#otp: i always know why you’re upset
therainscene · 1 year
I’m obsessed with @wheelersboy’s theory that Mike thinks Will is in love with El. It’s one of those takes that’s so simple, yet so perfectly explains every odd little detail you couldn’t quite account for before, that you know you’re on to a winner.
I always thought it was bizarre that the Willel reunion at NINA was framed in blatant love triangle imagery:
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If this was supposed to be yet another reminder that the sad widdle gay boy has fee-fees for his best friend, we’d expect him to be gazing at Mike or otherwise looking conflicted at both of them. But he isn’t. His steady, adoring gaze is for El only. Yes, he loves her, but that love is strictly fraternal, so why the romance symbolism?
Is it straight-bait? This scene comes after his thinly-veiled love confession to Mike (in the same episode, no less), and the Duffers and Noah both made a point of confirming that Will was gay in post-vol.2 interviews, so making the audience think that Will is in love with El clearly wasn’t the intention here.
The Willel romance-coding isn’t for the audience -- it’s for Mike.
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We often joke about Mike being crushed that Will didn’t laugh at his vomit green socks, but follow Will’s gaze -- it’s a little hard to see in the still image, but he’s staring at El, checking to see if she’s going to heed his advice. Mike's discomfort isn’t because he’s upset that Will didn’t like his joke, it’s because he doesn’t understand the weird tension between these two and is frustrated that his attempt to lighten the mood didn’t dispel it.
Mike’s smart enough to correctly connect the dots by the time Will starts sobbing in the van though: Will is destroying himself in his efforts to be supportive of the relationship between his best friend and the person he’s in love with.
But heteronormativity and a severe inferiority complex lead him to draw the wrong conclusion -- he thinks he’s the best friend and El is the one Will’s in love with, and that gets confirmed in his mind when he catches them making goo-goo eyes at each other at NINA.
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And not once, after figuring it out, does he get jealous about it -- he guides El into Will’s arms at NINA, he looks conflicted as hell during the “I love you” monologue as Will hovers over his shoulder -- he just wants them to be happy and is prepared to put his own feelings aside to make it happen, even though it would hurt him terribly to do so. Exactly the same fucking thing Will is doing. It’s utterly farcical. I love this theory so much.
I’d like to springboard off this by taking a look at what it implies about S5.
Between Will’s history with Vecna and the Wonder Twins foreshadowing--
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--it’s looking pretty likely that Will and El are going to be spending a significant amount of time together next season.
So we can already see that conditions are perfect for Mike to go through a similar arc as Will did in S4: being a third wheel between his best friend and the person he’s in love with and feeling like he can never truly be more than a third wheel, leading him to sacrifice himself in an effort to support what he thinks they have together.
Mike is very much at risk of doing something stupidly self-harming in S5 -- this is the same kid who jumped off a cliff to protect Dustin’s baby teeth, after all. He feels like he has no value if he isn’t needed by Superman. And there’s a goddamn mind-reading despair demon stalking his friend group.
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Of course, it’ll all work out in the end. He’ll be saved at the last moment, the truth will be tearfully revealed, and we’ll finally get that big, dramatic, affirming kiss for our OTP.
You might have noticed that everything I’ve said in this analysis so far is consistent with either Byler or Milevn being endgame.
Many Milevns and GA members don’t just believe that Milevn will triumph over Byler -- they believe there isn’t any conflict between Milevn and Byler in the first place. The lack of evidence that Mike isn’t into boys is meaningless to the heteronormative mindset -- he’s the protagonist and dating a girl, therefore he’s straight, therefore Will’s hopes are dead in the water, therefore Mike has no romantic dilemma to solve.
By introducing a misunderstanding in which Mike imagines that his best friend is competing for his girlfriend -- couching his dilemma in relatable heterosexual terms -- the audience will be forced to accept that Mike is experiencing a distressing internal conflict involving Will and romance that won’t be resolved until the queer truth comes out.
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The GA felt bad for Will in S4 because they assumed there was nothing he could do about it, but they’ll be tearing their hair out with frustration at Mike in S5 -- “you’re wrongly assuming he’s straight, you idiot! Just talk to him and this will all be cleared up!!”
It would be an absolutely genius way of getting the audience to question heteronormativity without them even realizing they’re questioning heteronormativity.
Once Mike’s queerness is revealed, the parallels between his arc and Will’s will suddenly become clear, and the audience will realize that, despite his straight-passing invisibility, Mike was just the other side of the same gay coin Will was on all along.
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[Part 2]
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crystal-cliffs · 2 months
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Why Tartacchino is my OTP
A semi-long commentary on my favorite genshin impact ship because I want to talk about them so badly. Also this isn’t me pulling up evidence, this is 99% anecdote on why this ship is a huge comfort for me despite a lot of knee jerk reactions I’ve gotten when trying to explain it. So I’ve collected it all into a post that is 100% an excuse to ramble. Don’t expect coherency that ship sailed a long time ago and I’m only serious for about a minute or too.
If I had to give a song with their vibe it would be Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives so everyone should check it out if you’re already reading this.
This isn’t me trying to convince anyone to ship it either, though if I did I’d be surprised tbh. Just want something on the forefront that serves as a “this is what you’re getting into” vibe yk?
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Because it’s fun… I like exploring ships that seem complicated and maybe wouldn’t even work out long term because it makes me think about the nature of human relationships. Whilst I have other arlecchino ships, thinking x Furina, x Xianyun, x Signora etc etc, I don’t… think about them the same way. Like they’re mostly fluffy to me and sweet and uncomplicated despite the fact that the reoccurring character that is Arlecchino would seemingly make it more interesting.
And yet it doesn’t for me, because I assume by default Arlecchino would treat these ladies like royalty and thus it’s settled.
With Tartaglia I don’t immediately assume that simply because the first question I ask myself is… why would Arlecchino even date a man? But when I stopped viewing these characters under such a strict guideline based on fandom interpretations of their sexual orientations, I came away with a different question. What would it take for these two to view each other in a light beyond mildly friendly?
And then I spiraled from there.
Sometimes I feel like shipping culture is so rigid that I fall victim to that, and don’t allow myself the ability to explore potential dynamics that usually wouldn’t be given a second glance. Tartacchino being one of them. The concept of them dating seems so impossible at times and to other people but I think that’s why it’s fun.
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Alright Ramble Time but Serious-ish
I think sometimes we as humans forget the complexity of human relationships and we seperate them into these categories that simply don’t encompass the entirety of the human experience.
One common occurrence I’ve realized is how people look at relationships. You see two people who are dating and you personally believe that they aren’t good together and hey, they’ll probably break up in the next couple months. (This isn’t about toxic or abusive relationships, let’s not make it about those)
When the truth is, you only know half of the story. You don’t know what the two of these hypothetical people are like when they’re alone with each other and you probably never will because your presence directly affects these people’s behavior.
Tying this into Tartacchino, that’s the vibe the relationships always given me. Two people who seem incompatible to everyone around them, people who probably wouldn’t make it past a couple months before realizing the whole relationship was a mistake.
But they make it work.
I like exploring the complexity of human relationships and this ship allows me to do so somewhat. Imagining how they navigate an experience that even they themselves aren’t sure makes sense to them for whatever reasons I can conjure up. Sometimes it’s sexuality, sometimes it’s beliefs, personalities clashing, trauma and the inability to let yourself get too close, whatever.
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Ramble time part 2: But not so serious
Actually, on the note of sexuality, the existence of a fandom consensus on a characters sexuality doesn’t make it canon. I’ve had multiple experiences where people have gotten upset at the prospect of me shipping a character that is headcanoned as a lesbian with a guy, some to the point of calling me lesbophobic which is ironic since I am a lesbian, that’s why I do this. As a lesbian I’m actually allowed to do whatever I want❗️/lh
So like… the post didn’t save when I wrote this part so now I gotta be even less coherent than I probably was.
Their relationship is very not heterosexual. They break the gender roles and stereotypes by being alive, their queerness happened the second they started living on the same plane of existence.
I just like to make all of the harbingers gender and sexuality fucked though, they experience gender fuckery and sexuality fuckery and who am I to interfere.
Like Tartaglia is a girl, a boy girl, a girlboy, I dunno it’s beyond our capabilities as humans without inter-dimensional parasites leaching off our life force.
Arlecchino is… let’s not get into that, he’s whatever you think he is frankly. She likes the speculation be so fr, she would.
Inherently queer, idk what else you want from me lol. Uhh they don’t kiss I feel like I should specify that, that’s to soft for them frankly. If they did kiss properly it would be bloody and painful and full of emotions neither of them would be willing to say out loud because they’re probably hateful lol I dunno. But they also do kiss each other, just not properly because for some reason that’s too intimate.
Their intimacy is sparring violently and then patching each other up because the passion is shown through how much blood is shed yk? Idk Tartaglia’s love language is violence so… why not❗️
Damn idk what I’m talking about tbh… I got less serious and realized I really don’t know how to explain my love and reasoning for this ship since there is no actual concrete reason, get bamboozled or something. I just like seeing girlboys and boygirl’s bloody, that’s all, it’s not a crime. That’s what the horror genre is for after all. Uhhh
They are not husband and wife nor girlfriend and boyfriend, they are that secret third thing. (Tho if they were we both know who the husband is and who the wife is)
We could get even more basic, golden retriever with rabies x wolf dog that knows basic human commands. They are not Goldie and black cat that’s wrong because arlecchino has wolf energy, dog energy, they both do, it’s just one is a little more intimidating than the other.
Just realized they’re hydro x pyro
Yeah there’s no argument, love Fire and Water, both equally dangerous in their own right, and they both live in a perpetual cycle of being capable of destroying each other and being used to destroy each other. There’s no point to this i just like Fire and Water.
Hoyoverse make them talk again they were so silly.
I think that’s it…
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If you don’t like this ship idc, just don’t make it my business. Talk to me about one of the other 500 arlecchino or tartaglia ships instead or something, I still like a lot of those this is just my favorite.
And just to top it all off
We all saw wife right?
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delborovic · 2 years
oh my gosh ya’ll hahahahahaha
so many new follows! thanks everyone, glad you enjoyed my silly doodle! I can’t guarantee what else I’ll be drawing, generally it’s been a lot of OC stuff and randomness, because I’ve been so busy with work, comics and commissions I don’t have a ton of time for fun arts. But we’ll see~
I’ve gotten a few more asks, let me just give a general response under the cut ♥
What do I think about some LoT ships and Karllik?
Honestly I don’t really have an opinion!!! I love me an m/m ship, but it’s different for me having known U-P and all the people in LoT personally (many in-person too!) that it’s a much different thing vs interacting with a piece of media that you’re a fan of.
I’m totally fine with people shipping Rellik with whoever, he was an RP character of mine forever, and he’s been in ships with friends’ OCs time to time. I’ve even had people ship him with their OCs. (I recall someone on dA I particularly loved the beautiful art of him and her OC) And honestly it’s just been lovely seeing everyone enjoy the LoT characters again and breathe new life and ideas into whatever sparks their fancy.
I don’t have a LoT OTP! I drew a handful of art of Rellik with thecrowchan’s Crowley (which you can still see on this tumblr), but honestly, he’s always been a character who is interesting to see how he gets along with people. That’s why my round-3 extras has some Karl shippy-type stuff in it too, I knew people were interested and those two being semi-villains had a different energy between them than other characters which was so fun to write.
That’s about all I’m going to say about it all! Everything else is up for you all to be creative with however you see fit. If I open requests (I do meme art requests time to time) feel free to send me any of chars you’d like to see, otherwise it’s not really my place to make more content for this fandom. It belongs to you all now!!!! ♥ Though I’m sure I’ll draw my boy Rel from time to time just cuz I still love him :)
Please all play nice and remember that everyone is dealing with things that you cannot see or know, so when in doubt remember to be kind and patient with one another whenever you can. And if something upsets you, block and move on ♥ Lots of love to ya’ll!!!
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
It’s GO2 anon from last night) I wanted to add, that although the ending of a new season is painful, the season itself is quite good. It got me this hard because it is a fandom love for me, and one of my otp, and my comfort blanket etc. but if you’re “normal” about the show, and you love the book it would be a good experience, and I’m selfishly would love to read your take on it. Because sometimes it’s useful to see a levelheaded unbiased opinion. Anyway, have a great day :)
Awwww that is very flattering of you to say!
I actually have a fairly strict rule against fiction with unhappy endings because...it really upsets me. I feel like other people just shake it off and move on but I get really sad and brood upon it for a long time and it spills over to affect everything in my life. Idk why I'm like that, tbh! But this is why my fiction is so often the way it is hahaha. THEREFORE. I assume there is going to be a S3??? So I'll probably just wait until that comes out so that I won't be upset indefinitely lol
BUT ALSO it is always good for me to know going in that something is going to end in a super-upsetting way because then I can know not to get attached to anything. This is why I look up for spoilers for basically anything fictional I'm going to consume (sometimes I even look up spoilers for reality show competitions lol). I just really need to know what to expect so I can manage my emotions around the issue. So probably if I just go spoil myself a lot for the whole thing, I could be fine, Idk.
If I end up watching it, I'll let you know lol
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Slowly Fading
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Prompt: different
Rating: K/General
Setting: 60+ years before the main story
Synopsis: Momo has been acting strange lately. When she comes over to visit, Toshiro finally confronts her about it.
AN: another month, another prompt for the OTP challenge by @yearoftheotpevent! I was very tempted to write something for the Valentine’s Day prompt, but this idea just wouldn’t leave my mind. This one is a melancholic story, not necessarily angsty but a bit of a downer. It came to me while i was thinking about what happens when a soul starts to forget their life in the World of the Living. How do they cope? Do they even realise it's happening? Do they even remember being human once all their memories are gone?
I admit, I have no idea what art supplies the Soul Society has, but for the sake of this fic I guess I assume they have pencils and sketchbooks? They usually have Edo period items in the Rukongai, but considering there's also a goggles and sunglasses shop there, I imagine they'd have a few 'modern' things too?
Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy it!
Toshiro hesitates at the doorway, watching Momo focus on her drawing. He can’t pinpoint the exact moment she started acting different, but in hindsight, it hadn’t happened suddenly.
It had been a slow thing at first, starting with her gaze softening at certain things – a type of tree in the forest, a stall in the Junrinan that sold hair combs, a mother and her child happily going about their day, a young girl rushing through a crowd back to sibling during a festival – but now it had progressed to strained smiles and a sudden focus on drawing and painting.
Just as with other times, she draws in haste, her hand almost a blur as she switches one colour pencil for another. Her back is arched over her sketchbook, and her head is so close to the page the tip of her nose is only a few inches from the paper. From his short distance, he thinks it looks like a landscape, but not of the forest before them nor of a part of the Soul Society he’s ever seen.
His frown deepens. Something about her drawing somewhere he doesn’t know makes him finally walk out on to the veranda. “Where’s that?”
She didn’t hear, or at least acts like she hadn’t. With a few strokes, she creates another tree amongst the many others that surround a lake. On its shore in the far distance are two indistinguishable figures, seemingly waving at the viewer.
“Oi,” he says, but still he doesn’t get her attention. He folds his arms. “You’re going wear yourself out, bed-wetter.”
She goes rigid at that. “Not now, Shiro-chan! I must concentrate.”
He barely manages to not flinch back; he’s never heard her so tense. In the rare moments where she said something out of annoyance or anger, she's always quick to apologise.
When the latter doesn’t happen, he thinks to go back inside and just wait for her to finish her drawing. Maybe then whatever maddening spell had captivated her would break and she’d remember what she’d shouted at him.
But he doesn’t go back inside. He lowers himself next her, as if sitting next to a dangerous animal that could snap at him any moment. He’s never felt this way around her before, as though she were another Junrinan resident he had to sneak around or to be cautious of. He always thought she could stand to be a bit tougher, but he didn’t like seeing her like this. He’ll take her crybaby moments over whatever this is.
His irritation gradually cools as he watches her draw, not really knowing why he’s here with her. Maybe it’s because whenever he’s angry or upset, she comes to his side. She’ll say some words, perhaps even hug him despite his half-hearted protests, but regardless she always comes to his side. He’s only ever had to comfort Granny in rare moments, he didn’t know how to do the same for others.
She stops drawing several minutes later, and whatever trance it holds over her breaks. She blinks down at her creation as her brows draw upward. It’s as though she isn’t entirely sure she was the one who created the drawing.
It’s not until he shifts his leg, his toe tapping her ankle, that she looks to him. “Shiro-chan…”
“Don’t call me that.” It’s the first time the phrase has been uttered without anger or annoyance. He folds his arms. “You finally done with that?”
Instead of answering his question, she grimaces. “I said something bad before, didn’t I?”
He only shrugs.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you.”
“It’s nothing,” he says. “I’ve heard worse.”
She doesn’t voice it, but he can sense that she wanted to say something to the effect of, ‘Even so, it wasn’t nice.’ Instead, she puts her sketchbook aside and turns her gaze to her lap.
Well, it was no use trying to brush this off and move on with their day as if nothing happen. “What’s gotten into you?" he asks. "You’ve been acting different for a while now.”
He can’t tell if she hangs her head in guilt or in contemplation. He kicks his legs idly to release some nervous tension building up within him.
Perhaps realizing he isn’t going to leave her alone, she shallows thickly, and her eyes mist with unshed tears. Her quiet admission almost goes unheard over the call of a nearby bird. “I’m starting to forget things.”
Toshiro quirks up a brow. “Huh?”
“From the World of the Living, I mean,” she clarifies. At his confusion, she sighs. “My friends told me that a Soul gradually forgets their time in the World of the Living. At some point, they don’t even remember being a human. They know they were born in the World of the Living, but they can't remember a single thing about their time there.” One tear falls and lands in between her hands, which are tightly clutching her yukata at the knees. “I don’t want to forget anything. I want to remember mother, father, and my sister forever. I’ve already forgotten how they sound, and now I can’t remember father’s face.”
With a trembling hand, she brings back her sketchbook and tilts it enough for him to see. “This is somewhere I know. I think I knew where it was a few days ago, but today…I don’t remember why we’d come here.” She taps a finger over the figures in the distance. “That’s my family. I have this memory, I think, of them on the other side of this lake. I don’t remember what I was doing…maybe searching for flowers? I don’t know why though, I…” She hiccups and drops her sketchbook into her lap. “I can’t remember anymore.”
What’s the use of remembering things and people you can’t go back to? He almost says it aloud, even has his lips parted to utter it, but her wide-eyed, glassy gaze tightens his throat. He knows he can be brutally honest with his words at best – and callous at worst – and it was often from a place of caring when it came to her, but he can’t bring himself to risk saddening her further.
What was he to do? If only Granny were here, she’d know. If he waits until she returns home, she can handle things. For some reason, that doesn’t make him feel any better. Did he not want to burden Granny with this? Did he doubt she could help Momo?
No, he realizes when his friend lifts her head to him, struggling not to cry. It’s because he is useless to help her. Why did he had to rely on Granny? Why can’t he do anything?
He’s never felt this way before, has only ever been concerned with getting by and ignoring the residents of the Junrinan. He never really felt this way towards Jidanbo, his only other friend; but the giant always seemed to have very few problems. And up until recently, Momo had been the same.
“I wish I were older,” she half sobs. “If I were, I could become a Shinigami and go see them in the World of the Living.” She sniffs and rubs her eyes, releasing two more tears. “It’s stupid to feel this way, isn’t it?”
He hadn’t meant to answer so quickly. He can’t tell if she’s surprised by how quickly he answered or what he’d said. Maybe she expected him to say ‘yes,’ and the implication stings. Was he truly that much a pessimist to her?
She wipes away a tear. “But I’m going to forget everything anyway, so I should just…”
“You’ve told me before that it’s not stupid to feel about things that don’t matter to others, that if they matter to you then that's okay. If it’s true for everyone else, then…it’s true for you too.” He cringes at the flush warming his face. What person throws back the same comforting words they once gave to another? Had he no words of his own?
However, Momo looks as if she’s never heard her own advice before. She considers it, gaze falling to the floorboards and shoulder relaxing. Again he waits, but his heart thrums with anxiety. Had he made things worse? He really should have waited for Granny.
As if on cue, the front door slides open and the old woman's voice comes through to the back. She gives a cheerful recounting of how she got certain items and missed others, at first too busy putting food away to notice the awkwardness between he and Momo.
When she finally looks at them and takes in Momo’s teary eyes, she’s quick to put aside the rest of her shopping and sit with the girl. Toshiro excuses himself, saying he’d go get the peaches Granny was unable to buy. The old woman frowns, but gives him a slow nod.
No matter how far Toshiro walks, the heaviness in his chest doesn’t lighten. Not even when he passes the various locations they’d discovered together – the watermelon patch in a clearing, the bushes of hasukappu, or the lone peach tree near a stream. At said tree, he picks off a several fruits and stuffs them into his sleeves. They're not as good as the ones sold in the Rukongai, but if nothing else, Granny, can still make sweets from them.
He returns slower than he left, coming back just as the sun was starting to set. He expects the veranda to be empty, but Momo is still there, drawing. Trepidation makes him slow to approach, but she lifts her head when his shadow falls over her feet.
She’s not surprised like he expected. The underside of her eyes is still red from crying, but her gaze is neutral. “Why did you run off?”
She doesn’t even say his name, and something about that strikes him. He’s so used to hearing that dumb nickname.
Snapping out of his daze, he pulls a peach out from his sleeve. “To get these.” He hands the fruit to her. “They’re in season.”
It almost feels like a peace offering, to say he’s sorry for not helping her and for running off suddenly. His frown deepens at the twitch in one corner of her lip, and even more so at the breathy, failed attempted at a snort.
“What?” he asks.
That seems to make the floodgates open, and she chuckles with a wide grin. “You’re giving me a peach?”
He rolls his eyes at the implication. “Not my fault you were named after a fruit, bed-wetter.”
That turns her smile into a pout. “Shiro-chan!”
“You gonna take it or not?” he grouses, thrusting the fruit into her face. “It’s the best one of the lot.”
He didn’t know that for a fact, but it looks like one of the least blemished one of the fruits. She struggles to look petulant as she puts her pencil back in the box with the others and takes the peach. “Thank you. I’ll eat it later, it’s too close to dinner time.”
“Suit yourself.”
She puts it away in a cloth bag along with her pencils and sketchbook. “Speaking of dinner, I should probably head back.”
He hums in agreement, but neither of them moves.
The awkwardness returns, making him unsure if he should walk her to the front of his house or go inside to put the peaches away. He takes slow, shiftless steps up on to the veranda, but comes to a stand still when Momo is in his peripheral. She’s completely still while staring at the side of his face; he’s certain it’s in concern.
Did she still feel bad for shouting at him earlier? Or was his inner turmoil that obvious? Why did she have to be so concerned with him?
He’s not going to move until he says something, he realises. He shifts his head just enough to see her. “What did Baa-chan say?”
She finally blinks, as if he had broken a spell that froze time. She is slow to answer. “She told me she forgets things too. She can’t remember most of her earlier life in the Soul Society now, and she only has glimpses of memories from her life in the World of the Living.  It’s, um…It’s just part of being a soul. It can’t be stopped, it’ll happen no matter what. The best I can do is draw what I remember while I can still remember it, and write on the back what it’s about.”
A grim acceptance. He should be satisfied with this outcome, but he finds himself getting a little heavier. What had he expected Granny to tell her? The old woman is always comforting, but she also didn’t sugar-coat things. Had he wanted her to do that for Momo?
The barest smile tilts the corners of her lips. “But my family is still alive, a-and they won’t forget me.  It’s also okay to feel sad about losing my memories, and it’s okay for me to be here and be happy too.”
Toshiro isn’t completely convinced that she feels better, but he can see the exhaustion is starting to hit her, and he finds himself tired as well. “Good, then.”
“She didn’t tell me that last part.” At his confused frown, her smile widens a fraction more, but it’s sombre. “I thought about what you said. I-I don't when I'll completely forget everything, or when I'll stop drawing my memories, but I know it's okay to feel this way about everything. I might be different for a while, but one day, when I've forgotten everything, I hope I can look at these drawings and remember something, even if it's only for a second."
He doesn’t want to tell her that drawings can fade too, or that she may lose her sketchbook one day. "I get it."
He leads her back to the front of the house and pretends he doesn't see the slight falter in her smile. For her sake, he wants to hope too.
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20skai · 6 months
OTP questions for Nemeia and Wyll! 🥰
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Who’s the bigger tease?
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
What reminds each of their partner?
Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
1. Ooo! You’re coming out the gate hot with this one. Hm. I’d say Nemeia. It’s happened once before. They had an argument when Nemeia came back with Ulder from the Iron Throne (she didn’t take Wyll). And he was furious! He couldn’t understand why she’d risk her life like that. He broke his pact and sacrificed his father. He should deal with the fallout not her! And she yelled “I saved him because I love you!” And he just broke down. No one has ever loved him so deeply before. She held him for the rest of the night and dried his tears, that turned from relief that she and his father were alive, to overwhelming joy.
2. They honestly don’t have many arguments. One, because they’re both emotionally mature enough to know when they themselves are in the wrong. And two, they hate it when the other is upset with them. But the few times an argument does happen all it takes is a sincere “I’m sorry” and whatever caused the friction is squashed pretty much instantly.
3. Wyll is definitely the bigger tease! In public and in private. Whether he’s placing kisses on her neck, small touches to her body or sweet nothings whispered in her ear; Wyll loves to tease. Nemeia will turn a pretty shade of purple from blushing, but she will never complain because she lowkey loves it.
4. Yes, always. And if somehow the other forgets, the offender will be blocked from leaving until they say it. And an extra kiss(es) to remedy the offense.
5. Steady Love by India.Arie
6. Wyll: A sextant.// Nemeia: Freesias.
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8. Wyll’s nonverbal: A scalp massage.// Nemeia’s nonverbal: Running her thumb across his hand
Thank you for these questions! If you (or anyone!) have anymore I’ll gladly answer them. I love talking about these two! 🥹🥰
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mrsreginagold · 5 months
Fic: Now I Need Another Taste
Fandom: Nikita
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Takes place during an alternate version of “The Life We’ve Chosen”. Events in the episode have been shuffled around for the purposes of this fic. Notably – Ari doesn’t have the kill chip, and the incident in which he saves Owen’s life happens earlier. Nikita is not engaged to Michael. 
Summary: Nikita just can’t take Ari’s reasoning at face value. 
Author’s note: I consider every piece I write for this pair self-indulgent but this one in particular throws the realism out the window rather quickly. I wanted a better outcome where Ari is concerned and at the end of the day giving my OTP a happy ending won out over trying to reconcile with canon. 
On AO3
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Now I Need Another Taste
                  There was a substantial chill in the night air, a breeze whipping past Nikita Mears’ cheek strong enough to turn her skin red, and yet – the former assassin paid it little mind. 
                  Her thoughts were preoccupied with the conversation that had just occurred with Ari Tasarov, specifically his declaration that he was certain that he would die on this excursion. 
                  The ultimatum weighed heavily in her heart. Despite their checkered past, there had always been a healthy respect between them (not to mention a palpable attraction that had resurfaced once they were in close quarters). 
                  The past few weeks in particular had opened her eyes to the kindness that Ari possessed. While his captivity had gotten off to an understandably rocky start, he had proven useful and served as a capably ally. 
                  Additionally: the feelings that had not been given a chance before had begun to blossom. On more than one occasion, she had nearly given in to the urge to kiss him, and she could tell that he was aware of this. 
                  Hell, the look he had given her before he had climbed back into the truck-bed for warmth had been downright inviting, as if he were deliberately tempting her to follow. 
                  Irritation bubbled up within her. Oh, how dare he. The bastard is trying to rile me up. 
                  Nikita shoved back the tarp covering their mode of transportation with a scowl, and then clambered inside, startling her companion when she plopped down on the bench beside him. 
                  Ari tilted his head curiously. “You seem angry.”
                  “I have reason to be, because you’re being defeatist and I’m not about to stand for it.”
                  Perceptive eyes the color of the sea glittered with amusement. “Are you now?”
                  “Look,” she grasped his hands within hers, privately noting that they were quite warm thanks to him not being out in the cold. “I know you’re trying to be realistic, but that’s no reason to lose hope.”
                  A dry chuckle escaped him, and he shook his head. “Ah. You’re just trying to make me feel better.”
                  “No, Ari I…” she sighed and let go of him so she could run her fingers carelessly through her hair, upsetting the neat bun that it was in. “I just don’t understand why you’re so at peace with the potential of dying. Surely you have something out there to live for.”
                  He fell silent, and she couldn’t bear to look at him, fearful of how desolate the expression on his attractive features would be. 
                  “Actually,” his hand moved back over hers. “There is something. Or rather – someone. But she doesn’t feel the same way.”
                  Slowly, she turned towards him, her heart rate accelerating rapidly when she recognized the longing in his gaze. 
                  “I realize that it can never be, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve fallen completely, irrevocably in love with you, Nikita.”
                  Her lips parted to admonish him for thinking there wasn’t a chance, but she couldn’t make a sound when his other hand moved up to caress along the side of her face, his touch light, fleeting, and impossibly gentle.
                  A forlorn smile crossed his handsome face. “At least now you know.”
Ah, to hell with it. If she was his reason, then a reason she would be. 
Without preamble, she grasped wildly at the collar of his overcoat, yanking him to her and claiming his mouth with her own. 
Nikita felt Ari freeze under her hands for a moment, before he melted willingly into the embrace, his arms curling around her to keep her close as the kiss deepened. 
Relief coursed through her, a happy sigh emerging while she carded her hands through his hair and nipped teasingly at his lips. 
His mouth was soft against her own, his ministrations tender, and yet there was such passion in every response. If it hadn’t been crystal clear before that he wanted her, she was certain of it the second she managed to crawl onto his lap and his desire for her became evident against her thigh. 
She pulled back for air, nuzzling her nose to his and grinning. “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” 
                  He blinked incredulously at her. “How long have you waited to use that line?”
                  She laughed, draping her arms around his neck. “A while. We have some blankets if you want to get more comfortable.”
                  “Nikita,” he drew out each syllable of her name, which prompted a shiver to ease up her spine that had nothing to do with the chilly weather. “Are you actually suggesting that we make love back here?”
                  “Technically you did.” She leaned in, worrying his lower lip between her teeth. “And to be honest, it’s mainly because I’ve been dying to get you out of these clothes. Once this mission is over: I’m insisting that the company buy you a new wardrobe.”
                  He managed, somehow, to lift and carry her over to a more open space, which wasn’t exactly an easy feat. “I thought you liked the jacket.”
                  “I like it better on the floor,” she mumbled, shoving it down his broad shoulders.
                  “Fine, then it’s getting used as a bed,” he tugged his arms free, the fabric whispering to the ground behind him. He then spun her around while unzipping her overcoat. “Yours too.”
                  She compliantly shrugged out of the garment, allowing it to join his, and then reached to the side to grab a pile of blankets from where they lay on the bench.
                  With a nest spread out, they took to task – removing shoes and his suit jacket next.
                  She was grateful he had forgone a tie, her fingers eagerly seeking out the buttons to his shirt, popping them free one-by-one until it lay open over his chest. 
                  Not to be outdone, he lifted her sweater over her head. 
                  The cool air filtering in through the small gaps in the tarp caused gooseflesh to prickle at Nikita’s now exposed arms. A thin, silky camisole was all that remained covering her chest, and she noticed just how appraising Ari’s gaze became as it raked across her. 
                  He slipped out of his button down, left in a thin cotton undershirt which provided little to the imagination regarding the toned build he possessed beneath. “May I?” he plucked at the hem of her negligee.
                  She nodded rapidly and raised her arms so he could pull it up off her body. The cold was no longer as effective now that a molten heat had settled at her core, and she reached insistently for his tee so she could return the favor.
                  This was the next item to be cast aside, and then her hands delved to explore the sculpted muscle that made up his chest and abdomen. 
The pair embraced lovingly, losing themselves to the sensation of bare skin finally touching. 
                  Nikita moaned, arching instinctively against Ari’s tall, lean form, fumbling blindly with his belt in her determination to get him naked as quickly as was physically possible. 
                  “Hold on,” he muttered, helping, and then turning his attention to what remained of her clothing.
                  She hastily took her hair down, allowing the dark strands to wave naturally around her face.
                  When there were no more barriers: they lunged in unison and then toppled back together onto the makeshift bed. 
                  His lips immediately strayed to her throat while his hands pinned hers to the blankets, that clever tongue swirling over her clavicle before his attention veered lower. 
                  She slid one leg against his before hitching it across his hip, drawing their entangled bodies even closer together. 
                  Ultimately, she no longer cared if they were discovered, because hell would freeze over before she let this man be interrupted in the magic he was weaving with his hands and mouth. 
                  Nikita cried out when he latched onto her breast, teeth scraping lightly over sensitized flesh, which made her rake her nails across his beautifully toned torso in retaliation. 
                  Undeterred, Ari continued, worshipping every possible inch of her until she could handle it no longer and arced her hips up in an invitation he wasted no time in taking. 
                  His gaze found hers right after they joined, time seeming to still before he started them off in a steady, even pace. 
                  She anchored them, her legs coiling further around his waist, surging up to taste the moisture that had gathered at his Adam’s Apple and delighting in the low, guttural sound that her action caused. 
                  His hands weaved into her hair as their mouths met over and over in a mirror of their entwined forms. 
                  She grasped at his back, leaving half-moon indents when their movements lost grace and turned primal.
                  He slowed just as they reached their pinnacle, kissing her soundly to muffle their shared cries when they fell, complete in every sense of the word. 
                  Though her lust had died down some time ago, Nikita was perfectly happy to languish in the haze of afterglow. 
                  While they recuperated, she brushed her fingers slowly through Ari’s mussed hair, reveling in the silken texture of the brown strands touched with hints of silver, which he had slowly grown out due to his time on the run. 
                  His head was pillowed upon her chest, his heartbeat a steady, strong thrum upon her skin while he basked in their peaceful moment. “I know it doesn’t need saying – but thank you.”
                  “For?” she grazed her mouth over his temple, sighing contentedly.
                  “For giving me a reason to keep fighting.” He shifted in order to peer down at her, the sincere affection in his gaze causing her breath to catch.
                  She wanted moments like this one to last for as long as possible – where nothing mattered except the man holding her as though she was the most valuable thing in existence. 
                  “I love you,” she framed his face between her hands, initiating a feverish kiss that conveyed what words couldn’t. 
                  “I love you too,” he gladly returned the embrace. 
                  They sank back together, exchanging lazy yet heated kisses until she pulled away to regain her breath. “That settles it. You aren’t leaving me any time soon. We’ll think of another way to accomplish the trade with Amanda.”
                  “What we need is a proper plan.” He mumbled against her neck, his lips dancing along her skin. 
                  “I’m open to suggestions,” she tipped her head back, granting him better access to the column of her throat.
                  His strikingly handsome features loomed suddenly into her vision, a grin that could only be described as mischievous crossing his mouth. “We could trade Owen instead.”
                  “Ari!” she slapped at his arm, trying not to giggle, and failing miserably when his expression only brightened. “That’s terrible.”
                  “You said give suggestions. That’s my suggestion.” He shrugged.
                  “We could always traumatize Amanda,” a third voice suddenly interjected, causing the lovers to peer, horrified, towards the back of the hold. 
                 ��Owen Elliot stood in a gap created by the tarp, his phone held up to capture, well, them.
                  With an undignified shriek, Nikita grabbed the nearest object: her boot, as it happened, and lobbed it at her friend’s head. “How long have you been over there?!”
                  “Long enough to know that Tasarov has skills.” 
                  For once, Ari didn’t bother with a comeback. He pinched his temple and groaned. “I repeat. We trade him instead.”
                  “Look, I’m not rushing you, but I gotta get this thing on the road again, so it would probably be a good idea to get dressed.” Owen suggested. He then pulled the tarp fully shut so they had proper privacy. 
                  Reluctantly, they parted in order to gather up their clothing.
                  “We’ll have to confiscate his phone before we reach our destination to ensure that whatever he’s got on there is deleted,” Ari mentioned.
                  “I’d never hear the end of it if that ended up on Division’s permanent files,” Nikita grumbled, pulling her lover’s shirt on over her camisole, and then throwing her sweater on top of it.
                  “…you know, eventually I’m going to need that back,” he gestured, mostly dressed now in his suit, though without the button-down on under the jacket, the look was far more casual. 
                  “Tough luck. It’s mine now. Another reason you can’t leave me today.” Her tone was playful as she walked over to help him with the gray overcoat.
                  The truck moved suddenly, making her lose her balance and partially stumble into his waiting arms. 
                  “Careful,” he caught her gracefully and held her close. 
                  “That was Owen’s fault for being a horrible driver,” she stated.
                  “Hey!” their companion’s tone was indignant. “I’m not the one who decided to have a quicky in the back!”
                  Ari guided his love over to the bench so they could sit for the remainder of the ride. “You’d do better to pay attention to the road, Mr. Elliot.”
                  Exasperated, Nikita added: “Owen, stop eavesdropping and throw your phone back here so I can erase whatever blackmail material you caught of us.” 
                  “I didn’t actually record you, I just wanted to see the looks on your faces when you thought I had. Come on Nikki, you know I’d never do that to you.”
                  Ari quirked a skeptical brow. 
                  “Nevertheless, give me your phone. I need to check in with Birkoff. Maybe he can come up with something in lieu of trading my boyfriend,” Nikita ordered.
                  There was a quiet shuffle at her side, and she looked over to see that Ari was smiling. “So, I’m the boyfriend now?”
                  “Well, I usually don’t go that far on a first date but given how we’d been dancing around each other for a couple years; I think we can skip ahead a bit,” she admitted, blushing in spite of the fact that they had been naked and consumed by each other not very long ago. 
                  “I should get you two a “congrats on the sex” cake.” Owen chortled. 
                  Nikita exchanged an irritated look with her lover before she excused herself to climb into the front to grab the phone and give their friend a slap upside the head for good measure. 
                  After a brief check-in with Seymour Birkoff yielded no results on the plan front, Nikita sank onto the bench next to Ari, her shoulders drooping in defeat. “Back to square one.”
                  Her companion draped an arm across her back to tug her against his side, his brow furrowing in thought before he called out. “Owen, you mentioned earlier that we should traumatize Amanda. What exactly did you mean by that?”
                  “Easy. You act like you’re married.”
                  Nikita blinked rapidly, utter confusion crossing her lovely face. “I don’t follow.”
                  “We all know that Amanda is obsessed with you, right?” Owen elaborated. “She thinks of you as a surrogate daughter. And Ari, you’re her ex. How do you think she’d react to the ones who got away from her getting a happy ending together?”
                  “How the hell would we even pull off a fake marriage in the few hours we have till we reach the meeting place?” Ari queried. “She’s going to want proof. A certificate. Something.”
                  “As it happens…since we’re in neutral territory and technically the two of you consummated your union: you’re already considered hitched. You’d just need to print up and fill out a license. And as a bonus, it would offer Ari an out. Since you’re his wife, Amanda can’t just up and take him.” 
                  “…am I imagining things, or did Owen actually make sense?” Nikita could barely believe what she was hearing. 
                  “Evidently, miracles do happen,” Ari joked. 
                  “I’m telling you: this is the best way to get what everyone wants. Besides, you can think of it as a practice run for when you’ll want to make it official someday.” Owen stated, glancing back at the two of them in the rearview mirror.
                  They shared a meaningful look, Ari curling his fingers beneath Nikita’s chin. “What do you think, my love? Should we?”
                  “It might be inventive enough to actually work,” she tilted her head back to stare into the ocean of his gaze. “And any win we can lord over her head is worth it.”
                  He smiled warmly, and then peered down at his pinky where a simple silver ring he tended to wear lay. 
                  “It’s not much, but…” he slid it off and grasped her left hand in his, placing it carefully on her ring finger seconds later. “It’ll do for now.”
                  The piece of jewelry fit perfectly, which only solidified the plan in Nikita’s mind.
                  Gratefully, she pulled her beloved into an affectionate kiss, proving the depth of her feelings and infused with hope for their future. 
                  Given the manner in which he responded: it was clear that he intended to keep to this new promise. 
The End
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Finn and Al are my OTP and I’m screaming at them finally kissing ahhhhhhhhhhh
I do wonder if Al had any former flames ? Like maybe he’s always been odd and eccentric but has anyone major showed interest in him ? He’s never been married so maybe not but I kind of wonder …….
Finn has had crushes and people he’s liked in the past too and yet I think his love for Al trumps all the formers by a lot and no one holds a candle to his affection for the magician
But the thought of Finn being heartbroken over Donna really makes my heart hurt….. I’m imagining cute little thirteen year old finn being heartbroken over his crush dating someone else and kissing Wendy to try and get over it but it probably didn’t work ahhhhhhh
Robin must’ve been there during this heartbreak and I’m glad Finn had Robin to lean on ❤️
I do wonder how Donna feels about Finn now ? Maybe she has a crush on him too but since neither acted on it, they both kind of moved along ? Maybe Donna does still like Finn ? Will we see more of her in the future ?
I also kinda wonder if we’ll see Al be jealous … we’ve seen jealous finn get upset over that waitress flirting with Al and that was fun to see
Al does seem like the possessive type so I wonder who he’ll be jealous of ? I don’t think he’d get upset over Robin or Gwen being close to finn, so maybe someone else ? Like maybe another older guy shows up at the grab n go or the baseball game and shows interest in Finn and Al goes like >:(
I’ll never stop loving you queen !!!!!
same here omg they are my otp!!! 😩🙏🏻♥︎ i really hope you enjoyed the kiss scene and that the buildup was worth it!! xx
ooh these are some really interesting questions, i love them! i’ll try my very best to answer them! ♥︎
in chapter 10, finney found a faded old postcard in al’s bedside drawer signed by someone nicknamed ‘ollie’. this alluded to the fact that al has indeed had former flames! this “ollie” guy being one of them. and i think on some level, finney knows this, too, and that’s why he slammed the drawer shut hahaha. you’re right, al has always been kind of odd and eccentric, but he can also be incredibly charming and charismatic. pair that with his good looks and you have quite the interesting man. people are attracted to him—men and women alike—but he’s feral over finney. sometimes disturbingly so. and we all know finney very much reciprocates his feelings. he has a hard time keeping his jealousy at bay and feels the need to compete with other “pretty” boys like vance who he believes have the power to shift al’s attention away.
we find out more about al’s past flames in future chapters.
finney’s love for him absolutely eclipses any crushes the boy might have had in the past, including donna. and donna had been a pretty big deal. 😳 you’re spot on, though, absolutely no one holds a candle to his love for his magician! it’s intense and all-encompassing in a way he’s never felt before. and we all love to see it. ♥︎
i knowww, my poor baby!! imagine the heartbreak on his little face when he saw donna dating someone else! 😩 but it’s okay. even though wendy bell had been a momentary distraction, in three or so years he’d stumble upon a mysterious magician who would make him forget donna clarke ever even existed hahaha.
of course robin was there to help his best bud through the heartbreak. and we all know he offered to beat the shit out of donna’s new boyfriend for finney. ❤️
yes, absolutely! donna will be making an appearance shortly, and you’re right! she does have a crush on finney—but neither of them have acted on it, so the feelings have just been sort of left untethered. she does become a more prominent character in future chapters, though.
we’ve seen finney get worked up with jealousy on a handful of occasions now, but we’ve never seen al enter that state. that’s why it’s gonna be so fun to write it when the moment arrives because he’s so much more intense about it lmao. and once again, you’re absolutely correct; he’s intense and possessive and can be quite frightening, so whoever does trigger this response in him, he’ll very much go >:(
ahhhhh thank you, love! it’s been a pleasure going through your comment/ask, i hope i answered all your questions to a satisfactory degree! if you ever have more or simply wanna drop by and chat or say hello, please don’t hesitate! thank you so much for reading the story and i hope you enjoy all the chapters to come! stay amazing! xx ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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letstrywritingmaybe · 2 years
Not me finally reading those fanfiction turned into books thing that lots of people do in Asia that my cousin got me when she was in Taiwan and… IT WAS A BAD ENDING!!! I cry!!! I’m so upset. But it’s so cool that someone got to publish their work and share it with people and it was really well written and I was so emotional but fuck. I’m so over sad endings. They’re my most tragic ship and I don’t want this anymore okay. But the cover is so pretty and I’m all about authors writing whatever they want but fuck I’m devastated… I really don’t deal with bad endings well at all and that’s a me problem I know 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Update: I’m even more sad. I was right to be wary of the bonus. I’m sorry but why is it that my queen always has to be the one to die? Sure you can argue living with the pain is a more severe punishment but fucking a why. Again it’s well written and I get it. Like yes the message is important and I get why it needed to be told this way but I can’t. I’m so tired of sad endings, building upon the idea that this ship truly is meant to be a tragedy. Look I love realistic fiction and I know life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Believe me I know that. But fuck. I just want them to be able to get the happily ever after that the canon ship surely will get. Am I asking for too much? Just to be given a chance. I’m literally crying typing this. This is not helping me cope during these colder months. Breathe Cyn, breathe. The author has the right to write what they want, it’s their fic, stop getting so worked up because you’re a baby who can’t handle bad endings. This is literally bringing back my grievances with my black and white otp too. I can’t deal with this. I’m sorry, but love is selfish. And I love them too much to allow this to be their ending. I’m rejecting every single bad ending. It’s not real, I’m delusional, but at least I don’t have to cry anymore.
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Hiyori about Ikuya’s smile in episode 8 of dttf:
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Nao about Natsuya’s smile in Nao birthday story:
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Me: well the Kirishima sure have some damn smiles huh
#free!#free! dive to the future#nao serizawa#hiyori tono#natsuya kirishima#ikuya kirishima#natsunao#otp: i always know why you’re upset#hiyoiku#otp: you don’t have to wish on stars to make your dreams come true#Ikuya and Natsuya: smile#Hiyori and Nao: wow I sure hope it doesn’t awake anything in me#also yes I lowkey ref the damn smile meme lol#but more seriously this parallels#call back? reference? or whatever#live rent free in my mind#like the idea of Nao and Hiyori falling in love for Natsuya and Ikuya smiles make me so soft#or just seeing their smiles make the both of them so happy and make them feel safe just aaaaah so cute#yeah bc for those who doesn’t know when Nao said that it was when he felt lonely hearing fireworks bc he doesn’t know where he and Natsuya#will be next year and Natsuya laughed and smiled at him and he felt like at ease I just can’t it’s so soft#and I don’t think I have to explain about Hiyori and Ikuya’s smile#i just love this two ships so much#actually I can even stretch it with the fact that both Natsuya and Ikuya was the one reaching to Nao and Hiyori first#Natsuya asking Nao to enter in the swimming club almost drag him#and both in kindergarten and in America Ikuya was the one reaching and complimenting Hiyori first#hey even after their fight Ikuya was the one searching for Hiyori to talk once he got his shit together#like Natsuya and Ikuya are pulled toward Nao and Hiyori#it’s so cute#anyway a lot of thoughts about Hiyoiku and Natsunao bc I love those ships so much#living rentfree in my head for the time being
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takenbypeter · 3 years
Filled With Worry
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Loki x reader
Word Count: 670
Based off: which one of your OTP...apologizes first
You were strong. Strong enough to take part in the avengers various missions. You were always put into tough situations as well as getting out of them. It was okay, you liked the thrill of barely making it out while helping for the greater good.
So on your most recent mission, when you had been cornered and were about to begin with your well-thought-out escape plan, you can imagine how surprised you were when Loki suddenly appeared and then disappeared with you in his arms.
Once in a safe setting you shoved away from the god, “what are you doing? I had that!”
“You had nothing! That was too dangerous!”
Your jaw dropped at his tone but before you could retort another voice interrupted your squabble.
“Hello? Earth to the lovely couple, tryna complete a mission here,” said Tony from the front of the jet.
Although the mission was a success you couldn’t help but storm off into another room the moment you arrived back at the tower. It was only a couple minutes before there was a knock on the door.
“Y/n, please can we talk?”
You stood far from the closed door with your back held to it, refusing to answer. Another minute passed by with you standing in silence.
After about two more minutes you hear a familiar sound behind you. “Loki,” you say, already knowing his tendencies.
You stay with your back turned away from him. Trying to get you to look at him he says, "I got this for you. It's in your favorite color...”
You purse your lips, resisting the urge to see what the god got you. But you cave, slightly turning your head to get a quick view.
In his hand, was a single green rose.
“Loki, that’s your favorite color.”
“And I’m your favorite person—“
“You were my favorite person,” you remind him of your current issue.
His hands fall to his side, clearly still hung up, “I don’t understand why you’re upset. I saved you.”
Words seeming to finally break through to you, you whip around, “Loki I had that back there. I knew what I was doing. What were you even doing there, you weren’t even supposed to be on that mission!”
“What does it matter? I saved you and it’s done.”
“No, it’s not done! I can handle myself—I’ve trained for this, practiced for this. I’m strong enough for this!”
“Well maybe I’m not strong enough,” he says voice faltering slightly. You couldn’t turn away from him, not when he was laying his emotions out on the floor for you.
“I’m not strong enough to lose you…one of the few people who actually care about me, and when I heard about that mission…I guess I…”
His eyes lingered on the floor, unable to finish his sentence and you quickly went to his side, “I’m sorry,” he mumbles out. Holding a hand against his cheek he leaned into your touch and you suddenly felt silly for your own outburst.
“I’m sorry Loki, I didn’t see it like that.”
A moment of silence passed again. “Loki, I know you care for me, but when you interrupt a mission like that, it makes me feel like you don’t have faith in me…”
He remains quiet and you try to meet his eyes, “…that you don’t think I’m strong enough.”
His hand lifts up wrapping around yours that stilled on his cheek, as he finally made eye contact. “I know you can handle it. But I don’t want you to have to.”
That was it, you couldn’t stay mad at him, before you knew what you were doing you wrapped your arms around his waist and he rested his head on yours.
“I know, but this is what we do, it’s important work.”
He reciprocated the warm embrace, while you continued. “Thank you for coming to help me, but I can take care of myself.”
His arms squeezed you firmly, causing you to grin slightly, “I know, but that doesn’t mean I won’t continue to worry.”
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gangplanksorenji · 3 years
loonathelegends : Un-shackled
Pairing: LOONA Olivia Hye x Reader
Word Count: 3011
A/N 1: Hi! It’s me again! Well, probably, I saw that no one is making some LoL-related works here, so I decided to give it a try! Hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for the support on my first fic! Have a great day ahead!
A/N 2: Again, the roles that will be portrayed here are for entertainment purposes only.
A/N 3: Expect a lot of LoL-related lingo here in these kinds of fics.
!! Trigger Warning !! : Swear Words/Strong Language, Slight Flaming
*note: flaming in this context is where a player uses insults towards an another player, unintentional or intentional.*
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“Why is this queue taking sooo long??” she whined, the voice of Hyeju echoed around the room.
This will be your last game in your promos that will determine your fate upon emerging in another elo hell, Masters. 2-2 in your scoreboard, you already felt some butterflies in your stomach as the both of you accepted the match from a 15-minute long queue.
Hyeju, a Miss Fortune OTP whose skills and mechanics of the champion are out of this world, macrowise and microwise like she was born to be in the pro scene. Whenever her Miss Fortune is stolen or got banned, she instantly dodges the game with no hesitation, earning a whine from you every time she does it. You find it annoying but sometimes you can’t help but recommend other ADCs that she can use, yet her heart is loyal only to Miss Fortune, nothing else.
She has been your girlfriend for 4 months now, confessing to her right where the two always see each other everyday at a computer café near the end of the street and by your surprise she answered you, marking that the best day of your life as you reached Grandmasters after that.
You, whose her “support” in every ranked game you play, maintains a 60% win rate between the both of you, mainly maining Pyke, Nautilus and Leona. You always want to be the initiator or the engager, not really using enchanters since you find them boring.
“Ah! First pick! I hate it when it goes like this!”
“It’s alright Y/N, let’s just focus up.”
The countdown ticks every second, panicking on what to pick since you don’t know how to counter anybody since you’re the first pick and your Nautilus and Pyke got banned.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
“Ah, uhm, Ahh”
5, 4, 3 ,2
An idea suddenly popped in your head at the last second. You are fond of experimenting off-meta picks as you find it interesting, ignoring the fact that mostly they trashtalk about your pick and then flaming you endlessly. Most likely, you are giving everything you could whenever playing ranked games yet this time, it’s your first time picking this champion and using it in your promos.
“No more cages!”
*keyboard and mouse clicks*
“S- sy- Sylas? Y/N? This i-is our p-promos..”
“Uhhh, Hye, just t-trust me, okay? I can’t pick anything and it’s good in our team comp too..”
“Y/N this is our promos!!”
“Pleaseee, I’ll do good! I promise!”
“Uhh, fine..” she disgruntledly snapped, feeling annoyed at your actions, she frowned in disbelief right after.
“Hye, I know you’re upset, the team comp is good, besides there is a lot of ultis I can steal that can be paired to you, we’re good in teamfights, trust me.” you said calmly, encouraging her to think positive and hoping to plant a grin on her face. She just nodded coldly. You know that her mood has changed with your abrupt pick and you are using Sylas as a Support. You’re completely fine with it as it is her normal mood whenever playing, especially in her promos.
“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!”
All of you ran off the fountain as the game started as well as the start of a series of emotions within the both of you.
“What on earth can be my support item? I’ll go Spellthief’s, fuck it.” you muttered by yourself, being mentally challenged as it’s your way to go.
After a few minutes of the usual laning phase, your jungler pinged the both of you, pathing towards bot for the hopes of a “first blood” in your favor, extending your lead in the early game.
*”On my Way” pings, more pings”
*First Blood*
“Assa!” Hyeju exclaimed, wondering right after how your new technology is working.
“They overextended without vision *smirks*, anyways, nice job!”
Your team managed to kill their Rell, earning 400 gold in Hyeju’s pocket, with also your assist gold that made a nice lead for the game.
15 minutes in, first turret in your favor and a 2.4k gold lead, yet their jungler managed to sneakily kill the Rift Herald and get it, getting a glimpse of the possible scenarios that they can do with the Herald.
“I’m sure they are dropping it in Mid, getting a prio for a few minutes and getting a lead in mid lane..” you muttered, signaling Hyeju to go to mid lane to contest the towers, maybe resulting in a teamfight.
“Okay, I’ll steal Tristana’s ult, Kennen may flank and target the backline, just getting her ult just in case.”
“Okay, Y/N, getting on it, I’m sure tha- AHH!” Hyeju exclaimed as the scream screeched and echoed to your ears, you predicted the future as the Kennen did flank, making a gruesome dent to your health bars. Luckily, you have a stopwatch and so does Hyeju but in exchange with your midlaner at the process. You managed to front line in the teamfight yet got killed right after, ranting about the lack of sustain as your champion got countered as well as your jungler.
Despite losing the teamfight, Hyeju got a double kill as their midlane was forced to go back to defend with a successful macro and push by your Sion, making a pressure in the toplane.
As the time goes on, everyone is now rotating as the objectives are getting contested and crucial because the drake is Infernal. Making a strategic move, your team didn’t contest the two dragons as you guys wanted what the soul is and also hoping to obtain all of the drakes to maximize its full power.
35 minutes in, Hyeju starts getting frustrated and ranted as your allied midlaner is starting to throw as well as your jungler who died in a span of 2 minutes.
“These fucking people don’t learn, oh my gosh! Are these people blind or what?”
“Hye, calm down, calm down, let’s just stay positive okay? We’ll wi-”
“Y/N! I’m not calming down if they never learn!! Like, what the fuck are they trying to do? Get a lead then ego it all along and then die like, what’s the point of doing it? I don’t get these people!”
You know that she reached her boiling point, it’s common for her and you to be angry in these kinds of situations but you never saw her rage like this, maybe because it is both your promos? Is she sick of these kinds of players? You’ll never know unless you find out.
*In Chat*
[30:41] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) signals that enemies are missing
[30:41] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) signals that enemies are missing
[30:42] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) signals that enemies are missing
[30:43] bonomytiresaregone(Sion) signals that enemies are missing
[30:43] bonomytiresaregone(Sion) signals that enemies are missing
[30:44] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) Viktor - Alive
[30:44] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) Diana - Respawning in 10 secs
[30:46] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) WHY ARE WE FIGHTING WTF
[30:51] The enemy team has slain the Infernal Drake!
[30:53] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) u guys arent human fr
[30:54] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) Viktor - Alive
[30:55] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) Viktor - Alive
[30:55] watermelonlover4eva (Miss Fortune) Diana - Alive
You tried your best to calm her down but it didn't work, so you just decided to focus on the game, not wanting the conflict to escalate further.
*intense keyboard and mouse clicking, sound of the A/C buzzing audibly*
“Please focus the Tristana, Pleaseeee! Arghhh!”
“We’re trying Hye, I’m trying too.”
“I know Y/N, I know, this Viktor is just a pain in the ass, he’s so shit in the game! Just standing there in teamfights not doing anything, he’s so scared to even walk up while he is full HP. Like, what the fuck? Are these fucking people boosted or what? Just walk up and do something!.” again, she ranted about that Viktor for the umpteenth time. You are powerless to do anything but just nodding and shotcalling her to play it off.
*intense keyboard and mouse clicking*
After a few minutes, you guys try to contest Baron as the enemy starts to ward and deward the place, signaling a possible teamfight.
You tried to ward and deward the vicinity around Baron, signaling your midlaner to poke as the Sion split-pushes in bot lane, applying pressure as their midlane recalled to defend. You tried to stop it but it was too late, your champion didn't have any long-ranged skillshots to deny her recall as you’re the only one near her.
As you saw their Tristana out of position, you E-flashed for a possible kill, and it did pay off, earning ah 1k shutdown to Hyeju and earning a big lead in your team as they lost firepower and was forced to go back as your whole team killed the Baron right after. They didn’t contest the fight since they are outpowered as their Kennen don’t have an ult, gambling a possible kill from Hyeju but he failed, but removing her flash for 5 minutes.
“Yes!! That was worth it! Nice work!”
“Nice work Y/N and the Sion split-pushes as he should, that’s a great macro play..” she said, earning a little grin from that fight. You really know how to make your girlfriend smile despite the situation as she’s your knight and shining armor and willing to protect and entertain her every time, off or in game.
After that Baron fight, your team managed to get a fat lead that made a dent in the gold charts by the push in all lanes, jungle camps and macrowise actions.
45 minutes in, both of you are mentally exhausted as the game is still going as your team successfully got all four Infernal Drakes and the Infernal Soul and all are in their full builds. In all of the chances of a supposedly finished game, both teams didn’t manage to get it as if their luck were still rolling the dice, intensifying the match yet draining all of your brain juices.
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“Just end this fucking game, damnit, I’m exhausted.”
“Me too Y/N, but these people won’t.”
Both of you uttered with a delirious tone, not wanting to go any further but you can’t stop the inevitable. The both of you tried to give your best in the team fights, macro and micro plays but in this minute, whoever wins the teamfight will be victorious all throughout, and the both of you want it in your favor.
“If we engage first, we’ll win and if they do, they’ll win.” you brainstormed yourself with some possible strategies to win the game and you don’t want to lose and get tilted right after.
You tried finding the possible angle for a teamfight but you're still aware of a Kennen flank, doubling up the caution as you reminded Hyeju and pings the Kennen.
*In Chat*
[45:22] Less Than Zero (Sylas) Kennen - Alive
[45:22] Less Than Zero (Sylas) Kennen - Alive
[45:22] Less Than Zero (Sylas) Kennen - Alive
[45:23] Less Than Zero (Sylas) signals that enemies are missing
[45:23] Less Than Zero (Sylas) signals that enemies are missing
[45:23] Less Than Zero (Sylas) signals that enemies are missing
[45:25] Less Than Zero (Sylas) kennen may flank
Ward there and there, farsights all over the place, until you see that there’s no vision in the tribush as you tried to facecheck until something happened.
The Kennen and Rell surprised you as the Kennen flanked and made its wall to the backline. Flash-Hextech Rocketbelt-R-E, that champion made a dent in your healthbars while Rell did her job too, following up the damage of the Tristana and Syndra. Luckily, you managed to steal Rell’s ultimate to prevent the engagement of being a hundred-percent successful as Diana ults for the further prevention. An intense teamfight has been going on as Hyeju ulted in a safe distance, also managing to make a dent in their healthbars as you did a good effort in the teamfight yet dying in the process as well as your Diana and Viktor who finally did something despite his bad performance this game and giving the Diana a kill as well as Hyeju.
Three of the enemies are standing strong whilst it’s only Hyeju willing to defend the base as you know what Sion will do, a backdoor in their base. Hyeju tries with all her might for a possible hold in your defenses.
Guardian Angel popped and Hyeju just died in a blink of an eye. After that, the enemy marches through your final defenses, up through your Nexus.
They didn’t tend to recall as they challenge your team in a base race, hoping a possible gamble as the Top prio made Sion’s life easier yet both of you trembled, praying that your team will win the base race.
All you can do is just watch as your death timers are still high, not enough to defend as all of you watched the race and so did your hearts race too. Your hands are cold as you focus to watch it further, ravaging through their bases and thanks to Hulbreaker, Sion can deal more damage to their turrets and nexuses.
1, 2, 3
Inhibitors done, two towers left at your end as course through, breaking in it like it's a piece of paper.
One turret left at the enemy before the nexus splits open.
4, 5, 6
All of your towers are done, you closest to respawn with 5 seconds at your timer, you grunted as it is not enough, the enemy dealing immense damage to your turrets as they damage your nexus.
Sion is also damaging their nexus, almost halfway through as the both of your mouths hang and shivered.
7, 8, 9
Only one-third left in your Nexus as well as in the enemy's as the last second ticked.
*sound of the Nexus being destroyed*
That word. That word that crumbled your insides. That word that made you lose your temper. That word that made you think that everything you’d done, is now gone, reduced in atoms. So many things that can be described in that word that you can’t possibly think of. You’re not even tilted or mad, you’re just frozen upon the act as you know everybody gave their best but it wasn’t in your favor.
The red imagery of that word illuminates on your screen as you are stunned. No, Sion’s damage wasn’t good enough, not enough for an auto attack to finish the enemy’s Nexus. No, maybe Sion should have joined the teamfight instead for your team’s victory. So many things are boggling in your head as your head brainstormed the possible ways that can make you win but it was too late.
Hyeju, on the other hand, smashes the desk then leaves right after, unshackling the rage that is still kept inside her. You let out a deep and discontented sigh, still processing what just happened. Hyeju let out a scream, scream of discontent and frustration as the both of you gave it all yet it wasn’t enough.
You then held Hyeju’s wrist as you apologized for your pick earlier, knowing that her frustration is one of your greatest regrets now that you didn’t prove her anything. You felt embarrassed as she held off you, knowing that you destroyed her promos and felt guilty for what you’ve done as you saw her, lurking in the corner of the balcony, heads down.
“Hye, Hye, I’m sorry okay.. I gave it all but it wasn’t enough. I admit, I did troll, I’m sorry..”
She didn’t respond, only giving you a sheepishly cold glare. You frowned as you pouted your lips right after, knowing a response from her is futile.
Just as you’re going to leave her, she muttered a phrase, almost inaudible to hear as you stopped.
“Try it, Y/N..”
She cut you mid-sentence as she pulled you in for a kiss, in your lips. Soft, passionate and simple, that’s how you would describe her kiss as she pulled out right after.
“I said try it, again.”
“Wh-what am I going t-to try a-again?” you stuttered while asking her as your cheeks gone redder than a tomato and a smile printed on your face. Yeah, she really did know how to make you blush.
“What you’ve picked earlier, I know you’re good at it.”
“Sy- Sylas? I thought you were m-”
Again, she cut you off, this time leaning you over the wall and then kissing your lips again as you are blushing so hard that Hyeju noticed it and teased you right after.
“You’re blushing again Y/N *giggles*, besides I don’t mind it at all, I’m not mad, in fact, I loved to see you experimenting again.”
You smiled as you sigh in relief that she wasn’t mad at you, maybe a spell occurred in her that made her calm like that. Weird yet you’re not complaining about it.
“I’m sorry about that, It wasn’t really intentional and don’t rage like that, geez, getting worried about you..”
“Y/N, All of the things I said are unintentional, what do you mean? I'm just concerned with their skills, that’s all!”
She smiled as she smirked right after, unpinning you as the two of you coursed your way for an another match.
“Aww, Y/N is starting to be concerned to me *giggles* . Besides, I’m fine with it unless you play bad!” she jokingly muttered as she poked your back as you jocularly glared at her as you poked her back.
“Sorry! *giggles*”
“Anyways, one more match?”
“Sure, as long as we don’t get matched with that Viktor from our last game..” she joked as the both of you giggled right after. You felt that she was in a good mood again to play as the both of you queued in again.
“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!”
“Ah shit, here we go again..”
119 notes · View notes
sunny-day-dream · 3 years
Really fell in live with your fanfics and art. (The "Hello Sailor!" comment has me rofl.) I saw the post about how much you can write so I was wondering if you have any tips and tricks to help newbies?
I just started this month and I've been getting better the more I write, but my writing speed is still a bit slow. Granted I use a phone to type everything out which doesn't help in speed when it's pure thumbs. And I'm constantly stopping to google words, research, or just think a route out. And Monty seems to be the only one in an nail down on translating his personality into my writing so I struggle with the others.
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AHHHH thank you!! I'm so happy with how the art turned out, I'm excited to make another soon!
I have plenty of tips and I'd be happy to share! These are what I've found work best for me personally
Get excited!!: The more you’re dreading something, the more it’s going to drag out. Write those exciting scenes! Skip to the parts you’re REALLY looking forward to! If it’s a prompt or scene that you’re not excited to write- why bother? Find something that really grabs your attention and go from there, you can always come back later to the original idea!
Headcanon/prompt generators are really good for practicing this- you’ll absolutely find one that just makes you want to start writing! (There are SOOO many of these out there too- fluffy ones, NSFW, OTP, All kinds of prompts for all kinds of writers!)
Make an outline/guide!!: Write out the idea as it comes to mind! Ramble and rave, and don’t worry about spelling or wording too much- Just write it down! I like to do this since it really helps with the flow and in making sure you’re happy with the overall idea. You’re legit just writing down whatever comes to mind as you imagine a scene or plot, and it also helps me with characterization because they end up acting exactly as I ‘imagined’ they would
This is the best thing that’s ever happened to my writing speed! You’re basically just fleshing it out at this point
Here’s one of my outlines as an example:
It took them so long to find you, they’re sorry they worried you, please don’t be upset
You ask what happened, where they’d been
They tell you- they were trapped in the fire, thinking it was all over before they remembered their promise to talk to you again- and they couldn’t let you down. They ran and crawled and clawed their way to the basement and got stuck there- and they’d only JUST managed to dig their way out and they’re sorry they’re so dirty right now and ruining your clothing
You just cry harder, holding them tighter and telling them that it was okay
You’re so happy they’re alive, you missed them so much
Moon pulls back slightly, lifting your face to look up at him and brushing your tears away with his thumb, moving to rest it against your lips again
He knows-they know.
They missed you too
This also helps speed things along, since you can look to it to know exactly where you wanted to go next- what the characters are moving towards plot/scene wise or what they need to be talking about! It’s also a very good way to find out if you’ll be happy with a fic or not, since you’ll already have all the key points down to see before you commit too much with writing!
My fic outlines can be 100-2000 words depending on how long the fic is going to be/how into it I am, and that’s also before splitting it into chapters and such. Wet Dreams had a 1100 word outline that I just read through as I was writing it out~
Don’t read over your work compulsively!!!: This was a huge issue for me when I was writing more a few years ago. I’d get stuck in a cycle of writing a paragraph, reading it over, altering it, then reading the entire work to make sure it was worded/read like I wanted it to be. This sucked the enjoyment right out of it for me. So if there’s one thing I can push- it’s to just keep writing, let the words flow, and if you do need to read over something- avoid editing it until you’re done!
It's your first draft: It’s allowed to be a hot mess! It doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s not done yet!
23 notes · View notes
lvlyhao · 4 years
『you’re dating him but he’s not your bias』
reaction fic; NCT Dream
A/N: this is nct dream’s reaction to realizing your bias is not him (and you’re a couple). gender neutral, got way too deep at some points and was NOT meant to be this long. enjoy.
note that english is my second language and i speak mixing slang, accents and spellings from 3283928 places so i did notice there’s practice written with both s and c down there so
just dont mind it pls
also, today’s photo theme is dream looking cute in low quality shots.
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), angst (❆), comedy (☼), crack (⍢).
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: lots of swearing, my tough love for the neos, one mention of cheating that doesn’t actually happen, a couple of mentions of alcohol and drinking, some violence hidden in metaphors, me being chaotic, it got a bit more angsty and darker than i intended, but we do have all happy endings.
word count: 6.8K
pairing: nct dream members x reader ( includes mark, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin, chenle, jisung)
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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oh, poor baby
i feel like he would be a little heartbroken 
just a little
not so much if it’s someone from dream, because they’re his little brothers, but if it’s one of his hyungs from 127 or wayv,,,,,
boy might cry
he’s not super dramatic about it or anything but i don’t see him as being super confident about himself
so he might think like
“do they think he’s cooler than me?”
and it’s silly, yes, he knows
but it’s just something that pops up in his mind sometimes when you bring him up
so for the sake of this fanfic let’s pretend you’re johnny biased
because gods know i am
at least when it comes to 127
mark would be divided into fanboying with you and being like “YO, HE’S THE COOLEST GUY ON EARTH OH MY GOD I’M SO GLAD YOU AGREE”
“a h”
<gives you a little tiny smile to cover up the sound of his heart breaking>
would constantly try to get closer to you when johnny is around, and just
showing off in little (kinda dumb) ways
complimenting you
being even more whipped than usual
like yes he’ll give you all of his watermelon slices just please don’t look at johnny like that again
i think johnny would kind of play into it with the whole “imma steal your s/o” thing
and he doesn’t do it to make mark jealous or hurt
we know he’d rather get hit by a train than ever actually upsetting his son on purpose
but we also know he’s johnny
so yeah he might call you lil pet names (beautiful, cutie, you get it)
just to see you giggle 
(and see your soul leave your body)
might say he’s taking you out for dinner when he’s just driving you to get more ice cream for a movie night with the gang lol
and winks
expect a lot of winks
anywhere and anytime
which makes mark sometimes feel like he’s intruding???
and that you appreciate johnny more than him???
he genuinely doesn’t understand how you can date him and still not have him as your bias
don’t you like, love him above everyone else or smth lol
his “showing off” phase eventually fades tho
now every time you hang you with the boys and johnny is around, he’ll be a bit more distant 
he thinks he’s giving you space to interact with his friends but he’s just shying away from competing with one of his favourite people ever
and it’s a competition that Does Not Exist™
but he’s not 100% aware of that
and you’re not that dense 
so ofc you notice
and you wait till you two are alone to talk to him, and he BEGRUDGINGLY admits that you being johnny biased makes him feel kinda small and unimportant
he’d never try to make you change your bias or anything
he just needs reminders that he’s your #1 boy sometimes
which is fine by you
and by him
cus now it’s you calling him pet names all the time
and hugging him
and kissing his cheek
and praising his work
and blowing kisses from across the room
and just telling him straight up that no matter what, you’ll always go to him
(not that you ever had any chance with johnny lmao)
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wym donghyuck is your bias lol
literally are you fucking kidding him
don’t get me wrong ok
everyone knows renjun loves haechan
they’re bffs and could not live without each other
but at the same time,,,
what is wrong with you
who did he choose as his s/o gods help him
if it was jeno, or mark, or jaehyun, or winwin, or kun, or lucas, or yuta, or taeyong, or ten, or,,,,
literally ANY of his other members
he’d understand your point and be like “ok fine”
but haechan???? hmmm bestie no
he’s not gonna throw a fit
not after the first time you told him anyways
and he just whined very loudly after having laughed for 5 minutes thinking it was a joke
<flashbacks of that one time he had to sing the ottoke song with haechan on weekly idol>
if you don’t know that iconic scene, renjun had a whole ass meltdown in 3 seconds while yelling “aAAAAAH JINJJAAAAA” and getting ready to punch the living shit out of hyuck
for no reason other than the fact that it’s haechan we’re talking about and injun’s little body is filled with rage
would probably try to act all cool about it and be like “i don’t mind” but bruh does he mind
and it doesn’t help that haechan is such a little shit about it
he doesn’t even flirt with you
he just
constantly reminds renjun that he’s your bias—not him—and then constantly praises himself over you
“ah, y/n~ did you choose me as your bias because i’m the best vocalist? or was it because i’m the best dancer? mAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF MY OH SO BROAD SHOULDERS—”
(pause for injun to punch him)
and ok in the beginning it was funny seeing him all worked up but now it’s just annoying to be in the same room as these two
haechan won’t let either of you live
and renjun just wants to
so it eventually gets to the point where you’ll talk to renjun and jeno will talk to hyuck cus even the other dreamies are tired of it
except maybe for chenle, he always laughs his ass off when they start bickering
your conversation goes something like “oh my god renjun i’m literally dating you, i don’t like haechan better or anything you little pile of fury”
while jeno sits hyuck down in front of him and jaemin and just
“bro why are you like this”
no but renjun would apologize for going overboard with his protectiveness and jealous energy because he’s not generally like that
he’s angry all the time but never about something involving you, you know
he tries his best to treat you like the royalty you are
but something about hyuck being your bias makes him feel a bit like a castaway???
he’s very creative and as an artsy kid myself i know we’re very prone to feeling left out because we’re just different from the others
so he’d think maybe haechan really has a better voice
or better dancing skills
or he looks better
he is taller than injun after all, and has broader shoulders, and his hair is all fluffy and—
the whole thing just made him insecure about things he had settled with himself long ago
he was fine with being him
but not so much when it came to that
i don’t think you two would fight over it cus tbh i think renjun would really only get with someone who can be very understanding of him
and i think hyuck would actually apologize to renjun too
not when everyone’s around but like, maybe after dinner or something and he just needs to feel like they’re besties again
hyuck never meant for things to get out of control
he just really likes both injun and you as his friends, and aside from skinship his most prominent love language is,,,
he was really just trying (very poorly) to grow closer to the person his best friend loves so much—you—because renjun is SUCH a big part of his life it would just feel wrong to not be good friends with you as well
don’t tell them i said this but they hug it out
injun strikes me as someone that could take a bit of time to bounce back from something that hurt his pride or his sense of belonging
and his way of healing and bonding is just,,,
sure, keep being haechan biased, but also please read with him
and talk about his fantastic animal creations
and watch those buzzfeed unsolved alien theory videos because he really wants to discuss it and maybe even draw what he thinks the aliens look like
hyuck tones it down, you make sure renjun knows you like him for him, renjun starts to (secretly) appreciate hyuck’s talent along with you...
and now let’s take a moment to imagine the minute you watch their latest mv with injun by your side
and yes okay the first thing you see is CLEARLY how good renjun looks because holy fucking shit he’s an angel (and i’m clearly not renjun biased)
but then,,,,,,
(there’s always a haechan high note, just look for it)
and ok maybe he did scream a bit with you because of how good it all sounded
and you know what, it works out perfectly bc you two are my new otp and you were meant for each other
but we do have to mention the eventual happening of chenle saying like “oOoOoOoH y/N wErE yOu dRoOliNg oVeR hAeChAn AgAiN” after a special stage
and then you, injun and hyuck all attempt to choke him
i’m kidding
or not
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ah, lee jeno
aka samoyed boi
yes i do call him that no i will not stop
everyone is always writing jeno as being super protective and literally about to burst a lung if someone else ever does as much as look at you
but i just 
don’t see him that way
he’s a taurus and from what i know about taurus they can be v v jealous, yes, but they mainly seek comfort
so he’s fine with you biasing jaemin
as long as you’re not ditching him or anything lol
and ok, imma be 100% honest here even if it sounds like literal no fun (jenojaem wink wonk)
jaemin doesn’t flirt with you
not any more than he flirts with
every other breathing creature
he’s really only platonically interested in you, never remotely romantic or anything lol
on the other side, he is in love with jeno
basically, if jaemin is your bias, jeno is his
so nothing really changes
we know how nomin are, okay
they hold hands, they stare deeply into each other eyes, they nearly kiss at least once every time they go live
it's just them
you gotta respect it bruh
i know this is the most boring reaction ever so let’s create the one (1) instance where jeno would actually dislike that you bias someone else
i think he would feel a bit hurt if you seemed to be more supportive of jaemin’s work than his
and it’s not something big or on purpose
it’s just something like going with him to a recording session but not going with jeno because you have homework
or after a very busy practise day going to praise jaemin first
even if it’s just three words
“you did good”
and then you’re going towards him, he’s gonna feel like maybe he doesn’t deserve your praise as much as nana????
i actually feel like, among the dreamies, jeno is the least confident one when it comes to his performance
he knows he’s not an awful rapper or anything but i think it can be a bit too much, being around such bright and huge presences like the others while his nickname literally means “no fun”
his members are just so loud and full of energy most of the time
and sometimes he just really needs to be quiet and observe in silence 
(yes i do know he’s chaotic and a crackhead, i’m just saying as we know he can be a bit introspective)
so what if you just
stopped seeing him?
did he become invisible to you?
did you finally fall for jaemin’s beautiful smile and stupid pick-up lines?
he’s not gonna let it show that he’s affected, though
earth signs are nearly always the ones to “stay strong” because we have this image that people are relying on us???
so we do what we do
bottle everything up and overwork ourselves bc we only got two modes
1. chill, super balanced and down to earth (ay for the pun)
2. please make us take a break we’re literally about to cry if we work for one more minute but we can’t allow ourselves to fucking take it easy
so yes you’ve guessed correctly, we’re going with 2
jeno is going to go so, SO hard on everything he does 
literally every single activity you can think of from dance practice to photoshoots to cooking for the dreamies
he stays up later than usual to get that one tricky move in the choreo just right
he works out more because he thinks he has to look absolutely perfect for when they shoot the mv
jisung asked for ramen? he’s making it but you bet your ass he’s spending over 40 minutes just chopping so
but he’s doing it anyway for the reason being that it just has to be the Best™
and it’s not like he’s competing with anyone else to be diligent
this is just about being better than he was and showing himself—and maybe you—how painstakingly hardworking and driven he can be
maybe then you’re gonna acknowledge him as much as you acknowledge nana :((
writing this is making me downright sad, jeno is so underrated and unaware of his power UGH
and i need to point out this is NOT about making you change your bias from jaemin to him, this is solely about having you recognize his efforts, even if you already do
if you just thought jeno was like going off in work because it was asked of him to, jaemin would DEF notice and talk to you about it
turns out it’s a habit of jeno to go extra hard sometimes and he needs someone to make him take a break
so it goes down like you breaking into the practice room when jeno and jisung were practising
the first reaction is confusion
the second is oh hey babe how are you
third is
a-are you dragging jeno and his bag out of the door while screeching at jisung to order pizza and doughnuts for everyone??
yes you are and i’m proud of you
so jeno is still confused and making those cute “hUh” noises he does omg i love him so much
and you’re just rambling about how much of an amazing artist he is, and you love his voice, and he’s a fantastic dancer, and his expressions and gestures are on point, and he takes such good care of the dreamies and
he’s perfect
and he knows jaemin must have talked to you, and he feels so vulnerable to have you know how on edge he’s been
baby boy just needs some rest
and that’s exactly what you give him, with a bath full of those fancy bath bombs and flower petals and candles at your house/apt
then a quick sheet mask while you massage his shoulders and keep saying how much you genuinely admire him
the mask might be ruined cus he started crying out of exhaustion
after that’s been done and you’ve hugged for at least like 5 min nonstop, you head over to the dorms, where hyuck was in charge of setting up a blanket fort while mork and nana gather board games, jisung gets the food and chenle
well chenle just had to make sure jisung doesn’t forget to order for someone and doesn’t break like 10 plates trying to set the table lol
this is way longer than the others so imma wrap it up
make it obvious and loud that you see and respect jeno’s hard work and he’ll be alright again
and maybe make those game nights a weekly thing when possible, it would make him very happy
he’ll never again feel sad when you praise jaemin cus now he’s sure he does enough, and above all, he is enough
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haechan = full sun
why would you ever bias someone when you’re dating the goddamned sun
does not understand
but also does not care that much
actually, one out of two really depending on who your bias is
if it’s one of the members he has that tom/jerry relationship with, prepare for so
and clinging
donghyuck please stop screaming about doyoung not deserving to be your baby’s bias, it’s 2 am
on the other hand, if it’s one of the (few) members he,,,
adores with all of his heart and is not afraid to show it
ex: sungchan, jaehyun, taeil and yang2x
then you can bet he’s going to be right beside you whenever you feel like throwing a fit because he’s just so handsome and talented
i’m going to write you as being mark biased ok? ok
i honestly don’t know if he’d feel more jealous of mark or of you
he loves you both
a lot,,,,
and he really doesn’t like it when mark blushes when you compliment him
and he doesn’t like it when mark literally just walks past you and you trip over your feet because bro tf u doing, that’s some embarrassing shit
lowkey done with you two
or don’t, he’s fine either way (cue crossed arms and staring at you from across the room until you come give him a kiss)
“he’s pretty cute but i’m cuter right baby”
pouty pouty pouty if he ever feels neglected
will be so fucking annoying lmao i can’t write haechan, i love him but i do understand why renjun is always trying to beat him up
he’d be a show-off in a different way than mark because he can be so petty
will take every chance he gets to pull a one-liner
will sing everything he has to say just so you know he can hit those high notes
what do you mean dream doesn’t have a schedule today
oh man, he could swear they did
because that is the sole reason why he’s wearing his most expensive clothes and shoes + makeup to walk around the dorms, yes
no he doesn’t want to impress you
shut up
will text you like every single fancam he sees on twitter
and are they mark’s?
lol no, they’re his
he is so genuinely trying to make you a member of his sunflower cult 
<whispers> “tell me i’m your bias” 
“donghyuck what the actual hell why are you standing at the end of my bed in the middle of the night like a fucking demon child”
he really wants to act all cool and composed but he wants to be your bias so fucking bad
he’s a bad bitch all around and just does whatever
cus haechan privilege
and he tends to not care about what people say and think???
bc he knows he’s lee donghyuck
he’s fully aware of the effect he has on people
but you
not biasing him
naw, he can’t take it
will do anything and everything he can to make you say, JUST ONE TIME, he’s your bias
then you can go back to loving (his) mark
so for your sake, for his sake, for mark’s sake
just give donghyuck what he wants
i can promise he’ll keep being an ass no matter what you do
like yeah did you just buy him coffee and his favourite cake? well that’s sweet but iS HE YOUR BIAS YET
“aw babe thanks so much for taking a bullet for me but now please say i’m your bias”
if you still don’t do it, it’s time to be extra petty
will actually drop you for mark
his logic is something like: he can’t be your bias? pity, so he’s just gonna date him instead
and mark is mark so he has no idea what’s going on
everyone in 127 and dream finds this absolutely hilarious cus suddenly donghyuck seems to be doing his best to win over mark’s heart and i mean more than usual???? and he’s treating you like his bro????
<you leaving the dorms to go to uni or smth so you go to hyuck for a goodbye kiss> “no can do, i’m committed”
“i’m your partner”
“no that’s mark”
it’s not 100% a joke when i say i can see him getting down in one knee to propose to mark while making eye contact with you to
assert his dominance
and mark is just
what HAHAHA”
and you are so done, i’m so sorry you have to go through that bby
i don’t think there’s another way to fix haechan other than just admitting he was your bias for an era, or a comeback or something
like yeah with the other dreamies before him it’s bonding + healing time bc i wrote it all kinda angsty (lol sorry) but with donghyuck
“will you stop this if i say you were my bias during reload era”
“mark wasn’t in dream that era tho”
“yes i know”
i say he’s gonna take what he can get and now things can finally go back to normal
with the exception that something else comes along with hyuck being satisfied with you biasing him
he just has a full pass to fanboy over mark now too
what am i talking about?
new 127 mv is out
you: watching it beside haechan and going off about how pretty mark looks
him: going off even harder bc he’s whipped too
this is what a happy couple looks like 
but now i pity mark because he has you two idiots fanboying over him irl
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nana is just such a chill and fun guy
i can’t see him being actually jealous or anything if he finds out you bias someone else
and so the two of you become insufferable together
bitch, i’m telling you
he (ur bias) is not gonna have one peaceful day ever again in his entire life
cus you know the thing jaemin does where he just looks at someone doing some random shit and goes “oOoOoH sExY”
yes that thing
he’s doing it to your bias 
and you’re doing it too
and your bias probably wants to run away to some very far away land
i’m not gonna write this whole thing as if you bias him but let’s just imagine
two fully grown people
pilling on top of poor, poor park jisung playing games on his phone
i genuinely think he would avoid being around you two at the same time
cus individually he can handle it
like yes y/n please let me go this hug has lasted for about 4 minutes now
or oh hi jaemin hyung my cheeks hurt when you pinch them that hard
but when you two are together
a power couple not bc you two are v confident or some shit but bc you can and will be extremely affectionate towards anyone that comes too close
and now let’s talk about how it would be if you biased jaehyun
jaemin loves jaehyun
they’re 2jae
2jae are soulmates
therefore,,,, it’s also kinda hellish but in a different way???
bc 2jae are on the end of that spectrum about the neos that know how in love the entire world is with them
they’re too powerful
they’re aware of their charm and they do everything they can to rub it in our faces
so the flirting between 2jae and you would be insane
and i mean insane
insane as in even johnny is kinda disgusted tbh bc
they’re doing a photo shoot with the 23 of them for some shit, idk don’t ask me
and of course, you had to tag along
but oh my god you three, please stop calling each other sexy/hot in weird voices now, the staff is staring
there are def rumours the 3 of you are a poly couple lmao
jaehyun denies everything on social media (throwback to saying “no way lol” when we asked if he REALLY slept in the same bed as jungwoo)
but every piece of content there is of you and jaemin or you and jaehyun or just them is so ridiculously flirty
you can bet there are compilations on youtube like 
“y/n being in love with 2jae for 8 minutes heterosexual”
ok i was having way too much fun with that, moving on
i don’t think he’d ever be actually upset about you biasing someone else
he trusts you and treasures you a lot so he doesn’t see the problem in you also appreciating another one of his members
bc gods know he does
he’s a bit in love with everyone so why shouldn’t you be too lol
one time he would feel a bit blue because of it???
i think it’s possible he’d turn pouty or whiny or just kinda needy (not in a bad way, he just misses you) when he’s like
done with people
and needs some time away from everything
we know he’s an introvert, even if he acts very, very loud around the boys and it’s honestly just a matter of time until an introvert grows tired of being around humans
it depends on each person, of course, but there’s a 99% chance every once in a while he’ll start to feel too drained
and he’ll need a break to get his energy back
jaemin would probably want you around even when he feels like that, though
i see you being such a big source of comfort for him in a relationship
he enjoys taking care of people so please take care of him too
and for just this one day don’t talk about your bias that much, or don’t leave nana to go over to him to chat
and just cuddle him a lot
that will make him a smiley baby again
and then things are back to how they normally are
and by that i mean most neos hiding from you because they’re scared 
i don’t have a lot to say aside from that so let’s think about the neos that would be the most intimidated by your shared thot aura
dotae would be confused in different ways lol
taeyong would be just ????????????blush/awkward smile/hahaha??????
and doyoung might actually ask what is wrong with you
<points to jeno and his s/o> “why can’t you be like them”
mark would laugh-scream and slap his knee into oblivion whenever you two are cornering him
but then go super shy and be like “dUDE DON’T DO THAT”
resident confident gay jungwoo would rejoice in the attention and make so many goddamned jokes
a literal comedian i love him
i think sicheng and renjun would be on the same wavelength of repugnance towards you lol
chenle would deadass call you weird and tell you to leave him alone
shotaro and kun might faint (or kun will panic-scold you)
taeil is as confused by affection as usual (have you seen the face he makes when haechan kisses him LMFAO he’s smiling but like wondering wtf happened on the inside)
ten is not very amused but might play into it
yangyang: that’s disgusting, man (cue flashbacks to that live with renjun after the from home stage where renjun pretended to lick his hand and slick his hair back,,, catboy injun,,, you know the one)
xiaojun and hendery are such panicked gays they just turn to stare at whoever else is around and make that “help” expression like they’re on the office
haechan is haechan, kinda doesn’t mind it
jeno is used to dealing with this at this point
lucas and yuta love the attention but while yuta will flirt right back lucas is just gonna smile and try to jop his way out of there while screaming
sungchan will go hide behind haechan and say “hyung they’re being dumbasses again”
this turned into ‘how would nct react to you and jaemin being super flirty together’ and i’m not sorry
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chenle is so fun to write i love him lmao
okay so
he doesn’t strike me as the possessive type with anyone other than jisung (bc i swear he can be a bit jelly towards his bestie but i think it comes with sungie being the sweetest bean ever, he’s just protective)
he’s such a ray of sunshine and witty jokes and dolphin laughter i love him
back to the plot
he literally couldn’t care less about you biasing someone else
b u t
i will say there’s an exception
this exception is tall, kinda lanky, very awkward and born on the 5th of february
you’ve guessed it, it’s jisung
i think most of the time he’d tease THE SHIT out of you for it because c’mon
you had 22 chances not to mess up
and you still somehow ended up biasing jisung? lol do better next time
and this is not me and chenle hating on jisung, please—
he’d just find it funny that your bias is his best friend and
hold the fuck up
your bias is his best friend
i think after realizing that he would lowkey try to keep you two apart because he’s somehow jealous of both????
and if he can’t help it then you can bet your ass he will be screaming all along
it’s his sweet, dummy jisung
with his sweeter and dummier y/n
what is he going to do
probably has a mini-breakdown with kun because like he’s always wanted you two to get along bUT NOT LIKE THAT
kun will just sigh like the tired father he is and pet his back while saying “there, there”
and a genius idea is going to come to chenle’s mind
you know the teasing thing?
well it’s upgrade time
he’s gonna turn into such a try-hard with tmi and embarrassing shit you two have done
and he’s not trying to stop you from being friends
he just wants you to like
know who you’re befriending
bc i think since he’s really really close to jisung, he doesn’t want you getting closer to him bc you like his idol side alone
and he doesn’t want jisung getting close to you just because you’re his partner either
if you had high hopes for each other and ended up kinda falling face-first into the ground bc it was nothing like you had imagined—
he’d be so broken
because he loves you so much :((((
so like, if you can get past the teasing and annoying barrier he’s putting up, he’ll be more than happy to have two of the most important people in his life being buddies
so get ready for it
if you’re the type of person to go batshit crazy when you drink, oh boy, oh boy
so you and the dreamies are just having dinner when lele feels like it’s the perfect time to disclose some of your drunken adventures
“hey y/n”
“yeah babe?”
“remember that time you got really really drunk on vodka and candy and wanted to call your mom”
“chenle the hell don’t talk ab—”
“but then you tried using the microwave as a phone”
“or that other time you were equally as drunk and watched the make a wish mv and cried because you noticed the height difference between xiaojun hyung and lucas hyung”
yeah so now’s the part you get up to chase him around the dorms and try to land a kick
he likes doing that when it’s just the three of you though
so picture this
movie night the girls boys
chenle would 100% pick the most terrifying horror movie he can find so that he could see jisung clinging to whoever’s closest to him
and then right before a jumpscare, he’d whisper like
“why don’t you do that thing you were doing while you slept last night”
(honestly, i’d be mildly scared if i heard lele say this with no context at all)
and then the jumpscare happens and jisung is nearly fainting and crying at the same time
but chenle is laughing
and trying to get out what he wants to tell you between wheezes
“he-he” <dolphin wheeze> “hE WAS SINGING CHEER UP BY TWICE WHILE SLEEPING” <more wheezes>
and look this is just gonna go on for weeks until you and jisung are over it
and stop being weird and awkward around each other
lele needs you two to be bros ok
so be bros
once you do adapt to being pals with your bias i think chenle would take the teasing down a notch just to make you more comfortable
and like he’s so happy now the three of you can hang out and there’s just no tension
happy chenle is the thing i love the most i swear to gods
and if you don’t adapt to it?
i honestly think he’d be pretty disappointed, cus it means to him one of you isn’t ready to fully embrace the weirdness within????
and like what u scared of
jisung is a weirdo, what about it, so are you
either that or he’d think you’re maybe being judgemental
so yeah please accept jisungie and your dumbass boyfriend
then everyone can be besties
i love thinking about the three of you as just this hellbound chaotic trio
because chenji already wreak havoc wherever they go as the two of them
but now that you’re coming along,,,,
no neo would escape from your pranks ever again (and even members of other groups lmfao watch out sehun, i’m talking to you)
and it’s so incredible infuriating in a good way that it just turns to be endearing
you’re cute as fuck so no one gets actually mad with the shit you pull????
which is dangerous, someone should really keep an eye out on the three of you 
we don’t need sm to be on fire
well we kinda do cus they’re pretty bad but not my point
i said somewhere above that chenle would tone the teasing down but i don’t mean he’d stop
bc c’mon guys
he’s chenle
no limits here
but sorry, i really cannot write jealous!chenle cus his heart is just too pure and filled with joy for him to be jealous for real
last scenario?
chenle after a comeback stage: ya y/n, i was gonna ask how was my performance today but you were probably more focused on jisung’s arms right
jisung is choking on water somewhere behind you
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it’s maknae time <plays i.n’s maknae on top>
i don’t mean to picture jisung as being like
ridiculously innocent or just downright naive because i really dislike it when people do that
he’s a literal 19 yo and jaemin himself has said he’s not as innocent as we think lol
i do see him as being quite new to all things love 
i think you’d probably be his first partner and with first relationships comes a lot of other firsts
first kiss maybe, first time holding hands, first time being jealous….
first time being jealous, yes, focus on that
i don’t think jisung would be aware that like
you not biasing him is even a possibility
cuz you’re dating
doesn’t that come along????
ah poor baby i love him
if you biased chenle i think he’d be just
disgusted and weirded out but okay?? you do you i guess???
he’s comfortable enough with lele to not feel intimidated
but if it’s another member
ESPECIALLY one of the oldest ones
i think it would be a blow straight to his confidence 
you biasing ten, kun, taeil, taeyong, doyoung or johnny and maybe yuta would make him feel a bit hesitant and concerned
his first thought would probably be that you don’t like being with someone as young as him
and who knows, maybe you’re even younger than him, maybe you’re the same age, but what if you actually like older guys??
what about him then???
and jisung doesn’t mean to feel so worried and insecure, ok, pls understand where i’m coming from
first relationships normally take like a very long time to build trust and acceptance of the other person’s feelings bc it’s literally a whole new world for you
and that goes extra hard for jisung because he is so fucking whipped for you it’s still hard to believe you like him as much
and it absolutely does not cross his mind that you’d cheat on him with your bias, GODS NO
he really respects you and his hyungs 
so no, never
that’s not a thing that can happen
but you realize you’re too good for him and maybe see he doesn’t fit your ideal type?
well, yes, that’s what he’s thinking
probably goes straight to chenle or renjun (he talks about renjun so much asjahj) to vent and ask for advice
i think they’d be surprised to see what’s going on inside his pretty little head because it’s so obvious for everyone that you just adore jisung
and they do tell him that
however, i don’t think it would completely calm his nerves, and again, this has nothing to do with not trusting you
it’s just that
his hyungs are so cool…
would probably try to mirror your bias (i’m saying it’s taeyong for the sake of what i’ve imagined ok) and like
grasp onto some of his qualities?
so in his mind taeyong is: nice, sweet, caring, amazing, perfect, smart, perfect, sexy, mature and did i mention perfect
i can see him trying some new rap styles that mimic tyong’s a bit???
like would lowkey learn his raps from cherry bomb and superm’s one and listen to recordings frequently to pick up on how taeyong does it
i think he’d also just change the way he acts in general to dodge a bit from his maknae image
so now he tries to speak with a more formal-ish language and learns random facts about things you like to seem more intelligent???
“good morning y/n, you look as beautiful as one of voiello’s paintings today :]”
“wait i thought that was a pasta brand”
he’s just trying to show you he can be mature and serious if you want him to
long story short, he’s not acting like himself (not that he’s childish, he’s just out of it) and you don’t like it, so you ask about it and wait for him to feel comfortable with sharing
when he does talk about it breaks your heart so much :((
you’re going to need some patience to try and show him you’d choose him, and not your bias, even if you had the chance
they’re completely different people and you love him BECAUSE he’s jisung, not for any other reason
please reassure him so he can go back to acting like his authentic self, i think it would be such a relief for him too
your words and affection are obviously enough for him, but if it ever happens that he feels especially low and insecure again, it would help if your bias talks to him too
and taeyong wouldn’t have a problem with it
actually, scratch that, taeyong probably knew what was going on all along
he just has that motherly 7th sense (ay) that is even more acute with the dreamies cus like 
127 has him, wayv has kun, but dream has…
the dreamies
and that, my friend, is terrifying
anyway he’d come to talk to jisung asking like “what’s wrong buddy :(“ and sungie would be a bit ashamed because it sounds so silly when you say it out loud
of course tyong wouldn’t judge him, and he just really has to tell jisung what is it you and he are always talking about
it’s him
“when they come around to talk and hang out here it all goes back to you, jisungie. they can’t spend one second without mentioning your name
it’s so cute; it’s always like ‘oh jisung would love this’ or ‘jisung likes it that way’
so please be kinder to yourself and let yourself see that they’re in love with you, not with me and not with any other member they ever mention”
jisung would feel 10000000% better
and smiley
and giggly
and oh my god do you really talk about him that much
would just go over to your house immediately and hug you, burying his face on your neck from behind you
and not let go
ever again
the whole situation just teaches him a lot about accepting your love for him and not questioning it 
shut up i’m not crying
final notes: this was my first work after the humanity series and it was so fun lol i think next up is probs gonna be an ideal type scenario for ot23 (but if i really write it i’m gonna post it by subunit and its gonna be way shorter than this, don’t expect 23K words at once lmao)
if you’ve enjoyed this fic please consider reading my humanity series, which is a zombie apocalypse au with kun <3
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bee-cried · 3 years
This ship is my HEART
I love them so much omg. I just wanna talk about them in the mth universe real quick okay? Okay.
I love how SBJ wrote Boomer.
Oh god. Im going back to my early 2012 days when i was obsessed with fanimations of the Powerpuff girls and i would legit sit around and watch hours of the same animated stuff (im looking at you rrb x ppnkg Katy Perry ET fan music video)
But because we were all pretty young at the time and not really that creatively original, we all sort of just made Boomer some innocent, soft boy in the fanfics who instantly fell for Bubbles and they would just be a couple.
Being a kiddo at the time, and assuming that only people around my age were writing ppg fanfics, I was like "TCH, why is everyone on Deviant art obsessing over this More Than Human cRAp. I caN wRiTE a BeTTeR fAnFIc."
But then I read it.
And it was more than grammar/spelling errorless, unlike most fics I read.
the characters had DIMENSION.
I didn't expect to see
Blossom as a dancer
Butch into Blossom (i was a big cry baby over color crack ships, but her fic became the exception.)
Brick being mature and scary
Talk about a full 180.
Its the way Boomer tries to pin her for me.
It's the way he's literally obsessed for me.
It's the Bubbles seeing right through him for me.
Boomer has literally worked so MOTHA FUKN hard to get this ONE GIRL'S ATTENTION who , as Brick clearly puts it, "IS THE ENEMY"
And he falls for her over a Mariah Carey song. HE KNEW IF YOU COULD SING LIKE MIMI... BITCH THERE IS NO COMPETITION.
Omg i feel bad for Hailey.
Oh yeah and, he and Hailey... Bruh. This guy gets his ex to agree to play an Avril song with him just so he can serenade BUBBLES.
Boomer. Omg that is so Boomer cause it's like his thought process>> "I know we broke up, but your guitar skills are awesome and I really need you blessing.... Yes by your blessings im referring to your guitar playing...Yes this is for another girl"
" ...Yes it's for Bubbles... Please don't hate me."
And just the fact that Bubbles is like, "Hun, I don't care if you're up there singing "I will Always Love you" to me. If the name ain't Will, you can gon' 'head and chill. "
But Boomer is so determined.
Everytime he gets the chance to impress her, he doesn't hesitate. He's sung to her in the rain (sort of). He picked up on joining the school musical just to have the slim opportunity of kissing her. Can you imagine him , up at like 1 a.m on a school night watching a bunch of musicals foR BUBBLES.
And their banter is so cute! Bubbles knows Boomer's game and she likes to play it just enough to keep HERSELF entertained. She is fully aware she's tempering with a ROWDYRUFF BOY. She see's his tricks from a mile away.
So they just go back and forth and back and forth because really, even though Boomer says he doesn't take his shenanigans with Bubbles seriously...
This is the only thing he's had to work for. Like legit, everything else he's got was because of a hand out or advantages.
His musical talent: a handout from HIM
His first girlfriend: The advantages of his good looks
JS Inc: An advantage from being Bricks brother and being a rowdyruff boy
No neck joe: His advantage of playing instruments (and because he was a ruff boy)
Him becoming popular: his advantages of, music, rrb background and good looks BOOM
She doesn't care that he's hot, that he's popular, that he can literally play her anything ahe wants, just how she likes it. She doesn't care that he says "he'll be nice" or "play fair" or whatever, or that he's literally so charming, so smooth, he treats her as if she's the only girl to exist in his world. He's tried to amplify that he cares about her by hurting other people- BUT IT'S IN HER NAME.
No. What Bubbles want is simple...
It's commitment.
If he can't be committed to love her (I mean look at how easily he threw Hailey aside), or be there when she needs him, or simply BE COMMITTED TO BEING A GOOD PERSON.
Then she can not date him.
Because she doesn't just want to date a cute guy, she wants to be in love with someone she trusts...
And at first it seems like Boomer just wants to have her as an accessory to his life, and he DOES. The guy literally expects her to drop her relationship with Will just so they can live out his five minute fantasy.
But slowly he realizes, it's more than that magnificent voice. He likes to see her flustered and he doesn't like seeing her upset because of what people say about her. He doesn't want her to be annoyed by him, or to just brush off his advances.
He starts to really want her.
Like REALLY want her, because whatever they've built, that's the only thing he's had to work for in his life, and he loves her for that. He loves her even more when she implies that he is just as important as his brothers and that it's okay to be just a teenager in love. He loves her and his music, she doesn't ask for more from him. She wants him to be happy, and he wants to just be happy with her.
But dear lord, I've been typing for some time
Anyway, YES. I adore their dynamic. Boomer may be more of a douche than he realizes but he's never had to work for anything. He's never really been challenged. Bubbles is his only challenge EVEN WHEN THEY GET TOGETHER, he begins questioning the longevity of what they have because he's reminded that he's not the first and Bubbles has a heart of her own. No matter what he does, because of who she is (not just to him, but in general) he cannot manipulate that. He can not force Bubbles to love him if she falls out of love with him. And that's so world shattering for him because the girl is literally his WORLD. Like no other person could replace her because Bubbles is literally all of who he is. He feels like, if he loses her, what is he? What's his purpose? This is the only thing he's ever built.
Which is really, incredibly sad because he shouldn't think of their relationship like that, but he's so deeply in love with her, for him there really is no other. You could try to hand him "the girl of his dreams" and he'd just... Sort of laugh and turn right to Bubbles because everyone knows, THAT'S the girl of his dreams. It's the only girl he'd want to be with.
A lot of people probably won't believe me if I said I'm also a big boomercup shipper, because their dynamic just works so well.
Okay, i am done FANGIRLING. Thanks for reading my long ass post.
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wowitsel · 4 years
she found out
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(not my gif)
Summary: When you’re dating Luke Alvez, and best friends with Penelope Garcia, things might get a little messy when she finds out
Paring: Luke Alvez x gn! reader
Word count: 1.3k
Genre: Angst (hurt to comfort)
The sun was painfully bright as it hit your eyes, and your warm, warm blanket had seemed to have gone astray. Squinting your eyes and hiding from the sun, you squirmed in the bed to try and find the nearest source of warmth. Which just so happened to be Luke. You latched onto him as if your life depended on it, and then you fell back asleep.
When Luke woke up, he smiled when he saw you sleeping next to him. He quietly laughed at how you were latched onto him, and then gently brushed the hair out of your face.
The two of you had been dating for about five months now, and no one on the team knew. Especially not Penelope. Given her dislike of Luke and the fact that you were her best friend, you and Luke both thought it would be best if you didn’t tell her. But, you both very well knew that if she went snooping, she would find out, because she’s Penelope Garcia for goodness’ sake. But for now, the two of you had your secret rendezvous’, and sneaky little hand holdings.
You had been rudely awakened by the ringing of your phone, which you groggily picked up, and answered.
“SSA Y/n L/n,” you said with a raspy morning voice.
“Hey! It’s Prentiss” you heard Emily say, “I just need you to come into the office for a few minutes. There are a few problems with the paperwork, and I need you to come to sign some things. Sorry for the inconvenience, I know it’s your day off though,”
“It’s all good Em. I’ll be there in 15,” you told her as you hung the phone up.
“Do we have a case?” Luke questioned as he had heard you on the phone.
“No, I just have to go into the office cause there were some problems with the paperwork,” you said with a frown, disappointed that you had to leave.
“It’s ok. I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back though!”
“Yeah, I know you will. This is your apartment after all” you said teasing him with a huge smile on your face.
You gave him a peck on the lips, then proceeded to change out of your pajamas. You didn’t feel the need to fully get ready, seeing as you were only going to be in the office for a little bit, so you just threw on random clothes you found on the floor.  
You then grabbed your bag, and quickly ran out the door, not hearing when Luke was saying as you closed the door, and walked out into the hallway.
You entered the FBI building, humming your favorite song, and then proceeded to make your way up to the floor of the BAU headquarters.
Walking through the doors of the BAU, you spot Emily, and then you begin signing all the things she needed. It took about five minutes to do everything you needed, and when you were done with that, you began to search for your phone. You were planning to text Luke, to tell him you were headed home, but you couldn’t find it. You panicked a bit, searched your whole bag, and your surrounding areas, panicked a bit more. 
You let out a big sigh of relief when you realized your tech genius best friend Penelope was in the office and that she could help you.
You rushed into her batcave, and hurried to tell her, “Hey PG! Can you do me a favor? Yeah? Ok cool. I lost my phone and I was wondering if you could track it,”
“Yeah sure Y/n,” she said as she began to type your phone number into her computer.
“Ok. It says your phone is at-” she pauses when she reads it’s location, and then you read it for yourself.
“Oh no,” you mutter to yourself.
“Y-your phone is at Luke’s apartment! Why is it there! OMG! Wait! No! Omg omg omg” Penelope rambled as she panicked.
Your thoughts drifted to earlier this morning. When you were changing you set your phone on the edge of his bed. “Oh, how could I have been so stupid!” you said to yourself.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Penelope gasping, and almost yelling, “Ahhh! Is that Luke’s shirt?”
You looked down at the shirt you were wearing, and it was indeed Luke’s black polo. You must’ve grabbed it from the floor.
“Umm, yeah” you awkwardly replied to her, as you watched her freakout, not sure how to help her.
“I can’t believe you hid this from me! You're dating the newbie? I mean how could you do that? He’s like- like the enemy!”
“Hey, Penelope, calm down ok? Just listen to me for a sec. Ok, yes. Luke and I have been dating. But we just didn’t want to upset you. I knew you would be hurt if you found out, so I was just trying to find a better way to tell you. Pen, he makes me so happy, and we love each other. I know you really don’t like him, but maybe you can just try? For me?” you said to her, trying to sound as calm as reasonable as you could. When in reality, you were freaking out, and very desperate.
“Yeah ok...  I guess.” she sighed, and you could hear the hesitance inner voice. She was still mad.
After Penelope agreed, you rushed back to Luke’s apartment, because you knew you needed to talk to Luke, before Penelope did.
On the way back to Luke’s, you couldn’t help but worry. You loved Luke, but you also loved Penelope, and if she wasn’t ok with your relationship, you weren’t sure what you’d do.
The anxiety was slowly bubbling within you, with you felt, along with the panic. But there was something else. Guilt. Guilt for keeping this from Penelope, and guilt for getting caught in the first place.
But before you could delve even more into those thoughts, you were pulling into the apartment complex.
“Hey, baby...” you softly called out to Luke as you unlocked the door to his apartment.
As you approached the bedroom, you quietly said to him, with a frown on your face, “Uhh I kinda did something bad…”
Luke then, grabbed both of your hands, and comforted you, he hated seeing you upset. “Hey, It’s ok. What happened?”
“Well I left my phone here but didn’t notice, and after I finished with the paperwork I was freaking out cause I couldn’t find my phone, so I asked Penelope to track it, and she saw where it was. Here. She knows now, Luke.” you said, trying not to hyperventilate.
“Ok, Ok. Umm, how did she react?” Luke asked processing everything.
“Pretty bad,” you said in a worried tone, “but she agreed to give it a chance. So that’s good. But we should probably invite her over for dinner or something though.”
“Yeah ok,” Luke said as he pulled you onto the bed to cuddle.
As Luke put his arm around you, and you snuggled into him, he noticed something was still wrong.
“Hey, bub. What’s wrong?” Luke asked in a concerned tone.
“I’m just worried. I mean Penelope’s my best friend. I just want her to approve of our relationship.”
“It’ll be ok, my love. I’m sure Penelope will get over it soon,” he said hopefully.
“Do you even know her? I mean she still calls you newbie,” You said laughing a bit under your breath, but still under duress.
“Ok, ok you’re right. But you have to relax ok? Penelope loves you. She can’t stay mad at you forever. Right?” Luke said to comfort you, and once you nodded at what he had said, he told you, “and hey, if she still is mad, at least you have me,”
“Yeah. ok,” you said, as you swung your legs over his, and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Always,” Luke said while kissing you on the forehead.
At that moment you knew that no matter what happened, you would be ok, because you had had Luke, someone who loved you, and that love would be enough. 
(Spoiler alert: Penelope forgave the two of you, and you became her OTP. But too whose surprise, really?)
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