#willie x pancho
bullet-prooflove · 3 months
All The Federales Say... : Alden Parker x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets@kmc1989@sarakafarrah @ @mandy426
Companion piece to The Secret
Trigger warning for loss of a child
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Alden can’t stand country music. Whenever it comes on the radio it feels like someone is driving an ice pick right into his brain. He becomes reserved, short tempered, abrasive. You’ve never been able to decipher the reasoning behind it not until the night he tells you about Bonnie.
“We were coming back from swimming club when it happened.” He finds himself saying as the two of you sit on the chocolate brown Chesterfield in the greenhouse. Your fingertips stroke along the underside of his forearm, tracing over the Eagles lyrics tattooed there. “Bonnie was asleep in the back seat. She always used to drop off after those sessions...”
He smiles at the memory. Bonnie’s unruly dark curls falling across her dainty features, her cheek pressed into the side of the car seat. She’d been wearing a black and white striped dress that day, a silver barrette clipped into her hair.  He still carries the damn thing around in his wallet, despite the fact it’s rusted. It’s the only thing he has left of his daughter because Viv had purged the nursery in the aftermath, she couldn’t stand the sight of anything that reminded her of Bonnie.
“When you have kids, you have all these dreams for them.” He tells you, his voice getting a little rough as he watches your fingers trail over the ink. “I thought she was going to grow up, go to the Olympics, bring home a gold medal...It seems so stupid now.” 
He trails off then, swallowing hard against the build-up of emotion in his chest. It’s getting hard to breathe because he’s back there in that place fiddling with the dial on the radio as Viv focuses on the road ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel.
“Things get hazy after that.” He sighs as his hand captures yours. He holds on tight squeezing your fingers because the road he’s about to go down, it’s not one he wants to walk alone. “They tell me I hit my head in the crash. I remember fragments. Viv was driving, there was a Willie Nelson song on the radio, it was Pancho and Lefty. We were singing that hook, you know the one? ‘All the Federales say…’”
He's there now, right back in that car with the taste of metal in his mouth and smoke filling his lungs. Viv’s slumped over the air bag, blood trickling out of her nose and he’s trying to wake her but Viv, her eyes, they just won’t open.
All the Federales say…
That song, that damn song is still playing and he realises that underneath the lyrics he can’t hear Bonnie, she should be awake now, she should be screaming but there’s just this silence, this horrible, empty nothingness and Alden knows, he just knows.
He forces himself to look anyway and what he sees...
Christ it still haunts his dreams.
“Car seats back then...” He hears himself telling you. “They weren’t as robust as they are these days. My daughter…”
He chokes because all of that anguish, all of that guilt, it’s like he’s feeling it for the very first time. He breaks then, his entire being shattering into a million pieces. The noise that comes out of his mouth, it’s raw, animalistic, a violent sob that wracks his entire body. He hasn’t grieved for Bonnie, not really. There was never any space for it. He was the strong one in the aftermath, holding Viv together and then that had fallen apart. By that point he’d shoved it all in a box because he didn’t want to face it, he’d convinced himself he’d moved on but in reality, it’s always been there, sitting just under the surface waiting.
Your lips chase over the tears that leak down his cheeks, your body pressing against his and Alden feels that rush of heat, that urge to feel anything but the agony that eats him up inside right now.
“Lisa?” He questions, his breath a little ragged and you know exactly what he’s asking you. “I need…”
You know exactly what he needs, you always do. You climb into his lap and his hand threads  through your hair, gripping it tightly in his fist. He pulls your head back, baring your throat and you make that noise, that sweet whimper as his lips ghost up the curve of your neck.
“It’s going to be rough.” He warns you, tugging a little harder, keeping you in place, flush against him. “I don’t have it in me to be soft with you tonight.”
“You don’t have to be.” You whisper as he thrusts up against you. “I mean it Alden, I won’t break.”
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andyfairfaks · 1 year
idk who made these questjojs but i answered them in notes a few months ago so here
AHKJ FANS - QUESTIONS i found these lets do them 
1. What do you think about All Hail King Julien ?
Very good
2. What episode/s is/are your favourite and why?
S2 e15 cos funny mort ha ha
S2 e5 funy mort scamrr haha
S3 e10 leanred off loads of mort c just like it idk
S5e10- Mort lore on top
3. What is/are your favourite season/s and why?
4. Who is/are your favourite character/s and why?
i have an order: mort willie clover pam andrew
5. Who is/are your favourite main character/s and why ?
Mort and clover
6. Who is/are your least favourite character/s and why?
7. Who is/are your favourite enemy/ies and why?
8. What is/are your favourite ship/s and why?
9. What is/are least favourite ship/s and why ?
10. What is/are your favourite OST/s ?
WHAT THE HELL IS THAG🔥🔥oh soundtrack u couldve just said song umm me and my crew big stacks i love ur toes
11. What is/are your favourite kingdom/s ?
12. Which character/s do you want to meet the most and why?
13. What do you want to change in AHKJ and why?
14. Are you making/doing fanarts, fanmixes or fanfics ?
15. What do you think about the ending ?
16. Which episode/s is/are the best for you and why?
17. Which episode/s is/are to worst for you and why?
18. What is/are your favourite scene/s and why?
ok thats too many soz 
19. What is/are your least favourite scene/s and why?
Sigh… theres aload but.. 
….”we dont have time for-“
Sigh when like in s2e3 when maurice thinks clover ermmm.. like literally shut up mayrice common maurice L im gonna pop ur head off no she does not
Any of thise wrestling partsLIEK STOP IT STOP IT RIGHT NOW
Erm any other awkward scene to watch with my family
20. Have you ever cried while watching?
21. Which scene/s is/are the funniest for you?
Brah i just named them funnt = fav
22. What do you think about King Julien?
Very good x
ok leave
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shelli-gator · 4 years
I honestly never even considered Willie x Mort. That's kinda a cute idea!)
Yeah! :D its really cute and soft when I picture it, and also with a heaping helping of angst.
My fav Willie ships are Willie x Mort, Willie x Dorothy, and Willie x Pancho as homies. I'll break them down for yall! <3
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Willie x Mort is interesting in that both of them are bullied/misunderstood by people. Willie likes Mort because he sees beyond the weirdness to see someone who's as lonely as he sometimes feels.
Like my best boo @dondon-deconcon mentioned, Willie would eventually work up the courage to tell Mort how he feels. He desperately wants him to value himself more, to feel the same indignance he feels. Mort rejects him at first (he does feel something for him, but it's convoluted/difficult), and it hurts him, but he doesn't expect anything from him. His anger and resentment towards Julien only worsens however. I THRIVE off the thought of Julien throwing some insult at Mort or something and Willie just gives the tiniest growl that he directs at Julien that he doesn't think he can hear, but Julien just turns around like.
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Anyway, when Mort does eventually realize his feelings for Willie and they work things out, their relationship is soft, and Willie is there to comfort him and vice versa.
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For Willie x Dorothy, I like to think they've been friends since lemur school, but Willie's always harbored a softness for her that he never opened up about, especially after she starts dating Ted.
He was seen grooming her in s1, and lemurs do that to strengthen bonds between each other. So I like to think they're close, but Dorothy has never thought anything of it. Willie often brings her gifts, like sea glass and other things that he finds fascinating (i initially brought this up in my Willie hc post, its a big deal if he gives you these gifts), and she finds it endearing. Though I can't decide if he would do it in secret for fear of pissing Ted off and Dorothy only later figures out it was him, or he gives them to Dorothy and eventually she realizes that it might mean more to both of them than she first thought.
I need to flesh out this one a bit more, but I think Willie would treat her well, and make her feel loved and appreciated.
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Willie x Pancho is a fun homies ship. As far as I hc they've been friends since lemur school, and Pancho often gets him into chaotic situations. Like getting drunk at the mango tango and putting their names on the sacrifice list together, or having the homie vow to eat each other if the need ever arises.
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It cracks me up (and its also wildly soft) to think about Pancho just grabbing Willie and Horst's paws, or Willie carries Pancho home bridal style after he collapses on the dancefloor in Panchurian candidate.
Pancho: -.-
Willie: ... you wanna go home, Pancho?
Pancho: ... yeah
Willie: okay *scoops him up*
Julien just has to accept Pancho has two paws. One for him, and one for his homies.
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(This last one is hilariously timed like, it looks to me like Pancho is whispering in his ear. I know he isn't but it just looks like it xD
Pancho: I love you, you bumpkin, *firmly kisses his brow* fuck you.
Willie: *confused mouthful of dirt noises*
Pancho: *immediately shoves him*)
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thepastelknight · 4 years
I’m totally not working on a danganronpa x AHKJ crossover,,,, noo,,,,
Julien 13th - Prince
Maurice - Butler
Clover - Guard
Mort - Stalker
Karl - Inventor
Horst - BarTender
Mary Ann - Gladiator 
Pancho - Demolitions Expert
Andy Fairfax - Salesman
Timo - Engineer 
Ted - Actor
Hector - Exterminator
Sage - Peace Maker
Xixi - Interviewer
Willie - Navalship Officer 
Rob - Dancer
Doctor S - Doctor
Pam - Track & Field Runner
Abner - Hillbilly
Becca - Revolutionist
Bruce - Entrepreneur
Crimson - Model
Dorothy - Caretaker 
Fred - Rage
Masikura - Fortune Teller
Koto - Heir
feel free to give your thoughts
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haderberkman · 4 years
Just Checking On You
Willy X F Reader
Warnings: None
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Requested by: @blueeyed0713
Today was the day that Y/N was finally gonna do it. She was gonna tell Willy that she has feelings for him.
She got into her car and drove to the pool. She sat in her car for a few minutes trying to figuring out what she was going to say to him.
Y/N exited her car and walked to the entrance of the pool. She entered the gate, and her hands began to shake. She tried her best to swallow her nerves and walked towards the pool house.
She entered the pool house and saw Willy eating ice cream with some kids. He saw Y/N and smiled turning his attention to her.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?”
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
Before she could say anything else, her nerves made her stomach churn causing her to throw up in front of Willy and the kids.
She heard laughter and looked up to find the kids laughing at her. Her face began to turn red, and she slapped a hand over her mouth. She suddenly turned away from them and ran back to her car.
Y/N got back into her car and drove back to her house. When she arrived home, she threw herself down on her couch and cried.
Five hours later, she was still on her couch, but the tears stopped falling a long time ago. Maybe it was better for her not to tell Willy how she really felt. Maybe she should moved to a different town and forget about him.
Y/N was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door. She pulled herself off the couch and walked over to the door to answer it. A surprised expression came to her when she opened the door and saw Willy standing there.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“H-Hey, Willy. What are you doing here?”
“Just checking into you. You left the pool in a hurry, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Y/N stepped to the side and let Willy come into her house. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer, knowing exactly where they were. She sat on the couch, and he joined her there.
“So, are you alright?”
“No, I’m not alright.”
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
Y/N took a deep breath and looked at Willy to find him already looking at her.
“Okay, I have feelings for you.”
“I like you, and I think about you all the time, but not in like a creepy way. I love everything about you. Your eyes, your hair, and even that stupid pancho you have. I know that you probably don’t like me this and that’s okay-“
Y/N was interrupted by Willy pressing his lips against hers. She was surprised at first, but she kissed him back, deepening the kiss. When air became a necessity, they both pulled away and smiled at each other.
“What was that for?”
“I couldn’t think of any other way to shut you up so I could tell you that I feel the same exact way. I like you too, Y/N.”
Y/N leaned forward and pulled Willy into a tight hug. He hugged her back and placed a kiss on the side of her head. She smiled into his neck at his gesture. She had him now, and she knew that he wasn’t going anywhere. Even if she threw up in front of him at the pool.
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bestfoes · 4 years
Me: "I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will no- SHOOT!!"
I personally think horst is older than the two but you do you!
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architectureofdoom · 6 years
Tags - Architects/designers I-Z
I.M. Pei Ignaty Milinis Ignazio Gardella Igor Vasilevsky Ilia Golosov Isamu Noguchi Ivan Fomin Ivan Leonidov Ivor Smith and Jack Lynn J.B. Hourlier J.B. Ingwersen J.F. Staal J.J.P. Oud L.J. sert J.M. Lamuniere J.M. Stokla James Gowan James Stirling Jan Duiker Jan Wils Jean Bourgon Jean Dubuisson Jean Prouve Jean Renaudie Joao Filgueiras Lima Joaquim Guedes Johann Georg Gsteu John Andrews John Bancroft John Dinkeloo John Hejduk John M. Johansen John Madin John Pawson John Portman John Storrs Jorn Utzon Jos Bedaux Josef Schulz Joseph Salerno Jozsef Fischer Juan O'Gorman Juliaan Lampens Jurgen Sawade Justus Dahinden K.L. Sijmons Kalff Karl Ehn Karl Moser Karl Schwanzer Kenzo Tange Kevin Roche Kisho Kurokawa Kiyonori Kikutake Konrad Wachsmann Konstantin Melnikov Kunio Mayekawa Kurt Schlauss Kurt Schwitters Le Corbusier Lebbeus Woods Leonardo Savioli Leonid Vesnin Leslie Martin Lev Rudnev Lina Bo Bardi Louis Fumet Louis Kahn Louis Noiray Louis Sullivan Lucio Costa Ludwig Hilberseimer Luigi Figini Luigi Moretti Luis Barragan Luis Peña Ganchegui Lutyens Malevich Manfred Hermer Marcel Breuer Marcel Lods Marcello Piacentini Mario Pani Marius Duintjer Mart Stam Martin Elsaesser Martin van Treeck Max Abramovitz Max Berg Mendelsohn Michel de Klerk Mies Minoru Yamasaki Moholy-Nagy Moisei Ginzburg Moshe Safdie MVRDV Neave Brown Neutra Nicholas Grimshaw Nikolai Kolli Noi Trotsky O Studio Olivier-Clement Cacoub Olson Kundig OMA Oscar Niemeyer Oswald Ungers Otto Herbert Hajek Ove Arup Owen luder P.V. Jensen Klint Pancho Guedes Panteleimon Golosov Paolo Portoghesi Paolo Soleri Paul Baumgarten Paul Ludwig Troost Paul Nelson Paul Rudolph Paul Stohrer Paul Virilio Paulo Mendes Da Rocha Pei Cobb Freed Peter Behrens Peter Eisenman Peter Märkli Peter Zumthor Philip Johnson Pier Luigi Nervi Pierre Jeanneret Pierre Koenig Pierre Parat Piet Blom Piet Elling Piet Mondriaan Piet Zanstra Pietro Belluschi Pietro Lingeri Pot Keegstra R.M. della Rocca Raimund Abraham Rainer Disse Raj Rewal Ralph Erskine Ray Eames Reinhard Gieselmann Rem Koolhaas Renaat Braem Rene Gages Renzo Piano Ricardo Bofill Ricardo Legorreta Richard Meier Richard Rogers Richard Seifert Richard Sheppard Robert Geddes Robert Mallet-Stevens Robert van ’t Hoff Robert Venturi Roger Anger Rudolf Schwarz Rudolf Steiner Ruy Ohtake Sachio Otani Sant'Elia Sérgio Bernardes Sergio Musmeci Shoji Sadao Sigurd Lewerentz Simon Ungers Smithsons SOM Speer Stanley Tigerman Superstudio Sverre Fehn Tadao Ando Team X Terragni Theo Bosch Theo van Doesburg Tony Garnier Ulrich Franzen Val Michelson Valerio Olgiati Van den Broek en Bakema Vann Molyvann Vico Magistretti Victor Bodiansky Viktor Vesnin Vilanova Artigas Viljo Revell Vittoriano Vigano Vladimir Bodiansky Vladimir Shukhov Vladimir Tatlin Volker Theissen Wallace Harrison Walter Forderer Walter Gropius Walter Netsch Wang Shu Wassili Luckhardt Wells Coates Werner Allenbach Werner Düttmann Werner March Wiel Arets Willem Dudok Willem van Tijen William Pereira Willy Guhl Willy Kreuer Willy Van Der Meeren Wim Quist Yakov Chernikov Yoshinobu Ashihara Zvi Hecker
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pandylovepost · 5 years
Who is more panicky? Pancho or Willie?
WILLIE but i think that Willie is so pannicky he like. he’s almost used to it. Pancho will freak out for a longer period of time and is harder to calm down. Willie just seeks reassurance and is quite trusting when he’s reassured, like if someone tells him “You’re not gonna die because x” He’ll be like “OK THANK GOD” wheras Pancho is very prone to paranoia & doesn’t trust easy; he’s harder to convince that everything will be okay when he gets into a state.
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ilovekingjulien · 6 years
by foreverjover
1. What do you think about All Hail King Julien ?
Its one of the BEST. SHOWS. THAT. EVER. WERE. MADE!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!
2. What episode/s is/are your favourite and why?
Oh my i have so many! but i can tell Body Double is one of my favs. It has such an amazing and great character in it!! 
The Wrath of Morticus Khan is definetly one of my favs as well, more Juliens! And he also has a lot of flirty scenes there hmhmhm X3
3. What is/are your favourite season/s and why?
Season 2 - because we got Mary Ann there, Crimson and Magic Steve ^^
Season 3 - We’ve seen the Parents of Julien and got to know them but also Karen.
Season 4 - it has so many great episodes as well and i’ve finally seen Julien (and Maurice) as a baby!!!!!! my heart!!!!
EXILED - It’s just soooooooo epic!!!!!!!!
Final Season - Its...so great!!! But it also makes me sad!!!
4. Who is/are your favourite character/s and why?
King Julien!! He’s such a warm-hearted cutie!!! He is and became such a good king, he does so much for his kingdom and family!!! I could just hug him all day!!! <333
Horst - I just love how he is,always around with his beverage!!! 
5. Who is/are your favourite main character/s and why ?
King Julien,like i said before.
Clover - She’s so cool and funny, but also cute (dont tell her that i said that plz XD) I grew to like her even more through the seasons ^^
Maurice - He’s soo nice and caring. Julien can annoy him at times so much but he never leaves his side. He is not only his advisor, but also his family!
Mort - Hmmm.....how do i say this. He’s creepy but is loyal to King Julien and would do anything for him....even if that means like anything in uneccessary creepy ways :,D
6. Who is/are your least favourite character/s and why?
Ted - He’s so funny and always fear-tinkling (also joy-tinkling),he better should check out his bladder problem by Doctor S. altough.....better not XD
Willie - WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! (he needs a therapy, like bad XD)
Pancho - “Im in the dark here!!” ( take a chill-pill, dynamite boy ^^)
Hector - He’s just the Squidward of the lemurs,hates everyone and anything (except maybe his mother and flyswatter)  :,D
7. Who is/are your favourite enemy/ies and why?
MAGIC STEVE!!!! He’s soo cute and cool,but also soooo misunderstood. Its not his fault he became evil. He got wronged by everyone....just because he loves Magic and looks like KJ. He didnt ask to look like him. POOR BOY GOT EATEN BY CROCODILE AMBASSADOR!!! But he had more screentime the later seasons and that made me so happy!!
Uncle King Julien - He’s such a good villain,i love it everytime when he gets mentioned or appears. And when he runs away with “STAY AWAY FROM ME! STAY AWAY FROM ME!” it cracks me up XD
Crimson - i hated her first,especially where she poisoned Julien but later my hate for her vanished and now she’s one of my favs. She has such a cool design!!! 
Mary Ann - i liked her ever since she came on screen! Such an awesome and precious kitty!! ^w^
8. What is/are your favourite ship/s and why?
King Julien x Magic Steve - well.....everytime they interact it makes me grinning. I just wish we’d have gotten MORE moments with them together. 
Horst x Mary Ann - THEY’RE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!!
9. What is/are least favourite ship/s and why ?
Karl x Chauncey - They deserve each other. Karl needs some love since he didnt get love by his parents. Poor Dude.
10. What is/are your favourite OST/s ?
oh god,i have so many. But i like Swagnificent, Won’t Stop, Head over Heels....All Eyes On Me....those are some
11. What is/are your favourite kingdom/s ?
King Julien’s Kingdom and the Fossa Kingdom
12. Which character/s do you want to meet the most and why?
King Julien - who wouldnt want to meet him!! I’d hug him so much!!!
Magic Steve - I’d watch his magic tricks and give him love as well- he needs it!!!
13. What do you want to change in AHKJ and why?
Princess Julienne and Prince Barty giving Julien the love he deserves!
Go back in time and save Magic Steve from getting eaten!
Being the UNPAID friend of Julien in lemur school. Also trying to make him notice Karl!
Letting Clover thank King Julien for everything he’s done for her and make it a ABSOLUTE WORTHY Goodbye!!! 
14. Are you making/doing fanarts, fanmixes or fanfics ?
15. What do you think about the ending ?
I dont want to accept that its over!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO FREAKING MUCH!! I NEED DVD’S AND MERCHANDISE AND MORE SEASONS LIKE MAYBE TILL SEASON 10!!I wonder ofc if Crimson stays in the lemur kingdom now or lives somewhere else. I was confused tho by his eye color change but i got to see Magic Steve one last time and he DANCED! HE FREAKING DANCED!!
16. Which episode/s is/are the best for you and why?
Oh my,so many!
17. Which episode/s is/are to worst for you and why?
lets say, i roll my eyes when i see Abner and Becca plotting to overthrown Julien ^^;
18. What is/are your favourite scene/s and why?
19. What is/are your least favourite scene/s and why?
20. Have you ever cried while watching?
Yes, for example in Love Gauntlet where Julien’s parents remembered something and gave him love there. The music where they got up, i had pictures of CUTE Baby Julien infront of my eyes! ToT
And where Julien gave his speech to Clover and they hugged!!
21. Which scene/s is/are the funniest for you?
OH god so many!!
22. What do you think about King Julien?
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Funny ships: Willie x Clover Dorothy x Pancho
Those are pretty funny. I would love to see how those ships would interact. They’re all such opposites.
Imagine Clover & Willie many years in their relationship, and something bad happens. Willie just screams and runs around in a circle, while Clovers all “I can handle it! No big deal!!” But to Willie it is, of course, a big deal.
And then Pancho running a secret underground illegal business and Dorothy just there handing out quiche to all his villain friends.
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box-of-hooah · 7 years
My sister and I came up with a few crack ships that doesn't make any sense at all!!! So what do you think about these: Pancho X Masakura, Clover X Hector, Tod X willie, and KJ X Rumpelstiltskin.
Oh man you guys went nuts!
Pancho X Masakiura: I think Masakiura might be too old for him
Clover X Hector: And same for here, I think Hector would be too old for Clover
Tod X Willie: Tod is a kid so noooooo
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shelli-gator · 4 years
Straight ships get a reaction like handing a cucumber to a bunny. Gay ships get a reaction like throwing a single steak into a pit of rabid coyotes
WHEEZE okay I feel you there!
I have no problem with straight ships, I like a few of them myself. In this fandom I like Maurice x Clover, Willie x Dorothy, and one more that I'm shy to mention fffff. But that's because I like their dynamic. I like the dynamic with my lgbtq ships because they feel relatable, I FEEL the depth there, I want the yearning, the hurt and comfort, the feelings realization. Something like Panchulien, where Pancho finally finds his home not in a place, but in people like Julien. The chaotic clumsy fireworks of a romance with these dark undertones of Pancho's sleep agent past and the hurt and comfort that comes with it.
I could rant for hours but yeah, I like lgbtq ships. But I think what I like more is the dynamic, regardless of gender. If it ticks my favorite ship dynamic boxes I will be all over that!
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shelli-gator · 4 years
Me: "I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will not ship Willie x Horst x Pancho. I will no- SHIT!!"
I mean what's some pawholding and kisses between the homies? And if they aren't homies, then 👀 good for them, they make 3 delightfully chaotic husbands.
Good for them I love these 3 disaster animals.
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shelli-gator · 4 years
Happy birthday! What are some of your favorite all hail King Julien episodes and why?
Thank yooooou! Oh this is a good question I love this! I have quite a few of them 😃💖. Let's see... (sorry this is gonna be long I chose like 10 episodes. Sorry if it's TLDR)
Eat, Prey, Shove - I love this episode for Ted and Julien mostly, and Pancho's scenes. I still remember being like "Am I tripping or is that lemur totally gay for KJ- nope I am NOT tripping he's gay and totally got the hots for the king". Ted x Julien is one of my fav ships I like to indulge in sometimes
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Diapers are the New Black - I have a serious love hate relationship with this episode because the diapers are just SO cringe, but also the way they got away with it just means I have to respect the writers. I love this episode for Julien and Ted's competitiveness, and I will never ever get over Julien sexy growling at Pancho, or Pancho clapping as Julien twerked right in his happy himbo face.
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Get Off My Lawn - the commentary on gun violence and pro gun laws is fantastic, and the friggin line to the hospital right next to the line to buy scorpions just kills me every time. Also, the stand off between Pancho, Horst and Willie sends me to heaven, it was really the best thing about the episode. (Besides Pancho yeeting his own birthday party)
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That Sinking Feeling - So so so much fun in this episode, there's lots to love. The lemurs working together to try to yeet Mort off the island, the lemur pyramid, Pancho working out so enthusiastically, Julien putting his people before himself, telling him he loves them. It was just so wholesome and perfect. Also, the lemurs fighting over the boat? YES
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(Look how worried he is about them he just loves them so much)
The Good Book - Also SO much to love about this, I loved the lemurs getting all fancy. Julien defaulting to dressing in drag to fool them, his fun stand off with Horst, and Willie trying to be all suave and polite was fantastic! I'll also always love Pancho and Willie regally simping over Julien in their suits on their bro-tastic candlelit date. "Isn't he exquisite?" "A paragon of class and grace. Hoo-ah~"
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The King and Mrs Mort - The way the lemurs absolutely fall apart and resort to cannibalism all within a day or so of being without Julien sends me to heaven. The sheer chaos and stupidity of events. Opting to eat Willie when they're throwing away fish. Willie's sheer indignance when he's accused of having a monkey's paw (yes Willie dear they really are that daft). Pancho yelling his food into submission. The way he backhanded Ted. And then he still couldn't eat Willie in the end. It was so hysterical. "OH NO THE AGGRESSIVE DOLPHINS ARE BACK"
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(Listen if you don't try to eat your homie at least twice, are you really homies?)
The Panchurian Candidate - WHERE DO I EVEN START. This is one of my TOP favorite, like I have seen it maybe 7 times. This one needs its own thesis because I love it so much. Pancho's tragic backstory, his need to find out who he is, where he was from. It's not even like he's looking for his living family, he knows they're gone. He just desperately wants to know who they were. He wants to feel like he was loved and belongs. And Julien showing him that he's not alone. That he IS loved. His family may not be what he expected them to be, but they are there for him and that is so, so heckin sweet. Pancho's emotions were just so raw, the tears in his voice when he says "It's all a lie, I DON'T HAVE A FAMILY" Julien telling him he's wrong. Julien being the one to bring him back to himself. Their hug that echos the hug Pancho gave the Julien doll in his flashback. The way doll Julien nuzzles into Pancho's paw as he cups his cheek. Like, I ship Panchulien really hard and this episode us just full of all that sweet Panchulien hurt and comfort and found family love. *chefs kiss* Absolutely superb!
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Strife Aquatic - The delightfully chaotic first episode of Exiled, Pancho was just so much fun in this episode, and the dynamic between the characters was really awesome. Mort's play fight with Willie, and his attempts to assassinate Koto, were amazing and I really enjoyed his character in that.
I am also a simple shameless shipper and Pancho and Julien wrestling over the food fuels me.
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There Will be Juice - The sheer guided chaos that was Pancho was really something else in this, and I loved how the gang was all working together. You really start to feel like Pancho is part of the family now and he's here to help his homies. Also, Ted's skit on stage with the whole "Welcome to the christening of little Cory Taylor! Somebody's gonna get wet today!" lives in my mind rent free and makes me cackle every time I think about it. It's one of my favorite lines of his. "What are you doing Ted?! This isn't a christening!" "It isn't? Oh that is IT, I WARNED BANANA"
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Pancho really said "MY KING I CRAVE VIOLENCE"
Blackboard Jungle - Pancho was again a force of nature in this episode, but I especially loved the heist he did with Julien and Clover. And my Panchulien heart officially exploded when Julien and Pancho stole the trophy, like I screamed so loud. The chase animation and camera work was really, really good too.
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I have a lot more favorite episodes, like "Gimme Gimme Gimme", "Who Arted", "Unking Me" "One More Cup Part 2." "Julien 2.0" "Raiders of the Lord Shark" "Bad Year Blimp", "Cult Fiction", "Night Creatures" "I, Maurice" like, the list goes on lol.
All Hail King Julien just has such fantastic content and it makes it a really amazing show. I can't think of an episode where there wasn't something to enjoy.
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bestfoes · 4 years
Oh really? Didnt realize that. In that case, Willie x Pancho!
ah no its just a personal interpretation!!! either way still cute!
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