#will update when i sew them on the pants
lactosegremlin · 9 months
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new patches came in!!!
circle patch is from https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleWomanGoods
square patches are from https://www.etsy.com/shop/POdOpossum
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some ashril cosplay updates!!!
ears -
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they got all the earrings!!
and pocket number one (of four)!!
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each pocket is gonna have a different design - this one being swirly lines and things :D
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
Fingers crossed for an update of Passion for Fashion 💖❓ sorry for the bother but I've just become addicted to reading that Au lololol I've read it over and over again for like a hundred times now
"Give me a spin," Dan demands, keeping a critical eye on the suit pants as the man did as he was told. He clicks his tongue in sharp disapproval before falling into a crouch and fidgeting with the hem.
Danny thinks the suit came out looking fantastic for a stupid theme like question marks. The client was also a rather exciting guy, randomly spewing riddles at them as Dan worked on his outfit and Danny cooked them lunch.
Edward Nigma had shown up on their doorstep with a cheerful greeting at five a.m. Danny wanted to tell Edward that anything before nine a.m. should be illegal, but Dan was happy to welcome him in.
Dan had forgotten to sleep again and didn't realize the early morning start. Danny was getting rather tired of the ghost rushing about with an insane amount of energy, only to crash when his human body could no longer sustain his habits.
After letting Edward get comfortable on the half-buried couch of clothing, Danny wandered back upstairs to his bedroom. It was the only room—besides the bathroom—where there wasn't a bunch of fabric and sewing instruments thrown about. He crashed on his bed and didn't wake up until two more hours later.
By that point, when he had done his morning routine and wandered downstairs, he found Edward sitting crosslegged in a ring of paper. The paper had multiple sketched designs of various suits.
A little to his right was Dan, whose hand was nothing but a blur as it raced across his sketchbook. Danny could make out that he stopped, ever so often, to switch out the coloring pencils for shades of green and purple, but doing it at such a speed that he doubted regular humans would be able to tell.
It meant his drawings were done at an insanely fast pace. He wondered if his Obsession made it possible not to burn a hole through the paper. Was there a way to test that? Ghosts did have an effect on their environments just as the environments had an effect on their forming.
Edward was comparing two papers in his hands with a critical eye. He looked up as Danny stumbled down the stairs- he had never been a morning person. He held up the designs for Danny to see, asking, " What is the most dangerous thing to give a man in a crowd?"
Half asleep, Danny didn't miss a beat in muttering, "Power."
Edward seemed pleased by his response, putting the left one back into the ring of papers before shifting around to face a new side of the ring. There, he ran his fingers over the designs, muttering, "It needs to be powerful."
"I'm making breakfast if anyone-"
"No need. Edward ordered us some. Your burrito is over there somewhere," Dan cut him off, turning to the next page without lifting his head. "It's part of my commission."
"Free food?"
"For a week"
Edward glances at them. "I can keep feeding you if you answer more riddles."
Danny takes a big bite out of his bean burrito, savoring the explosion of flavor that dances over before nodding his head. "I promise I'll try to answer as many as I can but I'm not the best at them."
The man frowns, turning away back to this pile of papers. "If you're not going to play my game, you don't need to waste the air you breathe in."
Both Fentons freeze at that, snapping their heads in Edward's direction. Now, correct him if he is wrong, but that sounded a whole lot like a threat to Danny. He made eye contact with Dan, tracing the youthful human face that held the same bloodlust as his adult form.
Was Edward aware he had just issued a Ghost Challenge to the one Fenotn, the least human, thus the one with the least humanity of them all, madness cured or not? Is he aware that Dan was putting down his drawings, his teeth more sharp, and his hands curled into claws?
Danny sprung to his feet, mouth open in a shout just as Dan was about to leap-
Ding Dong.
The front doorbell cuts through the air like a knife through hot butter. Dan's ghost instincts all but vanish as his eyes light up in joy. He goes through with his leap, but it's only to go over Edward's form and roll to a stop on the other side, heading towards the door. "My second client!"
Danny breathes a sigh of relief, flopping back down in his seat. He ignores Edward, savoring his food with a deep hunger. Clockwork had sent them over with enough funds to survive, and there were no bills they needed to cover (if there were, no one had bothered to come collect from the Fentons or cut their services), but that was a limit to how loose they could be with their spending.
Danny thought eating out was a luxury he would miss out on until he returned home. Of course, he got a coffee or something occasionally, but that made this free food all the more tasty.
"I was thinking something more eco-friendly," The redhead woman from the runway told Dan as she scanned the room with a hint of distaste. "Are you aware of the damage to the Earth these fabric stores cause?"
Dan eyed her with equal distance. "Are you aware of how little I care about that?"
Edward snaps his head up with a gasp. "Did he really say that to Ivy?"
"I thought her name was Pamela," Danny asks, which causes the green woman to snap a glare at him. He shrugs helplessly at her rage, reminded of Sam in a heartbreaking moment. "Miss, look around you. Do you honestly think ants like us have any say with the fabric companies?"
"You could stop giving them business!" She hisses as Dan rolls his eyes.
"We bought almost everything from a second-hand store or a discount store. The poor don't get to make eco-friendly decisions. They make ones that help them stay off the streets." Danny explains gently, making sure his voice is not dismissive or condescending. He thinks back to nights when he had to talk Sam down from doing something crazy- like setting a building on fire for them and cutting down the oldest trees in Amity Park. "You have the means to make a change."
Pamela raises a brow. "I do make a change. Permanently."
"Oh, that's great. How many trees have you replanted?" Danny asks, smiling widely. It's odd how she reacts to his question, body still going in surprise.
"I mean, I figured you would be focusing on healing the earth instead of causing it more scars by engaging in human wars, right?" Danny tilts his head, aware of Edward's flabbergasted look and Dan's apparent boredom with the conversation. "You're different from the big corporations who don't care who or what they hurt to reach their end goal, right? "
Pamela opens and closes her mouth before she snaps her back straight. "That wouldn't save the Earth! Humans are a plague!"
"Humans can also be a cure if the right ones get started." Danny counters quickly. "I mean, what have you done for the rivers around Gotham? The water that flows through there affects the plant life just as much. Also, plants and green help lower depression, and Gotham needs help. Plant some pretty flowers and gardens, and watch the neighborhoods flock to them. If you can convince the people to love the plants as much as you do, they will join you in keeping them safe."
Pamela's eyes narrow. "Don't you dare lecture me about how to save the Earth."
Danny shrugs, stepping away from her. A sudden strong perfume fills the air, causing his nose to wrinkle. It smells like his grandmother's house and is not welcoming. "Wasn't a lecture, but if you take it as such, there is no point in talking about it anymore."
"You're going to die for me," she suddenly says, popping out her hip and smirking at him.
"That's nothing special, Danny would die for a pizza." Dan cuts in
"I would die for an extra cheese pizza." Danny corrects, pointing his finger at his counterpart. "You would die for less."
"Oh, to be dead. In the arms of the most handsome EverBurning to ever live." Dan sighs dramatically, leaning into three pieces of cloth behind him, one hand on his forehead.
Danny threw his hands in the air. He's sick and tired of hearing about the ghost they knew for only ten minutes. "Killer Croc is never going to give you a chance, Dan. Move on!"
"We could have been forever if it weren't for my age!" Dan hisses right back, "You wouldn't understand! It's not like you or Samantha turned five!"
"Who's fault do you think that was? " Danny yells back, stepping around the wide-eyed Edward to snare into Dan's face. Pamela has taken three steps back, looking confused more than anything, mouthing Killer's name with clear disbelief.
"I wasn't the one that messed up the timeline!" Dan hisses, switching over to Spanish. Sometimes, the fake twins found themselves doing that whenever they got too emotional.
"You destroyed the world!"
"As it was foretold!"
"What does that even mean!?"
Ding Dong.
Once again, the doorbell cuts through the tension, making Danny huff. He pushes past Dan, who punches him in the arm but doesn't stop him from throwing the door open. Outside stands Tim Drake, with a bouquet of flowers and a nervous smile.
"I'm here for the suit," Tim says, holding out the flowers. "I know you said I didn't have to pay you, but I thought it was rude to not offer anything-"
"Buy me pizza." Danny cuts him off with dead-set eyes. "Double crust."
Tim startles. "Oh. Sure?"
Danny can feel his face stretch out into a grin. It lights up his whole face—Sam and Tucker had told him many times before—and he just knows it makes him appear lighter and friendlier. Tim's face goes very red as Danny takes his flowers. "It's a date. Come on in. Dan can get your measurements for the resize, and I can get ready in the meantime."
"Okay." Tim follows after him in a daze, stumbling over the fabric rolls Dan had stacked against the wall. He tries to avoid tipping but tangles himself in the string of cloth examples, still strung up everywhere. Danny quickly reaches out to steady him with a laugh.
"Yeah, this place is a bit of a mess," he tells the other. "It's slightly better today since Dan has some guests."
He leads Tim back into the living room, surprised to find that the awful smell has disappeared, Edward is currently being measured by Dan in his underwear, and Pamela is flipping through Dan's designs with a thought frown.
Huh, maybe Dan managed to calm her down. How? He's unsure, but that ghost always seemed to have the oddest people skills.
Tim gulps loudly when he finally spots everyone. "These are his guests?!"
"It's one of the Waynes." Edward cheers, arms held out to his sides as Dan places the measuring tap from his armpit to his waist. "Tim Drake, right? I had you in one of my riddles three months ago!"
"That's funny. I induced his father with pheromones around the same time." Pamela speaks up, giving Tim a friendly smile. It's the most welcoming expression she's worn since she got here.
Also ew, why would she tell someone she hooked up with their dad to their face like that?
Tim pales dramatically, reaching out to clutch Danny's arm. He pats it gently, hoping to comfort him from such a bizarre comment. "Dan, when you finish with Edward, can you message Tim for his adjustments. We're going on a date."
Dan glances over at him. "Whore"
"Just because I've gone on dates while Killer didn't even give you the time of day doesn't mean you can call me names, Dan."
"Whore but affectionately," Dan says after a long pause, and Danny nods.
"That's better." He pats Tim again on the shoulder- aware of his strange fidgeting with a ring on his finger that imitates a strange faint beeping. "I'll go upstairs to get ready. Who knows, maybe we'll find Batman."
Edward and Pamela laugh as if Danny said a funny joke and Tim's face aging a few more nervous lines. "Maybe"
He leaves Tim to take a seat next to Pamela. She leans over to show Dan's designs for her Leaf theme act and asks for his opinion. Tim fidgets even more with his ring as he answers her, voice shaky and cracking.
She seems highly amused.
His pale face stands out among the sea of handing red glimmering fabric around his head, and Danny is startled for a second by the idea that he is pretending to be scared, much like an actor before a red stage curtains.
It takes a particular skill to pull off an act that good. Almost an inhuman amount. One could even claim it was.... Bat-man-like.
I have a lead, Danny thinks with glee as he quickly climbs the stairs. He is careful not to step on bundles of yarn that Dan has stacked there. I finally have a lead!
He's going to charm the pants off of Tim to get him to tell him everything about Batman.
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pizzacrustdisposal · 5 months
Check Reblogs for Updated Concept!!!
I love those pants with straps and grommets on them bc they’re very tactile but I fucking hate fast fashion. AND I have four pairs of Real Legit cargo pants and LOVE fucking arounf. do you see where I’m going
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The thin lines are just where I’ll sew over the seams with a different colour thread so they kinda pop. maybe orange idk. see you in 4 years when they’re done
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spechblend · 1 year
My Guide to Patch/Crust DIY Pants That No One Asked For:
(If you see this guide go through changes, you’re not crazy, I update it all the time)
I’ve noticed that my DIY pants had been noticed on here, so I’d thought I make a guide for new punks getting into the scene 💖
I’ve been in the punk scene for a little over two years now, so don’t take everything I say to heart, I’ve got lots to learn.
Typically, you want to start out with a good base. For instance, the pants you choose can make or break your project. I don’t suggest buying super expensive pants, but don’t buy them super low quality either. You want something that lasts, as crust or patch pants are meant to be your only pair.
EDIT: Before I start any new project, I look around my stuff to see if I can repurpose anything. Old T shirts, bed sheets, bags, you name it. It’s so much easier to repurpose your stuff before buying new things, and you save money doing it. Before you buy pants, see if you can find a pair you already own! I had to buy new ones because I only had one other pair of jeans that I wear to work.
I’ve seen some tutorials floating around for DIY can spikes. Please be very careful doing this. If you’re moshing in a vest made with cut up aluminum, you can seriously hurt someone if you’re not careful. Be on the safe side and either borrow/buy pre made studs and spikes or save the DIY can spikes for non-moshing vests/pants/cuffs.
If you’re moshing with any studs or spikes at ALL, they should be blunt!!!
Good places to buy pants
Thrift (it’s a bit of a crapshoot if you have a hard time finding sizes, but if they’ve lasted long enough to end up in a thrift store, then it means they’re more likely good quality. Check the tags!!)
Edited above, been informed of how Goodwill treats disabled employees
ASOS (I recommend if you have a hard time finding your size. I can’t guarantee the sustainability of this site though.)
Mercari (Like an online goodwill. I find a lot of awesome clothes on here. You can download the app.)
Depop (I seldom shop on here, but similar to Mercari with a wider range of brands.)
How the Pants Should Fit
The fit of your pants can also affect how they lay on you. I suggest buying pants slightly larger on you, if you’re covering them in patches. When you start sewing, you’re going to find that they’re going to shrink a little bit. So please avoid tight fitting jeans if you can! Straight or relaxed fit are the best.
EDIT: If skinny/fitting pants are all you got, sometimes making relief cuts at the knees help when you try to bend down.
Patches are going to be what makes your pants unique! There’s quite a few you can choose from: plain patches, band patches, politics patches, etcetera. If you’re going to cover the entirety of your pants, I suggest going to Joann’s or Michaels (fuck Hobby Lobby) for fabric. Buy a yard or two canvas or pleather (or both). Otherwise, I usually cut up old T-shirts for my fabric.
How to Make Your Own Patches
Stencil (very straightforward, here’s a guide) (please check out Anarchostensilism on insta/Tiktok/Deviantart)
Paint (Buy white/black stencil fabric paint. I don’t suggest acrylic, since it’s not made to move with fabric)
Where to Buy Pre Printed Patches
crustpunks.com (Hella good, fast shipping, affordable!! Made by punks for punks)
nuclearwasteunderground.com (I found this one randomly)
Etsy (While I hate them for the way they treat their sellers, unfortunately this can be a main source of income for some.)
Shows, punk meets, friends
If you’re going to make crust pants, it’s imperative that you have crust bands on your patches, that’s what makes them crust! (Apart from never washing them)
Edit: I would do your own research on the crust punk subculture, there’s a lot of discourse out there on what makes punks crust punks and so on.
Washing your pants is not a black and white rule, but you can ruin the integrity of your work if you carelessly throw them in the washer. Like if you were to throw a suede jacket into the washer, there’s certain steps to take!
Here’s an enlightening guide on crust.
Here’s some crust band recs!
Anti Cimex
Dystopia (my favorite)
Things to Add to Your Pants
Buttons (you can buy or make your own. Here’s a guide for DIY bottle cap buttons)
Pockets (easy to monkey wrench with a few spare patches, but here’s a pattern)
Handkerchiefs (the hankey code, much like the lace code, is pretty much dead. But it’s up to you if you want to signal something with it.)
Wallet chains (here’s a cool guide to making your own!)
Bum flap (by far the coolest thing on this list. Makes your ass not hurt when you sit on the sidewalk. Here’s a video)
Make them convertible (I made mine into zip off shorts. Here’s a video)
I made this up, but I added removable knee pads to mine.
Pant Inspiration
Have no shame in taking reference! Here’s are some cool accounts with awesome pants!
That’s all I got! Remember to never wash your pants ✨
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 4: monkey d luffy
i like him a lot he’s really cutie patootie! i didn’t have any qualms about his original outfit, i just wanted to apply my own style to it! ignore the weird scribbly inconsistent and maybe mildly overdone shading, i literally did it like 5 minutes before i made this post just cause i was messing around. and then i happen to like it more! i really should shade my work even if its just a sketch it helps with color contrast and vividness so much omg
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what i wanted to do most, like my previous designs, is add influences from where he was during the time skip! tho luffy was out in the wild, and completely alone for a good portion of it, i’d like to imagine the kujas made him his new clothes! i took the flower pattern from boa’s skirt and on luffy’s repaired vest from the amazon lily arc and applied it as embroidery and ribbon on the shorts! and i’d like to imagine boa would give him jewelry maybe before he left for sabaody archipelago, cause she’s in love with him…, so i modeled his anklet after her earrings. i made the snake eating its own tail to make it an ouroboros (ignore how i spelt it wrong in the image…), representing eternity and reincarnation. but ive applied it to luffy in the concept of inherited will (he’s taken on the goals and aspirations of shanks, gol d roger, his crew, and given them new life). also kinda how joy/nika is eternal and luffy’s g5 awakening is kind of a reincarnation.
but so while the finer details are inspired mostly by the kuja, the shapes/structure of the outfit pieces are based off of luffy’s influences and mentors!
i noticed luffy probably wears a cardigan post-ts to mirror rayleigh’s clothes pre-ts, but since i didn’t like luffy’s cardigan all too much, the hoodie is supposed to mirror ray’s hooded cloak
luffy wears shorts above/middle of the knee, but i made them longer so they look kinda like ace’s! i was gonna add pockets too but i forgot… he also wears some of ace’s beads and one of the theatrical mask charms (i think sabo wears the frowning one, so there’s technically some sabo refs in there too)
i wanted to include references to sabo, but i wasn’t sure how due to their really different styles… i hope i can come up with something to update this design soon ;-;
the epaulettes (fringed shoulder pads) and folded collar on the black coat are supposed to look like gol d roger’s coat! while its color makes it look like luffy’s coat from the end of the wano arc, which specifically is supposed to look like shank’s coat too! and it’s made of animal fur, so like an altered version of luffy’s disguise cloak given to him by boa before the fish man island arc. technically the shape is also pretty simple to garp’s navy coat, but that’s probably just cause they’re a similar style
no references to dragon… cause he wasn’t there to have any real influence on his son, despite how him and luffy just so happen to take similar life paths. but i made luffy’s skin tone darker and warm toned similar to his father and grandfather’s.
oh also the patterned pants are supposed to be similar to rayleigh and shanks’s ugly little patterned pants too
other fun little tidbits:
luffy’s right ear is torn! my hc is that when he was little, he wanted earrings to look like a cool pirate like shanks and his crew! so maybe makino or one of his brothers did it for him, but he couldn’t sit still for long enough, making it pretty high up on his earlobe and unable to sit down for the other one lol. idk what kind of earring it used to be, maybe a tiny seashell!
ok sad part now! it got torn off when luffy was kidnapped and beat up by the bluejam pirates…
ok not sad part now! i think nami got chopper to pierce luffy’s ears afterwards. cause she caught zoro on the verge of stabbing an unsterile sewing needle into luffy’s earlobes… cause they’re both stupid and luffy would trust him like that. luckily chopper has very sterile medical equipment!
the woven bracelet was made by usopp! its color is purely coincidental… luffy just wanted a purple one
the sash is now tied at the back to look like a monkey’s tail! i wanted to add more sun wukong/monkey king references, maybe instead of the sash there’s tassets or han yao/han bei similar to @/soaked-doors’ luffy design… idk
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here’s some closeups with and without the cloak!
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uuuh i don’t wanna talk about g5… it’s not really what i wanted to do at all… i’ll try again later…
anyways i hope yall like this one!! i love him a lot! obv any critique/constructive criticism or suggestions is welcome!! don’t expect anything new so soon… drawing men scares me and i can’t get zoro to look right ;-;
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Realized that I have a lot of winter punk gear-jackets, pants, beanies, etc.
But nothing really good to wear for summer!
So I grabbed a pair of my mom’s old work pants she let me have and decided to make some fun shorts!
I wish they were more high waisted but I’ve never extended the crotch of something and tbh that sounds abysmal to accomplish.
Sorry about the big splotch on my mirror, It looks like tape residue which, who tf was taping things to an antique mirror?? Anyway it’s not coming off easily so. Deal with it
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Details about creation below the cut:
So I cut them to just below mid thigh and used one of the remaining legs to create the side panels, I cut them into triangles and inserted them into a cut along the side seam (in hindsight I really didn’t need to cut through the waistband at all but I already did one side by the time I figured that out so I kept it consistent)
Then I tried them on, realized the panels weren’t flaring like I wanted them to and the part around the butt still sagged weirdly and added two more panels to correct this, smaller triangles in the center of the front and back of each leg to create the wide flare leg I wanted (cause it’s way more comfortable)
The striped fabric is a flat sheet from a bed set I was given for Christmas
The studs on the pockets were just standard craft studs from a sewing store and there’s only three on each back pocket because I ran out
Probably gonna try to bulk buy thrm online next time because they came in a really small package
The tiny safety pins were from the dollar store, don’t recommend paying money for those they’re really pathetic and weak.
The flag pin I painted myself from some old set my dad had, the pin underneath I got for free at a college club fair and the picture is a ribbon that says “I survived talking to my family about politics”
Planning on adding a patch or two, I have some nice ones from Etsy coming in the mail and I’ll update the post when those get here!
In all this took like… 3-4 hours? And I haven’t gone over the seams again to keep the sheet fabric from fraying but that shouldn’t take long I just got hungry and tried and my hands hurt so I’m done for the day.
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hervey-gervey-chip · 22 days
part IV: the test
y’all i fucking did it!i’m making an update! first off, let’s go through the weather of the day. it was cloudy with a light but consistent drizzle, slightly chilly, and it had rained enough by the time i was climbing around that the rig was thoroughly wet. (said rig is pictured below with the day’s conditions)
initial reaction when putting them on:
relatively stiff! very similar level of stiffness to my other pair of bibs that I have from 2020; they are just the most basic west marine ones you can buy.
it was sprinkling a bit outside already, and water was beading nicely on the cloth
the ass reinforcement i did began slightly lower than i would have liked, but i guess that’s what you get when you don’t measure anything on your actual physical form before you start sewing lol
i wore them over top of my denim work pants and i didn’t feel congested in there at all
sail prep:
the harness cinched over them just fine and they were super easy to climb in!
we reefed tops’ls and i went out to the yardarm to do the earring lashing, and therefore had full body contact with a wet yard and sail for the duration of the lashing (diagram below), and then stood on the footropes regular-style for a bit to finish up reef nettles. i got back to deck and was not a bit damper than i was before i went aloft. *though everything i was wearing was just ~ambiently damp~ just because that’s how humidity works. if you’ve ever put on an item of clothing that’s been living in under-bunk storage for a month, that’s what the vibe was.
water was no longer beading, but rather a thin film of wet on the top layer of fibers.
sail time!
plenty of time on a knee or sitting on wet hatches i think is what did it. i was still fairly dry; however, by the end of the day i felt a little wetness seeping through at the knees, and more on the butt. that said, the reinforcement was /just/ high enough to cover the part that made contact when sitting.
overall, they fared about as well as those westmarine bibs do currently: definitely works, but not the ideal for a downpour or long watches in the rain.
what i learned:
i’m definitely doing this again and maybe my shipmates and i will have a oilskin-making party, though next time i will be changing the recipe
when i got back to the shop that monday, i found my sample piece of fabric that i put raw tung oil on to see how it cured by itself. it was surprisingly malleable and didn’t crack when i bent it around a bit. i had been pondering using just a quarter of the wax in the next mix just to keep it a bit more flexible so the paint and oil won’t crack as the bibs are exposed to the elements. now that i know what i do, i may even reduce the wax to a few heaping tablespoons just so that whatever wax i use to maintain them will stick better to the cloth. i think the issue here that caused the present pair to wet out was penetration (i’m so sorry i couldn’t think of a better word).
i also waxed the reinforcements after they were attached, and next time i’ll definitely oil the fabric separate from the bibs themselves for an extra layer of protection.
i’m honestly not disappointed and am, in fact, slightly impressed that my amateur soup-soaked overalls are comparable to the state of a (used) pair of mass-manufactured foul weather bibs.
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resin-popia · 6 months
DAY 1 Nendoroid Ghoul Costume
Working this small you have to have an "ish" mindset. It's gotta be close enough. If you try getting it perfectly as the reference you can end up with a bulky finished work that may have some distracting elements. It's ok to "ish" this. The camera does wonders.
(if you make stuff to sell, that's a different story. Finishing garments to make them suitable for other people sometimes takes as long as making the item.)
This doll will be permanently sewn into their clothing. It's easier this way at that scale. No bulk and resewing the garment isn't hard at all. The bodies are cheap enough you could have a body for fancy clothes permanently sewn on and a spare body for other clothing options. Sometimes I sew some dolls into their clothing, but not really any dolls beyond 1/4 scale. Bulk isn't that big a deal when the doll is larger.
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To minimize bulk, I'm combining the pants and the shirt into one piece. The vest will cinch the waist and give the body an illusion of pants and shirt. So I'm making a big onesie to start.
I trace the doll, add some necessary shapes and make sure the pattern has a very small seam allowance. In my experience, at this scale weird seams aren't noticed as much. I mark the halfway point on the doll, fold and cut out the pattern to make an even shape.
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At this scale I usually use Jersey knit or lycra. Look at the dance wear section of your fabric store for suitable fabric. The fabric doesn't fray and the stretchiness makes it very forgiving.
This fabric is very slippery, so it's OK if you turn the right sides in and sew around the pattern with a straight stitch BEFORE cutting out the garment. Make sure to add a small seam allowance. Also, every so over do a backstitch to keep the seams from unravelling. Stitch in time saves nine.
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Then I cut the garment out. After that, one more secure whipstitch to all four seams (top of shoulders, sides of body.) I cut the back carefully to waist height and turn it right side out.
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I whipstitch the garment shut. The jodpurs aren't really sticking out as nice as I'd like but I may add some fluff. Finishing the cuffs tomorrow.
Nice things about lyric or jersey is you don't need to really hem anything.
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Follow #resin Popia BTS to see updates. Or I can add you to my tag list!!!!
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daycarenomnoms · 6 months
☀️: Ho ho ho!!!
So you found it!
Welcome to our revamping our Daycare!
So if who all been reading our lovely stories know many things have changed!
We have quite the cast and crew! Many new family members! And to help out we have reach out and mananged to get an other manager!
This blog has gotten a bit heafty with all of us animatronics for one Manager to handle we are quite the handful! chuckles
So in order to keep up with all our lovely guests! We have now two managers! Our lovely mango and now we have Cialyven!
☀️: clears throat
So! Mango and Cialyven will be here to reply to your questions as will my family and myself!
We expect to reply to you on a regular schedule. Events will be scheduled, and we do have a lovely treat for you all as well!
There will now be art! We will give you samples on here but if you wish to have a custom order we will be setting up a system where you can request and talk about detail! So stay tuned for that as well!
Rules and introductions(which makes this a bit long), this is a vore Rp/Ask blog based on Daycare Treats a collection of vore one-shots and other au's/fics written by Mangotangovoredango. Please note to keep things on this generally sfw. Flirting with the drops is allowed as they are adults but nothing will ever go further than that. Flirting is not allowed when it comes to Astral however, she is essentially twelve aka a minor.
I have not made pixel art for all characters on the blog just yet but I will link pics to the ones that have art. The others will have a written description of their appearances. You can click on names to go see the art.
The only type of vore that will be RPd on this blog is Oral safe vore. G/t is alright as long as it's safe and oral, the boys are strictly preds but may prey on each other sometimes which may lead to vore-ception if you've been nommed.
Fourth wall breakage is allowed. You can rp or ask questions to various versions of the boys who have shown up or been mentioned in Daycare Treats or on my writing blog linked above. You can navigate via tags on this pinned post.
More rules may be added as needed.
Symbols for everyone plus small introductions.
☀️ middle sibling, older twin
☀️10ft tall not counting his rays
☀️Appearance wise Sun has extra ruffle layers on his waist and neck plus the ribbons for both are longer, both twins faces have been updated to look a bit more cartoony and Sun's rays have been replaced with much softer ones made from silicone but still have sensors so he can feel if they get damaged or nicer sensations like them being pet.
Sun's neck ruffles are printed on fabric, a soft sky blue with a cloud streaks, that is those smoky white cloud lines instead of the yellow line, in contrast to the darkish crimson colors of his ribbons, waist ruffles(which while also layered remain the same colors as the original ones) and his red and yellow striped pants.
☀️Playtime Attendant. Sun is in charge of the play area and craft time. He handles the loud energetic kids usually.
🌙 middle sibling, younger twin
🌙10ft tall
🌙Appearance wise the stars on Moon's and hat pants can now twinkle and his hat is longer with a pom pom that has a hidden bell inside it.The rim of his hat is silky as normal and Moon's neck ruffles have been made to look like really soft and fluffy like clouds on a dark night. Unlike Sun he has sharp teeth.
🌙 Naptime Attendant/Security. Moon is in charge of the Naptime tent which isn't just used for naptime, it's also used for movies or storytime as well as a place the quieter less energetic children, ones who are overstimulated and those sensitive to noise can stay during playtime or craft time if they chose.
Be warned Moon's personality can switch between Soft Moon and Gremlin Moon at anytime.
🌑☀️ oldest sibling.
🌑☀️ 16ft Tall
🌑☀️ Security/Home ect teacher. Eclipse teaches older children, teens and college students home ect at various levels. Children learn simple things like sewing and how to cook(under close supervision, he will not allow the children near the ovens) while teens and college students are taught life skills like cooking, how to do laundry, how to do simple repairs and how to sew for example. Don't ask him to teach you how to file taxes, he has no idea how to do that.
🌑☀️ Eclipse is a rather calm and patient individual who cares deeply about his brothers and others around him despite his demeanor being hard to read and seemingly unfazed by anything until he loses his temper, the most he tends to do is put people in timeout, whether it be the timeout corner or in his stomach if you try to leave the corner without permission or when time-out isn't over.
Is the only one who can somewhat control Glitch by threatening the corner or scolding but there are times where Glitch becomes uncontrollable or Eclipse simple chooses not to intervene.
☀️👾💧: 14 ft Tall
☀️👾💧 Middle Triplet of Eclipse and Glitch
☀️👾💧: works along side Glitch In the arcade and Was glitch's original prototype and was deactivated but soon awoken by Glitch himself. Also works along Side Eclipse and Moon in security.
Dawn himself is Calculative and calm demeanor until an interest arises, becoming fixed and feral on his targets. He cares Immensely for his family and loved ones. He helps maintain the daycare and arcade and tries to keep his younger triplet out of trouble at times but there are times he will be swayed by his almost identical triplet.
👾💧 Adopt sibling, older than Lunar and Astral, younger than Eclipse, Sun and Moon.
👾💧14ft tall
👾💧 Daycare Arcade Attendant/Virus/Anti-Virus/King of the Arcade/Secret Boss. Glitchdrop started out as an AI ment to handle the Superstar Daycare Arcade that would run his functions from the balloon world arcade cabinet, a security guard was startled by him moving machines and notified lower management who proceeded to freak out thinking he was a Glitch (not knowing of his existence) and locked him up
Multiple attempts to reset balloon world corrupted his code, once finally free he began retaliation by entering the main systems and causing management problems through his mischief. There were attempts to use anti-viruses to destroy him however he devoured and assimilated their coding, theoretically at this point he could take over the entire world via computer and no one could stop him due to his hacking. Luckily he has no interest in that.
He has more control over the Plex than one could realize at first.
🔵🌕⚪youngest brother.
🔵🌕⚪8ft tall
🔵🌕⚪ Recently added to the daycare, no assigned responsibilities yet. Creation ordered by Glitch due to wanting more cute younger siblings. Very energetic, easily confused, friendly and seemingly innocent. Has the ability to shrink people.
🔵🌕⚪Lunar has a hat similar to Moon's thought the rim is very fluffy instead of silky, instead of ruffle around his neck he has a large bow that has a gold bell in the middle that has a bright silver crescent moon etched on it, he has soft puffy sleeves colored one colored celestial blue and one colored a sparkly ghost white matching the sides of his chest as well as puffy pants like his brothers, the only difference is his clothes are much softer and his pants have many hidden pockets.
His pants are colored medium electric blue dotted with shapes of titan white moon phases and cotton ball blue clouds, the instead of ruffles he has soft layered petals of fabric like Glitch that's outer layer is Dark Pastel Blue, middle layer of Baby Blue and inner layer of Alice Blue that are all filled a bit with stuffing to create a softer look. All in all he was made to look and be extremely soft and huggable.
🔴🌑🔴= Crimsonlunate aka Crimson
🔴🌑🔴9ft tall
🔴🌑🔴 Crimson is the middle triple of the bloodmoon triples. He, as well as his brothers have not been assigned duties to the daycare but he personally helps out with security and pest control.
Crimson is a feral one, likes to keep speech short and simple, but he is much smarter then he seems. He Loves the taste of blood and usually walks on all fours due to his movements being more stealthy due to his toe beans.
He might seem wild and a mean but he does have a soft side to those he cares for and becomes attached to.
He is the opposite of lunar with the coloration of red and black, The crescent side of his face is a blood red with the secondary color being black. He Has a twin tailed hat, he wears black pants with red stars on them.
🌑🔴🌑= Embervain aka Ember
🌑🔴🌑 9ft tall
🌑🔴🌑 is the eldest of the bloodmoon triplets is a very reserved individual and speaks in rythms at times, he is not assigned a position in the daycare yet but helps with security and can be found in the naptime tent in the corner reading.
Much like his brother he likes blood and violence, though he is much tamer and is the one to reel in Crimson when he gets out of hand. He protects his loved one fiercely.
His colorations are the opposite of Crimson's his Crescent being that of ebony color the the secondary ruby. His pants are Scarlets with black strips. Also he shares twin tailed hat that is patterned much like his pants.
🔴🌑 = Killcode aka KC
🔴🌑 20ft
🔴🌑 His right pant leg is black with red stars, the other stripped red and black, his puffy sleeves are the opposite, there are extremely long black black ribbons with black bells that are long enough to reach just above his ankles, around his waist is a giant black ribbon that wraps around and ties into bow in the back, his fingers long and red ending with sharp tips like claws.
The palms of his hands and arms black, a red shoulder cape wrapped around his shoulders, his chest is covered in a black fabric with little sparkles of white , his face is two shades of black, an almost pitch black crescent moon on the right side of his face, the other side has a slightly blue tone to itself black color. His eye sockets cracked halfway down his cheek, the eye itself is damaged and his mouth is full of sharp white teeth.
He has a sleeping cap with a very fluffy white rim, his hat's length matching his height with the end of it almost brushing the floor, it's black with red four, five and six pointed stars as it's pattern, the tip has a red crescent moon. He has charms hanging on chains from the right side of his head mimicking piercings, a red Sun, a black star and a black crescent moon.
🔴🌑 Killcode has a calm and formal demeanor, being that of the original attendant. Finding out the fact he is now a father Killcode is fiercely protective of his family, loved ones and of the daycare (some might say a bit over protective)
Killcode manages all aspects of the daycare and all that includes his family. He is security, also manages apartments livings as well as any and all inventory along side his son Glitchdrop.
Because of his size he is intimidating and will use it as such but is a gentle giant to most who enter the daycare. That does not mean he will not neglect enforcing the rules and regulations.
Blog admin/Manager Mango=🥭
🥭 5ft tall
🥭 Mangotangovoredango, the writer who lives in the abandoned daycare staff dorms, was made Daycare Manager by Glitch but has no actual power, it's just a title so Mango can't be removed from the daycare by management and one of the favored victims of nomming by Glitch.
Assistant Manger= 🍑
🍑5ft 9in
🍑 Cialyven was dragged into the daycare, quite literally by Crimson as he demanded Glitch dub them the Assistant manager because Crimson found Them fun to hunt.
more characters to be added later
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eveningearlgrey · 3 months
Another update on James's little suit jacket
(And how I made them)
Let me tell you that when I look up for crochet patterns, most of the time I see dresses. Even if there're outfit patterns for boys they're usually just plain t-shirt and pants; nothing like a damn three piece suit this fancy pants wears.
So I literally created a new pattern for James's clothes; this includes his shirt, his waistcoat, and his suit jacket.
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You see, the piece consists of six parts; two front piece, two sleeves(I've only made one so far), one back piece, and a lapel which I haven't done it yet.
I crochet these pieces separately, then sew them together. This is it. This is how I make James's waistcoat and shirt. I thought this method was a hassle and it's still a hassle until now.😭 But the results looks decent enough so I can't really complain.
I still can't figure it out how to make his suit lapel yet. I can make the collar of his shirt but this thing is different🫠
Oh wait
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He has this little handkerchief too😭
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greenfinchwriter · 1 month
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
I think I just teared up a little!!!! You have no idea how much that ask means to me today!!! Thank you so much!!!
1. Present day Damian has an extensive, expensive, regularly updated wardrobe since his Dad is basically the Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark of his universe, but he personally doesn't care about fashion trends,or displays of wealth. He has a lot of sensory issues and honestly just as certain items he'd wear until they fell apart if his parents or auntie didn't intervene. And although he dresses very classic men's fashion/preppy/dark academia meets hipster when he leaves the house - his more formal dress sense is partly armor of sorts.
Now past Damian who was born into,and spent his early childhood in a cult as a child soldier knows very well what it entails to have very limited clothing,to wear it, take care of it and mend it over and over until it's unwearable. He knows how to mend, repair, and recycle, even improvise to create or repurpose, he can sew, spin wool, darn socks,mend armor etc. In the cult there was very little allowance for individuality and personal belongings,and since Damian was considered an "outcast" of sorts he was rarely if ever permitted what kind of "freedom of choice" there was, and there was punishment for clothing/armor not being in order to the expected standard, he had to be diligent and frugal with what he was given.
In book 6 of the series when he is kidnapped back by the cult one of the first things they do is force him to take off his Western clothing, and his brother eventually finds his scarf (a gift from said brother to begin with) covered in blood
Despite not being into fashion or trends, clothing,as a form of individuality and self expression,as well as a source of comfort is still very important to Damian. Being allowed and able to choose his own clothing for the first time as an older child coming to live with his family is a pretty pivotal moment for his character.
So his wardrobe is ultimately a symbol of home for him.
2. No piercings,or tattoos or anything like that. But he is covered in layers of scars (the worst are across his torso,back,legs,arms,shoulders and neck, plus a few odd splatterings of fainter ones that aren't visible),due to the abuse and torture he endured, though some are also from self-harm (he's getting help). He starts out extremely self-conscious about them, ashamed,disgusted, and afraid to make others uncomfortable/get stared at (just to be clear my smol king of cognitive dissonance does not feel this way about any other person's scars, just his own. Poor boy doesn't have self-esteem. He takes baby steps in healing over the course of the series), to the point he wears long sleeves and full length pants only,and long sleeved rashguards to swim.
At the point in the series I'm currently working on he is just starting to learn to be more at peace and comfortable with his scars,in his body,and kinder to himself,and learning to live with healthier views on his physical disabilities and chronic pain. He is starting to be able to not hide so much of his scars quite so often.
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spechblend · 1 year
DIY Punk Mods and Updates
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I started beefing up my battle vest!
I cut off the hem for a more flattering look
Added pleather patchwork to the front and back
Added a decorative patch below the Doom patch
Added sashiko stitching so it matches my pants
Added grommets at the bottom for keychains
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This was a big gamble for my pants, but I’m glad I went through with it. My pants were getting stiff from the amount of patchwork that went into it, so I cut the knees so I could actually bend my legs lol. The issue is that my legs will get cold, so I bought some elbow pads from the craft store, and converted them into knee pads. Using button snaps, I made them removable (last pic). I lined the pads with old t-shirt fabric so my knees won’t chafe, and secured it with fabric glue and a border stitch. The strips of fabric on the inside of the pants are there so that the cuts I made don’t fully expose my legs when it’s cold.
(The half-ass pattern I made at work)
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This took me a total of two days, with the sewing, measuring, and all that.
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madness-of-void · 7 months
The Cosplay Progress (?)
Okay...I'm doing it. I'm showing off the hot mess of progress of the possibly decent, or absolutely hot garbage, cosplay of my version of human!Ink. I do have a nice chunk of the items for the cosplay - just gotta put it together. Most of the putting together can be done in a day, and I have until July to finish it all, soooo...we'll see how this goes! ^^;
Now I'll just post updates maybe every other day, or once a week, since I do have most of it in hand. And it will all be under the cut, since it'll long as fuck. So, without further ado, let's begin, shall we?
First off, this is probably the most ambitious cosplay I've ever done. Normally I do something easy. Examples: Stiles from TW, casual Keith from VLD, and recently (for Halloween) genocide route Frisk. debating on positing what garbo pics i have of those
Flowerfell!Frisk? Probably the most complex I've done, and only because I had to have help make a flower crown, actually use fabric glue for the flowers and little heart on the shorts and flower on the mask , painted up a random prop stick I had lying around no idea why i had that , and did a little bit of faint make-up. And ended up with this:
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bad pic i know but it's all i got of the full thing where i don't look like a drowned rat coz goddamn it was hot af
So after that, for some damned reason, I decided it would be a GREAT idea to do a difficulty jump and do Ink! Yaaaaay...I'm so smart. I have been looking at this as a reference for what I need mostly coz i had it saved on my phone already , which has been both motivation to get this done...but also a little intimidating. But I'm already too far into this. Can't back out now!
Anyways, enough rambling! Let's start with the first update on this silly thing!
So, firstly, I already had my eye on the Ink hoodie from @simakai's shop! I already have the Underfell one that I used for my Flowerfell!Frisk cosplay. I also have the Outertale hoodie, bi pride hoodie, and ace pride hoodie all from Simakai! They are all amazing hoodies, and I actually just bought Epic's hoodie from their new shop! Definitely check them out! They're comfy, well made, and I'll admit I wear my Outertale and Underfell hoodies out sometimes.
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The pic doesn't do it justice (hence all the millions of links above), but tada! The hoodie! My biggest worry is maybe tripping on the scarf, but I think I can manage. place your bets coz my ass clumsy
Also, there is a little surprise in it!
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Twas quite the laughing jumpscare when I was messing with the pockets.
And that's it for update 1! Stay tuned for more. >:3
Update 2 time!
Apologies for how garbage the pics are for this part. Space was a mess at the time, and I'm too lazy to redo it. With that out of the way...let's ramble!
So, next to the sash for the vials, this was surprisingly the hardest thing for me to find. I couldn't find anything that looked "just right". The first pair that I bought did look just right...but the color was way off. Way too bright from what was advertised. Took me a while to find another pair, and I actually bought two more. one of which i may use for a ftfo!ink Now, the next pair is the right color...but it's just a nice pair of sweats/joggers. Which is a bit of a bummer, but seeings how I cannot sew/make a full blown pair of pants (can barely sew at all), and my stepmom (who can sew) isn't that insanely skilled, they will have to do.
Here is a pic of the pants side-by-side coz for the longest time I was going to go with the first pair I bought. But after putting it together with the top...no. Just...no. Did not look good. You'll have to take my word for it.
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And before you ask, yes. I will have assistance sewing on the little suspenders. That will be two separate posts on their own in the future! It won't be just plain brown pants.
So that's it for update 2! Stay tuned for more! if you want i ain't forcing ya lols
Update number 3! Wooooo!
And it is actually really boring.
Like...royally boring. sorry?
So these were a bit easy to get. Granted, I did buy two pairs, because I couldn't decided initially. It was only after trying them on that I could make a decision.
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They are a bit long, but I can live with that. especially coz I am not planning on doing the tatts, that would end terribly And, yes, they are missing that little piece on the pinky. Just like the pants are missing the suspenders. And just like with those, I will be having assistance sewing that piece on!
I could show you want I have of that, but I'm planning on making that one big update.
Okay! That's it! Stay tuned for update 4!
Update 4! Not another exciting one again. The more exciting ones will slowly trickle in. depending on what you define as exciting
Anywho! Update 4!
Yes. Shoes. I know our favorite souless bean doesn't wear shoes anymore...but I have to. No need to get my toes all messed up! Especially at this convention center. Walking around there can be a nightmare! Closed toed or not. 😭
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They were sadly kind of expensive, but these were the closest I could find that kind of fit for what I was going for and i looked at custom ones first. Plus, I will be wearing these outside of the cosplay. So I get shoes for cosplay, and shoes for whenever I wanna wear them - a win-win.
But, one more thing! I will also I guess ruin them, in a way. How will I ruin them? Well...I was thinking of adding more splatter to them. Plus, see that pesky logo? Welp...I also had an idea for that.
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And I'll just leave this update at that. >:3
Update 5! Long time coming, I know. But a lot of what I have left are bigger pieces that have a few extra things I gotta do, and I just haven't been focused on doing them. But since I'm actually going to finish this one this weekend, I decided to show the unfinished product. With that being said, here we go!
These were actually so hard to find! I couldn't find anything that worked! And I originally started looking during the Halloween season, too! When these type of things would be more around. But everything was either way too big or just straight up decorative glass. Which...yeah. Would not do!
Eventually, after searching for ages, I found these on Etsy.
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They're originally for necklaces, which, even though they are glass, they're hopefully a tad more sturdy. And, if things work out, I'll have a perfect way to keep them in the sash! We shall see.
I also found these!
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Figured it would be fun to have little earrings on human!Ink.
Now, for the paints in the vials, I was having a hard idea what to do. Part of me wanted to put real paint in there. Yeaaaaah...probably not the best idea. But I finally figured it out, and I'll be working on it this weekend!
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Stay tuned for the final look!
Hello hello hello! Tis time for the final rush post of the process! It's all the final stuff, so yay. Pics of the full cosplay will be up either later on after the con, or the day after.
So, without further ado...here we go!
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Tada! Simple little thing. Probably one of the easiest to do with the whole shebang. And the straps?
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Ribbon. Ain't that neat? XD
So this was a bit tricky. I had cloth from an old t-shirt to do for the pinky, but it kept making the sewing machine freak the fuck out since it's such a small piece. I did have backups of gloves that i could wear under the brown ones and cut off all the other fingers. Unfortunately, the two pairs I got turned out to be bright, obnoxious blue instead of the sort of teal-ish/mint color as advertised. So I had to get a third pair, which was a darker green and sheer. Not exactly what I wanted, but eh. Oh well. Creative liberties!
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Here is the final result! I had to cut the pinky on the brown gloves too so it looked a little better. And the nail polish is close to what they'll be at the con, just more cleaned up.
Okay! Shoes! These came out a little better than I thought they would! And they were fortunately very easy to do. (Which I needed after a few things causing issues)
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Tada! Fun little nod to his old shoes (before he had nada)! And of course the black "ink". The paint refused to splatter like I wanted, but oh well. Still pretty happy about it.
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These actually proved to be more difficult than I anticipated. Many coats were needed, and even then they sort of still smeared oddly. Despite that, they turned out pretty great! I especially love the ink vial earrings. Those definitely were difficult due to their size.
Whoo-hoo! The sash! Fortunately, my stepmom is a sewing whiz and she helped a great deal with making sure this part of the cosplay came to be. So, here is the sash before:
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Definitely was a bit rough, since the Joanne's we went to lost all momentum to care since the bankruptcy filing. And it did fray a little bit upon the cutting of the pattern. Not enough to absolutely ruin it, thank hell.
Here is the final result:
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(Sorry about the poor lighting, I really had nowhere else to get a decent pic)
Tada! Vials in sash! Thankfully, they all are snug as a bug in a rug in those pockets! .... With super glue. Really didn't have a choice on that front. Still, for something as ambitious as this, something I definitely went clueless in to, happy it turned out as good as it did.
(Stepmom saved ass with this one ❤️)
Okay! This...this bitch...was a nightmare. I had never styled a wig before, and for some reason thought it would be a good idea if I did! Had a nice tutorial vid all qued up and thought I was all set! Except...the wig was an absolute tangled mess and took ages to untangle. It was also the second wig I had bought, coz the first one, for some unknown reason, was more purple than advertised. So wig number two, I had to buy in a hurry and it was a tad cheap since I'm on a bit of a budget (moving at the start of August ftw).
But, finally, after hours of fighting with this beast, this is the end result:
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The braid will be pulled back into the makeshift ponytail, since I actually do have to pull it back up once it is secured onto my head, but otherwise this is the final result. The blue and pink (squint and you'll see it) are extensions I added, which also proved to be a challenge. Still proud of it all for someone who has never done more than brush a wig before! Though, never again. At least for a long ass while. ;_; thank you Dust for being an easy cosplay for next year
I can't really show the full makeup I have to do until, well, it's all done, but I have tried it all out and hooray! It all works! So, instead, here is the nice pile I will have to use:
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We got two different shade of eyeshadow, since I can't do colored contacts. My eyeballs are...very weird. Only one eye will allow a colored contact, and I did not wanna waste money to only use one contact. So one eye will have green eyeshadows, and the other will have yellow eyeshadows.
There's also gonna be blue eyeliner with the green eye having it on the underlid, and they yellow eye having it on the upper lid. To make it all "whimsical" and "silly".
There's a pencil liner to create the inkblot shape, black face paint to fill it in, and black eyeshadow to help make it even darker. i am a master of doing some cool shit with eyeshadow
I have two different sprays to help keep the makeup on longer. And, of course, the foundation and concealer coz I will look like a zombie otherwise lols.
Yeah...I am...gonna be having a blast with this lot. Especially making sure I can remake the really nice inkblot I did when testing it out. Fingers crossed and best wishes for my dumb ass for being so ambitious.
No. I will not show this one. Just picture a wig on a stick and there you go. Needless to say, as much as I wanted to like it...I don't. It looks so bad. 99% sure I will not bother bringing bootleg Broomie with me. Makes me sad, but hey...can't win them all.
Okay, so that's it! I'll do a part two of this post since, whoops! I have hit my limit! So, with the next post, I'll have the bag I specifically got for this cosplay (and will totally be using it later), and the full cosplay itself!
And, if anyone is going to AX, I'll see you there mayhaps!
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milf-harrington · 2 years
Hi! I'm really sorry step dad's still an ass- your annoyance is very justified- but I just wanted to ask: are you currently making/ have a battle/patch jacket? If yes could we see some pics for inspo? I've been meaning to finally get started on mine for a while and I love seeing what other people do!
kia ora!! i am currently making a battle jacket, it's not come that far yet because i don't want to stick anything down until i have more patches and shit but i can lay out what i do have and show you, it's just not very impressive yet:
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the fabrics on the side are things i might add later on but idk yet, i'm very fond of the old plaid tho - also yeah im sewing sequins under the collar.
it has been,,,,a process.
sequins because i like them, and they're also a nod to rocky horror
the rainbow for lgbt reasons and also it's cute af
the orange pin says 'stop the violence' which is for domestic violence
the smaller black pin says "wake up, coffee, repeat" and was a birthday present from my 18th
trans flag pin
a little jar with stars in it, a birthday present from my 20th
the ponyo patch was a random gift from a friend who saw it and thought i'd like, she was right, ponyo rocks
the oamaru patch from when i visted my family in aotearoa and my cousin took me to the steam punk museum (oamaru also has a lot of history for my family)
i have a list in my notes app of random ideas i get for pins/patches so i recommend making your own bc it really does help down the line if you ever find yourself Head Empty about what to add; i'm also happy to give updates whenever i do add to my jacket if that's something you're interested in?
OH I ALSO HAVE THESE PATCH PANTS - i made them when i was like,, 17?? 16?? they might help too:
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plaid that i spent a ridiculous amount of time hand-sewing onto the waist band bc i love the pattern
"i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. hate me. destroy me.", a frank iero reference
ACAB for,, obvious reasons i think
a shitty little painting of Korse from the Danger Days comics with "this man ate my son" written underneath it which was a reference to a silly fan comic that i barely remember now
a painting for 'our lady of sorrows', an mcr reference
the hesitant alien mascot, a lovely little creature named Lola, holding a sign that says "be kind" that i painted on the floor of my bedroom
my jeans were pretty much entirely a diy project bc i didn't have the money or the resources to buy actual patches, but they were really fun to put together
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eyesteeth · 10 months
sewing update no one asked for
faulkner has pants now. theyre shitty pants but they actually work and i slid them on and off of him a couple times so they're good enough in my book. currently drafting carpenter's pattern - probably gonna sleep when i finish that. once she's made sometime this week, she'll also get pants and then i'll start on making little clothes for them.
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