#with rubber monsters
laf-outloud · 2 years
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No freakin' way! That is the most hilariously awful-looking monster I've ever seen! You know, if they'd had put that in the trailer, I might've watched solely so I could laugh at this!
Edit: So, apparently this guy is from Buffy and not TW. Of course, TW is still using rubber monsters, so we'll have to see if they come out looking any better than this.
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king-blass · 4 months
I've seen some concept art of anxiety and...well, I noticed that she transforms into some kind of monster.
And another concept art of anxiety is that she could change her size, and another one where she is some kind of shadow? Idk, but she looks mad
And I couldn't help but put together these ideas of Anxiety becoming a monster, so...here she is!
Anxiety gets out of control and becomes what is known as 'Anxiety Disorder'.
Sorry if my grammar is really bad, english is not my first language. (And sorry if the image quality sucks)
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Well, basically I imagine that at some point Anxiety will go crazy and get out of control, wanting to control Riley's entire mind in order to 'protect' her. So, Anxiety takes control of the entire HQ.
But I think I'm going to turn this idea into an Au or something like that, because I don't think Anxiety is going to become a monster in the movie like in conceptual art, idk.
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sharpibees · 7 months
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miwtual · 8 months
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AMANDA LEHAN-CANTO looking beautiful as hell in Exposing Our Messy Posts
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egophiliac · 7 months
I am chewing on your art like a powered up Pac-man. You've made me very interested in trying out a Kamen rider show. What's a good starting point?
:D! thank you! I will never NOT be happy to get people to watch more Kamen Rider, soon everyone will be converted and my evil plan will be complete. >:)
one of the nice things about Kamen Rider is that most of the shows are standalone and (aside from things like crossover movies) don't require watching any of the others to understand. so you can kinda just pick one that sounds interesting and try it out! I have a few personal recs in this post, or you can check out the wikipedia list (under Main Series)!
after some thought, I'm also gonna like...soft-rec Fourze and Gaim, with the caveat that they are not at all the typical Rider tone (Fourze has a much more cheerful and sillier style than usual, and Gaim is a rollercoaster ride through a bizarro fruit-themed weirdoland) (this is not a negative). they're pretty divisive because of that, but I know they've been a few other people's entry points, and I liked them both personally, so! Fourze's head writer also wrote Gurren Lagann, and Gaim's wrote Madoka Magica, and their respective styles are extremely evident in both, so if you're familiar with those then take that as a plus or minus as you will. :')
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xfilesinamajor · 4 months
I know this is a niche post, but on the off-chance anyone else out there is into both Hazbin Hotel and Epic: The Musical, I have to share this.
I was listening to the new Underworld Saga on youtube and right after “No Longer You” ends, it launched into “Hell’s Greatest Dad.” So we went from emotionally devastated Odysseus (in the underworld, note!) to Lucifer going “Haha, looks like you could use some help from the big boss of Hell himself!” And it was just so comedically perfect.
“Maybe I’m the monster.” “Hey there! You look like you could really use a RUBBER DUCK!”
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chickenoptyrx · 1 year
Even if you never watch this glorious movie in its glorious entirety - please just watch Yamchas very cool, very smooth, bad guy intro 🙏🙏🙏
(Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku Igyeora Son Goku - 1990)
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anyataylorjoys · 1 year
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THE WITCHER SEASON 3 June 29 | July 27
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laf-outloud · 2 years
8th pic is of another rubber suit monster...
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LMAO!!! And he thought posting a close-up would help? So, this is what the SPN universe has come to. As opposed to these villains that were actually scary:
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I'm sure people put a lot of work into those rubber monsters, but it certainly doesn't show on film and frankly, those are not SPN universe monsters. I don't care what dimension they claim their from.
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webdiggerxxx · 11 months
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blackros78 · 16 hours
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goobersplat · 1 year
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Four Creatures. Just…four creatures…four…
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
(Image ID: Four toys. 1) A white, fluffy stuffed animal with thin ears or arms on its sides. It has an angry expression with googley eyes. 2) A pink rubber ball with yellow spikes and cross eyes. 3) An orange bug with black antenna and four arms. It has a yellow spotted top and orange and yellow striped pants. It has four bells on its legs. 4) A yellow chicken plush with pink, blue, and purple round feathers. It has a purple ribbon and a purple and pink leg.)
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rebrandedbard · 3 months
I've FINALLY finished capturing all the clips I need to make the muppet trailer!
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Now all that's left is to slap it all together and do the FUN stuff!
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quakerr0ats · 1 year
Oh shit, here we go again
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imsodishy · 2 years
you know that scene in the S1 finale of Buffy where the master does his little villain speech and Buffy just looks at him and says 'you've got fruit-punch mouth'
That, with Vecna and Billy, but Billy says 'where's your dick?'
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I admit I watched the prequel pilot and if it's okay, I'd like to share my thoughts with you on everything I observed.
1. This is definitely not SPN. This is nowhere in the same universe never mind the same neighborhood. Jensen's "mother ship" really is on point since SPN is in a different galaxy compared to TW. It's obvious that they're trying to connect back to it while also doing their own thing, but this actually might go off a bit better without claiming that connection or inserting "Dean" into it all. Not much better but a little bit better
2. The POC characters are obviously being used to further the protagonist's story line. Every scene they were in was still about John and Mary, or one or the other. We don't learn anything about Carlos or Latika themselves other than Carlos is bisexual & may have a crush on Mary, that Mary is mad at him about something going wrong on a previous hunt, and Latika is not experienced at hunting and is scared (and also has that damsel in distress vibe while Mary is being given the badass and strong vibe). Even when they have a conversation between themselves, it's about one of the leads. When comparing this to let's say WIndy, we did learn something about Calian, something about Kai, within the pilot itself. While we don't learn anything yet about Augustus, we do see other characters mention him (Calian), and we do get to see him featured in other scenes that don't include the protagonist. Not to mention we get that scene between Augustus and Calian alone. They're part of the plot, not furthering it. Where Carlos and Latika are constantly furthering Mary's and now John's arcs as well. Latika is used to make Mary jealous over John, and then is used to mention and hint at the story of Maggie for Mary for her character so the audience can see her have a moment while getting that information that might help to explain Mary's brusqueness. Carlos is used to not only save John with the van in that one cringe moment, but also to back Mary up in everything she does, and then the most incredible part: get the silver blade back to Mary and John so John can then kill the monster in the hole they're stuck in. Even Ada was used to further the story line in this way. She's connected to Samuel, it's her bookshop that the "coordinates" lead to where Mary finds out Samuel has definitely been there (via papers on a board just like, yep you guessed it, the SPN pilot), and the next scene she has after being exorcised: with John talking about the MoL which is once again furthering his story line. We learn nothing about her other than that she owns a bookstore in Lubbock, TX. That's it.
3. So apparently the big bad is the Acreeda (however you spell it) or whatever it's called, a monster not of this world. Again, I couldn't help but to think back to Jensen's "mothership" comment. It would make perfect sense to me if some alien monster hybrid eventually shows up.
4. Speaking of monsters, they were absolutely horrid...in design and execution. Hell, even the Wendigo looked better and that was back in 2005! There is no excuse now with all of this technology and make-up availability, not even with a low budget.
5. There is zero chemistry between Mary and John. All the supposed "cute" moments were instead cringe. You actually find yourself asking out loud when it will all be over and the scene will change to something else.
6. Drake seemed to do a decent job with what he was given. Same for Nida, Ada, and Millie. I feel like Meg has potential but not so much as this character. I'm not sure where I stand on Jojo yet, they did decently with some scenes, where the others it felt like they were trying a bit too hard and there was some overacting on certain lines.
7. In the first scene we see Carlos, I don't know why but he makes me think of Sister Jo in the way he speaks, the way he presents himself, and his overall attitude. I don't know why I had that thought but I couldn't shake it once I had it so I ended up not caring for his character too much honestly.
8. Dean did not feel like "Dean", at all. Not the narration, not even in the one scene he was in. Having Baby there didn't change that vibe for me. Instead, all I saw was Jensen wearing Dean clothes and having let his hair grow out a bit. Dean being connected to this story made it feel very disconnected everywhere else.
Overall, it's blatantly obvious that they're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I almost think that had they pitched this idea without "Dean's" involvement, it still would be horrible but at least it wouldn't be disrespecting the "mothership" or tearing down the 15 year legacy of the show it's leeching off of the way that it is. And some might have even given it a chance (though not many because who really wants to see the Mary and John story?). I can see this pushing forward a little, possibly even getting a full season (because since when do AA's or hellers care about quality?), but for it to go the long mile, I'm not so sure about that. Unless people are looking for absolutely mindless television to play in the background while they fold laundry, cook dinner, do something on the computer, or pay bills, then I don't see it lasting.
Perhaps if the Ackles were truthful and just said this is a reboot to appeal to a younger generation of fans. Perhaps if Jensen and "executive producer Danneel" had just admitted up front that this is a ploy for money and to dominate the brand, that they truly don't give a crap about the quality or the story or even the cast, then maybe...no, nope, it still wouldn't work. And it's very evident that the Ackles were on set for the pilot shoot, it's all crap. We'll see what happens with the other episodes they weren't involved in. I never thought I'd say this but I kind of hope that Jensen doesn't get to direct any episodes, not to be petty but because the episode might turn out better if he doesn't (and better is a loose term). Because guaranteed Danneel will be there with him "executive producing" (making playlists and talking about the love of the story and how she knows the 1970's are real) and then it's the pilot crap all over again.
But this is all just my opinion. Thank you for letting me share all of that with you.
Thank you so much for sharing your review! I truly enjoyed reading it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Latika or Ada are dead by the end of the season (Carlos is gaining a following, so I doubt they'll go). But the others are just canon fodder. They go and nothing changes the storyline. Lovely way to treat the POC's.
Rubber monster aliens! I don't know how the cast can act around those without cracking up every time.
It's like they cast Mary and John separately based on what they thought of the characters without realizing they needed chemistry reads. I can't imagine what the failed chemistry reads look like with other actors (if there were any).
"...they're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole." They would have been better off creating a show with brand new characters, just set in the SPN universe. But then, we wouldn't get Beau Dean dealing with amnesia trying to remember that he's from Kansas instead of Texas, or what happened to his parents (or the fact that he has a younger brother, but since he's got heaven-esia and can't even remember how to get to his parent's heaven house so he can just ask them to tell their story, it's understandable.)
Loved reading your opinion, and I agree, honesty would have gone a long way towards tempering people's opinions about this whole mess. (Now it's too late for any kind of honesty... not that we'd believe them.)
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