#willow malfoy
shrimpalbuspotter · 2 days
Imagining some pompous rich kid coming to Hogwarts a few years late and having one goal in mind: Befriend the richest people in his year.
Just to find out that the two richest people in his year, aka the two richest families at Hogwarts, are Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Complete utter losers, outcasted from even their own house, and currently giggling to eachother while picking out their bags that had been thrown into the black lake.
Maybe networking isn't that important...
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hezuart · 7 months
Have you ever seen the owl house? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
I have watched Owl House and I plan to make a review, but I need to rewatch it at least one more time to gather my thoughts
The Owl House is insanely popular, but I was really disappointed with it, especially season 1. And people are not gonna take kindly to that opinion, so I will probably get a lot of angry comments for it so I've just kinda avoided talking about it. Luz and the show act like Eda is a super powerful witch who is Luz's personal teacher who is gonna show her all the secrets of the witchworld, when that couldn't be further from the truth. Eda is like a parent who tells you you're going on a hike with no supplies, she drops you off in the middle of the woods by yourself and gives you like, a stick, and tells you "good luck!" and runs away. Eda is just the weird lady who lets Luz crash at her house.
It's misadvertised, it has tone issues, it has confusing and straight-up unexplained lore issues... and it fell victim to the SU curse of not knowing what they are doing in season 1, just kinda screwing around introducing random concepts Then they finally get their footing in season 2 or 3 only to get cancelled for being gay. Which sucks, like REALLY REALLY SUCKS, because it's the Network producer's homophobic fault for it being rushed, but its also the fault of the creator of the initial debut for the misuse of screen time on characters or plot that has no stake in the rest of the series.
Most of season 1 is just the formula of "our main characters going to school, screwing up and having to fix their mistake for each episode." And then season 2 is like "Oh right, we're a series with an overarching plot, I forgot- whoops! We're out of time, sorry :/ "
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fighterkeepsfighting · 6 months
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Oh God.. 🫠🤍
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radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
Call me Draco the way I have to be obsessively aware of everything and anything my enemy does
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fieldofsecretss · 2 years
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My baby-D.M
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: y/n surprises Draco with a little something on their one year anniversary 💍❤️
Warnings: none, mentions of sex, just fluffy duffy thingss~~
A/n: hi there loves! I am so sorry that I havt been that active here, but what can I say..sometimes life comes in between and everything just flops. I hope you are okay and take good care of yourself, you better do that or else-anyway, I hope you enjoy this lil fic! Love u 😘
After a whole day of celebrating your first year as a married couple you both were tired and stupidly in love. This morning you woke up to a very happy and content Draco who placed feather light kisses from your stomach and all the way up to your lips. You slowly opened your eyes just to see him smirking a little as the sun shined on his platinum hair...gosh he’s beautiful you thought to yourself.
“Good morning, mrs. Malfoy” he said calmly.
“Good morning to you too, mr Malfoy” you giggled back to him.
And that very morning you two had the cheesiest, corniest and most loving soft sex in your entire life. It shocked both of you actually, but you liked it...
And that’s how your morning started
Later that day Draco took you on a beautiful date on the most expensive restaurant you’ve ever visited. You laughed together, ate a lovely pasta dish and downed some red wine with intertwined hands the whole evening.
When you went home again Draco and you took out a book with dark green leather cover. The title said: Wedding photos. You watched, giggled, laughed and shared many kisses and jokes the whole time. You two were placed on the floor, you in Draco’s lap with tha big book in your hands, open fire in front of you and some wine of course. And then you heard a knock on your door.
“Il get it-“ Draco started but when you realized who was knocking you flew up from the floor in an instant!
“No no, sit back down! I’ll get it, love” you said and he looked at you with a confused face and sat back down hesitantly.
What Draco didn’t know was that you’ve bought a puppy...for him. But it was going to be a surprise, a good one too. So you opened the door and was met with a warm smile from a woman who held a box with a little black puppy inside.
“Hi! Oh my Merlin, he’s sooo cute…!” You squeezed quietly not to catch Draco’s attention.
“I know he is! Well he’s already paid so if you don’t have any questions I’m going to leave you with this handsome little lad. You can always owl me if you have any questions or just want to update me on your journey of puppy parenting!” The kind and happy woman said to a beaming y/n.
“Oh, absolutely! Thank you so much, have a wonderful night, miss!” You waved her goodbye and sneaked the pup inside the manor.
You walked in to the living room where Draco was sitting, mindlessly warming his hands in front of the fire.
“Okay, listen! Do not turn around until I say so! It’s a present from me to you, or us!” You rushed to say.
“Love, you know that you don’t have to-“
“Turn around!” You cut him off.
He turned around only to see a black-gray ish little puppy with a dark green scarf on in your arms. His eyes shifted from the puppy to your happy face.
“It’s a puppy!” You said jumping carefully with the puppy in your arms.
“Y-yeah, I see that, baby..when did you get it?” He asked confused about the whole situation.
“You just became a puppy father and that is what you first say?” You say while sitting down on the floor, letting the little puppy roam around the place. But instead the puppy ran straight to Draco and laid down on his lap.
“N-no I didn’t mean to sound unhappy or something. I love you so so so much y/n, but you know I don’t like animals” he said looking down at the puppy on his lap with an uncomfortable look on his face.
“Say whatever you want, dray. But he is ours now and you can not change my mind!” You huffed and kissed Draco’s pouting lips.
Two days later
“Baby, have you seen William’s Slytherin scarf?” Draco asked while looking everywhere in the big manor. You sighed to stifle a little laugh that was threatening to come out. You found it incredibly adorable how Draco and William (the pup) became so close in just 48 hours.
“I have no idea, love. But before you can dress up our poor dog, you have to go out with him so that he can potty” you said while hugging him from behind.
“Yeah, you’re right. Come here William! It’s time for daddy to take you out to potty!” He called for the little clumsy pup who ran and slipped, he was too excited to go out and play in the wet grass.
“Daddy, huh?” You teased, and you swore you could see him blush a little.
“Oh shut it, little lady.” He said pecking your lips before he went out with your new baby.
One month later
“Draco, you can’t have the dog in our bed every night like this, he’s only getting bigger and he always lick my lips when I’m sleeping!” You groaned at Draco who had the puppy between the two of you in your king sized bed, that felt awfully smaller with a growing dog and two adults in it...
“Take that back! I am certainly not letting him sleep on the floor like some filthy animal!” He huffed.
“He is an animal, Draco. A dog even. So I’m begging you to please take the dog out of our bed and come snuggle with your WIFE instead! Or you can sleep on the floor with the dog” He groaned but gave in.
One year later
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dearest William, happy birthday to you!” You and Draco sang in union to the dog.
“Can’t believe I’m singing for a dog” Draco laughed at his own actions.
“I was going to say the same” you giggled
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myimmortalfan666 · 2 years
i made a uquiz!!!!!
have fun!!!!
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tabbywolfstar21 · 1 year
Willow wants her daddy
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scullysstrapblog · 1 year
Requests are open!
I was asked if I take requests and if so; what fandoms/ships/characters I’m willing to write for and I figured it would be a good idea to post a list for everyone.
First off, I’m not completely comfortable writing smut, maybe one day in the future once I’ve gotten a bit more used to it. Second, I don’t do non-con or dub-con, that’s a hard line for me.
•Harry Potter
•Doctor Who
•Rizzoli and Isles
•Peaky Blinders
•The Devil Wears Prada
•Black Widow
•Once upon a time
- I may add more eventually but for now these are the fandoms.
• MSR (Mulder and Scully)
• Spike and Buffy
• Willow and Tara
• Rizzles (Jane and Maura)
• Supercat (Kara and Cat)
• Dansen (Alex and Kelly)
• Bellamione (Hermione and Bellatrix)
• Ginny and Luna (idk their ship name)
• Booth and Brennan
• Any Doctor x River
• MirAndy (Miranda and Andy)
• BlackHill (Maria and Natasha)
• SwanQueen (Regina and Emma)
- Again, I may add more eventually.
• Fox Mulder
• Dana Scully
• Monica Reyes
Harry Potter:
• Draco Malfoy
• Narcissa Malfoy
• Lucius Malfoy
• Harry Potter
• Hermione Granger
• Bellatrix Black
• Ginny Weasley
• Luna Lovegood
Rizzoli & Isles:
• Jane Rizzoli
• Maura Isles
• Seeley Booth
• Temperance Brennan
• Angela Montenegro
• Cam Saroyan
• Lance Sweets
• Spike
• Buffy Summers
• Dawn Summers
• Willow Rosenberg
• Tara Maclay
Avengers/Black Widow
• Natasha Romanov
• Maria Hill
• Peter Parker
• Kara Danvers
• Cat Grant
• Alex Danvers
• Kelly Olsen
• J’onn J’onzz
• Samantha Arias
• Astra In-Ze
Devil Wears Prada:
• Miranda Priestly
• Andy Sachs
• Emily Charlton
• Nigel Kipling
Peaky Blinders:
• Polly Gray
Doctor Who:
• Any Doctor from 9 forward
• River Song
• Bill Potts
• Amy Pond
• Rory Williams
• Clara Oswald
• Martha Jones
Once upon a time
• Regina Mills
• Emma Swan
• Cora Mills
• Zelena Mills
I don’t write about actors x actors.
I don’t write for ships I don’t like or know very well.
I am working on several projects right now so if you send a ship request then I will get to it asap!
Just drop me an ask!
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malfoy-riddle · 2 years
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Our Willow <3 🤎
Artwork is also mine :)
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coldnessinheart · 2 years
Some Theo inspired moodboard to brighten up your day
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Your coldnessinheart, xoxo
*Pictures are not mine*
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lightingelectratwo · 1 year
Frist vampire (Harry) Ebony and Draco 🖤
Second top left darkness (Ginny) vampire (Harry) Ebony, Draco,i forgot what Ron's Emo name is and Deablo(Neville)
Bottom left is bloody Mary Smith (Hermione) and bottom right is willow, and yes I did Edit the hair on then
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 years
honestly this is an annoying trend that happens where like. cartoon fandoms, especially queer ones, that get big will inevitably go through a "it was bad all along" period after the end, and that's stupid because no they weren't, but. I am waiting for everyone to realize that am.ity is a really fucking shallow character and the appeal of lu.mity has very little to do with character chemistry and everything to do with fiction tropes and representation.
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shirbird · 2 years
Two things the Harry Potter fandom doesn’t like to talk about:
The incident in marauders’ 5th year with Sirius and Snape
The bathroom scene
That’s all, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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wzrdradiopod · 19 days
Episode 97: Mother, Forgive Me
https://traffic.libsyn.com/wzrdradiopod/Episode_97_Mother_Forgive_Me.mp3 Hello magical friends, and welcome to episode 97 of WZRD Radio! I’m your hostwich Bess, and I’m so grateful to everyone who’s taken the time to leave a rating or review for WZRD. And if you haven’t yet, don’t worry; there’s still some time before we make it to the 100th episode, so review away! And make sure you pay…
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theostrophywife · 6 months
heaven and back.
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pairing: mattheo riddle x reader x theodore nott.
song inspiration: heaven and back by chase atlantic.
author's note: poly! matty and theo just hits different. the teamwork that these two would put in. whew baby that's a one way ticket to st. mungo's. these men break backs, not hearts 😏
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You were good at playing games. 
As a matter of fact, Mattheo and Theodore would argue that you were a little too good. 
After all, you met your boyfriends during one of Malfoy’s infamous game nights in which you swindled Mattheo and Theodore out of a few hundred galleons during a tense round of magical poker. Ever since that fateful night in fourth year, the three of you became inseparable. Thanks to your slyness, the first Saturday of every month was deemed sacred to your fellow Slytherins. Game nights were reserved for drinking and debauchery, which just so happened to be your specialty.
Though the entirety of Hogwarts coveted an invitation to the longstanding tradition, very few were allowed a glimpse into the inner workings of the serpent’s nest. Tonight, the guest of honor was none other than the Gryffindor golden girl—Hermione Granger. She and Draco only started dating a month ago, but anyone with eyes could see that Malfoy was quite smitten. Before Hermione, Draco had never invited a significant other to game night. 
You were determined to give Hermione a warm Slytherin welcome. Hence the special potion you brewed just for the occasion. 
With a smirk, you produced the potion from your back pocket. The liquid sloshed around in the glass vial, the iridescent purple mixture flecked with specks of glitter. 
“I know that look.” Theo remarked, pulling you into his lap. “What sort of trouble are you brewing, dolcezza?” 
Mattheo chuckled and nestled against his shoulder. “Don’t act like you don’t like it, Teddy. You know we both benefit from her mischief. Isn’t that right, princess?” 
You smiled, ruffling Mattheo’s curls. “You’re absolutely right, Matty. Tonight, everyone will reap the rewards of my tricks. I concocted a special little potion that’ll make game night a little more interesting.”
Pansy raised a perfectly groomed brow. “What exactly does this little concoction of yours do, Y/N? The last time I drank something you brewed, I ended up streaking through the quidditch pitch.” 
“As I recall, I was right beside you, Pans.” Your friend chuckled, nodding in confirmation. “Consider this a social lubricant. It takes the edge off, makes you feel a little warm and fuzzy inside. It’s the perfect balance between feeling tipsy and high. Lowers those pesky inhibitions.” 
Draco scoffed. “If this group lowers their inhibitions any further, we’d all be expelled.” 
“That’s why we have you, Dray. What good is the Malfoy fortune if it can’t bail us out of sticky situations?”
“Need I remind you that the last sticky situation almost ended with Enzo in the infirmary after Mattheo and Theo convinced him to race backwards on their brooms.”
Hermione watched the back and forth exchange, absorbing the interaction with a small smile. 
“Draco’s exaggerating, of course. Anyone would’ve missed the whomping willow in the dark.” The Golden Girl chuckled as you sent her a conspiratory wink, causing Draco to sigh in exasperation. “Besides, Berkshire had fun. Didn’t you, Enz?”
“Oh, loads. I had a blast pulling twigs from my arse for two hours straight afterwards.” 
“See? You’re not talking us into taking another one of your poisons, Y/N.”
Enzo shook his head. “Speak for yourself, cousin. I’m definitely in.”
The rest of your friends expressed their agreement. Even Blaise, who would never dream of drinking anything besides the finest vintage, was eager to participate. Mostly to see the others make a fool of themselves, which was perfectly fine by you.
Draco rolled his silver eyes. “Fine. You lot are going to end up talking me into it, anyways.”
“What about you, Hermione? Would you like a sip as well?”
Her warm, honey brown eyes darted around the room. Draco clasped her hand in his, squeezing gently. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, love. I’m only agreeing because I don't want to have to take care of these heathens.”
You nodded empathically. “No pressure, Hermione. You can say no if you’d like, but I am rather proud of my little concoction and it would be an absolute honor if the golden girl partook in our debauchery. After all, you’re dating Draco. You might as well get used to it now.”
A mischievous grin pulled at Hermione’s lips. She shrugged nonchalantly, her curls cascading over her shoulder. “Why the bloody hell not?” 
“That’s the spirit, Granger!” cheered Pansy. 
You smirked in response and slithered out of your boyfriend’s lap. Both Mattheo and Theo watched intently as you crawled across the plush ornate rug, slowly making your way towards the Gryffindor. Hermione sucked in a breath, her cheeks blossoming into a pretty blush. Her hands, which were laid in her lap in the most prim and proper way, twitched when you knelt before her on the sofa. 
Behind you, Mattheo mumbled something into Theo’s ear. When you glanced over your shoulder, your boyfriends were staring directly at you, anticipating your next move. You responded with an innocent smile before turning back to Hermione. 
With  a sly smile, you held her honey eyed gaze and tapped her bottom lip. “Open up, love.” 
Hermione swallowed thickly before parting her lips. You gently cradled her jaw before tipping the vial into her mouth, pouring a generous amount of potion for the golden girl. She looked up at you expectantly, her lashes fluttering ever so slightly. 
You rewarded her with a cheeky wink. “Good girl, Granger. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” 
She shook her head, the flush on her cheeks mimicking her house colors as you wiped a droplet of liquid off of her lips with your thumb. Beside her, Draco sighed. “For Salazar’s sake, stop putting the moves on my girlfriend.” 
“What’s the matter, Dray? Are you scared I’ll steal Hermione away from you?” 
“You can hardly blame me. You’re a shameless flirt, Y/N.” 
You placed a hand over your heart, feigning offense. “Why, I’d never dream of flirting with your lady. You know how jealous my boys get.” 
Your boyfriends shook their heads, clearly amused at your attempt to rile Draco up. Truly, your friend made it too easy. You chuckled as the blonde glared at you. “Come on, Malfoy. It’s your turn. Maybe the potion will loosen you up, yeah?” 
Draco rolled his eyes, but allowed you to pour the potion into his mouth. You moved down the line, doing the same for Pansy, Blaise, and Enzo. The latter grinned as you ruffled his hair. After Enzo, the only ones remaining were Theo and Mattheo. 
“Come here, cara mia.” Theo said, beckoning you with two fingers. “Mattheo and I are waiting.” 
“I saved the best for last, boys.” 
Mattheo smirked as he pulled you into his lap. You settled against him, making yourself right at home. He kissed the side of your neck, smiling against your skin. “Go on, then. Don’t leave Theo hanging.” 
You nodded, body heating as Mattheo rubbed your thighs. Theo raised a brow, his watercolor eyes settling over you. Licking your lips, you couldn’t help but let your gaze wander. Your boyfriend looked rather casual in his emerald jumper and dark jeans, but there was something about the way that Theo carried himself that exuded sex appeal. The cocky smirk on his handsome face told you that he was well aware of the effect he had on you.
Theo cocked his head towards you and opened his mouth. You tipped the vial past his lips, admiring how plush and pouty they looked. Lust darkened your boyfriend’s watercolor eyes as he watched you through hooded lids. The potion dribbled off his chin, making you giggle. 
“Oops, I spilled.” You licked the remnants off, lapping up the liquid all the way to the corner of his lips. Mattheo’s fingers dug into your hips as you finished off your little show with a kiss. 
Theo grabbed the back of your head and deepened the kiss. He didn’t take kindly to being teased. Never one to shy away from public displays of affection, Theo groaned softly and slid his tongue into your mouth, giving you a filthy open-mouthed kiss before pulling away and winking. 
Across the room, Hermione flushed, her lips parting ever so slightly. “Oh,” she whispered softly. 
Mattheo chuckled, his laughter caressing your skin as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. He turned you over in his lap and tapped his lips. “Me next, princess.” 
“Open wide, Matty.” 
“Funny. Usually I’m the one saying that to you.” 
Your friends groaned at the suggestive comment, but you only grinned in response. Mattheo parted his lips eagerly, not once breaking eye contact as he swallowed the potion. The intensity of his big, brown eyes made your hands shake, causing you to spill a few drops on your fingers. Your boyfriend took your middle and pointer finger into his mouth and sucked them clean. 
You gasped in surprise. Mattheo chuckled darkly, catching the vial before it slipped out of your fingers. Behind you, Theo tugged at your hair and titled your head back. 
“Your turn now, mi amor.” Mattheo drawled, his voice a seductive song in your ears. He lowered his voice, so only you could hear his next statement. “Be a good girl and swallow.” 
The eager nod made both of your boyfriends smirk. Theo gathered your hair in one hand, fisting your locks into a makeshift ponytail while Mattheo poured the last of the potion into your mouth. The liquid was strong and sweet, trailing down your throat and warming your body with a pleasant heat. 
“That’s my girl,” Mattheo said. Theo raised a brow, which made the curly headed boy laugh. “That’s our girl.” 
“Better,” Theo remarked before pulling you against him. 
You settled into his lap, watching the rest of your friends start a game of poker. As always, Draco was way too competitive. Blaise was hustling the hell out of him, but the blonde didn’t seem to notice. Pansy wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s shoulders, leaning in every so often to whisper things in his ear that made him smile. 
Enzo reclined back on the couch, an endearing smile pulling at his lips as he took small sips of his firewhiskey. From his glazed eyes, you could tell that the potion was hitting him the hardest. 
Mattheo rested his head on your lap, tugging at your hand in a silent request to play with his curls. You obliged happily, scratching at his scalp and twirling his bouncy locks between your fingers. Every so often, he’d lean in and show you his cards, asking for advice. 
As the night progressed, the potion took its effects, loosening both lips and limbs. Theo’s long legs bracketed you from either side, the intoxicating scent of petrichor and cigarette smoke clinging onto him like your own personal drug. Mattheo stared lovingly up at you as you continued playing with his hair. 
When you looked up, you met Hermione’s inquiring gaze. She was leaned up against Draco, who kept an arm around her waist, absentmindedly drawing circles underneath her sweater. 
She cocked her head, a question forming in her brilliant mind. “So, how exactly does it work?” 
You leaned back against Theo’s chest, a playful smirk curving against your lips. “How does what work, love?” 
“Having…two boyfriends.” 
“You mean, being poly?” 
“Poly,” Hermione said, testing out the word. There wasn’t a hint of judgment in her expression, just plain curiosity. Apparently, the Gryffindor girl’s innate hunger for knowledge extended to the intricacies of your relationship. “If you don’t mind me asking. How exactly does a poly relationship work?” 
You shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s like every other relationship,” you started, glancing at your two favorite people in the world. Mattheo and Theo smiled back. “We go on dates, we argue about stupid things, then we kiss and make up. Except sometimes the boys like to gang up on me.” 
Theo chuckled. “I reckon ganging up against you is the most fun that we have, dolcezza.” 
“I’d have to agree with Teddy,” Mattheo interjected as he grinned up at you. “We give teamwork a whole new meaning. Don’t we, princess?” 
“See,” you said, waving your arms between your boyfriends. “These sassy men will be the death of me.” 
Theo wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling against your neck. “You love us though.” 
“That I do,” you replied with a smile. 
“Do any of you ever get jealous?” asked Hermione. 
Theo nodded. “Of course, it’s a natural part of every relationship, but we have ways of working it out.” Your boyfriend smiled and kissed your cheek. “We just make sure no one feels left out.” He leaned down to place a kiss on Mattheo’s forehead too.
Hermione hummed. “That sounds rather nice, actually.” 
“I wouldn’t call it nice,” Mattheo countered with a sly smile. “Y/N can get a little feisty sometimes. You should’ve seen what she did to Lavender for touching my shoulder last week.” 
Theo nodded in agreement. “It’s nothing compared to the fight she had with Cho after she tried asking me out. Poor girl thought that polyamory equates to having an open relationship. As if I’d ever need anyone else besides Y/N and Mattheo.” 
“So polyamory doesn’t translate to opening your relationship to others,” Hermione said thoughtfully. “I’m learning so much.” 
Mattheo confirmed her statement with a nod. “Yes, we’re all very committed to one another. It’s only Y/N and Theo for me.” 
“While we all adore your wonderful little trio,” Draco cut in. You could tell by the tension in his shoulders that he would definitely not be open to sharing the golden girl with anyone else. “I think it’s time to call it a night.” 
You chuckled. “Such a party pooper, Malfoy. Don’t worry, Granger’s just asking for education purposes. Aren’t you, Mione?” 
“I know what you’re doing, Y/N. You’re devious, you know that?” 
Theo smirked at his oldest friend. “Don’t be jealous cause she has more game than you, Dray.” 
“After all, that’s how she got us. Right, princess?” 
Draco sighed exasperatedly. You rolled your eyes fondly before saying goodbye to everyone. Pulling Hermione into a hug, you winked behind her back as Draco glared at you. 
“Thank you for indulging me,” Hermione said softly. “I feel thoroughly educated now.” 
“No problem, Mione.” 
You kissed her cheek before wrapping Draco into a hug as well. “Stay sharp, Dray. You’ll have to work harder to keep up with this one. Granger’s way out of your league.” 
Draco smiled. “I’m well aware.” 
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Later that night as you laid in bed sandwiched between Mattheo and Theo, you felt the potion reach its peak. You giggled into Theo’s neck, squealing as Mattheo pressed his cold feet against your legs. The three of you were chatting about your day like you usually did, but thanks to the potion, one of you always got sidetracked, leading into cuddles and kisses mid sentence.
Matty spooned you from behind, his possessive grip snaked around your waist like a vice. “I’m not going to lie, watching you crawl towards Granger tonight did something to me.” 
“That’s her game, mio amato. You know she loves to tease.” 
You turned over to face him, an amused smirk toying at your lips. “I thought you liked my little games, Teddy. At least your lower half did. I could feel you pressing against me all night.” 
Theo smirked, grinding his erection against your thigh. “Can you blame me? You knew exactly what you were doing. Admit it, cara mia. You weren’t cozying up to Hermione just to get under Draco’s skin. You were doing it to rile us up too.” 
“It worked. I’ve been hard as fuck all night. The way you teased Granger had me thinking vile thoughts.” 
“So I’m not enough for you, Matty?” You jested, pouting your bottom lip at your boyfriend. “You want Draco’s girl too?” 
Within the blink of an eye, you were pinned underneath Mattheo with your arms raised above your head as your boyfriend glared down at you. “No. If anything, you’re the one flirting with Granger like Theo and I aren’t enough to handle already. Maybe we should remind you who you belong to.” 
You hummed in agreement, biting back a smile. “Hmm, maybe you’re right, querido. I’m not opposed to a little refresher.” 
Theo shook his head in disbelief. “Fucking hell, bella. You just want to be railed until you cry, don’t you? Such a little brat. You could’ve just asked for what you wanted.”
You batted your lashes in response. “But it’s so much more fun this way.” 
As retaliation, Mattheo flipped you over on all fours. With a smirk, he leaned back on the headboard and pushed down his gray heathered sweatpants as Theo crawled behind you. He gave no warning as he bunched up your nightdress, pressing a filthy kiss against your clothed sex. You were dripping for him, coating his lips with your taste as he pushed your head down on Mattheo’s lap. You groaned as Mattheo pumped himself between slender fingers, tapping the tip of his cock against your lips. He bucked into your mouth just as Theo plunged his tongue between your folds. 
“What was that, principessa?” Theo hummed against your aching cunt. “Matty and I can’t hear you over all that moaning.” 
Mattheo laughed meanly as he gathered your hair in his fist, thrusting down your throat with a choked moan. “Put that smart mouth to work, sweetheart.” He thrust in lazily, barely giving you his tip. “Spit on it.” 
Glancing up at him through your lashes, you spit on Mattheo’s cock and watched as his head lolled against the headboard. “Teddy? Wanna give me a hand, pretty boy?”
With wide eyes, you gasped as Theo leaned over and pumped Mattheo in his hand before lining up his length against your lips. Theo kissed your cheek before shoving your head down to take inch after inch. Once Mattheo slid all the way in, he pulled out just to slam back in forcefully. You could feel Mattheo hitting the back of your throat, activating your gag reflex while he smirked in satisfaction. 
“Gonna shut the fuck up and take my cock like a good little slut, aren’t you?” 
You nodded, tears forming in your eyes as Mattheo continued to fuck your throat. As if that weren’t enough, Theo flicked his tongue on your clit and feasted on you from behind like a starved man. He took his sweet time, sloppily making out with your pussy and lapping up your arousal before slipping a finger inside, pumping you as you gagged on Mattheo’s cock. You groaned as Theo pried your legs apart, his intense gaze never leaving your face as he kissed the inside of your thighs. Hooking your right leg over his shoulder, Theo began licking and teasing, his tongue flicking through your folds with expert precision. He sucked hard, lapping your juices up with fervent devotion. 
The potion increased the sensations tenfold, intensifying your pleasure as you bucked against Theo’s face. It seems that your less than innocent academic pursuit had truly paid off because both Theo and Mattheo seemed to be affected just as much. The current of the concoction surged through all three of you, slamming you with wave after wave of heady desire. It felt better than drunk sex or fucking while you were high. This was just unbridled lust and want, flooding you with the need to be nothing but an obedient fuck toy for your favorite boys. 
Mascara streaked down your cheeks as you cried out for more, fisting the sheets as your boyfriends occupied both of your needy holes. The cries of pleasure were muffled around Mattheo’s cock. Your boyfriend’s breathing grew ragged and his grip grew tighter, his abs rippling as he shot hot ribbons down your throat. 
“Good girl. So fucking beautiful, swallowing every drop of my cum like a perfect little whore. You’re flawless, Y/N.”
Theo made quick work of you afterwards. Warmth spread from your core, hot tendrils snaking all over your body as he pushed you to your first orgasm of the night. When Theo crooked his middle and pointer finger inside your gummy walls, you squirted into his mouth with a cry. Despite your cries of pleasure, Theo showed no signs of stopping. His cool breath fanned over your sensitive sex and you whimpered at his ravenous appetite, squirming away from Theo’s tongue. Displeased, Theo flipped you onto your back and dragged you towards him by the ankles. 
“I’m not done with you, tesoro.” 
Your boyfriend growled and glanced at Mattheo. “Hold her down,” Theo commanded, his pretty eyes sparkling with mischief. “You’re done when I say you’re done. Sit back, look pretty, and let me eat your pussy until you’re sobbing. I’ll make you feel so good, bella. Surely you have another one in you, don’t you, Y/N?” 
You nodded, still reeling from the aftershock of your orgasm. Mattheo placed you on his lap, prying your lips open with his fingers. “Theo asked you a question, princess. Use your words.” 
Theo smirked. “Give her a minute. I think I’ve fucked her so dumb with my mouth and fingers that she can’t even form a sentence.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Mattheo said with a chuckle. He caressed your jaw, pressing kisses against your shoulder. “Don’t you want to cum again, sweetheart? Either way, you don’t really have a choice. Theo’s going to feast on you no matter what you say. You know he hates being teased.”
“I can take it,” you said in a shaky voice. “I’ll be good, I promise. I just want to make you both proud.” 
Theo smiled, revealing the dimples you loved so much. “I know you do, Y/N. We’re not stopping until you’ve soaked the sheets. Now come on, be a good girl and sit on my face.”
You swallowed thickly as Theo switched places with you, laying back on Mattheo’s lap while bringing your hips forward. Steadying yourself on Mattheo’s shoulder, you slowly lowered onto Theo’s face. You grinded against him slowly at first, minding your sensitive sex, but it wasn’t long before you were bucking into his mouth, riding his face like you’d ride his cock.
There was no other word to describe Theo but feral. He gorged himself on you, poking and prodding your wet cunt with his tongue and fingers until your head fell onto Mattheo’s neck, gasping against his skin while Theo’s fingers dug into your hips. You groaned as Mattheo kissed you roughly, whimpering at the overwhelming pressure already building in your core. 
As your moans and screams grew louder and louder, Mattheo gagged your mouth with his fingers, shoving his middle and pointer finger past your lips in an attempt to muffle the noise. 
“Are you trying to wake the whole castle up, princess?” 
“Let her,” Theo said, chuckling darkly as he wrapped his lips around your clit. “Let the whole castle hear what a desperate little slut she is for us.” 
You groaned as Theo picked up the pace, fucking you with his tongue until you were coming undone in his mouth. The second orgasm was an out of body experience. Stars exploded behind your eyes as you came with a cry. You could’ve sworn that you went to heaven and back.
As you collapsed backwards into Theo’s arms, your boyfriend grabbed you by the throat and kissed you. The taste of you lingered on his tongue and your eyes rolled back as Theo’s lips claimed yours. He chuckled when you chased his kisses. 
“Don’t be greedy, pretty girl. Matty wants a taste too.” 
Your lips parted in surprise as Theo grabbed the back of Mattheo’s head and kissed him hard, his tongue flicking over his bottom lip and they both groaned. Theo smiled into the kiss, savoring the taste. He patted Mattheo’s cheek before pulling you into his lap. 
“Such a good girl for us, aren’t you?” Theo cooed, caressing your cheek and rewarding you with neck kisses. “I love when you ride my face. You’re fucking perfect. I’m so proud of you, pretty girl.” 
“Don’t go all soft now, cariño.” Mattheo teased, licking away the remnants of you from the corner of his mouth. “We’re only getting started. We haven’t even fucked her yet.” 
Theo smiled down at you, wiping away the mascara streaks clinging to your cheeks. “Then by all means. Finish the job you started, Matty.”
“I intend to,” Mattheo replied as he loomed over you.
With a wink, Theo spread your legs apart and presented your sopping wet cunt to Mattheo like a present. He reached down and rubbed his middle and pointer finger against your clit, holding your hips in place as you arched off the bed. 
“Look at that. Pretty little pussy’s all nice and wet for us,” Theo said with a chuckle. “You’re so eager, aren’t you? So insatiable, dolcezza. Maybe Mattheo and I should give you a double dose. Fuck you at the same time.” 
“Yes,” you breathed, mewling as Theo continued rubbing lazy circles against your clit. “Please, please, I need it.” 
“Just a cockhungry little slut. You’re fucking greedy, mi amor. Begging for both of our cocks. Don’t worry, baby. We’ll give you what you want. Fill you up like you need.” 
You whimpered in response as Mattheo manhandled you, pushing your face into the pillows while he lifted your perky arse in the air. He kneaded your ass, rubbing his cock along your folds. When you grinded against him for more, Mattheo’s palm landed on your right cheek with a hard smack. As you looked behind you, Theo winked before slapping your left cheek. The sting of his palm burned against your skin, making your eyes water. 
“What’s the matter, bella? I thought you wanted to play.”
“I do,” you breathed, gripping the sheets. “Please, Teddy. I need more. Spank me harder.” 
“Dirty girl,” Theo said fondly. “Ask and you shall receive.” 
As his palm came down on your ass over and over again, you gasped for breath, chasing air while Mattheo lined himself up at your entrance. Theo leaned down to kiss the handprints on your arse, biting softly and embedding his mark onto your skin before mirroring Mattheo’s actions. Theo teased against your puckering hole and nodded at the curly headed boy beside him. 
He placed a soft kiss on Mattheo’s lips. “Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be,” Mattheo responded with a grin. 
You braced yourself to take both of them, gripping the sheets while they filled you simultaneously. It was a tight fit and you could feel both of your boyfriends stretching your walls.
“Such a good girl,” Theo groaned, moving slowly so you could adjust to his girth. “Letting Matty and I stretch you wide open. Fuck, I love being inside of you. It feels like fucking heaven, tesoro.”
Mattheo groaned in agreement. “Your pussy’s so wet. Does it turn you on to be ruined like this?” You cried in pleasure, mewling as Mattheo took Theo’s hand and placed it on your lower abdomen. “Feel that, mi corazón. Can you feel me fuck her deep, rearranging her insides?” 
“Merda, you two are going to be the death of me.” Theo said, his dead eyes rolling back. “Fuck me, I could cum just watching Matty move inside of you, Y/N.” 
As the two of them moved in sync, you gasped and panted, tears streaming down your cheeks from the overstimulation. There were so many sensations all at once, overloading your senses, making you writhe and whimper while your boyfriends ruined you. Mattheo tilted your chin, praises dripping from his lips, sweat slicked skin glimmering a pretty golden shade in the dim light. 
The hard planes of his abdominal muscles rippled while he fucked you from behind, grasping at the base of your throat until you were gasping for air. “Who’s pussy is this?” Mattheo growled into your ear, his curls tickling your cheek while he released a ragged breath. “Who do you belong to, Y/N?” 
“You and Theo,” you breathed. “Only you and Theo.” 
Theo smiled at your answer, lacing your fingers together. “That’s right, principessa. You’re ours to love, to fuck, to worship. Don’t forget that.” 
“Oh gods,” you moaned, gripping Theo’s hand while wrapping your fingers around the hand that Mattheo had around your neck. “I’m yours and you’re both mine.” 
“Damn fucking right,” Mattheo said with a sharp thrust. 
As Mattheo’s breathing grew more ragged, you and Theo both knew that he would succumb first. Theo fisted Mattheo’s curls in one hand and pulled him in for a filthy kiss, swallowing the cry that left his lips as he came inside of you. The sensation of him filling you up was too much to handle and the orgasm rocked your body, making your limbs seize as that familiar white hot heat blinded your senses. 
Theo was the last to cum, pulling out of your sensitive hole so that Mattheo could wrap his lips around his cock. His endurance was rewarded with vulgar noises as Mattheo gripped his hips in place and sucked him dry.
When your third and final orgasm ran its course, you found yourself laying flat on your back, blinking back up at the ceiling as you regained control of your senses. Through the haze, you blinked and found Theo and Mattheo fussing over you, casting a cleansing spell and wiping your damp forehead with a clean cloth. With a smile, they both leaned in and kissed your cheeks before tucking you safely between them. You hummed, placing a gentle kiss on both of their foreheads. 
“You know you two are all I need, right?” 
Your boyfriends both nodded, curling against you. “Of course, mi corazón.” 
“You’re all we need too, cuore mio.”
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