#winx sam harvey
imkylotrash · 2 years
Pairing: Sam Harvey x reader
Request: Hello! Hope you’re good, could you maybe write a longer Sam imagine where the reader and him cuddle after something big? Anonymous
Tagging: @intoanothermind​ @artsyle​ @baueoud​ @glowingatdawn​ Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 
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“So, you’re telling me that Sam is currently on a murder spree because you couldn’t keep your powers to yourself?” Your blood is boiling. You knew it had been wrong of Musa to play around with people’s emotions. You had thought it when you saw her do it to Aisha, and you’d almost ripped her hand off when you saw her do it with Sam. But you’d held your tongue and now you are sorely regretting that decision. 
“Not a murder spree, just Rosalind,” Musa says weakly, her eyes twinkling purple as she tries to gauge your feelings. But you’ve been around mind fairies long before you went to Alfea - you know how to keep them out. 
“One person is bad enough, Musa! Sam isn’t a killer,” you exclaim, trying to stay in control of your own powers. Tiny sparks erupt from the tips of your fingers, so you clench them into fists. 
“If he goes up against Rosalind, she’s not the one dying,” you say as you storm out of the suite. The banquet has already started when you arrive, but you know how Sam thinks. He’s not dumb enough to attack her directly. Or rather, you’re hoping he isn’t dumb enough to attack her directly. You can’t really be sure how Musa’s magic has affected his mind. 
“Stupid mind fairies,” you mumble under your breath, as you head for the kitchens. He knows potions; poison would be an obvious choice. When you don’t spot him at first, you almost panic. Then you see the guard grab his arm, and you almost lose it. 
“Sam, there you are! I told you, I’d come see you when I finished up here. You didn’t have to bring the potion with you.” At no point does your voice falter as you take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his. 
“Sorry about that. We had a date later, but Sam just gets so excited when he tries new stuff, don’t you, love?” You squeeze his hand probably a bit too hard as you pray to whatever is out there that he’ll get it and play along. 
“Right, sorry. I forgot when you finished so I figured I’d try and stop by,” he smiles, looking directly at you. Before anyone else sees the three of you, you look back to the guard and flutter your eyelashes. 
“Sorry about that. I’m off now anyway, so I’ll take this little geek back to the greenhouse.” You’re holding your breath as you walk out with Sam in tow. Halfway to the greenhouse, Sam stops you and releases your hand. You try not to miss the warmth he offered. 
“I guess I owe you a thank you.” 
“I guess you do.” Clearly, all the rage hasn’t burnt away yet, and you’re standing in line of fire. 
“Well, thanks. Now excuse me.” You step forward and grab hold of his arm. He cannot seriously be thinking about going back. 
“You’ve already been caught once. Next time they’re probably not going to be as understanding about it!” you hiss, your heart almost beating out of your chest. You’ve always cared about Sam and when he first dated Musa, you’d been happy for him. They seemed so good together that you immediately packed away your own feelings. Now, you realize what a massive mistake you’d made back then by not fighting for Sam. 
“Let go of me,” he says, venom dripping from every word. 
“I’m not even playing here, Harvey. You take one more step towards the banquet and I will knock you out.” His foot hardly even leaves the ground before you let go of the electricity. The shock convulses his body for five excruciating moments before he drops to the floor. Then, you text the only person who’ll help you without asking any questions. 
“Thank you for coming,” you sigh as he turns the corner. 
“Do I even want to know?” You offer a half-hearted smile. 
“No. You definitely don’t.” Together, you and Riven carry him back to the greenhouse where Mr. Harvey is waiting. None of you talk as you place Sam on a patient bed, but you watch all color leave Mr. Harvey’s face as Sam mutters Rosalind’s name. Riven holds the door open, and you’re quick to follow him outside. 
“Listen, I don’t want to know what the hell I just helped you stop, but I’m not an idiot. And I heard the same thing as you did in there.” 
“Riven, please. I’ll take care of it.” He hesitates for a moment before sighing. 
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process.” And then he’s gone, leaving you with the job of explaining everything to Mr. Harvey. After that’s done, you stay with Sam until he wakes up. You feel horrible about the bruises on his arm, but you tell yourself it was the only way to stop him. 
“Hey crazy,” you whisper as he looks around. 
“How did I get here? Did you stun me?” He tries to sit up, but you push him down easily. To be completely honest, you’re terrified of what he might do if he leaves this room. 
“I did stun you, and you should be glad I did considering how you were acting.” Sam isn’t a murderer. But you’re not entirely sure his anger is entirely gone yet, so you can’t risk letting him out of your sight. 
“Where’s Musa?” he asks, finally accepting the fact that he’s stuck with you. 
“No idea, I haven’t talked to her. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to see her, so I figured I’d wait until you could decide for yourself.” You don’t mention her indiscretion even though you have a lot of opinions about her disregard for personal space.
“I don’t know. I mean, I know I have to at some point, but I don’t think I’m ready right now. Does that make me a horrible person?” He pulls at a loose thread on the bedding while avoiding any form of eye contact. 
“No. It doesn’t. Your feelings are your own and entirely valid.” Neither of you speaks after that, but you stay with him until it gets dark and you have to return to your suite. Over the next few days, you spend all of your free time with Sam. You know Mr. Harvey is looking into other schools and it’s only a matter of time before he’ll find something. The clock is ticking, and you’re dreading the moment where you have to say goodbye. Unfortunately for you, the day arrives sooner than you’d thought. 
“So, you’re leaving today.” Sam turns around with a few books in his hand, so you hand him the empty card box by the door. 
“Yeah. It’s all happened very fast.” You keep quiet, but Sam must sense something’s off because he opens his arms, and you don’t hesitate as you walk right into his embrace. Your cheeks burn when he places a brief kiss on the top of your head. It’s not unusual as such. He was always affectionate with you before he started dating Musa, and now he’d restarted old traditions. But you still feel your heartbeat quicken.
“I want to go but there are also certain things I don’t want to leave behind.” Your lips part in surprise, but you keep quiet, afraid to assume anything. He just finished things with Musa the other day. 
“I’m sure Terra will text you every day. I wouldn’t worry too much about leaving her,” you finally say in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
“I wasn’t talking about Terra.” He pulls away to look into your eyes, and you struggle to keep your breath even. 
“You’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And I thought what I felt for you was normal to feel for your best friend. But after everything that’s happened, I’ve realized that how I feel about you is so much more than just appreciation for being my friend.” This is almost too good to be true. You’ve waited so long to hear those words from Sam, and now he’s standing in front of you, looking at you the way you’ve always looked at him. And he’s leaving...
“I know it’s horrible timing. But I couldn’t leave without at least telling you.” Instinct takes over when you start pushing him towards the bed, but he quickly catches up. For the first time in a long time, a real smile plays on his lips as you push him onto the mattress. 
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” you whisper before closing the gap between you and him. 
Afterwards, you lie wrapped up in each other on his tiny single, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s a moment of pure bliss before the world refocuses and Mr. Harvey is banging on the door to let Sam know time is up. 
“We’ll keep in touch, right?” he asks, holding you tightly in his arms. You nod already scared that the distance will be too much for you. However, Sam proves your fears wrong. He texts you - every day. Good morning, good night, how was your day? And it all makes you much him so much more. Enough for you to ask for a transfer. And when it goes through, you travel straight to the man you love. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks surprised. 
“Well, it’s my first day. I’m looking for someone to show me around.” When he realizes what you just said, he engulfs you in a rib-crushing hug. Yes, you were going to miss the girls and Alfea, but this moment right here? Made it all worth it. 
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
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partiallypearl · 4 months
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Oh, you say you really love me Right up until you leave There's nothing I can do to help
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billieb0i · 9 months
You're My Gift (Silrah fic)
(here's my gift to @lottiehenrietta for the Fate: The Winx Saga holiday exchange! I had a great pleasure writing it! I hope you'll like it. 🩵🩷)
(you can also read it on AO3)
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24th of December. As the snow was falling heavily outside and night was falling on Alfea, Saul and Farah were busy baking Christmas cookies. And not just any kind: German hazelnut cookies. Of course Saul and Farah didn’t know a single thing about… what, Germany? It was a land from the First World and neither of them had ever been there before. Bloom had told them about this faraway land, but which seemed to be utterly enchanting. She told them that one didn’t speak the same language in Germany as in the Other World for instance. Most of all, she told them about the food. On a trip to Germany a few years ago, Bloom discovered the much-vaunted hazelnut cookie recipe at the Christmas market. It was her favourite.
“You should try that one,” she said to the couple the week before. “It’s a must.”
Saul had rushed off to buy all the necessary ingredients for the cookies, whereas Farah had unknowingly purchased his gift. She hid it in one of her desk drawers, where she knew Saul wouldn’t interfere in. Yet she was unaware of Saul’s gift for her. He was thinking about that while baking the last cookies. He couldn’t help but admire his partner. She remained astoundingly beautiful, elegant and smiley. Her golden hair cascaded over her shoulders and she handled the cookie dough delicately. “How lucky I am to know her,” he thought. Hozier’s Work Song was playing on the radio. Saul whistled to the rhythm of the song. It was their song. He refrained from dancing and instead busied himself with putting the cookies in the oven next to a salted caramel Christmas cake.
“I know you feel like dancing, but be patient. We’ll have a slow dance tonight,” teased Farah.
“I feel like a kid, Fa. It is the best night of the year,” whinged Saul.
They both beamed, then they prepared the tea. Bloom, Sky, Terra, Sam and Ben will be coming in a few minutes, so they set the table with a Christmas-coloured tablecloth, arranged small dessert plates on which they placed black and gold paper napkins.
They barely had time to put the spoons down when someone knocked on the door. Farah opened the door and let her guests in. Everyone greeted each other warmly, taking care not to crush the presents. It was a family tradition: everyone gave each other their presents on the 24th at teatime, then Saul and Farah celebrated Christmas alone, Bloom and Sky on their side and Ben, Terra and Sam all together. But at the moment everyone was chatting happily over delicious freshly baked cookies and cake. And now it’s time for the Christmas presents.
Farah and Saul had a great evening in their friends’ company, who had given them incredible gifts such as a state-of-the-art Polaroid camera, a large recipe book and board games. Nevertheless they couldn’t wait for their friends to leave, as they wanted to give each other their present in privacy. Not that it was sex toys, only Farah and Saul liked to be just the two of them. These moments were so rare that they cherished them even more.
“I’ll get your present, close your eyes,” Farah smiled.
“Just let me look for mine and I’ll close my eyes,” Saul teased her, smirking.
He went into their bedroom, slightly trembling with fear. He’d never given a present like this before, for the simple reason that Farah was his first –and perhaps only– love, and he was dreading spoiling the moment due to anxiety. But he pulled himself together; he was going to do everything in his power to ensure that Farah was happy with his gift. He lifted a board from under their bed, which only he knew one could hide things underneath, and took out a sheet of paper. Then he returned to the living room.
Farah had only just returned from her office, but Saul had already closed his eyes. She handed him the small package, which Saul hastily unwrapped after reopening his eyes. It was a small jewellery case containing a magnificent silver signet ring with a labradorite stone. ‘This stone is supposed to bring protection to its owner. I thought it would be appropriate for you.’ A tear of joy rolled down Saul’s cheek. He went over to her and kissed her tenderly, giving her a big, warm hug. Then she said: ‘Come on, give me your gift!’. Her partner told her to sit, then Saul knelt down and started to read his paper with the best diction he could muster:
“With you I am at ease:
the faint clocks idly strike,
just as in olden days.
Come tell me of a love -
but simply not aloud.
Somewhere a gate's unclosed
out in the flower breeze.
Night listens at the panes.
Let us stay quiet now:
no one knows us so.”
“It’s a German poem originally. Bloom gave me the idea and she translated it for me.”
Farah’s heart began to pound wildly. Saul had just read her a poem. She didn’t know Saul had this poetic side and she was all the happier for it. She didn’t have the words to express what she was feeling. All she could do was hold her partner as tightly as she could. They were in their bubble of comfort and love and nobody could take that away from them.
They spent the rest of the evening playing their new boardgames, listening to songs that were dear to both Farah and Saul and eating cookies. It was just fine.
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iamdexter123 · 11 months
Looking at the stills of Fate episodes and the random plants in the background scenery, and imagining the extended Harvey family accidentally stress-growing them and then hiding them throughout the school because they couldn’t bear to destroy them. Students be walking into classrooms and saying, “Professor Harvey’s had a bad day again,” because suddenly there’s a grown-ass fiddle-leaf fig where a desk used to be.
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marigoldwriter · 11 months
Children of Characters from Fate: The Winx Saga:
I've been thinking about making a list of the characters that I've written and that Sanya could possibly mention, there are also new children that will appear due to Sanya's Time Leap, and I thought about listing them all, even if later I'll I have to update this list, because my head keeps coming up with ideas about this fanfic! Most of these children would appear in one of the parallel stories, in this case, the four books: "Tree of Life", "New Aurora Borealis", "Lullabies Never Sung" and "The Heart of the World", are few children compared to the entire story I have already written.
I could give some physical descriptions but I will limit myself to giving a brief presentation of these children and talking about their ages, some of them are known here but others I haven't even mentioned.
Stella x Beatrix: (Let's start with the most obvious, please)
★ Estrella: She was adopted at the age of four and lost her parents due to the witch hunt that takes place throughout the Magic Dimension, she began to be raised by the couple in the middle of the political war between Eraklyon and Solaria, she is a blood witch — Current age: 19
★ Dia: Is their first biological daughter, she was born a lunar witch, one thing that's unusual between her and her sisters is that she was born exactly like her grandmother, Luna — Current age: 13
★ Ellie: Eleanor's older twin, she was born a solar witch, and she is Ignacio's best friend — Current age: 12
★ Eleanor: Ellie's younger twin, she was born a light fairy, she is in love with Thalassa. Before the Time Jump, Eleanor committed suicide due to Aaron's abuse — Current age: 12
★ Sanya: Born a hybrid, she is a massive representative of peace between the two races, she got a Witch's Hat much earlier than her other siblings and has a natural talent for brewing potions (especially poisons) but all of this was only possible after the Time Leap, she is Cadenza's best friend — Current age: 11
★ Marina: She is the first child born after the Time Leap, she is a sea witch, personally closer to her sisters, Vega and Sanya — Current age: 8
★ Castor: The only child who has Beatrix's brown eyes, she was born after the Time Leap, she is Pollux's twin sister and was born an air fairy — Current age: 6
★ Pollux: The only child born with the light green eyes of her grandfather, Radius, she was born after the Time Leap, she is Castor's twin sister and was born a forest witch — Current age: 6
★ Cosmos: Named after his grandmother (Beatrix's mother), he was born an air fairy, is the only boy in the family, and is a Stella's mini copy, just like half the children — Current age: 5
★ Cressida: She is a new species of fairy, a gold fairy, is the only one born with brownish hair in the family, she has all of Beatrix's personality and needs to take classes to control her magic — Current age: 4
Beatrix x Eraklyon's prince (relationship never consummated or existing)
★ Vega: Beatrix and Eraklyon's prince daughter, she was born through black magic and not through normal conception, which is why she has no magic of her own, as if she were made of clay, she is the rightful and only heir to the Eraklyan throne — Current age: 11
Bloom x Sky:
★ Ruben: The eldest son, he was the guardian of the Dragon Flame until Marion was born, he would possibly be Eraklyon's heir if Sky had not left the line of succession, has a slight crush on Estrella — Current age: 16
★ Marion: Their first daughter and second child, she is the current bearer of the Dragon Flame, and Domino's future ruler, she was extremely close to her mother before she disappeared, in love with Breezy and reciprocated — Current age: 14
★ Ignacio: Their third and last child before the divorce, he was born with a very small amount of magic so Sky trains him to be a Specialist, he doesn't understand why his parents separated but he loves his stepmother — Current age: 12
Bloom x Isobel "Icy"
★ Angel: She is their first daughter, she was born a heat witch, Angel has always been a little shy with her half-siblings, especially with Ruben since he doesn't seem to like her, but she has a good relationship with her other siblings, she is the future Duchess of Daniels — Current age: 10
★ Blanche: Cymbeline's older twin sister, born a normal fire fairy, generally avoids Ruben anyway because of her fear of him, but she gets along very well with Pollux and Castor — Current age: 8
★ Cymbeline: Blanche's younger twin brother, born an ice wizard, he hates Ruben because of his similarity to Sky and the way he acts with his older sisters, apart from he has a good relationship with all his siblings, but he is especially close to his cousins — Current age: 8
Daphne x D'arcy
★ Mimis: The first of their triplets, Mimis is a nymph, technically still a fairy, but she is trained by Daphne and she dreams of take up some position among the legendary Nine Nymphs of Magix one day, she is very close to Sanya, Ellie and Marion — Current age: 12
★ Mephisto: The second of the triplets, Mephisto is a fire fairy, he is very close to his cousins and sometimes babysits Cosmos and Cressida — Current age: 12
★ Malachi: The youngest of the triplets, he is a divination wizard, like D'arcy, he likes reading palms and whenever he can he practices tarot with Sanya — Current age: 12
Musa x Samuel "Sam"
★ Dorian: Their only son, Musa had him at a time when she had a relapse with Sam, but never wanted to get back together with him, so they were separated but Sam visited the boy, and Musa married Riv, who sees him as a son. Dorian is an mind fairy — Current age: 17
Musa x Riven
★ Callypso: Cadenza's twin brother, he is a mind fairy, he is extremely quiet and loves to play the drums, he and his sister use Runic Blockers at certain times because of how strong their magic is, this is due to the fact that they are the children of a Guardian Fairy — Current age: 12
★ Cadenza: Callypso's twin sister, she is also a mind fairy, unlike her brother, she is extremely active and, at times, even aggressive, Riven teaches her from a young age to defend herself, she and her brother use Runic Blockers at certain times Because of how strong their magic is, this is due to the fact that they are the children of a Guardian Fairy — Current age: 12
★ Harper: He is the youngest in the family, he has a very small amount of magic so when he grows up, Riven will train him until the day he goes to Alfea — Current age: 3
Terra x Katherine "Kat"
★ Magnolia: Mag is their first daughter, she is an earth fairy and usually helps her mother with her projects, she dreams of being a normal teenager with a peaceful life, she has a crush on Dorian — Current age: 13
★ Pearl: Their second daughter, Pearl is adopted, she is a water fairy who lost her parents in a car accident, she survived and ended up losing her sight, when she was 3 years, Terra and Kat adopted her — Current age: 8
★ Olivier: The third child, he doesn't have much magic, so Kat trains him from time to time, because Oli's dream is different, but he will gladly join the Specialists if it makes his mothers happy — Current age: 6
Flora x Helia
★ Breezy: Their eldest daughter, she is a earth fairy, she is in love with Marion and it is reciprocal, she travels daily with her mother to take care of the Alfea greenhouse, and Flora is also a teacher at the school — Current age: 15
★ Jasper: Second child and first son, he is an earth fairy, he takes harp lessons, courtesy of Beatrix, who is his godmother, and he is very good friends with Pollux, but only Fawn knows that he likes her — Current age: 8
★ Fawn: Third child and second daughter, she is an earth fairy, she lives away from home, in a nearby forest, and loves collecting seeds, only she knows that Jasper likes Pollux — Current age: 6
Aisha x Gray
★ Thalassa: She is Aisha and Gray's only daughter, she is a water fairy, sometimes while she trains with the Specialists, she also loves beaches, and Thalassa knows that Eleanor has feelings for her, but she thinks it's just a child's crush — Current age: 17
Tecna x Carmen
★ Cecília: Their eldest daughter, Cece is great with circuits, she is an human and developed an advanced paw prosthetic with her mother for her dog who suffered an accident, she also works at her mom's PetShop — Current age: 15
★ Ada: She is their youngest daughter, she was born a technomagic fairy, always demonstrating an advanced intellect, she, since Cecília has already said she doesn't want to, will take on the position of CEO of her family's Multimillion-dollar Technology Company — Current age: 6
Roxana "Roxy" x Manuel
★ Emily: Their only daughter, she was born a human but still, taking after her mother, she had a very strong connection with animals, she is the crown princess of Tir Na Nog and faces great criticism for being a human who will assume the throne of the central kingdom of the Earth Fairies (the non-magical Earth/the human world) — Current age: 15
★ Anatole: Radius' first child with his new wife, Ariana, he born a light fairy, he gets along well with his older sister after getting to know her better at the age of 11, they become close and develop a good older sister-older brother relationship.
★ Serena: The eldest daughter of Queen Krystal, current ruler of Linphea, she is great at volleyball, so much so that she would like to compete, and really wants to rappe one day but her father is very afraid of what could happen to her.
★ Orion: Second son of Queen Krystal, he takes after his father in appearance but is like his mother and sister, he is often seen skateboarding and escaping his royal duties to go to a skate park
★ Mia: Queen Krystal's youngest daughter, she is still too young for any radical activity, but she is already trying to climb the castle's shelves and furniture.
★ Ramone: Eldest son of Queen Galatea, the current ruler of Melody, and Hendrix's twin brother, he was born a mind fairy, and in terms of appearance is identical to his twin, even though it is quieter and calmer.
★ Hendrix: Ramone's twin brother, he is the second son of Queen Galatea, he was also born a mind fairy, and unlike his twin, he is much more agitated, he crawls everywhere and the maids and butlers go crazy.
★ Sophia: Selina's daughter, she is an earth fairy and is a childhood friend of Marion, as their mothers knew each other since they were young, she lives in the Forest of Flowers, in Gardenia, where her mother's old Fairy Godmother lived, and where it is now an area protected by a seal made by Flora.
Well, that's it, I'm sorry it's not much but these are the ocs that I remember at the moment, each of them with their own story, to be more exact, Stellatrix's children and Skloom and Bloomtrix's children would all appear in "New Aurora Borealis", it would be a book of maximum 300/400 pages with just one plot that would involve these children.
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fitztragedy · 2 years
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cjriles · 1 year
i don’t care what y’all think jacob dudman is my ultimate sebastian sallow fancast. sam in fate the winx saga gives sooo much (not evil) seb energy idfc
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greymantledlady · 1 year
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Terra's pov vs Sky's (why is this entire book breaking my heart)
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
hi! i hope you’re having a good morning/afternoon/night and that everything is going your way, if not, how are you?
i came into your inbox to ask a sam harvey x fem!reader (if you feel more comfortable writing gn that’s okay!) drabble. i was just thinking a fluffy friends to lovers and itd just be so cute and everything. it can be before samusa happens or after and readers just helping sam get better and maybe stay at alfea. honestly you can do what you feel like, the only thing i ask is that there’s no angst (at least not hardcore) and that it’s friends to lovers.
if for any reason you feel like not doing this just ignore this! bye!<3
oh I absolutely can do this, I'm not really for writing angst anyway! most of my drabbles should be fine if you'd like to read them and the others I've tried to mark with triggerwarnings!
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"Come on", you pouted, throwing one of your shirts at Sam, who was sitting on the opposite bed, while you were hanging from yours. The ground was basically just your clothes by now, and you weren't in the mood to clean, so just throwing them at him served two purposes at the same time already. "Please, Sammy. Just this time. It won't hurt."
Sam raised his eyebrows.
"Riven's birthday party, really?"
You huffed and rolled your eyes, throwing another shirt at him. This one was blue. And not yours. Since when did Sam not put his shirts away? You pulled it back from where it had slid off his leg, de-crumbling it. Oh. Yeah, you'd stolen that one from him.
"Come on", you repeated. "Pretty please? I don't want to go alone."
He shook his head, folding the last shirt that had landed on his lap and putting it away onto the pile he had already created next to him on the bed.
"I don't understand why you're going at all if you don't want to."
"Riven's my brother, I have to. Mom would kill me if I didn't. I had to promise her to give him his present."
Sam let out a dry laugh, running his hand through his hair. "Your family...", he started, trailing off.
"Is fucking weird?", you offered. "I know. And I love them, but they're so annoying at the same time. Riven especially."
The two of you looked at each other in silence.
Perhaps this situation would be strange, if it were with anyone else. But not with Sam. You'd found yourself in much stranger situation with Sam. This was one of the more normal ones.
"Please just go with me", you begged, pretending to sniff as though you were crying.
Sam let out a sound between a grunt and a deep breath that told you he'd already agreed. You grinned, throwing the last shirt in your reach right at his face.
"Love you", you smiled. He muttered something that you just decided was a "love you too".
Because you really did love him.
"Hey", you said suddenly. "I'd like us to officially go as a couple."
Sam raised his eyebrows once more today. You couldn't blame him - the two of you hadn't been dating for long. You'd been close friends before, best friends. For years. But it had taken its time for you to realise that you had eventually started falling in love. So it wasn't actually official yet. Or, well, for the two of you it was official. It was just that no one really knew.
"Won't say no to the party then", he sighed, poorly hiding a grin, bending down and dropping the shirt on your face now. You picked it off with two fingers, scrunched up your nose and threw it in the furthest corner away from you.
"Come here", you ordered instead of answering, sat up in a smooth movement, straightened, grabbed him by the hands and pulled him towards you.
He let out a chuckle, "Steady there", but it ended as barely an intake of breath as his lips met yours.
You didn't think you'd ever get enough of him. You didn't know how anyone could live without him in their lives.
"I want to be able to kiss you in the hallways and when our friends are around. I don't want this to be a secret anymore", you whispered, eyes still closed, forehead resting against his.
He put his arms around you and pulled you into a hug.
"Then we won't keep it secret anymore."
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
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#they were roommates
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partiallypearl · 7 months
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I appreciate the way you want me, I can't lie (Can't lie) I drop it low, I back it up, I know you wanna think you're mine Baby, I totally get it, you can't guess so You can't get me off your mind We in it together, but don't call me angel
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐱 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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| $ - Smut | * - Fluff | # - Angst | ! - Dark Content |
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↳ Bloom Peters
↳ Sky
↳ Riven
↳ Aisha
↳ Musa
↳ Stella
↳ Flora
↳ Terra Harvey
↳ Beatrix
↳ Sam Harvey
↳ Dane
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bemymovieandtvshow · 2 years
Unpopular opinion:
I don’t ship Musa and Riven! I still love the relationship she had with Sam and hope for his return!!!!
Maybe because I’m gay and we ship almost all the queerbate ever! I still wish for Riven and Dane too fall for each other (or Riven too see that he has feelings for Dane). I thought of it as a interesting arc and wish for it to happen.
Don’t come for me please original fan base, just see things in other point of views! 🧚🏼‍♂️
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medusanova · 2 years
Sambea + accidental hand-hold in public
She had no clue when he entered her orbit. All her life she’d minded her own path, stuck to her goals, kept her distance. And all of a sudden, he was there with his own gravitational pull, hauling her close. Eclipsing the darkness that had always surrounded her like a burning star. Like the fucking sun.
How dare he, honestly.
The worst part was she couldn’t even blame him for the series of events that had lead to this. No, she only had herself and her damn curiosity — and maybe her secret longing — to thank for this ridiculous farce of an evening.
“So,” intoned the starchy woman, pursing her lips. Like seeing someone like Beatrix and someone like Harvey at one table was wrong. Distasteful. “How is it you two, er, got together?”
She’d been so damn close to finding them. To finding the answers she wanted. To finding the family she deserved. And just as hope started to peak and her spirits started to lift up, the universe had to make sure poor little Beatrix was kicked down once more.
When she’d first received the letter from the Academy that one Isobel Daniels and D’arcy Daniels attended, she’d been ecstatic. It was only when she opened the letter and read phrases like ‘each of our young ladies and gentleman come to our school from the most esteemed families in the Otherworld’ and ‘we cultivate the brightest of minds, kindest of dispositions, and bravest of souls’ that she’d known waltzing in and meeting them would be to good to be true.
As far as Beatrix was concerned, each word in that letter was a brick laid into the growing wall between Beatrix and meeting Isobel and D’arcy. Her only family. And if she’d been anyone else or remotely capable of expressing a feeling, she would’ve admitted how crushed she felt. How dejected and hopeless.
It was only when she saw the disgusting sight of Sky walking hand-in-hand with Bloom that she started to formulate an idea. An idea that could elevate her look, her reputation, and her bloody disposition all in one fell swoop. A buffer for her sharp edges, a teacher to educate her in the elusive art of being pleasant…
A teacher’s son.
Harvey had been perfect. Practically oozing kindness from his pores and constantly shimmering with charisma. The golden boy, the botany nerd, the charming fairy. And the perfect way for Beatrix to get an in. To mold herself into the perfect long, lost sister in a steady relationship and plead her case with the Headmistress of the school.
It had taken her three failed attempts at blackmail, two rebuffed attempts at bribery, and a full week of cajoling for him to finally agree to help.
“Fine. One night. And you’ll owe me.”
“Not looking for any new fuck buddies, thanks Harvey.”
“Christ. Not a sexual favor. I meant a helpful favor. As a friend. Wait. Sorry, you don’t have those. Forgot I was talking to the princess of darkness.”
Only problem was, Beatrix severely underestimated just how charismatic Harvey could be. Or maybe she overestimated how much his personality could soften hers. Because this stick-up-her-arse lady did not seem to be eating out of the palm of Beatrix’s hand. No, she seemed perfectly content to ignore Bea in favor of any scrap of attention from golden boy blinding the restaurant with his sweet, sunshine-laden smiles.
“It’s a long story actually,” he chuckled, leg fidgeting under the table, bumping into Beatrix’s. Every fourth shake, she’d counted.
She barely heard the rest of the story he made up, all she could hear was the echoing chasm of disappointment and anger at yet another obstacle thrown in her path. Another person who hated her. When would something finally go her way? When would Beatrix get to be the one who was looked upon with fondness and amicability? When would-
“Isn’t that right? Beatrix?” His leg brushed against hers again, this time more forceful, more deliberate than all the others.
“Uh, yes. Absolutely, Ha- Sam,” she corrected herself.
In all honesty, she hadn’t heard a word he’d said, too lost in her miserable musings and another failed scheme to keep up with the farce.
But when she looked up, it was to find an expectant and open look on the headmistress’ face… directed at her. At Bea. And suddenly Beatrix lost every rehearsed line, every practice conversation they’d had before they’d come here tonight.
Fuck, she thought. She had to respond with something. She wouldn’t let this opportunity slip through her grasp. Not again.
Desperate for something to buy her time, she reached for the stem of the water glass next to her, intending to take a long, fortifying sip, until she encountered a warm hand blocking her way. She was about to pull hers back instinctively when Harvey twisted his hand and held hers in his grasp.
So shocked and appalled — mostly at the fact that she could feel her cheeks heating up — she couldn’t help but dart her eyes to his, wondering if he’d lost his damn mind. He seemed to be quite sane though, giving her hand a small squeeze.
Encouragement, Beatrix realized. He was cheering her on.
Then, inexplicably, came that small quirk of the lips that had made every person in the room that evening fawn and soften.
For some reason though, this one seemed.. different. A little deeper, more real. Like all the other smiles were for everyone else, while this smile was for her.
And somehow, for reasons Beatrix would never care to explain, it was the spark she needed to turn to the Headmistress and flatter her way into a visit to the Academy.
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keepingupwseries · 2 years
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Fate the winx saga - Beatrix
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