#will be next year and Natsuya laughed and smiled at him and he felt like at ease I just can’t it’s so soft
Hiyori about Ikuya’s smile in episode 8 of dttf:
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Nao about Natsuya’s smile in Nao birthday story:
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Me: well the Kirishima sure have some damn smiles huh
#free!#free! dive to the future#nao serizawa#hiyori tono#natsuya kirishima#ikuya kirishima#natsunao#otp: i always know why you’re upset#hiyoiku#otp: you don’t have to wish on stars to make your dreams come true#Ikuya and Natsuya: smile#Hiyori and Nao: wow I sure hope it doesn’t awake anything in me#also yes I lowkey ref the damn smile meme lol#but more seriously this parallels#call back? reference? or whatever#live rent free in my mind#like the idea of Nao and Hiyori falling in love for Natsuya and Ikuya smiles make me so soft#or just seeing their smiles make the both of them so happy and make them feel safe just aaaaah so cute#yeah bc for those who doesn’t know when Nao said that it was when he felt lonely hearing fireworks bc he doesn’t know where he and Natsuya#will be next year and Natsuya laughed and smiled at him and he felt like at ease I just can’t it’s so soft#and I don’t think I have to explain about Hiyori and Ikuya’s smile#i just love this two ships so much#actually I can even stretch it with the fact that both Natsuya and Ikuya was the one reaching to Nao and Hiyori first#Natsuya asking Nao to enter in the swimming club almost drag him#and both in kindergarten and in America Ikuya was the one reaching and complimenting Hiyori first#hey even after their fight Ikuya was the one searching for Hiyori to talk once he got his shit together#like Natsuya and Ikuya are pulled toward Nao and Hiyori#it’s so cute#anyway a lot of thoughts about Hiyoiku and Natsunao bc I love those ships so much#living rentfree in my head for the time being
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kudouusagi · 4 years
Makoto Birthday 2020
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"You seem really happy today" Haru said while looking at my face. I just responded ‘Really?’ while looking back and forth between the card I got from Asahi, Kisumi, and the rest and Haru. On the bench, there were the ton of presents I got from everyone. There were so many that it seemed like they would push me and Haru off of it.
Whenever we meet up near my university, we always meet at this park. Just over Haru's shoulder, I could see the station building that was newly renovated last month. We're regular visitors to this park now. The roadside trees all around us are covered in beautiful fall colors now. There are kids running around playing happily while stomping through the fallen leaves and laughing near us. From their bags, it seems like they go to a swimming club.
"And then, they all provided entertainment."
Today, Asahi and Kisumi, and also Ikuya and Toono-kun threw me a birthday party. Since Haru came late because he had a class, I was summarizing what had happened until then for him.
At the beginning of the party, Asahi and Toono-kun did magic tricks using playing cards. It seems they wanted to compete to see who could surprise me with them, but in the end I was surprised by all of the magic. Everybody laughed so they were really hyped up but they seemed frustrated. When I told him that, that Haru said ‘I bet’ and smiled. I said that next time I'd learn some amazing magic trick to surprise Haru. As soon as I said that, Haru said ‘I'm looking forward to it.’ Geez, he's probably thinking that ‘Makoto's so clumsy, that it's impossible.’ Even though that's not true!
I think what happened next was that Kisumi and Ikuya challenged me to a poker match. I set a disgraceful losing record of losing with a royal straight something 8 times in a row. Everyone laughed at that too, and they all spoke in unison saying ‘What you have is written clearly on your face.’ When I asked ‘Am I that easy to understand?’ Haru made a face like he didn't want to say anything. Ah, damn it, even Haru! I decided before the next time we all get together, I needed to get better at poker.
"After that you got a phone call from Rei, right?"
Haru said and I responded ‘That's right.’ Right as Haru got to the party, I got a video call from Rei and Nagisa. Even though Rei and Nagisa are always acting like such good senpai, as soon as they're talking to us, they start acting younger all of the sudden. While we were talking it felt really nostalgic and flattering and it was really nice. I think it's because we treasure those feelings that we are here now. When I talked about Rei and Nagisa, Haru listened while looking at me intently. I'm sure he feels the same way.
Suddenly, my phone started ringing. It was a call from Rin.
"Hey, Makoto. Happy birthday! You didn't get another mackerel cake again this year, did you?"
"Rin! Thanks. Hehe, this year's cake was......."
Haru was staring at me. It seems he's noticed that the person on the phone is Rin.
After we talked for a while, I asked Rin, ‘Are you sure you don't want me to pass the phone to Haru?’ but he just said ‘But it's your birthday, after all‘ like it was no big deal. After that, I got a call from Sousuke, too. But all I heard was ‘Makoto, congra-’ and then a mechanical beeeeeep and it cut off. Maybe he was in an area with bad signal? I'll have to remember to call him back.
Natsuya-senpai and Nao-senpai who showed up late, and Asahi and Kisumi all gave me huge presents. It seems the reason was that "you have such a big body, Makoto." Ikuya and Toono-kun also gave me big presents and I got a package containing rice and protein from Iwatobi. When Haru saw that he said ‘It's like they're sending you rations’ and I burst out laughing. That is true.
The lively party ended in no time, Haru carried half of my large amount of presents, and then we took a rest in this park where we've been talking for quite a while.
The street lights started to turn on. Even though it had still been bright out until a little while ago, now the sun was already down. My stomach abruptly made a growling noise. I guess I was so happy and having so much fun at the party I didn't eat much. Haru made a face like ‘oh dear’ and then said,
"Want to come to my place? If it's seafood, I can make you something quick"
"Haha, sure, I'll come over. Thanks, even though you have practice tomorrow."
Haru said ‘Don't worry about it’ while easily picking up the packages. Through a gap in a bag I saw Nagisa's handwriting saying "I love you, Mako-chan!" and a laugh slipped out to me. Haru turned to me looking confused. I just smiled back.
I'll keep walking forward while treasuring all these feelings I received from everyone. That's what I think from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much for today!
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albatrossmuffin · 4 years
Birthday Story: Nao
Translation of Birthday Story: Nao can be found...right here for once lol:
So this is the temporary home of Nao’s story until pillowfort gets its shit together; once they let me post there again I’ll post this there with the scans and stuff as usual (sorry I still don’t trust tumblr not to mark me mature content lol); at that time I’ll reblog this with the updated link here. 
Pillowfort has returned! Here’s the proper post.
In the meantime, I strongly suggest reading Natsuya’s first here, as they are directly related.
[Please forgive the weird spacing and nonsensical verb tense changing, it does that and I wanted you to feel my pain enjoy it as...intended? lol]
Birthday Story #04 Nao
In a gap in the clouds, I saw a rainbow in the clear blue sky. A seven-colored arch that stretches lengthwise. I feel like something good is going to happen today.
This year, practical training and assignments have increased, and the hectic days continue. On the other hand, I was able to once again meet Makoto and the others, who have come to Tokyo, so there is also a pleasant sensation.
Today I’ve been invited by Ikuya to Natsuya’s birthday party.  Very fidgety messages such as “Not yet?”, “Where are you now?” arrived from the starring player. Jeez, even though I’m sure I had told him that ‘today I’d be late because of a lecture, so I want you to start without me’. However, mysteriously I don’t feel displeased. Rather, I even feel relieved at the same-as-always Natsuya. By the time I realize, I’m caught up in Natsuya’s pace.
Come to think of it, next week I’ll have a birthday as well. Suddenly, I remembered Natsuya from around high school age.
“Rather, why don’t we celebrate our birthdays together? You see, these things are more fun when they’re lively, right!” 
In the end, the “joint birthday party” at that time did not happen. I too had passed it off as one of his funny stories. As for why I remembered a story from when we were in high school at this time, even I don’t know.     
Strength flows into the hand on the door of the building where Natsuya and the others are waiting. Now, with what kind of expression is the starring player that loves festivals awaiting with? 
“Happy birthday, Nao!” 
“Happy birthday, Nao-senpai!” 
Natsuya and Ikuya, and Hiyori’s smiles are lined up. I was involuntarily taken aback. That Natsuya, did he remember that time? 
“Why, what a surprise.” 
Murmuring that was all I could manage. Natsuya seemed dissatisfied with my reaction, and he protested with a snort of hmph. Ikuya and Hiyori are laughing happily. I pulled myself together and told them, “thanks.” 
The inside of the room was neatly divided into a space for celebrating Natsuya, and a space that appeared to be prepared for celebrating me. I discover a small aquaterrarium. It’s an item about which I had muttered, Should I buy it?, when I had gone shopping with Natsuya over a year ago.  Had he gone out of his way to buy it? I’m surprised by Natsuya’s memory and ability to take action. Even though he is this quick-thinking, why is he so clumsy, I wonder? 
In front of me, Natsuya and Ikuya are fighting about something like Natsuya ate the cake before he blew out the candles on it. I almost burst into laughter unconsciously. 
I talked with Haruka, Makoto, and Asahi, who had come earlier, about what’s going on in each other’s lives. Next to them were the students, which Makoto had brought along. 
“Coach Serizawa, happy birthday!” 
Saying that, Misaki-kun handed me a flower that he was holding with great care. Meeting his eye level, I accept it. Apparently he’d heard about today from Makoto, and had stopped by on his way home from the swimming club. 
“Thanks. I’ll come to see practice again.” 
“Okay, I’ll be able to swim much much faster than I can now!” 
I feel the growth in Misaki-kun, who smiles dependably, and in Makoto, who supports it, and my chest warms. This is why I can’t stop swimming. 
I heard about recent matches from Haruka and Asahi, and we discussed them including reflection. I keenly felt from the two of them the strength of their competitive spirit. The leopard can’t change…you know the rest.* I remembered when I was in middle school and grew nostalgic.
Even while enjoying the party, I was a little concerned if Natsuya was drinking too much. I thought I’d lightly chastise Natsuya who had, sure enough, begun to drowsily nod off, but I stopped myself. I’ll overlook it for today. Because it’s our first joint birthday party, after all. 
On the way home I lent Natsuya my shoulder. Natsuya’s body is quite heavier than it looks. Did he gain muscle again, I wonder? I’ve heard that inspired by Ikuya, the amount he’s practicing is increasing, too. 
Arriving at the station, when we were sitting on the platform bench, Natsuya murmured: 
“……Did you find out about it? I mean, the surprise……” 
If it was the usual, I probably would have replied with “I see right through a thing that Natsuya is likely to do.” 
However, at that time I just vaguely replied with “I wonder?”. I sensed that I was feeling a little peaceful. Surely, it was because of the gentle night breeze. 
I hear the sound of fireworks going up in the distance. 
Next year where will I, and Natsuya, be I wonder? It’s strange; because as I think such a thing, the sound of the fireworks, which should be stirring, sounds like a lonely sound in some way. With or without knowledge of my feelings, Natsuya suddenly laughed powerfully. 
“Next year I’ll surprise you even more.” 
“Okay. I’m counting on you*.” 
Natsuya surely doesn’t know that I have been saved by this smile. 
What will he surprise me with next, I wonder? I’ll secretly look forward to it.
“the leopard” – Japanese proverb time! Literally it says something like “the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100,” meaning that the personality you have when you’re young doesn’t change even when you get older. The leopard can’t change its spots is the most recognizable translation option I found, so I went with that one. Also, he doesn’t say the entire proverb and cuts it off at the end, which is (according to the internet) a thing a lot of Japanese people do as a kind of nuance of both respecting that the person obviously knows the rest, and kind of avoiding showing off or being offensive by saying the entire thing. An interesting tie in to the subtlety of the linguistic culture I’d never heard before (like how people don’t say no directly).
“counting on” – this is one of the ways to translate this phrase but I don’t feel like it gives the full meaning so I must add lol; it has the nuance of “I’m expecting good things/I’m anticipating [it],” but in English I can’t have Nao say ‘I’m expecting great things of you/I’m anticipating you do this’ here without sounding like an asshole lololol
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simplybakugou · 4 years
The Villain -- Ch. 8: Coming Clean
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Pairing: villain!bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing; a little steamy 👀
Word Count: 3,539
Remember, if you want to be tagged in future chapters, comment below and I’ll add your username to the list!
✐posted 06.03.2020✐
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Bakugou kicked open the door to the Kamino Ward, feeling absolutely enraged with his fists clenched at his sides. “Where are you, Warp Gate fucker?!”
Kurogiri felt himself flinch behind the bar as Bakugou trudged inside the building, slamming his palms down onto the table. Even he felt himself shudder under the piercing gaze of his vermillion eyes, shifting in place in discomfort.
“What is it, Ground Zero?” Kurogiri asked.
“What the fuck did you do to the Comission Center? I didn’t give you any orders to pull that shit,” Bakugou grunted, feeling his palms sweat as little sparks erupted from his palms subconsciously.
Kurogiri looked back at Bakugou plainly. “With all due respect, Ground Zero, I don’t think what you’ve been doing has been benefiting the League of Villains. In addition…”
Kurogiri paused looking up to meet Bakugou’s gaze. “It seems to me that you have personal feelings for (H/N), which is what is holding you back. And frankly, I do not support this as our cause is completely different from those heroes.”
Bakugou laughed humorlessly, not believing a single word he was hearing. “Alright, let’s say you don’t trust me, which I don’t give a fuck about because I’m the leader for a reason. But who the fuck was with you ‘cause there no way in hell you’d be able to cause that much damage with that shitty quirk of yours.”
Kurogiri sighed. “The second person in question was a fake. There was no one else there. I used explosives to cause the damage to the area. Those heroes misread what they saw and relayed the information incorrectly. We must increase the pace in which we’re taking to finalize our goal: destroy every single hero there is.”
Bakugou scoffed, nodding along to his story. He didn’t believe what he was saying, realizing that Kurogiri was most likely covering for the person most likely behind all of this. Nevertheless, Bakugou was willing to put up with Kurogiri’s antics… for now.
“Alright… I’ll let it go for now, but next time tell me first before you do some dumb shit like this,” Bakugou said curtly, pushing back and moving towards the exit. He stopped in his tracks, looking back at Kurogiri in annoyance. “And I don’t like that shitty girl either so get that thought out of your fucking ass!”
“Are the reporters all out there?” You asked, wanting to peek behind the curtain in the conference hall.
Tsubaki, the one who called you immediately following the incident at the Hero Public Safety Commission Center, peeked through the curtain gasping at the sight. “There’s so many of them out there!”
You sighed, your heart feeling heavy due to the large amount of people in one room awaiting for Natsuya’s speech as well as the reason for the press conference. Although you were never close to him, you felt awful about what had happened to Hawks as he was a major hero when you were still a teenager in U.A.
“I’m surprised Yamashita got so many people here at once in such a short amount of time!” Tsubaki exclaimed.
You nodded in agreement. “I mean, what else would you expect from the Chief of Police?”
Natsuya emerged from the conference room where other officers, the head of the Hero Commission Center, and other officials followed. Natsuya shot you a small smile, his nerves skyrocketing as he was instructed to go out onto the small stage placed in front of all of the reporters. The curtain pulled back and flashes of cameras glowed in the room as the reporters rapidly took pictures.
Natsuya took a deep breath, standing in front of the podium as he was chosen to deliver the news to everyone. You stayed behind the curtain with Tsubaki and other heroes who attended.
“The events that took place yesterday were horrific and outright evil. We have confirmed that the villain Kurogiri and an unidentified second villain were the ones responsible for this atrocity. We have also confirmed that villains Dabi and Ground Zero were nowhere to be seen during these events, therefore are not responsible. Nevertheless, the League of Villains are still held accountable for this, and will be held accountable for the health damage that hero Hawks faced. The hospital also confirms that Hawks had his quirk taken away from him through the Quirk-Destroying Drug that hadn’t been used for years since Shigaraki was the original leader of the League of Villains.” Natsuya continued to relay crucial information to the crowd as they typed vigorously, trying to keep up with him as he spoke. 
“What do you plan on doing, (H/N)?” Tsubaki asked you, half-listening to Natsuya and half-anticipating what you were going to say.
“If it wasn’t clear before, it’s clear now,” you stated. “We have to take down the League, no matter who stands in our way.”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” Natsuya’s concerned voice came through the speakers of your car as you drove down the highway.
“Stop worrying about be, Tsuya, you’re going to burst a blood vessel,” you joked. “I’m just visiting home. Things are getting suffocating so I just need a breather.”
“Alright, let me know if there’s anything I can do,” Natsuya said, causing a smile to tease at your lips.
“I know I can rely on you for anything. I’ll talk to you later.” You ended the call, parking your car in front of your childhood home. Exiting your vehicle, you stood in front of your house where your father still resided, hesitant to enter. Your fingers curled into fists, deciding to not go in anyways and you made your way towards the opposite direction of the street. 
Since your mother’s passing, your father had been adamant about his disapproval of your passion and profession. No matter how many honorary medals or titles you earned, your father never approved of anything. By the time you had officially become a pro, having just graduated from U.A., your father vowed to never speak to you again. It had been years since you’d spoken to him and you were nervous to encounter him again despite how many times Natsuya, who still was in contact with him, pushed you to make the first move. But you simply couldn’t. 
You didn’t know where you were going, your feet taking you down the trail. Your old neighborhood was quiet and pleasant, trees, flowers, and bushes littered almost everywhere. That was why it felt like second nature for you to walk to the old park by your home, one that you and the rest of your friends from U.A. would spend time after school. But once you had finally reached the park, you felt heartbroken at the sight.
The previously lively park with acres of land and trees had been ripped apart, now a construction site with heaps of trash littering the area. It had been too long since you had last been here so you knew things would be different. Nevertheless, you hopped over the fence that stood in front of the site to keep away trespassers. You didn’t care about the consequences at the moment, wanting to sit somewhere, not caring where it was so long as you were able to clear your head somehow.
There were numerous cranes and other machines and equipment scattered across the yard. Having picked a random one, you used your quirk to push yourself atop an excavator. A deep sigh escaped from your lips as you looked out into the horizon. You could see your house from here and even some of your friends’ old homes. You stared particularly at the biggest house in the area, the Bakugou house, that was now empty. After Bakugou had turned to the League, his mother and father left the city and no one knew where they resided now. It seemed wherever Bakugou went, he brought pain and misery along with him.
“The hell?!” A certain gruff voice exclaimed from beside you. You looked to the left, eyes widening at the sight of Bakugou staring back at you with a similar expression. He was lying on the ginormous machine. You hadn’t noticed him as the space was so large and your mind was racing at a thousand miles per minute that you couldn’t even acknowledge his existence.
Before you could open your mouth to utter even a word, Bakugou was quick to jump down from the machine, avoiding you at all costs. But you were even quicker to create a gravel barrier between him and the fence using your quirk, trapping him in the space. Bakugou cursed under his breath as he was too flustered to react quick enough. You created an elevator-like step underneath Bakugou’s feet, maneuvering him back up the excavator. He didn’t utter a word nor did he attempt to flee this time, staring at you silently as he stepped back onto the machine.
You were surprised, looking at him curiously. “You’re not going to try to run, Katsuki?”
Bakugou sighed, plopping back down onto the metal surface, criss-crossing his legs. He scoffed, avoiding your gaze. “And you’re not gonna arrest me, hero?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling your legs to your chest. You wrapped your arms around them, leaning your head on your knees. “I’ve got a lot on my mind right now. And what about you, villain, you’re not going to wreak havoc on a city?”
Bakugou smirked at your wit, shrugging. “You’re not the only one with a lot on their mind.”
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time all day. You were tired, absolutely exhausted. It seemed like you were battling the whole world at times, especially with the best pro heroes being targeted now. What happened to Hawks made you feel unsettled, like the League was going after specific heroes. It didn’t seem right that just as Hawks had advised for you to back down from any League related business, he was permanently out of commission. And it made you feel disquieted as the fear that Bakugou was behind this attack was in the back of your mind, no matter if he was there at the site of the attack physically or not. It made you feel like you couldn’t continue fighting for his innocence and you had to hold him accountable now.
“Were you the one behind the attack at the Hero Commission Center?” You asked bluntly, astounding Bakugou with your straightforwardness.
“Tch, as if I would be behind the attack that hurt my fucking boss.” The words echoed through your head, despite Bakugou mumbling it in an attempt to not let you catch on. But you heard every word, the words that you were waiting to hear for years.
“What? Your boss?” You repeated in shock.
Bakugou’s vermillion eyes flitted over to you, shining brightly against the beam of the setting sun. “You heard me. Hawks is my boss.”
He chuckled humorlessly at your bewildered expression, your lips parted as you attempted to find the right words to say and your eyes like the shape of saucers. “Got nothin’ to say? It’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time.”
“You’re an idiot,” you grunted, angered to no end. Bakugou looked at you, confused beyond words. 
“What?” He knew one day he would have to come clean to you, the one person who saw through his act. He anticipated tears, confusion, shock, and happiness. But you were reacting in a way he had not expected.
“It’s about time you came clean!” You exclaimed, your voice echoing through the streets.
Bakugou closed the space between the two of you, clamping a calloused hand over your lips. “Be quiet! You’re gonna let the whole world fucking hear!”
You shook his hand from your face, turning your body to face him completely. Crossing your hands over your chest, you glared right at him. “Tell me, tell me everything.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, looking off into the distance and avoiding your gaze once more. “There’s nothing to it really. Hawks and the Hero Commission Center came to me right after the Kamino Incident to act as a double agent. Those shitheads still want me working for them to find the real leader behind the League but I’ve got no clue right fucking now.”
He glanced over at you, and although he would never admit it, he felt slightly intimidated under your glaring stare. “What? That’s everything, I mean it.”
“So you have nothing to do with the League, right?” You clarified, wanting to make sure that Bakugou was innocent. “You never hurt a single person, right? All those people are telling lies, right? You didn’t kill Shigaraki?” You were referring to all the people who were witnesses and victims under Bakugou’s supposed kidnapping.
“Can’t say I’m completely innocent. I’ve definitely hurt people, punched a civilian or two to make sure my act was solid and believable. But I didn’t kidnap or kill anyone.” Bakugou felt slightly relieved once your stare faltered a little. “All I know is the real leader is acting like me and putting up with my act. Seems like whoever it is, they want me to take all the heat and blame for now. And that person’s the one who killed ole crusty face, not me. I was just the one who found his body and was blamed for it.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You had dreamed of this day, the day where everything would make sense and you would understand Bakugou’s actions. But here you were, utterly confused beyond belief. “Why would the real leader go along with your act? How is it benefitting them?”
“My guess is that it’s probably someone on the other side. A hero, officer, someone in the commission center? One of those fuckers has to be fooling all of us and running this shit on the sidelines.” Bakugou paused momentarily, looking ahead. “With me around, that asshole can put the blame all on me while working with that Warp Gate fucker. But I’m close, I know that for sure. Soon enough I'll be allowed to finally be free and not have to worry about living this fucked up life anymore.”
You continued to look at him, smiling at the sight of the ends of his lips curling upwards a little. You had missed that smile. “And what do you plan to do? Once you’re free and don’t have to follow anymore orders?”
Bakugou shrugged, running a hand through the ash blonde spikes on his head. “Do whatever the fuck I want. Can’t be a hero, that’s out of the question. I’ll worry about that when I’m free.”
You smiled and nodded, a weight lifting off your shoulders. You felt a surge of relief run through your veins, a feeling you could never describe into words. You felt proud for believing in him all this time, believing that he was innocent. And you missed him, missed your dear friend from childhood.
“It must’ve been lonely… dealing with this and losing your adolescence,” you muttered, looking away from Bakugou and looking down at the horizon where the sun had painted the sky with orange and pink hues. Bakugou looked over at you, startled by your statement. There you were, not blaming him for anything, not for the lies or the deception. Instead you were selflessly worrying about him and the time that was taken from him living his life. 
“Calling me an idiot… you’re the real idiot here,” Bakugou grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you.
You looked over at him, confused by his words. “What?”
Bakugou stood up, taking a few steps towards you, and kneeling down in front of you. His face was inches from yours, alarming you from his quick movements. He stared into your (E/C) eyes for a moment, sighing again and looking down at your feet. “I was told that all I had to do was keep this act up and soon I’d be done. But now Hawks is outta the picture and I don’t know what the fuck to do. I can’t do this alone, I need help. That asshole behind this is probably gonna pull another one on me and then I’ll be helpless. My head’s all fucked up right now.”
“And as if my head isn’t already fucked from all this villain-hero shit goin’ on…” Bakugou swiftly pushed you back down onto the cool metal surface of the excavator, his body hovering over yours and his hands pinning yours on either side of your head. His legs straddled your body down as his scarlet eyes pierced right through yours. A whimper escaped your lips as your cheeks heated up from the proximity of your bodies. Bakugou stared down at you, his face twisted in dubiety. “You’re makin’ it worse, driving me fucking insane. You’re the only one who’s ever believed in me, and you’re driving me insane. You’re making me fucking fall for you.”
The world felt still in that moment and you didn’t even feel the breeze drift off in the air. All you could was the intimidating stare Bakugou had on you, sending shivers down your spine and his touch sending electricity down your veins. “What are you-?”
Before you could finish your question, Bakugou closed the gap between your head and his, slamming his lips on yours. A gasp escaped your lips as he pushed his lips roughly against yours. He lowered his body on you, hips grinding into you. You pried your hands free from his hold, one hand clutching his blonde locks while the other gripped onto the nape of his neck, wanting him closer to you. You felt hot and bothered, bothered at how turned on you were by this whole situation.
Bakugou’s lips were warm and soft against yours, moving in a rhythm you were having difficulty keeping up with. He made your body feel a way that you had never felt before as you felt hot yet cold at the same time. You were gasping for air, moans escaping your lips as you could barely keep up with his body grinding against you. You had never felt this way, no one made you feel this way, not even Natsuya.
That was when yours hands went down to Bakugou’s shoulders, pushing him back up and his face away from you. Bakugou stared down at you, angered that you had cut this moment short as you both attempted to catch your breaths and come down from the high you were on.
“Natsuya…” You uttered simply, causing Bakugou to scoff harder than he ever had. He didn’t care for your police boyfriend, never really caring for him even when you were teenagers. 
“Forget it,” Bakugou grunted, standing to his feet and jumping down to the ground.
“Katsuki, wait!” You called out, sitting up and looking down. But you were too late, he was already gone.
You kicked a loose piece of gravel on the path, your hand shoved in your pocket as you made your way down the cemetery. Your other hand went up to touch your lips as the images of Bakugou’s body atop of your own made you feel both flustered and guilty. You cared for Natsuya so much as he was your closest friend and you had just quite literally cheated on him. But he never made you feel the way Bakugou did when he was around you. Nevertheless, it didn’t excuse your actions and you knew you had to make it right once you got back.
But now you stood in front of the main reason why you even visited your hometown: to see your mother. 
You knelt in front of her tombstone, clapping your hands together and bowing your head. “It’s been a while, Mom. I’m sorry I haven’t visited.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you sat your rear down in front of her grave, staring at the engraving of her name. “I don’t know what to do, Mom, I feel so conflicted. I’ve been waiting for this moment, waiting to find out about Katsuki’s innocence. And now I know about it, and I think he was indirectly asking me for help. But he… asked me in such an odd way, like he had been waiting a long time to do… that.”
Your hand rose and pressed against the cool stone, your finger tracing the engraving. “I want to help him. I want to be there for him while also doing my job. What do I do, Mom?”
You sat there for a few minutes, as if you were waiting to hear a response. You chuckled, shaking your head at yourself. What am I even doing?
You rose to your feet, making your way back to your car until a blunt object hit the back of your head, causing your body to crash into the dirt. Your head was throbbing and you felt the object hit the same spot again, a scream erupting from you in pain as you attempted to take a look at the perpetrator.
A man laughed. “You couldn’t just keep your nose outta this one, huh, hero?”
And just like that, the world went black.
Tagging: @chims-kookies @bokunoheroes-stories  @iamthe-leaf @simplysymphonic @mylittlesunshineblog @imyourliquor-youremypoison @sunflowerchild27  @geesshoku @ghoularaki @katsukiwonu  @kotakingly @tyongflight @sparkexplosive @minniepresents @thorohdamnson​
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free-pool-trash · 5 years
All Too Well - Natsuya Kirishima x Reader
HEYYYYYY I’M BACK. (yes i’m aware I said the exact same thing in March and then didn’t come back but hey I’m here now) Y’all we are so close to 1K followers and I fucking love you all so much!!! IF THIS IS BAD IM SORRY IT’S LIKE 3AM
Having said that here is some Natsuya angst!!! I based this off one of my favorite songs ‘All Too Well’ by Taylor Swift so please enjoy!
word count: 1,761
The sky was dark as the rain poured, hitting your window with a soft pattering sound that soothed your aching heart only slightly, the weather seemed to be reflecting how you felt in that moment, after everything had fallen apart once again.
You remembered how you felt when everything about the entire situation you keep finding yourself stuck in was new, how you felt the first time he’d introduced you to his little brother, how silly you felt when you’d left your favorite scarf at his little brothers apartment, how he’d laughed and told you he’d get it back for you, how even after saying that you never did get it back and how whenever you were with him something about him always felt like home somehow.
Recalling how before all of the drama, the way he acted and all of his sweet little quirks, you remembered how mesmerizing they were to you. How at the best of times you couldn’t take your eyes off of his bright and happy face and how you never even had a care in the world so long as he was with you.
Thinking about those times now though, as the rain seemed to grow heavier, you couldn’t seem to remember why he was so bad for you despite the fact that you’d just re-lived the worst pain of your life and it was a pain that was once again caused by him.
But still, your mind was clouded over with the memories, only the good times showing in your head.
Music blared through the old car’s radio as it sped down the motorway, the road was devoid of any cars except your own and the only other thing on the dark tarmac were the leaves that had been continuously falling from the trees at the side of the road all autumn, the bright colors added beauty to the usually grim looking road.
“Oh I love this song! Babe turn it up” You exclaimed from the driver's seat as your boyfriend chuckled at your excitement and turned up the radio as you requested, his eyes gazing at you lovingly as you screamed along with the music, your happy face captivating him like it somehow always managed to, and he couldn’t help how he leaned across from the passenger seat to kiss you softly on the cheek, his brown hair tickling you as he pulled away, still gazing at you.
“What was that for?” You’d asked, giggling like a schoolgirl.
“You looked cute, I couldn’t resist.” He responded, his beautiful amber eyes closing and his mouth stretching into a smile.
You could see it so vividly, even after all the time had passed and all the magic died away, you could still feel the soft touch of his lips against your cheek, the feeling haunting you as it always did whenever that particular memory crossed your mind.
What hit you hardest though, were the memories that were still fresh, the ones that were going to be different, these were the ones you thought wouldn’t be tainted by a heartbreaking ending, but just like the rest, they had been. It hurt, remembering the look of happiness and hope on his face when he had seen you that day, back in his hometown of Iwatobi, after such a long time he still thought you were the most incredible person in the world, even with the wind blowing your hair in all directions and the cold air making the tip of your nose appear red, he’d given you that look and you gave one of your own right back, both of you silently wishing that this time it’d work out.
But again your mind threw you back, back to when he'd introduced you to his mother. The woman who had welcomed you into her home with such open arms, the woman who as soon as she got the opportunity whipped out your boyfriend's baby pictures.
"Awh look at little baby Natsuya in his little glasses!" You teased him, giggling as his cheeks turned red and he moved to shut the photo album, "Alright that's enough of that for one night." He'd laughed out, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close, he kissed your head as you pouted at him. His mother watched you both with a soft smile before she spoke up. "You know, before you Natsuya never even had a girlfriend." To which you laughed and snuggled closer to him, "Yeah, I know…"
You remember how he said that you'd be his last girlfriend too, how he told his mother that he had it all figured out with you, how later that night he'd laid out every detail of his life to you thinking wholeheartedly that you'd be with him for the rest of it, and you wished he'd have been right.
You had known that those times were long gone and that when the story of you and Natsuya came to an end there was nothing else you could have possibly done to stop it.
When you ended you forced yourself to forget about him and now, here you were sat alone, rain still pouring and wishing you hadn't forgotten exactly why you needed to forget him in the first place.
Natsuya watched you from his side of the bed with a wide smile, amber eyes scanning your blushing face. You looked back at him, quickly kissing him before getting out of the warm bed.
"Where you going?" He whined as he watched you throw on one of his t-shirts, the fabric fitting you like a dress. "To get some water, you want anything?" You asked him as you walked toward his kitchen, when he didn't answer you figured he didn't want anything.
Opening the fridge to get a bottle of water, you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist and lips on your neck, you laughed as you turned around to come face to face with the boy you'd loved and lost and then loved again.
"You really couldn't wait two minutes huh?" You questioned with a smile, your arms wrapping around his neck and the water in the open fridge being forgotten.
"I missed you." He told you sincerely, making your heart flutter as he began to sway with you, humming your song from way back when. 
When you thought back to the way you both danced, the bulb of the refrigerator being the only light in the kitchen that night, you wondered how everything had gone so wrong yet again.
"What do you mean, 'it just isn't the right time' Natsuya? I thought we got past this?!" You'd yelled out at him, as you felt like you were having deja Vu.
You wondered if maybe you weren't understanding him right, that maybe you were both just getting lost in translation, but his next words proved to you that that wasn't the case.
"I'm just not ready to settle yet okay?" He told you, pulling his hand through his hair.
"Nobody is asking you to fucking settle, you said you wanted to travel so you could race I really don't see where I'm the problem with that plan, Natsu!" His jaw clenched as your voice gradually got louder with the more upset you became.
"I just don't want to think about having you here waiting for me every place I go, alright? I want my freedom." 
All you could do was let out a dry and humorless laugh, you really were having a deja Vu, because that was exactly what he told you the first time he broke your heart. "I want my freedom"
Nodding you stormed toward the door of his apartment, "Guess even after all this time, being enough for you is still too much to ask. Have your freedom, Natsuya, but don't you even think of calling me up just so you can break me again the next time your in town and that 'freedom' turns into loneliness." You told him, your voice cracking as you left through his front door. You practically ran from his apartment building, you remembered it so clearly the way your chest heaved and the tears fell down your face.
The thing you wished you hadn't forgotten about him was his ability to be so cruel even if it was in the sake of being honest, you'd hoped that had changed but it never had.
Shaking your head and wiping your eyes you continued to stare out the window at the pouring rain. It felt like you'd been sitting in that position for hours, like time had barely passed and you couldn't get away from it, like there was nothing you could do to make it go faster.
This wasn't like you, but after all this, you weren't sure what was like you anymore.
Little did you know that Natsuya was having the same inner turmoil as you were, he was all the way across the city yet all he was thinking about were the nights that you spent together, the days that you both wasted away, the ones where you'd laze around all day wearing one of his old flannel shirts and he'd admire you simply for being you, now that he thinks about it those weren't the days wasted, but are the ones like today, where all he could think about was how stupid he was for letting what was most likely the love of his life slip through his fingers once again after you'd even given him a second chance.
He sat by his window, the scarf that you'd left in his little brothers apartment years ago held tightly in his grip. If he really meant what he said to you about freedom, he knew that by now, he would've thrown it away, but he hadn't and he knew that he wouldn't.
Because there he was again, imagining you, remembering how you'd wrapped that very scarf around you in the winter, how he'd grab it by the ends and use it to pull you into a loving kiss. Remembering when you loved him so so much, back before he'd fucked up the one real thing he'd ever known.
He loved you and he thought he'd be different this time, from the moment he saw you again with the wind in your hair, to the way you both danced around his kitchen in the middle of the night.
But the most vivid thing in his mind was the look on your face when you walked away.
He remembered it, all too well.
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yurio-plisetksy · 6 years
Can you pretty please write Natsuya Kirishima x reader, where they are best friends but had a one night stand from drinking a lot and they realize next morning that they are meant for each other? NSFW please and thank you!
Didn’t really feel like complete NSFW fit the story, so I went with this. I will write another NSFW Natsuya imagine if you really want to.The college life was simply paradise for you. Especially when your best friend Natsuya was always there to keep you company. Classes were fun, and exams had been easier than expected, at least they were when you studied like usual. But this week was an exception.
At this point a year, other student usually felt the mental strain of their course dawn upon them, and parties started to occur here and there to distract them from the heavy amount of work. Of course you got invited to these parties as well, but you favored getting good grades over waking up with a huge hangover, and having to use the rest of the day to drown in your own mistakes.
That’s why Natsuya had offered to have a drink at his apartment instead. Mainly because your dorm room barely fit one person, let alone two. It was a 1 hour trip, but completely worth it knowing Natsuya to be the best company there could be. And of course you weren’t disappointed, because as you entered his living room, the table was filled with snacks, sodas and several types of alcohol, including all your favorites.
“You always come prepared, do you?” You ask with a chuckle, letting Natsuya pull your jacket from your shoulder, and throw it over the edge of the couch, instead of properly using the coat rack he had bought just a month ago.
“I mean, I still had all of this from last time, so I didn’t have to go out and buy any.”
“Did we really drink this much last time.”
“Yeah.” Natsuya chuckles and plops down on his couch, which creaks at the sudden weight. His shirt rises up just a slight bit as he lays back, and your eyes start to linger. You can see his abs as he stretches and there’s a sudden wonder about how he manages to stay fit, because everytime the two of you get together like this, the evening is spent stuffing junk food in your mouths and consuming alcoholic drinks till you get dizzy.
“Pop open a beer for me, will you.” Beer. It’s Natsuya’s favorite. While you preferred the somewhat sweeter drinks, which held more alcohol as well, Natsuya mostly stayed with beer for the rest of the evening. It didn’t take much to get him tipsy, so 5 or 6 beers would be more than enough to get him going.
Using the bottle opener on his keychain, you removed the cap off a bottle of beer and handed him the cold drink. He thanks you and immediately attaches his lips to the drink and tilts it. His adam’s apple bobs with each sip, and after a few seconds, he removes it and hums in approval.
“So, how’s studying going? Must be tough.” He asks, and changes position so you can join him on the couch. You shrug in response, muting the phone you had been checking just now, and giving your attention to Natsuya as you mix coke with Malibu in a plastic cup.
“It’s been fine till now… don’t know what everybody’s stressing about. So, when are you gonna buy proper cups?” You tap a finger against the side of your red cup, and he laughs in response, mumbling something about not needing glass cups because it was easier to throw them away. It was quite ironic, Natsuya trains almost every single day, and when it comes to swimming he’s the most passionate person you know of, but with anything else but swimming he’s the laziest person existing on this planet.  You once caught him trying to grab cookies with a back scratcher, and as he looked up at you, asked you to grab him some instead. And this guy was going to be a professional swimmer someday?
After 2 hours of playing games, and talking about anything interesting, you felt a little tipsy, and Natsu was getting there as well. It had gotten to the point that personal barriers had been long forgotten, and you were sitting on his lap while he laid fully stretches over the surface of the couch, his legs on the armrest behind you. He’s giggling, and a rosy shade dusts his cheeks, clearly evidence of how tipsy he is.
“You really need me to send you a picture once you try it out.” He slurs, and attaches another bottle to his lips, chugging the last remains inside before flipping it onto the floor, pouting as it lands on its side.
“I’m not gonna condition my hair before shampooing it, it’ll ruin my hair.”
“But have you tried though?”
“I don’t need to.” Is your response, and he blinks up at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“That’s a very boring answer.”
You laugh at his delayed response and take another sip from your drink, grimacing slightly at how sticky it feels at the way it burns your throat, and you make a mental note to never let drunk Natsuya pour your drinks. It’s basically 80% alcohol.
Natsuya reaches out towards the bowl of popcorn. He’s too far, and his fingertips graze the edge of the bowl before he gives up with a whine. You raise an eyebrow at his pathetic attempt to grab it, and instead you reach out and grab it with ease. His eyes beam as you place it on his stomach, but the smile quickly drops as you take some, place it in your mouth and return the bowl to its previous spot, still out of Natsuya’s reach.He scoffs, and playfully pushes you off of him, which almost has you choking on popcorn. But after coughing, you’re erupting into a fit of laughter that has your stomach clenching. While maybe it was just a fun joke, in your current state of mind it was the most hilarious thing you had done, and tears tears rolling down your cheek.
“Oi, oi, stop teasing me!” Natsu mumbles, and hovers above you on the couch, his hands on either side of your head. There’s a moment of silence, and you’re staring at one another, eyes challenging one another that has you biting your lower lip in anticipation. He takes note of the gesture, and smirks.
“Don’t do that.”
“What? This?” You bite your lip again, and his eyes narrow down on your with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. There’s a tension between the both of you that has your heart beat increasing, and you wonder if he notices it as well. But then he’s fitting himself between your legs, and suddenly your faces are very close to one another. You meet his maroon eyes, and you don’t know if the alcohol is making your breath hitch, or if he’s just insanely breathtaking up close. There’s alcohol on his breath, and lust in his eyes, and you unconsciously wrap your legs around his hips as he looks down at you with a half lidded gaze.
“You’re such a tease, ___.” He whispers, and you feel a desperate need to press your lips against his. How it had come to this could only be blamed on the alcohol, and maybe if you continued to tell yourself this, you’d start actually believing it.
Then he’s leaning down and you feel his breath against your throat. He smells like beer and a hint of popcorn, but it’s long forgotten as he presses gentle kisses at your collar bones. His hands travel up to yours, and he intertwines his fingers with yours. a gasp slips from your lips as his kisses turn more intense, and he trails his lips up to your neck until he’s sucking marks at the spot under your ear. This receives him a moan, and you can feel him smirk between kisses.
“Are you excited? you’re writhing beneath me…” He’s right. Your hips are shifting under his, and you feel your core tingle at the way he trails his lips up your neck. It sounds like he’s humming in amusement, but it could also be unintentional. Thinking it’s probably the latter, you’re proven wrong, because he lets out a deep sigh which is followed by a chuckle, and he grinds his hips into yours.
“I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help it… I want you so bad right now.” He moans in your ear, and in silent agreement you slip your hand under his shirt. Tracing your fingers over the curves and dips of his muscles, your eyes meet his and you challenge him to kiss you. “Shouldn’t we?” You question, and he seems to think about the answer. He’s leaning down and closing his eyes.
“We should.” Is his eventual answer, before he’s pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes flutter close, and you can’t help but smile against his lips. His tongue traces your lower lip and you part your lips, deepening the kiss even more. It escalates quickly, both because of the drinks consumed, but also because there are hidden emotion bursting free. Seconds turn to minutes, and 15 minutes later he’s guiding you towards his bedroom with mouths still attached to one another. There’s a trail of clothes leading towards his bedroom door, left to be forgotten for the rest of the night.
There’s a headache pounding behind your eyes as you wake up, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is a loud groan. You press your palms against your eyelids and let out a deep sigh, but as you finally manage to blink them open, your heart skips a beat. You jump up and holds the covers up to your chest, noting that you’re completely naked in Natsu’s bedroom. Trying to recall what happened the previous night, it can’t be much good since your core is throbbing and the room smells like sex.
There’s movement beside you, and you jump slightly, just now noticing Natsuya beside you who is still sound asleep. Obviously he’s naked as well, but it’s still more proof of your escapades.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” You mumble to yourself, plopping back against the pillows, and accidently bumping the back of your head against the headboard. The sound seems to wake Natsu up, and as he peeks from between his eyelids, and sees as you cover the hurt area with your hands. There’s a silent curse slipping from your lips, and tears brimming in your eyes.
“You gotta be careful now…”
You’re startled by the sudden voice, and turn to Natsuya, who seems unaffected by the way he lies naked under the covers. In quick response, you pull the sheets up to your chest, embarrassed by the amount of skin exposed in front of your best friend. To your surprise, he sits up and lets the sheets fall down his waist. Cupping your head in his hand, he inspects the hurt area without any hint of shame when the sheets fall down his hips.
You fume red, and you don’t want to look, but it’s almost impossible in the position you’re in. He’s completely bare, and offering the perfect view of his… abs, and you can’t help but let your eyes linger down his frame.
After he made sure you weren’t hurt, he brings his face in front of yours and places a firm peck on your lips, leaving you startled yet again. His eyes blink away his own exhaustion, and he yawns once more before pulling you into his side.
“Thanks for last night.” He mumbles, then nestles back against his pillows, and pulls the sheets over his frame yet again.
There’s confusion in your mind as he settles under the covers, but eventually a smile overtakes your bewilderment. Sighing deeply, you curl into his side and place your head on his chest, feeling all giddy inside when he wraps an arm around your shoulder.
“You don’t regret it at all?” You ask him with genuine interest, and he hums absentmindedly at your words. His lips meet your temple, and he leaves a gentle kiss that holds more than just care.
“Why would I? We were practically a couple all this time. I was just waiting for the right time to kiss you.” He confesses with a naturalness that makes you think about his statement. He’s actually right. All this time, you acted like a couple accept for the intimacy that came with it. You had never realized he was waiting for the right time to take that leap. Too busy with everything that was in your life, you had misinterpreted his intentions as friendly gestures.
“I’m very glad you did, Natsu.” You tell him, and he offers you his signature chuckle that shows his playful and bright personality.
“Let’s do it some more.”
He puckers his lips and creates kissy noises that has you snort in laughter. How you managed to get ahold of the biggest dork in whole Japan remained a mystery to you, but you were glad you had.
“You’re an idiot, Natsu…but I love it.” You say and reposition yourself on his chest, leaving some pecks at the base of his throat, while he relaxes back against the mattress.
“I love you.” Is his response, and it has you grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you too, Natsu. Ever since we first met.”
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aitaikimochi · 8 years
High☆Speed Free! Starting Days Event Report
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The High☆Speed Free! Starting Days event was held at the Ryogoku Kokukigan Sumo Wrestling arena, the exact same location where the Free! Eternal Summer event two years ago was held. The biggest announcements of the event were the three planned Free! continuation movies:
1) Free! Timeless Medley ~絆 Bonds~ This will be a compilation of scenes from Free! Eternal Summer as well as new scenes relating to Makoto, Haruka, Rei, and Nagisa
2) Free! Timeless Medley ~約束 Promises~ This will be a compilation of scenes from Free! Eternal Summer as well as new scenes relating to Sousuke and Rin’s promise to him
3) Free! Take Your Marks This will be a completely new full-length feature film following Haruka after he graduates from High School
For those interested in what happened during the Afternoon event, here’s a detailed report, so enjoy~
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I personally am really happy that the High☆Speed event was held at the same location as the Free! Eternal Summer event two years ago, and it brought back a lot of nostalgia from the previous event. It was really a great experience.
The event was divided into several sections, and for sake of convenience I will refer to each character’s voice actor as their nickname, and the voice actors are as follows:
Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Tattsun): Makoto Nobunaga Shimazaki (Zakki): Haruka Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Tosshi): Asahi Koki Uchiyama (Ucchi): Ikuya Kenji Nojima (Nojima): Natsuya Satoshi Hino (Hino): Nao The sections of the events were the following:
1) ふりかえり Furikaeri (Recap of Scenes) After the introduction where all voice actors came to the stage in the middle of the arena, the first segment was the “ふりかえり” (Recap of Scenes). The scenes that each voice actor chose was as follows:
Tosshi (Asahi): Natsuya comforting Asahi after he is scared that he won’t be able to swim other styles anymore Ucchi (Ikuya): Ikuya copying Haruka’s bento box Nojima (Natsuya): Natsuya & Nao greeting the first years during swim training Hino (Nao): Nao’s scene in the hospital with the Iwatobi Swim Team Tattsun (Makoto): Nao asking Makoto if he likes swimming or if it’s because Haruka’s there that he likes swimming Zakki (Haruka): The sleepover scene where Makoto, Asahi, and Ikuya stay over at Haru’s place after he faints
During this Furikaeri portion of the event, Tattsun mentioned that during the previous Free! Eternal Summer event, there was a huge flub where instead of a simple announcement, they actually accidentally announced the new High☆Speed movie, and Zakki was like “Oh my god yeah I remember that happening too! It was so awkward!” A good portion of the audience also remembered what happened, so this was pretty funny to hear since a lot of Free! fans who came were also in the previous event two years ago.
2) Iwatobi Middle School Training Program This segment of the event was basically the “interactive activity” part where there was a game board on the stage’s floor that had letters on each section, and the voice actors had to roll a dice to see how far they can progress on the board game.
The guys divided themselves into teams as follows: Makoto & Haruka Asahi & Ikuya Natsuya & Nao
The first roll of the dice was for Natsuya & Nao’s team, and they landed on the letter “O” that stood for “Oyasumi (Break Time).” This triggered the part of the game where a surprise guest’s video recording played, and the surprise guest was Hosoyan (Sousuke’s voice actor).
Now, Hosoyan is known to always give very strange and long-winded answers during interviews, and basically this was 5 minutes of Hosoyan being extremely random and saying stuff that no one was paying attention to because the video was playing on the stage’s floor, and Tosshi and Tattsun kept on making fun of Hosoyan’s face by lying down over his nose or sticking water bottles near his nose to make it look like he had nose hairs. It was really hilarious, to the point where no one was listening to Hosoyan anymore and was just laughing at what the voice actors were doing. When Hosoyan’s message seemed to almost be over, he would continue again with more random ramblings, and everyone was like “Man we really need to be careful not to land on ‘O’ anymore because if Hosoyan comes out again, we’re screwed!” It was really funny.
After Natsuya & Nao’s turn, it was Asahi & Ikuya as well as Makoto & Haruka’s turn afterwards, and both of them landed on “A” that stood for “Activity.”
The activity was しろとり (Shirotori, a kind of word game where you say a word and the next person has to say another word using the last syllable of the previous word), but to make it more challenging, the Shirotori game was combined with Pictionary so the voice actors had to DRAW each word. The first round was Asahi/Ikuya vs Natsuya/Nao, and the second round was Makoto/Haruka vs Natsuya/Nao, and it was hilarious because no one can draw LOL.
An interesting thing I noticed was the Tosshi (Asahi’s voice actor) is left-handed haha.
After the activity was finished, this segued into the third segment of the event.
3) KyoAni Shop Merchandise PR Basically during this segment, Tattsun and Zakki were doing a promotion of KyoAni Shop’s goods related to High☆Speed that will go on sale from now until May 2017. The two items in question were an Illustration Board Set that contained original illustrations of all the main characters of High☆Speed as well as a High☆Speed Storyboard Complete Set that also comes with a copy of Rin’s letter to Haruka.
After the little PR section was finished, the audience was treated to a short drama CD intro (I think this is the drama CD that came with the Premium Ticket), that segued into the live Drama performance
4) Iwatobi Swim Team’s 記憶会お疲れ様パーティー (Thank You Party with Memories) The live drama was a continuation of the Drama CD scenario, and basically it featured Makoto, Haruka, and Asahi going to Ikuya and Natsuya’s house for a small swim team party.
When the boys arrive, they note that the food that was prepared looks delicious, and Ikuya said his mom prepared the food. They then also see Nao there, and Nao says that he comes over to Natsuya’s house often to watch DVDs of swimming and just hang out.
After the boys finish eating food, they play several hilarious games where Makoto and Asahi had to pretend to have a Kansai accent and act out a scene together. This was really funny because after Asahi started going off about random stuff and then did a tongue-twister that was really difficult, Asahis’ voice actor (Tosshi) gave himself a high five because he performed that tongue-twister without messing up lol.
The next segment was a wrestling contest with Nao and Ikuya, and Nao likes teasing Ikuya, and I think it was Makoto who was like “Wow, Nao-senpai really likes teasing and torturing Ikuya,” LOL it was pretty funny.
The segment after that was Makoto and Haruka’s “telepathy,” where Makoto said to the boys that he can read Haruka’s thoughts. Natsuya asked Makoto what Haruka was thinking, and Makoto looked at Haruka and said “he’s thinking, Makoto your Kansai accent was terrible,” to which Haruka said he was correct lol.
After the party segments, the boys thanked Ikuya and Natsuya for their hospitality and went home.
5) Miyano Mamoru’s Message As the event was slowly wrapping up, one of the voice actors were like, “Oh wait, but we have one more special guest video message!” Soon after, Mamo appears on screen and says he wishes he could be there today but was not able to. However, voicing Rin really changed his life, and he really felt that he was growing up with Rin, sharing laughs and frustrations, tears, annd happiness together with the character. He ends the message saying he really wishes he can continue growing with Rin, and that they can make more and more things since Rin has really impacted him a lot as an actor and also as a person. This then segued to the big announcement of THREE FREE! MOVIES. The crowd all around me were all in tears and saying thank you to the cast for letting this happen.
6) Voice Actor Thank Yous After the huge announcements, each voice actor had a thank you message to say to the fans, and the most notable message was from Tattsun. I took some notes of his message and condensed it a bit, but he said more or less the following:
Free! is a work that brings smiles to everyone's faces, and I wanted to live up to what Makoto represents, which is positivity and an optimistic view on life that really resonates within me as a person. I prayed that we can continue Makoto and everyone's story. Although Today is an event for High☆Speed, I hope to see you all again from here on out for Free! and all it embodies. Thank you all!
I thought that Tattsun’s message was really touching as Free! really has been a very large impact on a lot of people’s lives, and I personally am really happy that we will be getting continuations because this just means that they really do listen to their fans (and money of course LOL), and it’s great to be able to see the boys again and see them live their dreams this time around.
6) Ending Message After the voice actors left the stage, an instrumental version of “Aching Horns” started playing, and the message on the screens was “See you next movie!”
I'm really excited to see what the Free! Timeless Medley movies as well as the Free! Take Your Marks movies are going to focus on, and although the Free! Take Your Marks movie brief synopsis is that it will focus on what Haruka does after he graduates from high school, I can’t help but feel that this might just bring us to Haruka and Rin training for the Olympics, but the true Olympics part will be an actual season, but who knows. All we know is that Free! is back, and hopefully they’ll make it better than ever~
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simplybakugou · 6 years
The Villain -- Ch. 3: He’s Not a Villain
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A/N: School started and I'm so upset so to make myself feel better, I decided to write Chapter 3 today lol.
Remember, if you want to be tagged in future chapters, comment below and I’ll add your username to the list! 
Pairing: villain!bakugou x female!reader Warnings: swearing Word Count: 2,433
✐posted 08.28.2018✐
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“Y/N!” Mina called out from down the street, running towards you. She clapped her hands on your shoulders. “Thank goodness you’re alright!”
You blinked, trying to snap out of the temporary daze you were put into. “Yeah, I'm fine. Did... Did you and Tsuyu get those civilians out of the way?”
Mina nodded. “A few people got burned so Tsuyu escorted them to the hospital with the paramedics. Kyouka’s at the station right now to report what happened.”
“Oh, that’s good. At least everyone’s alright.”
“Mhm.” Mina pulled out her phone. “Speaking of station, Yamashita-kun called me a few minutes ago. He said he’s been trying to call you but you didn’t answer.”
“Oh, um, my phone must’ve been turned off.” You rubbed the nape of your neck. You didn’t know how to tell Mina what had happened just a few mere minutes ago.
Mina eyed you. “Yamashita-kun’s in the hospital.”
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “What?! Is he okay?!”
Mina nodded. “He’s not hurt. He’s just visiting the burn victims and questioning them.”
You sighed in relief. “Oh, thank god. I’ll go over there now. Might as well report to the Chief of Police what happened on my end.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later. I’m gonna go check on the apartment!”
“Hi, do you know where I can find Yamashita-san?” You asked the secretary at the front desk of hospital.
She nodded, gesturing down the hallway. You thanked her, moving quickly through the hall until you laid eyes on him. “Natsuya!”
Natsuya turned his head at the sound of your voice, dismissing whoever he was talking to and ran towards you. He threw his arms around you, pulling you close to him. “Thank god you’re alright.” He pulled away, cupping your face. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“If something had happened to you, I don’t what the hell I would’ve done.”
“I’m fine, Natsu, I really am.” You looked around pulling him into an empty hospital room. “I actually wanted to... talk to you about what happened today.”
Natsuya nodded, taking in your uneasy stature. “What happened? Was it the League?”
You nodded, twiddling yours thumbs and looking down to the floor, a habit Natsuya knew all too well that you’d do when you knew you had done something wrong or felt uneasy. “Dabi used his quirk and set the whole street in flames.”
Natsuya stared at you, waiting for you to continue. “Kurogiri was there, too. He helped them escape.”
“Kat... Katsuki showed up, too.”
“Katsuki?’ Natsuya’s eyes widened in realization. “As in, Bakugou Katsuki?”
Natsuya gritted his teeth. “The hell’d that bastard show up for after hiding all these years?”
“He didn’t do anything. Dabi was the only one who did the collateral damage.”
“Then why’d Bakugou show up in the first place.”
You lifted your head up. “He said he wanted to see me.”
“To see you?”
You nodded. “He was just talking to me really. And I confronted him for leaving all of a sudden all those years ago.”
Natsuya furrowed his brows at you. “And it didn’t occur to you to even try and reprimand him? All you did was talk? Y/N, he’s the most wanted man in the world and you let him walk away?”
“It’s not like that!” You exclaimed, sighing afterwards. “Natsuya, how do you know he committed the crimes of the kidnappings and murdered Shigaraki?”
“What’re you--”
“I mean there’s no evidence that he--”
“Are you seriously trying to defend him?” Natsuya looked at you in utter disbelief and disgust.
Your hands balled up into fists from frustration. “No offense, but the police department has no hard or real evidence that shows that Katsuki’s guilty of those charges.”
“The hell’s wrong with you? We have witnesses that reported what they saw and the autopsy of Shigaraki’s body showed signs of burnings that damaged his body.”
“Katsuki’s quirk is Explosion. If he really killed Shigaraki, he’d be in dismantled into a bunch of pieces. He wouldn’t be intact.”
“So what, you’re a forensic pathologist now?”
“No, I'm trying to help, Natsuya!” You stared at your boyfriend in frustration. “I    know he’s the biggest asshole I've ever met, but he was my friend. And I have this gut feeling that’s telling me that he’s innocent... of those weighty charges at least.”
Natsuya scoffed. “Well, for your information, I'm gonna stick by the law, not your gut.” He pushed open the door aggressively. “You think because you have a quirk you’re almighty, but you’re not shit. The fact that you’d even question the law is repulsive.”
“Natsuya!” You called out, looking down the hallway, watching as he walked away from you. He took one more glance at you, scoffed, and opened the door to the victim’s room.
You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands. There was something about this whole situation that just didn’t settle well with you. As much as you loved Natsuya, one thing you never understood was his blind admiration for the law. Although law and order is crucial to develop a working society, blindly believing police officers with everything that they do is a little... absurd.
You were contemplating whether or not to go after him again, deciding not to once you felt your phone ring. “Hello?”
“Okay, so this is gonna sound a little weird so bear with me.” You could hear Mina sighing loudly from the other end. “You know how Dabi burned up our whole street?”
“The only buildings that are left untouched are the flower shop... and our apartment complex?”
“What?” You asked in disbelief. You were almost certain that you and Mina would have to soon go house hunting after today's events.
“I know right! Every other building is completely burnt down. Why would Dabi leave these buildings alone?”
“I... I don’t know, Mina. Anyways, eat dinner without me. I need a drink, it’s been a long day. I’ll see you later.”
Mina chuckled. “Alright. Be careful though. I know how much of lightweight you are and how much blabber whenever you’re drunk. Call me if you need me to pick you up!”
“Do you ever shut up?” Bakugou groaned, standing from the table.
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that, Ground Zero,” Toga cooed, Twice nodding along. “You saw that girl, right? Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“That’s right. You seemed rather fond of that girl. Perhaps you’re in love?” Mr. Compress further instigated.
“You’re all getting on my fucking nerves!” Bakugou exclaimed, kicking the table to the side. 
“It’d be best if you calmed down, Baku-- I mean, Ground Zero,” Kurogiri said wearily.
Dabi smirked. “Yeah, the number one hero, the new symbol of peace... (H/N). She really pisses me off like the rest of them.”
“Like I give a fuck with what pisses you off,” Bakugou grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. He grabbed his jacket. “I’m going across the street. None of you better not fucking show up.” Bakugou didn’t wait to hear the taunting calls of his “employees” as he entered the rundown, but still busy bar.
The bartender, the owner, shot his head up at the sound of the door opening. He grinned. “Ground Zero! You want the usual?”
“Sure.” Bakugou scanned the room. “It seems busier than usual in this shit place.”
The bartender let out a bellowing laugh. “Yup! We have newcomers as well! It’s not everyday new people visit a villain’s bar.” He pointed down the counter. “Like that pretty girl over there. She reminds me a lot like the number one hero, but why would she be here of all places.”
Bakugou stared at the girl who had her head placed on the counter, pissed out drunk. “You don't say... I’ll take my drink later.”
“Alrighty!” The bartender moved on to the next customer as Bakugou sat down next to the drunk girl.
“It’s not safe for a girl like you to be around here,” Bakugou muttered, eyeing the girl beside him.
She groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She wore a hoodie that covered her head and a surgical mask. She pulled it down, rubbing her eyes. Bakugou was shocked to see your drunken expression as you attempted to pull yourself together.
“What?” You looked at Bakugou, peering your eyes at him. “You look familiar.”
“Must be a coincidence. You do know this is the villain’s part of town, why’re you here, you’re obviously some pro.”
“This is the villain’s part?” You asked in shock, looking around the bar as if you had seen it for the first time. “It was right near the hospital! Hmm, that’s weird.”
“You didn’t answer my question; why’re you here?” Bakugou demanded, slightly irritated that you would act so carelessly.
You looked at Bakugou perplexingly. “You know, for a stranger you seem really concerned about me.” You turned the bar stool around, facing his direction. “But, I'm here because my boyfriend is a... butt.”
Bakugou had to refrain himself from bursting out into laughter from your drunkenness. “Why’s your boyfriend a.... butt?”
“Well, he’s mad that I let Katsuki go and didn’t even try to go against him. He’s also mad that I questioned the police’s authority with thinking that Katsuki’s a villain.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “I know Katsuki’s not a villain. And we basically fought over that.” Bakugou was dismayed. He initially thought what you had told him during today's incident was utter and complete bullshit. The fact that you would go against your own boyfriend for him confused him if anything.
“Why would you even defend him anyways? Isn’t... Katsuki a villain?” Bakugou cringed at the sound of his own voice uttering his name, but he wanted to know what you were thinking, knowing that this time would probably be the only time to get you to tell him everything that was on your mind.
You shook your head. “He’s not. I know that for a fact ‘cause ten years ago, when we were still in U.A., my mom died when I was sixteen. I had given up every hope to become a hero. She was the reason why I wanted to be a hero and was my biggest motivator, too. My dad and even Natsuya helped me grieve but they also encouraged me to give up my dreams because they didn’t like the thought of me becoming a hero and putting my life at risk, so they didn’t do anything when I told them. But, Katsuki found me crying during lunch and he told me that if I gave up on becoming a hero, why the hell did I try so hard to get in?”
Bakugou remained silent, taking in the sight of you as you talked. Your eyes seemed heavy, cheeks flushed which were effects due to the alcohol. But, you still acted like the same Y/N that he knew from school. He was astonished.
“And after that, everyday he would keep pushing me to work for my dream that I've wanted for so long. He would train with me and basically help me become the top of the class, even though he was aiming for that same goal. And he never asked for anything in return, no matter how many times I asked. He was a pain in my neck, but I would’ve never became a hero without him.”
You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I just don’t understand... how can the most dangerous man in the world commit those crimes when he helped me become the hero I am today? Don’t villains hate heroes? So why did he help me?”
Bakugou still didn’t say anything, watching as you sighed exasperatedly and leaned your head on the counter. He parted his lips. “What would you say to him if you saw him now?”
You shot up, cheeks puffed in anger, and your fist raised in the air. “I’d walk up to him and punch him right in the face! And if I keep running into him, I'm gonna annoy him into becoming a hero until he does, the same way he did for me!”
Awe. Bakugou was in so much awe. Who knew the number one hero would care so much about the number one villain? Hearing you drunkingly talk so passionately made Bakugou feel... odd. He couldn’t quite describe it, but hearing you basically defend his name and talk so highly off him when he knew he could never meet your expectations, made him feel liberated. 
“You’re an idiot,” Bakugou mumbled, shaking his head yet a small smile on his face.
“Huh?” You asked, rubbing your eyes vigorously. “Now that I think about it, you look like Katsuki.”
“No way, I've never heard of him.”
“Really?” You asked perplexingly. “You must’ve been confused this whole time if you don’t even know who he is. So, let me tell you all about him; he’s--”
“Okay, that’s enough talking for one day.” Bakugou stood up, leaning over to pull the mask back up onto your face. You were still a hero, and everyone in this area wouldn’t hesitate to kill you the minute they saw you. “I’m taking you home.”
You groaned. “I don’t wanna get up. I’m too tired.”
“Then I'll fucking carry you.”
You gasped, shielding your body from him. “No! I’m not gonna let some stranger touch me!”
Yet you basically gave out your whole life story to this fucking stranger...
“Hey, Watari!” Bakugou called out to the bartender. “Put her drinks on my tab. I’ll pay for it when I get back.”
“You got it, Ground Zero!”
“Come on.” Bakugou grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the bar. “I’m taking you home.”
Bakugou drove in front of the complex, unlocking your door to let you out. He had taken your surgical mask and slipped on a hat to cover his identity. He opened your door for you. “Are you gonna be okay getting inside?”
You nodded in exaggeration. “Mina’s at home, so I'm in good hands.” You stumbled your way inside, turning around and waving at Bakugou. “Thanks, stranger! Hopefully we see each other soon!”
Bakugou raised his hand, leaning against his car as he watched you walk right into the door and fall on your ass. He couldn’t help but laugh, you were still as clumsy as ever. He sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets as you waited for the elevator, looking around aimlessly.
“Yeah... hopefully we meet again soon.”
Tagging: @chims-kookies​ @bokunoheroes-stories​ @iamthe-leaf​​ @slutkugou @kandymoans @simplysymphonic​ @mylittlesunshineblog​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @sleepykacchan
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