#will take a while bcs i'm on vacay
andypantsx3 · 1 year
came back wrong (from vacation)
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whitehotwild · 2 months
i've never done an anon before so i'm so sorry if it sounds weird 😭😭 but do you think billy and his younger s/o would go to like, those summer carnivals? like, the ones that are at night? idk if that's js in my hometown tho 😭 she most definitely dragged him there and he reluctantly went bc he loves her, but lwk he ends up enjoying it. idkkk i js feel like there isn't enough soft!billy content on here and you are my only supplier of it 🙏🙏
OUUUUUUUU OU OU OU you just scratched an itch... im so giddy about this. (also ily and i'll gladly be ur supplier)
we only have fall carnivals in my town which sucks bc summer carnivals sound so much more fun.
you like... heard from a friend that there's this one in NJ, you try to convince butcher to go with you. you tell him that it's only 2 hours by way of penn station (nightmare nightmare nightmare), that he doesn't have to drive you, that you'll buy the entry tickets.
"let's just go to coney island, yeah? i'm not goin' to bleedin' New Jersey for a night just because you wanna ride some roller coasters. you got a ride right here..." he smirks, thinking he's oh so clever.
all it does is make you whine and go limp in his hold, "but pleeeeeeease??? It'll be fun! you're such a fucking party pooper."
it doesn't ever take much to make him give into you, that's his one weakness, "i ain't no fuckin' 'party pooper'. you're just a pain in me arse."
"okay... so are we going or not?"
butcher sighs with an unimpressed look on his face, "fine."
and then like when you're actually at the carnival, you make good on your promise to buy the entry tickets (wristbands whatever), and butcher pays for the games/rides.
after half an hour, he's spent only about $20, "I ain't spendin' over 50 bucks, got it?"
at the moment, you're more worried about what you're gonna get from the food truck than anything coming out of his mouth, "mhm. yup, got it."
you beg him to get on one of the rides with you and he finally gives in after a while, but the second you get off the ride he's looking at you like he kinda wants to kill you... just a little bit.
"you're tryna give me a bloody heart attack. i ain't doing that again."
(i'll die on the hill that butcher hates roller coasters just because i think it would be very funny.)
$100 and two hours later, butcher's finally cutting you off after winning you one of those big teddy bears from one of the game booths.
(yes, he knows he said $50. yes, he knows he's wrapped around your little finger)
"you happy, pet?" he asks you once you both settle on the train back to the city. there's no snark in his voice like you'd expect, just genuinely wanting to know that you had a good night.
you nod against his shoulder, your legs propped up in the empty seat in front of you, "yeah, i'm happy. you happy?"
butcher looks down at you, the way your head rests against him, the way your arm is snaked through his. he allows himself, just for a moment, to believe that he does deserve this... that he does deserve you and the joy you bring back to him.
"i suppose so. you like your bear?" he nudges you gently, motioning to where you sat the big stuffed bear in the seat in front of him.
"mhm... gonna name it 'billy jr.'" you tease with a tired smile, you're halfway to falling asleep and the train's barely left the station.
billy (sr.) huffs, unimpressed, but there's a small smile on his face, he untangles his arm from yours and wraps it around your shoulders, covering your eyes with his hand as he pulls you a bit closer into his side.
"ah, fuck off... you're delirious, go to sleep."
୨ ♡ ୧
just wanna say sorry that im not getting to requests as quick as i'd like! got a lot of shit happening atm BUT im on vacay atm so hopefully i can pump some out this week! LOVE YOU BYEEEE!
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l1ftinggqueen · 2 months
Hey babesss I need tips for lifting from s3ph0ra! PLZ I'M DESPERATE
ive never lifted from a stand-alone se4ah, i normally only l1ft from ones inside k0hls (the easiest) and jcp3nny. for k0hls if recommend taking the product you want out of the packaging if you can, because u don’t have to worry about tags nd stuff. then bend down behind a shelf and conceal. just make sure it’s not restocking day bc if it’s restocking day it’s nearly impossible to find a place to conceal bc of all the employees. when you’re concealing jst make sure nobody is around. you could also conceal on the end caps, (the outside of the aisles) just make sure they aren’t the ones next to the register and you’ll be good! and if you don’t feel comfortable l1fting from the se4ah, kohls has little stands and they normally look like this,
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and they will always be near the return desks. when i l1ft from the little stands i always grab what i want and normally conceal in the kids toys aisles bc those rarely have cameras, or the bedding aisles. and they’re super easy to l1ft from bc unlike se4ah there aren’t a whole lot of cameras around the stands.
now for jcp3nny se4ah, i don’t rlly have much advice bc i’ve only l1fted from there once b4 when i was on vacay, but what i did was grab the item i want, make sure no one saw me, then walk around the aisle corner and conceal (idk if that makes sense 🤨) i’m not too sure on how there lp works so i’d do it at a location you aren’t coming back to for a little while.
srry this was so long i just wanted to explain it as best as i could lol, hope this helps!! <33
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stoopid-turtle · 9 months
made-up mbti types for dd and gg
So the GQ event that dd attended recently (you know, the one with the love hat) was supposedly gonna share his MBTI type with us. I don't think they ever did, probably because dd just didn't do the test thing. I'm not surprised we never got to see his mbti type, but I did have my own guess as to what he'd score, so I figured I'd share here.
(As a note, MBTI is pretty much junk science but it's fun. Just don't take it too seriously. I used to be really into it in a fannish sense and it's the closest I get to woo-stuff. If you don't know what MBTI is, here have fun.)
Cut to the chase: I'd guess dd is ISFP. My reasoning below the cut.
Introvert - The best way I've found to describe the difference is that introverts recharge by being alone. That is, a weekend full of social engagements is something they need some alone-time after. For an extrovert, social events, themselves, recharge them. Being alone is what's exhausting and what they try to avoid.
DD's probably rarely fully alone, given his busy schedule and the life of a celebrity. But introverts have ways to introverting, even among a bunch of people. I think sometimes people conflate "introvert" to mean "shy", but they're not the same. I don't think dd is particularly shy. It's just all about where your energy comes from.
Sensing - This one is about how you process information.
As an illustration, my bff and I were on a road trip once. She's the type who liked to literally pull over a smell the freaking flowers. And she could name every single flower/plant/tree she came across. Her eye for detail and ability to describe things with precision is always boggling to me, because to me, the most I can say is something like "It was sunny and the trees are green". Very vague. All about the overall impression rather than the details.
In MBTI terms, my bff would be Sensing while I'm Intuition (this is the N. Just go with it). Intuition folks are thought of as the big picture, abstract thinkers while Sensing is about the details and about the Facts of the World.
I mentioned before that dd strikes me as a pretty literal thinker, and that type of thinking overlaps with Sensing more than Intuition.
Feeling - People get confused by this one. It's not about whether the person expresses emotions or anything like that. It's about decision-making. When making a choice, does this person weigh the pros and cons? Try to come to a reasonable and sound decision? Or do they go by gut, following their emotions like animes tell them to?
This is hard to assess because we don't know much about how dd goes about making the decisions he makes. We don't know what went into his decision to go into idol training, say, or why he put his hat in the ring for The Untamed.
I'm making a guess that he's more driven by emotion than thinking. This isn't to say he acts blindly without any thought or that he never makes rational decisions, but he weighs his feelings highly. He'll pursue a gay romantic relationship with another celebrity, despite the risks, because he's in love and, you know, he follows his heart. His decision to submit his headshot for The Untamed, especially, strikes me as being Feeling-driven. Given his career at the time, acting in a BL adaptation was off the beaten path and risky. He lost fans because of it.
I think both gg and dd make a feelings-based decision to drop candies for turtles. There's no rational business case to do so. It's simply because they value having a group of fans who recognize them as a couple and they want to keep those fans with them.
Perceiving - This one's about how you plan or organize your time (or don't).
Judgers are the type to have a planner with a set schedule a routine. They have trouble adapting when their schedule gets disrupted. Perceivers are more go with the flow, able to take things as they come. When taking vacays, they would rather not have a packed itinerary bc they want the freedom to go where the moment takes them.
This is also something I don't feel I have a lot of insight on. DD's schedule is heavily managed and heavily packed, and he spends most of his time diligently following along with that schedule. That's part of his job, though. On his own, would he be inclined to keep to a schedule? I kinda don't think so.
I'm just going based on his...um...general chaotic energy. That and his tendency to do his KPI social media posts all at the last minute. Classic Perceiver move.
So, ISFP. In truth, each of these traits is a spectrum and people show examples all along the different traits at different times (for instance, dd's decision-making in SDC is typically strategic rather than based on feelings). Most things are based on context. But this feels right to me, overall.
For gg, I haven't watched near as much of him as I have of dd, but a guess would be INFJ.
Feel free to share your own ideas. Or squee about the love hat. Whatever. 🐢🐢🐢
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1nmortalitymyd4rlings · 3 months
I'm taking the uni admission tests in 10 days, after that, no more studying!! for a while
I'm so excited to sleep as much as I want to avoid food or just watch movies all day!!! I'm gonna be so happy
the easiest time for wl was summer vacay for me bc I didn't have to studyyy, plus the watermelon! I miss it sm
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golbrocklovely · 17 days
Sam had a vacation with his dad. That is actually so sweet and a very healthy way to take a break from everything tbh. It would be unhealthy if he would look for support in another girl, already trying to get himself into another relationship. I am glad that instead of that, he decided to spent some time with his own dad, i hope that maybe during that trip he learnt something new and will no longer try to get into relationships, just because he doesn’t like to stay single, because it’s not healthy for him and it’s not fair to the possible future gf.
Imo Sam needs some serious therapy and instead of constantly trying to understand the meaning of life, he should start with understanding himself. It’s cool to want to have meaningful conversations, I personally love to have them with other people, but truth be told you won’t understand life, until you won’t understand yourself. You will continue to be lost in this world, constantly seeking for answers.
I believe Sam is a good guy with a good heart, but he is very very lost and i think he handles fame possibly even worse than Colby does, which makes him even more lost.
i'm happy that sam went on vacay with his dad instead of a girl, too. i figured he probably went with family or by himself, but it was nice to see he wasn't completely alone.
and i agree with you. i think he really needs to spend some time alone and try not to jump into another relationship for a while. he needs to better understand himself and to feel comfortable being alone. i think that's his main issue: he doesn't like being alone bc that requires being alone with his thoughts and himself. and i think, in a way, he doesn't know how to be alone. and that's something he should really work on. bc once you become comfortable with yourself (or as much as you can be) everything else falls into place a lot easier for you.
therapy would also help a lot. and i know he did some after his break up with kat, but idk if he kept at it. i also highly doubt he did.
and i think he's a good person too. i think he's just lost, and that can cause him to do things that aren't the best choice. interestingly tho, i don't think he's lost bc of fame, or that fame is not helping him in that department, if that makes sense. i think colby handles it worse bc the comments clearly get to him a lot more than it does sam. colby also gets more hate imo. but regardless of all of that, i hope both of them take some time to really better understand themselves.
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I just wanted to help provide a voice to drown out the negativity a little, since I know how hard that can hit especially when you're already down.
I've been reading cmi all afternoon and even though I haven't finished it yet, I've been having such a good time. I genuinely mean it when I say that I could read about them doing anything forever. It's also cute to take a breather and have the arguments make me smile and pout instead of rip my heart out.
But OC's visit to the optometrist made me think of your eye problems and I wanted to ask how that's been. Have the eye drops and stuff been helping or do you still get headaches because of it? I hope they provide you with at least a little bit of relief.
Please take whatever measures you need to ensure that tumblr isn't making you feel even worse, especially when you already have so much to deal with irl. And I hope you know that you can always come to me if you need anything too, I'm always ready to listen.
I appreciate your presence here, I appreciate how much work you put into your stories, I appreciate your stories themselves, I appreciate you as a person and I appreciate every single conversation we've shared. I just hope everything will get better for you, in fact, I know it will. Because I know you'll stay strong and won't lose hope and fate won't be able to resist sending good things to a lovely person like you. Sending you the biggest tightest warmest virtual hug and all of my love Rid 💞💞💞
(Also I always have a folder full of comfort Koo videos just for you if you ever happen to need that kind of comfort too 🥺)
ivi :( you're always sunshine and rainbow after the rain, and i appreciate that you're always around. like to have someone actually care so much? ily :(
EEE YES, im so glad you've been enjoying it!! we've waded through so much heartbreak, so we definitely needed that lil light vacay. but even the upcoming chapters are gonna be similarly comforting with a tinge of good old cmi angst, i think lol!! and you said it a while ago, but yeah, the whole "us against the world" approach shall hopefully light up a couple hearts for sure 💕
ahhh you remember that? 😭 my eyes are better now, but that's bc they rely on eye drops a lot!! im fcked without them lol. i do get very bad headaches sometimes — either when i didn't sleep well or enough or when i've been out in bright sun or in front of my laptop for too long. but the migraines aren't as bad anymore as they used to be!! oc's issue was definitely based on this lmao :') tysm for asking <3
yes, i shall. im definitely limiting my time here bc i've noticed that im able to enjoy tumblr a lot more when i drop in every now and then and not constantly. will come in when i feel like it (like, today i didn't :')), so yeah. doing my best!! thank you ivi, seriously, i adore and appreciate you, too. i can't wrap my head around the fact that so many lovely people like you encourage me around here, but i'm so thankful. sending you so many hugs and really hoping you're doing well. if not, i'm always here, too. love you sm 🤍
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oatflatwhite · 1 year
ur a gem and ily 💛 okay round 2.
rank lotr movies in least favorite to favorite order? vegemite yes or no? ever been to lane cove nsw? (my old home <3) are you afraid of spiders? how do you take your oreos? night owl or early riser? favorite soundtrack to anything? best board game? cheese and crackers or hummus and pita? favorite type of food (italian, indian, etc.)? dream vacation? list of all the places you’d like to travel?
HI annie sorry i sat down to play a bit of hades and it turned into a 3 hour grind sesh
two towers > return of the king > fellowship (but they are all masterpieces)
vegemite YES always
omg what the fuck yes i have!!! i used to a few suburbs closer to the city for a while!!!!!!!! i visited the library a couple times and the aldi :')
little spiders are nbd. big/hairy spiders no thank u
i twist my oreos and eat the half without cream first then the half with
i used to be an early riser but now not so much. i wouldn't call myself a night owl bc "late" for me is still like. 11pm
i listen to the pacific soundtrack when i'm studying lmao but i don't know if it's my favourite? lotr obviously slaps. lately been into barbie also!
i have lord of the rings monopoly so that. even tho no one ever wants to play it with me
hommus and crackers??? is that an option. i always have it with jatz
oooh fav type of food that is so hard! it's always what i'm in the mood for!! i love most stuff. lately i've had some rlly good japanese tho!!!
dream vacay would be probably some kind of roadtrip around ireland and the uk!!!!! i've been there before but only spent a few days in each capital city so would love to just vibe out at my own pace
ok so i'm just going to mention places i haen't been before - i would love to go to norway, finland, iceland, poland, russia if it wasn't a bit cooked, and greece :)
ask me anything!
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jeonqkooks · 9 months
Ohh girl yeah I get it, the post vacation depression is a bitch 😞 I'll have 2 weeks off starting next week but idk... I'm just not feeling it. But it's good that you made some good memories while there!!
Have you been watching anything lately? Tomorrow I wanna watch '20th century girl' cause I've heard it's good..
It didn't hit you about the tannies? Lucky you 🥲 it hit me about a 100 times already.. it feels so strange to think that exactly 3 years ago when I discovered them I was so damn happy those first weeks, like over the moon, and now look where we are... I mean, ofc maybe some would call us dramatic or whatever and yeah life does go on... but it's just a little different and it'll take a while to get used to it. In the meantime, I only wish for their wellbeing there. But yeah, when it does hit you you'll find me here if you want someone to scream 'ssibal' with on the top of a mountain 😂😂
*ahem* so you like shot glass of tears huh? 👀👀👀👀👀 told yaa. people should really listen to me more often haha jkjk. All the b-sides are pretty good actually
Take care and don't catch a cold💜 (if everyone puts salt on the wound I gotta do it too 🤦‍♀️)
- 🎃
are you on vacay rn pumpkin? if so, i hope you’re having fun!! you can worry about the post-vacay depresshaun later 😂 enjoy yourself for now boo
i’ve heard good things about 20th century girl too! tho i’ve also heard that it’s sad as hell so i might need to mentally prepare myself before i cry a river watching that lol. i haven’t been watching any of my shows or kdramas in a couple months now bc i’m just so absorbed in the never ending stray kids content 😂
the tannies hmm.. i’m still super bummed out but honestly i think having another hyperfixation just in time has really helped. if i didn’t have stray kids as my new group of comfort people while my og comfort people are away, i think i would be so emo rn lol. it did hit me more than usual the other day tho. i was getting ready for work and i also burst into tears thinking about mimi’s “see you.” 😭😭😭
shot glass of tears 😂 i think it might be favorite off the album actually. the title is still very corny to me but oh well 😂 but yes agreed, i vibe much more with the b-sides!
miss you love you a lot pumpkin 🤍🫶
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seelestia · 2 years
dw he can always come home and rest in my arms after dealing with all the, uh, interesting people, throughout his day lol-
sweat is just. evil. icky. yucky. ew ew get it away from me D; it's unfortunate that i can't get away from sweating every time i'm outside here. tropical country whyyyy ;w; so far no plans for another vacay anytime soon sobsob we'll see... it'll have to be next year for sure :c hbu??
lmao i don't think he finds my jokes funny enough rip 💔 it is!! that's why i did try to pull for him despite having too many polearm characters already ;w; oh well.
xiao: "don't talk nonsense, my power is meagre compared to morax." // me: "yeah no shit i still haven't built him yet-"
you bring him so much entertainment and that's one of the things he just loves about you lolol al haitham looking back at you skeptically like 'what in the world is this little creature barking about...'
hskdhfjsdhf the way you're cheering on us pls that's so cute ;w;
omg you're a genius yes yes i can totally see you walking around with a few dogs ;w; ayato made sure they're trained so well too (flashback to that one time when you first got them, they were untrained and almost made you fall down the stairs bc they're just a bunch of excited balls of fluffs), always walking by your side and never tugging on their leash (altho the moment you unleash their harness they just zoom about everywhere). v v cute <3
ayato and lia having a mini friendly debate session hsdhjs thoma is so used to bringing you tea while you're in the middle of doing this and he's always so amused (he might even cheekily add in his two cents too) hehe
I HAVE SEEN IT YES and gosh i love love love it so much, the colors and shading and lighting is just sosososo gorgeous ughghghghghgh ;w;
i'll let you know when i finish them archon quests ahhhh i did finish the events but i need to start on them sllsdjflksd
us indulging and screaming about each other's selfships 🤝
also your birthday is tomorrow yes? :) hehe. hehehehe >:)
give 👏 the 👏 man 👏 some 👏 rest <//3 if not for the obstacles he had to face as the geo archon, now he has to deal with unique people after he retires LOLLL as a hu tao kinnie, i am afraid i might not be able to help alleviate his suffering. (/lh)
the continuous summer 😭 it's like can't we get more creativity in terms of seasons here?? me eyeing the orbit 🤨 (/j) aaaa, you deffo deserve to go on more vacay trips! they're so therapeutic <//3 i'm not sure about me either, but the highlands have a special place in my heart, so we'll see! expect strawberry-related pics if i do >:)
WAIT, YOU'RE RIGHT. *squints at zhongli and xiao* it's either your fav weapon is polearm or you just happen to like people who like polearms JFWKDKSK dw, rin jie, more characters to pull for soon! it's either tartar sauce or angy shortie now 👀
in alhaitham's eyes, i'm just a puppy trailing after him angrily <//3 whatever do you see in him, my dearest cousin? is it the iq? the brains? his voice? but alhaitham's could never compare to your hubby's (/j)
lia walking with kins of her kind is a sight to see 🤫 we need more fanarts of ayato with animals, i will cry 😭 the power of fanarts over us is smth else <//3 and true, thoma just got himself a ticket to a live debate show in the kamisato estate! he'd put down the tray in ayato's office and just comment on how 'spirited' the both of us are LOLLL ayato isn't vv fond of work, so i might as well do smth to help him get thru it easier, hehe. iirc, in his voicelines, he expresses ironic (?) shock if you tell him that some people who treat their work as a hobby. he just goes "how... exceptional." HELPFKES i think paperwork traumatized him (/j)
I KNEW YOU DID 😭 i just knew you went thru the artist's page and honestly??? so valid because i did too 🤝 if i come across more zhongli fanarts, i'd definitely trip and run over to you in an instant! >:)
YESYES lmk! and take your time~ i love how sumeru is going thru a crisis while mondstadt is just 💃🍃🥂 ✨ LOLLL but i wasn't expecting how the wienlesefest event just went straight for those with parent issues HELPFKWK i thought this was supposed to celebrate wine and autumn... OUCH. 😟 but at least, we got pieces about crepus, razor's parents, amd even kaeya's father. and angst
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boyfhee · 1 year
the ending of take two was pretty lame ngl but it's still better than forcing any ship as an endgame cuz it would have most prolly made a major plot hole ig and the angst was so good in the whole series and literally live for the way their relationships kinda became beyond repair (esp ynki) tbh but idk what i could even expect i mean it was really so hard to imagine any happy ending that made sense in this story cuz it really looked pretty lame but love this whole work tho and you really did an excellent job changing my brain chemistry cuz my bias literally changed from Riki to jungwon and idt i would ever be able to look Riki the same way altho ik it's just a fic smau but damn it really changed how i perceive love and infidelity (lmao is this even the right word) but i really wanted to see Riki physically suffer more this whole time cuz i think he still had it the most easy among all three and come on jungwon was the least wrong out of all of them and yn did NOT just ditched her friends for 4lyfers,,, that shits embarrassing. I'll literally read it ig every month again and again cuz idt I'll ever find some worth its competition it was so fucking good girllll I'm proud of you and also all the best for your exams take care love ya
hi yes i know it was lame bc i didn't know how to end it . look, i changed the plot three times and the ending i had was like 'ooo kiss jungwon, date him!' but while writing that chapter, i was like 'wait this is wrong on so many levels' and so i had another job, which was for yn to clear shit up with riki. besides, giving yn a 'happy ending' didn't feel right bc she has been having it easier than all of us ( even the readers lmfao ) she got miya in jail, got jw, has riki, had a good vacay, it was like this thing didn't even touch her while the other two are :/ focusing on how much more sensitive this was for won and ki bc they're not only friends but group mates and it could seriously affect their group dynamics. so i decided that yn doesn't deserve anyone, at least not yet.
AND NOT U CHANGING UR BIAS OH GOD EVERYONE TAKE TWO RIKI ISN'T REAL HE WOULD NEVER DO WHAT HE DID PLSS ANON GO BACK TO LOOKING AT HIM THE WAY U USED TO im so sorry 😭😭😭 cant believe im altering opinions here plsss riki my sincerest apologies 🙏 hmm and i think riki had it easier too, but maybe not. we all have different perspectives so!!! this was fun to read and omg the last part made me smile so much, thank u for thinking so highly of my silly little smau :(
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massiveconsumptixn · 7 years
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at ever and ever sight
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Dear Bubbie,
The struggle is real. On one hand, i'm so glad you're finally getting the chance to take a break from the madness here on [tumblr] and having some beautiful you time. On the other, it's only been like not even a whole day and i miss you like heck *pouts*
I miss you running off in the middle of our screaming to go make some incredible gifs to better manage and concentrate the screams. I miss you getting COMPLETELY overwhelmed and yet super excited with the amount of content that kept blindsiding us for like a month. i miss you being fake angry at Christopher for being quite the slut and just losing your marbles over how good he does it. i miss the laughs that would burst outta the bottom of my heart reading your tags. Ugh! i just miss it all *does some more pouting*
so yeah, like i said, the struggle is real, sweet man! I hope you're having an amazing Friday kicking off what i know will be an awesome vacay with a wonderful start!
Love you more than the amount of screams we both have let out this past month, which is A LOT by any scale!
kisses, hugs, smooches, the works <3
Ohhhh Oula, Bubba 💛💛 my self imposed tumblr break probably won’t start until after the weekend, so fret not! I may have posted less today but that’s because I was so busy internally and externally screaming about Sebastian and reading a bunch of older evanstan fics 😂 So no worries, no pouting, I’m still around! And I probably won’t manage to stay away for a full week either 😂 no way I have that type of self-restraint lmao.
And goddd I know how you miss it, because I miss it too!! I miss our day long screaming 😭 but I’m sooo glad you’re still making these wonderful gif sets so I get to still express my fury about this man in the tags on a regular basis. On that note: HOW DARE YOU? I was definitely not fake angry at Chris, very real anger thank you very much 😤😤😤😤. He deserves it for being so slutty and horrible!! He ruined like at least a couple of weeks and a lot more brain cells with his infuriating behavior! I need a break dear god bc yes I definitely got extremely overwhelmed.
(Just kidding baby please come back - I miss his pretty face and his too tight shirts and his wild curly hair and his gorgeous gorgeous eyes and his beautiful soul and his dumb humor and his extremely hot annoyed face and pants that frame his assets all right and amazing answers to dumb questions and his infectious laugh and his pretty tired eyes and his puppy dog looks and his slutty slutty ways and and and 😭😭😭)
And you don’t have to worry! Even if we don’t get content for a while, believe me, I’m more than capable of screaming about this man without it, there’s so much to be upset about with him, and just as much to be upset about with Sebastian (I will find a way to make you obsess about that pretty angel somehow someday).
So my screaming will definitely continue - it’s why I’m on this hellsite after all - that, and to tell you on a regular basis that you’re amazing, brilliant, hilarious, incredibly talented & have the biggest biggest heart and that I love youuu 💗💗💗
I am having a great Friday - thank you Seb 💕 (and iced coffee and sunshine and good friends), and I hope you are too! Sending you allllll the smooches and cuddles and love 💛💛💛💛💛
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any fun klefaroline headcanons?
ohhh, let me think
klaus is literally a Grumpy Old Man/British Kitten personified which is why stefan and caroline have taken to calling him grandpa
whenever klaus does his little Murdery Things steroline shake their heads and make the Disappointed Face in the exact same way and it's truly a sight to behold. they're so in sync. it's almost choreographed except not. in the presence of his Moral Conscience Personified klaus becomes a contrite and regretful five year old. so fascinating to watch
caroline and stefan are constantly trying to convince klaus to go out in the sun and enjoy himself but as aforementioned he's a fucking grandpa. for example once they tried to get him to go to road trippin' to the nearest beach and he absolutely refused. then stefan dropped a casual line about how he wouldn't be wearing a shirt and klaus was all too eager to hop in the car
hayley made him take the iconic Mother Trucker hat before he left, caroline took a toooon of pics
klaus and lizzie have the same sassy/disapproving/scowly faces. caroline likes to say she inherited it from klaus even tho they're not even related
klefan + elijah 3 men and a baby au except it's a teenage girl and that teenage girl is hope
i once read a fic where klaus threw landon down the fucking stairs bc he and lizzie were making out (it was a landizzie fake dating au where kc got married if you're interested) and i imagine klaus and stefan offer those services any time it's necessary while josie, lizzie, and hope make panicked faces and are like pls god no
steroline honeymoon vacay in paris and klaus holds down the fort at the salvatore school - mostly bc he enjoys terrorizing the shit out of the kids, embarrassing hope by being the dad that spies on her, and making alaric uncomfortable lmao
klaus regularly goes to nola to see his family and the one time when klaus is Officially Introducing caroline and stefan to them he becomes a shy teenage boy reaching a milestone in his relationship which ofc freya and rebekah tease him mercilessly about
the entire family (and yes, that includes mikaelsons, significant others, magical babies, extended family) crams into one dining room so they can eat together (minus alaric because who needs him and his emo headmaster beard) and it is as one would expect super chaotic
lmao sorry this kind of deviated from klefaroline whoops
klaus has a face that neither caroline or stefan can say no to. they call it his evil hybrid puppy eyes
it works vise versa all caroline/stefan have to do is pout if they're asking for a favor and he will literally be ready to do whatever it is they need
ok i'm tired now lol but i hope you liked these i poured my entire heart into them
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sehunniepot · 2 years
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me 2 nikki, me 2.
HELLO 😋 It's your friendly neighbourhood inconsistent tumblr user 😎👍
I've recently been thinking about all my moots that are either in college or are working because I'll be going to uni in a few months kjhgfd (EXCITING AND NERVE WRACKING)
How are you doing??? It's nice to see Suho is back. What's your favorite color? Are you taking care of yourself, taking enough breaks, and drinking enough water?? Any interesting updates to be given on the place you work at? 👀
THAT REMINDS ME. A FEW DAYS AGO i had a dream where i secretly got myself a part time job at a daycare because my parents wouldn't let me work as a high school student. i grew attached to the kids and one day, we took the kids on a field trip to a police station where i saw a friend who did something illegal??? he warned me not to go into some room because it's unsafe but didn't state why and since i was angry at and disappointed in him, i didn't listen (the dream slowly turned into a nightmare). we went into the room and after a while mark lee, my coworker who was sitting at the back, instructed everyone to stay calm and slowly exit the room. there was a beehive (wthh😭) hidden under one of the tables near him and the bees are the type to sting. I accidentally look at the hive and my trypophobia (fear of holes) struck, causing me to have a panic attack. Half of the kids were able to get out of the room safely but I think one of the kids sees me panicking and trips over the leg of the table and all the bees come out and start stinging people. I shielded the kids and most of them got out without any stings. Once we were all out, I fell to the floor and cocooned myself bc holes holes holes holes 🥲 and cried silently as the ambulance came and my friend (who i have a half crush on 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️) tried to get me to stand and walk to the ambulance to be treated but i wouldn't budge.
oh god this was a literal brain dump i'm so sorry😭
HEY CONGRATS ON GETTING INTO UNI!!! IT’S AN EXCITING NEW CHAPTER OF LIFE <3 I’m doing alright here, juggling a few things but I’m alright!! spring break at work is coming up soon and I’ll be on vacation ♥️ tbh im being overworked a bit and really tired so this vacay is really needed ahaha. still love my kiddos tho!!!
I’ll be leaving at the end of the school year to pursue other things but the preschool staff really doesn’t want me to go ;;; they said i’m one of the best teachers cuz of all my creative lesson plans and eye— 🥺
AAAAH GREY SUIT!! SUHO HAS DONE IT AGAIN ✨ and hurdle is so good too!!!! what’s your fave song off the album??
and to answer your questions, my fave color is pink uwu uuuuuh taking care of myself? ahahaha. that’s a good one. BUT HOW ARE YOU, MY DEAR???? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT STARTING UNI SOON? ABOUT GRADUATING?
also that dream sounds INSANE LMAO
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
You hit the nail on the head with that ask. We never hear Colby complain just show hes tired, yet Sam literally is seen out more and has commented that he has panic attacks and Colby has to come help him out with that. I just had a talk about this with someone on reddit and we were saying how as soon as they returned from Europe, Sam left to have another trip with his siblings while Colby stayed behind to edit. Yet when he returned it was Sam who made the post about not needing to vacation and preferring to work than have time off. When Colby is finally seen out, Sam always has to post some version of a story or snap to show hes editing yet all we see on the screen is the thumbnail. Colby looks so down and depressed sometimes it worries me and where is Sam? Golfing? Or taking Katrina to Hawaii? Colby barely took time to see his family in Arizona because he needed to get back to editing. Just know many of us don’t say this because parts of the fandom are so toxic you cant get a word in but we all see it, and many of us feel it. You though hit the nail on the head.
my thing is, i'm not saying he doesn't deserve time off. if anything, i would love for him to find someone that could take some shit off his plate. both him and colby work their asses off, they BOTH deserve to have editors do their parts so they can focus on other things. my issue is that when colby edits, he sits in his room and does nothing else but edit. maybe you see him go out at night, maybe he goes on a walk or something. but even that's rare. sam on the other hand…. he's out with kat, or her group of friends. he's out drinking. he's doing a bunch of stuff. but then comes back and complains on not having enough time to edit. in one breath he will say he loves editing and it's his favorite thing to do, but in the next breath complain about needing an editor or showing all the shit he had to do just to get to the point where the video is almost finished.
both of them do a lot of editing all the time, but only one complains about it. and then that same one complains about not finding an editor that can copy his style, or that he has to give notes and 20 page documents on how to do his style. and it also seems like at times that he "deserves" an editor bc he has a gf and since colby doesn't, that's why who cares if he has to do his part in the end regardless. that's my issue.
and as i've said before, usually when snc are in a time crunch is when sam likes to pull out the "let's try something different with the editing", and it usually just makes the video feel a bit off, even if the thing that changed seemed somewhat interesting. there was just no follow-thru bc YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME.
again, i don't care if sam wants time away from work. i IMPLORE both of them to take breaks. but do not come back from a 5 star vacation talking about "i love working, idk why anyone would want a vacay, you shouldn't live for them".
some of us only work to live here, samuel. you think i love working in retail for slightly above minimum wage? fuck no lol
yo highkey i think my issue with sam is that he is just such a capitalist and i'm just… not. this man wants to be rich like elon but doesn't realize what that means to get that rich. but then it's funny bc he doesn't even realize looking up to assholes like elon or bezos is ridiculous bc neither one of those fuckers are working. they just profit off of those that work under them without lifting a finger. they exploit which is why they make so much fucking money. they care about no one but themselves and their fucking pockets. money makes them soulless.
okay i'm gonna stop ranting now.
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