#living rentfree in my head for the time being
dent-de-leon · 1 year
seeing Kingsley give Caleb another tender forehead kiss when the Nein rescue him would heal my whole heart I think--
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honeybabymp3 · 1 year
I am so happy right now everything in my life is right : see ? she’s not even THINKING about jalwyn’s flat ass
the song question brings so many happy memories :
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flovverworks · 1 year
"What was your family like?" He speaks in his same flat affect: genuinely curious, but unsure how to put the tone into it -- Mithra is, as he always is, like a worn and polished stone (something flat and water-smoothed and tired). They're good at getting him to sleep, and humans talk to each other about things before sleeping, correct? Maybe Akira will be soothed. Or maybe he will. It isn't so different from Tiretta with Rutile, or from a long, long, long time ago with other people. It's like he's sticking a knife into something fragile and peeling, as if pulling apart a ripe fruit, careless as he continues on, unknowing of any pain he could possibly provoke. This is just his nature. "When I was old enough to have memories of the world, I had no family around me. I still don't know if I have something that I would have a right to call that. Tell me about yours."
It's reminiscent of when they first arrived in this world, alone and lonely, lost and confused, like when losing your mother on a busy street—but at their age there was no option to cry until found. They are lying to me, they had read and found it difficult to breathe. Nevermind, it was a misunderstanding! Sorry!, they had read and felt like a fool. But no matter how kindly they were treated or how comfortable they were or how little they expressed wanting to return home now, it didn't help some nights.
(Does he notice? The peaceful look that vanished from their face.)
And then, there was Mithra, continuing on with yet another sentence that made them want to sob. They had asked about his life before, but the image of a young Mithra living alone and rowing that boat back and forth made their heart break. Were his memory failing him? He had lived for a very long time, how many moments of that life do you remember? Even Akira, who had barely lived in comparison, couldn't remember each second of their life. Or, had he been truly alone? Struggling through the hardships the Northern country brought, eating alone, surviving alone, sleeping alone...
The grip on his hand tightens, a one-sided reassurance. Did he not consider Rutile and Mitile family? Would they, if they asked them? (If Tiretta hadn't turned to stone, would he still say that?)
And even so, despite the pain, despite the nausea laying in wait, despite the wondering what their family was doing right now, they're happy. They're not sure if Mithra actually means it or if he's looking for something to fall asleep to, but it's personal all the same. Were they growing closer if he was asking that? A step toward another's heart, not taken by them this time, but by him.
They sort through their feelings, careful not to let their voice waver (if they start crying they're not sure they'll be able to stop). Pauses are scattered between talking of their sister and parents, of playing and being loved. Happy and comforting memories, their voice low and gentle, hoping that even one of them would bring him the peace of sleep.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Okay I know you made this art like AGES ago but the womb tattoo Idia lives rentfree in my head and I wanted to ask if you had any hcs connected to that, like which character would love it and breed him nonstop, who'd find it hot in theory but not actually want to knock him up, who'd just make him get rid of it to not even risk it... or maybe someone would just make him a public breeding stock?
Hi again, Anon!
I am so happy you liked that one; I randomly remember that idea from time to time as well. We definitely should revisit it, and I should draw it again, but for now I’ll use your ask as an opportunity to talk about it!
First of all, “public breeding stock” is a phrase that feels so wrong yet so right when you apply it to Idia… thank you for putting this image in our heads. Ah, the way he should be treated 😔
As for the boys, I think none of them would want to get rid of the tattoo in an easy non-sexual manner; maybe it’s because of magic, maybe it’s horny monkey brain, but the moment they see it on Idia’s stomach, they’ll go ballistic lol
I also think that the majority of the boys we ship Idia with wouldn’t actually want to knock him up BUUUUT there is some nuance to this whole thing, so let’s go through the list of our main Idia ships…
Azul – this one actually has some hcs, since the original comic is Azul/Idia-centric! The moment Azul learns about the true meaning of the tattoo, he’ll play the “oh how dare you, did you want to use me for your own satisfaction, Idia-san?” card, of course being very obviously fake about this heartbreak and betrayal of trust. And he would completely ignore the fact that Idia wasn’t planning on doing that at all… and he’ll keep talking about it, while having sex with Idia, completely ignoring Idia who is trying to explain that this isn’t the case. The fact that Idia’s mouth starts smiling involuntarily due to how good it feels doesn’t help his case at all.
Azul doesn’t really buy the breeding thing, but he’ll still get overly horny simply due to how much power he has over Idia in this state, especially as the tattoo lights up with his every move and how Idia exhales whenever the dick leaves his body. They’ll break the spell, but Azul will definitely use it in the future. Controlling Idia by having the one thing that he wants sounds like too powerful of an idea to ignore it. Azul is on his way to learn how to cast it! (he’ll also try not to think about how much he genuinely loved seeing Idia looking like this and desiring him…)
Jade and Floyd will get super into in this exciting new thing that Idia did to himself. It’s like a fun toy just got upgraded into the best toy! Idia is already pretty easy to chase and freak out, but when he’s barely running because his body actually wants him to get railed by these two, even though his mind isn’t… it’s perfect. It also feels like when Idia is scared of them, his sexual frustration gets even worse, so by the time they finally get tired of playing around and pin him down, his tattoo would be so bright and hot and his hips would move on their own because he’s desperate. These two would really push the tattoo’s effect to its absolute limits before they even get to touch Idia directly. So of course they’ll comment on how pathetic Idia looks, and of course they’ll play with him for hours!
While they probably won’t be very interested in the breeding part, they would love how Idia begs them to stop but also keeps clinging to them. They’ll also love how his belly is getting filled and stretched as they finish inside for the 5th time both, and Jade would be the one to not only comment on that, and then Floyd would put pressure on the belly to make Idia squirt out everything he’s been storing inside for the past two hours. His tattoo almost started disappearing, too..! But now that Idia is empty, it’s bright and hungry again.
Ortho – Of course he’ll help his niisan/niichan out! Isn’t it for the best that they can do it together and Idia won’t have to embarrass himself in front of other people? Not to mention, they’ve read a hentai manga just like that about a younger brother who helped out his older sister in the exact same way! What do you mean Ortho shouldn’t have access to this type of literature? Too late! Anyways, he’ll ignore Idia moaning about how wrong this it because he’s too busy enjoying how the tattoo colour changes whenever he changes the settings of his robo-dick.
Ironically, I can picture him of all people kind of wishing to knock Idia up, both as AI Ortho and as actual human Ortho. Not only he’ll say it while fucking the living daylights out of Idia, he’ll also make sure that by the time of his third orgasm Idia would start agreeing with him while crying of pleasure. This would’ve instantly became a cringe memory that Idia could’ve easily brushed off (he wasn’t really himself, it was the tattoo’s fault) when the whole thing is over; but Ortho would say that it’s a bummer that actually knocking Idia up is impossible… Ortho, please, you are the one person who SHOULDN’T think about it!
Sebek – no thoughts head empty; after figuring out what kind of curse this tattoo implies and yelling at Idia for being so obscene, he’ll get consumed by the desire to breed him. Maybe fae react to this type of tattoo stronger? Maybe it’s just a Sebek thing. But the moment he stares at the tattoo for longer than 2 seconds, his pupils will dilate and he will get super horny. He might get a vague desire to actually  impregnate Idia, and it’ll keep his hips going like crazy, but it wouldn’t go further than that. Even though for a moment there he really would feel like Idia’s body is capable of handling fae eggs or anything else for that matter… Still, Sebek will fill Idia with to the brim and just keep creampie-ing him until both of them pass out.
Lilia – he is the one guy who is actually aware about the tattoo and what it represents, and he would be very impressed by the fact that Idia managed to do this to himself somehow. This is absolutely the first time Lilia witnessed someone doing it on accident… He’ll scare Idia with stories about how some infertile fae casted this spell on themselves and pumped out like 5 babies that year in one go, and how the tattoo means that Idia won’t go back to normal until his body is properly satiated with thick and potent seed. Idia could just ignore it of course, it won’t kill him, he’ll just feel incredibly horny all the time and start feeling the urge to shove anything even remotely phallic inside his ass—this is where Idia would beg Lilia to stop talking and making everything worse lol
Lilia will fuck Idia alright! And he’ll feel him good, while still talking about how Idia’s body will start changing whether he wants it or not. Idia will be completely terrified but also too horny to think about anything because Lilia would feel way too good.
But ALSO. When Lilia himself is done (grandpa can’t go 10 rounds like he used to…), he could actually do the “making Idia a public breeding stock” thing and just invite all the Diasomnia students to have their way with Idia. He’ll stay there the whole time, holding Idia’s legs and patting his head playfully while Idia completely loses his mind because both his hair and his tattoo would go absolutely crazy because of how overwhelmed and horny he is. He wouldn’t remember just how many guys he took that day, but thankfully, they left plenty of autographs on his body with a marker that Lilia found somewhere.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
hey ha! saw requests are open so i take the chance and may request something also sorry for the english 👉🏿👈🏿 soooo the thing is im obsessed with lucifer from sandman in an unhealty way and there is this idea in my head that lives rentfree so luci saves f/reader that is trapped "in" a demon that shows them there bigges fear and all the things and people that they did something to they regret so we are crying and fearing but luci comes like " T_T...you shouldnt be here" grabs over our shoulder puts there wing protectiv around our back und guids us to the illusion that the demon is creating at a point where the illusion brings us to hesitate the next steps luci push us forward and be like the lightbringer angel they are and we are like 🥲🥲🥲 mhmhm thanks and fluff stuff
i know its kinda specific and its ok if your not up to this but want to drop here im a fan of your writhing so im looking forward to everything you post xD
so have a good one ans thanks for your time 🌚❤️
Hiiii anon!! Thank you for the request! It’s detailed, and I love that 🥰 I tried to follow your request as best as I could. Hope you Enjoy!! 💞💞
Shadow Shadow ~Soft!Lucifer Morningstar xGN!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, happy ending fluff, demonic possession, crying, anxiety, implied anxiety attack, greatest fears, comforting, pet names, fluff ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
The dishes had piled up in your kitchen sink. They had been bothering you all day, so with a sigh, you got up and went over to address them. You started cleaning the dishes one by one…
Your ears perked up when you thought you heard the door move. You looked back at the kitchen door, but it hadn’t moved. Odd, you thought.
Suddenly, you felt something invade you.
The feeling was hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced and entered you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body go numb. You were sucked into yourself, having no control over your body anymore, somebody else was now at the wheel.
Everything around you was dark. You could still vaguely see through your eyes, but you were being pulled into the darkness more and more.
Suddenly you were pulled into a memory filled with true fear and terror. You started to shake as you were forced to relive these twisted thoughts and memories. They were warped, having heightened fear and fright. You started crying, falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
You didn’t know how long you were in those state, but you were cradling yourself on the ground, scared to death and sobbing uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you heard a voice, not one of your own.
“You should not be here…!” The booming voice exclaimed.
You then felt the invasion start to be pulled out of you.
The feeling was still hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced you once more, but this time exiting you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body come back to you. You were sucked back out of your depths, having finally control over your body again, the somebody else at the wheel now gone.
When your vision came back to you, you saw a tall figure with strong wings standing in front of you. You were still shaken and scared for your life. Your lip trembled and you immediately put your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.
“My name is Lucifer.” The large being spoke softly, bringing one of their wings around you, “What’s your name, little thing?”
The wing around you made you oddly calmer. You felt protected. And you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I… Y/N…” you whispered, wiping the tears away for your eyes.
Lucifer nodded slowly in understanding.
“That is a lovely name.” They cooe, “I am sorry that you had to experience that, my sweet…”
“What… W-what was that…?” You whispered.
Lucifer sighed.
“One of my more roudy demons who got away from me.” They admitted, “It won’t happen again. You need not worry.” They reassured you.
“No but what was that…?” Your voice trembled as you thought back to the horrific feeling that you had felt in every bone of your body for that time.
You winced and tears threatened to spill down your cheeks once more. Lucifer sighed in sympathy.
“You see, Demons like to thrive off of the human mind… And this demon specialized in fear” They explained gently, “So the demon pulled out your biggest fears to feed off of and survive inside you. Humans call this possession.”
Tears began to flow down your face once more. You nodded at their words.
“It was so awful…” you choked out, your voice cracking.
Lucifer’s wings held you closer and their hand came behind you to rub your back.
“I know, little one…” they cooed lovingly, “But the demon is gone now. It will never bother you again.”
“Ok…” you whispered, looking up at the Lightbringer with watery eyes.
“Thank you” you choked out.
“Anytime, little one…” Lucifer gently spoke, “I’ll come back to check on you soon, alright…?”
You hiccuped and nodded. Then Lucifer left and you were back in your kitchen. With your dishes.
Lucifer Morningstar Masterlist
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myzzjolanda · 2 years
Alright this one is relatively short, but it lived in my head rentfree for a couple of weeks right now so I decided to finally write it down. Enjoy Pairings: Larissa Weems x Reader Warnings: none  Wordcount: 862
You woke up to the sound of rain and wind outside. When you felt shivers going down your spine and couldn’t find Larissa next you, you opened your eyes to look around the room to see where she was. You heard some movements and then a toilet flushing, which immediately answered your question. Content, you laid your head back on the pillow and pulled the blanket all over your body. The bed was nice and warm, and by the sound of it, the world outside of this room would feel cold and cruel. Therefore, you had decided at the spot to spend the whole day in bed with Larissa. Your Larissa. A few moments later, you heard soft footsteps coming back to the bed. You felt the mattress moving while Larissa moved her way in bed again. “Oh, you thought you could steal the whole blanket while I was away for a second?”. She placed a kiss on the blanket where she supposed your forehead would be. “Had to, ‘twas cold without you.”, you hummed back. “Don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to sleep naked then.”,  Larissa answered cheerfully. You grinned while you poked your head out over the blankets. “That was your idea last night. Can’t remember that you complained.”. She smiled at you softly when she pulled you closer and put the blanket over her body as well. You immediately took the chance to crawl as close to Larissa as you possibly could. You let out some sort of sigh of relieve when you hid your face into her shoulder, put an arm around her waist and placed a leg between her legs. “Oh?”. Larissa sounded surprised. “What happened there?” “Nothing”, you answered, “I just missed you.”. “But I’ve only been away for 2 minutes.”, she whispered back in your ear. “I don’t care. Still missed you.”. You could feel her smile while she placed another kiss on your forehead. You hummed again softly. You fell asleep soon again, and woke up a few hours later to Larissa trying to get up again really quit. You opened one of your eyes. “Trying to leave me again?”, you asked her playfully. She smiled at you and placed, yet again, a kiss on your forehead. “It perhaps is a good idea to take a shower and have breakfast, my love. Together. We could go outside to weathervane for some hot chocolate…” “No. Please. We can shower but I want a breakfast in bed. And lunch. And dinner. I want to stay in bed all day.”, you answered lazily, still covered in blankets. Larissa looked worried. “Why, my love, don’t you feel well?”, she asked you. “No, I just want to spend the day in bed with you. In your arms.”, you answered while you climbed on top of Larissa, your head resting on her chest and your legs in between her legs. “Ooh?”, Larissa said with a joyful tone, “Are we feeling playful today?” “No.”, you giggled. “Not yet at least. Today I’m feeling clingy. I need you today. Feeling like staying with you like this all day long.”. Larissa stayed quiet for a moment while she played with our hair and gave you kisses on your head. “I like that, little one. As long as I may hold you all day long.”. You smiled softly. “I like that. I like being your teddybear.”. Larissa started laughing. “Oh, you are much more to me than a teddybear, my love. But today you are a really sweet teddybear.”. You looked at her with a big grin. “Good. And what am I to you on other days?” “Oh, darling, so much.”, Larissa answered while she turned around to lay you under her so she could be on top. She gave you a soft, sweet kiss at your lips while she looked at you, just as much in love as the first time she kissed you. “As I said  a multiple times already today, you are my love every single day-“ another kiss, “-Some days you are my sweet tiny babygirl, mostly in bed-“, another kiss, “-But most importantly, you always are my sweet little awesome girlfriend who makes every day worth it to wake up again.”, she finished. Now she gave you a longer kiss. She hummed content while she lovingly cupped your face with one hand and placed her other hand on your waist. You felt tears come up in your eyes. Larissa stopped kissing you. “No, don’t stop.”, you said, almost worried again. “But sweety, have I said something wrong?” “No, that was just the sweetest thing someone ever said to me.”, you answered softly. Larissa grinned softly. “Really? It’s all true though.”. You were at a loss for words for a moment. Then you cupped Larissa her beautiful face. You gave her a long, intense kiss. “I love you, Larissa Weems.”, you giggled while you hugged her close. “I love you too, (y/n) (y/l/n).”, she answered softly while she pulled you in a sidewards hug and pulled the blankets over your heads again. She gave you a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t ever leave me, sweet teddybear.
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cycian · 11 months
Can’t stop thinking about when you said “Andreja… loves sprawling herself on the lap of her dearests”
The thought of her falling asleep on Sarah’s lap and Sarah just panicking (lovingly) hard but also feeling the same way as when a cat blesses you with feeling comfortable enough to sleep on you. This has plagued me and I needed to share.
Anon, the instant you dropped this in my inbox, it started living in my head rentfree so I had to drop everything and write it ASAP lest it plagued me too. Here's to ending the Haunting of Andrejarah for the both of us (impossible). Also, fun fact, the poem used in this fill is 'Parted Presence' by Dante Rossetti, and is the poem I used when proposing to my now wife.
Moments like these were rare and few in-between. The fire was roaring, her whiskey was smooth and her book was good. Barrett had all but dropped it on her lap, while Walter had snatched the quarterly reports, quoting that ‘she had better things to do than fill out those damn reports’. She had attempted to join Noel in her experiments, but the scientist had shooed her away, threatening to pull out Sarah’s newsletter to Constellation about the importance of a good life/work balance.
So, 11:00 whiskey and literature.
Apparently, she was not the only one getting chastised for working too much. Up above, in the bar, Vladimir’s booming voice chided Andreja. She did not hear Andreja’s response, but could very well imagine her rolling her eyes. Barrett must have acquired stock from the publisher, because no sooner had she turned the page, Andreja walked in front of the foyer, same book in hand.
“Forced leave?” Sarah jested as Andreja shook her head, a small smile on her painted lips. Sarah patted the spot next to her and scooched to the side of the armchair to give Andreja more room to sit.
“I know that it is coming from a place of…affection. But I do not enjoy getting told to ‘sit down’ and ‘relax’.” Andreja’s fingers drummed against the cover of the book. “I appreciate the concern, but I find exploration to be relaxing.”
Sarah nodded her agreement, letting her thumb rest between the pages. “So do I, but today, I will humor them. Plus, the book is pretty good.”
Andreja hummed and settled on the couch. Seeing Andreja attempt to relax was endearing. Though the couch was comfortable (Walter never skimmed when it came to the Lodge’s amenities), Andreja sat rigidly, her back straight as she opened the book with a focused frown.
Sarah returned to her whiskey and literature, occasionally sneaking a look at the House Va’ruun.
Andreja had become a full member almost a year and a half ago and Sarah was still learning so much about her. When travelling together, Andreja’s brows were always furrowed and only relaxed when a fight was breaking out. In the privacy of the Lodge, her shoulders were taut, but her lips were slowly starting to loosen. Sarah watched (only with appreciation for her colleague relaxing next to her, of course) as Andreja’s teeth nibbled on her lower lip, before immediately stopping, as if expecting punishment. Her index finger trailed underneath the sentences she was reading, and Sarah caught that finger often returning to previous lines, reading them over and over again. Andreja would occasionally huff, sometimes roll her eyes as her finger traveled over the page.
“Enjoying the book?” Sarah asked after Andreja had returned to the same line for the seventh time.
Andreja set the book on her lap, her eyes narrowing. One of Andreja’s traits that never failed to make Sarah swoon (professionally, as someone who was very detail oriented and did not like to leave things up to chance), was how she pondered her every word. Certainly, with English being the predominant trade and diplomatic language in both UC and FC space, Andreja, as a non-native speaker, needed more time to formulate her thoughts. But the precision with which she chose her words was not only due to her linguistic level. Andreja loved precision. She sharpened her blades every day after waking up at precisely 6:30 every morning. Her weapons were always neatly arranged in the basement’s display cases and in immaculate shape.
“I believe that I enjoy the book in the same manner that I enjoy our journey. I am unsure that I truly understand everything—but I enjoy attempting to make sense of it.” Andreja finally declared. “My understanding of English may not be sufficient to accurately get the full picture.”
“Poetry is a hard genre to read, especially when it’s in a foreign language,” Sarah could relate. Although English was her first language, poetry had long eluded her. She’d forgone the genre altogether for a decade, until she could finally learn to read between the lines. “May I give you a hand?”
Andreja nodded, taking Sarah’s hand into hers. Idioms were very confusing to Andreja. And Andreja was very confusing to Sarah. The Chair blinked, her hand limp in Andreja’s hand. She should’ve explained that she was offering help, not to hold hands but… Andreja had accepted, had she not?
“You are very red, Miss Morgan.” Andreja noted while Sarah felt her face burn even more.
“Ah, well, it’s the heat from the fireplace, perhaps I should… Take off my jacket?” Sarah used this as an opportunity to withdraw her hand from Andreja lest she goes into cardiac arrest. She folded her jacket and let it rest on the couch’s arm, counting down from ten in a desperate attempt to regain some control over herself.
Andreja patiently waited, extending her hand to Sarah once more, before wordlessly returning to her book.
Sarah attempted to do the same—to no avail. It was impossible to get to focus with Andreja’s hand warming hers, occasionally giving her a light squeeze, which had the effect of sending Sarah’s heart thundering against her ribcage. She was not a teenager anymore, holding hands with someone who considered her a friend and was under her supervision as Chair should most certainly not have that effect on her. But despite Sarah chastising herself over and over again in her mind, she could not stop her eyes from drifting to the woman holding her hand, instead of the book she was supposed to be reading.
Damn it. So much for relaxation—she was certain her heart would give out. She set her book down on the coffee table and eyed her whiskey. It was a nice, expensive whiskey reserved for special days. She downed the glass in one go and let herself melt into the couch, Andreja still holding her hand.
“Are you alright, Miss Morgan?”
“Never been better.” Said Sarah, feeling as if she was on death’s door.
“Do you still wish to give me a hand?” Andreja asked, her hand slowly withdrawing from Sarah’s. Sarah squeezed her hand, letting their fingers intwine.
“Thank you. I do not understand this passage: ‘Your hands to-day are not here, Yet lay them, love, in my hands.’, how can one lay their hands in someone else’s, if they are not physically present?”
“Wait, so you knew that ‘giving a hand’ meant?”
Andreja perked up, proud of herself. “Oh, yes. Sam has taught me that one.”
Sarah refrained from pinching the bridge of her nose with her index and thumb. “So, why did you hold my hand?”
“Because I wanted to. That’s what people who love each other do, yes?” Andreja declared nonchalantly, as if she had not murdered Sarah Morgan with a single sentence. Sarah’s eyes widened, her pulse quickening way past what was considered healthy. She loves me? Probably as a friend, don’t read too much into it, don’t ruin this—ruin her trust. “So. What does it mean?”
“Huh?” Very eloquent, Sarah.
“We are here, holding hands.” Andreja squeezed her hand for emphasis. “It is possible because we are both physically present, yes? You can see me, you can touch me.” To demonstrate her point, she brought Sarah’s hand to her face.
Sarah cupped her cheek, letting her fingers roam over the high cheekbones, trying her utmost to gather what was left of her wit to answer Andreja’s question. She gulped, fighting with herself to form a coherent sentence.
“It’s figurative, the author knows that such thing is not possible—but the poem is about transcending the reality of space with love—that love can conquer everything, including the laws of physics.”
Andreja narrowed her eyes pensively, her hand still holding Sarah’s to her face, before slowly making it trail down, by her lips. “Do you think it’s possible? That love would conquer even the laws of physics, the laws of the Gr—the Great Beyond.” She corrected herself, her eyes darting around the room to confirm that no one was around.
“I am hardly an idealist but…” Sarah let her eyes flutter closed for an instant. She’d choose Andreja over any artifact, she’d choose her life over her own, if there was one thing that she would not let this universe forget, it was Andreja’s name. Even if the Great Serpent, Andreja’s divinity, would kill her for it. “Yes, I believe that there are forms of love that transcend everything, the laws of men and gods alike.”
A smile curled Andreja’s lips, as she brought them to Sarah’s wrist, planting a languid kiss that made Sarah forget how to breathe. Andreja let go of her hand. Sarah stifled a disappointed whine in the back of her throat as the House Va’ruun got up, before bracing her hands against Sarah’s shoulders.
“May I?” Andreja asked.
Sarah had no idea what Andreja wanted—but all she knew was that she did not need to understand to love it—to love her. Half the fun was in trying to figure it out.
“Yes, Andreja. Anything you want.”
Her shoulders were pushed back against the couch, as Andreja curled herself in Sarah’s lap. It took a few minutes of adjustment to be comfortable, as Andreja was much taller than Sarah. But still, she managed to make herself perfectly comfortable, balanced on the older woman’s lap, one arm tightly wrapped around Sarah’s shoulders.
“Be careful, Miss Morgan, I could ask for something impossible.” Andreja spoke against her neck, sending an army of shivers down Sarah’s back.
And I’ll give it to you.
“Anything you want, Andreja.” Sarah repeated, not managing to tear her eyes away from the deep brown eyes that looked so painfully vulnerable, despite the levity of her tone.
“Read the book to me. Explain it to me. Please?”
Sarah Morgan could never say no to Andreja. Especially with those big brown eyes, so light in the warm glow of the fire.
“Poetry is very subjective, there is no universal truth to it.” Sarah explained, still picking up the book that Andreja set down in her hand.
“Very few truths are universal. I am only interested in yours.” Andreja whispered, before letting herself melt in Sarah’s embrace.
Sarah cleared her throat and the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes. “Two blent hearts never astray, two souls no power may sever…”
To Barrett’s credit, he at least knew better than to open his mouth when he found them, hours later. Andreja still sprawled across Sarah, the book still opened on Andreja’s lap. He was only allowed to snicker under his breath, Sarah’s eyes narrowed in threat as he took her glass and refilled it, before leaving with a friendly pat on Sarah Morgan’s hair. If there were any concerns to address, let them be handled by anyone else. Because Sarah Morgan knew the law very well, and knew that getting up and disturbing Andreja as she started to doze off on her lap would be worse than any war crime.
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datamodel-of-disaster · 11 months
Sometimes I think about how the longest (and personally speaking, most impressive) fic I've ever written is also the least kudosed one I have on my AO3 account.
It's a weird feeling.
I don't write because I want to "improve" or "get good". I genuinely have no metric to even grade that. What is being a good writer anyway? There are published books that made millions that leave me unfazed and fanfic practically made out of typos that lives rentfree in my head. "Good" is a nebulous, subjective thing.
So what does it mean to say your own work is good?
If "good" means "writing I enjoy reading", then my own work lives in a strange superposition where it is all simultaneously good and bad, my opinion on it ever shifting through time with my interests, focus, and sense of self.
If "good" means "writing I enjoyed writing", then all of it is good. Even the painfully self-important poetry I wrote in middle school, the SPAG nightmare HP fanfic I wrote when I was still learning English, the script-format RP writing I did when I was in a mental hospital. All of it.
If "good" means "writing that other people enjoy reading"... I need to reckon with the fact that my best work is long behind me. As mentioned, I'm toiling away at a 100k+ fic with a grand total of 36 kudos. Almost everything I've written before this was vastly more successful. And that's not even considering that it's all *fanfic* and not a "real" book. If we enter that particular arena, I'm *abysmal*.
I'm so proud of this fic that's performing so dishearteningly. I love it so much. But is it good? According to me, right now? Well, yeah. According to the world? ... Not really. Do either of these judgements matter?
Having a fic that is such a gigantic labor of love be my worst performing one is a bit of a trip. It made me realize just how much of the desire to be "good at something" is merely the desire to be loved by others -and simultaneously, that to wholeheartedly say your own work is good is more akin to saying you love yourself than to an objective value judgement. (Which might be why it feels so awkward to do.)
There is genuinely no metric that really works to determine what is good and what isn't. There is only the given that at a certain point we all stand there, holding our work out to others saying, please love me.
And sometimes, we have to learn that loving ourselves is enough.
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iridescentpull · 3 months
QSMPblr positivity 🌸
aynée!!! o// you're amazing!! First of all, I love your fics, them having made me smile or ball my eyes out both of which are very welcomed lmao! I'm still stuck on the hideduo flashfic collection you made a little while ago, I just thought all of the pieces you made for it were so beautifully written :') (and ofc gatos e rosas always lives rentfree in my head)
you've always been super nice the times we've interacted and I like seeing you around the community! keep being awesome and I hope your having a lovely day <3
Im so glad you enjoyed my flashfic collection, it was so fun to challenge myself to write domestic moments in so little words \o/ and ueueueueueu im glad!!! Its always a joy to see you around too!!! (Im stil not over your TLOU fic btw *stares with tears in th eyes*)
Tysm for the words <333
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canonedhours · 3 months
I love Ed and love most of my fellow Ed fans, keep the gifsets coming, but it's so annoying to follow someone and discover that they spend more time posting about Izzy and what he did than about Ed or Ed/Stede??? I'm not here to read about Izzy! I don't care about him! That's why I've blacklisted some Izzy tags, I've blocked several people with dumbass Izzy takes. They're pretty easy to avoid!
So whyyy do I keep running into Ed and Gentlebeard fans who go into Izzy tags to reblog dumb takes? If you hate Izzy, then stop giving his fans attention and block them, stop focusing on the annoying rat bastard and the canyon, and let's focus on Ed instead! You're just letting the canyon and Izzy live rentfree in your head when you can have Ed Teach live rentfree in your head. Focus on what you love. Some of you just seem addicted to being angry at Izzy and the canyon, ffs
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the lucky one by taylor swift is also an mcr song. to me. I love being slightly insane but listen hear me out.
no no we can be delulu girls together you're SO right though. like it's literally so Danger Days coded. themeology shared with Party Poison (the song... very sillygoofy that I have to specify but ngl the DD characters ARE living rentfree in my head lately...) they'll tell you you're the lucky one but can YOU tell me you're the lucky one? all the good times they gave you cancer, keep your cars and your dogs and your famous friends, NEW TO TOWN WITH A MADE UP NAME, you got out so you're the lucky one, so everybody get down til the party breaks down- Gracie you are SO correct do you understand what I am saying
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Sometimes I will say this character lives rent free in my head but honestly most times the characters are actually actively holding my thoughts hostage
Do you think I enjoy being consumed every day every waking hour sometimes even in my sleep?
Okay I do but that‘s not the point!
Someone living with you rentfree feels like a choice, obsessing over a character is not a choice
Also I’m not complaining
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nimue-hidden-lake · 8 months
You have no idea how many times this lives in my head rent free...
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Sometimes a Warrior(!)Dice or Dicetarou AU is living rentfree in my head... Imagining being on a journey with him or being rescued by him... Yes this sounds hilarious.
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kurodai & sugaten for ship bingo? o:
favgsbdnkhml you know me so well ily
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i'm not shy about the fact that this is one of my favourite hq rairpairs. i adore their banter and interactions the height difference. Also ofc the way that daichi's usually so controlled and mature and being around kuroo makes him act like a normal teenage boy. And i just think that they would work really well together and balance each other out because their differences compliment each other. Aat the same time, they're canonly similar on some fundamental level which we're explicitly told the first time they meet. Anyway, i'm insane about them, i've read pretty much every daikuroo fic on ao3, and the panel where it's just their hands parting lives in my head rentfree.
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im a sugaten truther at heart. Ranks closely under oisuga for my favourite suga ship. I think they equally baffle and unnerve each other in ways that neither of them enjoy. Unlike oisuga where there's some mutual respect and understanding, I think sugaten don't want to understand each other at all. Like, Oikawa gets bested by Suga and he's like "ugh" but he kinda likes the challenge, ya know. And he respects it. Tendou on the other hand, is just annoyed when he's put in the same position. He doesn't like having to think of Suga as a serious opponent at all. And Suga likewise respects Oikawa as a setter (to an extent) whereas with Tendou, he's kinda like "wtf is wrong with this man". Now, this might not sound like a great start for a dynamic but begrudging distaste →lovers where they're forced to overcome their unflattering perceptions of each other is just so good, you know. Also the chaotic and comedic potential of this couple is staggeringly high and comedic potential is v important to me. them as exes who are still good friends is also comedic gold, esp if you put it in a pre-oisuga/pre iwaoisuga context. overall, i think they're really fun to shove together in any scenario.
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song-tam · 2 years
💜,📀,🌹, i cannot memorize the questions and don't know any of ur ocs BUT thought these were good ones!!
HI INK LOVE YOU FR anyways im gonna do my main two ocs they live in my head rentfree. their names are arjun & kahan theyre very devoted gays swordfighting and shit they make me rot
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature? - arjun's is music, spells, cities, and kahan's is silence, swords, nature. theyre opposite a little bit (fire and water red and blue)
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted? - OHHH thats a good one. makes me think.
well for kahan it is very hard to do any of that bc he's not a very easily trusting person in the first place. trust has to be earned and its very hard for someone to earn his, and even if someone reaches that point he's still wary of them. (arjun, his brothers, and the rest of the squad, including his lovely aroace mad scientist cousin, are the exceptions to this rule.) all that being said, kahan is not easily manipulated and it's very hard to get him to do something that goes against his beliefs. if you want to get to him, you wouldn't try to attack him head on - instead, you'd attempt to get to the people he loves. (enter arjun)
ARJUN, my beloved boy. like kahan, he's not really the type of person to tell his whole life story to everyone - that's not the kind of thing he's really into sharing and he doesn't believe that he really has anyone he can trust so unconditionally (exceptions include kahan, the squad, and his sister). the trust issues are real with him. HOWEVER, arjun has this sort of thing where he believes everyone is inherently good and he does try to give people the benefit of the doubt. sometimes this works out well and he makes strong allies; other times, it ends up hurting him in the worst way possible.
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
okayy so considering the lack of trust you would assume that kahan sucks ass at making friends but actually hes a bit of a charmer. he doesnt get manipulated, he does the manipulating. hes conventionally attractive and he knows it and therefore he uses it to his own benefit on quests and such. completely unashamed about it too. hes not exactly flirty but hes definitley charismatic. people are drawn to him and because of that he has a million aquaintances approximately zero friends (well that is a lie bc. the found family the squad but before that his only real friend was his cousin). also he didnt like arjun at first though and arjun didnt like him either which is ironic considering theyre head over heels in love with each other
arjun... he can make friends? he doesnt have many friends but a slightly normal amount. most of them are the ones that are like him - lonely mfs with unresolved trauma. he has a bit of a savior complex id say. also he definitely hangs around the food at the party but he'll like. drag kahan over to the dessert table or smth cause he doesnt want to look too pathetic standing over there by himself also he needs kahan to help him hide fancy schmany desserts to take home. anyway he kind of like. psychoanalyzes people inside his head and he understands them well enough but he doesnt really. talk to them. idk id say hes very ambiverted and it really depends on whether or not hes going to make a million friends that day or hide in a hole.
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simpychocochan · 2 years
(first try of me gushing about one of my OC F/Os, here goes nothing- /lh)
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My little rage noodle- YES RAGE NOODLE! She hates to lose and she is pretty mean at times, but she owns my heart ;-;
Sometimes I have this thought of her sitting at a bar in a cyberpunkish club, while the music plays loudly through the whole club and she just sits there, in all her beauty, being annoyed and just wants to drink some cocktails-
I live for that thought. That thought lives in my head rentfree.
Also, her holding me in her strong arms... lndfjnfajfnajk,ef-
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