kraizy · 2 years
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Silver Sable
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mattelektras · 30 days
What's your favorite comics of all time u highly recommend to people?!
off the top of my head........................ elektra & wolverine: the redeemer, elektra v1, silversable and the wildpack, batgirl v1, 2008 gotg, wolverine: enemy of the state, ann nocenti daredevil, wonder woman: the hiketeia, hexed, coffin hill
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Boxing Day Supplemental - The Best of The Rest
Once more I have endeavored on a project wherein I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.  There are just too many fun characters in the Marvel Universe and, apparently, not enough days in the year...  Below the jump follow many of the heroes I made cut-outs for but could not fit into the schedule.  And a very happy Kwanzaa and Boxing Day to one and all!
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Franz Mittelstaedt was inspecting an electrical power plant when a stray bolt of lightning struck a faulty generator and bathed him in electricity. When he emerged from his coma weeks later, he found that he could summon lightning at will to wield as a weapon. He decided to use his power in the name of justice in his native country of Germany.  He designed a colorful costume and operated under the moniker of ‘Blitzkrieg.’
The hero was selected by the Grandmaster to participate in the first Contest of Champions event.  Later, Blitzkrieg joined the hero team known as The Schutz Heiligruppe as part of an effort to track down the renegade war criminal, The Red Skull.  The Skull was eventually stopped but sadly Blitzkrieg perished in the adventure.  
The hero first appeared in the pages of Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions #1 (1982).
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Qureshi Gupta is a young super hero from New Delhi who recruited into the Champions after Ms. Marvel took leadership and decided to expand their ranks to make the team's reach global.  
Qureshi possesses the ability to mentally create and control teleportation discs, which allow himself and others to teleport anywhere on Earth instantaneously.  The nature and origin of these powers remain thus far unrevealed (although his green hair suggests that he may be a Mutant or Inhuman).  
Pinpoint first appeared in the pages of Champions Vol. 3 #1 (2019).
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The Paladin
The mysterious mercenary known as The Paladin has acted as both a villain as well as a hero, always dependent on who is paying his exorbitant fee.  A master combatant, The Paladin is expert at many forms of martial arts ad fighting styles.  He often employs a specialized stun-gun that fires a microwave signal that incapacitates foes.  An early mission saw him hired to track down The Purple Man, leading to a confrontation with Daredevil.  He was later hired by The Wasp in aiding the Avengers against Baron Brimstone.  Other adventures entailed his teaming up with Spider-Man, as well as Generation X, and later Misty Knight’s iteration of The Heroes For Hire.  He also worked for Silver Sable’s WildPack.  Although he aided these various heroes, The Paladin always made it clear that his alignment was strictly determined by money.  His loose morality notwithstanding, he did manage to catch the eye of The Wasp and the two had a brief affair whilst he acted as an unofficial member of The Avengers.  
Some time later, The Paladin was hired to assassinate The Punisher, an assignment he failed in.  He was then sanctioned to take out Daredevil which resulted in Daredevil being apprehended by the police.  Some time thereafter, Paladin accepted an offer by Norman Osborn to lead a decidedly more nefarious version of The Thunderbolts during the Dark Reign era.   
More recently, The Paladin aided Misty Knight during the Shadowland event.  The Paladin first appeared in Daredevil Vol. 1 #150 (1977).
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Ms. America
Madeline Joyce received super human powers when she was struck by a strange bolt of lightning near a lighthouse.  She found that was suddenly imbued with the powers of flight, super strength and invulnerability.  Dubbing herself Ms. America, she used her newfound powers to fight at the side of the Allied Forces during the Second World War.  
Ms. America has been a member of the war-time group of heroes known as The invaders, as well as The Liberty Legion and the All Winners Squad.  Following the War, Madeline married the fellow superhero, The Whizzer and the pair retired.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Marvel Mystery Comics #49 (1943).
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Maria Callasantos grew up in a housing tenement in an impoverished neighborhood of New York City.  She came from a highly abusive home and she and her sister both manifested Mutant powers and attributes in their early teens.  Both of them gradually transformed into cat-like creatures with enhanced strength and dexter and sharpened claws and teeth.  The pair ran away and ended up joining the Morlock society under the city.  Maria took on the name ‘Feral’ while her sister came to be known as ‘Thornn.’  
Feral managed to evade the Marauders during he Morlock masseuse and ended up a founding member of Cable’s team of Mutant heroes, X-Force.  She first appeared in the pages of New Mutants Vol. 1 #99 (1991).  
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Molly Fitzgerald was born a raised in Dunshaughlin, Ireland. Her father was a fanatically militant Irish nationalist. When Molly was three years old, her father took her and her brother to the North Ireland mountainsides and asked the heavens to grant his son the power to strike down its enemies. Although nothing seemed to have happened, Molly learned during her first year at University that she was the one who was blessed. She discovered she was surrounded by a protective aura that caused random improbabilities to manifest themselves on her behalf whenever she was in trouble. Rather than return to the war-torn mountains, she used her "good luck powers" to become Ireland's super heroine, Shamrock.
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions #1 (1982).
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The Destroyer
Roger Aubrey had been an English national who was arrested in Berlin around the onset of the Second World War.  A prisoner of the villainous Colonel Dietrich, Aubrey was subjected to gruesome experiments as part of Dietrich’s efforts to create super soldiers for the schutzstaffel.  The process that Aubry endured shrunk his body, leaving him only a few inches tall yet retaining the strength of his original size.  In his diminutive state, Aubry was able to escape his captures and make his way back to England.  From there he utilized what had happened to him to act as the hero Dyna-Mite as part of The Crusaders, a team of heroes for battled for the Allied Forces during the war.  
Colonel Dietrich was later captured and forced to provide the formula that enabled Aubry to return to his original size.  Some time thereafter, Aubry used a variation of the super soldier serum to gain enhanced strength and speed.  He used these powers to assume the mantle of The Destroyer, running missions behind enemy lines.  The Destroyer would later join the hero team, The Invaders, during the closing months of the war.  During the war, Aubry maintained a secret romantic relationship with his teammate, Union Jack (Brian Falsworth).  It was a different age and Roger and Brain felt compelled to keep their romance a secret.
Following the was, Aubry found that the special serum he had taken had the effect of slowing his aging process.  As such, he continued on as the Destroyer and helped to establish the hero group known as The V-Battalion, whose mission statement was to prevent the rise of fascism across the globe.  Years later, The Destroyer joined a new iteration of The Invaders led by The Thin Man.
Aubry’s first appearance was in the pages of All Winners Comics #8 (1943); his first appearance as The Destroyer was in Invaders Vol. 1 #26 (1977).
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The Wraith
Zak-Del is a Kree who was genetically altered by his father to become a living weapon.  The Wraith fought in the Annihilation War and was later recruited into Starfox’s Dark Guardians whose aim was to prevent Thanos from returning from the dead.  The dark hero first appeared in the pages of Annihilation: Conquest Prologue #1 (2007).
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Emily Guerrero is a latent Inhuman who was bestowed superhuman powers when she came into contact with the Terrigen Cloud.  She discovered she now possesses telepathic and brainwave-manipulation powers.  She was soon thereafter recruited by Ca[tain America to act as a member of the Uncanny Avengers Unity Squad wherein she took on the code name of ‘Synapse.’  The heroine first appeared in the pages of Uncanny Avengers Vol. 3 #1 (2015).  
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Thomas Fireheart had been a successful businessman whose family heritage connected him to a long line of mystic warriors who had mastered the power of lycanthropy.  Through meditation, Fireheart could transform himself into a fierce half-man/half-puma being.  Seeking to further hone his skills as a warrior, Fireheart traveled to New York and accepted a contract to take down Spider-Man.  This led to a number of battles between The Puma and Spider-Man.  He additionally faced off with The Black Cat and then later battled Woilverine.  
After witnessing Spider-Man save a group of innocent bystanders The Puma decided that the web-slinger was an honorable warrior and he chose to discontinue his attacks.  Puma later teamed up with Silver Sable as a member of her mercenary force, The Wild Pack.  The Puma first appeared in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #256 (1984).  
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Patriot / Rayshaun Lucas
Rayshaun Lucas had been a young man living in The Harlem neighborhood of New York City.  He was greatly moved by Captain America/Sam Wilson when the hero brought to light the racially-motivated injustices of the private security firm known as the AmeriCops.  Rayshaun participated in the demonstrations that followed and became inspired to do what he could to bring about the social change he wanted.  
Not long thereafter, Rayshaun became involved in the underground resistance during the Secret Empire event.  Combat trained by The Black Widow and armed with a special shield that dubbed as a glider provided by Tony Stark, Reshaun became the new Patriot and battled alongside the heroes to bring down Hydra.
The hero first appeared in the pages of Captain America: Sam Wilson #18 (2017).
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Cloud Nine
Abigail Boylen encountered a strange alien gas that bestowed her the ability of high speed flight.  She was ultimately recruited into the 50-State Avengers Initiative program and took the name ‘Cloud Nine.’  Following her time with the Initiative, Abby retired from super heroics yet continues to serve as a reserve member of The Champions.  She first appeared in the pages of Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 (2007).
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The hero known as Rockslide was Santo Vaccarro.  Santo was a Mutant, possessing an X-gene that caused massive changes in his physiology in young adolescence.  In Santo’s case he became a geokinetic psychic entity.  In other words, his consciousness animates a large humanoid body composed entirely of inorganic granite.  This bestows him incredible super strength and durability as well as the capacity to reform his body after injury or destruction.  Santo also found that he would fire of his fists as short range rocky missiles.  
Santo had been a huge fan of the superhero known as the Hulk and was excited about his transformation and the new powers he come to possess, seemingly unfazed by the loss of his more traditional human physique.  He was recruited into the Xavier School for Gifted Youngster where he became good friends with fellow classmates, Hellion and Anole.  Taking the name ‘Rockslide’ he would go on to have numerous adventures as a member of the younger generation of fledgling X-Men.  
Although Rockslide often said thoughtless things and presented himself as dim and insensitive, there were other times were he showed great insight and compassion.  Above all he was a loyal friend to his colleagues among the X-Men.
Rockslide became a citizen of the Island Nation of Krakoa.  He embarked on an adventure to the extra-dimensional realm known as Otherworld where he perished in combat.  Due to the strange nature of Otherworld, The Five mutants who could facilitate Mutant resurrection were unable to bring Rockslide back to life, making him among the first Mutants to truly die on the island.  Considering the parameters of his powers, however, it is not outside of the realm of possibilities that Rockslide may one day return.  
The hero first appeared in New Mutants Vol. 2 #3 (2003)    
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Jack Flag
A one time partner to Captain America on Earth, Jack ended up allied with Star-Lord during a break out on the Negative Zone-stationed penitentiary, Prison 42.  Jack escaped with Star-Lord to Knowhere and the young hero stuck around to act as a member of the then current iteration of The Guardians.  He later returned to earth and was sadly killed during the set of the Secret Empire event.  He first appeared in the pages of Captain America Vol. 1 #434 (1994).
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Jacques Duquesne was the son of wealthy French ex-patriots living in the small Southeast Asian nation of Sin-Cong. He learned to become an expert swordsman, combining multiple disciplines to become a near peerless master of the blade.  
He took these skills to America where he became the star attraction of The Carnival of Traveling Wonders. While with this circus, Duquesne helped mentor a young runaway named Clint Barton. While Barton would go on to become the hero Hawkeye, Duquesne became involved in petty theft, gambling and racketeering. After learning that his former pupil had become an Avenger, Duquesne fashioned himself a costume complete with an electrified sword, dubbed himself ‘The Swordsman’ and demanded that he too be invited into the ranks of the Avengers. He was rejected and it ultimately led to his fighting against The Avengers on numerous occasions.
Later, The Swordsman fell in love with the Avenger named Mantis and he chose to aide the team in a battle against Kang. He sacrificed himself in order to save Mantis’ life and was posthumously honored as an Avenger.  He was resurrected many years later by Pluto. The Swordsman first appeared in the pages of Avengers Vol. 1 #19 (1965).
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Shilpa Khatri is a young Mutant from India who used her technopathic abilities to aide the X-Men Red team.  She currently resides on the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  Her first appearance was in X-Men Red Vol. 1 #1 (2018).  
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Cosmic Ghost Rider
An older, alternate reality version of Frank Castle who came to possess the power cosmic as a herald of Galactus.  Driven mad by his experiences, the Rider was initially recruited into Nebula’s Dark Guardians yet lat switched sides and served Star-Lord’s Guardians in attempted to prevent the resurrection of Thanos.   The character first appeared in Thanos Vol. 2 #13 (2017).
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The Anarchist
Tike Alicar was a Mutant who could produce an acidic sweat that could be channeled into a powerful corrosive blasts.  He used this ability in the service of the corporate iteration of X-Force (later X-Statix).  Herein he took on the alias of The Anarchist and became close friends with his colleagues The Orphan and U-Go-Girl.  The Anarchist was killed in battle yet later resurrected on the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  The hero first appeared in the pages of X-Force Vol. 1 #116 (2001).
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Captain Universe
Gabriel Vargas was an American army veteran who found himself possessed by the cosmic Uni-Force, transforming him into Captain Universe.  After traversing the stars, Varga found himself recruited into Star-Lord initial team of Guardians sent to free Hala from The Phalanx.  Vargas gave up his powers to help ensure victory and fell in battle soon thereafter.  The hero first appeared in Annihilation: Conquest Prologue #1 (2007).  
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The Collective Man
Identical quintuplets from a Chinese farming family, the brothers Tao-Yu were taken into governmental custody for study after their Mutant powers first manifested.  The brothers each possessed a capacity for molecular synchronization, wherein they can alter the synchronization of their bodies’ atoms, enabling them to merge into a single being. In their collective state, the brothers possess their combined strength, speed, endurance and intellect.
Dubbed the Collective Man, the brothers acted as a super hero agent of the Chinese Military and embraced on numerous adventures.  Following an encounter with The Incredible Hulk, The Collective Man was later caught up in the Contest of Champions affair.
The heroes first appeared in the pages of Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #250 (1980).
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Myles Alfred is a Mutant possessing the powers of lycanthropy wherein he can transform into a bipedal werewolf with awesome strength and powerful claws.  He used these powers as a part of the corporate iteration of X-Force (later X-Statix) wherein he took on the alias of Vivisector.  Myles has since retired from super heroics.  Vivisector first appeared in the pages of  X-Force Vol. 1 #117 (2001).
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Erik Josten had been a former villain who was bestowed super human strength by Baron Zemo.  He initially used the name Power Man in his battles against the Avengers, but later took on the alias of Goliath when using size-augmenting Pam Particles.  He was recruited into Zemo’s Thunderbolts scheme wherein he changed his identity to the heroic Atlas.  
Pretending to be a hero had a dramatic effect on Eric and he chose to become a super hero in earnest, turning against Zemo and aiding The Avengers.  As part of a plea bargain for past crimes, Eric was allowed to remain Atlas and serve in the new, heroic version of the Thunderbolts.  The villain turned hero first appeared in The Avengers Vol. 1 #21 (1965).  
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The Blazing Skull
Mark Todd had been a foreign correspondent and pacifist reporter in the years leading up to the Second World War.  While covering the Second Sino-Japanese War, Todd encountered the strange supernatural beings known as The Skull Men.  These beings taught Todd there ways and he gained super human strength as well as a degree of pyrokenesis.  He used the powers to fight the Axis Forces during World War II where he became known as The Blazing Skull.  He later joined The invaders.  The hero first appeared in the pages of Mystic Comics #5 (1940).
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Big Bertha
Ashley Crawford is a Mutant possessing the X-Gene.  In late adolescence, Ashley learned that she possesses the ability to mentally control the distribution of her body's adipose tissue.  Over time she learned to master this skill.
Ashley used her power to create a highly desirable form and went on to become a highly successful fashion model.  This success not withstanding, Ashley found the industry superficial and unrewarding.  Soon thereafter, she happened upon Mister Immortal’s newspaper add seeking out super powered heroes.  It sounded exciting and she tried it out.
Ashley used her powers to reform her body, creating a physique that is large, exceptionally strong and highly resistant to injury.  She renamed herself Big Bertha and was eagerly accepted into the newly formed Great Lake Avengers.  
Having spent much of her life in a slender body, Ashley was shocked and disheartened to discover just how cruel and intolerant people can be turned those who are overweight.  In response she decided to make her enlarged form her standard form doing what she could to promote body positivity.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 #46 (1989).
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The Phantom Rider
Carter and Lincoln Slade were a pair of brothers who grew up in rural Nebraska in the middle 19th Century.  Carter traveled West to become a school teacher but fell ill on his journey.  He was nursed back to health by a mysterious Comanche  Shaman known as Flaming Star.  
Flaming Star informed Carter that he had been chosen by The Great Spirit to act as the land’s protector; to be ‘He Who Rides The Night Winds.’   Carson came to accept this proclamation and he chose to become a vigilante helping the innocent.  He crafted a white suit and mask and came to be known as The Ghost Rider (sometimes the Phantom Rider or Night Rider).  The hero first appeared in Western Gunfighters Vol. 2 #6 (1971).
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Doctor Karla Sofen had been a renowned psychiatrist, who enjoyed manipulating her patients rather than helping them.  She became a protégé of the villainous Dr. Faustus who helped her further refine her powers of persuasion.  She was assigned to provide psychiatric care to Lloyd Bloch, the villain known as Moonstone, who possessed an ancient Kree artifact that endowed him fantastic powers.  Using her guile, Dr. Sofen persuaded Bloch to give up on being Moonstone and bestow onto her the artifact.  
Now possessing this item, Sofen found that she was granted superhuman strength, speed and durability, along with the power to fly, project energy beams and make her body intangible and thus impervious to harm.  She used these powers to become the new Moonstone and, in her time as a super villain, went up against The Hulk, Spider-Man and The Avengers.  
Moonstone fell in with Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil.  After the Avengers went missing and were presumed dead, Zemo orchestrated a plan wherein the Masters of Evil pretended to be super-heroes, naming themselves the Thunderbolts. Moonstone reinvented herself as the fake super-hero named Meteorite.
The Thunderbolts' hoax ultimately leaned them into genuine heroic activities. Meteorite then became romantically involved with Hawkeye, who had taken control of the Thunderbolts to encourage them to be heroes.
Some time later, Dr. Sofen was recruited by Norman Osborn to act as the new Ms. Marvel as a part of his Dark Avengers team.  These Dark Avengers were ultimately brought down and Soften was remanded to a new Thunderbolts team tasked with fulfilling missions as a type of work furlough program.  
More recently, Dr, Sofen has ended returning to the role of a psychiatrist, working at the Ravencroft Institute.  
The villain who has often acted as a hero first appeared in the pages of Captain America Vol. 1 #192 (1975).
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Silver Sable - Francesco Francavilla
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Steven Butler made this slide featuring Silver Sable and the Wild Pack, Moon Knight, Deadzone, Doc Samson, The Hulk, Deathlok and Moses Magnum (1993). . What do you think about this slide? . #silversable #wildpack #sandman #90s #hulk #avengers #deathlok #mosesmagnum #moonknight #docsamson #deadzone https://www.instagram.com/p/CgeRB5usPUb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sebeth · 4 years
It Was Checkmate
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evilhorse · 6 years
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To hunt a fugitive!
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primeconvoy1 · 6 years
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In action tonight is the Marvel Legends Domino figure from the first Deadpool wave!
Paint apps are really nice on this figure, and the sculpt has a design that fits her character. Also, liking the weapons she came with.
On to pics...
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jasxsilva · 6 years
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My dog Emily inspired the designs for my main character.
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ann4rt · 4 years
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Silver Sable! Another first time. Ive been taking breaks to draw what I like :) they get auctioned off in my FB fan group. But you know.. Maybe it is time to do a giveaway for my Instagram peeps! Who should I draw you all? :) On A4 paper with #copicmarkers If interested, my fan group is called "Anna's Sketchbook" on #Facebook ... I do require people to answer questions. It is a small group. #ann4rt #annazhuo #azhuo #azhuo2020 #silversable #marvel #artistsoninstagram #copicart #femaleartist #wildpack #mercenary #spiderman #asm #silversablinova https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvRtM2hacL/?igshid=hzjvs60sjx7r
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silversaablinova · 6 years
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my business always comes before pleasure.
silver sable and the wild pack #8
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tinybluebrain · 8 years
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Pup Party
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mattelektras · 7 years
if you could make a marvel movie with a limitless budget and can get any actors you wanted, what characters would it be about?
http://mattelektras.tumblr.com/post/153699886167/dream-teams-all-female-heroes-for-hire-ft-black or xforce (neena/betsy/cable/boom boom/shatterstar/rictor/dr nemesis/fantomex/logan/warpath/daken/a lot i love them all) or the new warriors (a combo of the originals and the most recent run w sam/kaine/faira/aracely) or just the clone saga speaking of kaine
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idesignthisway · 7 years
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Lunch time run in the sun what a treat. . #whiskywolfpack #wildpack #noexcuses #training #running #lunchrun #run #sunshine #northwales http://ift.tt/2DZifBN
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Wild Pack! (1993) . Who was the artist? . Which is your favorite Wild Pack-member? . #wildpack #sandman #spiderman #comics #90s #chen #battlestar #powell #crippler #quentino #guns #sword https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHebgsMonW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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margokesses · 4 years
Ok raz anon once again, trying to keep it short but 616 hobie brown started off as a villain- he was struggling to make any money, and the job he had was mistreating him iirc, so he wanted to steal from a safe using gear he made bc hes super smart! to help his situation, but then spiderman comes along and gives him a listening ear and convinces him to find a better path, afterwards he showed up as an ally for peter and joined one of silver sable's wildpack teams where he gets to be a hero!! (1/2
"2/2) Raz anon- Hobie’s rly fun imo, in the 2000s and up writers kinda fucked his character over a lot which makes me super super mad, but from his introduction in the 70s to the 90s he's just this laid back really smart funny guy whose trying his best to help people both as a hero and a scientist bc he later gets the chance to get a good job in new york as an inventor iirc which is epic :) okay i think that’s all like summarised love him a lot"
Ohh love that for him! I never knew he was smart I just assumed he was one of those D level villians that spidey always has to deal with. Glad he turned his life around. Thanks!
Send me asks
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