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/// back with them again
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willbeck · 11 months
old fic but re-edited, rated gen.
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eastonapologist · 4 months
willjohn 3+1 go brrrrr 😇
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willamaybeck · 3 years
Willbeck is the ship I think of when I think of the losing game. The game where you pretend to date and whoever falls in love first loses.
anon it’s been almost a year since you sent this and honestly i likely never would’ve seen it, my notifs are ZILCH
but also yes willbeck would serve that trope so fuckn hard
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bexieid · 4 years
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daydreamerpostsx · 6 years
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|| Please Please make them happy.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Hello I'm light anon and i bring you the first chapter of an au i started awhile ago with the help of Ender anon (hi love you/p) , the supernatural au named Abnormalities and its very long
Chapter One - Phasmophobia 2.5k words
“Prove it then.” 
Of course, Sap and Dream’s arguments always lead to some sort of challenge. Ever since you met them in middle school, it’s been like that. Sap would say something, Dream would fire back because Sap was clearly wrong in his eyes, and it would spiral from there. Today’s topic of debate: The existence of the paranormal. Specifically, ghosts.
What sparked it? A cheesy horror film you picked out for the monthly movie night. Your stereotypical ghost film with lazy jump scares with bad effects and acting.you only bought it so you four could laugh at it. You Guys laud sprawled on the couch while Sap took up the floor. All was well, Until Sap proclaimed that real ghosts wouldn’t be that shitty. Dream, heavily disagreed that ghosts even existed. George didn’t take a side but you backed Sap up. The world is to weird not to have ghosts in it.
”Oh absolutely.” Sap nodded, agreeing with your assessment.
Dream rolled his eyes “Sure, sure, just how are you going to prove me wrong? There isn’t a ‘haunted building’ anywhere in town.”
 At that moment George decided to speak up “What about the old willbeck farm?, the one a couple miles out of town. I always heard it was haunted by a kid or something.”
“That stupid place?  Those were just stories are parents told us to keep us from trespassing.”
You shrugged. “It’s a start.”
Next thing you know, you and sap blew your paychecks on ghost hunting equipment. You ordered the basics, an EMF meter, a good camera, a thermometer, you even bought a ‘Spirit box’ and some smudge sticks, all too spite Dream who complained that you were being scammed. 
You both ended up begging George to use his car to load up your equipment as he was the only one to have a large enough car for your equipment. He relented after a day of relentless begging. 
The Willbeck farm was a 40 minute drive from your home, which left a lot of room for discussion.
“You three are idiots.” 
You leaned forward to poke your head over the passenger seat. “You didn’t have to come, you know. You could have stayed back and do boring things like dressing up patches or something.”
He turned his head with narrowed eyes. “And make sure you guys didn’t fake your ‘proof?’ Not a chance.”
You laugh. “You’ll be the first one we feed to the ghosts.”
You bickered back and forth until George announced that they had finally made it. Not even seconds after he pulled into the clearing in front of the property, you and Sap practically kept out of the car and rushed to the trunk to get your gear. After distributing equipment amounts your group you took your first look at the house
The Farmhouse was much larger than you remembered reading about. It was a huge two story red building with a faded white trim. The word around it looked like it had been rotting for years and it definitely smelt like rot. AMany of the windows were broken in, and the glass was a gross brown color. The roof had some holes in it and the gutters had been ripped from the roof and laid scattered around the outside. A large barn was off to the side and had the same kind of wear to it. The entire property was surrounded by a torn up wire fencing, which had a lot of crows perched, eyeing you intensely. The Erie feeling the house gave off was intensified by the soft sound of the wind and the loud crow caws. 
If houses had a criteria to be haunted, this one checked off all the boxes
Sap let out a low whistle before lightly nudging your arm “Dude, this place makes your home look tiny!”
You scoffed at that. Sure your rented home was small, but was cheap enough to pay for while you worked your way through community college. A one bedroom, one bath, a combined kitchen/living space, all on top of a double garage was all you needed. 
It was a slow walk to the porch, all of you hesitant to actually set foot in the run down building. The steps creaked under you, and the wooden boards sunk slightly. You were at the head of the group, so you were the first one inside, taking a couple steps in the large foyer. It was full of outdated furniture, something you’d see out of the early 90’s. A large staircase sat to the left, hugging the wall as it pushed into the upstairs.  There was a door to your right, leading into what you believe was the kitchen.
You held the camera up and you got a good shot of the room, if there were no ghosts you’d at least have some cool photos.
The four of you spread out into  the room observing every corner of it. Sapnap was the one armed with the EMF reader. He waved the hand held device trying to get something, anything to read. He did manage to get one, honing onto a stuffed cow that was nestled into the couch.
It was dusty, like everything else in the room. Otherwise it was in semi good condition. It was... cute. Too cute to just be sitting in this old farmhouse for the rest of time. Dream had other opinions.
“That means nothing. It’s just a cow.” 
To be fair, it was the first time either of you had used this kind of equipment. You decided to put it in your bag, hoping to study it later. It could be a fluke, but you guys couldn’t bow down now!  The hunt has only just begun.
Every room on the first floor was subject to an EMF and Temperature checks. Dream and George fucked around while you and Sap scanned for anything that could be more than a fluke, the only thing that could be found was in the kitchen. A small carved statue of a crow.
It gave off the same readings as the cow plush, so perhaps it wasn’t a fluke. You found it sitting on the open windowsill, it was so life-like you almost mistake it for a living crow. Something was telling you that it was probably the oldest thing in the house. You gently placed it in your bag with the cow, another piece to your growing collection.
You took a moment to glance out the window. There were way too many crows sitting on the wire fence to be normal. It was the beginning of summer, so crows even migrate?
With the first floor cleared, you lead the charge upstairs. The floor boards only got louder with every step. You quietly asked whatever prime deity was watching that neither of your group would fall through the floor. The whole house felt unstable.
The top of the stairs lead you to a Hallway. It was small and only had two doors and at the end of it stood a large magnificent bookshelf.
You took the first door on the left accompanied by George while Sap and Dream opted to poke around in the hallway, formally splitting the group for the first time.
The room wasn’t very Large, nor could you tell what it was supposed to be used for as pretty much everything was covered with sheets of some kind. There were a couple of uncovered boxes laying on top of things, so it wasn’t completely boring. A couple of minutes of scavenging later, George called for your attention.
“Look at this” George presented you a beautiful lute from one of the few uncovered boxes. It was crafted out of a dark wood and had what you thought was engravings of fish along the sides. How old was this thing? Was it even usable?
“Let me see!” You asked, setting down the camera before making a grabby motion towards the lute, which was met with a questioning look from the Brit. “I want to see if it’s in tune.” 
He decided that it was a good enough answer before handing over the old thing. You strummed the strings, and it sounded surprisingly good, despite the cloud of dust that came off it. You paused for a brief moment before playing a quick melody, just a song you played back in middle school for a recital. You hummed along until yelps from outside and many thumps. 
You quickly set the Lute down and follow George out the door, fearing that something had gotten your two friends. However, instead of a gory mess, you saw Dream standing holding a book, while a whole pile of them at his feet, a few inches away from the bookshelf. 
“The shelves just collapsed on themselves.” He quietly said. The look on his face was puzzled, like he was still trying to figure out what had happened. 
“Or maybe,” Sap started. “The ghost doesn’t like you touching his stuff.”
“I’m keeping it then, the ghost doesn’t need it.” 
“What’s the title of it?” You asked as you fake over to view the damage. Dream opened the book and flipped through it. 
“It’s old, There isn’t a title nor is it in English, old English I think.”
What was such an old book doing in a relatively modern house? You shake the thought away and motioned for Dream to give it to you. “I’ll hold onto it, I want to see if I can get it translated.” Another treasure for your growing collection.
You turned back to check on George, he wasn’t next to you, instead he was messing with the final door, seeming to unjam the lock and push into the room. You decided to grab the lute and take it as a keepsake.
Picking it up again made your head feel... loud. You couldn’t tell which thoughts were yours and which were intruding. A pair of eyes were watching you somehow but the room was empty. Panic rose in your chest, your heart was beating so so loud. A cold hand touched your shoulders, yet you couldn’t tell if it meant you harm or not.
“Hey... are you okay?”
And it stopped. Everything was clear again. You turned your head to look back seeing Sap poke his head through the door. “You’ve been standing here for a while.”
You nod, “Yeah yeah... we should- we should stop splitting up.”
You’d only find out later that the Lute has the same effects that the other two objects did.
The house search was a bit of a bust. The only ‘Supernatural’ experience you had was the EMF meter going off and the strange experience with the lute which you opted not to tell your friends about, writing off as the Erie nature of the house getting to you.
Finding nothing else interesting, you took one last look at the entrance room before stepping out. You feel a weird sense of longing, something pulling at you not to go. You tried to shake off the feeling and you walked back to the car, just to put all your goodies away in the trunk. 
All that was left on your to-do list was to check the outside area and the barn. Being the person that you are, you went straight to the barn. They boys could handle the rest of the property alone. alone  The building had no doors you waltzed right though the entryway. Despite never actually being in a barn, it looked right to you.
It was devoid of any livestock, but there was Hay everywhere. Light shined through the holes in the ceiling, making the room clear enough. The soft blue liquid that was spread across the hay-
Wait. What?
Doing a second take revealed that the whole barn has some weird blue goo smeared everywhere. It looked too Fresh to be painted, it looked wet. There didn’t seem to be a set trail, just pools of it. You found most of it by a ladder that led up to a new section of the barn.
The blue substance was dripping from the loft of the barn. 
It had to be.
And you were right! Sort of. Finally dragging yourself up the old latter not really minding the blue that now stained your clothes, you found the source.
He was standing- floating?- there, as if waiting for someone. The man was tall, taller than you or any of their friends, absolutely towering over you. His entire pallet was muted, his skin was fucking Grey. His attire was strange too. Something out of a renaissance fair. What was the strangest was that he was translucent and bleeding? Out of a cut on his chest. That blue substance oozing out of his stomach onto the floor boards.
He smiled.
“You found me, little songbird.”
The temperature drop had you shivering, but that also could have been from the absolute terror of seeing a real ghost.
That loud feeling returned in full force, directing your attention onto him.. You had to go. But it was like you were frozen place. He moved to cup your face, cooing as he looked you over.
“It’s not polite to touch things that aren’t yours, yet you handle them with so much care... I don’t mind.”
He wasn’t acting out of malice, thank prime, but It didn’t make it any less uncomfortable. He was too close.
“.... pretty songbird. My pretty songbird.”
A beat past before you could hear your friends calling for you. Your head cleared for a moment so you took it and ran. Practically flying down the ladder and hurting yourself in the fall. Ignoring the pain you booked it to the car right past Dream and Sap, who were standing by the entrance to the barn.
“We- We have to go. Now. Please we need to... to...” you couldn’t really tell what you were saying, everything was moving too fast. Great Prime, that was a real ghost. You- You were talking to a ghost. A Ghost called you a Song bird. 
A Ghost.
That ended your hunt right there and then. You weren’t in a fit state to keep going. Especially not when you’re covered in... whatever this blue stuff is. You’d come to find later that you had a blue hand print on your face, right where the man had cradled your face.
You’re so out of it, you don’t realize when your friends are guiding you up the stairs to your home. One of them says something about leaving the loot in your garage, but you don’t really care. This is a future problem. You give a small thank you and a swift goodbye before passing out the second you feel your pillow under you.
So deep in sleep you don’t realize that your tiny home has a few new residents wandering about. 
Or the fact that one of them watched over you as you slept
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mcwhooper · 2 years
Prologue (TBATE | That time I got reincarnated as an asura)
Grey POVWe fought for what felt like hours while actually they were just a few minutes. Every technique I practiced, every effort I put in becoming the king to avenge Headmaster Willbeck, was getting turned into dust as the girl Infront of me overpowering me with sheer amount of ki alone. This was the girl I once loved and the one who claimed to love me. I cursed myself for being so naive. As Cecelia jumped in the air I willed the last of my ki into my legs and around my sword, but she created a huge explosion mid air and vanished. A burning sensation went through my abdomen, as I saw a ki sword had impaled me.I looked at her, "Why?" I asked in a slight whisper as I stumbled to the ground. I saw her standing close to me, despite being the same age and height. Now that I looked at her she felt like she was towering over me. She looked at me for one final time before turning away, her face not showing the slightest of remorse for what she had done to her best friend.I turned to see Nico with an apologetic face for a second, as he looked away before facing Cecelia and a huge grin appeared on his face. He never looked at me again. Being weak was pathetic. If there is a God, if another life is possible I never want to experience all of this again. I don't want to be powerless again. I felt scared for the first time.I looked at myself drowned in my own life's blood. I didn't feel any pain. It was a warm feeling. Madam Vera had already left the stadium leaving me to die like a rat. I felt myself going deeper into the cold embrace of demise. I glanced once again over to the 2 traitors who looked at me, surprised that I had a huge grin plastered over my face grinning even at death's door."The next time we meet I'll make it into one hell of a reunion" I managed to say while saluting with my middle finger before my consciousness warped and I was in a void of endless darkness.********************* Read on wattpad if you use it or I can upload here too
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flightsglobal-blog · 8 years
Manchester United Red Devils announced Willbeck strikers outside the one-year rent restructuring nearly complete
Manchester United Red Devils announced Willbeck strikers outside the one-year rent restructuring nearly complete
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Looking For Cheap Flights To Manchester [tp_search_shortcodes id=1 origin=”” destination=”MAN” hotel_city=”Manchester, United Kingdom, 325, 7945, city, United Kingdom” type=”avia_hotel” subid=””] [tp_in_our_city_fly_shortcodes destination=MAN title=”” limit=100 paginate=true stops=0 one_way=false subid=”” currency=”USD”] [tp_hotelmap_widget coordinates=”53.48095, -2.23743″ width=500 height=500…
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izzielizzie · 3 years
Will you flesh out the Willbeck get together/first date?
Im pretty sure I will I was thinking about it this morning actually I liked writing it
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risengirl · 6 years
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Not good for you - Capítulo 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/gqZD0GpOhT Will Becker es el típico hombre con el que cualquiera quiere tener una relación, pero no el que sabe tomar buenas decisiones ni siempre va por el buen camino. Las chicas malas han sido sus favoritas y gracias a ellas ha tenido tantos quebraderos de cabeza que, creyendo poder tener estabilidad, finalmente dio con la peor de todas que le regaló a un pequeño Sean que le proporcionó la mayor de las dichas como padre. No obstante, no tiene porqué estar todo perdido.
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/// redrawn from here: 
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willbeck · 6 months
long due update
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nala-kenmore · 4 years
TTD Time Line
(Figured out from Nala posts so Nala-centric)
1.      Hesperus and his team arrive on Sanctuary and meet Alana. Hesperus meets Nuka.
2.      Juliet and Uriah leave Sanctuary, Hesperus gets sick and is healed by Mushroom the drone, Michael’s ship explodes above the planet, the villagers and Hesperus evacuate, Dora comes through the gate, her and Julian go to the old hive, the wraith are awakened and attack Michael, Michael is taken prisoner on the old hive, Nala and Michael reunite, Nala defeats Tiberius and gets her memories back, new hives arrive and the group relocates, allies meeting, Dora sees No’One, Nala awakens Tibby, first family dinner, Gwen and Tulsix arrive with prisoners, Hesp and Nuka attempt to rescue Julian and Dora
3.      Nala converts Tibby to Tiberius, prisoner interrogation, prisoners escape and Michael is injured, Kaylo interview, Julian and Nala argue, Julian creates the virus, escape to the old hive, travel to decontamination zone, early tests on Julian, Juliana is infected, Ziara arrives
4.      Hybrids space the pigs, Julian attacks, Nemo arrives, Ziara is infected, Nala leaves with Julian on Ziara’s hive, the station is evacuated, the Mhy Space drama with Billy begins, Nala hides Julian on Sanctuary, Nala freaks out over Mhy Space and carries on running away
5.      Nala goes to visit Sydney, they discuss going on an adventure but ultimately call Michael to go home, Korra and Cruella join the main hive, Dora gets revenge on Tiberius, Sydney almost dies and has to hibernate, Nala argues with Dora and almost ruins everything, Rodney arrives and changes time slightly, Nala awakens Caelus and Marcellus, trip to Elsania, bros have ‘fun’ in the snow, Dora gets kidnapped by and rescued from the Willbecks, the Willbeck attacks happen, and the Willbeck’s get executed
6.      Siblings visit the Unnamed Planet, they save and assist ‘Brian’, Michael is attacked by Kytera, QS and Borin stop the attack, Borin starts taking Michael to Ophelia, Nala catches up and the siblings join the ship, Celebration of Death party
7.      Arrival at Ophelia, Michael wakes up, Zip attempts to ‘rescue’ Dora, Zip is caught and put on the wall, Sydney and Nala have their big emotional talk
8.      Movie day, Lore attack and rescue, Sydney heals Nala and the bros are taken to the tanks, Odette surprise attack, Michael is ‘taken’ by Odette but brings her back, relocation to Secure Zone #2, Nala takes Dora to school, Nala Sydney and the bros go shopping, Michael joins for family dinner number two and ice cream.
9.      Breakfast is accidentally drugged by Ketamine and Snowflake, Ketamine is interviewed by Michael, Sydney and Ketamine are ordered to plan an attack on the Genii, Nala and Michael return to the Unnamed Planet, Michael realises Bane was there, return to hive and meeting about Bane, EVOL station attack planned
10.   The Genii attack is successful, Michael and Marcellus visit the planet, Nala returns the green pig to the Unnamed planet ;), Nala and Sydney (from now on QS) go on a date, Tiberius and Caelus upgrade the old hive, the EVOL station attack goes badly, Soren destroys the station and is presumed missing, Nala and QS make robots, Michael and QS argue
11.   Nala meets Cersei, there is a kidnapping plan scare as QS shows his message from ‘Piz’, Nala sends Cersei to the Hylton, the bros go to the moon party, Marcellus accidentally goes to Marlene’s funeral and Nala joins him, Tiberius gets his first (but not last) victory over Michael since waking up, Nala meets the Robinsons but returns them to Gwen
12.   Hypnos is awakened, Michael leaves to Ophelia, Nala and QS do their treasure hunt
13.   (Museum day probably)
14.   The Snowies fall ill and die, QS is attacked by Juliet and feeds on her in self-defence, Odette escapes and leaves Korra fatally ill after feeding on her, Secure Zone #2 is evacuated
15.   (Probably King Day)
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willamaybeck · 8 years
way back in book two, willa showed maybeck how to open a door with a credit card. now, all the way up to book two in the second series, he shows he remembers it in 1955.
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bexieid · 5 years
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‪Credit to whoever took the photo, and to our man Will, who seems like he’d be that wonderful friend everyone needs ❤️❤️ ‬
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