livelouder · 6 years
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What do people mean when they talk about manifestation? Is it just woo for privileged white women? I mean. YES. It's definitely that. But also super fucking nope. To me, manifestation is just an epic-sounding term for making shit happen, encompassing a variety of different practical AND woo-ish techniques that you can decide the ratio of (for me it's about 90% scientific ant 10% woo). When I say "manifest", I mean bring into existence. I mean create, build, actualize. To assert agency in your life. To pursue something. To grab life by the balls, so to speak. And it's a reasonably multi-step process that, in my opinion, is primarily science-based. To manifest something, you need to identify and dismantle the beliefs that are holding you back, including ones around your own self worth. To manifest something, you need to train your brain to be open to it, to think about it, to not self sabotage, to engage with the world in a way that makes you more attractive to opportunities and possibilities. And of course, you need to do the work of building new habits (new neural pathways) to work through a plan or develop a skill. What "the universe" does in between all that is beyond me, but I have had some WEIRD outcomes of declaring my desires out loud.
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holiwordsmith · 7 years
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There's more major moony magic going on again today: it's the second of two eclipses we've had since the beginning of the year, this one a New Moon eclipse (think: new beginnings, intentions, surrender, openings, letting go) in Aquarius (our most unique, visionary, awakening selves). It's a time of Love flowing out into the world, an upwelling of the divine feminine wisdom that heals, inspires, and shifts static energy out of old structures that do not serve us. . In honor of this potent celestial time and simply the fact that so many of us struggle with loving ourselves fully, I wanted to pass on a simple ritual to bring on an upwelling of magic during this time of both strong lunar energy and the fullness of Venus, who is particularly bright in the sky right now. . This ritual is all about deepening into the magic of rose quartz, heart-healing herbs, and self-love. You'll begin with a gentle meditation with a chunk of rose quartz on your heart, laying down and visualizing pink light surrounding you, infusing every cell of your body. . Remind yourself, again and again, that like floating in a the primordial sea of stars, Love is both your origin point and also washes over you endlessly. . As you breathe in, your heart expands to take in this cosmic-earthy love, and as you breathe out, you release anything you no longer need so that you can live whole-heartedly, bringing greater and greater vulnerability, passion, and intimacy into your life and your being, so that everyone you come into contact with also receives a dose of loving heart healing. . When you feel complete, pour yourself a cup of rose petal or hawthorn tea and take am moment to express some gratitude to the the plant spirits before you drink in their potent self-love medicine. . . . . . . . 🌿💚🌿💚🌿 #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchesbrew #plantwitch #hedgewitch #greenwitch #tarotreadersofinstagram #plantmagicpeople #magicisreal #magiciseverywhere #witchythings #theartofslowliving #WitchTips #WitchLifeCoach #WitchCraft #witchstyle #witchlife #blessedbe #moonwitch #witches #moonmagic #paganism #moon #spirituality #spiritual #spellwork #Venus #Aphrodite #newmooneclipse (at Berkeley, California)
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livelouder · 6 years
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More on manifesting, because I'm on a roll here. If you want something and are resisting its pursuit, there's a pretty robust science-based path to get there, which might contain a bit of woo, if you like. To manifest something you want in your life, you need to: - Believe you actually have a right to it, which can involve a lot of work around self work - Believe it's possible and that YOU are capable, which may require research or boning up on some new skills - Understand what it takes to do the thing, break that down into chunks, and set goals and deadlines for yourself And common manifestie ways of doing that would be a ton of self hypnosis, neural rewiring, and possibly a dash (or a boatload) of woo: - Write a manifestation statement as if you already have the thing, or make a sigil or create a servitor if you're into magick - Act as if you already have the thing (people call this "raising your vibration". I call it opening to opportunity and living in a way that best serves the possibility of success). - Visualize what it would feel, look, smell, taste, and be like if you HAD the thing. - Tell the universe you want it and see what kinds of crazy woo things happen (this is my 10% - I don't know why, but it literally always produces results I can't effectively explain scientifically, and I work pretty hard to do so). What do you think? Powerful shit or bullshit?
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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MERCURY RETROGRADE TO DO LIST . Go through old boxes, papers, drawers, files, etc. and get rid of everything you don't need. . Read back through your old notes, rediscover how that research connects to your current work. . Streamline your email filing systems, unsubscribe, delete the stuff you know you're never going to answer anyway. . Clean up or cut the cords to old troubled relationships. (Write the letter that is needed for healing, or burn the letter you're still holding on to that is only making you miserable). . Commit to reading the books already on your bookshelf. At least one of them. All the way through. . Finish the project you've been working on. Finish that painting in your garage. The short story in your journal. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be done. . Set limits to the number of things you let yourself work on. Choose a few important things to focus on and leave the other stuff on the side of the road. . Rather than looking for new solutions to old problems, deepen a practice that you've been neglecting. For example, let's say you took up meditation to combat anxiety, but hardly ever practice. Now is the time to get back on that meditation cushion. . Mercury is in retrograde from December 3rd to December 23rd, so we have time. Let's rock it. . #ThePleasureOfSlowingDown #Mercury #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #Advice #WitchTips #Witchcraft #Healing #ToDo #Productivity #Planets #Messangers #Retrograde #WitchLifeCoach #HealingVibes #ArtWitch art by @antigonaart "Angel" 2017. (at Los Angeles, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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Daily Oracle: . “Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish." . I thought of this quote today, and in my mind I remembered it as a Japanese Haiku. . When I looked the quote up and found out it was Ovid I have to admit I was disappointed. Dude gets enough air time already, you know? . But still the fact I was thinking of the quote proves his point. Fish appear everywhere, even in the Greco Roman homeland of capitalist patriarchy. . As a witch though, I also feel like instead of hooking fish in dark, obscure pools, we could drop them there. We could repopulate the world with fish. And coral. And endangered species of whales while we're at it. . Point is: how would it change things if you put something beautiful in an unexpected place today? . #FishWisdom #OvidSubverted #DailyOracle #WitchesOfInstagram #Horoscope #Tarot #WitchLifeCoach #MagicMessages #PearlsOfWisdom #Messages #Witchcraft #oracle #crystals #awesome . Image from @hheininge (at Los Angeles, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
My Juicy Sex Magic elixir has been brewing for a month and is ready today on the Full Moon in Aquarius. . Made in small batch form by special request for one of my clients. Someone is going to be getting some radical, innovative lovin' sometime soon. 🌈🔻☀️🔻🌈 . P.S. I'll have a few bottles of this DELICIOUS, mind-blowing brew available for purchase at my Business Basics for Healers and Creatives this coming Saturday. Click the link in the bio to book your space. . #SexyLoveMagic #HealingMagic #ArtWitch #Healer #WitchLifeCoach #FullMoon #FindYourPower #Aquarius #astrology #herbmagic #plantmagic #magicelixir #brew #healinglove #hotwitch #fullmoonspells (at Los Angeles, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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A MESSAGE FROM MY LEO MOON . So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. . We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we've created and be like, "Pass." But that's not true. . Heart is what's gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real and raw and true. . If you want to make something dazzling, where people can't turn away, make it human. . We want to watch not the perfect, but the brave. Show up with your full heart today. Let yourself be messy and honest. Let people see the imperfections without apology. . You're already a star. . #astrologyforecast #astrology #occult #LosAngeles #LosAngelesWitchcraft #LAwitch #OracleofLosAngeles #Oracle #Moon #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #magic #vivelamagic #tarot #crystalporn #stylewitch #WitchCoach #WitchLifeCoach #Healer #Healing #HealingMagic #ArtWitch
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. . We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we've created and be like, "Pass." But that's not true. . Heart is what's gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real and raw and true. . If you want to make something dazzling, where people can't turn away, make it human. . We want to watch not the perfect, but the brave. Show up with your full heart today. Let yourself be messy and honest. Let people see the imperfections without apology. . You're already a star. . A little message to you today from my Leo moon. . #astrologyforecast #astrology #occult #LosAngeles #LosAngelesWitchcraft #LAwitch #OracleofLosAngeles #Oracle #Moon #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #magic #vivelamagic #tarot #crystalporn #stylewitch #WitchCoach #WitchLifeCoach #Healer #Healing #HealingMagic #ArtWitch (at San Francisco, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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MERCURY IN RETRO UPDATE . Mercury is totally laughing at the plans I made for the retrograde. . I was all set to retrofit my life, go through old files, flesh out old research. But instead I've been spending hours a day on hold, being disconnected by customer service representatives, then told I can't apply for Covered CA because I'm on Medicare - which isn't true. . I’ll be like, "I'm going to do my most important thing, just as soon as I check my emails." Then it will take me two hours to check my emails because my password has inexplicably stopped working. . Where is the lesson in all this? What's your damage, Mercury? . My takeaway: whatever thing is getting in your way rn is the very thing that you're supposed to banish, even more than the boxes of old stuff, or the emails you were supposed to sort through. . What's REALLY getting in our way is our old PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR. . Turns out, my habit of checking my emails before I do that important thing is causing me more problems than the clutter in my inbox. . I can see Saturn in Capricorn waving at us in the distance. Thus, the lessons of this Mercury in retro are turning out to be Saturnine in nature. . Saturn is saying: Don't get distracted by the details (as Mercury, ruler of Virgo is want to do), when it's really the patterns that are the problem. . If you find yourself getting thwarted by Mercury in retro, as I have, when you hit peak stress ask yourself, "What is the larger pattern at work here? How can I fix it?" ... ... Image thanks to @melaniefrome . ... #Mercury #MercuryInRetrograde #AstrologyTips #LOL #MakeTheGodsLaugh #Patterns #Astrology #Saturn #Sagittarius #WitchTips #WitchLifeCoach #DailyOracle #Magic #Passwords #SecretCodes #Details #Virgo #BadHabits #GoodHabits #Productivity #FML #GoHiking #Bathtime (at Los Angeles, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. . We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we've created and be like, "Pass." But that's not true. . Heart is what's gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real and raw and true. . If you want to make something dazzling, where people can't turn away, make it human. . We want to watch not the perfect, but the brave. Show up with your full heart today. Let yourself be messy and honest. Let people see the imperfections without apology. . You're already a star. . A little message to you today from my Leo moon. . #astrologyforecast #astrology #occult #LosAngeles #LosAngelesWitchcraft #LAwitch #OracleofLosAngeles #Oracle #Moon #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #magic #vivelamagic #tarot #crystalporn #stylewitch #WitchCoach #WitchLifeCoach #Healer #Healing #HealingMagic #ArtWitch (at San Francisco, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. ▫️ We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we've created and be like, "Pass." But that's not true. ▫️ Heart is what's gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real and raw and true. ▫️ If you want to make something dazzling, where people can't turn away, make it human. ▫️ We want to watch not the perfect, but the brave. Show up with your full heart today. Let yourself be messy and honest. Let people see the imperfections without apology. ▫️ You're already a star. ▫️ -- A little message to you today from my Leo moon. ▫️ #astrologyforecast #astrology #occult #LosAngeles #LosAngelesWitchcraft #LAwitch #OracleofLosAngeles #Oracle #Moon #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #magic #vivelamagic #tarot #crystalporn #stylewitch #WitchCoach #WitchLifeCoach #Healer #Healing #HealingMagic #ArtWitch
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. ▫️ We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we've created and be like, "Pass." But that's not true. ▫️ Heart is what's gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real and raw and true. ▫️ If you want to make something dazzling, where people can't turn away, make it human. ▫️ We want to watch not the perfect, but the brave. Show up with your full heart today. Let yourself be messy and honest. Let people see the imperfections without apology. ▫️ You're already a star. ▫️ -- A little message to you today from my Leo moon. ▫️ #astrologyforecast #astrology #occult #LosAngeles #LosAngelesWitchcraft #LAwitch #OracleofLosAngeles #Oracle #Moon #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #magic #vivelamagic #tarot #crystalporn #stylewitch #WitchCoach #WitchLifeCoach #Healer #Healing #HealingMagic #ArtWitch (at San Francisco, California)
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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This year is the Justice year according to tarot numerology. . Now we have the opportunity to rebalance and reevaluate after riding the riptide of last year’s upheavals. . We need to find a happy balance between our ideals on the one hand, and what can be achieved in material reality upon the other. . With Saturn in Cap this year we have the opportunity to create lasting structures that serve Justice, whatever we understand justice to mean. . We are each responsible for bringing justice into the world through our actions. . For me, I understand justice as the creation of balance and harmony, a free and easy flow of energy that creates a healthy ecosystem. Healthy on a personal, social, and environmental level. . So the question now is, how are we going to achieve that? . The justice card in tarot is often depicted holding methods of measurement. When you write down your goals and put them on your magical altar of manifestation, make sure that they are measurable. . Consider: how will you know when you have achieved your goal? What are the incremental steps it will take to get there? . Happy 2018! May this year bring harmony and justice. Victory to the Goddess! . #justice #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #witchesofinstagram #witches #divination #magic #healing #witchlife #witchlifecoach #tips #crystals #capricorn #moon #adjustment #2018 (at Los Angeles, California)
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