#also when you put them side by side like this the colour schemes of light blue and pastel pink are SOOOOO cute...
I was gone for 5 days WDYM there's a sticker of Ailette and Thesilid??? *sending envious looks to Korea fans*
i was browsing the tags on twitter and came across this post of someone selling them
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i didn't contact them bc the currency quoted isn't my country's and i can't really be bothered with dealing with the logistics, but. gnhgnghng. LOOK AT THEIR STICKER CHOICES..... the many comical expressions of ailette rodeline. crying tesilid doll. tesilid with an armful of food. tesilid happily going "it says here i can absorb all of your wounds and share half your pain!" impeccable choices.
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Could you rank Jesse's outfits?
Hell yes I can!!!! Strap in lads, I've decided to put this under the cut because it got... long. Thank you so much for this question anon, I'm sorry if it's not quite what you wanted, it kind of ran away from me!!! But please know that I had so much fun doing this!! I'll take any excuse to talk about Control fashion!!!!
Okay, so:
The Director's suit
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What can I say, just look at it, 10/10, no notes (well, lots of notes, but all about how much I love it!!!) Absolute perfection!!! The details on this outfit!!! The triangle on the back, the little triangle on the shoes, the cut outs on the jacket, the hair pin?????? It's truly everything to me, and I love it's story significance of visually showing Jesse embracing her role as Director, it's just the perfect example of everything the FBC and Oldest House is!!
(Also, fun fact, the first thing I thought when I saw it was 'oh, yeah, I understand why this is one of Julia Drawfee's favourite games now'...)
2. Asynchronous suit
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Again, what can I say??? Look at it, this thing is just gorgeous!! Oh, the details!!! The structure is so beautiful, all the different shapes, the Brutalist nature of it all!! Also her cute little boots, I love them and the way they blend into the leggings!
Also, as someone who would desperately love for Jesse to get a skirt at some point, the half skirt and the way it moves in combat is everything to me, ahhh it looks so good!!!
3. Civilian outfit
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I love her original outfit so much!!! It's so simple, yet it manages to be so iconic!!! I remember someone I was watching complain that her outfit wasn't great because it doesn't stand out enough, doesn't make her look like enough of an outsider, but personally I completely disagree! Control is such a high aesthetic game, and Jesse's civilian out so perfectly compliments the aesthetics of the Oldest House through its colour scheme and silhouette! Especially the back of the jacket, I absolutely adore the structure of it, it kind of has a similar energy as the Asynchronous Suit with the sharp Brutalist energy it has. But at the same time, by making it a leather jacket and jeans, it stands out so clearly from the (sometimes unnecessarily extra) formal shirts and trousers/skirts the others wear.
Anyway, love it! Also adore the bright blue of the original jacket!!!
4.Janitor's Assistant
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Love it!! Love it so much!!! I adore the rolled up sleaves and trouser legs (whether this is for fashion or practicality, I do not know, but it is aesthetically pleasing none the less). Also, I love the detail that's she's wearing her original boots with this outfit, it feels like a cute visual cue of how comfortable she feels in this outfit/role. Also, the fact that Ahti gives it to us personally for a job well done just, perfection...
(also look at her little hammer and plyers, she deserves them!!!)
5. The Golden Suit
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I do indeed enjoy the Golden Suit, I mean, it's a variation of my beloved Director's Suit, and has a lot of the same details I love that one for, but it just doesn't hit the same for me. I think I would prefer if it had a white shirt, or the shirt was a little darker as the greyish colour just isn't quite for me, (though it could be the darn lighting in the Oldest House). But still, I do indeed love it, I mean look at her, she still looks incredible even if its not quite my style!
6. Expedition Gear
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You know what, I used to think I didn't like this outfit, but it grew on me as I was looking at it for this, and you know what, I love it now!! Like, to begin with it's one of the outfits that has the ponytail, and I absolutely adore this hairstyle!!! The way it moves in combat is gorgeous, and I enjoy the effort made to give her a high pony style that doesn't make her look like Beth Wilder!! But again, rolled up sleeves, super cute, the zipper/clasp detail on the side, it's all giving practical but fashionable, and I'm so hear for it!!
7. Extradimensional Suit
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She's cool!! I mean, this outfit has the ponytail, so that's already a win! It's not my style, or the sort of thing I'm interested in, but I can appreciate it for what it is. The colour scheme is gorgeous, I love all the textures and shapes, particularly the piping around the neck (it reminds me of the mail room/pneumatics!). And as always, she looks incredible in it, so a solid outfit all round, just not one that makes me go feral, you know?
8. Office Assistant
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I do very much love this outfit, I think she looks adorable, there's just not that much going on. I do love her little sensible heels, and the fact that the shirt is pinstripe rather than plain, it's cute!!! It's also just, it just is the FBC, it's such a recognisable look throughout the game, so I very much appreciate it!!
(Can you imagine if we got the pencil skirt version too????? Sigh, I can only dream...)
9. Candidate P7
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Again, like, story wise this outfit is fascinating- (I've been thinking recently, like, at what point did Darling decide Dylan was a lost cause, and what did that mean for their pursuit of Jesse?? Is there a reason they just happened to have a prime candidate outfit ready for her, exactly in her size???)
Anyway, fashion wise there's not much to say, though I never realised you could run round the Oldest House in little socks, that's cool!! It also looks so cosy, but it has far too many lore implications for that, so unfortunately it does come last, but it's still cool!!
Bonus Round- Pre order exclusives
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1.Tactical Response
You do not understand how unbelievably sad it makes me that this was an pre-order exclusive and I can not have it, because I love it so so much, it is gorgeous!!!!!!!! Look at her, she looks incredible!!!! The pony tail, the monochrome, it's like her civilian outfit but just elevated to the highest degree, I love it so muuuuuuuuuch!!!!!!!!!!
2. Astral Dive suit
I feel similarly about this outfit as I do the Extradimensional suit. Not quite my style, but I highly appreciate it, it's beautiful!! Also her hair, ahhhhhhh!!
3.Urban Response
It's cute!! It has a lot of the things I love about the Tactical Response, but the colour scheme just doesn't hit the same! The top is so cute though, I love it!!!!
And, uhhhhhhh, thats it :) If you made it to the end of this, thank you, I am incredibly impressed!!! Anyway, the clothes in Control are incredible, and this is only Jesse's outfits, there's so many other amazing clothes in this game!!! Like genuinely, the commitment to fashion in Control is incredibly important to me, and will always be one of the things I love most about this game!!!!
(I am literally always ready to talk about it, so never hesitate to message if you want to talk about it with someone!)
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 8
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propaganda under the cut!
MY URL IS THE AVISKULL GUY FOR GOOD REASON!! They are canonically childhood friends who left a team together to form their own. Skull got a lil possessive over Avi when two other silly goofy teams started fighting over him. Also there's 41 works of this ship on ao3 and I've written 21 of them with more on the way. I want them to at least get kinda far for my own self-validation because this is a rarepair in an already small enough fandom compared to others.
okay so i have a picture to crack explain the sourin supremacy
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but i also have legitimate reasons lmao
1. sousuke and rin both GET what it's like to want something so bad but not be able to achieve it. they know each other's pain so well, and they know just how much effort the other person puts into swimming. AND THAT MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING STRENGTHENS THEIR BOND SO MUCH!!! this is also the reason why they are each others' comfort person because the other just GETS it, no need for any explanations
2. they're passionate as fuck about the same thing (swimming) and they help each other train harder and swim better,,, like get you a couple with the same obsessions as you!!!
4. when sousuke told rin about the shoulder injury he was literally so devastated because his love couldn't follow his passions anymore,, AND WHEN SOUSUKE RECOVERED FROM THE SURGERY RIN LEGIT CRIED HAPPY TEARS!!! and sousuke was always there for rin w/e he had a slump bc he compared himself too much to haru and others,,, like gods they care so much for each other
in short: sourin supremacy because these two bois are so perfect for each other
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sseniita · 10 months
hero vs domesticity
part 1
Hero’s search for a new hobby had been extensively efficient, just like her. The villain was glad the hero kept busy and over time the late night talks and flirty banter of their ‘nemesis’ days came back organically, albeit with some unforeseen circumstance, seeing as there is no longer any conflict of interest between the two. It started with the hero and her constant showering of gifts and services. When he came home dinner would be served and hero would be close by finishing up a painting, reading a book, or perhaps even baking something sweet for dessert. She’d do chores around the house, and offer the villain little favors here and there. The villain was beginning to expect the hero constantly at his side whether it be watching a movie or reading on the couch together. This notion of comfort was replaced by an intriguing anxiety when hero’s pastries began showcasing hearts and she began to dye her flour pinks and reds. Her paintings slowly morphed into things that oddly resembled the villain and she began reading Jane Austen. That's when it hit the villain- the hero hadn’t left the house in almost 3 weeks and might be getting cabin fever- also hero might be his best and only friend. 
He lingered on his thoughts for a minute. Hero was truly their only friend. They stopped trying to kill each other long ago, opting for scheduled ‘fights’ on top of buildings, in which the hero would bring the drinks and villain the snacks. Perhaps that’s why this felt so natural, why they had gotten used to it so quickly. He had always closed people out, worked alone, and didn’t have time for trivial friendships. But somehow the Hero latched on and wouldn’t let go. He glanced at her, across the couch biting her thumb, colour on her cheeks. Villain had finally got her some clothes, so now she sat in a cosy crewneck and loose jeans. Her hair was tied up with an elastic used to wrap up blueprints and evil schemes, and her face was intent on finishing her chapter. She was comfortable. She looked perfect. Perhaps she always was, and perhaps the villain always thought she was too. 
They were conflicting feelings at best. In the past, he’d drown any and all feelings immediately without even naming them but now they were inclined to explore and willing to learn, just as they had been for the last few weeks. He could feel the unfamiliar sense of burning on his cheeks. 
“It’s Christmas next week.” 
The villain realised he’d been rereading the same sentence of his book and looked up at the hero, cosy with the pillow on her lap holding her copy of Pride and Prejudice.
 “Pardon?” he blurted out. 
“It’s the 18th. I wasn’t gonna say anything but I thought- if you want of course- we could put up a tree? We’re the only house on the street without Christmas lights too.” The hero looked shy. 
“Oh. I see. Um, it’s been a while since I celebrated it actually.”
“Really?” The hero looked more shocked than appropriate. Having pictured an idyllic life, that heavily implied Christmas. The villain shrugged. 
 “I don’t have any family close by and well, seems like extra effort I didn’t want to put up with.” 
“Oh…” The hero slowly shifted herself back to her book disappointedly. Villain didn’t give her the chance to shoot her famous puppy eyes. 
“But- you’re here. We could get a tree? If you help me out, we can put the lights up.” After hearing that it didn’t seem necessary with the way the hero lit up. 
The villain didn’t want to waste any time on getting the hero out of the house for a while, he lent her a jacket, the biggest scarf he could find, and they went out to pick up a tree. Villain shot a look at his neighbours’ silent, teasing looks at hero as he held the passenger door open for her, he reminded himself he hasn't brought a girl over to his place since his university days. He then reminded himself he wasn’t 12 and got in the car. 
It seemed something about a car ride made the hero really open up. Nothing the villain hadn’t anticipated, she was nervous about making other friends, getting a job and was starting to feel like a burden. 
“A burden? You cook me food everyday and cupcakes once a week.” Villain noticed both the hero and him were getting a bit softer- he smiled. 
“Well ya. But I use your water, heat, electricity-”
“Since when is a favor required to be paid back?”
“We're enemies-”
“Last I checked you’re retired, name.” The villain had started calling hero by her birth name after he fished it out of her. Normally he referred to her as her hero name or any other pet name that made hero red with embarrassment, the exact same red that appeared when Mr.Darcy said his speech in the latest chapter she read. 
The hero would be lying if she didn’t feel a pang of guilt knowing she was living cozy and taken care of when there were people that needed help. Every time she heard police sirens she stood up and walked over to snoop through the windows. She made sure not to leave the house knowing she wouldn't be able to control herself and dive into action the first chance she got. The guilt got worse when she realised she didn’t want to go back- if it were up to her she’d stay in the villain’s guestroom forever- she quickly dissolved that thought regardless of the longing stares, lingering hands on her arm or shoulder when the stood too close together, and the way he’d only eat the baked treats that had little hearts on them. Hero assumed she was going insane.  “I guess you’re right...” The hero hadn’t gotten the courage to refer to the villain by his name even if he told her it the first night she moved in. “...name.”
part 3
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lilaeleaf · 2 years
I love your art so much! Do you have any of your brushes for sale, or any tutorials, especially on colour?
Hi!! Thank you so much! 💕
Honestly, my go-to brushes are all procreate brushes with slight adjustments (like stabilization, etc.) my personal preference is brushes that kind of mimic graphite pencils. The best thing you can do is find a brush that suits you & get very comfortable using it! Specific brushes won’t necessarily improve your work, it’s all about practice! (But yes, a nice brush does help!)
I do have a video on my favourite brushes:
I’ve never really made any tutorials, but I’m happy to try and relay what I know and what I’ve learned so far!
Colours are a big part of illustration! I could probably ramble on for hours, honestly—in any case, it’s always helpful to know fundamentals of colour theory. Once you learn and apply it, it becomes intuitive! I’m gonna stick to RGB colours because CMYK is it’s own thing (printing!)
There’s a handful of basic terms like hue (pure colours), shade (adding black to a colour), tint (adding white to a colour), tone (adding gray to a colour) and also opacity (transparency) that help us understand and define the complexity of colours.
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My colour choices are more often than not a gut feeling—but that does come from practice! There’s loads of colour palettes available online like this one, but if you wanna come up with your own, there’s some neat ways to do that using a colour wheel! Colours can broken down into primary, secondary and tertiary colours. We can also categorize them as warm or cold. With this we can make colour schemes!
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Some basic schemes!
Complimentary: two colours, opposites on the colour wheel
Analogous: three colours side-by-side
Triadic: three colours that form a triangle, evenly spaced
Monochromatic: using one colour (using different shades)
(Bonus) Monochromatic with accent colour : using one colour as a foundation and having an accent colour (similar to analogous, but one colour is used for a majority of the piece while the accent colour is used sparingly)
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It’s also important to keep in mind that values (a colour’s range from dark to light) will look different on different colours. Sometimes, you’ll put two colours together and think “huh, something about this feels off” and it turns out, the colours just happen to be very close in value and melt together. Switching your piece to grayscale just to check on your values every so often can help with contrast and muddiness! A light tone on a darker tone will look brighter than it really is. Colours can also influence each other and trick your eyes.
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Environment is also a big part of choosing your colours for a piece. Determining what the setting is important! A sunset will make a drawing warmer, while a scene set in the night will usually have colder tones. Using only local colours (true colours, like green grass or blue sky) vs non-local colours (atmospheric perspective, accent colors that give depth, etc) can help enhance your drawing too. Don't be afraid of artistic interpretation!
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Also, there’s always the option to use gradient maps (at least on procreate & photoshop but I’m sure it’s available in csp and other programs) where you draw in grayscale & apply a gradient map. The gradient map basically applies a color to every value (e.g all the shadows become blue and the highlights become orange) it can look really nice (and help out if colours just aren’t working that day yk)
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Another thing, when I’m drawing (and this is specific to me!) I tend to start with pretty desaturated colours. Once my illustration is done, I’ll duplicate & merge my layers to do colour edits. Most programs give you the option to play with curves or colour balance—menus that allow you to play around with the hue of the shadows, midtones and highlights. I tend to make my shadows more cyan-blue, my midtones a little warmer and my highlights warmer as well. Of course, this depends on the mood of the piece, whether it’s warm or cold, lighter or darker, etc!
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You can always make adjustment layers on top of your work; a low opacity yellow, magenta or blue (or anything your heart desires) overlay to tie all the colours together.
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I hope this helps a bit!! Happy to answer more questions to the best of my knowledge :^)
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spiritsncrystals · 17 days
Thomas Arclight, Jim Crocodile Cook.
Oh boy double whammy but sure I can do both lol
IV is a piece of shit at times but that's kinda what makes him so enjoyable seeing him make such unhinged faces though I do understand why he's like that lol
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Jim on the other hand god I like a lot about
His personality, his dynamics with the others even his bursts of English but especially his bond with Karen/Shirley it's so sweet especially when you learn his backstory and how he literally lost a functioning eye to save Karen from a poachers trap they're such good friends
It's hard to say I actively dislike much about either
Like sure Thomas is a two faced asshole but he's an enjoyable one. I guess you could say I dislike the fact he couldn't be honest with Shark about what had been done until they duel in the WDC since he actively says "I didn't mean for that fire to happen to your sister that part was on tron" but I'd say it's got something to do with his ego and that he kinda enjoys antagonising Shark at the moment of introduction
Jim you could fault for not having the foresight to not leave judai alone in 136 right after sho runs off but in both his and O'brien's defence that boy had been way too reckless and not staying put anyways when he'd SPECIFICALLY been told "don't go rushing on ahead" so I'd rather not because A they did come back for him and B it's not like they knew he was going to become Haou.
I could also say this is less something I dislike about him and more just a "I wish" but the fact that he's not in S4 does sting a bit when he was such a central character in S3 like you have Saiou, Johan and O'brien coming back in that season and he's the only one truly missing minus Misawa. I think it was more something to do with his VA exiting the scene but still if we had gotten an expanded S4 It would've been cool to see him again
Definitely the colour scheme for IV it's hard to imagine him in any other pallette, but definitely his scar, too, considering how recognisable it is kinda a shame they didn't give Rio any too but hey that's what the fans are for
Jim's I enjoy a lot for the Australian cowboy aesthetic but his face I really enjoy what with the hat and the bandaged eye to eventually reveal that he has a stone in the socket honestly seeing the eye of orichalcum revealed for the first time really was cool.
I'm pretty flexible when it comes to Thomas's aliases IV n Quattro but I tend to use IV a little more
Jim there's no difference unless we're talking the manga but they're fundamentally different people in terms of personality anyways
Would Gimmick Puppet Machina Fantasix be cheating in IV's case since it's a recent thing and it was never in the anime but I have a fascination with the cards that look like their archetypes user (Bujins too but they're different) bc I find it Like a funny display of the person's ego but the fact that he has one that looks like his public face and one that shows his freaky side is just really amusing to me because it just means his fanservice ego goes two ways (you could also see it as him viewing himself as a puppet on strings too)
Jim's would be Fossil Knight Skull Convoy especially with how it actually gets used as transportation in Dark World
It's just a really cool design
Gonna be real I don't really ship IV with anyone as much as I get the appeal of Hellshark I don't really view them in that light
Jim on the other hand I adore Orichalcumshipping (Jim x O'brien) they're the ones really looking out for the gang and it really shows the Haou arc especially really proved how good their dynamic is
Fossil (Jim x Kenzan) is also another good one
I would say even Cowboy, Savior and Tomorrow are great options too
Wouldn't say I have any exactly for either but I understand why something Like IV x Rio can be kinda off for people
It's hard to say with IV because most moments he's on screen are great but I like the scene right after he's beaten by Shark in the WDC where he's finally being vulnerable to not just Shark but Yuma Astral and Kotori behind the charming front and the freakyness and anguish is a middle child genuinely expressing that he wishes for his father to go back to being the one he once knew
Jim I could honestly say the entirety of his duel against Haou it's so good. He may of lost (along with his life) but you can really tell how earnestly he was trying to save a friend from his darkness
Least favourite scenes
If I had to select one I guess it would be the reveal that he's the one Shark was facing back then when he was disqualified from that tournament for cheating more so because it gives us a reason to hate him as much as Shark did
Jim's case I'd say that one scene in 114
Its less because of him and more just my issues with the whole life for a life going on in that duel and the fact that Asuka needed saving in the first place like cmon ygo don't have the woman nearly drown dangit but I am glad he saved her from drowning regardless
[Fuck marry or kill]
Yeah I could kill IV lmao throw him in a ditch lol
I'd rather just be Jim and Karen's friend though
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mecchantheotaku · 10 months
so i said i might explain my voices designs and i decided now that i'm calmed down a bit that i'm gonna do that now
i know a lot of you won't be interested so i'm putting it under a cut
for hero, i designed him after the "beginner hero in a JRPG" staple. i've seen a lot of people designing him after a more experienced hero, but if you've seen his personality he does not act like anyone with experience. he's very naive. so i designed him more after a beginner. also fun fact: under that shirt he's actually decently ripped, but you can't tell unless he takes it off.
for contrarian, i decided to design him with the idea of "asymmetry" in mind. and there's no cheated angles whenever i draw him, his bangs are always drawn with the longer one on that side of his face no matter which way he's facing. the very first thing i came up with was him having heterochromia though, that was a given.
for cheated, i decided to design him with a "rough" feeling, more towards him than anything. in my hc he has notoriously bad luck, hence the tiny scars on his arms. also, his t-shirt is blocked in the image, but it says "fuck off" and he actually has several t-shirts all with different rude slogans on them.
with smitten, the design element was pretty obvious. he's the dashing prince charming to the damsel's dainty princess. he also has more detailed eyes than the others to add to the "anime" feel of that route. i was debating giving him pink elements to contrast the blue of his outfit (and because he is the fruitiest straight guy ever) but nothing i thought of looked right so i scrapped that idea.
with paranoid it's hard to really explain what i was going for, but a smart outfit that was clearly put on in a rush just made sense for him. i absolutely knew he had to be both really tall and really skinny though.
with skeptic the vibe i was going for was "noir detective" but without the hat. he's also the only voice to wear glasses because of the symbolism that comes from giving a character glasses: a tool that literally helps you see clearly.
for hunted, he absolutely had to be the smallest of the voices. i gave him huge eyes both to contrast this and because it suited his reactive personality, but now that i look at it i realise they look kind of childish on him (maybe the other voices tease him for it or something lmao). for the outfit i was going for a mix of practicality and just whatever looked right for him. plus he's barefoot because in my hc he dislikes shoes.
now come on, stubborn HAD to be big and buff. it's kind of a rule in this fandom lmao. for his clothes i went simple. the sort of clothes you'd wear at the gym. i debated giving him scars but decided against it because cheated already had that going for him. maybe he has one huge scar across his chest that's only seen if he takes his shirt off.
broken's design is honestly the one i like the least because i can never get it right. i wanted him to look like a depressed basement dweller who doesn't even bother to look after himself, but it's surprisingly hard to draw. i even wanted to give him a proper beard but i don't know how to draw them, so i just gave him a five-o-clock shadow. i am proud of what i did with his eyes though.
for opportunist i made him fashionable and quirky-looking, inspired by the hosts at host clubs in japan (which are infamous for exploiting regulars, which suits him to a tee). i also gave him a mainly purple colour scheme because purple is often seen as a powerful but devious colour. also fun fact: he very rarely stops smiling in my hc, and when he does stop smiling you know shit's gotten real.
and for cold, i went a bit literal with his name and gave him a big coat and boots for all occasions. originally his hair was going to be white but i didn't like how it looked so i made it light brown instead. his eyes were the first thing i thought of when designing him. i like designing more robotic characters with the highlights in the middle of their eyes, and that was perfect for him.
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korgbelmont · 2 years
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Male MC (Nick Taylor) x Stacy Green
It's Valentine's day! And Nick wants to treat Stacy to something special for their first valentines.
Written in the present tense
Warnings: None
Word Count: 995
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
Date Night made on cooltext.com. It Lives in the Woods glow edited on photoshop
Like with my previous It Lives story, this follows my playthrough where everyone survived and Noah became the monster.
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Grabbing a couple of check shirts from his wardrobe, Nick weighs the options of the two colour schemes. One purple and black, the other navy and orange. He turns to Shadow, holding them both in front of her.
Nick - Which do you think?
The cat gives both of them a sniff, but spends longer on the purple one. Smiling, he puts the blue one away, and throws the purple one on, doing it up halfway. He adds the last few pieces of his look before pocketing his phone and giving Shadow a quick stroke.
Nick - I'll see you later.
He heads downstairs and stops by the kitchen where his parents are working on their Valentine's dinner.
Nick - See you later. Or tomorrow depending on when I get in.
Mom - Have fun!
Dad - Be careful.
Nick - I will.
He grabs his keys along with the pre-prepared basket and heads out. As he nears the gate, a car pulls up with a very familiar driver. Coming to a stop, Stacy gets out and goes round to the passenger side. Nick sets the basket on the wall and wraps Stacy in a hug.
Stacy - Hi.
Nick - Hey.
They share a quick kiss before parting and Nick puts the basket in the back before hopping into the driver's seat.
Stacy - Okay, this is weird.
Nick - What's that?
Stacy - Being in the passenger seat of my own car.
She takes her phone and connects a cable to her phone. The silence is then broken by music as Nick turns around and begins the drive. Stacy looks back at the basket before looking to Nick.
Stacy - Where exactly are we going?
Nick - And ruin the surprise?
Stacy - I'm guessing something picnic based, going by the basket.
Nick - In part.
He reaches over and takes her hand in his for a bit.
After driving for a bit, Nick pulls into a car park where he is stopped by someone in a high vis jacket. Rolling the window down, he takes his phone out.
High vis - You got tickets?
Nick - Yeah, here you go.
He shows a QR code on his screen that the person scans and then scrolls to show another which is also scanned. He's then handed a couple of tickets that printed when the codes were scanned.
High vis - Enjoy your night.
Nick - Thank you.
Keeping the tickets in his hand, Nick parks up and turns the engine off. The two of them get out and Nick grabs the basket before locking the car and handing Stacy the key. Lacing their fingers together, the two of them make their way over to the field where a few people are already set up.
Nick - I thought a movie night picnic might be fun.
Stacy gives his arm a squeeze, smiling as they continue their way through. They recognise a few other people around as Nick takes them further away from the crowd and up a hill where nobody is set up.
Nick - Here we go.
Opening up the basket, Nick sets out a blanket and they sit down, getting the food out from the basket. After nearly twenty minutes, the screen lights up and the first film comes on. Taking a quick look around, Nick sees that he and Stacy are the only ones in their area.
After the first film finishes, Nick checks the program on his phone.
Nick - We got fifteen before the next one starts. Which means, I have enough time to give you this.
He reaches into the basket and takes out a box that he hands to her. Opening it up, Stacy covers her mouth at the sight of a necklace with an amethyst at it's centre.
Stacy - Nick, this is...
Nick - I hope it's okay.
Stacy - More than.
She takes the necklace out and hands it to Nick. She turns her back to him and moves her hair out of the way where Nick puts on and hooks the two ends together. Resting against him, Stacy takes a similar sixed box out and places it in Nick's hand.
Stacy - Happy valentine's day.
He opens it up to reveal a bracelet that looks like a serpent.
Nick - Oh, that's cool.
Stacy - It's meant to be Jormungandr. Moment I saw it, I thought of you. Here...
She takes it out the box and opens the mouth to clip around his wrist.
Nick - Thank you.
Turning to face him, Stacy moves in closer to press her lips to his in a soft kiss. Once they part, Nick holds her close for a moment before they settle in for the next film.
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Having enjoyed the Valentine movie night, Stacy and Nick gather everything up and pack it all into the basket. Before picking it up, he's stopped by Stacy taking his hands.
Nick - You okay?
Stacy - Yeah. Just wanted to say that I had fun.
Nick - Me too.
Stacy - And there's something I want to tell you.
She takes a deep breath before smiling.
Stacy - I love you, Nick.
Smiling, Nick touches his forehead to hers, keeping his voice at a whisper.
Nick - I love you too, Stacy.
They hold each other close as they embrace in another kiss, both smiling when they part. Keeping their fingers laced, they begin their way back to the car.
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On the drive back, Nick checks his phone and almost looks away instantly from the brightness. He quickly lowers it to it's lowest level of brightness.
Nick - Do we qualify this as a late night or early morning?
Stacy - We haven't slept yet, so late night.
They soon arrive back at Nick's and once Stacy parks up, they head inside and up to bed, both happy with their feelings for each other out in the open.
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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kiss me quick my romeo, by @halcyyonn
Based on GFRIEND's Lovebug, submitted by @xiueryn
AO3 link; Celebrity AU, Celebrity Crush, Popstar!Ladybug, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Powers AU, Adrien didn't go to school, First Meetings, Identity Reveal
Famous model Adrien Agreste attends Chloe Bourgeois' birthday party, only to run into Ladybug, his celebrity crush. When Ladybug gets a drink spilled on her costume, the two of them end up getting much closer than they had expected.
The party was already in full swing when Adrien Agreste stepped out of his father’s limousine, fashionably late. Cameras flashed all around him, eager to capture the latest from the Gabriel Fashion line. Showing up late to his oldest friend’s birthday party wasn’t something Adrien would normally do, but it was his father’s newest marketing scheme. If he was the only one on the gold carpet, he was the only one people would be taking pictures of, and they would all be rushing to be the first to post them.
After what felt like an hour of posing and answering questions about his outfit, Adrien made it inside. Music blared from speakers around the room and lights bounced off the decorations. The Grand Paris Hotel looked like it had been painted with liquid gold for the occasion.
“Adrien!” Chloe appeared, throwing her arms around his neck. “I wondered when you would show up. You’re late!”
“Father wanted me to show off his latest designs. Apparently, the hottest style this spring is chainmail.” Adrien gestured to his costume, a near perfect replica of armour from a new museum exhibit visiting Paris. While the exhibit had also held princess clothes, there was no matching princess, of course. That was fine.
It was easier to go to most events without a partner, considering what he did for a living. Being one of the most popular models in the world meant anything you did, anyone you were seen with, was scrutinised and examined from every angle. It was why he had never publicly been in a romantic relationship. Everything was just easier that way.
“Well, if you’d arrived earlier, you would have been on the carpet at the same time as Ladybug.” Chloe moved one of her costume’s antennae away from her face, acting as if she hadn’t just shocked Adrien into silence.
“Ladybug? From Miraculous? She’s here?” Adrien looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the pop star he’d had an embarrassing crush on since he and Chloe were teenagers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just did. Anyway, I have to get back to my party. Be here on time next party, please.” With a swish of tulle skirts, Chloe was gone, disappearing back into the crowd, and leaving Adrien to fend for himself. Oh well, there must be someone around he could talk to.
Deciding he wanted a drink, Adrien moved through the crowd towards the side of the room. On the way, he bumped into someone, spilling the drink they were holding over both of their costumes. “I’m so sorry!”
Adrien looked at the person in front of him properly, then realised who he had crashed into. “Ladybug?”
Ladybug looked up and seemed to recognise him. “You’re Adrien Agreste, right?”
It was just his luck that he would meet his crush for the first time, spill her drink all over her, and then be recognised. This wasn’t the first impression he wanted to make. “Yeah, that’s me. Is your costume all right? Some of the drinks Chloe put on the menu have enough colouring to stain basically anything.”
Ladybug smiled, just for a second, and Adrien felt like his heart was about to explode. “I should probably try and rinse it, just in case I can save it.”
“The bathrooms upstairs are probably empty. I can show you where they are if you want.”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Ladybug followed him upstairs and down the hallway to an empty bathroom. He leaned against the wall, trying to look cool, despite everything. “I’ll wait here.”
“Okay. I won’t take too long.” With another smile, Ladybug disappeared into the bathroom, and Adrien got a moment to catch his breath.
Inside the bathroom, Marinette pressed a damp paper towel to her dress, trying to lift some of the colour out of it. She was only partially successful. Adrien was right; Chloe Bourgeois served drinks that were dangerous to white angel costumes.
As if the staining wasn’t bad enough, it had happened in front of Adrien Agreste. The very man she had a crush on and had been nursing a crush on since she released her first music. Of all the people for this to happen in front of.
When she had done as much as she could for her dress, she stepped back into the hallway. She watched as Adrien’s eyes flicked over her. He was probably checking for stains. That’s it. “I’m sorry about your dress.”
“It’s alright. I should have been more careful where I was going. Is your costume alright?”
Adrien rapped his knuckles against the armour he wore. “Ready to charge into battle.”
Marinette laughed, unable to help herself at the image of Adrien Agreste, a world-famous model, charging into battle in a party costume. Adrien joined a few seconds later, leaving both of them giggling in a quiet hallway at the most exclusive event of the year.
After a couple of moments, they both stopped, breathing heavily. Marinette looked up at Adrien, her eyes tracing over his face, down to his lips. When she looked back up to his eyes, he was staring at her lips, too. Before she could doubt herself, she slid an arm around Adrien’s neck and pulled him down towards her. “Can I kiss you?”
Adrien was half convinced he was about to wake up at any moment because there was no way he was kissing Ladybug. But he was. Her hands were looped around his neck as they pressed closer to each other, the world around them fading away. They were in their own bubble, away from the noise of the party, unaware of anything but each other. Adrien’s thoughts had all but disappeared, except for one about how he could stay like this forever.
Unfortunately for his plans, a door slammed nearby, popping the bubble. Ladybug pulled away, lipstick smudged, and face flushed. “We can’t do this here. Follow me.”
Ladybug intertwined their fingers and lead him down the hallway, all the way to an unmarked door near the end. Adrien had been here plenty of times, escaping paparazzi when he was staying here as an adult, sitting outside with Chloe and watching the city go by. But how did Ladybug know about it? She even knew that the door got stuck sometimes, opening it with a firm shove. “No one should see us here.”
She was right; this balcony was supposed to be a secret garden. Thick hedges surrounded them, only letting some of the city light. It was as private as you would be able to get with a bustling city outside and a raging party beneath them.
“How did you know about this place?” His hands found Ladybug’s waist again before his hands slid to her back, pulling her closer.
“I found it when I was staying here a few months ago. There were a few people with cameras, and I needed to fix my mask. It was luck mostly.” She pressed even closer to him, running her hands up his arms to rest on his shoulders. “I’m guessing you already knew about it?”
“Chloe and I used to hide out here as children and talk for hours. But that’s probably not why we’re here now.” He lowered his head until his nose was almost touching Ladybug’s. “Unless you’re going to tell me your real name.”
Her breath was warm against his cheek and the low voice she spoke in sent a shiver down his spine. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My parents own the bakery you were at a few weeks ago. I had to hide in one of the storage cupboards until your army of fans left.”
Adrien laughed, sounding more breathless than he had expected. “If it helps, I didn’t think they would all appear that quickly.”
“I guess I should forgive you then.” Marinette moved her hand to the back of Adrien’s head, tangling her fingers in his hair and dragging him down to her height, pressing her lips against his. Adrien’s hand moved without thinking, moving up her back so he could pull her even closer before he spun them around and pressed her against the wall next to the door.
If he thought what they were doing inside was heaven on earth, this was even better. There was no space between them, hidden away in the cool air.
They were both so distracted they didn’t notice the person spotting them from the building across the street, or the camera that was pointed at them. They were so caught up in each other that they didn’t know anyone had seen them until the photos were splashed across every gossip magazine the next day.
Exclusive: Ladybug and Adrien Agreste Seen Making Out at Party!
Despite Adrien Agreste never publicly dating someone, he was spotted with pop star Ladybug at Chloe Bourgeois’ invite-only birthday party last night. Is this just some party fun, or has Agreste given up his perpetually single lifestyle? Are we looking at the first images of Paris’ new power couple? Read more…
Photos: Adrien Agreste and Ladybug Spotted on Romantic Date
New photos reveal the new Paris it couple, model Adrien Agreste and pop star Ladybug were seen getting cosy as they took a romantic walk through Paris yesterday. Read more…
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fairytimestudio · 1 year
Glassheart DEVLOG 2
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Lets start with the non-game related stuff...
In an attempt to get the word out about the game, I spent most of this week setting up my socials as well as putting up more content for the game. If you're interested in seeing more artwork related to the development of Glassheart and other stuff I work on in my down time you can find me on Instagram and Twitter.
Though with all the stuff that's going on on Twitter or X or whatever it's called nowadays I'm a wee bit reluctant to post anything there.
I also made a Linktree. Here she is:
Her name's Rita and she's a Leo.
In terms of art I haven't got as much done this week. I did a bit more work on Anya's room and began solidifying the aesthetic I was going for. Basically each region of the world will have it's own sort of colour scheme and for Hedona that scheme is blue, pink, green and yellow (and some lavenders).
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I want Hedona to feel dreamy and fairytale-like so I'm using a lot of pastels in the art. I also love how Anya's deep purples and blacks contrast with her bedroom and the rest of the cottage. It makes sense for a characterization. Speaking of Anya.
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I also gave Anya a bit of a makeover from her first look. Due to her shifting role in the story I gave her a darker outfit with purple and black being the main colours and dark green and gold being an accent.
before, Anya was supposed to be you archetypical princess character. Kind, good-hearted, a little on the meek side but still had a rebellious streak to her. Think a Princess Aurora or Cinderella. But due to a drastic change to the stories themes her personality had to follow suit.
Instead she plays the role of the witch or evil stepsister within the narrative(or at least that's how she's perceived).
I also wanted to add some drama to her face so I gave her a bit more eyeshadow as well as some glitter. I wrestled with the glitter because I felt it might look out of place in a story but came to the realization that I don't care and I want everybody that where's makeup in the story to be well acquainted with glitter.
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I also worked on the logo for FairyTime studio. The official logo is the second one though I might change it. We'll see.
And now onto the music!
So, I'm a solo dev. Let's remember that when we listen to some of the tracks I've come up with.
But seriously these are rough, basically just a few motifs and melodies to help guide me when I actually beginning making my songs but here they are.
I was inspired by again, golden age Disney music namely Once Upon a Dream and Snow White's Wishing Well song. That certainly isn't coming through now but I'm still in very early production with these pieces. I composed them with a music box instrument because it helps me focus on the melody and also I fucking love music boxes. My logo's actually based on a Polyphonic Music Box I fell in love with and just have to have one day.
Basically, I want the music to feel magical and nostalgic and I hope I'll be able to capture that when I actually start the composition.
I've mainly been focusing on world building this week as well as determining the role that certain characters will play and the new Version of Glassheart.
Basically this story's gone through 3 phases and I'm currently trying to smoosh some other projects I was working on into this one but here's what I came up with.
Glassheart takes place in a country called Hedona at two opposing colleges seperated by a bridge:
The Garden of Crowns; The college Anya and the bulk of the cast attend and Wellwood's Cross; this is the opposing college that often times finds itself in competition with its neighbour. While the rivalry between these colleges can often seem light-hearted; there's real animosity between the two tribes especially fuelled by the adults.
This rivalry is further exasperated when Anya Torre, whose father is a well known alumni of the college, decides to offer her Blade to Bravis Swanthorn, a student of Wellwood's Cross and it's crowned champion in the sport of sword fighting.
She is branded as the Treacherous Blade and ousted from polite society with no one to defend her, not even her beloved half-sister, Beatrice Prine. She resigns herself to playing the role of a villainess and takes up refuge in Toad Cottage far off from the colleges and close to edge of the woods.
This is where the story begins to take off.
Now one thing that important to note about the world is the idea of Blades and their wielders. Essentially, a princess(which in this world refers to any young woman of a certain age) is able to draw a power out of her heart and manifest a blade that can be used in battle. Think Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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There are two measures used to discern the strength of a blade: Sharpness - Which refers to how sharp and strong the blade is Lightness - Which refers to how light the blade is to hold.
The best blades are described as being "near-Glass" as no blade has ever managed to be fully classified as glass.
The elusive glass blade or Glassheart, is a blade so sharp and light that it has the power to tear through the fabric of reality and manifest the wielders thoughts and desires into existence. A power coveted by the Armed Guard; the protectors of Hedona; The Goddess Body; a group of outlaws that practice arts banned by the High Council of Alchemy and of course the Witches whose motives remain unknown.
I haven't yet began working on the metric to actually calculate all of this stuff but I think I'll have more to say about blades in a future DevLog.
The next DevLog will also feature some character descriptions just to get you acquainted with the main cast.
So for the coding aspect of the game I mainly focused on navigation. Basically the way the exploration works is that I've put some points in the shape of a box to indicate where the doors are. When the player hover's over that space fairy dust pours out of the wand to highlight that you're hovering over an interactable area. When you click this spot you're transported into a different room.
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Different character's might be in different rooms so you'll be able to interact with them in the exploration phase in order to get relevant information.
Another thing I worked on was essentially just reducing the effects I was using in Gdevelop5. Basically when you use too many effects it can slow down the game down and while a visual novel isn't that resource intensive there was some lag in certain areas that I wanted to fix. I'm already using 3 effects to help sell the vintage look:
-Old Film to provide some noise -RGB Split for the slight chromatic aberration and -Blur(Kawase Fast) to make the art look less crisp
Too many effects as it is but totally worth it imo. But you can be the judge of that.
Outside of that I don't think there's much more I can say about the art or the game so I think I'll leave it there.
Thanks for reading all this and I hope you're having a wonderful day.
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thinking about hestio/ephael and the "if we had a decent tank or healer, i wouldnt even have to talk to him" "does that mean you'll keep hanging out with me? :D" "oh, forget it". the "hey. take your arm off my head. take it off?" i love ephael being annoying to hestio without a care in the world + hestio telling him off + hestio is still always seen by his side + they're still stuck together like a set pair after 10+ years
#hestio/ephael#ill be real guys i keep yapping abt tes/hes bc hestio is just easier to write#but hestio/ephael is the OG like my shipping pilled brain was already putting them tgt in my head on my first read through#whatever dynamic i come up w for teshes is not going to be as funny as ephael actively doing shit that makes hestio tell him off#and then still sticking by his side anyway#and also the way ephael just openly goes 'so you'll spend more time with me? :D'#and also the way that you can tell that Both of them see the other as part of themselves#the whole 'if you keep being formal w us we wont be friends w you anymore' scene#hestio saying WE and speaking for ephael and ephael not objecting to that at all even tho its clearly his first time hearing abt this plan#okay !#damn i shouldve written some ephael/hestio before i started on tes/hes#its the way i had to brainwash myself into 'ok so hestio being hopelessly in love has to be a core part of his characterisation for any#of this to work'#but for ephael/hestio it's literally already right there#sniffles. i wonder how they became friends when their temperaments are so different#its also so cute how theyre so different but they share the same views on a lot of small things and important things too#peas in a pod.... but also light/dark colour scheme... waow....#the thing is that theres absolutely no central story beats that i can think of for a ephael/hestio stoty#theyre just chilling and being funny little guys#and if i bring tesilid in. wtv story im trying to tell would be much more effectively and efficiently written using a monogamous r/s#sadge.....
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memorableeventz · 1 year
Marquee Hire - Get Creative with Your Party or Event
Marquee hire is a great way to get creative with your party or event. They are highly customizable and allow you to create your perfect venue space.
There are a number of different marquees available for hire including; Pagoda, Pop Up and Frame Marquees. They are all weatherproof and can be placed on a grass or concrete floor.
Pagoda Marquees
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Pagoda marquees (also known as Chinese Hat marquees) are strong and versatile structures, allowing them to be left open on all sides, creating an airy space useful on hot sunny days or closed in with sidewalls for use as a dining tent or catering area. They can also be linked to other marquees as a decorative entrance or reception space, and are well-suited to acting as small trade or market stalls at outdoor event marquee hire Sydney.
These eye-catching marquees can be decorated with drape silks, lighting and furniture to complement any event theme or colour scheme. They also do not require guy ropes, which reduces tripping hazards. Their 5m x 5m size makes them perfect for linking to larger marquee structures, creating a bar or catering station, seating lounge area or reception space. They are especially useful as a focal point for weddings, engagement parties and large birthday bashes.
Pop Up Marquees
During the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses needed to find an instant solution for their outdoor marquees or tented shelters. While our standard pole marquees are the finest in the market they can be delivered to your door within 24 hours, this is not always enough if you need an immediate solution and require a marquee that can be deployed instantly.
Our pop up marquee range are a quick and easy solution and can be set up in minutes. They are ideal for back yard parties, small events and markets and can be ordered with walls if required. They can also be linked together for larger sheltered areas and gutters can be added to ensure protection from rain.
The first thing to decide is the size of marquee you need. You will also need to decide if you want the roof and walls printed or not. If you do, you need to choose whether you want full or half walls. The walls are useful as they provide protection from the elements and open up branding opportunities from all angles.
Frame Marquees
A marquee is a great way to create a space that feels like your own. It also lets you add more decorations and food to your event prop hire Sydney. which is not always possible with a normal venue.
Marquees come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can choose a round marquee for a family party, or a rectangular marquee for a wedding or a large event. The different shapes mean that you can customize the marquee to suit your needs and preferences.
Another benefit of marquees is that they can be erected on any surface. This is a big advantage over other types of tents, which require more structural support to stay up. This means that you can use a marquee on a hill or slope, or even next to a building. Moreover, a marquee can be easily dismantled and put into storage when it is not in use. This makes it an ideal choice for companies that want to avoid disruptions in their workplace.
Event Marquees
When planning your event hire Sydney you may want to consider hiring a marquee. A marquee can be an ideal venue for weddings, parties or corporate events. You can choose from a variety of styles and sizes. Some are small and can be used for small parties, while others can accommodate larger crowds.
The marquee can also be branded with your company’s logo and can help draw more attention to your event. If your event is a trade show, you can use a marquee to house multiple stations with different businesses. You can even use them to host a stage for a business presentation or a product launch.
It is important to find the right marquee hire company for your needs. Make sure you understand their costs and the type of marquee they offer. It is also a good idea to ask the company about their sustainability initiatives. In addition, you should meet with them at your proposed venue to check that the site is suitable.
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leonbloder · 1 year
A Fragmentary Masterpiece
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Do you ever have days when you think that, for many of us, there are far fewer days in front of us than behind us?
When I was young, I never thought about things like that.  I felt invincible.  I felt like I had all the time in the world to do and be what I hoped and dreamed I would.  If I ever contemplated my mortality, I soon buried it in fleeting moments because it seemed so far away.
But at some point, you reach a certain age when you start thinking about things like time and how we're all running out of it at an alarming rate.  
And still, something within us longs for more time, more experience, and anything that can aid us in our search for meaning and fulfillment.  
In these moments, we sometimes wonder what might have been if we'd taken different turns at the crossroads we've faced.  We wish we'd done more, said more, accomplished more.  
The Psalmist who wrote Psalm 144 put it like this:
All we are is a puff of air;
   we’re like shadows in a campfire. (MSG)
You may be wondering where this is going.  You might be thinking, "Where's the turn in this? I'm not feeling all that inspired at the moment."  
Bear with me for a bit. It's important to sit with the knowledge of the brevity of our lives, how fragile we are, and how precious every single day of life truly is for us.  
Here's the turn, though.  
Our lives may be brief on this side of reality, but there is eternity within us.  We are part of something far greater than we could ever imagine.  The Universe (God) has imbued us with glorious purpose now and forever.  
I read a beautiful poem today from Caroline Mellor entitled "Small Things."  This stanza really stood out for me because it speaks directly into everything I've been saying thus far:
What if you could take your one messy, complicated life,all of your failures and your unmet yearnings,all of the colours, the dreams and the hungersand, just for a moment, see it for what it is:a fragmentary masterpiece of the universe,a speck of dust dancing in the sunbeamswhich you alone hold in warm, cupped hands.
There is so much amazingness in this, isn't there?  The line that resonates with me the most is where Mellor writes that our life is "a fragmentary masterpiece of the universe."
Come on!  How beautiful is that?  Of course, our lives are brief in the grand scheme of things.  We're a small painted thread on the great velvet painting of everything.
But that small painted thread is a masterpiece, painted by a true Master who has given us glorious purpose in our short, messy, complicated lives.  
To shift to the metaphors Mellor uses, we are also a speck of dust.  
But that dust is made of stars, illuminated by the star above our heads, a star that shines a light that we can hold in our hands, let bathe over our weary faces, and show us the way forward in the darkness.  
I see this light as the very Light of the World---the light that Jesus said was within each of us, a light that cannot be overwhelmed by the darkness of death, that lives beyond the brief moment we are present in this reality.  
There is an eternity in all of us.  We are both now, and not yet.  We are becoming, even though we may be dying.  We are not done. Ever.
There is so much beyond our imagination, and all of the unfulfilled dreams, wrong turns, and unmet yearnings will one day be resolved, if not in this life, then in the next.  
Using Jesus' own words to Mary and Martha as they grieved the death of their brother Lazarus, we should ask ourselves his question to them:  "Do you believe this?"  
Do we? Do we, really?  We must. It's the stuff of hope.  
May it be so, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, now and forever. Amen.  
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spizevilla · 2 years
How to Deck the Outdoor Garden for Christmas 
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In order to create a joyful and festive atmosphere throughout the holiday season, Christmas decorations are essential. We offer you ideas on how to decorate a garden for Christmas to uplift spirits and create warm memories throughout the chilly days and nights, whether you're going all out and making your house and garden the envy of the street with elaborate light designs and displays, or you just want to welcome your guests with a simple hand-made wreath and some soft candle glow.
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christmas candle Turn on the lights. No holiday décor is complete without them, whether you decide to merely outline the front-facing windows, wrap columns, or cover the entire porch in lights. They are the most popular option for Christmas decorations for a reason. - Fence wraps. It is advisable to choose net lights; although somewhat more expensive than strand lights, they provide convenience and precision during installation, saving time and making the investment worthwhile. - Adorn trees. Regardless of the height differences, establish a constant halting place along each of the trees. To achieve symmetry and give the composition balance, the twinkling lights should be wrapped at roughly the same height. - Dress up the door Add more lights to your wreath or garlands as another Christmas decoration for the garden. - Lighting pathways. Put a few strands of lights along walkways to adorn small bushes and/or trees so that they are not visible from the street but yet serve as a chic indicator for your visitors. - Lighting fixtures and foliage. To conceal the wires, encircle a column or post with light strands and holiday decor.
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christmas lights Make the doorway festive. Try out several hues. You can always choose traditional front door designs. Poinsettia plants, lights, and a Christmas decoration in the red and green colour scheme provide the ideal amount of festive cheer. The elegant combination of red and silver ornaments with vibrant greenery is another classic option. - Employ items from nature.  Go natural with pinecones, berries, seeds, even apples and pumpkins if ribbons and plastic ornaments aren't your thing! - Choose the ideal plant for your wreath.  Use fern for a truly innovative approach, cedar is always exquisite when accented with golden bells and a matching bow, and pepper berries on a vine wreath are the ideal way to add a festive, vibrant touch. Bay laurel or rosemary can also be used to create a fragrant wreath that will fill your home with a delicious smell and allow you to dry the herbs for later use in cooking. Or, for a truly traditional Christmas decoration, add holy berries on silver fir. - Utilize your existing ornaments. To add a decorative touch to both modern and traditional homes, build a wreath out of bells, tree ornaments, and presents using hot glue. - Set up many wreaths. Better is more. On gate doors, hang two wreaths side by side. On the front door, place three wreaths vertically to extend the length of the door.
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christmas wreaths Decorate the porch and the lawn. - Grow a massive Christmas tree. Your living room most likely contains a tree of a respectable size. That will be ideal for opening gifts on a chilly Christmas morning. If you're particularly in the holiday spirit, though, you might even go so far as to build a massive Christmas tree for the neighbourhood to enjoy. - Create a seasonal bench.  Put evergreens, berries, pinecones, Christmas globes, and decorations on the seats in your front yard to decorate them. A thin covering of fake snow will provide more winter charm. - Drape garland around columns.  A beautiful green garland enhanced with ornaments will make your front yard appear much more festive. That is the ideal backyard Christmas decoration. - Include real and fake flowers.  Winter flowering plants can be included into your holiday decorations; camellias always manage to offer the perfect festive touch. - Use door decorations with a garden theme. With evergreen branches, pinecones, berries, apples, leaves from a magnolia tree, and cheery Christmas ribbon, you can create leafy garlands and matching front door decorations.
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christmas wreaths -  Make seasonal purchases. Display an assortment of winter-themed items for a vintage look. For example, you may fill planters or buckets with candy canes, fake snowballs, or branches and Christmas lights. Place ice skates in the centre of your wreath, lean a wreathed sleigh against the wall, or stand up an old set of skis. - Transform your outside pots for the season.  Use some grapevine balls, birch branches, and circular ornaments. Plant resilient shrubs in your dormant window pots until spring arrives, then decorate your naked branches with dazzling Christmas lights. For a festive atmosphere, add simple wire stars and white lights. -  Include light  Make your front yard and walkway a wonderful place by dressing lanterns with fake snow and berries, or greenery and bows, and using the gentle glow of candles. - Make it cosy, first. Why not try furnishing your house with sheepskin and wool in winter if you want to add a little warmth? Every chair at your outdoor table should have a thick wool blanket covering the back in addition to sheepskin rugs. - Think about a fire pit. You might be tempted to stay inside more as the weather begins to cool off. But why not congregate around a cosy fire pit to take advantage of the colder weather? Your garden may become a Christmas sanctuary with the addition of a toasty blanket and a crackling fire. - Make path lights out of candy canes. During the Christmas season, it's crucial to keep your driveway clear for visitors. Using candy cane lights is a wonderful method to accomplish this. They'll bring some festive spirit and provide your driveway or walkway a distinct definition. They are simple to use and typically only need batteries. Furthermore, they are weatherproof.
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candy cane lane Upcycling and recycling There are many things that can be recycled or transformed into Christmas decorations. - Showcase skates, skis, sleighs, and even a waggon that has been modified and is stuffed with fake snowballs. - Old rain boots can be filled with lights, candy canes, and twigs. - Use jars and put Christmas lights in them, or construct lanterns out of berries, greenery, ribbons, artificial snow, and of course candles. - Paper recycling Create a wreath out of old paperback book pages that have been cut into ribbon shapes, or make garlands and ornaments out of the holiday junk mail you receive. - Use old scrabble pieces and keyboards to spell out happy wishes and names. Hot glue them into position on ribbon or fabric strands to - Use old heritage quilts and sweaters to make stockings. - Create a decorative cushion out of an old pillow by using basic materials and stencils; lay it on a bench or chair to create a cosy atmosphere in your front garden. - Old outdoor planters can be decorated by adding seasonal foliage or by filling them with ornamental candy canes, glass balls, and freshly-cut cedar and pine boughs.
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Merry Christmas     Read the full article
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Themes and ideas for adorning your home this Navratri
Navratri, also known as Sharad Navratri, marks the end of the monsoon. During these nine festive days, we welcome positive energies into our homes and our lifestyle while embracing the festivities with pomp and show. In addition to rituals, prayers, and dancing, redecorating homes is also a prevalent part of the traditions people follow on these nine days. From beautiful flowers with rangolis and fairy lights to setups like the golu decoration, homes are adorned with colourful ideas and themes. In this article, Aashita Chadha, Co- fonder  of The Karighars, the best interior designers in Bangalore, brings you some stunning Navaratri home décor ideas to feel inspired.
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A Simple makeover with decors
The living room can be furnished with rich curtains in a traditional print that look elegant and add a pop of colour. Decorate with diyas across the coffee table to bring light into the hallway. Toran or crochet wall hangings are excellent to hang on neutral accent walls as they make the wall pop out and add an ingenious touch. Torans effectively replace colourful paintings or other decorations and keeps the interior decor for Navratri simple yet stunning.
A Dash Of Rich Colours
For a colourful Navratri decoration at home, choose rich cushions covered in silk cases in dashing colours of blue, red, green, orange, or yellow. It is time to dress up those boring walls with intricate mythological paintings that often depict a story. You can put pictures on the walls and arrange them to appeal an elegant aesthetics. If your floor looks dull, deck it up with a traditional carpet that will instantly transform your living room. Colorful furniture creates a vibrant and bold interior design look, especially in the living room, and is ideal for the festive season.
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Magnificent Mandap Decorations
Mandap decoration for Navratri at home is a mandatory affair. The mandap can be beautifully decorated with floral garlands in the vibrant colours of yellow, pink and orange. A traditional and mindful practice during Navratri festivities is the decoration of the pooja room. A classical rug or a floral rangoli can be used. There is a tradition of placing a metal bowl or earthenware filled with water and different flowers inside the pooja room during Navratri. The floral aroma intensifies the look and feel of the space and gives a pious vibe to the pooja room.
A Grand Entrance For This Navratri
A grand entrance decor is imperative for any festival. The entrance can be adorned with gorgeous hand-painted bells made of clay. You can hang bells of different sizes, paint them with varied coloured paint, and have them dangling at the entrance. Light up your foyer and living room with fairy lights and place small diyas across the sides of the staircase.
Eco-friendly decor scheme
Make the interior design of the home go the eco-friendly and ethnic way by using unique decor pieces. Eco-friendly themes are being adopted for every festival these days. Get colourful paper and let your creative juices flow. You can create garlands and lanterns with these colourful papers and even use glitter paper to make it look more festive frenzy. We can carve out Diya shapes from fruits, which can work as an excellent diya replacement for those looking for some unique Navratri decor ideas. The orange diya for Navratri decoration can add a sense of quirk to the otherwise subtle scheme. You can also plan a full fruit theme decor for Navratri and embrace an eco-friendly theme in your home.
There is no dearth of themes or ideas when it comes to Navratri decoration at home. You can pick many decorative pieces to embellish your home during the festival. Colourful bells, wall hangings, fresh flowers, beautiful rangoli, and fairy lights perfectly endorse Navratri’s vibe. Get inspired by these ideas, and make vibrant and innovative decorations this Navratri to add to the festival’s flavour in homes.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
LU Character Design Analysis 1
The incredible designs for each of the heroes was the first thing that sold me on this story and concept. I love analysing things in stories and character design is something I haven’t talked about yet. I got this idea from watching character design analysis videos on youtube, and those creators sometimes put the designs into a tier list. So I thought I’d do that with the LU designs.
I’m going to rank them based off of aesthetic, (i.e. how good the character looks and how well the colours and textures go together), how well the represent the character and how practical the garb would be for the kind of travel and environments in LU- which will be mostly my opinion so take each placement with a side of salt. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but I’ve seen a few videos on colour theory and stuff like that, so I’m going to try my best at applying that here.
Onto the list! Starting with...
9th place: Wild 
I’m sorry but there has to be a last place, and for me that goes to Wild. There’s a lot you could do with a redesign of his character, although it’s impossible to mix in every aspect. That being the polished knight aesthetic, the wild survivalist thing he’s always had going on and ancient Sheikah aesthetic- maybe some Zora and Zonai stuff too. 
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Pros: I love the long ponytail, aesthetically it looks great and it gives the impression that he is somewhat of a rebel, which would reflect his unpopular opinion of the Master Sword and King of Hyrule. Long hair can also act as a shield that symbolizes a lack of maturity or toughness. Wild is as tough as old boots- he is a survivalist after all, but as shown numerous times in the comic he does lack maturity, often acting childish and impulsive. 
I will point out that while it is a bit of a shame that the hair is so long because the shorter hair made a similar silhouette to the one the pointed cap made, at the same time it makes sense. The cap is part of the hero’s garbs right? But Wild feels like a screw up, he doesn’t believe himself worthy and therefore still feels like he needs to redeem himself more before he can proudly carry that title.  
I love that he’s still wearing the champion’s tunic. I feel like it would hold a lot of importance to him, as it’s a tether to his past self, so he’d worry about making sure it doesn’t get damaged. I feel like in BoTW he wouldn’t have worn it much only when speaking to leaders or those who knew him 100 years ago. He’d wear it all the time around Zelda, as a sort of visual representation of his duty but also to help show that he’s still the same person deep down.
I also really like that he’s wearing the amber earrings, not only because they’re my personal favourite but also it’s a nice nod to the colours of the ancient Sheikah who’s technology played a large role in BoTW. 
The guardian scars are well placed too, having them be primarily on one side makes them easy to keep track of. Plus they’re bold and distinct, one of the first things someone’s gonna notice when they see him. The fact that they stand out so much and can’t easily be hidden reflects how Wild can’t hide from his past and has to constantly pick up the scattered pieces of his lost identity. His body is broken and torn like his sense of self, and while those cracks will never quite be the same they can be healed with time. 
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Cons: Gonna be honest, the dark and light blues of his tunic aren’t really doing it for me. It doesn’t show me that he’s an accomplished knight travelling with the princess, because to me it looks a little like he’s the court jester who happens to train with a sword. 
From a character standpoint it could symbolize how much he relies on others (especially Zelda who’s royal dress is that same dark blue) to validate his identity, hence creating a mismatched and stitched together sort of self image- like a mosaic of different people’s expectations and opinions. But to me the two-toned colour scheme doesn’t look very good visually and it doesn’t look very ‘put together’, which I assume is how Wild wants to present himself. Besides, I think the scars do a great job of representing all that on their own. 
I do like the style though, the flared sleeves and tunic make him look a little more androgynous, which is I think is one of the best parts about his look from BoTW.
Keeping the hooded cape was a great design choice. Although keeping it short would’ve been much more practical and shown that he still has to do some learning and growing as a person.
I’m a little conflicted by the fact that he’s not wearing any armour or chainmail. On one hand it keeps the essence of his original design from the game and helps him stand out amongst those in the chain wearing chainmail, but at the same time I feel like he would. 
He’s been through many near death experiences, if he wouldn’t slap on a bit of chainmail or some metal arm guards for himself, he’d surely do it to put the mind’s of the people he cares about at ease. 
...but maybe it would be better to keep his armour as just tough leather which would help him look like a survivalist, but at the same time I like the thought of it being polished metal, but at the same same time I kinda want it to be modified ancient Sheikah material. Like I said, I’m conflicted. 
Wishlist: There’s no such thing as the perfect design, but if I could add anything I’d give him a little more of an ancient Sheikah motif. The orange flaps on his boots don’t look right to me. I get that they’re there to balance out the orange in his earrings and arm guards, but I’d like it if it were maybe on the very bottom, or as laces or as little stellar constellation patterns like the ones in the shrines. Those patterns could also maybe be on his quiver or painted on a shield. 
I don’t like that the trousers and undershirt are the same colour. I get that they have to be light coloured as too not blend in with the hooded cape, but if it were shorter, his trousers could be a darker. 
Ok so, I once saw AoC Link fanart where the artist put the champion’s tunic over the Zora armour, and other than making me gush about how sweet it was, it also made me realise that a dark blue undershirt would go great with the tunic. Since Mipha is dead in BoTW, it wouldn’t really make sense for Wild to have any Zora motifs in his design (unless you ship him with Sidon I suppose)- but that undershirt could also have some ancient Sheikah inspired patterns on it. That could maybe be echoed on his trousers too. Also, instead of having ancient Sheikah armour- which is bulky and can look strange- have it be metallic knight’s armour/or leather and keep the Sheikah elements strictly on the clothes and colour placement. 
Last minute thought here but hear me out: what if Wild wore turquoise? A mix of the traditional hero colour and the colour of the Champions. Just putting it out there. Maybe he can wear a turquoise tunic, or cloak or scarf once he fully grows up into a competent and confident adult at peace with both duties. 
Btw, all that being said I do like this design for what it is. 
Aesthetic and visual score (/10): 4 Character representation score (/5): 3  Practicality score (/5): 3  Total (/20): 10
I didn’t mean to score him low, I had to set a precedent for the others to follow. But this doesn’t mean I think his design is bad, it’s good, I just think it’s the weakest compared to the others. 
Sorry I had to give 8th place it’s own post, cuz this was too long:
See 8th place here
7th place
6th place
5th place
4th place
3rd place
Thanks for reading! What modifications would you make to their designs? And do you agree with me or not? I’d love to know :)
Relevant character analysis/rant posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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