#willow park appreciation post
yourhighness6 · 6 months
Can I Talk About How Much I Love Willow Park for a Moment?
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I've talked before about how Hunter and Luz are my favorite characters in toh but she's probably my third favorite and sometimes I literally want to worship the ground her little animated boots walk on. For one, she's Asian-coded and plus-sized, which is rare enough (the only other example I can think of is Glimmer from She-ra, who I also love), but she's actually well-written and complex in the way a lot of diverse characters aren't. She's canonically pansexual, which is a community that gets so little representation its heartbreaking. On top of that, she's in a healthy relationship with someone of the opposite gender, which isn't often seen with bi and pan characters. She's an extremely powerful witch but she struggles with self-esteem issues. She's allowed to be stressed and exceed her limits and break down and have emotions. She's strong and independent without putting other people down. She's kind and compassionate without being a pushover. She's reliable and tough but has limits. She's cute and girly but also a little gremlin. She has an absolutely wonderful character arc and helps save the world. I love her so much I can't even express it.
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svnflwrxsvn · 2 months
willow is genuinely one of the prettiest characters in toh. look at her.
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rulersreachf4n · 1 year
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mossywu · 1 year
Hunter and Willow’s special connection.
here’s why i believe that the creators have purposefully tried to highlight a special connection between Hunter and Willow that is most likely meant to be romantic.
while it’s good to acknowledge the importance of platonic relationships being that of the same level of romantic ones, let’s review hunter’s personal relationships.
with luz, we are immediately shown a sibling-like love/spite relationship between the two. while luz is able to empathize with hunter, his early dynamic with the emperor’s coven rubs her the wrong way, and she’s not able to fully believe in his capability for good.
with amity, they are both able to recognize within one another on some level that they have both been victims of conditional love- love that only comes when you behave or perform as expected. through this, amity is able to empathize with hunter, however, amity is also highly suspicious of others, so she’s also unable to believe in his capability for good.
with gus, he’s able to see an entirely new side of hunter via flyer derby. despite this, he reasonably feels a bit betrayed when he finds out who hunter really is, and it takes him a bit upon their second meeting to warm up to him again. they’re besties, but gus still has to work to see the good that hunter’s capable of. if hunter hadn’t been kicked out of the emperor’s coven, he might not have been so quick to empathize.
finally, with willow, empathizing with hunter is relatively easy. she sees how her struggles mirror hunter’s, and he sees the same, yet they don’t doubt one another’s capability for a second. when she finds out who hunter is, and is essentially kidnapped by him, she reasonably feels betrayed, but she mainly blames herself. she opens up to him, and he sees her. through this recognition, he’s able to fix his mistake and she’s able to recognize who he is, too.
idk that just sounds kinda romantic to me, especially from a narrative perspective. the creators went out of their way to specifically highlight that hunter and willow’s dynamic with one another is different from their dynamic with everyone else in their group.
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a-e-redacted · 1 year
Chances are taken all around.
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Banner art by @cupcakeshakesnake
Between picking up the pieces in the wake of the Day Of Unity and its aftermath, reconnecting with Raine, helping King come to terms with his newfound identity and being there for Luz as she navigates a life split between the Boiling Isles and Connecticut, Eda Clawthorne has a lot on her plate.
Taking on another, seemingly-impossible project at this point, especially one that seems particularly ill-advised, is probably not the wisest decision. But then, Eda has never been one to take the easy path in life.
And she made a promise.
AKA - The one where Eda takes it upon herself to give The Collector a second chance, and faces the challenges that go along with it.
Canon-divergent after King's Tide.
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rfswitchart · 6 months
Obligatory Huntlow post for ASIAS anniversary
So, I might as well do an anniversary post for Any Sport in a Storm, shouldn't I?
Pop quiz: When did Willow Park fall in love with the Golden Guard? There's a lot of answers you COULD say for this. Maybe she started realizing it when they were in the Human Realm. Maybe she realized when he grabbed her out of the sky or was in the detention pit with him.....
You COULD say that.... but you'd be wrong. She realized it the moment Hunter stood between the Entrails and Darius. "Wait, how do you know that?" you might ask. Simple. Because as a writer of 25 years and someone who has had many crushes and relationships... I know that kind of body language and tone of voice well.
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"After all, it will be 52 weeks until 'Caleb's' next day off..." Note the way she SAID that. Sly, coy, definite tongue in cheek. The way she's looking over her shoulder back towards him. I mean COME ON, there's a heart shaped cloud just above her head. Hearts being between the two of them is a big tell for that. It's called THEMING. "Ok, but that's just one moment..." Au contraire, did you think I'd come into this with one example? Remember, I WROTE THIS ALREADY. Now, pop quiz #2: Why did Hunter, who had only ever met Willow ONCE know the difference between the real and fake one?
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After all, there is no way he could have known that after just one encounter. You can not determine a person's entire personality based on a sole encounter, no matter how much of an impression it left on you. The answer, again, is simple...
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Because they had been talking over Penstagram since ASIAS. Probably took a while due to Hunter not being used to typing and stuff, but I cannot imagine they weren't talking since that night. It also explains why Willow trusted him so easily during the scout invasion of Hexside. Because it couldn't JUST be the breathing technique that swayed her. After all, Hunter had lied and betrayed her and her friends before.
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...Again with the hearts. THEMING! Anyway, even if we discredit ASIAS and Labyrinth Runners, or how she totally went to kill Kikimora for trying to hurt 'him' (and stopped when she could have hurt him) and ran after 'him' specifically when 'he' was captured (remember, it was Luz, she just THOUGHT it was Hunter) Fine, let's forget all that then...
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Because even if you discount those things, she definitely had a thing for him while they were trapped in the human realm. How do I know? Ok, time to teach you kids about flirting 101.
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"I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it! ;)" She's not saying "I want to read that" because she's curious about Cosmic Frontier. She is saying "I want to know more about your interests," and saying it with a tone that says "I want to turn this into a date if I can." Even before when she's taking a picture and shutting down Amity's snarking on Hunter's costume, her body language, her words, her tone. They are all suggesting there's more than just 'friendship' there. When it comes to flirting, it is not WHAT you say, it is HOW you say it.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Willow is canonically Pansexual, she is not Ace. Also, she is not Demi/aromantic, she is heavily guarded and has trust issues from years of bullying and nearly everyone looking down on her or using her as emotional support. I have the same problem for the same reasons, and I know for a fact I am not aro. I am guarded because I've been hurt before, same as Willow. Hunter is the only one who ISN'T like that.
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He doesn't see her as weak and frail, he doesn't rely on her for stuff, and he wouldn't be caught dead hurting her or looking down on her. That is HIS captain, and he'll be damned if he won't see her as anything short of incredible. And boy did he let her know that, more than once.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Let's all appreciate these two amazing, powerful witches who really do compliment each other's lives.
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agrebel18 · 1 year
I’ve been busily and excitedly working on this, so if you’re an Owl House fan and you like/love Willow, then listen up!! I have ALSO gotten help from @msbadatnamingthings​
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[ID: a digital document that is green and has sparkles and plants all over it. the header says “Willow Park Appreciation Week” and the sub-header says “Takes Place @ May 22 through May 26!!” Under this, there are 5 prompts that say “May 22/Day 1: Palismen bonding OR crossover.” “May 23/Day 2: Childhood OR father/daughter bonding. “May 24/Day 3: Flyer Derby OR favorite on-screen outfit.” “May 25/Day 4: Favorite on-screen moment OR any type of AU (alternate universe) and lastly “May 26/Day 5: character development/growth OR friendship(s).” All of the words typed in are in white font, and to the right, there is a picture of Willow from The Owl House. She has her season 3 hair style and Halloween costume from season 3, and she is slightly blushing with a shocked face expression. END ID] 
This is LOOSELY inspired off of that one Gus Week that was hosted last year, and it was super fun, so I went, why not make a week for a core Hexsquad member??  You can post/do fanart, BUT you can ALSO do short drabbles/fanfiction, collages or even a video edit if that’s what you prefer, all types of works are valid!!  
AND you can also post your entries on other social media, like Twitter or Instagram (if you wanna find me then I’m on Tumblr) AS LONG as you give credits as to who is running this week OR to tag it as #willow week 2023 
ONE LAST THING (THIS IS @ MY FANARTISTS WHO WANNA JOIN IN) if you draw Willow skinny, ESPECIALLY on purpose, I will ignore your entry/submission.  
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lollytea · 2 years
i don't know what it is about Hunter's "Cool. Happy to help." that makes me go crazy but it does. it being such a simple and kinda dorky response to Willow's shy but sincere thank you and "You mean a lot to me too." (which also makes me crazy), Zeno's delivery making it have like seven different layers of emotion because he can't help himself apparently, the fact it plays over them holding pinkies and bumping hands, the fact we know he's on the verge of tears while saying it. i am UNWELL
It is heavily implied that this little moment, while ambiguous, is intended to be a massive shift in their relationship. Like it's veered from them being platonic while nursing mutual crushes into something with deliberate romantic intent from both sides. I don't think they would be comfortable saying they're dating just yet but....they're not not dating, y'know? Like something has undeniably changed in a very permanent way. It's certainly new to them but they're both aware of it. They're both aware that this is something beyond friendship right now.
(I been saying this since the episode leaked, when I only had the scene itself to go off. But considering the crew is finally allowed to share their huntlow art, Zeno is allowed to open his mouth and Dana rted art of them captioned "they're canon now <3" that's as good a confirmation as any. If I remember right, Dana was also pretty tight lipped about explicitly romantic lumity, but was free to post about it after Hooty's Door aired. Yknow. When they officially became an item.)
That scene is literally the two of them establishing this relationship development between each other. The dialogue is kinda vague but bleedingly sincere though the interaction is also aided by nonverbal signals. So like. No wonder Hunter sounds Like That. We are watching him get a girlfriend before our very eyes.
Now I KNOW "You mean a lot to me too." is supposed to be romantic because why else would Hunter be so overwhelmed that he tears up? There is no way in Hell Willow Park never expressed her platonic appreciation for Hunter before. That's her FRIEND!! She wouldn't just not tell him that she cares about him. So this....this is different. She's saying something completely different here and Hunter picks up on it. He may have been a little unsure if he was overthinking it, but it seems like the linked fingers really cement the reality for him. Willow is saying she has feelings for him.
I would give anything, ANYTHING, for Zeno or Dana or Eden or SOMEBODY to explain what the exact voice direction was for "Cool. Happy to help." was because I'm obsessed with it. It's like!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!! He's trying to mentally catch up with what's happening here but his brain hardly works and he's all emotionally mushed up. He's giddy, he's breathless, his stupid little galdorstone is trying to punch a hole through his chest. He wants to burst out laughing because of how absurd this all is. He wants to break down into hysterical tears. He's pretty sure he's gonna explode. Also she's TOUCHING him. Very subtly but he's crippingly aware of it. The feeble body heat seeping from her little finger seems like enough to spread through his whole body. It's burning his face, his ears, the back of his neck.
You can feel Hunter trying to hold himself together with every syllable. The fact that he's like "Cool..." after Willow tells him she loves him like???? ASGDBFJNK. Man would get smooched and be like "Alright. Thanks." Because he wouldn't know what else to say. Like he's clearly trying to play it casual. Like this is all no big deal. Because this is Willow and he wants to be cool. But the way his voice cracks, like he'd probably squeak if he wasn't working so hard to control his tone, the noticeable shakiness, it's all so possessed by an explosive burst of nervous excitement.
It really reminds me of when Luz asked out Amity, she was like "Yes!!" And Luz just awkwardly responded with "Okay..." smiling stupidly, with an obvious vocal tremble because she was ecstatic and terrified at the same time.
"Happy to help," is a lot softer and less uneven, but he's still obviously losing his mind. That's when he bumps his own hand against Willow's. If I'm being honest, I think his mouth went on autopilot by this stage. It just seems like the kind of thing you say when you're completely fucking blanking. He is 99% focused on the fact that they are kinda holding hands right now and trying to gather his bearings, he'll just fucking say whatever.
But MAN. Its so funny. It's so good. Willow expressing her feelings to Hunter and him vocally responding in the lamest way possible, while sending a far more romantic signal with body language. It's SO them.
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keiskake · 1 year
cult, league, same thing - part five
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳smau series masterlist
⇗ cw // swearing + pet names ⇖
╰┈➤ summary ~ you and shoto have been friends for years, but you've also had the hots for his older brother for years. when you finally get into the same college as the two brothers things get a little confusing. but, two todorokis are better than one.
╰┈➤ author's note ~ have to give up my laptop for a week or so, but good news is that this month i'll be able to get my pc. idk how next weeks posts are gonna go but fingers cross i can figure it out on phone. thank you for reading, reblogs + likes are always appreciated.
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :taglist : :; @balika032 @90s-belladonna @joyhdh @universal-s1ut @alb1022 @kayden666 @itgetzweird08 @willow-parks-wife @bakugoukatsukiwifiu @shotos-rose @tjayjay @rebeccawinters @unlivingdisaster @theirmindpalace @dabislittlemouse @ti-i-ja-izvan-svemira @crushed-l1ttle-stars @pure-dumbass-tm-better-new-acc
(if you want to be added just ask!)
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
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Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series (march 26  - april 2)! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
you netflix: love quinn gifset by @stephsu
succession: shiv roy in 4x01 gifset by @riley-keoughs
yellowjackets: 2x01 gifset by @carsonsshaw
taylor swift: speak now (taylor’s version) edit by @wylanvannecks
daisy jones & the six: aurora tour edit by @deadwivesclub
succession: kendall and roman gifset by @panevanbuckley
taylor swift: anti-hero edit by @cellphonehippie
abbott elementary: season two gifset by @cobbbvanth
the last of us: ellie williams gifset by @mickbetsch
succession: 4x01 gifset by @h-f-k
taylor swift: midnights as tarot cards edit by @erastours
daisy jones & the six: camila dunne + looks gifset by @joellellie
the last of us: joel miller gifset by @dadjoelmiller
succession: 4x01 + text posts gifset by @arthurpendragonns
stranger things gifset by @anya-chalotra
the last of us: ellie and joel gifset by @finnhudsons
taylor swift: labyrinth edit by @andtosaturn
assorted musicians + tropes gifset by @antoniosvivaldi​
succession: season one vs season 4 gifset by @kazs-inej
criminal minds: spencer reid gifset by @klinejack
taylor swift: cruel summer edit by @sadbeautifutragic
yellowjackets: shauna gifset by @misty-quigley
paramore: hayley williams + outfits from south american tour gifset by @userparamore
taylor swift: eras tour poster edit by @cruellesummer
boygenius: the film gifset by @ethelcainn
yellowjackets: 2x02 gifset by @thesoldiersminute
scream 4 gifset by @gales-weathers
stranger things: 3x01 gifset by @userspree
to all the boys i’ve loved before gifset by @madscline
taylor swift: ivy edit by @regular-another
boygenius: the film gifset by @arlo-parks
yellowjackets: 2x02 gifset by @theedorksinlove
taylor swift: willow edit by @aslowmotionlovepotion
pedro pascal: birthday gifset by @a7estrellas
yellowjackets: shauna and jackie gifset by @genyazafin
boygenius: the film gifset by @phoebesbridgers
taylor swift: eras tour in arlington texas gifset by @experienceandobservation​​
halsey: the lighthouse edit by @aaronapollo
parks and recreation: april ludgate gifset by @comfortblr @candicepatton
succession: roman roy gifset by @kitherondale
pedro pascal: birthday gifset by @barnesdjarin
boygenius: the film gifset by @julicnbaker
the last of us: joel and ellie gifset by @user-kestis
lucy dacus: historian gifset by @comeinwiththerain
pedro pascal: birthday gifset by @trashcora
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howhow326 · 1 year
Mattholomule is Gus Shadow
Oh boy! I sure do love everything about Watching & Dreaming but I have to say my favorite part is when Gustholomule became canon and that's a thing that happened actually!!! Anyway, it's neat that most of the TOH ships have a sort of opposites attract dynamic: Lumity has the shoujo rivals trope; Huntlow is crushing-watermelon-with-thighs meme; and Gustholomule has the best dressed boy with an unwashed rat-man.
But with I told you that Gus and Mattholomule are more similar than they seem? What if I told you that the two boys are so similar to each other that they are like two halves of the same person?? What if I told you... ehh, you already read the title.
What is a Shadow?
First we need to go over what a shadow is: A shadow is: "an unconscious aspect of the personality that does not correspond with the ego ideal, leading the ego to resist and project the shadow. In short, the shadow is the self's emotional blind spot..." (Wikipedia). In other words, the Shadow is the shadowed side of one's personality, the part of themselves that they don't want others (or themselves) to see. However, ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices. Or in the case of Persona, giant fetish monsters (this is a joke, the persona games actually do a really good job of writing psycho-analysis even without the video game bosses). So, what does any of this have to do with Gustholomule? EVERYTHING!!! Which get's clearer in the next few paragraphs :)
Gus & Mattholomule's backstories
From TOH wiki: "Augustus Porter is the son of reporter Perry Porter, who wants his son to be a master illusionist (there's a source for this but I deleted it so Tumblr dosen't hide my post). Due to his skills in illusion magic, Augustus is one of the youngest students at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, taking high school-level classes despite being twelve years old. However, due to his young age, Gus was often overlooked and ignored, and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage of his intelligence. The only place where he felt he mattered was the club he led, the Human Appreciation Society. Besides the other members of the H.A.S, the only other student he befriended was Willow Park, who helped him calm down from an illusionary memory with a breathing exercise he remembers to this day."
In short, Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves (this is in Bold because it's gonna be super duper important for my argument later). Despite that, Gus wasn't destroyed by his backstory because he had people like Willow to help him (also important).
For Matt: "Mattholomule used to attend Glandus High, where he was friends with Bria, Gavin, and Angmar. Due to Glandus's social structure favoring the strong, Mattholomule was bullied by other students, including his three "friends" who had manipulated him. Eventually, he switched out of Glandus and started to attend Hexside, but still stuck around Bria, Gavin, and Angmar due to having nobody else to be his friend."
Just like Gus, Matt comes from a history of veing bullied and used by others. Unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself (and Steve but like apparently adults are weirdly useless at helping their kids witch school problems which is actually extremely realistic now that I think about it).
In otherwords, Gus and Matt have nearly identical backstories, but turned out differently because only Gus had a real friend. And in my next few paragraphs, we find out that the "difference" between them is a lot smaller than it seems.
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
So if you've been paying attention, you have probably come to the conclusion that Gus is "good" person. And while that definitely isn't a bad conclusion to come to, this episode is going to hit you like a truck:
Gus: L-Luz, a-about the ban, I, uh, used my H. A. S. presidential authority to pull some strings. You've been given a full pardon!
Luz: You mean...
Gus: I got the ban lifted!
[Does a little dance when she's gone lol]
Willow: You lied to our best friend and told her you got the ban lifted. That seems like a potential problem to me.
Gus: You don't understand. The members were going mad. They were bloodthirsty. They were touching objects. I had no choice!
Note: instead of saying something like "one of the members is lying to the others" or something like that, Gus "had no choice" because... they were breaking his rule of no touching?!
Now, some people did catch on to Gus behavior and were mad at him for it. I'm not one of those people, in fact, I'm the exact opposite. This episode made me LOVE Gus' character! Before SV,SF Gus was just comic relief that was attached to Willow's hip. But now, Gus has flaws! He can exist as his own character!! He's lying to and mainipulating people like the little illusionist he is!!!
... wait a minute, "...and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage..."; "...Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves."; "...ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices." This is Gus Shadow: a hurt child that's willing to trick people the same way that other people tricked him. Heck, there's even a name for the exact shadow that Gus possesses: The Know-It-All Trickster (I swear Im not anti gus wtf). From Artofmanliness .com (That name is so much worse than it seems), "The Know-It-All Trickster knows how to charm his way out of trouble. He’s adept at deception and manipulation and will gain the trust of those around him, only to betray it when they least expect it." While this is a lot more sinister than Gus at his worst, it dose perfectly describe what happened in SV,SF: Gus became friends with Luz recently and deceives her at a time when she would never expect it. Although, that description also sounds a lot like another character that shows up this episode (Mattholomule is inside your walls).
Of course, while Gus has flaws, he isn't the same as the people that tricked him. The older kids got their homeworks worth out of Gus and left without taking any responsibility for their actions. But Gus didn't do that, he endanged himself in order to save Luz from detention, and then he took responsibility for the mess he caused. He even saved Mattholomule from detention because "no one get's left behind"! Gus has flaws, but he was able to rise above them during his first focus episode, which is highly impressive for a twelve year old.
Through The Looking Glass Ruins
This episode's plot is interesting in that, while Gus is technically lying to people again, it wasn't even his idea! Gus was the one that didn't want to hang out with the Glandus because "he's just an illusionist" (an idea that Gus Shadow, Matt literally echos) so Luz goads him into hanging out with him in order to build back his self confidence.
Unlike SV,SF where Gus creates a lie that endangers Luz, Luz starts the lie that Gus is a "super witch" and Gus only upholds it to hang out with the Kool Kidz. Basically, Gus did nothing wrong.
Anyway, Gus gets a crush on the Boneghazi girl. Weird. I don't want to spend too much time talking about Bria because she's crazy shaped, but she is the next entry in a long line of older kids that trick Gus and ruin his self confidence. Then, the most important part of the episode happens:
Mattholomule: This is exactly how it was at Glandus. Always Bria's stooge.
Gus: Better a stooge than a clown. Bria was right, illusions are nothing but high-def party tricks.
Mattholomule: Yeah, I used to think that too. [He makes a saw of rock to cut the vines trapping Gus and The Keeper.] But then I met some dork who used his powers to save me from a man-eating detention pit. All I'm saying is, if a dumb illusion can save a jerk like me, maybe it's not as useless as you think.
Replace illusion with "Gus" and this conversation is practically the same. Gus is saying he can't help anyone and Matt is telling him "you already helped me" (the perfect start for the perfect ship).
Focusing more on Matt, this moment is a bit more than just him reaching out a hand or doing the right thing. As I said before, Matt has the same history of people using him just like Gus (it even happens in this episode). But unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself. So instead of staying the victim, Matt became "villain". He most likely joined the H. A. S. with the intention of replacing whoever was in charge by using the same methods that Bria uses, trickery. Matt wanted to be on top of the social ladder through any means nessasary, and when his plan failed in SV,SF he went crawling back to Bria so he could gain some sense of power.
So why does Mattholomule help Gus in this episode? Simple, He's not Bria. Even when Matt tried to walk the same path as his bullies, he could never fully suppress the part of himself that had morals, that wanted to help people. And by choosing to help Gus even though the odds are stacked against them, Matt finnaly accepted that he wasn't a 100% jerk.
Plot twist: Gus is Mattholomule's Shadow. Just like how Matt represents Gus's capacity to become like the people that took advantage of him, Gus represents the part of Matt that was weak enough to be taken advantage of, a good person. There's even a word of Matt's Shadow: a Golden Shadow, the positive qualities of one self that they suppress.
Gustholomule is a deep relationship between two people who are really the same person that walked to different paths. However, it's only through meeting each other and forming a tight bond with each other that these two boys were able two accept their hidden selves and complete the process of self actualization. Truly a magnificent journey of self growth indeed.
Gustholomule is best ship fight me
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Title: Diamonds Are Forever
Part 8.2 of my “Cray-Cray for Cater” series! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, and Part 8.1 can be found here!
Parings: Cater Diamond x Twisted Wonderland Male OC (Mirai Yuhara)
With an extended break, Cater decides to take Mirai on a trip to remember. This trip should have strengthened their bonds, but somehow they break a little too.
cw: Mostly fluff!! Some flirting in the end.
a/n: Do you dock a plane, or park one? Idk, google said it depends, but dock to me sounds better lolol
a/n: The next part will be a shorter one, a smuttier one ! __φ(◎◎ヘ)
a/n: The Hotel referenced is the Shangri-La Hotel at The Shard in London! Their Suite was the Shangri-La Suite! See ya, Dreamers!
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
Mirai didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until he was woken up by the turbulence of the plane landing, and Mirai blearily followed their directions until the aircraft was safely on the ground. Once they were docked, Amy and Willow came back to help them get their luggage and escort them off the plane, and Mirai barely remembered any of that. 
“Thank you for flying with Broom Airlines! Hope to see you guys again,” Amy said waving as Cater and Mirai exited the First Class lounge.
“TYSM,” Cater waved. “I’ll be sure to leave a good review. #BestFlightEver!”
The walk from the lounge wasn’t long and the whole way there, Mirai tried to keep his eyes open to walk in a straight line. 
“Stay here, Ima call a MagiLyft,” Cater said sitting Mirai down on a bench.
“Kay,” Mirai mumbled.
Mirai must’ve dose off again, because he was startled awake by Cater shaking his shoulder. Mirai groaned, opening his eyes.
“I know,” Cater cooed, “Once we get you to the hotel, you can sleep.”
Cater held Mirai’s hand as he rushed him outside. Cars, vans, and trucks drove in and out of the parking lot, their headlights distorted by the pelting freezing rain. Now Mirai was sleepy, cold, wet, and agitated.
“Hurry! In, in,” Cater said hurriedly, ushering Mirai into the back of their MagiLyft. Mirai climbed in and Cater rushed to the other side, hurriedly shoving his bag in the back seat, shutting the door behind him. “Man,” Cater sighed, “I’m soaked.”
“Here,” Mirai mumbled, pulling a napkin from his bag, handing it over to Cater.
The ride was an hour, and thirty minutes in, they finally reached the city. It was so big, skyscrapers everywhere, cars all over the streets, people everywhere with umbrellas and raincoats. Mirai loved it. There was so much to do, so much to see, there was so much life. It reminded him of home back in California, it reminded him of New York. It was almost nostalgic, as if he’s been there before, and it made him miss home.
“You like it?” Cater asked, chuckling at how Mirai was practically glued to the window. 
“Yeah,” Mirai said, finally more awake than ever. “It reminds me of home.” 
“Do you miss home?”
“Yeah, but not enough to want to go back forever.”
It looked like there was some traffic, but it wasn’t that bad. Their driver stopped behind a line of cars, and Mirai took the chance to admire the big building next to him. It was huge and the entire thing looked like it was made of glass. There were escalators, and three rotating doors, and in the middle of it all was a sign that read Nirvana.
“Thank sir,” Cater called, getting out of the car, “Have a great night.”
The driver waved to Cater, giving him thanks as well, “Thank you! And you too!”
Mirai was speechless. Cater opened the Mirai’s door and took his hand, leading out of the car, and Mirai just moved on autopilot. This was their hotel? They were actually staying here? Cater led him inside where they had to take an elevator to the 35th floor. The way there, Mirai was in awe. The whole building had a black and gold Eastern inspired design, and Mirai couldn't tell what emotion he felt seeing it all. Once they exited the elevator, they were right in the middle of the lobby of the Nirvana Hotel. It was breathtaking. The seating area next to the floor to ceiling windows looked so elegant, and down right classy. 
Just like downstairs, the lobby continued with the white, black and gold theme. The receptionist desk was made of pure marble, and even the floors were marble. On the far wall was a traditional ink brushed mural that Mirai couldn’t get enough of, and all the little accents around the room were what Mirai would call European and Asian inspired. The warm gold lighting was inviting, comforting, casting the room in a hazy golden glow. There was even a roaring fireplace in the corner where a couple of chatting patrons sat around it. 
Mirai walked over to the railing where he spotted another seating area and more so much more. The blonde couldn’t believe he was standing in the middle of it all. Mirai practically gravitated to the windows where he looked down at the city below. It was breathtaking, it really was. Mirai fished out his camera and started taking pictures of anything it would pick up. The lighting, the art, the chairs, the view, everything.
Mirai turned around and Cater was standing behind him, his own phone poised, taking a picture of Mirai. 
“Oh yeah, that’s totes going on my Magicam,” Cater said looking at the picture. “Who knew my super cute boyfriend was so Magicamable?”
Mirai pouted, and took a picture of Cater in return. 
“So, you ready to head up, or do you wanna take more pictures?” Cater asked, flashing their little pamphlet that held their key cards. 
“I’m ready to go up,” Mirai answered.
Cater led them to the elevator where they rode it to the thirty ninth floor. The hall was dimly lit with wooden walls and blue carpets. The couple didn’t even have to walk far since their room was the first on the floor, room 3901. Mirai read the plaque next to the door. It read “The Nirvana Suite.” Cater pulled out his keycard and pressed it against the scanner, it gave a chime and flashed green, the deadbolt throwing, and Cater opened the door, letting Mirai in first. Mirai searched for the light switch, finding a couple of buttons, Mirai pushed one and the entire room lit up, and Mirai was instantly floored. Mirai made a sound akin to a dying cat and Cater cackled. 
“This is not our room,” Mirai breathed, flabbergasted, “There’s no way this is our room.”
“It is,” Cater laughed.
“I can’t, we can’t, how can-” Mirai couldn’t get his words or thoughts together and felt like he needed to sit down.
“Whoa there, calm down, Babe. It’s okay. My dad’s paying for all of it.”
“That’s worse,” Mirai shouted.
“He insisted. It’s fine, really.”
Mirai couldn’t get his words together, he couldn’t get his thoughts together, he felt as if his brain was melting from his ears. He felt like he didn’t deserve any of this, that he wasn’t worthy of this. He felt just being there would somehow contaminate everything.
“Do, do you really not like any of this?” Cater asked, “I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
“N-No, no.” Mirai sighed. “I love it. It’s so nice, but I feel like I’m not worth all of this. I just want to repay you somehow.”
“You don’t have to, Baby, this isn’t supposed to be transactional. Just you being here with me is enough. But maybe I did come on a little too strong with all of this? The First Class plane ride, now the five star luxury suite? Kinda feels like I’m throwing my money in your face, doesn’t it? Talk about #Showoff moment.”
“You're fine. It’s a bit much for me, but I like it. I’m glad that I, of all people, could do something like this.”
“So you’re not put off by all of this?”
“It’s just a lot to take in, to, ya’know, take in I guess. Like yes, this is happening, like yeah, I’m here.”
“Kay,” Cater said, relieved.
“So,” Mirai asked after a moment of silence, “Is this the norm for you, like y'know, at home?”
“Y-Yeah. I don’t like to flaunt it, and I definitely don’t want anyone to know,” Cater said awkwardly, “But I wanted to spoil you, I wanted you to know this was part of me, but even with all of that, I’m still me.”
“And I’d love you no less.”
Mirai and Cater toured their room, it was huge and beautifully decorated, it was like a mini apartment, and one feature Mirai couldn’t ignore was the fact that the whole room had floor to ceiling windows, the room was practically made of glass. You could see so much of the city through them. Near the door was a small bathroom and a huge closet. It was beautifully made, the whole thing was made out of dark solid wood and the outside had a traditional Eastern artwork etched into it. 
To the right was the dining area, the table seated ten, and a large crystal chandelier hung overhead. Past the dining table was a mirror that covered the entire wall, and etched into it was yet another mural. Mirai and Cater walked past the dining area into a small hallway, where they found a kitchen, the entire thing was fully functioning with an electric stove, a dishwasher, sink, refrigerator, and wine cooler. It even had a coffee machine equipped with luxury coffee pods. They exited the kitchen, looping back to the main room where they entered the living area to the left of the dining area. 
It was so spacious and open. There were two love seats, two couches, an armchair, and in the middle of it all was a dark wood coffee table. Against one of the walls was a desk that was also a lounge chair that ran against one of the large windows where you could relax and take in the beautiful view. They even had binoculars and a telescope to see the city below better. In the next room was a private office equipped with its own tv behind two sliding doors and its own entrance to the bedroom. 
“OMG! This is nice! Talk about #Luxury,” Cater gushed, taking even more pictures.
Mirai agreed with him. The bedroom had to be Mirai’s favorite room. The bedroom, just like the main room, had the floor to ceiling windows. It was on the smaller side, compared to the large layout of the room, but it was still bigger than average. The bed was a super king, the comforter a beautiful white and champagne. The headboard was beautifully decorated with little flowers sewn into the fabric. In front of the bed was a loveseat where you could sit and watch the tv that was behind two sliding doors. Next to the window was another lounge chair where you could look at the city views. 
Mirai ran his hand along the bedspread as he walked by, it was so soft and plush. He doubted he would want to get up tomorrow morning. 
“Babe! Look at this closest,” Cater called from the other side of the room. 
Mirai entered a small hallway where he found Cater standing in a walk-in closet, posing for selfies. It was big, like, really big, even with the two of them standing in there together, there was still more than enough room to fit their bags, and the space for hanging clothes was more than enough for the two of them. Mirai wondered how many outfits would be needed to fill the entire thing.
“Oh yeah, when I graduate, I’m totally getting my closet built like this,” Cater said excitedly. 
Mirai chuckled at his enthusiasm.
“Let’s check out the bathroom.”
The bathroom was amazing. There was a Jacuzzi tub on the far wall, a double vanity with built-in lighting and tv, and a small selection of fancy soaps. 
“Where’s the toilet?” Mirai muttered.
“Maybe behind these doors?” Cater asked, pulling them open. 
Behind one of two frosted glass doors was a huge shower with built-in seating, and behind the other was the toilet. It was nice. It gave whoever was using the toilet privacy just in case someone else needed the bathroom.
“This could fit like eight people in here,” Mirai said thoughtfully, looking at the shower. 
“Oh? Does Mi-Mi wanna throw a shower party?” Cater teased. “So naughty.”
“W-What?! N-No I-”
“How about seven of me?”
Mirai’s words died on his lips, face flushing bright red as Cater crowded him, pulling him into his arms. Mirai was like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing. Mirai couldn’t get his words out, but the very image in his head had Mirai all hot from the inside out.
“Oh? Thinking dirty things?” Cater teased.
“N-No, I, it-it’s your fault for planting that image in my head,” Mirai stammered.
Cater chuckled, pulling Mirai close, “Hm? You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Cater teased, “Me, you, and six other mes, under all that hot water and steam?”
“Y-Yes,” Mirai shuddered as Cater ran his fingers through the hair on the back of his neck. 
“Eh? For realsies?” Cater asked, flushing this time. “I was more teasing than I was serious.”
“You dug your grave, now you gotta lie in it,” Mirai smirked.
“You sure it wasn't you who dug their own grave?”
“Hm? I don’t know. I guess we’re gonna have to see and find out, won’t we?”
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a-dragons-soul-heart · 4 months
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❖ I go by different names depending on who I am and who I feel at the moment
❖ This blog is a personal one for me
❖ This is NOT a RP blog! Please don't act as if this is!
❖ All art/images, etc. used on here does not belong to me! (Unless stated so!) If the original artist/creator wants me to take their art down, I will do so!
❖ Whenever I am posting as a version of me, I will clarify who is talking right now!
❖ I enjoy getting asks with questions about me
❖ I am new to being plural, so any support and advice is appreciated!
List of Headmates
❖ Reshiram 🔥 (she/they)
❖ Iron Leaves 🍃 (it/its)
❖ Xerneas 🌈 (she/her)
❖ Lunala 🌙 (she/they)
❖ Magearna 🗝 (she/its)
❖ Silvally/Type:Null 💿 (he/they)
❖ Terapagos 💎 (she/he/they)
❖ LOLbit 📺 (they/them)
❖ Light Dragon 💠 (No pronouns; refer by name!!)
❖ Willow Park 🌿 (he/she)
❖ Marcy Wu 🎲 (she/her)
❖ Wavern ⚪ (she/they)
❖ Collector Luz 🌠 (he/they/she)
❖ Iron Valiant 🗡 (its/they)
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Userboxes by @skyedancer2006
Thank you for reading!
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teamlarl · 6 months
Well, in Civ 6 each civ has its own unique bonuses, improvements/districts/units whatever, but they also have a unique bonus based on the Leader you pick.
America under Teddy Roosevelt gets bonuses from breathtaking tiles and natural parks.
America under Abraham Lincoln gets free units for every industrial zone building, but plantations make his cities lose loyalty.
I had some ideas about what some of the Larl cast would be like as Leaders. The Renatus one is pretty straightforward: In civ 6 you gradually go up in Alliance levels with your allies, and you also accumulate Great People points towards things like Great Generals, Great Artists, Great Merchants etc.
There's also a meter called the era score meter, if you fill it before the era ends, you get a normal era, fail and you get a dark era, exceed it by a certain amount and you get a golden era, get a dark era and THEN a golden era and the benefits are tripled: a Heroic Era.
My idea for Renatus was to represent the huge Nicator family tree you used to post:
Whenever a new era starts, Ren's player gets [insert number here] of great people points for each woman leader he's in an alliance with, the number increasing based on alliance level and the quality of the era he's going into.
So if he had a low level military alliance with Liane and entered a normal era, that might get him a great general, a kid by Liane.
If he had a alliance with Blake, it might get him a spy.
With Willow, a great merchant, or maybe two.
But in dark eras? no points. Ren makes no kids. Truly a dark era.
Okay I'm following. And that sounds like it would be genuinely fun to be, as far as Civ goes. An interesting dynamic for a civilization playthrough.
And I appreciate that you've defined a Dark Era to be an era where he's not having kids. Truly, the darkest timeline.
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weedplantar · 2 years
Owl house blogs are like "I love and appreciate Willow as a character too! Not just her relationship with Hunter!" And then you search #Willow Park on their blog and every single post is huntlow/hunter related....
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thechembow · 11 months
Hi I'm from Melbourne Australia and I'm wondering how u grid a city? Is it block by block or every 1km and is it a square pattern? Asking as it's something hard to find where the towers are especially driving solo. Another question which is a long shot is do u know anyone in australia who is currently active gifters u could link me up with? I have to say also awesome work you guys are inspiring and greatly appreciated. Thankyou for your time in advance. Regards willow
Hi Willow. We've been gifting for almost 10 years and we travel very far to gift new areas. We grid whole cities because we need to get as much done as we can once we've made the trip, and we are also proving the science of orgone energy with these experiments.
We gift all cell towers in a city (or as many as we can in a few days in larger cities) by driving street by street with a paper map in a grid fashion and being as thorough as possible, placing towerbusters near cell towers to neutralize them. We keep track of where we've gifted and of course the weather changes, documented here on this blog.
But we didn't start this way. We started by making a few orgonites and gifting near our home in LA. Then as we saw how well it worked, we started biking out farther and pretty soon we were driving out into other areas in Southern California to gift larger and larger amounts of orgonite. Now we have gifted eight states with a focus on neutralizing whole cities, which have the largest DOR concentrations negatively affecting the weather and climate.
When you're first gifting orgonite, I recommend making or buying a few properly made orgonite pieces and hiding them near cell towers in your neighborhood. You can hide one in a bush within a quarter mile of the tower. It's great to take before, during, and after photos to see how the sky changes.
You can easily see the towers in parking lots of stores and gas stations, schools, and along highways. Sometimes the cell panels are on a building or poorly disguised as a tree. They are everywhere and you can't miss them. We don't use GPS or cell phones while gifting and we don't look up cell tower locations before gifting. We find the towers with our eyes and navigate the streets with a map, offline so that the AI can't follow our work until after it's posted at this blog.
Our website has full gifting instructions and how to make orgonite. We also have orgonite for sale with discounts if you buy more TBs for gifting:
Thanks for your interest.
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