#will update my age later bc i have to do it on my laptop
lmitations · 2 years
its my bday :)
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attractthecrows · 7 months
I shouldn't be grinning like an idiot just sitting here on my computer watching my shows but FUCK it is so goddamn miserable at home that I haven't been able to do this for months
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Crash Into Me
You’d been MGK’s assistant for years, but you never thought you had a chance at anything more with him until one stoplight changes everything.
Request: “ok im so sorry if this is 2 specific but ive had this idea for ages abt pining!colson x an insecure/clueless!reader who has been his assistant forever. she gets into a car accident and calls him hours later to tell him that a temp will be taking her place for a few weeks (bc of injuries) and he's like ?? why?? she explains nonchalantly, then kells kinda freaks out and shows up at the hospital all worried”
Colson Baker X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, car accident (descriptive)
A/N: This was cute 😊
Word Count: 3185
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“Alright Kells, I’m out for the night. I’ll email those tracks to the board when I get home and I’ll let you know if I get any updates for tomorrow’s press.” You told the blond man who was sitting on the couch as you put your laptop into your bag. You tried not to yawn as you heaved it over your shoulder, “anything else?”
You glanced at the kitchen clock that read 2 am and let out a small sigh. You were used to late nights given your job as assistant to a rockstar, but most nights you were able to leave before 8 pm. Tonight you and Colson had gotten really invested in the tracks you were editing and lost track of time.
“Y/N,” he turned to look at you with puppy dog eyes. He wanted something that you really weren’t gonna want to give him. “Could you come over early tomorrow to help me pick out what to wear for the Vanity Fair interview?”
You chuckled, “you know they have their own wardrobe department?”
He sighed, “yeah but you know me so much better than all those stylists. I trust your opinion more.”
You rolled your eyes as he tilted his head, begging you. “Fine, but I’m buying us coffee with your credit card.”
He broke out into a smile, “thank you, love you!” He called as you walked towards his front door.
“Whatever, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him, taking your car keys into your hands, and stepping out into the LA night. There was a soft breeze that shook the trees slightly, making you smile. It felt nice outside for the first time in a while.
Because of this, you decided to drive home with your windows rolled down, letting the wind flow through your hair. The roads were pretty barren by LA standards, so traffic was pretty much non-existent. You were sitting at a red light, your fingers tapping against your steering wheel as one of Colson’s songs played through your speakers softly.
You reached to turn up the volume as the light turned green. You pressed the gas, your car moving forward into the intersection. Suddenly you heard a loud squeal of brakes, looking over to your passenger window to the sight of two headlights barreling towards you. You tried to speed up to get out of the way, but it was too late.
The truck rammed straight into the side of your small car, pushing your vehicle over into the car next to you. You put your left arm up to shield you from any flying debris, but it was futile. The infrastructure of your car fell apart at the force, the dashboard collapsing onto your right leg. Luckily, your left leg managed to avoid the destruction.
You could barely feel the force of the whiplash due to the pain in your abdomen at the deployment of the airbag. Glass from the car next to you fell into your car through your open window, cutting into your skin.
And then all of a sudden, everything stopped. The truck that had hit you had stopped moving, allowing you to fully assess the damage. Your car was totaled for sure, and your leg was definitely crushed. You cried out in pain, breathing heavy and trying to see straight. You could hear the sound of sirens in the distance, giving you some sense of relief.
When the paramedics got to the scene, you were the last passenger to be taken out of the crash due to your car being in the center. A firefighter had to break the glass of your windshield, which was already cracked, in order to pull you out. When you told him your leg was stuck under the dashboard, he sent a team of men to lift it from your foot and another to pull you out of the wreckage.
They were all amazed you were still conscious but got very worried when you told them you couldn’t feel the pain in your leg. You rode in an ambulance to the hospital, the EMTs helping pick the glass from your skin and assessing your injuries. You made jokes with them to calm yourself down, something that you did with Colson and Rook whenever they got into accidents while you were out with them.
You thought about giving them Colson’s name when they asked about your emergency contact but decided against it. You didn’t want to worry him until absolutely necessary. You figured you’d see what the doctor had to say and if you wouldn’t be able to come back to work, then you would tell him.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the doctor said. In fact, you wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital for at least a week due to your shattered leg, bruised abdomen, and concussion.
The leg would require at least 2 if not more surgeries to repair and you would be on close watch for development of a more serious brain injury. After that you most likely wouldn’t be able to be back on your feet for another 8 to 12 weeks, which was kind of a requirement for your job.
It was almost 5am, so you weren’t necessarily thinking straight when you called Colson from your cracked phone. He answered, his voice conveying how tired he was. “Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Hey Kells, I’m not gonna be able to come in early tomorrow, or at all. I’m gonna start looking for a temporary replacement tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it. Oh! And I couldn’t send those tracks to the board, sorry.” You told him, only half registering the words you were saying.
The confusion was evident in his voice, “what? Why do you need to find a replacement?”
You realized you had forgotten to tell him what happened. “Oh, yeah! It’s kind of funny.” You started, chuckling but then realizing that laughing made your stomach hurt even more. “And by funny, I mean not funny at all. I got into a car accident. Some dude ran into my car in an intersection and now I’m in the hospital.”  
“Which hospital?” Colson asked, suddenly much more awake.
“Hollywood Presbyterian.” You told him, “why?”
He sounded like he was rushing around, which he was. “I’m coming to see you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “why? I’m fine, you don’t need to do that. You have a big interview tomorrow, you should sleep.”
Colson sighed, “fuck the interview, I’ll be there in a few.”
“Colson you don’t-“ You started, but he hung up before you could tell him not to come.
Why was he rushing to see you in the hospital? Sure, you were friends, but he had much more important things to worry about right now. And besides, you were more casual work friends. He wouldn’t even know you existed if you didn’t work for him. Sure, you had a huge crush on him, but he was your boss, you were just someone he asked to do things he didn’t want to do.
 20 minutes later Colson ran into the hospital room, stopping when he saw you in the bed. Your face was red from chemical burn and a few cuts of glass. Your right leg was propped up with basic bandaging around it. His heart broke at the thought of how much pain you had probably been in.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly, moving to sit in the chair on your left side.
You shrugged, “I’ve been better.”
“Why didn’t you call me sooner?” He asked, eyes full of pity.
“I didn’t want to bother you unless it was serious. Figured I’d find out if I would have to miss work before telling you.” You said, squeezing your eyes shut as a headache washed over you.
Colson’s mouth gaped open, “you didn’t want to bother me? You got in a car crash and you weren’t gonna call me unless you would have to miss work?”
You shrugged again, “yeah. If my laptop wasn’t completely crushed in the accident I would’ve just found and sent a temp in tomorrow, but obviously that’s impossible.”
“Y/N you’re kidding me, right?” He asked, exasperated. You furrowed your eyebrows in response, causing a sigh to fall from his lips. “Y/N I don’t give a shit about a temp; I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh, I’m fine. A little shaken and these headaches are killer, but they gave me a lot of pain medication so, I’m fine.” You smiled at him, your thoughts racing as you tried to figure out why he cared so much about how you were feeling.
He nodded, hand reaching out and landing on top of yours gently. “So, do they have to do surgery? What all did the doctors say?” He asked, worry in his eyes.
You nodded, “yeah, at least 2 surgeries. One around 11 am and then depending on how that one goes they’ll schedule the next. And they have to watch me to make sure my concussion doesn’t get worse.”
He pulled out his phone, typing away. “What are you doing?” You asked, suddenly feeling very tired.
“I just emailed the PR liaison for Vanity Fair and told them I wouldn’t be able to make it to the interview.” He responded.
“Why did you do that?” You asked through a yawn.
He looked at you like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, “because I have to be with you right now.”
You were very confused as to why he thought he had to be here. “Colson, I’ll be fine. You should go to the interview. You don’t have to stay here.”
“I do have to be here. I want to be here.” He said, sternly.
“Why?” You asked, trying to keep your eyes open.
“Because I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“I’ll just call you after the surgery, it’s no big deal.” You responded lazily.
He shook his head, “I want to stay here with you, Y/N. Okay? I care about you.”
You were too tired to process what he was saying at this point, so you just let out a hum. “I need to make sure you’re okay. I need to see you being okay. When you called me, I swear I was gonna have a heart attack if I didn’t see you.” He continued.
You were barely awake at this point, letting out a simple, “I’m okay” before slipping into unconsciousness.
 Suddenly you were back in your car, “Bloody Valentine” playing from your speakers. The sky was dark green, almost like a painting. In front of you, the red light turned green. Like clockwork, you pressed the gas, moving into the intersection. Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and you heard the familiar chilling sound of breaks squealing. You looked over and saw those headlights coming towards you, getting closer and closer, brighter, and brighter.
You screamed at the sight, the familiar paralyzing fear coursing through your body again. “Y/N!” Your name played through the radio. That’s not in the song, you thought. “Y/N!” Colson’s voice rang out again before the truck made contact with your car.
You woke up in a cold sweat to Colson standing over you, hands shaking your shoulders lightly. “Y/N.” He said, relieved when your eyes began to open.
Your entire body was shaking like a poodle and your arms subconsciously reached for Colson, hanging onto his shirt for dear life. “It was just a dream.” He whispered as your eyes darted around the room. “You’re okay.” He reassured you.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, hands leaving the fabric and moving to cover up your face. “I’m sorry.”
Colson sat on the bed next to you, legs hanging off the side as he stroked your face gently. “It’s okay, baby.” He turned to the nurse who opened the door, a worried expression on her face. He shook his head at her, “sorry, she just had a nightmare. She’s okay.” The nurse nodded but stayed in the room anyways, checking your vitals.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again, the words seeming to be the only thing you could say.
Colson shook his head, “stop saying that, it’s okay.” You pouted at him, trying to scoot over so he would lay down next to you, but it was way too painful. “What are you doin?” He asked, a smile on his face.
You sighed, “wanted you to sit next to me but I can’t move because of this stupid leg.” You motioned to the leg in question.
Colson chuckled, “I can sit next to you in the chair.”
“That didn’t work last time.” You whined.
He looked at you with an expression that was both amused and confused. You were definitely still high on pain medication. “What didn’t work.”
“It didn’t stop the nightmare.” You frowned, hand reaching for his. He chuckled, standing up fully and looking at the nurse.
She flashed him an amused smile, “If you want, we can try to move her. I don’t know how much we can do without hurting her ribs, though.”
Colson nodded with a gracious smile, “hear that? We can’t move you because of your ribs.”
You glared at him, “I may be very high right now, but I’m not that high.” You said, making him giggle. “She said you could try.”
Colson let out an exasperated sigh, one arm going under your back and the other under your left leg. “Is this what it’s like taking care of me all the time?” He asked and you nodded your head firmly.
“Yep. Except I am much smaller than you, so you have less work to do with me.” You smiled as he lifted you off the bed, which quickly turned into a grimace. “Ow!” You yelped and Colson quickly set you down, slightly closer to the right side of the bed.
“Fuck, sorry princess. Are you okay?” He asked, voice soft.
You nodded, sucking in your bottom lip to block the whimpers of pain that threatened to escape your mouth. “You probably don’t remember, but one time you were so crossed that you called me to pick you up from a party. But you couldn’t make it out of the car, so I had to carry you into your house. And then you demanded to sleep in your own room, so you made me drag you up the stairs instead of passing out on the couch like normal.”
Colson let out a breathy chuckle, glad you weren’t hurt too much. He carefully sat onto the cot next to you, pulling up his right leg to sit on the bed. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you into him slightly. You shifted so that you were comfortable, left hand finding his own left hand and holding it. He brought his left leg up onto the bed so he was fully laying with you.
Your head rest on his chest, a soft smile on your face as his thumb rubbed circles on your hand. The nurse left, satisfied that you wouldn’t hurt yourself further. Colson pressed a small kiss to the top of your head, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“What time is it?” You asked him, to which he responded by pulling out his phone and showing you the lock screen. 8:47am. You nodded, a frown on your face, “did you get any sleep?” You asked him softly.
“I’m fine, I was asleep for a few hours before you called me.”
You sighed, feeling guilty. “You should go home and get some sleep.”
You felt him shake his head from behind you, “I’m staying right here.”
Despite wanting to force him to go home, you couldn’t help the happiness you felt at his stubbornness to stay with you. “You know you don’t need to be here. I won’t be offended if you leave.”
He chuckled, “stop trying to get me to leave. I’m here. On my own accord, okay? I’m gonna take care of you.”
You paused, thinking about the word floating around your head. “Why?” you whispered.
Colson’s face scrunched in confusion, “what do you mean “why”? Because you’re my friend and I care about you.”
“I mean, yeah. But I’m not like a “drop everything” kind of friend, I’m just your assistant.” You muttered.
Colson made an “are-you-serious?” face and let out a snort. “Seriously? You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You mean the world to me, of course I’d drop everything for you.”
You couldn’t think of a response, his words making your heart race. “oh.” Was the best you could come up with.
“Y/N, seriously, you think way too low of yourself. You’re amazing.” He said, nose burying into your hair.
You shrugged, “you only say that because I take care of you when you’re drunk and help you do all the things you don’t want to do.”
Colson’s expression softened, a frown forming on his face. “I’m saying that because I think the world of you. You’re the kindest, funniest, coolest person I know. I meant it, when you told me you were in the hospital, my heart almost stopped. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about you being hurt.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I wish you could see how much you mean to me.” He mumbled.
You were quiet for a little while, processing what he had said. “You’re only saying that because I’m in the hospital.” You muttered, a frown on your face. You were trying to keep your hopes low, knowing once you were out of here, he would regret saying any of this.
“Y/N, are you being serious right now? I’m saying this because I’ve been fucking in love with you for the past year and a half.” He said and you could feel your breath catch in your throat. “I can’t believe you don’t see it.”
You bit your lip, turning to look up to him. “I just- I didn’t want- you wouldn’t.” You stumbled over your words, taking a deep breath, and starting again. “I didn’t want to read too much into it or get my hopes up. I figured you’d never be into someone like me so I just told myself you were being nice. I thought you only treated me well because I worked for you.” You mumbled.
He frowned, holding you tighter to him, “I am so, so into you. You are the only woman in my life who has ever stuck by me through my worst shit. Like even when I was a total jackass you stayed with me. How could I not fall in love with you?”
You bit your lip, tears threatening to spill at his sweet sentiment. You’d never had anyone say something that kind about you. You’d always assumed people only kept you around because you did stuff for them, but here was the man you were in love with telling you that he cared about you for you.
“I love you too.” You whispered, leaning your head further into his chest.
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chuuchuu-san · 7 years
Hey, so I can't write for shit but I always have a lot of scenarios in my head. Since it's Christmas Eve and I just watched the Sound of Music, I came up with an idea I'd like to share. Please feel free to take inspiration, but please be sure to credit me.
Every year the ADA has a Christmas Dinner at their office and every year everyone shows up apart from Dazai. As it's Atsushi's first time celebrating Christmas, he wants everyone he cares about to join him. He begs Dazai to tag along, without succes, and even shows up at his apartment with a Christmas sweater the day before the dinner. Dazai decided to pop by real quick to please Atsushi (I mean, how can you say no to him) and shows up 2 hours late WITH the Christmas sweater and a keychain for everyone (it's the thought that counts, right?). Meanwhile, everyone was busy preparing the dinner in the small kitches the office has. Kyouka and Atsushi are attempting to bake a Christmas cake, Kunikida is carefully preparing the turkey and Yosano is mixing god knows how many alcoholic drinks to come up with the perfect beverage. Ranpo takes care of the dessert of course. They're all singing Christmas songs and dancing in their Christmas sweaters as the food is cooking. Basically, everyone is having a great time.
On the other side of the city, the Port Mafia is having a very formal dinner party. The food is prepared by the finest chefs, the wine is hand-picked by Chuuya himself and a violin player is playing classic Christmas songs to entertain the guests.
All though Chuuya has everything his heart desires, he still misses..something. Something that feels like home. He checks his phone and sees that Dazai updated his social media for the first time in ages. He opens the link, expecting some kind of lame ass "Merry Christmas" post, but instead is greeted by a photo of Dazai grinning from ear to ear wearing the ugliest sweater Chuuya has ever seen. There are some other photo's of the ADA, soem food pics and a video of Ranpo screaming along with Mariah Carey as Naomi loses it in the background.
Chuuya, who later blames it on the wine, decides to message Dazai. It's starts of with a generic "Merry Christmas, you twat" , but right after Dazai replies the conversation shifts to "hey can I join, I'm bored as fuck". Although the ADA is more hesitant, Dazai says Chuuya can come as long as he wears a Christmas sweater. Chuuya agrees and leaves the party asap. Akutagawa, Gin and Tachihara tag along because they were about to throw a tantrum just to make the party more exciting.
They all show up at the ADA and are greeted by a somewhat drunk Dazai. Kunikida and Atsushi are clearly not amused, but allow the foursome in for as long as no one gets hurt. The rest doesn't really care because they know they can kick their asses easily (I mean have you seen ep. 4 lol).
At first the mafia members sit around awkwardly but after a glass or two they start to loosen up a bit. Since they don't know the ADA members as personally as they know each other, they talk to each other instead.
Atsushi senses the awkwardness and suggests they put on a movie. As the office doesn't have a proper television, he uses a laptop and a projector instead. They start of their marathon with Home Alone because it's a classic. After that Kenji, Tachihara, Kunikida and Yosano decide to leave the party bc it's getting kinda late. The only ones left are Aku, Atsushi, Gin, Kyouka, Ranpo, Dazai and Chuuya. Atsushi begs the other 6 guests to watch the Sound Of Music with him bc once again, it's a classic. They eventually agree and put on the movie. Gin and Kyouka fall asleep after 30 minutes, Akutagawa falls asleep on Gins shoulder after an hour, which Atsushi finds strangely cute, and tiger boy himself can't keep his eyes open after 2 hours. Meanwhile, Dazai and Chuuya are watching the movie in a complete trance. Ranpo leaves an 45 minutes before the movie ends because he knows what's about to happen.
As Maria and Captain von Trapp confess their feelings towards each other, Chuuya scoots closer towards Dazai. When the characters kiss for the first time, Dazai snorts lightly. "That's not how you fucking kiss," he exclaims under his breath. Chuuya chuckles in response. "Then how do you fucking kiss, Dazai?" Dazai doesn't answer and fixates his eyes on the screen. The scene continues and the two lovebirds sing a duet (i forgot the name lol). As the song comes to an end, the characters kiss again. "That's indeed not how to fucking kiss," Chuuya murmurs, "Their lips don't even touch." "Then how do you fucking kiss, Chuuya?" Dazai teases.
What happened next is totally the alcohols fault, at least that's what Chuuya blames it on, but Chuuya grabs Dazai's face and kisses him. No tongue, no real passion, just his lips touching Dazai's desperately. Dazai kissed back rightaway and the longer the kiss lasts, the more it turns into a passionate kiss, filled with lust and feelings that have been hidden for so long.
They never saw the ending of the movie. They only saw each other, not paying attention to their surroundings whatsoever. The next day they woke up on the couch together. The office was empty and clean, as if the party never happened. The only evidence left was a mere photo of Soukoku sleeping in each others arms, taken on Chuuya's phone.
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flockofdoves · 4 years
was trying to think of a way to divide up ocs on toyhouse so i don’t get too embarrassed about them yesterday but then it turned into just trying to list like every character i’ve ever made the vast majority of them i’d never put on toyhouse lol. but this was fun for myself even though i definitely forgot chracters and even whole stories from when i was younger
kinda old (definitely need updating they’re from when i was 17/18 and haven’t done much in recent years but nonetheless are my most recent ocs and i would probably like to do something with them someday still):
all the alienated characters - raul and michael primarily, also side characters like their relatives (lennie, joaquin, marcell, maybe also shinsuke, natalia, nina, naomi, hana, leela, etc) and friends (still need to name them lol) etc
justicia (less set on doing her story any time soon compared to alienated, but still theres something to it i might want to work with someday)
pretty old (like i was 16-17)
gf debate characters (this is actually older than a lot of the ones i list as even older in this list but i kept working on them til i was like 17 so they hold up better even if i don’t want to finish making their story anymore) - isaac, micah (micah is literally kinda from when i was 12 lol but i brought her to like 3 different stories and she was a boy in the first one too so shes basically not that character anymore), and then side characters like mirabel (originated in same story at 12 as micah), ayçin, anna, micahs mom and her wife, micahs cousin (another one from that old story) etc
those ocs that literally none of them have names or barely personalities i only ever did character sketches and basic concepts but its like a ghost story thing i was gonna do - 12 y/o baby butch protag, the ghost girl, baby butch’s trans girl cousin, cousins trans guy friend
really old (characters from when i was like 14-15 that did not really develop much from there. most of these are characters i have had fun with and maybe drawn since but are goofy and don’t hold up in a lot of aspects and most of them i’ll probably never pick up for stories again)
football lesbians - monica, wanda, and rania
pigeon magical girls (technically maybe i actually finished a very abbreviated version of their origin story for a school art project when i was 15 lol but i planned to do more back then and now i dont want to) - zehra, ronni, the pigeon, probably not amy and zoë that was just a cameo for myself of ocs from when i was like 11 lol
naomi’s story (this one i might actually want to do something with someday, i wrote a short story about it plus a bit more, but i have to make some serious changes i don’t really think i thought of some of the implications of some stuff in it before) - just naomi and the ghost basically. not to be confused with naomi in alienated who is michael’s sister they are not at all the same person
assorted characters that never really had a story - mels and cvijeta, charlotte (thought about putting her in football lesbians. she does basketball but. jock wlw you know)
really really old (characters from late middle school, like 13-14)
uhhh that wizards story. it never had a name idk. i still kinda like them though tbh even if i’ll never do anything with them anymore - tess, ali, nataline, brandy, mo, remora, cnidarian
really really really old (characters from the middle of middle school, like 12-13. at this point my recollection of what came before what might be kinda off tho)
that fae folk in pennsylvania and ohio story - emilia, ilana, micah (first version! lol), mirabel, that boy that i just hate and don’t remember the name of and resent making a character that had a crush on micah, micahs cousin, darling/angel (a faerie that just went by terms of endearment as if they were names), uhhh the second group of characters in a different more rural town i tried to write that i dont remember the names of
haunted victorian house story - benji, aisha, elizabeth
updated onex arget (fantasy world i wrote about a lot when i was in elementary school) story - nai, rieae
idk this story never had a name and barely a plot beyond ivy and victor becoming friends and venting to each other - victor, ivy, miles, maitê
forks and spoons (story i improvised with my little cousin who was like 8 at the time lol) - florimundi(?), i’m forgetting literally all 3 of the other characters names lol (maybe reese and victor for two of them??? but maybe not bc those are also other very old characters that idk if i reused the names of)
theo and ted - theoni and theodore (aka theo and ted!), oh also that guy they meet who wears like. a trench coat iirc
super old (characters from the later half of the 6th grade and early 7th, like 12ish)
really dumb story about a closeted trans person with did getting transformation powers - i actually dont remember the main character and their main other alters names anymore, i remember the other character they had a crush on stephan though
all those characters in bands that i never actually could settle on a story for beyond a variety of interpersonal drama. very inspired by the webcomic jenny hanniver tbh - avery, mark, etti, adrian, xavier, pepper, uhhh theres literally So Many more of them and also so many i dont remember the names of anymore but just for some that come to mind. that periwinkle colored hair in a bowl cut character that always wore a beanie who was in avery’s band whos names on the tip of my tongue (maybe that was etti and the character i’m calling etti was called something else?? maybe victoria? maybe andy? maybe andy was an entirely different 3rd character?? idk. actually yeah i’m positive bowlcut character was etti rereading this), xaviers ex-boyfriend who was obsessed with homestuck (lmao), that guy with red hair i accidentally directly ripped off the design of some jenny hanniver character, that goth guy with braces and glasses (maybe he wasnt in this?), that screamo band with 2 lead singers, that guy with brown hair that said he was straight with an exception (msfdkjghhsfd god), that person with the emo haircut in flame colors, this literally is not even all the characters lol
extremely old (largely from 6th grade, like age 11ish. weird period of time where i suddenly wanted to write about romance but thought it had to be straight but then very quickly was like ‘wait actually nvm i have a laptop now and think i’m bicurious i’m only gonna write about gay people)
gsa story (this might have been the summer before 7th actually but it feels distinctly before the other stuff in the last category so idk maybe just my whole impression of when i made things for middle school is off) - emmy(?), allie(?), noah(???), some other kid, i think noah(?) or the other kid got reused to be the guy i regretted making a part of that faerie story who liked old micah lol, maybe more kids, their teacher
idk that kid with blue hair and black eyes with white irises and his sister
middle school lesbians - leah and cass
lesbian who works in food service and there were weird references to comic books but filtered through me referencing an obscure emo humor youtube channel that made jokes about comics i’d never read - amy, zoë, amy’s straight best friend i dont remember the name of??
tosca (this wasnt straight romance but it was like the last thing pre me always having lgbt main characters) - idk. there were two characters i drew like once. theres nothing to note about this except wanting to make it is what made me learn about webcomics
that story i posted the first chapter of on quibblo about a hippie girl (somehow in 2010?? dont ask me) and an emo boy liking each other before abandoning to never write about cishet romance again. didnt even get to the romance part lol - i forget her name. maybe it was april? maybe it was florimundi and i reused it later for another character, nix, reese (her goth lesbian best friend. thank god for reese)
first attempt at straight romance. also about like. idk. fantastical powers in clouds in providence rhode island - selia, shay, cassandra, selias other friend i forget the name of??
ancient (literally elementary school ocs. obviously theres a lot of grades covered here but its just my memory and ability to reference this is so loose idk if i could even try to accurately divide it further)
shadow magic - mezzaluna, her aunt tabby(?), alexa
a, j, & j (barely counts i didnt do anything with them. those are the only characters also)
arine (some of these characters might not be arine characters and just from other onex arget (fantasy world i wrote a bunch of stories in and made a shitty conlang for and stuff) stories but i just dont really remember) - lia, lias sister, dibujurm, that other fantastical creature who was friends with dibujurm i forget the name of that kinda looked like calcifer from howls moving castle but fuzzy not an actual fire (maybe isigo??), emiaelaesa, that obnoxious prince (i think the story was called arine bc that was his name?), the prince’s servant, there absolutely were more
the musical adventures of shiri and don - shiri, don, some evil villain and his henchmen
rosington (there were like no characters besides her. weird junie b jones rip off with nonsensical humor to everyone but me)
that tree prophecy story (maybe set in onex arget?) - nico, emi (?? maybe not her name), their uncle (i forget his name, maybe lester?), their uncles shipmates, that fortune teller
idk some kid that goes on a scavenger hunt to solve a mystery on vacation in like bermuda or something where he meets some quirky girl character who helps him. thats all
i had some characters that started out as me trying to draw characters from the book hoot by carl hiaasen but for some reason then turned into my own ocs and looked nothing like those characters were described and also basically had nothing to do with them in personality and action beyond name after a while. - beatrice and napoleon. this was in a phase where i got a ‘how to draw anime’ book and napoleon straight up looked like a yugioh character his hair was ridiculous
those fake siblings i made up and lied to a substitute teacher in kindergarten about me having 6 siblings because of for absolutely no reason even though i only have one sibling irl
imaginary friends i shared with my brother and then made stories about - theres so many of these, the most important though was chick-chick-chick. who was a very small chick who wore a top hat. and then he had a family(?) of infinitely smaller chicks (chick-chick-chick-chick, for example) the more “chicks” you added to the name
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sugaroons · 7 years
ghost!bts - hyung line
in honour of ghost month, i’m doing a (crack) bulletpoint fic set. some fluff, but mostly dumb headcanons about our favourite boys as ghosts !! 
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the dreaded laughing ghost on the fifth floor of the company's oldest building
he's the handsome guy in the old photos of the founders
lived a good, long life, but stays around to try and bother his friends who are still alive
you're the intern at work so they make you run around to find all the files
grumbling, you walk up the five flights of stairs because of course there isn't an elevator to the physical archives
and you're looking through the cabinets when you turn around and find the file on the desk
"thank god," you say, reaching over to pick it up
"no, it's just mr. worldwide handsome," a voice says
and there he is, the guy from the sepia-tone photos
you're startled for a moment and he's like, "well?"
then you squint, making a face
"you're more awkward-looking than I expected"
jin just waggles his eyebrows at you, striking a bunch of poses, blowing you a big kiss, and he's so silly you end up laughing
since you see him he follows you around
always in a three-piece suit because it makes him look “dapper"
he groans whenever you're eating something
"how delicious is it"
jin makes chewing noises and smacks his mouth and you make it a point to hide your food around him
you're in boring meetings taking notes and he's leaning against the wall trying to look cool
then a bug flies In the room and his screams are louder than the presenter's booming voice
and you look like you're laughing at fucking NOTHING because the bug keeps flying through jin and he's stumbling around the room, flailing his arms around
eventually you move up the corporate ladder and transfer to another company
and you miss seokjin for a bit
but when he appears at your desk whining about how lonely he was without you, you roll your eyes and try to find a lizard to scare him with
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spirit haunting the suspiciously cheap second-hand piano at the music store
you find a young man slumped over on the piano and try to wake him up
but your hand goes right through him and you scream a little
yoongi lifts his head up and curses, his face deadly (heh) serious
"what's a ghost gotta do to get some peace around here"
he's the piano's original owner and apparently a composer of some sort
won't shut up about how music is his first love
when he's not sleeping, of course
eventually warms up to you when he finds out you can play a little bit
"you're not shit" (and you know that's a glowing compliment coming from him)
one day you find music sheets under the piano's hood, and you try to play them while yoongi's not around
then he appears beside you, rapping, and you keep going because it sounds really good
and when it’s all over you look at him and say
“i didn’t know they were into rap in the 19th century”
yoongi is more or less a living pet rock tbh
now that you’re sort-of friends he has these weird hyper episodes where he makes faces
he pretends to be drunk every so often
you can’t get mad because he’s really funny when he’s being silly and it’s better than seeing him be moody
the best day you spend together is you playing the piano and him freestyling
when you save up enough money you buy the piano
“it’s the thought of your bed being softer than the music store floor”
and yoongi complains about having to live in your cramped up apartment but you know???? he’s secretly glad
yoongi’s your personal accountant now
your budget has never been more efficiently used
a good portion of it goes to scented candles bc apparently ghosts can smell burning things??? who fucking knows
but seeing yoongi enjoying fruity scents is enough motivation tbh
you end up moving a lot but the old piano is the one thing you never leave behind
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trickster spirit?
you meet him at a haunted house event
normally you’re a big scaredy cat but the tour guide in the haunted house makes you laugh at every scary thing
and when you’re outside congratulating the organizers for thinking of such a program they have no clue what you’re talking about
you’re walking to the next ride when you see him hiding behind a potted plant, clearly waiting to be found
“i’m your hope, i’m your angel”
and you mishear him so you call him hobi and that’s what sticks
hobi talks to you the whole way and you let him because he seems like a really nice guy
when you get to your street you tell him this is where you part ways
with a wink and a smile he disappears
while your neighbour’s lecturing you about being noisy you’re congratulating yourself for finding a real-life ghost in a haunted house
you dismiss it as a one-off thing but the next time you go to an arcade you find hobi hopping around on the old dance machines
“no tokens required,” he says, grinning
as a poltergeist he can sort of??? make things shake and rattle but no big movements
meaning he annoys your cat whenever he’s in your room
he’s a really fun ghost with a killer sense of direction
you’re new to the neighbourhood and he gives you a tour of the place, and beyond it
you ask him where he goes when he’s not with you and he shrugs
one day you see him at the amusement park talking to a little kid
turns out he visits all the orphanages and children’s homes nearby and checks if any of them can see him
he’s friends with so many children and they all laugh at the tricks he can do
when he sees you he’s not even embarrassed
he shows himself mostly to the lonely people, he tells you
you point at yourself incredulously
“ah, but sometimes i have to have fun, too”
hobi is the best anti-burglary alarm because he can nudge you just enough to wake you should anything go wrong
what an angel indeed
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age-old scholar ghost
you'll find him haunting the university library
you meet him when you hear someone repeating “shUT UP MALFOY” and you shush them
“wow you can see me?”
and that’s how you become friends with the world’s most introspective ghost
tries to do a socratic dialogue by himself all the time
he’s the best person to study philosophy and logic with
when you get drunk you go to him and he asks you about the stars
“naMjoON pls i’m crying about my grades”
ah, but really, he’s a good shoulder to cry on metaphorically and metaphysically
you can tell he really cares and that’s a comfort
namjoon’s made a bunch of friends over the years, mostly alumni who, like you, can sense the supernatural
occasionally you see him walking around with them
despite all that, namjoon can be really silly
he loves watching tv and the two of you often catch series on your laptop together
you realize namjoon can’t read books because he can’t flip through the pages
so you buy a small music player and store audiobooks in it for him to listen to while the library’s closed
“if you thank me one more time namjoon i swear i’m never coming back again”
a couple of weeks later he disappears for a while
but you realize he just needs some time alone to think about life, the universe, and everything
one day you come there super hyped and muttering a verse from the new kendrick album
and namjoon joins in and then starts adding his own verses
sheepishly, he says, “i’ve been thinking about it”
anyway eventually you have to graduate and namjoon is really bummed but he always tries to keep a smile on around you
those dimples are lying to you
but you take a job as a researcher at the university so you’re there all the time anyway
he knows where all the good books are so you’re in the best hands
all you have to do is keep the books and music on his audio player updated and you have one happy ghost assistant
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chmpn-remix · 7 years
Okay I’m gonna do that end of the year meme now because I’m surprisingly bored
First things first, did you have a good year? ~ it’s been weird. Honestly speaking it’s been good. I did so much travelling compared to the other 22 years of my life. But I also lost friends and things were shifting quite a bit in that department (mostly for online friends) and that part was meh
How old did you turn this year? ~ 23
Do you feel your age? ~ both yes and no. This year /was/ the year of finally feeling like I’m going somewhere, career wise. and I think it’s more accepting the fact that it’s okay not to feel like an adult yet even though I am
Did your appearance change in anyway? ~ ooh! I started stretching my ears in January and now they’re at 0g! I dyed hair and went through colors I’ve used before so that’s not super new
Post your favorite selfie. ~ it’s not on my laptop so maybe I’ll post it later
If you traveled, where did you go? ~ on March @notpassingfascination drove us to Boise, ID to see panic at the disco!! and then at the end of June I went to Calgary for Otafest 
Which fashion trends did you love? ~ none for this year really, though I updated my wardrobe to include office casual stuff ahaha
Which fashion trends did you hate? ~ none that I can remember immediately
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? ~ my fuckin space pants!! tho im fairly sure I didn’t buy it this year I think? maybe??
What song sums up this year for you? ~ What’s My Age by Blink-182 hahahahahahhaHAHAH
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? ~ oh man After Laughter definitely
What was your favorite movie of the year? ~ Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2!!!! also wonderwoman
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? ~ nope but for bands it’s Waterparks and Set It Off
Favorite new TV show? ~ none that are new, but the main ones for this year are Game of Thrones and Stranger Things
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? ~ uhhh tbh I’ve been all over the place but I’m still in the top fandom. In mostly correct order I’ve gotten into Set It Off, Halsey’s new album, Paramore’s After Laughter and also their self titled album, Voltron, GoT, Stranger Things, Waterparks and rn I’m really into Doki Doki Literature Club and kinda watching let’s players play games?
What food did you try for the first time? ~ nothing I can think of tbh
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? ~ not really, but I think I’m getting new glasses before the year is over
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? ~ this year I decided to buy my friends christmas gifts!
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? ~ set tasks/goals that are more achievable and changed my mentality a bit about getting work done. it’s getting a lil better or at least I’m feeling a lil better about it
Did you develop a new obsession? ~ nothing that was as big as twenty one pilots was in 2015 ahaha. I did have a long phase where I listened to Paramore’s self-titled almost every day
Did you vote? ~ yes!
Did you move? ~ nope
Did you get a job? ~ yes! tbh I’ve worked at like 3 places this year woah
Did you get a pet? ~ yes! I’m taking care of my boyfriend’s cat Luna (who is kinda also partly my cat)
Do you regret not doing anything? ~ buddy I have a constant feeling that I’m not doing enough s o
Do you regret doing something? ~ deleting that friend off snapchat ahahah that was honestly an accident but oh fuckin well
Have you done anything that scared you? ~ taking on new responsiblities at work
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? ~ I have a family friend who is a 14 y/o foster kid and he’s always getting into trouble. At least once a month he’ll tell me something worrying and it’ll make me mad but also frustrated and worried and everything else
Did you lose anyone close to you? ~ not in the death sense no
Did you fall in love? ~ with beb, always!! I also recently fell in love with 21 Questions by Waterparks ;D along with Paramore’s last two albums and the album Duality by Set It Off
Did you fall out of love? ~ platonic love yeah. it’s getting a lil better
Did you start a new relationship? ~ only platonic relationships m’dude
Did you go through a break up? ~ ONLY PLATONIC BREAKUPS M’DUDE
Did you have to cut ties to someone? ~ I already answered this
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? ~ b!! they are precious. Also Allie! she is a positive vibe in my life
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? ~ One Person *looks straight into the camera*
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? ~ yes I would’ve approached Reeve Carn*y and asked for an autograph ahaha
What was the best moment of the year for you? ~ almost straight up bawling right after PATD performed Nine in the Afternoon
What was the worst? ~ teaching this one class of two students and I was just...not on the ball that day the lead teacher was observing and I was so fuckin nervous and it was an absolute mess. that was the worst moment but the worse thing happening this year happened really slowly over time so
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? ~ ngl these past 2 years are just me thinking about when I was 12 and thinking “yeah 20+ y/o me will have it figured out all the future adult stuff is her problem!” and here I am realizing I’m still that 12 year old and struggling to deal with so many things. i dont think i answered the question but tbh I’m p sure getting a job and being in grad school would Change me but not really? I’m still me but maybe a tiny bit better?
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? ~ I wasn’t expecting to go into therapy this year and it change me more than I expected it to and I’m really glad
What are you most proud of accomplishing? ~ being a sub teacher! It’s an important step to being a real teacher!!
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? ~ that I am still a petty lil shit that can’t let go (though this was for good reason tho)
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? ~ not really?
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? ~ meh
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? ~ haha no
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? ~ I don’t really make resolutions bc i know I won’t keep them ahah
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go with? ~ ngl anywhere in a car with either Randi or beb would be an adventure to me
What do you wish for others for the coming year? ~ define others because I can’t think of a blanket wish for Everyone
What do you wish for yourself? ~ to move the fuck on and also actually like...be in the moment? I did so many adult things but I feel like I’m just going through the motions...idk I also wish I’ll be able to handle more responsibility
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mxnark · 4 years
the best version of yourself 
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december 31, 2019
mina isn’t the type to feel ashamed of herself. everyone around her new that she was confident and outspoken. whatever she thought of inside her head, there would be a 59% chance she’d say it with a 41% chance she’d keep it to herself just because she had some manners. of course, she had some class by making a bunch of rant posts on her spam rather than on her main instagram or main twitter. some of her thoughts on real life would go on her stan twitter, but she’s tried her best to keep that mainly kpop and movies. but, to be honest, she wouldn’t have made a spam had it not been for her mutuals and her friends in real life. 
this time, however, she felt emotions that she was afraid to tell anyone else. 
she usually watched the gayos on her own, since she was the only one in the house who had an interest in them because her favorite idols were on that show. however, the one she always kept an eye on was mbc’s gayo daejejun because of the amazing stages that the idols would perform. not to mention, it was the gayo with the countdown to the new year. however, this time, she debated if she even wanted to watch it considering that this was the same exact one that she made a video audition for, only to not get in. 
when she saw the post on mbc’s page, she was disappointed, but not surprised. it was bold of her to assume she would ever get the chance compared to the other dancers. when she watched the other entries, she was already beginning to feel insecure. but seeing the announcement only supported her negative feelings. however, one name catches her eye and it’s the main reason why she watches the music show tonight. 
chungha isn’t the only reason why she’s watching this, but she’s the one mina looks forward to seeing the most. it’s weird how almost two years ago, mina became a fan from watching her on the fourth season of the mgas. now, she was watching her as not only a fan, but a friend. it’s only a glow up she can talk about on her spam, but she’s able to use her excitement for her tweets while streaming. 
she makes sure to tweet about her favorite idols and their performances before the awaited dance performance comes. when it begins, she quickly takes out her phone as she patiently waits for her friend to be shown on her screen. she manages to record the 30 seconds of chungha’s dance on her instagram story while whisper-screaming throughout all of it. “ahh!!! kim chungha is so cool!!!! she’s the coolest unnie ever!!!” and a bunch of “wow!”’s and “so cool!”’s. for the group performance, she kept all her excitement on her twitter with a few pictures saved for her spam later on. 
it’s odd. before watching this, she thought she was going to feel an overwhelming amount of jealousy just by seeing chungha for a second. but after the performance ended, she couldn’t help but feel inspired. perhaps it was because of the fact that this wasn’t the first time she’s seen chungha on national television, but mina didn’t feel too upset like she thought she would. what a relief. 
she posts the pictures on her spamsta (spam + finsta) once the countdown for the new year is finished and captions it with her thoughts. after she posted it, she locked her phone, turned off her tv, and went upstairs to go to bed, excited for what was to come in the future. 
notokmina: do you see her??/ that’s the coolest bitch in the world !!!! ever !!!!!
watching her tonight gave me so much motivation tbh. i remember i used to be so… starstruck by her when i first saw her on mga4 and now i know her in real life and we’re friends !!!! i’m so glad she got to audition for this and perform onstage in front of a bunch of idols. she’s so cool!!!! 
i’m gonna work hard with future covers so that i can hopefully be dancing on that same stage!!!!!!!!! it’d be cooler if it was w her!!!! but yeah. hopefully if i work hard enough, i can be on the stage like her (and my cousin and brother if theyre reading this who knows) 
she leaves a comment under her post. 
notokmina: unnie, if ur reading this, hi!!! very proud of u uwu 
january 2nd, 2020
having been on stan twitter since she moved back to korea, she’s gotten to explore the many sides of the website. though she’s primarily a kpop fan account, she also keeps tabs on film twitter. it’s to the point where she even has mutuals who are apart of that community and she frequently talks to them about her favorite movies (recently, it’s been about it 2 because she loves her best boys richie and eddie). so of course, when she asked for movie recommendations on her account, she hoped that said mutuals would see it and give their insight. 
though there were many suggestions, she chose lady bird by the end of it. she knew about the movie years ago, but she never really got around to watching it until now. she’s read mixed reviews, so she was never really able to form a solid opinion on this movie. she told herself not to expect much, since this was a coming-of-age film. but, by the end of it, she found herself in tears. she goes on twitter and writes up a tweet as a response to the movie. 
michi @noplayboy_mp3: film oomfs is it weird to say that i kin w lady bird lol  michi @noplayboy_mp3: no but the film is so good i dont want to drop any spoilers but lady bird is like… so relatable? esp bc im kind of in her situation now.  michi @noplayboy_mp3: icb greta gerwig said “michi has rights”... perhaps i will watch little women when i get the chance
before she’s about to make a tweet about watching midsommar next, she hears her phone vibrate. putting her laptop to the side, she picks up her phone and sees an email from snu. 
dear mina, 
the admissions committee at seoul national university has re-reviewed all aspects of your application in its holistic review process, and you have an updated admissions decision. you may now view your updated admissions decision in your portal.
she gasps. 
as she clicks on the link to her portal and logs in, she was immediately welcomed by the site with a big “CONGRATULATIONS!” and if that wasn’t already obvious enough for her, she looks around to find the little “status: accepted” on her page. she sighs in relief and puts her phone to the side as she lies on her bed. she’s not necessarily excited that she got into a school. even now, she was still questioning if she wanted to go to school to begin with. all she knew was that at this point, she was going somewhere. whether or not this is what she really wanted to do, she at least has an idea of where she’s starting. 
maybe now her mom would stop badgering her. maybe now she can show her that she could do things without her. 
“i got accepted into snu today.”
it’s used to start discussion, even though she didn’t really want to talk about it with her. it had to come out somehow because even if she was nervous with how she was going to reply, at least her mom would be aware of it. 
her father was the first to say something about it and mina wants to verbally thank him for speaking before her mom does. “honey, congratulations! i knew you would be able to get into that school.” 
“thank you,” mina says with a small smile before she looks over at her mom to see what she will respond with because it was obvious she had something to say about it. 
“why did it take so long for a response?” she asks. “you applied for early decision, didn’t you?” 
it takes a lot for mina to not say something snarky in response. she’s not going to do that now. not so soon. “well, competition’s pretty tough. a lot of kids are applying for snu. especially in my class.” she wasn’t exactly lying, but it was a better response than “i was waitlisted for a month.” and even if she responded with that, at least she got into the school. wasn’t that enough? 
her mom lets out a small “hm” before eating more of their dinner. “well, good job on getting into that school. with how long the response took, i was starting to worry.” 
mina frowns. “i got into other schools, you know.” 
“but did you want to get into any of those other schools?” when mina’s silent for a response, her mother only continues. “you said that you were aiming for snu and it took long enough in order to get a response.” 
“can’t you just be happy over the fact that i actually got into the school?” mina asks, feeling her voice rise. “i thought you would be proud of me. is it that much of a surprise that i got in?” 
“all of your friends got accepted into their schools quicker.” mina feels her grip tighten on the chopsticks in her hands. “all i’m saying is you should’ve at least tried harder or at least recognize that you should’ve done better.” 
mina finds it hard to calm down after hearing that. it’s not like she didn’t expect a response like that, but to actually hear it from her makes her laugh bitterly. it’s sad to say she’s not surprised because this was what their relationship is at this point. even if she told herself that she just wanted to get into school in order to get her mom off her back, her words only make it seem like she was mocking her even if she reached at least the minimum. it made mina wish her mother lowered her expectations or at least make her own higher. 
she eats her food in a hurry, hoping to get out of this dinner as soon as possible. of course, her mother has an issue with it as she glared at her from across the table. “slow down. you look like an animal eating like that.” 
mina ignores her and she manages to empty her bowl, still trying to bite and swallow the leftover food in her mouth. she quickly stands up from her chair, puts her bowl and utensils in the sink, and runs upstairs, swallowing the last bit of her food down. she closes her door behind her even if she knows her mother was going to go up to her room anyways. when she hears the door open, she rolls her eyes before she turns to her mom. 
“can you knock?” the impatient tone was one she’s used frequently enough. whether or not she was proud of it, she kept that information to herself. 
her mother’s not afraid of it, though. in fact, if anything, she’s probably a professional at dealing with it. “you’re one to talk about manners,” she scolds. “what is with you?! at least try to stay for the entire dinner and not make it seem like you don’t like my company.” 
“why would i do that?” mina scoffs. “you’d yell at me for faking it, anyway.” 
her mom sighs. “why are you so selfish? why do you keep on doing this? do you understand how uncomfortable your father feels whenever we fight? how uncomfortable i feel?!” 
“i’m sorry for being upset over you not being a good mom,” she responds, crossing her arms as if to do the bare minimum of making fun of the woman in front of her who would do the same in their past arguments. “i got into a good school and all you can say is ‘i’m surprised they didn’t reject you straight up’? no ‘congratulations’ or ‘i’m happy you got into the school you wanted to get into’? shouldn’t you at least be glad over the fact that i’m going-” 
“how am i going to explain to the family that it took a few months for my daughter to tell me she got into snu after a few months since she applied?” her mom interrupts her, angering mina even more. “it didn’t take long for jaebeom to get his letter of acceptance. it didn’t take daniel long for him to know if he got in. do you know what they’ll say when i tell them you got accepted after countless times of me saying ‘oh i don’t know yet’, ‘she hasn’t received anything yet’? they’ll think i’m raising-” 
“what? an idiot?” mina laughs. “yeah. i’m sure everyone in the family’s already aware of the fact that i’m never going to be a lawyer living in america. at least i got into a school.” 
her mother then points at mina and she has to hold the urge to not swat the hand away from her face. “look at you! you’re already making yourself sound bad by acting like it’s a miracle they accepted you in the first place!” she criticizes. “you’re supposed to go to school. you’re supposed to get a degree in order to get a good job somewhere. after all your father and i’ve done for you and your brothers, why are you the only one who treats this like it’s not a big deal?!” 
“i am treating this like it’s a big deal!” mina asserts. “do you know how many nights i spent studying for tests that i knew i was going to fail? all the times i had to stay after school in order to make sure it wouldn’t affect my chances?! i worked so hard in the last few months to be accepted and i’m the only one in this room proud of myself for it! it’s like you’re actively trying to find reasons to be disappointed in me, even when i do something good!”
“maybe you should be trying to not constantly disappoint me, then.” her mother turns her back to her daughter and makes way for the door, but mina mutters something else that makes her stop in her steps.
“the one time i do something that i thought could impress you and you’re still disappointed in me.”
her mother doesn’t respond. all she does is stand for a moment before she leaves, not even bothering to close the door behind her. 
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taesthetes · 7 years
hello, petal~ it’s vn army anon. it’s okay, don’t apologize I understand since ur back to college! how’s college so far? I’m also sorry for my late response, I’ve been pretty busy with school this week. ooh how delightful! san francisco sure is a beautiful city as well! and I didn’t get my albums yet bc I ordered it like over a week later so I’m probably gonna get it later than usual. I’ve heard some of these songs of her so I’ll check out the rest! and sorry for sending the playlist so late,–
–I’ve been going through my music library&choosing the right tracks. I created the playlist on youtube so I included the link in the separated ask if anyone’d like to check it out~ and ofc, take ur time&watch it whenever u want to:) cool! how long did u use to dance then? ahh great, excited to see it^^ ur making me wanna go get some sushi now, haven’t had them for a while now. and yees ice tea at coffee shops is the best hehe. u mentioning black coffee reminds me of americano in ur fics&bts’–
–song coffee hihi. I love stargazing altho I haven’t done that properly yet. I mean I rarely leave the house or go out at night. so I’d love to go do that with a friend&learn more abt the constellations&our universe someday~ do u like stargazing as well? ooh u play the piano? :o nice! how long have u been playing it? and i see, yea sometimes there are certain things that we enjoy being interpreted from others but not doing it ourselves. um did that even make sense? sorry, I’m not that good with–
–words😅 also I think I haven’t told u yet but my old laptop is now retired & it’s been replaced with a new one that arrived last weekend! I even updated to a newer version of PS & finally started creating something yesterday~ I’m still new to it tho, I’m used to using windows. and no, don’t apologize, it’s not confusing at all! hope everything’s going fine with college for u! 🤗 I missed talking to u too, petal & hope u have an awesome day/night 🌸💖
hey, raindrop!! how have you been? what have you been up to? i hope you had a good weekend! college is going well so far! i’m having lots of fun with friends, and i managed to overload with two art classes, and i’m loving them both so much 💕 and that’s totally okay, i understand! how’s school for you? and yes omg i love san francisco lots 💗 ahhh, did your albums come in yet? i order a bunch of books from amazon a couple days ago, and they arrived today, and i’m so so excited to read them all. i hope you’ll enjoy her songs! and that’s okay! you can send me your playlist whenever you have time; there’s no rush!
oooh omg, i’m excited to listen to your playlist! i look forward to seeing the link and listening to all your music recs!! 💓 i’m currently watching age of youth season 2 (along with criminal minds, modern family, and my other american shows), but i’m kind of not feeling it since they changed one of the main characters’ actress and the storyline seems to be so different. ah, i used to dance from age 4 to age 9 ish? i wasn’t super serious about it though; i liked dancing for fun and dabbled in various types.
oooh, actually! i just finished my black and white geometric shape painting for my art class, and i’ll remind myself to take a picture of it and put it here next time!! the professor showed us how to do the painting with one dimensional shapes, but past me decided to overcomplicate it and do three dimensional shapes, and i really regret it because it took so much time outside of class to finish. but thankfully, i’m done! ☺️ 
ahhh, i just had sushi for dinner today, and it was heaven. i hope you were able to get sushi!! yess, i really love tea, and i like making black tea in my dorm with half a teaspoon of honey. aldsfjhlaskd thank you for thinking of my fics :’) and omg bts’ coffee is one of my absolute favorite songs by them! what’s your favorite bts song(s)? which song(s) do you like most from their new album? :D
omg i hope you get to stargaze someday! it’s so much fun and relaxing, and the view is utterly breath taking and flawless. it’s like a breath of fresh air after being surrounded by a manmade environment, and you get to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty created purely by nature and untouched by humans. and yes, i play the piano; i’ve been playing it for fifteen years! and yes, that makes perfect sense! you have a way with words that i really admire 💘
omg yayayayya congrats!! i hope your new mac is working well and have fun with photoshop! i hope i’ll be able to see your creations someday❣️ah, that was also me when i first got my mac. i was used to windows, and it took a few days to adjust to using a mac. everything’s going wonderful so far with uni!! hopefully, i’ll be able to talk to you more often, and i hope you have a lovely day/night as well, raindrop! 💙
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