raillue · 9 months
Some more drawings of my young wolf
bungie please let me pet the starcats pleasepleasepleaseplease-
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thewildnopeboat · 8 months
Ghost: How many times?
Guardian, hiding next to a large root in a subsection of the black guardian: of dying? At least four.
Ghost, spins in anger: No! How many times does Mara want us to go through this? I'm not sure why this weapon has to be upgraded through missions in the Nest of the Ahamkara!
Guardian: My thoughts are that since this mission gave us the Bow, then going through it will grant us more experience and knowledge om how to improve it.
Ghost: Is that why you're not using it, instead using the Strand AutoRifle?
Guardian, pops up: Rate of fire does play into a firefight. *starts blasting*
Ghost, rolling eye: Remind me to thank Mara when we are out of here...
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gil-notskajla · 9 months
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Wishkeeper (gift for zośka)
And she gave me my persona figurine 🥺
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nitewrighter · 5 months
Just finished watching Wish with my gf and Im sad the movie turned out the way it did. The concept of a Wishkeeper keeping people's wishes so that their dream doesnt die and so that they dont experience heartache is so good imo!
No, I know!! It's such a fascinating concept and when you see Asha's dad freak out when Asha tries to share his own wish with him because "Why would I want to know a wish that our king thinks is dangerous and will never be granted?" that scene has so many cool implications for like, cultural taboos and all these other concepts. But then Disney has to drown it out with like 47 comic relief sidekicks and jokes that aren't even funny because Disney thinks it has to be jingling keys in the audience's face every 6 seconds.
Like... I was really hoping for the villain song to be a brutal reprise of "At All Costs" but instead it's "This is the Thanks I Get" and it just completely fucks up the actual sense of rising stakes so that when you get to "Knowing What I Know Now" it's just complete mood whiplash.
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raffi-cat · 17 days
Hi, first of all I LOVE your oc designs they looks so cool. What are their names and what’s going on with them. Gimme the details, if you would like to.
aaa thank you so much!! im assuming you're referring to specifically this post, and yeah, i'd love to talk about them! there isn't really an overarching story, they're all just individuals living their own lives
(also something to keep in mind: i made some of these stories when i was much younger, so they are a bit odd. i've since altered them to make a bit more sense, but i wanted to keep them mostly similar because they are dear to me)
this um, ended up longer than expected, so im putting it under the cut :]
daybreak (skywing): she comes from a family of minor nobility (via maternal generational wealth) and her father was a minor general. they were pretty strict with her and held her to very high standards. she was put to military training when she was fairly young, but the war ended before she was old enough to join
she doesn't really like her parents, especially her mother. there is a matriarch, her great grandmother on her mother's side. daybreak especially doesn't like her. they're all just too strict and it seems she can never quite hold up to their standards
her parents were pretty loyal to queen scarlet, but did easily accept ruby as queen when the official challenge took place. daybreak never liked scarlet, and was very glad ruby became queen
as she gets older she is able to distance from her parents, and moves away from their residence near the palace to live in a smaller town, likely more up north
i might give her a younger brother but i haven't decided yet
desert (sandwing): she has unusually potent venom that seems to eat away at the skin quicker. when her parents found out, being annoyingly loyal to burn, thought giving desert to her as a tool would be the best way they could serve their queen
burn was delighted about a new "secret weapon" but couldn't use her right away because she was still very young. so she was trained until burn deemed her fit to fight (still far too young) the war ended before burn was able to use her "properly", but she did get into many battles before hand, resulting in multiple scars and a partially burned right wing (though not enough to greatly impede her flying)
she was very happy about thorn becoming queen. she didn't stay near the palace long, wanting to get away as soon as possible. she likely finds a small town somewhat similar to possibility
storm (icewing): she was born with a genetic mutation that increases the pigment in parts of her scales. her patterns were pretty light as a baby, and got darker as she got older. if she lived near the palace, she would have been completely shunned. but she lives in a town in the southwest of the ice kingdom, where no one really cares about that. her darker scales do give her a disadvantage as she can't blend in with the snow very well, but she manages. her parents are very loving and she has an overall good life
saffron (mudwing): i don't really have anything for him, to be honest. he's just a sweet boy. i really need to design his siblings, so far i only have a name for one of them. he may not have much but i love him
prismarine (seawing): a middle class seawing, there's not much for her either. but she is gay and has a girlfriend, navy. they are very in love and very cute together
virga (rainwing): she is a pretty regular rainwing, and again not much for her. she's a bit more calm and less excitable than an average rainwing. the village can sometimes get a bit overwhelming, so she likes to spend time in secluded parts of the rainforest
duskfall (nightwing/skywing): her mother (wishkeeper) met a lone skywing soldier (her father, who i dont have a name for yet) while out for a patrol on the main continent. they continued to meet for several weeks and fell in love. she unfortunately couldn't tell him when she found out she was with egg, as he was gone when she went to meet up. (he's still alive don't worry, he was just called back from his post)
back on the island, she was very averse to talking about her egg. there was another dragon she was paired with, though they didn't care much for each other, and she just said it was his without further explanation. he knew it wasn't and was unbothered, but agreed to tell no one
when she had the egg, she kept it near her virtually all the time. even during her work testing animus magic. (i imagine the nightwings would have wanted to do some testing to make sure the magic worked how they wanted it to before using it for something as important as the tunnels. or.. something idk)
due to the close proximity to the magic and a small crack in the shell, caused a minor deformity as her wings being unusually thin and delicate, being practically transparent. this doesn't affect her
(i might change the reason her wings are thin? but this is what the story was and i honestly just haven't really thought about it much, so)
wishkeeper was getting increasingly worried about what would happen when when she hatched and everyone would be able to easily tell she wasn't full nightwing. so, she left the island to hide out in a secluded part of the forested mountains of the sky kingdom, essentially faking her and her egg's death
she found a hidden cave to make their home, and raised duskfall herself. though secluded and often lonely, she had a good mother and a good life. when she got older and the war ended, eventually her father was able to find them again
he was delighted to find out he and wishkeeper had a dragonet. unfortunately he cannot stay with them as he has responsibilities in the sky kingdom, but he does visit. (he got a wife (and potentially a son? haven't decided), but pretty much just for appearances. he doesn't care much for her (it's mutual))
duskfall is an artist and a writer and has always enjoyed capturing moments with her art. fun fact, she is left handed (left taloned?). she likely visits possiblity or a similar town often, but remains living relatively secluded
and there they are! this took longer than i expected but whatever
if you read all of this, uh, thanks! i really appreciate it :]
for your trouble here is a drawing of virga
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officialprincessasha · 4 months
(The Glimmering Truth About Magnifico)
Alright, Rosas fam, let's talk. We all know the official story: King Magnifico, our benevolent ruler, graciously shields us from the dangers of unfulfilled wishes. But hold on a glittering second. Have you ever stopped to question why our dreams always seem to remain just that - dreams? Because the truth, my friends, is far from dazzling. Magnifico isn't our protector; he's the villain lurking behind the sparkly curtain. Here's why:
The Wishing Hoarder: Remember all those wishes we made when we were young, the ones that never seemed to come true? They weren't simply gathering dust in some forgotten attic. Magnifico, the self-proclaimed "Wishkeeper," hoarded them like a mythical dragon guarding its treasure. He kept them locked away in his opulent chambers, terrified of what might happen if people actually achieved their deepest desires. Talk about a control freak! This wasn't about protecting Rosas; it was about protecting his own power. He thrives on a population dependent on him, a kingdom that can't even dream without his "permission."
The Master Manipulator: Magnifico spun this elaborate narrative, painting himself as the benevolent shepherd of Rosas. Protecting us from what, exactly? Our own potential? He became the gatekeeper of happiness, the judge and jury of who deserved a fulfilled wish and who didn't. Seriously, who elected this guy King of Wishes? He manipulated us into believing our aspirations were dangerous, that he was the only one capable of managing the chaos of unfulfilled desires.
The Power-Hungry Sorcerer: Let's not forget the whole "almost destroying Rosas with dark magic" incident. That wasn't some accident, folks. Magnifico, blinded by his thirst for power, was willing to risk the entire kingdom for the sake of clinging to his sparkly throne. A true leader empowers its people, not traps them in a wishing well of his own making. Newsflash, King Sparkle-pants: fear isn't a foundation for a happy, thriving society.
The Seeds of Doubt: Now, some of you might argue that Magnifico isn't inherently evil. Maybe he's just… deeply insecure? Maybe he genuinely believed his hoarding of wishes was for the greater good? But even with a sprinkle of doubt, his actions remain inexcusable. Rosas deserves better than a self-serving ruler who hoards dreams and dabbles in dangerous magic. We, the people, deserve to have our voices heard and our aspirations acknowledged. Let's rewrite the story, Rosas. Let's turn the glitter of deceit into the sparkling hope of a future where everyone's wishes have a chance to shine.
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ahamkara-apologist · 6 months
Sooo.... whats your favorite gun/go-to gun? my personal favorite is Gnawing Hunger, because god I love that gun
My favorite guns aren't guns at all lol- I'm a bow main, and Wishender/Verglas Curve/Wishkeeper are what you'll see me using 99% of the time, depending on what subclass I'm running. I almost exclusively use bows, and only switch to other guns if the situation calls for it- one of my favorite builds is actually a double bow build with Oathkeepers because then I have infinate draw time and can hit crits with almost every shot. It's a build I've even taken into pvp a couple times, though it seems to have gotten me priority-killed bc I kept one-shotting other hunters with headshots across the map (which is on them tbf). And when I'm not using bows, its glaives and swords second
Gotta say though, Phyllotactic Spiral has been a consistant favorite since Lightfall, as well as the LF submachine gun with envious assassin/hatchling- that shit shreds groups of red bars, while Spiral just feels good to use. I also really like 120/140 handcannons, even if they're not as powerful as the 180s- there's a roll on the revised Dreaming City one with firefly that's super fun for popping arc shields bc it just fuckin' explodes everything around it, and I got a Trust roll from Gambit a couple weeks ago that I'm itching to try out bc it has 100 recoil and near-max stability, so there's almost no kick to it
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telestoapologist · 9 months
Happy to report that I got the wishkeeper 🙌🙌 thank you for your offer, and should you require any help with the quest/someone is unable to make it due to whatever reasons, I'd be perfectly happy to help you, should the time line up, and if you're alright with no voice from me?
Either way, I am victorious and bid thee a fine day 🎉🎉
Heeyy congrats!! 🎉👏👏👏 I’m happy for your success. ☺️💙
Anytime, though! Thank you for your offer as well, I greatly appreciate it!! No voice is fine though, yeah- so long as you can communicate with us through some other means. 👍
But yeah, you too! Thanks, and have a happy holiday. 💖👉👉
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pigeon-ponders · 4 months
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my siblings helped me do starcrossed on legend so i could get the wishkeeper catalysts and riven plushie!!
i'm so happy we're all playing together now 😭
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thewildnopeboat · 9 months
Guardian, tossing a snowball: Hey Ghost, I have a question.
Ghost, sighing: So help me Light, we are in the middle of a warzone.
Guardian, looking up to it: Its an honest question. *pelts Fallen in the face*
Ghost: Fine. What is it?
Guardian: How did you find me?
Ghost, stops: What?
Guardian: Something that Riven's Mate said struck me as odd. He called me Wishkeeper, and that has some weight to it. Was I a lucky warrior chosen by the light, or did something force me to be chosen by you to rez that first time?
Ghost, sadly with no answer: How am I to know how the light works? I was assigned to you, so once you get inside the traveler, you can ask them.
Guardian, once again with a snow ball: Its refreshing to hear that you don't know in certain terms.
Ghost: wait, why?
Guardian, pelting another Fallen: Be-Cause, if you had all the answers, what fun would that be? To go through life and all its twists knowing exactly what happens, would drive a person to drink or to madness.
Ghost: Are you quoting something?
Guardian, shrugs: maybe. Maybe not~
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natwinterhaven · 5 years
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bareback morning rides on Kaya
nothing compares to having an arena right behind your stables.
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jorvikrangers · 5 years
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taking group pictures of horses be like
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evilpawnjewelry · 4 years
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Today there is a promo available for selected items on the website. Promo Code Gratitude21 will take 21% OFF most items on the website. Valid Today - Sunday! As always, the promo is not valid on the Last Chance from Wednesday but those beauties sold out. The promo is also Invalid for Skullbabies, Scarabs, and New items. New Items being: The Eclipse Ring, Valfreyja Necklaces, and ValFreyja Earrings. The Promo is also invalid for item requests that were not on the website prior. All other items are 21% OFF! Sale items are Valid at this time. Stay tuned for Crystal Posts this weekend! Thank you for your support! Thank you always and especially during this time. It means the world! Many Bright Blessings and Happy Week’s End! ✨ #Sale #Gratitude #ThankYou #ThankYouLife #Crow #Skull #TableWand #WishKeeper #Love #EvilPawnJewelry #earth #epj #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XpQZwFlWw/?igshid=1x1hxe13xo4dw
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humans-of-pdx · 6 years
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Gathering the wishes of 2018 Pickathon goers. "I save them from each year so they can be displayed again, showing the progression from year to year."
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lemonrandomart · 5 years
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i’m making a webcomic! you can read it on https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/wish-keepers/list?title_no=329222
please give your support! :) 
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telestoapologist · 8 months
thinks about sunny caringly trying to piece together a nice look for their new title as the wishkeeper...
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