jaysworlds · 1 year
The end, when it came, was quick. Lucifer swung. Mari dodged, countered, and her sword sliced across Lucifer’s stomach.
For a moment he just looked surprised. His sword clattered to the ground with a dull thud. He stumbled back, hands pressed to his stomach, and collapsed on the couch behind him.
Daryn froze. Behind him, he heard Mari sink to the floor, but he didn’t look over.
“Daddy?” he whispered. Lucifer looked up at him, finally calm, and reached a hand toward him. His fingers were stained black.
“Come here, pumpkin,” Lucifer told him, beckoning him over.
He hadn’t called Daryn that in years. Since before everything went wrong.
Daryn bit back a sob and stumbled over, sinking down on the couch beside him. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
Lucifer shook his head, smiling and reaching up, cupping Daryn’s cheek, smearing blood on his face. “It’s alright, pumpkin.”
He was a far cry from the man he’d been a few minutes ago, looking at Daryn in the same soft, fond way he had when Daryn had been little.
“I love you,” Daryn told him, rubbing his eyes to try and hide the few tears that were sneaking out. He desperately wanted to hear his father tell him he loved him, just one more time.
“I love you too,” Lucifer said, kissing his forehead. “And I’m sorry it had to be this way.”
Daryn sobbed, turning to press his face against Lucifer’s shoulder.
Lucifer hushed him gently, gentle fingers through his hair. “It’s alright, pumpkin,” he said, soft. He hadn’t been so kind to Daryn in so long, why did it have to be like this? “It’s alright. Everything’s going to be okay now.”
“Daddy,” Daryn gasped, unable to get anything else out through his sobs. “Please don’t go.”
Lucifer kissed his hair, soft. “Oh, pumpkin. It’s alright. I’m not going to leave you alone.”
“Promise?” Daryn asked, sniffling quietly into his father’s shirt. It was ruined already, Daryn wasn’t going to make it worse.
“I promise,” Lucifer said. “I’m going to be with you forever, okay?”
Lucifer shifted, slow and careful. Daryn didn’t move, not wanting to let him go. He’d seen how bad the wound Mari had given him was, but he was trying very hard to believe that everything was going to be okay.
“Okay,” he whispered. Mari said something, from the other side of the room, but Daryn couldn’t hear what it was, and he didn’t think it was aimed at him anyway.
“I love you, pumpkin,” Lucifer said, and Daryn heard Mari cry out.
Pain exploded through his back. He heard himself scream, and then – blessedly – everything went dark.
daryn is having a great time <3
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jaysworlds · 1 year
“That’s not very nice,” Daryn’s mouth said, without very much input from Daryn’s brain.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
That … was fair enough, actually, and she said as much. He gave her another lopsided smile and nodded.
“Your smile is nice,” Daryn noted, and he laughed, perhaps a little nervously, colour flooding his cheeks.
“Your smile. It’s nice. I haven’t seen it before.”
“You’re drunk.”
She rolled her eyes, rolling onto her back to look up at the ceiling. “Just a little bit. But it is a nice smile.”
“Just a lottle bit.”
“That’s not a word.”
“How would you know? You’re drunk.”
Daryn huffed at him. “I know what I’m talking about.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“I’m a little tipsy,” Daryn told him, reaching up to poke his mouth when he leaned over her. “And your smile is nice.”
“Why are you so insistent about this?”
“Why are you so insistent about it?”
“I’m not.”
Daryn rolled her eyes, reaching up to poke his mouth again. Kyo caught her hand before she could this time, stopping her before she could. “Don’t do that.”
“You are insistent,” Daryn told him, although she graciously didn’t poke his mouth anymore. “You’re saying ‘oh, I don’t have a nice smile, you’re just drunk.’ But you do.”
gay people being gay i love them <3
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jaysworlds · 3 years
Was it hard? they ask (the mother. Face bathed in holy light and hands bathed in blood.) Was it hard?
Yes, she says. (The mother. Who else is left to answer?) Yes, it was hard.
You were so brave, they say (to the mother. They do not think of the children.)
It was a sacrifice, she tells them (wiping a tear from her eye. It does not matter whether it is real or not.) I did what had to be done.
You saved us, they say (to the mother; to the traitor. Perhaps they’re right.)
(And who thinks of those she didn’t save, of those she sent to their doom.)
I remember you, the wind says (to the sons, wings broken and bodies unburied. The lucky ones, to die still bathed in grace.) I remember you.
Stay, the library says (to the son, still holding the crown. Unaware of the knife.) You’re safe here.
Trust me, the knife whispers (to the son, lost in grief and anger. His mother’s son.) Wield me.
Listen, the madness calls (to the daughter, furious and alone. Her father’s daughter.) Listen to me.
They listen. They have no one else to listen to.
I wonder what became of them, she asks. (The mother. She does not care to see the bodies.) I wonder if they’re alright.
Please, she says. (The child. The only one left.) Please.
She does not know what she is asking for.
It’s over, they say (to the mother. Over for them.) It’s over.
I’m sorry, he says (the father; the snake. He will be remembered as the villain.) I’m sorry.
He could not save them.
Was it hard? they ask.
Yes. (the father.)
No. (the mother.)
(the children do not speak.)
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jaysworlds · 3 years
You’ve been visited by the random oc questions tabby kitten!!💙
What happens when your character doesn’t get what they want? Are they generally understanding, or do they keep pushing? What lengths will they go to to get what they want?
i have Way too many characters to answer this for all of them, so lets go with daryn (the mc from hell above) and alexei (the secondary mc from 8 gold pieces)
daryn is ... john mulaney in the delta airlines sketch. life has a habit of kicking her in the teeth and going 'fuck you!' and she goes oookay and moves on. i think at this point she's more or less used to not getting what she wants, so she doesn't often push things. she'll be quietly upset and then move on.
alexei, on the other hand. he's willing to wait to get what he wants, but hes sure as hell not just giving up on it. he'll push and push and push until something cracks and he'll only stop when he's either got his way or seriously fucked up (which is. more often than he'd like to admit). usually this doesn't end well for him but alas he never learns from his mistakes. sometimes people get hurt. usually him, but sometimes he hurts the people he loves (or strangers) and then is consumed by guilt for a while
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jaysworlds · 4 years
every friendship group should have:
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a mean bisexual
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an even meaner lesbian
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and he/theys
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a token straight that’s on thin ice
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an astrology bitch who’s got everyone’s birth chart memorized
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and a short king
(picrew by carrotkake)
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jaysworlds · 4 years
i have decided im going to start making increadibly specific posts abt my WIPs aimed at an audience of me. i have thoughts and they have to go somewhere
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jaysworlds · 4 years
Actually posting snippets of my WIP instead of more GerryMichael day 1 (there will be no day 2)
So here y’all go have some *squints at notes* lesbians and homoerotic massages
It was quiet for a moment, after that. Daryn managed to steady her breathing and focus on other things, not just Lucian’s skin against hers, though it was still a struggle.
“You’re alright?” Lucian asked, after a bit, and Daryn risked opening her eyes.
“Yeah,” she said, exhaling slowly. “I’m alright.”
“You’re very shy.”
Daryn felt the blush returning. “People aren’t usually this nice to me.”
“Oh, honey.” Lucian tipped her chin up a little. “Why not?”
Daryn shrugged, not meeting her eye. “I don’t know.”
“They should be. You deserve it, you know.”
“I don’t mind.”
“I mind. You’re very pretty, and you deserve to be told as much.”
Daryn risked a tiny smile. “I’m not as pretty as you.”
Lucian laughed, fond. “This isn’t about me. Let me call you pretty.”
“Do I have to?”
“Of course not. But I’d like to.”
Daryn thought about that. She did like Lucian calling her pretty, really. It made her feel good. “Okay.”
Lucian grinned, bright and beautiful. “Thank you, sweet thing.”
Daryn nodded, a small, jerky movement. She didn’t feel like she had given Lucian anything, but she supposed that it didn’t matter, as long as she was happy.
“Relax,” Lucian murmured, slipping her hands under Daryn’s shirt and pushing it up, off her shoulders. “You’re so tense.”
Daryn tried her best to listen, but it was difficult. Relaxing didn’t come naturally to her, and nor did letting people be kind to her.
Lucian unclipped her bra and slipped it off, fingers warm against her skin. “Sit tight,” she said, pressing a kiss to Daryn’s bare shoulder. “I know what’ll calm you down.”
Daryn wasn’t sure what she expected, but it wasn’t for Lucian to dig her thumbs into one of the stiff, painful places on her shoulder, rubbing in small, firm circles. She exhaled, surprised, but it felt really good, far better than she’d expected.
“Good?” Lucian asked, kissing the back of her neck, and Daryn hummed an assent. “Good. Could you lie down on your stomach for me?”
Daryn complied, settling down with her head on her arms, and Lucian stroked a hand down her naked back, almost in praise. “Good girl.”
Daryn couldn’t stop herself exhaling softly, somehow proud of herself, though she hadn’t done anything.
Lucian settled onto her lower back, legs either side of her hips, and started rubbing her shoulders, little soothing circles, and Daryn slowly realised that she was working out the knots.
And there were a lot of knots. Daryn knew how stressed she got, and she rarely had time to just sit and relax. Her shoulders must be a mess, and she pushed down the urge to apologise for it.
It felt really good, though, and she couldn’t stop herself making little noises, soft hums and pleased exhales. She apologised the first few times, but Lucian shushed her.
“Let me hear you,” she said, brushing the hair off Daryn’s neck and working out a particularly stubborn knot at the base of it. “It just means I’m doing a good job, that’s all.”
Daryn hummed an assent and closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling of Lucian’s fingers digging into her back. It wasn’t really what she had expected, but she was certainly enjoying herself and Lucian seemed to be too, so she didn’t mind.
Ladon would find this endlessly amusing, she was sure.
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jaysworlds · 4 years
Whumptober Day Two
“Get off me,” Lucian snarls, slamming her head back and hitting the man behind her in the nose with a satisfying crack.
Another man fists his hand in her hair, pulling her head back a little, and she spits in his face.
He scowls. “You’ll regret this.”
“Like hell I will. Let me go.”
The man just tightens his grip on her hair and her hands are shackled roughly behind her back. She tries to struggle, tries to get away, but she’s so unused to having to fight on her own, and all her best moves require someone else there to back her up.
“Bastard,” she snarls, and the man only laughs.
Something’s clipped around her neck, a little too tight for comfort, and she tips her head back a little, though she has no hope of actually being able to see it, or to escape the uncomfortable tightness.
“What the fuck?”
“Behave like a bitch and you’ll be treated like one,” the man says, so obviously amused.
“Is this a dog collar?” she snarls, and the laughter she gets is answer enough.
She’s worn collars before, of course. They were a big thing for a few years, especially in the kind of circles she moves in, but this is different. Humiliating.
She can’t get it off, not with her hands shackled behind her back and she will not ask them to take it off for her, knowing they’ll only laugh at her for it.
So she does what she does best. Flips her hair, straightens her back, and pretends it doesn’t bother her.
“I hope it’s at least my colour,” she says airily, pressing down the fury bubbling in the pit of her stomach. “I’d hate to walk around looking like a fashion disaster.”
The men don’t know how to deal with that, of course. They’re men, and men are useless. Perhaps they expected her to cry, to beg them to take it off, but she’s stronger than that.
“You think it’s an accessory?”
“Collars are in fashion at the moment,” she says, although they’re not. “Didn’t you know?”
He just smiles, nasty. “This one’s special. Do you want to see?”
She can’t help but glare at him. Playing stupid is easy, to a point, but there’s so much rage simmering in her stomach that she has no way of stopping it from bubbling over.
He grins, clicks his fingers, and pain laces through her body from the collar, electricity firing through her. It’s one of those, the sort exceptionally cruel people use to keep their dogs in line.
“Fuck you,” she spits, doubling over, but she doesn’t cry out. She’s had worse than this, and she can deal with it. She has to.
It subsides a moment later, leaving her shaking, and she straightens her back again, fighting to keep her head up.
“You’d better learn obedience, bitch,” the man says. He’s calm, almost amused but her plight.
Dear sweet motherfucking baby Jesus. She’s going to tear him apart.
But not yet. For now she has to wait.
He pulls hard on the collar and she stumbles after him, fisting her hands tight behind her back. She can’t afford to get herself killed.
He’s still smug for now, but she knows what he doesn’t. She knows she’s not alone.
Forn will come for her. She just has to wait.
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jaysworlds · 4 years
Whumptober Day Eighteen
Something feels … off. Esther can’t quite put her finger on what it is, but it feels wrong, and she doesn’t like it.
It might be Micah’s fault. It might be her father. It might just be her, but whatever it is, it’s wrong. Something’s wrong.
It’s not her. She’s sure it’s not her, because why would it be her? She can trust herself, trust her own senses. It can’t be her.
Her father is … off. Something’s strange about him these days, but she barely sees him, and she’s sure it’s not him either.
She never sees Jonah, either. He seems to spend all his time with their father, and she seems to spend an awful lot of time with just Micah and Daryn.
It can’t be Daryn. Esther trusts Daryn, and she’s only young, the baby of the family.
Micah, then.
The more she thinks about it, the more it makes sense. He hasn’t been talking to her so much recently, spending more and more time in his own head.
Does he not trust her? What reason could he have not to tell her everything.
They’ve always been close. Their whole lives they’ve been close, so why choose now to start deceiving her?
She doesn’t know if he’s ever lied to her, exactly. It doesn’t matter, really, he’s still been deceiving her, every time he doesn’t tell her something.
He’s planning something. She’s sure he’s planning something, something that involves her, or Daryn, and she won’t let him hurt either of them.
Perhaps he’s a traitor. Like their mother. Perhaps he’s going to sell them out.
She takes to following him around. Not so much that he would notice, but occasionally, when he looks as though he’s got something in his head. She knows him so well, she knows when he’s planning something, and he’s planning something now.
But he knows her, too. He notices her following him.
“Don’t you trust me, Essy?” he hisses, cornering her in a secluded hallway. “Don’t you think I want what’s best for us?”
“You’ve been lying to me,” Esther tells him.
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“I would. Tell me.”
“No. Don’t try to stop me.”
And then he’s gone. She can’t stop him leaving.
It only reenforces her belief that he’s planning something.
She tells Daryn. Daryn’s the only person she can trust at the moment. Daryn listens to her, tells her things. Daryn would never betray her.
She doesn’t trust Micah. She thinks he’s going to hurt her, to try and kill her, perhaps, and she can’t have that. Won’t have that.
He won’t kill her. She needs to live.
It’s not a surprise when he kills Jonah, and she knows that she’s next. He tries to lie about it, to tell her that its what’s best for them. Jonah would be a bad king, he says. I’ll be better. Father told me so.
He’s lying, of course. Father has told her that, but Micah doesn’t know that. Doesn’t know that she knows he’s lying.
He will kill them all if she lets him.
But she won’t. She’ll keep herself safe, keep Daryn safe.
She’s stronger than him, she’s sure of it. Father tells her she’s strong, and she knows he’s on her side. He has to be.
Micah has to die. He’s a danger to them all, and she can’t afford to let him live.
It’s almost a shame, really. They used to be so close.
But it’s his fault. He’s been lying to her, and she knows that he’ll kill her if he gets the chance.
She lies to Daryn about it. It’s only a tiny white lie, just so she won’t worry. She’s prone to being anxious, and Esther doesn’t want her to stress that Micah might hurt her.
It’s alright, though, because it’s to keep her safe. Esther’s not a liar. She just wants Daryn to be okay, that’s all.
Because Micah has to die, and Esther has to kill him.
That’s just how it has to be.
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jaysworlds · 2 years
“I would kill him,” Kyo told him, glancing up for a moment. “If you let me.”
Daryn gave him the ghost of a smile. “I know. But … it’s fine.”
Kyo shook his head, but he didn’t say anything. They both knew it wasn’t fine, what was there to say?
i care them so much,,,,
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jaysworlds · 2 years
“Stay still.”
It was Kyo’s voice. Daryn made another attempt to open her eyes and failed.
“It’s alright. I’m here.”
Daryn exhaled softly, even that hurting her throat, but it helped, knowing Kyo was here. She would be safe with him.
this piece is just,,,, very soft i love them
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jaysworlds · 4 years
its thinking about mari and kyo and their horrible terrible no good very bad relationship hours
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jaysworlds · 4 years
oc uquiz :)
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jaysworlds · 4 years
the daryn gang according to how good they are to hug:
daryn: soft! squishy! nice tummy to rest your head on. points deducted because of that one time you moved too quickly and she panicked and elbowed you in the face. 8/10
ladon: theyre comforting to hug but not particularly comfortable because theyre kind of bony and probably wearing armour. 7/10
lucian: stronk. could crush your head with her arms. nice 2 hug but sometimes squeezes too tight and also she has so much muscle shes just. hard. not a comfy pillow. 5/10
forn: tall. lanky. you will get elbowed. hes not even enjoying hugging you. probably smells of weed and too much deoderent 2/10
kyo: actually gives pretty good hugs. is small and compact and easy to pick up and can wrap his legs around your waist and bury his head in your neck and its cute. points deducted for his bones and personality 6/10
mari: strong but still a little soft. hugging her actively makes you feel better because of angel magic. wings 2 wrap around you which are lovely and soft and warm. unfortunately she might give you a lecture about the bible while youre hugging her 9/10
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jaysworlds · 4 years
Whumptober Day Nineteen
Forn thinks he might be in shock. Everything happened so fast, and he can’t believe Lucian is gone.
She can’t be gone. They’ve been together their whole lives, never apart for long. He doesn’t know what to do without her.
The adrenaline pumping through his veins is beginning to ebb, the reality of the situation really sinking in.
And what a situation.
They aren’t being chased anymore, or Forn doesn’t think they are, but honestly he can’t bring himself to care. What’s the worst that can happen?
Nothing worse than what’s already happened, that’s for sure.
Still, he supposes he doesn’t want Daryn to die. Or Mari, though he barely knows her.
Daryn’s all he has left, really.
He hadn’t spoken at all while they had been running, and he doesn’t speak now, but he comes to sit beside Forn.
Forn just sits silently for a moment and then leans against him, resting his head on Daryn’s shoulder and letting Daryn put an arm around his shoulders.
He can’t even cry. He feels too numb for that.
He should be crying, though, or thinks he should. He feels like he owes it to Lucian, but he just … can’t.
This feels like a nightmare. It doesn’t feel real.
Daryn isn’t crying either. Just staring off into the trees, eyes glassy.
It’s so quiet. Lucian used to talk to much, filling the silence with her voice, and without her here Forn doesn’t know what to do.
He can’t bring himself to speak.
There’s just a gaping emptiness in his chest, eating up any emotions that he should be feeling right now, and it hurts so much.
He just feels sick. He wants something, anything to fill the emptiness, but he has a feeling that the handful of pills in his jacket pocket won’t be enough. Nothing is ever going to be enough.
Lucian was everything he had, and he doesn’t know how to live without her. Doesn’t know if he wants to.
Maybe he just needs to rest. Maybe when he wakes up it will all be okay.
He closes his eyes, but all he can think about is Lucian’s ragged scream as her body slowly turned to dust, and at least when his eyes are open he can focus on something else, even if it’s just the smooth grey columns of the trees around him.
Why had he let her go? If he’d just stayed with her, then maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe she’d still be alive, or he would have at least died with her.
He had been so stupid. He’d thought that she would be fine on her own, that he would be able to catch her up. She was strong and brave, and he’d been foolish enough to think she would be alright.
If only he could turn back time, he would never leave her alone again.
But it’s far too late for that.
He still can’t believe she’s gone. Nothing feels real, like a strange dream that he just wants to wake up from.
He closes his eyes as tight as he can and leans closer to Daryn. He’s a little taller than Lucian, but Forn can almost pretend she’s still here, that he’ll open his eyes and she’ll be there, leaning against him. She’ll tease him for falling asleep and everything will be okay.
He’s so tired. So, so tired and so empty.
He just needs to sleep. Maybe when he wakes up everything will be okay again. Maybe he’ll at least feel a little less empty.
Sleep doesn’t come easily, but it never does, and right now he needs to sleep more than ever before.
Daryn’s speaking quietly, but Forn doesn’t listen to the words. He’s talking to Mari, and Forn doesn’t care what they’re talking about, not right now.
He slips his hand into his jacket pocket and finds the half a packet of pills which he knew was there. He can’t read the label and he doesn’t remember what they are, but he doesn’t care. He just wants something to numb the pain, to help him sleep.
Daryn doesn’t notice him moving, distracted with talking, and he empties the whole packet with practiced ease.
He knows the dangers of overdosing, of course, but right now he really can’t bring himself to care. He’s almost hoping that they’ll kill him, that he’ll fall asleep and never wake up, and then he can be with Lucian again.
That’s all he wants. To be with Lucian.
The pills don’t help to fill the gaping hole in his chest, but at least he can sleep now.
If he’s lucky he won’t ever wake up.
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