#with the amount of gifs i’m putting out nobody would even realise i’m in between finals
freensrcha · 1 year
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looks that had no purpose than to absolutely physically obliterate me pt.4/?
— for anon
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Three Days With You - Part Two
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Summary: Draco has a rather interesting day planned for the two of you. Joined by familiar faces, old wounds resurface leaving the two of you with more questions than answers.
Warnings: smut,mature language and scenes, drinking, a fair amount of angst, mentions of blood
Word count: 3000
A/n: it’s 4am and I’m sleep deprived. This series is a bit plot heavy as opposed to WOS. I tried so very hard to fit everything under the 3000 word limit I’ve set for each part.
Song that plays as they dance: Fade into you by Mazzy Star
Part one | Masterlist
Sometime around Umbridge’s reign of terror, 5th year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
With his arms folded, Draco casually reclined against the wall and he watched you write lines with Umbridge’s quill. He tried to keep a straight face but it was hard not to wince as he watched the words etch themselves onto your skin.
It seemed that Dolores Jane Umbridgde wasn’t really fond of you. In fact, he was certain she despised you just as much as Potter.
This was your third consecutive evening in detention and as a member of the inquisitorial squad, he was tasked with the duty of keeping an eye on you.
And while you did a moderately decent job of keeping a straight face through the searing sensations, he could sense that you were clearly in pain.
“Murtlap essence.” Draco said quietly and you dropped the quill and turned around to look at him. “It should help with the abrasions.”
“Why are you talking to me, Malfoy?”
Draco arched a brow at your question but internally, he too was pondering why he was talking to you.
Nobody talked to you.
You always spent most of your time scribbling furiously into what looked like a diary of some sort. You barely had any friends and most of his so-called friends were very upfront about their disdain for you and your muggleborn heritage.
“Why can’t I talk to you?” He finally asked, walking up to where you were seated.
“Are you asking me or are you asking yourself?” You quipped and went back to writing lines with that wretched quill. You always seemed so unbothered by everything.
A part of his brain was telling him to shut up and another part of his brain was trying to come up with a witty response just to impress you.
“I’m asking you.” He sighed in defeat before crouching down next to you to look at the gashes on your hand. “Why can I not talk to you?”
“Hm, let’s see..” You said with a bit more salt than you intended to. “Your Pure blood ideals that classify people like me as mudbloods, the prejudice, not to mention Umbitch who wouldn’t be very pleased to see you talk to me while I’m writing lines for her.”
His fingertips ghosted over your cuts, barely making contact with the blood as he contemplated running outside to look for some murtlap essence himself.
“Dont.” You winced when his skin made contact with the cuts. “Just don’t. I don’t need your pity.”
His eyes caught sight of yours as you pulled your hand away and he immediately felt uneasy at the sight of them. It was a kind of wistfulness, a type of yearning and nostalgia for something that never was. Something that never could be. And it somehow made him want it even more.
Draco lifted his hand, letting his fingers brush against your cheek and he heard you reflexively draw in a sharp breath.
He found himself leaning in to capture your lips in his but you hesitated.
“It wouldn’t be justifiable if something happened in between us.” You whispered, leaning an inch away from him. “It would be highly inconvenient for you if someone found out.”
“Then I guess, no one must know.” His voice was hoarse before he crashed his lips into yours.
How was he ever going to explain himself if anyone found out? His whole life, he was taught to be repelled by your kind. He was, however, anything but repelled.
He was swallowing all of the little whimpers that you made and he was revelling in the feel of your smooth skin underneath your shirt.
How was he ever going to justify the way he was slowly allowing his fingers to trace your inner thighs before pushing your panties aside to press his finger into your wetness.
Gods, the sounds you were making when he pushed a finger inside of you.
Why were you allowing him to touch you like this?
Hair tousled, shirt unbuttoned with your breasts falling out, legs spread open for him to see. For him to claim.
“Is this okay?” He asked before taking a slow lick up your soaked cunt and you raked your fingers into his hair and gripped hard as you nodded eagerly.
One taste of you and instantaneously forgot everything that was expected of him. It didn’t bother him what type of blood ran through your veins. The way he wanted to kneel and worship your pretty and wet cunt was more sacred than the entire bloody sacred twenty eight.
When he finally lined his hardened erection up against your entrance, he noticed that you had suddenly tensed. Your hesitation was notable in the way you tilted your head and stared at the floor like your life depended on it.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, using his index finger to tilt your face back to him. “Tell me, y/n. Do you want me to stop?”
That was the first time he’d used your given name and saying it made his ears turn hot.
“No—No I don’t want you to stop.” You whispered, still refusing to look at him. “It’s just that—I’ve never..”
How could he have been so dense?
The way you were digging your nails into his arms, your whimpers, and the way you winced when he pushed his fingers inside you should have told him that you were a virgin.
He caressed your cheeks slightly and dipped his head lower to press a kiss onto your forehead before backing away.
He didn’t want your first time to be with someone like him, during Umbridge’s detention of all places with your cuts still bleeding and seeping into the cotton of his white shirt.
“Draco don’t.” You whispered his given name softly and grabbed him by the arm before he had the chance to walk away. “Don’t go.”
“But y/n—”
You pulled him in and pressed your lips on his before he could reason with you.
He had the choice to walk away from you, from all this but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It felt different with you.
He asked you one more time before lining himself up against you. And when you gave him a soft and breathy “yes”, he pushed.
Your walls clenched him in and you tried your best to repress your tearful whimper by biting down on the exposed part of his shoulder.
He made sure to be gentle with you when he made the first few thrusts.
Soon enough, your grip on his arms loosened. Your cries morphed into tiny little gasps and moans of his name and you began to kiss the same place you were previously biting.
And at that very moment he knew you had surrendered yourself to him.
Wholly. Completely. Entirely.
At the particular moment, you belonged to nobody but Draco Lucius Malfoy and he—
Present day, Pilgrim’s Inn, 9:27 Am
Draco, fixing you both a cup of coffee, stilled and snapped out of the flashback inside his mind when you let out a small grumble in your sleep and reached towards his side of the bed.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself when he noticed the visibly annoyed look on your sleepy face when all you felt were pillows and sheets.
As much he wanted to sit and watch you sleep like a mega creep, it seemed like a good time to wake you up.
He was still wearing the same trousers and black shirt from the previous night when your eyes fluttered open. Only this morning, the shirt was buttoned halfway, exposing most of his chest and torso. The sleeves had been rolled back and you felt your stomach twist into a knot at the sight of his dark mark.
It served as a constant reminder that you only really had three days with him.
Before you could delve deeper into your thoughts, Draco stood up and walked towards the bed with a ceramic mug filled to the brim with coffee causing your lips to twist into a grateful smile.
“Drink up.” He said as he sat down on the chair next to you. “We have a long day ahead of us.”
After a big gulp of the coffee, you put the mug on the bed side table and looked at him.
“We do?”
“Of course we do.” He motioned towards a turquoise box on top of the dresser, sounding giddy and excited. He almost sounded like the carefree and careless Draco you loved to hate from the first few years at school.
You quickly threw the duvet off your body and scurried towards the dresser; the floorboards of the inn creaked as you did so.
“What’s in the box?” You turned your head back to look at him.
Draco’s cheeks were flushed and he was watching you with darkened eyes. His firm grip on the mug made his knuckles turn pale and you only realized you were standing in front of him naked when you saw the growing bulge in his pants
You ignored your own blood rush to your cheeks while you unwrapped the box to see what he was so excited about.
It was an oxblood red dress, with the softest fabric you’d ever touched. Long flowy sleeves and a plunging neckline, it was strikingly gorgeous.
“A Dress Draco?” You raised a brow at him.
“For our very first date. And for later..” he smirked and you scanned the entire dresser to find an appropriate object to throw at him.
“That’s some way to ask a girl out and must you always think about sex?!” You accused even though you were thinking about it too and reached for a book he’d left on top of the dresser to throw at him.
Before launching the book his way, you paused to examine the book on your hand that read Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage. It was only then that you realized that more than half of the books he had in the inn were about potions and alchemy.
How could you have not realised? Potions was the only subject he really seemed to enjoy at school.
Even during the nights you spent together back in school, you’d prop yourself up on his bed, wrap a sheet carelessly around your bare body and watch him stay up late to work on his Potions homework.
You’d always encourage him towards a career in potion making and he’d smile wistfully at the idea before turning to look at the snake and skull tattoo on his forearm. With a vacant look in his otherwise mercurial eyes, he’d remind you that he would have liked that if the circumstances were different.
You dropped the book back on the desk and instantly flung yourself into his arms.
When he felt you wrap your arms tightly around his torso, Draco stiffened.
The way you were holding him made it seem like you were already saying your goodbyes and he felt as if someone had repeatedly used the cruciatus curse on him. He couldn’t bring himself to think about his life without you in it.
He wasn’t ready.
Draco quickly sorted out his scrambled thoughts and placed his oculomancy walls up as high as he could.
“As sexy as you are naked, I’d very much like to see that dress on you.”
You slightly sniffled before walking back towards the dresser to slip the dress on. The way you struggled with the zipper was adorable to him and he helped you zip it up with a crooked grin on his face.
Considering the present situation, taking you outside of the inn was risky so he’d taken it upon himself to arrange a perfect little lunch at the inn itself. Complete with vintage wine, a lavish main course and a decadent dessert to top it all off.
Sure, it took another huge wad of muggle cash, and coaxing the owner but the look on your face when he fed you a spoonful of chocolate mousse was worth it.
He was going to be the best fucking boyfriend on the face of this planet even if it was only for three days.
Draco took your hand, kissed you on the knuckle, guided you to the table, pulled your chair out for you and tried his hardest to not stare at your cleavage for more than thirty seconds.
Thank Merlin for all of the etiquette training he had to undergo when he was younger!
The two of you didn't really get around making much progress on the rest of the items on Draco’s itinerary filled with cliched tripes like reading poetry to each other and slow dancing to a song playing on the vintage turntable in the far corner of the room.
You’d never taken him for a romantic but he was adamant on the idea of finding “your song” from the tracks on the record that was spinning round and round.
When the both of you finally stopped bickering and agreed on a song, he stood up in front of you and offered you his hand.
Fade into you. Strange you never knew…
The chorus went as he took the lead and swayed you slowly across the room, careful not to trip on furniture.
Both of you barely made it to the end of the song and you weren’t even surprised.
“Gods you really do look beautiful in this dress..” he let out a low growl when he stopped dancing to pin you against the mattress and attach his lips to the pulse point of your neck.
To his utter surprise, you wasted no time in yanking his belt buckle.
“I need you…Draco Lucius Malfoy.” You pleaded as you started to pump his length in your hand. “I need you now.”
Urgency was dripping through every syllable that left your lipstick smudged mouth. Arousal was seeping through the fabric of your panties and Draco was afraid he’d come just by watching you like that.
“Say it again..” he whispered as he attached his mouth to your firm nipple. “Please—y/n, just say my name like that again..”
With no hesitation or remorse, he pried your legs apart and pushed his cock right where it belonged inside of you. The way your body reacted to the motion drove him insane.
He often questioned his place in the universe, it was a constant battle between light and dark, between right and wrong.
But with you, he always felt like he belonged.
“You’re going to make me come…Draco..”
He buried his face into your hair and continued to fuck you like there was no tomorrow.
It was never like this with anybody else for him. And it was never going to be.
“I love you.” You whispered as you succumbed to your orgasm, heedless of the way your words would affect him.
How could you say those words out loud so often and not care about the consequences that came along with it?
“Don’t be selfish..” He groaned, feeling his own high approaching at the sound of those words. “Don’t you dare…”
“I love you.” You moaned, louder this time. “I love—”
He silenced you with a kiss before you could say it again. The weight of those words were always too much for him. Especially when he knew he had less than seventy two hours with you.
Draco began to think about all those years of childish games and wasted time as strong stinging sensations prickled up on his skin.
First, at the pit of his stomach. Then, on his left forearm.
He’d been called upon.
“Do not leave this inn. You understand?” He warned as he quickly redressed. “I’ll have someone sent over to look after you.”
“I’ll be fine. I promise.” You protested as you wrapped the sheets around your body and got out of bed. “I don’t need a babysitter,Draco.”
His eyes darkened and his expressions hardened as he heard your words and you gulped when he stormed over to where you stood.
“Listen to me carefully.” He gripped hard onto your shoulders and shook you. “Stay put and only open the door if you hear three knocks.”
It took a second for you to let his words sink in but you slowly nodded.
His cold hands cupped either of your cheeks and his forehead pressed up against yours; desperate and frantic eyes stared back at you.
“I have one more thing on my itinerary for us.” He said, conjuring the best smile he could give you before leaning in to press a slow and soft kiss on your lips. “I’ll be back soon.”
You held onto his words, dressed yourself in one of his sweaters, paced back and forth in the room, made yourself a cup of strong black coffee and even read through his extensive collection of books.
After what seemed like an hour, you heard it. Three very precise knocks on your door.
Very anxiously, you opened the door to find a brunette boy giving you a Cheshire Cat kind of smile.
He casually leaned forward to squeeze you into a bone crushing hug as if you were a long lost family member and you scrunched up your nose, awkwardly hugging back.
“I believe a proper introduction is long overdue.” He said as he let go. “Theodore Nott.”
“I know who you are.” You mumbled as you stepped back to let him in. “I have seen you in class.”
“Great.” He smiled as his eyes danced around the room to look at the books, the coffee pot, the turntable and the remains of what used to be the dress Draco got you.
A bright pink flush swiped across your cheeks as Theo disapprovingly shook his head. “I know you both spent half of the day shagging but please tell me you managed to do at least five activities from the itinerary!”
“How do you know all this?”
“Because I had to unfortunately sit and watch him put the blasted itinerary together.” Theo sighed, as he poured himself a cup of coffee from the coffee pot before reaching for a tiny flask inside his jacket. “Occulumancy aside, Ferret is also rubbish at hiding things from me.”
You let out a snort when you remembered Draco the ferret.
After your laughter simmered down, Theo took a rather cautious step towards you before offering you his flask.
“Nothing happened between him and Pansy that day y/n.”
Your heart started to ache as your mind started recollecting that day. That goddamned day.
“And you’re telling me this now because?”
Theo sat down on the floor and patted the empty space next to him with a sad little smile on his face.
(To be continued….)
Part three preview:
The two of you laid peacefully next to each other one top of a picnic blanket he’d conjured, somewhere in the middle of a forest clearing
The stark black sky was littered with a million shimmering stars. Protective wards were in place and the air was saturated with the scent of pine wood and moss.
From across the blanket, Draco reached for your hand and gave it a little squeeze and you turned to your side to get a better view of him—his silver hair giving the moonlight a run for its money.
“Lyrids.” He smiled, pointing his index finger at the sky as meteors started falling from the sky, one after another…
TDWY tag list: @nicofiliac @emma67 @kimberlyxmalfoy @palecaramel @letoof @ameliasbitvh @sycathorn-slush @dr4cking @malfoyswifeyy @arzfia @icedlattewithalmondmilk @alisslahey @lieswithoutfairytales @dracoslittlesunflower @dmalfoyswhore @serpentesonagli @dracomalfoys-wh0re
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A very sleep deprived and delirious vi
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xwing-baby · 3 years
Impulse: El Ojo (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
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Summary: Top of your class, the DEA have sent you to Colombia to be the poster child for their new ‘placement program’. You’re thrown in at the deep end into the drug war. With Agent Peña as your mentor, what could possibly go wrong? 
Warnings: swearing, injury to reader, alcohol and drug abuse, threatening with guns, brief mentions of torture, description of injury and blood, unwanted touching, flirting, bad thought processes (addiction). PINK SHIRT 
Word Count: 5k 
A/N: Had a little change of plan last week, this is now the final chapter of this series. I am so sad to end it now, I’ve loved writing this so much. My first time writing for Narcos so thank you so much for all the support y’all I’ve given me with this. I love you all. I hope you enjoy this chapter!! 
<-- Previous Chapter // Masterlist //  Next Chapter -->
You were on a winning streak. Since you’d found the list of sicarios and matched that up with the more current information, you’d presented it to Carrillo and surprisingly he was on board. With his help, you had brought down five, admittedly low level but increasingly more valuable, sicarios. If you didn’t think about the torture and abuse each of them undertook once captured, used to break them into more telling more information, you could say you were doing a good job. Escobar’s organisation was shaking. You were coming for him. 
You and Steve leant against a wall, soaking up the sunshine chatting amongst yourselves when you saw Javier arrive. You hadn’t expected him to come at all, having disappeared without a word early on in the morning. He parked his truck close by, walking over to you and Steve with his vest in hand. You grinned and jabbed Steve when you saw the shirt Javi was wearing. 
The pink shirt had been a long-standing joke since you’d found it in his closet a few months ago. He had many colourful shirts, was known for them, but the pink one always seemed like another level. You and Steve teased him about it constantly, though you had to admit it did look good on him now. Javi scowled when he saw you and Steve’s mischievous grins, immediately realising his mistake. 
“I know you get called the Whore of Bogata but you don’t need to dress like it! Jesus christ Javi!” You fanned yourself with your hand, grinning at him, “really I’m going to need a minute,” Javi flipped you off as you laughed hard.  
“Shut up, I look great,” He grumbled. 
“Just thinking about the poor flamingo you rinsed for that colour,” Steve joined in the teasing, shaking his head sadly. 
“You are just jealous you could never pull this colour off,” Javi said smugly. You laughed.
“Maybe you shouldn’t come out today, could be quite distracting,” You said, pretending to be thoughtful. Javi’s frowned, only making you and Steve laugh more, “Aw don’t get pissy, Baby. We love you really” You teased him in a mocking voice, pouting at him. “You and your flamboyant choices,” You ruffled his hair up as you passed him. He tried to duck out the way but you caught him. He shoved you away, muttering expletives under his breath. You skipped a few paces out of his reach, flipped him off. 
“L/n!” Somebody called your name across the street, one of the technicians you’d been talking to before Javier arrived. You left Steve and Javier to talk. 
The technician explained the problem again, showing you the options for moving forward. It was quite common that things would go wrong before any kind of mission. Today was no different, the technicians had lost a signal and were now not sure that the address you had swarmed was correct.  
You chewed your nails while you thought. You could risk getting the wrong house, letting the sicarios know you were on to them and you’d lose them again. You could come back another day, but risk losing them again. Or you could ransack some innocent person's house and have Carrillo on your ass for ruining his reputation in the one week he’d left you in charge. 
 If you messed this up it would mean your stronghold would be lost. There would be time for them to work out what was going on and move everything again. 
At a loss, you excused yourself needing to take a break and a few minutes alone to think without soldiers trying to put in their two cents. 
As your work life had become more stressful over the last months. You had found some relief in, ironically, coke. It wasn’t a habit you were trying to form, but you had learnt just what good taking just a little bit could do for you. It quietened down your worried brain and made you simultaneously more aware of everything. You were better when you were just a little bit high.  
You had started keeping a small amount in your pocket. Hidden in a small sewing tin in your jacket pocket, you had started keeping a little coke on you especially for moments like this. You could take it, have a breather, and come back with a solution. It was fine. Nobody would know. 
You’d spotted a cafe across the road, and hoped they had a restroom. You gave an excuse to the soldier you’d been talking to and walked across the street.
“Oi Rookie!” Javi called as he noticed you walk past on the opposite side of the street. “Where are you going?” 
“Going to the bathroom. Women’s issues,” You called back, Javi and Steve grimaced. That was always the best excuse.
While you wouldn’t do it at the compound you didn’t have any reservation here. You’d been itching for a hit all morning and there was only so much more you could take. You walked into the cafe, asked for the direction of the restroom, and locked the door behind you once you were inside. Small, dark and stinking of pee, it was not the best place but hygiene wasn’t particularly an issue you were worried about. 
You tipped a small amount from the box onto the sink counter, lined it up with a card from your pocket, bent down and took it up your nose. You grimaced, while it had burnt your nose somewhat it still stung. But it was worth it when the feeling began to kick in. You smiled at your reflection and double-checked your appearance in the mirror, wiping your nose. Nobody could ever tell. 
As usual, the drug kicked your brain into gear again and everything fell into place. The raid went brilliantly, by pure coincidence you’d bagged two sicarios in one as your original target had invited your next round for dinner with his new girlfriend. Your plan well into the swing of things now, much to everyone’s surprise. 
Like every weekend for the last three months, you were going out. The line between enemies and friends was long since blurred, hanging out with ‘Isabela’s’ friends was not an issue. Most of the time you weren’t even trying to get anything from them, you’d got what you needed months ago. As fun as Javier and Steve were, it was much more enjoyable to hang out with people your age. And they wouldn’t give you cocaine, María had it on tap. 
You were dressed up, recently treating yourself to a new outfit as a job well done. A black off the shoulder top, covered in lace, and a little black mini skirt. You felt sexy, you were going to have a very good night. 
“Rookie!” Javier called out to you as he came out of the apartment building. You were standing outside waiting for a taxi, smoking a cigarette.
“Javi, baby, you’re looking slick! Where are you going?” You checked him out. He wore his signature tight blue jeans and an equally tight black shirt that was almost bursting at the seams. He looked incredible, as he always did. 
You were thankful that things had gone back to normal between you and Javier. The awkward stepping around each other had gone, you weren’t jealous. You acknowledged you would probably always like him a little more than was professional but that had fallen into a fun flirty banter that more than anything just wound Steve up.
You found yourself calling him Baby more than his name, it’d started as a joke to get back at him for always calling you Rookie but now it was so commonplace people had stopped picking you up on it if it slipped out while you were working.  
It was fun. You cared for each other, that was clear to even a blind man, but there was no romanticism to the relationship anymore. There was no need. It wasn’t good for either of you. You’d found a comfortable rhythm and were going to stick to it. 
“Out,” He shrugged, “That’s a new top,”
“You noticed?” 
 “Course, can’t keep my eyes off you,” He purred, happily playing along with your game. 
“Thought you’d be more interested in the skirt,” 
“Will you two quit it?” Steve’s voice interrupted your flirting as he walked down the stairs. You barked in laughter. 
“Steve! So it’s a boys night I see? Where was my invite?” 
“Figured you’d have your own plans,” Steve said. 
“And you are correct Murphy but it’s always polite to ask,”
 “Next time,” He assured you. “Where are you going tonight?” 
“I don’t know. Some club, El Ojo or something?” You shrugged, “Seeing as this is maybe Isabela’s last time out I am going to go out with a bang, literally,” You raised an eyebrow, insinuation of your worlds made Steve roll his eyes. 
You were hoping within the next few weeks to be able to close in on some higher level sicarios and associates to Escobar. Drawing the noose in slowly so he wouldn’t notice until it’d choked him. That meant your position as Isabela was going to have to come to an end to keep you safe from your own program. You’d discussed it at length with Peña and Murphy, while you didn’t agree you had to listen to them. They were still your superiors after all, no matter how close friends you were. 
“If you told past you you were going to willingly sleep with a Narco I think you would have passed out,” Steve laughed. 
“I’m a changed woman Murphy, what can I say,” You smirked, “Imagine what I’ll be like by the end of the year,” 
“God help us,” Javier shook his head, a smirk plastered on his face. You laughed and stubbed out your cigarette with your shoe as your taxi pulled around the corner. 
“Here’s my ride. Have a good night, boys. I will be back in the morning,”
El Ojo was just as María had told you. Modern and smoke-filled, people were filling every inch of the space. You walked in and couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. This was exactly what you needed. Crowds were anonymous, nobody cared who you were or what you were doing. Everyone was just there for one reason, to have a good time. 
You ordered a drink at the bar, flirting with the man next to you briefly before taking the drink and finding your friends. As usual, they were up in the VIP area, courtesy of the Parreño name. You walked up and were let inside the cordoned-off area to find Diego stood up on his seat, wild-eyed, shouting about something. It wasn’t until you got closer that you heard what he was saying. 
“I’m telling you Isabela is lying!” He shouted above the music. 
“What’s going on?” You asked. None of the ten people surrounding the booth noticed your approach, their eyes shifting awkwardly when they saw you. 
“You! You’re a liar!” Diego pointed down at you, hatred burning behind his eyes. 
“What is going on?” You asked again. You looked around for María, she was usually the one to step between you and Diego, but she was nowhere to be seen. This was not the kind of conversation you’d wanted for this evening. 
“You were the only one to survive that raid at Carlos’,” He continued, jumping off the couch to your level,  “That fucking maniac Carrillo killed everyone but you! You’re working with them, aren’t you?” 
“You’ve lost it,” You rolled your eyes, “Completely lost it,”
“You don’t deny it!” He yelled. You gulped, trying not to look scared of the man but the rage in his eyes was shaking you. You stepped backwards as he advanced toward you
“You’re insane!” You laughed in his face, “I’m not a fucking spy, especially not for Carrillo,” 
“Bullshit,” He spat, Suddenly he pulled a gun from his back, waving it in your face. People shouted and screamed around you, scattering as the metal glinted in the light. Your eyes remained on his, not saying a word as he pressed the barrel into your neck. You didn’t move, barely breathing, “You’re a fucking rat,” He growled.
“Diego!” Finally, María stepped in, running over when she heard the commotion. “Stop it, put it away. Idiot,” She pulled the gun from his hand, standing firmly between you and him. “Ignore him. He’s paranoid. Someone’s leaking information and he thinks it's you because he’s a jealous asshole,” Maria explained, swiftly pushing him backwards until he sat back in the booth again, “How fucking ridiculous would that be? You? A spy!” 
“Insane,”  You agreed through a clenched jaw. Diego continued to glare at you dangerously, leaning over to whisper something to a friend. 
“I swear if we get banned from this club because of you Diego I am leaving you,” María said angrily, “Come on, I want to party,” She linked her arm through you, not caring that you were still in shock from having a gun held to you, and dragged you to the bar.
Fortunately, copious amounts of vodka and tequila were great for calming your nerves. In a few hours, you had nearly forgotten the entire ordeal. You couldn’t think about anything more than the music ringing in your ears and how good it felt dancing on the stranger behind you. 
After a while, María pulled you back up to the booth where Diego and his friends were still sitting. You did your best to ignore him, chatting to one of the girls at the table instead. You laughed and did a few lines, generally relaxing into the evening. So relaxed you didn’t notice the newest member of the group until he finally addressed you.
“Don’t I know you?” You looked over and panic spread over you like a bucket of ice water over your head sobering you almost instantly. He did know you. The man before you was the first man you had arrested, almost six months ago. He must have been bailed out for jail. 
“No,” You answered confidently. You didn’t lie. You didn’t know him, not really.
“Gabriel, sit down!” María cheered, “Isabela this is my cousin, Gabriel. Gabriel, Isabela,” She introduced you. Her cousin. Of course. You smiled politely, praying the dim lights would hide the nervous sweat that had overtaken you. 
Gabriel looked confused but didn’t say anything if he did recognise you. Not that that would matter anyway, as soon as he spoke to Diego his memory would no doubt be jogged. If he found out you were a DEA agent you would be dead. You had to leave.
“Here take my seat, I’ve got to get some air for a minute,” You stood up, letting him take your place next to Maria. You caught Diego’s suspicious look as you walked past, spotting the nearest exit door. 
Your hands were shaking, your body not sure what to do with itself. The cocaine and alcohol said to go back inside and take them all out. What was left of your rational brain was consumed by fear and kept you outside. It was bad enough if someone like Senator Parreño had suspicions about you but Diego? Gabriel? Diego had already shown he wasn’t afraid to threaten you in public. Of the two of them joined heads they would connect the dots and your cover would be blown wide open. So would you, you thought morbidly. Coke and anger never mixed well. 
You took breathes of the warm summer air, leaning against the wall of the club as you tried to calm yourself down. You shouldn’t have taken the last shot, now verging over the edge of blacking out; your vision was spotty, sound not registering properly and your tongue felt heavy in your mouth. 
You wondered if Steve and Javi were nearby, the fresh air having the opposite effect than you’d wanted. You would blackout and you were going to need help to get home if you did. But you didn’t recall either of the men telling you where they were going, they could be anywhere in the city. 
Stumped for the moment, you decided to wait it out, lighting a cigarette hoping that might help sober you up. You pulled the packet from your purse
“Need a light?” A man appeared next to you, lighter in hand. You nodded and he flicked the flame up, you bent over and lit your cigarette between your teeth. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled, turning away from him, hoping he would leave. He didn’t. Instead, the man continued to stare at you, following you into your personal space as you shuffled away from him. 
“Can I help you?” You snapped, immediately getting a bad feeling about him. You crossed your arms over your chest, frowning at him. 
“No need for that tone baby. Come on, I wanna talk to you,” He purred. His eyes dipped to your cleavage, a lustful look in his eyes. 
“I’m not interested,” You said, stepping backwards away from the man. He seemingly didn’t hear you, continuing to get into your personal space, arms reaching out to grab your hips. 
“You were interested earlier. Come on, baby,” He purred, pulling you close to him, pressing his hips against yours. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You yelled, pushing him off hard enough to make him stumble backwards. 
“Fucking bitch,” He growled. 
If you were sober the situation would have a very swift end. You would punch him square in the face and he would leave you alone, scuttling away with a broken jaw and a shattered ego. However, you were not in a state to do that now. He had the upper hand. All you could do was run, hoping once you were back amongst people he wouldn’t attack you. You looked up the alley, the open street was just a few feet away. 
You bolted.
Unfortunately just as you didn’t have enough coordination to punch the man, you didn’t have enough to run in heels on the uneven floor. Not even ten foot away your legs wobble, heels falling into a pothole sending you forward. You fell into a dumpster, head hitting the corner of the metal with a thud. You yelped, vision going black for a moment as you lay on the concrete. 
“Hey hey hey,” A man ran over, instantly scaring the man off of you. He knelt by your side and helped you up from where you’d fallen. You groaned and pushed yourself up, head throbbing harshly, warm liquid trickling down your face. Your world was spinning even with your eyes closed. “Y/n, Fuck are you okay?”
“Get off me!” You exclaimed, trying to push the stranger off, not that your shaking arms were very effective. 
“Y/n hey it’s me, you’re okay!” You looked up and saw Steve through a haze of blurred vision. You squinted as something dripped over your eye. Steve then saw the cut to your head, “Oh shit,” Your eyes are glassy and blown out, you mumbled something to him and pushed yourself out of his reach again, wobbling and tipping backwards. He caught you before you hit the floor again. “Y/n what are you doing out here? Weren’t you with your friends?”
“Her brother was the first guy,” You said, your speech slurred so much Steve barely understood what you were saying.
“Rookie, you’re not making sense. What are you on about?” 
“I’m so fucked,” You sighed, letting your head rollback. You giggled as the world spun. 
“Yeah, I can tell, come on let’s get you home,” Steve stood up, holding his hands out to you and pulled you up to standing again. 
“Where’s Peña?” You asked. 
“At the bar,” 
“I want to go talk to him, let’s go talk to him!” You exclaimed. You began to walk in the opposite direction, dragging Steve along by the arm. He pulled you back with ease. 
“You can talk to him in the morning, we’re going home,” He insisted.
“But I have to tell him about the brother he’s going -,” Your rambling was interrupted as you threw up, barely missing Steve’s leg. He grimaced and jumped out of the way, “I have to talk to him,” You said quietly once you were done. 
“Tomorrow, Kid,” He repeated himself.
You pouted, tears of frustration welling up in your eyes but you didn’t fight him. Despite how drunk you were you knew that going home would realistically be the best course of action right now. You could barely string a sentence together let alone get anything important out coherently.
Steve got you into a taxi, luckily the driver paid no attention to the blood dripping down your face. You were falling asleep on his shoulder as you pulled up to the apartment, Steve pulled you out of the car and up the stairs to the apartment. Only when he opened the door, he was met by Javier and Vanessa also on their way inside.
“Woah!” Javier instantly turned his full attention to you when he saw the state you were in, hanging onto Steve’s sleeve, “What happened?” 
“Some guy tried to touch her up, she hit her head, I’ve got it covered,” Steve explained.
“Hey Baby,” You grinned, obviously giving Javi a once over. 
“She doesn’t look alright,” Vanessa commented, “Did she just call you baby?”
“It’s a long story,” Javi dismissed the comment. “She doesn’t look okay,”
“I’ve got it covered. I’ll get her to throw up and get some water to sober her up,” Steve said, “We’ll be okay, won’t we Rook?”
“Fine and dandy!” You grinned.
“If you’re sure,” Javi said hesitantly. You were gone, hanging onto Steve’s arm to hold yourself up. Your eyes were blown out and blank, if you remembered anything in the morning it would be a miracle. His first reaction was to help you, not sure Steve could handle you alone. Steve wasn’t exactly sober himself, sinking a good few beers with Javier in the bar before he’d left. However, his decision was made for him as you and Steve began walking up the stairs, Vanessa’s hands were back on him and any worry was squashed as she dragged him into his apartment.
Upstairs, Steve took you into his apartment. He took you to the bathroom, sat you on top of the toilet and rooted around the medicine cabinet to find some cleaning supplies so he could patch up your bleeding head. 
“Connie’s probably got something in here,” He rooted through the cabinet. Connie had gone back to Miami for the week to see her family, inconveniently right when her skills were needed. Steve’s tipsy attempt at first aid would have to do,“Ah-ha! Here we go, clean that cut out with this,”
“Ow!” You whined, flinching away from him quickly when he showed you the antiseptic bottle. 
“I didn’t touch you,” Steve chuckled, “Hold still,” Carefully he poured the liquid over a cotton ball, took hold of your face in the other hand and dabbed the cotton on your cut. 
“Ow! Steve that fucking hurt,” You complained, flinching away from him as the alcohol stung the wound on your head. You frowned at him, tearing up a little. 
“Don’t be a baby,” 
“I am a baby!” You exclaimed. Steve grabbed hold of you again, he needed to clean the wound if it was going to heal properly. You whined and hissed at him but eventually, it was clear. 
“Look, all done, got the grit out,”
“Thanks, Steve,” You kissed his cheek quickly. 
“You’re welcome,” He laughed awkwardly. “Come on, you can’t sleep on my toilet. Bedtime,”
“You’re not my type,” You scrunched your nose and leant away from him. 
 “Ouch way to break my heart Rook,” Steve chuckled, “No, you’re going to your own bed, by yourself,”
“It's so far away!” You whined. 
“It's across the hall!” He copied your tone making you laugh. 
Steve pulled you up from the toilet and managed to wrangle you across the hall. Half asleep, leaning into Steve before you even got inside the apartment, you fell into bed without protest. Steve pulled off your shoes, throwing them on the ground before stumbling back to his apartment to collapse in his bed. 
Waking up in your apartment unsure of how you got there, was a strange feeling. What was even stranger was the harsh throbbing on your head. You blindly brought a hand to the sight, recoiling instantly as you touched something sore. You sat up, slowly opening your eyes to the daylight and looked at your reflection in the mirror opposite your bed. 
You groaned when you saw the gash on your forehead. Dried blood sat in the creases of your neck, and underside of your jaw as well as being crusted into your hair. You tried to remember how you’d gotten the injury but came up blank. You couldn’t remember anything from the night before. Not unusual for your almost nihilistic habits, but it was concerning given the infliction. 
You looked at the clock. 9 am. You’d slept in. Since you were up you decided to clean yourself up. You padded to your bathroom, wincing at the harsh light inside and the grinding sound of the extractor fan. You filled the sink with warm water and gently cleaned the blood from your face with a cloth, only once stopping to throw up into the toilet. 
You showered, hot steam help clear your brain fog but not helping the cut on your forehead which now stung immensely. But that wasn’t the feeling you were concentrating on. 
A new kind of hunger, one you weren’t yet familiar with had settled in on the back of your tongue. A repeating idea chanting over and over in your head. It had partly been cocaine’s fault you’d got into this mess, but it would get you out of this hangover now. 
You remembered you had some in your jacket pocket from the day before, leftover. Once you’d thought about it there was no stopping you. You didn’t have to take it all, you could stop yourself if you wanted. You pulled the tin out from your coat, sit it down on your dressing table while you pulled on some clothes. 
 You sat back at the dressing-table again once you were done and stared at the box. You’d not done it here more than once or twice. Never by yourself. Something about being at home with it made you feel guilty, possibly because you were surrounded by your friends who also happened to be DEA agents who would kill you if they found the stuff in the building. 
You picked up the box, contemplating it. You could get something done if you took it. Wouldn’t have to sit in your hungover state and wallow in self-pity until the headache left. You could go for a walk. Do nice things. Taking the cocaine would bring you nice things, as it always did. 
You opened it. 
“Morning,” Javier’s voice inside your apartment suddenly startled you, causing you to spill the contents of your box all over your dressing table. 
“Fuck,” You swore out loud. 
“Okay in there?” You regretted giving him a key. You did not need the interruption. His voice snapped you back to reality. You decided you didn’t have time, or rather not wanting to be caught red-handed, you decided to leave it and greet your surprise guest. 
“Good morning,” You said brightly, opening and closing your bedroom door tightly behind you. Javier was standing in the middle of your living room, a book in hand flicking through it. He discarded it back to the coffee table where he’d found it when you appeared. 
“Just wanted to check you were alright, you looked rough last night,” Javi said, “that cut looks sore,”
“It stings but it’ll be ok in a few days,” You shrugged. Javi looked at you strangely, “Did you come up here for something?” You asked. 
“You don’t remember what today is?” He asked. You frowned and thought for a moment. 
“It’s your birthday?” You asked slowly. 
“It’s my birthday?”
“I don’t know when you’re birthday is,” 
“Javi I’ve obviously forgotten please just tell me,” You pleaded. 
“Searchblok, you and Steve swapped. Remember?”
“Shit!” You exclaimed. How could you have forgotten?! You scrambled back into your room to get changed, boxer shorts and a hole-ridden t-shirt wouldn’t cut it. 
“I should write you up for the mess you were in last night,” He called through the door as you rushed to get dressed, pulling on the nearest jeans on your floor. That’s not the only thing you should write me up for, you thought looking at the cocaine on your dressing table.
“I should write you up for sleeping with hookers,” You said back.
“Nowhere in my contract does it say I can’t! You however have a reckless behaviour clause,” He said. Your heart stopped at that, opening the door quickly to pop your head out.
“I’m joking Rook, don’t worry!” Javier laughed. You rolled your eyes and shut the door again, pulling on a fresh shirt. A few seconds later you stepped out, buttoning the last of the clasps on your shirt. “I was worried about you but you’re fine so we’ll forget it ever happened,” 
“Thanks, Baby,” You grinned at him. Javi rolled his eyes.
“You need to stop that though,” 
 “You love it,” You teased him. He didn’t reply, turning on his heel and walking out. You hesitated for a moment, glancing back at your bedroom door. The coke was still lined up in there, calling to you. It would only take a few seconds to do it and get rid of your hangover for a few hours.
“Rookie, hurry up!” Javi called you from the hallway, audibly impatient. You decided against it, grabbing your keys and a jacket and running to catch up with him. He was already waiting by the truck by the time you got downstairs. “Did anything interesting happen last night, then?” Javi asked. You tried to think for a moment, you remembered something important had happened, something you’d wanted to tell him last night but you couldn’t remember what. You shrugged.
“Apart from getting this,” You gestured to the injury to your forehead, “I can’t remember. There was something but I don’t know,” 
“Can’t have been very important then,” Javi added. You shrugged and shook your head. 
“Guess not,” 
Next Chapter  -->
Finally we’ve come full circle, I am so sad it’s over I have absolutely loved writing this series. Again I want to say a massive thank you to everyone’s that read the series, it means more than you could imagine. I love you all. I’m going to have a cry and make a start on all the other things I’ve been neglecting to write this.
The ending is already written and posted so if you haven’t read it go enjoy :))
tag list: @beskar-falcon  @peterssweetpea @beskarbabs @all-hallows-evie @harrys-stan @wille-zarr @danniburgh @rentheisopod @urbankaite2 @whataloadofmalarkey @ahsofka @yeetus-my-feetus @sara-alonso @xiao-lusi @all-good-things-have-an-ending @eternallyvenus @ajeff855 @mayangel19 @1950schick @pedrosmustache @wantingtobekorra @balmasedas @angelsunflxwer @brujademente​ @kingsmanandqueens​ @igotissueswithfictionalmen​
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blinder-secrets · 4 years
#36 - Tommy
‘When you touch me I feel a little less broken.’
prompt list
word count: 1500
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Sometimes you cursed the house you lived in. Cursed it for being so big, so empty. For making the worst noises echo and the nicest ones slip by, unnoticed, hidden between the gaps in the furniture. When Tommy was away you fell into the cracks with them. Got lost with the noise. Even with the maids in their quarters, you were alone; the house suffocated and laid you bare all at once, left you exposed yet drowning. You hated it as much as you loved it.
This night was no exception. You stood in the bathroom, goosebumps across the uncovered portions of your skin. The mirror was fogged, clouding your image, but you stared at it nonetheless. You were in your underwear - freshly showered, with an open dressing-gown covering your back and shoulders. A vision of silk and hopeful thinking. The thinking, of course, being that maybe your husband would come home early. And that, maybe, he would compliment you on what you wore, and how your hair was still nicely styled from the day - despite your showering. That he would see the effort you made, and accept it as a return for his. 
After all, he worked every day for you, for the kids, for the house you sometimes hated. All you could offer in return was this. A half-dressed partner, ready if the mood took him. Waiting to take the ache away like the whiskey on his desk. 
Sighing, you turned the tap and grabbed your toothbrush. Tommy wasn’t there to see you, and the longer you stood staring, the more you wanted to change and disappear into the folds of the house. 
As you left the bathroom, you pulled the robe closed around you, unwilling to flash Frances, or Clara, or whoever it was that you’d heard in the hallway. It must have been past twelve by now, but it wasn’t unusual for them to be up and about. They liked to explore, you thought, or enjoy the house without the demands of those sleeping. It was just footsteps without a name as always.
You padded toward the bedroom, looking down to follow the pattern along the rug beneath - as if it were your own cotton runway. It was actually something you’d picked out yourself, which made it a rarity, one that deserved the attention you gave it. At least, that was your excuse for the habit you’d created. 
The voice startled you, causing you to jump and look up to see Frances, who met you with an apologetic smile. 
‘I’m making tea,’ she said, from where she stood at the top of the stairs. ‘Would you like some?’
‘No,’ you replied, perhaps too harshly for the situation. ‘Sorry, you scared me, but it’s alright. Thank-you. I’ve brushed my teeth.’
Frances nodded, smiled, and continued on the path she’d already set. It was only when you passed the stairs yourself that you realised she wouldn’t normally be on this side of the house - not of her own accord, at least. Her presence alone meant something had changed.  
Your pace quickened, eager to validate the conclusion you’d come to, and the moment you turned the corner into your room, you saw that you were right. Something had changed, Tommy was home. You stopped in the doorway with a relieved breath. 
‘Tommy,’ you started, having nothing to say afterwards.
He sat on the bed, on the edge nearest the door, with his hands on the mattress either side of him. When you addressed him, he nodded and cleared his throat once as if to speak, but said nothing. He wasn’t even looking at you, just at the floor between you both.
‘Are you okay?’ you asked, still holding your robe tight to your body. With him fully dressed, you felt inclined to keep yourself covered. From his stance alone you knew it wasn’t the time for satin and skin. ‘What’s happened?’
‘Nothing.’ He inclined his head to the right then set it straight again; it was barely enough movement to register as a shake. ‘Nothing’s happened, love.’
Just himself thinking about himself, you answered, so he didn’t have to. You couldn’t say out loud that you saw what it was, but you knew him well enough to recognise it. To see the black smoke gather behind his eyes.
‘Have you eaten?’ you diverted, keeping your voice gentle. 
‘No.’ He cleared his throat again, finally looking up to where you stood. ‘Come here,’ he said, gesturing you forward with one hand, before running it through his hair. The eye-contact was short lived, though; he was back to looking at the space by your shins before you could even step forward. 
Despite the worry that bit at your heels, you found yourself crossing the room to him. Whether it was trained-obedience, or instinct for what he needed from you, you didn’t know. Your arms fell slack to your sides, the soft robe falling open with them. ‘Are you sure nothing’s happened, Tommy?’ 
‘Here.’ He waved you forward again, only satisfied once you were stood right in front of him, his face level with your stomach. When he looked up to you then, it was need that you saw. Pleading. A vulnerable edge that opened his features in a way you weren’t used to.  
He attempted a smile, but it was so weak-willed that it barely reached his eyes. 
‘No more questions, eh?’ His hands lifted to sit on your hips. ‘Don’t ask me things I can’t answer,’ he said. ‘Alright? I can’t...’ He shook his head properly that time, willing away the fog which stopped him from speaking. When it didn’t work, he just sighed and looked at you, exhausted. Tired from the day.  
It scared you, seeing him so far gone beneath it all. But if you were to pry, it wouldn’t get anywhere, it’d just chase him further away. Put his troubles behind the bars again. After all the time you’d spent together, that was the hardest lesson to learn: he’d only be vulnerable when he wanted to, only share when he could afford it. No amount of reassurance or guidance from you could coax the worries out of his head. 
‘I want to help,’ you said after a moment. ‘Tell me how.’ 
You dropped your fingers into the layers of his hair, combing back and across in a steady rhythm. Like a switch had been flicked, his lids fell shut, shoulders sinking. He relaxed into himself and then forward, into you. 
‘This,’ he sighed. ‘This helps.’
Turning his head, he pressed his cheek to your bare stomach, pulling you closer with cloying arms. He pushed himself so tightly against you that you felt his lashes on your skin, his eyes opening and closing again as he settled. 
‘When you touch me,’ he said, voice catching in his throat, ‘I’m less broken.’ 
‘Nobody’s broken, Tommy.’ 
He didn’t answer, so you smoothed the longest parts of his hair flat and let him rest for a moment. Let him breathe in the comfort of having you close. He wasn’t broken, only marked. Worn from what’s come before.
‘Talk or quiet?’ you asked him.
He exhaled slowly. The warmth of it rolled across your waist. ‘Quiet,’ he answered. ‘Always quiet.’
You nodded though he couldn’t see, and ran your thumb across the stubbled-hair above his neck. After all the picks, and the smoke, it was no surprise that it was quiet he needed. Even after all these years. If you could give him anything, it was that. 
After waiting another moment, for another cycle of slow breaths to pass, you put your hands on his shoulders and began to push him away; to separate him from the touch he clung to. He let you do it and, with a little guidance, you got him standing again.
He let you undress him without complaint, too tired to do anything past sigh and lift his arms when instructed. Part of you enjoyed it, looking after him, it was so rare that it felt nice. Loving. The other part wasn’t worth focusing on. There was too much ache in the room already, enough ill-weighted thoughts to make your own shy away. 
‘I told Frances to make tea,’ he said, blankly, as you were pulling the vest from over his head. 
You dropped it onto the floor behind him, pausing to kiss the space by his ear before replying. ‘And do you want tea?’
Tommy almost laughed - one short breath from his nose. ‘No.’
‘I’ll tell her.’ You held his face in your hands, seeing him unwind further every time you touched him. He hadn’t come back to you yet, not fully, his mind was still elsewhere. But, it was an improvement. ‘Get in bed,’ you told him. ‘I won’t be long.’
He nodded, his weighted-gaze slipping down your features until it stopped on your lips. ‘Alright.’ 
‘You’ll be right in the morning,’ you mused, ‘we both will.’
He hummed, still watching your mouth, and it was enough of an invite for you to lean forward, meeting him in a kiss. You felt his hands, flat-palmed up your back. His lips. The brush of stubble on his chin. And as the seconds went, you felt the worry drip from his mind to pool between you, dissolving in the heat. When you pulled back, he looked gentle again. Wanting. 
‘Go on,’ you said, smiling lightly. ‘I won’t be far away.’ 
After all, you never were. 
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
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There was gunfire coming from every direction, the sound echoing so severely that it left anybody within a mile radius deafened. The smell of gunpowder was overwhelming, and despite the fact that there were much easier targets to go after, Hailey Upton had her eyes fixed on only one. This particular suspect had slipped Detective Upton's grasp one too many times, leaving the woman more determined than ever to put him in cuffs and send him up to Cook County prison. Her determination had left her blind to any other potential dangers — she had tunnel vision, and it was about to catch up with her. 
Hailey hadn't even realised she had been shot at first — the adrenaline rushing through her had temporarily stopped her from feeling let alone acknowledging the sharp pain in her side. It was only when the suspect she was chasing shot at her again, her vest catching the bullet, that she was knocked off of her feet, the wind being knocked out of her as she struggled for breath. She knew better than to try and sit up — playing dead was her only chance at survival in that moment — leaving her to close her eyes until she could be certain the suspect had left. After a minute or so, she managed to crawl her way behind a car before collapsing back onto the curb, her sight cloudy as she fought to keep her eyes open and her mind sharp. It was only then that she saw the trail of blood following her — glancing down, she saw that the blood was coming from a gaping wound just above her hip. 
Hailey could only describe the force of a bullet shooting through her being strangely similar to that of a hard punch. The initial impact didn't hurt, but it was when the pain caught up to you that it throbbed, ached, stung and stabbed through your entire body. Hailey found herself seething as she cursed herself for getting shot and not being able to take this suspect down — it had been her fault that he had gotten away the first time, and she couldn’t believe she was letting it happen again. Her heart was pounding; every time she looked down at her hands, there was more and more crimson red blood staining her skin. Her vision blurred and grew dark around the edges as she felt her consciousness begin to slip, only to hear someone call out her name in a strained scream that ran right through to her bones.   
She felt strong arms pull her body into someone's chest, but she didn't have to open her eyes to know who it was. Just like how you never forget the words to your old favourite song, Hailey would never be able to forget the sound of Jay Halstead's voice or the way her body slumped into his. She would never forget the feeling of his hands pressing against her wound to keep her alive, or the way he clutched her so close to his chest as if she could vanish into thin air at any moment. Every second remained frozen in time as she blinked her eyes open to see Jay kneeling over her with droplets of what could have been tears or sweat rolling down his freckled skin, her hand finding his arm before gripping onto it tightly.   
“5021 George, we need an ambulance to our location now!” Never had Hailey ever heard the man sound so panicked. “My partner’s been shot! Officer down — I repeat, officer down!” 
Hailey grimacing in pain bought the man’s attention back to her as she tried to pry his hand off of her to take over holding pressure. Jay refused however, either oblivious or choosing to ignore whatever his injured partner was trying to get him to do. 
“He’s getting away, Jay,” she managed to force out, her vision growing darker and darker with every waking moment. “You h-have to go —“ 
“Hailey, there’s no way in hell that I’m leaving you here alone!” 
“We’re gonna lose him —“ 
“I’m not going to lose you, Hailey!” 
Silence filled the already tension filled air for a few long seconds as Jay frantically tried to stop Hailey from bleeding out, only to cry out in frustration — nothing he was doing seemed to be working. Hailey wasn’t exactly sure when, but at some point he had stripped her of her vest to allow him to hold more pressure on the wound above her hip before tossing it to the side as he tried to find a balance between putting enough pressure on the wound and not hurting Hailey any further. She looked so small and fragile as her skin slowly drained of all colour and her eyes slipped closed once again— Jay screamed for somebody, anybody to help them. Nobody came. Nobody seemed to even hear him. For the first time, it dawned on him that saving his partner who was lying lifelessly in front of him was entirely up to him. Jay wasn’t one to get scared often, but in that moment? He was absolutely terrified. 
“Hailey, stay here, stay with me,” Jay sobbed, his body shaking as he tried everything to wake Hailey up again. “Come on! Hailey! Goddammit Hailey, this — this isn’t funny anymore! Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!” 
He felt like a helpless child.   
When he heard sirens wailing in the background after calling out on his radio at least another three times, he was surprisingly angry. What took them so long? Hailey was laying there, unconscious, and they were taking their sweet time. “Did you stop for coffee on the way or something?!” Jay exclaimed, his throat raw from screaming for so long. “Help her!” 
Jay felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him away from Hailey’s body as the paramedics whisked her into the back of the ambulance to stabilise her, the same hand helping him stand upright as he rubbed his face anxiously. His heart was pounding and his chest was tight, the man feeling as though the life was being squeezed out with him as he watched them force a mask over his partner’s mouth and nose. A small squeak left his mouth as he furiously wiped his tears off of his cheeks — he hated crying. 
“Hailey. . .” He spoke her name in more of a whisper. “Please! Please be okay!” 
Behind him was Kim, who was wearing a stressed expression while being comforted gently by Adam. Vanessa was standing by Kevin with tears in her eyes, but the one standing by him, was Voight. Voight’s eyes usually seemed so cold and distant — but not that day. That day, Hank Voight’s eyes held worry and concern for Hailey as well as sympathy for Jay, who was crumbling worse than he ever had in front of his unit. Everybody watched on, waiting for somebody to say something — that was until a paramedic poked their head out of the back of the Ambulance and looked directly over at the Intelligence unit. 
“Which one of you is coming with us?” 
Nobody argued when Jay practically launched himself into the back of the ambulance, nor was anybody surprised. Just because both Jay and Hailey were blind to their attraction to each other, it didn't mean everybody else was too. They could see how infatuated they were with each other, they caught them staring longingly at each other from across the bullpen even when they didn’t realise it. Jay and Hailey had been working up to an exploding romance since the day they met — this was sure to be the tipping point. Jay had gotten hurt on the job so many times, leading Hailey to become a mess every time — this was the first time Hailey had gotten herself into a situation where her life was hanging in the balance.   
It was safe to say that Jay knew how she felt now. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ The bullet Hailey had been hit by normally wouldn’t have done as much damage as it did, but with the woman not realising she had been shot and continuing to chase after the suspect, the bullet had slowly but surely made it’s way to her pelvis and had come into contact with blood vessels there. The thing about the pelvic area was that when there was a significant trauma to it, there was always a risk that a person could bleed out due to the amount of blood vessels intertwined together. Not only that, but the fact that the pelvic cavity could hold more than the entire amount of circulating blood in a human body meant that the doctors at Chicago Med had to work quickly. 
Will had come in late that morning, yet he knew as soon as he saw his brother being restrained by a couple of nurses and another doctor that something bad had happened. Jay wasn’t one to lose his cool and not be able to bring himself back, so seeing him being basically carried out to the waiting room was a sight that left him sick with worry. His first priority suddenly became his brother and working out what the hell happened — as he approached the man, Will grew more and more concerned as his blood stained clothes became more apparent.  
“Jay,” Will placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder as Jay searched around the room frantically for some kind of answer that he wasn’t going to get. “Jay, look at me. What happened? Are you hurt?” 
Jay numbly shook his head. He didn’t know how to say anything except her name. 
“Hailey’s hurt?” Will’s eyes went wide; it was staring to make sense. “What did they tell you?” 
“I — She — You. . .” 
Jay always had something to say. He always had an opinion, a remark — something — yet at that moment, he was completely and utterly lost for words. His mind had hit a brick wall named Hailey, and until he knew that she was okay, he wasn’t getting past it any time soon. The fact that his brother was standing in front of him with such a panicked expression only panicked Will too, leaving the doctor to walk his dark haired brother into a chair as he caught eye of Voight who was walking in with the rest of the unit hot on his tail. After passing his brother off into the capable hands of his Sergeant, Will headed right into the emergency room to find out what was going on and exactly how bad it really was. 
Hailey had almost coded once when her blood pressure bottomed out, but before she could go into full arrest the doctors had hung a few bags of blood on the rapid transfuser which bought her back enough for them to take her into emergency surgery. It wasn’t easy, but they had managed to remove the bullet and repair the blood vessels in Hailey’s pelvis, leaving her stable enough to head to the ICU while the rest of the blood she had lost was being transfused. Will had done his best to keep Jay updated, but his brother had quite literally lost it when he heard that Hailey had almost gone into cardiac arrest and was being taken up for surgery — it took the strength of not just Adam, but Kevin and Vanessa too to hold him back from running after the surgeons. When Natalie had gotten hurt, Will could remember how painful the not knowing was. Jay was feeling just the same. 
As every minute ticked by, the seconds felt like they lasted longer and longer. Jay felt like he was watching people walk in and out of the emergency department faster than it was taking for anyone to give him any news on Hailey, the man about ready to explode. It was only when Will came out with a small smile on his face that Jay felt some of the rope that had been tied around his chest loosen — a smile was a good sign. Right? 
“She’s okay, Jay,” Will told him gently. “She’s awake and wants to see you if you’re up for it.” 
Jay practically pushed past his brother and towards the elevator on the other side of the emergency department as he impatiently pressed the button that Will had called out as he slipped in beside him. The fact that Hailey was in the ICU scared Jay a little bit, but the fact that she was awake was enough to calm his trembling hands just a little bit. He hated feeling so uneasy and unsteady, as if he could fall to the ground at any point — if this was how Hailey felt every time he had gotten shot, Jay was never leaving the district again. 
As he walked into Hailey’s hospital room, his breath was knocked out of his lungs for a split second as he took in her appearance. The pinkish tone she had to her cheeks was coming back and her lips were no longer a pale white, her hair spread messily across the pillow as she opened her blue eyes with a smile.
“How does it feel to have an uno reverse card pulled on your ass?” 
At last, the rope around his chest disintegrated into nothing, Jay finally able to let out a sigh of relief as he smiled gently. If Hailey was making a joke at Jay’s expense, then she was feeling herself. That was all he wanted.   
“I’ll be honest,” Jay sighed lightly, rubbing his face absentmindedly. “Not great.”
Hailey gave a lopsided smirk as Will left the room, giving Jay and Hailey some time alone as Jay took a seat in the chair beside her bed. 
Hailey truly thought that she was going to die when she slipped out of consciousness that last time. She fought for as long as she could, lived on borrowed time that wasn’t hers to take, but only because in that moment, she realised something that would change everything for her. As she felt herself drifting further and further away, she realised that she wasn’t afraid of death. In fact, death seemed kind of peaceful in comparison to half of the things she had had to deal with in her life. No, what she feared more than anything else was being without Jay because without him, there was no sunshine. There was no happiness. Without Jay, Hailey felt like a giant piece of her was missing and she couldn’t bare feeling that kind of empty for any longer than she already had. There was no way. 
By the time Hailey looked back over at Jay, she was shocked to find that he had his head in his hands as his body shook gently in the chair next to her. They were faint, but small sobs could be heard escaping the man’s lips as she felt her heart squeeze in a painfully uncomfortable way — she wanted to make him feel better, but she genuinely had no idea what to do. 
“Jay,” Hailey’s voice was soft yet still raspy as she called out to her partner sadly. “I’m okay. I promise I’m okay.” 
“You nearly weren’t though,” Jay countered, his tone not nearly as hostile as what part of her had expected it to be. “I was so. . .” 
“I know.” 
“I thought you. . .” 
“I know.” 
Jay’s watery eyes found Hailey’s, the sight making her own eyes sting too. Not many people realised or even knew that Hailey was a deeply empathetic person — in order to shield her heart though, she had to put up a cold exterior sometimes to protect herself. She normally had no problem keeping up that exterior, practicing it for so long that it came  to her like second nature — that was until she was laying across from her partner, her best friend, watching him fall to pieces. 
In one swift moment, Jay was up on his feet and had wrapped Hailey up in his embrace, her hair absorbing his tears as he held onto her with all of his might. Now that he had her in his arms once again, he couldn’t physically bring himself to let her go — he was petrified that if he did, she would just disappear. Hailey could feel just how fast the man’s heart was beating as she too wrapped her arms around him, only solidifying further just how much of a wreck he truly was.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” Hailey whispered into her partner’s ear. “I didn’t even realise I got shot, Jay, otherwise I would have called for help earlier. I only came down because he shot me in the chest and my vest caught it, but. . . I guess you already know how hard that can hit you.” 
Jay didn’t say anything for a moment, the only sound coming from him being small sniffles as he tried to pull himself together. When he finally did answer, the words that escaped his mouth not only shocked Hailey but frankly, Jay too. 
“Hailey,” he started, pulling away from the woman slightly to stare at her properly. “I love you.” 
Hailey’s eyes went wide for a moment, taken aback so much she thought that her heart might stop and it would set off the monitors all over again. “Jay —“ 
“Never mind, I don’t — I don’t know why I said that. I — I’m sorry, I. . .” Jay paused for a moment, staring into blue eyes for a few heartbeats. “Actually, you know what? I’m not sorry. I do love you Hailey. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anybody in this world.” 
Butterflies erupted in Hailey’s stomach as she stared, stunned. Little did she know however that Jay was freaking out just as much as she was, feeling as though he was a high schooler asking out his very first girlfriend all over again. He suddenly forgot how words worked and he needed to be reminded what a coherent sentence was.   
“The thought of losing you for good is just — it’s too much. I can’t do it. We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow Hailey — I could walk out of here and get hit by a bus — I’m tired of shoving these feelings away when all I can ever think about is you. When I wake up I wonder if you’re awake too, when I go to sleep I wonder what it would be like to be laying there next to you. I love you, Hailey. I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
Hailey’s eyes were wide. “I-I thought it was just me.” 
“Are you kidding me, Hailey?” The hint of a smile broke out onto Jay’s lips. “I’ve been obsessed with you since the day you got here.” 
Nerves ran through Hailey as she debated her next move, eventually deciding to come right out and do it. Do what she had been waiting years to do. Hailey placed a hand on Jay’s cheek as she gently guided his face closer to hers, connecting her lips to his at last. After a few moments that felt as though they lasted forever, the two of them pulled away, their foreheads brushing lightly as they stared into each other’s eyes longingly. 
“I’m sorry, I probably should have let you finish or at least asked before I —“ 
“Hailey,” Jay breathed out her name, never taking his gaze away from hers. 
“Don’t you dare stop."
TAGGING: @lissethsrojas​ | @ruzek-halstead​ | @justanotheronechicagofan​ | @juu-series​ | @agnesgranberg97​ | @anna-justice​ | @puckluck28​ | @thetwit​ | @mapamohu | @detective-buttercup​
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don’t give up on me
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I will fight I will fight for you I always do until my heart Is black and blue
Life’s all about moments of impact and how they change our lives forever, but what if one day you can no longer remember any of them? That was the scenario I now found myself in. It was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives; I had just married my soulmate, in the perfect ceremony, surrounded by all our family and friends. But it just wasn’t meant to be. We had been driving to start our honeymoon when it happened, the night that changed our lives forever.
I had met the wonderful Freya at the age of 18; it was an instant connection, I knew this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It took me a while to ask, but a year later she made me the happiest person on the planet as she agreed to be my girlfriend. Three years later she made sure the smile on my face was staying forever by agreeing to become my wife. Four hundred and twenty-four days later she became Mrs Rashford, in her I had found the love of my life and my closest friend.
But that was all about to change.
A few hours ago, I was staring into the bright brown eyes of my wife; they showed so much happiness, love and excitement, but that was all taken away from her, from us. I was now staring at a woman who didn’t recognise me, who didn’t know how insanely in love with her I was, I was staring at a woman who thought I was her doctor.
The accident had caused her to lose her memory, most importantly the last five years we had spent together. She had forgotten everything; every kiss, every touch, every gift, every laugh, every memory. She had forgotten we were married. She didn’t remember me. She didn’t remember the life we had shared; to her, I was a random man standing at the end of her hospital bed.
And I will stay I will stay with you We’ll make it to the other side Like lovers do
The days became quieter which meant the weeks become longer, our normal routine had disappeared along with all our memories we had made in the house. It had been four months since the accident and Freya was still the same; in her mind, she was eighteen preparing herself for her future years, she didn’t realise she already had a successful future. Every day was different; some days we would argue and not speak, other days she would look through old photo albums, occasionally she would show emotion at the memories she was looking at but not remember them.
On the sixth month, I started showing her some of the memorable locations from our relationship. The first stop was my old house, the first time I laid eyes on my beautiful Freya. She had attended a New Year’s Eve party I was having, her tiny feet scurried across my living room floor making her way to the seat adjacent to myself. I remember the figure hugging jeans she was wearing, they bought out every curve. Her lips where enhanced by the red lipstick that covered every inch of her smile, it was the most beautiful smile I had ever laid my eyes on.
On the tenth month, I re-introduced her to my family. They adored her almost as much as I did, I had lost count the amount of tears my mother had shed because of the accident. Freya and she were best friends, if she was ever upset she would find comfort in my mother. She would always attend all my games with my brothers, even though she didn’t know what was going on she would still have a beaming smile on her face.
This accident didn’t just affect myself, but both our families and that was an emotion we struggled to deal with.
I’ll reach my hands out in the dark And wait for yours to interlock I’ll wait for you I’ll wait for you
On the twelfth month we started to struggle, it was unknown whether Freya’s memory would be returning and that troubled her. It caused various arguments between us and it was made worse by the fact I couldn’t help her.
“What happens if my memory doesn’t come back? What are we going to do?” one day she cried. That was the emotion she was stuck in; it didn’t matter what I said to her, I was always worried about what would happen to our relationship. I had to convince her that my love for her was forever and I wouldn’t be giving up on her.
“Your memory wasn’t the reason I fell in love with you” I softly smiled. “I didn’t just fall in love with the best of you like the way your eyes light up the room or the way your laugh makes me smile. I fell in love with all of you. I fell in love with your scars also the way you make sarcastic remarks, the way you cry about something from years ago and the way you sometimes get angry over the little things. I fell in love with the great in you and I fell in love with the bad you see in yourself but that is the great I see because I love every part of you, I fell in love with all of you and I will continue to fall in love with you every single day until it is my last with you.”
‘Cause I’m not givin’ up I’m not givin’ up, givin’ up No not yet Even when I’m down to my last breath Even when they say there’s nothin’ left So don’t give up on...
Fifteen months down the line and things were improving quickly, Freya hadn’t regained her memory yet but she was progressing. We had officially been dating for three months, it had been a wonderful three months. It took me back to when I first fell in love with Freya; every fresh emotion and new memory we had been creating reminded me of our previous first meeting.
On month twenty, a miracle happened. I’m not sure how but I was thankful, my beautiful Freya had been sent back to me. After months and months of different emotions, new memories, little arguments and lots of love, her memory finally came flooding back.
I’m not givin’ up I’m not givin’ up, givin’ up No not me Even when nobody else believes I’m not goin’ down that easily So don’t give up on me
After twenty-four long months, we were finally able to say our vows again. Even after all these years I still found myself staring at my beautiful bride with absolute adoration, I don’t know how but she looked even more beautiful in her wedding dress. A little tear fell down my cheek as I gazed lovingly into Freya’s eyes.
“I vow no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other. Every morning I wake up and I choose you, I choose us.”
And I will hold I’ll hold onto you No matter what this world’ll throw It wont shake me loose
Our wonderful journey was finally able to continue, I was forever grateful for the time I could spend with Freya. I was forever grateful for the trust she put in me when she had her accident. I had many moments in my life where I wouldn’t give up on someone else, where I believed in them when they didn’t believe in themselves. Because when you love someone, you never give up on them.
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sestra-inestro · 5 years
The Carry On - (1/5)
Pairings: mob!bucky x fem!reader
A/N: This is the series that is inspired by the oneshot I wrote like two weeks ago. This took me forever and is gonna be the long, crappy, filler part of the series but the rest with be much better and I wrote part two first because I’m a doof. I’ve also been in a film noir, gangster/Tarantino mood so als inspired by them. Alrighty enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, no actual smut because I’m a TEASE, mentions of torture and violence.
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The Carry On - mini series part one.
You sighed as you picked at the sleeve of your shirt. Waiting for Bucky was taking forever and he was already late. You were supposed to be picking out the invitations to your wedding today, before you met him for dinner. You had done most of the planning yourself considering his demanding work arrangements, which wasn’t his fault entirely. But being one of the city’s biggest Mob Bosses, half of the blame lands on him because he causes half the trouble. This was supposed to be one of the few things you’d choose together.
Looking at your phone again, you sigh before getting up.
“Leaving?” The woman at the counter asks. She’s been watching you wait for your fiancé for the last 40 minutes.
“Yep.” You approach the counter and look down at the many examples she had laid out before. Your eyes scanned over them before pointing to a grey background with white patterns in the corners. “That one.”
She nodded her head before collecting the rest of the examples. “We will have ready as soon as we can, Ms June.”
You huffed before turning to the door. “Take your time.” You called back before leaving the store.
Sam, who was assigned to be by your side whenever you went out, noticed you leave and pushed off the wall he was leaning on and ran after you.
“June!” He called out, catching up to you. “You’re leaving already?”
“Yep.” You said without care.
“But Bucky said he’d leave soon.” Sam raised his eyebrow, looking at his phone.
“Then you can tell him I’m going home now and I’ll meet him at dinner.” You informed him. “Or I can tell him myself. I’m done waiting.”
“No I’ll tell him.” Sam assures you before typing away at his phone.
You continued to walk down the small street of stores to the car as Sam received a message back from Bucky.
“He’s not happy.” Sam told you.
“I’ll deal with him.” You said before you reached the car.
Sam moves in front of you to open the door for you.
“Whatever you say, boss.” Sam smirked at you as you stepped into the car. As Sam shut the door and walked around to the drivers seat, your phone pinged with a message from Bucky.
B: Sorry baby doll
You rolled your eyes, sighed and shoved your phone in your bag. This has happened many times already, someone had him caught up at the office or the warehouse. You didn’t mind him working, you just wished he’d stop making promises he couldn’t keep.
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Bucky stared at the message he sent, hoping you’d reply. He knows he messed up by missing another part of the wedding planning. Really he didn’t care if he had a say in the wedding planning at all. He wanted to see what you created, see you happy with things you liked surrounding you, in the prettiest dress you picked. He didn’t care if you even had a wedding at all, all he wanted was you to be his wife.
He proposed fairly early into your relationship, because he immediately knew that you were the one. You turned a blind eye to his malicious work ways and his alliances, the amount of men that come and go through the house. You’d said you always loved some company, even with just the house staff. You felt safer knowing you weren’t alone.
He also loved the way you shuddered underneath him and the way you circled your hips on top of him when he brought you release again and again.
A pained groan brought Bucky out of his mind.
“C’mon, Zemo.” Bucky sighed in frustration and shoved his phone in his pant pocket and turned to the man tied up in the chair. “Haven’t we gone at this long enough? I have a date with my future wife.”
Zemo huffed, his head that hung low bounced as he coughed out the blood that had pooled in his mouth from the punches Steve had landed in his face. Steve stood behind him wiping the blood from his knuckles.
“The days are long.” Zemo croaked out. “How many punches you got in you?”
Steve threw down the paper towel and gripped Zemo’s hair, yanking his head back by his scalp. “How many do you think you can take?” He growled in Zemo’s face.
“As many as you can give.” Zemo spat, some blood landing in Steve’s face.
Steve flinched and closed his eyes. Bucky watched as Steve slowly stood and wiped a hand down his face. Steve moves to punch Zemo in the face again but Bucky grabbed his arms.
“Woah, there buddy.” He pulled the handkerchief out of his breast pocket and handed it to Steve. “Take a break.”
Steve scoffed, snatching the handkerchief from Bucky and walking away.
“Now you’ve pissed my friend off.” Bucky leaned down to look Zemo in the eye. “Which is why I’m giving you one more chance.” Bucky raised a finger. “Now I’m not gonna pluck out any of you teeth or anything because we’ve been here way too long now. You just need to tell me the names of the people who robbed my cartel tell last week, or you stay here to sleep in the cold winters night of this nice, lovely, metal scaffolding warehouse of mine, where you’ll probably freeze to death.”
Zemo glared at Bucky’s face. His mouth clamped shut.
To his silence, Bucky clicked his tongue and shook his head. Turning on the balls of his feet, he gestured to Steve that they were done.
“Sleep tight, Zemo.” Bucky said carefree as he waltz towards the door. “Oh. And feel free to scream for help. Nobody can hear you.” Bucky winked at the tied man before stepped out and sliding the massive door shut.
Steve stood next to him and locked the warehouse door.
“That bastard.” Steve muttered.
“You know, maybe you should stick to be the good guy, bad guy Steve kinda scares me.” Bucky said to his best friend as they walked towards their cars.
“Yep, you go back to being bad guy.” Steve loosens his tie and wipes a hand over his face. “They all just spit on me.”
As they approached the cars, some of their men stepped out with guns and full uniform.
“I knew you were never gonna let him sit here by himself.” Steve chuckled as he watch Bucky’s men take point around the left side of the warehouse.
“Fuck no.” Bucky huffed, crossing his arms and he watched Steves men take point of the right side of the warehouse. “I’ll also knew you would never, either.”
Steve nodded, and smirked. He also crossed his arms and watched. “I also have men in the grass around this area.”
“Nice.” Bucky tapped him on the shoulder.
They had been best friends since childhood and nothing stopped them from becoming the kings of the city’s together. Their own businesses, own men and a shared alliance with Tony Stark, Thor Odinson and his half brother Loki who he shares a business with and T’Challa. They keep the peace with each other and work together with the others to try to keep business between them private. But recently, all five businesses men have had their cartel movements infiltrated and had finally caught one of the men involved with it. They also have suspect that an old partner of Tony’s, Brock Rumlow is involved too but they haven’t been able to catch him.
Bucky sighed before checking his watch. “Shit.” He hisses. “I have to get ready to pick up my lady.” Bucky stated as he walked around the car.
Steve rolled his eyes at the mention of you.
“Oh yeah, can’t forget about her.” He said dryly.
“Oh stop. I didn’t pick on you when you married Peggy.” Bucky eyed his friend.
“Yeah, because we had known Peggy for years.” Steve defended his wife.
“And you love her, right?” Bucky asked opening his car door.
Steve have him a ‘duh’ look.
“Well I’m in love with June, Stevie. I can’t help it.” Bucky said, sitting in the driver seat and turning on the engine, rolling down the windows to see Steve bending down to look at him with his brow raised.
“You barely know her.” Steve said with a dull tone.
“I’ve actually gotten to know her very. Inside and out.” Bucky winked at Steve.
Steve groaned in disgust. “Get out of here you maniac.”
“Bon voyage, my friend.” Bucky waved before driving off.
You had just finished putting on your dress, with the help of Rita, Bucky’s longtime General housemaid. After you shimmied into a body suit to tighten your body under your dress, she helped you climb into a classy form fitting black dress and fix up your make-up.
When you finished getting all your stuff together, Rita informed you that Bucky was here.
You trudged your way out of the bedroom and stopped at the top of the stairs, seeing Bucky looking up at you from the living room with wild flowers in his hand. You, still vaguely annoyed at him, gave him a look with a hand on your hip.
Bucky smiled sheepishly. “You’re beautiful.”
“Uh huh.” You responded.
“I’m a lucky man.” He tried again.
“I’m sure.”
Bucky sighed at your short answers to him.
“I’m sorry, okay?” Bucky looked up at you with puppy eyes. “I really wanted to be there but I got caught up. We got closer to the people who have been stealing our shit and this guy just would not give up and...” He trailed off as you have him an unimpressed look.
“Babe, it was just the invitations.” He tried to reason. “I can help you pick out the cake?”
“I did that last week.” You said, finally giving it to him. “And it’s not about the invitations Buck, it’s the fact that you promised me that you would be there. That maybe this was something that we could do together besides actually getting married. Or will I have to do that by myself too?”
“Of course not, baby doll.” Bucky’s eyes were now sad. He didn’t realise how much you wanted his input on this wedding.
As you saw his eyes, you felt a little pang if guilt in your chest. He does work hard to keep you safe in the house and he does pay for everything. He doesn’t treat you bad or insult you. And when he is home, you’re like his goddess.
You huffed before stomping down the steps towards him. He watched as the annoyed scowl on your face twisted into one of confliction. You walked up to him and looked him in his gorgeous baby blue eyes.
He offered you the wild flowers, giving you the biggest set of puppy eyes you’ve ever seen.
“I don’t want to be a brat.” You said, taking the flowers.
“You’re not babe. You’re right.” He rubbed your arms. “I keep making promises I can’t keep. I knew I wasn’t going to make it.”
“Sam said you were gonna be pissed when I left.” You looked at your feet.
“Yeah at myself.” He put a finger under your chin and gently lifted your face to look at him. “I’m sorry baby.”
He pouted before leaning in slowly and capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
“I’m still annoyed.” You said after pulling away. “No matter how guilty I feel, I can still be annoyed at you.” You pointed at him with the flowers before moving to the kitchen to put the flowers in water.
Bucky smirked as he watched you. “That’s why I brought you something else.”
You pushed open the kitchen door to see a little, grey Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy sitting patiently on the floor, it’s tail wagging at the sight of a human.
You froze and gasped. The little puppy dropped its head and shuffled its way towards your feet.
Carefully you bent down and the puppy crawled into your hands and you lifted it to your chest. You turned back to Bucky who had a hopeful smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh.” You said with wife eyes and the puppy nuzzled under your chin.
“Do you like him?” Bucky asked with his hands behind his back.
“I love him.” You kissed the puppy on the head, earning little licks in return.
“I thought he would ease your your hostility against me for a little while.” Bucky joked and you frowned at him.
“You can’t buy me a puppy every time you annoy me.” You said and scratched the puppy behind the ear.
“Of course not.” Bucky chuckled. “We’d have a full house.”
You smooched the puppy as Bucky stepped forward.
“Am I forgiven?” He gives you the puppy eyes again.
“Hmm.” You pretend to think. “Sure.” You give him a smile.
Bucky’s face brightens and he leans forward to capture your lips again.
After finally trusting Rita to look after the puppy and separating you from him, Bucky drove you to a quiet area of town and led you to an empty restaurant.
You frowned as you got out of the car. “This is dinner?”
“Yep.” Bucky smiled brightly.
The restaurant looked extremely fancy, and even with your dress and heels, you felt under-dressed.
“There’s no one in there.” You said, taking his arm as he offered it to you.
“I know. I booked the entire night to ourselves.” Bucky grasped your hand and kissed your fingers. “We have nothing but time.”
Bucky opened the door for you to reveal a dimly lit dining room, a massive fish tank lining the wall filled with different types of gold fish, and only one table with two chairs. Faux plants lined the walls and the windows to the restaurant, giving it a homey feel and the air was warm. But you still felt the tiniest bit intimidated.
As soon as you say down, waiters placed a covered dish in front of you, shocking you.
Bucky smirked at your face, confused by the silver cover of the plate.
“I ordered your favourite.” Bucky winked.
You scoffed. “I doubt this place does cheese burgers with extra cheese.” You laughed and placed a napkin on your lap.
Bucky winked again before taking off the cover and making you laugh. Seated on your plate was a neatly made In N Out burger and fries.
“I thought you’d appreciate this more than what this place normally makes.” Bucky’s eyes watched you as you smiled down at your food. “And I hope the Double Double counts as extra cheese.”
You looked at him ridiculously. “Um, no.” You held up a finger, ready to educate him. “It has two slices of cheese with two patties. It’s evened, not extra.”
“Alright, alright.” Bucky laughed and held his hands in surrender. “Enjoy your food.”
You pushed back the sleeves of your dress and your hair out of your face while muttering. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Bucky admired the way you visibly relaxed. He was going to take you to the formal dinner that Tony was hosting to discuss the recent events in business. But considering so much he has missed with you, he decided to take you somewhere where just you and him could enjoy yourselves.
You ate your food and enjoyed discussing some of the recent decisions you’d made about the wedding. He approved of every single decision.
“So,” You started after finishing off the burger and picking up a fry. “What’s new in the business?”
Bucky smiled at your interest.
“Well, we caught a guy that had been invading our private sales.” Bucky spoke in code, incase of any rats hanging around.
“You give them a good talking to?” You asked.
“Real good talking to.” Bucky wipes his mouth talking to you more. “We got some new information from Natasha. She just came back from her honeymoon.”
Natasha Romanoff was Tony’s own little mole that had been placed undercover as Natalie Rushman inside the gang of Hydra about a year before you met Bucky. She was feeding them as much information as she could while also playing the newest, youngest and most loveable wife of Alexander Pierce.
“Oh how nice.” You smiled. You’d met Natasha before and she was gorgeous.
“It might be another year before she can come back and work for us.”
“That’s good.” You say before munching on your last fry.
“God, I love you.” He mumbled under his breath. There was no way you could be real.
“What’s that baby?” You raised a brow as you heard him mumble.
“I said I can’t wait to marry you.” He told you, watching your eyes fill with love before you launched at him, attaching to his lips in a passionate attack.
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3 months later, the wedding reception.
The reception was in full swing. You had a slightly non-traditional wedding. No one heard your vows except you and Bucky, then you joined your friends for the reception. You had finally met T’Challa and his right hand woman Okoye. As well as Steve’s wife Peggy and Tony’s wife Pepper. A bunch of your family had turned up and some friends. Once you and Bucky had your first dance, you changed into something much more moveable so you could enjoy the wedding comfortably.
You were browsing through the snack table when a voice boomed behind you.
“Mrs Barnes.” The deep voice said.
You turned to see a handsomely long blonde man with blue eyes, smiling bright at you with his hand out to you.
You reached and accepted it.
“Thor Odinson.” He introduces himself.
Your face lit up in realisation. “Oh, Mr Odinson. Nice to finally meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, M’lady.” He said charmingly. “I hear you use to be a Vet Nurse.”
You nodded. “Yes, in fact that how I met Bucky.”
“Oh really?” He raises his eyebrows.
“Yeah, him and Tony came stumbling into the clinic I was working at chasing someone.” You explained, remembering that moment you first laid eyes on Bucky.
“Wow. I do love animals myself, though I never could have become a vet myself.” He smiled to himself. “I get too attached.”
“I love them too. I always wanted to work with animals. Just didn’t think it would end so soon.” In truth, you missed being surrounded by animals and meeting new ones.
“June.” Bucky’s voice interrupted. “Mind if I steal my wife back, Odinson?” He stepped to you and wrapped an arm around your waste.
Thor smiles at his ally before raising his hands in a playfull surrender. “She’s all yours.” Thor winked at you. “Nice to meet you, June.”
“You too.” You wave him off.
Bucky looks down at you, gosh he looked so good in his suit.
“What?” You giggled at him.
“You’re just so beautiful.” He rubbed his nose against yours.
You reach up gently and wrap your arm around his neck, pulling him down softly to meet you lips. You couldn’t get enough of kissing him today. He was finally your husband and you couldn’t wait to love him with all of your body.
You deepened the kiss by turning your head, your tongue massaging itself against his and you other arm gripping onto his shoulder. He pulls your body against him, pressing your chest against his and feeling the strength of his heart beat. His hands gripped you in such a delicious way that you wanted to melt in his embrace.
You pulled away for air and Bucky leant his forehead against yours, breathing heavily.
“Are you ready?” He asked, breath fanning against your face.
You look around to see that some guests had gone and it was now a relaxed mood, not that you cared. You just wanted to be with him.
“Yes.” Your voice came out on almost a beg.
“Alright.” Bucky pressed another soft kiss to your lips before pulling you with him to the small stage where a lone microphone stood.
“Hello, everyone.” Bucky pulled the attention of the rest of the people in the room. “Thank you all for coming to celebrate this beautiful woman and me. But now it is time we part.” Bucky smirked to the crowd. “We have to start our honeymoon.” You and Bucky then ran out of the venue, giggling like children and into the car on the way to the hotel you’d spend the night at. Making out and touch in the car, you couldn’t wait to get your hands on each other. As soon as the car stopped, you and Buck leapt out and into the building. Bucky fumbled with the room key while you kissed his neck, purring in his ear and gripping him any where you could get a hand full.
As he finally got it open, he pulled you inside and slammed you against the door as it shut. He attacked your neck and moved his hands to take off your outfit. His hands were rushed and he couldn’t wait to feel your skin. Getting frustrated with the fabric, he ripping it at the sides causing you to gasp.
“You only needed it for one night anyway.” He mumbled as he immediately latched onto your nipple, one hand gripping the skin on your hip and the other kneading your other breast.
Your head rested against the door with your eyes closed, enjoying his lips on you. Warmth grew in your core, wetness slicking up your folds as Bucky made his way down your body. He massaged your skin as his kisses trail down to your navel.
“I want to feel every inch of you.” He mumbled against your skin.
His lips were hot against your skin as he sucked a purple bruise on you hipbone. The fabric that had been ripped from your body and bunch up at your knees was now being pushed down you legs and you stepped out of it.
Bucky stood back up and tucked his hands under your thighs, making you jump and wrap your legs around his waist.
He handled you gently, making sure your legs shook at the touch of his tongue to your core and his tip to your sweat spot. He made sweet love to you and you were so glad he could fuck you like that for the rest of your life.
Tags: @kiwi-comics
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writeyouin · 5 years
Connor X Fem-Reader – Do You Dream? Chapter 3
Chapter 3 – Isn’t It Awkward?
A/N – I’m really into this rn, but I promise I’ll try and write something different soon.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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‘Step up and ask her out,’ Hank had said so matter-of-factly, but as Connor sat in the restaurant awaiting your arrival, he cursed himself for how he’d gone about it. Afraid that you’d suddenly be snapped up, Connor had acted immediately and decided to ask you out on his and your shared day off. In retrospect, it might have been better to ask you out a few days prior, but he was afraid that with too much time to think you might talk yourself out of it, so he’d opted to bite the bullet and do it today.
Despite his nerves, he’d compartmentalised the entire thing, planning everything he thought you’d enjoy that were in line with social customs. First, he’d spent a good amount of money on a flattering navy-blue three-piece suit that he’d seen you admire once in a shop window. After that, he researched Detroit’s restaurants, choosing one that was classy and served your favourite foods. When he arrived at the restaurant, he bribed the host for the corner table, which his research indicated to be the most romantic. Everything was perfect except one thing; in all his haste, he’d forgotten to invite you.
Connor held his face in his hands tiredly, dragging them upwards to his hair, mussing it slightly though it quickly went back into place. In his head, he kept replaying the call he’d made to you about half an hour ago when he realised his mistake. Did he really shout? What were you going to think when you got the voicemail?
“(Y/N), IT’S CONNOR. YOU’VE GOT TO GET EAST SIDE TO THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT IMMEDIATELY! IT’S IMPORTANT!” Then he’d hung up, RA9, he’d hung up! Could things have gone any worse?
One of the perks of being an android was that Connor never forgot anything, but apparently even the most flawless memory could be affected by sheer nerves. Why was the prospect of dating you so different to being your best friend? As your friend, Connor was witty, charming, and playful. As a date, if he could call himself that, he was awkward and forgetful.
“Connor!” You called, gulping in a breath of air immediately afterwards, “Jeez, I- I got- God I’m unfit-” You held up a finger, indicating you needed a minute to recover.
It gave Connor all the time he needed to analyse your attire. If his suspicions were correct, and they usually were, you’d been near your house when you got the voicemail, which would explain why you didn’t have a coat, then you’d taken a taxi to him, though that didn’t explain why you were out of breath. Connor got up, attempting to escort you to your chair, but you waved him away, apparently recovered from your exertion.
“I got a taxi,” You explained. “But there was so much damn traffic- I- I ran the rest of the way. Are you okay? Your message-”
“I’m fine,” Connor murmured, trying to find his voice. He’d gotten off to a bad start but maybe he could get everything back on track. He offered you the chair again, “Please, take a seat.”
You faltered, wondering what was going on. Taking a quick look around, you suddenly felt self-conscious. The Forbidden Fruit was a prestigious restaurant that at least everyone in Detroit had heard of or seen in magazines. It was the kind of place with an obnoxious obsession with the colour red, and imposing drapes that were supposed to create an image of warmth and intimacy. It was a place one went to dressed in only the most formal clothing, yet you’d just ran in panting, wearing torn, faded jeans, and a woolly jumper fit for home which was where you’d been going before Connor’s ominous voicemail. No wonder the surrounding diners were staring at you with disdain, barely hushing their whispers about you.
Blushing, you sat down, tucking in your own chair before Connor could. He retook his own seat opposite, thinking of what he should say to explain his behaviour.
You ignored the onlookers, regaining your train of thought, “I got here as soon as I could.”
“I know. I’m sorry to have worried you, I just- You need to be here tonight. Here,” he passed you a menu. “Have you eaten yet?”
“No,” You said slowly. “No, I haven’t.”
“I’ve heard the food here is impeccable,” Connor smiled boyishly. “Oh, and for the record, you look beautiful tonight.”
Beautiful? Connor hadn’t called you beautiful before. You glanced at his new suit, then to your surroundings until your gaze finally landed on the dim candle on the table, the pieces slowly falling into place.
“Connor,” You placed your hand comfortingly over his, “um, sweetie, is this a… date?”
Connor’s smile faltered, his breath catching in his throat. If you had to ask then he’d screwed up worse than he imagined with his social blunder. Things weren’t supposed to go like this, in every great love story, the characters knew they were being wooed, why didn’t you? Succumbing to panic, he pulled his hand sharply away, laughing anxiously. “A- A date? No. I mean, if it was, you’d certainly know about it beforehand. I- This isn’t a date.”
“Okay, then fill me in Robocop, why am I here?”
Connor’s android mind formed a thousand responses in a millisecond, not all of them plausible. He quickly settled for one that seemed reasonable, whispering so only you would hear, “This is a stakeout.”
“A stakeout?” You repeated doubtfully.
“Yes, I got a tip that a big Red Ice dealer would be here tonight. ”
“Who?” Connor repeated you dumbly.
“Yeah, who’re we watching?”
“Oh, uh, him, there,” Connor pointed to the first person he saw, a portly man with lobster sauce down his bib, dining with a young lady who you would have guessed to be his daughter; he couldn’t have looked further from a criminal if he tried.
“Him? Are you sure? He looks kind of-”
“I’m sure,” Connor answered curtly, gripping the sides of his chair so tight he could feel the wood splinter; he was glad the tablecloth hid his hands from view.
“Okay… Um, don’t you think you can handle this one on your own Connor? I don’t think the guy could outrun a three-legged pig, let alone you.”
Connor committed himself to the lie, mentally cursing that he hadn’t told you the truth when he had the chance. “I- I need evidence he’s my guy. I’ve got a wire over there and well, it’s kind of dumb to be honest but I ran into a little snag. I can’t stay here without ordering food, but I don’t eat so I needed someone and there’s nobody I trust more than you. Please stay.”
You softened at his expression, thinking about how he could give Sumo a run for his money on who had better puppy-dog eyes. “Okay Robocop, I’ll stay.”
Connor smiled again hoping that things would go easier from there; he couldn’t have been more wrong. Because of his insane story, the conversation was limited to work talk and as such, he had to invent an entire fictional life for the man the two of you were now stuck watching. The meal quickly grew quiet and Connor was sure you were finding it as strained as he was.
Claiming he was going to check in with his source, Connor excused himself, heading outside where he called Hank for help.
“Yeah?” Hank answered the phone distractedly.
“She didn’t know,” Connor said abruptly.
“What? Connor?”
“She had to ask if it was a date and I- We’re stuck here watching some guy eat because she has no idea what’s going on.”
“The fuck you talkin’ about?”
Connor plucked his coin from his pocket, playing with it absentmindedly. “I asked (Y/N) out on a date.”
“Way to go kid,” Hank cheered.
“No… I did it wrong. (Y/N) has no idea this is a date.”
“What? Tell me exactly what you said to get her there.”
“I don’t want to.”
Hank groaned tiredly, “Great, so you don’t just sound goofy, you act goofy too. At least tell me where you are.”
“The Forbidden Fruit.”
“That fuckin’ poncy place everyone talks about? Shit Connor, you trying to propose? You don’t go there for a first date.”
“Hank, what do I do? The entire night’s been a disaster.”
Hank seemed momentarily lost in thought, “Hey, where’s (Y/N) right now?”
“She’s inside, watching some guy eat.”
“Why in the fuck- Never mind, I don’t wanna know. ‘Kay, you’ve gotta get back in there and start over. Get (Y/N) and take her somewhere she’ll actually like. You both like those dumb old movies, right?” Hank asked, referring to the movie nights you insisted on to get Connor up to speed with your multiple references; unsurprisingly, it had all started with Robocop.
Connor nodded, “Okay, yeah, I can do that.”
“Get to it then.” Connor heard Hank mumble a faint, “I’m too old for this shit,” as he hung up.
Putting his coin back in his pocket, Connor straightened his tie and went back inside, not bothering to sit back down when he got to the table. He quickly ordered a taxi, then got back to the matter at hand.
“C’mon,” He said, paying for your practically untouched meal and leaving a generous tip.
You frowned, “What about-”
“My tip was a bust.”
“You’re telling me I’ve spent my night watching some regular guy eat, for absolutely no reason at all.”
Connor smiled sheepishly, “I can make this up to you.”
“Movie night, your choice of film.”
You got up, “Fine, but only if you throw in some chocolate.”
“Chocolate? (Y/N), it’s bad for you.”
“Hey,” You said defensively, “the food here was tiny, I ate like a bean. Besides, chocolate comes from a plant, so technically that makes it a salad.”
Connor shook his head disbelievingly, holding the door open for you, “I would love to understand the way you think.”
The cold air hit you immediately and you shivered, wishing you’d brought a coat out. You held out your hand expectantly, “Jacket.”
This was a regular occurrence between the two of you since Connor couldn’t feel the cold. He complied, removing his jacket but holding it tauntingly out of reach. “What’s the magic word?”
“Connnnnor,” You whined.
“Say I’m the handsomest detective you’ve ever seen, and you can have it.”
You placed a hand over your chest in mock offence, “And take the title from Hank? You sick bastard.”
“Hank! There’s no way Hank is better looking than me. I know you like my hair.”
“Whatever you need to say to live with yourself.” You swiped for the jacket, missing by a long shot.
“Say it.”
“You would let your best friend die of hypothermia? Some hero.”
“Hmm… It’s not what I asked for, but I’ll settle for being your hero.” He draped the jacket over your shoulders, using the action to hold onto you momentarily, imagining briefly what it would be like if you leaned into his touch.
“Sweet warmth,” You sighed happily.
Before Connor could say anything else, the taxi arrived and you slid in, inputting your address, evidently forgetting the chocolate Connor owed you, though it didn’t matter; he’d already ordered a bouquet of roses to be delivered to your desk at work, hoping you’d appreciate them more. He sat next to you, secretly admiring the way you looked wearing his jacket; thank RA9 Hank had told him what to do, things were already looking up.
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Connor didn’t know whether things were going better or worse than before. On one hand, the night was no longer awkward. On the other, Connor wasn’t really making any progress towards a relationship as the two of you watched old films together. True, you were laying on him, clearly comfortable in his presence, but you weren’t doing anything that two friends wouldn’t. Connor was glad you liked to talk through films, filling him in on little facts about them as they went along; it meant you didn’t notice his long silence while he considered what he had to do to show his interest.
The film eventually ended and as usual you got off Connor with a stretch and a yawn, though this was the first time he truly missed your weight on him.
His internal clock indicated that it was exactly twenty minutes past one in the morning. “(Y/N), can I stay here tonight? You know how grumpy Hank gets when I wake him at this time.”
You chuckled, remembering the furious phone call you’d received the last time you sent Connor home in the early hours of the morning; since then, he often stayed at your house and it always looked cleaner in the morning.
“Sure Connor. You know you don’t need to ask.” You yawned again, “I wish I could stay up like you can. I feel bad leaving you alone while I sleep.”
Connor felt a question on the tip of his tongue, which despite trying to, he couldn’t hold back from asking. “What is it like to sleep?”
You snorted tiredly, “I dunno, what’s it like to recharge? Isn’t that kind of like sleeping?”
Connor didn’t reply, his LED spun yellow, indicating he was thinking. Finally, he looked up, ignoring your question and saying decisively, “I’d like to try it.”
He didn’t really know why he’d said it, only that it had been an impulse to do so. He knew he couldn’t actually sleep, but something about the prospect seemed intriguing.
“Try it,” You shrugged casually.
“Sleeping. Give it a whirl, you can share my bed.”
Connor stared at you disbelievingly. You were really going to share your bed with him? He scanned your heartrate, hoping that it might have spiked, but it remained stubbornly calm; you didn’t view this as a romantic opportunity. As usual, you were indulging him, encouraging him to try something new like it was nothing. What was going through your head?
As it happened, you were happy at the idea of Connor sharing your bed, mainly because you hated waking up to find he’d gone into recharge in the hallway like an unnerving ghost, lit-up only by his blue LED.
You patted his arm, “Think it over, I’m going to get changed.”
“I have nothing to wear,” Connor said anxiously.
“Then wear nothing,” You grinned devilishly. Connor’s mouth dropped open slightly, his eyes growing wide with surprise. You took pity on him, “Connor, I was joking, relax. I dunno… I don’t have any guy clothes, so just do whatever feels comfy.”
“What would be your suggestion?”
“Some guys like tops, some don’t, make a choice. Hell, where my clothes for all I care, just let me get changed.”
You went to your room, followed closely by Connor, who remained there as you grabbed some pyjamas and went to the bathroom to get changed. He was relieved you didn’t have any men’s clothes even if it made his own situation harder. Running a hand over your bed, he wondered if he was really going through with this, especially after he’d only talked about sleep on a whim. Committing to a decision, he removed his tie, waistcoat and shirt. When you came back, Connor was afraid you’d see his thrium pump practically beating through his chest.
You got into your side of the bed, patting the other for him. Connor found himself slightly hurt that your heart rate still remained normal; you’d never seen him shirtless before. Rationally, he knew you were probably just being respectful, but he’d still hoped for some kind of reaction. Hesitantly, Connor got into the opposite side of the bed.
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asked quietly.
You switched your light off, laying on your side. “Sure,” You mumbled.
“(Y/N), is… is this something you’d do with any friend? Or… Is it just me?”
You made an incoherent noise, already falling asleep. Sighing, Connor settled into the bed, then acting on impulse, he leaned into you, draping his arm gently over your waist. You jolted awake at the touch.
“C-Connor, what’re you doing?”
Connor smiled, “My research suggests that this is a good sleeping aid. Does it bother you in some way? If it does, I can stop.”
You tried to relax again, “Well… I- I guess it’s okay… If it’s for research I mean.”
“It is.”
“Okay…Goodnight, Robocop,” You settled back down, taking Connor’s odd action as one of his many innocent social quirks.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” Connor whispered your name like a promise, ecstatic that you’d reacted the way you had. When he held you, his scanner indicated that your adrenalin had spiked sharply along with your heart-rate. All was not lost. Connor knew he wouldn’t let go till he had to, for he’d gotten just a little bit closer to loving you.
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