupid big ass horn into the wall and get stuck again. And somehow that's the one the rumors say everyone wants to get their hands on?
Your life sucks so much and you could lose everything in a single thunderstorm, wildfire event, or a visit from the wrong person at the wrong time, but you got your loyal, pedigree Mudsdale and elemental monkey, so life is okay, actually.
Until The Plot drags you into shit too far from home, way outside of your skill and pay grade, and youre sitting at a campfire wondering how your Mudbray at home are doing while this stupid green haired fool is babbling about ancient kings or whatever.
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voodoochili · 5 months
My Favorite Albums of 2023
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The world of music is in a strange place. It is constantly moving forward, with microtrends popping up in an instant and stars being born overnight, yet in a strange stasis, with the stars of the past ruling over commercial fiefdoms with iron fists. One thing that has remained the same is that the sheer volume of music released is higher than ever, and it keeps growing. It's a bit intimidating, but I love it! It’s in my nature to seek out the fresh and new, and I am faced with a bounty of goods every day–I press play on every record believing, honestly believing, that it could become one of my favorites ever.
While I didn’t find any all-time favorites this year (give it time), I did find dozens of albums worth recommending. I listed 75 here, and could have listed 75 more. And I know I’ve barely scratched the surface of the great music that came out this year alone. Nothing you can do but keep digging!
Here’s my list of my favorite albums of the year, with blurbs for the top ten. Scroll down to the bottom to find selections from all 75, plus some honorable mentions.
10. Lankum - False Lankum: This June, the skies burned. Wildfire smoke from northern Québec funneled into New York City and stayed a while, filling the air with toxins and turning the sky blood red. My soundtrack to that apocalyptic moment was False Lankum, the latest by the Irish group Lankum, an album that sounds like the last gasp of a dying world. Spellbinding with both traditional tunes, like the stunningly haunting version of “Go Dig My Grave,” and excellent originals, False Lankum is one of the year’s most harrowing, transporting, and life-affirming listening experiences, underlying spare folk music with ominous drone. Sometimes, the noise builds slowly, like on “Lord Abore and Mary Flynn,” but in other songs, like “Netta Perseus,” the atmosphere collapses at once, drowning beauty in an all-encompassing darkness. Facing down that darkness armed with only their gorgeous harmonies, Lankum sound like the remnants of a lost society, protecting the embers of civilization and refusing to surrender to the void.
9. bar italia - Tracey Denim: Tracey Denim is the musical equivalent of a text translated into a foreign language and then back into English: the original text is The Velvet Underground & Nico, and the translating software is the thousands of bands that album inspired. Tracey Denim subsumes decades’ worth of alternative music into its existential murk. At times, Bar Italia sound like The Modern Lovers on anti-anxiety meds, at others the most melodic incarnation Pere Ubu, or a version of Pulp with every ounce of romanticism beaten out. The band creates miniature psychodramas out of the moments when a night’s vibe shifts from hedonism to malaise, its three vocalists passing the mic back and forth to recreate the profoundly banal conversations that occur after the party ends and only the saddest attendees linger. The real trick of Tracey Denim is the way it transforms this murky malaise into something truly enjoyable–it’s a world you want to revisit, a dogged companion for late nights. 
8. Meshell Ndegeocello - The Omnichord Real Book: Invented in 1981 by the Suzuki Corporation (not the car company but given the dual domains of Yamaha, I would understand why you’d think so), the Omnichord is a rudimentary drum machine and synthesizer, producing a tinny approximation of a string section, along with several pre-programmed basslines and drum rhythms. In the hands of an artist as versatile and intelligent as Meshell Ndegeocello, the limitations placed by the Omnichord are a mere starting point for flights of fancy that reach the cosmos, the innermost regions of the soul, and back again. With The Omnichord Real Book, Ndegeocello creates perhaps her most ambitious work to date, surrounding the titular synth with a universe of post-bop brilliance, created by a diverse and accoladed ensemble of musicians that includes guitarist Jeff Parker, trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusure, harpist Brandee Younger, jazz pianists Jason Moran and Cory Henry, drummer Deantoni Parks, saxophonist Josh Johnson, vibraphonist Joel Ross, and fellow Gen X singer-songwriters Joan As Policewoman and Thandiswa. The 72-minute epic is as soulful as any record by Roy Ayers and as adventurous as any by Prince, but radiates a warmth and wisdom that could only come from Meshell.
7. ML Buch - Suntub: The latest album by Danish guitarist-songwriter ML Buch is a gooey, tactile record, filled with sounds that shift and mold into different shapes like Playdough. Many of the songs on Suntub don’t so much as progress as they burble like a mudpot at Yellowstone, melding heavy shoegaze guitars with lumbering drums, airy synths, and a litany of found-sound effects to create a euphonious mush. With song titles like “River mouth,” “Pan over the hill,” and “Clearing,” it’s not surprising that this is an album best enjoyed outdoors, where the guitars can fade into the atmosphere and become one with streaking rays of sun. Maybe that makes sense, maybe it doesn’t. I know I can’t say anything more convincing than this meme.
6. Amaarae - Fountain Baby: Blessed with sharp songwriting sensibilities and the voice that could charm snakes, Amaarae is a pop star perfectly suited for our international age. Fountain Baby is the pop album of the year, stacking bangers back-to-back-to-back, each elevated by Amaarae’s sensual singing and IG-ready bon mots. Using the syncopated rhythms of Afrobeats as her bedrock, the Ghanaian-American singer creates an enchanting tapestry of border-crossing bangers, borrowing elements of Bollywood, alternative R&B, and Neptunes-era hip-pop to fill out her sound. Highlights? Look no further than the majestic “Co-Star,” a charming astrological lyrical exercise, “Counterfeit,” which transforms the Clipse’s “Wamp Wamp” into a tropical dancefloor filler, “Wasted Eyes,” soaring atop thumping bass and a subcontinental swing, and the bold, brash “Princess Going Digital.”
5. Jonny Nash - Point of Entry: A singularly absorbing bit of ambient folk, Point of Entry glistens like morning sunshine. The soundscapes are intimate, but expansive, each pluck of Jonny Nash’s guitar echoing through the cosmos. As the founder of the New Age label Melody As Truth and a member of the group Gaussian Curve with Marco Sterk and Balearic legend Gigi Masin, Nash is heavily experienced in creating understated bliss, and Point Of Entry is most likely the best work he’s been involved with to date. True to its title, the album is a sonic doorway, slowly but surely transporting the listener to a poignantly tranquil new reality.
4. The Tubs - Dead Meat: Formed from the ashes of Welsh punk band Joanna Gruesome, The Tubs is the brainchild of the band’s former guitarist, Owen “O” Williams, in which he is free to be his jangliest, nerviest self. The London-based outfit’s debut album, Dead Meat, melds the best of 80s college rock into a fresh package, at times echoing the romantic cynicism of The Wedding Present (on the strutting, feedback-laden “Sniveller”), the pop maximalism of Bob Mould’s Sugar (on “I Don’t Know How It Works”), and the chiming beauty of Felt (check the gorgeous closer “Wretched Lie”). While the familiarity is comforting to a record nerd like me, it wouldn’t mean anything if the songs weren’t excellent, and Dead Meat is lean, mean, and full of enough excellent riffs and melodies to last far longer than its 26 minutes. Throughout, Williams belies the taut instrumentals with a serrated sense of self-deprecation, painting one of the finest pictures of a hopeless sad sack since A Confederacy of Dunces. On “Sniveller” alone, he admits that he is a "bootlicker," who “wriggles like a worm” and “cowers in the dark,” prostrating himself in the most unflattering of ways to win the affections of his intended. On Dead Meat, he doesn’t need to debase himself to win our sympathy–he just needed to write nine crackling tunes.
3. Sufjan Stevens - Javelin: Twenty years ago, Sufjan Stevens announced himself as indie folk’s premier auteur, wielding orchestral grandeur, raw nerve emotion, and exquisite songcraft like a weapon. Arriving after a time of incredible hardship–marked by the death of his longtime partner, a bout with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and more–Javelin is perhaps Sufjan’s most devastating record to date. No longer hiding behind geographical oddities or childhood stories, Sufjan confronts his trauma head-on. On “Goodbye Evergreen,” a plaintive lullaby gives way to cacophonous chaos, as Sufjan seems to experience all five stages of grief at once. The nakedly vulnerable “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?” articulates a feeling that we’ve all had while illuminating nuances we might not have considered: to the Sufjan of “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?”, to be loved is to be free; to be seen in full and unshackled from earthly concerns, finally able to ascend to true selfhood. The album’s centerpiece is the astounding “So You Are Tired,” an almost unbearably sad and beautiful ballad in which Sufjan struggles to see a path forward without the person who gave him that kind of love. Javelin ends on a hopeful note, a lyrically re-arranged cover of Neil Young's "There's A World," as Sufjan finds solace in his faith: his lover isn’t gone, he is everywhere; in the trees, the air, and the ocean. Even if I don’t share Sufjan’s faith, I am still inspired by the singer’s strength, as he journeys through hell and back.
2. Veeze - Ganger: Before 2023, Veeze was the Winston Niles Rumfoord of the Detroit rap scene, appearing at irregular intervals to slay a guest verse or drop a new excellent single before disappearing back into the studio. His unkempt appearance and laid-back-bordering-on-comatose delivery added to the mystique, making him one of his city’s most mercurial figures. Years in the making, Veeze's first full-length album Ganger delivered on the hype and more, demonstrating once and for all why he's your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper. The 21-track project is as dense as a dying star–Veeze packs punchline after punchline into his songs, his barely-there rasp unfurling dismissals and flexes with an astonishing hit percentage. Each listen, I find a new favorite bar, and am surprised anew by an unexpected reference: on "Not A Drill," he relegates his enemies to the "UIP" (unimportant persons); on “OverseasBaller,” he arranges his multi-colored racks into an edible arrangement; on “SEXY liar,” he apologizes for accidentally flexing on his opposition before he “throws shells like taco food”; on “7sixers,” he cracks himself up when he says his money is as fat as Norbit. The first half of Ganger culminates in “Boat Interlude,” a stylistic curveball in which Veeze goes toe-to-toe with Lil Yachty and delivers one of the verses of the year. If the first half of Ganger demonstrates Veeze’s bar-for-bar supremacy, the glistening second half is a testament to his ear for production. DDotFreezing lives up to his name with his frigid beat for “tramp STAMP”; G-Lok’s beat for “Weekend” mixes gentle acoustic guitars and ambient pianos with a Michigan drumbeat that subtly shifts the song off-kilter; 614ASE’s blissed out “Kinda$” is a tape highlight, allowing Veeze to push the tempo; Rocaine and Koncept P’s “Safe 2” is trap music for the chillout room, as Veeze works a sing-song flow before succumbing to the atmosphere and slurring his words to oblivion. That’s a lot of words, and not a lot of insight, but what can I say? These are just very, very good rap songs by one of the funniest and most skillful street rappers in Detroit, or anywhere else. It’s a crowning achievement, possibly the defining album of the deepest and most exciting rap scene of the 2020s.
1. Nourished by Time - Erotic Probiotic 2: One thing about me is that I absolutely LOVE sensitive, dark-night-of-the-soul sophistipop that attempts to elucidate the human condition over a bed of luscious synthesizers–think Prefab Sprout, The Blue Nile, Tears For Fears, Peter Gabriel. I was under the impression that people stopped making this kind of music as soon as they heard the drums hit in “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” but Marcus Brown, the artist known as Nourished By Time, created a worthy successor to that noble lineage. Erotic Probiotic 2 is a showcase for Brown’s deep reservoirs of wisdom, laid over primitive synths and driving beats that take inspiration from freestyle. The soundscapes are warm and inviting, giving gravitas to Brown’s spiritual pronouncements, which they deliver in a graceful, throaty baritone. Opening diptych “Quantum Suicide” and “Shed That Fear” immediately set the tone, as Brown pleads for us to transcend our mortal selves and prepare for the next life. Track three, “Daddy,” breaks the reverie and drags us to the club, adding a bit of ballroom campiness as it floats over a programmed 4/4 stomp. “The Fields” and “Rain Water Promise” bring the best of both worlds, offering revelry and profundity in equal measure. “Soap Party,” with its dancing piano breakdown, begins the comedown, while closer “Unbreak My Love” ends the album by repeating the titular mantra until all tension dissipates into the ether. In an uncertain year, Erotic Probiotic 2 was a balm, a paean to the power of positive thinking–a radically optimistic work that dares to posit that a cold and unfeeling universe can become joyous and loving, if only you play the right notes. Nourished By Time plays those notes for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading! Below are a bunch more albums that I loved this year, and please check the Spotify playlist sampler that contains music from all these albums and more.
11. Rắn Cạp Đuôi Collective - *1 12. Sampha - Lahai 13. Corinne Bailey Rae - Black Rainbows 14. Being Dead - When Horses Would Run 15. Babyface Ray - Summer's Mine 16. Laurel Halo - Atlas. 17. Avalon Emerson - & The Charm 18. Pépe - Reclaim 19. Chief Xian aTunde Adjuah - Bark Out Thunder Roar Out Lightning 20. Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips 21. Everything But The Girl - Fuse 22. Sexyy Red - Hood Hottest Princess 23. Marina Herlop - Nekkuja 24. Asake - Work Of Art 25. Leo Takami - Next Door 26. Youth Lagoon - Heaven Is A Junkyard 27. Ryuichi Sakamoto - 12 28. Liquid Mike - S/T 29. Hayden Pedigo - The Happiest Times I Ever Ignored 30. Arooj Aftab/Vijay Iyer/Shahzad Ismaily - Love In Exile 31. feeble little horse - Girl with Fish 32. Boldy James & Rich Gains - Indiana Jones 33. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres 34. Maria BC - Spike Field 35. Freak Heat Waves - Mondo Tempo 36. Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There Is A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 37. Jim Legxcy - homeless n***** pop music 38. H31R - HEAD SPACE 39. Hotline TNT - Cartwheel 40. Animal Collective - Isn’t It Now? 41. Empty Country - Empty Country II 42. Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids - Afro Futuristic Dreams 43. Jamila Woods - Water Made Us 44. DJ Danifox - Ansidedade 45. Zulu - A New Tomorrow 46. Navy Blue - Ways Of Knowing 47. awakebutstillinbed - chaos takes the wheel and i am a passenger 48. Cleo Sol - Heaven/Gold 49. Call Super - Eulo Cramps 50. Mari Montana - Outstanding Member 51. Brent Faiyaz - Larger Than Life 52. Peso Pluma - GÉNESIS 53. Irreversible Entanglements - Protect Your Light 54. Paco Panama - The Matrix/The Wire Vol. 1 55. Yazmin Lacey - Voice Notes 56. Home Front - Games Of Power 57. Buggin - Concrete Cowboys 58. Swami Sound - Back In The Day 59. MIKE - Burning Desire/Beware Of The Monkey 60. Loraine James - Gentle Confrontation 61. Anjimile - The King 62. Peter Gabriel - i/o 63. Fire-toolz - I am upset because I see something that is not there. 64. Eddie Chacon - Sundown 65. HiTech - DÉTWAT 66. Julie Byrne - The Greater Wings 67. Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World 68. The Clientele - I Am Not There Anymore 69. Antony & The Johnsons - My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross 70. Slowdive - Everything Is Alive 71. Home Is Where - the whaler 72. Ratboys - The Window 73. Kara Jackson - Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? 74. BandGang Lonnie Bands - Bam Bam 75. That Mexican OT - Lonestar Luchador
0 notes
topreviewin · 6 months
Why You Can Believe CNET Our knowledgeable deal-hunting team showcases the ideal designate drops and discounts from reputable sellers day-to-day. As soon as you occur to form a buy expose the utilization of our links, CNET might possibly rating a price. Reap the advantages of the final few hours of Amazon's October Top Day sale and store these pockets-pleasant offers. Adam Oram is a Deals Creator at CNET. He studied Media at Newcastle College and has been writing about abilities since 2013. He previously labored as a Senior Creator at iMore, Deals Editor at Thrifter, and as an Apple Genius. His spare time is spent looking out at football (both kinds), playing Pokémon games, and drinking vegan food. Most attention-grabbing offers sparkling now This snap-on magnetic battery pack is the ideal pickup for iPhone users who desire a bit additional juice on a typical basis without carrying cables and chargers around. Change your historical and scratchy bathtub towels with this luxury six-piece situation from Amrapur In one other nation whereas it be in the in the period in-between over 70% off. It involves two bathtub towels, two hand towels and two washcloths, that are made of tender and sturdy 600 GSM cotton. All towels are machine washable and dryer safe. With wildfires affecting air quality around the nation this year, it be an correct advice to protect an air air purifier on hand. This Aroeve model is designed for smaller rooms of up to 215 square ft and is provided with a HEPA filter to abet take away smoke, pollen and assorted contaminated particulates from the air. Plus, it runs at a still 22 decibels, so it'll no longer protect you up at evening for folks that exhaust it for your bedroom. You will also tumble it down to $38 must you clip the on-page coupon. As soon as you occur to might possibly presumably be having grief attending to sleep on this summer season heat, these cooling reminiscence foam pillows might possibly abet. They're perforated to increase refreshing air float, whereas quiet providing ergonomic increase to abet support neck and back bother. As soon as you occur to loyal provided your self a PS5 or desire to rob a number of games from for your PS5, Amazon is having a extensive Top Day sale on PS4 and PS5 games. That involves some sport of the year contenders, comparable to Spider-Man Miles Morales for $39 and God of War Ragnarök for $50. We're officially entering into the closing few hours of Amazon's mammoth October Top Day sale, nonetheless the offers are quiet well-known. There are quiet hundreds of mountainous offers on pricier items love laptops and TVs, nonetheless you assign no longer must exhaust wide to land a mountainous buy. You will also safe heaps of discounts on in vogue tech and on a typical basis necessities. To enable you to form the all these offers, we contain gathered a number of of the ideal offers you would possibly be ready to snag for $50 or much less below. Also, ensure to protect an watch on our Top Day live blog for more wide discounts. And for folks that might possibly presumably be shopping for even more cheap finds, you would possibly be ready to attempt our roundups of the ideal offers below $10 and below $25 as effectively. We will proceed to update this page as more offers pop up all over the week, so ensure to establish back for the ideal bargains available. October Top Day offers below $50 on tech ","credits":"Anker/CNET","imageData":"identification":"01874bf8-8796-41a7-8f7b-7f04fee38982","title":"anker-maggo-621","filename":"anker-maggo-621.png","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/09/11/01874bf8-8796-41a7-8f7b-7f04fee38982/anker-maggo-621.png","caption":"","size":2020555,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-09-11 09:25:26","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-09-11 09:25:41","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/png","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Anker/CNET","alt":"Anker
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tem="[object Object]"> Salvage admission to your complete favorite streaming providers love Netflix, Top Video, Max and more with Amazon's 4K-succesful Hearth TV Stick. The instrument is more than half of off its customary designate sparkling now. ","credits":"Amazon/CNET","imageData":"identification":"37dcb2f6-4fdf-4f69-94e4-01233c4151d4","title":"fire-7-tablet","filename":"fire-7-tablet.png","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/10/03/37dcb2f6-4fdf-4f69-94e4-01233c4151d4/fire-7-tablet.png","caption":"","size":2519997,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-10-03 11:14:52","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-10-03 11:15:03","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/png","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Amazon/CNET","alt":"Amazon Hearth 7 tablet","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfounded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"37dcb2f6-4fdf-4f69-94e4-01233c4151d4","imageAltText":"Amazon Hearth 7 tablet","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Amazon/CNET","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"fire-7-tablet.png","imageDateCreated":"2023/10/03","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Amazon/CNET" techobjectinfo=""uuid":"b99e7a8e-285e-43e8-8f69-85562648d5d8","slug":"amazon-fire-7-2022-7-tablet-with-wi-fi-16-gb-unlit","name":"Amazon - Hearth 7 (2022) 7” tablet with Wi-Fi 16 GB - Gloomy","productType":"PRODUCT","updateType":"EZMONEY","mod":1697028060916,"displayDate":"Wed Oct 11 2023 05:41:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight hours Time)"" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__034a7eeb-744e-44e3-840b-9a8f631fcc85" situation="3" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> You cannot beat the portability of a tablet -- and sparkling now you would possibly be ready to realize a third off of the value of this already cheap option for streaming and browsing. ","credits":"Sony","imageData":"identification":"af32f872-ef0a-4979-a8b2-ad5cf9414e67","title":"Sony WH-CH520 Wi-fi Headphones","filename":"sony-wh-ch520-wi-fi-headphones.jpg","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/10/10/af32f872-ef0a-4979-a8b2-ad5cf9414e67/sony-wh-ch520-wi-fi-headphones.jpg","caption":"","size":359167,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-10-10 09:18:18","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-10-10 09:18:23","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Sony","alt":"sony-wh-ch520-wi-fi-headphones","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfounded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"af32f872-ef0a-4979-a8b2-ad5cf9414e67","imageAltText":"sony-wh-ch520-wi-fi-headphones","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Sony","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"sony-wh-ch520-wi-fi-headphones.jpg","imageDateCreated":"2023/10/10","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Sony" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__ed3b0122-801f-4600-87af-280cc918eeaf" situation="4"
contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> While Sony's better-slay headphones can payment you many hundred, the Sony WH-CH520 are rather more cheap and is our pick for handiest Sony headphones on a value range. ","credits":"Amazon/CNET","imageData":"identification":"d13d80d7-e763-4d07-b683-e6ba971a36fc","title":"echo-show hide-5-philips-hue-bulb","filename":"echo-show hide-5-philips-hue-bulb.png","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/10/03/d13d80d7-e763-4d07-b683-e6ba971a36fc/echo-show hide-5-philips-hue-bulb.png","caption":"","size":2238585,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-10-03 11:21:12","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-10-03 11:21:23","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/png","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Amazon/CNET","alt":"Echo State 5 with Philips Hue bulb","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfounded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"d13d80d7-e763-4d07-b683-e6ba971a36fc","imageAltText":"Echo State 5 with Philips Hue bulb","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Amazon/CNET","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"echo-show hide-5-philips-hue-bulb.png","imageDateCreated":"2023/10/03","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Amazon/CNET" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__b82ee43b-e8c3-47a2-a5b0-7a7279293e9d" situation="5" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> Amazon's slight spirited existing is already a mountainous funding, especially at over half of off. Nonetheless for loyal $2 more, you would possibly be ready to procure one with a coloration-altering spirited bulb to customise your situation. That is a complete financial savings of over $100. Anker 553 8-in-1 USB-C hub: $50 (build $20)Perilogics Universal Phone Mount: $9 (build $9) Energizer TacR-1000 LED flashlight: $35 (build $5) Logitech M720 Triathlon multi-instrument wi-fi mouse: $34 (build $6) Hearth TV Stick Lite: $18 (build $12)Hearth TV Stick: $20 (build $20) Echo Pop: $18 (build $22)Echo Pop + Kasa spirited ride: $19 (build $44) Echo Dot (Fifth gen): $23 (build $27)Echo Dot (Fifth gen) + Kasa spirited ride: $24 (build $49)Loop Abilities ear plugs for live presentations: $28 (build $7)Echo Dot with Clock (Fifth gen): $forty five (build $15)Echo Dot with Clock (Fifth gen) + Philips Hue bulb: $47 (build $68) Amazon Radiant Air Quality Visual show unit: $49 (build $21) Amazon Radiant Walk: $13 (build $12) Blink Video Doorbell: $30 (build $30)Blink Mini (3-pack): $40 (build $60)Amazon Luna wi-fi controller: $40 (build $30)2d Case for iPhone 14 Pro: $30 (build $20) Treblab WX8 earbuds: $20 (build $50)HP DeskJet 2734e wi-fi coloration all-in-one printer: $40 (build $forty five)Sony SRS-XB100 Bluetooth speaker: $Forty eight (build $12)Samsung 980 PRO SSD 1TB: $50 (build $11)Huanuo twin show screen stand: $35 (build $33 with code 8R5LXR6G)Magsafe charging situation for a pair of devices: $32 (build $38 with coupon)Tile Merchandise Finders sale: up to 31% off Anker Life A1 earbuds: $31 (build $19) October Top Day offers below $50 on on a typical basis necessities ","credits":"Amrapur In one other nation","imageData":"identification":"e24af209-9518-4cff-9e81-05dc25e339d1","title":"amrapur-in a foreign country-towel-situation","filename":"amrapur-in a foreign countr
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op":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Aroeve" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__986cc19c-86b3-4fbc-b0f7-b0bc7787a549" situation="7" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> With wildfires affecting air quality around the nation this year, it be an correct advice to protect an air air purifier on hand. This Aroeve model is designed for smaller rooms of up to 215 square ft and is provided with a HEPA filter to abet take away smoke, pollen and assorted contaminated particulates from the air. Plus, it runs at a still 22 decibels, so it'll no longer protect you up at evening for folks that exhaust it for your bedroom. You will also tumble it down to $38 must you clip the on-page coupon. ","credits":"Journey/CNET","imageData":"identification":"2545a6ed-dda0-48fe-a8a1-9e30e42d598b","title":"plug-air-fryer","filename":"plug-air-fryer.png","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/10/06/2545a6ed-dda0-48fe-a8a1-9e30e42d598b/plug-air-fryer.png","caption":"","size":2589123,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-10-06 15:19:01","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-10-06 15:19:21","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/png","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Journey/CNET","alt":"Journey air fryer","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfounded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"2545a6ed-dda0-48fe-a8a1-9e30e42d598b","imageAltText":"Journey air fryer","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Journey/CNET","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"plug-air-fryer.png","imageDateCreated":"2023/10/06","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Journey/CNET" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__a0834f56-ceb1-45cd-879c-cfcaefe88e68" situation="8" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> Salvage in on the air fryer craze without spending a fortune with this cheap Journey model. It has a 2.6-quart capability and permits for 3 presets for your favorite meals. Beams indoor and outside lights: From $7LE 1000LM battery-powered LED tenting lantern (2-pack): $36 (build $24) Shark CH701 Cyclone Pet handheld vacuum: $50 (build $10)Journey Deluxe Everyday electrical griddle: $42 (build $8) Journey Chef Series immersion hand blender: $46 (build $14)Yankee and WoodWick candles: As a lot as 46% off Nuwave pizza baking stone: $15 (build $10)Ecolution microwave popcorn popper: $16 (build $4) KitchenAid Albany oven mitt: $16 (build 14)Inform voltaic torch light with flickering flame: $27 (build $23)Water resistant motion sensor a long way off protect an eye fixed on outside lights: $29 (build $31) Delamu 2-tier below-sink organizers (2 sets): $29 (build $11)Phueut handheld pure steam cleaner: $forty five (build $11)Cozsinoor mattress pillows (2-pack): $30 (build $20) Christmas trees, lights and decorations: As a lot as 63% offAeroGarden Harvest seed pod kit: $50 (build $115)20 Pack Magnetic Cupboard Locks Puny one Proofing: $36 (build $9)JoyJolt JoyFul 24pc Borosilicate Glass Storage Containers: $36 (build $34)Frameo 10-stoop digital image physique: $50 (build $50)Cadrim LED Puck Lights: $17 (build $6)Reidea electronic candle lighter: $8 (build $4 with code REIDEA1060)Homemate heated electrical blanket: $32 (build $7)Wildones c
hrome steel mixing bowl situation with graters: $37 (build $19)October Top Day offers below $50 on effectively being and effectively being","credits":"Pharmedoc","imageData":"identification":"19a15e4a-b4c6-49fb-ac85-d1964d459340","title":"pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows","filename":"pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows.jpg","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/07/09/19a15e4a-b4c6-49fb-ac85-d1964d459340/pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows.jpg","caption":"","size":95862,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-07-09 17:29:19","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-08-01 18:53:29","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Pharmedoc","alt":"pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows.jpg","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfounded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"19a15e4a-b4c6-49fb-ac85-d1964d459340","imageAltText":"pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Pharmedoc","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"pharmedoc-reminiscence-foam-pillows.jpg","imageDateCreated":"2023/07/09","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Pharmedoc" techobjectinfo=""uuid":"5ff1fdb3-3abe-4283-b408-743279377b02","slug":"pharmedoc-cooling-reminiscence-foam-pillows-2-pack-ventilated-lilac-dreamer-mattress-pillow-finding out-and-mattress-leisure-pillows","name":"Pharmedoc Cooling Reminiscence Foam Pillows, 2 Pack, Ventilated Lilac Dreamer Mattress Pillow, Reading and Mattress Relaxation Pillows, Long-established, Back Sleeper and Facet Sleeper Help, Drowsing Pillows for Adults","productType":"SERIES","updateType":"EZMONEY","mod":1696978394157,"displayDate":"Tue Oct 10 2023 15:53:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight hours Time)"" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__bd88aba4-5ed8-415e-a446-9f407087a277" situation="9" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> As soon as you occur to might possibly presumably be having grief attending to sleep on this summer season heat, these cooling reminiscence foam pillows might possibly abet. They're perforated to increase refreshing air float, whereas quiet providing ergonomic increase to abet support neck and back bother. Toloco rub down gun: $40 (build $60)Gaiam yoga mat: $26 (build $14)JFit deluxe pull-up bar: $25 (build $14)Yes4All plank coach: $31 (build $5) Tabeke below-desk command bike: $30 (build $20)Gaiam yoga accessories and hats: As a lot as 38% offLepwings solar lantern: $29 (build $14)Osteo cervical pillow for neck bother aid: $42 (build $28) Very indispensable Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder: $31 (build $16) October Top Day offers below $50 on games ","credits":"Sony","imageData":"identification":"d277cbd2-6775-4267-8586-5bb1a7d42e02","title":"ps5-games-sale","filename":"ps5-games-sale.jpg","course":"https://www.High Reviewing.com/a/img/hub/2023/08/08/d277cbd2-6775-4267-8586-5bb1a7d42e02/ps5-games-sale.jpg","caption":"","size":183724,"width":1600,"high":900,"dateCreated":"date":"2023-08-08 16:39:56","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"dateUpdated":"date":"2023-08-08 16:40:34","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3,"needsModeration":unfounded,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","deleted":unfounded,"credits":"Sony","alt":"The sport instances for Horizon: Forbidden West, Spider-Man: Miles Morales and God of War: Ragnarok towards a blue background.","restricted":unfounded,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"most well liked":unfounded,"watermark":unfounded,"doNotCrop":unfounded,"doNotResize":unfo
unded,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"cut":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":unfounded,"key phrases":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":unfounded,"typeName":"content_image","uuid":"d277cbd2-6775-4267-8586-5bb1a7d42e02","imageAltText":"The sport instances for Horizon: Forbidden West, Spider-Man: Miles Morales and God of War: Ragnarok towards a blue background.","imageCaption":"","imageCredit":"Sony","imageDoNotCrop":unfounded,"imageDoNotResize":unfounded,"imageWatermark":unfounded,"imageFilename":"ps5-games-sale.jpg","imageDateCreated":"2023/08/08","imageWidth":1600,"imageHeight":900,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":unfounded" overridecaption="" overridecredit="Sony" usepricing="unfounded" recordsdata-key="High Reviewinglisticle__757c6ba9-4182-4c70-8b01-3a59eca5e8ef" situation="10" contenttype="Deals - Precap" filtershortcodetypes totalfilteritems="0" pagelayout="Default - Article Page" showdetails="proper" tocheadlineitem="[object Object]"> As soon as you occur to loyal provided your self a PS5 or desire to rob a number of games from for your PS5, Amazon is having a extensive Top Day sale on PS4 and PS5 games. That involves some sport of the year contenders, comparable to Spider-Man Miles Morales for $39 and God of War Ragnarök for $50. PlayStation 4 DualShock wi-fi controller: $49 (build $16)Tag to Fling board sport: $28 (build $27)Catan (snide sport): $27 (build $22) Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza card sport: $8 (build $2)Splendor (snide sport): $20 (build $25)Pro-Crawl portable ping pong situation: $32 (build $18)Xbox Game Traipse Closing 3 Month Membership: $40 (build $5)Holy Stone Mini kid's drone: $26 (build $24) Nerf Disruptor Elite Blaster: $8 (build $7) Monopoly: The Lord of the Rings version: $31 (build $14) Faraway Modify Helicopter: $40 (build $20) Computing Guides [content-egg module=AmazonNoApi template=item]
0 notes
my-weird-news · 10 months
Raging Washington Wildfires: 2 Lives Lost, Hundreds of Buildings Devastated 😢
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Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲# Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲 Read the full article
0 notes
partykeet · 11 months
Welp, I got my grillin' done, jammin' to classic rock, and enjoying the breeze bringing relief to our heat warning we currently have.
But I am not looking forward to tonight. I am scared shitless of another wildfire season. We're close to the city, so thankfully, fires more than likely won't reach us. But we'll still have the smoke which can cause health issues for everyone, doesn't matter how healthy you are. We'll still possibly need to evacuate if it gets close enough like last time back in 2020.
It scares the neighbors' pets and they end up lost because they booked it in a panic trying to find solace. Wildlife become disoriented, stressed, or injured 'cause they're literally surrounded by man's most dangerous toy for hours on end and have no idea what to do. Folks with PTSD for whatever reason related to fireworks have to tear their routines apart to help themselves keep calm. Residue fills the air and gets into our water sources along with the garbage people leave behind.
For something that people used to used as a weapon in war, we now use as something for celebration. There's nothing to celebrate with all the shit fireworks cause and, with the technology we have nowadays, we can definitely change and improve our methods of celebrations that everyone could enjoy without causing so much damage year after year.
Yes, it's pretty, but is it really worth it?
0 notes
Fall fire tips
Pull your boots and flannels out of the closet – it’s campfire season! But be sure to brush up on our burning tips before lighting that brush pile in the backyard. DNR firefighters have responded to more than 215 fires so far this year.
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Burn safely
Whenever you burn, have a shovel and water source nearby, and never leave a fire unattended. Avoid burning on a windy day when hot embers can be whisked up by the wind into dry grasses or leaves.
Burning yard waste? Remember to check for a burn permit to see if conditions are safe for burning, and know your local fire ordinances. Most wildfires are started by people burning yard clippings and leaves. You’ll need a burn permit anytime the ground is not covered in snow.
Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula residents can view conditions at Michigan.gov/BurnPermit or call 866-922-BURN. Southern Michigan residents should check with their local municipality or fire department.
Debris burning
Make sure you have permission to burn (burn permit)
Burn efficiently
Well-dried wood is the most efficient for your wood stove or campfire, burning more cleanly and releasing less irritating smoke than poorly-seasoned wood.
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The U.S. EPA’s Burn Wise efficiency program recommends drying cut wood in an airy, covered location for at least six months. Check your fuel using a moisture meter tool, waiting to burn until moisture content clocks in at 20% or less. Dry logs should feel light when lifted and produce a hollow sound when thumped together.
Burning of trash, plastic and hazardous materials is never allowed, and can cause health issues. Safely recycle or responsibly dispose of these materials.
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Burning isn’t always the best way
Many folks burn leaves and brush in the fall, but did you know you can repurpose fallen leaves? No fire required!
Dead leaves are a great free mulch that will insulate perennial plants and keep garden soil from washing away in the rain. They can also be raked up into a bin or pile to turn into nutrient-rich compost. Learn how with composting tips from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.
In addition to helping out your garden, fallen leaves serve as winter habitat for wildlife. Turtles, toads, salamanders, moths and butterflies all spend the winter snuggled under leaves. An easy way to keep your area neat and provide habitat is to rake leaves under bushes and shrubs in your yard or provide a “wild area” where leaves can break down naturally.
With these tips in mind, you’ll be set to enjoy a fall season filled with campfires, hot cider and stargazing. Find more information on safe burning at Michigan.gov/PreventWildfires.
Debris burning
Make sure you have permission to burn (burn permit)
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Source: EGLE Newsroom
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