#wojciech kilar
dozydawn · 1 year
Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margaglio Free Dance “Dracula” 1999.
The Brides by Wojciech Kilar from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
“... far and away, that’s the best program that these two have come up with.”
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Dracula ' s
8$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
10$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
16$ TWO  characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
20$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
40$-TWO characters  FULL BODY   with COLOR
50$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol  + COLOR + FULL BODY  
i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated
*only paypal
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vanalex · 4 months
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roguetelemetry · 10 months
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hudson-bay-girl · 10 months
Did we ever talk about the fantastic soundtrack from Coppolas movie Bram Stoker's Dracula? It's so strong, intense and opulent. It's a piece of art. I always dream away when hearing it.
@moonynightowl what do you think?
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moonsnightowl · 10 months
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hq92 · 2 years
Seeing a lot of discourse lately regarding the 1992 Dracula movie. And I agree with some of it, Jonathan deserves more respect, Mina shouldn't be ditching him for a monster, Lucy is portrayed as incredibly loose...y (Pun Intended idgaf) and some of the dialogue and scene choices bounce between cheesy and off the wall bonkers Etc. Etc. I get it.
However, this will ALWAYS be one of my favorite movies of all time, and despite it's flaws I don't think it deserves the hate it's getting (And I understand the animosity comes from a love and defense of the original Dracula text, I get it)
Just a few short points I would like to make in the movie's favor:
1. The costuming. Whatever insanity is happening on screen, you've got to admit that it is beautiful to look at. Eiko Ishioka won an Oscar for her costuming work on this film, and it launched her career. Well deserved!
2. Anthony Hopkins' performance as Van Helsing. This man is only in a small portion of the movie, but my God does he chew every freaking scene he appears in. Severely blunt and socially unaware, I adore this madman. Large Ham indeed.
3. Gary Oldman as Dracula. Whatever your stance is on Drac/Mina, I will argue that this man's performance is amazing and inspired my love of Dracula and Vampires in general in the first place. He masterfully dances between creepy, unsettling, threatening, suave, sad, heartbroken, endearing, remorseful. He is not a book accurate adaptation, but that doesn't mean he isn't a GOOD adaptation.
4. Despite Keanu's bad accent, I just like seeing him on screen. I also love Winona Ryder and Cary Elwes, literally just think they're neat and am happy to have them there 😂
5. I won't take up too much more of your time, but whatever your thoughts, the real masterpiece of the movie is the soundtrack:
Wojciech Kilar did a PHENOMENAL job composing this material, and I implore you to give it a listen. Even if you hate the movie itself, please just listen to the soundtrack on a dark and stormy night or while reading the Dracula book or any other book. Pure gold, this soundtrack is a work of art and rightfully deserves the awards it was nominated for.
I just can't help myself, I will always love this movie ❤🧛‍♂️
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eachlittlebird · 1 year
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albumarchives · 2 years
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Wojciech Kilar | Bram Stoker’s Dracula Original Soundtrack (1992)
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impressionism · 2 years
Ok the IWTV soundtrack is being fully added to my library. It makes me miss the days of playing in band/orchestra or even church choir days up til I was 18. I just appreciate good orchestral work and this is beautiful.
The Drum was my Heart definitely reminded me of Bram Stoker’s Dracula soundtrack … just a twinge. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hart was inspired by Wojceich Kilar.
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dozydawn · 1 year
Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margaglio Free Dance “Dracula” 1999.
The Brides by Wojciech Kilar from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
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clamarcap · 6 months
Wojciech Kilar (1932 - 29 dicembre 2013): Orawa per 15 strumenti ad arco (1986). Interpreti non identificati. Orawa è il nome polacco di una regione (Oravský) e di un fiume della Slovacchia.
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roguetelemetry · 10 months
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10minuttv · 8 months
Vienna Concert 3 – PREMIERE of the world's first Princess Orchestra
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On December 2 at 8 p.m. at the Polish Philharmonic “Sinfonia Baltica”. Wojciech Kilar in Słupsk at John Paul II street will host a bestseller on the Polish music scene – a concert of the world's first Princess Orchestra with a program entitled Vienna Concert 3. We cordially invite you to this extraordinary event!
The Vienna Concert 3 – A NEW PROGRAM – Princess Orchestra These are the greatest, timeless and forever close to the hearts of music lovers – immortal arias and duets, as well as the most famous waltzes and polkas by Johann Strauss, the greatest hits of Viennese operetta and countless musical surprises from all over the world. There will be no shortage of musical jokes and skits.
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This evening, the Artists will prove that music connects generations and knows no boundaries! Vienna Concert 3 – NEW PROGRAM – The Princess Orchestra is a combination of classical form and craftsmanship with youth, charm, verve and unprecedented musicality of the artists performing this unique spectacle.
Performers include: Anna Ciereszko, Karolina Jędrzejczyk, Sylwia Frączek, Agnieszka Grabowska, Sławomir Naborczyk, Aleksander Kruczek, Tomasz Tracz, Andrzej Tulik, Piotr Łukaszczyk and Maciej Gogołkiewicz. The Princess Orchestra also includes dazzling creations by artists, beautiful ball gowns of soloists and the first Princess Orchestra in the world performing this extraordinary spectacle. The artists will take you to a fairy-tale world. Here, everyone can swing to the rhythm of the music and sing the most beautiful melodies with us.
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The Princess Orchestra also includes dazzling creations by artists, beautiful ball gowns of soloists and the first Princess Orchestra in the world performing this extraordinary spectacle. The artists will take you to a fairy-tale world. Here, everyone can swing to the rhythm of the music and sing the most beautiful melodies with us.
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Photo credits: © Agencja Tomczyk
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septembergold · 1 year
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