#wittebane grimwalkers au
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My original plan was to add a background, but in the end I had neither the time, nor the motivation to do so. Alas
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owlyhouse · 1 year
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Owl House - Swap AU [Character concept art]
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catboymoments · 2 months
Part of some commission work for my friend Andrew of his oc for their toh au fic! He sucks but he’s a lot of fun to draw…
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Cain is the previous Grimwalker who ran away from the EC n sort of faked his demise and is working on a coup, but he’s not. The greatest person.
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captainmera · 6 months
Hi Mera! I absolutely LOVE the newest TGB chapter. I don't want to ask you to draw something out of respect for your poor arm... but on the other hand I am absolutely dying over the grimwalker hunter shenanigans in this one!
If you don't want to draw it, it's totally fine. Just know that TGB lives rent free in my mind and heart ❤️
I know this is an old ask, but I pick asks at random...! :'D
Thank you for reading! I'm happy you're enjoying it! :D
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All the cuddles-! :3
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[Defanged Philip AU]
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pespillo · 25 days
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"you seem to be confused, do you need any healing assistance?"
someone on twt pointed out that the actual Last Grimwalker in the pit was supposed to be taken out after the DoU (before Belos decided he needed to possess it to keep himself together in FtF), and this would have been the "Ideal Caleb", i got so crazed about the idea i decided it would be funny if King n Collector walked down there n got him out before Belos, plus he was starting to rot so it needed to be unearthed.
they named him Clavic , for "clavicle", because its funny, even if he wasnt made with that bone. He was told he is a grimwalker so he really doesnt get any sort of existential crisis, he is still learning how to Be a Person so they really dont over exert him, King treats him like hes an endangered species in need of a sanctuary (overall its the guilt of going with Belos treatment of grimwalkers as copycat dolls with no actual feelings for most of his life) , even if he was made to be the Ideal Caleb theres still some inevitable differences, especially the ear notch, even paler hair, scarring on the legs, but Philip is basically towards his delirious spiral major breakdown after the shitstorm that was the Human Realm, so for him this is his even worse nightmare. A Caleb that doesnt even know him or been intervened to have a forced bond with him, and proudly refers to himself a grimwalker.
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sleraly · 10 days
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"That must have hurt, right Caleb?"
Caleb tries his best to prevent the Grimwalkers from hurting Hunter. They don't intend to harm him, but their actions could end up going pretty wrong in the end. But ending Belos is worth it, right?
By the way, today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Here’s my self-gift haha!
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the-cosmos-withinus · 8 months
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Shadow Puppets AU - featuring Will
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tartsinarat · 22 days
I didn’t want to just post nothing for the next few days and disappear because of being busy with story planning and an animatic for the post canon part of the Golden heir au soooo here’s some doodles I did a while ago that I finally finished and coloured
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Drawing smol Hunter made me sad because he hasn’t gone through most of the horrors yet and has only just become the Golden guard.
Anyway, the doodle on the right is Hunter trying his best to comfort Pip after he didn’t take the fact that Hunter is now the golden guard and is going to be off doing dangerous missions all the time very well.
It also didn’t help that due to being told that wild witches basically merked their whole family and him not being allowed to go outside obviously really messed up Pip’s perception on anything that exists outside the castle so he just assumes that Hunter is just going to die in a horrifying and tragic way if he steps out too far…
No idea if anyone noticed it but the reason why I gave a Pip a sword originally is because of this scene in hollow mind
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So I thought it would be cute to reference it by drawing Pip’s younger lil kid self playing with a palistrom sword
On a side note the reason in canon to why Pip originally wanted to learn how to use a sword was because he once got told about knights by Belos who was just humouring him when he asked about the human realm, Pip then thought it was the most coolest way for someone to slay evil doers and wild witches and was like I could totally learn how to use that
So yeah the kid was seven and was already practicing killing wild witches so thank fuck he even got basically adopted by Eda and had a major reality check because if not he would have turned out to be a proper monster jeez
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brother-bon3s · 2 months
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Feeds you crumbs of a toh au
Soon each character will get an indepth explanation post, for now you just get faces!!!
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try02line · 1 month
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More expressions study! Here we have our fav angry golden guard!
I feel like I should do these sort of sketches much more often than I do. They are quick, fun, and very good practice! For once I do not have to stress all the time about anatomy or every line being perfect- it just has to be fun and look overall right, is all for the vibe mainly ✨
SURPRISINGLY enough, these expressions are looking much better than what I could have ever hopes- which begs the question of why my expressions in my finished drawings are always meh IMAO
Anyway- hope you enjoy this!
And remember, you can still submit requests as long as they are TOH themed (no other fandom will be accepted, but AUs or redesigns of characters will!)
Have a lovely day 🦊
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Just now, I have realised the resemblance one of my drawings of Alex shows to this very frame of Philip‘s death scene. I may implode any moment now.
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Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 10
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And here we have the unfortunate truth: As things are right now, Caleb is technically (in the literary sense) an antagonist. If Hunter's goal is to figure out and fix what's wrong with his dad, Caleb's goal, for Hunter's sake, is to prevent him ever working it out, even though it means his own suffering.
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white ink and pencil comic. At the center of the page, Caleb glares resolutely at the contents of a spoon he holds in front of him. A monologue thought bubble reads, "If I must suffer in silence to protect you, so be it." The page behind him is split in half, each a collage of images. On the left side: Caleb holds an infant Hunter, looking down at him lovingly. Then, from Caleb's point-of-view, a toddler Hunter clutches Caleb's pantleg, staring up at the viewer with a big grin. Then, we look over Caleb's shoulder as he watches an older Hunter seated at a desk and sculpting a clay wolf head, his tongue sticking out in concentration. And finally, teenage Hunter as he is now, smiling at someone off screen. On the right side: Somewhere outside at night, in silhouette, Belos' elongated arm spears a Golden Guard as Caleb looks on from where he sits on the ground, reaching out for him in vain. Next, Belos strangles a struggling Golden Guard, dangling him above the ground by the neck. His other hand holds a yelling Caleb by the front of his shirt. Then, in the throne room, Belos shoots a kneeling Guard with energy from his raised staff, while Caleb sits beside him, bound to his wheelchair by vines. And finally, from below, we watch a broken Golden Guard mask fall towards us into the abyss, dropped in by Belos far above. Caleb is held beside him by the arm. His head is turned away. /END ID]
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kittiwittebane · 7 months
Obsessed with Grimwalker Hunter by @captainmera
Art inspired by their fic ‘The Golden Brother’ on AO3. Can find on their blog at the top too!
For u mera
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I’ve been drawing him everywhere he’s so cute!
I also think his eyes react like a cat!
May finish these later!
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captainmera · 4 months
kinda of an odd request ig but could you draw Caleb interacting with werewalker!hunter from tgb in some way. Maybe giving him pets or something. Papa wolf and baby wolf <3
TGB spoiler I guess, but also, this is so waaaay ahead idefk if I'll ever get to that point so, lol. But because some people get very upset if I don't put things like this under a spoiler, I will.
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just two cute gargoyles. :')
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creators-island · 1 year
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part 6 of the au
part 8
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