#Theodred son of Eomer
dalleyan · 9 months
Elfwine Chronicles (new LoTR stories, Chronicles 090-097 posted, 8-16-23)
Eomer encounters a ghost from his past one sleepy day at Meduseld.  (Grief, Family, Comfort)
In Dreams  -  (Feb, 27 IV)
Eomer opened his eyes and glanced around, then frowned in puzzlement.  This place was familiar…Isen?  The Fords of Isen?  How could he be there when only a moment ago he had been in the nursery at Meduseld with.…  He looked down and found his youngest son fast asleep in his arms, as he had expected.
So how did he come to be gazing upon the Fords of Isen, more than a day’s ride from home and no horse in evidence?
A sound to his right caught his attention and, realizing he had no sword, no armor and no guard with him, he immediately went on the alert.  Rising quickly, he snugged his son protectively close, ready to defend him at any cost.
A man…appeared.  Yes, ‘appeared’ was the word he’d have to use to describe it.  It wasn’t as though he had moved out of the trees or their shadows and into view; it was more that he was just suddenly there, as if he had stepped from the air itself.
Blinking with astonishment, Eomer recognized the face grinning familiarly at him.  “Theodred?  How can this be?  You are dead – I buried you myself, over there!”  He pointed to the cairn rimmed with spears, one topped by Theodred’s helm.
Reaching a hand up, Eomer rubbed at his eyes and then took another look.  Surely this was his imagination playing tricks on him…but, no, his cousin still stood grinning at him.  For several moments, they just stared at one another and then Theodred spoke, his voice just as strong and sure as it had been in life, saying, “Well, cousin, you have done quite well by yourself.  I am pleased.” 
The figure – he could not judge it to be a man regardless of what his eyes claimed – came toward him, and involuntarily he took a step back.  Theodred threw back his head and let out that oh-so-well-known snickering laugh.  “Do you fear me, cousin?  Did all those ghost stories I told you as a boy make you afraid of them?”
Eomer’s eyes narrowed, more curious how this ‘person’ knew of his past than at the slur he had made on his courage.  Seeing the distrust in his eyes, Theodred took another step toward him and said soothingly, “Eomer, it IS me.  Do not be alarmed.”
“How is that possible?” Eomer said, continuing to watch warily.  “And how did I get here?  I know I was at Meduseld only a moment ago.  Thiri will be frantic when she is unable to find us.”
Theodred smiled and took a seat on a large rock nearby.  “Still full of questions, I see!  Unfortunately, I cannot answer any of them.  I do not know how it is that I am here, or how you are, for that matter.  All I know is that we are, and it is very good to see you and speak with you again.  As for your pretty little wife…well, hopefully we will sort this all out before she is too greatly distressed.”  He waved his hand toward a spot on the boulder, inviting Eomer to sit beside him, and after a brief hesitation, Eomer did so.  In this he would just have to trust his instincts and he could sense nothing alarming in this person, no matter how peculiar it all was.
continued on AO3:
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Do people like Eomer (LOTR) fanfics? i have one that is kind of my baby and I want to release it, but it's important that it is loved so I'm nervous
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sotwk · 6 months
I would absolutely love to hear literally any random thought you have about Eomer or Boromir.
Hee! What a wonderful Ask! But oh my goodness, this is a little tricky because just thinking of either of those two kind of torches what few brain cells I have left because they're just so... you know. ;)
I do have timeline notes for these two wonderful Men because I'm finally starting my multi-chapter fics for them. However, I don't want to spoil anything, so lemme check what headcanon is spoiler free....
Quick Headcanon: EOMER
Eomer's military career can be summarized as follows:
Ages 12-15 - Served as squire to King Theoden
Age 16 - Accepted as Rider in the Eored of his cousin, Theodred
Age 20 - Given command of his own Eored
Age 26 - Becomes the Third Marshal of the Mark
Eomer is a prodigious soldier, often deemed the greatest Rohirrim since the days of Eorl himself. This is the result of natural (almost supernatural) talents and a fierce dedication to his country. He envisioned himself as serving as a soldier his whole life and never had any political aspirations.
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Quick Headcanon: BOROMIR
Book canon states that Boromir had little interest in taking a wife because he was too preoccupied with learning the ways of warfare so he could protect his beloved City. This certainly was true when he was younger, because settling down wasn't a priority in his mind.
But I also headcanon that young Boromir was a "good soldier" a.k.a. good at taking orders. This was part of why Denethor loved him so much; he didn't deviate from "The Plan". Basically The Plan was to inherit the Stewardship and rule Gondor after his father. Oh, and he was going to marry and have kids and continue the prestigious bloodline.
Denethor assigns his sister-in-law, Ivriniel, to find a good match for his son for whenever the right time came.
Good Soldier Boromir says, mindlessly: "Yeah, okay, sure. Whatever, Auntie." He was ready to do as he was told and just let them pick his "perfect" wife for him.
But then he did the unthinkable and fell in love. With a commoner. A commoner with a far-less-than-ideal background.
That's not THE PLAN, Boromir! You're not supposed to have opinions!
And you can bet Lady Ivriniel is gonna make a damn good impression of Lady Catherine de Bourgh when she finds out and it's gonna make for some Austen-ian drama.
(All this coming in the Boromir fic I have in the works.)
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Tagging just a few fans who might be interested: @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @hippodameia @hobbitwrangler @konartiste @emmanuellececchi @thetempleofthemasaigoddess @heilith @absentmindeduniverse and I'm sure I've missed people but like I said my brain cells are probably fried from thinking about these two. XD
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I don't know why, but Grima and Theodred always end up having the most absurd conversations.
‘It’s as I said,’ Théodred explains. ‘The logistics have only just occurred to me. I suppose it had occurred that if the disir are choosing, they might choose strangely. But…is it Jorunn? Is she to be the worker? She’s old, but Éomer can manage I’m sure.’ Grima tilts his head skyward so he can make whatever expression is gracing his face at the sky and not the king’s son.
Theodred: she's old and wrinkly but still a MILF
Grima: i am not having this conversation.
Theodred: just saying, if my cousin has to ritualistically have sex with a magic worker. he could do worse than her.
Grima: i am still not having this conversation.
Theodred: lol could be you!
Theodred: lolol that's funny, come on guys, laugh
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scyllas-revenge · 5 months
🛳🤔&💥for the new year's writer asks!
Thanks for the ask!!
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
I could go for Eomer/Lothiriel, but otherwise probably nothing new, unless I snap and finally write a Boromir/Theodred fic. 2024 is looking like it'll be mostly OCs for me lol.
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
Probably no one entirely new (again, besides maayyybe Lothiriel). But I'm open to suggestions! I do think it would be fun to write about more minor hobbit characters, though. And also Gollum, he's one of my favorites and would be a blast to write.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Unfortunately (or fortunately, idk) the only thing I'm working on right now is the rest of Burn Like Cold Iron, so here's a tiny snippet for you:
"Minas Tirith is all but emptied of civilians, yet you saw fit to bring your companion here?" “I’m sorry, my lord,” I said quickly, before Boromir could reply. “It's my fault. Your son warned me that Minas Tirith was evacuating, but I insisted.” Denethor's eyes narrowed. “I did not know you to be so easily swayed by a woman’s words, Boromir.” “Ah, you do not know Beatrice as I do, Father.” Boromir offered a rather uneasy smile that Denethor did not return. “Evidently not."
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torchwood-99 · 25 days
‘”Behold! I go forth, and it seems like to be my last riding,’ said Theoden. ‘I have no child. Theodred my son is slain. I name Eomer my sister-son to be my heir. If neither of us return, then choose a new lord as you will. But to some one I must now entrust my people that I leave behind, to rule them in my place. Which of you will stay?’ No man spoke. Is there none whom you would name? In whom do my people trust?’ ‘In the House of Eorl,’ answered Hama. ‘But Eomer I cannot spare, nor would he stay,’ said the king; ‘and he is the last of that House.’
Yeah, sorry. I've never forgiven Theoden for this scene.
I have tried. But I can't, and I don't think I ever will.
Whatever else I think about him, whatever else I love about him, I will always despise him in this moment, and it casts a shadow over everything else about him, especially his relationship with Eowyn.
And I can't swallow that he only forgot Eowyn because he was recovering from Wormtongue's influence.
He was recovered enough to remember Eomer. To know his worth. To declare that Eomer was needed and to recognise that Eomer would not agree to stay behind.
Eowyn; who stood by Theoden even when it destroyed her soul and drove her to despair to do so, got no such grace.
I wonder how many of the vile things Wormtongue was whispering into Eowyn's ear were vindicated in that moment.
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ohnono1 · 8 months
A Teaser for my Future Story.
Happy @barrissday everyone! I wanted to join in on the fun. So in Honor of my favorite Mirialan, I wanted to give you guys a peek at my future story. A story with 2 franchise into one. Here you go!
What felt like hours riding across the Plains of Rohan, Barriss could only wonder what she could face in this new world. It was a day ago when Alex and Ahsoka freed her from her cell. None would dare free a traitor. None would free a murder. But that didn’t stop Alex from seeing the light still burning inside her. With the Galaxy now hunting for the trio, it seemed hopeless to outrun and hide. But the memories of home still lingered in Alex’s mind. 
Here they are, a planet in the Outer Rim. A place far from the Republic and the Separatist’s influence. A place where they can lay low and help the Mirialan. Barriss has been given a second chance. Not only is she receiving help from her friends, but also Alex’s four old friends. A Wizard, a Dwarf, an Elf, and a Man. 
Coming over the small hill, the 6 riders halted. There they saw a town. Primarily built of wood. A dike and mighty wall and thorny fence encircled it. A green Terrance laid within the town. The Great Halls of Men. The Capital of Rohan, Edoras.
The sight of the wooden town dumbfounded the two girls. They expected the city to have some sort of technology. But from where they stood, it was obvious there was an absence of tech. It was also breath of fresh air from massive towers that dwarfed an ordinary person on Coruscant. 
“Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld.” The White Wizard announced to others. “There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman’s hold over King Theoden is now very strong.”
From the words of Alex and the other four Fellowship members about the Fallen Wizard, Ahsoka and Barriss increasingly became nervous. Though they never met Saruman, they can only infer that he was dangerous. More dangerous an Sith Lord. 
“Can we do anything to help him?” Barriss asks Gandalf. Concerned about the situation. 
“Yes.” Gandalf replied. “But don’t think that you’ll be welcome here. The people of this city have never seen anything like you and Ahsoka before. With Saruman’s hold over the Halls, his spies could reveal that the Jedis have returned to Middle Earth. It could spell danger for you. Best you three cover yourself.” 
Barriss’ worries only increased more. But understands that revealing themselves could get both her, Ahsoka, and Alex into trouble. 
“Be Careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here.” *The group continued onward towards Edoras. The Jedis immediately use the hoods to cover themselves the best they could. Hoping to their appearance won’t spell trouble. 
Inside the Hall, the White Lady of Rohan, Eowyn kneels at the bedside of her recently dead cousin, Theodred. She was the only one who’s grieving over the lost of the King’s son. Her Uncle whose mind is overtaken and doesn’t react when his niece gives him the news of the death of his son, her brother Eomer banished from Rohan, she was alone. 
As Eowyn continues crying by the bedside, the Counselor to Theoden and the mole for Saruman Grima Wormtongue enters the room. Standing by the doorway, watching Eowyn. 
“Oh, he must’ve died sometime during the night.” The pale mole softly spoke as he walks towards grieving woman. “What a tragedy for the king to lose his only and heir.” He moves and sits on the bed. “I understand. His passing is hard to accept. Especially now that your brother has deserted you.” Grima finishes as he places his hand on Eowyn’s shoulder.
“Leave me alone snake!” Eowyn jumps up as she stands away from the Sycophant. Unfazed by his “words” of comfort.
“But you are alone. Who knows what you’ve spoken to the darkness.” The Flatterer gets up from the bed and begins to walk around the Shieldmaiden. “In the bitter watches of the night… when all your life seems to shrink. The walls of your bower closing in about you. A hutch to trammel some wild thing in.” 
“So fair. So cold.” Grima places his hand to Eowyn’s cheek as she closes her eyes. Running his hand down her throat. “Like a morning of pale spring…. Still clinging to winter’s chill.”
Tears slowly formed in Eowyn’s eyes. Breathing steadily and softly as Grima continues to feel her neck. But opens her eyes. The woman stared at him for a moment. His words of comfort did not work on Eowyn. Regaining herself.
“Your words are poison.” 
She runs out of the room to the entrance of the Golden Hall. Leaving Grima disappointed. Passing through the doors of the Hall, she stands staring out at the wooden city. She felt hopeless. Her brother is gone, her uncle under the influence of Saruman, and her cousin dead. As she stares out, she sees three horses from the distance. Riding towards Edoras. The flagpole next to her, flutters loosen and is carried away by the wind. Signaling the state of decay the kingdom of Rohan is in. 
Gandalf and the others arrive to the gates of Edoras. As they move in, from behind Aragorn and Alex reaches the outside gates. Both see the Rohan standard flutters falling down to the ground next to them. Before entering the city, Alex quickly summons the flutters with the Force to his hand. Quickly putting the flag away. 
The group entered Edoras. Ahsoka and Barriss looked at the surroundings. Trying to make sense of the place. Confusion quickly overtook them. It was obvious that there was an absence of any form of technology. There were no droids, crates, nothing. What Alex had told them. Any type of technology doesn’t exist in Middle Earth. As the company continued their way towards the hall, they received sidelongs looks from villagers. Aragorn, Alex, and Ahsoka would see a maiden dressed in white, standing in front of the Golden Hall.
The anxiety increased further for Ahsoka and Barriss. They sensed the despair among the people. Barriss continued to hide herself in her hood. The memories of the Clone Wars flooded back into her mind. Barriss recalled the times where she saw towns or city in the similar state as Rohan.  
“You’ll find more cheer in a graveyard.” Gimli comments as he looks at the situation Rohan is in and the side-longing looks from the villagers. 
As her looked back up at the Golden Hall, Aragorn sees that the maiden is gone. 
This is my First Story Project. So I’m new to this. Also sorry if the dialogue or description is wack, I’m new to this again. So please, lend me some advice so that this story can turn out perfect. Not only that but Tumblr as well. So to sum all of this up, I’m new to all of this. So please help me these sort of things. Thank you.
Coming soon: Star Wars: War of the Ring.
Happy Barriss Day!
P.S. Expect the first chapter somewhere this month. Due to my laziness and work for skhool, it will be a while. Sorry.
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Ooooh hold on! Eomer reminding Faramir of Boromir is not a take I had considered before, and now I can’t unsee it!
And it’s giving me emotions!!!
Because Eomer is not Faramir’s Boromir, he’s Eowyn’s Boromir, but somehow having a connection to a relationship/person so similar to the one he lost helps heal his grief, just a little bit.
On the flip side, Eowyn doesn’t see Eomer as her Boromir. She sees Theodred as her Boromir, and so understands perfectly why Faramir sees Eomer the way he does because she wishes she could find someone who could help her heal like that from her own loss.
Imrahil helping fill the role left behind by Theoden helps a little bit, but I wonder if deep in her heart, during times when the loss of Theodred hits her especially strongly, she wishes that Faramir also had a brother who lived that she could look at and find the same healing that Faramir was able to through Eomer.
Also canon does not say otherwise, so I have decided that Lothiriel and Eowyn were pregnant with Elfwine and Elboron at the same time and one day when the hormones were especially bad they got into a fight,even though normally they adore each other, because they both wanted to name their child after Theodred. They compromised with neither of them using that name, but Elfwine’s first brother is named Theoden and Elboron’s first brother is named Boromir.
Right, isn't this a great headcanon? I'm always so surprised it's not a huge fanon assumption, because Eomer and Boromir are not too different from each other! I think it's in large part because Boromir is a lot like Earnur, who has huge Anglo-Saxon literature energy, as do, of course, the Rohirrim.
I dearly love the idea of Theodred having been the person who taught Eomer how to have off the charts big brother energy (although Eomer has a natural talent for that), so I really love the idea of Eomer feeling like he's doing what Theodred would have wanted him to do whenever he is #family to Faramir.
Also, because the -red element in Theodred comes from the same root that gives us the word rede (as in "counsel, advice") my headcanons tend to lean towards Theodred being wise (which is, I'd argued, backed up by whatever little we know of him.) So I really enjoy imagining Faramir, wise beyond his years and fiercely loyal (loyalty being like 90% of Theodred's canon characterization), occasionally saying things that make Eomer go "! Theodred would have said exactly that" in an eerie way not even Aragorn can quite pull off.
So like, Eomer doesn't look at Faramir and sees Theodred, not by any means, and if you suggest to Faramir that he's replacing Boromir with someone else, you'll manage the impossible and piss him off enough that you'll see he's Denethor's son. But they're just... remarkably comfortable with each other even putting aside their relationship with Eowyn. As in, I like to imagine if Eowyn and Faramir had not fallen in love, just being around each other a lot in the Fourth Age would have eventually made Eomer and Faramir close friends.
....this is already too long so I'll shut up now but yeah. FAMILIES
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Healing Hands- Eomer x OC
Eomer x Kitra
Description: Kitra is one of the many healers sent to Helm’s Deep to aid Rohan in their battle against Isengard and meets a certain Rohirrim Prince.
Word Count: 2.3k
The Battle of Helm’s Deep had been a long and gruesome fight. Of course, Kitra didn’t know the full extent of it until it was over. While both of her older sisters were more acclimated to battle, she preferred to clean up afterwards. Her talent lied in healing, not a sword.
That’s why while her sisters fought alongside Men and Elves alike, she was helping the other healers prepare beds for the eventual high number of injured soldiers. It was a real hit or miss as they all waited because, from what they heard, there was a high chance that they would not see the light of tomorrow. The room was filled with tension as they (impatiently) awaited to hear word of what was going on.
It was very overwhelming when tomorrow finally arrived and the healers were bombarded by what felt like thousands of injured soldiers. Kitra was immediately put to work by Lady Mirabella of Lothlorien, doing as much as she could to ease the pain of the soldiers. She worked for hours upon hours on soldiers of various races, even sitting with a few who got to her just a little too late. There were a few times where she had to step out of the room to make sure she didn’t cry in front of anyone. She took the deaths of those who she attempted to help very personally. At most she was gone for a few minutes at a time before remembering that there were some who still needed her, so she walked back in and got back to work.
Eventually she was allowed a break from healing to just go around and ensure the comfort of those who weren’t a top priority. That included cleaning and redressing a wound, getting some water, an extra pillow, more blankets, etc. Many soldiers had been assigned a single room with a few others as they didn’t need immediate attention with eyes on them at all times, so that’s where Kitra had been making her rounds. Most patients, despite not needing eyes on them, were still bedridden. So, Kitra would just knock then enter as she didn’t want them to have to get up.
That’s what she’d done with one room, and she immediately regretted it. Upon knocking twice then opening the door, she wasn’t met with a room full of two or three patients. Instead she was met with a singular man who looked like he was taking off his armor. The man, obviously surprised by the abrupt entrance, whipped around to face her with wide eyes.
It only took a split second for Kitra to recognize him. She’d talked with a healer of Rohan and discovered who their King was and if he had any kin. It was there that she learned of King Theoden, and his niece and nephew Eowyn and Eomer (as well as his son Theodred, who’d recently passed away as a result of an Uruk-hai attack). Now, Kitra had already seen Theoden at least once, so the healer only had to describe the Prince and Princess.
Based on her description, Kitra could conclude that she was standing in the presence of the Prince of Rohan. Once the realization hit her, the girl found herself curtsying with wide eyes, an embarrassed blush on her face.
“Forgive me, Your Highness,” she said quickly. “I thought this was the room of another injured soldier.” She spared a quick glance at him, and noticed him shake his head.
“Please, it is okay. No harm done,” he answered with a patient smile, gesturing for her to stand normally, which she did. “I’m not in need of any healing, so you may go if you please.”
“Very well,” the girl answered, curtsying one last time. As she turned to walk out, she caught sight of the Prince’s arm. There was a large gash on the side of it that started as his elbow and ended just past the middle of his forearm. It wasn’t a pretty sight, but he likely hadn’t noticed it as his adrenaline was still pumping from battle.
“Uh, Your Majesty…” she trailed off, eyes still on his arm. Eomer’s eyes met hers, a curious glint in them.
“Your arm,” she gestured to it. The Prince’s gaze fell to his arm and he turned it to get a better look. His eyebrows shot up at the sight, and Kitra continued.
“It doesn’t look too bad, but it will get infected if it doesn’t get cleaned and dressed soon,” she explained gently. “May I?” The man was silent for a moment, but he eventually nodded and allowed her further inside. Kitra closed the door behind her then dug into the satchel slung over her shoulder for the right supplies.
“Sit down, please,” she instructed gently. Eomer did so, and she kneeled beside him after grabbing the bowl of water that sat on the bedside table. She had an extra cloth in her bag, so she dipped it into the water before carefully grabbing the Prince’s wrist. As she began dabbing at the wound, she glanced up at him.
“I can bring you another bowl of water when I’m done, but it’s just quicker to use this one,” she muttered.
“It’s no worry,” Eomer answered simply. “From what I hear, we will be returning to Rohan soon so there is no need.” The girl nodded in response as she dipped the now bloody cloth into the bowl once again. While she continued to work, she could feel the Prince’s eyes on her, examining her.
“Pardon me if I sound rude, but I’ve prided myself on getting to know as many people in my Kingdom as possible. I have no memory of you, though, nor do I recognize the symbol in your cuff,” he gestured to the cuff of her sleeve, which held the Wanita Hutan’s crest. “And based on your ears and dark hair I don’t believe you’re an Elf,” he commented. A small smile graced the girl’s face while she began dressing the wound.
“Wonderful observation, Your Majesty, I am not an Elf. And no, your memory does not fail you. We have never met until today because I do not belong to Rohan. My name is Kitra Underlake, I am a healer of the Wanita Hutan.”
“Wanita Hutan?” Eomer repeated curiously, earning a nod from the girl.
“Of the MapleElm realm,” she clarified. “It was the men and women of our Kingdom that aided your victory just this morning.” An embarrassed blush appeared on Eomer’s face and he averted his eyes.
“I’m afraid I was more focused on winning the battle than who I was beside,” he admitted apologetically. “I hadn’t thought about it until you said that.”
“I doubt you would have known who they were even if you were paying attention,” Kitra brushed off. “We are not a very well known Kingdom as we don’t like a lot of outsiders. My Queen Indah only allowed us to aid Rohan because we are allies of the Fellowship and promised help if/when they needed. Now, I’m no fighter, but I believe that my healing abilities are a good enough reason for me to be here.” As she finished her explanation she finished wrapping the bandage around his arm. Once she finished, she packed all her supplies then grabbed the bowl of (now bloody) water and stood.
“All done.” The Prince took a moment to examine his now bandaged forearm, then looked at her with a grin.
“I thank you, My Lady,” he muttered as he stood. Apparently both of them had miscalculated how close they’d be when they were both standing because now they were practically chest to chest. Both of their eyes widened and they froze, their brains simultaneously short circuiting as they didn’t know what to do. Kitra’s eyes met Eomer’s which entranced her for a moment. His were gorgeous, dark brown irises only showing deviation around the pupil, where a golden/hazel ring lay around the pupil. When she finally snapped out of whatever trance she was in, a deep blush coated her cheeks and she cleared her throat.
“Make sure you clean and rewrap your arm twice a day until the wound fully closes. If you require more bandages, just go to the healers,” she instructed softly before curtsying and walking out of the room to continue her duties.
Finally, the rest of the healing was left to the Elves as their capabilities far surpassed that of any Man. While they did that, the people of Rohan returned to their homes, inviting the surviving Wanita Hutan and Lothlorien soldiers for a celebration of victory. Queen Indah, who figured her people deserved to celebrate, allowed them to go.
As Kitra walked with the rest of her people, she couldn’t help but glance at the back of Prince Eomer, who rode near the front of the travelers. She had no idea what happened earlier with him, but she couldn’t get it out of her head. He was an attractive man, and she knew based on a few people she’d talked to that he cared about his Kingdom fiercely. So the fact that she’d shared such an intimate moment, even if it was only for a minute, knocked the breath out of her when she thought about it.
Once everyone had made it back to Edoras, preparations were made for the celebration of all the soldiers and healers that did their part. Kitra, who had managed to find her sisters once arriving in Rohan, changed into more appropriate attire for a party in the same room before promising to meet the others later. Citra wished to find Boromir, and all Netra cared about was finding a pint of ale and continuing a discussion she’d been having with Alphine from earlier (something about Elves or another, she couldn’t quite remember).
Kitra was the last to arrive at the Golden Hall, and apparently most of the people inside had already had several drinks by this point based on the volume alone. A small, amused smile played at her lips as she began weaving her way through the crowd to find a drink. It didn’t take her long to find a small stack of barrels behind a table. It looked like Legolas and Gimli were setting up for some sort of drinking game. Kitra was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Eomer who’d be distributing the drinks, and her smile widened as she walked over to him.
“Got a pint to spare?” She asked upon approaching him. Eomer whipped around and, just like her, he was pleasantly surprised to see her.
“I’m sure I can manage one,” he answered easily, pouring ale into a cup and setting it in front of her while she took a seat at the table. He offered her a small smile before filling up a few more pints and setting them in front of the Dwarf and Elf.
“No pauses,” Eomer stated, setting two tankards in front of the two. “No spills.”
“And no regurgitation,” Gimli added, lifting the tankard to his lips.
“So, it’s a drinking game?” Legolas clarified, glancing at Alphine, who nodded as Gimli drank his tankard all in one go.
“Last one standing wins,” Brooke, who also sat there, concluded, gauging his still slightly confused expression and giggling. “Don’t worry, Merry and Pippin did this a whole bunch of times back at the Green Dragon. You’ll be fine.” The elf finally nodded then began drinking as the others watched.
“Any bets?” Kitra heard from beside her. She glanced to the side and saw Eomer staring at her expectantly.
“Oh, Legolas all the way,” she answered without hesitation, taking a sip from her tankard afterwards. “Elves are unmatched in their drinking abilities.”
“I don’t know about that,” the Prince shot back. “If you asked me, I’d say that Dwarves are a worthy competitor. This one may even win with how many he’s downed so far.”
“Ah, but it's not about speed, Your Majesty, it’s about how many. My money is on the Elf,” she shrugged with a grin.
“I’ll take that bet,” Eomer responded, returning her grin before holding out his tankard to her, which she quickly tapped with her own before they took a drink in unison then faced the competition.
Nearly half an hour later the hall had gotten significantly louder as people got more drunk (which is saying something). Gimli giggled drunkenly before taking another gulp from his tankard. He began singing a shanty, but quickly quieted down when Legolas expressed concern about the ale affecting him based on the tingling sensation in his fingers.
“What did I say?” Gimli slurred with a chuckle. “He can’t hold his liquor.” Not even ten seconds after he said that, his eyes became crossed. Kitra watched with raised eyebrows as he sat quietly for a moment then keeled over backwards off his stool. Legolas mimicked her expression then faced Eomer.
“Game over.”
“Wonderful job meleth (love),” Alphine said, resting her hand on his arm. “I believe it’s time for a small break now.” Once they walked away to find him some water, Kitra turned to face Eomer.
“Well, I believe I win,” she said with a triumphant smirk. A small chuckle left the Prince’s lips as he nodded.
“I guess you did.”
“Do I get a reward of any kind?”
“How would you feel about a tour of the palace? No tricks or anything like that, just me showing you the beauty of Rohan. What do you say?” He asked, already holding out his elbow for her to take. Kitra stared at his elbow, then at him.
“No tricks?” She repeated cautiously, earning a nod from him.
“No tricks,” he concluded sincerely. That’s what made her smile and hook her hand around the crease of his elbow. He helped her stand and then led her out of the loud and rambunctious room. This certainly hadn’t been what she’d been expecting when she said yes to going to Helm’s Deep with the other healers, but she couldn’t say she didn’t like it. Things would certainly get interesting from there.
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dalleyan · 1 year
Elfwine Chronicles (new LoTR stories, Adventures of Theodred, Son of Eomer, ch 8 posted, 5-20-23)
Theodred's adventures as he travels with Freahelm, trying to find a direction for his life.  (Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, Family, Humor) (19 chapter story)
 Chapter 8  -  (begins late Sept, 44 IV)
“I believe they are in the gazebo, my lord,” the servant informed him.  Had Theodred not been such a familiar sight around the palace of Dale, likely she would have made more effort to guide him, but it was clear she assumed he knew the way.
Turning instantly to his left after a nod of thanks, Theodred hurried off.  She was correct – he well knew his way there, having spent so much of his time in that place on his previous visit.
Humming slightly, his grin broadened in anticipation of seeing them both again after so long a separation.  As he stepped outside the palace, he broke off his humming, preferring to hear the birdsong that was so prevalent here.  There was a path that wound its way to the gazebo, but he knew that if he circled around behind a tall hedge it would get him there slightly faster, and have the element of surprise for his friends.
However, the sight that met his eyes when at last he broke cover was one he had never imagined. Arawine and Kata were wrapped in one another’s arms, kissing in a most passionate manner.  From the look of it, this was not their first kiss.  For several moments, he could not breathe, and then the anger slowly began to consume him.  Just at that instant, Arawine drew back slightly from the kiss, looking tenderly down at Kata as he snugged her closer.  A slight movement caught his eye, and he looked up – right into Theodred’s eyes, full of hurt and betrayal.  Arawine involuntarily stiffened with shock, and Kata eyed him in puzzlement, then turned to discover what held his interest behind her.  Upon seeing Theodred, she gave a choking gasp, covering her mouth with her hands.
And then he was gone. It was all Theodred could do not to break into a run, but he forced himself to remain at a walk, albeit a stiff-legged, charging walk.  He crashed through the stable door, causing several stable hands to jump and Freahelm looked up from where he was just putting water in the stall for his horse. There was no mistaking the black look of fury on Theodred’s face as he stormed down the length of the shedrow, and snatched open the stall door to his mount. 
Pulling the annoyed animal away from the hayrack, he fastened him to the wall and retrieved the saddle, quickly beginning to tack up.  “Theodred, what is wrong?  What has happened?” Freahelm asked with some alarm.
“We are leaving,” Theodred hissed, offering no further explanation.
“Why?  What has happened?” Freahelm pressed.
“Are you coming with me or not?  I am leaving, with or without you.”  Theodred stubbornly refused to reveal more.
Nodding slowly, Freahelm assured him quietly, “I am coming with you.  As always, my friend.”
He set to work saddling his own horse, his mind racing with questions.  But he knew Theodred too well to think there would be answers immediately. Somewhere down the road he would eventually find out the reason for their abrupt departure.
Just as they were leading their horses from the barn, Arawine hurried into view.  In all the years he had known the two, Freahelm had never seen them at odds with one another.  Indeed, it had always been almost eerie how well the two got along. All that was clearly in the past. There was no denying the sparks between them.
“Theodred, we must talk!” Arawine said, moving in close and catching his uncle’s arm.
Theodred violently whirled, snatching his arm up and away.  As a result, he shoved Arawine backward and, since he was already off balance, the force of the motion knocked him to the ground.  “There is nothing I wish to say to you, nephew!  I can think of men I might have expected to betray me, but you were never on the list!”
He turned and stepped up into the saddle as Arawine scrambled to his feet.  “It is not what you think!” he pleaded.
Theodred glowered down at him.  “Not what I think?  You believe I cannot tell the difference between a friendly peck on the cheek and a man kissing a woman as a lover would?  You think I do not understand the implication of my dearest friend passionately kissing a woman he knows has promised herself to me, and what it means that she was gladly receiving said kiss?  I am not the fool you take me for, Arawine!”  With that he dug his heels into his horse’s side, and the animal spurted forward.
Arawine met Freahelm’s eyes pleadingly.  With a slight, disbelieving shake of his head, Freahelm urged his horse after his friend.  This did not look good, and he couldn’t help thinking it was a mistake to leave before they had talked more, and rationally discussed this matter, but that clearly was not going to happen.  For now, all he could do was be there when Theodred was ready to vent his feelings. Still, he could not see how this breach in the relationship could ever be mended.
 continue reading on AO3:
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kingsmakers · 1 year
Would you care to tell us more about this new lotr oc from Rohan? Her poster is gorgeous!!!
Thank you! 
Alright so Reanna is actually an oc I’ve had for a while. She was married to Theodred since they were both teenagers, and they have two sons, Faolan and Corbin. Theodred obviously dies, and Reanna is devastated. She is also raising the future king of Rohan who is like, 10 years old or something at the time of his father’s death.
She’s actually paired with another oc, Domari, who’s a half-elf and the younger brother of Aerin, who’s paired with Eomer (this is a collab story I was writing with a friend). Domari is really good with Reanna’s sons and eventually, he and Reanna embark on a relationship and later on have a daughter of their own and it’s just such a sweet and wholesome dynamic.
Like I know it’s not a huge part of the whole overall storyline, but as Reanna is the mother of a future king of Rohan, she does have a lot of important things she’s doing.
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lesbiansforboromir · 3 years
I read Theoden as being driven by shame, to be honest. He pretty explicitly rides out intending to die. If he doesn’t mention his son’s death or his failures as a king it’s because he’s desperate to expiate his shame over both, but the Rohirrim are not an introspective culture so I think it makes sense for him to not talk about it.
But the rohirrim aren't a NON-introspective culture either, and Theoden's actions are indeed motivated by shame because we know that! He tells us he feels guilt, he verbally regrets a lot, he verbally grieves Boromir! The absence of Theodred in his grief and guilt is incredibly noticeable. Especially in the moment where Saruman is trying to persuade him to turn to his side and Eomer steps forward and calls to Theoden 'What about the Westfold, what about Hama, what about Theodred, your son, whom Saruman assassinated'
And then Theoden speaks to Saruman and he says 'we will have peace, when you answer for the burning of the westfold, for the children who lie dead there, for hama whose body they hewed at the gate even after he was dead'. He purposefully leaves out Theodred!
And then there's him passing Theodred's cairn, they go through the fords of isen, Theodred's burial mound is in the centre and Theoden points out the other dead men that are now buried here who fought the battle Theodred lead, the battle that killed him! And Theoden says nothing, not in even in a quiet or thoughtfully silent way, he speaks about the soldiers, but he says nothing about Theodred. And I cannot find and explanation for this that ends with Theoden being a reasonably good father to Theodred. Or at least, that he is a good man who valued Theodred.
He is actually more sympathetic and mournful about Grima's loss than he is about Theodred's, even after knowing the misery he personally put Eowyn through. He misses Grima, he worries about him, he would eagerly forgive him if Grima asked it of him.
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warhirrim · 4 years
hc: fatherhood. As we know, Théoden entered fatherhood rather tragically with the death of his wife, Elfhild, who passed in childbirth. The conflicting emotions would have been unfathomably difficult to compartmentalize. He would have experienced both the greatest and the worst moments of his life simultaneously --- Théodred was his pride, his bundle of joy, his only son, but Elfhild, his one, true love (he would never remarry). In fatherhood, he was utterly alone.
Then, just two years later, a new obstacle. His father passed, making him the next King of Rohan.
One might expect he would have no time to tend to little Théodred, that he would be absent, what with overseeing an entire realm, no wife by his side. But they would be wrong. Albeit busy, Théoden devoted as much time as possible in being an active, present, and loving participant in Théodred’s life. Undoubtedly, there was his mother, caretakers, servants, and tutors who aided --- it would have been easy to relegate all rearing to them --- but what his son needed was his dad. So he would refuse to miss those milestones and refuse to not watch his boy grow; he would teach his son to walk and talk, tell his son stories at night, teach him right from wrong, and be there with him the first time his little hands clamored up a horse, then onto armor, then a sword. It was exhausting, caring for two worlds. But it was more than Théoden’s duty. It wasn’t enough to just be a father. He wanted to be a dad.
By the time he’d adopted little Éomer and Éowyn to raise, his heart broken by the death of his beloved little sister, he’d already been a father for 24 years. A king, for 22. But as we can see from The Lord of the Rings and how dearly Éomer, and particularly Éowyn, loved their uncle --- even beyond uncle, truly. He was more than that to them, and he loved them as though his very own --- it’s clear that being a single father of three and a king did not interfere with his ability to actually be a dad. What’s more, the two even considered their cousin Théodred to be more like a brother. And who could blame them? The royal family of Rohan was a very tight-knit, loving, and tender family, and Théoden, despite being stretched thin in duties and responsibilities, was absolutely unwilling to sacrifice being a father to these children. He had so much love to give, and given how noble, brave, and kind they all grew to be, Théoden succeeded in both fatherhood and his kingship --- and he was undoubtedly proud of them all.
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for the characters ask - what about eowyn? :)
oooooh, yessss I love me Eowyn-Dernhelm
First impression
You know, I initially didn't like her. At least in the movies. She came off a little too much of "I'm not like other girls~~~" for my tastes.
In the books, though, I always loved her because she was a stone cold bitch for 90% of the time until her personality transplant at the end.
Impression now
I still prefer book Eowyn to movie Eowyn (I personally find move Eowyn too 2D for my tastes).
I like book Eowyn for her flintiness. Strike her at the right (wrong?) angle and you'll start a forest fire. She would walk on you in a sexy way but it would also absolutely hurt. And that would be the point.
I also like book Eowyn's selfishness that runs equal to her brazenness, her fearlessness, her rage, her love. She's just as impulsive as her brother, it's simply masked more. I also really love her as a foil/mirroring to Grima - especially the mutual selfish Oath Breaking aspects of their characters. She's also just as likely to burn the world down, if for radically different reasons and done through a radically different way. I think that's a very nice, subtle touch on Tolkien's part.
The ambiguity of her gender subversion is also fun. It doesn't feel like the "~~I want to be a knight UWU I'm not like other girls UWU~~~" that a lot of characters can fall into who follow the same trope line as Eowyn. I'm so glad she escapes that and it feels more nuanced and complex.
I just love, love, love Book Eowyn's anger and recklessness and yeah. All her faults. She, like her uncle, is deeply human in a way that I appreciate.
Favorite moment
In the books - absolutely her argument/heated discussion with Aragorn before he leaves for the Paths of the Dead. Where she says that line about how when the men have died in battle and honour, women have leave to be burned in the houses the men left behind. And also that if someone tells her do her duty one more time she's going to shank a bitch (perhaps not exactly what she said, but the essence is there).
I also love the scene in the books when Theoden is like "but who will take care of Edoras while we're at Helm's Deep? My son is dead and Eomer won't listen to me if I told him to stay put. No one is left" and Hama is like, "???? Eowyn???? wtf how are you overlooking her???" And then she takes her vow/oath to stay and defend Edoras and she gets the great like about how there will be a Return of the King (to Edoras, she just means her uncle).
In the movies - I'm not sure. I suppose the scene with Grima at Theodred's deathbed is an interesting one.
Idea for a story
Same one as I did for Boromir: What if Boromir lives and Eowyn gets to shack up with him and Aragorn as the ultimate power couple? Let the woman be queen of Gondor!!
Unpopular opinion
I think movie Eowyn is a bit boring/too sad/needs way more rage in her. Be uglier! Be more insane! You're from the House of Eorl - no one in that family is normal!
In both book and movies, I don't think her relationship with Faramir is earned. And I know it's because Tolkien initially intended her for Aragorn then made a last minute change-up so there's really no building up of why they're good for each other and how it is she could possibly be happy settling for something we have been told over the course of last two books isn't what she wants.
Yeah, yeah, "she healed" or whatever and found a happier way to be after the war but it just reads as weak. Like, to me it just seems clearly shoehorned in as Tolkien absolutely pulled his punch so far as Eowyn's ending is concerned. He could have done better.
(Honestly, Aragorn has always made waaaay more sense as a partner for Eowyn than Faramir. It was such a let down to me as a kid watching the movies that they didn't end up together. I was like "whatever, Arwen has 2 minutes of screen time. Don't care. Let Aragorn get with this woman who sword fights and makes him laugh.")
I suspect my other unpopular opinion is that I don't think she and Eomer were ever very close. They do not give off vibes of siblings who confide in one another. It's clearly the sort of relationship where Eowyn is like "yeah that's my brother...I know absolutely nothing about him and vice versa. Despite his absence from my life he is still somehow overbearing and over-protective."
I mean we get that scene in the books where Eomer basically admits he doesn't know his sister at all and was always too busy to make time for her (and he regrets this).
But I know fandom likes to write them as besties.
Favorite relationship
Theoden, of course! I love her relationship with her uncle who is her veritable dad. I think it's so sweet and probably one of the most important relationships in her life. I can't imagine what she felt when he died in front of her. Like, the heart shattering and the anger and the grief and so on. It must have been a red-hot knife to the chest.
I also like her and Aragorn in the book. They have great conversations and clearly are able to push against one another yet still clearly respect and care for each other.
Favorite headcanon
(Power couple with Boromir and Aragorn)
She cut her hair when she became Dernhelm. None of this flowing locks down to her ass somehow hidden under her helmet. Do you know how much hair she would have? Absolutely not. She chopped that shit off Mulan-style. It was somewhere between chin and shoulders in the style of Rohirrim men.
Thank you so much for the ask! :D :D
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lindirs-gaze · 2 years
lin’s 2021 fic recs
hi everyone! these are all the fics i read in 2021 and since i have amazing and impeccable taste you should check them out too. also included my own fics from this year because i’ve been slacking on the self-promo.
bolded ones are completed. sorted (somewhat) by ship, gen is at the bottom.
Blight (11k) and the sequel Decay (32k) by @yambits (Samfro). Creepy, organically-based horror balanced by some really sweet Samfro moments and friendship with Merry and Pippin. Has caused a significant amount of stress for me during the Halloween season.
Prince of Gold, Prince of Stone by daphnerunning (25k, Boromir/Theodred). The romance of Boromir and Theodred pre-War of the Ring. Lots of smut and tender moments. I’ve never not wanted a fic to be not finished so badly.
What A Woman Can Do by Isis (4k, Farawyn). Eowyn invents the strap on. I’ve read this only ONCE I promise
Seven Circles by swaddledog (9k, Farawyn). Faramir led a scouting party into Minas Morgul and hasn’t returned, so it’s up to Eowyn, Legolas, and Gimli to find out what went wrong. Intriguingly creepy with some really insightful Eowyn POV.
Finger Back by @morwensteelsheen (68k, Farawyn). Academia AU of the Rohan and Gondor crew. Fun and sexy slow burn (sort of?) with a fascinating character study of Eowyn in a modern context.
Forbidden Seas and Barbarous Coasts by @galasriniel817 (166k, Eomer/Lothiriel). Eomer and Lothiriel’s romance after the war. Lothiriel’s character is built up into an amazing three-dimensional woman navigating love and political intrigue.
I Glír-o Minas Tirith by mentallyinlothlorien (35k, Legolas/OC). The story of Denethor’s eldest daughter and her search for freedom. Compelling and entertaining, but trigger warnings are definitely worth a look.
The March of Time by @booty-boggins (100k, Kili/OC). Shiny new rewrite available! The plot is a standard OC joins the Company but with a strong writing style and really interesting lore to go along with the OC. A classic.
Where Heroes Lie (180k) and the spinoff The Curse of Belfalas (26k) by me (Faramir/Eowyn/OC). Sort of an “Adventures of the MCs kids” sequel to Playing the Hero, but MC is a former pothead, now undead, and her son is really stressed out most of the time.
A Twist in Our Story by me (24k, Faramir/Eowyn/OC). Enchanted AU of LOTR feat. my OCs from Where Heroes Lie.
and the white tower saw. (48k). A Boromir Lives AU focusing on Boromir’s guilt post-Amon Hen. Lots of great moments with the rest of the Fellowship as well as the happy ending Boromir deserved all along.
Lion Heart by swaddledog (11k). Possessed!Faramir during the siege of Minas Tirith. This one might take first place for fics that stressed the fuck out of me this year.
Simulacrum by ealcynn (19k). A creepy, supernatural tale featuring Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli. Caused me a disproportionate amount of stress and anxiety. Really cool lore and Gimli gets a lot of moments to shine!
The Eagle on the Ramparts by canafinwe (129k) Covers Aragorn’s time as Thorongil in Gondor. Feat. Thorongil being awesome and Denethor causing problems on purpose.
All those who wander (46k) and the sequel Deep Roots (108k) by ealcynn. AU in which Legolas was banished from Mirkwood. Lots of angst balanced out by Aragorn being a good friend/person, plus an expansion on the Mirkwood family drama.
Not to Cross Myself Out by me (61k). A story about coping with depression, featuring an OC and dad!Aragorn. Writing this was more time consuming but a lot cheaper than seeing a therapist.
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melhekhelmurkun · 3 years
Screw whatever Amazon’s doing, I want a tv show about King Elessar’s time on the throne beginning immediately after his coronation. I want to know how he handled the clean up of Gondor and which advisors he disliked the most but couldn’t fire because they were very good at their jobs. I want to know how he and Faramir got along as King and Steward vs as friends, and if they indeed even became friends at all or if they avoided each other entirely outside of work (you can love your King and still dislike him, though I think their personalities are similar and compatible enough that they’d be friends)
I want Queen Arwen and I want little Prince Eldarion and I want Imrahil to be involved in some way since he wasn’t in the films. I demand Fellowship dinners and Merry and Pippin getting everyone but Legolas drunk and then Aragorn waking up hungover on the day of a pretty important meeting (+ I want Faramir both teasing him about it and subtly helping him through said meeting)
I want Elboron and I want Eowyn’s adjustment to Gondor/Ithilien (whether she was liked or disliked) and I want Eomer’s son and I want family visits to/from Rohan. I want Eomer figuring out how to be King (he wasn’t the heir to the throne until Theodred died! There is no reason he’d have been taught the same things his cousin was, no reason he’d have been prepared to take the throne! I think he was a wonderful King but he sure as hell got tossed right into it) and on that note I want Aragorn giving Eomer advice
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