#with d*luc
atomic-chronoscaph · 8 months
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Star Trek: The Next Generation - art by Dusty Abell (2017)
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tartagliatum · 1 year
something so special about the pet name big guy. like yeah,, big boy with an even bigger appetite. the trashcan of his friends, the bottomless pit who seems to be able to eat for a family of five and then ask what's for dessert - but even he sometimes manages to overeat and needs a belly rub. probably a little embarrassed about it bc he's been warned this will happen with the large amounts he regularly eats. hell yeah i love me a big guy <333
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urghblergh · 4 months
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Help! These silly little guys are all over my sketchbook now. :') 🌌🌈
Ref @mellon-soup 😌
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defconprime · 10 months
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pocketgalaxies · 28 days
btw love laura's mom face coming out when nott inexplicably gives luc her grappling hook
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Star Trek Picard "The Last Generation"
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ratzforaster · 11 months
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Me and my little sister made some doctor who art!
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why-its-kai · 1 year
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Chibi Picard commission for @dustydahorse !! 💜💜💜
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danafeelingsick · 7 months
Novemetober 2023
Also happy Valentine's day ❤️
Prompt list | Masterlist | AO3 collection
Day 14: Can't keep anything down
* combined prompts visibly ill and out of character
Word count: 1.4k~
CONTENT WARNINGS: narrated in 2nd person, y/n is a maid at Dawn Winery in this one, gender-neutral reader, descriptions of vomiting, descriptions of food
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Anon asked: Hi, for the Nov(emeto)ber 2023 requests, could I have Diluc with prompt 14. Can't keep anything down? Thanks!
(let me know if you want to be tagged!)
A/N: so, whenever i'm feeling down i daydream about being one of diluc’s maids and these very overindulgent scenarios of one of being sick and the other, you get the gist. I was writing this myself anyways and it reeks of overindulgent mary sue. hope it's serviceable, i live in shame!
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Dawn Winery's upper floor would usually be empty by the afternoon, when the staff would focus its efforts on cleaning after lunch. You found it perfect, at least no one else would see if master Diluc were to reprimand you for being nosy. You had already made up your mind.
You weren't the only one wondering why the young master hadn't left his room the entire day. While it wouldn't be out of place to say he could’ve left during the night on a one-man-expedition, no one had seen him leave. And you didn't think you could wait a week or even a month without notice to confirm that theory.
You reached his room, and found the door locked, though that didn't stop you from knocking. You listened closely for any sounds on the other side, and after what felt like several moments of silence, you knocked again for good measure, before you accepted that he had really left.
It took a minute. You only heard the muffled steps when they were already close, and the creak of the door as it crept open. It was just enough for the young master to shily peek through.
You almost didn’t recognize him at first. Behind the mop of fiery curls, his heavy-lidded eyes brimmed with tears, standing out against his pale complexion. His freckled nose and cheeks were also flushed pink, which made you suspect he could’ve been dealing with a high fever.
You had been right to worry. Diluc looked like death warmed over, and must’ve been feeling like it as well, judging by his affixed frown. His usually put together appearance was something you couldn't evoke at the moment. He slouched against the doorframe, shivering despite still being dressed in his pajamas. Could it be that the man had just gotten out of bed?
“What is it…?”, when he finally spoke, after staring at you for a while, his voice was hoarse, barely louder than a whisper.
“Ah…, pardon my intrusion! I've come to, uh, check if you need anything”, you started, already losing yourself on the script you had rehearsed. “The other maids were worried. You haven't left your room all morning, so, uh…”, as the words fell out of your mouth, Diluc’s expression seemed to sink. “Master Diluc?”
For a moment, you thought he was going to keel over, he certainly looked like he would at any moment. Heaving a shaky sigh, Diluc closed his eyes, and ran a shaky hand over his face.
“What time is it again?”, he asked slowly, as if the words weren't coming to him as easily.
“It should be around midday”, you responded, watching as Diluc pauses, his palm pressed to his eye.
“A-Already…?”, he muttered, to himself rather than to you, and combed his fingers through his hair. Red strands stuck to his clammy skin, beaded with sweat. “I must've lost track of time… I don't think I did all th… —”
The sentence turns to muttering as he presses his forehead to the door frame, looking frustrated as his eyes slide shut. You observed him for a moment longer. The man breathes heavily, his whole body trembling noticeably under the thin fabric of his pajamas, his eyebrows pinned into a frown. It almost feels like a scene you weren’t meant to see, you worry he would simply fall asleep on the spot.
“Um, sir?”, you spoke up, raising a hand as needing to leap and catch him mid-fall was becoming a real possibility. Thankfully, he opens his eyes at your call, blinking as if he barely recognized you. “Is everything okay? You don't seem well.”
Diluc glances up at you through his eyelashes, his look nearly pleading. He hums weakly, managing to nod.
“I-I believe I might be… sick”, he confesses, and it almost sounds like he's embarrassed. “I don't know when… it got this bad, but…”, he pauses, swallowing thickly. “I don't feel well at all.”
You hummed thoughtfully, taken aback by his honesty. He sounded so vulnerable, timid almost, you had never seen such a side of him before. You had never taken him for someone who would ask for help either, as quietly and reserved as you thought him to be.
“Oh no… Is there anything I could get you? Some tea, or maybe…”, you offered. “Have you eaten yet? Lunch has already been served, but I could still arrange something, if you wish.”
At your offer, the young master lets escape an uncomfortable sound, though he doesn't make an effort to hide it. He slowly shakes his head, his expression still tense.
“I haven’t had much appetite as of late”, he tells you quietly, swallowing as his hand wanders to his abdomen. You see the fabric of his pajamas stick to and can't help but think he looked rather thin without his black coat. “Wouldn’t it be too much trouble if I asked for something light on the stomach?”
“Of course not, I can make you some soup in a few minutes”, you promptly reassure him, to which he gives a slow nod. “Okay. Try to rest while I’m away, alright?”
“Ah, of course. Thank you… I’ll try”, he lets out a small chuckle, though that glint in his eye doesn't last. You try not to dwell on it as you bow and take your leave.
You softly knock on the door, a tray of hot soup balanced in your other hand and a moment later, you let yourself in. The young master sleepily glanced up at you from his bed, peeking from under a nest of red curls. He still shivered, even cooped up under several blankets. You feel the urge to feel his forehead and check for yourself the fever he was running, but you knew you would be overstepping at that point.
“Master Diluc?”, you call, trying to keep your voice hushed. “I’ve brought your soup.”
“Ah, right… thank you”, he answers weakly, his expression becoming somewhat strained. You wait as he begins to sit up, one hand wandering under the covers to hold his stomach.
You gently place the tray on his lap and he regards its contents with a slight frown, his lips pressed thin. You were able to make a simple cream soup in less than half an hour, careful to keep its flavor mild and texture smooth. It didn't look bad to you, but you didn't blame the young master for being cautious.
You see his throat shift as he swallows, his mouth seemingly watering.
“Take it slowly. Try a spoonful and if you feel you can't swallow it, just spit it out”, you told him, unfolding a napkin for safety.
Diluc is hesitant at first, but he does as you say and picks up a spoon, trying a small sip. His face is tense if not unreadable, his hand floats up to his mouth, but he manages to swallow it.
There is a pause before he stiffly eats more, his expression turning sour as he forces it down. It isn't exactly pleasant to watch, but you are somewhat relieved he is at least trying. You let him eat in silence, managing to get through half of the plate before his face turns to disgust.
“You don't need to eat it all if you can't”, you warn him, but he simply shakes his head, forcing down another spoonful of warm soup.
“N-No, I… want to eat it”, he replies weakly, his voice held back by his spasming throat.
“Just… remember to pace yourself”, you advise him as he goes for yet another bite. “The food is not going to run away from you.”
Before he has the chance to respond, the man freezes, the empty spoon still lingering by his lip when a nauseated moan stumbles out of his lips. That is the only warning he can give as he starts reversing and his cheeks suddenly fill. You can practically hear the soup swirling inside his mouth before he clasps a hand over it and desperately tries to swallow.
You think fast and grab a few napkins, balling it into a makeshift nest before you hold it to his chin.
“Ah, here!”, you try to tell him, but Diluc refuses, stopping mid head shake when his stomach visibly heaves under his thin shirt.
“H— URK!” Vomit sprays out from between the cracks of Diluc's fingers, coating his hand in the warm pale slurry that had become the soup he ate just moments prior. Some of it drips uselessly into the cloth held out, staining your gloves as well as the entire front of his once white shirt, making it nearly see-through as it sticks to his chest.
“EuRgh!” He gags graphically, pulling his soiled hand away as his mouth falls open.
This time you manage to hold the cloth under his chin, catching the next surge of undigested soup as it pours out of his lips. It quickly soaks into the fabric, staining it a deeper sickly yellow from the bile. You grimace as you notice it somehow feels even hotter than when it was plated.
For the sake of your own gag reflex you look away, affording the young master a smidge of privacy as he continues to empty his stomach. He heaves weakly, releasing another stream of vomit into your hands, the pungent smell of digestive acid takes hold of the room. You hear liquid gurgle in the back of his throat as it tapers off, and he sets off coughing as if he's drowning. It sounds painful, and you don't doubt it feels like hell on his throat and already sensitive stomach.
You risked a glance as you heard Diluc hiccup, seemingly done, though you didn't expect to find his eyes screwed shut, clear tear tracks trailing down his cheeks. His face was a mess of sick and snot, beet red as if he was straining to hold in his sobs. You took pity on him, though you decided to act on it rather than show.
Quickly, you fold the soiled napkins and leave it on the tray, exchanging it for a clean. Diluc’s breath hitches as he feels you touch him, though he doesn't try to pull away from it.
“Shh, it's okay”, you ease him, running the cloth over his mouth. He takes it from you, busying himself with it as you pull his hair out of the way, grimacing at the heaviness of the matted now vomit-soaked hair.
“I-I’m sorry, I — ”, he tries to apologize, his voice bordering on a whimper, but you stop him, offering tender words instead.
“No, no, it's fine”, you insist, picking up the tray, trying not to look at the mess in it. “I’ll clean it over here and then I’ll prepare a bath for you, okay? We can try again later with… maybe, something else.”
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nono-uwu · 19 days
Chapter 140 inital thought
Spoilers, as always
- first off, Ky Luc looks... good?? Like it's still the current artstyle but he looks a lot more like himself?? If that makes any sense?? He's got bigger eyes and stuff
- ok, from the top now
- the world is going up in flames and rigr somehow has the recourses to feed like a ten course meal to Yuu?? Maids included??
- i don't even know what to think atp, it's kind of a given that everyone will go along with Yuu's plan evetually
- Urd pelaspleaseplease don't do anything that kid asks of you just because your bro does that
- also Urd should have slapped Rigr or something. As a treat.
- And now we're on a planetary scale?? Yuu slow tf down (next thing you know, one of the planets has the astral express from hsr on it to help them and they're doing a better job than anyone in this series ever will)
- Ky representing all of us. We don't give a shit about all of the above. Nhilistic King amirite
- Let Ky Luc say shit!!
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- Yooooo Guren squad + Kureto and Aoi are back! For like 3 panels and we can't even see Mito, Sayuri and Shigure fully but they're doing something!!
- feral manchild Ky my beloved
- surpriiiiiseee Ferid is here. Man I really hope Ky gets at least a fighting chance since Ferid is supoosed to be stronger than a 3rd progenitor now. Oh well, Ky will probably fold in like three pages but a man can dream (best case scenario Ky beats Ferid and gets the still conscious vamps out, yes i'm repeating myself every moth A MANS COPIUM NEVER DIES)
- oh that last panel of Ky is gorgeous. He's clearly angry at seeing Ferid and getting interrupted in his little 'hunt' but he also looks so excited because he knows Ferid is a formidable foe. He also definetly wants a proper match after Osaka. Look, I can say something nice about the artstyle!
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Tbh I can't even care anymore. Just rolling with the punches. Imma just exist in my little fanatsy world with my oc's otherwise
Edit: upon looking a little closer, it seems the entire artstyle reverted back to pre-shikama backstory arc? Idk, everyone looks slightly better. Glad that Yamamoto and/or Kagami listened :D (tho i'm sure a lot of those complaints weren't nice in the slightest)
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lightbulb-warning · 1 month
THERE ARE LEECHES IN MY EYEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grug can you hear me grugg grugg where are you grugg the DRILL grugg get the DRILL GRU-
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
In work I've seen a book named Hunting Adeline. I had to stop for a moment, because my first thought was "Luc, is this ~your~ version of the story?".
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pixiereblogs · 1 year
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Pixie Recaps Picard | Võx
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
After 7 seasons and 176 episodes Star Trek the Next Generation came to an end. The series finale aired on May 23, 1994. The episode book ended the series with Q (John de Lancie), who first appeared in the series premier Encounter at Farpoint (1987). Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) found himself unstuck in time, traveling both to the past, present, and the future. The episode won the series their second Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. It was the first time Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby) was seen since her controversal death in Skin of Evil (1988) and the last time Q would appear until in Picard (2020 - 2023). The series would continue on as theatrical movies (Generations - 1994, First Contact - 1996, Insurrection - 1998, Nemesis 2002) and then the series Picard. ("All Good Things", Star Trek the Next Generation, TV Event)
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defconprime · 10 months
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las-microfisuras · 9 months
Amor. En Je vous salve, Marie (Godard, 1985) aparece la mejor definición de esa extraña amnesia que atañe a la cara de los familiares que hemos perdido 《En el amor no se ve nada, ni miradas, ni rasgos, ni parecidos. Nuestros corazones tiemblan solo a la luz》.
- Marta D. Riezu, de Agua y jabón. Anagrama, 2022
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