#wish i could read korean so i knew what the quotes are
I was gone for 5 days WDYM there's a sticker of Ailette and Thesilid??? *sending envious looks to Korea fans*
i was browsing the tags on twitter and came across this post of someone selling them
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i didn't contact them bc the currency quoted isn't my country's and i can't really be bothered with dealing with the logistics, but. gnhgnghng. LOOK AT THEIR STICKER CHOICES..... the many comical expressions of ailette rodeline. crying tesilid doll. tesilid with an armful of food. tesilid happily going "it says here i can absorb all of your wounds and share half your pain!" impeccable choices.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
New Traditions
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: you bring him coffee from his favorite coffee shop, he brings you your favorite blueberry muffins. it's a silent routine you've established with one another. but maybe, just maybe, you'd like something more than coffee and muffins during work hours. and maybe, just maybe, he'd like that too. 
or. . . in which this is a sequel to this blurb. 
pairing: s.reid x gn!reader
w.c: 4K
warnings/content: spencer & reader being a Simp ™ for e/o; discussion regarding addictions and intoxication; expectations being uphold; friendly banter; I love you but I'll never admit it trope (hang tight with me); self-doubts; language; fluff fluff fluff; making out.
A/N: I guess this can be read as a standalone but it'd make more sense if you read this one first. enjoy! 
When Spencer arrived in the Bureau that morning, he did his usual ritual: place his satchel on his chair and retract immediately to the pantry to make his coffee. He couldn't function without it. Actually, he was pretty certain no one in his team could function in the morning without any type of caffeine. Some of the times, when he was the first to arrive — it's rare, Hotch is always there — he'd prepare a coffee pot, fill up his mug, add seven sachets of sugar and cream, and leave it there for whoever wanted it. 
It was the same thing every day. His routine was drab but he liked it the way it was.
Spencer wouldn't consider himself a person inclined to changes. Everybody knows that and everybody is used to it. But he's accustomed to it. He's came around to the fact that life comes with lots of surprises and unexpectancy, even if he's not fond of it, he's gotta take it and stop whining about it. 
You were the change that made him not despise surprises that much. Your arrival at the BAU was one of the best choices the department made. To the team. And to him, of course. Not that he'd ever tell you that. 
It changed how he felt listened. He was used to being brushed off by his co-workers whenever he started rambling, so much so that he begin to contain his urges to spurt out statistics in random conversations. Then, you came along and actually paid attention to what he was saying in these moments. In every moment, precisely. 
You wouldn't stop asking him about the history of the movies and the snacks they were selling during that night at the Korean Festival. It was a week ago. He wished he could come back to that day and see your mesmerized face as he explained details of the culture. 
He had so much fun. He didn't do it a lot; hanging out. Being with people was totally tangent to his comfort zone. Spencer cherished his alone time. The silence, the peace and the no-need-to-pick-up-on-social-cues part — he was really bad at the latter.
But he loved spending time with you. He'd like to do it more often. If only he was able to stop hyperventilating and shaking whenever he thought about asking you out. 
Not as a date. As friends. Because that's what you were. 
Definitely not as a date. 
That morning, when he arrived at his desk, a coffee sat upon it. Remember those changes he mentioned? Yeah. This is one of them. You started bringing him coffee from his favourite coffee shop near Quantico. And it was his exact order. 
He felt his heart swell every time he'd see your messy handwriting in the cup holder. 
“Did you know that Mr. Oscar Wilde had a photographic memory? He was able to remember long passages and then effortlessly recall them later. That reminded me of you. Although I'm sure you certainly can remember three entire books from the 1st page to the last one and quote the whole thing. Wilde would be jealous, Spence.”
Ps: I know photographic memory and eidetic memory are two different things, it just reminded me of you :)
Since the beginning of the week you had this little thing going on. He didn't know what it was, he didn't know if you knew what it was. But you'd bring him coffee with random curiosities and he'd bring you blueberry muffins with quotes from your favorite poets. 
“What's that smug grin for?” His neck snapped up at the voice, Derek was sipping on his coffee with a curious look. He was sizing him up. 
“Nothing.” Spencer smoothly covered your little note with his hand and took a sip of the beverage. Eyes shutting in delight. Fuck. How can you do everything right? This is perfectly sweetened. “We got a case?” He mentioned Penelope walking straight to the conference room, distracting himself from the obvious profiling Derek was doing. 
“Yeah.” Derek clicks his tongue against his palate, tilting his head. “Pretty boy...”
“What?” Spencer gave him an innocent look, grabbing his stuff. “We should go.”
Derek chuckled behind him, “You're not slick, Reid. I can see it!”
“What are you talking about?” He shrieked out, taking a seat across from Emily while carefully placing his cup on the table. Garcia was already preparing the images to detail the case. 
Derek pointed at him and mouthed I see you before sitting down beside Hotch, JJ taking the seat at his right. The middle of his forehead twitched slightly when he didn't see you. Were you late? Did something hold you up? No. You had brought his coffee, you must be—
“Morning, Reid.” 
He just had to look at his side. Your soft smile greeting him. He's going to have a great day. 
“Good morning,” he replied, the corner of his lips quirking up when he saw the brand sticker on your coffee cup. Seems like it wasn't just his favorite place anymore. The little bag inside his satchel didn't have a chance to meet your hands yet, he'd usually put beside your computer as soon as he arrived. 
He'd have to give it to you later. He knows you don't like having any breakfast in the morning. But you still shouldn't spend the day on coffee and an empty stomach.
Fortunately or not, it was a local case, so you didn't need the jet this time. You ended up stuck in the Geographical profile while everyone else head down to the ME's office. Penelope abandoned her cave to keep you company. 
“Hey,” she called out, not looking up from her laptop. By the long time you knew your friend, if there was one thing she could do, that thing was multitasking. Don't fool yourself thinking that she wasn't paying attention to everything that's going on around her just because she's focused on something else. Sometimes, you convicted yourself that she was a robot. 
“Yeah?” Your eyes lingered on the board before you drifted to her. “What's up?” you questioned while picking up your water bottle.
“Is there something going on between you and our resident genius?” 
Luckily enough, you hadn't drank anything yet or you'd probably have choked up with the accusation. 
“What do you mean?” You guped down the water quietly, feeling your neck heat up. Now, she was looking at you, a smirk dancing on her features as if she knew something you didn't. 
“You and Reid.” She kept on typing, and clicking clicking clicking. “What happened in the film festival. You went together, right?”
You hummed, turning back to the triangulation process you were trying to finish. There was just one area missing, you couldn't see the pattern but you had a hunch. 
“So, what happened?” 
“We watched the movie. What else is there to do in a film festival?
Penelope clicked her tongue together, “Uh-uh. I see what you're doing. But watching the movie doesn't give you that stupid smile you have plastered on everytime he's around. And you brought him coffee, I noticed. I saw it.” Well shit. “Not to mention that's not the first time you do that either, missy.” She was pointing her sparkly pen at you and you had to hold yourself back from laughing. That was a threat in Penelope Garcia's style. 
“Friends can treat each other, Penelope.” 
“Sure they can,” she nodded vehemently. “Just as people on a relationship do as well.”
The heat lifting up your neck was enough for you to curl into yourself in the chair. You pushed a photo into her hands, clearing your throat awkwardly. “I need you to find info about this guy, please. Brian Englebert, I'll go... I have to... yeah.”
Penelope's giggling was the last thing you heard as you left the room. 
Falling in love is like a drug addiction. 
According to some researches, falling in love with someone gives you the same sensation as feeling addicted does; the release of euphoria and triggering of brain chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline and others. Ergo, the more time you spend with this person, the more addicted you will become. 
Spencer knows all about addictions. How it can affect your brain and your life in general. He's also aware that if you just ignore it, without the rightful treatment, it will just proceed to get worse. 
Ah, there's also that. Spencer is awfully good in ignoring things. Pretending they aren't there. But when something is imbedded into his brain, continuously causing his synaptic connections to go haywire, he can't just keep ignoring it, can he?
Because looking at you from the bullpen entrance, happily eating your muffins as you surveyed some files in your desk... that made him feel something. That made his heart to want to burst out of his chest. How is this possible? Why is his face heating up? Why is his mouth dry? Is he about to die?
“Wilde was also considered a genius back on his days. I believe that he would also be considered a genius today given his literary accomplishments and the way he spoke loudly about banned topics.” He gulped down the rock in his throat while licking his dry lips. You looked over your shoulder, mid-bite into the muffin when your eyes crinckled up by your smile. At him. You were smiling at him. Were you happy that he was there? Or was he being a nuisance by interrupting your snack break? 
He couldn't stop talking and when he was about to begin another monologue, you cut him off.
“You don't believe in the genius terminology, do you?” You spoke, politely cleaning the corners of your mouth with a napkin even if they were perfectly clean. “You've mentioned it before.”
You pay attention to what he says too. How could he not fall for that?
“No,” he says, quietly sitting down in a chair that you had pulled closer to yours. “The methods to classify someone as a genius usually refer to high IQ or when one has great accomplishment in science or related areas.” He declined when you offer a muffin to him, a smile spreading around his face. “There's a lot of people who have made great accomplishments in many other areas, like music or art. They don't get the same recognition though,” he shrugged, fidgeting with his satchel. “I just think it's unfair.”
You nodded, thoughtfully, “That makes sense. I hadn't thought through this perspective yet.” Your attention lowered back to your desk and he thought he had lost your attention until you pulled up a blue post-it. His face reddened immediately. “No other word makes my mouth as tender as your name.” You recited, a warm feeling embracing your heart, when your eyes locked with his, you exhaled softly. “How did you know? I never mentioned this book to you, nor the author.”
It was your favourite book from all times. You had found it in an old bookstore on your hometown, it was your last purchase before you moved away. It's the last memory you made there. You never spoke about it. It's kind of the secret you keep to you from someone you no longer knew but craved once in a while. 
“You have it with you all the time,” Spencer said timidly, eyes nervously shifting away from your gaze. “You—You were reading on the jet once and I saw the title and I always see it on your bag when you're fixing it in your desk and—” after a sharp inhale, he started gesticulating with his hands. “Not that I go through your stuff or anything! I saw see it really quick I didn't even touch—”
“... because it's not mine! And it would be really impolite for me to do so—”
“I swear I'd never purposely go through your stuff, Y/N—”
“Spencer,” your tone was soft but stern, at least to convey you needed him to stop talking without sounding rude. His lips clipped shut and his cheeks were pink with shame. Rambling. You finally got tired of it, he was waiting for it to finally happen— “Hey. I didn't imply that you went through my stuff,” you said calmly with a smile lifting the corners of your mouth, reaching out to him with your hand. You waited until he grasped yours, a silent request for consent to touch him since you knew he wasn't very fond of it. “I'm just kind of... flattered? That you pay attention. I didn't know I was interesting enough for you to notice these things, Doctor Reid.”
“You're the most interesting person I've ever met.” 
He didn't realize until it was out and then he looked down at your hands in embarrassment. You chuckled softly, playing with his fingers on yours. He's so lovely.
“You're the most interesting person I've ever met, too, Spencer.”
He blinked up at you, surprise traveling across his features. “I am? Me?” 
Fondness embraced your orbs just as your heart hammered in your chest. Spencer. There's so much you don't know. So much that you've no idea. . . 
“Mhm.” You hummed, pulling one of his unruly stands behind his ear. Spencer almost melted when your hand grazed his cheek. “You, Spencer Reid. You've no idea how much I learn with you every day and how it amazes me, don't you?” 
Spencer was out of words for the first time in his life. 
Your finger trailed down his cheek, the middle of your forehead creasing slightly. “You're amazing.” But you don't know that. You don't realize that. Why?
Air didn't reach his lungs and Spencer felt like hiding and never letting go of you at the same time. Oh, it's been so long since he felt like that. . . It was almost too great to love someone that was good to you. A healthy love — Yes, it is love, he admits it now. He can be a fool no more — It seemed foreign. The idea. Spencer never thought he deserved much than what he had and what he received. But maybe, maybe he did. Could he deserve you? 
He decided to be bold. “You—” but Aaron Hotcher cut him off and all his courage went down the drain. Seems like the universe wanted to joke with him. He was a fool, afterall. 
“Go home,” Hotch walked by, pointing at the manila files on your desk and then at you and Spencer. “Get some rest, the two of you.” 
When you looked around, there was just you and Spencer in the bullpen — and Anderson, because you were sure he never really left the precinct. You'd find all of his stuff somewhere in the pantry — Everyone must have gone home, already. The Bureau was slightly frightening when it was a deserted island. It reminded you a lot of a liminal space. 
You obeyed your boss. By the time you cleaned up your desk, Spencer was gone. Disappointment taking over your features. Well, what did you expect? It's not like it was his obligation to wait for you. He wasn't your boyfriend. He wasn't your anything. You had no right to put expectations on him.
Stepping into the parking lot, the cold breeze immediately involved your body. Too bad you had chosen to wear a tank top exactly today. It was warm in the morning! 
“Did you know that approximately 28 million people read poetry in America?” You jumped in your spot, gasping at the silhouette beside your car where you were about to get in. 
Spencer gave you a little wave.
“You...” a relieved sigh escaped you, shoulders descending. “You scared me, Spencer.”
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly, pulling at the strap of his satchel. “Ehm, t-this number doubled up in the age range of 18 to 24. It's proven that—uh, social media actually helped the growth of these numbers. It pushed people's interests into poetry a lot more.” 
You stared at him in complete bewilderment. Your mind was working fast to seek out an answer for his rambling, but you were so confused that you just stayed quiet. And he gave you a grimace. 
“I'm being weird.” Spencer nodded, “I know. I'm sorry.”
“It's okay—”
“I'm just trying to tell you something— ask, yeah, ask you something but that's what came out. I am so sorry. I should go, yes, I should—”
You leaped forward, surprising even yourself from the move. You had grabbed his wrist and quickly retracted your hand. “Sorry.” you apologized, biting your lip. “I— you can ask, Spencer. I was just a little confused.”
He let out a long sigh, his hands were shaking and they were starting to sweat too. But he told himself that this is when he stops being a fool.
“I'm a mess.” Yes, great way to start. “I'm a mess because I don't know how to stop talking. I don't understand social cues — I'm actually getting better at that — and I'm still scared of the dark. I have to sleep with a lampshade on. That's embarrassing.” his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was holding his shoulder strap. “I'm not great at letting people be there for me because I've been taking care of myself my whole life, I don't see the appeal in letting anyone in, it's too much work. My brain doesn't stop, I'm always thinking and it tires me out. Sometimes I wish it all went silent. I don't have a favourite book, I've read many great ones and I find it unfair with the authors to just choose one. So I don't.” For the first time since he started talking, he breathed in. You took a step forward, expecting him to just crumble down in front of you. Where was he getting with this? You wanted so badly to hug him but you didn't know if he wanted it and you weren't given an opening to ask. He didn't let you. “I don't know how to love.” That made you frown. Before you could retort, he carried on. “I've learned there's no pattern for it and people are different everywhere. I can't plan it, I can't see the numbers. I can't control people because they aren't meant to be controlled.”
Your eyes softened. “No, no they aren't, Spence. And it's okay, you know? You don't have to plan everything.” you finally spoke as he let you. But he didn't seem to be finished so you remained quiet. You didn't expect him to take your hand in his, to which he chuckled nervously at your startled reaction. 
“But I think... I think I'm starting to love you.” What was breathing? You never learned. “I'm not sure if that's the right thing to say when I'm trying to ask you out—”
“You want to ask me out?” The failed tone made his face fall and you shook your head vehemently, pulling him towards you. “That's not how I meant it! I just— God, Spencer. Do you want to give me a heart attack?” you exclaimed. “I wasn't expecting this.”
He frowned, looking down at your hands to avoid looking into your eyes. “What were you expecting?”
“Rejection,” you said, earning a look of confusion. Then, enlightenment and them disbelief. It was cute to watch him tech the conclusion. “It was a clear setting in my head so I never tried.”
“Why would I ever reject you? I've lov— I've had a crush on you since the moment you stepped into my sight.” Spencer added, covering his slip-up but you noticed it. You didn't comment on it, you'd wait for the right time. “Do you—does that mean that you feel the same?”
A breathy laugh left your lips. “Oh, Spence.” you approached him slowly, hand raising to his cheek. He leaned in, eyes fluttering shut and you smiled. “I feel more than the same. I feel everything for you.” And I'm starting to love you too.
His eyelashes tinkled against your hand before he lifted his gaze to you, he was trying to avoid breathing just like you were. Afraid this moment would be lost in the wind by a single action. Spencer's eyes drifted down to your mouth.
“Can I—”
“Do it.”
Your lips didn't crashed together. They met in the middle, carefully joining into one space. It didn't felt as if you've been waiting for this — the both of you — it was a perfect pace. That until your body was being pressed against your car and his hands were roaming all over you. You needed to breathe, as much as you didn't want to.
“Hi.” You whispered, cracking a smile as you stared down at his swollen lips. Your hands pressed against his chest. 
He sighed, burying his face into the croak of your neck. “Hi.”
A chuckle made your body shake slightly and his hold on you tightened. 
“You just kissed me like that and you're suddenly shy?” You teased, fingers caressing the back of his neck. “Is that all an act to make me fall for you? It's working.”
“Shut up,” he mumbled with a shake of his head, leaning back to meet your eyes. You studied the glint in his hazel orbs with a warm feeling spreading on your chest. “I've just— I've wanted to do that for a long time.”
You quickly peck his lips, cupping his face as your features turned serious. Even if you couldn't stop smiling. 
“I've wanted to do that just as long, Spencer. Trust me.”
You know when wine makes you less inhibited? A few too many glasses can make you less serious, less controlled. Alcohol causes the oxytocin levels of one's body to increase, which is why people tend to feel more confident and comfortable while drunk. Spencer understood now all of those researches that talked about how being in love can make you feel as if you're drunk. Because he was drunk and he was completely addicted to you at that moment. 
“Ask the question, Doctor Reid.” You traced the tip of his nose and chuckled as he scrunched it.
“Ask what question?”
“The one you came after me for.”
“Oh.” you were able to feel his fingers nervously shifting against the exposed skin of your tank top. “I... Mhm.” He gulped, gaze meeting yours apprehensively. “Would you like to go on a date... with me? You don't have to say yes. Don't feel obliged to because—”
“Because you just took all my breath away?” You learnt that you loved to make him blush. “I'd love to go on a date with you, Spencer.” you said softly. 
His eyes widened in surprise, “Really?
“Yes.” you assured him, tucking a curl behind his ear. “So, is there another film festival I don't know about?”
His eyes brightened in excitement and you knew he was about to talk your ear off about something. And you couldn't wait for him to start. That was something you could easily get addicted to: his ramblings and his kisses. 
A/N: anybody recognise the book quote on the blue post-it? 👀
sources: [1] [2]
taglist: @lilyviolets
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
I recently listened to the Jules Gill-Peterson episode of Gender Reveal. In it, she argues that the histories of transmasc and transfem people are essentially disconnected until the 80s or so, in part because transmascs migrated to rural areas and went stealth, whereas transfems moved to cities like New York and San Francisco and formed communities. (This brief summary does not do her justice, please read the transcript or listen before responding.) What do you think of her argument? Do you have any historical records that confirm, refute, or complicate it?
So generally I agree with her. Obviously this is specifically about US history, but I agree that transmascs historically have sought isolation to stay stealth where transfems have formed a lot of communities (although thats not to say there havent also been stealth transfems in history). She does bring up transmasculinity in lesbian spaces although its very brief. I kind of wish she focused on it more because I feel like acting as though trans men who lived in stealth isolation from other queers is The transmasc historical narrative erases a lot of the complex ways transmascs lived, and lesbian spaces have always been a MAJOR part of that. Drag masculinity was one way historical transmascs could engage in transmasculinity, and also took place largely in cities & drag kings absolutely interacted with drag queens, so I don't think there wasn't any places where historical transmascs & transfems shared spaces. But she's also a transfem and it makes sense that her focus is more on transfem history & its intricacies.
Honestly I think that the idea that transmascs going stealth vs transfems finding community isn't the interesting thing here. That's whatever. What's more interesting in my opinion is the questions of
Chicken or the egg (ha): do transmascs go stealth instead of forming communities because there were no communities and therefore no awareness that others existed, or was there no community because everyone went stealth?
What is the origin of this difference between transmascs and transfems? What factors influence the difference in our histories?
Listening to modern non-western transmascs talk, I've gotten the idea that part of this comes from how women in patriarchal societies have more restrictions, and often aren't allowed to go out on their own, which limits their ability to find queer spaces and connect with other transmascs. I think there might also be something to be said about the idea that cis society may tend to react to transfems with "you should be cast out" and transmascs as "you should be fixed", but that's just an idea + it's definitely not black-and-white.
Going back to the first question, I'm inclined to believe that they lack of community/awareness came first: I think part of the reason for so many trans men going stealth is because many of them weren't aware other trans men existed, so they had a mindset of "I have to find a way to survive without being outed", whereas transfems knew other transfems existed and so their first step was "find other people like me". I imagine that's also the reason for the difference between stealth trans men and lesbian trans men: maybe people who weren't aware of lesbian spaces were more likely to go stealth, and people who were aware of lesbian spaces joined them for the same reason transfems sought out other transfems. See this quote from a Korean trans man:
"[T]here is nobody that we can really call “older generation.” In Korea FTM identification and transition only began when they learned that such a thing was possible. Before they felt like they didn’t belong in their bodies. The lack of words made it impossible for them to understand what that feeling meant. FTM trans people that are older than me, those in their 40-60s, understood their situation late. Most of them had lived their lives as lesbians until the 1990s. When the Internet started providing information, only after this began, they understood who they were and started treatment."
That's also why the transmasc community only really started after transmascs started getting widespread attention (coinciding with the rise of the Internet as well), because suddenly younger transmascs weren't either becoming butches or going stealth- they knew others existed and wanted to find them. (As a side note: I got the idea for a historical fiction story exploring the idea of some kind of "transmasc secret society", because I'm sure there was some point in history where at least a few guys found each other).
I think its important to ask these questions lest we fall into the trap of "transmascs just love their male privilege and want to preserve it and have never done anything for the trans community, unlike transfems, who are the real trans people". That ignores how transandrophobia has shaped the behavior of transmascs.
I do have another criticism: maybe she's doing this on purpose, but I feel like its extremely oversimplifying the history of how people treated crossdressing women to say that it was seen as just a cool thing. There was definitely a different attitude to the idea of women crossdressing for survival, but (and this might be kind of nit-picky but its something that gets on my nerves so humor me):
If you weren't crossdressing for survival, that was a problem. I am of the opinion that a good amount of women/"women" who would make this argument when they got caught crossdressing were doing so because "'I'm doing it to survive!" would probably get you some sympathy, but "I'm doing this cause I like it!" would get you. you know. jailed for crossdressing & labeled an invert. And there is an expectation there that, if you no longer need to do that to survive, you would stop doing it, and to insist on continuing to do that would, again, get you labeled an invert.
I just in general really really dislike hearing people say "well the patriarchy wants everyone to be a man" because No It Does Not. its similar to that post that goes "bi women are told they should be lesbians and lesbians are told they should be bi but the actual goal is for there to be no queer women at all". Cis women might be told they would be worth more if they were men, but thats another case of generalized "man" being used to erase cisness. Cis women need to be cis women (and therefore wives & mothers), thats why women/"women" are so heavily controlled. You may have cases of "father wanted a boy so he makes his daughter live as a son" but that has always been seen as abnormal or even cruel. The idea of invert women and women who crossdress as man because of their ~evil sinful desires~ is not new (One scientist estimated "that one woman in every 3,000 is the victim of this strange mania")
I think crossdressing women historically were reported on with a sense of awe partially because I think a lot of people didn't realize how easy it is to pass and so the idea of a man being secretly a woman, or vice versa, was something unbelievable (a lot of old news articles about these people I've read spent a lot of time focusing on how no one could tell and being shocked at them voting & marrying women). Also because a lot of them were only outed in death so there wasn't a living person to confront or arrest. But I think we should hesitate to take news reports that saw them as some interesting headline to mean "people thought they were cool and treated them well" (especially in situations where we only have stuff like headlines & we may not know exactly how people felt about the person). Looking through my hoard of historical trans men resources, you have stories like Augustus Baudouin, a 17 year old who was outed after being put in prison for robbery. After being placed in the women's ward, his "repugnance to appear in women's attire" was so great that he hung himself. Even if the headline called him "extraordinary", being outed ended with him dead (in a way that grimly mirrors transmasc suicide deaths today). Christine Vensettie was also arrested so he could be forced to get "treatment" for his crossdressing. Edward De Lacy Evans's story shows a bit of what "treatment" can mean (namely, medical abuse & sexual assault) and was literally put in a freak show.
This isn't to say that the violence and repulsion Western society has long held towards transfems isn't bad or anything, just that I feel like portraying the history of society's reaction to female crossdressers like this ignores a lot of complexity. Also "the patriarchy wants women to be men" is like the #1 TERF belief when it comes to trans men, so I'm always on edge whenever anyone says it or something like it because it contributes to the belief that society really is trying to influence young girls to transition. I think people, when talking about passing trans men, always focus a lot on what happens when we pass and talk far less about the consequences when we don't.
Anyways this got much longer than I initially planned lmao. In general I agree with her, she obviously knows a lot and I'm also sure this was just a snippet of her beliefs on this topic. In my opinion one of the big questions about transmasculinity to work through is that of our history, because its so easy to compare it to transfems and see how little there is in comparison. And I think, besides just wanting to know more about our history, its important to investigate this to understand more about how transandrophobia works. Erasure is one of the biggest parts of transandrophobia and exploring why our existence has been erased in the past, and how that erasure has impacted our lives, will help us fight erasure today and in the future. So I hope to see more people going past just "transmascs tended to go stealth" and examine the factors which influenced this & why, across the world, transmascs tend to be erased and isolated while transfems tend to have communities and specific terms.
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kfanopinions · 11 months
It’s 7AM I haven’t slept yet for unknown reasons and I legit had the most interesting and infuriating interaction on Twitter and I want to talk about it since I run an astrology blog on here and get asked about idols ideal types and so on and so forth…
first off let me state where this all began…a video on TikTok was/is going around with someone saying “which kpop idol/idols do you think you can pull?” for those who might not understand it’s basically asking, which idols do you think you could date.
anyone who did this video did it for fun and as a joke HOWEVER this one girl was literally getting teased for no reason. ppl saying that she was making fun of the idols and what not. she legit said seonghwa (i think sorry if I’m wrong) likes star wars, so does she. hoshi thinks he’s a tiger so why not? and suga admitted to writing fanfic (which i wish i knew korean so i can read it 🤣) at the end of the day she said they’re just normal ppl like us.
i scrolled down and saw someone saying and i’m paraphrasing here: “anyone who thinks they can actually date an idol is sick.” normally, i don’t bother with those comments because we all know our chances are like finding a single needle in a barns worth of haystacks…but on this day i was feeling a little bolder with my actions.
i asked her why? being an idol is a job an occupation. what makes her think that others are sick for wanting to date someone who is an idol? she goes and says that i’m sick bc i want to date an idol. never once said it, even said i have no interest dating a celebrity, yet bc i’m defending those who dream apparently it makes me sick too 🤷🏽‍♀️
then!!! out of nowhere she asks “are you white?” i asked why does my ethnic background have anything to do with the conversation. she repeats with more assertion “answer the question.” i don’t bc again, my ethnic background has nothing to do with the convo. she says and I quote “you being white and thinking you can date idols says a lot about you. Please seek professional help and education.”
😑 and then she blocked me bc to her i’m white.
but because i love you guys here, i will tell you. i am white and black. so she was only half right 🤪 but to think someone who block someone or completely shut down anything they had to say bc of their presumed ethnicity is disgusting. i know it happens all the time and it’s terrible but she is definitely not helping this type of mistreatment.
so, your auntie/sis here wants to tell you something… i don’t care where in the world you are from, what skin color, race, size you are! if you find someone that you like and you think you can date them (celebrity or the garbage person idc) talk to them, get to know them, and shoot your shot. the worst thing that will happen is you get turned down, but you know what, that’s just the universe saying they aren’t the one for you. and that in itself is okay. you’ll find that special someone 🩵
don’t be like that girl okay? she needs the help 🤭
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closedafterdark · 4 years
Shin Johyun & Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader
15720 words
categories: smut, oral, threesome, mommy kink
Note: this is a sequel to Simulation & one of two prequels planned for Double Trouble
Read on AFF
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“And cut! Good work everyone!”
Shin Jiwon bowed to photographers and staff as the exhausting photoshoot was finally finished. Jiwon was chosen to be the new muse of Yes Underwear, a company that typically used famous Korean idols to model their products. Jiwon was beautiful and proud of her body, so she was happy to be one of the few chosen.
She returned to her dressing room and sat down on the makeup chair, exhausted. She picked up her phone and scrolled through her messages. One of the staff members on set airdropped her some of the unedited photos so she decided to send a few to her boyfriend.
“Some of the shots from today’s shoot, babe! What do you think?”
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The message went from delivered to seen instantly. It took 5 minutes or so before she received a response.
“🍆💦” was the message she received back.
“Such a naughty boy” Jiwon texted as she smiled at her phone.
“Make sure you store up a lot for me when we go to the gym tonight”
You picked up Jiwon from the photoshoot location, but not before she gave you a blowjob in the car and swallowed your cum. You brought both of your gym bags from the trunk, handing Jiwon hers as you both put the strap on your shoulders. Smacking her round ass as hard as you could, Jiwon yelped as you cupped a cheek and squeezed. She punched you softly on the shoulder as she linked arms with you before you both entered the gym.
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The gym was extremely empty since it was the middle of the night. No one was around to care or pay attention as she brought you into the women’s locker room. You enjoyed copping a feel of her breasts and spanking her ass as she was changing. She laughed, knowing you loved her body just as much as she did. Once you both finished touching each other and changing, Jiwon took off her light windbreaker and squeezed a bottle of creme brulee scented body lotion. She made a show of it, applying a layer onto both of her toned arms before rubbing some more onto her abs and midriff. Her belly button was still very cute to you, you’d always tease her by putting your finger inside it.
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“Give me a kiss babe” Jiwon said to you, smiling.
You kissed her breasts and cleavage softly, eliciting giggles from her. Making your way upwards slowly through her clavicles and neck before capturing her thin lips. You tasted the sweet strawberry lip gloss she had freshly applied. Giving each other loving gazes, you kissed her one more time before smacking her ass and heading out to workout.
High intensity workouts were your favorite thing to do. The more calories you could burn, the better. Jiwon on the other hand went for lighter weights, but more repetitions. She focused on her form and keeping her body fit. Neither of you were really into working out before getting together, but decided one day after sex it would help increase stamina for the both of you.
You were drooling from the sight of how good her ass looked in leggings. Her cleavage was lined with a thin layer of perspiration as her breasts jiggled from her lunges and squats. The high tempo music, adrenaline pumping in your veins from the workout, and calm ambience of the empty gym were tempting you to drop everything and fuck her. Jiwon looked at you and smiled, seeing your cock slowly start to harden inside your joggers.
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You continued on with your bench press, turning a slight shade of red as you brought the bar close to your chest. Looking at the ceiling, your view changes to Jiwon smiling naughtily at you as her breasts are in your line of vision. You freak out temporarily as you do one more rep before Jiwon spots you and assists in returning the bar back to its hold location.
“Can’t stop being so horny, can you?” she said, giggling as you turned around and stared at her.
“Hey, I was actually working out. It’s not my fault I have such a hot girlfriend who wants to kill me by flaunting her tits in front of my face”
“Oh come on baby” she replied. “I’m actually working out too. I can’t help it if my horndog boyfriend enjoys my body so much”
“If I recall, you were the one who said and I quote: “If it was possible I wish I could have your dick inside my pussy and mouth at all times” unquote” you said to her, crossing your arms.
“So I’m a slut for your dick” she shrugged, kissing you. “Sue me”
“You know… it is late and there’s no one around” Jiwon began.
“Oh yeah?” you said, raising an eyebrow. Your hands found their way to Jiwon’s butt, staying there as the two of you began to kiss. She bit on your lower lip softly. Jiwon’s moans could be heard as the dangerously thin fabric of her leggings hardly gave her any protection from your naughty hands. You spanked her, the sound echoing through the empty gym. Your bodies are pressed against one another as she pushes you onto a bench. Still kissing each other, Jiwon straddles your lap.
The thought of public sex excited you, something you wanted to do for a long time now. It seemed to excite Jiwon as well as a small puddle began to form on her crotch. Her right hand cups your face as her left pushes her hair back. Jiwon’s moans get louder as she begins to grind herself back and forth on you. At this point, you were so erect to the point it was starting to hurt. Jiwon removes her lavender colored jacket as she gives you a look you knew all too well from your bedroom adventures. She tosses it seductively on the ground, leaving her in her white sports bra. Your hands roam themselves around her stomach and back, clawing her softly. As you groped her body, Jiwon began to leak more. Unable to control herself, she gives you a quick peck before giving you a hint with her eyes to help her remove the breast confining prison that was her bra.
Her breasts were perfect. Fitting perfectly in your hand, you massage them as you have hunger in your eyes seeing her wonderfully pink nipples. You take her left breast in your mouth, sucking on it. Jiwon moans erotically as you sucking on her tits was one her favorite things you do to her. Regretfully releasing it from your mouth, you repeat the stimulation on the adjacent breast. Jiwon moans repeatedly as she pushes her tits on to you, smothering your face. Her lower body is grinding against your lap once again. Your hands travel their way down to her ass, their favorite place to be. You smack both cheeks this time, causing her body to buck in response as she moans.
Kissing her breasts tenderly while sucking on them, you continue to stimulate her before making eye contact. Both of you had lust in your eyes, wanting to satisfy each other. Jiwon’s lips reconnect with yours, the intensity making your head spin. Her lip gloss taste was addictive. As your tongues fought for control, Jiwon overpowered  yours. She pulls away as she begins to run out of breath. Her naughty smile never leaves her face as she kneels on the ground, using her windbreaker as a cushion.
“Someone could come in at any minute” you said quietly.
“Let them. They won’t be the only thing coming here” she said.
Her eyes fixate on the bulge in your pants. Giggling, she kisses it before removing your joggers and boxers. Your cock is trapped slightly in your boxers before it is released, hitting her face. She laughs, licking her lips as she spreads your legs apart. Jiwon watches every muscle in her face react as she blows hot air on your cock and balls. You moan the moment her hand makes contact, slowly beginning to stroke you. While her right hand is busy taking care of your cock, her left fondles your balls; giving each a firm yet not too hard squeeze. She teases you by continuing to blow hot breath every moment you think she will finally take you in her mouth. Jiwon spit forms a pool in her mouth, some of it leaking out of her mouth and onto her chin. Giving your cock head a quick kiss to remove some of the leaking precum, she finally parts her lips. Bringing her head down, you moan as you finally enter her mouth.
Jiwon’s mouth was extremely warm, and wet thanks to her spit. She strokes your cock as the first few inches enter her before removing her hand and placing them onto your thighs. You felt like jelly in that moment, wanting to melt onto the weight bench you were sitting on. Jiwon began bobbing her head up and down, eliciting soft moans and grunts from you as your cock was getting a shower from her spit. She loved giving you blowjobs, the feeling of you filling her mouth. She enjoyed having all of the control over you.
“Fuck…” you moaned. “Babe, that feels so good” Jiwon was sucking your cock at an agonizingly slow pace. She took her time, swirling her tongue around your tip while also making long strokes up and down. Never breaking eye contact with you, she saw you whimpering slightly at her pace. Her eyes squinted, smiling at you as she decided you suffered long enough, sucking your cock deeper and faster. As her head went deeper on your shaft, her tongue flickered along your underside. Eventually she reaches the base as her lips form an airtight seal on your cock and her head bobs in a wonderfully fast rhythm. With enough practice, Jiwon became a master at deepthroating you. The sounds of Jiwon’s throat hitting your cock could be heard in the now quiet gym area. It was like a symphony for your ears as you look down and stroke her head softly, pushing away loose strands of hair. You have talked to her about having sex at a public place before: wanting to do it when you went lingerie shopping with her or under the table of your favorite restaurant. But here she finally was, on her knees sucking your cock at the gym where you two were known by the staff.
Running out of air, she regretfully withdraws from your cock. As it releases with a loud pop, thin strands of saliva are connecting it and her mouth as you see several spit suds formed. Your cock was glistening from light hitting it, you smile sweetly at Jiwon as she does the same to you. Deciding you no longer cared that it was a public place you stood up, removing your shoes, socks and the joggers and boxer briefs that clung onto your ankles. She spits once more on your cock, applying it all over. You rubbed her cheeks softly, Jiwon smiling at you as she kisses the tip before taking the purple colored cloth scrunchie and tying her slightly damp hair into a messy, swirled ponytail.
“Here comes the best part” you said to Jiwon as you tapped your cock on her tongue a few times, causing her eyes to form crescents at you.
You grabbed onto the poor excuse of a ponytail and pushed yourself into her mouth more. Moaning in pleasure, you wasted no time by roughly bobbing her head up and down. Jiwon’s eyes widened with delight as she gags from you taking control. Her eyes began to water as she hungrily accepted your throbbing, needy cock. She didn’t even need to talk for you to know Jiwon was enjoying this from the sounds being emitted as she gargled a mouthful of cock. Her nails dug into your thighs painfully as she motioned for your body to come closer to her. You obliged, closing the distance as your grip on her ponytail tightens and you fuck her mouth even rougher than before. Her tongue and uvula vibrated on your shaft as your girlfriend was getting orally assaulted to her heart’s desire.
After what feels like hours when in reality it was probably less than 10 minutes, you let Jiwon release your cock from her mouth as she was tapping on your thighs. She coughs, catching her breath as drool spilled out of her mouth and began dripping from her chin. Jiwon laughs, knowing she was a disheveled mess. She runs her mouth along your length as she strokes it. Spitting on your cock a few more times, the all too familiar squelchy sounds you were used to rang through both of your ears.
“You were so rough, baby” she said to you. “I felt it hit the back of my throat several times”
“You look so good in this outfit” you told her.
Having finally recovered, Jiwon pulls you in for a kiss. She slides her tongue down your mouth as you both fight for control once more. She stands up as you two continue making out, her hands finding their way back to your cock. She strokes you roughly as your hands are firmly placed on her butt. You slap her ass cheeks as hard as you could before finding the hem of her leggings and pulling them down. Jiwon wore a dangerously thin thong that barely covered anything on her lower body. You both give each other sensual overload kisses before returning back to the workout bench. You sat down first, readying yourself as Jiwon straddles your lap.
She rubs herself on your crotch, rocking back and forth as your tip brushes against her lips. Jiwon holds onto your shoulders as she moans loudly. Your love juices were now staining each other’s thighs. Her pussy was beautifully pink, almost the same color as her nipples.
“Please… baby… fuck me… now” Jiwon moans while still grinding on you. You smile as you see how desperate Jiwon has become. Her eyes never break apart from yours, pleading you to enter her warm, wet cavern. Jiwon lets out a loud gasp as your tip begins to part her lips. Your hands find their way to her hips, holding onto them as you lower her fully onto you.
“Oh fuck…” she cries out.
You moan as Jiwon’s walls gradually begin adjusting themselves to your intruding cock. She was agonizingly tight no matter how many times you both had sex. Once she gives you the okay, you begin guiding her hips up and down as she feels your cock enter and exit her. Her grip on your shoulders hardens as Jiwon rides your cock as if her life depended on it. Her moans evolve into loud screams that echo throughout the room as you relish in the fact that her pussy was still so tight. Both of you soon find a rhythm you agree on as Jiwon grabs your hands from her hips and interlocks them with her own. As she begins to fuck you harder and harder, her eyes roll to the back of her head from how you were making her lose control. Her mouth remains open, letting her screams of pleasure escape as the sound of skin loudly colliding with skin accompanies it to create a harmonious wave of euphoria. Jiwon’s butt rubs against your thighs as your balls touch her lower pussy lips.
“Fuck! Just like that, baby” Jiwon yells in between bounces. “Harder. Keep fucking me harder!”
Your worries about doing such an inappropriate action in a public area were long gone as you could only focus on the beautiful woman enjoying herself on top of you. Jiwon’s hands are firmly placed on your chest for support as you begin squeezing her large tits. You take both at the same time, pinching her nipples before slapping her tits.
“Holy shit… slap my tits again!”
You obey, slapping them again. And again. And again.
Jiwon’s body shook with pleasure, her breathing becoming more erratic as the sensations of stimulating her breasts and pussy were causing her to go insane. The moment the tip of your cock reaches a certain spot, Jiwon screams loudly. Her body tenses up as she feels an overwhelming sense of pleasure flow from the top of her head to her toes which were buried under your thighs. Her body shaking once more, you feel your cock flooded by Jiwon’s juices. Her orgasm hit with such force, it almost pushed your cock out of her.
You bounced Jiwon on your cock slowly several more times to allow her to ride out her high. Her muscles loosen up and she looks at you with a fully satisfied smile. She leans down and captures your lips, continuing to be fucked tenderly. You loved Jiwon and she loved you. She is not given the chance to rest as you force her onto your cock roughly. 
“Fuck!” Jiwon screams as you slap her ass loudly. “Your cock feels so good inside me”
“Your ass is amazing” you reply as you slap both cheeks once more and begin to suck on her nipples.
You push yourself further into Jiwon’s pussy, another long drawn out moan escapes her mouth as you fill her up. Your hands hold onto her hips for support as Jiwon screams with every bounce on your body. Your ballsack smacked against her clit while the base of your shaft collides with her round ass. The wet sounds of penetrating her pussy were one of your favorite things about having sex with her.
Jiwon’s moans were part pain and pleasure as she couldn’t get enough of riding your dick. Every inch of your dick filled her pussy. Between that, you alternating between slapping her ass and groping her tits, Jiwon was completely lost in ecstasy. Her firm hold on your chest tightens as she tilts her head back and closes her eyes. She’s completely immersed in pleasure and can only focus on that. Her body reacts to another orgasm, violently flowing through her body as she cries loudly.
Unlike her first orgasm, you continue fucking Jiwon roughly. This in turn causes her to scream and moan accordingly. Normally you would’ve cum after she let you facefuck her, but her blowjob in the car was helping you last longer. Although at this point, both of her orgasms on your cock were building up pressure inside you. Jiwon’s walls were beginning to constrict your length even more. Your stamina was rapidly depleting, so you used all of your energy to fuck her as hard as you could. Jiwon’s screams accompanied the sounds of her ass being slapped, wet flesh smacking against wet flesh and the bench you were sitting on to roughly shake against the gym mat it was on top of. Jiwon’s third orgasm arrived mere moments after her second, her eyes rolling to the back of her head once more as you thrust into her as if you both depended on it to live. You grab onto what you called her “baby making hips” and pump as hard as you could until you feel yourself climax. You suck on her breast loudly as you both moan, Jiwon’s pussy impaled by your cock as you begin to fill her pussy.
Your shaft throbs multiple times as your seed fills her extremely tight love hole. Your bodies violently shudder, the aftereffects of your orgasms causing both of you to reach euphoria. Goosebumps form on Jiwon’s breasts and body as you kiss her tenderly. Once you finish unloading inside her, Jiwon withdraws her pussy slowly. She was still sensitive from her post-orgasm, both of you moaning as your penis exits her body. A white pool of liquid begins to escape from her cavern, staining both of your thighs and the poor workout bench that was sinfully defiled. Jiwon giggles as she sees the aftermath: the bench covered in sweat, cum and pussy juice. She smiles in satisfaction as she leans down and kisses you on the lips.
“Fuck, that was amazing” she moans, panting heavily as she struggles to catch her breath. Her body was drenched in sweat as her breasts heaved. She traces a small pool of both of your cum and puts it in her mouth.
“I can’t believe we just had sex in a public place” you said, catching your breath as the light overhead shined on your cock that was glistening from your cum and Jiwon’s juices.
“Another thing to cross off the list” Jiwon said, smiling sweetly at you as she kisses your chest and gets back on her knees to clean your cock.
“We’re supposed to be cleaning up” you said to Jiwon, moaning once more as you stroke her head.
“We can clean up after you cum in my mouth again” she said. “Plus, you still have to fuck me in the shower”
The sun shined brightly inside your room the following morning. Both of you forgot to close the blinds as you were both sore and exhausted from the gym and fucking each other’s brains out. Your bodies plopped on the bed immediately after changing into pajamas. You turned over and saw Jiwon fast asleep. Her head was peacefully resting on your chest as her left arm wrapped around you. Her soft breaths tickled your face as you admired your girlfriend’s natural beauty. The tight fitting tank top gave you a view of her cleavage, her erect nipples poking through the fabric.
You looked at your phone to check the time: 8:00 AM. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your arms, trying your best not to wake her up. Jiwon was never a light sleeper, but she reacted the moment your body moved.
“Mmm” escaped her lips as she opened her eyes. Her natural, makeup-less face was so beautiful. It looked so serene and innocent.
“Goodmorning, babe” she said, smiling as she covered her body and her eyes squinted from the sunlight.
“Hi love” you said, kissing her forehead gently. “Sorry to wake you up”
“It’s fine” she said, hugging you tightly as she pulled you in for a kiss. “Last night was amazing”
“It really was” you replied, kissing her back.
You kissed each other softly as you helped Jiwon remove her tank top. She giggles, removing your shirt as she reaches down and isn’t surprised that you weren’t wearing anything on your lower body.
“I wish I could take this everywhere I go” she said in a naughty tone as she began stroking your cock.
“We could just stay in bed all day” you said, fondling a breast in your hand.
“Ahh- as much as I would love to, I have a shoot today and you have your Pilates class” she said, kissing your tip gently before running her tongue up and down your length.
“I could just skip it” you moaned.
“Babe” she said. “We’ll have plenty of time to have sex tonight”
“But until then, I could use a goodmorning breakfast to start the day…” she said as she took your cock inside her mouth.
After you asked for a quickie in the shower, Jiwon left for her schedule. You stayed behind and cleaned the house for a bit before getting ready for Pilates. Although some time had passed since you and Yerim broke up, you continued taking classes because of how your body felt doing the exercises. Since the studio was so close by, you decided to walk there. Spring time in Seoul was a wonderful feeling. The sounds of birds chirping and the leaves of trees beaming with life. You cycled through a playlist Jiwon made for you as you enter the extremely narrow entrance of the studio and climb up the steps until you reach the 4th floor. The class was very intimate: 4-8 people at most each session. You were acquaintances with a few of them, engaging in small talk occasionally.
As the class is about to begin, one last person enters the room. Calling her beautiful would be an understatement. You froze up at first, wondering why Joohyun would be in the same class as you especially since you switched studios because you didn’t want to run into her or the others. Her height and certain facial features were similar to Joohyun, but one or rather, two things that set them apart was her noticeably large chest spilling out of her sports bra. Her leggings gave the appearance that she had long powerful legs that were topped off by a nice, round ass. Drool starts to escape your lips as you catch yourself staring for too long and look away.
“Is this spot taken?” she asked you.
You look up and see her smiling sweetly at you. Everything about her was beautiful. Her hair was wrapped messily in a pink scrunchie. The only makeup she wore was a light layer of lip gloss and a small amount of her eyebrows filled in from an eyebrow pencil.
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“Is this spot taken?” she repeated.
“No, not at all” you said.
“Thank you” she replied, sitting next to you. Her smile warms your heart, she definitely left a good first impression on you. “I just moved to this area recently and the reviews for this spot were really good”
“It is” you said. “I’ve been going here for a few months now”
“There aren’t too many guys doing Pilates. Most think of it as a woman’s exercise”
“I thought so too until my girlfriend brought me one day. Well, ex now” you laughed.
“My name is Kwon Eunbi” she said, extending her arm towards you.
Eunbi explained to you the reason for her moving neighborhoods was to be closer to her job. She was working at a new startup company’s marketing division. She had been there for a little under a year. Commuting back and forth from her old neighborhood began to be too time consuming. Eunbi decided it was time for a change of pace.
The class went relatively smooth. Well, as smooth as it could be with your eyes locking on to Eunbi’s body like she was your next meal. It didn’t help that your erection stretched out your joggers. Eunbi knew this, giggling as she saw you staring at her ass and tits with the corner of her eyes every time the instructor gave the class a new position to do. One pose in particular that turned you on was when the class had to bend down and touch their toes. Eunbi did so before you even thought of it, giving you a wonderful view of her full breasts. Seeing them made you imagine how heavenly they must feel, both for your hands and your dick. It twitched at the simple thought of it.
Thankfully, the hour long class ended without you busting a load in your joggers. The instructor and students all bow to one another as they begin to leave. Placing your water bottle in your bag, you were about to leave when Eunbi stopped you.
“Did you get a good view?” she asked softly.
“What?” you replied.
“Don’t play dumb” she said, giggling. “I know you were staring at my ass and tits the whole time”
“I-I wasn’t”
“Shh, it’s okay baby. To tell you the truth, I’m flattered. I’m proud of my body so it boosts my self confidence when others think so too” she said as she closed the distance between you two and moved a finger gently on your chest.
“I-I have a girlfriend” you say to her, your cheeks beginning to turn a bright shade of red as you nervously gulp. Your eyes didn’t know where to look as Eunbi has her body mere centimeters from yours.
You are frozen, stunned by the beauty in front of you who left you hypnotized by her big, doe eyes piercing your soul and the way her soft, delicate hand caresses your cheek tenderly.
“S-someone could walk in and catch us” you managed to say.
“Shh, it’ll be fine” she replied softly. “They’ll get a good show if they do”
Eunbi cups your crotch roughly as she pulls you in for a kiss. She bites your lower lip, allowing her tongue to break down your defenses and assert control in your mouth. Her kisses are soft and tender, washing away all your worries. Each connection of your lips made it feel like a new world was created: one that contained only you and her. She continued to kiss you delicately, her lips eventually reaching the side of your neck as she helped you remove your shirt. You ran your fingers across the extremely soft fabric of her bra.
Your eyes kept moving back and forth from her face to her chest. Not wanting to break the connection, Eunbi smiles as she sees this. Her lips eventually made their way to your chest, planting kisses all over.
“Take this off me” she said, pointing to her sports bra.
You sucked on Eunbi’s lips, savoring the taste of her peppermint lipstick. You repeated her actions, making a trail through her neck and onto her collarbone before reaching the ultimate prize: her delicious looking cleavage. You felt the soft warmness on your face as you gently sucked on her skin.
Your hands move onto her hips and then her back, her body shuddering from your cold touch until they rest firmly on her butt. You admired each curve on her body like it was a work of art. You squeeze each cheek before your hands move back onto her chest. Eunbi bites her bottom lip as she looks at you fondle her breasts with her hands, causing her to moan in a seductive tone.
“You’re a naughty boy aren’t you…” she said.
Her mouth opened and her breaths got heavier as you planted more kisses on her chest and cleavage line, your hands finding their way to the back of her bra to help her remove it. She removes your hands, pulling up the bra softly until her breasts are completely exposed, plopping down thanks to her teasing you. You resumed kissing every inch of them, pinching her pretty pink nipples and squeezing the other breast that wasn’t getting attention from your mouth.
“Oh my god…” she moaned softly, as she ran her fingers through your hair.
Eunbi’s skin began to moisten up with sweat. Now it was her turn to have a rosy tint of red on her cheeks, maintaining her hold on your head as she wanted more. You reached for her hips until you found the hem of her leggings and pulled them down. All that remained was a cute purple colored lace thong that you thought shouldn’t have even been worn at all with how little coverage it provided.
Your lips returned to hers as you both sat on the nearest pilates reformer. She stuck her tongue inside your mouth as your hands ripped off the thin fabric on her lower body and tossed it on the other side of the room.
“Babe! That was expensive!” she whined. You smiled at her as your fingers ran up her smooth, creamy thighs and found their way onto her backside. She giggled and kissed you once more. You squeezed her ass firmly, as your tongues fought for dominance. Not wanting to waste any more time, Eunbi’s hands reached for your joggers. She untied the string gently as she removed it and your boxers.
Eunbi sat on your lap as you kissed your way from her lips down to her toned stomach, leaving small trails of saliva on her skin. She tied her hair into a cute bun as her crotch began to rub against yours. Her powerful thighs lock firmly on your own as you play with her breasts.
“Baby…” she moaned.
Your hands roamed across her body, beginning to memorize where every curve began and ended. It hasn’t even been two hours since you met Eunbi and yet here you two were, fully naked in an empty pilates room feeling each other’s bodies. Your hands that were on her hips pulled her down so that she was on top of you. Both of you breathing heavily as she pulled you in for another earth shattering kiss. It started off sweet and gentle, yet maintaining the deepness and passion from earlier. Soon she started to be more daring, kissing you fiercely in a frenzy of rapidly increasing body temperature and damp skin from perspiration. Her body began rubbing against yours as you tried to keep her balanced. She sucked on your neck as you felt her breasts rub against your chest.
“Take the clip off your hair” you moaned, temporarily breaking free from her lips.
She giggled softly and pecked your lips before honoring your request, seductively shaking her hair as it flowed throughout the air and fell back down onto her shoulders.
She kissed your lips slowly, allowing you to smell Eunbi’s natural scent. There was still the faintest hint of what you picked up to be strawberries and and rose petals, unsure of whether it was from her body wash, shampoo, or body lotion. Not caring which one it was from, you moaned as Eunbi moved her lips from your jaw, neck, across your chest and onto your stomach. Soon she kissed every part of your body until she reached your throbbing cock which was leaking precum thanks to her pussy rubbing against it, all the while she maintained eye contact with you.
Eunbi’s tongue makes contact with your flesh, swirling slowly around the tip before moving up and down the sides of your length.
“Does it feel good?” she asked as she stroked your cock.
“It feels so good”
She puckered her lips temporarily before parting them with your shaft, sliding up and down from tip to base. Eunbi’s mouth was warm, covering you in saliva as she took you until you hit the back of her throat.
“Good, I’m glad. You feel very good in my mouth” she said softly.
Eunbi gave you a very sensual and passionate blowjob, contrasting Jiwon who always wanted you to fuck her mouth. Her eyes never left your sight, as if to show you she was very serious about pleasuring you.
She stroked your cock with a firm grip, taking your balls into her mouth as her eyes smile in satisfaction. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, as you felt Eunbi suck the life force out of you. Her muffled moans could be heard even though your cock was in her mouth, loud slurps letting you know she was enjoying herself.
“Do you like how I suck your cock?” she asked innocently, looking at your face for a response.
“Can you please go a bit faster?” you moaned.
“Sure, baby. I was kinda hoping you’d say that” she replied, pouting at you teasingly as she kissed your tip.
Eunbi’s mouth dived back onto your cock, being a lot more aggressive this time. Her hands stroked you a few times before they went to your balls and cupped them. She would take short breaks and gasp for air before returning her mouth onto you. Saliva dripped from her mouth whenever she paused.
Your body was unable to process the sudden rush of pleasure, goosebumps forming all over your body as Eunbi sucked you as hard as she could. You began moaning loudly under her care.
“Cum in between my tits” she said, as her grip on your balls tightened. “I know you can’t last much longer”
Eunbi’s tongue teases your cock head, swirling around quickly as she strokes your shaft at a painfully fast pace. Her saliva spread with every stroke. You closed your eyes, knowing that you were going to fill her pretty tits with your sinful fluid.
Soon enough, you felt your orgasm arrive. It traveled across your entire body from your head to your toes. Your body shakes violently as Eunbi squeezes her breasts around you as you thrust between them. You pushed your head upwards as the wet, makeshift cave of her breasts began to fill with your load. Ropes of white liquid release from your tip as they paint her milky breasts. The first few hit her chin and neck, causing Eunbi to laugh. You thrust your cock between her tits several more times as your orgasm winds down.
Eunbi smiles at you sweetly with her eyes as she takes your cock in her mouth and swallows, giving you a good view to see your load travel down her throat. Her breasts jiggled as she got up and hugged you, placing her arms on your biceps and lightly squeezing them. She stared at you with faux innocent eyes, contrasting the lewd action she just committed. 
“How could someone who looks so sweet be so naughty?” you said to her softly.
“I can use my mouth for more than just talking” she said, smiling at you as she asks for a kiss.
Parting after a few minutes, you push your forehead against hers as you both try to catch your breath. Smiling, you tuck away several loose strands of hair.
“Thank you for making me feel good, mommy” you said.
“Mommy?” She said, looking at you with a twinkle in her eyes.
“It’s not what it sounds like, I mea-”
“Hmm… I like it” she said, smiling. “From now on, you’ll address me as mommy”
“O-okay, mommy” you quietly said.
Both of you cleaned up the room and each other before leaving. You were disappointed you didn’t get to have sex with Eunbi, she shared the same sentiments  as she soon asked you where your apartment was.
“W-why do you ask?” you nervously said.
“You said your apartment is close by, right? We both need to take a shower. Plus… you still need to fuck mommy” she mischievously smiled at you as she walked away, her ass swaying with each step.
The walk back to your apartment was rather quiet. You were still a bit nervous, having sex in public places two days in a row. Eunbi didn’t seem to care at all, clinging to your arm the whole time as she happily talked about how good she made you feel. Both of you entered your apartment, taking off your shoes while she admired how spacious it was.
“This place is really nice!” she said, running into the living room.
“My girlfriend is a model and I have a pretty good paying job so it has its perks” you said, rubbing the back of your neck shyly.
“She’s a lucky girl then…” Eunbi replied as she hugged you. “Are you gonna give mommy a tour?”
“I need to shower” you said, poking the tip of her nose softly.
“Please… baby” she whimpered, her big eyes getting watery as she gave you the cutest pout ever.
“Okay… fine, I guess”
You removed your socks and shirt as Eunbi’s mouth watered at the sight of your half naked body.
“So as you can see, this is the kitchen and living room area” you began, extending both arms to show her the opposite sides of the room.
“I wanna get fucked in both!” Eunbi confidently said.
The wooden floors of the apartment were satisfying to walk on. You smiled as you passed the grey colored couches and large flatscreen television of the living room as you shuffled along, Eunbi was refusing to let you go from her embrace.
You then lead Eunbi to you and Jiwon’s large master bedroom. Having a bathroom connected to the bedroom was one of the main selling points that led you to signing a contract for the lease. Extremely tidy in appearance, you were glad Jiwon didn’t leave clothes lying around everywhere like usual.
“Oh, your bed” Eunbi said as she jumped onto it. “I definitely want to have sex here!”
 “I still haven’t shown you the guest bedroom” you said quietly.
“Are you gonna fuck me in it?” Eunbi said, looking at you with a pretend confused look on her face.
“I-I guess?” you said. “That’s a lot of sex”
“There’s no such thing as too much sex, baby” she said as she lead you back to the master bathroom and proceeded to take off her clothes.
You looked at her stunned as she was fully naked in front of you once again.
“Why are you just standing there, baby? Take off your clothes so you can fuck me in the shower” she said, smiling sweetly as she took off your shirt.
“Why don’t we take a bath instead?” you replied as your hands fondled her breasts. Eunbi giggles as she bites her lower lip and pulls you in for a kiss.
You both walked into the bathroom, filling up the tub with hot water. Eunbi looks at you and smiles, running her fingers in the water. She wraps her arms around your neck as she sits on the edge of the tub and pulls you close to her.
“We should get in, mommy” you said as you kissed her. “I feel gross and my body is sore”
“You haven’t even begun to feel sore yet, baby. Mommy is gonna make you feel even more sore when I’m done with you”
You sat closely together in the comfortable tub, the water jets releasing hot water that soothe your aching muscles. The temperature was perfect, and so was the beautiful woman you were sharing this moment with. Eunbi found a bath bomb in one of the cabinets and threw it in beforehand, laughing as you both watched the bubbles fill up the tub.
Eunbi leaned her head back onto you as she was sitting with her back facing you. You fondled her breasts under the water, squeezing her nipples as she moaned softly. She reached under and found your hardening cock, stroking it slowly. You momentarily released her breasts from your touch as you massaged her shoulders.
“Oh my god…” she moaned.
“You’re so tense, mommy” you said as you kissed her neck.
“My job is stressful. I’m on the older side in my department and have been passed up for promotions. The company prefers younger girls” she said in a sad tone.
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been working there longer than most of them. I deserve to be happy”
“You really do” you said to Eunbi as you continued leaving a trail of kisses as your hands returned to her soft mounds.
Eunbi stops stroking your cock and faces you. She wraps her arms around your neck and looks at you lovingly.
“Are you gonna make me happy, baby?”
“Anything you need, mommy” you replied.
She smiles, hearing your words. You shared a passionate kiss, both of you feeling rejuvenated from the relaxing bath and being able to quickly be comfortable with one another. It was another one of those moments where you felt you and Eunbi existed in a bubble all your own.
“Your lips taste good, baby” she said.
“Yours do too”
“Does your girlfriend enjoy intimate moments like these?” she said, pouting.
“At times, she does. But sometimes it feels like she just wants to have sex just to fuck” you replied.
“I can’t say I blame her” Eunbi quietly said, stroking your cock. “This certainly feels good. Have you tried talking to her about it?”
“I haven’t brought it up yet”
“Communication is important in a relationship. You should tell her how you feel, baby”
You and Eunbi continued to sit in the bathtub, caressing each other's bodies and saying sweet things.
“I think it’s time we dried ourselves off” she said, half an hour later.
As she attempts to get out, you hold onto her wrist gently and surprise Eunbi by pulling her back into the bathtub. You reached down and found her soft lips, rubbing it.
“Oooh” she said, closing her eyes. “That feels so good”
You smiled as you stuck a finger inside.
“We should get out though, baby. So your finger can be replaced by your dick”
You gently massaged her breasts with your free hand, grabbing a small amount of bubbles and rubbing them on her. She giggles as she takes some and blows it on your face.
“Babe! I said we should get out” she laughs, stroking your cock once more.
Touching each other a few more times, you both find the willpower to stop and get out of the tub. Eunbi hugs you lovingly as she wraps around the lower part of your body. You do the same, squeezing her breasts and butt as you wrap a towel around her small body. The towel accentuates it, showing off her delicious looking cleavage. You grab a smaller towel and begin drying off her hair. Eunbi smiles as you give her a kiss.
“I should send this to oppa” Jiwon smiles to herself as she takes a photo of herself in front of a mirror.
“Uniform Johyun!” she typed into the message. “I’m wearing this outfit tonight”
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The next few hours consisted of you fulfilling Eunbi’s wishes. The kitchen, living room, both bathrooms - all places you and Eunbi had sex in, which meant you didn’t hear your phone vibrate alerting you of Jiwon’s text. It started off strong, she wanted to be roughly fucked on every surface. As the hours went on and both of your stamina depleted, Eunbi wanted you to go slowly. Even when you wanted to pound her. Now, it all culminated into the both of you being in the guest bedroom.
You find yourself on your back as Eunbi’s body hovered over yours, sitting on your lap as her thighs hugged the sides of your hips. She held onto your chest as her body rocked back and forth. You both took a quick shower in the second bathroom, well as quick as one could have while they were having sex. You inhaled the scent of the peach body wash and green apple shampoo she used as the aromas relaxed your tense body.
“You’re such a naughty boy, baby…” she began. “Still so hard even after all the times mommy made you cum”
“Mommy’s body deserves to be worshipped” you replied as her bright, big eyes stared into yours. She smiles, as her hand rubs your cheek softly as she leans down.
“Then worship mommy’s body all you want, baby” she said as her long, black hair flows over her shoulders and she captures your lips once more.
You break the kiss and sit against the headboard, watching her every expression as the both of you sat in front of one another.
“We just met and yet I feel so loved by you” Eunbi said, stroking your cheek.
“I do too” you replied, giving her a kiss.
“Your girlfriend won’t like hearing that”
She held onto you as she kissed you, hard. You ran your hands across her back, pulling her closer to you. Your bodies refused to be apart. You opened your eyes and saw her smiling through your connected lips.
“Babe…” she whispered into your ear.
“You’re turning me on so much right now…”
You gently squeezed her butt, causing Eunbi to moan.
“Baby… look how wet you made me” she said, her hand moving down and parting her lips. You kissed her, massaging her ass as she stuck a few fingers inside her.
“See how wet I am?” she moaned, showing you her fingers that were now covered in her juices.
You don’t reply and bring them to your mouth, causing Eunbi to moan. You opened your eyes and saw her showing you an extremely cute pout that was anything but innocent.
“Does mommy want to know what she tastes like?” you said as you moved your face forward, burying your tongue inside her mouth.
Your kisses filled your body with an unexplainable feeling of love. You wanted to show her you loved every part of her body. She smiled at you as her hands ran themselves naughtily on your upper body. Yours rested on her chest, cupping her warm and soft breasts. You gave them a light squeeze, making Eunbi moan as you bring your mouth onto her nipple.
Eunbi grinded herself on your hard cock as you continued to fondle her tits, sucking on her nipples as her moans were gracing your ears.
“This is bad… I’m falling in love with you” Eunbi said quietly, her eyes carrying all of the emotions she has been holding in.
She doesn’t give you a chance to say anything as she pulls your head onto her chest. You closed your eyes, savoring Eunbi’s scent as your body relaxed. Her large breasts surrounded themselves on your nose and mouth, gently brushing your face as you feel how milky smooth her skin is.
“I love your body so much” you said, as you planted kisses all over her tits.
 You pulled Eunbi forward and turned her over so that she softly fell on the bed. Her breasts jiggled and her hair flowed in every direction. You looked at each other lovingly as you began to kiss every surface of her body.
“You’re so beautiful, mommy” you said as you gently kissed the area between her breasts. Eunbi moaned as she tightened her hold on you. You twirled your tongue around her nipples.
“That feels so good…” she moaned.
“Your tits are amazing, mommy” you said as you sucked on them. “They’re so soft… and warm”
Eunbi had a firm grip on your throbbing erection, slowly stroking you up and down as she squeezed your precum out. The colorless liquid stuck onto her fingers as she spread it all over.
“Baby, you’re so hard” she said as you kneeled on the bed and she flipped herself over so that she was laying down on her stomach.
Eunbi kissed the tip of your cock, making you moan loudly as she smiled and ran her tongue across your length. Her nose nuzzled against your base as she took your balls in her mouth.
“That feels so good…”
She doesn’t bother replying and dives straight onto your cock. Eunbi sucks you with such force, as you clutch the bedsheets for support. Her tongue swirled against your tip as she stroked your length with her left hand. You closed your eyes as her wet cavern begins to fill up with you.
“I love your cock so much” she said in a quiet whisper. “No wonder your girlfriend wants this every day”
“Fuck… your mouth is so good”
She watched your facial expressions, smiling happily as she knew she was pleasuring you. Eunbi’s saliva dripped from her mouth and your cock, staining the bedsheets. She spat on it a few times in order to make sure it would be fully covered.
“Do you like when I suck your cock?” Eunbi said as she began to pant.
“I love it” you said as you and Eunbi were both sweating. The faint layer of perspiration glowed on Eunbi, accentuating her beauty even more.
“Me too” she said quietly.
Eunbi moans vibrated as she stuffed her mouth full of your cock. She cupped your balls which have been putting in overtime these past 24 hours. You don’t know how long she sucked you for, but your body was paralyzed from the pleasure as you stood there frozen.
“I-If you k-keep doing that, I’m gonna-”
“No” she said softly as her puckered lips ran across your length. “Please don’t cum yet, baby”
“You have to fuck me. Can you do that for mommy? Please fuck me” she said as she held onto both sides of your face, looking you straight in the eyes as her pussy lips grinded against your cock.
“Fuck mommy. Put this hard dick inside me and fuck me as hard as you can…”
You grabbed Eunbi’s toned arms and pushed her face first onto the bed. Her long, beautiful hair was damp once more as she moved it all to one side. She stared at Jiwon’s vanity mirror, looking at your eyes with anticipation as she was fully exposed before you.
You slapped her soft butt cheeks a few times with your cock, teasing her before sliding yourself inside. She moaned at your initial penetration, her arms flat on the bed as her warm cavern constricted you.
“Fuck…” she moaned into the bedsheets.
“You’re so tight, mommy” you said as you slowly thrusted in and out of her hole.
Her warm walls squeezed your cock painfully, arousing you even more. You thrusted into her slowly, yet deeply. Her asscheeks rippled from the force each time it collided with your torso.
“Your pussy feels so good, mommy…” you said as you saw Eunbi closing her eyes through the mirror.
Eunbi was moaning as you held onto her arms while you fucked her. You picked up the pace, causing her to scream loudly. She tilted her head back as you continued thrusting.
“Yes! Fuck yes! Harder!” she yelled repeatedly.
You let go of her arms, causing her face to fall and be buried onto the bed. Your hands held onto her hips for support as you slapped her ass. She moaned loudly each time her ass hit your pelvis. The sounds your bodies made harmonized with her screams, filling the empty room with your love noises.
“You’re fucking me so hard, baby” she cried. “We should have done this after the class earlier”
“Shut up” you said, smacking her ass loudly.
“Holy shit-”
As your cock slid in and out of her pussy, you fucked her roughly. Eunbi was sweating profusely as you held onto her arms once more.
“Baby…” she cried.
You stopped thrusting, pausing to catch your breath. Sweat dripped down both of your bodies as you both panted for air. Once you both recovered, she gave you a kiss before she grabbed your dick and moved her head forward.
Eunbi moaned the moment she started sucking your cock. Her tongue swirled around your length as you were getting close to cumming. You felt your orgasm building up, ready to explode soon.
“I’m close” you weakly said.
“N-no, baby. You have to cum inside me” she said, turning her body over so she was facing you below.
You parted her legs and inserted yourself back into her. Both of you moaned as your cock disappeared inside her.
“Fuck…” she moaned loudly.
You moved slowly, her walls still extremely tight around your shaft as you thrusted. Eunbi screamed, her breasts jiggling as her body moved up and down. Her hair was extremely messy and her skin glowed from sex.
“Baby… harder…” she said as her voice cracked. “Baby…”
You fucked her harder as her mouth was wide open in pleasure. Her screams became louder and louder as her legs that were wrapped around you slowly fell back onto the bed. You slammed your cock in her needy pussy, Eunbi struggling to breathe as her eyes looked into your soul.
“Baby… cum inside me…”
“I’m cumming, mommy…” you moaned as your eyes struggled to stay open.
“I love you” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I love you so, so much… cum inside me. Fill me, please”
You gritted your teeth as you fucked Eunbi as hard as you could. Your orgasm was finally free. You thrusted deep inside her, moaning loudly as her walls wrapped tightly around your cock, pulsating as your semen released inside her. Eunbi cummed almost at the same time, her body shaking from the most intense one of the evening.
“I love you so much, baby” she weakly said as she held onto your face. “That was incredible”
You kissed each other on the lips, looking at each other lovingly as you stroked each other’s hair. You both passed out for several hours, waking up to find the sunlight from earlier was now replaced with darkness. Eunbi woke up shortly after, helping you replace the bedsheets before you two take another shower. Both of you were too exhausted to go another round, so you helped clean one another before she changed into a spare set of clothes from her bag.
“Oppa, I’m home!”
A beeping noise rang through the apartment as you heard the sounds of the door being locked. You and Eunbi were on the couch, laughing at a random show she landed on. Jiwon runs inside smiling before she sees you two.
“Oh… I didn’t know we had company”
“Baby… uhh”
“Hi, I’m Kwon Eunbi” she said.
“Shin Jiwon” your girlfriend replied.
Jiwon looked absolutely beautiful. She wore a loose fitting button up shirt that was accompanied by a striped long tie. Her shirt was tucked into a gray skirt that showed off her thick thighs and long legs.
“You look beautiful, baby” you said as Eunbi looked at you with an uneasy expression upon hearing you say that.
“I do, don’t I?” she said as you placed your hands on her butt and kissed her.
“Babe, stop. Not in front of our guest” Jiwon said, hitting your shoulder softly when your kiss became more aggressive.
You saw a slight hint of jealousy in Eunbi’s eyes. She composed herself and smiled at Jiwon.
“I’m terribly sorry I showed up unannounced. I just moved to the neighborhood recently and your wonderful boyfriend is my first friend” Eunbi said.
You looked at Eunbi’s outfit and it had similar characteristics to Jiwon’s. Eunbi wore black thigh highs, ending just below her knees. Her thighs weren’t as thick as Jiwon’s but still visually pleasing even though her blue skirt with red trim was much longer. Her button up featured a big red bow. Both women’s breasts were defined through the shirts.
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“That’s a cute outfit!” Jiwon said as she sat next to Eunbi. You were a bit confused, seeing your girlfriend and the woman you just spent most of the day having sex with talk to each other.
Eunbi smiled at you before turning to Jiwon. “Your boyfriend never told me how nice of a body you have…” she said as she rubbed Jiwon’s thigh.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Eunbi…” she replied as her hand cupped Eunbi’s breast, causing her to moan as Jiwon groped her.
“Babe” Jiwon said as Eunbi returned the favor. “Did you fuck your little friend here?”
“W-what?” you said, your face turning red.
“Both of you have a hickey in the same spot”
You and Eunbi looked at each other, seeing Jiwon was right. You were sure both of you were careful not to leave any marks. You were scared at how Jiwon was going to react since her face was unable to be read.
“I-I can explain…”
“Please do” Jiwon said, crossing her arms.
“H-her body reminded me of yours. S-she seduced me” you said.
“You’re a terrible liar, babe” Jiwon replied.
Jiwon turned to Eunbi. “So tell me. Where did my boyfriend cum?”
Eunbi looked calmly at her and replied. “On my tits in the pilates studio and various places throughout the day. Mostly in my mouth and pussy”
“Is this true?” Jiwon asked you.
“It-it’s true”
“So you fucked this slut…” Jiwon said as she began to unbutton Eunbi’s shirt. “And you didn’t call me”
“What?” you asked, confused.
“You know it’s one of my fantasies to have a threesome! Especially with someone with as hot of a body as yours” Jiwon said softly as her hand ran up Eunbi’s thigh and was pleasantly surprised to know she wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“Are you sure you aren’t jealous that your boyfriend fucked me for 10 hours straight?” Eunbi seductively said as she rubbed Jiwon’s cheek.
“I’m not jealous” Jiwon said, pushing away Eunbi’s hand. “Since you spent all day preparing him, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind joining us”
“I’m sorry, what?” you said, coughing. You couldn’t believe your ears.
“I’d love to” Eunbi said as she removed the loose knot of Jiwon’s tie and quickly unbuttoned her shirt.
“What is going on?” you thought to yourself.
“We should establish some rules” Jiwon said as she squeezed Eunbi’s breast with her free hand.
“W-what do you have in mind? Ahhh” Eunbi moaned as Jiwon’s finger was inserted inside her.
“You aren’t allowed to swallow my boyfriend’s cum-”
“That’s boring” Eunbi immediately said. “Plus, I’ve already swallowed a lot of his loads”
“F-fine. You’re only allowed one chance to swallow. If you do it twice, I kick you out”
“Fine” Eunbi said, smiling sweetly. “I already feel full from it anyways”
She stared at you, studying your expressions as you weren’t sure how to feel.
“What’s your rule?” Jiwon asked as she helped Eunbi out of her skirt, exposing her.
“You’re not allowed to interfere if your boyfriend cums inside me. His cock chose me to finish into” Eunbi said.
“So arrogant” Now it was Jiwon’s turn to smile. “What makes you think you can make him cum while I’m here?”
You looked at both women sitting next to each other on the couch, Jiwon without her shirt and Eunbi without her skirt. Two beautiful, half naked women touching each other while establishing rules for an impending threesome. This was something most men would dream of, yet here you were nervous as hell.
“What makes you think he’ll be able to resist my body after he’s tasted it all day? Even you can’t resist seeing as how your finger is in my pussy”
“You’re so bold” Jiwon said as she inserted another finger. “I’m gonna enjoy ruining you”
“Why are your clothes still on?” Eunbi asked her.
“I could be asking you the same thing” Jiwon replied as the three of you entered the master bedroom. “So we’re ready to do this?”
Eunbi and Jiwon softly brushed their lips against one another the moment they sat on the bed. You could feel your cock hardening at the sight.
“I’ve been ready” Eunbi said softly.
“You say you’re ready and yet your shirt is still on” Jiwon said in a seductive tone.
“Your skirt is also on” Eunbi said, tilting her head with a faux confused look.
“Take it off, now”
“Can your boyfriend be the one to do it?” Eunbi asked quietly.
Jiwon huffed, smiling as she turned her head away. “You really are a slut, aren’t you?”
“Your boyfriend’s a good lover, what can I say”
“He really is, isn’t he?” Jiwon said as she held onto your hand. “Go ahead babe, take off that poor excuse of a shirt”
Your heart started beating quickly. Eunbi gave you a reassuring smile, holding your hands tenderly as you began to unbutton her shirt.
“Don’t be shy, baby” Eunbi said. “Why don’t we undress each other?”
You stood there frozen as she removed your shirt and pulled it off you. The cool air coming from the air conditioner caused you to shiver slightly. She then removed your pajama joggers and boxers, licking her lips as they dropped to the floor. Jiwon’s eyes burned with anger, but made no intentions of interrupting.
“Your turn to undress mommy” she said lovingly. You nodded, touching her extremely soft skin as her shirt was removed. Eunbi stood before the both of you in a matching black bra and thong. Not a single blemish on her smooth skin, Jiwon licked her lips upon seeing Eunbi exposed.
“He calls you mommy?” Jiwon asked. “Well, I can certainly see why”
Eunbi ignored her and continued to look at you with an affectionate stare. “Take these off too, baby”
You held onto the strap of her bra, kissing her shoulders and collarbone as your other hand reached behind her and found the hook. Undoing it slowly, the restrictive fabric fell to the ground.
“Wow” you and Jiwon moaned as Eunbi’s bare large breasts were exposed to you both.
“I knew they were big since your shirt outlined them, but who knew you were hiding something so beautiful?” Jiwon said.
“Most guys only talk to me because of my tits” she said quietly.
“I can see why” Jiwon said with a smirk as she moved closer to Eunbi, squeezing one of her breasts. “I mean, look at you. Such big eyes and a cute face, with this kind of body? So slim yet your tits are massive… not to mention your wide hips and hourglass waist… nice thighs with a cute butt too”
“I could say the same about you” Eunbi replied quietly as she took off Jiwon’s skirt and undergarments. “I would kill to have an ass and thighs like these”
Both of them softly moaned as they fondled each other’s breasts. Jiwon ran her hands up and down Eunbi’s back, tracing her fingers on her flat, toned stomach. Eunbi’s hands soon felt up Jiwon’s thighs and wide hips, reaching back towards her butt and squeezing it, causing it to jiggle from her touch.
Jiwon moaned as the two began kissing each other. “Stop, that tickles. My boyfriend’s watching…”
“Don’t focus on him, baby. Focus on mommy” Eunbi said as she squeezed Jiwon’s ass once more, a bit harder this time. “You’re getting turned on watching this, right baby? I see your dick getting hard”
Jiwon began breathing heavily as Eunbi suddenly grabbed her face, kissing her wildly as she inserted her tongue inside. Both women continued making out in front of you, as you watched their hands move across every single surface of each other’s bodies. Their voices began to increase in volume as Eunbi grabbed Jiwon’s arms, turning her around. She used her left hand to fondle one of Jiwon’s breasts and the other to roughly part her legs.
“You’re such a slut” Jiwon said, moaning loudly. “Doing such dirty things in front of my boyfriend”
“Our boyfriend” Eunbi corrected her, turning to you and smiling sweetly. “Right, baby? Should I show this whore how much I can make her feel good?”
“Ahh- you’re turned on by this aren’t you, baby?” Jiwon asked as she brought you onto the bed.
“I-I am” you replied as Jiwon grabbed your cock. Eunbi split Jiwon’s legs widely and buried her face into her crotch.
“Holy shit… that feels so good, mommy…”
“Kiss me, oppa” Jiwon moaned as she pulled you in, you could smell the distinct aroma between both women: Jiwon preferred fruit scented aromas while Eunbi liked flowers and more natural scents.
“Don’t kiss him!” Eunbi yelled as she slapped Jiwon’s ass and pulled her back by her hair. “You should be kissing mommy and not him!”
“You did say he’s our boyfriend, right? Which means I can kiss him!”
“I didn’t expect you to be on board with sharing him” Eunbi replied.
“With a body like yours, I’d even share my last name with you” Jiwon said.
“So if I told you I love him, you’d be okay with that?”
“I’d be okay with you having his child if it means the three of us get to be with each other like this”
“Don’t say anything you won’t regret, my dear Jiwon…” Eunbi smirked, holding onto Jiwon’s toned arms and gently rubbing her pussy. “Baby, look at how wet she is”
“You’re wet for me and not your boyfriend, right Jiwon?”
“No… that’s n-not true”
“And why not? Don’t be shy. Admit you’re a little slut for mommy…”
“I’m not…” Jiwon whimpered.
“Your lips say that and yet your body drips… for me, slut”
“I’m only a slut for my boyfriend and his dick!”
Eunbi smirked and pushed Jiwon back onto you. “Baby, take care of this lying slut”
Jiwon embraced you and immediately began kissing you desperately, as if to prove Eunbi wrong. You held her in your arms, running your hands all over her body as her tongue fought for control.
“Don’t believe her, oppa. You know I love you right? I love you so much” Jiwon said weakly, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
“Oh spare me the waterworks, you bitch” Eunbi said as she yanked Jiwon from your body and kissed her roughly.
“Baby, please… I only love you” Jiwon was crying now, unable to resist Eunbi’s soft lips.
“Awh, look at this jealous slut baby…” Eunbi said as she pulled Jiwon back by her hair. “Continuing to lie to you, me and herself that I turn her on more”
Eunbi climbed on top of you and began to kiss you. Her breath tastes sweet, the slightest hint of strawberry from her lip gloss as you felt the differences between her and Jiwon. Eunbi’s lips were fuller and extremely soft, Jiwon on the other hand had thinner lips that were firm and easier to bite. You were turned on by both women.
Jiwon snuck around you both as Eunbi was kissing you while sitting on her stomach.
“Baby, look how hard you are for mommy…” she said as she began stroking you.
You moaned into Eunbi’s mouth as her tongue assumed control. “Touch her baby, touch mommy”
 “I-I don’t know. This feels weird”
“Baby, there’s no need to be shy. In fact, it kinda turns me on seeing you with another woman” Jiwon said as she and Eunbi made out once more, grabbing her breasts while Eunbi grabbed her ass. Both of them squeezed and fondled each other, not wanting to disconnect their bodies.
Eunbi broke the connection first, catching her breath as she smirked at you and gave you the naughtiest look of the night. “Come here, baby. Show this whore how mommy likes being touched…”
“Look at these breasts, oppa” Jiwon said as her hand cupped the soft mounds of flesh and fondled them gently. “I hate to admit it, but they’re bigger than mine. See how pretty they are? But I bet you know that since you’ve played with these all day” she teased as she placed your hand on Eunbi’s chest.
They were dangerously soft, even softer after the repeated showers and applications of lotion you both did throughout the day. Jiwon wasn’t a pushover when it came to size but Eunbi was large, which contrasted her very slim body. You pinched her soft nipples, watching them grow erect in your fingertips.
Eunbi moaned from you worshipping her breasts and Jiwon’s lips on her mouth. Their scents mixed together and caused you to be unable to think properly. You felt your cock harden in Eunbi’s hand.
“Baby, you’re so lucky…” Eunbi said as she bit Jiwon’s lower lip. “You get to play with these tits, ass and hips every single night”
“Ahh” Jiwon moaned. “You’re just saying that, whore. You know you have the size advantage”
“Shut up. You know your ass was made for spanking and your large thighs and wide hips are what people would call made for child bearing”
Eunbi stroked you a few more times until they both sat next to you, smiling.
“Baby” Eunbi began, softly kissing you. “Do you like me more… or this whore?”
You looked at Jiwon, who was beginning to leak onto the bed sheets.
“Go ahead, baby. I won’t get mad”
You moaned softly as Eunbi stroked your cock while Jiwon rubbed her breasts against your chest.
“Answer me, baby” Eunbi said. “Who do you like more?”
“I like my girlfriend more” you said quietly.
“That’s fair” Eunbi said as she increased the pace at which she was stroking you.
“Hmm” Jiwon said, putting a finger on her temple, tilting it while pouting cutely. “Who has nicer tits?”
Both women moved closer to you, squeezing their breasts together.
“Fuck, how am I supposed to choose?” you thought to yourself. 
“Maybe we should smother him to help his decision” Eunbi said.
Both women pushed their large chests onto your face, drowning you in a sea of wonderful soft flesh and tasty pink nipples.
“Take your time, baby… we can’t have you making a wrong decision” Jiwon said, giggling.
Your lips wrapped around Eunbi’s nipple, sucking on them before doing the same to Jiwon. Both women moaned in pleasure as you alternated between the four breasts.
“You seem to be enjoying this a little too much, baby” Eunbi said. “Whose tits do you think are nicer?”
“Yours” you moaned. “I’m sorry, baby. You know I love yours but mommy’s are just too wonderful”
Eunbi triumphantly grinned at Jiwon, causing her to roll her eyes and pout.
“Pft, whatever. Just cause yours are like melons” Jiwon groaned.
 Eunbi smacked Jiwon’s ass as both of them turned over and laid on their stomachs.
“Now who would you want to pound from behind more?” she asked.
You licked your lips, trying your best not to drool at the sight before you. Both women were extremely curvy, even more so from a behind view. You ran your hands across each of them, squeezing their asses lightly. You parted Jiwon’s thighs first, slowly kissing her lower back and perfect butt - rubbing your face against it. Your face has been buried between her legs more times than you can count. She still smelled wonderful.
You felt something brush against your thighs and look to your side. Eunbi was teasing you, wiggling her ass. Your mouth moved towards her body, admiring her equally delicious looking thighs and cute butt. They were both beautiful, even more so naked, but they made you feel differently.
“I like Jiwon’s butt and thighs more but your pussy is tighter, mommy” you said.
“See, whore? He likes my pussy better. That fat ass and wide hips don’t mean shit if you aren’t tight”
“Whatever you slut. I know you won’t be able to beat me in this last category” Jiwon said as both of their faces inched closer and closer to your hard cock.
“Oh, I know I’m gonna win this one” Eunbi said as her hands wrapped around your shaft and she squeezed you, causing more precum to leak out.
“Holy fuck…” you moaned as Eunbi took you inside her mouth.
“Yummy… does that feel good, baby?”
“Yes, mommy” you said. “It feels so good…”
She smiled at you sweetly as her tongue roughly flicked against your tip and the sides of your shaft.
“Get off whore, it’s my turn to suck his dick” Jiwon said, pushing off Eunbi several minutes later.
Eunbi pulled on Jiwon’s hair slightly, but still let her continue. “I didn’t even suck him for that long, bitch!”
Jiwon’s hollowed out cheeks took your cock easily, bobbing her head up and down as her warm walls and soft tongue massaged every part of you. Her suction like hold on you was released after a few minutes, regretfully. You wanted more. Her tongue swirled around your head while she stroked you, maintaining eye contact.
“I know it wasn’t long… but whose mouth do you prefer?” she asked quietly.
“I-I like both” you said, moaning from the pleasure caused by both women.
“How can you not know?” Jiwon said as her free hand squeezed your balls painfully hard. “It’s either her, or me. Simple enough!”
“Calm down, whore. Maybe we should just give him a longer demonstration” Eunbi said, pushing Jiwon out of the way as she spat on your cock. She spread it by taking you in her mouth while bobbing up and down. Jiwon on the other hand, replaced her hand with her mouth as she sucked on your tender sack.
“Just tell us who gives you better head, baby” Jiwon said, releasing one of your balls while licking the other.
You closed your eyes, the waves of euphoria flowing from your head to your toes. You wanted more. You wanted a second cock so you could feel both women’s mouths on it at the same time.
“You know you’re not so bad at giving head, Jiwon” Eunbi said as she leaned down and gave her a sloppy kiss, both of their saliva mixing together. Both took turns massaging your cock and balls with their hands until they began to ran out of breath.
“So who do you think is better?”
“I want more-” you desperately pleaded.
“You’re so needy, baby” Eunbi said, giggling. “But I guess we didn’t really suck his cock that much”
“How should we solve this?” Jiwon asked.
“We do it in intervals. I suck his cock for a certain amount of time. And then you” Eunbi said, crossing her arms.
“Wait, why do you get to give my boyfriend a blowjob first?”
“Because I came up with it, bitch” Eunbi replied, slapping Jiwon’s breast while licking her lips. “Besides, you didn’t let me finish. Afterwards, we both suck him. Together”
Both women looked at each other and smiled, their eyes twinkling with delight as they silently challenged one another. They gave each other one long, passionate kiss before Eunbi got to work.
You moaned as you entered her mouth once more.
“She looks so pretty sucking your cock, oppa” Jiwon said as she squeezed Eunbi’s ass and held onto her hair.
You watched intently as you felt Eunbi’s tongue made waves on the underside of your shaft. Her saliva began to leak out of her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. Jiwon caught the liquid with her hand, spreading it on your balls.
“How does that feel?” they both asked you.
“Holy-” you weren’t able to finish your statement as her head moved up and down. Eunbi smiled through her eyes as her warm and wet mouth drenched your cock in saliva.
“You’re such a dirty, sloppy slut” Jiwon said as she pushed Eunbi’s head deeper. Eunbi tapped on your thighs several minutes later, coughing. Jiwon didn’t give her time to rest though as she pulled her in for a kiss, both of their lips smacking loudly.
“Your boyfriend likes that” Eunbi said as she spat on your cock. “I bet he doesn’t moan for you like that”
“Ugh, just hurry up already! I want to suck his cock!” Jiwon whined as she lowered her face onto you, parting her lips with your tip and sucked on it. It made a suctioning sound shortly after.
“Don’t cut into my time, bitch!” Eunbi said as she pushed Jiwon away.
Jiwon rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Fine then. If you want to fill your dirty mouth with my boyfriend’s cock so badly… Here”
She pushed Eunbi’s head down forcefully. Eunbi’s eyes widened as Jiwon forced her to deepthroat. Her body tensed up and she began moaning loudly as Jiwon showed no intentions of releasing her grip.
“Look at the dirty bitch choke on cock” Jiwon said smugly.
She released her grip on Eunbi’s head after several minutes. Eunbi quickly moved her head up and started coughing. Her mouth was a mess, large amounts of spit drooling out as a thin layer was still connected to your cock. The others from her mouth fell onto your shaft and dripped down to your balls.
“Had enough?” Jiwon asked.
“You wish” Enubi said as her mouth returned onto you.
“You really are a dirty slut” Jiwon replied, smacking Eunbi’s ass loudly. You saw that Jiwon was beginning to get annoyed. She grabbed a handful of Eunbi’s hair and pushed her down once more.
“You better not choke” she commanded.
You held onto Eunbi’s head as she continued to furiously suck your cock. Jiwon smiled as she enjoyed watching you use Eunbi.
“Come here, babe” Jiwon said as she stuck her tongue down your mouth. You pulled her closer to you, as you continued to share a passionate kiss. Between kissing Jiwon and Eunbi’s blowjob, you were nearing your limit.
“Don’t cum for her” Jiwon said, biting your bottom lip.
“But… her mouth is so good…”
“You only cum for me!” Jiwon screamed.
You ignored her pleas and bobbed Eunbi’s head up and down until you felt yourself cumming. One final push of her head down your shaft was all it took as you released wave upon wave of hot semen down her slutty throat. Eunbi gulped it immediately until she felt you had nothing left to give. Jiwon pulled Eunbi off of you as you both moaned. Enubi was a drooling, satisfied mess as spit continued to fall out of her mouth.
“You bitch… swallowing my boyfriend’s cum. I didn’t even get to suck his dick!”
Eunbi laughed in satisfaction. “Holy shit his dick is good. Listen you whore: if my old roommate couldn’t stop me from swallowing her boyfriend’s cum, what makes you think you could?”
You laid down on the bed, catching your breath as both of the women continued to argue. Eunbi grabbed Jiwon’s hair and yanked it roughly as she laid kisses all over her chest and neck. Jiwon grabbed Eunbi’s tits and squeezed as hard as she could. You were aroused at the sight, your cock beginning to re-harden.
“Mommy, stop!” Jiwon screamed. “I want to suck his cock!”
“You dirty, dirty whore. You can’t live without his cock can you?” Eunbi said as she slapped Jiwon’s ass. “Fine, go ahead. But I guarantee you he won’t cum for you”
“We’ll see about that” Jiwon said as she stroked your cock, Eunbi’s saliva shining from the bedroom light. “Your disease filled spit is still on his cock”
“I thought you knew your boyfriend liked things sloppy” Eunbi said. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Don’t give me pointers on how to suck my boyfriend’s cock” Jiwon said as she kissed your tip.
Jiwon smiled at you as you both made eye contact. She gently massaged your balls as you began to breathe deeply. Eunbi’s blowjobs throughout the day were tender, loving. She wasn’t able to show that off in front of Jiwon since your girlfriend kept pushing her head down. Jiwon normally wanted you to facefuck her, but this time it was her being the softer one. Probably due to the fact there was another person to share the experience with.
She ran her lips up and down your cock, her tongue poking itself out of her mouth to tease your head. Her bright, shiny eyes smiled at you as she continued to give you pleasure.
“How does that feel?” she asked softly, squeezing the newly forming precum out of your tip.
“It feels wonderful”
“She’s not better than mommy, right baby?” Eunbi asked as she took Jiwon’s release from your cock to kiss her.
“I like both of your blowjobs…” you said as they kissed each other hungrily.
“Baby, we’re not going to end this in a tie” Eunbi said. “Who gives you a better blowjob? You need to make a decision”
Silence filled the room besides the random pierces of Eunbi and Jiwon kissing each other.
“He’s not saying anything… that means I just need to suck his dick more” Jiwon said as her lips reattached themselves once more.
Jiwon sucked you hard, there was a method to the way she gave you head. It was as if every single movement and action was precisely planned. Her head bobbed up and down your cock, her tongue swirling around your base. Even though Jiwon meddled, Eunbi’s blowjob was rough and intense. Jiwon’s on the other hand was tender, full of love. You moaned loudly as your hand held onto the back of her head.
“Baby, you’re being so loud” Eunbi said. “Look at your body quiver”
Jiwon releases her hold on your cock, a loud popping sound being head when she does so. “Mommy, go control our boyfriend. He’s being too loud”
“So he’s our boyfriend now?” Eunbi smirked.
“Just make him stop”
“With pleasure” Eunbi said as Jiwon returned to sucking your cock. Eunbi climbed onto you slowly, smiling the whole time.
“Shh…” she said, preventing you from speaking by placing a finger on your lips. “Just listen to that slut suck your dick, okay baby? Listen to those sounds while I put your mouth to good use”
“What do you-”
Eunbi doesn’t give you a chance to talk as she lowered her body onto your face. Her legs spread wide open as she turned around and placed her hands on your chest. She grabbed her ass and spread it apart, giving your mouth easy access to her dripping wet walls. Her thighs wrapped around your head as you began eating her out.
“Oh fuck…”
Jiwon sucked your cock even harder, seemingly jealous of you moaning over another woman.
“Babe, look at how your boyfriend eats my pussy”
“Shut up!” Jiwon whined. “He eats my pussy good too”
Eunbi moaned as your tongue splits her folds apart, causing her juice to enter your mouth. “He’s eating me so well”
“Mommy…” you managed to moan from under her.
“Ahh… see I told you he likes my pussy better”
 You grabbed Eunbi’s ass and squeezed it firmly while she continued to grind on your face.
“You love mommy’s pussy, don’t you baby?”
You slapped her asscheeks hard, causing her to jump slightly. She repositioned herself and let you feel every surface of her love hole. You wanted to worship the woman who made you call her mommy, you wanted to kiss her body as much as you could.
“Jiwon, his mouth feels so good” Eunbi moaned as she rubbed herself on you.
“You slut” Jiwon said, jerking your cock.
“Baby, touch my tits” Eunbi said, guiding your hands to her soft mounds. You continued tasting her delicious folds, inhaling her unique scent. She moaned loudly above you as her body began to squirm. She grinded on your face several more times as you squeezed her tits. Soon you could feel an overwhelming pressure begin to mount inside her pussy. Eunbi pushed herself further into you as you squeezed her tits, causing her orgasm to release.
“Oh my fucking god!”
“You’re such a whore, mommy. Cumming inside oppa’s mouth like that. So unladylike” Jiwon said.
Eunbi fell onto your body, sitting on you as she took turns sucking your cock with Jiwon. You felt the sudden transitions of Jiwon’s roughness and Eunbi’s tender softness; you wanted to scream loudly from how good the pleasure felt.
Jiwon sucked on your balls roughly as you felt Eunbi’s tender lips take your cock inside her mouth. Eunbi felt surprised the moment she felt you parting her cheeks and sticking your tongue inside her more sensitive hole. All you could hear were muffled screams as she didn’t want to release your cock.
“He’s about to cum” Jiwon quietly said, moaning as she sucked on your balls.
Eunbi’s body began to tense up while she was furiously rubbing her clit. “Mommy is cumming too…” she moaned.
“Fuck! I’m cumming! Mommy’s about to cum on your face, baby…”
You and Eunbi pushed your heads downwards as you both orgasm at the same time. Eunbi screams through your cock as it coats her walls with a creamy white reward. Jiwon tries unsuccessfully to push her off as she buries her pussy in your mouth.
“You fucking whore! I told you not to swallow his cum!”
Both of you took your time to recover, Eunbi lying on top of you as you both felt each other’s bodies heave. She hovered above you, smiling sweetly as she gently placed a kiss on your lips.
Eunbi lets you go, giving you one more quick peck before she turns to Jiwon and begins sucking on her lips. Jiwon moaned as their tongues fought for control. Eunbi’s hands eventually find their way onto Jiwon’s butt, squeezing each soft cheek.
“Look at this needy slut, baby” Eunbi said as Jiwon moaned. “All you have to do is touch her in order for her to be soaked”
“Look at how beautiful you are when you moan for me. I’m so good at pleasuring men and women. This slutty pussy is mine, understand?” Eunbi says as her fingers trace Jiwon’s lips. She is unable to say anything due to the pleasure, only loud, lustful moans coming out of her lips.
“Baby… fuck this whore senseles” Eunbi said to you as she pushed Jiwon away.
Jiwon screamed as you caught her in your arms. “Oppa!” she whined. “This whore is being mean to me…”
You smiled and gave her a soft kiss before stuffing her needy pussy with your cock as hard as you could. Jiwon was painfully tight.
“Ahhh fuck!” she screamed.
You thrusted inside Jiwon fast. Her walls squeezed your cock as a response. Her pussy was so wet, it made it easy for you to pump in and out.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me hard!” she yelled in between thrusts.
“You’re pounding her so rough, baby” Eunbi said as you pulled out of Jiwon and entered her just as hard.
“Oh fuck…” she moaned as she gripped the bed sheets.
Jiwon moaned before kissing Eunbi, both of them moaning as you took turns fucking both. Whichever person didn’t have your cock inside them, was getting their beautiful ass fondled and slapped. You were currently inside Eunbi, her juices leaking out as she moaned from you slapping her ass loudly.
“I want to get fucked!” Jiwon begged as she held onto your base and forced you out. “Fuck my pussy too…”
“You slut” Eunbi screamed as she slapped Jiwon’s tits.
“You’re the one acting like a slut! Trying to hog my boyfriends cock all to yourself”
“Shut the fuck up!” you yelled. “You’re both dirty sluts that need this cock to punish you”
“Mmm, I like it when he talks dirty” Eunbi moaned, turning her head back at you. “Fuck these cocksluts of yours”
You returned back to fucking each woman for a certain period of time, both screaming as loudly as they could when you filled them up.
“You like mommy’s pussy more, don’t you?” Eunbi moaned as you were currently inside her.
“Oh shut up” Jiwon cried.
“I was talking to oppa, whore” Eunbi said as she loudly slapped Jiwon’s face.
Eunbi took turns slapping Jiwon’s face and tits, causing you to fuck her harder in anger. Eunbi began to scream so loud it echoed inside the bedroom.
“Harder! Fuck me harder” Jiwon screamed as your hands squeezed her butt cheeks while you fucked her.
The sounds of her ass hitting your stomach were as loud as Eunbi’s screams. You were ready to pull out of Jiwon and were preparing Eunbi’s pussy until you felt Jiwon grip your butt and push you back into her.
“Please… keep fucking me. Not that slut”
“You selfish whore” Eunbi said, slapping her face so hard you winced slightly.
Eunbi continued saying vulgar things to Jiwon while you fucked her. Eventually, you have had enough. You spank Eunbi’s ass with a deafening sound.
“Stop hitting my girlfriend, you whore” you said as you inserted your cock inside her.
You grabbed Eunbi’s arms and yanked them back as you fucked her from behind. Jiwon began sucking on Eunbi’s tits, her orgasm traveling through her body. Eunbi screamed loudly as she came all over your cock. Her body violently shook from the aftershocks as she collapsed on the bed.
“Baby…” Jiwon softly said as she crawled near you and entered your embrace. “You did so well”
“It really was amazing” you said as you kissed her lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to cum in your pussy”
“There’s no need to apologize, oppa. There’s always other times you can”
“I love you so much, baby” you said, catching your breath.
“I love you too. You know, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to have fun with her and I’m not around”
“Really. She’s a fun fuck and has such a hot body. But she seems like such a sweet person too”
“I love you” you said kissing her on the lips before pulling her into your embrace.
“I love you too, oppa” she groggily says as the two of you drift off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning, still laying in cum stained sheets. You tap the side of the bed to find it is now empty. Getting up, you find you are the only person left in the room. Your lower body is still sore as you get up and check your phone. You had two unread messages.
“Hey, sorry I left early. Have a company schedule all day. If your body feels sore, I took care of your morning wood. Last night was amazing. Jiwon’s a sweet girl, don’t lose her. But anytime you want to have fun, I’ll be ready. I’ll see you at Pilates next week” - Mommy♡
“Goodmorning, love! Sorry I couldn’t make breakfast for you, I had to leave early for a shoot. I’m so sore from last night, hopefully you pound me just as good tonight. I love you”
You smiled, trying your best to get your sore body out of bed and into the shower.
“Team Leader Kwon, here’s your coffee and the breakdown of today’s photoshoot”
“Thank you, miss Miyawaki”
Eunbi sips on the amber liquid as she goes over the clipboard she was also handed. The shoot was going to be long. Eunbi’s role in the marketing department was being a team leader and overseeing the company’s promotional mediums.
“Where are our interns?” she asked.
“They don’t start until next week, ma’am”
“I see”
“Let’s get this shoot started” she announced, crossing her legs and folding her arms while having an annoyed facial expression.
The model arrived on set, a curvy young woman wearing a pair of white jeans that showed off her powerful thighs and round ass well. She wore white high heels and a green top that showed off her midriff and fairly large breasts. She bowed to all of the staff before she stopped in front of a table. Her manager explained that the woman sitting down in front of them was in charge of the whole shoot.
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“Hello, my name is Shin Johyun. I hope we have a good shoot today” she said, bowing.
Both looked up at each other and were stunned. Jiwon covered her mouth while Eunbi’s eyes widened.
“You…” they both said.
“Team Leader, this is our new soju model” Sakura quietly said.
“Yes, I’m aware of who she is. She and I know each other well… very well in fact”
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Hospital Playlist : Season 1
So, I recently re-watched season 1 of Hospital Playlist in preparation of season 2 that’s going to be released on the 17th of June, and I have a couple of thoughts that I want to share. Warning: It’s going to be filled with spoilers, so for those looking to avoid that, please don’t read more. Also, this is a looooonnnnggg one :)
“Hospital Playlist” is a Korean Drama that follows five doctors in their 40s who have been best friends since adolescence as they form a band together. While the log-line appears simple, the depth in the script and acting will enchant any audience. The narrative is free-spirited and quirky, reverberating friendships forged by love and time in a heart-warming style.
This slice of life drama realistically tackles what occurs within the white walls of the hospital. From ungrateful patients to the long wait for donors, it has it all. This drama covered plenty of cases, each of them as sad as the next. I recall when Yang Seok Hyeong, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, had a patient who delivered a baby with anencephaly. He was considerate enough to not allow the mother to hear the baby’s cries by playing loud music in the delivery room and quickly escorting the baby away from the mother. I teared up during that scene, and I still tear up just thinking about that. I watched it as a case in a K-Drama, but it is many people’s gruesome reality, and all I can offer are my sympathies.
Despite zoning out during the technical aspects and elucidation of medical terminologies, I could feel the gravity of an operation and the burden of Atlas resting on the doctors when they held the scalpel. I liked the fact that there wasn’t any hospital politics. Rather, the show focused on the doctors, as they tried their best to save their patients. I mourned during the losses of life and celebrated with the characters after a successful surgery.
The ensemble cast for “Hospital Playlist” was flawless. The sincerity of the actors and the efforts they had put into studying and understanding their roles were clear as day. The chemistry between them was organic and the banters, natural. While they didn’t verbalise every emotion, the viewers could feel their familiarity, like they were real-life friends on screen. I was on an emotional rollercoaster as I watched this, rooting for them through hardships and cheering whenever they laughed.
“I wondered why my life was getting so difficult. It was really tough. But all of a sudden, one day, I realised how much time I was wasting. Wasting my life away like this because of what she did to me was doing a disservice to myself.”
Jo Jung-Suk did a flawless job portraying Lee Ik-Jun. This was my second time witnessing a drama with Jo Jung Suk, and while I wouldn’t applaud his performance in “Oh, My Ghostess!” (But in his defence, I found that script to be problematic) I absolutely loved him in “Hospital Playlist”. Lee Ik-Jun is an assistant professor of general surgery. He’s funny, sociable, laid-back, charming, and a dotting, single father to his son, Woo Joo.
The first time I, as the viewer, was introduced to him was gold. Naughty little Woo Joo had managed to put a blotch of super glue to a Darth Vader helmet, which was later worn by his father. During an emergency at the hospital, Ik Jun showed up decked in Darth Vader gear and bravely holding a light saber, demanding that the helmet was unglued from his head. He got his wish, but only after performing surgery while wearing the helmet.
Watching Ik-Jun and his son together is heartwarming, to say the least. You can tell how much he loves his son, as seen by the way he prepared meatballs from scratch, including the ketchup, excitedly for his son, only for the latter to claim he wanted meatballs, causing the former to trip on his way to the kitchen. I also adore how most of the bonding scenes we see between them happens over sandwiches. I find that very precious.
Ik Jun is also very friendly to everyone. He warmly welcomes the medical students, greets his colleagues with a smile, and most notably, plays as a matchmaker between Jeong-won and Jang Gyeo-wool, even if it is so the latter could assist him on more surgeries. His relationship with his sister is also beautiful. I love how authentic they are, from their bickering and the hidden ways they care for each other.
Ik Jun provides comic relief plenty of times— I nearly fell off my chair laughing when he mimicked a train, and also upon seeing how adamant he was to eavesdrop on a private phone conversation of Kim Jun-wan.
“I don’t deserve to be a doctor. I can’t control my emotions. I empathise too easily.”
I must admit, Ahn Jeong Won has a soft spot in my heart and is my favourite from the group of friends. An assistant professor of pediatric surgery, Jeong Won gets overly attached to patients and takes every loss personally. Due to his sensitive nature, he’s detailed in everything he does, earning the teasing nickname of “Buddha” from his colleagues.
Hardworking but overemotional, there have been many instances when Jeong Won swears to quit being a doctor after a patient has unfortunately succumbed, and it’s only through the insistence of his oldest brother does he continue his job. He’s immensely religious and has a close relationship with God, and considered being a priest until the season finale.
His interactions with his young patients tug on all my heartstrings. From the gentle way he gets the permission of small children to check their vitals, to the dedication with which he treats his patients and dissolves their fears.
One of my favourite quotes of this drama was said by him, “Do you know why doctors only give vague answers such as ‘We can’t be sure yet,’ ‘We don’t know yet,’ and ‘We need to observe a bit more?’ Doctors must take responsibility for their words, so we must be careful. There’s only one thing we, as doctors, can tell our patients with certainty. ‘We will do our best.’”
Despite being born from a wealthy family, Jeong Won is nearly broke, spending all his fortune anonymously covering the hospital fees of poor patients.
Chae Song Hwa summarised Jeong Won’s personality neatly in episode 12 when she said, “Lastly, there’s you (Jeong Won). Seeing others enjoy good food makes you happier than when you are eating it yourself.”
“If the doctor gives up on the patient, he isn’t a doctor anymore.”
At first glance, Kim Jun Wan appears cold and scary, but there are so many dimensions to his character. He’s blunt, assertive and has a reputation for telling his patients what they need to hear, not that they want to hear.
However, he’s possibly the most caring person, having allowed Jeong Won to, in his own words, “mooch” of him for years now. He was also always nagging and hovering over his friends, keeping a stash of chocolates for them. He stepped up as the Chief of the cardiothoracic surgery department multiple times, whether it was to act as a shield to his mentee or to reprimand his juniors about the importance of (a patient’s) life and how every single decision taken by a doctor has to be thoughtful and absolute because there’s no way to reverse such things.
A great example of his outer versus inner personality is when he’s questioned by a medical student on why he chose to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. While he claimed that he became a surgeon after asking his professor which job would allow him to get the most money, with a glimpse of a flashback scene, it was revealed that when back as a student, Jun Wan was given the opportunity to witness a surgery and then, to touch a beating human heart, and felt life, that solidified his decision to choose cardiology as his field. Recalling that scene gives me goosebumps even now. That was magical.
Jun Wan is also a huge foodie, his only competition being Song-Hwa.
“What have you done for yourself lately?”
Chae Song Hwa is an associate professor of neurosurgery. Discerning without being too critical, she is intelligent and is often the mother hen of the group. Respected by her juniors, she has also been fondly dubbed the ‘ghost’ due to her busy schedule that has left several of her colleagues wondering whether she has time to eat or sleep. She was everywhere and knew everything, which allowed her to quietly look after the residents of the hospital and the patients.
Despite being buried under piles of work, she still made the time to grade her juniors papers, and I’m reminded of one of the first instances the viewers were given of her, which was when she comforted a patient in the elevators of a hospital. The only female professor in neurosurgery, she is kind to her patients.
I adore how decisive she is, being extremely clear about what she wants, drawing boundaries while still being friendly and radiating professionalism to those around her, despite the hardships she might be going through. She routinely goes camping during the weekend and is the embodiment of positive self-love.
Some of my favourite moments in this drama was literally just Song Hwa and Jun Wan aggressively eating like they’ve been hungry since the dawn of time. Song Hwa might have claimed that the reason she ate so rapidly, so full of zeal was because of growing up with older brothers, but Ik Jun was quick to shoot her down and note that they all looked boney.
“My time is too precious for that. I want to live doing the things I like. And the things I want to do right now.”
Probably the most under-appreciated character, Yang Seok Hyeong is a treasure. My first opinion of him was ‘mama’s boy’ and while I was correct, wow, I had not expected the reason why. In his youth, Seok Hyeong was not close to his mother at all, and we could even see him ignoring her phone calls. But after everything that happened with his dad, he grew closer to his mother, developed a new sense of protectiveness and appreciation for her, and I adore that.
He was also the reason the band reunited in the first place, making that his condition for working at the Yulje Medical Center. Despite seeming aloof, he was an open book to his friends. He didn’t like to bother or intrude on people and usually kept to himself, gaining a reputation for being a loner whenever he was not around his four friends.
Throughout the season, he was trapped in a whirlwind of turmoil, from the news of his unexpected brother to his father’s death and his surprise succession to the company he wants no ties with. He maintains a calm exterior and braces through the troubles.
Seok Hyeong lives up to the sensitivity his job demands from him, softly informing expecting mothers about the risks of their pregnancies while encouraging and empathising with them when things get hard.
He prefers to stay in the shadows and allow people the opportunity to sort their messes out themselves, after reminding them that he’s only a call away if they need him. He’s an excellent confident booster and appreciates those who are responsible.
These characters stayed not only in my mind but also in my heart. Each of them has such vivid personalities I can’t entirely capture in words. Their insecurities, struggles, and feelings were so real and incredibly relatable and easy to empathise with.
As conveyed by the title, music plays an important part in this T.V. serial, by allowing the characters to reminisce their college days and also allowing them a breather from their stressful life. There are thousands of words in the English language, and yet, I can’t string together enough of them to express how I felt when Jo Jung Seok sang Aloha.
The doctors use music not only as an outlet to release their frustrations, but also to express their thoughts and feelings. To heal. Listening to the songs and the covers made by the band lightened my heart. The labour they put into practising the songs made the moments more precious.
Through the music sessions in this T.V. serial, I found my affection for each character increasing. I found myself surprised to recognise some of the songs considering they are quite old, but I hummed along and felt the air around me thrum with glee as they sang.
I also found it rather ironic that Chae Song Hwa is considered to be a bad singer (her pre-routine of gulping down raw eggs fascinated me on an odd level) although the actress who plays her, Jeon Mi Do is a talented singer.
Therapeutic and well-written, I marvel at the writer’s ability to weave together arrays of mundane subplots into endearing bliss, leaving lingering positivity after every episode along with a yearning to watch more.
I’m a huge fan of writer Lee Woo-Jung’s Reply series and was hesitant to start this drama, afraid that it would fall short of expectations. But having watched it, I can safely say that those concerns were unnecessary, and whatever expectations I had were only exceeded. I couldn’t recognise any leading plotline of this drama. To me, it simply showcased the daily life of five doctors.
As it is character-driven, there is a slow progression of the drama, which needs some time getting adapted to. It was also a little hard trying to keep track of the multiple characters initially introduced, but within three episodes, I was able to get a hang of things. The dialogues were witty, impactful and sharp, capturing my attention from the beginning to the end. However, despite containing a plethora of humorous moments throughout this serial, there was a subdued layer that focused more on the community than the plot.
I must admit, however, that I found the first episode to be subtly chaotic and slow-paced. I couldn’t grasp the concepts or connect with the characters until the second episode, after which I had no qualms.
I loved the character arcs in this story. It was a pleasure to observe their journeys and diligence as various storylines diverged or amalgamated, how they grew as individuals while maintaining their core values. The flashback scenes were fascinating to watch and compare how they are now to how they used to be.
The cinematography was stunning. I was in awe at how different shades and tones of light could impact not only the setting of the scene but also the mood of the viewers.
I recommend “Hospital Playlist” to anyone who likes to watch T.V. serials possessing the perfect amount of drama, laughter, angst, warmth and love. This serial is a truly rare gem in a basket of rocks where the storylines are solid without being too predictable.
23 notes · View notes
jeonggukkiepabo · 5 years
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SUMMARY: Christmas has always been your second favorite holiday of the year, especially since you and your boyfriend Yoongi were literally inseperatable. Well, usually you were. But BTS gets more and more famous - world tours, award shows and other idol priorities making it almost impossible to spend this year’s Christmas with your second family. 
WARNINGS: so much fluff, but also the dirty kind of smut. fingering, oral (male and female receiving), choking, spitting, raw sex (i dont need to say anything, do i?), switch!yoongi, switch!reader, fighting for dominance, Yoongi being meow meow but also rawr.
QUOTES USED: 2. “That’s the eggnog talking. I’m cutting you off.” 4.  “Don’t be such a Scrooge.” 6. “It’s snowing.” 7. “Open it.” 9. “I’m just happy you’re here.” 24.  “Is this the part where we kiss?” 31.  “Help me decorate.” 
Now; Merry (early) Christmas, celebrate well & enjoy this filthy ride to hell.
Also, a big thanks to @holyfluffly​, who spent her precious time reading through this & checking for any mistakes. ♥
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Since December started to come around – and you finally decided that it was time to stop binging on your favorite Halloween movies -, your house changed from spoopy graveyard to Rudolph’s shed. Fairy lights and beautiful garlands were hung up everywhere and once you plugged all your Christmas lights in, your house was lighter than “Son Goku in his final form”. At least that’s what Jungkook used to describe it when he first stepped into your winter wonderland. It was a tradition your boys always teased you with, but it was a tradition you brought with you from your home country that you wouldn’t want to miss. Your mother used to hang up lights everywhere, different Christmas shapes (you once had this weird reindeer light that looked more like a stabbed donkey, but… well) on every window and your balcony while she said “No matter how far apart we are, your light shines on me” – and 2 years after her death, was your most favorite thing to do once the calendar hit December. That, and ordering a shit ton of products from the LUSH and Bath and Body Works Christmas range. Jimin really loved the welcoming smell of cotton candy and gingerbread men, but Jin would sneeze when you sprayed all their pillows with the Snow Fairy body spray.
Usually, it was Taehyung’s favorite task to pick out a Christmas tree with you, decorating it with the entire family (that obviously consisted of all his band mates, their dogs and you), but this time it was just you, Tannie and Holly  walking around the tree field and picking a random one, much smaller than what  you’d usually get. There won’t be any presents underneath it anyway. Decorating wasn’t any fun, your Christmas playlist wasn’t helping, the smell of cotton candy wasn’t sweet enough. You made way too many Christmas cookies that wouldn’t be eaten. Your favorite pair of fuzzy socks had a huge hole in them and, oh well, your boyfriend wouldn’t be there for this year’s Christmas.
“Don’t be such a Scrooge, Y/N! It’s festive season!”, Jungkook yelled from somewhere behind Yoongi, energetic as always. “I wouldn’t be a Scrooge if my boyfriend and my friends would be here, celebrating the fest of love with me.” You mumbled quietly, a heavy sigh leaving your chest. It was currently the 17th of December, the first snow has fallen over Seoul, your fireplace crackling softly in the background. Yet, you were freezing. “Jagi, come on. It’s just another day of the year, we’ll be fine. We have New Year’s together, what’s the deal?” Your boyfriend didn’t care that much about festive traditions, hating the thought of Valentine’s Day or Halloween, not even speaking about the stress he always has around the Christmas season. For them, worldwide superstars, it was just another workday.
“You’re just happy you don’t need to wear one of our Christmas sweaters, huh?”, you scolded him, knowing his hate for the scratchy sweaters with the ugly patterns that you always made him and the boys wear for photos and your Christmas dinner at home. “Yeah, I won’t even start talking about those Rudolph ears you bought for our photo last year…”, Yoongi smirked. “I loved those!”, you vaguely heard the voice of Jimin in the background, Taehyung agreeing him on that. “I still wear those whenever I wash my face, thank you Y/N!” Sighing, you wished you were right there, with your loud and energetic boys, instead you were suffering on your own, the pout never leaving your lips.
“Boys, you’ve got 10 Minutes left!”, their tour manager interrupted your sulking, Yoongi nodding at him. “We’ll be right there.” He smiles at your pout, sticking out his bottom lip as well. “I’ll call you after the show, okay? Will you be still awake?” BTS was currently on world tour, playing somewhere in Europe and the time differences made it rougher than ever to talk to your boyfriend every day. You shrug, shivering under the thought of another sleepless night without your love, without the sounds of Taehyung and Jungkook fighting over some videogame and without the thought of Jin’s delicious breakfast to wake up to. “I guess I will, see you later, Yoongs. Bye Tae, bye Jungkook, bye Jiminie!”, you wave to the boys you considered family before smiling sadly at Yoongi. “Good luck, I’m sure you guys will rock that country! I love you.” “I love you too, Jagi. I’ll text you before I’m going to call you, okay? Try and rest.” “Bye, Noona!” Then the screen went black, all you could see was your own sad appearance in one of Yoongi’s oversized Hoodies.
Days went by, you didn’t have the chance to talk very much to Yoongi because of yours and their working schedule, they were currently in the States to record another hit song with some famous American singer that would explode on the Charts the second it comes out. Sure, you loved your boy’s music, you could listen to them sing and rap for hours, they worked hard and deserved all their success – but you didn’t wonder that all of them weren’t in a relationship. Tour life was hard, not only for their girlfriends but for them, too. A simple picture from across the world with a random girl could ruin relationships, just because of a misunderstanding. When you and Yoongi started dating a couple of years ago, Jin had a long-distance relationship – which already sucks for ‘normal’ human beings, but for worldwide superstars? A catastrophe because you couldn’t just come home to your significant other. It was over for them after a few months because she met a nice guy from her apartment complex, because he was there while Jin wasn’t. It was sad, especially for the Maknaes, because they needed affection, they needed their experience, they needed love. Instead, they had to have One Night Stands, making sure that those girls wouldn’t talk about their “night with BTS”. Truth be told it was too much work to find a girl to get laid, so they’d simply refuse, giving into their frustration and suffer from loneliness.
With Yoongi, things were easy. He didn’t get jealous whenever you hung out with other guys, but he also didn’t give you any reason to be jealous as well. People always describe him as “cold”, “depressed” or “weird guy that’s always quiet”, but once he warmed up to you, he was even funnier than Jin, his dry humor and loving gestures winning over your heart immediately. He was a family person, loving to be in a cozy home surrounded by his bandmates and you, even if he’d never say that out loud, all of them knew it. Yoongi was a loving person, whether he was showing it or not.
The 20th December rolled around quicker than you thought, last minute presents were bought, the house completely decorated and one Christmas movie after the other was playing on TV – but you were still sulking. “You didn’t even help me decorate! I had to do all of that by myself!”, you switched your phone camera so you could show Jimin how beautiful the living room looked, smiling at his little pout. “Noona!”, he whined, “Don’t be angry, okay? I promise you I’ll decorate for New Year’s all by myself.” “Don’t worry, Jiminie, it’s not your fault you can’t be here. Where’s Hobi? I’m watching his favorite Christmas movie, but I can’t get in the mood without my sunshine.” Jimin looks around, his lips twitching, but he remained quiet. “Jimin?” “He’s… uhhhh… He’s doing stuff with Yoongi and Tae?” You raise an eyebrow at him, taking another sip of the creamy eggnog you ordered online because it was nowhere to be found in Seoul. “Are you lying, Jiminie?” “No, but… Oh, Jungkook calls for me, bye Noona!” Sighing, you dropped your phone aside, head tilting towards the window while a soft smile appeared on your lips. It’s snowing.
On the 24th December, the boys had their last official concert of the year – in Australia. A 13-hour flight away, plus the two-hour time difference that made your heart sink, because whenever you were ready to call Yoongi, he was already too tired because of the concert and travel exhaustion. As one of the idol’s girlfriend, it was basically your job to watch their performances, you streamed all of them, no matter what time it was in your time zone, but it wasn’t as good as it would be when you were there. You loved going to their concerts, not standing backstage to watch the show, no. You preferred going into the crowd, singing and dancing along with ARMYs from around the world and watching your family from down there, enjoying their glow and sensual performances from a fan’s perspective. But today, it was just you and your laptop, watching the stream in your bed, a cup of your favorite tea beside you, Tannie on your lap and Holly somewhere besides you under the blanket, asleep like always. A smile was plastered on your face as you saw that all of them were wearing those “stupid Rudolph ears” – even if Yoongi looked grumpier than ever. You were fascinated as always – how could those cute little boys turn into Korean gods within two seconds? Of course, the Maknaes were the center of attention, fans chanting for them, dancing and screaming – you couldn’t deny the fact that they looked great, but exhaustion was plastered on all of their faces. Your eyes were plastered on the smol bean that caught your heart and as if he knew, he smiled into the camera, giving it a finger heart.
The 25th December was rough, you didn’t even want to get out of bed, staying under the covers for several hours after waking up. There was no reason so get up if there wasn’t anyone to give presents to. You didn’t use your phone, watching The Nightmare before Christmas again because if you acted like it was still Halloween, you wouldn’t be as sad that you were alone on your second favorite holiday of the year. It was around 12pm when the two dogs came into your room, whimpering because you didn’t take them out yet. “Ugh, fine, fine. Let me grab my shoes and we’ll go out”, you mumbled groggily while heaving your tired body out of bed. Pulling your slippers over your cold toes as you tied your hair out of your face. You didn’t plan to go out for too long, so you didn’t even try to make yourself look good. Humming the movie’s soundtrack, you made your way downstairs, surprised by the warm scent of cinnamon and vanilla that filled the house. “Huh, did I leave my candles on?” With furrowed eyebrows you  check the living room, not wanting to burn the entire house down on Christmas, but you stood still in shock when you realized why it smelled just the way it did.
Jimin and Jin were busy in the kitchen, baking cookies and cooking up your Christmas dinner. Jungkook and Taehyung were building a giant gingerbread house while Namjoon sat besides them, frustrated over his own ruined house laying in broken pieces. Hobi placing all of the presents underneath the Christmas tree while Yoongi sat on the couch, Holly on his lap and a loving smile on his face as he saw you in your sleepy state with a frown on your face. “Merry Christmas, babe.”
Suddenly, seven pairs of eyes were on you, smiles beaming across the entire room and seconds later you were caught in a warm, cozy group hug. “Surprise, Noona!”, Jungkook beamed as he pressed a kiss on your cheek, receiving a flip against his forehead from Yoongi. “Lips away, you can kiss Taehyung, not my girl.” Taehyung’s cheeks burned a bright red, Jungkook looked away while biting his lips and Jimin just smirked but pressed you tight against his body. “We’re glad to be back.” Jin groaned, pulling you out of the hug. “Let that poor girl alone, she needs to collect her thoughts first. Look at her”, he pointed towards your face, shock still written across it as you looked into each of your boys’ faces. “You… I mean, how… You were… Australia?” Your boyfriend laughed, now pulling you into a tight hug while burying his nose in your hair, inhaling the familiar scent that always calmed him down. “We’re here, that’s all that matters.” “We took the first plane back home, but we’ve been waiting for you to get up since 9AM, what did you do? It’s Christmas, usually you’d set an alarm at 6AM to run and check your presents”, Hobi pouted, pointing towards the tree.
“I didn’t have a reason to be up, so I watched The Nightmare before Christmas. But now, I’m just happy you’re here”, you smiled fondly at all of them, “Open your presents. Especially you, Babe. Open it!” You clap your hands excitedly, jumping up and down as you hand them their presents: a big, soft blanket for Jimin, so he can roll himself up in it and be cozy the entire holidays. A new Japanese knife for Jin, because Namjoon broke his favorite knife when he tried to cut through a book – don’t ask, nobody knows why he did that. Namjoon got a new KAWs figure he didn’t have the chance to buy yet while Hoseok got a new Palm Angels hoodie. Taehyung and Jungkook got some games for their PlayStation and a set of new controllers, because… well, Jungkook tends to destroy them when he’s in a rage. Yoongi’s present was hard to find because he basically has everything he wants and you weren’t too familiar with all those high end music technologies that you could give him, so you decided on a spa weekend over the holidays, just the two of you in a fancy wellness resort. Exactly what he needed after that tour. “Y/N, you must be poor by now! I should have gotten you a gift card or something”, Taehyung pouted, “You spent way too much on our presents!” You smiled, shaking your head and pressed a soft kiss on his cheeks. “Everything for my family. You’re all that I have left.”
The day went by way too fast; a fabulous Christmas buffet was set up by Jin, eggnog and wine handpicked by the youngest Maknae and Christmas movies of Jimin’s choice made up for all the days you spent sulking in your room. “I love you guys so much. I can’t believe you surprised me like that! Ugh, I really thought I had to spend Christmas with just the dogs.” You placed your head on Yoongi’s shoulder, cuddling deeper into the soft material of his hoodie while he rubbed your shoulder. “That’s the eggnog talking, love. You’re the anchor of our little family, we couldn’t be apart from you over the holidays, Jungkook would’ve driven us crazy and Namjoon would set the hotel on fire while trying to light a Christmas candle”, Yoongi mumbled. “A Christmas wonder! Yoongi confessed his feelings! Tweet that, Namjoon!”, Hoseok yelled while earning a slap on the back of his head from Jimin. “Don’t scare him, he’s like a deer right now, if we just ignore it, maybe he’ll say something nice about us too!” Yoongi just rolled his eyes, pulling you closer toward his small frame while mumbling “Idiots”.
It was past  midnight, your tummies filled with delicious snacks and desserts, brain fogged because of the amount of alcohol all of you drank that day – and you were just happy to finally be in bed with your boyfriend again. “You know how lonely the nights were without you? Not just you, but also the boys. I even missed Jungkook’s animal imitations”, you sighed, “I missed breakfast, without Jin all I ate was toast and cucumbers. I’m lucky to be part of your family.” Yoongi smiled, a precious, rare smile that showed all his love for you.
“I had time to think on tour, you know. It’s rough, you not being there with me, I saw all those places, cities and famous buildings, but didn’t have you to share those moments with. I had dinner with Taehyung right in front of the Eiffel Tower, I shared a Pizza in Venice with Jungkook, had beer with Hoseok in Berlin, but I wish I had all those moments with you, love. So, I’m bad at this stuff, you know that. The entire world knows that, but you also know that I love you. And I wish you could be the person by my side on tour, on every tour. I wish you could be my +1 at events, dinner parties or during award shows. I even talked to our management, because an ‘official girlfriend’ is dangerous for all of us. But I didn’t want the world to meet you as my girlfriend, Y/N. I want them to finally meet you as my wife, the woman that won’t ever leave my side. This is probably trashy and I could use better opportunities for that, but… Y/N, my love, my flower, my angel, would you marry me?” Yoongi, the smooth guy he was, pulled out a simple yet beautiful rosé gold ring – without a box – from the pocket of his sweats, sitting in front of you on your bed, crossed legs and a nervous smile on his face. You couldn’t hide the pout on your face, lips quivering and tears dwelling in your eyes while you looked at the beautiful man in front of you, the beautiful ring in his hands and outside, snowflakes fall from the sky. Everything was perfect. “Yoongi… Yes! Fuck, of course!”, you jumped into his lap, not caring about the pling your engagement ring made when it fell to the floor, because right now, your fiancé was more important. You showered his face in kisses, not caring the slightest about the grumpy noises he made – even if they were fake, because he was just as happy as you were. His smile was beautiful, something you didn’t see that much because he seldom smiled so brightly even his bottom teeth were showing. “Is that the part where we kiss?”
You didn’t hesitate to press your lips onto his, soft and loving, sweet and tender. “Min Yoongi, is that the part where you turn into the sweet little kitten your fandom thinks you are?” Smirking, Yoongi growls at you, showing you his teeth once more. “Oh baby, I’m going to show you that nothing on my body is little.” His lips were back on yours, his hands buried in your hair as he made his way between your legs, almost crushing you with the comfortable weight of his body on yours. Whatever loving, sweet innocent kiss you shared before, this one was completely different. It gave way to heated passion as you both continue the lustful, erotic exchange. Yoongi’s shaking but skilled hands started to peel off your ugly Christmas sweater and the rest of your clothes, falling to the floor forgotten, before he gently bites along your jaw and the nape of your neck, leaving a trail of love bites on the way down there. Your moans fill the room that still smells like cinnamon and cotton candy, combined with Yoongi’s musky scent and the sweet scent of a heated make-out session. With his lips still attached to your soft skin, you take the opportunity to catch him off guard and flip both your bodies into a new position; you now straddling his slim waist. Yoongi’s lips widened in shock, then turned into a bright smirk. “Someone’s feisty.” You just smile at him sweetly, cutting off his words as you wrap your hands around his beautiful throat, leaning your face towards his ear. “I wouldn’t speak  like that in such a position, Babe.”
Yoongi’s voice hitched, “Y/N”, he whined. The same hand that restricted his airways comes up to slightly slap his scruffed cheek, but it had still enough force to leave a sting that reminded him not to speak up anymore. “Aren’t you going to be a good boy? Or should I call you a good little kitten? Would you like that?” He shakes his head quickly, baring his teeth once more. “Shut that, love. You won’t be able to tame a lion. I’m not a small kitten.” He knows he could switch positions any time, hell, you knew that too. But you also knew that he enjoyed that position  too much to change anything now. Shaking your head in displeasure, you crawl down the bed to be at eye level with his beautiful cock. The cock  that had you limping almost every night, that never fails to give you pleasure, that already sends tingles to your core. Your hands were cold against the prominent vine that ran from his shaft to his leaking tip, red and sensitive as you licked your finger to circle around it. Tiny moans – mewls – left his mouth, causing you to giggle. You knew it. His balls were tight, full and hurting. He was away for so long, having almost no time to pleasure himself. You cooed, the other hand coming up to gently play with them, rolling them around as you kept applying pressure to his tip. Yoongi’s groans got louder and louder once your mouth was finally working its magic on him, his hands buried inside the loose strands of your hair, trying to shove you down deeper. Much to your displeasure.
You hissed, letting go of his length as you crawled up to sit on his toned chest. Smiling, you slid your fingers through your soaked folds, holding them in front of his sweaty face. “Suck.” Oh, and how he sucks. His tongue working circles around your digit, collecting your sweet juices as he hums happily. “You’re my toy. A fucking toy, do you understand that? You don’t get to make rules here, Yoongi. If I want to suck your cock, I’ll do it how I want, not how you want it. Or did I miss something?” You made sure his eyes never left yours, fingers still inside his  mouth – and you just decided to shove them down a bit deeper, making him gag around them just like he wants you to gag around his cock. “I asked you something, pretty babe. Mind answering?” Yoongi hums again, not able to speak with your fingers down his throat, but it was good enough of a try for you. It wasn’t every day you got the chance to dominate Min Yoongi, you were sure to getting everything out of it. You pulled your now wet digits out of his mouth, wiping away his spit somewhere in his mint colored hair, as you turned around to sit on his face, just like he loves you to do. By now, his only problem was holding back his load, eating your pussy wouldn’t help with that though. “Now, are you going to cum for me, precious? While devouring my pussy? I bet you’d like that, huh?” Yoongi hums again, his hands already on your ass to spread your cheeks, allowing him to dive deep into your pussy, drinking your juices, slurping them down like a fine, ripe wine. Teasingly, you continued to jerk him off, enjoying the tension in his body, his concentration on your pussy rather than his own orgasm. “Mh, wait. I changed my mind. Hold it, you don’t have my permission just yet”, you laughed as you squeezed his balls – but he wasn’t able to control it or hold it back. His cock twitched uncontrollably, one small rope of cum leaving the tip. “Ugh, look at that”, you sighed while shaking your head, sitting down deeper on his face – your ass now flat against his forehead as his tongue, the oh so famous rapper tongue, worked its wonders.
If Yoongi was frustrated, he didn’t show it. He knew better. Even though it was his first real orgasm in weeks, his first ruined orgasm in weeks, he stood up the man he was and continued what he was here for. Pleasuring his fiancé. Just before your orgasm arrived, you crawled down again, collecting the small puddle of cum with your tongue and fed it to your soon to be husband. You let him taste himself, he swallowed greedily. “Such a good boy”, you purr while wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Now, I hope you know who you belong to.” Yoongi just nods, licking his lips to still taste you. “Tell me who you belong to, Yoongi”, you command.
“You, babe. Only you. I belong to you”, Yoongi moans out as you started to grind against his smooth thigh, picking up your desired pace as you used him to satisfy your own desire. His hands were on your hips, guiding you and helping you to speed up, but just before your orgasm reached his peak, just one little rock of your hips missing, he turned you around, leaving you with a ruined orgasm as well. “Fucking son of a bi-“, your frustration interrupted by Yoongi’s teeth biting into your nipple, his hand smacking your other tit. “Oh, that’s not a nice word, baby”, he pouts while pinching both of your erect buds with a bit too much force. A sharp stinging sensation radiating through your body. “Fuck, Yoongi”, you moaned, desperate for release. “Now, now”, he tzed as he looked down at your trembling body. “Sucks to be played with, huh?” Elegant fingers started to rub circles into your swollen nub, your body rising from the mattress just to be pushed back by your fiancé. “Still”, he orders, plunging two of his long, delicate fingers into your dripping hole. Yet, you needed more. “Yoongi”, you whined. “Are you going to be a good girl now? Instead of a fucking brat?” “Yes!”, you cried out, tears running down your cheeks, hoping he’d just do something. “Good, because bad girls disgust me”, he spoke through clenched teeth as he pulled out his fingers and shoved his cock inside you within seconds. “Fuck fuck fuck, yes!”
“Shut up! Or do you want the boys to come in and join you, huh? You want our little Maknae see how stuffed you are?” Yoongi always knew about your affection for Jungkook, the way his doe eyes always make your heart jump, leaving it impossible to deny whatever he wanted from you while addressing you as his ‘favorite Noona’. You were weak for him, but you wouldn’t want him to see you in such a situation. Shaking your head in shame, you pout as you dig your heels into his ass to get him to move faster. “Make me cum, please. I love you”, you whine, word for word leaving your lips as he thrusts deep and powerful into your clenching hole. Just before another beg could leave your lips, Yoongi’s index finger slipped past them, your chin securely trapped between his thumb and middle finger. His other hand slowly found its place on your neck. “Look at you”, he smiles. “Such a good girl, knowing how to beg like a big girl.” You whimper again, squeezing around him as he slowed his pace with a devilish smirk. Your lips played with the tip of his finger while the thumb of his other hand came down to circle your clit painfully slow, spitting onto it and watching his finger mixing it with your arousal. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, both of your hands gripping the wrist that was choking you. “Tighter, please”, you gasped out, enjoying the feeling of almost no air coming to your lungs. Oh, how Yoongi loved to see you struggle for air, just as much as you loved to be on the receiving end. “You gonna come for me, angel?”, he growled as he tightened his grip, already feeling his own orgasm approaching. “Going to cum around my thick cock, huh?” You nod, already seeing spots in your vision, your orgasm shooting through your body just like a firework as soon as Yoongi released you, allowing the blood to shoot back into your head. You couldn’t control your body anymore, gushing against him as you rode out your high with closed eyes. That alone triggered Yoongi’s orgasm, a loud scream leaving his lips as he finally released inside you. “Fuck, you squirted all over me”, he groaned while looking at the mess you made, his stomach glistering in your juices. “I don’t care, I want to snuggle my Grinch now”, you pouted with grabby hands, smiling happily as Yoongi obeyed.
“I think we lost the ring somewhere between our clothes”, Yoongi mumbles with his sleepy voice, “I hope Taehyung won’t find it, he was the one that chose it – ‘If Y/N says no, I’ll wear that one happily’.” Suddenly you’re wide awake, knees on the floor and digging through your clothes to find the symbol of your love. “Got it!”, you yelled as you threw it to Yoongi, holding your left hand in front of his face. “You’ve got the honor, babe.” Smiling, he slid the ring over your finger. The black diamonds sparkling in the dim light of your room, the rosé gold complimenting your skin tone perfectly, just like the man in front of you does. Your fiancé, soon to be husband, the love of your life. “Merry Christmas, love.”
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cafeleningrad · 3 years
What do you think of this sentiment: "I only ever read and watch things that have my favourite themes, you may even call them kinks - I don't want to invest time and energy in media that, to quote Marie Kondo, don't spark joy, no matter how deep or insightful they may be."
Hello Anon :) Uuuuhhh, as a short answer, I think it's strongly shortsighted. (As small nitpick: As far as I'm aware, the term "kink" is a sexually con-notated word. If the themes are their hentai tags they do theirs otherwise, outside of porn, such a sentient strikes me as artwork as customizable service for a consumer :/.) To me, it's like food. Perhaps trying out Dutch food was a personal experiment I wouldn't repeat although I needed to tr it out before I knew anything about it. But then I tried out Korean cuisine my colleague cooked for me, spontaneously I tried out a small South African restaurant, and suddenly I have so many more places where to get something good to eat or cuisines I want to try out for cooking.
Alright, to be fair, when I want nothing but comfort that's absolutely fine. On evenings I feel bumped out I watch/read saccharine stories I watched before. So, after I watched all episodes of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (because I like dragons, duh), and I wish to watch something similar, I do have my 10 titles of moe-blob-comfort shows still after 60 or so episodes of these shows, I've nothing left to watch, and can only repeat the viewing. It's cute and comfy, and I could do this as often as I like. Still, I might miss out on all the other good stories, great animation, great ideas out there which could make me happy and excite me as well. The familiar can be comforting as much as it can hinder you to find new joys.
It doesn't always have to be a step into ye grand literature (although I think is way to dismissive of interesting titles with great writing styles), it can be small. By example, you can absolutely not excite me with the topic of soccer (unless the FiFa and UEFA excutives would finally get their ass sued blue but guess under what stupid reasons the case in 2020 was dismissed, ugh) BUT then I got recommended the show Ted Lasso so passionately, I was ready to overlook the fact the plot centers around a soccer club, and I ended up squealing at good jokes, awwing at the warmth and personality development due to the characters supporting each other. Trying to step into new territory when it comes to plotpoints or themes can be surprisingly rewarding. Perhaps Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid hits exactly my comfort spots because it's a Kyoto Aimation production, it has dragons, and the most adorable Moe-dragon-kid ever but if I'm honest with myself, in this anime I will find no character development, overcoming weaknesses, and the genuine nature of a friendship between women like I did in Ted Lasso. (because the characters in Miss Kobayashi exist for cuteness and comedy first). Perhaps Ted Lasso isn't the deepest show either although there're many positive things to be said about good writing in many aspects, with Miss Kobayashi the only thing I can ever discuss is the adorableness of Kanna (which is, let's be honest, is effective yet engineered). Or another evening I stumbled across an US-court-room drama named "Snow falling on cedars" about which first though "not another"... but then I found myself interested as it was a story centered around the US-history of Japanese interment camps. The actual history and the way the story took a stance on the topic was genuinely intriguing, and I learnt about an event in US-history which isn't actually hugely discussed. Or the art style of Houseki no Kuni is not... to my taste, the plot sounded a bit too simple. Even more so I didn't have, and still for large arts don't have a positive opinion on 3D-animation, especially in anime but after a warm recommendation I decided to try out the show anyway. And what can I say? Already episode 1 won me over, the 3D animation was used intelligently to let it's unique strength stand out, not as replacement for 2D-only, and I'm left with a comic book collection about a Buddhist reflection about human nature, with heart-wrenching twist and turns, and perhaps some of the strongest comic page composition I've seen in a while. What I wan't to get at is: Of course trying out something new can turn out be a waste of time but then I don't have to watch it again. Still, more often trying out something new comes with new surprises and the reward of finding new joys. The thing is, what's described as "theme" is more a largely trending trope and not necessarily themes. Say, currently "found family" is all the trend in a way that more service-oriented products like SoC or the ACOTAR-series jams them in as hard as they can and spell out in monologues how misfits found each other. Sure, the ideas's kinda cute but the sincerity's lacking, has little to say than just existing as service. That in itself is fine, for personal escapism I can see why the trope appeals to many - sometimes it's enough to simply have such fiction existing and to be enjoyed. Still, there's a tangible distance of a topic being actively discussed within the text than considering how to make a certain book/show/play/movie/podcast etc. more appealing comfortable to enjoy for target audiences.
Thing is, perhaps you can tag content in Ao3 for your own liking, the current YA market relies strongly on spelling out the themes and oh-so-creative-obvious-trope subversion which shorten equally the viewer's as we as the creator's perspective at what topics and stories can be told.
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creatingnikki · 5 years
Dearest Mel,
You know, I have never had natural apple juice. But because you speak so highly of it, I’m going to add it in my ‘small things bucket list’ – it’s a list of tiny things I want to do that I believe will bring me joy. Shall I reach out to you once I’ve tried it?
Your answers and the absolute pureness, idealism, compassion and innocence that I could feel from them makes me want you to never know what pain is, but perhaps, you already do. If you can manage to protect everything that is pure and beautiful about you despite the world we live in, that will be a real miracle. And while I want to believe that miracles happen, I also know that we all grow up and no one can escape from the suffering that that brings. I don’t know you really, but I can remember myself at 14. I had written this when I was 19 – Things I wish I knew when I was a teenager. Reading this now, I can see where I came from – it was a place where I was hurting and disillusioned and cynical. So now, for you and with you, I want to try this again.
Things I would tell you, and my self, at 14:
Your mom will be the best friend you’ll ever have. Not because you’re a loser who can’t make friends but because she is the only one who will ever care about your wellbeing in the purest way and because she is the coolest person you know
Keep the things that make you happy close to your heart no matter how silly they seem to others – collect wild flowers, take the time to make your favourite beverage and savour it, click pictures to document your life and not to put them on social media.
When you’re hurt, go ahead, build walls. But you know have a door right there in the middle. Because you need a way out. At first when you meet someone and they feel like someone you may be able to trust and someone who is worthy to be cherished by you, you can open up that door – not to let them in but to walk out yourself. Walk out and express yourself, spend time with them being your true self. And on the basis of how they respond and behave with you, eventually, walk back in with them and let them be a significant part of your life.
But you don’t always have to. You will meet a lot of people who will make you laugh and who you can have these long, emotional and existential conversations with. But just because of that you don’t have to let them in. Not everyone you come across has to be a major part of your life. And that’s completely okay.
You are smart and you are mature for your age. But you’re still young, my love, you’re still 14. Any adult, man or woman, who makes you feel like just because you’re smart or mature you’re not a child, is someone you should stay far, far away from. They can never have the best interests at heart for you.
Learn new things and make mistakes and ask questions even if you feel stupid in doing so because it’s so much better to feel stupid at 14 than it is to feel that way at 20 or 30. People expect you to not know things and use that to your advantage.
Be open to changing your beliefs and views over time. It won’t make you a hypocrite or a pseudo whatever. It will make you someone who doesn’t bull-headedly stick to something just because they always have. For instance, at 14 I believed in the quote, ‘just go with the flow’ and reminded myself to let go and let things happen as they would. That’s wise, yes, but only in some aspects. Then later I came across a quote that resonated more powerfully with me – only dead fish go with the flow. So, let yourself change and grow. It’s only natural.
Boys who can make you feel pretty at first are also the ones who can make you feel worthless and ugly later on. Don’t give them that power to begin with.
Growing up/adulting is a whole different struggle. Of course, you have struggles even now, trust me, I know. But try to savour and capitalise on the moments of joy, little responsibilities and free time. That all will change soon enough.
I hope that wasn’t preachy! I swear I would genuinely love to go back and tell my 14-year-old self that.
I don’t know if you have ever heard of or watched Korean dramas but I would highly recommend this one because of your answer for what love means to you – Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. It’s absolutely adorable and sweet and I think you’ll relate to it and enjoy it because it honestly just shows how important it is to feel comfortable + happy and like yourself with someone you love. It’s on Netflix, I believe, if you want to go ahead and give it a try.
Love and love and love,
I wrote this letter for Mel based on some questions they answered. You can read the questions and their answers here. 
Guys - I have received 29 people’s responses for The Love Project - 29 days of love letters. So I won’t be accepting anymore, however, you can read other letters here.
I may do this again later in the year and if you would want to receive a love letter from me then, you can drop in your email ID here xoxo
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tsnamey · 5 years
Campus Love || Chap 1
A/N - Hi guys, I am truly sorry for not uploading for a while but I have been really busy with school work and activities so thank you for your paitience :)
Side notes - This may not be proofread but I really wanted to get it out to you guys as soon as possible
Genre - non idol!au, high school!au, fluff, NCT Dream x reader
Word Count - 1.5k
Warning - none
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You weren’t sure as to why you joined this club, maybe it’s the fact that you have always been broken-hearted or maybe it was the fact that your closest friend was running the club. Your heart had been broken many times, from unrequited love to straight-up rejection and you were sick of it, you really were. You wanted to learn how to not fall for people so quickly as you do. You wanted to be able to have a friendship that doesn’t end with you falling for them, other than your friendship with Harvey. In your current situation, you had a crush on a boy in particular but you didn’t think too much of it, probably being unrealistic love again. You didn’t believe that you could find a friendship that didn’t consist of you falling for them, but then you met Harvey.
Everyone knows Harvey. He has a very bubbly personality and an atmosphere that you can’t name but when he introduced himself to you, you instantly felt relieved. From that point on, you would both spend every moment you could with each other, going out or staying in. He would take you to places you wouldn’t even think of and he would do things you wouldn’t dare do. You, on the other hand, isn’t very well known. Everyone knows you as ‘Harvey’s best friend’ but not many people know your name. It’s because you have one problem, you were too shy, well that’s what everyone thought. You were just nervous to move schools but nonetheless excited. The move from Australia to Korea scared you and you were very thankful that you weren’t the only one who wasn’t perfect in Korean. You still had struggles but you were almost as good as Harvey. You were constantly anxious and scared until you met Harvey, so you were quite happy that Harvey asked you to join his club, Don’t Need Your Love.
You were sitting in your usual spot, on a bay window when Harvey ran up to you with a gigantic smile. You had hardly seen Harvey this excited so you expected him to say that he had just received a good grade on an exam or assignment or that his parents allowed him to stay over for the holidays. When Harvey told you that the principal, Mr Kim, and the counsellor, Mrs Lee, had agreed to start a social club about broken hearts, run by students, you were happy for him, hoping he wouldn’t wish for you to join, at first. As if he read your mind, the next he asked was for you to join. You never liked joining clubs and Harvey knew that. He kept reminding you that this could add more points to your report card and how you need three hours a week of socialising with people other than him. So, you agreed, only if he bought you ice cream for the next week. He was so happy that he didn’t acknowledge what you said until he had already nodded his head but he didn’t care. You wanted Harvey to be happy and you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, so if you had to join a club with him, then why not.
Two days after was the official meeting of the DNYL club. Harvey had announced it on the school’s speaker and he was dragging you around to place banners everywhere. You walked the entire school, from the art gallery to the football fields to the cafeteria, placing banners and giving them out to people. You didn’t know who would join and you were scared. Many people thought it was a joke and laughed but Harvey held his head high. You knew it hurt him though, he wasn’t as strong as the way he acted and you were grateful that he wasn’t a fake Ken doll like most boys at your school. Some were decent and it just so happen that you fell in love with one of the most popular and kindest boys in your year level.
You walked into the classroom, 20 minutes early so you could help Harvey set up. He had already set up the banner and what he called 'inspirational quotes’. You shook your head at him and picked up a piece of paper from the ground. It read:
DNYL Rules:
1. Be honest
2. Do not cry alone
3. Always talk to each other when you need it
4. Whatever gets said amongst us, stays amongst us
5. Have fun and enjoy
You shrugged your shoulders and pinned the piece of paper to the wall and began to arranged the chairs so that it was in a circle. You laughed when Harvey started to explain how it looked too formal and too much like a therapy room, walking over to the windows to open them. You walk back over to the chairs and sit down on top of a desk. Harvey was explaining to you how this classroom never gets used and how happy he was that he doesn’t have to continuously be putting up the decor and pulling them back down. He sat in the chair beside and you eventually made small talk, talking about what you would do on the upcoming holidays. You were sitting just opposite the door so that is anyone walked in, you would see.
You were so invested in your conversation that you didn’t notice the door opening until Harvey looked up. There, standing in the doorway, was a boy, a little taller than you, looking around the room. Harvey smiles when he meets eyes with this boy but the smile the boy returns looks fake. The boy, eventually, glances at you and you smile, earning another fake smile back. “Hello there, how are you?” Harvey tries to make small talk with the boy but all he receives is a nod, as the boys sit in a chair opposite of you. As soon as he sits down, the door flies open and two more boys walk in with genuine smiles. Both of the boys sat down, smiling and greeting both you and Harvey and trying to get more than a nod from the other boy. You only realised then how different they are but how well they get along. One was tall with brown hair and the other was a little taller than you and had blonde hair. The tall boy was quiet and very smart and intelligent for his age whereas his best friend was loud and bubbly, also a foreigner. They both decide to tell stories about their day to each other and there were only a few minutes left until the club started its first official meeting.
Next to come in was a boy that was around the same height as Harvey and had chestnut hair. He greeted everyone with a sad smile until he saw you, his face lighting up as he gave you a wink. You rolled your eyes, earning a chuckle from him as he strolls over and sits next to you. He asks how your days are and you were about to answer but a boy much taller than you with black hair walked in, continuously apologising for being late and probably wouldn’t have stopped until you reassured that he was not late. When the clock hit 3:30, Harvey walked over to the door and closed it. He sat back down and look at the boys in front of him, deciding to introduce himself. “Hello everyone, I’m glad you could come and join the Don’t Need Your Love club. I’m Harvey, the founder, and this is Y/N,” he explained, nodding his head towards you. You smiled and gave a small wave to each boy, silently praying that no one will ask why you’re here. “The reason why I started this club is that I know plenty of people who struggle to cope with a breakup or a rejection. I also know people who are in situations where they are the only ones in love, one being my best friends here,” he said, placing a hand on your knee as the boys looked at you.
“These people have inspired me to create an area where we can help each other get over our love and it would be amazing if you continued this club with Y/N and I because we want to make friends in the process. So, to begin our first meeting, why don’t we introduce ourselves and explain why we are here. You don’t have to to say any names, as long as you tell us your situation,” Harvey smiles at the boys. We sat in silence for a few seconds until Harvey spoke up yet again, “Alright, how about I’ll start and we can go this way, yeah?” he pointed in the direction of the boy sitting on the other side of him. Harvey received a lot of nods and a few okays in the process.
Now, it was time to hear everyone’s story……
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taezhu · 6 years
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mafia!nct profile
Taeil doesn’t like who he is 
He’s the leader of a group of boys who barely even know today’s date 
How could he ever like who and what he is?
he wakes up every morning in the middle of Seoul with nothing but a frown on his face 
because he knows that he won’t enjoy the day ahead of him
It starts with meeting Ten and his recruits 
It ends with Johnny and Taeyong complaining about everything he could do better 
It feels like sometimes, he’s a bit hopeless in his position as the leader of NCT
“fearless” they call them, but Taeil the furthest from fearless 
all that Taeil has ever wanted to do is protect the people around him 
and that’s what he plans on doing, even with bad press for himself
Taeil always wanted to return NCT to the triad it used to be 
No one really knows what Moon Taeil looks like outside of NCT which he thinks is good
Effectively Taeil can go whenever he wants, whenever he wants without causing harm
Especially on nights where he’s drinking away his problems, it’s a good thing
He likes this bar near to Sejong university which is usually quite quiet 
Aside from the occasional university student who just act like he isn’t there 
He’s still young enough to seem like a student who secluded himself enough to be unknown 
and that identity is one that he takes on whenever anyone approaches him from across the bar 
Which is rarely, surprisingly 
Girls and guys alike don’t like a 24 year old who looks like he hasn’t slept in days, if you didn’t know already
Taeil is sipping on some whiskey when the seat next to him is taken one night
It’s only around eleven but Taeil is so tired he can barely even hear his own thoughts 
He’s been using the whiskey to sooth the problems for far far too long now
Ten is telling him that there’s no one willing to join NCT
Johnny is telling him that there’s no incentive to the younger members 
Taeil needs a distraction and that distraction ends up being you
this isn’t how his usual evening where he finds someone goes though 
He’s not pulled out of the bar and into a cab having his scars traced and hair pulled
Instead he finds himself listening to you recite a quote over and over with a strange look on his face 
He has no damn clue who you are or what you’re doing 
But he thinks you have the most beautiful voice 
so much so that when you stop talking and shut your eyes to try and memorise it, he asks you what the quote is from
‘it’s from pride and prejudice.. have you read it?’
Taeil feels intimidated by the English words but shakes his head no
‘what does it say in korean?’
‘A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us’
He realises you’re smart unlike the others here and takes a liking to you
The way you brush your hair softly back from your eyes and how you smile gently
as it turns out you’re studying at Sejong university, you’re almost finished with your degree 
but Taeil has a moment of panic when you ask him what he’s studying 
and he realises it’s stupid, but he tells you that he’s studying history to not feel awkward
Taeil stupidly thinks that you won’t like him if he isn’t like you
He doesn’t feel like it’s all bad because he ends up taking your number at the end of the night
and he sleeps easy, for once, with something else on his mind
like.. when are you going to call him?
when are you going to text him back?
the next morning is the answer, and you ask if he’s free that evening because you’re bored 
Taeil wishes he knew what bored felt like
He meets up with you and forgets his responsibilities with NCT for a while
You’d have never recognised him once he left his apartment in Seoul and met you at the park you suggested 
His bright yellow jumper and yellow hat that matched somehow made him blend in 
he feels like that kid who got to live his university dream for once and he loves it 
he also.. quite enjoys the sound of your voice and your laughter and your gaze on him
He’s a leader, he’s learnt to be loud and have his voice heard 
But when he’s with you he can go back to being quiet and listen to you 
he loves it all so much
the relationship between you two starts off as friends
Taeil is so happy to have someone he can call a friend that it’s unreal 
Even if his only friend doesn’t know one thing that’s true about him
Other than his name, age and how he feels about you
Taeil knows how badly he fucked up with you by telling you he was a university student but it’s too late to take it back 
Especially when you’re hanging out with him in the library and one of the staffs is carrying out checks 
they ask to see his university card and he has to lie that he left it at home
Somehow it works and they tell him to remember it next time
that’s when Taeil starts to suggest that the two of you avoid university places 
Or rather he says he’d prefer to do less educational activities and spend more time with you
He doesn’t know why exactly it came out like that but it did 
Taeil realises a week or so later that he said he wanted to spend more time with you because he wanted you
Not the act of having a friend, it was the effect he had on you
But all lies have to be outed eventually, Taeil is hanging on with everything he can for you not to find out he’s Moon Tae Il
but in the meantime, you two are becoming closer and closer each day 
You think you know everything about him, and you almost do
Just not his identity or job or anything like that
Not what his real person could do to you 
Or hurt you, even
Taeil’s crush becomes no joke when he finds himself becoming protective 
It’s nothing that he’s noticed happening to you, but he realises he cares when he starts checking you’re locking your doors 
That you don’t leave windows open 
‘because you never know who’s looking for a place to break into’
He’s not stupid enough to think his life won’t interfere with yours 
But it takes a few months for one of his rivals to find you 
Luckily the two of you are together and when the guy approaches you Taeil stands in front of you
You have no idea what’s going on but Taeil is getting angry and the other guy too
It’s the first time Taeil has ever been anything but happy and calm in front of you
When the other guy leaves you’re a bit shaken and taeil knows he has to be somewhat honest
He says that it’s someone he’s not at all friendly with but you’re not stupid 
You leave it for a couple of days before you’re with Taeil again and he kinda..realises you’re off
He asks you what’s wrong and he’s surprised to hear you ask
‘what’s NCT?’
and he panics because he has to try and explain everything, he doesn’t even answer you
not until you carry on and leave him no other choice
‘Online it said they were a triad.. why was that guy asking you about a triad?’
Taeil realises he has to either be honesty or he has to lie to you again
And really, lying to you is exhausting and he hates it so so much
So he goes for a third option which he makes up on his own
‘I don’t know, I really don’t. I think he was trying to scare me’
Taeil isn’t exactly telling the truth but he isn’t directly lying either
Truth is he has no idea to the identity of the man who came up to you two anyway
he’s glad you accept it, but he knows it’s ok your mind a lot
Because whenever you two are out together you’re always checking people
You seem on edge and taeil feels bad for it
He made you worried about all of this and he needs to make you feel safe
To protect you, like he was always meant to do with NCT
So he decides to take you out one day to ask you something
Well, tell you that he has feelings for you that are beyond friendship 
You’re meant to meet him at a park nearby but Taeil decides to meet at yours instead 
He hears from Youngho that someone is planning something around Taeil
Who heard from Chenle when he was trying to plant some recording devices in his home
so Taeil is in a little bit of a panic mode about you
He’s so paranoid in fact, when he sees you open the door and you’re wearing the most beautiful yellow dress
Which coincidentally match the bunch of tulips which he got for you
he just says it to you straight
‘I’m NCT’s leader’
It’s not what he meant to say but it was the first thing on his mind 
That and how beautiful you looked but.. Taeil knows what he has to do
He realised that he couldn’t be in a relationship with you and confess unless he was honest
As much as that could take away from him
You’re unmistakably a little confused by his words and you invite him in to tell you everything
which he does
He tells you how he’s been in NCT since he was young and when the old generation started to die
He was elected as the new leader 
and that he has all the other members under his control
That he didn’t want to tell you in case you saw him differently
He tells you that he didn’t want to be known as Moon Tae Il but rather just taeil 
The guy who likes weird movies and enjoys strange music and doesn’t have too much stress
Even if you’re annoyed at him, it’s a lot to take in from one confession
He doesn’t even get to tell you that he likes you
Partially because he doesn’t want you to return to him with pity for him you know?
So you don’t see him for a few days to think over things
Taeil isn’t going to leave you on your own, don’t worry
He makes sure you’re okay and if he’s not available he has Youngho or Taeyong do it too 
Most people are far too chicken to have a run in with Moon Tae Il so they leave him alone
And most importantly you too
He doesn’t expect to see you back for a while though
One day when he’s on the way to the library to sit a few desks away from you
You bump into him and he has to hide the smile on his face from finally getting to see you up close
Absence really does make the heart grow fonder
‘Did you not think that I’d notice you and the other two always following me around?’
Taeil feels a bit awkward after that 
‘Thanks, though. For making sure I was okay. You made me feel less scared, like I was being protected’
And if you want to tell Taeil that you’re okay with what he does that’s up to you
But he’d be the best boyfriend
And an even better protector for you
Because no one fucks with Moon Taeil
Unless he’s in love with them, of course  
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taehyungiestummy · 6 years
Summer Dreams -- Chapter Sixteen
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Masterlist     Previous     Next
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3053
         “I admire Nari’s work ethic, and how she only took off a few days when we got here, but I wish we could spend more time with her,” Emily sets her camera down on her lap, picking up her pencil to write down another scrapbook idea in her notebook. She’s claimed the recliner today as she works on her passion.
         “I don’t want to interrupt her life too much, though,” I wiggle back to get back into a sitting position against the arm of the couch. I’ve been working on planning characters for a story while also playing phone games when creativity lulls. “We are only here for a few months, and then we will leave, and she’ll have to go back to a normal life without us. I don’t want us to become too much of a constant in her life.”
         “I understand that,” Emily nods a few times. “But she did agree to let us come over, so I think she has prepared herself.”
         “I’m just glad that she takes the time to give us Korean lessons, and that she is cool with letting us do basically whatever we want. Just opening up her home to us for a few months is more than I could have asked for. She’s gone above and beyond. I’m going to miss her so much.”
         “I don’t even want to think about leaving and missing people yet. There’s still a good chunk of summer left, and still so much to do.”
         “You’re right,” I chuckle, stretching out my fingers. “This is going to be the first time we don’t see fireworks on the Fourth of July.”
         “I can’t believe we’ll be spending our first American holiday outside of the United States,” Emily sets her pencil down, quickly putting her hair into a ponytail. “Do you think Nari will let us have a little party with American food?”
         “I don’t think why not,” I shrug. “She has spent her whole life learning and experiencing two cultures, so she would understand us wanting to have a little fun.”
         “We could even ask the boys to come if they can get the time off.”
         “That would actually be amazing,” I grin, looking back down at the spiral notebook on my lap. “It would be a lot more fun with more than just the three of us.”
         “We still have to meet two members, as well.”
         “Then we can dive headfirst into their music, and music videos, and interviews. It will still be weird since we know them, but it will help when we can’t see them.”
         “You just want to be able to see Taehyung even when you can’t be in the same room as him,” Emily chuckles.
         “I mean, yeah, that’s part of it,” I slightly smile.
         “Never thought that my best friend would be in a long-distance relationship, but if she’s happy, then I am over the moon.”
         “I am very happy right now. Oh, I just remembered, that quote you said yesterday,” I put down my pencil, looking back up at my best friend.
         “You did write it,” Emily looks up from her camera. “I remember from some story you had me read. I’m not sure what, but it was you. I’ve always like it, so that’s probably why I remember it.”
         “I’ve been thinking about it. The puzzle of my life is slowly coming together, year by year, more pieces are placed. This summer, I think that I have figured out a lot more than I was planning, so that is fun,” I awkwardly chuckle.
         “I’ve figure out that I do have the best friend in the world. Also, boys aren’t terrible, and can make me so happy.”
         “Well, I’ve already known that first one for a while since I love you and all. But, I think, that the other half is true for me in a different way. I knew that boys could be good if I found the right one to get close too, but I didn’t think it would happen for a while.”
         “Taehyung is a good match for you. The way he tries so hard to meet up with you, and how he makes you smile, and just how he wants to talk to you. It is so heartwarming to see it. More so with you being my best friend. All the trouble you’ve had with boys in the past, you deserve happiness with him.
         “It’s hard to fully fall for him since he’s a Korean star and all, though. It feels like an out-of-body experience when we are together, like he could disappear at any moment.”
         “And he has the choice of so many other girls? That scares you too, right?”
         “Yeah,” I take a deep breath. “It seems like a joke.”
         “Amber, you can’t see it, but when Taehyung looks at you, his eyes show it all. There is a sparkle that shines when his eyes land on you. He truly likes you. There’s no doubt about it. Trust me.”
         I look down at my writing: pages full of characters falling in love, something I really want. “Thank you.”
         “Thank you for telling me that. I needed to hear it.”
         “Oh, you’re welcome.”
         “Now, keep taking pictures, or looking through them to plan your scrapbooks, and I will keep writing away at something.”
         “I believe Taehyung is what you’ve been waiting for.”
         “I believe Namjoon might be for you.” I glance up to see my best friend smiling.
         “Maybe. I’m not objecting, and we keep getting closer by circumstances, so it is possible.”
         “He’s a little more reserved, so it is hard to tell, but I think he enjoys being around you. He knows that every time that Tae meets up with me, he gets to see you. I think it is sweet that he’s giving you a chance.”
         “I mean, he kind of has to since Taehyung needs him to talk to you.”
         “He could have just been polite without getting to know you, so I think you are just saying bullshit because you don’t want to admit that you could have a small crush on that boy,” I tilt my head just enough to see Emily’s cheeks reddening.
         “You did the same then before admitting that you liked Taehyung, so do not flip this on me,” she smirks, catching my gaze. “I’m testing the water, to see if what I am feeling is true. Don’t worry, you will be the first one to know how I feel when I figure it out.”
         “Good,” I look back now at my papers. “I need to be in the loop.”
         “You do know that we have to ask Nari if it will be okay to come back next summer?” Emily throws the conversation into a new direction.
         “I know, but I am just waiting for the right moment to run the idea pass her. Plus, I don’t want to think too much about next summer because the only way we can come back is if we want to leave, and I am not ready to leave yet.”
         “Then you probably don’t want to think about your birthday.”
         “Hm, no, we can talk about me birthday. It will be weird not being back home for it, but I think that we will still have a great time here.”
         “I know you will want a chocolate cake, as you have for the past five years.”
         “I think it has been six,” I giggle. “I love me some chocolate.”
         “We’ll probably have it here to make it easier. Take-out for the meal to make it easier, and you’ll probably invite the boys.”
         “Of course,” I smile, wishing that my phone would ring. It’s been silent since this morning, as Taehyung greets me through text every morning. “It would be boring without them.”
         “It would also be the last guaranteed day that we could be together.”
         “What did I say about talking about the end of the summer? I don’t want to think about the last anything.”
         “It’s not for over a month, so there is no reason to fret over it.”
         “The saying is that time flies when you are having fun, so I just know that the days are going to start flying by.”
         “Just knowing that we are getting closer to half-way sucks.”
         “Thank you for bring that up,” I let the sarcasm drip off my words, looking up to glare at her.
         “Sorry, sorry,” Emily raises her hands in defense. “What do you want to talk about?”
         “How about I turn some music on and we just focus on what we are doing?”
         “That sounds like it would be for the best,” she slightly smiles. “Maybe the boys will text soon to let us know when we can meet another member.”
         “I just want someone to text,” I pick up my phone, going to Spotify for the K-pop radio. “Now, let us enjoy some music as we continue to relax.”
         “Girls, I have to say, that I am impressed at how quickly you are picking up this language,” Nari widely smiles as we finish up our Korean lesson for the night. “I am also proud at how you are so willing and eager to take on the challenge that is Korean. You can have short conversations now, which is a lot more than you could say just a few weeks ago.”
         “It’s all thanks to you, Nari,” I place my notebook down on the coffee table. “Without you, we would be mispronouncing every other word, and probably wouldn’t have gotten far with learning.”
         “Thank you for being an amazing teacher,” Emily adds. “This is only the beginning of us tackling Korean, so I hope you are prepared for being our teacher for a long while.”
         Nari chuckles, “Of course. I will be your teacher until you two tell me that you don’t need anymore help. I’m sure it won’t take you two long to master Korean, and by that, I mean as much as I know and can teach. There are still areas of the language that mess me up sometimes.”
         “I think that everyone feels that way with their native language,” I settle back into the couch. “English can still be a struggle.”
         “There are so many rules in English,” Nari shakes her head. “If I didn’t grow up learning both languages, then we would not be having this conversation right now.”
         “I can’t even not being here right now,” I sigh, looking over at Emily. “Everything is perfect right now.”
         “I have to agree,” Emily lazily smiles at me. “Amber have the chance to picked from a multitude of family from all over the world. I’m glad it ended up being you.”
         “Ah, yes, your parents told me that when they contacted me the first time,” Nari nods a few times. “I was so scared because I hadn’t talked to you for many years, and I hadn’t been with you in person since your birth. All I could think about was freaking you out, pushing you away, ruining my chance to be the one you picked to spend a whole summer with. It would have sucked if you decided to go with another family member. I love that I was able to open my home to two curious girls, and that they fell in love with my country.”
         “The first time we Skyped, I was surprised because up to that point all the other people I was talking to were a lot older than me,” I look over at my cousin. “That was a point in your favor, as I knew the others would force me to do certain things on certain days. I just wanted to be able to relax and have fun while exploring a new place, culture, and language.”
         “I was sold when Amber showed me pictures of the area,” Emily speaks up. “It was a little odd that we would be coming to Korea, but knowing that a young cousin would be taking us in made it much better.”
         “I am so glad that I was lucky enough to be the one you picked,” Nari giggles. “It’s a good thing that I am young and understand what it is like to be a teenager that just wants to have fun.”
         “Fun means doing little but spending it with the people you love,” I fall onto my side. “To me, anyways, as I am introverted, and people tire me out.”
         “That’s why I am her best friend,” Emily taps my back with her foot. “We balance each other out, as I am more extroverted, and can talk when she shuts down.”
         “You two are super close, too,” Nari says. “If I remember correctly, you have been friends since elementary school. That’s more than half of your lives. I’m sure you know everything about each other.”
         “We have secrets,” Emily and I say as one.
         “Gah, that freaks me out,” Nari wiggles as a shiver runs through her body. “You are like the twin girls in The Shining, which I can read the book, but the movie gives me nightmares.”
         “Come play with us, Nari,” Emily and I are quick on the draw, but can’t help bursting into laughter.
         “I was going to rush out of the apartment if you two didn’t just burst into laughs,” Nari chuckles, shaking her head. “Now, I want to be caught up on your adventures, so what have you been doing the past few days?”
         “Three days ago we met Hoseok at the café, so that was nice to get out,” I answer. “The day after tomorrow we are going to meet another member, which is exciting and saddening because that we have almost met all the boys. It is just crazy how this summer is turning out.”
         “I have to agree with that.”
         “Other than that, we are just staying in,” Emily continues for me. “Playing video games, or doing our own little projects. I’ve never cooked so much in my life, so that has been fun.”
         “I love that you girls cook,” Nari runs a hand through her hair. “All you have to do is follow a recipe, and then it is perfect.”
         “I am more of a sweet making girl, but I have enjoyed making simple Korean dishes.”
         “It feels better knowing that we are making something to give to another person and not just ourselves,” Emily nods a few times.
         “Sure, sure, now, back on topic, what is up with you and your crushes?” Nari smirks.
         “I am just happy whenever Taehyung is able to meet up, and I am taking every day one step at a time,” I answer. My fingers instantly reach down to mess with the hem of my shirt. “I’ve had crushes before, but he makes me feel much different than those. Probably because he is reciprocating the feelings back to me, and I don’t have to stress over if he likes me or not. I know he does, and I hope that we keep getting closer.”
         “It warms my heart knowing that you are finding good friends, and possibly a future boyfriend,” Nari clasps her hands together. “I am still trying to wrap my head around that those friends are idols, but I trust that they are good people.”
         “Emily is also developing a crush that she will not accept,” I shift back into a sitting position. “You two gave me shit for not admitting I liked Tae, so now I feel like the same should happen to Emily.”
         “Namjoon is a nice guy, and I appreciate all that he has done for us,” Emily speaks up. “But I don’t want to mistake those feelings for me thinking I like him. I am just waiting to see how we continue to be around each other as our Korean knowledge expands. This is a different situation than yours.”
         “Shut up,” I pout. “I just didn’t want to be teased anymore. However, I do believe that Emily is forming a crush on Namjoon, which is super cute.”
         “Maybe,” she mumbles, adverting her gaze as her cheeks begin to take on a red tint. “I just don’t want to get my hopes up and find out that he doesn’t like me back. Taehyung clearly likes you, Amber, but Namjoon has yet to say anything close to that towards me. He’s just being a gentleman, and I can’t know if he is like that with everyone he meets since I barely know him.”
         “I completely understand that, Emily,” Nari speaks up. “There’s no wrong way in approaching a relationship, and maybe this is just a crush that goes nowhere. It is okay if the two of you stay just friends. I think that you’ll find someone that fits perfectly with you, and that is all that matters. Lucky for Amber, though, because she seems to have already found that person.”
         My cheeks heat up at the comment. “That’s very nice of you to say, Nari. I’m hoping that it all works out.”
         “Well, I think that we have exhausted the topic of boys,” Nari slaps her hands on her thighs.
         “Hold up,” I narrow my eyes at my cousin. “What about you, noona?” I tease. “Is there not a boy that you like?”
         “Me?” Nari points at herself as a chuckle leaves her mouth. “Oh, that is sweet to ask, but I do not have my eye on anyone. I dated briefly in high school, but then I dove into my work and didn’t have time to be in a relationship. That is fine by me, of course. It is the path that I chose.”
         “So, you just need someone who understands hard work like you do, and then it will be perfect.”
         “But also someone who knows how to have a fun time and relax,” Emily adds in. “There has to be a balance.”
         “I guess so,” Nari shrugs. “Don’t go out of your way to find someone for me, though. I am happy with my life at this moment, and I don’t think that I could handle being in a relationship at this time.”
         “Sure,” I goofily smile. “How about we watch a drama to end the night? They’re starting to grow on me, and I think I may be hooked.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! I wish I could tell you how many chapters are left, but I don’t even know yet myself. Another chapter will be out on in a few days, so be prepared for that! :D
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kylieinwashington · 6 years
Monuments & Memorials
OK - I was toooooo tired to finish this last night - so here it is a day late.
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018
It is almost 11:00 PM and we have been home less than 30 minutes.  We topped 20,000 steps in our quest to see and understand most of the Monuments and Memorials that ring the Mall and/or live close by.
During breakfast this morning the girls - who knows who started it - began singing songs from Hamilton.  It was so cute and went on and on.  Finally we had to began our day so we headed out about 8:45.  We had talked about the amazing gift James Smithson gave to the United States so of course our first outing this AM was to the Smithsonian Castle and James Smithson’s tomb - which looks a lot like a bathtub...
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There are currently 17 Smithsonian Museums dedicated to science, history, art and culture and each one more fabulous than the next and free to everyone.  The weather today was glorious.  Sunshine and temps in the high 50 -maybe even the in 60! - had us shedding our coats and enjoying the two meals we shared outdoors today.  (More on our rather crazy outside dinner later!)
From the Smithsonian Castle we walked to the Washington Monument when Charlotte was our teacher.  Prior to our trip, I assigned all the kids the job of learning about a specific monument and being our teacher.  They were all very excited to take the teacher role - and today was the day.  Charlotte was well prepared and excited to present and she carefully positioned us to view the beautiful monument and hear her lecture.
The 555 foot Washington Monument is closed currently -  and indefinitely, according to the sign -  while they try to repair or replace the elevator that has not worked with enough regularity to open it to the public since the 2011 earthquake. It was open 3 years ago when I was here with Colin but closed again shortly after our visit.  Charlotte was a font of information and had our deepest attention.  She was very proud of her “speech” and so were we.
From there we walked to the World War II Memorial.  We prepped the kids with lots of talk of World War II and sent them to speak to one of the many volunteers about several subjects.
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They had much work to do in their notebooks and moved around the monuments identifying one feature after another and understanding the symbolism it possessed.
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From there we went to Signer’s island, a sweet little island that has the signature of all the 58 signers of the Declaration of Independence.  We talked about the risks these men were taking by signing the document as the action truly was high treason punishable by death.  I asked the kids to make rubbings of several of the signatures and as we did that we talked about who among us would have had the bravery to sign that document.  
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The answer was simple - NONE of us.  Yes, if it had been left to the 6 of us, we would still be subjects of England.  Hmmmmm...
A picnic lunch was next and we sat in the magnificent sunshine and ate our lunch we had packed earlier in the day.  Perhaps the most interesting part of lunch were the very friendly Washington DC squirrels.  
Those little suckers KNEW we had food and they saw no reason why we couldn’t just share.  (But we didn’t.)
After lunch and squirrel shooing we headed to the Viet Nam War Memorial.  I CANNOT get through this without tears - no matter how many times I have been there.  We started at the Nurses Memorial statue (which was strewn with long stem roses) and the kids did not disappoint to look, think, reflect and try to understand.  I assured them that however they interpret any sculpture is correct but we pushed them to look deeper and think harder.  They saw the dedication, fear and exhaustion in the eyes of the nurses.  They identified the sandbags but didn’t know why they were there and when we told them they were horrified.  I KNOW these kids got more out of the statue than 99% of all adults who view it.
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Next we looked up the names of soldiers on The Wall, one from Ann Arbor, Saline and Boulder, CO and then went to find them.  Moving.  
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We talked about the design of the monument and the designer.  But nothing is more impactful that walking that wall and getting deeper and deeper into the list of dead and then actually seeing the name you are searching for - right before your eyes.
We finished this Memorial by visiting the Soldier’s Statues.  Again the kids were very insightful and willing to be pushed pass what you see on the first pass.  I love it.
Next up was The Korean War Memorial.  Here we talked about the United Nations Coalition and the very clever way in which the designer of the monument used the 19 soldiers and the reflective black marble to tell us about the 38th parallel that still divides the Korean Peninsula.  I was born during this hot mess and I am always struck with how long this has continued.  Sadly hate has a long shelf life.  :(
We walked right through the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial because we have big plans for that tonight but I could not miss taking this amazing pic!
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Next we walked to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.  I love the way the designer uses water to represent the mood/health of the nation.  I will forever be grateful for all the benefits of the CCC and the WPA.  Brilliant.  We talked about the soup kitchens and the “fireside chats” but mostly we focused on the quotes.  Every single quote holds true today and I wish the leaders of our country would embrace his caring empathic thoughts. 
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 I truly enjoyed discussing these quotes with these brilliant young minds and I have hope that maybe their generation can clean up the mess we are are making.  Sigh....
Eleanor Roosevelt was next and we talked about “walking the walk.”  She was the perfect example of this.
Next up was the beautiful Thomas Jefferson Memorial with teacher Kylie.  
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She was so excited and did a wonderful job - although she did have us move from the top to the bottom and right back up (our legs were sooooo tired) . The climbing, however was completely relevant and necessary because how else could we see the beautiful and significant frieze on the portico?  Well done!
This ended our major walking tour and all we had to do was jump on the Circulator bus and head to Union Station for dinner and our tour to see the remaining significant monuments.  But we missed the bus by about 3 minutes and had to wait for 27 minutes for the next one.  Then it was the slow roll to Union Station.  Gwynn read that restaurants in Union Station close at 6:00 on Sunday and our tour was a 6:30 and as the bus creeped down the roads the time ticked away.  To make things more stressful the inside lights of the bus stayed on which meant NO ONE could see outside and IF the driver was announcing the stop he was doing it in a tiny whisper - so we had no idea where we were and when we needed to get off.  I kept looking out of the window only to see myself which was NOT helpful.  I  had a map but I needed just ONE POINT OF REFERENCE - (just like the astronauts in Apollo 13!) - and finally Dylan said - Hey there is the Washington Monument!”  Bingo!!!!
We FINALLY arrived at Union Station at 6:01.  The kids are hungry - but not quite HANGRY - but it couldn’t be too far behind.  BUT the food places were open although people were already lining up for our tour we grabbed some food and went outside to wait.  We got food ASAP and headed outside where we ate on something that worked as a table but was NOT a table.
We boarded the bus to this view:
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We spent 30 minutes at the MLK Jr Memorial and the kids used every second filling in their books and talking about the amazing quote on the walls surrounding the Memorial.  This makes my heart sing!
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We spent an additional 30 minutes at the Lincoln Memorial and believe me that it was NOT enough time.  But what a wonderful time.
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Finally, teacher Dylan was up for the Marine Corps Memorial - Iwo Jima.  He was prepared and fabulous.  I was very proud of all of our teachers today - and so were they.
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Finally we boarded the Metro and headed “home.”  To say we were tired would be an understatement.
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But I can say we had a day filled with education, thoughtful discussion and discovery - and THAT my friends is a day well done.
Stay tuned.
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elleberquist6 · 6 years
Believe in Me - chapter thirty-three
Summary: Dan Howell is living at home while he’s saving money for college, which isn’t easy since his parents don’t understand him. Unlike them, he loves dogs, is a vegetarian, has no interest in the family business, and he despises the supernatural. He struggles to accept things that are illogical, even though he is a kitsune. Kitsune are foxes whose powers involve the ability to cast illusions, but Dan just wants to be normal. Phil Lester has just moved to London, where he works as a dog walker. When his path crosses with Dan, Phil is eager to get to know him. Unfortunately, Phil soon finds that being friends with Dan is far more complicated than he could have imagined.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 2024 Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut
From My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox [Korean Drama]: Mi-ho: I can see really far and hear very well, but since I can’t see or hear you, you must really be far away. I’ve been living for so long that I didn’t know how time flowed, but after I met you my heart began to tell time. While I was with you, I would think, ‘Just a little longer’ while the time passed really quickly. But without you, time goes so slowly as I think, ‘I miss you.’ You know what? It feels like my heart has been bewitched by you and counts time all on its own.   [https://asiandramaquotes.wordpress.com/index/my-girlfriend-is-a-nine-tailed-fox-quotes/]
Phil helped Dan to his bedroom in the funeral home and pulled the covers up to his chin. Dan sighed happily as he settled into bed for a nap before dinnertime. “Sorry,” Dan said. “I don’t know why I’m so tired.”
Phil frowned, since he knew. As he saw the exhaustion on Dan’s face, the watch hanging around his neck felt heavy. Dan could have died today. When they decided that it was a good idea for Dan to become human, neither of them had known the risks involved. It wasn’t worth it if Dan got hurt like this, so Phil asked, “Dan, would you like me to give you your watch back?”
Dan’s eyes opened wide. “What do you mean? Are you offering me my hoshi no tama? No, it’s only been a day.”
“It’s just… it’s the source of your power. You’re weak right now. If you hold onto it, you’ll get stronger faster,” he offered, omitting the fact for now that Dan could die if he tried to cast an illusion. He would make sure that Dan was aware of that later, but at the moment he just looked so tired.
Dan shook his head and closed his eyes. “You hold onto it. I want to be human and I don’t want to wait longer.”
Phil sighed and ran his fingers through the softness of Dan’s hair. “Okay. You get some rest. I’m going to see if your grandma is around. I’d like to talk to her.”
After leaving Dan in his room, Phil found Elspeth in the kitchen, icing some cookies that she had just baked. She put the piping bag down on the counter when he walked in as she smiled at him.
Elspeth offered him one of the finished cookies, which was decorated with a pink flower. “It’s good to see you, Phil. Will you be staying for dinner?”
Phil nodded as he accepted the cookie. “I think so, unless Dan wants to do something else.” He took a nibble of the cookie and made an appreciative noise. “This is very good. Thank you.”
Her grin widened as she returned to icing her cookies. “You’re welcome. So, how has my grandson been doing? I haven’t seen much of him since his birthday.”
Taking advantage of an excuse to pause before answering, Phil took a large bite of the cookie while he organized his thoughts. When he swallowed, he admitted to her, “He hasn’t been good. We figured out that he’s a nogitsune, and he’s been having a rough week. It… kind of took over. He even quit his job. He’s…”
Elspeth sighed and gave up on her cookies. “I was afraid that something like this would happen. At least he’s in a better situation than his brother, but… oh, my poor Dan. He’s such an independent boy. I don’t know how he’s going to handle this, having something inside of him that is compromising his free will and influencing him. I wish that I could do something to help.”
Phil bit his lip in a moment of hesitation, but this was what he wanted to ask Elspeth about – he was just afraid that she was going to tell him that he had done the wrong thing. “I, um… Dan and I already came up with an idea. We read about hoshi no tama and how Dan could use his to become human.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh, Phil, that’s—”
“Not going to happen,” someone interrupted.
Phil and Elspeth both jumped as they turned to see Dan’s mum in the doorway to the kitchen. Her hands were fisted at her sides and she was breathing heavily. Elspeth sighed as she said, “Trudy, be reasonable.”
Trudy shook her head so fast that her neck popped. Her glare shifted between Elspeth and Phil until it settled on Phil, and he had to resist the urge to cringe. “My son is not going to become human,” she said in a hard voice. “He wouldn’t want to become human, so just forget this plan of yours. He’s going to be a fox like the rest of his family.”
“But…” Phil stammered. “He wants to be human.”
She gaped at him for a moment before closing her mouth. “Is he in his room right now?”
Phil’s stomach sank as he realized what he just did; he’d turned Dan’s mum’s wrath on him. “Um, wait. He’s taking a nap. Please let him rest. We can talk about this for now.”
“Talk? To you?” She snorted before turning in the doorway with a flick of dark brown hair. As she turned the corner, he heard her shout, “Daniel James Howell, you wake up right now!”
Phil shifted wide eyes to Elspeth. “Can you do anything about this?”
She shook her head. “I’m going to stay out of it. There’s no reasoning with Trudy when she gets like this.”
This was his fault, so he couldn’t stay out of it, not when Dan needed him. Phil followed the path that Dan’s mum took to his bedroom and stopped in the doorway to take in the scene. Dan was still in bed. He was sitting up now, looking stunned as his mouth hung slightly open. It seemed like his brain hadn’t quite caught up with this moment and he didn’t understand why his mother had burst into his room to yell at him.
Dan’s mum was standing at the foot of his bed with her hands on her hips, as she shouted, “What is this I hear? Where is your hoshi no tama? Tell me that this boy is lying. You can’t possibly want to be human. You aren’t that stupid.”
“How is it stupid?” Dan asked in a small voice.
“You’re going to change what you are for a man?” she snorted. “That sounds pretty stupid to me.”
Dan didn’t show any reaction to this accusation, but Phil cringed because he had never wanted to be in a relationship like that: a relationship where one person forces the other to change into something else. That wasn’t what he was doing to Dan, was it?
Dan’s eyes flicked to Phil. He had noticed Phil in the doorway, though his mum hadn’t yet. Dan said, “Phil isn’t trying to change me.”
“Yes, he is,” his mum insisted. “He’s forcing you to give up the most important part of yourself. If you become human, you will lose the only thing that makes you special.”
The words sent a shock through Phil because she was wrong. So wrong. “No,” he said, drawing her attention to him. “You really don’t know him that well, do you? The fact that he’s a kitsune is the least special thing about him.” His words were met with a smile from Dan and a glare from Dan’s mum. Phil accepted the fact that she was always going to hate him. He wasn’t too fond of her either as he realized something. “You’re the one who tore the pages out of that book in the library, aren’t you? You knew that Dan would want this, so you tried to stop him from finding out about it.”
She turned away from him, ignoring him as she glared at Dan again. “So, you’re doing this? You’re going to become a human?”
Dan swallowed heavily before nodding.
“Then get out,” she said in a cold voice. “If you’re too good to be a fox, then you wouldn’t want to live with us.”
“Mum, it’s not like that,” he whispered as he shook his head. “I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I’ve been different since my birthday. I just want to feel like me again. I—”
“I’m your mother,” she cut him off. Her voice had softened, but only a bit. “I know you better than anyone else, so listen to me when I tell you something: right now, you are who you are supposed to be. Don’t do this, Daniel. You will regret it.”
Dan bit his lip and didn’t respond to her.
“So, you’re going to do it anyway?” she asked with a shake of her head. The glint in her eyes showed that she wasn’t surprised, but she was disappointed. “Then get out of my house. You’re not doing this under my roof.”
Dan shook his head. He was breathing heavily. “Mum, you don’t mean that.”
“I do,” she said in an icy voice. “I gave birth to a kitsune, not a human. You’re not my son anymore if you do this. Pack your bags. I don’t want to see you again.”
Trudy turned to leave the room pausing only for a moment in the doorway as she met Phil’s eyes. Her eyes were blazing with fury, but her lips twisted with a smirk. The sight sent a chill down Phil’s spine; it was the worst kind of smile, like she was finding dark amusement at the sight of a tragedy. “I don’t know my son, you say?” she asked in a cold voice.
Phil swallowed heavily.
“Mum, leave him alone,” Dan said behind her. He started to try to climb out of bed, but his limbs were still sluggish with exhaustion, and his feet became tangled in his sheets.
Trudy ignored her son as she said to Phil, “Well, maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t know him very well, but I know the fox. And that’s why you’re the one who is wrong. So wrong, Phil, because you should have gotten to know the fox before you decided to do this. I know it would kill my son if something happened to you, and you have no idea what you’re up against. I hope you learn before it’s too late. I’m not saying this as a threat. I really hope you do.”
Phil didn’t want her words to be true, so he shook his head in denial.
She sighed in exasperation and her shoulder collided with his as she stormed out of the room. Phil stumbled a step back after the collision, but barely noticed as he saw the tears spilling from Dan’s eyes. Phil ran to him, sat on the bed beside him, and wrapped his arms around Dan’s shaking body. “Shhh, shhh.” Phil tried to soothe him as he rubbed soft circles against Dan’s back. “I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
Dan shook his head. “No, it’s not. My home… Where am I going to go?”
“Well, that’s simple, isn’t it?” Phil said, noticing when Dan became very still in his arms.
Dan held his breath for a moment before asking, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I think so. This is my fault that you’re being forced to leave your home. So, come live with me.”
Dan pulled out of the hug with a frown. He ran his fingers through his hair, absentmindedly mussing his curls. “Um, Phil… I know you’re not just my boyfriend. You’re my best friend, too. Usually I love that we’re friends, but you just asked me to live with you like a friend would. And it bothered me. Does that make sense? I’m sorry, but this is an important moment, and I…”
Phil leaned forward to kiss Dan. While their lips were connected he combed his fingers through Dan’s hair, wanting to make everything better. As they pulled apart, Phil said, “Dan, I love you. Please come live with me. I always want us to be together.”
Dan nodded before pressing their foreheads together. “Thank you. I love you, too.”
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dprdabin · 7 years
Korea's Rising Rap Star DPR LIVE Looks Back on 2017 and Talks New Plans: Exclusive Video & Interview
With an onslaught of addictive bangers and visually-captivating videos in 2017, DPR LIVE has ascended from an elusive, underground rapper to one of the most talked about and celebrated new voices emerging in Korea's rapidly growing hip-hop scene.
Since gaining recognition through knockout bars and a scene-stealing performance on the critically acclaimed viral hit "Eung Freestyle," DPR LIVE―real name Hong Da Bin―has excelled thanks to his chart accolades and internet co-signs.
The 25-year-old spawned two impressive EPs via his explosive debut EP Coming to You Live from March 2017 and stellar follow-up Her in December, the latter peaking at No. 8 on Billboard's World Album chart, despite no big-name features. DPR LIVE also played to sold-out crowds in Korea and London last year, scored a promotional video campaign with Nike, and racked up millions of views on YouTube, all helping him garner a legion of excited fans all across the globe.
Yet what really sets the charismatic rapper apart as one of the more interesting come-ups in 2017 is the fact that he has achieved all this as a completely independent artist -- a rarity in Korea's highly-competitive music scene.
DPR LIVE and his crew Dream Perfect Regime -- a creative collective better known as DPR -- have relentlessly hustled with nothing but talent and determination, all in the name of keeping LIVE’s budding rap career authentic and true to the crew's message. Never bowing to industry standards, the collective's focus on positioning DPR LIVE onto the mainstream radar has already paid off in a big way: The crew received their first major monetary investment in late 201, which helped fund a new Seoul studio.
While DPR LIVE has already made accomplishments most of his indie peers can only dream of, the young talent is eyeing 2018 with higher aspirations. Gaining stateside traction for his witty flow flips between Korean and English and forward-thinking ear, LIVE earned a slot on this year's massively-anticipated, sixth annual "Korea Spotlight" showcase at SXSW 2018 among some of Korean music’s biggest names -- like R&B phenom Crush, rock sensation Hyukoh and powerhouse diva Lee Hi -- all taking place on March 16 at the Belmont in Austin, Tex.
Ahead of his debut U.S. show, DPR LIVE exclusively sat down with Billboard Koreafor his first-ever, in-depth artist interview at his new studio to share his personal struggles, creative vision and goals.
Watch DPR LIVE’s recap video and read full interview below.
What were some of the challenges you faced in the industry as an indie artist without an actual label?
Oh man, where do I even start? We had a shit-ton of challenges. First of all, financing everything on our own was the hardest thing we had to overcome. We started with zero capital. No investor, no fancy equipment, no nothing. That’s why we had to start as a visual team, but that was probably the smartest move we made, to think about it now. Not only did we get a chance to showcase our talent, but it also helped to connect with other musicians and entertainment labels. It was a good way of learning the ropes of the Korean music industry; how it worked, how we needed to evolve to get to the next level, etc.
For a good two years, DPR REM [creative director] and DPR IAN [visual director] busted their asses shooting materials for other artists in order to help fund any and all of our projects during that time. And the more I think about it now, the more I’m grateful for that, you know? Cause I know it takes a lot of trust and commitment. They were sacrificing a lot, and that’s what fueled me when I was making music. I knew I not only had to do it for myself, but more importantly, for my team.
The second biggest challenge, I guess, was the fact that we were completely clueless. [Laughs.] I didn’t even know what it meant to "mix songs," or how to get distribution for my music. It was all trial and error, because none of us had any prior experience. We had no money or any real knowledge as to how this [music industry] really works― all we had was just a whole lot of untamed passion and a dream. If one approach didn’t work, we would learn from it and move onto the next one. We learned a lot in those years. That experience is what helped us launch our own company. Now, we get to run our own show and do exactly what we want to do. No one tells us what to do, what to make or how to do it. If we like it as a team, then we do it. That kind of freedom is truly incredible. Our struggles brought us closer together and I’m proud that we have accomplished this as a team.
What is your and DPR’s greatest strength and weakness?
Our greatest strength is that whatever we do, it’s organic. We also know each other so well now to the point where we can easily align our thoughts in such a quick way that it allows us to get straight to work. There’s really no buffer period or queue. We have our own system that works efficiently for all of us. But on the other hand, we can improve and learn how to expand and grow our team. We’re known to be mysterious and unpredictable, and we like that because it keeps our fans in suspense and on edge, but it makes it harder for all of us to bring in new members, because we are such a tight-knit group. However, I’m confident we’ll get into the hang of things in due time.
Last year was great year for you. What are some of the most memorable moments?
2017 has been a life-changing year for me and my team. I released two albums, moved into a brand-new, dope studio, got to travel to some awesome places and work with some amazing people. I honestly couldn't have wished for more. Although all these moments were significantly memorable, I’d have to say getting our studio was probably the most memorable moment of 2017 for DPR. Might not sound like a big deal to some, but you have to understand, we used to hold meetings ranging from coffee shops to even local karaoke rooms on a regular basis just to get some privacy at times. Now that we have a place we can all call home, with separate recording, producing and meetings rooms; it’s surreal, to be honest. Really goes to show what can be achieved.  
Any mistakes or regrets?
No, I don’t have regrets. Everything I’ve experienced was for a specific purpose, and I really believe in that. Literally everything. Although, I had a fair share of upsets and disappointments, now that I look back on it, I'm starting to see how it all came together. Each experience was meant to happen at that exact moment so that we can draw a bigger picture. I'm a huge believer in the whole "everything happens for a reason" quote and so is my team. DPR was basically founded upon that motto. We all happened to meet by chance if you think about it. A bunch of kids, who grew up in all corners of the world, somehow met up in Seoul and eventually came together to do what we do now as DPR.
Your debut EP Coming to You Live boasts guest features from some of the top names in the industry. How did you get them to collaborate?
It was a mix of good timing and mutual respect, I guess. DPR was slowly getting recognized in the industry as an up-and-coming visual team and that really helped my musical career and credibility. While I was in the studio recording demos, IAN and REM were hustling on the video side and doing whatever they could do to spread our brand name. It also helped us earn some money to finance whatever we wanted to do in-house. [Laughs.] Also, being featured on "Eung Freestyle," which was also produced and directed by my team, gave us a good boost. It helped start a lot of conversations with artists in general.
Your recent release Her has also been successful. What did you want to resonate with this project?
Her is a more genre-specific compilation of songs than my first EP. I wanted to get more personal and intimate with my listeners on themes relating to love and relationships.
Where does your musical inspiration come from?
For me, inspiration comes in many angles. I’d say half of it comes from just an array of talented musicians and their music. The internet in itself is inspiring sometimes. On the other hand, a lot my inspiration comes from my experiences in life and the things I place value on.
Why and how did you start making music?
I started making music when I was stationed in the Korean army. I went relatively early for my age, and I had a lot of free time on my hands so I would start writing whenever I had the chance. That’s where my passion slowly grew. It was a good time for me to reflect on my future;  I had a lot of thoughts/things I wanted to say. That’s where I really picked up writing song lyrics.
What goals do you have for 2018?
I can probably make a huge list of what goals I want to hit in 2018, but ultimately, I really just want my team to stay healthy, committed and passionate. That’s not only for 2018, but that’s really a lifetime goal I have.
And what's the biggest drive that motivates you?
I just want to release quality music and materials.  I hope we [DPR] never get lazy or complacent, and continue to challenge each other so that we can continuously push boundaries. It’s not easy to impress people these days, but to rise above that, and to see that stamp of approval and recognition from people is where all my adrenaline rush comes from. It drives me and my team to go beyond.
Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
Hopefully in the next few years, I’ll not only be a better artist myself but I hope to see our team grow and continue to do more exciting things together. Whether it be a visual thing, or a music thing, or something completely different, I just want to see us all succeed together. That’s really the main point.
In the end, it's not really the legacy that I leave behind, but the impact we make as a team. There aren’t that many teams like us in Korea and for that reason, it’d be really dope if we could almost set a benchmark or an example for the next up-and-coming generation of creatives to think outside the box and really learn to DIY. In the end, that’s what we did and it's been the best decision we’ve made.
© Jessica Oak @ Billboard
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dazzling-ji · 6 years
aesthetic themed ask list
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
probably halo? still riding off the performance high tbh
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
can’t think of anything that i would want to know immediately that i couldn’t just wait for confirmation in prayer about...
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
so far? taking the steps necessary to actually pursue my dreams
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
kbbq with friends
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
probably tell my parents how i feel about them, same to my friends
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
not really. i have things i’d like to do, tho
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
as in a human being? um, she has obscenely small hands. her face is like shiny and red perpetually. she is tiny. she gets really excited over the smallest things, i.e. her cats or the sight of a corgi. lowkey highkey hates her hair unless it’s short. bane of my existence.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
bruh i wish. literally still trying to console younger me with each day.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
lowkey cried in front of my therapist as i told him i don’t cry in front of people. idk if he noticed or not (IT’S CUZ HE KEPT STARING AT ME WITH THOSE BIG SAD EMPATHETIC BLUE EYES. I DON’T NEED EMPATHY!!!) but the tears were threatening and i was threatening the tears.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
bruh, had to describe a human for the last one but this time i won’t. my best friend nam shin iii. because i love him and he’s great. wish he were real so i could teach him english and he could teach me korean and i could help him romance his girlfriend. 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
i did when i was first meeting my therapist lol. i don’t trust people enough to do stuff like that.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
probably ye olde tiny handed one. she’s the only one who would try to stay up that late with me. doesn’t mean i don’t have to deal with her sleep delirium.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
it’d either be to myself or my mom. something along the lines of letting them know their worth.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
they aight. blue eyes are really scary 90% of the time. brown eyes make more sense to me.
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“different doesn’t mean wrong” said by one of my late faves, who i honestly felt was a kindred spirit 99.999% best friend match to me. not gonna get into why the quote is so deep to me, all i’ll say is it allowed me to breathe.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
pay off debts, travel, save, give to charities/church, save some more, maybe make a trust fund? 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
with God, yeah. by myself? depends. i can be kind of hypocritical and times.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
guess i know what to tag this ask meme now
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
punk for sure.
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
super cool. was thinking of getting either a septum or normal nose ring. wish tattoos made a bit more sense on dark skin, but either way they’re super painful so maybe i lucked out.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
i don’t. don’t wanna ruin my skin and i like the natural look over a beat face. i like people looking realistic if that makes sense?
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
so many people to talk about, but my ex-fave prince helped me realize i was ace.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
i wouldn’t. at least not rn, don’t have anything revolutionary to tell em. maybe something like “Please remember we’re dealing with human beings” or along those lines, because I’m tired of reading about racists and human rights violations who real life be forgetting that aside from differences in race/gender/sexuality/etc/etc we are all human and worthy of love.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
stromae @ msg - super fun! wish the people behind me didn’t try to waste my time and sit at a dance music concert.
nai palm @ brooklyn (i forget the venue) - also super great. it was great to actually see her irl, and allowed me to realize i can actually socialize without too much problem.
garth brooks @ mercedes benz - yikes ppl in the south RLY like their country music huh?
kimbra @ brooklyn (also forget the venue) - LIVE MUSIC CAN BE SO EXPERIMENTAL AND FUN. kind of reminded me of what i’d heard seeing prince irl was like.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
NYU - You have no outstanding balances. We have a $1 mil scholarship that will be applied to your account as of today. We love you. In fact, we’re gonna wipe away all your student loan debt and ensure no one in your family has to worry about paying for anything ever again in their lives.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
my desk always gets cluttered with papers and stuff. but i really do prefer working at a desk rather than a bed. 
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
stall as long as possible until i REALLY need to go to sleep. grumble as i lazily brush my teeth and rinse my retainer. lie in bed and watch youtube for anywhere between 30 min to 3 hrs before actually turning off.
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
call me crazy, but i want my parents to know about me and *gasp* like what they realize. like lemme tell em i’m ace and have them not freak out, idk. 
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
blue or purple. but probably a wig or something impermanent. 
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
THE FAB FIVE. WHY AM I SO DUMB. we’d go makeover their next person on queer eye OR even better we’d just hang out
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
1. the aforementioned letter from nyu because i deserve it, ok?
2. a life i don’t feel like i have to run away from because i hate living like this but feel powerless to change it.
3. a cool best friend i could go cool places with, because i wanna go cool places
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
i cosplay’d as Taemin during the Ace era. It was cool because it basically was my style, so I felt super confident all day looking my best.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
I do neither. But the craziest thing I did half-asleep was convince myself I could still talk to the aforementioned tiny handed weirdo and answer her questions though my head was firmly planted on my pillow and i was neatly tucked under my sheets. like i really thought homegirl could read my thoughts and find the answers she needed to her questions. 
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
like donald trump
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
maybe one person - i’d see myself the way God sees me so I wouldn’t be so powerless against my insecurities and the fake people in the world all the time.
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realize you’re in love.
idk? i’m ace and aro and very aesthetically drawn, so i really don’t know if i ever have. 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
i prefer myself with longer hair tbh.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
hot chocolate if i wanna blend in. otherwise a strawberry acai refresher. i trust any of my friends because it’s really not that deep.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
gaining self-confidence so i can step more firmly into my calling.
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