#wish i had an older brother like wilbur
metrixnos · 2 years
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also! some random doodles from this week!!!
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guppybubbles · 8 months
Sweet Dreams are Made of This. [1/3]
(A/N: Kind of a sequel to my other fic, ROLL ME A 6 ! :> You don't need to read that though to understand this!)
Borrower Tommy accidentally shifts into a universe where his homebrew DND world is real. He still sucks at being a giant.
WORD COUNT: 1,341 words
"Tommy opened his eyes and what he saw was unlike anything he's seen before…"
Tommy listened in anticipation. What could it be? A new friend, a new foe? He looked at his dad, a smug little smile barely hidden by his serious storytelling.
"And we'll find that out in the next session."
Halfway through his sentence, he and his brothers already knew it was the end of their game for the day. All groaning and complaining about Phil leaving it in such a dumb cliffhanger, Phil only laughed. 
It couldn't have been hours already, had it? They barely started! He still had to redeem himself and his character into great glory! "No, come on, let's do one more hour— please, please?" He begged, holding onto one of Phil's fingers like he had all the power to hold him down and force him into another round. 
With his other hand, Phil picked up the die and tossed it into the container— folding up the map before putting it back in the box. Tommy knew it was over, they'd start another session again sooner or later. 
But he wanted to do another hour, or maybe two more, now. "Pleasee, I rolled so low every turn, I need to redeem myself!" 
"I wish we could continue, mate." Phil smiled, "But I got work tomorrow and it's already…" He stared at the clock, making a surprised sound at the 11:48 PM on the wall. Phil cursed under his breath, gently, slowly pulling his hand away from Tommy’s hold. "Alright, get to bed you three." 
The blond borrower knew there was no convincing Dad anymore. He crossed his arms with a humph, upset with his bad luck during the game. "Cheer up, Toms! I'm sure luck will make you do justice next time." Wilbur consoled, pushing his chair into the table and picking up the box with their fantasy map and die. 
“You are horrible at throwing the die for me,” Tommy grumbled, narrowing his eyes at his older brother who had offered to throw the dice for him earlier. Wilbur’s luck when it came to the game was pretty good, yet whenever he tossed the die for Tommy, the luck seemed to plummet- doing worse than when the borrower himself threw the die. 
In the corner of his eyes, he could see Wilbur’s lips press into a thin line. He was stopping himself from being amused at Tommy’s anger. “It really wasn’t on purpose.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Tommy replied. Not upset at Wilbur, nor was he upset at the game. He swears he would be able to throw the dice better if he was just… more human-sized. 
“You’ll do better next game, I’ll make sure of it,” Wilbur promises.
Tommy looks at him incredulously, slightly laughing. “What, are we gonna cheat or something?”
In response, Wilbur shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Dunno, maybe.”
Holding the game board, he placed his other hand on the desk. A trust exercise that slowly grew into a habit none of them thought was strange anymore, Tommy hopped on the hand and held onto the fingers for support. He used to have to walk from place to place, no matter how far it was because the big man was too stubborn to accept and ask for help. In response, they all worked together to install little stairs everywhere so Tommy would at least be able to reach things without having to heave himself up with a rope and a hook. He almost cried in front of them because of how much he appreciated the gesture. 
That night, Tommy lay in his bed, uncharacteristically quiet as he stared at the ceiling. His room looked so much like a human's room- constructed by his family after nearly a year of accidentally revealing himself to them. It wasn’t exactly like him to be upset for the dice throws during the game, it really wasn’t Wilbur’s fault. On a good day, he throws exceptionally well for Tommy’s character too. 
But Tommy isn’t upset about the dice, is he?
It was never the dice, never Wilbur, never his family, but him. 
If he was truly meant to be their family, then couldn’t the universe make him human? Did he seriously have to be something that was never allowed to mingle with larger beings? It was a written code since the beginning of time that borrowers were never allowed to be with humans. Never share anything, what you are, what your name was. Most importantly, never be seen. 
Were they never supposed to be a family then? Did he have to break the borrower’s code just to be a part of something he’s not supposed to? He’s not a borrower anymore, he knows that. He barely even follows the code anymore, but he’s not human either. Too exposed to be a borrower, too small to be a human.
Then what was he?
Tommy released a loud, exasperated sigh. His calloused hands rubbed over his face. He knows he shouldn’t think about such things, but lately, he’s been more aware than ever. He notices how Techno looms over him when they do woodwork together, Wilbur’s singing voice goes from soothing to too loud, and Phil barely gives him any chores (Maybe he shouldn’t complain about that one, actually).
They don’t mean it, of course, they didn’t. They probably don’t even notice it as well. Something so small and insignificant to them could be so overwhelming for him. He just wants to be bigger, to fit in… 
He should go to sleep. He'll forget about it tomorrow and everything will continue on like it usually does (until the nagging feeling returns and he feels like he's rotting in bed).
Goodnight, me. Tommy closed his eyes, unable to rid of the heavy weight in his chest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
If Tommy could recall this correctly— and while he may not have the best memory, he can certainly tell when something is just plain wrong… He fell asleep on his bed, right?
His eyes blurred as he gained consciousness and though he wasn't aware of where he was— he could sense danger even from a mile away. His shoulders ached, raised high above him. Something was holding his arms upwards. Cold, tight metal gripping his wrists, uncomfortably pressing into his skin. He tried tugging it downwards, but it barely moved. 
Instead of lying on a soft, warm bed, it felt like he'd been kneeling for Prime knows how long. His legs felt numb, ringing uncomfortably no matter how much he tried to move. It didn't matter because he was stuck in place. 
It was hot. Sweat was dripping from his forehead to his nose and down to either his clothes or the floor (he made a mental note that he wasn’t wearing his pajamas). 
He sucked in a deep breath, humid air filling his lungs in a way that didn't calm him down, but just made him panic more. 
Tommy's vision began clearing up and despite the little ache in his neck, he decided to look around. The room was dimly lit, weak artificial lighting barely reflecting the big, metal room he resided in. 
There were mini stairs and platforms built around him. The platforms in front of him connected through the middle and had a door on each side of the wall. Above the platform in the wall in front of him was glass, he couldn't make out anything inside, it was darker than the room he was in.
The metal room he sat in was quite spacey. The ceiling was quite high but he couldn't stand up even if he attempted to— his ankles were chained as well, shorter in length compared to the ones around his wrist. Tommy struggled against the chains, everything looked so.. small yet so oddly detailed. 
Where was he? Who were these stairs for? Were there more beings smaller than a borrower? Prime, how would they even look next to a human?
Does his family know where he is right now..?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
yayaya thank you sm for reading! & holy shit guppy writing fics comeback??? no way!!!
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pjunicornart · 5 months
can u feed us lazy four info, like how did they meet? fav hangout spot? some random stuff they do together? stuff like that :3 if youve had time to develop them??? considering u probs plan on writing lazy wilro.....
SO. 👏
All of the Lazy Four exist within the same universe. So we have Wilbur, who lives in the Robinson estate on the outskirts of the city. Penny is a pop star originally from Chicago, but now lives in the city due to the rich estates and luxuries. Pop star life, y'know. Violet is a skater girl who goes to Wilbur's school. It should be noted that within Lazy Days, the Parrs DO NOT have superpowers. But, I did give them professions/hobbies which elude to them (Mrs. Incredible is a silk ribbon dancer, for example. Keep this in mind). Last but not least, Hiro is a third generation Japanese-American immigrant living in his grandfather's cafe with his older brother and aunt.
How they met: Well, Wilbur, Violet, and Hiro all go to the same school. So they met there. As for how they met Penny, there is a story there. Because of who Cornelius is, he has quite a lot of connections and "high profile clients" as his PA would put it. A couple of years ago, he was sent on a lengthy business trip. He had to bring Leo (Wilbur's baby brother) along since he was only a year old at the time. Wilbur was 13 about to be 14 when this happened. Wilbur tagged along because Neil promised they'd do something awesome for his birthday, and he didn't let work get in the way of that. This was a trip to Norway, so they figured they could do birthday festivities there as a special occasion. But first, Neil had to meet up with his client, who just so happened to be Penny's father, her manager. While the two men were discussing boring business stuff, Penny and Wilbur were able to hang out. At the end of the ordeal, they had exchanged numbers and kept in touch. Back home, Wilbur (over video calls) introduced Vi and Hiro to Penny, and the rest is history.
Some stuff they do: They mostly hang around the Robinson estate, because the family is fun. Well, also the hot tub and theater. Individually, Violet hangs out at the skate park, Wilbur in the home library, Penny in her garden, and Hiro wherever food is, tbh. Boy can't get enough of sweets. Not related to the kiddos, but Neil became good friends with Helen because they were in the same silk ribbon dancing class. Vi thinks her mother is better/more flexible, but Wilbur laughs in his father being a gymnast, yogi, pole dancer, and silk ribbon dancer. Take that Vi!
Miscellaneous points: - Wilbur is always reading something. Sometimes, he just can't shut up about the newest book he's reading. - Tadashi is still alive! Because I like him. The fire still happened, so Tadashi does have severe burns he has to treat every day. Luckily, Wilbur's father knows a thing or two about treating burns. - Sometimes Violet secretly wishes her siblings could be like Wilbur's. Quiet and polite! - It's pretty well known that Leo only likes to be held by/in the presence of Neil. However, he tolerates Penny and Wilbur. Probably because they were there when he was away from Neil for the meeting. - All of them are babies when it comes to horror. Except for Violet. She loves horror, especially psychological horror akin to Cooking Companions or That's Not My Neighbor. - Penny has three dogs. Bolt (duh), Lightning, and Shock. - If we're talking about Wilro, Wilbur calls Hiro "mio dolce." Half of Wilbur's family is Italian, so he knows some words/phrases. "Mio dolce" is a pet name. It can mean "my sweet", "my love", or "my cake." - Whenever all four of them are in Hiro's aunt's cafe, they ask for the day old donuts. - Violet can't whistle or snap her fingers. - Hiro is only slightly terrified of Wilbur's little sister's (Mazie) pet snake. Its name is Bananaconda. - Yes, Hiro knows how to bake! Instead of being a prodigy in inventing like his bro, he's an advanced baker with very intricate techniques. All figured out by the time he was nine. - Penny became a pop star when she was twelve. She mostly did kid's TV beforehand, before she got her career in music. Think... Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande, just without the gross tongue stuff and home wrecking. - Violet does name her skateboards. Her favorite is Pico. - Wilbur is canonically bisexual, Hiro is pansexual, Penny is a straight ally, and Violet is a demigirl lesbian. - Bit of a sad point here, but Wilbur did struggle with an eating disorder (anorexia) when he was 12 and 13. Unfortunately, he inherited his father's body dysmorphia.
In regards to the Wilro fic... It will be inspired by the one Wilro image I did. It will also be pure fluff, since these are teenagers and I'm not about that gross shit! =D They'll be in the Robinson estate, and I'm unsure if we'll see any more Robinsons. We'll see. I gotta do some planning.
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
A Brief History of Studentbur (according to me)
After recent events I'm renaming studentbur to Adam Will Bishop, it's not a big change but i don't wanna use Wilbur as a name for the bursonas anymore. I'll probably give the rest their own names as well at some point.
Adam's parents are heavily Christian, growing up they never let him express himself as he wanted to. He used to ask for dolls, girls clothes, etc. generally more "girly" things cause pink was his favorite color as a kid. Eventually he learned to stop asking, and to shut up and be grateful for what he was given whether he liked it or not.
Adam isn't allowed to do ANYTHING with his hair, he prefers to keep it short (which his parents want anyway) but he wishes they would let him cut it differently or dye it.
One time when he was younger (maybe 4/5) he got nipped with scissors while getting a haircut and he cried so hard he threw up. He was so scared of getting cut again that he refused to go for months, which only made his dad pissed, so he started cutting Wilbur's hair himself.
As the only child Adam receives ALL his parents attention, good and bad, he feels suffocated by them. His mom is overbearing with severely untreated anxiety and his dad is a very.. traditional man. He's the cause for most of Adam's distress with being himself.
He's gotten REALLY good at bottling up his emotions until he explodes. Usually his pent up emotions just lead to him sobbing uncontrollably for hours, while hiding away in his room after everyone's already gone to bed, just so he doesn't get punished for having feelings.
Adam went to this k-12 Christian school up until sophomore year. He was really isolated since EVERYONE knew each other they basically grew up together. So he didn't have a chance at making more friends after a while.
For the longest time he had trouble making and keeping friends, he was the obnoxious weird kid and eventually his parents and his peers broke him down. He's horrified of social interaction and the genetically inherited anxiety disorder doesn't help either.
Once he switched to public school he was noticeably less stressed. Even his parents noticed the improvement so they didn't bother pestering him about going to a different Christian school instead. If it weren't for his mom he probably would've been sent off somewhere he didn't choose, she's not a great parent but definitely the lesser of two evils.
Adam tried to befriend Tommy at first but once he saw how loud and annoying he was he kinda backed off and tried ignoring him (except Tommy wouldn't allow that because he needs to know EVERYONE)
He didn't befriend Charlie until after he started going by "Chad Bussy" and became one of the cool kids. (Ps. Charlie's the foreign exchange student and Ran moved there when they were younger) Charlie immediately liked Adam and basically claimed him as his best friend the moment Adam started trying to get to know him. He loves yapping and Adam loves listening, although a lot of the time he'll trick Adam into talking about himself and his interests.
Adam and Charlie have been best friends for two years, that's when he finally confesses after having feelings for Charlie for maybe a few months
This is so messy but yeah !!!! Here's some other miscellaneous stuff about the au that doesn't completely revolve around Adam
Adam's parents hate Tommy, he's too loud, too vulgar and is very disrespectful (in their eyes). They like Charlie but he despises them. They hate Ran just cause they're queer. They are kinda indifferent to Bill but he doesn't like them so he avoids going to Wilbur's place when he can.
Tommy has a few friend groups he's apart of but really likes sticking with Adam, he loves annoying the shit out of him. (And his brother, Techno, is 12 years older than him. So. He likes having a brother that's closer to his age)
Dr. Hilton and Mr. Marriot are two separate people who look oddly similar. Dr. Hilton was Adam's abuser at his old school but hasn't seen him since.
Mr. Marriot is just the goofy English teacher who desperately wants to be seen as the "cool teacher" by his students. He's painfully aware of Adam's discomfort towards him and has no idea why (because he never wants to talk about it)
Adam's the only person who's allowed to call Charlie, Charlie. Everyone else has to say Chad Bussy or Charles (Charles being mainly just for the teachers)
Adam, Charlie, Tommy, Bill and Ran end up being close friends!! (They end up staying friends after highschool too :3)
Once the squad (courtesy of Charlie and nobody else having a better group name) graduates they basically follow Charlie back to America. Charlie's parents are actually pretty wealthy so they stay with him for college !
This has been in my drafts for weeks 😭😭
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ep2nd · 6 months
And had time-
Comment/Reblog who I should do next<3
Aphrodite and Hephaestus Cabins
Doc- Defines Mad scientist. Was responsible for the Accident of 1999. We don't talk about it. Half his body got destroyed, pulling an iron man and barely living. Actually was granted one of his dad's Workshops. Creates world destroying machines, and that's why Hephaestus keeps a close eye on him. The only who can get into contact with him is Ren and Mumbo. Given immortality at some point. Old.
Eret- Old leader of Aphrodite cabin. In college. Gives amazing fashion advice. Bisexual ICON. Better at wearing sunglasses than Apollo, but don't tell him that. #Traitor. Like Silena Beuragaurd, but wasn't forced to... just did it.
Fwhip- What is the sun?? Man hasn't seen it for long time that's for sure. Gem reminds him to eat and you know- live. Loves to teach Zedaph engineering and science stuff. He and Wilbur started a Salmon cult. Loves messing with Jimmy. Not strong for a Hephaestus kid.
Iskall- Lost an eye. His father gifted him a new one for his birthday- great parenting guys. Leans more to computer and software engineering. Lives with Stress.
Joey- Aphrodite Cabin head counselor. A love Aura like every second of the day. FLIRTS. In love with Xornoth, they don't reciprocate. Older brother of Scar. Horrible at fighting and please don't trust him with fire. Man has been spotted countless times without a shirt. Clung to Pete like a leach- only person he listens to probably. Bromance with Sausage. His dad hates him.
Keralis- Best fliter. Has a charming sense of aura. Best Aphrodite kid at telling others emotions. Empathy levels are high. No one understands his relationship with XB, not even each other do. Became an interior designer. Comes to camp to help with any building projects.
Mumbo- Really smart. Man can build and fix anything he touches. Humble little thing. Covered in soot 100% of the time. Came to camp with Grian and Scar. No Grians not letting go he's kinda stuck now. Went out on a quest and almost died- saved by Doc. Doc took one glance and said- "wet cat" and officially takes care of him as his guardian. Brings him to their father forgers during winter months.
Sam- New leader of the Hephaestus cabin. Helped design a prison, requested by the gods. Only Hephaestus kid who weilds a Trident, designed by him. He really likes Poseidon, kinda wished he was his dad. Hangs with Punk.
Zee- Great inventor. Understands any machine. Thinker and tinker. Always planning a new build, seeing the possibilities. Disappeared one day, still missing.
Scar- Oblivious beautiful boy. Joey's younger brother, loves his brother very much. Has very powerful Charmspeak. Got away with so many crimes. Step-mom and Dad separated, his Step-mom took him away. That's why Joey and him didn't go to camp together. And they tend to keep that a secret, their dad and step-mom wouldn't allow them to be with each other. Joey teaches him things he shouldn't be taught. SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON.
Skeppy- Great skin. Wears Jewlry 24/7. Walking diamond. Man is great with people. Bads personal emotional support friend. Love his mom. They talk a lot. Loves shipping his fellow campers. Literally the Fandom in person.
Netty- Great at fashion. Married Martyn. Finishing college. Loves dresses and skirts. Sassy when she wants to be. Always has the gossip and news, even when she wasn't there.
TFC- Another Hephaestus kid granted immortality. An incident made him lose a leg. Spends his days mining ore for his father's forges. The only person to be able to freely move throughout Labyrinth. Met Deadelus personally. On okay terms. Loves to help out other Demigods.
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desastre-fag · 2 years
If you need me (I'll be in my coffin) Chapter 1: I'll raise hell for you
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Wilbur is fifteen when he learns how cruel the world is, running away from another abusive home with his younger brother Tommy in tow. He decides it’ll be the last. The alleys and doorways they stay in are dirty and damp, and Wilbur usually sacrifices his rest so that Tommy can sleep whilst he keeps watch. It’s always just been the two of them against the world, and it’s no different now. During the cold sleepless nights and long lonely days, there’s a comfort they find in one another. 
Tommy is twelve when he learns how cruel the world is, he can see it on his brother's face when he tells him they can’t go home, and that they have to fend for themselves now. He understands why they left, he knows why Wilbur hides his face with his long brown fringe, and he knows deep down that it's his fault. 
“Here, take this Toms.” The scratchy voice is easy to recognise and Tommy looks up at his brother through his overgrown dirty blond locks. He’s holding an apple, a solid chunk bitten out of it, offering it to the younger. He takes it and starts eating, quickly at first and then slowing down, remembering to save some for the brunet. 
They’d been on their own for three months now, food reserves from their previous home long gone, and Wilbur has had no luck with finding a job. Resorting to scavenging for food in bins has taken a massive blow to both boys’ prides - they’ve changed, and they both know it. 
The last establishment where the older brother tried to apply for a job had been connected to the alley they were staying in, and after being unsuccessful (as well as discovered behind the building) the owner chased the brother duo from their home. 
They settled in a new one nearby, nowhere as nice as the previous and ultimately a massive downgrade. The floor is dirtier, clearly neglected, and rubbish is littered across the floor in piles. And now, sharing an old browning apple, they sit shoulder to shoulder. 
“I wish we could go home.” Will knows it's natural for the younger to yearn for home, and yet he still feels a pang of pain at the fact he may not be enough, that he can’t provide for him.
“We can’t, Tommy.” It’s a harsh truth that he’s had to repeat so many times over the last ninety days, and it doesn’t get any easier to watch Tommy’s face droop in despair. He pulls his brother into his chest, resting his chin on top of the dirty curls, sighing deeply. “We can’t.”
“I know…” Water forms in the younger’s tear ducts, bottom lip quivering and eyesight blurring as a shudder racks his frame. Everytime this is how the exchange ends, and yet every time it manages to break the brunet’s heart. 
“When I get a job-” He tries to start but is cut off by a frustrated yell.
“You’re never going to get a job! No one wants to hire you, why don’t you get that?!” Tommy turns harshly to come face to face with his brother, “We’ll never have a home again and we’re gonna fucking- die out here!” Harsh breathing echoes through the small alley, the younger Soot keeping himself at a distance from his older brother, face scrunched in anger. 
The silence following his outburst is deafening, wrapping around the blond and swallowing him whole. “I didn’t mean that.” It’s instantaneous, an apology without the right words because they simply don’t need to be said. 
“I know, Toms.” He settles back against his brother’s warm chest tentatively, pulling his tattered hoodie closer around himself. In turn Wilbur pulls his coat open and wraps it around the younger, dropping a light kiss onto his forehead. 
“I promise, Tommy. I’ll get us out of here.” 
“Ok, Wilbur.” He doesn’t believe the promise, but acts like he does for Will’s sake, knowing how much the older teen wants it to be true. Time passes in what feels like a minute, the sun setting in the distance and the world falling dark.
“I love you, Wilby.” 
“I know, Toms.”
Backed by the star filled sky, the brothers help each other up and move, beginning the search for their new temporary home. Under the watch of the streetlights they inspect each alley and abandoned doorway, getting more and more desperate as the moon rises behind them, tiredness settling into their bones. 
Turning the millionth corner of the night, Wilbur comes to a standstill, Tommy bumping into his back and stumbling a little at the abrupt stop. He grumbles at the sting in his nose before maneuvering his way around the brunet, jaw agape at the sight in front of them. 
It’s a large alleyway, wider than any they have stayed in before, and it's clean . The floor is practically spotless, as though it has been recently power washed, and the surrounding buildings somehow look even better. 
The young blond is ecstatic, and flings himself into the wide space to investigate. The older brunet flinches as Tommy practically flies past, hand reaching out to stop him. The boy does a little spin, coming to a stop when he completes a full 180 and is facing his brother, a huge grin upon his lips. 
“Will! Can we stay here? Please!?” A childlike giddiness radiates off of the boy, one which Wilbur hasn’t seen in such a long time. He can’t bear to crush his brother’s excitement and so comes to stand in front of him.
“Let me see what’s around, and then I’ll think about it, ok, Toms?” He tentatively rests his palms against Tommy’s shoulders, showing a reassuring smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, then shuffles past him to get a better look at the surrounding area. 
Tommy celebrates anyway, rocking back and forth on his feet as he fist bumps the air, knowing that this little space is perfect for them - perhaps almost too perfect. The brunet’s heart warms at the sight, knowing just how rare it is to see.
He meticulously scans the area, every nook and cranny poked and prodded, before coming to a decision. Wilbur turns to look at the blond, sitting cross-legged and leaning against the left wall.
“Okay, we can stay.” He’s up in an instant, sprinting to his brother and crushing him in a tight hug before he can even continue, “BUT! Only for a few nights, we don’t know how often they clean this place and we don’t want to get caught.” 
The boy’s mood is unaffected, and only turns to swing his dusty backpack off, and onto the floor where he can open it. Wilbur does the same with his slightly torn duffle bag. They sort through their small amounts of belongings, pulling out blankets and small tattered pillows to set up in the far corner. 
It’s not much, but it’s enough for the two brothers who huddle together to remain warm in the colder nights. By the time their sleeping area is set up it is well past any reasonable bedtime, and so the older brother guides the younger down onto the plush blankets, pulling his beat up trainers off and laying them next to the outer pillow. Before climbing onto them himself, he kicks off his own trainers, placing them next to Tommy’s.
Laying underneath the blackened sky, the two brothers embrace one another. Tommy is comforted by Will’s presence and the looming walls on either side of them, as he drifts off to a deep sleep. Wilbur stays awake, alert to the world around him, eyes constantly scanning each shadow that passes. 
The next morning Tommy is woken by the bright sun shining down onto him, eyes fluttering at the sight to adjust. He’s instantly made aware that Wilbur isn’t there, which isn’t unusual - he usually leaves in the early hours of the morning to scavenge for food, or to try his hand at pickpocketing. 
Waiting for his brother to return every morning has become part of the routine. Wilbur typically returns within the hour, afraid to leave Tommy by himself for too long, wielding whatever he manages to grab. 
This time he returns with a wallet, relatively new going by the state of the leather. Walking past the blankets, the brunet drops it carelessly onto them and then seats himself at the edge of the makeshift bed. Head in his hands, he heaves a sigh whilst his heart clenches, aching at his own failure and shortcomings. 
The blond notes the lack of food and is internally disappointed, but outwardly he simply shuffles closer to the older boy and rests his head on the shoulder closest to him. An unsaid conversation is shared in the silence, both used to the bad days by now. A few minutes pass and then Wilbur shakes his head, clearing his mind, placing a small smile onto his blotchy face. 
“Let’s see who this belongs to then, huh?” A slight cough follows the croaky words, as the brunet reaches for the leather wallet and opens it. There’s no cash to be seen but a few cards line the small pockets, including a drivers license. A photo of a man is printed onto the left, the name ‘Phil-za Craft’ next to it. The man looks young, thirty years old at most, and blond hair frames his smiling face. 
The other cards that remain are loyalty cards, some receipts stuffed between them - no credit cards. Taking out the license, Will holds it up to read the address, noticing the fact that it’s just around the corner from their temporary home. 
“At least we can just post it through the door.” Ever the optimist, Tommy chimes in, snatching the piece of plastic and sliding it back into the wallet. Once he secures the wallet in his back pocket, he stands and gestures for Will to do the same. 
“Lead the way, sir Wilbur!” And how could he ever deny his brother? Wilbur hastily stuffs the blankets and makeshift pillows back into their bags, throwing the back pack to Tommy, then stands and moves in the direction of the address. 
It only takes fifteen minutes for the duo to arrive at said address. Going off of the wallet and loyalty cards, Tommy expected a nice, expensive house. What neither of the two were anticipating was a large building - reminiscent of a hotel, just nicer looking. One oddity which stuck out to the blond was the fact that in broad daylight, all curtains were pulled closed, none being forgotten about nor open just a smidge. 
Strolling up to the looming double door, he disregards the quirk and slips the wallet into the letterbox, quickly spinning back around to skip back to Wilbur’s side. Grasping his brother’s arm, he forces him along, and they both run back to their designated home. The brothers are giddy, feeling a true childish nature rise up in them which had been repressed beforehand, laughing as they go. 
Making it back to the alley, they see nothing has changed, still as spotless as they left it - still as empty. As they settle back into the area for the day, there’s a peaceful tinge to the atmosphere, humming between the boys. Catching their breaths, they turn to look at one another and break into another fit of laughter.
The day doesn’t seem as long after, and it's easier to breathe with the intensity of life being held at bay for at least a few precious moments. For now, anyway.
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theredcuyo · 1 year
I just need to vent a bit-
So, its been a year and so now, isn't it?
It's curious to me how much Techno affected me even tho I wasnt one of his biggest fans at that time, and yet, I went thru some really, really hard times over this, and in some ways, I still am, up until recently I didn't feel the strength to watch his videos, up until recently even if I watched them I couldn't help but smile in a bittersweet way
Not too long ago I was finally able to laugh, to enjoy them again, to not think about how he's not here anymore while hearing his voice, and instead, have fun with what he left for us, and yeah, that's what everyone is been saying to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled with actually doing it, because it IS hard, it's hard to not start to have fun and immediately remember "... He won't be doing this anymore now, huh?" and get sad all over again, even if we know he won't want us to still be crying
I got over it a week or so ago, I finally can watch the great potato war without sobbing for twenty minutes after watching it, and even if the grief won't go yet, I feel like im moving on, never leaving it all behind, but carrying the moments that made it hurt so much in first place, needless to say the happiest ones, in my heart, and overall, I'm full on energy, I've been inspired by him, by his all, like everyone, to do something, to give a meaning to what I do now, to be as strong as him-
And yet... The reason I write this is because of the grief left in me, I can't deny that whenever I go watch the qsmp streams a part of me can't help but wonder "wouldn't this have been so cool if Techno was here?, if he could've been here?"
I can't help but imagine him making fun of the eggs for practically being orphans, just to be forced to take care of one, can't help but imagine him immediately throwing one off of the wall, or maybe training Chayanne, and probably, growing to love Tallulah in a "I've had this child for five minutes, but in a anything happens to her I'll kill everyone in this server" kind of way
How he would tell Greek mythology stories to the eggs, but be the one person extremely against babysitting just to end up doing it a lot because of the insane amount of time he spends playing
Can't help but imagine how he would absolutely attempt presidential assassination against all the candidates and be completely against the federation without a doubt, and how he would've entered that dungeon left for them and absolutely destroyed it
Can't help but imagine Techno doing to forever the same thing he did whenever a baby zombie was near Philza
Can't help but wish the people who didn't get to know him outside of stories actually met him, and him talking to them with his bare knowledge of Spanish, and them reacting to the man himself talking about "blowing up a country" and "farming potatoes for +six months" or how "he once conquered the world" just to have them not believing it until Phil backed up the stories
Can't help but imagine a world where Tallulah didn't have to make an altar for him, and then i get back to reality to realize that... That's not the world where I live in, I live in the world where it's been more than a year since all of this possibilities became impossible and I feel genuinely hurt again, maybe more so over the thought of how much life he had ahead of himself, one that hurts me even more because he's the same age as my older brother
I like to wonder off in my mind sometimes, and imagine just for a bit of escapism, that he'd be giving Wilbur validation in his concerts, or that he would've bullied the life out of Dream when he did his face reveal, and also bullied Skeppy when he met up with bbh, or that he would've been in first line for Tommy's show
Technodad once mentioned on Reddit that Techno had been thinking of writing a story, and that too, would have been awesome to see, as much as all the plans he had and didn't get to do that I and all of his fans keep dreaming over
At the end, I think that the grief left in me, is over how much more time he should've had, over the future that we will never see
I'm sorry for this, I really just needed to vent, I don't want to sound disrespectful or anything really, just some thoughts I had inside of me and needed to get out, I'm sorry if it sounded weird or bad-
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Discontinued fic from a couple years back i wanted to share. (a companion fic to this other discontinued fic: His Forever Home)
It has a bit of old art to go with it: just this one though.
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lets start! fic below the line!
Boar Brothers
In hindsight, it was a childish mistake. Three brothers, playing in a field and rough housing. Of course, Tommy was always picked on the most, but he was absolutely the favorite. Wil and Techno always wanted to spend time with their baby brother, and even as he got older they would still smother him in attention.
He never should have did it. It didn’t look right, he knew something was wrong, but he was curious.
Wilbur traced the ancient rune on ruined stone, caramel eyes shimmering in wonder. “What is this?” He heard his two brothers stop playing and wander over, one of which, Techno, yanked his hand away and looked at the stone tentatively. “Maybe we shouldn’t…” Tommy however, flopped in front of it and put both hands on it like the child he was.
Techno tensed and reached out to pull the boy away, but before he could a strange green glow sifted out of the runes and engulfed the boy.
“Tommy!” His brothers shouted, reaching out to grab him but instead his little body was yanked into the sky, the trees casting their silhouette over his form.
“Wilbur! Help, Wilby!! Techno!” The sound of his baby brother, crying out to him in hopes to be saved, as he was carried away by an angry god filled his ears with agony.
Wilbur’s head snapped up, letting out a surprised breath that turned into a relieved sigh when he met eyes with his older brother. “Jesus, Techno. You scared me…” Wilbur turned his head back to his desk, where there were child-like drawings laying on its surface.
“I was…just looking at Tommy’s drawings. The ones he gave me.”
Techno looked over his brother’s shoulder, features softening slightly. Most of them consisted of their small family, but these were mostly Wilbur and Tommy together. His eyes lingered on the one of a stick figure with brown scribbles for hair, and two orange dots for eyes; and holding their hand was a much smaller figure, gold scribbles for hair and blue dots for eyes.
Wilbur was always Tommy’s favorite. Techno found himself chuckling. “I can remember these pretty clearly; he gave you this one for your birthday, didn’t he?” He pointed at the one he’d been looking at. “Along with a nice, fat mud cake.”
Wilbur let out a sad, soft chuckle. “Yeah. Pretty sure I puked cuz he insisted I have a bite.” His lip trembled a bit, and Techno’s shoulders lowered slightly. “His birthday is coming up soon. He’ll be 10. Double digits…”
“Yeah…That he is.” Techno mumbled, thinking for a moment before gently moving the pictures to one side of the desk so he could sit on it, legs crossed.
“Tommy would let you have it if he saw you like this over him.” Techno hoped his emotional constipation wasn’t getting in the way of comforting his brother here, but at least he was trying. He lifts a hand to gently rub his brother’s tense shoulder and his brother’s ears drooped, tail tapping on the floor. “Tommy’s strong, Wil. When we find him, he’ll gripe about how long we took to find him, just like when we played hide and seek and he always somehow won.” Aka, they both let him win for a moment of silence.
Wil lifted his head, eyes watered and threatening to spill over. “It’s been so long, Tech.” As cliché as it sounded, he could remember it like it happened just yesterday. He wished it had just been yesterday, but instead…It’d been two long years. “If we found him, would he remember us?”
Techno frowned, looking to the floor with a thoughtful, constipated expression, before grabbing his brother’s arm and yanking him up. “Up.” Techno reprimanded himself mentally for coming off a bit more harsh, but still made the other follow him.
“You didn’t answer my question…” Wilbur trailed off, rubbing his arm where he was pulled and followed after to the garden. He imagined the little mop of blonde running between the rows, picking tomatoes and eating grapes off the vine. Phil would always cut the melons free to enjoy in the summer, and help them carve pumpkins in the fall.
“We’re going to garden, and I want you to think about anything else but the worst that could happen.” Techno grabbed the gloves and shears, tapping a hoof on the steps next to Wilbur so to catch his attention. “It would make Tommy sad to see you like this. Come on, let’s get some stuff cut and preserved.”
Wilbur sighed and took the gloves, pulling them on quickly so he could take the shears. “Alright…” His voice was still low and weighted, but he didn’t try to bring up the worst again.
The silence as they worked on snipping ripe fruit and vegetables free was tense, so while Techno was carefully placing grapes and plums in his basket, he cleared his throat. “You know, Tommy used to sing to these plants. His favorite was Hallelujah, right?” Techno moved to snip some small bell peppers from their stems, glancing at Wilbur.
“Yeah…pretty much the only song he knew word for word, actually.”
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dragonciphering · 1 year
Man i wish there was more fics that had Wilbur being a good brother and not being a asshole. Bonus points if it has Wilbur being a older brother figure (or just actual older brother) to Tubbo. Like, that shit is my jam.
If anyone wants any good fic prompts for Wilbur soot let me know. I have millions that I will probably never write.
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This is probably extremely weird, but I have an idea for a DSMP x Fate Holy Grail War AU
Okay, for starters for those who don't know, a Holy Grail war is when the manifestation of legends of "Heroes" are summoned (Servants), and they and their Masters compete Battle Royale style to the death. The winning Master and Servant get their wishes granted from the Holy Grail.
There are seven classes of Servants:
1. Sabers
2. Lancers
3. Archers
4. Riders
5. Casters
6. Assassins
7. Beserkers
Seven Servants and seven Masters. There's normally a Ruler Servant who oversees the Holy Grail War and makes sure non-participants.
This is how it's supposed to work in theory. It normally doesn't, for spice ✨
Feel free to look at posts I've reblogged or TV Tropes for a better understanding of the framework.
Back to the AU idea, it involves the DSMP, but in a more modern setting. Normally, the Holy Grail War is supposed to take place in Fuyuki, Japan (the OGs: Fate Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel, but it has happened in America (Fate Strange Fake) Romania (Fate Apocrypha) and the Moon (Fate Extra) among others.
First of all, I'll begin with Tommy, because I had an epiphany as to who his servant should be. Here me out: Beserker Servant, Kriemhild.
Kriemhild (from the German Nibelungenlied) was a tragic figure. Her husband was the heroic and selfless Siegfried (slayed the dragon Fafnir with Balmung) who was murdered along with their only child Gunther due to Kriemhild and her family being betrayed by her older brother Gunther (son was named after brother to add salt into the wound) and Hagen in order to get access to the treasure (originally Fafnir's) that was rightfully Kriemhild's inheritance. Kriemhild also had a brother called Giselher who says he's on Kriemhild's side but just doesn't do anything and helps out his brother and Hagen. The vengeful window then married Etzel, the epic's Attila the Hun (a pagan when she was Christian, a Big Thing back then) and by god did she get her bloody, bloody revenge on the family who took everything from her. Back then, however, a girl turning against her family like that, despite them murdering her husband and son was despicable, and thus she went down in history as a crazed villainess. Oh, Hagen killed the son she had with Eztel too, just to add salt to the wound. Just to be clear though, Kriemhild is tragic, but she also got a lot of innocent people killed, and was the downfall of both the Burgundians and the Huns. Her story is essentially a dark exploration of the lengths one has to go to and the lines one has to cross to conduct revenge.
Moving onto why I think she should be partnered with Tommy:
Tommy is a child soldier who while looks selfish is actually super selfless (fought in L'mangburg war, lost two lives for it, gave up his discs for country's independence, fought Dream the villain, etc.), who was exiled twice by his nation and was backstabbed by his friends and family (Tubbo (under sympathetic circumstances) was forced to exile him, Wilbur hurt him while mentally ill and ultimately abandoned him to go to fucking Utah, Techno betrayed Tommy first, he offered him to Dream when he and Tommy were supposed to be friends), Tommy thought Dream was a friend until he realised how fucking evil he really was, Sam failed to rescue him from the prison, and Tubbo and Ranboo fucked off and got married when Tommy needed them (I love them but I can admit they fucked up there).
My point is: Tommy is a tragic child who was hurt and betrayed by everyone he ever loved, but holds no ill will towards them because he's that good of a person (even empathises with fucking Dream: "how do you not hurt?")
And you know who that seems similar to fate's interpretation of? SIEGFRIED
Kriemhild would see Tommy and know that a person who puts everyone's else's happiness before themselves is doomed to tragedy, just like Siegfried (and while her brother and Hagen murdered him in cold blood, she also feels guilty because she Told them Siegfried's weakness (his back, man was literally backstabbed by his brother-in-law and friend) because she Trusted her brother and it costed her Everything), and Tommy's also young enough to remind her of her innocently murdered sons Gunther and the one she had with Eztel too (points for Tommy also being murdered by Dream, a semi-older brother figure).
I think she'd feel protective of Tommy because of it. Tommy would remind her that there's still good people in the world and Kriemhild would hopefully get Tommy to stand up for himself and learn that it's okay to hate people who hurt you.
I just reckon you'd have a really interesting relationship between the two.
Other characters I'd have are:
Wilbur (returned from Utah so we get that angst)
Sam (working with Quackity)
And someone else
I'm not too sure on all the Servants yet, but I have two ideas:
Quackity - Ushiwakamaru (Rider)
Quackity acts heartless but he's a softie at heart who is full of love but refuses to ever let him get hurt again. He was in an abusive relationship and killed his abuser before eating his heart, because he's just that metal. Quackity tortured Dream for what he did to Tommy (I personally headcanon that Quackity gave Dream the same scars that green bitch gave Tommy. Quackity would look out for Tommy, but not in an obvious way. He has his Cool Persona, after all.
Quackity needs someone loyal to him but someone who isn't afraid to be pragmatic and play dirty. That's Ushiwakamaru to a T (homegirl has killed kids before [Babylonia]). Not only would Quackity be secretly So Concerned that this kid is a Servant, but you also have Ushiwakamaru's backstory in being betrayed by her older brother Minamoto-no-Yoritomo. Fate's appeal is how different characters from across space and time interact with one another, and you have delicious parallels with Kriemhild (Ushiwakamaru loves her brother while Kriemhild fucking hates hers) as well as Tommy (his messed up pseudo brother relationship with Wilbur, Techno and even Dream), and all these characters' philosophies to it all.
My second idea is for Techno's Servant. He's obsessed with Greek mythology, so you'd think I'd pair him with someone strong like Achilles, or Hercules or Castor and Pollux. Here me out though: Jason. Jason is a slimy man whose a brilliant tactician and works best when cornered. The story of Jason and Medea is well known. We all know how Jason betrayed Medea (he did point out how terrifying a woman who murdered her innocent little brother for you is though) which lead to Medea killing their children and eventually Jason died penniless and alone, crushed by his own ship with no one to mourn. A classic greek tale of hubris. Let's make it clear though, I love both Medea and Jason (hard not to after Atlantis).
I think Jason's reaction to Kriemhild would be interesting. A homicide woman triggers his Medea Button, plus he has regrets about how he treated Medea (if Fate [Greek]) allowed it, they could have been happy together, OSP does a good video on it if you're interested), and he loved his kids. He might see a bit of them in Tommy, the only child in the Holy Grail War.
I can personally see Dream and Techno teaming up too, and Jason would be so creeped out and disgusted by Dream. I also think Kriemhild would have it out for Techno too, a backstabbing 'older brother' triggers her Gunther Button.
I'll add to this later, but tell me your ideas please I want this to be a multi-person project.
Just note, I want to include the good and bad elements of a person's character. That's what makes them interesting. Point out their flaws too.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Out of Breath (Out of Time)
by Abbalot
Tommy gets to his feet. “You just don’t understand,” he hisses, grabbing the inhaler, “you don’t know what it’s like having to rely on some plastic and fake air to keep you alive and knowing you could suddenly stop breathing at any second.”
Wilbur winces like the words hurt him. “I know I don’t, so please, just—“
“And cooped up in here like some… dying animal, it makes you think a little differently! Like maybe this is all my life is gonna equate to! Maybe one day I’ll just stop breathing and I’ll die with the last of my days spent in his miserable hellhole.” Something fierce claws into his chest. He grips the inhaler with crushing force. “And then you’ll feel bad, you’ll wish you had let me do more because you know what, Wilbur? Dead corpses don’t need this!” And maybe it’s the stress, the restlessness that’s finally getting to him, for he swings around and throws the inhaler as hard as he can against the wall.
Wilbur leaps to his feet. Anger is dark on his soft features.”Tommy!”
———————————— Or: An argument turns into a near-death experience and lead the two brothers to finally talking things through. Oh, and Tommy has asthma.
Words: 4539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Zombie Apocalypse, Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Dystopia, Asthma, Blood, Blood and Injury, Violence, Minor Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Angst, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Near Death Experiences, Forehead Kisses, Hugs, Protective Wilbur Soot, Brothers, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Older Sibling Wilbur Soot, Apologies, Making Up, Don’t be scared that says up not out
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lexiwritesstuff · 1 year
DO NOT REPOST MY WORKS ANYWHERE, reblogs are ok, report stolen work and notify me if someone has stolen/reposted my works please. anything on this acc has been written by me from 2020-2023, i do not own any characters other than my own oc's.
Story start ☆彡
"C'mon Dream! You can't do this to me, I've done everything you asked! I empty out my pockets every day just so that I don’t die!" Tommy crawls back as Dream stalks towards him, large clunky boots making dents in the sand of the beach, sending small amounts of sand flying up and onto the aforementioned boots and some onto Tommy's clothes.
"Oh Tommy, you ought to know I was going to snap eventually right? You should’ve known that one day it was going to get a little bit too much.” Dream hissed out through clenched teeth.
All of the stunts Tommy had pulled, from trying to hide his special belongings from Dream in a hidden chest, trying to get Dream’s own sister to help him, building his annoying cobblestone “towers”, and just being uncooperative, the thing Dream hated most. He could live with The young blond trying to turn his own sister on him, he could handle the stupid towers, he could deal with the hiding of his valuables. But eventually, he snapped. The already unstable man was going to crumble under the stress at some point.
“You should’ve seen this coming Tommy…” As Dream takes his sword out of its carrier, Tommy feels his heart rate heighten. Tommy needs to make a plan, and fast.
‘I’m not dying today, not to him.’ The young boy’s thinking thousands of thoughts, but this is the most prominent. ‘I will not die to him’ Repeats in Tommy’s head over and over again. He’s determined not to die by the cruel hands of dream, or sword rather.
In this moment Tommy wished he had his older brother Wilbur’s quick thinking skills, or Techno’s strength and strategy skills. He needed to think of a plan and execute it, otherwise he wouldn’t live to tell his story. He wishes he had his best friend to help him, but Tubbo isn’t here, so he’ll have to do this on his own.
“If you want to make it out of this alive, I suggest you start running.” Dream was making quick advances towards Tommy, Making him even more nervous. The younger of the two’s heart thumping against his ribcage, it felt like it was going to burst right through his ribs and onto the ground in front of him.
‘Oh I’ll show you running, Dream.’ Tommy thought to himself. Still anxious, but now determined. He was more determined than he had ever been in his 17 years of life, he was going to do this.
Then, he started running, not worried about where he was going to end up. Running away from the beach, running through grass and trees, nearly hitting a few. He ended up finding an old and abandoned cave, perfect. Tommy started walking into said cave. He could’ve sworn he lost Dream, until he heard footsteps. He quickly dug a small hole with his pickaxe and used what smooth stone he had to patch up the hole. Heart racing, breathing fast, his hands shaking. He’s safe.
Dream eventually leaves the cave having given up. Tommy sees this as his escape. He finds the materials to make an invisibility potion with the brewing station he had in his backpack. He made an 8 minute invisibility potion, he wasn’t too far from home.
“Ok, that’s done, time to go.” Tommy whispered to himself, then packed his bag quickly, running out of the small cave he’s been living in for the past 2 days. He was afraid of Dream catching him and of his stuff being missing from his chests when he got back. He couldn’t even guess what Dream would do, nor does he want to.
Tommy got back to his “house” - more like a tent, but it was home to him - and hurriedly put his valuables in the only place Dream couldn’t get them, his beloved ender chest. He quickly grabbed anything he needed, including the polaroid he had of him, Tubbo, and Ranboo. He smiled to himself.
A thud was heard, then it all went black…
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surviverp · 1 year
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SIX wanted connection have been added. click the source link to be redirected to the page.
IZNA HALE ( amita suman ) is searching for their HUSBAND’S YOUNGER BROTHER. they should be aged 21-25, and look like MARK MCKENNA, RUDY PANKOW, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: she pretty much helped raised them, alongside y/m’s older brother and they were for the longest of times a make-shift family. when she married into their family it made everything real for them all that this was a forever type thing. three years ago, tragedy over run their camp, izzy happened to be holding y/m’s wrist during this time and amongst all the chaos they got separated from y/m’s older brother & niece… pretty much since then they have been going from town to town in search of their loved ones but coming up as short every time. though they had each other which they cling to each other. i’ll love to discuss this more with you. ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
IZNA HALE ( amita suman ) is searching for their HUSBAND / FATHER OF CHILD. they should be aged 29+, and look like FREDDY CRATER, LEWIS TAN, BARRY KEOGHAN, AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: so, izzy met y/m about when she was eighteen-years-old and they both couldn’t deny the sparks that flew between them though instead of acting upon their feelings, they just hung around each other and worked together to get to other safe havens, alongside his younger brother. over the years spent together they got married, she took his surname and not long after they would find out they were pregnant with their first and only child at this point and time. spending two whole magical years together watching their daughter grow, only for it all to be snatched away from them when the haven got over run and the couple got separated from one another. y/m with their daughter and izzy with y/m’s younger sibling, ever since they have been separated izzy and y/m’s sibling have been searching every city, haven for them that has been their life for the past three years, meaning their daughter is five now and I’ll love to discuss everything in-depth. ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
WILBUR WARREN ( jack wolfe ) is searching for their SLOW-BURN LOVE INTEREST. they should be aged 28+, and look like BILL SKARSGARD, DYLAN O’BRIEN, REGÉ-JEAN PAGE, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: opposites attract is the love trope this is all based upon and i’m more then happy to add more tropes upon this one just the foundation is opposites attract. it’s possible they have encountered one another before, either way they might not have been thrilled to meet one another in the first place - whether it’s because y/m wasn’t ready for pursuing a relationship (as who would in the world they live in?) or just wilbur being an awkward bean and well him being to invested with his inventions. wilbur is a walking ray of sunshine (though is as sly as fox) and well, y/m is midnight rain pretty much, just want this to be filled with angst, pain and damn just a rollercoaster ride for our poor beans… how it slowly blossoms into their endgame? i’m trying to leave this as open as possible for us to plot and build tropes, everything. ── you ARE required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd.
WILBUR WARREN ( jack wolfe ) is searching for their YOUNGER SIBLING. they should be aged 21-24, and look like RUBY STOKES, CAMERON CHAPMAN, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: they would have the surname warren and I will ask for their first name to start with a w - as their parents thought it was cute. wilbur will doing anything for his younger sibling, they’re as close as can be due to their parents raising them to always have each other’s backs even if the other was wrong and well, they have kept to it. In other words they had a fabulous relationship with their parents and each other, very supportive. honestly, I’d love to discuss this more in-depth with what happened to their mother and brainstorm a bit more.  ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
ALEJANDRO "ALEX" SILVA ( pedro pascal ) is searching for their PSEUDO DAUGHTER. they should be aged 24 - 27, and look like MOON GAYOUNG, ZENDAYA, HAN JIHYUN, SAMANTHA LOGAN, CAMILA MENDES, SIMONE ASHLEY, ALISHA BOE, ZION MORENO, TATI GABRIELLE, LIZETH SELENE, UTP ( any f / nb fc will do, preferably poc ). here’s what you need to know about the story: basically a lee + clementine [ telltale's twd ] meets joel + ellie [ tlou ] type situation. i imagine alex somehow saved y/m from whatever or whomever when they were roughly 12-15 and though he had the intention of dropping y/m off at the next safe spot they came across, something they both agreed upon, he obviously grew attached and, well, they've been together ever since. maybe y/m is the one who convinced him to settle down & let them take up residence at jackson five years ago? ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @dvrkhearts. 
NOA MULLER ( zoey deutch ) is searching for their CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND / POTENTIAL LOVE INTEREST. they should be aged 26 - 33, and look like JORDAN FISHER, IM JINAH, EVAN MOCK, RACHEL HILSON, ALPEREN DUYMAZ, GURLAINE KAUR GARCHA, LEE DOHYUN, CHARITHRA CHANDRAN ( UTP ). here’s what you need to know about the story: their adults were childhood friends, which was then something that was made true for noa and y/m. regardless of how y/m may feel, noa is certainly that person who falls in love way too easy and has probably been harbouring a crush since forever ago, but noa's parents were lost to raiders when she was 14, so the only constant person she's had in her life since birth has been y/m, which explains why she hasn't had the courage to ruin anything between them yet by spilling the beans. besides all that, the only other important thing to note is that they settled in jackson twelve years ago ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @dvrkhearts.
0 notes
Dear Tommy,
I still miss you more than anyone else. It's so lonely these days without you. I wonder so much about the person you are now; who you've grown to be in this life. I'm curious how different you are, or if you're still my same old annoying little brother, I wouldn't care either way honestly. I wish I could share my life with you again.
More than anything I miss our childhood. When dad and tech left for all those years and it was just me and you, those were one of the best times of my life. . .Even though I did get mad at you a Lot, it was never lasting. I hope I was able to convey that enough. The times I miss the most are thunder storms, you hated them so much so we always stayed together during them. I'd play guitar for you sometimes, if we weren't talking or sleeping. Anything to keep your mind off of it.
I also surprisingly miss when you went through your Many cat looping phases, even if it pissed me off So Badly after Months Tommy. It was Months of nonstop cat from your room, I'm surprised that you didn't wear out your record player. It was so loud it sounded like it was playing in my room, it eventually did drive me mad and I'm sorry I dumped water on you, I should have used my words instead. Though I know you would have turned it up louder if I had asked.
I just, miss when it was me and you. Nothing was ever the same after those years. Dad and Tech came home, you met Tubbo, I went off and got married, l'manberg. I didn't cherish those times with you enough, I was never present enough with you. I should have been more present my entire life, even now I'm thinking only about the past. I wish I had been there for more of your life. You are always the most important person in my life Tommy, even when we are apart.
I hope you've been taking care of yourself, that it hasn't been hard to make time for yourself. It's been hard for me to do those things for myself, but I'm going to try. I have to try, not just for the people in my life, but for you, and most importantly myself. I deserve a gentler life than I was given this time around, I recognize I'm the only person who can give that to myself. I'm going to love myself as I am now, and give myself compassion, because I have worth even with my flaws. I have to try, because I'm not giving up on meeting you one day Tommy. I love you, I love you so fucking much Tom's. You're my everything, I can't wait to hear all about you, I'll wait forever for you.
Your devoted older brother,
Wilbur S.
[Letter Sent!]
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seokjinniebangtan · 2 years
for your dsmp oneshot workshot thingy :D could you do c!punz with a royalty!reader (afab),breeding kink,daddy kink, and greater dsmp v lmanberg
✔️AFAB ✔️ Breeding Kink ✔️ Daddy Kink ✔️ Greater DSMP vs L'manberg
███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10% ███████▒▒▒ 50% ██████████ 100%
She is beauty, she is grace. But she is the enemy's daughter. If the elites of the Greater Dream SMP knew of his affair with the enemy, they wouldn't be too happy with him...
Though it's Punz, and he knows damn well he don't give two fucks.
A muffled moan made it past your glossy lips as you continue to suck on Punz's thick cock, while said man was sloppily eating at your wet pussy like it was his last meal.
When he felt like you both were prepared enough he shifted your body on all fours. Wasting no time in shoving his large girth deep within your warm walls.
You two really shouldn't be doing these inappropriate things right now, especially in the middle of the day... But you both can't help it.
L'Manberg and the Greater Dream SMP are still at war with each other, leaving both sides at an intense edge.
After the betrayal of Eret, your father, Wilbur, and older brother, Fundy, have been out of the castle lately to defend for your nation.
This led you to feeling lonely and isolated majority of the time. Hoping Wilbur and Fundy would return home soon.
Eventually you got tired of waiting and started sending secret messages to Punz. You knew how much your father despises the young soldier.
But he and the others don't need to know of your many unseemly meetings with him. Like you, Punz have no intentions of informing the Greater Dream SMP about his involvements with you.
But he has mentioned many times before if it did came to their notice, he won't care at all.
Only thing he cared about was getting the chance to spend more time with you.
The two of you did well in keeping your relationship hidden from both sides. It was later then Punz would start sneaking into the castle and head to your bedroom where you two would always have intimate nights together-- just like now.
Punz had his strong grip on the back of your neck, pushing your head onto the soft duvet as he pounds into you with brute force.
Your moans were successfully covered by the thick sheets, though the creaking sounds of your king sized bed remained constant.
"That's it baby, doing so well for daddy like a good girl," he whispered huskily into your ears.
He stopped thrusting into you for a bit to shift your body onto your back. The new position gave him a better view of your lewd face and perfect bare figure.
Punz then had your hands pinned on the bed as he resumed his brutal pounding inside you. You bit your lip sexily while letting out quiet moans.
"If only Wilbur can see you right now. He'd be so mad at how sinful you look right now," he licked at his lips while he looks at you with predator eyes.
Oh how you wished to let the whole world know how good Punz was fucking you right now. But unlike Punz you didn't wanna risk getting caught...well not just yet.
"Bet he'd be even more mad if I fuck a child into you. Would you like that princess?" you moaned at his intent.
"I'll fuck you so good you'll bare my children," Punz's thrusts becoming rougher by the second. (Honestly, you wouldn't mind baring Punz's kids. If anything you'd be more than happy to start a family with him.)
"Dad-dy please ah- don't slow down," you begged him, feeling your orgasm approaching soon.
"Anything for you princess~," he panted. Punz leaned down, kissing you passionately as his large figure completely consumed your smaller form.
Just like you asked, the speed and force of his thrusts never faltered. He broke the kiss and started trailing love marks to your collarbone.
Emitting more pleasure onto you, you felt your climax nearing as your walls tighten more around Punz.
"Gonna cum baby?" he asked gently kissing your neck, "mhm~ please daddy," you moaned, "me too, cum with with me baby~."
Punz wrapped his buff arms around you while he pushed the both of you to your limits.
With a final blow of his powerful thrusts, you squirted around his cock while his cum painted your walls white.
He laid down next to you, the two of you giving a moment to catch your breaths.
Not too long after the sounds of bells chimed, signaling the arrival of King Wilbur and Prince Fundy.
You and Punz looked at each other with wide eyes--
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mcyt-peach · 2 years
Could you write a Wilbur x reader oneshot, where the reader is Tommy's older sibling and they both meet for the first time and they both start flirting with each other a lot? Maybe it's based on the themepark vlog with Wilbur, tommy and Phil?
the curse of the younger brother
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·˚ * summary: Tommy’s theme park vlog gets a bit derailed when Wilbur takes a liking to his older sibling
·˚ * pairing: cc!wilbur x gn!reader
·˚ * warnings: reader actually uses they/them pronouns, brief descriptions of rollercoasters, fear and dizziness
·˚ * word count: 638
·˚ * genre: fluff, romantic
·˚ * note: oh to be tommy's older sibling and flirt with wil just because, this was lovely to write so I hope you like it :)
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“C’mon Tommy! We’re gonna be late!” Your voice echoed up the stairs as Tommy scrambled about upstairs. He finally came down to where you stood by the door, clamouring into the car after you.
Why you had agreed to drive Tommy to the theme park for his vlog, you’ll never know. But it was good to get out of the house once in a while. You couldn’t spend all your time working on schoolwork, at least that’s what your mum had told you while convincing you to be Tommy’s ride.
Well, a day at the amusement park wouldn’t be that bad. You only wish you were hanging out with someone your age. As you pulled in to park, Tommy was practically bursting out of the car, obviously ecstatic to be filming the rides and shenanigans he had planned for the day.
Tommy nearly disappeared into the crowd immediately, only to be pulled back by his shirt to your side. “How do you expect Tubbo to find you if you keep wandering...”
That... was not Tubbo. The man running up to you and Tommy was decidedly not the teenage boy you were expecting. Brown hair peaked out of his beanie and he clapped your brother on the back good naturedly before turning to you.
“Uh, hi! I didn’t know you were coming today.” His smile was slightly crooked, feeling a bit awkward at the change in plans.
“So you’re the internet man my little brother’s been talking to.” Your teasing seems to go over his head as he waves his hands around and tries to explain that it’s not what you think. His ears had a burning blush on them when you patted his arm and said you were only joking.
Tommy stood off to the side, watching the scene unfold in disgust. “I’m going to throw up.” he announced before turning on his heel to find Phil and Russ, leaving you and Wilbur with no choice but to follow him.
Thankfully, for Tommy’s sake, the two of you stopped acting strange when the vlogging began. Wilbur and Tommy played off each other and Phil interjected to say some jokes while Russ and you stayed behind the camera.
It was good to see Tommy so happy, knowing full well the stress he was under, with school, friends and his multiple channels. Wilbur seemed to bring everyone out of their shell, even the usually soft spoken Russ. Something about him was magnetic.
And draw you in he did. Wilbur had managed to coax you onto one of the more dramatic rides at the park. Seating yourself next to him, the attendants strapped the two of you into the ride. As the cart shuffled up towards the top of the track, you felt your nerves grow at the anticipation.
Wilbur laid his hand atop yours to calm you, giving you a soft smile. Then the cart stopped... and started its long descent down. You were screaming and so was Wilbur. Distantly you could hear Tommy’s yell over the sound of the air rushing past you.
But then the ride was slowing down, your laughter replacing your screams as the straps were released. Standing up from your seat, you wobbled a bit and Wilbur steadied you with his hands on your shoulders. “Dizzy?” He questioned.
“Just a bit.” You nodded back. Wilbur got you settled on a bench as Tommy dug into his newly acquired containers of cotton candy.
“Wil, do you think you could drive me for the next vlog?”
“I’ll drive!” Your head popped up from where it had been leaning against Wilbur’s shoulder.
Phil chuckled like he knew something you didn’t and Tommy huffed from his place on the grass, not having a good enough reason to deny you, but knowing you only volunteered to see Wilbur again.
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