#wish me luck and thoughts and prayers etc. etc.
spiralstain · 2 years
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cat-and-fox-hub · 4 months
[Yōkai AU] Info & Tease
Made by Cat, aka Researcher Serif/AW
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"Master...? Y-you're my Master?! Please—, let me soothe your dreams forevermore—! No wait that sounded like a marriage proposal wejusTMETI'MSOSORRY—!!!" "Haha... Is this my luck or Fate bringing me to you? Ah—, never mind. It's really nice to meet you, Master!" "...I never would've thought I'd meet you in my life time. Hahaha~... What a welcome surprise. I dearly for hope you continue to do so, my dear Master." "Th-..the rope... C-could you... tie it t-...to me, Master? I'll... I'll foll'w you t-to th....the e-ends'f the earth...pr'mise..." "Hello Master!!! It's so nice to finally meet you!! Please, tie this rope around my neck! I can't wait to show you around— I think you'd love Sanctuary!" "You... hahaha—! It was you all along?? ......You're not leaving me Master. EVER... I won't EVER let you. Ahuhuhu~! Buckle up 'cause you're stuck with me forever, Master~!"
This is an AU very much based/inspired on @twstedforyou's own original Yōkai Twisted Wonderland AU with @cosmica-galaxy's OCs as the victims subjects!
(If you want, check them out! Their art and story is super cool! Sorry in advance for this skibidi Jouice twstedforyou!)
This may or may not be updated further with moar stuff but we'll see~! Hope you enjoy!
"Yōkai are a class of supernatural entities and spirits in Japanese folklore."
They can range from your classic demon or Oni, to objects gained spirit and sentience such as Kasa-Obake, a friendly and playful one eyed, one legged sentient umbrella. So now that that's outta the way...
My Yōkai AU's similarities with @twstedforyou's AU:
Yōkai have a predestined soulmate or 'Master' who they care for very much; their love for their Master can range from platonic to romantic to beyond, it's really whatever their Master wishes for their relationship to be, the Yōkai will simply follow to their whims
Yōkai can only ever have one Master in their long lifetime but the Master can have multiple Yōkai familiars
When a Yōkai meets their Master for the first time, their overwhelming love manifests as a literal physical thing, namely the rope that rests around their neck. Its typically referred by humans as the 'red string of fate'.
When it appears, the Yōkai in question ask for their Master to tie said rope around their neck. It's a symbol of claim and acceptance. Once put on, the Yōkai will be very possessive and be protective of it, never letting anyone but themselves and their Master to touch it. Prayers for idiots that decide otherwise...
When a Yōkai's Master dies, things can go in a violent or non-violent way. Both ways are usually done in the extremes with very few composed enough to grieve normally, for Yōkai at least. In the non-violent way, the Yōkai will mourn greatly for years, perhaps centuries, sometimes taking up the role of defending whatever's left of their Master be it their possessions or remaining family. Other times, some Yōkai can be guided into finding a way to reverse their death, if only to give them something other than wasting away in their Master's territory for centuries or following their Master to the grave themselves... In the violent way, the Yōkai will go on a rampage, destroying things and hurting other beings, even fellow Yōkai under the same Master. Rampages can be sporadic or constant. Either way, if the Yōkai in question can't reign in themselves soon enough, a Yōkai Hunter will be sent to cull them for the greater good.
My Yōkai AU:
It's not only Yōkai that apply to this AU, other supernatural creatures from other cultures and folklore apply to this as well. Beings such as Fae, Yaoguai, Nymphs, Mermaids, Golems, Angels etc, etc... Each culture's supernatural beings have a District in the Other Realm, the dimension for all supernatural beings. Districts are basically sub dimensions of the Other Realm that encompass their own folklore like Tír na nÓg for the Celtic other world or the Yōkai District for the Japanese other world. These sub dimensions are accessible almost anywhere in the human realm, one merely needs to have a resident of whichever district one plans to go to. Otherwise, majority of accessible District Gateways are ones related to the region's folklore. (eg. England has most District Gateways to the Faerie Courts) It's also worth noting the Other Wold may have time differences with the human realm, sometimes going faster and sometimes slower.
When a Yōkai manifests their rope, sometimes, the Master will reject them. It will hurt at first but they're tied by fate for a reason. The Yōkai will wait however long until the Master is ready, no matter what the Yōkai's temperance my be. What's a few more years to the centuries they've waited after all?
A Yōkai's rope will only manifest if they meet their Master properly. If a Yōkai were to simply pass by their master, the rope won't manifest which has led to many missing each other by total accident. Not to say the Yōkai wouldn't notice anything, they would actually get a nagging feeling of something important nearby. Some dismiss it and others latch on to it, its a game of chance whether or not the Yōkai recognizes it.
The Hunter's Association is a group of Yōkai Hunters that work for the secretive liaison government that bridge and balance between the normal and supernatural society. They're usually sent out to keep the peace and rid of 'out of control Yōkai' that pose a treat to the tentative peace. They're pretty much a neutral entity that has mostly humans and few hybrids. Somewhat similar to twstedforyou's but a little more involved in government business.
While every Yōkai has a destined soulmate, not all meet their Masters. Some unfortunately die before their meeting, it can happen on both sides, or they simply never venture out to search, opting to stay in their District than venture the human realm. (Also somewhat important to note that the fickle time difference in the Other Realm has to do with this as well. Some Yōkai will spend all their lives or a bit too long in their Districts to ever meet their Master.)
While twstedforyou's Yōkai cannot kill each other, Yōkai can be killed by fellow familiars if one tries hard enough. It does also have to do with the will of the Master though. In simple terms, if the Master doesn't believe or want their Yōkai to hurt their fellow familiars, they can't. Only if the Master were truly want them dead, they can be killed by fellow familiars. For the most part, they wouldn't kill them out of respect of their master and familiar kinship but they can certainly beat them to a pulp and leave others to finish the job they can't.
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
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broomsick · 1 year
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Pocket Prayers to the Gods!
Hi there, lovelies! I was inspired today, while doing some household chores, to write down a few fun-sized invocations. This is something I’ve been using for a while: whispering short sentence to ask certain deities for help, protection, strength, etc. I know one of my previous posts pertained to a similar topic (that’s to say, “inviting” a deity to join you on certain activities). These “pocket prayers” work in the same manner. They’re a means of reaching out to deities when you unexpectedly want them by your side. For example, if you’re experiencing fear, stress, if you wish for them to give their blessing for a task, etc... Though I’ve been saying these short phrases for a while, I’d never thought to write them down. I think it’s high time I did so! This post is also an invitation for you guys to do the same! No matter your path or beliefs, you are free to add in on my post with your own “pocket prayers” to your deity/deities!
“Wanes be favorable” (for luck!)
“Freyja grant me strength” 
“Óðinn bless me with inspiration” (I use for art!)
“Keen Lopt, help me to hone my skills” (for developing talents)
“Thórr protect me”
“Baldr be with me” (for comfort)
“Gentle Eir, help me to heal”
“Víðarr bless me with peace and quiet”
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troutfur · 7 months
Okay so that last ask had me going down an ADHD rabbit hole, one thing after another, so let me try and recreate it here for your thoughts:
I was reading over the idea of Appledusk being a spirit prayed to/invoked for when someone wants to behave immorally. Like: hiding an affair from your wife? Call up Appledusk! Wanna go visit that hot ShadowClanner? Just ask Appledusk! “”“Great”“” guy… But then I had the little one-off thought of, “prayers are good and all, but it would be fun if the living had a way to like… silently call upon these spirits, and I had the thought of: “if you want protection from being found out as a cheater, eating a bit of apple at dusk will protect you”
And then I thought: what if that’s why warrior names are the way that they are?
In a society in which ancestors are worshipped and revered so highly, and in which specific individuals become guiding or protective spirits/wraiths, maybe their names adapted over time to become sort of like… indicative of “do x thing, catch their attention and receive their protection”. I’m not sure if this makes sense At All (I’m very tjred), but like,,
“I want my name to stand out, so that someday I might do something great and be remembered as a a spirit to be called upon, so they should follow my namesake to catch my attention and receive my blessing.”
Some ex: Eating a chunk of an apple right as it becomes dusk is said to offer good luck for those aiming to commit immoral crimes of the heart. It is said that the best place to plot vengeance is in the shade of a maple tree. Freckled rocks are best to make wishes on. Tossing something important straight into the heart of a fire is said to bring about good fortune and luck. Etc etc etc
Again: adhd brain train, seeby, this isn’t very well thought out. But I thought it was interesting so I wanted to share ^^
OOOOH YES! I really like that thought. The natural world serving as conduits for the ancestors to work magic through sympathetic connections. Words connecting spirit and matter.
Maybe the connection is thought to work even in life. As a boost to their natural "essence". Jayfeather lining his nest with jay's feathers to enhance his dreamwalking, Hollyleaf wearing her iconic holly leaves headpiece from fanart as a good luck charm, or Honeyfern swallowing ferns slathered in honey in a last ditch effort to find something for the snake bite.
If you don't mind can I yoink the idea? Really fun possibilities.
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Hello, dear reader. I'm hereby formally inviting you to participate in a small survey for the benefits of an upcoming project of mine, which will drag some characters into a Novel World (if I can make this work. We'll see how it goes. Also never done a survey before sooo... please don't judge me too harshly?).
If you wish to help make this idea come to be, please do answer the following questions, but feel free to take your time!
-Would you enjoy a small event, which you can disengage from and rejoin at any given time?
-Do you enjoy fantasy or realism? The past or the future?
-For an event, would you prefer something more seasonal (for example: Taking Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc. into consideration and using it for the event)?
-Does something completely chill or something with an option for a bit of an adventure sound more appealing?
-Would you prefer a vague world, or something a little more/kinda fleshed out so the characters have something new to see/interact with? Or simply a different universe in form of a different fandom? If a different fandom, can you name two?
-Would you even want to participate in such an event or would you rather not?
-Is there any suggestion you want to make? Opinions, thoughts (prayers/j)?
I thank you for your time in participating in this survey! I wish to add that I might be working on this and have notes and ideas, but I can't promise that I'll end up making this work.
Yours sincerely, The Author
(Questions are aimed at the Mod by the way! I'm trying not to send the same ask to multiple blogs of the same user, but any and all characters are allowed to participate, even if it's a whole different fandom! I'm not linking the account yet due to ✨reasons✨, so I'd be thankful if you could add the tag "#bsd event survey" in case I somehow miss it, since some people don't tag their asks/posts at all-)
oooh sounds cool!
-yes absolutely!!
-i like fantasy and the past best <33
-hmmm maybe! halloween my beloved...
-something with an option for adventure!
-a different, fleshed-out world. i love that sort of thing.. idk abt any fandoms!
-i would like to!
-hmm no other suggestions! but good luck, this soudns cool!
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
i just saw ur answer about the hospital bill (bc my tumblr sucks as notifs) and oh no :((((( i hope it works out okay sending best wishes and prayers
also what tf is up with america's healthcare??? how the fuck they can ask for a thousand dollars when they initially said it was covered with insurance + the country i'm living in doesn't have the best government either but for something to cost me a thousand dollars i'd probably need multiple surgeries or something like that. also i heard calling an ambulance cost money in us???? and inhalers are so expensive? so what, do they just leave poor ppl to die? and despite that shitty healthcare system "us is the best country in the world" propaganda still exists? how?????
anyways best of luck i hope you can deal with it without any worries and hiccups! have a good night or in ur case have a good evening ig <3
no yeah healthcare here sucks i forgot how bad it is….lived in a diff country for 2 years & healthcare there was really affordable, accessible, good quality, etc & it was one of the biggest culture shocks for me….like my coworkers would go 2 the doctor allllll the time i’d get sick w like a cold & they’d be like well why don’t u go to the doctor? and i’d be like what. r u crazy….like it’s so ingrained to only ever go to the doctor if u absolutely need to that it did not even occur 2 me. i had a week where i was losing my voice & my coworkers thought i was crazy they were like um. hey. see a doctor…. i was like losing my voice won’t kill me why would i see a doctor….
anyway. thanks 4 the thoughts & prayers lol the usa does in fact suck so 😃 i’ll take whatever good vibes i can get
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zacksfairest · 6 months
Vaela 🦋 🎁🎈 🧨, Lehala 🧿 🦝 🎀 🍇, Ayala 🐁 🦴 🍷 🐹
♡~OC Asks~♡
🦋What is their favorite season?
Fall, for sure. The trees are such pretty colors, there is a crisp bite to the air. And everything is reds and browns! Perfect color combination for her
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them?
Hmmm. I think that once all is said and done and she's off doing Her Thing and makes it clear to her family that this is her life now, her dad would gift her with an old quiver of his. It's actually his dad's quiver, and it's fairly simple, but it harkens back to the days of when they were true Wood Elves—likely from back Aeranth at some point in their lineage. He would have given her the bow that goes with it, but the bows she uses are so much better and his girl deserves the best. But at least she can have a piece of them on her little adventures with her, holding the ammo that keeps her safe. And of course this means a lot to her. It's nothing fancy, which goes contrary to her need for pretty things, but the thought there is overwhelming. It's a blessing to go out into the world and live the life she's made for herself, while also a prayer to keep her safe in a way that her family still feels they have failed to do (which of course they are wrong).
🎈If they could travel anywhere, where would they go?
Well, she pretty much does go everywhere now, doesn't she? What with the work she does for Aeranth. But I suppose she wishes she could spend more time on the shores and ocean. She is so familiar with the woods and forests now, but not so much the sea. She'd love to get a taste of it.
🧨If they could screw anyone without any consequences, who would they choose?
Delethil hate fuck let's go. I kid, I kid. (Or do I?) But I honestly don't really know. She remains skittish in my head until further development can be had for her. And she never really met anyone on their travels that she felt that kind of desire for. Not even Cobalt.
🧿Do they have a superstition or belief? Such as "black cats bring bad luck", belief in ghosts, tarot, crystals, meditation, etc.
No one can touch her weapons. Only those she trusts most can handle them, and even then it makes her twitchy. This is definitely stemming from a fear of outsiders to her clan, on top of the idea that it leaves too much of an opportunity for sabotoge—even unintentional damage! But she fully believes that she will die or get seriously hurt if someone else handles her weapons. It'd need to go through rigorous tests first before she used them in battle after that. And even then she'd still be leery.
🦝What do they smell like?
Filed under: things I never consider when creating characters. But I imagine she smells kind of earthy. Fresh cut grass. Likely stemming from the grass and dirt stains on her armor after sparring.
🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}
Back home she definitely collects little trinkets from successful skirmishes. An arrowhead. A dagger. A broken blade. Things that remind her that she survived and is still here. She's a much more simple lady than Vaela. Pretty things don't tempt her.
🍇What is their sexuality? And what is their "type"?
She's always felt more fluid to me. Pan or bi. Definitely demi-sexual, though. She does not trust anyone to be intimate with her that she does not trust implicitly. She is a warrior and is keenly aware of how vulnerable sex makes a person. There is no desire where there isn't absolute trust for her.
🐁Do they find a creature cute, that normal people don't? Such as spiders, rats, snakes, sharks, etc?
She is a Star Wars lady, and a Mandalorian besides. There have undoubtedly been strange creatures she's come across that most would have found repulsive that she cooed over. Thinking of strills at the moment. It is absolutely not uncommon for Mandos to look at a disgusting creature and go "Oh! A baby!"
🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?
OH, MANY. MANY AILMENTS AND INJURIES. Her lekku are scarred to hell, which means those injuries were painful and near debilitating. Lekku are extremely sensitive and major damage to them can even mean death. But not my girl. She's built different. Her lekku have definitely endured a good bit of injury, but she's always managed to recover. She's been in countless battles and skirmishes and sparring sessions. She's cracked rips, broken wrists, and been stabbed and slashed. Ayala has so many scars from the life she's lived as a Mandalorian, but none in particular really stand out. The physical injuries are easy, if you ask her. It's the injuries she bears in her soul that really weigh her down the most.
🍷What is their drink of choice? Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic?
Ugh. Star Wars drinks. Anything with a kick. She isn't picky. Sometimes you need a stiff drink to knock you on your ass after a particularly rough day in the field or on the hunt. When she needs to stay sharp, however, she drinks the strongest caf she can get her hands on. The squad yells at her that she needs to drink more water. But what good is that gonna do? Caf has water in it. And now she's awake for another 12 hours. What's water gonna do other than make her need to pee? Vys'kydir absolutely has put her in a chokehold until she agrees to drain her canteen.
🐹What "pet" names do they like being used for them? {Babe, Kitten, Puppy, Mutt, etc.}
You know what's coming: cyar'ika. ner cyare. alor (but sexy. you know.). (any chiss pet names there might be lmao)
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a-queer-seminarian · 2 years
Hey, i have some exciting news: i’ve been appointed to the board of directors for my denomination’s LGBTQA+ organization!
I’m headed to Nashville tomorrow for a short retreat where I’ll learn more about what my roles will be.
I’m nervous, but also excited. I see much potential in More Light Presbyterians’ future — not because it has an unblemished past (it doesn’t), but because the people currently at the helm have recognized the need to take greater action and to emphasize intersectionality.
Prayers or good vibes are deeply appreciated as I and the others all travel and meet one another! Meanwhile, some other thoughts / some More Light history are under the readmore.
More Light Presbyterians’ Mission Statement:
“Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.”
The informal beginning of the More Light movement was in 1974, when David Bailey Sindt, at a meeting of the Presbyterian General Assembly, held up a sign reading "Is anybody else out there gay?" (I’ve posted about this historical event before!)
Thus More Light Presbyterians has been around for decades, with the original priority being to get the PC(USA) to affirm the ordinations and marriages of gay (and later more specifically LGBTQA+) folk. That’s now been accomplished!! (See this post for one historical stop along the way)
However, there is clearly a lot of work yet to do. Not all PCUSA congregations are LGBTQA+ affirming; and those that are often struggle to live out their theoretical affirmations for a number of reasons (lack of resources, or education, etc.).
I’ve interacted with a lot of More Light congregations since joining the PC(USA) back in 2015, with mixed results: I have been burned by some More Light congregations, and nourished by others. My home congregation, where I still participate regularly and where my wife and I got married, is a More Light congregation. But when I was in seminary, a different More Light congregation scared me off from wanting to be a pastor through their actions — they admitted they didn’t want to take me on as an intern because of “the pronoun thing.” Then there are the number of More Light congregations I’ve dropped by for just a service or two, only to find no non-gendered bathrooms & greeters who misgendered me despite my pronoun pin.
The problem is that a lot of congregations became More Light a decade or more ago, before an emphasis on not only being “gay friendly” but fully LGBTQA+ welcoming had come about. I applied for this position in the hopes that I can help More Light mean true affirmation, sanctuary, celebration for all LGBTQA+ folks.
I want there to be more expected of any congregation that chooses to call themselves More Light, so that I can recommend any More Light church to LGBTQA+ friends without a qualm.
When I applied, I wasn’t sure whether this goal would be an uphill battle or not. After one Zoom meeting with the current More Light leadership, I’m very hopeful that it won’t be: the idea of requiring more from MLP members was brought up; and intersectionality and anti-racism were also emphasized.
So let’s see where things go. Wish us luck!
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ilostyou · 1 year
just got looped into going Serious shopping tomorrow. wish me luck send thoughts and prayers etc
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oscarsgallery · 9 days
Hello, dear reader. I'm hereby formally inviting you to participate in a small survey for the benefits of an upcoming project of mine, which will drag some characters into a Novel World (if I can make this work. We'll see how it goes. Also never done a survey before sooo... please don't judge me too harshly?).
If you wish to help make this idea come to be, please do answer the following questions, but feel free to take your time!
-Would you enjoy a small event, which you can disengage from and rejoin at any given time?
-Do you enjoy fantasy or realism? The past or the future?
-For an event, would you prefer something more seasonal (for example: Taking Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc. into consideration and using it for the event)?
-Does something completely chill or something with an option for a bit of an adventure sound more appealing?
-Would you prefer a vague world, or something a little more/kinda fleshed out so the characters have something new to see/interact with? Or simply a different universe in form of a different fandom? If a different fandom, can you name two?
-Would you even want to participate in such an event or would you rather not?
-Is there any suggestion you want to make? Opinions, thoughts (prayers/j)?
I thank you for your time in participating in this survey! I wish to add that I might be working on this and have notes and ideas, but I can't promise that I'll end up making this work.
Yours sincerely, The Author
(Questions are aimed at the Mod by the way! I'm trying not to send the same ask to multiple blogs of the same user, but any and all characters are allowed to participate, even if it's a whole different fandom! I'm not linking the account yet due to ✨reasons✨, so I'd be thankful if you could add the tag "#bsd event survey" in case I somehow miss it, since some people don't tag their asks/posts at all-)
1) yes i very much would !!! but i can't guarantee i'll participate (busy with college)
2) mostly fantasy set in the past !
3) i think it would be pretty nice :) but i don't mind either way
4) honestly it depends, i do prefer chill things
5) i like keeping it vague ! gives more freedom
6) i would like to participate yes
7) no opinions aside from a good luck :)
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prime-adeptus · 1 month
Hello Dear, 
I hope you get my message while you're fine. I'm Tahseen Alkhazendar, from Gaza, Palestine. I'm a hardworking and responsible father striving to secure a decent life for my wife and 3 children. After October 7th, our life took a drastic turn with the commencement of the cruel war on Gaza. Unfortunately everything I owned is completely lost after my house and business got bombed and destroyed. We are currently suffering slow death and living a devastating life in Gaza. 
I have created a new campaign to help my family get the basic needs of food, drink, etc. I’ve had a previous campaign titled “tahseengaza” but this one has been terminated. My new campaign is vetted by @olagaza, @90-ghost, & @northgazaupdates.  
All of what I am asking of you is to reblog the pinned post on my page and to donate if you can. It would mean so much if you could take a look at my GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/tahseen-family-from-gaza-not-to-feel-hungry. Please donate and share with others. 
By sharing/reblogging and donating, you are helping me, my wife, and 3 children survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us. 
I would also be very grateful if you could follow me to stay updated. I am waiting for your response. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support. 
Sincerely, Tahseen 
Hello Tahseen,
Of course I will do my best to help your fundraiser gain traction!
Wishing you the best of luck, I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and hope you will be safe. I'm not on this site as often as I used to be but I will do my best to check in and pitch in when I can.
Sending much love!
GFM Link
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noirhistories · 5 months
✍️💭🪄🏹 (for gen)
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✍️ WRITING HAND — what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc.
"I did ballet for a while, but then I had to drop out due to unforeseen circumstances. I wouldn't mind if I was a better dancer."
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — is there something or someone you find yourself thinking about more often than other things? if so, why do you think you do this?
"Minica Day sticks to you like the muck from a dumpster and as much as I hate to agree with her, some things should be set on fire and cleansed with flame. I assume I do this because she has the audacity to do things like come into my work."
🪄 MAGIC WAND — would you describe yourself as a superstitious person (someone who believes in superstitions)? do you believe in luck?
"Not particularly? I suppose it depends. I don't believe a black cat is bad luck, but I do believe that some forms of mysticism have logical reasons behind them. Like prayers for medicine. It's not only for the prayer, it's for timekeeping. I don't think I believe in luck, either, I believe in chance, and orchestrating your own fate. Or, like a TV show I watch just said, 'I made fate look at me so I could scratch its eyes out.'"
🏹 BOW AND ARROW — if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
"No. I made my choices and I'm going to live with them. And if they ended badly, then I'll rise above them. "
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thedivinefish · 10 months
TGIWednesday: What's your spirit animal?
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TGIWednesday News
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I thought I was doing a kind thing and contributing when I ordered a super plush, fluffy white, cute animal throw blanket for my little GF. I just figured she could snuggle with it and enjoy it.  I looked forward to her opening the box upon arrival only to watch her expression of anticipation collapse into what looked like disappointment.  She looked at the blanket then glanced up at me and said, “We’re not bears Jimmy, we’re kitty cats.” Oh my goodness, did I miss a memo? my bad...lol We experience oddities around here all the time playing in the ethereal world.  Hawks have shown up on my fence post that are normally not found in the city at all.  We’ve seen a dozen coyotes in a pack walking down a private street residential area, and even the occasional bald eagle.  Call upon whatever unusual animal is showing up in your world and realm now!  Google what they represent and ask them, even in your head, to bring their super power into your life and co-create profound changes! 
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We also thought of another fun way for you to play with this.🦉🐬 🐅🦅🐺 Last year I recorded a special video called, Infusing Energy Blessings for Your Totems and Good Luck Charms (not available in the shop). You'll listen to this prayer to activate and encode the energy and alignment for good luck/good fortune and connect it with your spirit animal! You might select a totem item representing your animal (a figurine, a coin, a necklace, a pair of socks, a keychain etc.) that you can have with you infusing your field with blessings. Today we are making this video available as a LIMITED TIME BONUS during our current BOGOHO promotion (scroll down to read more about that). The deal is, now through the 12th, purchase any digital items in the shop (buy one, get one half off!) and you'll receive this $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Wishing you the best of this season and beyond! 
Is it time for a one-on-one session? Get on my schedule today, most times within 72 hours View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
Our Biggest Sale of the Year!
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🎧 *ALL CLEARING AUDIOS* 🖥️ *ZOOM REPLAYS* 📖 *DIGITAL EBOOKS* 🎧GUIDED ENERGY PROCESSES* Buy One, Get One Half Off!  * NEW* RECEIVE BONUS GIFT WITH ANY BOGOHO PURCHASE  A special prayer $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Click here to browse through over 50 instant digital downloads! I only do this ONCE PER YEAR so go WILD! You have unlimited access for 1 more week! We’re making available to you some of the best tools that we’ve ever created at the most affordable price ever.  Place an even number of qualifying items in your cart to reflect the discount at Checkout Page. (*Private Sessions, GIft Certificates, Daily Prayers and Masterclasses and Courses are EXCLUDED) There is a wide variety of powerful clearing items from audio mp3s, processes to ebooks and yes even monthly Zoom replays so look over everything and pick up the ones that resonate with you!  We always encourage you to share these with your immediate family.  
🎅🏻 Ho - ho - ho!
Shop BOGOHO Here!
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ MY SPIRIT ANIMAL ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the next animal I spot will bring a super power into my life and show me the simple yet profound way as Spirit's gift to me. I know, when, where, how and why to give thanks for any and all odd occurrences in my life and I see them more as blessings with wonder than anything else!  I am ready, willing and able to release all expectations and remain in allowance and acceptance of a totem, sign and animal appearance here and now and so it is. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines. Wishing you the best of the season and beyond - knowing that making a little daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life!
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy, As we pause to reflect on our blessings, we are grateful for your amazing prayers, support and help this year!!! What a tremendous gift you are to us and to humanity...Sending you blessings in abundance. Warm regards" -  Lorna & family
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
DECEMBER 6TH "Today I will believe in the impossible. I will have faith that every aspect of my life can and will improve. I will live in this moment as if it is my last. I will cherish each moment here and now and I will breathe new life into opportunities."
December Zoom Event
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Join us for a December to remember Zoom extravaganza We make it fun by clearing odd blocks and weaknesses you may have never even considered!  We go fast and deep and keep it to around 30 minutes and we make it a reasonable event at $22.  AND... for this month only, it's a free gift for active My Daily Prayer subscribers (if that's you... then check your inbox for the call link & confirmation email soon). ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.  WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/december-2023
THEME: Receiving Ethereal Gifts
During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, ground yourself just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?
Your 3 wishes for the Genie in the format below. Use words organic to you, keep it simple. After payment please email [email protected]
1) Ethereal Gifts for myself I'd like to have more ____in my life. peace of mind, everyday joy, romantic love, financial stability, higher levels of self-worth & confidence, prominence in my work/job/career field, deeper intuition, purpose & clarity,
2) Ethereal Gifts for others I love  I'd like to see more_____for my loved ones.  career success, peaceful life balance, sobriety, harmonious relationships, pain-free living, joy for life
3) Ethereal gifts for world humanity, planet Earth/Gaia  For the world, I'd like to see_______ more kindness, more cultural unity, more peaceful resolutions, deeper consciousness, for earth to become replenished,cleaner air & water quality, decrease in our carbon footprint for posterity, more sustainability.
Join our fishing crew and welcome aboard as we delete the negative and download more positive to round out this year!
Pre-Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Gift Certificates Are Now Available
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Now that we are in the gift-giving season, it's a great time for a reminder that we offer digital Gift Certificates in the shop. Gift a 15, 30 or 60 minute private session, 30-days of daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225. 
Buy Gift Certificates Here
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.   
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Life Force Energy Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 10 months
TGIWednesday: What's your spirit animal?
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TGIWednesday News
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I thought I was doing a kind thing and contributing when I ordered a super plush, fluffy white, cute animal throw blanket for my little GF. I just figured she could snuggle with it and enjoy it.  I looked forward to her opening the box upon arrival only to watch her expression of anticipation collapse into what looked like disappointment.  She looked at the blanket then glanced up at me and said, “We’re not bears Jimmy, we’re kitty cats.” Oh my goodness, did I miss a memo? my bad...lol We experience oddities around here all the time playing in the ethereal world.  Hawks have shown up on my fence post that are normally not found in the city at all.  We’ve seen a dozen coyotes in a pack walking down a private street residential area, and even the occasional bald eagle.  Call upon whatever unusual animal is showing up in your world and realm now!  Google what they represent and ask them, even in your head, to bring their super power into your life and co-create profound changes! 
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We also thought of another fun way for you to play with this.🦉🐬 🐅🦅🐺 Last year I recorded a special video called, Infusing Energy Blessings for Your Totems and Good Luck Charms (not available in the shop). You'll listen to this prayer to activate and encode the energy and alignment for good luck/good fortune and connect it with your spirit animal! You might select a totem item representing your animal (a figurine, a coin, a necklace, a pair of socks, a keychain etc.) that you can have with you infusing your field with blessings. Today we are making this video available as a LIMITED TIME BONUS during our current BOGOHO promotion (scroll down to read more about that). The deal is, now through the 12th, purchase any digital items in the shop (buy one, get one half off!) and you'll receive this $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Wishing you the best of this season and beyond! 
Is it time for a one-on-one session? Get on my schedule today, most times within 72 hours View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
Our Biggest Sale of the Year!
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🎧 *ALL CLEARING AUDIOS* 🖥️ *ZOOM REPLAYS* 📖 *DIGITAL EBOOKS* 🎧GUIDED ENERGY PROCESSES* Buy One, Get One Half Off!  * NEW* RECEIVE BONUS GIFT WITH ANY BOGOHO PURCHASE  A special prayer $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Click here to browse through over 50 instant digital downloads! I only do this ONCE PER YEAR so go WILD! You have unlimited access for 1 more week! We’re making available to you some of the best tools that we’ve ever created at the most affordable price ever.  Place an even number of qualifying items in your cart to reflect the discount at Checkout Page. (*Private Sessions, GIft Certificates, Daily Prayers and Masterclasses and Courses are EXCLUDED) There is a wide variety of powerful clearing items from audio mp3s, processes to ebooks and yes even monthly Zoom replays so look over everything and pick up the ones that resonate with you!  We always encourage you to share these with your immediate family.  
🎅🏻 Ho - ho - ho!
Shop BOGOHO Here!
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ MY SPIRIT ANIMAL ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the next animal I spot will bring a super power into my life and show me the simple yet profound way as Spirit's gift to me. I know, when, where, how and why to give thanks for any and all odd occurrences in my life and I see them more as blessings with wonder than anything else!  I am ready, willing and able to release all expectations and remain in allowance and acceptance of a totem, sign and animal appearance here and now and so it is. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines. Wishing you the best of the season and beyond - knowing that making a little daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life!
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy, As we pause to reflect on our blessings, we are grateful for your amazing prayers, support and help this year!!! What a tremendous gift you are to us and to humanity...Sending you blessings in abundance. Warm regards" -  Lorna & family
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
DECEMBER 6TH "Today I will believe in the impossible. I will have faith that every aspect of my life can and will improve. I will live in this moment as if it is my last. I will cherish each moment here and now and I will breathe new life into opportunities."
December Zoom Event
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Join us for a December to remember Zoom extravaganza We make it fun by clearing odd blocks and weaknesses you may have never even considered!  We go fast and deep and keep it to around 30 minutes and we make it a reasonable event at $22.  AND... for this month only, it's a free gift for active My Daily Prayer subscribers (if that's you... then check your inbox for the call link & confirmation email soon). ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.  WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/december-2023
THEME: Receiving Ethereal Gifts
During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, ground yourself just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?
Your 3 wishes for the Genie in the format below. Use words organic to you, keep it simple. After payment please email [email protected]
1) Ethereal Gifts for myself I'd like to have more ____in my life. peace of mind, everyday joy, romantic love, financial stability, higher levels of self-worth & confidence, prominence in my work/job/career field, deeper intuition, purpose & clarity,
2) Ethereal Gifts for others I love  I'd like to see more_____for my loved ones.  career success, peaceful life balance, sobriety, harmonious relationships, pain-free living, joy for life
3) Ethereal gifts for world humanity, planet Earth/Gaia  For the world, I'd like to see_______ more kindness, more cultural unity, more peaceful resolutions, deeper consciousness, for earth to become replenished,cleaner air & water quality, decrease in our carbon footprint for posterity, more sustainability.
Join our fishing crew and welcome aboard as we delete the negative and download more positive to round out this year!
Pre-Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Gift Certificates Are Now Available
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Now that we are in the gift-giving season, it's a great time for a reminder that we offer digital Gift Certificates in the shop. Gift a 15, 30 or 60 minute private session, 30-days of daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225. 
Buy Gift Certificates Here
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.   
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Life Force Energy Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
365dailyaffirmations · 10 months
TGIWednesday: What's your spirit animal?
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TGIWednesday News
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I thought I was doing a kind thing and contributing when I ordered a super plush, fluffy white, cute animal throw blanket for my little GF. I just figured she could snuggle with it and enjoy it.  I looked forward to her opening the box upon arrival only to watch her expression of anticipation collapse into what looked like disappointment.  She looked at the blanket then glanced up at me and said, “We’re not bears Jimmy, we’re kitty cats.” Oh my goodness, did I miss a memo? my bad...lol We experience oddities around here all the time playing in the ethereal world.  Hawks have shown up on my fence post that are normally not found in the city at all.  We’ve seen a dozen coyotes in a pack walking down a private street residential area, and even the occasional bald eagle.  Call upon whatever unusual animal is showing up in your world and realm now!  Google what they represent and ask them, even in your head, to bring their super power into your life and co-create profound changes! 
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We also thought of another fun way for you to play with this.🦉🐬 🐅🦅🐺 Last year I recorded a special video called, Infusing Energy Blessings for Your Totems and Good Luck Charms (not available in the shop). You'll listen to this prayer to activate and encode the energy and alignment for good luck/good fortune and connect it with your spirit animal! You might select a totem item representing your animal (a figurine, a coin, a necklace, a pair of socks, a keychain etc.) that you can have with you infusing your field with blessings. Today we are making this video available as a LIMITED TIME BONUS during our current BOGOHO promotion (scroll down to read more about that). The deal is, now through the 12th, purchase any digital items in the shop (buy one, get one half off!) and you'll receive this $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Wishing you the best of this season and beyond! 
Is it time for a one-on-one session? Get on my schedule today, most times within 72 hours View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
Our Biggest Sale of the Year!
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🎧 *ALL CLEARING AUDIOS* 🖥️ *ZOOM REPLAYS* 📖 *DIGITAL EBOOKS* 🎧GUIDED ENERGY PROCESSES* Buy One, Get One Half Off!  * NEW* RECEIVE BONUS GIFT WITH ANY BOGOHO PURCHASE  A special prayer $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Click here to browse through over 50 instant digital downloads! I only do this ONCE PER YEAR so go WILD! You have unlimited access for 1 more week! We’re making available to you some of the best tools that we’ve ever created at the most affordable price ever.  Place an even number of qualifying items in your cart to reflect the discount at Checkout Page. (*Private Sessions, GIft Certificates, Daily Prayers and Masterclasses and Courses are EXCLUDED) There is a wide variety of powerful clearing items from audio mp3s, processes to ebooks and yes even monthly Zoom replays so look over everything and pick up the ones that resonate with you!  We always encourage you to share these with your immediate family.  
🎅🏻 Ho - ho - ho!
Shop BOGOHO Here!
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ MY SPIRIT ANIMAL ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the next animal I spot will bring a super power into my life and show me the simple yet profound way as Spirit's gift to me. I know, when, where, how and why to give thanks for any and all odd occurrences in my life and I see them more as blessings with wonder than anything else!  I am ready, willing and able to release all expectations and remain in allowance and acceptance of a totem, sign and animal appearance here and now and so it is. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines. Wishing you the best of the season and beyond - knowing that making a little daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life!
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy, As we pause to reflect on our blessings, we are grateful for your amazing prayers, support and help this year!!! What a tremendous gift you are to us and to humanity...Sending you blessings in abundance. Warm regards" -  Lorna & family
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
DECEMBER 6TH "Today I will believe in the impossible. I will have faith that every aspect of my life can and will improve. I will live in this moment as if it is my last. I will cherish each moment here and now and I will breathe new life into opportunities."
December Zoom Event
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Join us for a December to remember Zoom extravaganza We make it fun by clearing odd blocks and weaknesses you may have never even considered!  We go fast and deep and keep it to around 30 minutes and we make it a reasonable event at $22.  AND... for this month only, it's a free gift for active My Daily Prayer subscribers (if that's you... then check your inbox for the call link & confirmation email soon). ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.  WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/december-2023
THEME: Receiving Ethereal Gifts
During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, ground yourself just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?
Your 3 wishes for the Genie in the format below. Use words organic to you, keep it simple. After payment please email [email protected]
1) Ethereal Gifts for myself I'd like to have more ____in my life. peace of mind, everyday joy, romantic love, financial stability, higher levels of self-worth & confidence, prominence in my work/job/career field, deeper intuition, purpose & clarity,
2) Ethereal Gifts for others I love  I'd like to see more_____for my loved ones.  career success, peaceful life balance, sobriety, harmonious relationships, pain-free living, joy for life
3) Ethereal gifts for world humanity, planet Earth/Gaia  For the world, I'd like to see_______ more kindness, more cultural unity, more peaceful resolutions, deeper consciousness, for earth to become replenished,cleaner air & water quality, decrease in our carbon footprint for posterity, more sustainability.
Join our fishing crew and welcome aboard as we delete the negative and download more positive to round out this year!
Pre-Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Gift Certificates Are Now Available
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Now that we are in the gift-giving season, it's a great time for a reminder that we offer digital Gift Certificates in the shop. Gift a 15, 30 or 60 minute private session, 30-days of daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225. 
Buy Gift Certificates Here
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.   
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Life Force Energy Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
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TGIWednesday: What's your spirit animal?
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TGIWednesday News
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I thought I was doing a kind thing and contributing when I ordered a super plush, fluffy white, cute animal throw blanket for my little GF. I just figured she could snuggle with it and enjoy it.  I looked forward to her opening the box upon arrival only to watch her expression of anticipation collapse into what looked like disappointment.  She looked at the blanket then glanced up at me and said, “We’re not bears Jimmy, we’re kitty cats.” Oh my goodness, did I miss a memo? my bad...lol We experience oddities around here all the time playing in the ethereal world.  Hawks have shown up on my fence post that are normally not found in the city at all.  We’ve seen a dozen coyotes in a pack walking down a private street residential area, and even the occasional bald eagle.  Call upon whatever unusual animal is showing up in your world and realm now!  Google what they represent and ask them, even in your head, to bring their super power into your life and co-create profound changes! 
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We also thought of another fun way for you to play with this.🦉🐬 🐅🦅🐺 Last year I recorded a special video called, Infusing Energy Blessings for Your Totems and Good Luck Charms (not available in the shop). You'll listen to this prayer to activate and encode the energy and alignment for good luck/good fortune and connect it with your spirit animal! You might select a totem item representing your animal (a figurine, a coin, a necklace, a pair of socks, a keychain etc.) that you can have with you infusing your field with blessings. Today we are making this video available as a LIMITED TIME BONUS during our current BOGOHO promotion (scroll down to read more about that). The deal is, now through the 12th, purchase any digital items in the shop (buy one, get one half off!) and you'll receive this $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Wishing you the best of this season and beyond! 
Is it time for a one-on-one session? Get on my schedule today, most times within 72 hours View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
Our Biggest Sale of the Year!
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🎧 *ALL CLEARING AUDIOS* 🖥️ *ZOOM REPLAYS* 📖 *DIGITAL EBOOKS* 🎧GUIDED ENERGY PROCESSES* Buy One, Get One Half Off!  * NEW* RECEIVE BONUS GIFT WITH ANY BOGOHO PURCHASE  A special prayer $44 value - sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.   Click here to browse through over 50 instant digital downloads! I only do this ONCE PER YEAR so go WILD! You have unlimited access for 1 more week! We’re making available to you some of the best tools that we’ve ever created at the most affordable price ever.  Place an even number of qualifying items in your cart to reflect the discount at Checkout Page. (*Private Sessions, GIft Certificates, Daily Prayers and Masterclasses and Courses are EXCLUDED) There is a wide variety of powerful clearing items from audio mp3s, processes to ebooks and yes even monthly Zoom replays so look over everything and pick up the ones that resonate with you!  We always encourage you to share these with your immediate family.  
🎅🏻 Ho - ho - ho!
Shop BOGOHO Here!
TGIWednesday Video Download
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 ~ MY SPIRIT ANIMAL ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the next animal I spot will bring a super power into my life and show me the simple yet profound way as Spirit's gift to me. I know, when, where, how and why to give thanks for any and all odd occurrences in my life and I see them more as blessings with wonder than anything else!  I am ready, willing and able to release all expectations and remain in allowance and acceptance of a totem, sign and animal appearance here and now and so it is. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines. Wishing you the best of the season and beyond - knowing that making a little daily progress will allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life!
From the Fish Box
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  Hi Jimmy, As we pause to reflect on our blessings, we are grateful for your amazing prayers, support and help this year!!! What a tremendous gift you are to us and to humanity...Sending you blessings in abundance. Warm regards" -  Lorna & family
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
DECEMBER 6TH "Today I will believe in the impossible. I will have faith that every aspect of my life can and will improve. I will live in this moment as if it is my last. I will cherish each moment here and now and I will breathe new life into opportunities."
December Zoom Event
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Join us for a December to remember Zoom extravaganza We make it fun by clearing odd blocks and weaknesses you may have never even considered!  We go fast and deep and keep it to around 30 minutes and we make it a reasonable event at $22.  AND... for this month only, it's a free gift for active My Daily Prayer subscribers (if that's you... then check your inbox for the call link & confirmation email soon). ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.  WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/december-2023
THEME: Receiving Ethereal Gifts
During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, ground yourself just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?
Your 3 wishes for the Genie in the format below. Use words organic to you, keep it simple. After payment please email [email protected]
1) Ethereal Gifts for myself I'd like to have more ____in my life. peace of mind, everyday joy, romantic love, financial stability, higher levels of self-worth & confidence, prominence in my work/job/career field, deeper intuition, purpose & clarity,
2) Ethereal Gifts for others I love  I'd like to see more_____for my loved ones.  career success, peaceful life balance, sobriety, harmonious relationships, pain-free living, joy for life
3) Ethereal gifts for world humanity, planet Earth/Gaia  For the world, I'd like to see_______ more kindness, more cultural unity, more peaceful resolutions, deeper consciousness, for earth to become replenished,cleaner air & water quality, decrease in our carbon footprint for posterity, more sustainability.
Join our fishing crew and welcome aboard as we delete the negative and download more positive to round out this year!
Pre-Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Gift Certificates Are Now Available
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Now that we are in the gift-giving season, it's a great time for a reminder that we offer digital Gift Certificates in the shop. Gift a 15, 30 or 60 minute private session, 30-days of daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225. 
Buy Gift Certificates Here
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. ---> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.   
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Life Force Energy Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
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