The Great Divide
The Great Divide
I walked out the door without knowing. There was nothing showing. Behind the smile saying goodbye Looking into your blue eyes. There were no sighs or cries For understanding, comfort, or love. As I waved goodbye to my mourning dove.
When you left you could not see the pain What would be the gain Should you see it if let inside? Would you understand what there lies, what I hide, If I had tried? Could you understand, soothe, or love? As we waved I searched for an answer from above. You are my friend and I love you. You are my love and I befriend you. For me you are unreachable For me you are untouchable
K. C. Barry
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deepjams4 · 4 years
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enslavedmind · 5 years
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love me like you mean it; prelude // jay brooks
special thanks to @wintersdreamsworld​ for the prompt to set off my series.
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I Wish
I Wish III
I wish that things were different That we were younger and free I wish that we had met Long before we got entangled I wish that I could say the things I feel Words of endearment, affection, and maybe love I wish that the sky would be ever blue That flowers would forever bloom I wish for what I can not grasp For something I long for, what can not be I wish that you could see my heart My longing, and desire, that you wished too I wish upon a star, the brightest star in the heavens That this is nothing more than a dream I wish that we were of one mind and heart That that we were young and free I wish
K. C. Barry
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Linger Just a Bit Longer
Linger Just a Bit Longer
You just left And already I miss you every minute, every hour is too long Till I see you again Your beautiful smile Your laugh, and your caring eyes Draw me closer every time we meet We met long ago But even then I knew you were special Untouchable though you are You are a beauty In a world of ugliness A balm  In my world of hurt Every minute spent with you Is a joy to my heart If only we could linger a bit longer in the light of our devotion Till we meet again I treasure every moment We have together If only we could linger a bit longer Come again and linger with me just a little bit longer
K. C. Barry
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You Were There
You Were There 
I remember you did care, And maybe still do You were there every morning To walk with me to school You were there when I fell And when I left you standing alone You were there You listened You shared You were my star You helped with classes You, the team captain,  Danced with the awkward girl in glasses But that was long ago Before the sky shed its stars Tears and stars I’ve Shed so many tears And the sky its stars
K. C. Barry
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I Left Home
I Left Home
I left my home long ago The town was too small And the world so big The opportunities seemed slim And my dreams so wide And of that brew I wanted a swig
I left home long ago Sticking my thumb out On the way out To find my way Till I turned gray Life was out there no doubt
I left home long ago Wandered from coast to coast And even a bit beyond Lived in many places Met many new faces Searching for the magic wand
I left home long ago I worked many jobs Learned Science, Philosophy, and trades Earned promotions, awards, bonuses And engaged in political charades With my heart hidden behind drawn shades
I left my home long ago But each day I return in a small way With small town memories as big and wide as the world I seize the opportunities to return Whether in person or in my dreams My heart and thoughts around friends and family curled
K. C. Barry
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In The Balance
In The Balance
You sing the songs My soul has written Amid life’s throngs
You write the words My heart has fancied For the world to see
You act the plays  My mind has imagined In the dawning daylight
Without your melodious hymn My spirit is silent In a cacophonic maelstrom
Without your prose My essence is hushed Never to be heard
Without your passion The curtain falls With the setting sun
You hold me in the balance
K. C. Barry   
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The Load
The Load
Over the many years I have hid the bitter tears I’ve walked many a country and city mile Carrying a dim ravaged smile Always asking forlorn whys Always ending in morose sighs I’ve said too many goodbyes But in the end we all die
With each lost one the weight grows The burden to keep them alive in me shows One by one they’ve fallen, passed on Leaving me to carry the load a little further on If you could only see behind my eyes  My family, my friends, my loves, my ties My ties, my roots, my foundation, my truth You would see there the graveyard of my youth
K. C. Barry
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Every Day, All The Way
Every Day, All The Way 
You are my rock in the sea of chaos You are the music to my dance on the waves of the storm You are my guide through the twists and turns of confusion
I will be your hand up when you stumble in the dark I will be your calming shelter when the storms berate you I will be your unyielding wall when the world assails you
We are one walking hand in hand through the turbulence We are one holding each other steady through the quaking  trials  We are one till the end of days
Our love will stand the test of unrelenting time Our love will quiet the bewildering tumult  Our love will see the sun rise, shine, and drive the darkness away
Every step, Everyday,  All the way,  All the day
K. C. Barry
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It Does Not Seem That Long Ago
It Does Not Seem That Long Ago
It does not seem that long ago That my mother held me close When my ear ached That she cried into the pillow When I was late and missing That she planned a dinner For me and my friends That she waved goodbye When I entered college
It does not seem that long ago That my father taught me  To ride a bike That my father cheered me on In every match or race That my father showed me How to help those in need That he drove 250 miles To bring me home from college
It does not seem that long ago That my grandfather played checkers with me That he was an Oddfellow And one Summer day he had a stroke That my grandmother told me Stories of years and family gone by That she had Jade plants in the windows And Geraniums on the porch
It does not seem that long ago That I took Jane to a dance It was my first date at 14 That Dianne and I stood on the steps And had our first kiss at 17 That Linda and I stood on the porch Holding each other tight at 20 That Cindy and I walked down the aisle To begin our life together at 24
It does not seem that long ago That I was called to the hospital For the birth of our first child and son That I walked the halls Waiting for our first daughter’s arrival That I sat waiting for the doctor To say the delivery went well for mother and last child That our home was filled With laughter, tears, joys, and heartaches
It does not seem that long ago That Fred and I Raced our favorite and fastest slot cars Or Canoed and Fish at the Lake That Mark, Mike, Tom and I Swam across Conesus Lake Or hitched from town to town That Jim and I sat on the school roof Just talking about growing up Or racing cars on back roads That my friends and I Played ball in the field next door Camped out all Summer long Went to Dances with our girlfriends And longed for the last day of school
It just doesn’t seem that long ago But it was
K. C. Barry
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In A Corner
In A Corner 
In a corner of the basement Amidst the dust and shadows Half buried by time and clutter  Sits a bike Tires flat Tassels limp, unmoving No one to ride it now Its once bright colors Dimmed with age And neglect Just a conveyor of memories Useless except to bring back visions Of years gone by Occasionally it gets dusted To reveal the image Of a child Riding, laughing Sometimes crashing But never stopping But now it rests Waiting for a ride Bright and shiny Tassels flying Laughter trailing behind Down Memory Lane one more time
K. C. Barry
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You say we are dirty, unclean, unwashed While you pollute our lands Soil our rivers Rub dirt in our faces and hands
You fly above the moon To the great Valhalla Unknown Your sheep believing your illusions While the outcasts into the sun thrown
You say we are barbaric, inhuman, cruel While you bomb our  homes, villages and cities, Burn our women and children From the air determined by cowardly committees You walk across the land Preaching your rightness Like titans of old Ignoring your wrongness
You say you are generous, giving, and sacrificing While stealing from our people Raping our women and children Erecting tombs with steeples
From your self absorbed, gilded podiums You sing your praise Spewing forth your grandeur Like volcanic ash creating a poisonous haze
We do not want your vain platitudes We shun your arrogance and lies Or your two faced attitudes Hidden beneath your benevolent guise
Destroy not our lands, our people, our heritage Rape your own, Pollute your own land,  But leave us alone.
K. C. Barry
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Sometimes I feel that I just have to write, and write, and write Things that are inane Things that are insane Things that wash away the pain
Some days I just have to go away, far away, far far away To find some rest To find my nest To find that I am blessed
Sometimes I have to sing, and sing, and sing To hear my voice To hear my choice To hear the angels rejoice
Some days I need to just reach, and reach, and reach To grasp a hand To lend a hand To walk with God and man hand in hand K. C. Barry
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Owner of My Heart
Owner of My Heart 
You were ever so wonderful to me. I wish that your face again I would see. If truth were to be told it is you I long to hold. These sentiments have been said many times before to many lost loves in many ways to ones adored. Your love will never get old. My love will never loosen its hold. We maybe far apart, but your still near in my heart. The years have passed too quickly, but I see your beauty and love clearly. The days left to us are fewer. I don’t know what lies in the future. But each day you will always be close. You will be my ballad, mural, and prose. Should we never meet again know that you are the ink in my pen. Writing the history of something treasured. You are the muse of my heart’s pleasure. You gave meaning and wonder to life,  coloring my world with your palette knife. Words fail when it comes to the heart. The love we share will always own my heart
K.C. Barry
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Holding On
Holding On
Life passed him by Loves leaving her dry Just getting by Waiting it to end - to afraid to die
Through the glass portal fell the grains of sand He, to her, an old man - she, to him, one needing a hand His tome reaching its final pages Hers not half written, still in transitional stages
Their worlds apart in so many ways Yet together they spent many days With a love formed in neither Heaven or Hell A love that suited them well
He looking for what was lost in the din She in silence looking for what never has been Time went by neither good or bad But it was the best they had
The days moving by Time on the fly Spending time wondering why They lived only to die
Through it all They just had to call For a hug To feel the caring drug
Life passing her by Came his time to die Life ended for him Leaving her holding the memory of him
K. C. Barry
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