#will pay for a uprooted stump
chrisstumps05 · 4 months
When Does Insurance Pay for Stump Grinding
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wyrm-in-the-apple · 2 years
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Nightmarch 2023 - Prompt: Rot
“Well, when a limb is contaminated, it must be removed.” “Once the rot has reached the main trunk, the tree is lost, and the only thing to do is uproot the stump and immolate the remains.” “No, an infection cannot be reversed, only prevented.”
Nightmare’s bones were nearly rattling. They weren’t talking about him. This was just horticulture. He did not see hateful, pointed glances in his direction. That was just his imagination. He wasn’t the rot that needed to be cut out and burned to spare the healthy wood. This was information he needed to know to care for his mother’s tree. That was all.
He started as a spidery hand gripped his skull. He looked up into the elder’s face.
“Are you paying attention, Nightmare?” said the elder.
He nodded furiously.
The elder peered closer. “You look ill. Go get yourself looked at after lessons.”
Nightmare nodded again.
The rot wasn’t inside him. It couldn’t be.
Fireblight is 1) a cool name and also 2) one of the diseases that affects apple trees.
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rabid-citrus · 3 months
Listen, i know it's very easy to fall into despair and say that nothing can be done. But it's just not true! Remember that story about two frogs in a milk jug? The frog that gave up drowned and died, but the one that kept swimming survived escaped in the end. Now think of yourself as one of those frogs. I'm not saying that you should push yourself to your limits, no, but you shouldn't give up.
It's very easy to say "both options suck ass, so i abstain" when you're given the choice of only two, with one being a progressive party represented by a guy who orders to build schools and hospitals in your homeland, advocates for people having human rights regardless of who they are, but silently pays a group of sick fucks who kill people elsewhere, but also tries to convince those sick fucks to not kill people in such quantities, and who CAN be pressed to do better; and the other option being a party full of hatred for anything that doesn't fit their narrow worldview, represented by a guy who openly brags about starting war, tearing down schools, hospitals and human rights, and who says outright that the sick fucks should kill everyone in the most gruesome way, and who will shoot you at point blank if you try criticizing him.
Yes, rooting for the first guy will not fix everything. But if the second guy wins, your life will become hell along with lives of those who the sick fucks kill. This all-or-nothing black-and-white do-no-wrong mentality will end up only hurting you. Yes, the sick fucks are disgusting and should be stopped. Yes, you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD help save the people those sick fucks are killing. But you cannot save others if you can't even save YOURSELF! Because if you can't save YOURSELF, you might not live to save the others!
I want you to understand this. Please, make an effort to understand this. Yes, the system is unfair and bad and should be changed. But it's not a quick and easy change! Uprooting it all in one go will only hurt you, because it is very difficult to uproot things that are big. Try tearing up a huge and thorny bush with no gardening tools, it will make your hands hurt and bleed. But if you have garden shears and a showel, you can cut the bush down piece by piece, dig up its roots and after that pull the stump out of the ground with ease. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it takes a lot of time and work. But it's easier to get rid of a bush with the help of gardening tools, than it is to try doing so with your bare hands. And it's even easier to get rid of a bush if you ask your friends to help you! Of course it's way easier to say "screw it" and leave the big and thorny bush as it is, but the thing is, the bush grows in such a place that it's very easy to accidentally get hurt by it. In fact, the bush is actively growing in such a way that it hurts others, and pruning it is almost useless, because it grows faster than you can possibly prune it! So cutting it down and uprooting the stump is the best solution!
Yes, cutting down a bush is hard and time-consuming, even with gardening tools, but in the end you prevent yourself and others from getting hurt.
Your voice is the gardening tool when it comes to electing a member of the government. Your actions are the gardening tools when it comes to maintaining a community. Your voice and actions are the gardening tools when it comes to fighting injustice. Don't throw them away. But don't go rushing head-on at the center of the big thorny bush either! You will break your gardening shears and injure yourself if you try to make a revolution. Start small instead, start by cutting down the branches that grow out and make it hard for people to avoid getting hurt by the bush. Ask for help. Work in a team. Cut it down, bit by bit, branch by branch, but CUT IT.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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So, walking into the room filled with gas fumes that was the upset king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, we’ve noticed Daniel could confront the fear and insanity of the moment because Daniel found a way to fit in, to be at home culturally in the place where God put him. But, paradoxically, in that place, Daniel learned to stand out. There is another pair of things I notice, and they also stand in some tension with each other.
Love Your Enemies?
The third thing I see about Daniel, and rather like the “fitting in” issue, is a bit of a surprise. Daniel Shows a Striking Tenderness toward Nebuchadnezzar. Recall just who this guy Nebuchadnezzar is: three, maybe four devastating attacks on Judah and Jerusalem one after the other, in (perhaps) 604, 601, 597, 586 and again in 585 B.C. Each time, he took captives. In 597 he had deported many back to Babylon, including the newly crowned young king, Jehoiachin. Then in the nightmare of 587-586, Nebuchadnezaar had slowly strangled Jerusalem with a bone-crushing siege in which starvation pushed some Jerusalemites to cannibalism. Nebuchadnezzar brutally killed King Zedekiah’s sons before his very eyes, then blinded Zedekiah and dragged him to Babylon, where his predecessor, Jehoiachin, enjoyed the acceptance of the Babylonian court as the true king of Judah. We have no account of Zedekiah’s death, but he doubtless lived his last years utterly shamed. Of course, in 586 Nebuchadnezzar razed the city of Jerusalem, demolished the temple of Solomon, looted the sacred precincts of their holy objects which were brought to Babylon and later subjected to further sacrilege. Nebuchadnezzar then abandoned the city, making no efforts even to insure that what few survivors remained could pay him tribute. So, to a frightened Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel could be tempted to say “Well, Nebuchadnezzar, your sins are catching up with you. God is going to burn it all down.” But Daniel shows genuine tenderness for the tyrant. In 4:19, Daniel wishes the dream and its meaning were for the king’s enemies, not him.
And the dream… The king saw a great tree, nourishing and shading all, brutally cut down by order of a “Holy Watcher” from heaven. The tree stump is rained on, but not uprooted: an iron band clamps the stump, presumably to slow its decomposition on invasion by parasites. Daniel informs Nebuchadnezzar that he, in fact, is the tree, and the tree’s felling portends a time of bestial insanity, in fact, “seven times” worth of insanity. We don’t know what that means, but the time was significant. Though this could have been a source of real pleasure to Daniel, he shows tender compassion. Daniel stresses the devastating reality of the coming insanity, but also assures the king of hope of restoration: that iron band around the stump pointed to divine mercy.Ancient monument depicting Nebuchadnezzar imagining the construction of his great temple in Babylon
Insane, dangerous times, even times of grief, anger and outrage, must still be times of tenderness, even for an enemy. Daniel had seen a goodly share of death and suffering, all caused by this king. Nevertheless, he wishes no harm on the king, so when this dangerous, powerful man enters a moment of vulnerability, Daniel’s voice sounds notes of reason and compassion.
Honesty About God’s Standards
But today we tend to think “reason and compassion” imply lowering God’s standard of righteousness, of being soft on sin. Not in Daniel’s case. The fourth thing I find here is that Daniel Honestly Witnesses to God’s Standards of Justice. In his tenderness, Daniel speaks soberly and with restraint of God’s moral order. This dream story is all about power and pride, the two trademark character features of Nebuchadnezzar, known for pride, savage use of power, injustice and oppression, and the violent destruction of others to expand his power and aggrandize the massive appetites of himself and his favored elites. Without preaching a long sermon, Daniel is honest about these things.
Nebuchadnezzar must clearly learn two huge truths: (a) there is one all powerful, sovereign God (b) Nebuchadnezzar is not He!
Nebuchadnezzar therefore will lose that one thing that was his glory: his charismatic, incisive mind. The mind that envisioned a global empire, a dazzling urban center, ornate temples, the hanging gardens of Babylon…wonders of the world then, legendary even today…this mind will now descend into bestiality. Nebuchadnezzar must be driven insane to see the insanity he had been living all along!
So Daniel pleads with the king (4:27) to break off from his sins, to practice righteousness, stop the violent oppression, and promises that God will indeed be gracious. But Nebuchadnezzar does not heed. Then, 12 Months pass. As often happens, the slow pace of divine justice is mistaken for its unreality. But suddenly, “it” happens. It’s actually a familiar biblical scene: someone patting themselves on the back, thinking they’ve got it made, and God calls their name. “This day your soul is required of you.” And then the night fell on the brilliant, arrogant mind of Nebuchadnezzar.
Agent of Redemption
Nebuchadnezzar was lucky. He got the message. He recovers, confesses the lordship of God, and admits that his own pride has been humbled by God. It’s revealing to compare the proclamation at the beginning of Daniel 4 with the one at the end. The first is the word of a fan but the second, the word of a follower. The speaker of the first is impressed, of the second, convinced.
All because of Daniel. Daniel found a way to fit in. He didn’t compromise or cave, but stood out. He truly loved his enemy, but he did not flinch from God’s just requirements. So Daniel became an agent of redemption.
May we all, in these troubled times, and in more troubled times to come, be God’s ambassadors of truth, tenderness, and redemption
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grandpasorchard · 1 year
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(Eric Faulkner, efaulkn2 @ pixabay, free to use)
On the farm, we use tractors to pull disks, plows, mowers, and to uproot stumps. We used to saw wood with them and some pump water from streams to ponds to save thirsty sheep, cows and goats. Three times a year we cut, rack, bale then haul hay from sweet fields full of earthy wild flowers and vanilla scented grasses. The machine is a serious and powerful object. When you have so much power under your fingertips, you can't treat it like a toy. But one of my favorite things to do is to drive it past the fields along the woods on shadowy blue evenings, just me, the comforting rumble, and the wind and a star or two. There are times in my life when obstacles blocked my way, and I thought of that tractor and imagined I'd give some extra fuel and pull my way through the brambles or mucky ground. I had to see my goal and push myself, push and push and even if my boot heels slipped, I got back up and pushed again and ran right over that obstacle. I was tired, hurt, and sometimes needed a good cleaning, but having burst through that mess to see the fruits of my labor was wonderful. It gave me hope that I could achieve a dream or two. Some people enjoy the push, some the pushback, others the rewards, some are just plain bored. People will tell you to play it safe with jobs and your future, but anything not built up on the foundation of love will not last, and they will feel their life has been wasted. And it will be true. On this farm, we let people dream, we encourage them to try their hand at many jobs, from art to cooking, growing to designing, writing to painting to building things. In all we do, we curb our selfishness just to a healthier level, and serve each other, pay each other, honor, or at least respect each other, and we love each other in a good way, respecting boundaries and keeping things decent. We also sometimes get too passionate in words or deeds, but we forgive, while holding each other to account. We don't trust until people prove to us they are worthy of trust. I'm not speaking about the messiness of youth, I'm saying we take our time to figure out if a grown person is trustworthy, because not everyone wants to be trustworthy, but may slyly pretend to be so. People are like animals, some are mean and cruel, while others will risk their life to save a fellow critter. The greatest thing I've had to push through, was bad people hurting me; from family members with bruised minds to cruel fellow students and user bosses and evil politicians from all parties. The second greatest obstacle was my own craving for love, attention, and a strong need to belong. The first requires more fuel, the second requires pulling back on the throttle, building myself up, and learning patience. Grandma is a strong woman, ever ready with a hug. Your Grandpa wants to take you and show you how to shoot, fight smart, and survive. We both want you to be trustworthy grandchild, someone you can respect and trust in too, rocking on the porch with us, eating pie and singing songs, watching the fireflies blend softly into the stars of evening.
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bollywoodmarketing · 1 year
Tree Trimming Services
Happily thinking roughly how I would shock my family in the midst of my baking skills, I deliberately walked into the sitting room. Suddenly, all went dark and I tripped and over and curtains in the middle of in the works point of view the length of in my masterpiece: the chocolate cake I had spent all evening preparing! Oh, how I cursed the dogfight outage! Later, I scholarly that it had been caused by a tree, whose branches grew right through the electricity wires of my habitat.
Does this scenario solid happening to date? If it does, subsequently you must be familiar of the importance of knowing the right tree prettification facilities required to avoid it.
There may be a number of reasons you may compulsion to implement your trees trimmed, then improving tree health and lump, removing troublesome branches, shortening a tree or maybe just to make it see courteous. Many people select the obtain-it-yourself method of dealing following this business. However, this is not always the best and safest different. Tree ornamentation is a terrible shape and not everyone can do it. It requires training and education nearly safety, events and equipment.
The best jarring is to employ someone who offers professional tree beautification facilities. There are many businesses offering facilities to their surrounding areas consequently; it is not far away afield along to meet the expense of a ruling one stuffy you.
Tree prettification facilities provided are usually tree acid, tree pruning, tree and stump removal and removal of damaged trees. Most help providers pay for auxiliary specialized facilities such as cleaning going on after the prettification process and choking going on and preparing firewood.
Professionals in force in mountainous areas or regions prone to storms and hurricanes moreover apportion emergency services that are a call away. Such businesses usually own specialized equipment that is capable of handling any emergency that may occur so of high winds, storms and hurricanes. They also have enough maintenance the subsidiary foster of assessing what trees dependence to be removed, graze or pruned prior to any such natural occurrence that may cause uprooting of trees therefore minimising the resultant blinking.
Most of the best minister to providers with assign to freshen together amid more your garden or home to the fore going on afterward the maintenance for you, the client, an estimate of what tree embellishment services you require and how often. They generally meet the expense of their services in gloss to a contract basis and have pre-planned programs allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. These programs usually in addition to adjoin landscaping programs allowing you the other to hire a single advance provider for each and each and every one one your garden requirements.
tree removal companies
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dalleyan · 1 year
Elfwine Chronicles (new LoTR stories, Adventures of Theodred, Son of Eomer, ch 2 posted, 4-29-23)
Theodred's adventures as he travels with Freahelm, trying to find a direction for his life.  (Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, Family, Humor) (19 chapter story)  [Familiar faces from LoTR will appear throughout the story.]
 Chapter 2
Theodred drew rein at the sight before them, and Freahelm followed suit.  For a moment, they sat and watched as an old man earnestly urged a rather skinny, decrepit horse to pull.  A rope affixed to a harness on the horse was tied around a large tree stump and, apparently, the man was trying to uproot it.
“No offense, good sir,” Theodred announced, “but I fear your horse is unequal to the task you set before him.”
The old man noticed them for the first time, and paused in his efforts to wipe at the sweat on his brow. “Do you think me so foolish that I do not know this, young master?” he snapped.  “The work must be done and he is all I have.  We will manage without the likes of you making pointless comments!”
Theodred grinned at the man’s feistiness, then asked, “So, does that mean you do not wish us to help you?”
The man had turned back to his task, but now levelled his gaze upon them and their mounts.  Finally he observed, “Those are fine animals you ride. It is not likely they are used to this kind of work.”
Freahelm chuckled and replied, “On the contrary, sir!  These are war horses, and well acquainted with hard work.  We do not breed weak animals in Rohan.”
“Rohan, eh?” the man asked, rubbing his grizzled chin thoughtfully.  At the responding nod, he shrugged and told them, “I could use the help, and surely old Fen here would appreciate it.  He has seen too many winters for this kind of work.  But why would you want to help me?  I cannot pay you.”
Theodred laughed as he dismounted.  “We are not looking for payment, but perhaps if you have a barn, you will allow us to sleep there tonight.  It looks like it might rain again.”
An agreement reached, Theodred and Freahelm set to work loosening the ground around the stump by driving pointed sticks into the dirt to break it up.  Then, tying ropes to their saddles, they set their horses to the task.  The rain that had fallen rather steadily the past two days had softened the ground enough that their efforts soon yielded the desired result; the stump pulled free from its present location.  After dragging it to where the old man indicated he wanted it, they used his axe to chop it into firewood and loaded it into a wagon parked nearby.  Once Fen was reharnessed to the wagon, they followed the man, whose name was given as Dorgil, back to his small farm and helped him get things put away and the remaining chores done. 
Just as they finished, the skies opened up again.  By now, he had warmed to the two men and invited them for supper, which they gladly accepted.  Then they talked long into the evening, Dorgil seeming to enjoy the unexpected company. He told them of his life, the death of his wife, and his two sons who lived elsewhere.  When they decided to turn in, he let them spread their bedrolls by the fire rather than retiring to the barn, and they were grateful to be warm and dry through the night.
 continue reading on AO3:
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tomorrowstrees1a · 2 years
Tree service
Their lawn care and tree trimming services are so excellent that they have established a stellar reputation.
Over the past 20 years, a lot of people in Connecticut have benefited from our aid with tree removal and trimming. Over the years, our New London clients have come to rely on us for a range of Tree service in East Lyme, including tree trimming and stump grinding. Some of our past customers have happily surprised us by coming back to make new purchases. Everyone is aware of our expanding base of devoted customers. However, the number of enthusiastic testimonials from pleased clients has increased. Tree care Undoubtedly, that is fantastic news for our business. I hope these customer reviews of our tree trimming service are instructive and useful. During the redesign process, customer feedback was taken into consideration. You are so gracious to say that. Anyone working with Tomorrow's Trees is encouraged, but not required, to obtain all necessary licenses in order to carry out their duties ethically and lawfully. The future success of our business may ultimately depend on how dedicated we are to ensuring that you are completely satisfied with our goods and services. They must participate if we are to succeed.
The majority of Americans are unaware of the necessity of having a driver's license in order to operate a vehicle.
However, whereas removal firms are exempt from registration requirements in Connecticut, maintenance companies are. Only individuals who currently hold a current license as a tree surgeon are exempt from these regulations. Only a small number of the many businesses who claim to provide the service actually do so. Tree care businesses are free from these regulations. It is required of certified arborists to keep their skills and knowledge current through continual education and training. Arborists must never stop learning about their line of work. It takes a lot of work from tree keepers to keep a community's tree canopy healthy. Your trees' long-term health will be improved by taking this precaution. If these recommendations are followed, a tree collection can be kept safe.
One can question whether paying an arborist to plant a tree is worthwhile. If the time and effort expended may be better used elsewhere, it would be worthwhile to charge for the service.
This is so we may observe trees in all of their shapes over the course of their whole lives. We might recapture as adults the sensation of wonder and amazement we once had toward the natural world. We are knowledgeable with the best planting areas, anticipated growth rates, and any difficulties these species may present. Homeowners might save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by giving their plants a head start. A tree's true aesthetic value can only be appreciated after it has been planted, cared for, and allowed to develop in perfect circumstances for a number of years. A tree's health and lifetime are improved when it is permitted to reach its full height and spread. Long-term benefits will come from spending more on preventative healthcare. Almost typically, preventative measures outweigh pricey fixes. Pesticides can be sprayed on plants to kill them, or the plants can be uprooted and replaced with new ones. You should hold off on making any purchases until you get specific details on prices for the following year in order to optimize your savings. To get there, we must shift our focus from resolving the current crisis to averting future crises of a similar nature.
You should assess your present insurance and licensure to make sure you are sufficiently protected.
Yes. The two active patents held by Richard C. Cullen are NE-1077A and HIC#0636549.
Since we provide tree services rather than lawn care, we have made significant investments in safety measures to protect our employees when working at heights more than 10 feet. Despite the fact that the tree is on our land, we cannot remove it without your permission. We carry general liability insurance as well as workers' compensation to protect us in the event that one of our clients gets hurt or their property is damaged while we are working. If you need a certificate of insurance, our insurance agent will be pleased to provide one (COI). You can use this tool to verify that you understand the rules. Although we are aware that not every enterprise in our sector will share the commitment of the business community to ethics, we feel it is important to emphasize the significance of doing so. Nobody in this room would purposefully endanger you or your loved ones. Maybe we can learn something from this discussion.
For your benefit, the device already has a safety function installed.
All of Tomorrow's Trees' goods and services are protected by a wide array of insurance contracts. We know the service we do for you will meet or surpass your expectations since we only work with the most seasoned arborists. You can raise the bar as high as you want, but the final product will always be superior. Residents of New London and East Lyme, Connecticut, are confident in Future Trees whenever they want tree maintenance. Are you worried about the condition of your trees? Trees of Tomorrow might be useful. Please call us at +18608488746 if you need help. Please don't hesitate to contact us at the above information if you have any questions regarding the services we offer or how we vary from other landscaping and tree service companies. We provide no-obligation, free written quotes because we are that confident in our abilities. If you require any kind of emergency tree service, our team is prepared to help.
All relevant experts agree without a doubt that this product is the best of its kind.
Numerous tree care groups have given Next Day's Trees their seal of approval. These organizations include the California Tree Protection Association and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Have confidence that we will always uphold the law. Please don't spend time with us together if at all feasible.
All of the tree services we provide, such as tree trimming, tree removal, and root treatment, are described in depth on our website. If you're interested in finding out more about this service and others like it, click on the links I supplied. You should be better able to understand your options after reading the information provided here. Call us at +18608488746 if you have any questions or comments about the tree and lawn care services we offer.
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The Blueberry Trees: Part One
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A fairytale that will set the stage for several upcoming Reader stories. Part One is purely fairytale, Part Two will be a Reader x Fae story
1700 words
The cool mists of Knot Knix Forest rolled over the nearby farmer’s fields in waves every morning, carrying dew and life with them. Farmers blessed by the fae-woods’ breath, who respected the ancient ways and left gifts of the first harvest fruits from every season at the edge of the fairy rings, were said to grow three times as much food as those beyond the reach of the forest.
It was this prosperity and fertility that drew greedy eyes and crooked men to buy up all the land surrounding the fae woods, eager to cash in on this seemingly free bounty unheard of outside of Knot Knix. The fairy rings were dug up and the rivers straightened as these new masters of the plow furrowed the ground right up to the edge of the wood. This broke the ancient root systems of those heralds at the edge of the forest and trees began to die. They were clear-cut and hauled away, the farmlands expanded beyond their original borders to fill in the new, open ground left behind.
As trees died and fairy rings disappeared, so too dried up the life-bearing mists and the babbling brooks that flowed outwards from Knot Knix. There were no first fruits that year, nor the year after. Three years of the ground turning dry and desolate convinced these new masters that the ground had simply been used up. That newer, better ground was to be had in the woods. So, they began to chop. And hack. Mulch and chip and till and bulldoze with machines that belched smog into the cool, clean air. Down fell the mighty trees of Knot Knix as acres and acres of stumps were uprooted to make way for the expanding farms.
This insult did not go unnoticed by the true masters of the wood; The Fae. None of the insults had gone unnoticed. But the catastrophic loss of so many of their trees was the final straw. Every machine that dared roll towards what remained of the woods was cursed to break no matter how many mechanics came to fix them. Every worker who stepped foot beyond the old line where the forest once had ended went home so sick with fever that they could not rise from their bed for a week. And every seed that was sown, every bush and tree planted, every seedling pressed into that stolen ground withered and died before morning.
Finally, the crooked men who had purchased the farm came down from their office buildings to see what the trouble could be. And they were greeted by a youth with eyes too bright and teeth too sharp, ears too long and clothes too old. These men shouted for the youth to get out of the road so they could drive their shining cars to their worksite, but the youth would not budge.
“Return the land to whom it belongs,” they were warned. But the men did not listen, and they drove around the child.
“Who do they think they are?” The men asked themselves. “Don’t they know we paid a lot of money for this terrible investment?”
When they arrived at the broken machines and the half-completed work they were greeted by the same small youth. Seeing the child again, one of the men opened his lunch pail and handed the boy a small baggie of blueberries. He patted them on the head and told the child to run along back home.
“How can I go back home when you and your farm are hurting the land? Everybody is starving because of you!” The child stamped their foot, making the men groan and shoo the youth along.
“This is our land, we can do what we want with it. If you’re so hungry, stick those berries in the ground and grow some more. Now scat!”
The boy ripped open the bag, scattering blueberries on the ground, and snarled at the men with their sharp teeth. “You want me to feed the world with blueberries? Fine. I will feed the world with blueberries.”
The men scoffed and walked away to survey the damages, walking around the farm and then walking back to their shiny cars. Or, at least, the place where the shining cars had been.
In their place were massive trees, laden so heavily with blueberries that their branches brushed the ground. Shocked and amazed, they rushed forward and tasted the fruits. They were the sweetest and juiciest they had ever tasted. So much so that they immediately called their businesses and requested meetings with investors.
While they were on the phone, the businessmen kept eating. And once they started eating, they could not stop. They ate even as their teeth and ears grew longer. They ate even as their skin grew fuzzier. They ate even as their bodies became smaller. They ate and ate until they had eaten themselves into cottontail rabbits, and the sound of a car driving down the dusty road terrified them into running away into the woods where they were never seen again.
But that is not the end of the story. No. These scattered blueberries that had been grown into trees by fae magic stood tall against the barren backdrop and attracted the gaze of the local farmers. These were wise old men and women, leathery from sun and wind and hard work who knew better than to mess with the old fae woods. They came to these strange, unnatural trees, and were greeted by a youth with eyes too bright and teeth too sharp and they tipped their hats in respect to the fae child.
“Return the forest to whom it belongs,” the fae told them, standing in the center of this new faerie ring made by these unnatural trees. The farmers removed their hats entirely and tipped their heads forward, replying that their own farms had been taken from them too. Bought up by the men who had purchased the land around the forest. They did not own the land anymore, so it was up to the owners to give.
“They will bother you no longer. Your land is yours once again. What will you do with it?”
Shocked, but grateful, the farmers each pledged to plant trees to restore the destroyed forest, and then some. That the forest would be grander and mightier than it had been before, by their efforts.
This pleased the fae child, who plucked a handful of berries from the trees and offered them to the farmers.
“Take these, then. But do not eat them. Treat them as seeds, and plant them to restore the forest. They are full of magic, and will grow quickly. Come back when you run out and pick more. Plant every berry from these trees, and the bounty you knew before will be returned.”
And so they did. Every farmer received deeds to their original lands in the mail and all set to work picking berries from the trees, planting them to replenish the forest. They rented cranes and lifts to reach the berries at the top, paying lithe young boys and girls to scour the trees for anything that had been left behind. As baskets and bushels of berries were carried home, new hardwood trees sprouted where the seeds were planted. Seemingly overnight they would shoot from the ground, growing dozens of feet each week until they brushed the sky.
It was easy to replace the old woods. The ground where the old trees had once stood was dark and loamy, even after the abuse it had endured. These trees were planted quickly, even considering the immense scale of the Knot Knix. Berries were sent to farmers on all sides and all sides, for a hundred miles, worked together to replenish the forest. But when the trees were still covered with berries even after the old forest had been replaced, there came resistance. Some did not believe it was their responsibility to repay the old woods when they too had been wronged by the situation. Some simply could not afford another small harvest, they needed to plant their old land in full to have enough food and money to feed their families.
Heated debates and town hall meetings on all sides of Knot Knix broke out. But as summer wore on and the area affected by the desolation only grew, eventually the warning left by the fae won out over all. Through the winter months trees were planted all around the forest and friends and family dug through snow drifts to find the last of the berries left on the blueberry trees. These were all divided equally, and each farmer added more and more trees to their property in the hopes that the fae would keep their promise once the forest was restored.
Finally, a year and a day after the first seed was planted, the last seed was placed in the soft earth amid a grand festival. The ground trembled and shook just before the last tree sprang to life, unfurling into a giant ash tree before the eyes of all who had gathered for the event. And then… all was still. All was quiet.
And then… bird song. Birds that hadn’t been heard for years broke into song and cheering broke out throughout the festival. There were some sniffles among the cheers, as many of these families had lost so much in these recent years, but there was loss felt by all. And therefore, the hopeful joy at finally having planted the last seed was also felt by all.
The festivities continued, which was why it was almost missed when the mists arrived once again. Pouring from between the newly planted trees like a fog bank, Knot Knix unfurled it’s magic once again. Fruit trees spontaneously bloomed. Sprouts pushed through the ground. And a little fae child with eyes too bright and ears too long watched from up the hill, at the faerie ring, as a truly joyful, raucous cheer rose from the farming families below. A smile tugged at their lips, and as the faerie disappeared into the trees, the blueberry trees waved in the wind, beginning to blossom once again as well.
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iammarylastar · 4 years
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1. Alone amongst brothers.
"Cal! Hey mate where are you?" Snowballs clicked his fingers under his nose, startling him.
Bad idea. Never startle an ex cop ex Marine who hadn't slept for years.
Chris -his real name was Chris- came out of his reverie and offered a poor smile to his brothers. Obviously missing his goal to reassure his squad.
Who was he kidding?
He hadn't been here for years. For 3 years. 3 fucking years.
He hadn't been the same since he came out of prison. Since his brother, his real brother fled to Canada, to never return.
Since Oyster, his little brother killed that asshole in a bar.
Thinking about it, all this shit had started after their mother died.
Big, huge mess she had left behind.
He reluctantly came back to the world, that world without his mom nor his brother, that world where he's a useless piece of shit, forbidden to serve his country in any way.
Reverie couldn't have been more inappropriate. Living nightmare would have fit better.
"Next round on me." Jaeger announced with too much enthusiasm.
"Same?" He quirked an eyebrow at Cal, who just nodded, not bothering to say a word.
He didn't need another beer. Alcohol free. Taste free too. He'd been nursing the same bottle since he settled his ass in the bar, mind absently scratching the corner of the label with his nail.
He had been sentenced to 6 years and spent 3 at Pittsburgh Correctional Institution. He got a release, good behaviour. He'd been lucky, somehow, half of the prisoners were there because of him. Death had waited for him at every corner, but freedom hadn't tasted better.
A lot had happened in 3 years. Life had gone on whilst his had stopped behind the bars.
Snowball found his soulmate Carlo, Jaeger finally got Claire back, they married last year and were expecting their first child. Milk spawned two boys, fuck he'd been out for a long time.
Brotherhood meant leave no one behind. He had Oyster's back, he did what had to be done to save his brother from jail. Sentencing himself, ruining his own life.
He got nothing left. No wife, no family. Sure, his bros had always cared, hanging out, working out, having him in for all their kids birthdays, family barbecues, even last Christmas when Claire and Jaeger announced the good news.
They all exploded, hugging Claire and clapping Jaeger's shoulder, whooping and cheering like madmen.
He was genuinely happy for both of them and tried to ignore the stab in his guts.
For once he wanted and was in the mood to celebrate. Till his eyes landed on the blessed couple's wedding pic pinned on the wall, then spotted another showing his brothers in uniform, proudly posing with the groom.
He wasn't there and it killed him.
Claire told him they got a seat settled in his honor and it hurt more deeply.
He had missed so many events, so many people.
He had spent most of his miserable life to raise his little brother -half brother but who cares?- kicked his ass every morning to have him secured at school, kicking his own ass to quit both grief and booze and pass his exams to assure them a future.
Look what future both fucked up.
If only he could have the slightest news of him, knowing his brother was fine and safe somewhere in Canada, a letter, a call, an emoji on whatever social media... but no. The cops were still looking for Oyster for Ben Daley's murder and as a cop -ex cop- he knew he and his mates have been under surveillance since day one.
Oyster had been MIA for 3 years with no chance of brightest days.
And he was left alone with nobody to care for and nobody to love.
His sentence had him kicked out from the police department, along with his staff sergeant status. No job. No rules to give rhythm to his days. No incomes but a few light works here and there in the neighborhood. The people he knew always put in a good word about him and hopefully people didn't ask for his criminal record before hiring him for fixing their roof, painting their fronts or uprooting a tree stump.
Yeah he had a lot to add to his resume: by-the-book cop, dauntless staff sergeant in the Marine corps, 2 rounds in Iraq, baby sitter and groundskeeper. Impressive.
"Man, look at this chick over there." Milk nudged him. "She's been eyeing you like she's willing to drop her panties for you."
Cal finally lifted his eyes and glanced at the girl in question. Thin, sexy, a blouse full of goodies, gaudy red lipstick, prying eyes.
Maybe he needed to get laid. He hadn't had sex since he came out of prison. His mates planned a party to celebrate his freedom and got him a working girl for the occasion but he wasn't in the mood.
He hadn't been interested in sex, not after what has happened in prison, not even a quick handjob while watching a porn. No. Scratch that. He's been forced into lame and painful wankings when his balls threatened to explode, but it was no fun at all. Far, far from it.
A slight nausea invaded his throat of the reminder and he forced the thought out.
Double sentence. If he hadn't suffered PTSD after what he did and witnessed in Iraq, then he got his trauma.
He might never use his cock again. Playground out of order. Broken.
"Nahhh... She looks cheap. Guys I don't need another blind date, you know. Your Tracy girl was crazy, she scared the shit out of me with her earlobe-licking... fetishism." Cal rubbed his earlob with a disgusting frown on his face, having all his skwad laughing out loud, wiggling all tongues out.
"Listen Cal. You need to get laid. You need a good fuck to come back to life. You're hot stuff still, you just need to pick up some gorgeous chick and have some fun! Before your dick just deceases from dehydration." Jaeger joked, hilarity ensued.
He looked around the crowded bar, tired. Tired to pretend he could be interested in that kind of date.
He didn't need a one night stand. He didn't need some cunt to fuck. He needed someone to love. And be loved in return.
Like the ol'time when he lived with his mom. Or with Oyster. He needed someone who cared.
"Thank you guys but I'm tired. I better go home and get some sleep. Need to wake up early and..."
His lame excuses got cut off by an angry Milk.
"Oh yeah, because you do have so much to do tomorrow, don't you? Cleaning up the house and walk Mrs Riley's pet? That's why you're leaving your brothers now? Cal, when are you going to get rid of this shit and be alive again? It's been 3 years already, move on for fuck sake!"
Cal didn't blink. He deserved to be scolded by his gang. He's been no fun, nothing more than a burden for them. A big piece of shit, whining about all he'd lost. Poor thing. Soon he'd lose them.
He was whining again. He's got the best friends he could dream of, people he could call his brothers, who were totally devoted to him, heart and soul.
His family. His home.
Those guys made it all easy for him while his time in prison. Paying him a visit each week, twice a week when they were off. They paid for his lawyer, his loan for the house so he wouldn't be homeless when he got out of prison. So he didn't have to break into his savings and get ruined in 6 months.
They did it in a heartbeat, without thinking nor asking for his permission. They told him it was the right thing to do. The same way Cal had them home, safe and sound after their tour in Iraq. Beside Jaeger's leg, abandoned there. How guilty he had felt, and still.
He owed them... everything.
He leant on his elbows and rubbed his face. He considered staying and trying to relax and have some fun, but his mood was definitely shitty.
Time to shake his thoughts and his big ass. He survived the war, survived in jail, he could survive this night.
"OK fuckers. But I don't want to bury my future here." He emptied his drink, slammed it loudly on the table.
"Let's get home and shake the walls!"
He grabbed his other beer and clinked glasses with his mates, and chugged it whilst his bros cheered and downed their own drinks.
"Last one at my mailbox is a loser!" Cal jumped on his feet and started running through the door.
"Ohhhh, you bastard!" Milk shouted, running after him, quickly followed by an enthusiast Snowball.
Jeager rolled his eyes and took out his wallet to pay the bill. He wouldn't win anyway, his fucking metal leg was no match for those big machines.
The three guys were messing around by the front door, playfully wrestling to pass first.
Cal jammed Milk's head in between his bulging biceps and disheveled his neat hairstyle, having him struggling even more for his freedom, grunting with rage. Snowball was stuck against the wall, the two heavy guys struggling were keeping him to head towards the door.
In a joint effort to get free, Snowball and Milk pushed Cal with all their strength until he popped out like a Champagne cork, sent flying against the wall. Just as the door opened on someone coming in.
Cal ended up glued to them, pinned on the wall, crushed against his broad chest.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah! What the hell?" A muffled voice came from underneath Cal's body.
"Holy shit, I'm sorry!" He apologized, peeling his body from a smaller and thinner one.
His hands flat against the wall, each side of a face. A beautiful face. Still blurry, he was too close to focus.
Never too close... he thought. Her smell itself made him stop.
"I'm sorry!" He uttered, forcing a step back. Finally able to focus on delicate features.
"I'm fine, I'm fine...uh, hey... I'm Jessica. " She said in a big grin as she rearranged the strands of hair away from her face.
"Nice to meet you..." She started, inviting him to introduce himself.
"Milk, nice to meet you gorgeous." The bastard spoke first, getting on Cal's business, more than happy to embarrass his mate.
"And this is Snowball" he continued, shamelessly stepping on Cal's toes and bluntly pushing him to the side.
"Ma'am!" Snowball bowed before an amused Jessica, glancing at the three boys with a smirk. "Please, accept our sincere apologies. I hope this giant idiot didn't hurt you when so roughly trying to get your attention."
Jessica let her eyes wander at the big stud's body and face, making sure it didn't turn into a stare. The man was built like a brick house, huge arms, solid chest, his short hair suggested he was a cop or a soldier, his handsome face obviously annoyed by his friends' demeanour. His gorgeous self nodding his head while pressing his so soft looking lips together. She felt her heart stop and her inside melt when they locked stares. His blue eyes were captivating and something slapped her in the face. Through his hilarious expression and attractive features, he looked so... sad and lonely. So much she wanted to pull him in in a hug and never let him go.
She forced her eyes back at the two dummies still making the show for her.
"And this!" Milk nudged his pal, "this is Chris Callahan, the man you need.
The thoughtfulness itself, well, when it's not nearly killing you, this guy is not only strong, courageous and handsome, thanks God he's also single."
Cal wanted nothing more than vanish from embarrassment after getting rid of that motherfucker of a so called best friend. On a definitive way.
But the more Milk was blurting his shit out, the more Jessica looked amused and kind of interested in him.
Eyeing him. The cutest smile on her lips. Which she bit when she finally was caught staring.
"This big sweet heart is to take darling, and you'd be a fool not to try your luck with him."
Milk got a little closer and lowered his voice "I heard he's got amazing skills, like... look at the size of his feet!"
The 2 guys barked a laugh, clunching at each other while Cam just chuckled and sighed, more uncomfortable than ever. Jessica shared the guys big laugh then winked at Cal, before glancing down to judge their size by herself.
Milk wiped the tears from his face, oh Lord he loved making fun of his mate so very much. Calming down his panting, he stepped back, still hooked to an exhilarated Snowball.
"If you want to excuse us mylady, we're up for a male race contest, where the loser will have to walk butt naked the entire week." He said, bowing out at Jessica, then stepping out of the bar with renewed loud laughs.
Cal just shifted uneasily on his spot, figuring out a way to stop looking like the dumbest guy on Earth.
"Sorry... That was... pretty awkward, wasn't it?" He shyly tried, mentally kicking in own ass to not have found something clever to say.
"Found it very funny actually, you guys made my day!" Her genuine smile cheered him up a little.
"Those guys are total weirdoes, please do not believe a single word of what they say." Cal flashed one of his best smile, pretty sure it would work for him.
"Seems your friends think very highly of you. The resume they made of you is quite appealing, you know." She made it sounds like a joke but couldn't help wondering about that nice guy, nice looking guy all in embarrassment in front of her.
And the size of his... feet.
"Yeah... Well, wait to meet them once they're not drunk and you might hear a different story." Cal shoved his hands deep in his pockets. Looking so cute.
"So... Cal, I'm looking forward to hang out with your smartass group of friends, and hear all kind of stories about you, I bet each more embarrassing than the last!" Jessica's fingers were playing with a strand of her hair against her will, flirting.
And it seemed this didn't get unnoticed, by the way Cal's stare lingered on her delicate features.
"I... I've got to go and look after those drunken asses before they get into more trouble. I won't stop hearing of it if I don't beat them tonight. It was so nice to meet you and again, apologies for so rudely bumping into you."
Chris scratched the back of his neck, torn between two options. Stay and risk to embarrass himself more and more, or leave and risk to never see her again.
"It's OK, Chris I'm fine. We would find a way to make it up for nearly knocking me down earlier. Go get them, we could meet another time. I'm new in town but I'm here for some time, let's catch up later!"
Chris chuckled, mumbled a cocky "sure!" through an enormous grin, dared to throw a wink at her before turning heels and walked out of the bar.
"I hope you lose!" She shouted at him as he reluctantly started to jog towards his mates.
"Thank you...?" Chris turned to face her again, walking backward, wearing an astonished expression. That was not the kind of support he expected.
"I may not know much about you, but I figured seeing you walk up the streets butt naked could be fun!"
Chris couldn't help the large grin taped on his face to turn into a big smile, that charismatic pant-dropping smile that had been MIA for years was finally back.
As he jogged back to his drunken brothers, in absolute no hurry, a light in heart, he felt like that stupid smile wouldn't leave his face for quite a while.
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arborlabnz · 3 years
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Tree Assessment Auckland
Tree assessment Auckland is something that quite a few people think about when faced with the need to make the yard a little safer. It is also considered when looking to change the looks of that yard whether safety is a concern or not. A diseased or dying one will need some attention as will one that has been damaged so it no longer looks healthy. The right works arborist Auckland to come in and perform this task must be knowledgeable about what they are doing. They will need to have all of the equipment necessary to take these, sometime, eco systems down. Thought should be made about whether it is appropriate to do this or to trim them to present a less dangerous profile.
Many home insurance companies will assist in paying for this procedure if this is a definite danger should it fall in a strong wind or become uprooted during a flood. They will want to do this as it would be much more expensive if the unthinkable happens and it does fall, doing great damage to the home. When thinking about this Works Arborist Auckland, one should be thinking about where this should be brought down. The limbs will usually be taken off, first, however, the rest of it needs to be safely lowered. The large cherry picker type machines can be brought in to take care of the limbs. The cutting of the trunk into the several sections that can then be lowered with a controlled crane action is also important for the close quarters that may be present.
Assessing a tree also requires electric saws, stump grinder, and other specialized machines. For all intents and purposes, assessing a tree is a very technical process that requires careful planning and special skills. So it is not suggested that you do the job yourself. This is why working with a credible tree assessment company is very important. First, make sure that it is registered and has a valid license to do business in your area.
Second, they should hold professional liability insurance. This is to make sure that in case damage is incurred during the tree felling, the company will be able to pay for the loss. Last, make sure the company you're hiring has the experience and expertise required for completing the job. If you're looking to assess unwanted trees from your property then here's some great ideas that could save you time, money and grief. Bigger trees can get in the way, especially their root systems or even worse, become diseased and then become dangerous. If it falls on people or property, disaster can result and will need tree assessment Auckland, so the following safety measures must be used like wear personal protective equipment i.e. gloves, long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, safety boots, hard hat and eye protection.
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a1junkremovaltucson · 3 years
Best Stump/Bush Removal Service And Cost In Tucson Arizona | A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson more information is at:https://a1junkremovaloftucson.com/stump-bush-removal-service-near-me/
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: Are you looking for the Best Stump/Bush Removal Service near Tucson Arizona ? A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson, are experts in stump removal the most efficient and non-invasive method for completely removing tree stumps and roots  and we’ve set the industry standard for how to best remove trees. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Stump/Bush Removal Service around Tucson Arizona. We serve Tucson Arizona and other areas.
Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
Stump Removal In Tucson Arizona
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: After you’ve removed a dead tree from your property, you’re often left with an unsightly stump that can pose environmental health hazards, endanger public safety and cause property damage. At A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson, we offer hassle-free, affordable and fast stump removal utilizing highly-trained and certified crews and specialists equipped to safely and effectively remove trees and leftover stumps.
Safely Remove Stumps
The team at A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson are experts in stump grinding the most efficient and non-invasive method for completely removing tree stumps and roots  and we’ve set the industry standard for how to best remove trees. Working closely with two leading organizations in the industry, the Tree Care Industry (TCIA) and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), we’ve established best practices for quick tree removal and safety protocols.
When removing your unwanted trees or stumps, we utilize the latest and most modern equipment and technology available for rigging and extracting. No stump is too big or too small for our team of tree removal specialists. Plus, our safe and effective land clearing tactics and site cleanups ensure minimal to zero impact on the environment or surrounding property.
Stump Grinding Services in Tucson Arizona
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: Once your old tree has been removed from the property, the remaining tree stump can remain as a decorative feature. However, it’s best to remove old stumps because they’re often unsightly, a dangerous trip hazard and attract pests like termites and ants. Using state-of-the-art machinery, A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson will grind your undesired stumps and roots 6” to 12” beneath grade. Depending on the size of the stump, the process will only take half an hour to two hours to complete.
Despite the name, stump grinding actually uses equipment with specially-designed carbide teeth attached to a cutter wheel that moves back and forth, cutting the stump into smaller chips. The leftover debris can then be recycled and used to either fill in the stump’s hole, be used as decorative mulch or be removed from the site. After stump removal, you can then transform the space to grow fresh grass, install an attractive flower bed or plant a new tree.
Why Trust A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson With Your Stump Removal
Even if you’re a competent home handyman, stump removal is a task best left to professionals. The crew at A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson has over 40 years of experience and ongoing training focused on how to effectively and quickly grind leftover stumps. The benefits of hiring a professional also include:
Safety Guidelines and Licensed, Insured Professionals Better, Well-Maintained Equipment Proper Site Preparation Better Protective Gear Overall Cost Savings Affordable Tree Stump Removal in Tucson Arizona
Keep your Tucson property safe and looking pristine by having one of our certified specialists remove your unwanted stump. A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson specializes in professional tree trimming, tree cutting, tree removal and stump grinding services throughout Tucson Arizona. With over 40 years of landscaping experience, we guarantee services that are safe, efficient and affordable and matched with a superior customer experience.
Reasons to Remove a Stump
After going through the trouble to have a tree removed, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to leave the stump sitting there. A few of the top reasons to remove stumps from your yard include:
They are Eyesores – No one likes gazing out into the yard and seeing old stumps dotting the landscape. They look even worse when weeds and other plants start growing on them, which inevitably happens over time. They Take Up Valuable Space – Most people want the widest, clearest yards possible, and stumps really get in the way. They are Hazardous – Some stumps are obvious, but others get camouflaged by grass, weeds and other plants and become tripping hazards. Nothing is worse than stubbing your toe on an old tree stump. Assessing a Tree Stump
Some stumps are easier to remove than others and therefore different techniques can be applied. Being prepared ahead of time and knowing which techniques and methods to use for which type of job will make things much easier for you in the long run. For example, pine tree stumps tend to be easier to remove than stumps from deciduous trees. The roots of pine trees tend to be wide, flat and relatively shallow while deciduous tree stumps’ roots tend to be long and deep.
What makes a stump easier to remove? Generally, the age and size of the tree are the best indicators of stump removal difficulty. Simply put, the older a stump is, the easier it is to remove. Likewise, small stumps are also easier to remove than large ones. Another good thing to keep in mind before choosing a stump removal method is to consider the total number of stumps that need to be removed. Do you really want to remove 100 stumps by hand? Or even 3? This guide will help you decide which stump removal techniques and methods are appropriate for you.
Removing a Stump by Grinding it Away Yourself Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: If removing a stump manually won’t work and you’d like to get rid of your stump (or stumps) quickly, you can always rent a grinder and grind the stump away yourself. These heavy-duty machines weigh around 1,000 pounds, and you can expect to pay between $100 and $200 to rent one for a single day (see our guide to Stump Grinding Prices & Costs) . Therefore, it only makes financial sense to do the job yourself when there are several stumps to remove.
In addition to the grinder, you will need a shovel, a mattock, a chainsaw and a rake.
Use a shovel or mattock to clear rocks away from around the stump. Cut away as much of the stump as possible with a chainsaw. Try to get it as level to the ground as possible. Using the hydraulic lever, raise the grinder wheel a couple of inches above the stump. After turning it on, lower it about 3 inches into the stump. Move it side to side with the lever. After grinding down to about 4 inches with the grinder wheel, move it forward. Repeat the process until the entire stump is at least 4 inches below ground. Keep in mind that a stump grinder is a dangerous piece of equipment and that you should always wear protective gear. Be especially diligent about wearing protective goggles or glasses because wood chips and other debris will fly everywhere. If you’ve never used a stump grinder before, it’s also a good idea to have someone at the rental place teach you how to use the machine before bringing it home or having it delivered.
If you only have one or two stumps, a professional company will probably only charge around $100 to $200, so that might be the way to go under those circumstances. As an added bonus, many companies will haul away the stump too.
Method #1: How to Remove a Stump by Hand
People who set out to remove stumps by hand often go about it the wrong way. To do this successfully, it helps to be dealing with a relatively small tree stump. If it’s from an older or diseased tree, that helps a lot too.
To remove a stump yourself, it’s essential to have the right tools. You’ll need a chainsaw for limbing saw, a pick mattock, a shovel, a digging bar, an ax, a four-wheel-drive truck and some chains.
Follow these steps to remove a stump manually:
Use a chainsaw for limbing saws to remove any lower branches from the trunk. Remove the top portion of the trunk, but leave enough to use as leverage. Use a shovel, pick mattock and digging bar as needed to reveal the roots around the stump. Use a hose or power washer to rinse dirt away to reveal more roots. Cut the major roots with an ax. Try pushing the trunk. If more roots are exposed, cut them with the ax. Continue pushing and pulling the trunk until the tree trunk is entirely uprooted. If the trunk won’t budge, wrap the chain around it and connect it to a four-wheel-drive pickup truck. Alternate between slowly pulling forward and reversing to wiggle the trunk until it is uprooted. Method #2: Tree Stump Killer and Chemical Stump Removal
If manual labor isn’t for you, you could always try the chemical route. To remove a stump chemically, you’ll need a drill, a chainsaw, potassium nitrate, an ax and fuel oil or kerosene.
Here’s a summary on how to remove a stump with chemicals:
Cut off as much of the stump as possible with a chainsaw. Drill 1-inch holes around the perimeter of the stump. Move inward by about 3 or 4 inches and drill some more holes. Ideally, these holes should be between 8-12 inches deep depending on the size of the stump. Drill additional holes around the sides so they meet with the other holes to create 45-degree angles. Pour liberal amounts of potassium nitrate into the holes. Fill the holes with water. Wait four to six weeks or until the stump becomes very spongy. Use an ax to break up the spongy stump. Optional: Saturate the stump with fuel oil or kerosene and allow it to sit for another week or so. Optional: Ignite the stump and let it burn and smolder until it is completely gone. Method #3: Burn a Tree Stump
Let’s say you’ve chopped down a tree on your property and cleaned up all of the pieces except for that unsightly stump. Instead of trying methods that will either break your wallet or potentially break your back, you could also try removing the stump by burning it.
Summary of Stump-Burning Directions Drill a hole into the center of the stump about eight to 10 inches deep. Clean all of the debris out of the hole. Continue drilling holes, leaving about one inch between each hole. Scoop potassium nitrate into each hole. Pour hot water into each hole. Continue pouring water into the holes until the potassium nitrate has dissolved. Place the scrap wood on top of the stump. Light the scrap wood and wait for the stump to ignite. Use your shovel to break up any large roots or stump pieces that are left over. Bring in soil to fill the hole as needed. Method #4: Rot a Tree Stump
Very much the same as burning a tree stump, you can also remove a stump by rotting it and then filling in the hole after the process is complete.
Summary of Directions on How to Rot a Stump Drill holes into the stump 8 to 10 inches deep. Fill the holes full of your high-nitrogen substance. Pour water into each hole. Chip off pieces as the stump gradually softens. Fill the hole with dirt as needed. Disposing of Old Tree Stumps
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: It may not be easy to dispose of an especially large tree stump. The city may not pick it up along with the rest of your yard waste. Contact your city to find out whether it will be picked up or not. If not, ask if there are any additional options. In some places, local recycling centers will take large tree stumps.
If you have several tree stumps to dispose of, it may be worth it to rent a wood chipper and then use the wood chips for various projects around the yard. If it’s allowed in your area, you may also be able to burn your old tree stumps. If you do this, be sure to cover them with scrap wood first. If the stumps are especially large, it may take a long time for them to burn completely away.
Many companies will haul away old tree stumps for an additional fee or include it in the cost of the service, so make sure to ask before you hire a stump removal company.
How to Use the Space
After removing a tree stump, fill in the hole with topsoil, spread grass seed over the top, and then cover it with mulch hay. Water it well and monitor its progress. After grass has covered the spot, you can use it however you see fit. Even if you choose to just keep the spot grassy and clear, you will love how much better your yard looks.
If you’re going to remove one stump from your yard, you might as well remove all of them. You can do the job yourself, but you should weigh the time, cost and effort that are involved carefully before doing so. There’s a good chance that you’ll have to buy or rent tools to get the job done, so it may ultimately be best to let the professionals do it instead.
Whenever a tree turns into a hazard to your surroundings, call A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson immediately. We specialize in tree removal. We work as safely as possible. We even grind stumps and haul away the debris.
Professional Tree & Stump Removal Services
Stump grinding Reseeding Bucket service Removal and restoration Cleanup for Your Property After Storm Damage
Safety should be your number one priority when your property is affected by a major storm. Downed trees can bring down power lines, cause property damage, or even worse, trap you inside your home.
Allow the professionals at A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson to evaluate the damage to your property and safely remove any debris, restoring your home to its pre-storm condition. Emergency services are available round the clock.
Excellent Storm Damage Assistance Debris clearing Fallen tree removal Limb removal Preventative tree trimming
Get Rid of Unsightly Trees on Your Property
When a tree falls on your home or vehicle and it is blocking your path, or if you’ve found yourself in an otherwise hazardous situation following a storm, you can contact us round the clock for prompt removal.
Tree Stump Removal Process
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: Tree Stump Grinding Tree stump removal is a process where the stump is removed either using hand tools or mechanical machinery such as a stump grinder to grind out the tree stump.
A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson are experts at removing tree stumps and do so on a daily basis. Our extensive experience with stump grinding makes us a clear cut choice when it comes to stump removal.
Our tree surgeons are readily available whenever you need a stump removal service, we can be at your property in the click of a button! We have all the right tools and equipment to carry out stump removal procedures.
Our up to date equipment allows the grinding and removal of tree stumps with the minimum of ground disturbance. We tackle any size of stump, from just a few inches up to the largest stump imaginable. Where access is a problem, we have smaller machines to deal with this. We grind the tree stumps and buttress roots to around 300-mm below ground level which allows replanting or ground preparation for just about any purpose.
After the Stump is removed we will fill the resulting hole with the stump grind chippings. We can also take away the stump grind chippings and replace it with a composition of your choosing.
We guarantee you 100% satisfaction and the safe removal of your tree stumps with minimal disruption to your surroundings.
TIPS Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: Some stumps are easier to remove than others and therefore different techniques can be applied. Being prepared ahead of time and knowing which techniques and methods to use for which type of job will make things much easier for you in the long run. For example, pine tree stumps tend to be easier to remove than stumps from deciduous trees. The roots of pine trees tend to be wide, flat and relatively shallow while deciduous tree stumps’ roots tend to be long and deep.
What makes a stump easier to remove? Generally, the age and size of the tree are the best indicators of stump removal difficulty. Simply put, the older a stump is, the easier it is to remove. Likewise, small stumps are also easier to remove than large ones. Another good thing to keep in mind before choosing a stump removal method is to consider the total number of stumps that need to be removed.
Have you got a pesky stump on your property that needs to be removed? If you’re interested in DIY stump grinding, know that grinding a tree stump yourself is doable – but only if you know how to do it correctly. Otherwise, you may end up wasting a lot of time and money.
Stump grinding can be a complicated process (depending on the size and type of tree stump you’re removing), so it’s important to know how to do it right before starting.
Here are some of our best tips for Stump Removal:
Use the right grinder You need to use the right stump grinder if you want to grind your stump safely and quickly.
Grinders come in different sizes and with various features, so you need to make sure you have the right stump grinder for the job.
Most homeowners rent a stump grinder for DIY stump grinding, so this can be an option if you don’t own a stump grinder. If you do rent one, see to it that it offers the size and specifications you need for your tree stump. Bigger and tougher trees often require larger stump grinders that have more size and power.
Prepare your worksite Stump grinding can take a lot of time and work, so you want to make sure your tree stump and worksite are ready before starting.
First, section off your worksite and create a clear boundary or barrier around it. This will help prevent your family or pets from walking in while you’re working and using the machine.
Next, prepare your tree stump for grinding by removing all stones, rocks and hard debris around it. Stones and rocks can damage the blades of your grinder, so you want to remove as much of these hard objects as possible before grinding your stump.
Have the right tools ready A stump grinder is just one of the many tools you will use in DIY stump grinding. Some of the other tools you need include:
Shovel Chainsaw Rake Hose Have these tools ready and within easy reach so you can work quickly and efficiently.
Don’t forget to use safety equipment Stump grinding involves tree particles and debris flying out in all directions (not to mention the use of heavy tools and machines), so it’s important to protect yourself properly when working.
Some of the safety equipment you should use include:
Full-length shirt Full-length pants Safety goggles Safety ear muffs Dust masks Work gloves Take your time Yes, some DIY stump grinding projects can be completed quickly. But that doesn’t mean you should rush the job.
You should always take your time when stump grinding – not just for your own safety, but also to avoid making mistakes that could waste your time later.
For example, you’ll often need to adjust your grinder multiple times throughout the process, depending on the shape and level of your tree stump. You’ll also likely need to make several passes over your tree stump to grind it down at the right level.
It may sound counterintuitive, but the fastest way to complete your DIY stump grinding is to do it slowly and take your time.
COST How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Tree Stump?
Typical Range: $164 – $493
Tree Stump Removal Cost
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: It will cost between $164 and $493 with a national average of $316 to remove a stump. Costs vary from $2 to $5 per diameter with a minimum cost around $100. Prices fluctuate with size, accessibility and your location. Stump removal is usually best left to professionals due to buried utilities and the potential for property damage.
Average cost to remove a tree stump is $2 to $5 per diameter inch.
Tree stumps can be unsightly and even dangerous. Removal should be a priority for homeowners. This guide provides information on the importance of stump, small trunk and root removal. It will also recap the various costs associated with the process, how grinding works, and the several factors that can increase or decrease the total expense.
Tree Stump Removal Cost Calculator
National Average $316 Typical Range $164 – $493 Low End – High End $80 – $1,000 Average Removal Prices per Stump or Inch
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: Professionals price removal both per stump and by the diameter in inches. Removal usually takes about an hour and most companies charge a minimum around $100. You’ll spend about $2 to $5 per diameter. Per stump charges range anywhere from $60 to $350 or more depending on location and size. Always measure at the widest point at ground (grade) level.
Average prices fluctuate based on accessibility, age and overall project time. Multiple stumps usually get a price break with the initial one costing between $100 and $150 and each additional one running about $50 each.
Stump Grinding Rates
On average, professional stump grinding costs about $200. The most popular and effective removal method is to have professionals come in and use a commercial grinder. It costs about $3 per diameter inch in most cases. Clearing large areas or multiple stumps will run about $150 an hour.
The actual process of grinding when equipped with a commercial grinder can be a very short task, usually about 1 to 2 hours. However, the speed of the job depends on the expertise of the user and the quality of the machine.
Stump Grinding Cost Factors
There are multiple factors that affect the price of grinding including size, time, and quantity.
How Grinding Works
Equipped with large spinning blades at the front, these machines quickly reduce even hardwood to sawdust. They slowly grind back and forth to create mulch and sawdust. They grind below the ground to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. The blades also work away at the roots in the ground, clearing the area for a garden or lawn.
Cost Estimates for Removing Without a Grinder
Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona: While hiring a professional with a commercial grinder, it also tends to be the most expensive. There are alternatives, and these include using a chemical solution, burning or digging it out. Some professionals will dig out small ones by hand, but larger ones have roots that are too large to make this a viable option.
Burning a tree stump costs $6 to $100. Those costs come from power drill rental and purchasing potassium nitrate such as Spectracide Stump Remover Granules. Homeowners who want to save money and skip the professional option can choose to create a wood fire and burn away the wood. Be sure to check with your fire department and follow all safety precautions before burning.
Chemical Rotting
Chemical solutions require the least amount of labor, but the potassium nitrate can take weeks to soften the wood before making it easy enough to remove. Prices for rotting are identical to burning at $6 to $100 – requiring potassium nitrate and a drill.
Manual Removal
Digging out a stump costs $50 to $350 and requires digging and cutting through the tap root and any other roots until it is loose. Costs come from landscaping tools like shovels and axes on top of average labor costs of $38 per hour.
Cost Factors
The biggest factor that will influence the project budget is whether homeowners hire a professional to tackle the job or try to do it themselves. While the average price of professional services is similar across the country, size, location, tree type, root systems, and clean up all affect cost.
Small Shrubs vs. Large Stumps
Size matters. Since most removal services charge between $2 and $5 per diameter inch, the larger the stump the higher the price. Larger ones usually have more complex root systems. Removal services may charge between $100 to $200 per hour for root removal.
Geographic Location
Location affects pricing in two ways: market costs and travel time. Most professional services work for a minimum amount, usually $100 within their service area. If you live outside the service area, expect additional travel expenses of at least the federal travel rate of $0.55 per mile.
The market you live in will also affect pricing. Expect to pay more in large urban centers where accessibility, permitting, insurance and overhead drives up professional fees. Rural areas tend to be cheaper, though most still have a minimum of $100 per job.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Can A Tree Be Removed Without Leaving A Stump?
Tree-removers can’t cut a tree down flush with the ground, so there will always be a stump.
What are a couple of the most popular methods of tree stump removal?
Stumps can be eliminated by using chemicals, extracting, burning or grinding so as to remove them.
What tree stump removal method does the job the most efficiently?
There is no one solution that is more effective in comparison to any one of the others. Rather, the appropriate solution will depend on the overall size of the tree stump, its root system, and several many other elements.
What does tree stump grinding cost?
Stump grinding can either be priced by the hour or by the tree stump. A per hour price should usually cost about $120-150, whereas a ‘per stump’ price is harder to determine.
How much time does it take to remove a tree stump?
The length of time it takes to take out a stump will depend on the solution chosen by the tree surgeon. Making use of a mechanical tree stump grinder or a mechanical tree stump remover may be completed in half a day whereas burning or using enzyme treatments can take substantially even longer.
What is the most efficient solution of tree stump removal?
The ideal solution is to pull out the tree stump by working it loose from the ground and then utilizing a cable or pulley to forcefully hoist it from its root systems. This procedure necessitates heavy machines and is definitely not a DIY job.
Are the staff insured?
Stump grinding can be hazardous in some circumstances, and that is why it is so vital to locate a service provider with both the practical knowledge and experience to complete the job efficiently. It is also vital to mitigate any type of conceivable risk. Every one of the tree stump grinding companies in our network enlists the services of tree surgeons who are completely insured & licensed.
Can’t I simply burn a tree stump out?
Many homeowners make the oversight of assuming they can easily use petrol or paraffin to burn a tree stump out. Although this specific technique may and sometimes will do the job, it may be dangerous for people that are inexperienced. What is more, in many cases, the tree stump doesn’t completely burn out, which then leaves behind an unattractive growth.
Should the tree roots be removed, also?
Root removal isn’t typically included in a stump removal service, and in most cases, it isn’t required. Once a tree stump has been correctly removed, the tree roots should not keep on growing and should pose no concerns to your home’s structure or garden.
Am I able to perform the tree stump removal on my own?
Some residential property owners assume that it should be alright to take out a tree stump by securing a rope or strap to it and then trying to pull it out using a truck or van, or by trying to burn it to where what’s left of the tree stump could be removed using a chopping axe. That being said, none of these particular methods are advised, as significant damages to your house can be caused.
Is it going to cost a lot to get the tree stumps cleared away on my house?
Stumps that are faster and simpler to take out will cost less than those tree stumps that are much bigger and much more deeply rooted. When talking to the tree stump removal service providers, they should give you a quotation, that will include full clearing of any tree stumps that may be present in the garden that have become a hazard and you would like them removed.
How much does it cost to have trees Stump removed?
Every property is uniquely different, therefore we are not able to provide general estimates, but we are available to schedule free estimates over the phone or by electronic form.
How long do tree Stump removal/thinning services usually take?
It depends on the amount of work that needs to be completed at the job site. A single tree, depending on size, can take anywhere between 1-4 hours to remove.
What should I expect when you arrive at my property?
Professional services provided by qualified tree technicians. We provide our customers with a detailed explanation of services to be performed upon arrival and ensure that clean-up is done before we leave the premises. We treat your home as though it were our very own.
How can I determine if I need to have a tree Stump removed?
These are some of the visible signs that a tree may need to be removed:
Signs of decay on trunk or branches If the tree has a history of falling branches Signs of fungi attached to the trunk or branches Signs of termite activity Cracks or splits in the trunk or branches
CALL FOR US: Stump/Bush Removal Service Near Tucson Arizona How To Remove Shrub Stumps Bush Stump Removal Tools Bush Stump Removal Price Stump Removal Methods Tree Stump Removal Cost Remove Rose Bush Stump Stump Removal Services Tree And Bush Removal Prices Bush Stump Removal Cost Near Tucson Arizona Bush Stump Removal Tree Stump Removal Cost Tree Stump Removal Services Remove Rose Bush Stump Tree And Bush Removal Stump Removal Stump Services Some Results Have Been Removed Near Tucson Arizona
CONTACT DETAILS A1 Junk Removal Of Tucson Tucson`s Favorite Junk Removal Company! Call Us : (520) 353-3421 Location : Tucson Arizona Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm Websites : https://a1junkremovaloftucson.com/
SERVICE AREA Cities and Towns Near Tucson Arizona: Tucson, AZ metro: Cortaro | Marana | Sahuarita | Oracle | Vail | Green Valley |Drexel Heights | AZ Flowing Wells | AZ Casas Adobes | AZ Catalina Foothills | AZ |Oro Valley | AZ Marana | AZ Green Valley | AZ Eloy | AZ Coolidge | AZ Florence | AZ Casa Grande | AZ Nogales |AZ Nogales | Mexico Sierra Vista | AZ Ajo | Arivaca | Casas Adobes | Catalina | Flowing Wells | Green Valley |Oro Valley |Marana | Sahuarita |Tanque Verde and Vail. ZIP CODES: 85629, 85641, 85701, 85704, 85705, 85706, 85707, 85708, 85710, 85711, 85712, 85713, 85714, 85715, 85716, 85718, 85719, 85723, 85724, 85726, 85730, 85741, 85743, 85745, 85746, 85747, 85748, 85749, 85756.
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Best Yard Waste Collection Service and Cost in Wichita KS |Wichita Household Services more information is at : https://wichitahouseholdservices.com/yard-waste-collection-service-and-cost-near-me/
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Service near Wichita KS? Wichita Household Services, is collected from the curb once a week on your scheduled collection day provided the materials meet preparation requirements. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Yard Waste Collection Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Yard Waste
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: Yard waste is collected from the curb once a week on your scheduled collection day provided the materials meet preparation requirements. Yard waste is made into mulch and compost for reuse. Please Note: Yard waste generated from work by a contractor is NOT eligible for curbside collection. Contractors must remove the yard waste from your home after work is completed.
How to Prepare Yard Waste for Collection:
● Refer to your particular type of yard waste below for proper preparation. ● Place yard waste at the curb by 6:00 am on your scheduled collection day. ● Place yard waste within six feet of the curb and at least three feet away from other collection items (including other yard waste) and obstacles such as mailboxes, phone poles and vehicles, etc. Do not block the sidewalk. ● Please place yard waste at the curb no sooner than the day before collection. A minimum $150 citation may be issued if you place yard waste at the curb sooner than the day before collection. ● Please do not blow yard waste into the street.
Note: Residents using their personal containers for yard waste collection should use uncovered containers less than 32 gallons. Solid Waste Services recommends the use of paper bags for grass clippings, leaves and weeds for collection preparation. Paper bags can be purchased from some local retailers.
What is Considered Yard Waste?
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: Waste Management offers simple ways to get rid of yard waste, diverting it from landfills and turning it into compost or mulch. Yard waste includes:
● Grass clippings ● Leaves ● Tree limbs ● Brush ● Live holiday trees ● Pruning from trees and bushes ● Plants, cut flowers and potting soil
In addition, the below items can be added to your yard waste and disposed of sustainably:
● Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags ● Paper products such as napkins and paper towels (only accepted in select areas)
Brush should be no longer than five feet in length and four inches in diameter. Separate brush into piles that are no longer than five feet long and three feet high. There should be two feet in between each pile.
Grass clippings
● Grass clippings must be placed in un-tied plastic bags or paper for collection or placed in uncovered containers less than 32 gallons. ● Containers or plastic/paper bags should not weigh more than 75 pounds each. ● Grass clippings can be mixed with other yard waste such as leaves and trimmings.
Leaves must be placed in un-tied plastic or paper bags for collection or placed in uncovered trash cans. Do not put any other trash in the same container.
● Limbs must be no longer than five feet in length and no larger than four inches in diameter. ● Limbs should be separated in piles that are no longer than five feet long and three feet high. There should be two feet in between each pile. ● Limbs should not be tied. ● Limbs may be placed in containers for collection.
● Logs must be under four inches in diameter ● Tree stumps will not be collected.
Prefer to Use Grass Clippings for Mulch?
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: Leaving grass clipping on the lawn after mowing ensures that nutrients will be returned to the soil. Grass clippings are 20-30% protein and usually contain about 4% nitrogen, 2% potassium and 0.5% phosphorus as well as all the necessary trace elements plants need.
When leaving clippings on the lawn, adjust your lawn mower to remove no more than one third of the grass leaf surface at any one mowing. Any mower can be used, but one that mulches as it cuts is best. Use a slow-release fertilizer, water when necessary, and mow the grass at the proper height.
Business Yard Waste Pickup
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: It’s quite possible a customer’s first impression of your business is informed by the landscaping around your building. We have cost-effective, sustainable and efficient solutions to help you manage the waste generated from keeping that landscaping beautiful.
● Restaurants ● Retail ● Municipalities ● Manufacturing & Industrial ● Education ● Federal ● Healthcare
How You Can Help
● Yard waste is bagged leaves, grass clippings, weeds, bulbs, twigs, pine cones and uprooted plants. Bundles of branches and limbs should be tied into four-foot lengths. ● Once-a-week trash/recycling customers should put bagged and bundled yard waste where your trash is collected at the same time the trash container is placed. ● Twice-a-week trash/recycling customers should put their yard waste out with the trash on their second collection day.
Yard Waste Removal Costs
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: Waste removal costs $50 to $500 or more. It takes a little more time and preparation than trash and junk removal because it involves anything from dangerous fluorescent bulbs to old latex paint and other harmful chemicals.
The price of waste removal will vary greatly, depending on which of the following categories it falls into:
● Electronic: $10-$100. Includes anything electronic from computers to your old TV. ● Garbage & Solid: $100-$350. Trash, garbage and household clutter generally fall here. ● Hazardous: $50-$500. The professional removal of old latex paint, mercury or other chemicals will take careful preparation and specialty equipment. ● Universal: this subset of hazardous waste varies in price but includes common items like batteries and fluorescent light bulbs. Some items vary by state but your landfill attendants or waste removal pros will know what counts. ● Composting: $70-$125. Anything organic, including yard and food waste.
Electronic Waste
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: You’ll spend anywhere from $10 to $100 or more for electronic waste. Fees vary pretty steeply depending on both where you live and what you’re tossing out. Many electronic components get recycled while others have materials harmful to the ground.
● TV: $10-100 ● Computer: $15-$90
The low end of the range represents what it’ll run you to dump it yourself at the local landfill.
Monthly Cost of Trash Pickup & Residential Garbage Collection
Yard Waste Collection Service near Wichita KS: You’ll pay $25 to $100 per month for residential trash and garbage collection services. You can get anywhere from a 20-gallon container up to a 96-gallon bin. Usually this fee comes as part of a larger utility bill that also includes water and sewage.
You may also have to pay a onetime setup fee of $30 to $50 when opting for a private company. Usually, making a trip to the dump to get rid of yard waste, appliances and smaller garbage loads is no big deal. But sometimes you need help with the bigger stuff.
Hazardous Waste Removal Cost
Hazardous waste removal runs anywhere from $50 to $500. Most junk removal services don’t take chemicals or hazardous products. You need to call your local garbage or waste collection company to address these.
Refrigerant or Freon removal and disposal: $50-$150. Freon and refrigerants both require special disposal. Some states require licensing to dispose of it properly.
Latex paint: $5-$10 per gallon. Don’t just toss it in the garbage. You can take it to the landfill yourself where they’ll have a special area specifically for chemicals and paints.
Fluorescent light bulbs: $0.10 to $0.50 per foot. They contain mercury, a hazardous waste. If you decide to upgrade your home to CFL and LED lighting, have a professional dispose of the old bulbs. Don’t throw them out with your trash.
Cost to Dump at a Landfill
If you have the time and a way to haul it, you can dump your own trash, furniture and hazardous waste at your local landfill for $20 to $50 per ton. In some locations, your local utility bill includes dumping free of charge.
What is automated garbage and yard waste collection?
Automated collection is a system where garbage and yard trimmings containers are emptied using a mechanical arm on a garbage truck, instead of lifting and emptying containers by hand.
How does it work?
Residents that currently receive curbside collection will be supplied with specially designed wheeled containers, one for garbage and one for yard trimmings. Residents choose the size of container they need for their garbage as well as their yard trimmings. On collection day, residents wheel their containers to their usual collection location in the lane or street. The City then empties the containers using trucks equipped with mechanical arms.
What are the benefits of automated garbage and yard waste collection?
● Service Improvement New wheeled containers are very durable and easy to handle. Container weight limits will not be in place. Selection of container sizes can be made based on needs. ● Cost Efficient Mechanized collection system will reduce workers’ sick or injury time and costs. ● Environmental benefits Fully  enclosed  containers  will  result  in  less  litter  in  streets  and  lanes.  It will encourage waste reduction and higher waste diversion level.
When should I place my garbage and recycling boxes at the curb for collection?
Place your garbage at the curb after 7 p.m. the night before or prior to 7 a.m. on the day of your regular collection day.
Is there a limit to the amount of garbage I can place at the curb?
Yes, as of April 1, 2019, household garbage will be limited to 6 bags or 3 containers of garbage per residence. This limit applies to all residences with 6 units or less. Therefore if you live in a 6 plex each residence would be permitted to place out 6 bags each for a total of 36 bags. Multi-Residential Complexes, so those buildings with 7 or more units, are limited to two bags per unit. Therefore a 10 unit apartment would only be permitted to place out 20 bags of garbage to the road in the appropriate containers. Bags and containers must conform to weight and size limitations,
Can I place home furnishings (like a couch) to the curb on my regular collection day?
No, as of April 1, 2019, the City no longer provides a large item/bulky waste collection. For more information on large item collection and a list of contractors
● Yard Waste Pickup Schedule Near Wichita KS ● Free Yard Waste Disposal ● Waste Management ● Columbus Yard Waste Pickup Calendar ● Waste Management Yard Waste Pickup Schedule ● Where Can I Dump Yard Waste ● Garbage Pickup Wichita KS ● Waste Management Yard Waste Schedule ● Waste Management ● Waste Management Pickup Schedule ● Waste Management Phone Number ● Waste Management Yard Waste ● Garbage Waste Management ● Waste Management Rules ● Waste Management ● Waste Management Set Up Service Wichita KS
BEST YARD WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE IN WICHITA KS WICHITA HOUSEHOLD SERVICES REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US NOW! CONTACT US: Wichita Household Services We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (316) 448-3558 SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaning
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gibbstreeservice · 4 years
Importance of tree stump grinding After the Tree removal
It can be really annoying to have the tree stump on your property. It can be dangerous too, especially when you have children in your house. The stump is basically the remaining lower portion of the dead tree, which the tree removal team will leave behind. If you are serious about tree care, then removing the unsightly stump should be on your priority list when it comes to yard maintenance. Yoru yard will look unclean just because a stump is jutting out. People visiting your house may feel that you neglect the maintenance of the property.
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Avoiding accidents
Children always love to run about in the garden and play. But the stump can be a real danger for these kids. Just think what will happen if the kid stumbles on the stump and falls on the projected wooden piece? The injuries can be severe. You should always hire a professional tree stump grinding service immediately after removing the uprooted tree. It will also prevent hurting any other inside your premises. If the accident happens to some of your guests, then you will be liable to pay the compensation too.
Prevent sprouting
The stump still has the root system attached to it. The live roots can continue absorbing water and minerals from the soil. Soon, sprouts will begin to appear, and the tree will start to regrow. If you have already paid once for the removal, then a second investment must not be on your agenda. The tree service personnel can also help you with Drone retrieval. It is essential when your expensive drone is stuck on the topmost branches of the tree. As you have no experience in climbing the tall trees, it is better to call the professionals. 
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darkness-and-shadow · 5 years
Walkway Concrete Mix: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Not Retaining to some Servicing Program: Starting a servicing timetable is a must. Asphalt and concrete need to get resealed every few years that will help reduce cracking.
Repeat damage can be the results of an poor drainage style. When the land on other side will not be thoroughly graded, h2o collects in a few places. In that scenario, you need to ascertain The ultimate way to drain it. Eliminating standing h2o costs most homeowners around $3,000.
The cement patch or cement resurfacing will only previous right up until the ground frost raises the concrete sidewalk slabs. The walkway patch within the sidewalk joint will then delaminate and pop off. This generally leaves the assets proprietor continuously patching her or his sidewalk on a annually foundation. This applies to all outdoor concrete together with driveway repairs.
Purposeful and aesthetic components enhance the longevity and functionality of your respective Belgard merchandise.
This stamped concrete walkway was colored with dusty rose and terra cotta. See far more images from this contractor >>
Reply godwin June 20, 2009 at 11:fifty seven am my house is about 7 a long time aged and now You will find a huge gap underneath my generate way this came as a result of my house settling down simply because my house was Construct on a basement slab and now rain has proceed to wash the Dust which was use to fill the driveway.the opening is so major that from one stop you could see thru another finish.how do i deal with this mess
This flattens and stages the slab. This action isn’t needed Should the concrete is in great ailment. If it’s not, complete mudjacking right after electricity or force washing.
After the cleaner has long been applied, a large force nozzle is attached towards the washer and the floor is carefully cleaned. You should definitely clean up out the cracks out as well, removing any dirt or free concrete Hence the patching substance will adhere into the concrete.
ArmorTrak might be utilized by roller, brush or spray. ArmorTrak may give a relatively clean or tough surface, according to application approach. Another advantage to employing ArmorTrak is that it's ready for foot site visitors in 6 to twelve hours immediately after coating which makes it a superb preference where by time is a difficulty.
“Bendyform is usually a Instrument, not a formwork program,” claims Techtonic vice president Bob Stuff. “By that, I suggest which the concrete contractor doesn’t need to change the way he sets his forms.
Boosting the sidewalk can be an intricate system that could differ based on the nature of the problem. In the event the problems was because of a tree root, one example is, then part of the method may well have to have tree or tree stump uprooting to forestall a upcoming recurrence.
For a listing of measurements and measurements, please scroll all the way down to the description space to find the sizing chart
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I questioned them concerning whether they need to breakup the sidewalk they usually stated, not needed. Now I've a big crack from the patio which follows the road from the sidewalk. Is there nearly anything I can perform apart from start out around?
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lilriggy-blog · 5 years
15 Secretly Funny People Working In Concrete Walkway Pavers
ArmorTrak is an incredibly long lasting flexible urethane coating. ArmorTrak is slip-resistant, water resistant and UV tolerant. ArmorTrak is ideal for walkways and sidewalks the place Intense disorders and temperature fluctuations exist.
Produce path and walkways out for your garden quickly and without any sweat using this type of Concrete Molds! Help save time and Electricity but also acquiring pleasurable simply because this will allow you to finish the job quick. Make your yard walkways glimpse attractive and chic with this particular mold.
Also, I would want to resurface our patio utilizing the course of action earlier mentioned, (make for just a cleaner appear) am i able to just go around the lines that were originally/deliberately made in the patio? How need to I deal with?
House and degree in the other sort sides using a homemade gauge board—only a 1x4 that’s a few inches longer than the width in the sidewalk. Screw limited blocks on to the bottom spaced the exact same width as the sidewalk.
Get this appear employing an old granite seamless cleft stone texturing pores and skin, from Proline Applications, Brickform's coloration hardener in pecos, and Brickform's release agent in walnut.
Your concrete columns are virtually the pillars of one's developing – which is why In regards to restoration, they ought to headline your priority list.
Just like another form of walkway, cement walkways have their positives and negatives. By weighing these advantages and drawbacks related to cement walkways, homeowners can easily make a decision if a cement walkway is true for them.
Homeowners who need to hold costs down should really maintain these things in mind. By cutting back again on the look of your venture, homeowners might be able to find a cement walkway that matches into their budget they however could be satisfied with.
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Bendyform merely permits the contractor to established forms just and promptly with tight radiuses or even more Mild curves.”
With Octaform, you obtain years’ really worth of concrete restoration know-how and working experience to include the demanded energy and structural integrity to the constructing.
Boosting the sidewalk is an intricate system that may differ with regards to the character of the condition. If the damage was due to a tree root, such as, then Element of the method might have to have tree or tree stump uprooting to forestall a foreseeable future recurrence.
Homeowners pay a visit to HomeAdvisor.com to find a top rated-rated Professional to finish their home advancement project or repair.
I questioned them regarding whether they need to breakup the sidewalk plus they reported, not needed. Now I have an enormous crack during the patio which follows the line of your sidewalk. Is there something I can do other than start above?
Get in touch with neighborhood suppliers to learn about pricing for gravel and prepared-combine concrete (The type shipped by a concrete truck). For an exceedingly modest walkway, you might consider shopping for dry concrete blend through the bag and mixing it in a very rented concrete mixer, but at sixty regular luggage for every cubic property, the quantity of luggage swiftly provides up.
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