#with my corkboard and red strings
localplaguenurse · 11 months
Do you think there is/was a cult that worship the Regina Sanguine to an obsessive degree
Like yk how the overzealous religious cults go
Oh probably. I started to kinda explain everything about how wifey as a goddess worked last night to @crystalflygeo but I put like a Lot of thought into it so I can say yes they did absolutely have a cult or two worshipping them.
I'm supposed to be finishing dad fic but I'm counting this as a little brain break to just info dump. This gets long, I have been quietly insane with this knowledge for a while.
Also spoilers for As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees but that is a given.
I already touched on it in the fic but I'm gonna go more in depth here. Regina Sanguine, or the Blood Queen, is in reference to the fact they are a mortal being of flesh and blood compared to Rex Lapis, the Rock King, a being made of geo. It is also tangentially related to the fact that Morax is the Warrior God and deals out punishments to those who break contracts with him.
There are three aspects of worship in regards to wifey. One is their "role" as a loving fertility goddess. Another is their role as Mother of Arts. The last is them being an omen of vengeance and punishment.
The fertility goddess is simple enough. Their lore stems around the idea of marriage and families, so naturally they are associated with those things as they become a more prominent figure. It's why I had ginkgo tree and silk flower imagery become important to weddings in the lore of the fic, because their actual dress looked and smelled like a silk flower, and they grew up in a monastery with ginkgo trees. (And thanks to a certain ginger, we also know that wifey was... really into practicing fertility *wink wink nudge nudge gets shot*)
The Mother of Arts, again pretty simple. When you have 2000 years to practice art, you're gonna get good at it eventually and perhaps have a hand in several art movements. Not just that, but they would give "blessings" to struggling artists (aka actually really handy advice and encouragement), so they are appreciated in that sense.
Now, the omen of vengeance and punishment, now that I have been waiting to be asked about.
Wifey has taken inspiration from two Greek myths; Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, and more modern interpretations of Medusa. The Persephone parallel is more relevant to how they were worshipped, but their connection to their motherly figure and also being literally taken from their old home by their husband and brought elsewhere was slightly inspired by that. The Medusa comparison is the main one.
So first and foremost, I want to say this myth is not necessarily the actual story of Medusa. She and the other gorgons were already established characters before this particular story came about. However, this is the more largely known iteration of the story which is where I got the idea.
So if you know, Medusa was a worshipper of the goddess Athena, and had an eternal vow of chastity. During a visit to Athena's temple, she is assaulted by Poseidon, or is otherwise tricked by him, and as a result, she is cursed with her more snakelike appearance, and that anyone who looks at her will turn to stone. Depending on how you read into that myth, it can be interpreted as Athena unjustly punishing an abuse victim, or it can be seen as Athena trying to bless her in a way that would seem unsightly to other men, by altering her appearance and literally making anyone who so much as looks at her turn to stone.
Now obviously you can guess which scene was inspired by that specific myth. The Abbess has made wifey's life hell, and after physically assaulting them and attacking Wei Jin, she is first impaled and then turned to stone for it. This story of course spread throughout Liyue once wifey became more established, so much like how the Medusa head was used to ward off evil and is a common symbol for assault survivors, wifey is a symbol for abuse survivors as well. The reason they are specifically an omen and not an actual goddess is because they did not hurt the Abbess, but their husband certainly fucking did.
So onto the actual question of did they have cults-
I'm just gonna link this video here because 1. good channel, I love their trope talks series, and 2. this is where I got the main Persephone inspiration from. Also for some reason Tumblr won't let me put the actual video into this sooooooooo yeah. I'm not gonna make you watch a 20 minute video for like one reference so I'm just going to poorly summarize the relevant information: One of Persephone's believed names was Despoina, in reference to a mystery cult in Arcadia that worshipped her and her mother. It's largely accepted that they're the same goddess, but we don't have exact confirmation because mystery cults and Despoina's main thing was her real name was a secret unless you were actually initiated into her followings. The other thing about Persephone is she is a Cthonic goddess, and the thing about Cthonic gods? You did not want to get their attention and saying their name was a very good way to do that.
Now, did I have wifey's name become "forgotten" aside from the title of Regina Sanguine so I could avoid putting a (y/n) in the fic? Yes, but it also ties into the idea of them being worshipped as a terrifying omen of vengeance and punishment. If you say their name, you get their attention, and if you have their attention, you have Morax's attention as well, so you had best be on your best behaviour and showing your appreciation to his wife.
Being worshipped as a fertility goddess... yeah honestly you can take a wild guess how that turns out. As soon as you said cults I honestly flashed back to when I was playing one of my few rounds of Fear and Hunger and stumbled across the bunnymasks in the backyard. I'm just exploring and I come across a hidden corner with a bunch of people in bunny masks getting it on for their goddess Sylvian, who is also behind the "marriages" in the game.
So like, yeah. Wifey had a couple cults here and there, and was worshipped both as a symbol to abuse survivors, an artist, and a fertility and marriage goddess. They were predominantly worshipped as for the fertility part and so their specific cults were... very fertile.
Tldr: Yes.
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dimensionzero · 1 year
all the implications of the different earths in atsv having different art styles are going to drive me insane. why do some people, like miles and peni and hobie, keep their own art styles wherever they go? why do some people, like gwen, adjust to other universes' art styles instead of keeping their own? is it automatic? do they know that this is happening? do they choose whether or not to keep their own styles in other universes? is it a conscious choice? subconscious? if it's a choice then why do items from other universes, like hobie's watch, keep their original styles? I'm going to start crawling up my wall
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egophiliac · 7 months
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messing around with techniques! I...like the foxman and the catboy a lot okay
also, a couple of quickies that honestly don't deserve any more effort than I've already given them:
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god-tier-bastard · 10 days
thinking about brennan and false prophecies. he rly channeled the wizard steel when he gave adaine the vision of fabian's birthday/election day. we rly should have seen oisin coming, he was being played by brennan "it's so easy to show an oracle a fake vision" lee mulligan
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buzzfella · 4 months
grian's descent into madness is SO season 8 core im normal.
"is the moon big..." (11:32)
"the ocean wants too much from me" (25:27)
"only one of them is real [...] i feel like im in a fever dream :(" (26:29)
plus the moonbig skin. and blaming his woes on a personified force of nature (the sea). ask and the ocean shall provide??? sounds.. familiar..
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adamsvanrhijn · 7 months
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1.08 ▹ Tucked Up in Newport 2.02 ▹ Some Sort of Trick THE GILDED AGE (2022–)
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is anybody else going absolutely feral after tmagp 7 or is it just me?
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xiewho · 2 months
not to also be in tc denial but i cant see how this conversation won't include gorgug saying in some way that he joined the owlbears to spend time with fabian. what other reason would he have to be on the team for so long if not to hang out with him or something 😭
nno cause. youre so right like what reason do u have other than u wanna spend time with ur bff . like 'if i get to be with u then that's enough for me !!' . its ok anon if we hold hands when the episode drops then through the power of friendship and Believing this WILL get referenced in the ep. godspeed
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bayonetta-origins · 4 months
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collection of Things .... i hate that i only post completed art on here i tbink i should have a little fun
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my aurametis bayonetta cringe gets put under the cut bevause i genuinely start losing it evedytime i see it HELP
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deelovesbooks · 2 months
anybody else find it suspicious that they named the dance "the wenis" when that's already a word itself? It seems very much like a potential question trap of asking "what is the wenis?" and a player giving the actual definition instead
Especially because the lyrics are "everybody is a genius who knows it in advance" hinting that having previous knowledge of what "the wenis" is will be beneficial
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suddenrundown · 2 years
not a second’s hesitation between parker saying “stop the truck” and eliot stopping the truck...the way they are so in sync
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khytal · 3 months
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post-ryuki day 1
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roseverdict · 3 months
parents are gone on a cruise. time to tear through my room looking for the tatting shuttles i know i bought years ago and am 95% sure are not lost to The Old House
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scrawnytreedemon · 4 months
Seriously tempted to make a highkey detached headcanon/pseudo-analysis post regarding Zant and gender. Probably a bad idea.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
Okay so the words he mouthed in that one clip is "One day you're going to die" Which is a lyric to Memento Mori [another ww song]
Which first of all, means that Memento Mori is very likely one of the next songs in the power hour
And second, all the bits referenced in Nerd are fully there! Red being one he did in the past [or what he was doing at that moment with the Cage line] & Green being references to the next two power hours after it
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But then like, whats the last power hour???? Cos there's no more lyrics that are referenced I don't think?
[Insane theory ramblings in the tags v]
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chambers003 · 8 months
here’s a fun fact for you, might be of some use to the fellow link!grian enjoyers out there. At the start of secret life, grian mentions that he wants to make an apple orchard. In the manga, the hero of legend builds an apple orchard after the events of a link to the past.
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