#I saw a post calling her a pick me for her breakdown in for the future and I just like ?????
yourhighness6 · 6 months
Can I Talk About How Much I Love Willow Park for a Moment?
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I've talked before about how Hunter and Luz are my favorite characters in toh but she's probably my third favorite and sometimes I literally want to worship the ground her little animated boots walk on. For one, she's Asian-coded and plus-sized, which is rare enough (the only other example I can think of is Glimmer from She-ra, who I also love), but she's actually well-written and complex in the way a lot of diverse characters aren't. She's canonically pansexual, which is a community that gets so little representation its heartbreaking. On top of that, she's in a healthy relationship with someone of the opposite gender, which isn't often seen with bi and pan characters. She's an extremely powerful witch but she struggles with self-esteem issues. She's allowed to be stressed and exceed her limits and break down and have emotions. She's strong and independent without putting other people down. She's kind and compassionate without being a pushover. She's reliable and tough but has limits. She's cute and girly but also a little gremlin. She has an absolutely wonderful character arc and helps save the world. I love her so much I can't even express it.
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sanarsi · 2 months
We Have It All
pre/post-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: You and Joel were separated by the outbreak. Warnings: angst but with happy ending, mention of killing, use of weapon Wordcount: 3k An: I've always wondered what it would be like to experience the start of the outbreak as someone close to Joel, which is why we are here. Music I worked with: We Have It All - Pim Stones
"My flight got canceled," you sighed, throwing your clothes carelessly into your suitcase. You were furious. All your plans were gone to hell. "I'm sorry, baby."
"You don't have to apologize to me," Joel's amused voice echoed in your ear. You winced, still feeling guilty.
"I know, but I wanted us to spend your birthday together," you said calmly and sat down heavily on the bed. "Sarah and I were supposed to make a cake and humiliate you by singing happy birthday in front of the house." Joel snorted with laughter. You smiled to yourself, anxiously picking at your cuticles.
"Yeah, that sounds awful." You fell silent, staring blankly at the floor. "Babe, it's not the end of the world. We can celebrate my birthday when you get there," he assured you, knowing full well that you felt bad about how the whole situation had turned out. "I won't get any older in a few days," he added with amusement. You snorted quietly.
"I don't know. I recently found one gray hair."
"What?" he asked suddenly concerned.
"I'm joking," you laughed at his reaction. You heard him breathe heavily. "I booked tickets for tomorrow's flight."
"Then we'll pick you up from the airport. Sarah can't wait." In the background you could hear a cheerful screams of a girl. "She misses you," he added, making you feel warm in your heart. Joel always knew how to cheer you up. "I miss you too," he said more quietly, with different emotions. With real longing. You felt something inside you clench.
"Fuck you, Joel. You can't say things like that to me when I'm on the verge of a breakdown," you pointed out, smiling under your breath. His laughter echoed in your ear again.
“Yeah, sorry babe.” You could hear some chatter in the background. After a moment you heard Joel sigh heavily. “We have to go. Sarah’s gonna be late,” he said in his typical tired tone. You nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Okay.” You could hear some murmurs in the background. “I love you.”
“Love you, old man.” His snort brought a wider smile to your face.
“Lovely,” he commented, probably rolling his eyes before he hung up.
You pushed your phone away with a quiet sigh. The screen displayed a wallpaper with a picture of the three of you on vacation a few months ago. You smiled at the memories that flooded your head. You looked around the hotel room and then fell back onto the mattress. You cursed the whole world for today, all your plans went to hell.
Today, of the whole fucking year.
Meanwhile, Joel was sitting in the car, looking at a small ring in a navy blue suede box. A few diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. Tommy glanced at his brother with a smirk.
"So when are you going to propose?" he asked, and Sarah's head immediately appeared between their seats.
"I wanted to do it today," he sighed, closing the box and putting it in his pocket. "But as you can see, it'll have to wait."
He glanced at Tommy and his daughter, then rolled his eyes at their stupid smiles.
"What?" he asked when they didn't say anything for a long time.
"Nothing. I'm just happy for you," Tommy replied with a shrug. Joel didn't comment on his words.
"Will she have the same last name as us?" Sarah asked.
"I hope so," Joel agreed, looking out the window.
"Cool. I'll be able to call her my mom," she said happily, and fell back into her seat.
And Joel couldn't help but smile a little at the vision she planted in his head.
In the middle of the night, you were woken up by loud noises. You mumbled in dissatisfaction, turning towards the window. You winced when you saw any lights. After a moment, you heard an explosion. You woke up immediately, throwing the blanket aside and went to the window.
A few blocks away, you could see that one of the buildings was on fire. You watched it calmly until another explosion engulfed another skyscraper, this time closer to your hotel. The silence was drowned out by car alarms and people's screams.
Your first thought was a terrorist attack.
You felt a surge of stress, observing everything from a distance. The loud sound of several fighter jets cut through the sky, catching your attention. And then the first shot came.
You watched in horror as more buildings in the city center burst into flames. You swallowed hard, tightening your fingers on the curtain. And then the loud sound of the phone ringing echoed through the room.
You almost jumped on the spot, turning towards the bed. The screen lit up the dark room. You quickly answered the call, seeing Joel's photo.
"Hello?" you spoke, swallowing the lump in your throat. Someone's curses and murmurs could be heard on the other end.
"Hello? Baby, are you okay?" Joel's breathless voice rang out in your ear. You immediately looked towards the window and felt your pulse quicken.
"Y-yes, I'm okay. Joel, what's going on?" you asked, looking out at the city. Another explosion. You flinched, looking towards the building that was in flames. Just a few dozen meters away. A quiet curse sounded on the phone. "Joel?" you spoke uncertainly.
"We don't know. There's a lot of soldiers everywhere. They've blocked the highways."
With each word he spoke, you felt more and more panic.
Another thought was war.
"They say it's some kind of virus. People are going crazy and attacking each other like animals."
You looked down at the street where people were running. Screams mixed with the howl of sirens. Your breath trembled as you moved away from the window.
“Joel, I’m scared,” were the first words you said after realizing how bad things were. If it was happening here and in Texas, then it was everywhere.
And you were alone on the other side of the country.
“Listen to me,” he began calmly. You began to breathe deeply to control your growing fear. “Grab the most necessary things. Get in the car and drive out of town on the side roads. You need to get out of the city center, do you understand?” he explained slowly so you could understand every word. You mumbled something in confirmation. “Baby, I need you to take a few deep breaths and do as I said. You need to get out of town. As soon as possible.”
"Okay," you said, feeling your stomach tighten painfully. You looked around the room in panic and then another explosion occurred. That's when you shook yourself. You quickly moved towards your suitcase and started putting on your clothes.
"Stay off the country roads," he continued explaining as you put on your sneakers. You went to your locker and threw everything into your bag in one move.
"Okay," you nodded, grabbing your car keys. You left the hotel room and looked around the hallway until you saw a sign for an emergency exit. You quickly headed in that direction.
"Tommy and I are going for Sarah."
"What?" you stopped, frowning. "She's not with you?" Silence fell on the other end. You looked at your phone to check the time. It was the middle of the night and Sarah was home alone. How on earth?
"I had to get Tommy out of the arrest," he finally spoke. You closed your eyes, sighing heavily.
Of course it was always about Tommy.
You shook your head and headed down the stairs. You had to get to the underground parking lot. You ran out the door, looking around. It was quiet here. You quickly got into your car and looked around like it was your first time driving. After a few tries and a few panicked curses, you finally got the key in the ignition and screeched to the exit.
You looked around the street before you pulled out onto the road and turned on the navigation. You looked around nervously in every possible direction as you started driving through different housing estates.
"I should be leaving the city in a few minutes," you said, driving more carefully than usual. The further you got from the center, the quieter it was. Fewer and fewer police sirens and people.
"Okay, baby, listen," he started slowly. "Head toward Kansas."
"Okay," you nodded, swallowing hard.
"We'll meet exactly halfway, yeah?"
"Okay," you nodded again, feeling your voice start to shake.
"I will find you," he assured you. He wanted to sound confident. He wanted you to feel safe because of him. But his voice trembled as well.
"Okay," you said again, feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
"I will find you, I promise," he repeated. You nodded, feeling tears start to flow down your cheeks. You pressed your lips together to hold back a sob. "I lo-"
You looked at your phone in panic.
"Joel?" you said, but no one answered you.
You felt panic shake your body. You began to breathe quickly, trying to fight off more and more tears.
It wasn't until you passed the sign informing you to leave the city that you felt adrenaline take over your body. You rubbed your wet cheeks and took a few deep breaths.
"You will be fine," you said confidently and pressed the gas pedal, leaving the burning city behind you.
One year later.
You looked at the map again and cursed under your breath, looking around.
Everywhere fucking forests and fields.
With a sigh, you put the map in your backpack and slowly set off through the tall grass. There was silence all around. The wind gently moved the treetops and the birds sang merrily. Nothing had changed here. Nature continued to live as if nothing had changed at all.
But everything had changed.
The world had stopped and started to fall apart.
At least for those who had managed to survive.
You were one of those people.
You had been fighting to survive for a year. Starving, fighting and killing. Who would have expected that? If someone had told you a year ago what you would become, you would have thought they were mentally ill.
And yet, you were where you were. Which was currently in the middle of fucking nowhere.
After a few hours, you were sitting by a small stream, filling a bottle with cold water. As usual, you took the opportunity to wash your body of dirt. If you could even call it that. At least you didn't feel everything sticking to your skin so you considered it as a success.
You sat leaning against a tree, looking at the map, waiting for the fire to fry the fish you had caught sufficiently. You traced the path you had to take to cross the Missouri-Kansas border with your finger.
You still had a long way to go. But you had already come a lot further. You were getting closer to the goal that had kept you alive for a year.
You knew Joel was alive. You could feel it in your bones.
Joel was a tough motherfucker.
He certainly wouldn't let himself be killed and he was on his way to Kansas.
If he wasn't already waiting for you there.
That's what you hoped.
The next few days passed on a lonely journey. Your legs hurt terribly, but you had gotten used to it. You had gotten used to many things. But it probably took you the longest to get used to the smell.
Another sunset was approaching as you slowly walked along the dirt road kicking a small stone. The sky turned orange as you left the road and headed towards the forest. You had learned that it was safest to sleep in trees. Even though you hadn't seen a living soul in weeks, you were always prepared. No one ever looked up when looking for potential threats. So when you found a suitable thick tree, you began preparing ropes.
You were concentrating on tying knots when suddenly the sound of a branch breaking echoed through the forest. You looked around but didn't see anything that caught your attention.
Despite everything, you slowly and quietly lifted your backpack from the ground. You put the ropes away looking around for threats.
And then you heard another crack of branches.
Your senses sharpened and adrenaline hit you like a bolt of lightning. You slung your backpack over your shoulders and pulled your gun from your belt.
You slowly and carefully took steps not making a sound and hid under a group of trees. And you waited. For some time, all you heard was your calm breathing and the last birdsongs. You began to wonder if you had accidentally run into a deer or some other animal, but then you heard the next branches breaking under someone's weight. You immediately recognized the male footsteps.
Wary and heavy.
You slowly uncocked the gun and looked out through the gap between the trunks. You saw movement. A few dozen meters away from you. And unfortunately for you, he was walking in your direction.
You cursed in your mind at your luck and took a few deep breaths.
Another rustle of dry leaves getting closer to you. You tightened your grip on the gun and listened.
The snapping of branches. You glanced one last time through the gap in the trees to determine how far he was. He was definitely too close.
One last deep breath before you emerged from your hiding place.
“Stop and drop your weapon,” you said sharply, aiming it straight at the man in front of you. But you weren’t the only one prepared. You both stood, aiming your weapons at each other. You both had each other perfectly in your sights. And you were both alone.
"I just want to get to Kansas," he said in a hoarse, loud voice.
"Then you got your sides mixed up," you replied, keeping him carefully in your sights. To your detriment, the setting sun and the fog didn't help.
"What?" he was surprised, slightly taken aback.
"Kansas is the other way," you explained, frowning when you noticed he lowered his gun slightly. "No tricks. Throw the gun in my direction and take a few steps back," you ordered, carefully watching his every move. For a moment, there was complete silence. His hands finally fell loosely along his body.
"Fuck. Baby?" he said in a completely different tone. You frowned, lowering the gun when you heard a familiar voice. A gentle wind stirred the fog, giving you a better view of the man a dozen meters in front of you.
"Joel," you whispered in shock, the gun falling from your hand. Your heart stopped for a moment only to start beating like crazy when you saw his look of relief.
"Fuck," he cursed with a trembling voice before he confidently took a step towards you. And you started running.
You threw yourself into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. His arms wrapped around you so tightly you could barely catch your breath. You sobbed with happiness feeling your body overcome with relief. How his arms finally brought you the desired safety. Joel groaned, burying his face in your neck.
Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you finally held him in your arms. Alive. Healthy.
You tangled your fingers in his hair pulling him even closer starting to laugh with happiness. His fingers dug painfully into your skin as he pressed you closer to his chest. The amount of relief he felt holding you in his arms was indescribable. Like a huge weight from his shoulders fell apart in a second finally allowing him to breathe.
"I knew I'd find you" he whispered almost moaning with happiness.
You could barely see through your tears as he pulled you away, taking your face in his hands. He looked at you closely. Same eyes, same smile, and a few more scars. Other than that, nothing had changed.
He sighed in relief, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. You wrapped your arms around his wrists, letting out a shaky breath that disappeared a moment later into his mouth as he pressed them tightly against yours.
He immediately deepened the kiss, kissing you with everything he had in him. Longing, relief, pain and love. It wasn't a gentle kiss, but the best you've ever had in your life.
His lips tasted like home.
And that kiss was a promise that you'd never be alone again.
He finally pulled away and pulled you to his chest. He tangled his fingers in your hair and rested his cheek on your head. You snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes.
"I was so fucking scared," he whispered, hugging you tighter and planting a strong kiss on the top of your head. "I was so fucking scared you'd die," he stroked your back and a few tears ran down his cheeks, soaking into your hair. You sobbed, burying your face in his chest.
His fingers stroked your hair soothingly.
"Shhh," he whispered, placing kisses on your head.
You were in his arms.
Safe and sound.
After a year of separation, you were finally safe.
"Everything will be fine now," he assured you, believing in his own words like never before. "I will take care of you."
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lo1k-diamonds · 2 months
SX Seoul series | Tae's entry 💜 Paramour
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PAIRING: idol!Taehyung x (f) reader (you can also read it on AO3)
SUMMARY: You were born for the quick and glamorous life surrounding celebrities — they had their little dramas and breakdowns, and you were there to clean up the mess. But you have your own secret, and doing your job might get you in trouble with your paramour.
GENRE: secret relationship, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: jealousy, drunk driving (❗), dirty talking, teasing, edging, fingering, slight degradation, brattiness, Sub/Dom (Tae), semi-public, exhibitionism, almost caught, unprotected rough sex, nipple play, hickeys and bruises, post-orgasmic crying 👀
A.N. Sorry guys, busy birthday yesterday💜 NCT members make a cameo just because I thought it'd be fun 😋 The paramour stands for the illicit/forbidden aspect of the relationship, not cheating. This oneshot is also part of the upcoming @bangtanwritershq 'Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?' quarterly event!
Masterlist | Masterpost | Scroll my stories on Tumblr | Schedule and WIPs
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You showed the badge hanging on your neck to the bouncer and waited quietly for him to cross-check your name. You glanced at the glacial blue striped lines above the club entrance while you waited. SX — the letters were so hot, that vapor was visibly emanating from them. You pursed your lips — you preferred them in red. 
You rubbed your arms with a chill; it wasn’t snowing too hard yet, but you wanted to go inside where it was warm. He nodded and let you pass, and you smiled, hurrying inside.
Fortunately, despite having the day off, you were supposed to come to this label party, so they had your name. Of course, you were supposed to have leisurely done your makeup and hair, not rushed when called with a bawling demand, but you sighed.
You didn't bother hanging your coat and just crossed the dance floor to one of the private rooms where the sound was muffled enough for people to lounge, have a drink and talk. Yet instead you recognized the team circling a single armchair, and they moved to let you through with worry and relief in their faces. They were your team.
“Hey,” you called out, and as soon as Una saw you from where she was sitting on that armchair, she threw her arms around your waist, bawling convulsively. You eyed the stylists and makeup artists, holding her back while you mouthed, “Eunbi?”
Everyone shook their heads, and you sighed, giving up on it. She was supposed to accompany Una tonight so you could enjoy yourself for a change, but you were there now.
“Alright,” you said firmly, kneeling so you could look at Una clearly. She was easily overly dramatic, but there was usually a reason for it. “Tell me what's wrong. You know I can fix it for you, just tell me what it is.”
Una didn't hesitate, sniffling and smudging her makeup away as though a firefighter had come to rescue her. “He— He was— all giggly and close to her!!”
She hid again, crying on your shoulder next to your dress strap, that fortunately was black, and you sighed. You petted her head as you mused on how to fix this. He — Winwin, Una’s boyfriend. Her — another girl, inconsequential, anyone, it didn't matter. Una was a star, but she got insecure about their relationship way too easily. 
You were musing on how to diffuse her breakdown when she pulled away to speak through sobs, “Unnie— Unnie—”
“Tell me,” you allowed gently, despite the way she was crying. Even her eyelashes were gluing together, but she was still like your younger sister.
“I want— to giggle— and be close to another man too!”
You did your best effort not to roll your eyes, and before you could get up and direct your team, she gripped your arms.
“Please! I'll behave! Don't send me away, just— I'll ask for only that.”
As if to convince you, she started to compose herself, reeling in her cry and wiping her face.
You sighed, “It's not nice to draw someone into this.”
“Pick someone from the label, someone nice. I'm friends with all of them, it's just pretend, please—”
She was going to start crying again, and you heaved a deep breath, holding her strongly in your arms for a beat. The senior manager would kill you and Eunbi if Una, the exceeds-expectations rising star, was caught upset and leaving the label party, but you weren't sure this option was better.
You pulled away when you felt her calm in your arms, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, “Are you sure? You can't ruin someone's night just to make him jealous.”
“I'll behave, I promise,” she sniffled, and to her credit, you did believe her. “Choose someone nice, unnie. Maybe Jungwoo if you find him.”
Your eyebrow quirked at the name, and you nodded, getting up and instructing everyone to make her look like the star she was. You turned to her, “I’ll see to it. No more crying, okay?”
“Thank you, unnie.”
Her smile was angelical, and you only sucked in a deep breath before leaving the room to the main dance floor. The loud house music reverberated along your rib cage while you scanned the room. You saw the managers, the staff, the artists; you knew almost everyone and smiled whenever they greeted you. Your eyes kept searching and stumbled on Winwin, leaning on the wall, talking to a woman. His blonde hair stood out as he played with the straw of his drink, and you rolled your eyes. He was just talking to the woman. If you reacted like that every time your man whispered secrets into another woman’s ear, you—
A hand on your arm almost startled you, but it was Eunbi, and you squinted, “Where the hell were you?”
“Una’s dog swallowed a toy, I had to rush her to the vet!” 
Poor Eunbi. She was sweating, with her dark bangs gluing to her forehead despite the snowy cold outside, which told you she had raced here. This was turning out to be an even shittier night for her.
“Una texted me, saying she called you! I’m sorry, unnie!”
She bowed frantically, and you placed your hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay, calm down. I was coming here, anyway. Just make sure she doesn’t leave the backroom without calming down first.”
Eunbi nodded and was gone before you knew it, making your eyebrows twitch. Was it because you had managed to sleep a proper eight hours tonight that it seemed to you like everyone was out of it?
Your eyes pinpointed Winwin in the same position, with the same girl, before you kept looking for who you were truly searching for. Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed Taehyung with his friends, chatting casually. His jewelry was sparkling under the club’s lights, with his newly bleached hair in that warm color you liked so much. It fell like waves over his eyes, and you couldn’t help your smile. He looked good no matter what, but that was a favorite of yours.
Finally, you found Jungwoo a bit further ahead. He was hanging out with his close circle in a corner of the room, and you nodded, agreeing with Una. He was gentle and quiet, almost shy for an idol — he’d listen to her story and respectfully help Una through this.
So you made your way to him, smiling up to him when his eyes fell on you. His mouth stayed open, as if he had forgotten what he was about to say, and you smirked, “Long time no see! Can I join you for a moment?”
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Taehyung almost did a double take when he saw you pass without even noticing him. His friends were casual enough to not notice and to allow him to train his eyes on you; where were you going?
He saw you sit next to Jungwoo with a huge smile, and his guts twisted. Why were the other people around you leaving you two alone? Why were you sitting so close to him, talking into each other's ears? Surely it was to hear each other above the noise, but it still made him close his fists. Jungwoo could surely take a whiff of your perfume every time he leaned in like that, so close to your luscious hair, and it just wasn’t sitting well with him.
Taehyung was about to walk over, do something he wasn’t exactly sure what, when you got up and walked away. That was enough for him to just go for it, ignoring his friends calls. All he could see was you, standing on your long smooth legs barely covered by a black tight dress, leaning on the bar counter to ask for the bartender’s attention.
“What are you doing?”
You turned, your eyes finding his on sheer magnetism. The corners of your lips raised, “Ordering drinks.”
You knew your mischievousness was slipping through, you just didn’t care. He leaned in a bit more, glancing around before speaking closely to you, “Are you having fun?”
You didn’t hide a grin, your teasing tongue peeking through before you chuckled, “My night was almost ruined, but it’s sure getting better.”
Whatever he was about to say got interrupted when the bartender reached you.
“One whiskey sour, one porn star martini, and one vesper.”
The bartender left and Taehyung didn't waste a second, leaning close to you, “I didn’t know you managed Jungwoo now.”
“I don’t. I don’t manage male stars anymore,” your eyes trailed over his silhouette from top to bottom before settling on his dark eyes. 
Your head tilted to the side, inviting him to say something more, but you could see his hesitation. His eyes were low, not just thinking about what to say, but actually apologetic.
He looked around at the bar, lips twitching before he voiced quietly, “You’re going to drink?”
“I’ll take a taxi.”
You felt his body press closer to yours, if pushed by the other people wanting a drink or just to touch you, you didn’t know. Either way, your eyes fixed on his, acknowledging that the world didn’t exist when he looked at you like that.
But then the bartender placed your drinks in front of you, and Taehyung moved away, pursing his lips. You smiled at the bartender with a thanks, and grabbed the whiskey sour, “Here.”
Taehyung looked down at the drink in your hand pressed to his chest, then at you.
“For your mood,” you winked, before grabbing the other two drinks and walking away.
You handed Jungwoo his drink and left to get Una, and were expecting to leave them together and go on your merry way. Instead, Una insisted you stay with them, and to your surprise, there was no wailing about Winwin. On the contrary, the conversation was pleasant, and you finally had one drink comfortably. It was not the networking you were expecting to get done that night, but at least it was calm and interesting.
At first, you thought Una needed her unnie’s support, then that it would be best you stayed so things wouldn’t get awkward or controversial. However, right about when you wanted to question Una’s decision, she got up and confronted Winwin. Or so it seemed, and you sipped on your drink as she jumped on him to kiss him, barely letting the man breathe. You saw Eunbi race to deal with it and chuckled; fortunately, that was not your job tonight.
Jungwoo shifted in his seat next to you, and you finally turned to him with a smile, about to thank him for his help with Una when he smiled, “Would you like to dance?”
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Taehyung’s whiskey sour didn’t last long, but his sourness did. How could it not, when you stayed with Jungwoo after Una left? A part of him stayed rational; you were hanging out with people, and you were around idols all the time. But you weren’t talking to him professionally, not anymore, since Una left to make out with her boyfriend in one of the backrooms. No, you were quietly chatting just the two of you, and Jungwoo was leaning into you again, touching your beautiful hair.
He thought he could hold himself back by looking away and turning a purposeful back on you, but then he saw it. Your hand settled on Jungwoo’s leg and his blood boiled. 
The water bottle he was holding cracked as he closed his fist, grinding his teeth with all the things he wanted to do and say, but couldn’t. You got up with a small head bow and Taehyung smiled, ready to open his mouth and say goodbye to his friends, but then Jungwoo followed you. And Taehyung saw just red.
He shoved the bottle to the chest of whoever was trying to stop him, pushing them all aside to get to you. He gritted his teeth, growling in annoyance; all those people in the way, some trying to grab onto him and talk to him, and meanwhile you and Jungwoo were further and further away across the club.
A familiar voice tried to hold him back with an arm around his shoulders, and he shoved them back. He didn’t care where he was, who he was, or when. He gave no fucks about appearances, no fucks about staying quiet. All he cared about was you, and you were walking out of there with him.
He kept pushing people aside to get outside until he finally managed. His thoughts were incoherent, only getting to you mattered. You’d have questions, you’d tease him, but he didn’t care. He was justified, he—
He stopped right outside the club, noticing you standing with Jungwoo on the curbside. Taehyung opened his mouth, ready to call out for you, when a taxi stopped in front of you, and he staggered. He stopped breathing when you smiled mischievously at Jungwoo and stepped inside the vehicle. 
For a second, his heart stopped.
Then you closed the door and waved goodbye, and Jungwoo waved back before bowing. And Taehyung took a breath, but growled all the same, and ran to get to the label's parking lot where his car was. He drank, so he shouldn’t drive, but he had to confront you about this. He was about to explode and it was all your fault.
As soon as he parked, he had no recollection of driving, only of gripping the steering wheel and shaking as he raced there. The tall apartment complex where you lived stood right before him, and he fought the seatbelt to get free and out of the car. He ignored the snow falling and rushed to your doorstep, fortunately without slipping, only to stumble.
You were there, outside, leaning on the wall and absentmindedly scrolling through your phone. Your eyes raised to his, then put your phone away, turning to the side to dial your code instead. He saw you push the door open, but when you turned to him, he didn’t move. He was so mad before, but seeing you like this made him realize that was not all he felt — he was hurt.
You held out your hand to him with a welcoming smile and when he took it, you dragged him to the elevator. After selecting your floor, you wrapped your arms around his waist and sighed into his chest.
“Una wanted to make Winwin jealous with Jungwoo,” you revealed, safely tucked now that he was holding you back.
He took a second to press his lips to your head, “Yeah, and Jungwoo was totally into you.”
You almost chuckled, but had the sense not to, “Nah, he’s just kind, and took Una’s drama. He was just thankful I was there to help.”
You could feel Taehyung nuzzling the top of your head, inhaling your scent, and you just melted. You thought he’d be mad about the whiskey sour tease, but having him hold you like this told you this was about more than a silly cocktail.
He sighed, “Una is making things difficult.”
You pulled back and grinned, “Well, it happens when I can’t manage my superstar anymore.”
You booped his nose playfully and he searched for sadness or disappointment in your eyes, which he didn’t find, to his relief. “True, but… Maybe…”
When his voice disappeared, you incentivized, “Maybe…?”
“Maybe you should tell her about us.”
Your eyebrows jumped, “Why?”
“Because—” He held back for a second, but your wide eyes were enough to unravel him, “Because Jungwoo looked more than just thankful and if she had stayed with you, he wouldn’t have tried anything.”
You smirked, “How do you know he tried something?”
“He did?”
You couldn’t hold a poker face and laughed, even as Taehyung’s expression was turning from surprise to annoyance.
“Una can't keep a secret and I like my privacy,” you explained, knowing he knew this. You were cautious about the fact, not just who your SO was. You knew how the media and your coworkers worked — you didn’t want to plant the subconscious idea that it was possible. The less suspicion, the better. “Besides… if I did that, then how would I make you jealous?”
Your smile turned sly, and he had no qualms pushing you against the wall, “Is that what you were doing?”
You grinned, “Let’s say I didn’t shy away from the opportunity.”
Despite the irritation in his eyes, it was hard to resist smirking and teasing him. You could barely contain a giggle when he leaned into your neck to bite you in what to him constituted a punishment. But to you, it was far from it. You raised your hand to grab and intertwine your fingers with his hair, and closed your eyes, letting the tingling run down your spine. You bit your lip; it was a matter of time until he noticed that the marks he had left a few days ago were gone, and—
He snorted and bit harder, sucking hard to create new marks, and your grin widened. Even when he squeezed you impossibly, pressing you to the elevator wall and nibbled over a sensitive spot, you didn’t stifle your moans, though you remained quiet. You were melting between your legs with each bite and groan, knowing he couldn’t let you go because he wanted you so much. Your attention was so focused that the elevator doors opened and closed, and you didn’t even notice.
His lips trailed down to your cleavage, and your nails sank deeper into his scalp. You bucked your hips against him, blood running hot in your veins, far beyond the point of teasing. Making him jealous was the least of your concerns; rather, having him kissing and touching you was everything you always wanted, and you’d ask for nothing else.
He squeezed your waist to his, knowing well what your restless hips wanted when they bucked into him, but he had other thoughts. He licked and nibbled across your chest and nuzzled to get under the fabric of your bra, reaching with his tongue for one nipple. You shuddered from head to toe, losing the strength on your legs. He held you and the wall behind you supported you, but you were beyond waiting.
“Tae,” you cooed, torn between pressing him to your chest or pulling him to kiss you.
It didn’t matter what you wanted, because he offered resistance, more aggressively suckling and nuzzling your skin on your other tit. You moaned, sure that you’d be bruised at that point, and it only made you gush more between your legs. You didn’t want him to stop, but if he could do that while fucking you into the wall, that would be great.
Since pulling on his hair didn’t work, you let go of one hand to scratch down the back of his head and nape. His groan gave you shivers, and you licked your lips; you were so ready to consume him in any way he wanted, but he was still stubbornly away.
His coat was heavy, but he only had a silk shirt underneath, so instead of trying to strip him, you let him ravish your chest while one of your hands sneaked underneath his shirt.
His breath shook against your wet skin, and you grinned, knowing that goosebumps covered you both — you, from his licks trying to reach your underboob, and him, from your nails grazing his lower stomach.
“Baby,” you called again, continuing your torture. “Let me touch you,” your voice was sweet, yet he ignored you. He wasn’t able to hide his groans, though, or how you made him shake, so you continued, “I want to touch you, you’ll feel so good…”
Your tone was a playful promise, yet all he did was sink his fingers and teeth more into you. You were sure your chest would be covered in hickeys, and despite your smile, you were getting restless.
So you moved your hand expertly down, squeezing it past his belt, pants, and underwear to find what you were looking for.
You squeezed his hard cock in your hand, and he crumbled a little, groaning louder against your skin. You let him rut into your hand for a moment before continuing, mercilessly, “Feel that, baby? You’re so ready for me,” your voice was sweet, but your smile was sly. Your poor baby was groaning and leaking into your hand, unable to shy away, and you knew you’d win. “To make me yours, right?” He bit harder on your clavicle, and you chuckled, amused by his annoyance. “Look at you pretending to be mad…” You leaned to whisper into his ear, “But you can’t stop fucking my hand—”
He suddenly moved away from your chest and wrapped a hand around your neck. He faced you so closely, your noses touched, but the dynamics weren’t necessarily inverted yet. Despite his hand on your neck or your vulnerability, his hard cock was still in your hand, and you knew how to make him kneel.
And you made that point by jerking him off a bit more, squeezing so hard, you knew it could have hurt anyone else, but not him. All he could do was fight back the pleasure with a mask of indifference, but you saw right through him.
“You’re dying to bury yourself inside me, aren’t you?” Your tone was taunting, and his dark eyes only riled you up more. “Come on, give yourself what you want most.”
He chuckled, and moved to whisper into your ear, “You think that’s you?”
You smirked, “I know it’s me.”
He was already biting down your earlobe; he hummed, “Maybe I should teach you a lesson.”
You let your head fall back to the wall with a laugh, “You’re welcome to try.”
Your laugh didn’t last long; with a hand around your neck, firmly pinning you, Taehyung took the other to raise your dress and reach your throbbing core. You bit your lip while you waited, defiance mixed with anticipation in your glistening eyes. He saw this too, and despite his harshness to pull aside your clothes and underwear and shove two fingers inside you, you could only crumble and pray not to unravel too soon. You moaned desperately, turned on by absolutely everything: his harsh fingers inside you, the sloppy sounds from your cunt, his firm hand around your neck keeping you vulnerable to him, your tits half out of your bra and dress, covered in hickeys, and his stone-hard leaking cock in your hand inside his pants.
His dark eyes on yours were unsurmountable walls, dead set on teaching you a lesson, and you smirked yet again. Despite his rough handling, he knew you loved it, and with just a few bucks of your hips, you’d unravel so fast—
“No,” he pulled his hand away. “Didn’t think I’d let you, hm? Not so fast.”
You didn’t answer; you were ready to beg and coo for more, but his fingers were inside you again in a second, making you keen. Your moans were desperate, and your face didn’t hide all the ways you were falling apart for him.
“You talk so big,” he whispered to your red cheeks. “But you fall so quickly. Look at you,” he whispered, and you couldn’t seem to open your eyes, so close you could pop any second if only he let you. “So close already, how pathetic.”
You only groaned, with your cheeks and chest burning at the insinuation, but as he added his thumb over your clit, you let go. You let your head fall back; you wouldn’t fight him anymore, you wanted him to take care of you in every way, take away every thought and responsibility, and to exist only to feel good in his hands, and make him feel good.
Your moans echoed in the elevator along with your obvious wetness, squishing around his fingers. You opened your eyes to see him, thinking how pitiful you must have looked, basically begging him with every eyelash bat to consume your very existence, but he didn’t budge. 
Maybe he thought there was still defiance left in you. 
“Think anyone else can do this to you?”
He bit his words between teeth, and you could only melt more, shaking with a wave that could start your rapture, if only he didn’t purposefully keep it at bay. You moaned, and let your free hand caress his cheek gently.
“Think anyone else can make you feel this way?”
Your eyes filled with tears, but you were so overwhelmed you couldn’t reply. His jealousy gripped your heart firmly, reaching a deep part of you that needed to feel wanted and desired unconditionally, irrationally. On the other hand, he was still rutting into your fist, edging himself just as he edged you, as though that torture was shared between you both. That was your Tae, your man, fulfilling you in ways you couldn’t even voice.
“Please,” you tried, but it was weak. You were trembling, melting, overheating, functioning at a primal level that could only feel him, nothing else.
You saw in his glistening eyes that he would crack too, especially as he nuzzled your hot cheek, “Think you’ll ever beg for anyone else like you do for me?”
“No, baby, please,” you stammered, supporting your hand on the back of his neck to keep him close.
The corners of his lips curved in the hint of a smile, but then he shook his head, nuzzling you, “No, baby.” He kissed the corner of your mouth, rubbing his thumb over your clit deliciously slowly just to make you keen unashamedly. “You told me to teach you a lesson.”
“I got it,” you breathed.
“Yeah?” He waited, seeing in your concentrated expression how you thought you would come, and he licked his lips. He knew you all too well, he’d keep edging you until he got what he wanted. “Tell me,” he insisted, drawing your attention again. “What have you learned?”
“I love you.”
You opened your eyes to tell him this, and his eyes flickered with a spark. He couldn’t tell if you were teasing him, pulling at his heartstrings, or genuinely crumbled and succumbed to anything that wasn’t your love for him. You smiled at his hesitation, knowing he had good reasons to think twice, and that was your undoing.
His fingers relented inside you, and he squeezed around your neck firmly, “You only learned that right now?” His tone was sharp, and you smirked, unable to stop yourself. Teasing him was too fun, even when you didn’t intend to do it, and having him all over you was the sweetest of rewards. He leaned over your lips, brushing them, “Such a smart ass you are.”
“You love it,” you bit back when he didn’t let you finally kiss him.
Your heart was confused between submitting to him or taunting him again, especially seeing how shaky and overheated you were, but then the world plunged. The elevator started going down and the sweats down your spine went from molting hot to freezing cold. You glanced at the panel, same as him — the elevator had been called back to zero from the fourteenth floor, where you lived.
You looked at him, ready to rationally deal with the situation, but all you found was a challenge in those dark eyes. Your eyebrow quirked quizzically, and his fingers restarted moving ruthlessly, making you jolt against the wall in surprise.
“I guess you have to convince me you’ve learned your lesson fast.”
You widened your eyes, the hot and cold shivers clashing on your lower belly, confusing you, “What?”
“You heard me.”
His eyes were dark and intent, and you almost cursed a cry. That was the serious Taehyung eyeing you intently. He wouldn’t forgive you if you failed, and you were totally adrift. The pleasure was undeniable, but so were the chills down your spine.
He bit down your neck, pushing his fingers so hard at your core, the contrast almost gave you whiplash. You wanted to scream; everything was mixing inside you in a storm. A minute ago you would have jumped and came hard, but now, with every inch the elevator went down, fear was gripping your heart.
“Baby, wait— stop— we’ll get caught,” you pleaded. 
“I don’t care,” he pulled away to look into your eyes, and you fluttered around his fingers. “Tell me what I want to hear.”
His voice was softer now, as if he felt the same torment as you, and you were sure he did. He was still hard in your hand, reacting to your core around his fingers as though it was inevitable. So you sighed into his cheek, his scent bringing tears to your eyes still locked with his, sparkling the same as his. You belonged to him, always had, always would. You knew that, and he knew that, no matter how much you teased him about it. But you had never felt it so intensely, in your spirit, in your soul, in your bones. So owned, both in pleasure and otherwise. And safe. Even if that elevator reached zero and the doors opened, he would love you unconditionally always. Your love was undeniable, even when faced with the possibility of getting caught. Even if it would ruin your life, your career, or affect his. There was only the truth, and you wouldn’t keep it from him.
“I love you,” you said, and for a moment he thought you were still being defiant. “I love you, I belong to you, I’m yours. I want you to hold me for the rest of my life. No one but you will ever touch me, I love you so much—” Your voice wavered, and he instantly pressed his lips to yours for a sweet kiss that had a tear running down your cheek. As soon as he moved away, you still managed, “I don’t care about anything else.” His hand moved from your neck to your hair, holding your head up, so your glistening eyes didn’t hide. “I just want to be with you forever—”
His lips smashed yours while his hand darted from your hair to the stop button, making the elevator shake to a halt. Then he pressed your floor again, and as the elevator went up, so did you. His tongue was inside your mouth, showing as much desire and desperation as yours, while his hand restarted fingering you roughly. Only this time, it seemed like you were a firework ready to blast once the fuse ended, and you wanted it. You fisted him harshly too, your hand so wet you doubted if he hadn’t come already, but by his ruts, you knew he hadn’t.
You thought you were set to come with him when the elevator stopped, but as it stilled, so did Taehyung. He gave you a last kiss, took his hand out of you, and pulled your hand from inside his pants. The doors opened, so you thought you’d make your way to your apartment and finish things there, but he stopped you.
Right as you were passing the doors, he grabbed your arm and pushed you against the frame where the elevator doors had retracted into. He spread your legs with his so that one was outside, on your floor, while the other stayed in.
You sighed, “Tae?”
He pulled your hair to the side and kissed your neck, then glued your ass to his crotch. You both groaned with his hard cock rubbing at you teasingly, and he pressed himself fully to you, groping your tits harshly, “We’re not done yet.”
He sounded frantic as he kissed down your neck, squeezing and rutting into you so hard, you wondered why he wasn’t inside you already.
You raised your head to tell him that when you saw him out of the corner of your eye, through the elevator mirror. He had his eyes closed, lost in kissing every inch of your skin he could, while he used one hand to release himself. You moaned just at the sight of his juicy hard cock, and closed your eyes in anticipation while you felt him fumbling with your dress and underwear until the tip was pressed to your folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, teasing you both while he got coated, and you only ground back into him.
He sounded desperate, but so were you, and nothing would stand in the way of feeling him again, of being part of him, loved by him, and used by him.
Your nails scratched the metal door frame, and you almost cursed and begged for him, but soon he was pushing himself inside you, and you groaned. He pushed further and further, giving you time to clench and feel the sting, adjusting to his girth, before finally tucking himself fully in, raw in your wet, soothing embrace. He tried bucking his hips, and you instantly keened, letting the stretch reminding you of how amazingly fulfilling it was to have your love inside you.
He didn’t wait a second to start fucking you in a demanding rhythm, grasping you by your hips, then waist, then chest, shoulders, neck, and even hair. His hips were ruthless, smacking into yours to fill you up every time, and you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs. You couldn’t stop moaning, and you didn’t stifle those down either, so drunk on him that someone could have showed and found you, and you wouldn’t have even noticed. All you wanted was the smack of his hips against your ass, the blunt shove of his cock inside you, pushing and dragging against your walls, poking you inside, turning your body into nothing but pleasure.
He leaned closer, changing the angle to hit your g-spot in a way that stole your breath, but not more than the words he grunted into your ear, “I love you so much. I fucking want you, you’re mine.”
You were ready to cry your love too, but then your eyes met through the mirror and the hint of anxiety in his hurt you deeply. His eyes quickly softened with his affection for you, but your heart couldn’t forget it. Teasing him was one thing, another was to actually hurt him or make him insecure about you.
“I’m yours,” you tried, though your voice was hardly your own with each moan. “Tae— I’m—”
His fingers had gone around your waist to rub your clit, and talking became nearly impossible. “I’m here, baby. I got you,” his voice was a groan. He was tucked so deep inside you that you knew he was holding his orgasm back. “I’m waiting for you,” he nuzzled your neck, and your eyes rolled back. “From the moment I met you, I’ll never stop— Never give up—”
Something in your lower stomach was about to explode, overheating you to the point you couldn’t breathe, until you snapped. You bucked your hips deeper, feeling the burst of your orgasm imminent, and you screamed. His fingers were the perfect push, and your core throbbed, sucking and pumping his pleasure out of him. He groaned into your neck, pressing you by your mound to sink on his cock as deeply as possible, and your nails scrapped the metal frame. His cock twitching deep inside you increased your sensitivity to the point that tears fell down your cheeks, despite the absolute bliss lighting up your body. The way he swayed his hips to jerk the last drops inside you, then pressed you closer to stay inside you and all around you, made you shake with a sob. That was how he loved you, attentively, completely, unconditionally. And you had stupidly hurt him.
“I love you,” he whispered incessantly as he held you and pecked your salty skin. “You’re everything to me, I never loved anyone like this.” You shook with a sob and his tone changed to worry, “Did I hurt you? Are you nervous?” He rubbed your hands and let you come further back into his protective embrace, “I’m sorry, baby. I wouldn’t ever let them catch us, I’d never risk your safety like that.”
You knew that, and it somehow hurt you more — that he’d do everything to protect you while you so childishly hurt him.
“I— I’m sorry,” you tried your best to stop your bawling. “I didn’t mean to hurt you or suggest that I’d ever want anyone else, I— I love you!”
He held you even harder, knowing you need that, “I know, I’m not mad. I was… worried he’d impose himself or something.”
“Jungwoo… He wouldn’t,” you sniffled, and before Taehyung had time to let his jealousy resurface, you continued, “I told him— I told Jungwoo I have someone. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said instantly, nuzzling your cheek with a half hidden smile. “I don’t mind.”
You nodded, still sniffling and cleaning your face, but relieved with his kisses and snuggles. Then you pulled your hair away from your face, and brushed the back of your knuckles to his cheeky smile, “Let’s go home.”
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heartss4matthewq · 6 months
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warnings/contains: angst, mentions of SH!!!, breakdown, um just sad tbh, pretend chris can drive 😭
(is a series)
“y/n. what is that?”
as soon as you heard him speak you immediately broke into sobs.
chris ran up to you and started hugging you so tightly.
“oh…what’s wrong” he says in a whisper
you can barley make sentences with how much youre crying
you don’t understand how it got this bad.
to the point where you started to hurt yourself
you just kept repeating sorry over and over again.
“what’s wrong, tell me”
after a few moments and deep breaths you finally turned to chris
“chris it’s you, you aren’t the same and i just don’t understand it”
“we have no time to see each other and i’m always in LA i know on facetimes and things like that i can be dry but i don’t do it on purpose i promise”
“chris i dont wanna hear the excuse this isn’t working how i wanted it too and i just don’t get it.”
“but baby-“
“no. just go back to your moms for now”
“okay im sorry, i love you so much, okay?”
you turned your back to him as he walked out of the door.
you wanted a text from chris.
you’ve wanted it since the day he left your house.
and you can’t help but think it’s your fault and how you shouldn’t have shut him out like that
maybe it was the right thing, maybe he will come back and realize what he’s done.
you check your phone to see a notification from instagram
christophersturniolo posted on their story.
you opened up the app and saw a girl posed up with chris
“what the fuck?” you said to yourself
who is that??
you called chris only to hear the same ringtone 3 times until he finally picks up
“hi what’s up”
“who’s that in your story??”
“what do you mean, it’s a friend” he says laughing
“no no why is she grabbing you like that?”
“she’s not grabbing me like anything, it was her birthday, stop freaking out and acting crazy.”
“okay first of all don’t call me crazy, i don’t know what you think your problem is”
“alright my bad, gotta go tho”
he hung up on me.
you started to cry again and just sat on your couch. analyzing that picture for a good 5 minutes before a knock was heard at your door.
you wiped the tears from your eyes and got up.
you walked over to the door only to be met by matt and nick
“hey, we need to talk. it’s about chris”
you quickly greet them in and close the door behind them.
“chris has been in a car accident.”
guyssss was this good??
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ursachaotic · 29 days
i posted a snippet of this on ig and a few people wanted to see the full thing so asdhfoiadsh HERE'S A THING I WROTE WHEE
I don't know if I'll finish this or not, but I really like how it turned out so far so I wanted to share! (It's not super edited so pls excuse any mistakes 🥲)
Anyway uhhhh hi here's a fic I wrote where Bill Cipher gets a panic attack okay bYE
[PREMISE: Bill and Mace are arguing about something, but Bill's powers start to go haywire and shift reality around them. Bill thinks he's alone but Mace can see everything he's seeing.]
[Summary of part beforehand because I got too excited and started writing the ending: Bill has a derealization episode or a PTSD flashback. He sees his mom sitting in the living room of his old house growing up, but just sees her sitting in front of a television screen with static on it. He realizes who it is, but he's scared to call out to her. Then she starts calling for him, calling him "Billy," as she starts to melt in front of him. Flames pick up around them as he hears screams of people being burned alive and his mom screaming and sobbing, begging to know why he did it. Bill has a breakdown, but Mace manages to get through to him.]
Bill felt something grab his hand. Eye wide, he immediately shoved it away.
The voice was fuzzy. It didn't sound like it was part of the droning screams or part of the blaze around him. It was different.
Something had gotten through into this world, phasing through the images. He saw what looked like a hand laced in TV static, reaching for his hand. He went cold, hands shaking. There was a loud ringing in his ears and then...
"Billy," said a voice, "It's okay."
The triangle winced, glow around him flickering. He squinted his eye open and stared up at the idiot human who had been tagging along with him. Mace was holding onto his hand, gently holding it with both of his, as he knelt down on the floor next to him.
Bill looked up – the walls around them were dark again. The fire was gone. There was only the glow from the TV screen, and the only sound was the fizzle of static from it.
"You might be having a panic attack? I think?" said Mace, looking around the room, "Can panic attacks make reality all wonky...?"
Bill said nothing. He stared at the TV screen. He stared at the silhouette of his mother.
Mace knit his brow, frowning.
"I... don't have to hold your hand," he said, slowly starting to release his little hand from his grip, "I know you don't like your hand held, but I thought it might--"
Bill clung on in a vice grip, yanking Mace forward and holding the human's hand to his face. He clung on tight with both of his little hands.
"dontleavemedontleavemedontleaveme--" The triangle stared blankly at the ground, a tear welling up in his eye. The glow around his body flickered and glitched.
Mace initially tensed up at the sudden yank over to him, but lowered his shoulders upon realizing what had Bill so scared. He knit his brow.
"Can you focus on the ground under your feet?" he said, pointing down to the ground with his free hand. He then rubbed his hand over it. "It feels grassy, right? Like dry, crunchy."
Bill blinked. His gaze turned to the ground. He picked up one of his feet and then placed it back down, rubbing his heel into the ground. Grassy. Dry. It didn't feel like carpet, despite him staring at the old, blue carpet.
"Now, think about my hand. Is it cold, hot, clammy...?" he said with a weak grin.
The triangle narrowed his brow for a second. He held Mace's hand to his face like he was listening for something.
"Geez, kid, why are your hands so sweaty?" he retorted, glaring up at the blond haired human.
Mace laughed, "Sorry, I was kinda panicking..."
"Why were you panicking?" Bill snapped, narrowing his eye.
"Cause you made reality all wonky! And I got scared that you were scared!"
"Please, kid – nothing could EVER scare me--"
The TV screen wailed with static. Bill clammed up again, clinging on tighter to Mace's hand.
He laughed. It wasn't a fun, chaotic laugh. It was dry. It was nervous. He stared blankly at the floor again, his entire body rigid.
"What. Do I. Do."
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moonangelxo · 1 year
Something for your mind
wanda maximoff x avenger!reader
please follow my new (side)blog here !
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 summary: reader has been having nightmares due from the stress of their last failed mission. But good thing their crush Wanda is there to save the day!
warnings: fluff! hurt/comfort, unspoken feelings for each other, reader has a nightmare of said mission. Lmk if I missed anything?
note: this is my first fic… I’m very nervous to post this. Please lmk what you think 🥹 also the gif is not mine nor do I claim it to be! The nightmare is all in italics!
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All you could hear was screaming. Dust clouding your vision from everything, filling your lungs as you tried to catch your breath from the impact you had just took. The mission had gone sideways.
You remember calling out, but it was no use. Your throat was all too dry, and with all the people still screaming in horror and the rubble falling, there was no way she could’ve heard you. Crying as you tried to stand, the pain in your ribs almost unbearable.
“Wanda please!” You cried out yet again for your teammate, knowing you were too hurt to go on. And for once, truly scared for your life.
Suddenly you flung yourself upwards in your bed as you screamed with almost all your might. Shaking, no, more so trembling. You immediately started to rock yourself in your bed as you took in the surroundings with a shaking breath.
You’re at the avengers tower, in your room. You’re home. Immediately your chest started to feel at little better at the thought.
Although the small comfort in your chest didn’t last long, as you heard the door to your room literally fly across the room. You almost let out another scream, until your eyes noticed the scarlet red mist surrounding the now broken door.
“Y/n! Oh my god, are you okay?” You saw Wanda rushing in, her facial expression showing nothing but concern as she gave you a look over.
“M-my door!” You say, completely ignoring her worries for now.
“Did you really just use your magic to breakdown my door?!” You leaned over your bed to get a better glimpse of the cracked and crumbled door now laying at the other side of the room.
“It was locked and I heard you scream! Now hey, hey, look me,” Wanda said, her voice getting softer towards the end.
She grabbed your cold face softly in her warm hands, as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her eyes looking all over your face to see if you were hurt. Her presence immediately comforted you. It always did.
You leaned your face into her hands further as you slowly closed your eyes, sighing softly as you did.
“I’m fine, Wands.”
Wanda leaned in slowly and gave a soft kiss to your forehead, the act sending butterflies straight to your stomach.
It had been like that for as long as you’ve known her. Wanda never failed at making you feel wanted. Loved. Appreciated. Accepted. She was comfort in a person.
“Was it another bad dream about..” she didn’t finish her sentence, as if saying it out loud would be too much.
“Yeah.. unfortunately..” you sighed out. Pulling away from Wanda’s hands. You could feel the tears swelling in my eyes.
Wanda watched you for a moment as you played with your fingernails, it was a nervous habit that you do that she picked up on. To her it was adorable.
“Cmon,” Wanda said in a breathy voice, climbing more into your bed further. She moved the blanket over so she could lay under it.
You two had done this a few times before, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it more and more each time.
You laid down next to Wanda, immediately putting your head on her chest as you held her tight, Wanda tugged at you even tighter.
“I’ve got you y/n, you’re safe. Get some rest.” Wanda laid yet another kiss on your forehead, this one lingering just as long as the last. It was nice.
“Thank you..” you said lowly, listening to Wanda’s heartbeat as you slowly closed your eyes. Sleep finding you easily as Wanda held you tight.
You weren’t even worried about the stupid nightmare anymore, or even about how mad Tony will get once you tell him about your door. For now, you were in Wanda’s arms, and that’s all that mattered. You would be okay, she was here.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
I wanted that events of the fic would take a place during season 2-3 where Caroline just become vampire, and Damon and Stefan's relationship were complicated. So, Stefan and Damon would get into a big argument. Stef leaves with hurt feelings. Elena and Caroline meets him in town and asks whats wrong. Stef is not in the mood, he snaps at them and says nothing. Then he leaves, gets ambushed and kidnapped.
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Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of blood, swearing I think
A/n: My inbox is flooded with requests, I am trying to get them all written and posted to the best of my abilities. So if you have recently requested something, don't worry, I haven't forgotten. They will get written as soon as I can!
Stefan storms out of the boarding house after just having a fight with his older brother. He wipes away the glistening tears from his eyes.
This isn't how it used to be between him and Damon. When they were human, they had the best relationship. He could go to Damon about anything and his older brother would always be the one to comfort him and he knew he could rely on his big brother.
"Just think about it, everything that happened is your fault! Mother died because you were born, Katherine stayed and turned us into vampires because she saw you, you forced me to transition, and countless other things!" Damon yelled, which resulted in Stefan leaving.
All the guilt he has tried so hard to push away comes crashing back like a wave. He keeps his composure up, walks to the park in the square, and sits on one of the benches. He takes deep breaths, not wanting to have a breakdown in public.
Caroline calls Elena, telling her about the fight that had taken place and Stefan running off in the direction of town. She had been about to leave her car which was parked outside the house when her vamp hearing picked up the screaming voices and then saw Stefan leave in a hurry.
Caroline drives as quickly as she can to Elena's house, picking her up on the way deeper into the busier parts of town.
She parks by the grill, the sun setting and she and Elena jump out of the car.
After not even two minutes, they spot Stefan hunched over on a bench, leg moving up and down repeatedly.
"Stefan!" Elena calls out to the vampire.
"Oh, Elena, Caroline, hi" Stefan looks up, surprise evident on his face.
"Are you alright?" Caroline asks softly, sitting on the bench beside him. He looks over at her, confusion in his eyes. It takes Stefan a moment until he figures that she and Elena will find out about the fight and then tell him that Damon's right. It's the knowledgeable answer, considering he just got his humanity back and trying to get back into his old routine.
Not waiting another minute, Stefan gets up and quickly vamps away. He keeps running until he's out of town and just walking through the woods.
As he's passing massive trees and stepping on fallen leaves, he gets the feeling someone is following him.
He turns around, thinking it's Caroline. But he's wrong, the last thing he sees is a muscular, tall man before getting grabbed from behind and slammed against a tree repeatedly til he passes out.
Caroline and Elena sigh. "What do we do now?" Elena asks, worriedly.
"Let's just give him some space, I'll try talking to him tomorrow," Caroline says softly. Elena nods, knowing her best friend has good judgment.
They head to the grill to have dinner.
The first word that comes to Stefan's head is pain. It feels like his entire body is on fire. He opens his eyes, only to find he's trapped in a room with no windows, only a small vent, and a door with a handle that's most definitely locked.
Looking down, he sees where the pain is coming from. There are two small stakes in his hands, pinning them down to the chair's arms. Three stakes lodged into his stomach, but not too close to get his heart. And a stake in each of his thighs, by the feeling of it, they're all the way through and sticking out at the bottom of his thighs.
He lets out a small whimper of pain, hoping whoever took him couldn't hear.
The next thing he knew was someone who walked into the room, the key to the door, he assumed, in hand and a wicked smirk playing on his face.
This can't be good, Stefan thinks to himself.
It's been four days since Caroline and Elena saw Stefan in the park, and neither of them could reach him on the phone, and couldn't find him when they searched.
Caroline made the decision to go to Damon. If anyone knows where Stefan is, it's going to be him. Well, other than Katherine, but of course this is one of the only times she can be useful and she's not here.
Without knocking, she walks into the boarding house. She walks through the house til she finds the oldest Salvatore in the library, drinking bourbon.
"Ever heard of knocking, blondie?" Damon quips.
"Oh, please, you never lock the door anyways" Caroline rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I was wondering if you know where Stefan is, I haven't been able to reach him or find him for the last four days. The last time I saw him, he was on a bench in the park, and when I asked if he was okay, he just vamped away" she tells Damon.
Damon pauses his movement to bring his glass to his lips. His head tilts, and he puts his glass down, walking toward the baby vampire.
"That may have something to do with our argument that happened," Damon says, thinking about how he hasn't been at all worried about his brother, but he isn't going to show that in front of Caroline.
"I know, I heard you guys yelling before he stormed off after" Caroline crosses her arms.
"Well then, we should go start a search party," Damon says with a smirk, hiding the fact that he's extremely worried about his baby brother.
Caroline follows Damon out of the house and into his car. "He looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "What? You think I'm going to let you look for him by yourself" Caroline says.
Damon doesn't even try to fight with her on this, starting up the Camaro. He drives up, out of town. "Where are you taking us?" Caroline asks.
"Well, if you've already checked the entire town, I'm guessing you didn't go out of town?" Damon tells her. He stops the car two meters into the woods. Caroline sends another questioning look towards him.
Damon sighs, "When we were kids, and our father was drinking more than usual, I would bring Stefan into these woods, and to a cave that I found before he was born," Damon tells her, walking towards where the cave is.
"That's...really sweet of you" Caroline shocks herself by saying this.
Stefan tries his best not to cry out in pain, he's been stuck in this place for days, and the only person he's seen was a man who he still doesn't know who he is.
"I hope your brother comes to get you soon, it'll be real sad if he gets here too late and finds his baby brother dead," The man says from where he's standing in front of the teenager.
"H-how do you know my brother?" Stefan looks at him with tired eyes.
"We used to be good buds in the eighties" The man shrugs, obviously holding back information. Stefan grunts, knowing he won't be getting any more.
As Damon and Caroline near the cave, Damon stops suddenly. The movement making Caroline bump into him. "What-"
"Shhhh. Do you hear that" he whispers to the blonde.
Caroline focuses her hearing, picking up on two shallow voices. She nods her head. They turn right and start following the voices, both familiar to Damon, one his brother's and the other he just can't place.
"Oh, it seems we have company" the man whispers into Stefan's ear before taking the screwdriver in his hand and stabbing it into the teen's neck. The action causes Stefan to cry out before his eyes glaze over and he falls unconscious.
Damon and Caroline approach an old, beat down, abandon looking cabin. Just as they step up on the porch, the tall, bulky man appears in front of the two.
"Where's Stefan?" Caroline demands more than asks, fire in her eyes.
"He's not in the best shape" the man smirks, looking at Damon the entire time.
Recognition flickers in his eyes. "Jake" Damon says. "Long time, hasn't it, Damon. I've been waiting for the day to get my revenge on you, and I must say, it feels amazing. I mean you or your brother never even saw it coming, I wonder if he's okay? I'm guessing not" Jake tells, a sadistic smile on his face.
Before he can utter another word, his heart is found in Damon hand. Caroline goes into the run down cabin, he follows right after her. "So, how exactly did you know him" Caroline brakes the silence.
"We met in the eighties and blah, blah, blah, got into a battle let's say, and he wants revenge. And that's all you get to know" Damon answers her, obviously skipping on key details.
Caroline goes one way while Damon goes the other. She finds a passage leading down to a basement. She walks down the stairs and through the hall until she comes up to a door.
Looking through the small barred area of the door, she sees Stefan slumped forward in the chair.
"Oh my god, Stefan" she gasps. "Damon, get down here!" She yells as she goes into the dungeon, torture chamber room, as she likes to call it.
Damon vamps down to the basement. He freezes when he takes in his brother's appearance and what has been done to him. Quickly coming out of it, he races over, helping Caroline pull out the stakes jammed in his little brother.
Stefan's eyes start flickering open. He looks up at the two people pulling the stakes out of him. They're...saving him? His head starts to pound, quickly closing his eyes, he passes out.
"Come on, let's go," Damon tells Caroline. He picks his brother up in his arms. He's lighter than he expected.
Carrying Stefan to the Camaro reminds Damon of carrying him to bed or through the woods when he was little. He lays his little brother in the backseat.
He drives the three of them back into town, to the boarding house. During the drive, Stefan squirms around, feeling relief in his body after sitting in that chair for almost five days. Damon's eyes go to the blind spot mirror multiple times in the short drive, making sure his little brother's alright.
When they're back at the house, Damon carries his sleeping brother into the living room and lays him on the couch. Caroline sets a fire in the fireplace as he does so.
Damon stares down at his brother's relaxed face. His eyes wander down to a bright red vein on his brother's neck. Getting a closer look, he pulls down on the collar of his shirt, revealing a nasty bite. And by the looks of it, caused by a werewolf.
"I have a surprise for you today" Jake smiles toward Stefan.
Stefan looks behind the vampire, seeing the other man from the woods. His eyebrows knit in confusion. What's so special about a random man?
Before he could think of another question, the man came over to him. Fangs emerge from his gums and the next second, Stefan cries out in pain.
"There we go, a little spicing up" Jack chuckles. And in a second, the hybrid's head was on the ground, caused by Jack's hand slicing through his neck. "Can't have any loose ends, now can we?"
"Blondie," Damon says. Caroline walks over and gasps at the bite mark on Stefan's neck.
"Oh my god...what are we going to do, go to Klaus? Will he even listen or-" Caroline starts working herself up. "Calm down, I'll get this all sorted out. What I need you to do, is look after Stefan, got it?" Damon looks into her eyes.
She nods before he vamps out the door, heading to a certain Original's mansion.
Caroline sits down on the other couch, across from Stefan. She takes deep breaths, trying not to freak out.
As she's spaced off in her mind, Stefan starts twitching. He soon regains the motions to move and control his body. He opens his eyes, looking around the room he's in until his eyes land on the blond sitting across the coffee tables.
"What happened? How did I get here?" Stefan croaks out.
Caroline immediately snaps out of her thoughts. She faces the other vampire, a smile growing on her face. "You're awake! Damon and I brought you back here half an hour ago, Stef" she tells him softly.
Stefan moves to sit up, but whimpers as he does. A searing pain washes through his shoulder and across his chest and neck. Caroline vamps over beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders.
"Hey, take it easy. You've been tortured for almost a week and have a werewolf bite"
"I'm gonna die," Stefan says what he's thinking.
"No. No, you're not. Damon is out fixing this right now. We just have to wait until he gets back" Caroline says with a confident attitude. She won't let Stefan die on her watch, no way in hell.
Stefan slumps against his friend, exhausted. His head is lying against her shoulder. The fabric of the shirt she's wearing is nice and soft and feels good on his cheek.
Caroline wraps her other arm around Stefan, pulling him close in her arms. They sit there, cuddled up, as they wait for Damon to come back.
Twenty minutes later the door slams open and shut, ruining the peace and quiet.
Damon vamps into the room, a glass in hand, filled halfway with blood. Blood, she can only assume is Klaus'.
"Drink, Stef," he says in the most gentle voice Caroline has ever heard him use. He holds the glass up to the younger's lips and tilts it up.
Stefan drinks the blood until there's no more to come out. He sighs as he pulls away, feeling the pain of the bite vanish.
"You feeling better now?" Damon asks. Stefan nods his head, sitting up straighter.
Caroline unwraps her arms from him and stands, "I'll leave you guys to it" She smiles lightly before leaving the room quietly.
Stefan looks up at Damon, "How did you get Klaus to give you his blood?"
"That is something that I'll never reveal" Damon answers the younger vampire, and sits beside him.
"...I'm sorry I ruined everything" Stefan quietly says, looking down at his feet.
Damon stiffens before turning to face his brother. He places a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean that, you didn't ruin everything, Mom's death wasn't your fault, and I know you didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry I told you they were, Stef" Damon says softly.
Stefan looks up at him, tears in his eyes, "You mean it?"
"Of course I do. Come here" Damon pulls his baby brother into his arms, hugging him close to his chest. Stefan tightly hugs him back.
"I love you, you know that, right?" Damon asks his little brother. Stefan looks up at him, nodding "I love you too".
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hazyla · 5 months
Woah woah, okay. So I just finished spirit of justic except for the special episode. Current thoughts from a foggy memory:
realizing this post is super long so it’s under the break, also soj spoilers
Implied that Phoenix and gumshoe correspond on their own when Phoenix mentions something to Edgeworth. When he’s questioned about it he just says something like “I have my sources…” and Edgeworth tells him to inform his source of a paycheck cut.
Even though Athena got a case of her own to do I feel like she didn’t have as strong of a presence and idk man balancing three lawyers kind of a crazy move
I found rayfa oddly charming because of her silly insults
Not utter dogshit but I see why people generally dont like dual Destinies and spirit of justice as much
My mom misses gumshoe
I did not call the queen being powerless like at all
if there’s another ace attorney game I want a dedicated scene about Apollo and Trucy getting told the truth
Hard to pick a favorite case but I think I liked case 2 and turnabout storyteller just bc it was pretty fun. Also can not believe Athena’s case was the super short filler one!
would’ve appreciated more Maya
cannot believe they just added on characters that were never previously mentioned. Oh yeah, there’s a secret fourth group gramarye member. Apollo? He actually has a brother and was left behind by his foster father at about fifteen or so.
Did the archaeologist guy just… steal a bunch of shit from Adrian’s exhibit? He had literally everything. Good god I wonder how he felt about that scroll having gravy on it
on the plane ride back why did Trucy sit (and fall asleep on) Edgeworth instead of idk her father. What did Athena really want to sit there or something. It’s very cute but also why
Actually Maya and Edgeworth should’ve sat next to eachother on the plane so they can debate about plumed punisher. “You gave away your one of a kind steal samurai themed watch FOR A RIPOFF KEYCHAIN” and then he throws her off the plane (personally, of the belief he would throttle ms inmee [not actually])
about that, it’s so funny to me that he ranted about the show to Datz, a guy he just met and is a revolutionary
Need to mention that Edgeworth’s cravat gets attacked by a dog, I don’t even have a comment I just need to iterate that fact
The breakdown scenes were fun and dynamic but idk I didn’t care for them that much
kind of thought they were gonna channel Apollo’s dad Jove fucking justice
It was funnier when I, for a split second, assumed that since nobody knew the name of his father that Apollo chose his last name to be Justice.
just now realizing that Apollo who shares a namesake with the god of music has two musician parents now
I am so happy that the 3d sprites look better than in dual destinies I don’t know if I could take it if they looked like that again
My mom’s favorite character design is Rayfa’s (but her favorite character is Susato who has nothing to do with soj)
Maya should get an “I survived TWO kidnapping” shirt because everyone wants leverage over Phoenix.
From what I saw online before playing the game I thought nahyuta would be super insanely awful, and then they introduce him as a level headed guy. Then I think oh he seems okay, and then he tells Apollo to go to the depths of hell and that he’ll be reincarnated as a piece of shit
When investigating phoenix tells Edgeworth that he think’s he’d like a gaudy house, to which Edgeworth is offended. And then Phoenix makes fun of him for his bright red sports car in his mind.
Would’ve loved a reference to some older characters, like Iris who is just like never brought up again. Anyways, what’s with spirit channeling families and being super fucked up
i am so sorry to say that Apollo looked like really good in that one cg with his hair antenna down (the one where he almost drowned) (not my best moment)
How in the world did Apollo survive as a teenager? If dhurke left him 10 or so years before this he’d be about fifteen? Did he just get dropped off at a boarding school, who the hell took care of him and how did he become a lawyer.
Why didn’t Amara just resume the throne herself? Idk if I totally missed something but isn’t she still a rightful heir
So funny to me that nahyuta drags Ema around everywhere like a little ragdoll back and forth country to country
The pun names in this one were wild 🤪 (suggested emoji)
oh god what if Edgeworth and rayfa were to talk about plumed punisher
Yeah we’re back to this, edgey’s sitting in a rebel hideout with lizards hanging from the ceiling and he watches the plumed punisher??? I kinda forgot the timeline but either Maya is currently kidnapped or dhurke’s in jail “oh okay I’ll stay behind” “let’s turn on the tv” “what the fucj is this”
One time phoenix’s phone went off and I jumped out of my seat because I also have the steal samurai theme as my damn ringtone
I get that it’s just fun sprite stuff but where does nahyuta get all his necklaces? How does his floating ribbon work?
In aa4 with my vague recollection, there’s a scene that kind of made me assume Ace attorney definitely took place in some weird fantasy land that coexisted with real world. (It was something that had to do with the founding fathers? And apollo “yes I know what America is” justice, like they currently don’t live there. It was some exchange during the case where klavier’s guitar blows up). Guess how surprised I was when oh golly now they’re full blown Americans!
since I mentioned aa4 and I already got off track everytime my mom hears that song (which Apollo made his ringtone) she complains about it and gets bad flashbacks. She told me everytime she hears a piano arrangement she thinks about the case. Maybe it wore off by now but it was her version of blue badger
Uendo was my favorite witness
Yeah I don’t think I have anything else to say, what a nice note to it on.
Nope I remembered something, queen ga’ran made me want to use the royal we.
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isawken · 11 months
haha heyyyyy jesties
this year has been rough stuff. and the problem is nothing life shattering has happened so i don’t even get to have a spectacular mental breakdown. it’s just been a lot of grind and disappointment and struggle to keep up or have any energy to do anything other than the bare minimum. to everyone who reached out to me with love or kindness or memes and waited weeks or more for a response i love you. and i’m so sorry for my total absence of personhood. i’ve never gotten a dm even if it’s just a silly post and an “i thought of you” that i didn’t like. and your patience with me is appreciated more than you know.
i have some stuff i want to work on. some hobbies i want to pick up again. some friendships i want to recultivate. some pieces of my life i want to try to rekindle. i used to have so much creative energy and impulse. did you know i used to make zines? i fuckin loved making zines. the tactile experience of cutting up thick paper and punching holes and using thread to bind em and filling it with vague thoughts and little collages and splashes of acrylic paint. that shit ruled. about a month ago i tried making one for the first time in years. i cut up some old paper and dusted off the ol' hole punch. this time instead of my usual embroidery thread i used necklace chain to bind it. i was proud of that idea. when it came time to put stuff in it i choked. i had no creative thought. i forced myself to cover the first page with orange and yellow crayola markers. but that was it. i had nothing other than that. just hasty sloppy color thoughtlessly and restlessly thrown down. a dull background promised to a more interesting foreground that never came.
that shit did not rule.
in 1883 in pecos texas the first recorded rodeo takes place. in 2001 rob smets attends the PBR world finals in jeans and a sports jersey bearing sponsor logos. in 1780 joseph grimaldi makes his stage debut at 2 years old at london’s famed drury lane. in the many, many years before any white person ever laid eyes on it, a man in what you’d now call northern arizona paints his body in black and white stripes and puts corn husks in his hair. in 1557 ivan the terrible acts as pallbearer to a man who walked naked in the streets of moscow, even in the dead of winter. 1568 the gelosi acting company coalesces in italy to perform the hot new style of live improv entertainment. in 2017 the ringling bro’s circus performs its last show, 146 years after the titular brothers first formed it. all of these moments (and more!) live in my head rolling around like marbles and one day i’ll tell you all why.
i’ve been on mood stabilizers for so long it’s hard for me to tell if this has just been a really long depressive swing or if this is just how i am now. if this is just what getting older is like. i don’t really think it is. i am like 90% sure this will not last. but the two questions that follow are always 1. how do i get out of it, and 2. what if it is tho xD?
i recently went down to southeastern ohio to visit my family. went up the mountain at 1 am saturday night to help my gramma grab the 8 year old boy she’s been helping to take care of from his strung out mother. the next day i saw my various other relations, aunts and cousins however many times removed. i hung out with my second cousin. same age as me, with two twin girls, 4 years old. she’s a great mom. and enjoys it, too. got a decent husband with a good job. obviously i don’t know her struggles. not like we talk often. but she seemed overall pleased when she spoke about her life. i told her about my work from home job and my loving partner of 8 years and my plans for the future. she told me i was living the dream. and like. i kind of am. so why do i wake up every morning in various states of hangover (it's the mental illness)
i live in one of the cloudiest cities in these united states. my house is about 500 square feet. it’s dark at 5pm now. i already miss the sun. i want to get sunburned again. i want to be sweaty. i want to put talcum powder in my skort. i want to get through this winter without having to rub snow on my face to stave off more serious impulses. i want to check the 5 items off my to do list.
all of my want is like a song stuck in my head.
i miss that stickbug meme
i should dress up like a clown again
maybe tomorrow i’ll just lay under my weighted blanket for 5 hours
or maybe i’ll actually do something i like to do and feel good and real and human about it. who knows. only time will tell. and in the meantime. thanks if you read this <3
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avocado-ramen · 1 year
Did Ted Lasso just give a not-so-subtle nod to Pretty Woman?
This post is just a stream-of-consciousness breakdown of the similarities I found in this week’s episode, and my thoughts about it. I might get a little repetitive, heck I might not even make a lot of sense. But this stuff keeps going round and round in my head, so I had to get it out.
Jack asks Keeley to go with her to a polo match, and has to explain that they won’t be playing, just watching and drinking. Keeley’s masturbation video is part of a large number of videos and photos hacked and posted online. Keeley’s outfit that she picks out for the polo match is a brown dress with white polka-dots, and a hat. While the dresses and hats are completely different styles, the similarity is striking to the outfit Vivian wears to the polo match in Pretty Woman.
While Jack and Keeley are playing mini-golf, Jack introduces Keeley as ‘my friend Keeley Jones’, not acknowledging their romantic relationship and using her full name right after the video leak visibly makes Keeley uncomfortable.
When Keeley tells Jack that she won’t put out a statement and won’t apologise because she doesn’t regret making the video, Jack can’t accept that. To me, the whole arc of Keeley and Jack’s relationship in this episode lines up very well with Pretty Woman.
Keeley’s consent is taken away, and to have Jack introduce her that way to someone in public is very similar to how Vivian felt when Stuckey confronts her or when Edward tells Vivian he’ll get her an apartment. While Keeley’s video leak is not the same as Vivian being a sex worker, the overall issues with consent are the same.
When Vivian is working, she is in control, and consent is part of that transaction. When Keeley is modeling and part of that includes topless photos of her that will be published, she is in control, and consent is part of the contract for that modeling session. Keeley’s video being hacked and posted online, removes consent. Stuckey attacking Vivian removes consent. Jack’s behaviour in the mini-golf range, and with the public statement/apology she’s requiring places the fault of the hack/leak on Keeley rather than the hacker and shows she doesn’t respect Keeley’s body autonomy. Edward disclosing Vivian’s job as a sex worker, breaks trust. His offer to get her an apartment was rightfully called out in the movie when he claims he’s never treated her like a prostitute. I’m just wondering how much of the similarities to Pretty Woman I saw in this episode were intended, and how many were happy little accidents.
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minhru · 1 year
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hi hi <3 my name's sun and not only am i super excited to be here, i'm also here to bring you min haru!! (slash the radio host at the sunset galleria slash perpetual daydreamer slash ex-actor-now-a-runaway slash ... u get the gist) but yeah under the cut i have some info abt him which ended up basc being me rambling far too much so pls bare with me whilst i try to rub two brain cells together to come up w a decent tldr @_@ nyways enough of me please like this post if youd like me to hit u up for plotting (i also have disc if thats better) or feel free to message first!! ♡
profile is linked here (x)
min haru, 27, full-time radio host and residential nap-taker
having two very famous actors as parents (think son yejin and hyun bin marriage news level) inevitably meant that he was not only born in seoul, but also under the glare of the much too bright spotlight
shoved into commercials and dramas as soon as he could walk thanks to the helping hand of nepotism and lots of media play
his parents loved each other a lot, both in front of and behind cameras, but for some reason that same affection never really extended to him
they saw him as a stain on their careers more than anything, considering he wasn't really the best actor despite his efforts and esp not compared to his parents
an article about his average performance in the new sbs drama on sundays, 9-10pm slot? netizens leaving negative comments? nothing he didn't hear from mom and dad first, and certainly not half as biting, even though it would be a lie to say they didn't have an impact on his already crumbling confidence
starred in dramas and films throughout his teens, though more often in supporting roles much to his parents' annoyance
rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat up until he hit 20, and his mom was hit with illness after illness and was forced to retire. years of stardom and unhealthy life habits eventually caught up to her and haru was left picking up the pieces, trying to take care of her whilst maintaining the rest of his packed life
haha-hehe-hoho-laugh-out-loud'd as much as he could until he eventually had a pretty public breakdown on the set of a drama (no amount of reporting could delete the behind the scenes video that was plastered over sns) one year later and was subsequently booted
and then, as most of the news outlets say, proceeded to "drop off the face of earth" aka delete all of his social media, move out from his family home and hide from the cameras. very few people know the reality, which is that his dad kicked haru out after he told him he no longer wanted to be in the industry
doesn't keep in contact with his dad anymore but still talks to his mom!! who sends him money etc, helped him for those few years after he disappeared when he shifted from tiny to tinier cities, working odd jobs here and there until the next big actor/actress appeared and the media eventually "forgot" about him considering it had been years
moved to daegu 3 years ago and working at sunset galleria ever since!! he's the v happy radio host @ the sunset radio kiosk, choosing the music that plays throughout the mall alongside reading out stories people send in, passing on comforting messages and reminding people to take care
also has two cats called mimi and momo that he adopted from a rescue :^) not the step dad but the #dad that stepped up
in terms of his personality: walls raised to the sky, quiet, very withdrawn. like very, very, very withdrawn. it's been over six years since he's been in the limelight and he still dislikes being in front of cameras, feeling like he's being perceived or watched, analysed etc etc
the irony of disliking attention yet being a radio host isn't lost on him but haru vc: at least people don't actually see my face at sunset unless they're nosy
perpetually nervous, fidgets a lot, a people-pleaser, very malleable. a genuine medical mystery because he has no back bone and there's very little in the world that can get him to express an emotion stronger than indifference
his tendency to be over-polite and inherently quiet nature means he can come across as rude even if that's the opposite of what he intends
always wearing headphones so he promises he isn't ignoring you, you just caught him at a really bad time
speaking of promising he isn't ignoring you -- he has a bad habit of not replying to texts for days or disappearing and taking a week off work whenever things get too hectic for him it's a habit he hasn't managed to shake off just yet
also embarrassingly clumsy. this might be the third time you've seen him walk straight into the glass doors
there's a difference between being lonely and being alone -- and he's both. paradoxically, he does want to make friends but just has no idea how to approach anyone and hopes that staring at you from a distance is a good first step
loves crocheting :^) like loooveess crocheting :^) just a 6'1" guy and his silly little crochet toys
plots -- i promise i'll scramble together a plots page soon but for now id love to brainstorm and fill in any open plots people want!! to throw out a few ideas
someone who knew him back in seoul; fellow child actor; someone who kept in contact with him after he disappeared; someone who thought he would keep in contact with them after he disappeared and he did not (sorry); childhood best friends; someone who swears they recognise him and he keeps telling you that recurrent delusions are something u need to get checked out; the classic ex-friends or exes; fwbs; avid listeners of sunset radio; you keep running into each other smoking under the "no-smoking" sign; one-sided crush from far away; fellow cat-owner; fellow music enthusiast; ex-fans who can't believe he's actually here; someone who recognises him from his meltdown video but pretends not to, etc etc
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katyspersonal · 1 year
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Thank you nice anons, it means a lot to me. ...or, an anon (singular) if you happen to be one person (since timing is very even), I appreciate it either way, I just can't tell with anon feature.
Well... At first, I blamed ER for attracting too many "bad" type of fans into Soulsb0rne by appealing to a much wider audience than average From's games. But I think my theory didn't quite line up, and in the end, it is just a plague that strikes ANY fandom's western space sooner or later.
I am not really sure what's about "you do not deserve it" because ONE thing is true; people deserve to know that I am not a very emotionally stable person, THAT I can say as much. There IS a merit to knowing that if people are too nice to me, they are at risk of ending with emotional leech (as in, clingy/expectant person, I've recovered from being abusive friend). I just always felt too embarrassed about even considering the prospect of listing all my mental problems and illnesses in bio/pinned/whatever. It is a private information! But at the same time, maybe slightly stepping at my privacy is better than if it is spread by people who have malicious intentions to begin with. :')
As for sharing DMs; I agree on this, though. The core problem with such posts is that it doesn't "spread awareness" but rather deliberately makes people not want to give a person any chance to begin with.
You MIGHT be referring to a person, let's call her A, though, who is a special kind of treacherous. I've had a bad paranoid breakdown on May 19th, which I admitted was terrible, and I apologised to her about it in details that same day, I felt awful for scaring and insulting her so. She never reacted to the the apology, however, for the last month proceeded to act neutral, even interacting and starting a convo. I had a slight hunch that she, in fact, never forgave me but only tried to stay "civil", but I decided to trust her out of the fact that she claimed to be blunt and open and honest. So sure, she'd tell me if I've done it, if my words hurt her too much?
Skip a month, and I can't take the paranoid feeling anymore and apologise to her again, additionally asking forgiveness for ruining our chances for friendship, and saying I was willing to give her space. She'd respond all like, 'oh don't worry, I don't think your outburst was ANYONE'S fault, I do not even care about the drama, I am chill and you are always welcomed in my blog, I don't have hard feelings, take care etc'. Then, at the mark of ~40 days since the conflict I've caused and apologised for, she sees someone maliciously attacking me and decides to join in as another "victim of a terrible mistreatment" and share the conversation. And of course she instantly blocked me before I could react.
I think it was a treachery. Pretending to have forgiven me and being "chill" for 40 days, and then suddenly block and provide a "victim's testimony" against me to my enemy, who is malicious? I am well familiar with being too fast to 'forgive' someone and only later realising my wound never healed; but what I'd do is to admit the gravity of the situation in private. And then block! I would not suddenly turn tail when the person is already down, just to add fuel to the fire. I would not add to what obviously is a harassment campaign, especially after 40 days of faking peace. What happened, A.? You saw a witch being burnt, and your Christian instincts kicked in? /hj
All in all, let's hope that for the final time, truth is settled, and everyone picked the side of the fandom they belong to. Let's hope that we the 'weird' guys are here, and the SJWs are over there, and that we do not cross paths all that much.
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hecate-spawn · 2 years
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I posted 393 times in 2022
That's 330 more posts than 2021!
170 posts created (43%)
223 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 338 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#obey me - 83 posts
#obey me one master to rule them all - 80 posts
#disney twisted wonderland - 47 posts
#obey me shall we date - 47 posts
#twst wonderland - 47 posts
#project sekai - 45 posts
#disney twst - 37 posts
#twst - 34 posts
#omswd - 25 posts
#obey me oc - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#like sure bro killing me is one way to stop me but take away my electronics and oh no my actual life force
My Top Posts in 2022:
Polysho headcanons because it's my second favourite ship
Emu straight up said "Hey since we all like each other we should all date"
it's a mix between platonic and romantic feelings, but everyone is fine with PDA (tho Nene gets super flustered if she's kissed in public)
dates include musical watching in the wonderland sekai, exploring the neighbourhood, going to arcades, trying new restaurants and occasionally causing mischief
Ever since they started dating everyone, Emu's been coming to Kamiyama during her lunch times and mysteriously hasn't been caught (sometimes she brings Saki or Kohane with her)
Double dates with Leo/need when they decide to try out all dating each other
Emu told her parents first, then Tsukasa, then Rui and then Nene
Even though he said "of course you'd all want to date a star like me!" Tsukasa was actually very happy and was trying hard not to cry
Rui made a small space for when Nene gets nervous breakdowns and for when Tsukasa needs a break
they like going to concerts together
Nene and Rui like to eat on the roof together in silence when they've had a crappy day
Group charades
Tsukasa often asks for relationship advice from Shizuku (she's dating Airi and is just good at giving relationship advice, platonic or romantic)
Once a month everyone goes over to Rui's house to help him clean up since he won't do it himself
Every once in a while Tsukasa will start monologing about how lucky he is to have them as his partners
Tsukasa also likes giving everyone head pats
Nene started a Minecraft world for everyone. It was originally called showtime world but it's name kept changing. Currently it's "RUI STOP TRYING TO SET CREEPERS ON FIRE"
sleepovers at Nene or Emu's house. It's too crowded at Tsukasa's because Leo/need is always over and Rui's place is usually a mess
Nene, Rui and Tsukasa come to all of Emu's sports tournaments
Rui is learning how to do acrobatics from Emu
And Tsukasa is teaching Nene how to play the piano
They really like learning new things from each other
they did a gift exchange for Christmas and on New year's stayed at Tsukasa's house since Leo/need decided to do New year's at Ichika's
Emu likes staying at the other's houses more than her own so she's with everyone often
Rui likes picking the other's up and spinning them around
64 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
When you walk in on him changing/shirtless pt2
Obey me younger brothers x GN!reader: When you see him changing/Shirtless 
(Part 1)
Everyday I get notifications for the older brothers version. I gained ten followers thanks to it. So here’s another one since you guys seemed to like the first one. Well, I am a people pleaser and honestly, this is kinda fun
CW: Asmo and Belphie being mildly flirty, shirtless guys, swearing
★ Satan
Once, in a very specific incident you saw him shirtless
you and Satan were walking home from RAD like you usually do
Suddenly it starts raining. Not a light sprinkle, like actual rain (not pouring but it's enough that you need an umbrella
Thankfully, Satan being the smart cookie that he is has an umbrella and you two share
When you guys are about half way to the HOL some demon bikes right into a puddle splashing you and getting your clothes wet
Satan takes off his jacket, putting it around your shoulders
"Are you doing okay? Did he hurt you?"
"Satan I'm fine. It's just a bit of water."
Despite what you say he proceeds to yell at the biker, and you can tell he's starting to get angry. So, like the smart person you are, you decide to distract him
"Hey Satan there's a cat!"
Turning around he finds the fact you were talking about in fact, it was a kitten. Small, grey and cold. It was hiding out behind the dumpster.
Obviously Satan wanted to take the kitten home and feed it but Lucifer already said multiple times that it's not allowed
He could sneak it but Lucifer would find out anyway
So he does the only logical thing: taking off his shirt and wrapping the kitten in it
Yes he walked home shirtless and Asmo had so many questions
★ Asmodeus
Mkay we've probably seen him shirtless in canon
Like, it's Asmo avatar of lust
I know I have in one Devilgram
Anyway, one time Asmo asked you to do a photo shoot of him so he could post pictures on Devilgram
And like the great friend/lover you were, you said yes
When you knocked on the door he said to come in
And naturally he had just stepped out of the shower as you open the door to his room
Didn't even flinch seeing you
See the full post
74 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Wonderlands Showtime is literally just a poly relationship. They're all dating each other
Emu introducing them to her parents: this is my boyfriend Tsukasa and this is Tsukasa's boyfriend Rui and this is Rui's girlfriend Nene who's also my girlfriend. Oh and Rui's my boyfriend as well!
And then just launches into how they met with Nene and Tsukasa looking embarrassed, Rui occasionally chiming in. I just think it would be a fun family dinner
And then the three meet Tsukasa's parents and Saki who immediately clicks with Emu
Basically I want more wonderlandsxshowtime poly content and for Emu to meet Saki (and Saki to meet Rui as well but Emu first)
115 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
MC: you don't scare me!
Lucifer: than why is your pulse beating so fast?
MC :
MC : cuz you're kinda cute
203 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When you walk in on him changing/shirtless
Obey me older brothers x GN!reader
(part 2)
What compelled me to do this? The fact people would read it and that I think "hey it's half decent" I mostly see this as a comedy thing tbh. Anyways this is my first time writing anything like this so bare with me. Sorry if it's ooc
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, CW: fevers, slightly suggestive, cussing, lesson 21-22 spoilers, not proof read
★ Lucifer
Honestly there is absolutely no way you'd have this happen on accident
Fam you can try on purpose but I don't think that's going to work out since we already know Mammon tried
If you do try on purpose he's probably gonna punish you or something (a lot of you guys are kinky shits/lh so I wouldn't be surprised if you did try)
Though there was one occasion where you did see him shirtless on accident
It was during the golden hell newt syrup incident. While you were away he had been over working himself like crazy to distract himself from thinking of you. So having the syrup didn't help at all.
Dude was running a fever. He was hot af, especially in his clothes. Like, man that's a shit ton of heavy layers
Couldn't concentrate on his work thanks to his high body temp so he asks you to fetch him an ice pack
At this point he was mentally done. Over worked, over heating, golden hellfire newt syrup. His brain wasn't functioning properly
Says fuck it, and just strips. Like, takes off his coat, takes off his vest, loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt.
And then just takes off his damn shirt.
Less than a minute later you enter the room with some human world ice coffee you made, and of course as per his request, an ice pack.
You two just stare at each for a bit out of shock. This isn't a dream right? Can't be considered that Ice pack is really cold.
After staring at each other for ten seconds Lucifer Just straight grabs the ice pack and puts it on his forehead. It's water within two minutes
"Lucifer... are you sick?" You can deduct he's obviously not doing good. His brows are furrowed and sweat is dripping off him like crazy. Then he collapsed onto you.
"I'm sorry Mc. I didn't want for you to see me like this," he manages. Still conscious, but very weak. You now get to struggle for ten minutes trying to get his 6'3, heavy, sweaty, extremely warm body onto his bed :D
Do you get to see Luci shirtless? Yeah. Did you also have a ten minute arm workout you didn't want? Yes. You got what you gave and wanted what you got. Ps he likes your iced coffee
★ Mammon
Mammon invited you to his room to help him study for his upcoming test. You were nicer than Satan or Lucifer and loads more helpful then Belphie
Forgot you were coming, thinking he had an extra thirty minutes went to go  in the community bath
When you did show up, you just opened the door. It's not that knocking was a foreign concept to you, it's that it was a foreign concept to Mammon and you thought if he didn't knock to come in your room, he wouldn't mind it if you just walked right in.
You walk in and, oh no one’s here. You brush it off and think he’s probably trying to scam people or being scolded by Lucifer
Well five minutes later Mammon walks in with a towel and enter screaming from both of you.
He calls you a pervert and you respond by throwing him a shirt and jeans.
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417 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 1,747 times in 2022
384 posts created (22%)
1,363 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 529 of my posts in 2022
#colorado avalanche - 81 posts
#mark barberio - 67 posts
#avs lb - 62 posts
#clemberio - 47 posts
#lausanne hc - 37 posts
#wlgyl - 32 posts
#nhl fic - 32 posts
#avs imagine - 31 posts
#colorado avalanche imagine - 31 posts
#when life gives you lemons - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#serving “mom returning from a work trip and just hoping the kids didn’t overrun her husband and tear the house apart” vibes
My Top Posts in 2022:
When Life Gives You Lemons-- Part 2
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders, OCD etc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic not just particular chapters.
Word Count Chapter: 3663
Word Count Total: 7,949
Author's Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Thank you SO much to @hockeylvr59, @newlibrary, @itisawitchesworld, and Nora, who I can't seem to tag. The rewrite of this fic wouldn't have happened without all of you. Thank you for indulging my impulsivity. All of you can see Mark in action during the upcoming Olympics! Reminder that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC. Also *~*~*~*~* means a POV change. Flipping between Mark and Clementine. Today we are beginning with Clementine.
Chapter 2
I rolled my eyes so hard I’m pretty sure I saw my own brain, but despite that, I ended up sliding down the wall and sitting next to him. Thanks to the tilt of the floor, I slid next to him until we were touching, shoulder to hip.
“Is it difficult being this dumb all the time or does it come naturally?” A warning blinked behind my eyes, Brain to Mouth Filter Failure.
His beard was short, but thick; despite it, I saw his lips curve into a smile. “Around you it’s effortless.” He paused before continuing, “You know you seem pretty unperturbed about being stuck in a leaning elevator with a certified moron.”
I offered an anemic shrug before continuing nonchalantly, “Ohh ‘unperturbed.’ Did you hurt yourself?” One of his thick eyebrows arched and he flashed a 1000 watt smile but didn’t dish the insult back which made the game less fun so I answered, “My world feels like it’s on fire all the time. I’ve had complete mental breakdowns because I accidentally used a blue pen in a journal that I only used a black pen in. Comparatively, this feels like no big deal.” It felt weird to share that personal detail with someone I found so annoying.
He nodded at Daze, “Is that what she’s for?”
A personal detail was one thing, spilling my entire life story was another thing completely and he must have picked up on my hesitation because he held out his hand and said, “How about we start over. Hi, I’m Mark Barberio.”
Ok. He WAS an idiot, but at least he seemed aware of his hoof and mouth disease. I gave his hand a firm grip and shake. “Clementine. Clementine Jones, and this is Daisy, but I just call her Daze.”
“She seems like a good service dog and not at all for a blind person,” he grinned like this was now our inside joke.
I rested my hand on her head thinking about the freedom she gave back to me and took a deep breath, “She’s the best.”
The conversation lulled and I’d be the first to admit that I let it die. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I had a thought. “Wait, you said you texted Gabe?”
His answer was a lazy nod of the head with a “mmhmm” that sounded like it reverberated in his throat.
“What is the likelihood of him making me suffer by association, simply due to the fact that I’m stuck in an elevator with you? Because I just met him today and he seems like a nice dude and I think we’re copacetic, but I could easily see him leaving you in a steel box for a few hours.” I flashed back to the mischievous glint in Gabe’s eyes earlier.
Mark just shrugged, “I don’t know, Lime, guess it depends on if he likes you.”
“Great.” I slumped harder against the wall. “Any chance you want to share that Wi-Fi password so I can contact some people so they don’t worry?”
A few taps on his phone and a notification popped up asking if I wanted to save the password to the Wi-Fi. As soon as I hit accept, my phone started buzzing so hard it almost fell out of my hand.
Nora: Hey, I’m running late. There was a thing with the room I’m painting. It looks NOTHING like the swatch and after sanding and refinishing the floors and having the paint not look good I had a little mental breakdown. FINE NOW.
Nora: Ok, I am 10 minutes late, but where are you?
Nora: Ok. I’m worried now. Did you get stuck at work? WHERE ARE YOU?
The last one came in as I hit reply and tried to tap out a response faster than Nora could dial 911.
I’m fine! Stuck in an elevator with no service! I’m sorry. I just got on the Wi-Fi.
Nora: Oh, shit! Are you alone? Do I still need to call 911? Where are you?
I’m fine. You know I handle actual emergencies better than like… not being able to find my lucky socks.
Nora: This is true and you’ve conveniently ignored the “are you alone” question.
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102 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
A Not So Southern Christmas-- Part 6
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This is obviously a rewrite of my old fic. I have been feeling romantic and Christmasy, so I figured it was time to bring back my favorite holiday couple. Title banner by the wonderful @whatishockey. Thank you thank you thank you to the people who periodically peek at this fic to make sure I don't make too many typos and mistakes. @hockeylvr59 @rymurrsneckbeard and @princessphilly
Synopsis: When Adelaide Thibodeaux finds her husband to be diddling the wedding planner in the Church before their nuptials, she walks out and is determined to take her dream honeymoon by herself. Until she gets a seat upgrade to first class and ends up next to Hurricanes Defenceman, Joel Edmundson. Holiday shenanigans ensue.
Author's Notes: This was written in early 2019 before Eddy went to Montreal as a free agent. I will be tagging both teams. It's been a while since I've posted a dual POV so reminder that *~*~*~*~*~* delineates a change in POV. Today we are beginning with Eddy.
Tag List: @leafs-foreverr, @pagirl6866, @colecockfield If you would like to be part of the tag list, please let me know.
Part 6
Just over an hour later we were crawling along I-90 in an SUV the size of a tank. After the second close call of almost being sideswiped by another vehicle sliding on ice after a single mile on the interstate, I was thankful for it. It was a rideshare, so I didn’t care if it only got two miles per gallon, as long as it was able to get us to the airport in one piece.
Adelaide finally turned on her phone and I just arched a brow at her as it vibrated in her hand for what seemed like a solid minute while she looked annoyed, “You ok there?”
She gave me a withering glare, and she looked so cute that I couldn’t help but smile, which made her glare harder and the entire thing was just a circle of me being amused and her getting more furious. It was fantastic.
Poking around on the screen, a call connected and started to ring as she brought the phone to her ear. I could hear her mother’s voice on the other end of the line. “Hi Momma, is everyone there? Put me on speaker.”
I was thankful it was a regular voice call and not a facetime, because I knew her father would pinpoint the “I just fucked your daughter nasty" vibes wafting off of me from four states away.
“No, Adele, I'm not putting Eddy on speaker.” She sighed and dropped her phone to her lap, hitting the speaker button with her thumb. “FINE. Is everyone here?”
“Adelaide why are you in a car, it sounds like you’re in a car.”
She transferred the phone to her opposite hand as I stretched my arm across the seat and intertwined our fingers. “Eddy and I are going to the airport Mama, our flight leaves at one.”
Her father’s rich baritone chimed in, “I guess there’s a first time for everything, one of my daughters not being stubborn? I better buy a lottery ticket.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes, “Daddy.”
“Eddy, son she IS going with you, correct?”
I cleared my throat, “Yessir, she agreed.”
“Good. Finally. Adele you’re next.”
Adelaide mouthed “I’m sorry” at me.
The conversation devolved from there. “What does that mean Daddy?” Adele sounded irritated.
“It means you need to stop being so stubborn and accept help and maybe find a good man.”
An argument started between the two of them, with Dottie interjecting at random times. There was something about college and Adele getting her Masters while working. Adelaide looked bored, like she had heard this argument before. She started massaging the palm of my hand with her thumb and staring out the window as her family argued.
Finally, Adele’s voice cut through the nonsense, “Addie and Eddy’s hotel room only had one bed!”
I caught the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror and I don’t think he felt at all sorry for my impending death.
Adelaide’s attention was suddenly diverted back to her phone, “ADELE! Daddy, there was one bed, but I slept on the couch.”
Her sister wasn’t to be swayed from her current path of turning the attention to Adelaide, “Daddy, I looked at photos of the suite, the couch was too small for anyone to sleep on.”
He sounded displeased, I was suddenly very aware the man owned a hardware store and all murdering/disposing bodies things were readily available and no one would blink twice at him having any of them. “Eddy made you sleep on the couch?”
Adele sounded breathless, “THEY WERE CUDDLING THIS MORNING.”
See the full post
110 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
When Life Gives You Lemons-- Masterlist
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Synopsis: Disabled OC and service dog get stuck in an elevator with Mark Barberio. Shenanigans ensue.
Word Count Total: 93K (this includes unposted parts)
Author's Note: Shout out to @newlibrary who has tirelessly created the graphics for this story. She's the true hero here.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
129 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
When Life Gives You Lemons -- Part 1
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Warnings: Mature content, abuse, rape, eating disorders etc. Some of these things go into a bit of detail. These warnings are relevant to the whole fic not just particular chapters.
Word Count: 4286
Word Count Total: 4286
Author's Note: Barbs and Lemon are back by popular demand! Thank you SO much to @hockeylvr59, @newlibrary, @itisawitchesworld, and Nora, who I can't seem to tag. The rewrite of this fic wouldn't have happened without all of you. Thank you for indulging my impulsivity. All of you can see Mark in action during the upcoming Olympics! Reminder that this fic starts during the summer of 2019. I will be tagging the Avs and Lausanne HC.
Chapter 1
“Ok, can you look at the camera please?”
The flash was blinding and while I appreciated the professional set-up, I couldn’t help but wonder if a nerd named Kevin with a cell phone and a white wall would be more efficient. This seemed excessive and far more painful. I found myself blinking to see if my retinas had detached.
The photographer fiddled with the settings for a moment, “Can we do one of your service dog too? I’d love to make her a little badge for her vest.”
I actually thought that was kind of cute, I doubt Kevin would have been as creative. “Sure,” I agreed, “Come on Daze.” I asked for a sit/stay on the little platform and waved a treat behind the photographer.
“Great, these are so cute,” The photographer declared. “What were your names again?”
I sighed, this was about to be awkward, “Clementine and Daisy.”
She blinked at me, her brain processing the names and trying to figure out who was the flower and who was the fruit. I took pity on her and clarified before she short circuited and smoke began to pour out of her ears, “I’m Clementine and the dog is Daisy.”
She sucked her lips into her mouth and nodded enthusiastically, perhaps to compensate for her previous reaction, “Um ok, give me just a second to get these printed.”
Within a few moments, she had handed us our badges and I had to admit the outcome was a little better than using some random nerd named Kevin with a cellphone. I attached the clip of the badge to the pocket of my jeans and Daisy’s to her service dog vest. I didn’t normally make her wear it, but it was my first day at the job I desperately needed and they had given me a chance despite my need for assistance so I wanted her to look the part.
Sports had always been one of my passions but I didn’t have an athletic bone in my body, so I embraced the rules, the stats, the analysis. Numbers had order and always made sense to me, but I just wasn’t quick enough to be a statistician. However, the very best thing about sports is all the numbers could make sense, but the underdog could still win. There was no way to measure luck, to measure a human being’s ability to dig within their soul to beat the odds. It was this, the human element, that attracted me to sports.
It was only after a nasty divorce, a complete mental breakdown, and facing the stark reality of starting my life over completely with nothing to show for a quarter century on the earth that I decided to go back to school, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Sports Communication.
Before that,I spent a year in and out of hospital psych wards, sedated while they tried to glue my brain back together. When that hell was over, I was forced to move back in with my parents, becoming their dependent again. I also got Daisy, a service dog to help me juggle depression, anxiety, PTSD, and all the medications I had to take in order to return to society as a semi functional person. With Daze’s help, I was able to go back to school and reinvent myself and now here I was, on the farside of 30 and almost human again. Truthfully, I had no idea what “normal” was but I had decided I was going to be it. I was going to be normal.
I was starting my life over from scratch, as a new college graduate old enough to be the parent of some of my classmates and a psych ward veteran who was probably the subject of several academic papers. I am the product of a really shitty emotionally and physically abusive marriage which left me with a slew of partly recovered emotional wounds, but all of that was still better than what I had been, as my therapist was constantly reminding me.
It had taken many strings pulled by my professors and, unfortunately, my father, the head basketball coach for Denver University, for me to get this job. Even then, I wasn’t entirely sure I hadn’t been given it because I checked the affirmative action box for being a disabled woman (double the diversity). And by job, I mean, this was a temporary paid internship gig and if the Avalanche executives liked my content the position would be created and then I could apply. Imposter syndrome was something I struggled with daily and my therapist had invested a great deal of time trying to teach me that it wasn’t nepotism, strings my father pulled in Denver, a hiring percentage, or a variety of other things that got me the job. The Avalanche Organization could have said no. They saw my academic projects and were curious enough to create this internship. It was up to me to keep it.
The makeshift photo studio was in the depths of Pepsi Arena, while Human Resources was several floors up in a part of the building that had windows. Having completed my surprisingly good staff photo with Not Kevin, Daze and I stood directly in front of the elevator ready to make our way up and navigate the next part of the new hire process. I was absentmindedly pressing the UP button as if that would make the car arrive faster when the ding sounded its arrival. I was completely unprepared for anyone to actually be inside the elevator, much less a herd of Avalanche players in full game regalia-- down to the blade covers on their skates.
I barely had time to register the half a ton of boisterous testosterone bearing down on us before Daze darted behind me to avoid being trampled. In surprise, I stepped back and felt one of her little furry paws under my heel. She gave a yelp and my knees buckled to avoid putting my full weight on her little toes.
Before I hit the ground, arms were around me and I found my face pressed firmly against the Avalanche logo covering a hard chest protector. To my credit, I managed to turn my head to avoid a bright red lipstick stain on the fabric of the jersey.
Daze whined as I was righted by the ridiculously strong arms I was wrapped in, and the chest I was pressed against stepped back, putting me squarely in front of my savior and his four compatriots. I blinked for a second as I got my bearings and tried to make my mouth move in a way that wouldn’t haunt me at 3 am a decade from now, but my savior spoke first, his voice quickly snapping me back into reality.
“Whoa, your hair is like… blue.” He sounded like the least intelligent frat boy I had ever come across and my nose wrinkled in distaste as I felt my eye twitch.
It was such an inane response that I forgot I was in front of a bunch of professional athletes, most of whom I watched on a regular basis and all of who could now get me fired on a whim. Now I will be the first to admit I put my foot in my mouth a lot; mostly, because there’s no filter going from my speech center to my mouth and I’m not ashamed to say, working in sports, I often felt like the smartest person in the room. “It’s actually more of a navy, but thanks for the commentary Captain Obvious.”
The four players who were mostly blocked by the pair of broad shoulders and helmet, took an audible step back, and so did the set of pads in front of me which was bad for my IQ. The first thing I noticed were his eyes which were the color of the hazelnut coffee I liked to drink in the morning. My face went slack and I promptly forgot everything I’d ever known, including my own name as I stared into their rich depths.
An accented voice that didn’t seem to be attached to a body floated across my vision, “Is she okay?”
“I think so?” The man standing in front of me waved a hand in front of my face.
Daze whined and I swallowed, the world coming back into focus. My voice sounded far away when I spoke, “I’m fine, we’re both fine.”
See the full post
144 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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We stan a man who reads
232 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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autumnslance · 2 years
☼♡☠ - the Avengret story!
☼: how i came up with the idea - I'd love to know the answer to that one too. It's one of those random flashes from out of left field, from a myriad of factors lining up and going "Uh, I need a prompt answer sooooo”...and just throwing something on a page and it kept going. It started with the "Paternal" prompt in 2020's FFXIV Write, taking 2 job trainers Aeryn and I are both fond of, and spitting out a reason for them to interact that somehow led to a story of her birth father. A year later, the thread picked up suddenly and spun out across multiple prompts and free writes. Avengret was a spur of the moment creation who sort of shoved her way into my WoL's canon.
♡: my favorite part - This is hard, favorites are hard!! Maybe writing Estinien; I started this game as a DRG main back in 2015 up until 4.1's release, so the DRG chars are special to me, and writing Grumpy Dragoon Bro's POV was fun, how he saw folks in Revenant's Toll, Tailfeather, and his interactions with Aeryn, Thancred, and of course Alberic which is the one thing Endwalker didn't give us in detail (silently to the side, maybe) but also didn't kill my little headcanon so hey.
Also deciding to use the Azem crystal as a call for help, thinking it was a one-time-thing in the MSQ and a MacGuffin that'd be forgotten, and then Endwalker happened and showed it as a continuing in-lore method for the WoL to summon allies to a fight after all, and I was gleeful as I had done it a few months before the expac even dropped.
☠: something i found challenging - The revision is killing me. There's a scene I want to add (Aeryn & Heustienne focused) that isn't working, and part of it is 1) combat and 2) I think I'm just wanting it to balance present versus past scenes, especially early on.
Figuring out how and why this story even worked; Alberic was easy enough to sort out the secret-keeping; he's done it before, and since he hadn't seen Aeryn since she was a little girl over 20 years before, it did work initially that he didn't immediately remember. When he did, everything with Estinien, and then the political ramifications for her and the Scions in Ishgard, made that dangerous to bring up. But the dragons? Well, for the sake of plot beats, the dragons' lore, both the overall meta as well as the situation with mortals in Coerthas and Dravania, made it a thing they'd also keep pretty quiet about until asked. They may have not realized Aeryn wasn't aware of her bloodline's more recent sins during the initial roadtrip, and their reluctance and hostility was already baked into the story. As they realized she didn't know over time, they still wouldn't likely volunteer that information--especially the ones familiar with Avengret herself.
Combat's always rough, of course. So are smutty scenes.
Big thing is voice; there's a few different POVs at play; Corran, Aeryn, Alberic, Estinien, X'rhun, Emelia. Making them sound and feel different, see things differently--especially given the 20 year timeline involved--is always a trick I worry about.
Otherwise just finding time to do the clean up and shuffling around (chronological, merging or splitting some scenes, do I include the smut as a chapter? so on). Doesn't help I've got other writing projects going on eating up said time, as well as just wanting to play the game and do other things! I need more hours in a day...
Anyway. Plan is to get this sucker on Ao3 sooner or later. Until then, it's still in the FFXIV Write 2021 posts, and the breakdown on the master list shows which ones are related to that storyline.
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gangles-toybox · 3 months
You do have control(Stefan x Colin)
given how much I love We're the Millers I decided to post this fanfiction I did when I was fuckin 12 years old abt Bandersnatch. ...you can...uh probably tell it was written by a 12 year old but nonetheless!!(also,yes, all of it is in one paragraph I had to add a space between for Tumblr lol) I hope you enjoy
    3rd person pov
                                            Stefan picked up the ash tray and rose it above his head. His father looked at him in terror and said "St-stefan you don't have to do this!"  Stefan said "I wish I didn't have to but I have no control!" Stefan, with tears in eyes, was ready to hit his dad to the face when he heard an unexpected knock on the door. Stefan opened the door to see Colin!?! His dad and Colin introduced each other to one another as Stefan was very confused. Colin took a huff from his cigarette. Colin went over to Stefan. Stefan felt something...odd as Colin got closer. It wasn't the urge to kill or sadness. He couldn't tell what this tingly,jittery, a some what stress inducing but nice feeling. Most people would call this "Love".
Colin smirked as Stefan blushed a light pink. Colin held Stefan's hand. Stefan felt his heart beat though he didn't pull his hand away. Colin took another huff of his cigarette with his other hand. Colin giggles and released his hand. Stefan blushed and Colin walked out of his house. Stefan quietly said to himself "I-I think I'm in love." Colin opened the door and said "Honey I'm home!" He heard nothing but expect a small squeak from Pearl. He asked her "Pearl where's mommy?" Pearl simply pointed to their bedroom. As he got closer he heard light moaning(it's just hickeys nothing bad). He opened the door to see his wife cheating on him. He simply wrote out a note about him wanting to leave and get a divorce. Now that Colin found about this he didn't feel comfortable in that house anymore. More importantly, he couldn't find anywhere to live expect Stefan's house. He walked to his place. After leaving his wife, he also felt the same jittery feeling that Stefan did. Colin thought this feeling would fade by morning so he went to sleep. Colin woke up with the same feeling as the past day. Stefan soon woke up around the same time. Stefan asked "C-colin you're here?" Colin said "Yeah long story short my wife cheated on me so is it alright if I stay here for a while?" Stefan thought this is more than alright this is amazing! Stefan blushed hard his mind got into the gutter. Colin waved his hand in front of Stefan's face and asked "Hello? Is that a yes or a no?" Stefan smiled and quickly said" O-oh right, yes!" Colin smiled and said "Thanks I'll have to owe you one sometime." Stefan smiled and worked on his game. He saw his dad come into his room and, without control, he threw tea over his computer. He started to have a mental breakdown. He ran to the bathroom and cried. His dad went to a fast food place for lunch and after a while he heard knocks on the door. He asked softly "Wh-who's there?" Colin said "I don't want to break down this door but I may have to if you don't come out." After a few moments of doing anything Colin sighed and broke down the door. Coin asked softly "What's wrong?" Stefan screamed as he hugged Colin "I HAVE NO CONTROL!" Colin was a bit surprised at the sudden contact but he ruffled through his way in a way to try to calm Stefan down. After a little while all that came out was hiccups but no crying at least. Colin said "You are in control." Stefan said "No I'm not! I've never been and I never will be!" Colin lightly grasped Stefan's hand. Stefan blushed as Colin led him to the alley near his old home. Stefan asked with confusion "C-colin why are we here?" Colin just ignored him and brought Stefan to a dead end at the alley. Stefan was more confused. Colin put both his arms around Stefan, trapping him sorta. Colin looked Stefan in the eyes and  said "You said you didn't have a control but since this isn't in the script so there is nobody controlling you. Now you have a choice." Stefan asked, a pale red,"Wh-what is that choice?" Colin asked, a pale pink blush spreading across his face,"Do you want to kiss me,yes or no?" Stefan blushed a crimson red as he asked "Wh-what d-did you say a-again?" Colin asked again, more clearly,"Do you want to kiss me, yes or no?" Now that Stefan has clearly heard what he had said he could feel his heart beat and his body throb with heat. He stammered "Y-y-y-yes." Stefan lightly kissed Colin. Colin was shocked he actually chose that option but lightly kissed back. After they pulled away, Stefan said "I truly did choose the right path after all." Colin blushed pink as they walked home to Stefan's place.
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