#wof: the lost heir
thinking about Orca again.
Why did she choose to challenge Queen Coral when she was only 7 years old? we don’t really know what type of relationship Orca and Coral had, or why Orca decided to challenge Coral when she did. at first i thought it was because the queen was going to try to use her animus powers in the same way she is using Anemone, but Orca hid her powers from the queen. was it because she hated queen coral and wanted to be queen so badly that she couldn’t wait longer?
clearly she thought she would win the challenge, her statue in the nursery being already enchanted to kill future heirs BEFORE she entered the fight proves that. But Queen Coral ended up winning, and as she was dying Orca said “I did this all wrong. you’re going to rule forever, aren’t you, mother? you should thank me…” … but if Orca was an animus dragon could she not have won the fight easily using her powers? she probably wanted to keep her powers hidden, but because nobody knew she had magic, could she not have quietly used magic to assist her and make it look like it was a natural kill instead of a magical one? she would have saved her own life and secured her win by doing that. did she care about it being a fair win enough to not use her powers? or was there another reason?
if she was concerned about her soul turning evil from using her powers to kill Queen Coral, i’d understand not wanting to use them during the fight. HOWEVER … isn’t the concept of her statue pretty dark? it implies that—if Orca had won—she would have just been completely fine with every single one of her female eggs being smashed. now that could be just how Orca was; just kind of ruthless and power hungry (ig ?), and willing to see her eggs die if it meant she wouldn’t have competition for the throne. but, could it also have been partly because of her soul beginning to turn due to the use of her Animus powers? we don’t really know how much she used them or what she was using them for. though the statue would lead us to believe she used them—at least sometimes—for selfish reasons, which could mean that her soul had begun to turn slightly.
if Orca had enchanted the statue as she was dying as a way to take revenge on queen coral, her whole situation would have made more sense. but based on the fact that she chose to challenge the queen so young, AND she wanted to ensure all her own dragonets would be murdered just so she could remain queen, it kind of seems like her soul was already being corrupted by her powers. but if she had been corrupted, did nobody notice any changes in her behavior or thinking? even if they were subtle changes.
Because even when queens plan ahead and think about how to keep themselves from being challenged for the throne, they usually have at least one dragonet who’s a direct heir, even if they take measures to keep control over them. because longevity of your own kingdom and species is obviously (or, at least most likely) important to every type of queen, even if it’s for selfish reasons, because every clear-thinking dragon knows they won’t live forever. unless it was Orcas plan to win the queen challenge and then secretly enchant herself to live forever like Jerboa I?? would she have kept her animus powers a secret as queen??
i don’t know, i’m just very curious about the Orca era and Orca as a character. many brainworms.
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ninoxwof · 16 days
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Tsunami the Seawing (Revisited) Been over a year since I started this blog and there are some designs I want to freshen up a little bit so here's a bit of a new design for Tsunami! Open the keep reading to view the old version!
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Tsunami from Wings of Fire. She is a blue slightly muscular seawing dragon with a light sky blue underbelly and a deep blue neck, nose bridge and forehead. She has swept back curled lighter blue webby fin that goes from her forehead to her tail, they resemble slightly like tidal waves. She has similar webby fins on her chest, a tail fin, and ears that are similar to fish fins. Her offwhite bioluminescent scales are shaped like wave markings and teardrops and they're notably on her shoulders knees tummy, tail and brow. She also has swirl bioluminescent markings on her fin like wings to signify she is of seawing royalty. On her chin, she has two long barbels similar to her father's and then two more barbels that are similar to a shark's pectoral fin. She also have shark like fins on her elbows and on the bottom part of her tail. She has a little bit of yellow on the side of her belly, on her upper eyelids and on her esca. Her horns are a deep dark blue that resemble the tip of a conch shell. Her left eyebrow has a scar that runs vertically through it and her eyes are green. She is standing giving a toothy smile. In the second image she's shown to be wearing a purple pearl necklace, and two fin rings on her tail fin. /.End ID]
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[[Image Description: A deep blue seawing dragon named Tsunami. She has fin-like ears, horns that curl out like coral, and gills on her neck. Fins are all over her body and they look like ocean waves. On the side of her body, she has a yellow horizontal stripe that meets her light blue underbelly. She has a small esca on her head and two small barbels, as well as a small scar on her brow. She is giving a determined face. On one image of her, she is wearing a necklace of pearls on her neck and on her wings that are shaped like giant fins. /.End ID]
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3zethe3zr · 7 months
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Animus Design: Anemone
- Albatross -
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Fun Fact: I've designed her with albinism and partially based her design off of bleached coral and yellow anemones!
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seawing-vibes · 9 months
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Some images of my Tsu plush from Creep Cat Toy Co. !!! I love her lots one of my fav plushes <3 !! Her glow spots are glow-in-the-dark fabric ,, its super neat !
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willoillo · 3 months
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Whoops I accidentally more dragons (this is going to keep happening you cannot stop it)  This time it's Tsunami!! This is actually a sketch I made some time ago that I decided to finish; it's the first bit of dragon art I think I'm really happy with n_n The finished version turned out absolutely gorgeous, I don't do underwater scenes enough. So much fun lighting this, especially with the Seawing markings glowing in the dark~
If you like my work and want to support me, my commissions are open!! For prices and examples you can check out my website, or DM me for more specifics~
Posted using PostyBirb
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qibilette · 4 days
HI apologies for just rbing a bunch of your posts, but I saw your tags about rewriting of the Seawing Royal Family & specifically Tsunami & Corals relationship, I’d love to hear your rewrite thoughts on that if you’d open to share. ! ! !!
howdy! please don't apologize, it always makes my day when people reblog my stuff & leave such kind notes!!! tysm :]
and yesss i love the seawing royals!!! in my rewrite, tsunami has the most family focus out of any prophecy dragonet. i removed clay's sibs from the first book, so the lost heir is the first time any of them meet family members! i have a lot of thoughts about them so this is going under a readmore LOL
when tsunami first meets her mom, it really does feel like coming home. they're both incredibly happy to be reunited and coral showers her with tons of special treatment. at this point, tsunami sees coral as sweet and powerful and fun to be around - she's the mother that the guardians never were, and that tsunami has been wanting her entire childhood.
the first crack in this view is when tsunami gets to know her many brothers. coral insists they aren't "as important" as tsu, because they can't take the throne - tsu doesn't really like this, but she grew up with unhealthy parental figures, so she can't quite put it into words. parents always have favorites, that's just how it is, right? she also feels some sort of way about anemone being kept on a literal leash (and how anemone is often told she needs to be "like tsunami"), but again, she believes coral's defense that she does everything for her chicks' safety. tsunami wants to trust her mom; she wants to believe that coral is good and kind, and that she's everything tsunami didn't have growing up.
there's also a moment in here where tsunami visits the royal hatchery and coral tells her about orca. coral remembers orca as a perfect daughter who just snapped one day. coral compares tsunami to her, in a bittersweet way... also, all throughout the lost heir coral tends to treat tsunami like a child, insisting she be More Formal but also laughing when she messes up social norms & insisting she's Just Fine How She Is. tsunami is clearly her favorite kid, but tsunami also doesn't feel totally enough, like her youth under the mountain left coral disappointed in her.
what really cements tsunami's doubts is when coral pulls out a hatchery guard's teeth for failing to protect the eggs (the egg of auklet's clutchmate is smashed). tsunami is horrified - this is the kind of baseless violence she saw (and hoped to leave) in the sky kingdom. coral says it's only fair, though, and says that tsunami will have to make "tough decisions" too when she's queen.
tsunami meets with her brothers afterwards but it doesnt really help, because they just share more of coral's flaws. after this she goes back to the surface and finds the rest of the prophecy dragonets & fills them in on everything that's been going on. they understand immediately and she finds more comfort in them than she ever has in the sea kingdom.
this is a major realization for tsunami! coral is not a perfect mother, and there was never a dream family waiting for her in the sea kingdom... but that's okay, because she already has her family: the other dragonets.
so overall, tsunami does love her mom, but she's also very aware of coral's flaws and how she hurt her other children. coral treats tsunami better than anybody else but also tends to baby her, as if she's catching up on lost time or doesn't see tsu as her own person. its hard to summarize their relationship but i hope you like the block of text anyway!
o superman by laurie anderson is THE coral + tsunami song, by the way
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The sentence "I should really get to reading the first two books." probably sounds really strange coming from me, but I literally haven't read the first 2 books because I read their graphic novel versions instead because I thought that would make it easier to get into the series. I was right, but now I know that the graphic novels are actually inferior versions of the books for a few reasons, but now I don't have the motivation to go back and re-read the original text forms of the first two books when I already know what happens.
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sandshadow9 · 1 year
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This passage has it all. Lesbianism. Mommy issues. Blister forgetting her own lies and slipping up.
She is a cringe fail queen
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kinkajouwof · 1 year
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carcallingus · 1 month
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#2, tsunami!!
My original favorite character, I always have a soft spot for seawings, she’s my tragic extraordinary girl
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mythos321 · 26 days
was gonna send this to one of the incorrect quotes but honestly it’s long so I’ll have it as a general post, based on that one scene from Family Guy
*During The Lost Heir, while Tsunami is still solo*
Glory: Well, while we’re in here, and since we might all meet our watery demise, I have a confession to make…
I did not care for the missing princess
Clay: What?
Glory: Did not care for The Missing Princes.
Sunny: How can you even say that, Glory?
Glory: Didn't like it.
Clay: Glory, it's so good! It's like the perfect book!
Glory: Y’know that’s what Tsunami said when I told her this. Whenever they say-
Sunny: The emotional opening, the hilarious relief, I mean, you never see-
Glory: Fine. Fine. Great Parts, did not like the story.
Starflight: Why not?
Glory: Did not...couldn't get into it.
Clay: Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?
Glory: It insists upon itself, Clay.
Clay: What?
Glory: It insists upon itself.
Clay: What does that even mean?
Glory: It takes forever getting in; you spend like 12 and a half chapters... You know, I can't get through, I've never even finished the book. I've never finished the ending.
Starflight: How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?
Clay: I agree with Starflight. It's not really fair.
Sunny: It's insane.
Glory: I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, and I get to the chapter where all the royals are sitting around on the rocks.
Clay: Yeah, it's a great scene. I love that scene.
Glory: I have no idea what they're talking about. they’re just flashing their wings like some night lights…It's like they're speaking a different... You know, that's where I lose interest in it.
Clay: You know what, Glory?
Clay: The language they're speaking is a language of subtlety; it's something you don't understand.
Glory: I love The Muddy Pit. That is my answer to that statement.
Clay: Exactly.
Glory: Well, there you go.
Clay: Whatever.
Sunny: I actually like that story, too.
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quiverymango · 3 months
New WoF Scholastic Doubles Book??
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I came across this at Walmart and was so confused because I have literally not seen a single person acknowledge the existence of this two in one book, nor have I seen it listed anywhere online to purchase.
I’m honestly not sure if this thing has properly released yet, or if my Walmart just put them out early. Either way, if anyone knows any details on this, such as when it released and if there’s more planned, then feel free to leave a comment!
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ninoxwof · 9 months
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Auklet the Seawing
(All of book 2 is done now!!!)
[Image ID: A digital drawing of a green baby seawing named Auklet. She has a yellowish orange bean, fins and a stripe the runs horizontally, parallel to her underbelly. Her under belly is a lighter green, starting at her neckline. She has dark green running from the bridge of her face, down her back, on her wings, and on her tail. Her bioluminescent scales are a light green off-white, being shaped like half circles, notably on her tail, the side of her stomach region, and upper arms, as well as a tear drop shaped one on both sides of her eyes. She has wave markings on the inner parts of her light green wings to signify she is seawing royalty. She has a cute and goofy expression with her tongue sticking out. /.End ID]
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blizzardstarx · 2 months
More WoF Pontalo AU stuff! Masterlist/Information
took almost two hours and also a two hour nap but heres a HydroWing base for personal use (i mean they are an open species but like. barely anyone knows about this AU)
transparent version:
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png/white background:
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i mean it is basically just a SeaWing with extra and bigger frills that start from their forehead and more bioluminescent scales (they have a more ancient version of Aquatic)
Royal SeaWings got their patterns on their wings from their ancestors, the HydroWings
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i just finished ‘the lost heir’ and i keep thinking about Tsunami in the nursery with the Orca statue … i keep thinking about the head of the stone puppet turning and finding Tsunami in the dark …. and Tsunami fighting so hard for Auklet’s egg only for her to hatch right in her claws oh my god idk it was just such a good scene like i’m still thinking ab it. i hope they adapt it well in the show bc there are so many cool things you could do animation/art wise.
it’s also very interesting to me that Orca enchanted her statue feeling so sure she’d win against Coral. As she was dying she was filled with regret saying that her mother would be queen forever. but i’d say she got her revenge on the queen by leaving the cursed statue behind. i wonder if Orca was the type of dragon to be happy that her physical legacy ended up hurting Queen Coral so much after her death. i think probably?? though i’m not entirely sure. i would love a novella about Orca tbh, it would be so interesting to learn about her past and how she viewed the world.
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lionblaze03-2 · 18 days
Saw this in my local bookstore today… just look how far we’ve come 💖
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