#winnie coyle
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fizzyrockzz · 7 months
Never trust me with drawing💀🙏🏼
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yaklixy · 10 months
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winnie coyle My Au
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mixreality · 10 months
"Rumble" theories, headcanons, and musings
My personal opinion on the events in the movie and the events before and after it. Correct me if something is wrong!
Perhaps I've gone too far, but I think - it's closer to the reality of the world we were shown in the movie.
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Theory on the disappearance of Rayburn and Jimbo. At the beginning of the movie we are told that they disappeared (died) somewhere at the sea. After we are shown Stoker's new monster - Tentacular, which all his appearance indicates he's marine-type monster. Based on these two facts we conclude that Tentacular is involved in the disappearance of Rayburn and Jimbo. Brilliant deduction, I know.
Tentacular got a scar on his face from Rayburn's claws when he tried to drown him.
T and Rayburn are about the same age and knew each other long before the events of the movie. Their paths parted after Ray's decision to become a wrestler and the birth of Steve (Rayburn Jr.). Hence, the envy of success and the desire to be better than his former friend.
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Back to the theory. Tentacular comes in Stoker sometime after the tragedy, under the guise of "I hear you're looking for a new champion". Since the town had big problems and came in grief after the "disappearance" of their favorites, they gladly accept T, and Siggy becomes his trainer.
Siggy probably knows that Tentacular is involved in the deaths of Jimbo and Rayburn, but doesn't show it until he's sure it's true. OR he took part in it too.
The loss of his leg is unrelated to the incident in the sea, as in the movie in Vinnie's flashbacks, Sig was already wearing a prosthetic leg.
After the death of his father, Steve may have lived with his mother away from the city for some time. There is no mention of her in the movie, but I assume she just lives somewhere far far away from civilization. The second option - Steve leave town and just wandered around the region/state for a few years until he got into underground monster fights because he needed money to keep living.
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Another interesting moment. Siggy tells Winnie to stop the fight, because if Tentacular senses blood, the situation will get out of hand. What did he mean by that? Sharks have a phenomenon called "food fever." It's when there's a lot of blood in a place and the amount of blood makes sharks go crazy and eat everything. T is a shark, and a pretty big one; perhaps his senses are more heightened than normal sharks too. If Steve got a nosebleed during a fight, for example, T would probably go berserk and destroy not only the arena, but also the stadium and even the entire city. Of course, not without casualties, and here the irreversible process of total 4uckup. We wouldn't see it in the movie, so we will stop only at the destruction of the stadium (take into: all the people have time to evacuate).
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Not all monsters in the movie universe are wrestlers. Example: Mac is a monster who works as a commentator (albeit on the subject of wrestling). Monsters, due to their incredible strength, can be useful in professions where that strength is especially valuable. Such as construction and demolition on a large scale, heavy lifting, working at heights/depths, mining, etc. Those who are not satisfied with either of those things go into the creative arts. I'd really like to see a monster DJ!!!
"Tentacular" is a stage name. Personally, I think the name "Nigel" would suit him perfectly. Name meaning: champion, perseverance, independence, zeal; also: cruelty, egoism, envy, hatred. The colors are blue and purple, the element is water. 100% hit. It's compatible with his looks, too.
Steve and his father can tolerate extra high temperatures.
In the second part of the movie (if it ever comes out) Steve will bring his "dancing style" to the end and it will be more like wrestling. However, lazy as he was, he will remain lazy.
There is a very small chance that Rayburn and Jimbo survived, but decided to lay low after the "mysterious disappearance".
Ray and T are about 20-23 years old at the time of their friendship (before the movie), 35-45 years old during the movie. Steve is 3-5 years older than Winnie. I can get very confused about the timing of what's going on in the movie, so consider this as headcanon. I'm having trouble with "time feeling"…
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Winnie is a foot-fetishist.
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sm0lprism · 2 years
Dancing with a Kaiju - Rumble 2021 fic
After watching Rumble 2021, I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of fic on here from the g/t community, considering the film in itself is just pure g/t. So, I decided to indulge myself and write a short fic about Winnie and Steve (purely PLATONIC, not romantic in any way, Winnie is a minor) with a good amount of g/t thrown in. This was just meant to be something short and fun, as while I loved the film, I would’ve loved even more goofy moments between these two as their dynamic is entertaining.  Synopsis: Set in between the events of the film, Winnie decides it’s time for Steve to take the reins and be her dance coach for a day. Antics and banter ensue (as well as g/t goodness!). 
“Come on Steve!” Winnie shouted into the sleeping kaiju’s face. “Today’s training will be fun, I promise.”
“That’s what you said yesterday,” Steve grumbled, his voice thick with sleep. “My bruises have bruises at this point. Just five more minutes, okay?”
Winnie exhaled loudly. Being Steve’s wrestling coach wasn’t exactly the easiest job, but she was determined to make this work despite the monster’s laziness. The entire Jimbo Coyle Stadium and her father’s legacy was on the line if they didn’t pull through with this.
Using one of his horns as a lever, she clambered on top of the monster’s face until she was just below his jaw. Being this close to someone as large as Steve, or any monster for that matter, was always unnerving due to the drastic size differences. Steve alone was the size of a building and she looked like a mere insect compared to him.
But she didn’t let the size difference get in the way of her coaching, nor did any monster wrestler coach.
“It’s time to rise and shine!” she yelled, pulling on his bottom lip exposing rows of jagged teeth. “When your coach says it’s time to get up, it’s time to get up!”
Steve peeped open one eyelid to quickly glance at her tiny frame on his chin. “Yeah? Make me, shorty.”
“Shorty?” She narrowed her eyes. “At least I don’t have a colossal sized ass.”
“Hey! There is nothing wrong with my behind,” Steve grumbled, his voice vibrating through her bones. “My butt looks great, thank you very much.”
“Then get that butt into gear and get up!” she exclaimed, slapping his face (which she knew wouldn’t exactly do that much, but she still did it anyway).
“Alright, alright,” Steve replied, picking up Winnie in between his fingers and gently placing her onto the floor. The kaiju picked himself up and towered to his full height, casting an enormous shadow over Winnie.
“You said this was going to be fun today,” he said. “So, what’s the plan?”
A playful smirk danced on her lips. “Today, you are going to be the coach.”
Steve’s face melted into a puddle of confusion. “Huh – I’m – what? Are you alright?”
“Yes, I am,” she answered with a grin. “Since we both know you clearly have talent when it comes to dancing, and, well, I’m not exactly the greatest dancer, I was hoping you’d teach me some of your skills so I can help coach you better.”
“Wow, I seriously wasn’t expecting that,” he murmured, perplexed. “I could show you a thing or two, seeing as your dancing is…well…pretty shocking.”
Winnie furrowed her brows. “Thanks.”
“Well, it is the truth.”
“Yeah, I know, I know. Let’s just get started.”
“First we need some good music,” he said. “You got that salsa playlist I recommended you?”
She pulled out her phone. “Got it.”
Music soon filled the training room, and immediately Steve started to get into the groove. Small earthquakes rattled through the floor at his enormous movements, and Winnie had trouble keeping her footing due to the tremors.
“The first thing with dancing is you can’t force it,” he said. “If you force it, it’ll look unnatural. You have to feel the rhythm and let it guide you.”
“Right, okay.” She finally found her footing in between Steve’s giant footfalls. She watched Steve’s massive frame move so effortlessly to the music; it was clearly very natural for him. Chewing her bottom lip, she tried to copy his movements. As energetic as her personality was, dancing wasn’t exactly something that came naturally to her.
“You’re, uh, doing something.” Steve suddenly leaned down to Winnie’s level. “I think I might need to step in here. Do you take partners?”
Winnie froze as she watched Steve press his index and middle finger into the ground, as if his hand was standing by itself. The hand ‘walked’ over to her and he extended his thumb.
“Care to dance?”
A chuckle escaped past her lips as she tentatively grasped onto his thumb. “Don’t mind if I do.”
“I think we’ll start with the basics,” he smiled. “Step forward left, then replace forward on the right.”
Steve’s fingers slowly moved forward and back, shifting the weight around on each finger. Winnie copied the movements. “Okay, we’re getting somewhere now.”
“Just remember to always change the foot from one weight to the other,” he commented. “You really need to put your weight into it.”
“Got it.”
A rush of happiness flowed through her as the two continued to dance. It was strange, normally she would be doing the coaching and instructing, but it was different being the trainee rather than the trainer. Especially since Steve, someone she had known since she was a child, was the one helping her. Not to mention she had never danced with someone this big before. It sure was strange to say the least.
“I think you’ve mastered the basics,” Steve rumbled. “Now let’s see if you can do the next step. Instead of moving your legs forward, move to the side.”
Steve’s fingers demonstrated the move; his fingers shifting from side to side.
“Side, replace, together. Side, replace, together.”
Sure enough, Winnie quickly found herself mastering the move. Her hips swaying from side to side to Steve’s instructions and the music.
“I guess you’re not so bad at dancing after all,” he grinned.
“Yeah, you better watch out, I might take that salsa crown of yours,” she smirked.
“Whoa, whoa, don’t get ahead of yourself. This is just the basics of all basics when it comes to salsa,” he chuckled. “You’ve got a very long road ahead of you until you get to my level.”
“Well, I would still watch out,” she said. “I’ve got a pretty good coach, too.”
A warm smile lit up along Steve’s features. “I could say the same thing – ow!”
“Oh, sorry!” she exclaimed, retracting her left foot. Somehow, she had managed to trample over Steve’s finger despite his finger being taller than her entire body. “I guess I just lost my footing. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s all good,” he chuckled softly. “Never thought I’d ever have a human stepping on my finger, that’s for sure.”
“I guess you could say I keep you on your fingers,” she grinned. “Instead of keeping you on your toes, it’s fingers because–”
“It’s okay, I get it.” He rolled his eyes. “Very funny.”
He continued to coach Winnie for another couple of hours. She soon discovered once he was in his element, it was almost impossible for the kaiju to break out of it.
“Now, for the next move, you’ll need–”
“Do you think we can call it a day?” Winnie puffed, not caring that she had cut him off mid-sentence, wiping the sweat that was beading on her forehead. She had not exactly anticipated to be this worn out from salsa training, especially with Steve as the coach.
Steve cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, is the wrestling coach all tuckered out? I seem to recall you making me train for even longer for wrestling. I thought we could go for a few more hours.”
Winnie’s face fell. “A few more hours!?”
“Just kidding!” he said, cracking a massive smile. “Oh, you should see the look on your tiny face! The utter dread and despair, it’s killing me!”
“I’m glad you find my misery so pleasing.”
“Come on, I never get to be the coach! It’s actually pretty fun, I can see why you do it now.”
She shook her head, a small grin tugged at the corner of her lips. “I’ll make sure to work you extra hard tomorrow.”
Now it was Steve’s turn for his face to turn sour. “No, you can’t be serious.”
She folded her arms over her chest, a smug grin plastered on her face. “Dead serious.”
“You are an evil little girl,” he muttered, scrunching up his nose.
“A true criminal mastermind,” she hummed. “Do you want to go get some Fro-yo?”
At the mention of the delectable frozen treat, the kaiju’s face shone like a beacon.
“Is that even a question? Of course!”
Half an hour later both Winnie and Steve had almost completely stuffed themselves full of Fro-yo. Steve had taken Winnie to an open field, just on the outskirts of Stoker, to lay down in the lush grass as they clutched their swollen bellies.
“We definitely went overboard on the Fro-yo,” Winnie spluttered, suppressing a burp.
“No such thing as too much dessert,” the giant monster gurgled. “But I may have eaten just a little too much.”
“Steve, you ate a tub of Fro-yo the size of a small car!”
“That’s pretty normal.”
“But that’s the largest size they had!”
Steve belched loudly, the piercing sound rupturing through Winnie’s tiny ears.
“Hey, could you burp a little louder next time? I think then my ears might actually explode.”
“Oops, sorry. Sometimes I forget how small you are.”
Winnie shifted onto her feet and began to climb upwards onto Steve’s massive frame. Cocking an eyebrow, the giant monster watched as the teenager scaled up his shoulder blade and made her way on top of his stomach.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” he chuckled softly.
“Getting comfortable,” she answered, lying down on the monster’s belly. “Your stomach is so soft. It’s great for my back.”
“Why would a girl as young as you have a bad back?” he asked. “It’s me who should have the bad back, not you.”
She flipped onto her stomach, fixing her gaze onto his. “It’s all that hunching over my study desk, that seriously messes up your back if you do it a lot.”
“That’s pretty concerning that your back is already screwed,” he muttered, his voice rumbling all around her.
A moment of silence passed between the human and kaiju.
“Hey, do you really think I’ve got what it takes for wrestling?” Steve said out of the blue, his face suddenly turned serious.
“Wait, really?” she said. “What makes you think that? You’re doing so well now that you’ve found your groove! I really think we can do this.”
“Do you really think that?” he persisted. “Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? You can be honest with me, Winnie.”
Winnie immediately rose to her feet and began marching along Steve’s massive stomach towards his head.
“Just what are you doing now?”
“Look here, mister,” she said firmly, both of her hands grasped firmly on his chin, her eyes locked with his. “I am being completely serious right now. I really do believe you have what it takes. Sure, your methods aren’t exactly the traditional method for wrestling, but who cares about that! The main thing is that you’re winning!”
“But I’m not sure I can keep this up,” he murmured. “I mean, who is going to take me seriously when I’m winning matches by dancing?”
“I thought you just wanted the money to pay back Lady Mayhem.”
“I – I – well, you see, um-”
“Hah! You are enjoying yourself.”
“No, no, you’ve got it all wrong-”
“I know when you’re lying.” She placed her hands on her hips with a very matter-of-fact look on her face.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine, you got me. I do enjoy wrestling.”
“Hah! I knew it,” she smirked.
A loud, deep grumble suddenly interrupted the conversation. It sounded almost like another monster entirely.
“What the heck was that?!” Winnie exclaimed, glancing around to find the source of the monster that had made such a noise. “That has got to be another kaiju. It wasn’t you, right, Steve?”
“Heh, actually, it was me,” he admitted with a hint of embarrassment. “Well, it was my stomach to be exact.”
Winnie’s mouth gaped open in shock. “Wait, so you’re telling me you’re still hungry after all of that Fro-yo?”
“Hey, I’m a big guy!” Steve said. “My stomach is essentially bottomless at this point. I could really use a colossal sized burger.”
“And that why you have such a colossal sized ass.” She shook her head. “We really need to work on your diet more.”
“Hey, don’t bring my butt back into this!”
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
Rumble (Thehypercutter Style) Cast
“In a world where cartoon creature wrestling is considered to be a global sport and its athletes are treated like superstars, a teenage girl seeks to follow her father's footsteps by coaching a loveable captain cookie to become a champion.”
Rebecca (Myself) as Winnie Coyle
Captain Caviar Cookie (Cookie Run) as Rayburn Jr/Steve
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run) as Tentacular
Jasper (Steven Universe) as Marc Remy
Formaggio (JJBA Part 5) as Lights Out McGinty
Bismuth (Steven Universe) as Fred
Kliff (No Straight Roads) as Siggy
Wammawink (Centaurworld) as Maggie Coyle
Didar (Flipline) as Jimothy Brett-Chadley II
Simone (Flipline) as Herself/Jimothy’s Assistant
HollyBerry Cookie (Cookie Run) as Lady Mayhem
DJ Zam (No Straight Roads) as The Stoker Announcer
Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax) as The Mayor
White Diamond (Steven Universe) as The Councilwoman
Viviano Westwood (JJBA Part 6) as Ramarilla Jackson
Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run) as Axehammer
Rico (Flipline Studio) as The Tattoo Guy
Various Characters as The Citizens of Stoker
Ocean Jasper and Biggs Jasper (Steven Universe) as The Burly Guys
Snowball (Battle for Dream Island) as The Security Guard
Hawkodile (Unikitty) as Jimmy Coyle
Pirate Cookie (Cookie Run) as Rayburn Sr
Mixmaster (Transformers Animated) as Klonk
Scrapper (Transformers Animated) as Himself/Klonk’s Partner
Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run) as Denise
Elder Custard Cookie (Cookie Run) as King Gorge
Blitzwing (Transformers Animated) as Lucho Luchon
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lazlolemur · 3 years
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Watched rumble in a friends server n liked it
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
Just saw Rumble (2021) and I have a few headcanons and ideas
Warning for spoilers: mostly character focused and how the story could have been a wee bit spicier
Humans and Kaiju/Monsters ended up co-evoling similar to humans and wolves. It's rather reminiscent of the Monster Hunter universe, with humanity having to live alongside things so much bigger than them.
It's pretty normal for a monster to have a human counterpart and vice-versa. Think a crocodile and a plover, the two benefit from one another.
Steve is older than Winnie by about 5-to-6 years. They were raised together for most of their childhoods, save for when Rayburn Sr took his son with him to away matches. Steve is pretty much Winnie's older brother.
Steve spent most of his childhood summers wherever his dad was fighting. He was in Cuba the summer before his dad passed away.
Not saying that Rayburn Sr was a *horrible* dad persay... but he expected his son to follow exactly in his footsteps and had hints of toxic masculinity when he discouraged young Steve from dancing. He seems like he was a "Stage Dad" in a sense of pushing Steve towards fighting.
I imagine that Steve left Stoker shortly after his dad's death. He got sick of the sorry's and the judgemental gazes whenever he was just being himself. Steve comments that puberty "wasn't easy", hinting that he left Stoker/ran away as a teenager.
Steve ended up in Pittsmore in an attempt to find himself. He only knew one thing: fighting. And Lady Mayhem was the only one willing to hire him.
I hc that Tentacular was born in Stoker and had initially grown up with Steve/Rayburn Jr. The two were friends, but lost contact after Steve ran away. The night before he ran away, Steve told T to become the best fighter he could - anime childhood friends-to-rivals trope.
Tentacular was Rayburn Sr's understudy - trained to take his place in case of injury or in tag teams. This sorta left the him bitter since the media/and the league only saw him as an extension of Rayburn. This leads to his egomania and resentment towards Rayburn's legacy later on.
Tentacular honestly didn't recognise his opponent until Steve said it outright. He's still grappling with the thoughts that his childhood best friend came back to kick his ass.
Most monsters have a "family/true name" and a "stage name". Rayburn Sr was an exception in that his name was one in the same. Steve continues to go as "Steve" to his friends and family, as he feels that "Rayburn Jr" was never really meant to be anything but a title.
Tentacular has a true name and only Steve and Siggy know what it is. It begins with a "T".
After the championship in Stoker, Steve goes out of his way to reconnect with the people he left behind after his dad's death... including Tentacular. Thing get a bit spicier from there
I am having way too many thoughts about a film that currently doesnt even have an Ao3 tag
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jasper-juice98 · 2 years
Winnie: you can't hurt me cuz I'm a minor-
Tentacular: yeah that's called a minor offense, bITCH- *flicks her off Steve's head*
Steve: *panik*
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fizzyrockzz · 10 months
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yaklixy · 8 months
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animallady · 2 years
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My rumble oc Bree Tigress
Species: Tiger Monster
Height: 58ft *almost to tentacular’s height*
Other names: devil woman (Rayburn jr.) kitty, gorgeous, baby (tentacular) the predator ( everyone)
Allies: Rayburn jr. Winnie coyle, Rayburn sr, jimbo coyle,everyone in stoker.
Enemies: tentacular, lady mayhen, siggy marlon, jimothy.
Rivals: tentacular
Love interest: tentacular *possibly*
Likes: stoker, jimbo coyle stadium safe, wrestling, monster wrestling matches, animal print, winning a match, proving that she’s just as good as tentacular or any other male monster wrestler, hoop earrings, makeup.
Dislikes: slitherpoole, Pittsmore, jimbo coyle stadium in danger, tentacular, lady mayhen threatening Rayburn jr., tentacular hurting Rayburn jr. and Winnie coyle, tentacular or any other male monster wrestler flirting with her.
Appearance: female tiger monster, wears a long tiger stripe dress with black heels and a leopard print headband, long golden hair, wears big hoop earrings, long tiger tail, wears red lipstick with black eyeliner, black mascara, and beige eyeshadow, has a beauty mark on her left cheek.
Bio: Bree tigress is a female golden tiger monster and a current monster wrestler in stoker and serves as a bodyguard for Rayburn jr. and Winnie coyle.little is known about her backstory, but it is revealed that she once was a former partner of Rayburn sr. And a close friend of his and jimbo coyle. When Bree tigress heard about both Rayburn sr. And jimbo coyle’s deaths she was very sad and became very depressed afterwards. When she first meets tentacular, she is not impressed at all and then becomes disgusted with his flirtatious behavior towards her and then thinks of him as a arrogant coward when he leaves stoker for slitherpoole. if you ask her how she feels about tentacular, she will give an entire speech about how she despises him. When Rayburn jr. first meets Bree tigress, Bree Tigress gives him the cold shoulder at first, but then warms up to him later on and tells him stories about her and his father Rayburn sr. She can be very seductive at times, which is the reason why she wins every match against a male monster. And when she was having a tv interview, it gave her every chance to grill tentacular, which made tentacular very angry afterwards. Although she shows a hatred for tentacular, deep down she has a little bit of a crush on him, though she tries not to show it.
Personality: kind, generous, hardworking, helpful, brave, intelligent, sassy, seductive, sarcastic at times, no-nonsense, and very competent and can be motherly at times.
Powers/abilities: very strong, very fast, acrobatics, sharp claws, sharp teeth, very strong and loud roar, screams like a panther, very good combat skills.
Voice actress: Beyoncé Knowles Carter
Quotes: “ come back! You cold-blooded coward!” - about to fight tentacular when he leaves for slitherpoole. “how could anyone live in a city like this?” -when talking about slitherpoole. “ no he’s not the champion, he’s a captive, who allows himself to be bossed around by filthy slitherpoolians! Tentacular! More like wusstacular!” - when talking about tentacular on world monster wrestling network.
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boyslushie · 4 years
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finally jumped on this bandwagon! here’s some suggestions from my lovely friends 💕
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sundove88 · 3 years
Rumble (Sundove88’s Version)
In a world where cartoon wrestling is considered to be a global sport and its athletes are treated like superstars, a teenage girl seeks to follow her father's footsteps by coaching a loveable dragon type to become a champion.
Liv as Winnie Coyle (Me)
Dragonite as Rayburn/Steve (Pokémon)
Mega Blastoise as Tentacular (Pokémon)
Kliff as Marc Remy (No Straight Roads)
Worville Wright as Lights Out McGinty (Balan Wonderworld)
Haoyu Chang as Himself/McGinty’s Assistant (Balan Wonderworld)
Director D as Siggy (Poptropica)
Wyldstyle as Maggie Coyle (The LEGO Movie)
Gary Oak as Jimothy Brett-Chadley II (Pokémon)
Mandibuzz as Lady Mayhen (Pokémon)
Leon as The Stoker Announcer (Pokémon)
Mr. Krabs as Fred (SpongeBob)
Bill Cipher as The Mayor (Gravity Falls)
Tatiana as The Councilwoman (No Straight Roads)
Rillaboom as Ramarilla Jackson (Pokémon)
Anjellica as Axehammer (Balan Wonderworld)
Maui as Tattoo Guy (Moana)
Various Characters as The Citizens of Stoker
Morton Koopa and Roy Koopa as The Burly Guys (Mario)
Tree as The Security Guard (Battle For Dream Island)
King Agnarr as Jimmy Coyle (Frozen)
Haxorus as Rayburn Sr (Pokémon)
Emboar as Klonk (Pokémon)
Kosokoso Negati as Denise (Balan Wonderworld)
Delphox as King Gorge (Pokémon)
Cal Suresh as King Gorge’s Coach (Balan Wonderworld)
Serperior as Lucho Luchon (Pokémon)
Here’s your hint for the next Crossover Casting:
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gryz · 3 years
top 5 bruins pets
sidenote is there a bruins pets masterpost out there bc i'm sure there are ones i've forgotten to consider. also someone on the bruins get a cat challenge
otto mcavoy, obviously
winnie and emmylou carlo
diggles krejci (don't @ me i'm still in denial)
tula smith
bodie and gracie coyle
Ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
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