#with a silly flame thrower
darkyhelena · 11 months
Fandom: Gerard is old now, he won't be doing any of the crazy shit he used to do at concerts...
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Pic: @steve_rose on Instagram
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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Back on my huggy leo nonsense :)
Similar to one of those reptile heat rocks, id imagine a nicely heated metal arm also feels very nice! Turtles and all
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childoftheriver · 5 months
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There’s Carl!
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dipdopdog · 3 months
Kinda silly but
Eggdog and beeg causing chaos and SMG3 and SMG4 are trying to catch them (PLZ GIVE EGGDOG A FLAME THROWER IF U CAN) ((also I love ur work :3))
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deliciouskeys · 4 months
Cozy Corner Domaystic prompts #16: Going through immigration and #24: Identity theft.
Guys. Guys, I’ll be honest. I have no idea what possessed me. I think I found these two prompts as some of the most challenging to imagine as a domestic fic, and… my thinking got a little bit too outside the box.
This fic will have an intended audience of about 1 (me). But I want to give major major props to @olliveolly who introduced me to this game and was the one who came up with this That’s Not My Neighbor / Boys crossover AU (with a couple lovely art pieces on the theme). The “lore” of this horror game is very simple. Tell me you don’t see it:
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Butchlander. That’s Not My Neighbor crossover/AU. Rated E (why). 3.3k words (why). 2nd person to allegedly reflect the feeling of first-person gameplay (why). Is this domestic fic? Welllllll. It takes place in an apartment complex so it counts, right? Lax interpretation of ‘going through immigration’ but honestly that’s what this game really reminds me of 😂 AO3 link
Another day, another interminable shift working as the concierge in the dreary lobby of this apartment complex. It was exciting at first, sure, what with getting to play the first and last line of defense against the doppelganger monsters that attempt to sneak in every single day. But you’ve just gotten too good at noticing discrepancies. Nothing gets past you anymore. You know every single feature- hell, every single freckle! -of every single resident in the building. By this point you’ve got all their phone numbers memorized, for no better reason than there is simply too much tedium to this job. You find yourself wishing you could actually watch the D.D.D. ‘decontaminate’ the lobby, as they so euphemistically put it, instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs behind a pulled down rollup metal shutter after summoning them. You could still make out screams without seeing the brutality, and you knew the D.D.D. employed flame throwers and other serious weapons to deal with these monsters. Sometimes you caught yourself feeling just a little bit of sympathy for the doppelgangers, even though their main goal in life appeared to be to imitate people to blend in and then feed upon human flesh, and your main goal in life was supposed to be to ensure none of them would ever get let in through the locked inner door.
John Gillman comes in through the first door and gives you a tired, nominal wave before fishing around in his pockets for his documents to gain entry. He might be your favorite resident— always polite, always in that clean-cut milkman uniform at least when you happen to see him, because no one really leaves the apartment building outside of work obligations. There’s no nightlife in New York anymore, not with everyone nervous of dark alleys or being alone on the street, especially after dark. When you came over here from London, you certainly didn’t expect to get stuck here during a worldwide apocalyptic event like this that has resulted in curfews and lockdowns. You certainly didn’t expect to get zero action and get a mindnumbing job just to make ends meet. It was probably still more interesting than your gig working as a bouncer back in London, but at least you got fresh air there, and sometimes a date to go home with after closing time. Maybe that’s why you’ve started hyperfixating and daydreaming about one of the residents— the involuntary celibacy is getting to you.
John just always looks uncannily attractive. Maybe it’s that silly uniform that’s easy to fetishize. Maybe it’s because his tired eyes also look like bedroom eyes, or the dark circles function the same way eyeliner would. Why is he always so tired anyway? You know he lives alone up there in F03-02. He never gets any visitors either. How much can a person masturbate, really? There’s a rumor around the building that Becca Saunders’ tyke might be his, but you don’t really see the resemblance, and have your doubts that this didn’t just start as a “sleeping with the milkman” joke that got out of hand. People just like to gossip about single mothers. Things like this shouldn’t be considered scandalous. It’s 1955 for god’s sake!
“Sorry, William,” John says, hurriedly shoving his ID and entry request form underneath the glass so you can take take a look. “Almost thought I left my ID at work.”
“Long day, huh?” you ask without expecting a reply, pretending to scrutinize the documents while making small talk. You know this is John. You’d know him from a mile away. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of fun. “Looks okay, and you are on the list of people authorized to come and go today. But can you take off your cap?”
John grabs his milkman cap off his head, exposing a mop of blond hair, looking mussed after being under the hat all day. You really wish you could test him, see how far you’d be able to take things before he refused to cooperate. Take off your shirt, John. Gotta make sure it’s really you. You never know these days. But of course you don’t. All you’ll have is your fantasies about breaching every code of ethics and using your master key to gain entrance into his apartment, seducing him, ravishing him right in the middle of what must be a depressing bachelor pad. Give him much darker undereye circles by keeping him up all night. Give this apartment complex a more interesting rumor to spread about the milkman in their midst.
“You’re good to go,” you say and press the green unlock button to let him in. He gives you a wan smile and walks out of view, and you listen to his footsteps ascending the stairs.
The rest of the afternoon is uneventful, only a few people coming and going, and a couple of doppelgängers with laughably strange appearance or bad credentials being dispatched quickly. Or at least it’s uneventful until John walks in, just a little bit past curfew.
“Hey William,” he says, sounding distracted, rummaging in his pockets for his documents as a cold sweat breaks out on your forehead. This better be a doppelganger, you think to yourself. But he has both his ID and the entry request filled out correctly. He looks identical to the John that passed by here a couple of hours earlier. This can’t be.
You start dialing John’s number, not taking your eyes off the man in front of you.
John’s eyes widen with alarm when he sees that you get an answer from the other end of the line.
“Yes, hello? John here. I’m not expecting any visitors.”
You hang up pretty abruptly, staring at the John in front of you, searching his appearance for any subtle defect or inconsistency but finding none. Your finger is hovering over the alarm button.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you think I’m someone else? It’s me, William! I swear to god it’s me! I don’t know who you let in earlier, and who’s answering the phone now, but it’s not me up there!”
And shit, you believe him. You must have fucked up. Gotten smug and sloppy. Maybe the doppelganger handed you a fake ID but you didn’t notice because you were too busy daydreaming about fucking him.
“William, please believe me, please!” John is pressing up against the glass at this point, clearly scared that you’re going to quarantine him in the lobby and sic the D.D.D. on him. They don’t tend to ask questions. You’ve never had it happen, but you’ve heard of innocent people getting snuffed out on the mere suspicion of being doppelgangers, the D.D.D. rarely admitting to such mistakes even after the fact.
“Alright, alright, I believe you. I just have to think…” you mumble. “I’ll let you in, but don’t go up to your flat. We have to figure this out.”
John nods frantically and slips into your office after you buzz him in.
“What are you going to do?” he asks, and if you weren’t scared shitless at the moment, you’d probably get a kick out of how vulnerable and scared his expression is compared to his usual tired, impassive one.
“I should call the D.D.D. and get them to go up there,” you think out loud.
“Won’t you get reprimanded?” John asks, and oh how sweet of him to worry about your job when you’ve fucked up so royally and almost gotten him killed with your negligence. Maybe already gotten some of his neighbors killed.
“I just don’t want you losing your job over this— you’re the best concierge we have,” he says and then looks down shyly, as if realizing how strange that concern is.
What is this? Are you dreaming? Maybe you’re just out of your mind with adrenaline, but John sounds like he’s got feelings for you.
“Let’s just go up there and see what’s going on,” he says, and damn he’s persuasive as fuck. You want to go and deal with the mess you made, and protect him.
“I’ll go up there and just check,” you say, hardly believing yourself as you grab the fire extinguisher from the wall as a makeshift weapon. Everyone who was scheduled to return to the building has, so you shouldn’t get any more legitimate people coming through, but you still tape up a note that you’ll be back at your post in a few minutes. “Right then. You just stay down here and wait. I don’t want you putting yourself at risk. If I’m not back in five, call the number on the post-it.”
John shakes his head and follows you up the stairs. “I’m not letting you go up there alone,” he says in that quiet irresistible voice and you start to wonder if there’s something strange going on. Why are you going on this potentially suicidal mission to deal with a doppelganger on your own? So what if you get fired? No job is worth your life, right? But you probably wouldn’t see John ever again if you lost this job and that’s clouding all your judgment right now.
Knocking on John’s apartment door is probably not a good idea, and will just give the monster inside time to prepare or hide. So you take out your master key and turn it in the lock as quietly and quickly as you can. The door swings opens with an ominous creak, revealing a dark living room with no sign of anyone there. Did he hear you coming up the stairs? You try to keep John behind you and shield him in case anything sudden happens from within the apartment, but then you feel a strong push from behind and both you and John are in the flat now.
You’re so stupid, so critically, fatally stupid. The John you let in earlier was the real one. You’ve let a doppelganger convince you that you made a mistake, and now you did let one in. You whirl around, try to hit him upside the head with the fire extinguisher you’re brandishing, but he blocks the move with little effort.
“I thought we agreed,” he says, and you realize he’s speaking not to you but past you to someone else in the room.
“Thursdays are my days,” an identical voice answers from behind you and you step back and try to make sense of what you’re seeing. Two John Gillmans, both in the same uniform, neither one looking the least bit spooked, both looking mildly irritated if anything.
“Since when,” the John who came up behind you asks of the other one. “I get to be here every other day, doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.”
“So now what are we going to do about him?” the John who was in the apartment asks, pointing to you. “Why didn’t you just leave once he called me? Are you stupid?”
Your heart may be racing, but your thinking feels as slow as molasses. They’re …. both doppelgangers?
“What have you done with the real John Gillman?” you whisper hoarsely. The twins turn to look at you and you’re creeped out by the very similar smirk that spreads across both of their faces. They’re really impeccable facsimiles of the real person, but this is an expression you’ve never seen on John.
“You’ve never met the ‘real John Gillman’,” one of them says.
There’s enough cold sweat that’s broken out on your back that it starts to trickle down as drops.
“We like you William. It would be such a shame for our friendship to end.”
You hold up the fire extinguisher in front of yourself defensively, but you’re not sure you can really do anything against two of them. You’ve never noticed before, and maybe the real John’s teeth didn’t look like this, but the two doppelgangers have sharp looking canines when they’re grinning. It’ll serve you right to get devoured in this dark flat for making so many mistakes and bad decisions in a row today.
“So you’re just going to kill me then?” you ask.
“We’d really rather not,” one of the twins says. “A murder would bring a lot of snooping law enforcement if not the D.D.D. Itself.”
“And it’s so hard to find good lodging to spend the night.”
They must be joking. “You really expect me to believe you’re not just here to eat people?”
One of the twins rolls his eyes. “Eat people! Yeah, that’s why we’re here, clearly.”
“Has anyone in this apartment building ever disappeared in all the months you’ve worked here?” the other one asks.
“How should I know?” You’re beginning to feel like this has to be some sick nightmare. You can’t possibly be having a civil conversation with a couple of cannibal monsters. This thought has a strange calming effect on you. “If I didn’t know you lot were masquerading as John Gillman, how am I to know how many other residents are real people?”
The twins turn to each other, still smiling and shrugging.
“We’ve been on a vegetarian diet for a while,” the other says and you can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“Laugh all you want,” the other one says, spreading his hands in concession. “But milk is more than enough to sustain us. We do think people are delicious, but there’s one thing we like much more than eating them.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, emboldened by the possibility that you’re just in a ridiculous, paranoid, bad dream of a worst case scenario at your job.
“We’ve been watching you William. We think you’ve been interested in us.”
“We’ve never fucked anyone from this building, and never fucked together, but there’s a first time for everything, right?”
You just stand there, fire extinguisher still raised up defensively. No question about it, this must be a nightmare that’s slowly but surely twisting itself into a sexual fantasy.
“Come on, William. Let’s make you comfortable.”
You can hardly protest as one gently pulls your makeshift weapon out of your loose grip, and the other one sweeps you off your feet with preternatural superhuman ease and carries you over to the couch in this sparsely furnished apartment.
Gentle but insistent hands undo the buttons on your trousers and then maneuver you so they can pull them off completely and free your legs.
“Humans are such fun creatures,” one of the Johns comments when he sees that despite your fear of the situation unfolding right now, you are sporting a half-hearted hard-on. It somehow only gets harder when you hear them talk about people as another species.
Both Johns are still fully dressed, situating themselves to kneel on the floor on either side of you. It’s wild. You must be dreaming. And as you watch both Johns lean forward, extending their tongues and licking your cock up and down from opposite sides, you realize that if this is a dream, you never want to wake up.
They know what they’re doing. They bring you right up to the edge of orgasm and then pull away, leaving you feeling desperate and even annoyed. You’re not annoyed for long though as they both strip down, and you see that their human-mimicking powers are perfect, down to the most minute details that would never be seen under clothes. Granted, you don’t know what John Gillman looked like naked, so maybe they’ve taken artistic license and embellished. Whatever it is, they’ve compared notes, because they still look indistinguishable to you.
“Like what you see?” one of them asks and you realize you I’ve been staring, maybe even with your mouth hanging open. You never imagined you’d hook up with a doppelganger, let alone two of them at once. But you have imagined foisting yourself on John in this very flat, and you’re about to live that daydream.
You end up doing things with the two of them beyond what you’ve ever dreamed of. You fuck one of them, and at the same time get fucked by the other one from behind, the cheap bed’s metal joints creaking and moaning from the motion of three bodies rocking against each other. You let them suck your cock and rim you to get you back in the mood for another round, trying not to think about how unsettlingly hungry they both look, and who they really are underneath the human-looking exterior. The exterior slips periodically when they’re in the throes of pleasure. You wince when they betray just how strong they really are, whenever they flip you over or change positions, as if you weigh nothing. You try not to pay attention when their eyes start glowing red when they’re particularly turned on, but it’s impossible to ignore in the darkness of the bedroom.
“William, you are fucking delicious,” one of them declares, licking his lips obscenely after swallowing down your cum, and all you can do is emit a short nervous chuckle, and think that even if they do decide to eat you at the end of all of this— either to cover their tracks, or just because they might start feeling peckish after all this is over— it will still have been worth it.
You don’t get eaten. In fact, you’ve had the time of your life, and as you get up from the bed and mumble that you have to get back to your post before your shift is over, the two Johns lie languid, naked on the bed watching you, each enjoying a post coital glass of milk (that’s all they have in the fridge— you saw when they opened it), like perfect mirror images.
“You won’t be making any unnecessary phone calls, right William?”
“We can count on you to be discreet and keep a secret, right?”
Through the combined haze of being scared for your life and then having the time of your life, there’s still one thing that bothers you, and you ask about it, against all your best self-preservation instincts.
“So what have you done with the real John Gillman?”
They turn to look at each other, not exactly conspiratorial but it still makes you uneasy.
“Oh, John Gillman never existed. We’ve been around a lot longer than you humans think. Many of us never tried to replicate and replace real humans.”
“Yeah, and a lot of good that did when some of us started! The ones who are doing it are the reason we’re being hunted now. Unoriginal hacks. And so bad at mimicking too.”
“So many embarrassing ones out there.” They both nod at each other.
You’d like to believe them. You really would. “So why choose this persona?”
“The milkman gets free milk and gets around in your society! And humans seem to like this look,” one of them says, grinning and gesturing with his hand over their naked bodies.
“But we only ever get to enjoy bored housewives.”
“And why are there two of you?” you ask hesitantly, glancing at the clock on the wall to verify that you’re not late yet.
“Oh there’s more than two of us,” one of them says and they laugh in unison in a way that sends a chill down your spine.
You think you’ve got it all worked out. You’re letting the John Gillmans stay in the apartment undisturbed, and you let them through even when it’s obvious that there’s more than one of them coming and going. You figure it’s a win-win. They promise to protect the building from any rogue doppelgangers who infiltrate and intend to harm the residents, and in return get a place to stay the night peacefully. You get to visit apartment F03-02 after your shift ends and have mind-blowing sex. They seem to enjoy the orgies as well. They know your shift hours and try to only come and go during those times. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with this arrangement.
Or at least not a problem that you’re going to make into your problem. When one of the Johns walks in, visibly smeared in blood, you do give him a hard time.
“Come on, John. Just because I’ll let you in, doesn’t mean you can just stop trying to look decent. God forbid I call in sick and someone else is here.”
John shrugs and goes through the formality of pushing his ID and entry request under the glass window.
“And get a new ID…” you tell him when you see bloody fingerprints all over the worn paper.
John shrugs, doing his usual tired act, despite how ridiculous it looks to be so bored and nonchalant when he’s smeared in blood.
“Whose blood is that, anyway?” you ask, wondering why you’re not more disturbed.
“Someone who was of no consequence and who won’t be missed,” John replies, terse and cool as a cucumber.
“I thought you said you were vegetarian?”
“I’ll take a cheat day if I run into a wifebeater,” John says, shrugging.
You buzz him in, telling him to get washed up before someone sees him, wondering if you’re being colossally naive to believe his story, and wondering if you’ve got a death wish because you’re still looking forward to going up there once your shift ends in a few hours.
(What in the world. 💀)
ETA: now with another art piece by @olliveolly
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
Eddie and Steve: Monster Hunters (steddiemicrofic/steddielovemonth)
For @steddiemicrofic Feb prompt, ‘edge,’ and @steddielovemonth day 23, Love is giving him your sweater even if it makes you cold. (@stevesbipanic) Thank you <3
Rating: T. WC: 509. CW: None. Tags: established steddie, angst, slight au, slightly fluffy, slightly soft Eddie, slightly silly!
Eddie wasn’t sure how he’d gotten separated from Steve. However, there he was—alone, the demo-goat caught between him and the quarry, his Molotov cocktail primed.
“Eat dirt, you evil, bleating little sh—iiiiiiit!”
Suddenly, Steve was there, hot on the goat’s hooves, brandishing a home-made flame-thrower.
Too late. Eddie’s missile already flew. A flash blinded him, echoed by a crackling boom, and a thunderclap in his chest. He rushed, choking, through the smoke. DID I JUST EXPLODE MY BOYFRIEND?
Eddie swayed on the quarry precipice, from which Steve dangled, clinging with both hands. And then with one hand. Already on his knees, Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist.
“You trying to kill me?” Black goop smeared Steve’s pale face.
“Didn’t see you, Stevie.”
“I’d got this… Jesus! My shoulder… your rings… Hurts. Oh shit, oh shit, I’m gonna die!”
Sweat beaded Steve’s brow, fingers quivering for grip as he slipped farther. Eddie squeezed tight words from gritted teeth:  “Gimme your other hand.”
It didn’t go like in movies. Steve’s efforts wrenched at Eddie’s faltering hold. Their gazes locked, pulses going apeshit in union.
“Steve, I—"
Steve plummeted into the cool twilight. Eddie’s heart dropped through his boots, falling with his boyfriend, as far as the distant splash.
Eddie stumbled blindly to the shingle shore. He saw only his final image of Steve—Steve’s horror mirroring Eddie’s own, Steve’s too-pretty mouth forming a perfect ‘o’.  Almost like when we kissed, and those times we… The sex no longer mattered. It’d been casual between them till now, when the idea of a future without Steve shredded Eddie’s soul. Worse, poor Steve! Way too young to…
Eddie whipped out a flashlight, legs numb, stomach knotted. Something crawled out of the water. Hopefully, not the demo-goat. Seconds later, he hovered over Steve, who flopped onto his back, arms flung wide.
“Holy shit.” Eddie tugged his hair, hesitating to touch Steve—fearing he’d shattered some illusion.
Steve panted hard, catching his breath. Wet, bedraggled, and incongruously adorable, his flat hair made his eyes seem huge. Then he scowled, attempted to sit. Eddie finally tumbled forward, flung his arms around him.
“You scared the shit outta me.”
“You angling for an apology?” Steve’s voice was trembly as the rest of him. “Diving that far stings like a b-bitch! Did I say I wanted a swim, Munson?”
“Sorry.” He rubbed Steve’s back
“Thought I was a g-gonner. Makes you realize… about… st-stuff.”
Eddie sniffed then pulled off his sweater, shivering himself as he wrapped it around Steve. Steve raised a weary brow. “B-body heat st-still required, Dipshit.”
Eddie enfolded him tight again, then might have sobbed as he helped Steve up. Steve proved too tired to speak, Eddie too choked, till they reached the car. Eddie dialled the heater up, touched Steve’s thigh: “Stevie, there’s something I… uh…”
“I love you, man.” Steve rested his head back, eyes fluttering closed. “Try not to nearly kill me again this week, ’kay?”
“Love you too.” Eddie tenderly stroked dripping hair from Steve’s brow, then scrambled over the gear-lever to get cosy.
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paradisechid800 · 9 months
Au where Dite and Perse raised Adonis together
Hestia: Adonis bit a kid at school today.
Persephone: *gasp*
Aphrodite: What!?
Hestia: I know this is hard to hear, bu-
Persephone: How dare you!?!?
Aphrodite: Our son is a saint!
Baby Adonis: *running with a flame thrower burning everything he sees*
Hestia: Are you seeing this!
Aphrodite: Of course we are.
Persephone: Who do you think gave that to him!?
Baby Adonis: *holding a giant battleaxe*
Demeter: Little boy, where do you think you're going with that?
Baby Adonis: Um...
Demeter: Give it too me.
Baby Adonis: *Hands to her*
Demeter: Thank you. *hands him a bigger, sharper one* this cuts much more proficiently.
Baby Adonis: Thank u, uwu *starts chasing people*
Aphrodite: That's my boy.
Zeus: *Bouncing baby Adonis on his knee* What an adorable little scamp.
Hera: Careful, we don't want him developing a bad vocabulary.
Zeus: Don't be silly. Perse's the one raising him, this is the most innocent thing in the world.
Baby Adonis: *Points at Zeus* Slut!
Zeus: ...
Zeus: Well he isn't wrong.
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dani-r · 2 years
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I will forever be gratefull for my mum to make Opinions on the vote for that week and ignite the poll debate channel like a fucking flame thrower. Above all, forever grateful for the incredible meme and poems that turned the vote arround towards Epic Train Figth.
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...And that's all folks! Silly doodle dump is over for now. Let us say goodbye till next chapter with a happy Butcher, who finally met a worthy enemy, he finally met his match and is too much of a cool dinamic for all of us to handle.
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misty-zzz · 3 months
im having a LOT of fun combining these 2 fixations.
for those who dont know, cuz i bet theres gonna be some ii people who dont know, camp here and there is a fictional horror podcast! i realized that some of the characters in ii had some parallels in each of the stories. oh and for the chnt people, its just a silly object show :3
parallels and characters under the drawings!
also ive been wanting to draw objects with animal features more, but its not my main style, so i wanted to do it with this au!
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okay sooo
sydney - microphone
jedidiah - test tube
elijah - taco
lucielle - tea kettle (which is kinda weird cuz her son is jedidiah, so test tube is tea kettle's daughter now..? BUT THE PERSONALITIES....)
so in the story of chnt, sydney meets up with elijah in the woods. so do taco and mic.
both taco and elijah are sorta the villians through out the story
both elijah and taco were (sorta, for elijah) there before the story
sydney and microphone can be a lot for some people
test tube seem like the type to stay up all night on a project and ignore everyone else.
tea kettle and lucielle are both motherly like, but can lash out very easily (lucielle literally used a flame thrower 😭)
taco and elijah like tea :3
also i thought that since sydney talks into a microphone throughout the podcast it would be funny to have him as microphone
and i gave taco a cat mask instead of the pink elephant mask because her she has sorta cat like limbs :p
thank you for coming to my ted talk of me combing 2 fixations. im still working on this, but maybe suggest which characters are which :0
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terranceholdsapencil · 4 months
I just watched space babies and Im gonna put some moments under the cut that are just so,,,
-lets make this episode into one big exposition/lore dump so everyone knows whats going on
-dinos <3
-ruby stepping on an actual butterfly and 15 blowing life into it again 😭 that was so stupid I absolute love it
-"One day this is wyoming"
-"Aha! Is that like a, uh, matter transporter like in star trek?" "hehehE! weve gotta visit them someday."
Im not even much of a star trek fan but I could totally watch doctor who with my star trek-autistic dad if there was a crossover. Also a crossover would be bangers.
-"Most of the universe is knackered, babes" fair.
-something about "the question is, why did I run?" "cause it was scAry!" "It was new. I LOVE meeting new things, so why did it give ME the shivers? I couldn´t run fast enough I was like 👏 WOOSH!"
I was like *clap* WOOSH!! (New stim unlocked)
-"So, this place, grows babies. What for? FoOd?" "fOo- who-whOT. FOOD? Theyre not tOmAtOes"
The way he said tomatoes is very special to me. As well as the general absurdity of that whole moment, actually
-giving her phone the space-time-signal boost!!! THAT MADE ME SO HAPPY TO SEE ON SCREEN AGAIN
-space babies. First I was a bit annoyed and baffled by the way he kept saying space babies but eventually he said it so often I just went "SPACE BABIES :D"
-ruby and 15 handling the space babies??? 😭 Man that was so pure
-maybe thats growing up queer and autistic but this line killed me
"Nobody grows up wrong.
You are, what you are, and that is magnificent"
Okay Im just gonna sit down and CRY because I really needed my comfort character to tell me this. Im not ready for it yet but I still need it. Ill get back to this once Im at peace with myself. To heal.
-"because I, am absolutely lovely, arent I? 🥰"
-"And do you wanna know my secret?
Theres no one like me in the whole, wide, universe. No one like me exists, and thats true of everyone. Its not a problem, captain pops. Its a superpower 💪 High five!"
-i absolutely laughed out loud and almost woke my father when ruby tried to calm the space babies and 15 kept scaring them.
"Theres no such things as the bogeman. That thing, was more-- sort of like, a, uhhh," "BOGEYMAN!"
-"That should recalibrate the whole shebang"
-abortion allegory got like super spelled out at one point and that was a bit awkward but I have no strong opinion on it, because the point they make still stands.
"Hang on. So, the planet down below will refuse to stop the babies being born, but once theyre born, they dont look after them??"
-the way jocelyn said 'because its terrifying" after 15 said "and WhY was I so scared?"
Also: "Yeah but Ive met a million ugly bugs, *I´m* and ugly bug, ThAt THIng, made me run, I just wonder why" youre not an ugly bug gorgeous
-"babies with a flame thrower?!" Was possibly the stupidest thing Ive ever seen and Im so happy cause that is exactly how doctor who works. Babies with flame throwers. Who even thought of that.
Also reminded me of the fact daleks had flame throwers at one point
-"The teaching software, it told a story!" "it invented the bogeyman!" "For the babies 🥺" "For the space babies 🥺" (i love them)
-snot monster
-it did confuse me how familiar they seem already. And that he basically gave her a tardis key before she even really agreed to travel with him. I LOVE them dont get me wrong but that felt too quick
-seeing mum at christmas <3
-"tell your mum not to slap me" someone has never recovered from jackie and sylvia
-ohhh dna scan
-probably something I forgot but:
Episode was fun. Too exposition heavy at times and structured differently from 'normal' who. But fun. And also super silly. And we LOVE super silly.
Space Babies. Space babies with flame throwers.
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Lore post//
A day later, Rui and Minori went to work together.
Rui! You seem more tired than usual...I mean I can't really blame you...
With you finding out about all this-
And that me and Kanade are together-
And the history of Tsukasa's maki-Are you even listening to me!?
Ah!! I'm awake!!!
You better be! We have another busy day!
Yep! We have two idols getting interviewed here!
Aaaauuuuuugh...I don't want to run around to make sure thing are right and fast...
TOO BAD!!! Besides! This place doesn't get enough customers! So these things are big opportunities for us!!
Okay whatever...
Say, why didn't Tsukasa come?
I wanted him to be alone so he can figure out his "new emotions"...
How Rui thinks he'll handle them:
Okay! So I need to boil the noodle...but how does that work if there isn't any water? Oh I need to boil the water and then put the noodle in! Silly me! Okay then! Let's boil some water!! Flame thrower arm! DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!
Tsukasa has a flame thrower arm?
No but it would be cool if he did.
Aw man...
Oh! Uhh Rui...?
Don't tell me it's almost time for the idols to come...
Oh hehehe...hello we didn't see you two there...akward....
Remember us?
The singers...we once came here...
Oh! Kohane and An right?
Well sorry to say but we can't really serve you two...we have two idols coming here for an interview!
Oh! Shizuku and Airi?
Oh we know them! They're like the sweetest people! Well...at least Shizuku is...
Don't worry! They're not the type to eat a billion things! I'm sure your work will be the easiest today!
Please don't jinx it...
After an hour or so, the two idols arrive at the diner
AAAAAAAAaaand we're back again in "My interviewee!" Today we have the one and but not only, Sizuku and Airi!!
Helloo!! It's your girl! Airi!!!
Hi there...Shizuku is here!
Well then!! Why don't we order before our interview starts?! WAITER!!!
Gah-!! Hehehe! H-H-Hello! What can I get for you two?
What sweets do you guys have?
Uhh we have Daifuku, Dorayaki, Mochi, Macarons, Cupcakes, Cookies! But for larger sweetswe have Tiramisu, Pancakes, Waffles, etc.
Which one should we get?
How about some Dorayaki?
AAAAAAaaalright!! Twenty Dorayakis!!
Ma'am...Isn't that...
I'll be back with your order!
Back in the room.
Alright, so we need to get twenty Dorayakis!
Ah, at least it's something we don't need to do from scratch!
A few minutes later...
So idols! Now that our Dorayakis are here! Why don't we start with some questions from your fans!?!?
Alright! Let's take a look!
First question!
I thought idols usually ear the bare minimum when it comes to food...
Well it's kind of needed for them to have more on camera! To hide stuff ya know?
How do you know that?
Haha! Oh! You know! I'm obsessed with idols.
Have you ever had a loved one die?!
A loved one die? That's a strange question...but no! I lost my dog once but he came back...!
What about you Airi?!
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Well...yes. I had a dear friend of mine die...it was a long time ago...when the whole massacre thing was happening...I had a fairly small friend group back then...her death caused me to lose them too...They were...Haruka, Asahi and Tsukasa...
...?! Tsukasa-?!
Now tho! We shouldn't break the mood now! Onto the next question!
She...she knew Tsukasa? Well- the human one I assume...If that's so...I'll have a little talk with her when she's done with her interview...
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @delartz @m4r1y4m
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Alright, I just made a new oc out of my dream
His name is Death star cookie, powerful in some way asshole but also nice. He's so easily angered because everything he do, always end up wrong.
For a good example to this - He try to burn down a kitchen, but end up cooking the best meal in the universe - in bbq moment, he using his power to breath fire and using flame thrower, end up make the best meat and steak in the whole yard and won the trophy - He try to kidnap someone, but end up kidnap a criminal so the small village saw him as a hero - He attempt on murder, he murder a killer who supposed to be in death sentence, so the police give him some candy.
Yeah, you see why he so easily angered since he try to be chaotic and evil but end up doing something nice.
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And his lore is complicated so I'll try to explain with my best.
Like in my au, Luna/Moon cookie. She's literally depressed and a broken mother who unable to have a child of her own through multiples tries.
Now, when ever a child were born from Planet cookie, or for Luna cookie. A small star/planet were also born. But if they unable to make it through and die, the same goes to the small star/planet as well. Where the planet/star explode or cracked and shattered. Luna always go out to clean the debris, in hoping or believing that she's collecting the small souls and keep them together so that the little ones will not get lost in the after life. Turns out, her believes seem to be true, since a little parts that isn't collected, are part of the lost vessels. So when she finally have a son, Little moon cookie. She were thrilled and joyful, but sadly, it didn't last. Because of her husband were so feared of what he see in the future of the Little moon. He take away her son and disposed of him into the cookie world, in hoping that he'll die from lack of care.
But faith have different option, where due to lack of care and anybody who could teach Little moon cookie to control his ability. His emotions got the best of him, splitting him apart, creating Melatonin and Icing. So when Luna see two moons, she know her son is alive somewhere and been spending years on the moon, looking down, weeping as she desperately looking for her lost son.
Time went by, and to her horror, she were a little late when she witness one of the small two moons of her son are shattered. She try to go out to clean, but it were too late. Now, the small vessels that weren't collected, all gather up together and same goes with the small shattered moon, it created a Death star. To Luna horror, she knew what her husband saw and see why he feared it. A Death star, known to bring chaos and horror. But the one thing that the husband didn't see through. Is that the vessels that were collected and formed together. It made Death star cookie very harmless and clumsy. And also had a lot of useful skills. She see good in him and take care of him like he son, fulfill her wishes and dream of having a son.
It also the reason why he have a chaos and a personality like a psychopath (probably got that part from icing vessels.) while the rest of the goods are all from the long disease and unable to make it through vessels. And because of this, it make him goofy and silly and TOTALLY harmless lol
And for some reason, he had the ability to summon cubes and shapes that he can make it into a bomb or form a shape to create a dome or a box around the victim. And if one of the ball is darkness like blackhole, yeah that thing can destroy you into juice. Which is why he use the box ability to close the victim and create a red box filled with someone insides and death. (totally got this in my dream :] )
@ask-churro-cookie ( shocking news- Marigold won't believe it! ) @roseofdarkness0 ( Is my writing good?? :D ) @m00r3-cha0s ( this is the little shit that chasing your sheep )
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
hi !! I hope you're well 💚
sorry if this is random but I need to scream this somewhere and i'm curious to hear what others have to say abt this aa
I gave myself the hope that the reason why Bo-Katan didn't seem to give too much of a reaction while she watched Din get captured was because she was holding herself back so Moff wouldn't know that she cares deeply abt Din and use that against her by hurt Din 😭
idk if I'm just delusional (I'm a sw fan so yes) or something waaah what are your thoughts abt this?
Su cuy'gar* my friend.
That's totally not a random question! In fact I was a little bit disappointed when I saw Bo-Katan's reaction as Din got captured. I found her reaction to Paz to be much stronger, but she also knew that he was certain to die. You could see her struggle because she probably vowed never to leave a Mandalorian behind again.
So I rewatched the whole scene for you, paying special attention to Bo-Katan's reaction. Unfortunately, she wears a helmet, which is why the analysis is of course a little more difficult like in the scenes where she's talking with Din without her helmet.
Din gets caught from Gideon's man, he tries to defend himself with the flame thrower and get's tied up. Right after you see first Paz and then Bo-Katan fire against the barrier.
Then she takes a step closer to the barrier, seems to pause for a fraction of a second. At that moment she is still lit by the light from Din's flamethrower. She hits the glass with the gun in her hand. A split second later, the screen wents dark. The perspective changes and we see Din fighting his opponents from her point of view. Then she hits the barrier again with her hand.
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One must always remember that Bo-Katan is an incredibly experienced and skilled warrior. She has seen many people get hurt or die. It wouldn't suit her to panic or scream. But despite the helmet, you can tell that she is shocked for a split second. Viewers are only shown her and Grogu's reaction to Din's capture because those are the ones that count. She hits the barrier twice and later several times again when she is no longer in focus of camera, but you can see it when you look very closely. This reaction that is irrational and in due of desperation because she can't do anything about it. I think it's dramaturgically wonderful done that Bo is first lit up and shortly afterwards her ''face'' gets dark. Maybe also an indication how she's feeling in the inside.
After Gideon appeared, she initially stands there relatively rigidly, but during the course of Gideon's speech you notice that her posture is super tense, which culminates in her slightly desperate exclamation ''No!'' after Gideon sends off the Tie Fighters and Bombers. Din is taken away and Bo says in an almost slightly trembling and angry voice:
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She responds to her likely rising panic with a threat. A relatively clear coping mechanism. She then threatens Gideon in a calmer and firmer voice to destroy him once and for all. And I'm pretty sure she will do.
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I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed with her reaction when I first saw it. But I had to remind myself that she's not a silly schoolgirl. And after looking this scenes again I'm sure that she cares pretty much! You just have to look carefully. I love how subtle the whole season is over and over again and what an incredible talent Katee Sackhoff shows in bringing us closer to Bo's feelings.
And finally, I wanna show you of how Bo-Katan reacted in the second episode when she realized that Din Djarin was in danger:
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And now just imagine what her face must have looked like when Din was captured after what they went through together.
Screenshots are mine. GIF's from @itberice, thank you!
This is the way!
*Su cuy'gar (Mando'a) = Hello (lit. you are still alive)
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pitofbloodandknives · 4 months
i love your leprechauns! do they have any abilities, or would that be a spoiler? :0
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most of them have abilities yeah!!!!!!!!! =:3333
sphacelate can rot things he touches, and because of that he has to wear specific gloves so he doesnt rot anyones arm off by accident
evo,,,,complicated bastard, all i can say is that they can puppeteer corpses, mimic voices and stuff, the rest is a spoiler!!!
contagion doesnt have any abilities but she is immune to poisons and stuff, but careful, that means her saliva is toxic too!!!(useful for blinding someone temporarily) she also wields a flame thrower!!!
beck also doesnt have any abilities but she tends to wounds of her teammates. but also, he can beat the living shit out of u w/ bear fists
hypothermia is pretty obvious by name, he can freeze anything he comes in contact w/!!!!!! not a very good situation to be in
beheader is a werewolf!!! guy whos a wolf he can tear u ti pieces<3
pestilence can cause others have illnesses whoever is in the same room w/ rot. very useful for taking out groups but it comes w/ its own nuances. cad pretty much has to wear his mask 24/7 cuz the powers are not easy to control. he is allowed to take it off but for 12 hours each 2 days. if he doesnt put it back on in time stuff becomes unstable
death, or dee, well not a leprechaun but a first guardian but still wanted to mention them KLFDLFJDFJDFJ. she obv has first guardian abilities but also she can visit the realm of the dead. kinda thinking of adding more to her powers so things may change
war has the ability to pull out any weapon of his choice, but the cost also depends on the amount of bloof he spilled. but he usually prefers sables and rpgs to use
famine can bring bad luck onto someone. terrible misfortune even
lung can fuck up the air in the room and suffocate u!!! silly old guy
last but not least ravage, she can paralyze people. but i might add more to her too
TY FOR THE ASK BTW. i rlly appreciate it when ppl ask abt my freaks =:333
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i-oooo · 5 months
I am a third into the first book of Heroes of Olympus. I must sadly report that these books are still utterly CompCisHet. NGL, it is exhausting.... 😩
Here are my thoughts regarding the new trio:
- Jason seems kinda meh. So far the only interesting thing about him is that he *might* be Thalias brother.
- Leo and Piper could be so great but I wish their genders were swapped. Hear me out.
Gender swapped Leo/Piper:
I want Leo to be son of Aphrodite because he would make such a great Cherokee himbo. He would be the son of the famous movie star and have the charm speak ability. It would be great if he started out with thinking that he and Jason had been going out. He would be bisexual and there could be a lot of sexual tension between him, Drew and Mitchel. Leo could be claimed at the camp fire as the dove and have a "high school glow up" trope instead of Piper.
Piper would be the Hepheastus kid. She would be a brilliant latinx engineer, flame thrower and silly ADHD goof ball. Piper would grow up with her mother and have the creepy tia. Piper would sadly have killed her mother and gone from one foster care to the next. She would meet Leo at the Wilderness School and befriend him instantly.
Bonus: I picture this Piper as Audrey Ramirez from the Atlantis movie.
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zyana-wyvern · 2 years
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The Case of The Stolen Dashi Dragon
Just a silly little ASOIAF-Cyberpunk AU/Crossover that I cooked up back in autumn, but didn’t get to finish. Decided to post it as it is.
The short of it is that Zia is a rich, corporate brat and also an ASOIAF nerd and with her father’s money she decided to establish a company specialized in fire based weapons (their most successful product is a flame thrower named Vhagar 😆).
Her biggest idol is also Yorinobu for obvious reasons. Maelstrom are her biggest fans and the ones who help and fill her ranks most, also for obvious reasons.
This started out as a joke, but now I love it and started to take it waay too seriously, even if it is a bit of a crack!AU and should be treated as such.👀😄
Dialogue below
Zia: Welcome to Erebus Incorporate, Takemura.
Goro: Thank you for receiving us, Valfrid. We are here regarding the assasination attempt upon Arasaka-sama. You and your… organization are main suspects, as you well know. He has been reasonable and offered cooperation, on particular terms.
Zia: On his terms you mean? I’ll have you know we are part of a fully registered and recognized incorporated entity, not an “organization” and numerous, important gangs of NC support us. It is probably why he’s choosing diplomacy, rather than violence. That being said, we deny any implication and rebuke such a horrific accusation. We would never try assassinating Arasaka. The idea is though quite…inspirational.
Goro: Do not mock me, Valfrid. I have not come here to be disrespected. Arasaka-sama is offering a chance that would be fruitful for you. You are but a child with too much money and power on your hands.
Zia: Would you say the same to Yorinobu’s face? After all, both he and I source our wealth and power from our parents.
Goro: Better if you don’t speak of anyone from the Arasaka family.
Zia: Ah, of course. You must admit I’ve achieved more in a shorter time and at a younger age than Yorinobu. Though, he and I do have many things in common, dragons and all. Takemura “sama”, if you would have come here in Yorinobu’s, name I do believe I would have been more opened to cooperation.
Goro: This is my last warning.
Zia: Alright. No more talk about them. I’ll be more lenient. I apologize. Back to the subject at hand. We are not guilty of anything. I presume that the only thing that can now happen is for us to meet in court.
Goro: It is up to Arasaka-sama to decide that, but it is probable. You also will be accused of theft.
Zia: Theft? We’re thieves and assassins? Ah, you insult us.
Goro: The dashi dragon. You stole a dashi dragon that was the property of Arasaka.
Zia: A dashi dragon? It does fit our aesthetic and branding, but I don’t see it anywhere.
Goro: It is right behind you.
Zia: Ah that old thing? It must have floated up here on its own.
Goro: You are mocking me again.
Zia: Perhaps a little… I can cooperate in my own way. By offering you a place among us. You’d be an exceptional addition to our ranks. You wouldn’t even have to change the colour scheme of your clothes.
Goro: I see there is no reasoning with you. You’re accused of assassination attempt and theft.
Zia: If I give you the dragon back will the theft part be annulled? Assassination on its own sounds better.
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